HomeMy WebLinkAbout13338 ORD - 08/11/1976AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI ADOPTED ON THE 27TH DAY OF ADGOST, 1937, APPEARING OF SHOOED Ili F— 9, PAGES 565,E SET, OF THE ORDINANCE AND REEOLV H RECORDS, AS -.I. FROM TIME TO T.. AHD PARTICHL4RLy AS AMENDED BY NAHCE NO. 6106, AB AFH.NOED, UPON PPPLICATION OF OT, lO,GI.. 61, CAE ESYACRAREGIDC THE ZONING ON SWAYED IN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, tIJT.E CODtTTY, —E, FAUtI "R -1B" ON�PAIIILY DWELLING DISTRICT ; IN OF THE EXI TING ORDINANCE ASCAeffNDEDREPEALTNCIALL NE ORDIHANCEHSIH CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND ➢ECL DO ALI FHEBGENCY. pHE—, the Plowing COmcission I— forva 1 to the C1 y Cowell its xe — and reca ®eMflCrans concerning [M1e application of J. R. PI— for —t to the of the City of Corpus CM1ris1i; and WHER&S, publ>n hearing was held at ,hie hearing all persons wishing Co app r and he D.— were heard, to consider the same hefore [fie City Cawcil of the City of Carpus Chrlecl, in acwtdwce with proper votice to the public, said public hearing having I— held wWadneaday August 11, 1976 Special Gowcll Meeting of the city Cowcil in the Cowell Ch ®bar at City all in the City of Co Cntieti; and Nee , by motion duly made, sewnded and carried. St was decided by the City W—L that to approve the herelwftec set forth .e — would best serve public health, necessity and tonvevience and the g ral welfare o£ the City mf C tY a Chlistr end its cItisens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OEDAINED EY THE CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OF COEPDE CHRISTI, TERAS: SECTION I. That the Zo vg Ordinance of the CSty mf Corpus CM1listi, Texas, passed on the 271h day of August, 1937, appearing of ­d in Volume 9, Pages 565, et se9, of the Ordinance and Resolution Re cards, as amended itom time I. time, and in particular es emended by Ordinance Ho. 6106, as emended, be herehy amended by making the —Be hereivafter net oue, &LUturiLMEQ, 13338 JUN 171990 SCCTICN 2. That the Zonins on tot 10, giock 6, Cabenias Acres, aixuated in the City of C p Ch— , N uecee —1y, twee, be ead th. same is hereby chmged from ' -1B" Oae- Pam£ly Welling —1-1 to "A -1" SECTION 3. That the official --1 nap of the City of Cotpus Christi, Team, be, and the sme is hereby, amended m herein ozdained. SECTION 4. That the Zooing Cidinance and Map of the City of Cozpva Chxistl, Texas, approved on the 27th day of August, M1, as ®ended from time to time, a cept ee herein chmged, shall r®a1n is full force end effect. SECTION S. That all oxdlmnces oz parts of ordinances in conflict hereHCh axe hereby expressly - -d—SE—ON 6. Tbat the necessity o£ immediately making aforesaid thsnge for the I a o£ mazveesning a t all times a comprehensive zoning oxdimance fox the City of Corpus Christi cxmtes public me gmry end av imperative public necessity requiring the svepmsien of the Chaxtet rule tlat no oMlmnce or resolution aM1ail be peseed fioaliy on the date of its Snttnduction — that such ozdinmce or zeeolueron sha11 be read at three several meetings of the city —cil, and the Hayoc hsvang declered that such mergmcy and necea y exist, end having req tad the suspension of the Outtet tole and Chet this otdinance be passed £wally an the date of its inttod-ticn end take effect avd be in full fotce and effectyf £tom end eItet its passage, IT IS ACWHDILCLY 50 OPOAIMen, this Ne,��" ff 55ee¢¢eeCCaaryry THB CITY OF WRPOS WRI9TI, TERAS APPPOV ®: S. HRHLE A4WCC, CITY ATTOPNg4 Aseis[mt City AC[otney -41-0— or M WE MEWERS Of WE CM EOONCIL C.x... C ....... TE... ax r ILIIII 11 I"C C.' ­ ­­C' Ul. F111111 1" 11 Cl., -1. .1 or C_ _._ . R— WE CM OF CORPUS CNRISTI, TEXAS T.E C—TE. —E — --.C. .1 Jxson War OIL, T—.. E...... . a(g - R­ GILL I Boa WLLEI G— L.—., Eoxuo 1. $1 NPLE WE ...1E ... I.—E xAa —1E. .1 r Ixe vor E. j,— W., —L T,T- E ..... o n, Av,s Rai. G- B.. --1 GAGE L...., S, EovLxo L. SdMP LC