HomeMy WebLinkAbout13339 ORD - 08/11/1976AMENDING TEE ZONING ORDINANCE OP TILE CITY OP ... CHIO:STI ALOPIHD ON NE 27TH DAY OF AUGUET, 1937, APPEARING OP RECORD IN VOLONE 9, PAGES —. IT HEW, OP THE ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION RECORDS, AS AMtImED TII� TO TIRE AND PARTICOLARLY AE At¢NDED EY B."'CE N0. 6106, AS MEBIED, UPON APPLICATION OP V. A. NOLEN wSPARE 6 Oe TEeN — I EF ME 11 I'll If I EARNEy TION� EINATEO w TRH CIT4 OF CORPUS CRAIETI, NUECEE COUNTY, TEXAE, FRAM "PE" FARM -RURAL DISTRICT EEPEINO IeEEP—YA11 OTHBE PROVIRION NAN I BEE CE AC Al6NDeD, es w caNm.ICT .—I.; ANn nE cLAawc AN EHEBGENCt. VeEREAE, the PI—E COmmis — ha. --d tv the City Council Yes meporte ®d tecommevdati.w mnretvi.g the epplica[SOV of V. A. Wale. for ®taBE.T to the .a.g map of the City of COtpua Chtisti; and WHEREAS, public heating vas held at which hearing all pets... vdahing to appeal end be heard vet. heard, to c.v.idet the cave bef.te the City Council .£ the City .£ Corpus Christi, in e... —.. vlth p op v.tice to the public, said public heating having been held o. Wedne.day , August 11, 1976 at Epeciel Council Heeling of the City C.uncll iv the C...ii Chamber at City Hall Sa the City of Carp Christi, and i]HERHAS, by moti.n duly made, ..ended end carried, it vas decided by the City Council thee t. pp a the heted.a£tet eat forth .e,Wm 0 mould beat aexve public health, necessity and convenience end the general -If— of the City .£ Ottpue Chti.ti avd its citizens: BOW, THEIEFORE, BE IT ORDAINHO HY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF CORPUS CEEIETI, TEXAS: —10. 1. That the Zoving Otdimoce of the City a£ C.tpus Christi, aexns, pe sad .n the 27th day o£ August, 1937, appearing of tecatd in Volume 9, Pages 565, et stq, of the Otdl— .nd Resolution Records, as amevded ftom time t. t , evd i. particular as emended by Otdla - N.. 6106, as eannded, be end the same is hereby ®ended by making the cba.Ee httean.ftet .et ..t. MICROFILMED 13339 JUN 171980 SECTION 2. That the —g an . M,± ..- tract out of — 6 of the H­ P.tititt, it..I.d in — —Y of Cm­' --i, -- —­ T.. be and the — is b.—Y changed ft. "W F.-- OSStrict to "t,W On—ly —­9 District, and --d as f-l- " 11— t.d .t , t Block 7, W.— Hi— Unit 2, 41, p.g. 43, N-t.. County Nap ­td., N..— —ty, T.; THENCE —h 37- 29' —t —.9 and parallel With the —t boundary line tf ­. H­ U—. I and 2 fox . di.t.- of 2,405.11' 1 a h' -1. such I.It also being located on Ne THENCE S— 56' 23' amt a tz the —th tight- f—Y 11- of —pad St— — . d—... f 65 9 .97, t. . 518" itm d; THENCE South 37' 291 vest fox a d-- of 2,175.72' 1. . 5/8" iron rod; 9 th 63' 18' 45" ­1 di.— of 211.19' to 518. it.. ..d; THENCE South 37' 29' ­t fox a —t.t. f 330.51' to a 5/8" roa t.; — N—th 50' 55' 30" —t dI.I.- �f 837.75- to the PU" of b Deg�- ":u area ... t—� Ppt—ly 38.8 acres of lend, more or SECTION 3. official zovEng map of the City of Cotpm Christi, T— b., and th. — is —Y, —Mad as b— .-- SECTION 4. That the Z.t,,,g Ordinance and Hap of the —Y of C­­ ­.tj. T.., ppt—d 27th day f August, 1937. as .ttd� ft. time t. —. .-P, as b—. .— .— fv full f.t. and effect. SECTION 5. That all ordiva . .1 1— -1 -d—t- in conflict he are hereby —.e..Iy ­1. 6. Tb.t the necessity of immediately t..9 -f----d -d— for the City of C.,,_ Chti., ­t. . p.bjj. —­ty ad Smp­tj— p—it necessity ­—g the suspension of tbe Charter rvle that vo .­­ .. ­­. —1 be p sad —ly On the d.te f its that such -ldit-tl or —111— sfi 1 be —d at tlt- ­_ f the City ­—. and the Hey— 1-9 d-th-l-d tb-t several such ._tty aM ..t ... ity ­, and b-9 ­.--d .. of th. Chattel rule ea0 [fiat tfi1s ot-- be Peeced finally as the data o£ StS inttodattl— and take effect end be iv fall f—S ead effect}}//qq Ram ®d after ite p S.Te. IT IS ACO]R➢IEGLY SO OROAIREO, thin the -4(—A dey aE 19�y ATTEST: '15LI,� City Secretary HAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI. TEXAS APPROVED: y �l �r- tlr,n� 39�E J. HROCE AY w., CITY AITORREY Aeaietant City ACCOmey C..... C....... T.— TO �E K�BERS OF �E CIV COONCIL C—.. C--, TE— on T . ...... . .. raw'" Ix --l— T" ­:�M' T IT, C�IRTE.._ . LL, I . —T . 1, T 0. T_ "''IT' CIIC­ —E-1, L 11*1 T"ll I" — .— IT 1s 1- I..—T -T... or T- LC__ . E C CORPUS W OF COS 15TI, W TIE TxE C—T- —1 11 — 1ILL-1- -T.; I.— Loa. D,. BILL T—.1 R.T. GILL Q.. GUL- T.E nsovE onoix.xcs vas vnss E. .. ... J.sox War DR. BILL Tivrox ED—.. DL An. — G- B.. G—U G— L...., E—R. L --E