HomeMy WebLinkAbout13406 ORD - 09/22/1976:vmr:9- 22- 76;lst " ' F�ati:I:�F AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION FOR SECOND YEAR FUNDING FOR THE RAPE CRISIS CENTER, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO, MARKED EXHIBIT "A" AND PLADE A PART HEREOF; AUTHORIZ- ING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE GRANT AND OTHER NECESSARY DOCUMENTS IN ORDER TO EFFECT THE GRANT, IF AND WHEN APPROVED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to submit a Grant Application to the Criminal Justice Division for second year funding for the Rape Crisis Center, a substantial copy of which is attached here- to, marked Exhibit "A ", and made a part hereof. SECTION 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute the Grant and other necessary documents in order to effect the Grant, if and when approved. SECTION 3. The necessity to submit Grant Application for second year funding of the Rape Crisis Center and to execute such documents as are necessary to effect the Grant if and when approved creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduc- tion but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance take effect and be in full force and effect from nd after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the 021 day of _, 1976. ATTEST: C ty Secretary DAY OF ._, 1976 J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By Assistant City Attorney MAYORPfo em THE CITY OF CORPUS Ch ISTI, TEXAS x.34w MICROFILMED ,Jbh . U 1"9V JUN 3 01980 OMB APPrDyal Na. 29 -8021$ WTANOARD FORM 4Z4 PAUL 1 (iU -i2) 74644++30' Jr CSA. Fader.l Jd...daa.a.4 Cire.dar 24 -1 �X// .�a. ASSISTANCE 2. AP /LI• A. hUM$ER 3. STATE HUM$[R - a ,,.FEDERAL CANTIS A►PLI. �--. TION ION A• IDENTI• a. DATE Year maAtfb Qar • Z. TYPE j��jj PREAPPLICA110N f. DATE or E CATION 176 09 3d FIER ASSIGNED 19 ACTION APPLICATION ' 19 u..e IN•rk.P• ❑ NOTIFICATION OF INTENT (OPL) g. =iriau ❑ REPORT OF FEDERAL ACTION �•.k 4. LEGAL APPLICANT/RECIPIENT S. FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NO. .. AMicnt N4m6 City of Corpus Christi �• f. OrC..1plian Unit c. SDa4wP.0. to P. p. Box 9277 PRO• e. NUYBER i f. TInE d. as Corpus Christi .. w.a ; Nueces GRAM 1. Uate Texps 1. ZIP Cade; 78408 FFed-I A. t"td p_ ,y._ R. Marvin Townsend CatalaP) :512/884-3011 , c 7. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT'S PROJECT t. TYPE OF APPLICANT /RECIPIENT ' CORPUS CHRISTI RAPE CRISIS CENTER A star[ R- 11.011 J C.I-. A[tn� $- I- N tbet E6yGL..J Inshluban The Corpus Christi Rape Crisis Center will attempt to O•Sebc4N 1- Ina,+n Tnae S.kut. c any R-OVUr (SPaeily): increase reporting of the crime of rape and to lessen o E -Cay victims trauma resulting from rape. This will be F- Schaal Di+lrict c sm<,+1 Pup - Dhu.t E.Nr am7 -iete 4­1 accomplished by providing direct aid' to rape victims 9. TYPE OF ASSISTANCE and public education to the community. A-Z..)e Cunt 04mr&cea o 144a004-Aul &o It E-0m.r E,.cer aPPro- {A� 10. AREA OF PROJECT IMPACT (Ne,nr+ef sable, es..eiea, 11. ESTIMATED NUM. 112. TYPE OF APPLICATION State. .I,.) BER OF PERSONS A-N.a 1-1­­ ..nt+N.n BENEFITING 6-44-al O-Ca lm.41im r--i City of Corpus Christi, Nueces County 250,000 Set- ii"'.Priate title, •Qj 13. PROPOSED FUNDING 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF. 125. TYPE OF CHANGE IFar rte ar I9.1 A- InV.+.4 Oail+n F-0Wt (SparifY >= a. FEDERAL s 19,179 ,00 a. APPLICANT f. PROJECT Y- D.ae+ae Oe1:.n 14 14 0 -Lcn.0 Dyrman f. R"'- OD E- CaunUallan t STATE 2,131 ,DT 2G. PROJECT START 117. PROJECT DATE. 1•nr s.owth dar DURATION 19 I 12 MeaAe j Fwtar emmro- i I I I Priet6 fctur6l d. LOCLL .00. a. OTHER 12. ESTIMATED DATE TO Year month day f 19. EXISTING FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ,tp S Z1,310 .00 FEDERAL IAGE°NCY °> 19 76 09 30 I I. T17TAL 24. FEDERAL AGENCY TO RECEIVE REQUEST (Nane• City. Star.. ZIP cad.) 21. REMARKS AD )E7 Criminal Justice Division, Austin, TX 78701 ❑Yes Ga Na 22. a. T. tba bat a) +,r lnaai.dt. an4 W10. A. 11 twdrN bT OM$ Ci-I., A-95 IA., .Fol -lion .0 4utanAl.d. wn.amt to ,n. V. ra. R,.P....e data I. t1a petFplM.tlea /+mPllUl,N, .ta altwdw theme. In aWalaraw dMNnlba -s .n4 all .aPeeae. ata Ada"ed: .Pe"9 .=JLed G S THE ION and C.T.I. the daam t Wa been bWy M APPLICANT dell aathafteJ b2 the [..ruing (l) Council Governments CERTIFIES tfa .m6t une aed th..PPI cant rdl s >„aY aslaea Coastal Bend of a Q y THAT ► w4i% the aHxld - N as eaiA- m aPOn.M. (3) ❑ ❑ 23. a. TYPED RARE AAD TITLE >ti SIGNATURE c DATE $I -.NED L•ERTIFYING R. Marvin Townsend Year _WA jay REPRE• 1S SEPiTATIVE City Manager 24 AGENCY NAME I2L APPLICA• Y­ ­a day TION RECEIVED 19 2%. ORGANISATIONAL UNIT 27. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 2L FEDERAL APPLICATION z IDENTIFICATION 29. ADDRESS Z0. FEDERAL GRANT IDENTIFICATION 31. ACTION TAKEN 32. FUNDING Y .eewtA day 34. Y..r 646th day STARTING .. FEDERAL S .00 a .. AWARDED 33. ACTION DATE!` S9 DATE 19 ❑ f. REJECTED b APPLICANT .00 3L CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMA• TION 36. Ymr ...+A day 78 1 ❑ G ![TURNED FOR c STATE .DO (Nacre .d 4.4'a- wa.ab." ENDING DATE 19 d, LOCAL .00 37. REMARKS ADDED AYENDYEXT ❑ L DCFEWD a, OTHER ISO' I. TOTAL S .00 .j ❑ A. WITHDRAWN ❑ Y.a E])to 3a 1. LI.[ +ae.a acl.a...N eaar.wn4 r-i, tram o .r5.a.ra .ve sa+• f. FEDERAL A:ENCT A..,S OFFICIAL FEDERAL AGE Mats ial a. q M,.[ n u. 4ua ., Pmu.Ma N nm 1. OYa Q=" A, 95. (N.m. ad te,cPA.- r..) A45 ACTION WTANOARD FORM 4Z4 PAUL 1 (iU -i2) 74644++30' Jr CSA. Fader.l Jd...daa.a.4 Cire.dar 24 -1 �X// .�a. Office of the Governor FOR Gl`,CN'f Page 1 ✓ Criminal Justice Divi. ion. 1. Applicnnt Agency or Institution: I 2. Program No. Under Which Funamg tispc•ctca: 77 -AO1 CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 3. Type of :Application: (Chock one) OriF+nal___ Recision Cont im+ation_X If continued or revised give number of all grants. AC- 76 -AO1 -3338 512/884 -3011 _ - -_— A. Short Title of Project: (Do not exceed one typed line) Corpus Christi Rape Crisis Center 5. Project Director: (Tame, title, 2,0dress, telephone) 512/884 -3811 �Mr. W. C. Banner - ;_Acting Chief of Police �,P. 0. Box 9016 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Signature._ 7. Period of Present Request: Prom January 1, 1977 — Through December 31, 1977 Request for Pres -nt War or Period-. c 21,310 9. Official Authorized to Sigh _-�pplicnlion: (Name, title, :address, telephone) Mr. R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager, City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 512/884 -3011 7 L Attachments (chuck if included): (a) Clearinghouse revise• and comment X !dame of clearinghouse: f (b) Local governing body resolution X • authorizing application 6. Financ',J Officer: (Name, title, address, telephone) 512/884 -3011 Mr. Harold Zick Director of Finance, City of Corpus Christi 321 N. Mesquite St. Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Signature S. Project Duration: From January 1, 1976 December 31, 1978 Through___ _ Tot -1 ! ngth 36 oaths Total CJD Support Suu ht.: (Total for project, federal and state) 73,174 10. Federal Support: Will other federal support be available for any part or u.is project? es X xn if yes, idcati;y and ..plain: �Yr (e) Contracts_ for services, equipment, and X `I constructions — (d) Lepers oI c•+dorsement (c) Othrr (describe) Med. Emer. Fund 12. Datc: CJD USE O'�L1 Grant h:nnhcr Geographic Area: Iicgicn 13. Total Pages in Application: — !late Received County(s) Program Area City Form CJD•1 (111174) lines Officc'of the Governor Project Title: I. 11. Page 2 Criminal Justice Division APPLICATION FOR GRANT Period of Present Request: From January 1, 1977 Through December 31, 1977 PRESENT PROJEC'P BUDGET Budget Category CJD Support Federal and State Cash Contribution Cash Total *In -Kind Contribution A. Personnel C., Cash Budget Category S. Professional & Contract Services $21,310 u lon , $21,310 $21 310 C. Travel I C. Travel —� D. Equipment Q. Equipment — E. Construction V. Supplies &Direct Ope:atin _Expense F. Supplies & Direct Operating l:::pense _�_ _.— — W indirect Cost G. indirect Cost _ -- --- — — II. Total $21 310 $21,310 C0NTINU AT10N FUNDING PLAN ANTICIPATED PILOJECT EXPIINDITURES SUBSEQUENTPERIOD 78TSUBSEQU :NT HIZIOD— I C., Cash Budget Category CJD Support btio Contribution u lon , A. Personnel B. Professional Services &Contracts $21 310 I C. Travel —� Q. Equipment — E. Construction V. Supplies &Direct Ope:atin _Expense _�_ _.— — W indirect Cost _ -- --- — 11. Total $21, 310 — I1I. K >planntion of grrantee cash contribution, in -kind contribution, and continuation funding plan. DeSCribt (1) nature, (2) source, and (3) project utilization of the grantee contribution for the present project period as listed in the glante'! contribution cohunn of Page 2 of this application. Following thi; should be an explanation in the terms described above (nature, source, and project utiliz.rtion), of how the applicant proposes to support the project after CJD funding has concluded (attach continuation pages is needed). NOTE: Initial funding by the CJD does not automatically qualify the project for continrr:d ion funding. *This category is for information purposes only. Total for each category must be supported by Detail Budget NarraIive Fonu CJD-1 (1/1/74) . Page 2A Continuation Funding Plan At the conclusion of CJD funding, the Rape Crisis Center will remain an on -going service in the Corpus Christi community. Operating costs, both cash and in -kind, will be sought from local sources. The Rape Crisis Center is still in its develop- ment stages, therefore, a detailed budget and funding sources for third year operation cannot be specified at this time. Merger with an existing community agency and /or tapping of local foundation resources are highly probable avenues of project continuation. Page 3 Office of the Governor r_ •j'" Qiminol Justice Di :'>;,.)n APPLICATION FOR GRANT BL'DGEF N A1111 AT1VE Begin helps and add 3s many continuation pages (3a, 3b, etc.) as may be needed to explain each item of the project budget. Limit this narrative to an exp'.analion of the basis for arriving at the cost of each item: including gcanice cunhibulicn7 items. This section must also describe- the applicant's p7ocurement proc•odures for equipment, services, and construcdion, if such items ara a part of the project budget. The City of Corpus Christi will contract the full amount of the grant award to the Crisis Intervention Service, Inc. for program operation. For this reason, all antici- pated expenses have been included under the general budget category (B), "Professional and Contract Services." B. Professional and Contract Services $ 21,310 (1) Personnel & Fringe Benefits $ 13,000 Project Administrator /Director at $ 1,000 per month or $ 12,000 per year. 100% of time to be devoted to recruiting, training, coordinating volunteers; pub- licizing the program; providing public education; $ 12,000 providing - direct service to rape victims; acting as liason for components in local service delivery sys- tem for rape victims (law enforcement, hospitals, court, mental health services) F.I.C.A. employer contribution for above salary $ 700 Hospitalization insurance for one full -time employee for one year $ 300 (2) Travel $ 950 Out -of -State (one trip at $400 per trip plus four days per diem at $ 25) $ 500 In -State (16t per mile for 1,250 miles plus ten days per diem at $ 25) $ 450 (3) Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses $ 7,360 Postage $25 per month for 12 months $ 300 Telephone $100 per month for 12 months $ 1,200 Rent and Utilities $150 per month for 12 months $ 11800 Form CJD -7 (111174) ' BUDGET NARRATIVE Consumable supplies $12.50 per month for 12 months Advertising and Printing (newspaper advertisement, billboards, posters, xerox, binding, stationery, brochures, fliers, educational literature) Medical Emergency Fund to pay medical expenses of rape victims who do not qualify for free care but who are medically indigent. Payments to be made in accordance with policies set by Crisis Inter- vention Service Board of Directors (see Attachment A). Audit fees to pay auditors from both the City of Corpus Christi and Crisis Intervention Service as they perform necessary audits of Rape Crisis Center books. TOTAL FUNDS REQUESTED Page 3A $ 150 $ 1,410 $ 1,500 $ 1,000 $ 21,310 CORPUS CHRISTI RAPE CRISIS CENTER Office of the Governor APPLICATION FOR GRANT Page 4 Criminal Justice Division Project ]']in and Support Data This section constitutes the head of tine grant application. It is the applicant's detailed statement of the project —its aims, precisely what will be done, who will be involved, and v.-hat is expected to result. With the project budget, it constitutes primary etidence to CJD of the soundue_s of the project, the care and planning that has gone into its formulation, and the responsibility and qualifications of the applicant and others who will be involved in carrying it out. This section consists of two parts: the summary and -the detailed project description. Summary In the space below, write a briet summary or LOtai project. A. Goals GOAL I: Increase the reporting of rape and attempted rape to local authorities. GOAL II: Lessen the physical and emotional trauma experienced by women as —as a result of rape. B. ,Methods I. Direct service to rape victims -- 24 -hour hotline and volunteer advocates II. Public information campaign C. Itesourccs Crisis Intervention Service, Corpus Christi Police Department, Memorial Medical Center, District Attorney's office, State Department of Public Welfare, Nueces County Mental Health Mental Retardation Community Center D. Results Victims' trauma resulting from rape will decrease; Quantity of evidence collected for prosecution will increase; Quality of evidence will improve; Reporting of rape will increase; Prosecution and conviction rates for rape will increase; Public understanding of rape and its prevention will increase. E. Evaluation To be conducted quarterly with information being forwarded to Criminal Justice i Division of Governor's Office, City of Corpus Christi, and Crisis Intervention Service Board of Directors ForniCJD -1 (1;117.1) Office of the Governor APPLICATION I'OR GRANT DETAIL I'ROJEM' DESCRIPTION Page 4A Criminal Justice Divi<ion Organize the remainder of this section under the following headings: A. Goals, B. Methods, C. Resnurecs, D. Results, and E. Evaluation. Insert after this sheet as many additional pages 4a, 4b, 4c, etc.) as may be needed to complete the d:scription of the Project Plan and Supporting Data. if the applicant wishes to app-rid documents that cannot be re:.day glared on continuation sheets, these documents should be listed on tit: last pyre of the Project Plan and copies furnished with the application for staff review, A. GOALS (1) Nature of the Problem According to Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics, rape is the fastest growing crime of violence in the United States (Uniform Crime Reports, 1975). Although rape is primarily considered to be a crime against women, men, too are often victims of rape and are becoming so in increasing numbers. In the 1970's, as American society continues in its move toward equality for all persons, the crime of rape has become all increasingly important issue for persons in law enforcement, social services, medicine, government, and jurisprudence. One of the obstacles to dealing effectively with the problem -of rape in a community is the low reporting rate for the crime. The FBI has estimated that 75 =90p of rapes which occur are never brought to the attention of law enforcement authorities. Reported rapes in Corpus Christi for the period 1970 -1975 are as follows: 1970 .....55 1971......59 1972......77 1973......76 1974......83 1975......76 (Source: Coastal Bend Council of Governments' Criminal Justice Plan for 1976 and Corpus Christi Police Department). Because of the low reporting rate for rape, how- ever, these figures most likely do not reflect an accurate picture of the problem of rape in the Corpus Christi community. In order for law enforcement officials to perform their duty of apprehending alleged criminals and in order for prosecutors to bring alleged criminals to trial, crimes which have been committed must be made known to the authorities. When victims begin reporting rapes in greater numbers, the criminal justice system and the community will experience an increase in rapists' arrests, an increase in convictions for rape, and hopefully a community -wide deterrent to the crime. A need exists, therefore, for increased reporting of the crime of rape. i Page 4B The subject of rape is commonly surrounded with mystery and fear. The service delivery system for rape victims is often confusing and unfamiliar. Following a rape, many victims make decisions for action based on faulty or misleading information. This lack of information often can lead to a victim's not receiving necessary medical and legal attention. In order for a rape victim to receive necessary care and treatment, her /his movement within the present service delivery system needs to be facilitated. The community needs to be assured, therefore, that victims of rape will move through the service delivery system with minimum effort while obtaining maximum needed services. The Corpus Christi Rape Crisis Center addresses the above needs through its two - pronged program of direct aid to rape victims and public education for the community at large. (2) Target Groups The Corpus Christi Rape Crisis Center offers support services to all victims of rape, attempted rape, and other crimes of a sexual nature (e. g., sexual abuse, indecent exposure). The Center's program is designed primarily for female victims of rape, although male victims will be served if the situation arises. Public education, including rape prevention, is aimed at the total community (Corpus Christi and nearby areas) -- male and female, all ages, all ethnic groups. (3) Goals and Objectives GOAL I: Increase the reporting of rape and attempted rape to local authorities. Objective: In 1977, increase the number of reported rapes to 105, 40% more than those reported in 19756 GOAL II: Lessen the physical and emotional trauma experienced by women as a result of rape. Objective: In 1977, provide personal support services to 10 rape victims per month. — B. METHODS (1) Provide 24 -hour telephone hotline staffed by trained volunteers. (2) On request, send pair of volunteers to accompany a recent rape victim to hospital and /or police. (3) Accompany victim through court process should she decide to file charges and should the case go to trial. (4) Provide long term follow -up by volunteer trained in listening and communication skills. Page 4C (5) Refer clients to appropriate medical, legal, and psychological services within the community. (6) Sponsor "rap" groups for rape victims. (7) Educate the public on the facts of rape and its prevention by speaking to churches, schools, and civic groups; providing information to news media; and disseminating pertinent literature to the community. C. RESOURCES The City of Corpus Christi will continue its present contract with the Crisis Intervention Service, Inc. for program operation. The Rape Crisis Center and its Director will function under the auspices of the Board of Directors of the Crisis Intervention Service. History of Corpus Christi Rape Crisis Center ( CCRCC) CCRCC began in February, 1976 with the hiring of a Director. During the first month of operation, the Director inventoried agencies and personnel in the Corpus Christi area which offer services to victims of rape. The Director began to coordinate these resources into an organized service delivery system for rape victims and their families. The Corpus Christi Police Department, Memorial Medical Center, and District Attorney's Office -- each one a vital part of the service delivery system -- have begun to work together to the benefit of the rape victim. Other agencies within the community which have supported CCRCC in its first year of operation include Nueces County Mental Health and Mental Retardation Community Center, Family Counseling Service, State Department of Public Welfare, Women's Political Caucus, Nueces County Medical Society, Coastal Bend Council of Governments, and County -City Health Department. Also during February, CCRCC and Crisis Intervention Service began a joint pub- licity campaign to recruit volunteers to staff a 24 -hour telephone hotline and to render aid to victims in crisis. In March, CCRCC conducted its first training series for volunteers. (Training was conducted jointly with Crisis Intervention Service.) Training consisted of ten, three hour sessions which included the teaching of active listening skills, crisis intervention theory, and rape counseling by telephone. Guest speakers also instructed volunteers in the role of police and medical personnel in rape cases, specific medical procedures relevant to rape victims, legal aspects of rape and the role of legal professionals. Approximately 40 persons completed training and were accepted for volunteer service. CCRCC's 24 -hour hotline is staffed and operated jointly with the existing hotline of Crisis Intervention Service. At the end of March, new volunteers were working practice shifts on the hotline supervised by experienced Crisis Intervention Service volunteers. To avoid duplication of service and confusion in the community, it was decided that CCRCC would share the same phone number with the already established Crisis Intervention Service. Page 0 Since April, CCRCC has conducted an on -going publicity campaign, using all forms of media, to acquaint the community with the new agency and its services. CCRCC has received a great amount of support and aid from local media (TV, radio, newspaper) and other community resources involved in advertising and publicity. By agreement with the Corpus Christi Police Department, CCRCC is informed of each rape reported to the police. Volunteers are dispatched to render aid to these victims. In addition to referrals from the police, CCRCC receives referrals from Memorial Medical Center, social service agencies in the community, and rape victims themselves. Calls per month 'have risen as'foiloivs: February . . . 2 June. . . . .8 March . . . . .2 July. . . . 12 April. . . . . 7 August. 19 May......7 The public information campaign conducted by CCRCC has been very well received community -wide. In the first seven months of the program, the Director and /or Speakers Bureau volunteers presented 38 programs reaching a total of 2,350 persons. Persons reached by dissemination of information through media sources cannot be quantified. Public response, however, can be estimated by the continually increasing number of calls to the hotline and the increase in requests for public speakers. Special activities planned for FY1977 (time schedule not yet definite) include (1) rape prevention month in Corpus Christi, (2) seminars for ministers, beauticians, and lounge personnel, and (3) survey of recent jurors' attitudes regarding rape and the criminal justice system. The Corpus Christi Rape Crisis Center is still in its development stage. At this point, it is too early to detect a significant increase in the reporting of rape community -wide. Likewise, more victims need to be assisted through the service delivery system before the process can become adequately accessible, streamlined, and responsive. The foundation for a successful program has been laid. CCRCC needs at least one additional year of secure funding to become fully functional and established as a viable agency in the community. Staff of CCRCC In this FY1977 funding application, the salary for only one staff member, the Director, is being requested. Secretarial /bookkeeping duties will be performed by volunteers. The present Director of CCRCC, Connie Fowler, will continue in that position during FY1977. Ms. Fowler was previously employed as a planner by the Deep East Texas Council of Governments. She has experience in the planning of social service programs (aging, drug abuse, health) and community development. She has a Master of Public Health degree. Page 4 E D. ANTICIPATED RESULTS Victims' trauma resulting from rape will decrease. Quantity of evidence collected for prosecution purposes will increase; quality of evidence collected will improve. Reporting rate for rape and attempted rape will increase. Prosecution and.conviction rates will increase. Public understanding of the crime of rape and its prevention will increase. E. EVALUATION The Rape Crisis Center will be assessed quarterly. Statistical data generated through program operation will be assembled and reviewed by the Director and then forwarded with a descriptive narrative to the Criminal Justice Division of the Governor's Office, the City of Corpus Christi, and Crisis Intervention Service Board of Directors. (Please refer to Page 4F and 4G for proposed evaluation format.) Page 4F RAPE CRISIS CENTER (Evaluation) Report Period: I. Total calls received by hotline: (this report period) (to date) Number and type of calls received: Report of recent rape Request for telephone counseling Request for face -to -face counseling Request for volunteer to accompany victim to hospital, police T station, District Attorney's office, etc. Request for medical, legal, or other information and referral, if needed, to appropriate agency Request for general information about CCRCC services Miscellaneous II. Number of clients referred to CCRCC from outside sources: -Police Friend or relative of victim fiospi tal MHMR Physician Crisis Service III. Agencies or professionals used as referrals during report period: IV. Number of rape victims assisted by CCRCC in reporting a rape to police: This report period To date "•EVALUATION (Con't.) Page 4g V. Number of callers this report period choosing not to report the crime: VI. Total reported cases to date: VII. Number of reported cases to date in which charges have been filed: VIII. Number of reported cases to date cleared by arrest: IX. Number of PROSECUTIONS to date: X. Number of CONVICTIONS to date resulting from above prosecutions: XI. PUBLIC EDUCATION Speaking Engagements this report period: Date Audience Attendance Subject Media presentations this report period: Page 5 Office of the Governor Criminal Justice Division Application for Grant Project'Cit'.c: CORPUS CHRISTI RAPE CRISIS CENTER The following standard grant conditions, (where applicable), must be certi ied and agreed to by the applicant in order to validate the application. Also, where a condition is applicable and requires additional Information, such information should be included in or as an addition to the application. (Additional explanation of these ganl conditions may be found in CJD publication Guide for Grant administration.) Standard Grant Conditions 1. Project initiation. Acceptance or the grant award must be returned to the CJD within 30 days after the date of the award. If an approved project has not commenced within GO days after acceptance of the grant award, the grantee will report by letter the steps taken to initiate the project, reasons for the delay, and expected starting date. If 90 days after acceptance of the award the project is not opera- tional, a further statement of implementation delay will be submitted by the grantee to the Criminal Justice Division. Cu receipt o[ the 90•day letter CJD may cancel the project and redistribute the funds to other project areas. CJD, where warranted by extenuating circumstances, may reyuc approval from -d the LBAA regional office to extend the implementation date of the project past the 00•day period. 2. Project completion. With the exception of tiro final project report, final financial report, and liquida. Lion of goods or services encumbered before the termination dale, grants must be completed no later than tLe Lenuir,aGua &i t to:th in the ctmer:pnt of Grant Award nr any apnrorrd extension thereof. Grantees should keep in mind the grant condition prohibiting the obligation of funds beyond such termination dates, the requirement for liquidation of ohligations within 90 days after the termina- tion date, and the requirement for the return of unobligated grant funds within such period. 3. Reports. The grantee shall submit, at such times and in such forms as may be prescribed, any reports that the Criminal Justice Division may require, including quarterly financial and pros ess reports and final financial and progress reports. The grantee's failure to submit required reports v:ithin the prescribed time conslraits may result in unnecessary delays in the processing of request for funds. 4. Fiscal regulations.. The fiscal administration of giants shall be subject to such rules, regulations, and policies concerning accounting and records, payments of funds, cost zllowability, submission of financial reports, etc., as may be presecribed by CJD, including those set forth in tine CJD Guide for Grant administration. 5. Utilization and payment of funds. Funds awarded may be expended only for purposes and activities covered by the grantee's approved project plan and budget. Payments will be made on the basis of Periodic requests and estimates of fund trceds submitted by the grantee. Payments will be adjusted to correct previous overpayments or underpayments and disallowances resulting from audit. 6. \Vrittcn approval of changes. Grantees must obtain prior written approval from CJD for major project changes. These include (a) changes of substance in project activities, design, or research plans set forth in the approved application; (b) changes in the project director or other key personnel identified in the approved application; (c) expenditure of project funds representing more than a 15 percent or 53,500 variation, whichever is greater, in any category of the total approved budget, including both CJD grant funds and grantee contribution; and (d) all additions to or deletions of approved equipment purchases. Any project changes in the grantee's prerogative to initiate am subject to cost allowebility and budget guidelines that may be described in the CJD publications mentioned in the preamble to this section. 7. Application review changes. Any changes effected in this application as a result of or during (lie course ,Ms �s Page 5A of CJD review will be deemed to have been ratified by the grantee upon CJD's receipt of the grantee's request for funds or acceptance agreement. S. Maintenance of records. Financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, required reports, and all other records pertinent to the granL project or any component part thereof shall be retained for three years from the date of the grantee's submission of the final expenditure report, except that records for norexpendahle property acquired with federal grant funds shall be retained for three years after final disposition. The records shall be retained beyond the fliree -year period if audit findings have not been resohed. Provisions to this effect must be included in all contracts, subcontracts, or other arrangements for implementation of this project or any component thereof. 9 Inspection and audit. The State of Texas, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any- of their duly authorized repre.entatives shall hate access to any books, documents, papers, and records pertinent to this grant project for the purpose of matting audit, examination, excerpts, and transcripts. A provision to this effect shall be included in all contracts, subcontracts, or other arrangements for implementation of this project or any component therof. 10. Termination of aid. A grant may be terminated or fund payments discontinued by CJD if it finds a substantial failure to comply With the provisions of P.L. 90 -351 or regulations promulgated thereunder, including these grant conditions or application obligations, but only after notice and hearing and pursuant ball procedures setforth in Sections 510 and 511 of P.L. 90 -351. 11. Obligation or grant funds. Grant funds may not, without advance written approval by CJD, be obli- gated prior to the effective date or subsequent to the termination dale of the grant period. Obligations outstanding as of the termination dale shall be liquidated within 90 days. Such obligations must be related to goods or services provided and utilized for ultimate program purposes. 12. TKIl to properLy. Title to pioperty rcgUired whop; or parll grnnl prnjcct funds in accordance with approved budgets shall vest in the grantee, subject to divestment at the option of LEAA or CID (lo the extent federal funds contributed to the acquisition thereof) exercisable only on notice within 180 days after the end of the grant period or termination of the grant. The grantee shall exercise due care in the use, maintenance, protection, and preservation of such property during the period of grantor interest. 13. use of properly for law enforcement purposes. All properly acquired with grant project funds or donated properly representing a grantee contribution shall be committed to use for law enforcement purposes throughout its useful life. 14. Project income. All interest or other income earned by a grantee with respect to grant funds or as a result of conduct of the grant project (sale of publications, regirtralions fees, service charge; on fees, ele.) must be accounted for. Income should be applied to project purposes or in reduction of project cost. biteresl earned on grant funds must be returned to CJD. All other project income must be applied to project purposes or as a reduction of total project cost. 15, publications. The grantee may publish, at its own expense, the results of grant activity without prior CJD review provided that guy publication (written, visual, or sound) contains an acknowledgement of CJD grant support. The following disclaimer must be contained in the aforementioned acknowledge- ment: The fact that the Criminal Justice Division furnished financial support to the activity described in this publication does not necessarily indicate the concurrence of the Criminal Justice Division in the statements or conclusions contained herein. At leas( 25 copies of any sash publication must be furnished to CJD but only 10 copies of training materials (whpre used in grant project) must be supplied, except as otherwise requested or approved by CJD. Publication of documents or reports with grant funds beyond quantities required to meet stan. dard report requirements must be provided for in approved project plans or budgets or otherwise approved by CJD and, for large quantity publication, manuscripts must be submitted in advance to CJD. • Page 5B 16. Copyrights. Where activities supported by this grant produce original books, manuals, films, computer programs (including executable computer programs and supporting data in any form), or other copy - rightable material, the grantee may copyright such, but CJD reserves a royalty -free, nonexclusive, and - irrevocable license to produce, publish, and use such materials, and to authorize others to do so. Disposition of royalties will be determined by CJD. Provisions appropriate to effectuate the purposes of this condition must be in all employment contracts, consultants' agreements, and other contracts. 17. Patents. If any discovery or invention arises or is developed in the course of or as a result of work performed under this grant, by Uie grantee or contractor, the grantee shall refer the discovery or invention to CJD, which will detennine whether or not patent protection will be sought; how any rights therein, including patent rights, will be disposed of and administered; and (lie need for other action required to protect Elie public interest in wort: supported with federal funds, all in accordance with the Presidential Memorandum of Octobcr 10, 19G3, on Government Patent Policy. In the final narrative report the grantee shall identify any discovery or invention arising under or developed in the course of or as a result of work performed under this grant or shall certify that there are no such inventions or discoveries. e 18. Allowable costs. The allowability of costs incurred under any grant shall be determined in accordance with the general principles of atlowability and standards for selected cost items set forth in Office of Management and Budget Circular A -S7, "Principles for Determining Costs Applicable to Grants and Contracts with State and Local Governments," as further defined and delimited in conditions in the CJD Guide for Grant Administration. Educational institutions are subject to standards set forth in OMB Circular A -21. 19. Expenses not allowable. Grant funds may not be expended for (a) items not part of the approved budget or separately approved by CJD; (b) purchase of land and construction of buildings or imple- mentation of improvements thereon, or payment of read estate mortgages or taxes, unless specifically provided for in the grant agreement; (c) entertainment, anmsements, or social activities, or incidental costs reL led U -retn; (d) mirchme of automobiles or other automotive vehicles unless provided for in the grant a; cement; c. (e) indirect (overhead) casts, if the grantee does not have an indirect Post i allocatirn plan and rate acceptable to C.iD, except negotiated lump stun amounts included in the approved application budget. 20. Proposal costs. Grant funds may not be committed or expended for costs of preparing proposals without prior CJD approval. 21. Third party participation. No contract or agreement not incorporated in the approved proposal or approved in advance by CJD may be entered into by the grantee for execution of project activities or provision of services to a grant project (other than purchase of supplies or standard commercial or maintenance services Icss th.zu $2,500). Any such arrangements shall provide that the grantee will retain ultimate contrul and responsibility for the grant project and that the contractor shall be bound by these grant conditions and any other requirements applicable to the grantee in the conduct of the project. 22. Clean ,fir Act. In accordance with Presidential Executive Order 11602 and the provisions of the Clean Air Act, 42 USC 1857 et seq., as amended by P.L. 91.60 I, 1970, any grant may be terminated and expenditure of federal funds will be discontinued if at any time during the grant period the grantee has been convicted of an offense under the Clean Air Act. Grantee may not contract with any party convicted under the Clean Air Act. Applicant certifies that it has not been convicted of any violation of the Clean Air Act. -23. }catch Act. All persons funded by or contributing to this project agree to comply with Title 5, Chapter 15, Sections 1501 through 1505 and any amendments thereto, united Slates Code Annotated, more commonly known as the "Hatch Act" relating to political activities. 29. Release of information. Pursuant to Section 521 of Elie Act, all records, reports, papers, and other documents kept by recipients of CJD feuds, including grantees and their contractors, relating to the receipt and disposition of such funds are required to be made available to CJD and LEAA, under the tern and conditions of the Federal Freedom of Information Act. P age 5C 25. Relocation assistance. In conformance with the requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Land Acquisitions Policies Act of 1970 (42 USC 4633), applicant hereby declares that this project will not result in the displacement of one or more persons, businesses, or farm operations, and that no real property shall be acquired for project purposes, if this declaration cannot be made, CJD will provide the applicant a Relocation Assistance Certificate that must be completed before consideration of the application. 26. Environmental impact. Any application for a grant invoking: (a) construction, purchase, or alteration of facilities; (b) implementation of programs invoking the use of herbicides and pesticides; or (c) other actions determined by the LEAA Regional Administrator to have, a possibly significant effect on the quality of the environment must include cilher a draft environmental statement as required by Section 102(2)(c) of lbe National Environmental Policy Act or a declaration that the proposed action will not have a significant impact on the environment. 27. Historic sites In any grant project invoking construction, renovation, purchasing, or leasing of facilities the grantee shall consult with the state liaison officer for historic preservation to determine whether the undertaling may, have an effect on properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places. If the undertaking may' have an adverse effect on the listed program properties CJD must be notified before consideration of the application. 28. Education support. No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving CJD financial assistance with the exception of the qualifications set forth in Title D:, Section 901(A) of Public Law 92.318 (SG Slat. 373). To validate this application, the following special items must be certified and agreed to by the applicant: Special Items Nonsupplanting -requirement. In compliance with the requirement that federal funds, made available under Part C, Title 1, Public Law 90.351, as amended, be used "not to supplant stale or local funds," this is to certify that the below described recipient of federal funds under Part C, Title 1, Public Law 90.351, as amended, trill use such funds to incieaw stale or loc:d funds that would, in ti;e absence of such federal aid, be made available for law enforcement purposes. It is understood that the above [ ertification by the financial officer will be required on the final report of expenditures and status of action grant funds. Assurance of compliance with Civil Rights Act of 19G4. The applicant hereby agrees that it will comply and will insure compliance by its contractors with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 196.1 (Public Law 53 -352) - and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to Regulations of the Department of Justice (29 CRF Part 42) issued pursuant to that title, to the end that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the applicant receives federal financial assistance. The grantee further will comply with and insure compliance by its contractors with Justice Department equal employ- ment regulation in federally assisted programs to the end that employment discrimination in such programs on the grounds of race, color, creed, sex, or national origin shall be eliminated. The grantee recognizes file right of the United States to seek judicial enforcement in its contracts. Assurance of compliance with Title 2S, Pant 42, nondiscrimination; equal opportunity; Police and Procedures — Subpart E —Equal Opportunity Guidelines. The npplicant hereby agrees that it has complied with the requirements of Subpart E and has filed the required certification and where applicable has on file a current affirmative action plan. Applicant's agreement. It is understood and agreed by file applicant that any grant received as a result of this application shall be subject to the above standard conditions, special items, and other policies and rules issued by the Csinninal Justice Division for administration of grant projects; all provisions under Y.L. 90.351,asamended; and memoranda issued by CJD. Certified by: Signature R. Marvin Townsend Name City Manager 75tle City of Corpus Christi Date: Agency Farm CJD -1 (111174) EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY PROGRAINI CERTIFICATIO:d I R. Marvin Townsend , certify that: Q Thisagency employs fewer than 50 people or has received or applied for less than $25,000 from Criminal Justice Division, therefore, the (criminal justice agency) is not required to file an equal opportunity program in accordance with 28 CFR 42.301 et seq., Subpart E. ® Thisagency employs 50 or more people and has received or applied to the Criminal Justice Division, Office of the Governor for total funds in excess of $25,000, therefore, tine _ City of Corpus Christi has formulated an equal employment (criminal justice agency) opportunity program in accordance with 28 CFR 42.201 et seq., Subpart E if applicable, and that it is on file in the office of City Manager, City of Corpus Christi , City_. Hall (name, address, title) forreview or audit by an official of the Criminal Justice Division, Office of the Governoror the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, as required by relevant laws and regulations. This state agency or dennrimeni has received LEAA funds from tile. Criminal Justice Divi- sion, Office of the Govemor, therefore, the (criminal justice agency) has formulated an equal employment opportunity program in accordance with the Appro- priations Bill, 63rd Legislature, Regular Session and with 2S CFR - 12.301 et seq., Subpart E if applicable, and that it is on file in the office of (name, address, title) for review or audit by an official of the Criminal Justice Division, Office of the Governor or the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, as required by relevant laws and regulations. PROJECT TITLE CORPUS CHRISTI RAPE CRISIS CENTER GRANT NUMBER AC- 76 -AO1 -3338 Official Authorized to Sign Application Project Director R. Marvin Townsend ,W. C. Banner -; City Manager, City of Corpus Christi Acting Chief of Police DATE DATE ATTACHMENT A RAPE CRISIS CV4TER EMBRCrUCT ctEDICAL P'UnD U U7DL•' UNES .l, The Rape Crisis Center's Medical Emergency Fund will not be advertised to the general public. (Volunteers will be informed of the Fund and of -RCC policies guiding its disbursement. Volunteers will be instructed to refer to the Director. any victims who might be eligible for a portion of the Fund. The Director., not a volunteer, will inform a victim of the availability of the Fund.) 2. The maximum. amount any victim will be granted is $75. 1. The Fund can be used. for any medical service rendernd to a victim of r:._, .0 with the exceptions of ambulance service. FxrY -c. of services for which the FGmd may be used include: - -detection and treatment of physical injuries (s -rays, sutures, tetantin shot.^., ei:_:.) - °^calll%ct:ion of evidence for prosecutica (analysis of vaginal contentr io presenco of sperm and acid phosphatass ?, blood and /or scmtcn typing) ' — anti- •pragnancy medication and anti -- nausea medication The Find vrill nat'be used to pay ambulance service. 4. The Director will interview each victim referred by a volunteer. The Directur _ will ascertain the victim's financial status and-determine her ability to pay any medical debts she has incurred. 5. The Director will explore all possible funding sources in the community and will refer applicant to any sources for which she may be eligible. Director will document all findings and referrals in writing. 6. An applicant will be eligible to receive a portion of the Fund only when no other available monies can be located. 7. An applicant must pay as much of her medical bill as she is able. The Fund will than be used to make up the difference, up to the $75 maximum. The Fund ccn also be used to supplement any payments made by other agencies which do not cover the total debt incurred. 8. The President of the Rape Crisis Center Board of Directors will appoint a four - parssa Review Committee from the current membership of the Board. - If only one or two eligible applicants request funds during a given month, the Director-will have authority to grant the funds after informing the R`viou CuLwaittae of her decision in writing. The review Conunittee will meet on request of the Director whenever thre,s or more eligible applicants are requesting funds during any given month. The Cc.�nict:ee till e °!mina all applications and will gran*_ available fund, to aprlic.mts which they feel to be in greatest need. The Director will inform all applicants in writing of the Review Comm•ittc:a's decision. CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI CONTRACT FOR PERSONAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, entered into as of this day of 1976, by and between the Crisis Intervention Service (herein called ttFe ,TContrac or and the City of Corpus Christi (herein called the "City ") ". WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, the City desires to engage the Contractor to render technical or professional services hereafter described in connection with an undertaking which is expected to be financed by a grant from the Texas Criminal Justice Division. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: 1. Employment Contractor. The City hereby agrees to engage the Contractor and the contractor erh eby agrees to perform the service hereinafter set forth in connection with a grant funded by the Texas Criminal Justice Division. In addition, the City shall advance the Contractor sufficient funds for the purpose of payment of eligible operating expenses pending reimbursement from the Criminal Justice Division to the City 2. Area Covered. The Contractor shall perform all the necessary services provided under this Contract in connection with and respecting the general area of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. 3. SEope of Services. The Contractor shall do and carry out in a satisfactory and proper manner, as determined by the City, the following services: a. Provide services in accordance with the approved application to the Criminal Justice Division to develop a Rape Crisis Center and allow the City to monitor same. A copy of the application is made a part of the Contract and is attached hereto. b. Specifically agrees to accept and abide by all terms and conditions outlined in the application. c. Provide the City a verified and proper monthly statement for services provided in accordance with procedures prescribed by the City. d. Hire or promote only such personnel who can meet specific qualifications as set forth in the job descriptions which have been approved as a part of the plan of operation unless a waiver of a specific required qualification is obtained in writing from the City prior to the hiring or promotion of the individual involved. e. Furnish the City with fiscal reports and a breakdown of expenditures each month in a format prescribed by the City. Specifically, the Contractor agrees to 'Furnish fiscal reports on or before the 10th day following the end of the billing month. f. furnish the Cith with various monthly statistical reports as required• by the City in the format prescribed by the City. "g. Make available at reasonable times and for reasonable periods those books, records, and supporting documents kept current by the Contractor and its subcontractors pertaining to this project for purposes of inspection, monitoring, auditing, or evaluating by the City Personnel or their representatives; furthermore, that the State of Texas, the U. S. Department of Justice and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives shall have access to any books, documents, papers and records pertinent to this grant project for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcripts. It is understood, however, that the names, addresses and personal data concerning clients of the Contractor shall remain confidential." h. Maintain and retain supporting fiscal documents adequate to assure that claims for Federal matching funds are in accord with applicable Federal requirement Said documents shall be maintained and retained by the Contractor and all subcontractors if any, for a period of three years after the end of the Federal fiscal year if audit by or on behalf of the City has occurred by that time. If such audit has not occurred, the documents must be retained until audit or until five years following the end of the Federal Fiscal year, whichever is earlier. In all cases, documents shall be retained until the resolution of audit questions. Contractor agrees to reimburse City for any and all project costs determined by audit during this project period or during the time required above for retaining supporting fiscal documents, whichever is greater, to be ineligible expenditures. i. Comply with Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Article 6252 Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, including but not limited to, giving equal opportunity both to those seeking employment and those seeking services without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. j. Contractor shall assume responsibility for the protection, at all times, of all physical property and equipment used by the facility or facilities, being maintained to carry out the plan of operation and take appropriate measures to insure meeting its obligation. The Contractor must furnish the City with a written, factual report of any equipment which is damaged or stolen and the circumstances concerning such loss and, in the event of any theft, vandalism, or other offense against said property, must notify appropriate local law enforcement authorities. k. Contractor shall identify all equipment purchased with funds allocated to the Contractor by appropriate tags or labels affixed thereto, and maintain a current inventory of such equipment which will be available to the City at all times upon request. 4. Personnel a. hehentractor.represents that he has, or will secure all personnel required in performing the services under this Contract. Such personnel shall not be employees of or have any contractual relationship with the City. b. None of the work or services covered by this Contract shall be subcontracted without the prior written approval of the City. 5. Time of Performance. The services of the Contractor are to commence as soon as practicable after the execution of this contract and shall be undertaken and completed in such sequence as to assure their expenditious completion in the light of the purposes of this Contract, but in any event all of the services required hereunder shall be completed within 365 consecutive calendar days from the date of the Contract. 6. Compensation. The City agrees to reimburse the Contractor a sum not to exceed $21,310 for the a ove services. 7. Method of Payments. The City will pay to the Contractor the amount or amounts set forth in Paragraph 6 above, which shall constitute full and complete compensation for the Contractor's services hereunder. Such sum will be paid in monthly payments, in every case, subject to the receipt of a requisition for payment from the Contractor specifying that he has performed the work under this Contract in conformance with the Contract and that he is entitled to receive the amount requisitioned under the terms of the contract. 8. Contractor agrees to hold harmless and to indemnify the City from and against any and all claims, demands and causes of actions of every kind and character which may be asserted by any third party, occurring or in any way incident to, arising out of, or in connection with, the services to be performed by the Contractor under this agreement. 9. Termination of Contract for Cause. If, through any cause, Contractor shall fail to fulfill in timely and proper manner his obligations under this contract, or if the Contractor shall violate any of the convenants, agreements, or stipulations of this contract, the City shall thereupon have the right to terminate this contract by giving written notice to the Contractor of such termination. In that event, all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, and reports prepared by the Contractor shall - at the option of the City, become its property, and the Contractor shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory work completed on such documents and other materials. -2- • Notwithstanding the above, the Contractor shall not be relieved of liability to the City for damages sustained by the City by virtue of any breach of the contract by the Contractor, and the City may withhold any payment to the Contractor for the purpose of setoff until such time as the exact amount of damages due the City from the Contractor is determined. 10. Termination Clause. The City may terminate this contract at any time by giving written notice with reasons to the Contractor of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least 30 days before the effective date of such termination. In that event, all finished or unfinished documents and other materials as described in Paragraph 9 above shall, at the option of the City, become its property. If the contract is terminated by the City as provided herein, the Contractor will be pa8d an amount which bears the same ratio to the total compensation as the services actually performed bear to the total services of the Contractor covered by this contract, less payments of compensation previously made. 11. Changes. The City may, from time to time, require changes.in the scope of services of the contract to be performed hereunder. Such changes, including any increase or decrease in the amount of the Contractor's compensation, shall be mutually agreed upon by and between the City and the Contractor, and shall be incorporated in written amendments to this contract. 12. Equal Employment Opportunity. a. The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or those seeking service, because of race, color, national origin, religion, or sex. The Contractor shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotions, or transfers, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoffs or terminations, rates of pay or other forms of compensation; selection for training including apprenticeship; and participation in recreational and educational activities. The Contractor agrees to post in a conspicuous place available to employees and applicants for employment notices to be provided setting forth the provisions of this non - discrimination clause. b. The Contractor shall keep such records and submit reports concerning the racial and ethnic origin of applicants for employment and employees as may be requested by the City. C. The Contractor agrees to comply with such rules, regulations, or guidelines as the City may issue to implement these requirements. 13. Interest of members of Cit and Others. No officer, member, or employee of the City an no members of its goverm ng body, and no other public official of the governing body of the locality or localities in which the project is situated or being carried out who exercise any functions or responsibilities in the review or approval of the undertaking or carrying out of this project, shall participate in any personal or pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in this contract or the proceeds thereof. 14. Findings Confidential. Any reports, information, data, etc., given to or prepared or assembled by the Contractor under this contract which the City requests to be kept as confidential shall not be made available to any individual or organization by the Contractor without the prior approval of the City, except as may otherwise be provided by Article 6252 -17a, that Act giving access to the public of certain information in the custody of governmental bodies. 15. Officials not to Benefit. No members of or delegates to the Congress of the United States of America, and no resident commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part thereof or to any benefit to arise herefrom. 16. Identification of Documents. All reports or other documents as a part of this contract, other t an documents exclusively for internal use within the City shall carry a notation as provided by the City. 17. Ownership of Documents. All reports, maps, and other documents -3= completed as a part of this contract, whether published or un- published, shall be the sole property of the city. 18. Assignability. The Contractor shall not assign any interest in this contract and shall not transfer any interest in the same without the prior written consent of the City. 19. Interest of Contractor. The Contractor convenants that :he presently has no interest and shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of services required to be performed under this contract. The Contractor further covenants that in the per- formance of this contract no person having any such interest shall be employed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City and the Contractor have executed this agreement in duplicate originals as of the date first above written. ATTEST: City Secretary Approved: day of ,1976 City Attorney ATTEST: -4- CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI By: R. Marvin Townsen City Manager Crisis Intervention Service By: Name (Title) COR PUS CHRISTI TEXAS ^ q DAY OF , 1914 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; 1, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED1 OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY, r Ti� MAYOR _I0: THE CITY OF CORPUS HRISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THF_ FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY OR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BV JASON LUBY OR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE VOTE: