HomeMy WebLinkAbout13424 ORD - 09/29/1976jkh:8- 25 -76; 1st AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO BLUEBONNET TRANSPORTATION COMPANY A FRANCHISE ON AND OVER THE PUBLIC STREETS, ALLEYS AND PUBLIC THOROUGH- FARES OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, AND PARTICULARLY IN THE FLOUR BLUFF AREA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF OPERATING TAXICABS; i y PROVIDING FOR A CHARGE OF TWO PERCENT (2 %) OF GROSS.RECEIPTS PAYABLE ON OR BEFORE THE 10TH DAY OF EACH CALENDAR MONTH FOR THE AMOUNT DUE FROM THE GROSS RECEIPTS FOR THE PRECEDING CALENDAR MONTH; REQUIRING THE FILING OF A STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS FOLLOWING THE END OF EACH CALENDAR MONTH; PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC LIABILITY SECURITY; PROVIDING FOR PROPER SUPERVISION; PROVIDING FOR DATE WHEN THIS GRANT SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE UPON ACCEPTANCE IN WRITING BY GRANTEE WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION'l. The right and privilege is hereby granted to Bluebonnet Transportation Company, hereinafter called Grantee, for a period of five (5) years from the eX7pd&-r2 /974/. , to operate a taxicab or taxicabs, as same are hereinafter defined, along and over the public streets, alleys and thoroughfares of the City of Corpus Christi, and particularly in the Flour Bluff area, under and subject to the terms and restrictions herein set out. SECTION 2. (a) During the operation of said taxicab or taxicabs over and upon the public streets, alleys and thoroughfares of the City of Corpus Christi, under the terms of this franchise, and for the period of this franchise, the owner thereof shall pay to the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, at the office of the Supervisor of Collections, in lawful money of the United States, two percent (2 %) of the gross receipts measured by the total fares collected and other income, including adver- tising receipts derived from the operation of the taxicab service, or such rate as may be provided in any regulatory ordinance regulating the operation of taxicabs, whichever may be the greater. (b) Said payments shall be made in lawful money of the United States, at the office of the Supervisor of Collections MICROFILM .. 1 rJ N -1 nn )980 , 13424 OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, 'A14D SAID RE14ITTANCE SHALL BE MADE MONTHLY ON OR BEFORE THE 10TH DAY OF EACH CALENDAR MONTH BASED UPON THE GROSS RECEIPTS OF THE SAID BUSINESS FOR THE PRECEDING CALENDAR MONTH. (C) IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THE PAYMENT OF THE MONIES AS HEREIN•PROVIDED SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED SO AS TO AFFECT OR PREVENT ANY FORFEITURE OF PERMITS FOR NONUSER OR OTHER- WISE, AS 15 NOWT OR MAY IN THE FUTURE BE PROVIDED FOR BY CITY ORDINANCE. THE COMPENSATION HEREIN PROVIDED FOR SHALL BE IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER FEES OR CHARGES IMPOSED BY ANY OTHER ORDINANCE NOW IN EFFECT DURING THE LIFE HEREOF, EXCEPT THAT IN EVENT OF CONFLICT THE HIGHER CHARGE SHALL BE PAID BUT IN NO EVENT SHALL THE GRANTEE BE RELEASED FROI4 THE PAYMENT OF ANY AD VALORE14 TAXES LEVIED. SECTION 3. IT SHALL BE THE DUTY OF THE GRANTEE TO FILE WITH THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI A SWORN STATEMENT SHOWING ALL RECEIPTS OF SAID GRANTEES WHICH SAID VERIFIED STATEMENT SHALL BE FILED WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS FOLLOWING THE END OF EACH MONTH. THE GRANTEE SHALL INSTALL AND KEEP AN ADEQUATE SYSTEM OF BOOKKEEPING TO BE APPROVED BY THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE OF THE CITY; WHICH BOOKS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO IN- SPECTION BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY AND ANY PERSON OR PERSONS THE SAID CITY MAY DESIGNATE, OR EITHER OF THEM, 50 AS TO ENABLE THE CITY TO CHECK THE CORRECTNESS OF THE ACCOUNTS KEPT AND THE AMOUNT OF GROSS RECEIPTS, STREET RENTALS FEE OR CHARGE DUE TO IT BY VIRTUE HEREOF. SECTION 4. A TAXICABS AS USED IN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL MEAN EVERY AUTOMOBILE OR MOTOR. PROPELLED VEHICLE USED FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF PASSEN- GERS AND /OR PERSONAL LUGGAGE FOR HIRE OVER AND ON THE PUBLIC STREETS, ALLEYS AND THOROUGHFARES OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND NOT OVER A DEFINED OR FIXED ROUTE, AND IRRESPECTIVE OF WHETHER OR NOT THE OPERATIONS EXTEND BEYOND THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, AT RATES FOR DISTANCE TRAVELED, OR FOR WAIT TIME, OR FOR BOTH, OR AT RATES PER HOUR PER WEEK OR PER MONTH. SECTION 5. ALL TAXICABS OPERATED BY GRANTEE UNDER THIS FRANCHISE, SHALL BE OF'MODERN, SAFE AND ADEQUATE CONSTRUCTION; SHALL BE KEPT IN GOOD ' REPAIR AND KEPT CLEAN, AND IF. THE GRANTEE DOES NOT C014PLY WITH THE SPIRIT OF THIS PARTICULAR PROVISION OF HIS FRANCHISE THEN SUCH FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CAUSE FOR A FORFEITURE HEREOF. SECTION 6. THE GRANTEE SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS AND ORDINANCES NOW IN FORCE IN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS NOW IN FORCE, AND SHALL COMPLY WITH SUCH ORDINANCE AND STATE LAWS WHICH IN THE FUTURE MAY BE ENACTED. THE GRANTEE SHALL NEVER PERMIT THE CABS OPERATED HEREUNDER TO BE USED IN VIOLATION OF ANY CRIMINAL STATUTES STATE OR FEDERAL, BUT THE GRANTEE SHALL KEEP REASONABLE SUPER- VISION OVER.THE CABS OPERATED HEREUNDER FOR THE PURPOSE OF PREVENTING SUCH CABS BEING USED IN VIOLATION OF ANY LAWS. FAILURE OF GRANTEE TO COMPLY WITH THE SPIRIT OF THIS SECTION SHALL BE CAUSE FOR FORFEITURE OF THE FRANCHISE. SECTION 7. GRANTEE MUST CARRY SUCH PUBLIC LIABILITY SECURITY AS IS PROVIDED BY ORDINANCE. BEFORE THIS FRANCHISE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE, THE.GRANTEE SHALL FURNISH TO THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI A GOOD AND SUFFICIENT ASSURANCE IN WRITING THAT SUCH AUTOMOBILE WILL BE OPERATED WITH DUE CARE AND CAUTION FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY. SUCH ASSURANCE SHALL CONSIST OF A GOOD AND SUFFICIENT POLICY OF INSURANCE, BOND, OR CASH BOND AS NOW PROVIDED BY THE,EXISTING TAXICAB ORDINANCE; AND SHOULD THE CITY COUNCIL, BY ORDINANCE, REQUIRE A DIFFERENT TYPE OF BOND OR INSURANCES OR REQUIRE THAT ALL TAXICAB COMPANIES CARRY A POLICY OF INSURANCES OR INCREASE THE FACE AMOUNT OF SUCH BOND OR INSURANCE, THEN THE GRANTEE SHALL HAVE THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE PASSAGE OF SUCH ORDINANCE IN WHICH TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS THEREOF. BY ACCEPTANCE OF THIS FR�HCHISE THE GRANTEE AGREES TO C014PLY WITH ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS FRANCHISE. SECTION H. AT THE TERMINATION OF THE FIVE (5) YEAR PERIOD HEREIN - BEFORE SET OUT, THIS GRANT SHALL TERMINATE AND BE OF NO FURTHER FORCE AND EFFECT. -3- SECTION 9. ANY INFRACTION OF THE TER14S OF THIS FRANCHISE OR ANY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI REGULATING THE BUSINESS OF OPERATING TAXICABS OR THE OPERATION OF SAID VEHICLES USED IN SUCH BUSINESS SHALL BE OEEI•IED A FORFEITURE OF THIS FRANCHISE IRRESPECTIVE OF ANY NOTICE OR ACTIO14 BY THE CITY COUIICIL;•PROVIDED, HOWEVER, UPON THE CITY'S GIVING NOTICE TO GRANTEE THAT IT CONSIDERS THE FRANCHISE TO BE FORFEITED, SETTING FORTH GENERALLY THE REASONS . THEREFORE GRANTEE SHALL HAVE TEN (10) DAYS WITHIN WHICH TO CORRECT OR REI4EDY SUCH DEFAULT OR DEFAULTS AND TO.APPEAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL TO WAIVE SUCH DEFAULT OR DEFAULTS AND REINSTATE • GRANTEE'S FRANCHISE AFTER WHICH TIME GRANTEE MUST CEASE TO DO BUSINESS IF NOT REINSTATED BY THE COUNCIL. SECTION 10. THE GRANTEE SHALL OWN ALL VEHICLES OPERATED BY HIM IN SAID BUSINESS AND THAT SAID GRANTEE SHALL HOLD LEGAL TITLE TO SAID VEHICLES IN HIS NAMES AND UPON DEMAND THEREFOR SHALL EXHIBIT CERTIFICATES • OF TITLE OF ALL VEHICLES TO ANY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI. SECTION 11. THE GRANTEE SHALL REPORT AND PAY WHEN DUE AND BEFORE BECOMING DELINQUENTS ANY CHARGES, RENTALS STREET RENTAL FEES OR OBLIGATIONS, CONTRACTUAL OR OTHERWISE, WHIC4 THE CITY MAY NOW OR SUBSE- QUENTLY BE AUTHORIZED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS TO IMPOSE AND COLLECT OR WHICH ARE NOW, OR MAY BED IMPOSED BY ANY VALID ORDINANCE .DULY AND LEGALLY ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS AND THE FAILURE TO DISCHARGE THESE OBLIGATIONS, OR ANY ONE OF THEM, SHALL OPERATE AS A REVOCATION OF THIS FRANCHISE AND ALL PERMITS AND LICENSES ISSUED THEREUNDER. SECTION 12. THAT THE GRANTEE SHALL RENDER, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIC14S OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND THE STATE LAWS GOVERNING THE RENDITION OF PROPERTY AND PAY TO THE CITY BEFORE SAME SHALL BECOME DELINQUENT ALL AD VALOREM TAXES AGAINST EACH VEHICLE AND ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY USED IN THE CONDUCT OF GRANTEE'S TAXICAB BUSINESS, AND FAILURE TO DISCHARGE THESE OBLIGATIONS OR ANY ONE OF THEM, SHALL OPERATE AS A REVOCATION OF THIS FRANCHISE AND ALL PERMITS AND LICENSES ISSUED THEREUNDER. SECTION 13. THE: GRANTEE HERr.UNDER MAY CHARGE SUCH RATES AS ARE NOW, OR MAY IN THE FUTURE, BE SET BY ORDINANCE PASSED BY THC CITY COUNCIL. SECTION 114. IF ANY PART OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE HELD INVALID, NO VALID PARTS THEREOF SHALL BE AFFECTED THEREBY. SECTION 15. THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE BINDING ONLY UPON THE ACCEPTANCE THEREOF IN WRITING BY THE SAID BluI. .nn et TYa11sp0Ptat1011 1'Ompan- WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE FINAL PASSAGE THEREOF AND FULL COMPLIANCE BY THE GRANTEE WITH THE TERMS HERE^ OF AS TO PUBLIC LIABILITY SECURITY CONDITION OF CABS PAYMENT OF RENTALS] AND WITH THE TERMS OF THE EXISTING TAXICAB ORDINANCE. IF THIS GRANT IS NOT ACCEPTED WITHIN THE TIME PRESCRIBED] THEN THE GRANTEE SHALL NO LONGER HAVE THE RIGHT TO OPERATE A TAXICAB OR TAXICABS WITHIN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI. SECTION 1b. "GRANTEE" AS HEREIN USED SHALL BE,CONSTRUED AS SINGULAR OR PLURALS ACCORDING TO WHETHER ONE OR MORE THAN ONE PERSON AT THE PARTICULAR TIME MAY BE THE OWNER OF THIS-GRANT. SECTION 17. THIS FRANCHISES AND THE PERMITS HELD BY THE GRANTEE IN CONNECTION WITH SAID FRANCHISE, MAY BE.SOLD, TRANSFERRED AND INHERITED; PROVIDED HOWEVER, THAT ANY SALE OR TRANSFER SHALL BE FIRST PRESENTED IN VIRITING TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR ITS APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL AND THE CITY COUNCIL MAY DISAPPROVE SUCH PROPOSED SALE OR TRANSFER IF NOT IN GOOD FAITH OR THAT THE PROPOSED PURCHASER OR TRANSFEREE IS NOT CAPABLE OF CONTINUING THE OPERATION UNDER SUCH FRANCHISES IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO RENDER THE SERVICES DEMANDED IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC; THE CITY COUNCIL IN APPROVING OR DISAPPROVING ANY SUCH SALE OR TRANSFER OF THIS FRANCHISE AND THE PERMITS OWNED IN 'CONNECTION THEREWITH., MAY TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION ALL OF THE REQUIREMENTS AND QUALIFICATIONS OF A REGULAR APPLICATIONS AND APPLY SA14E AS NECESSARY QUALIFICATIONS OF ANY PROPOSED PURCHASER OR TRANSFEREE. SECTION 18. THE FRANCHISE GRANTED BY THIS ORDINANCE SHALL NOT BE AND IS NOT INTENDED TO BE AN EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE. SECTION 19. THE GRANTEE HEREIN SHALL OPERATE HIS CABS SO AS TO GIVE GOOD SERVICE, E14PLOY DRIVERS THAT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PRESENT -5- TAXICAB ORDINANCE, OR THAT MEET SUCH REQUIREMENTS AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY ORDINANCES AND ANY FAILURE ON THE PART OF ANY TAXICAB. COMPANY TO DO SO SHALL BE GROU140S UPON WHICH THIS FRANCHISE IIAY BE TERMINATED, EACH OPERATOR OFD ANY MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATED UNDER THE TERNS OF THIS FRANCHISE SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, AND THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS NOW PROVIDED AND AS MAY HEREAFTER BE PROVIDED, REGULAT^ \ING CHAUFFEURS AND DRIVERS OF TAXICABS A14D MOTOR VEHICLES FOR HIRE. SECTION 20. THE CITY COU14CIL SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO MODIFY OR CHANGE OR AMEND OR ADD TO THIS ORDINANCE IN ORDER TO MAKE THE PROVISIONS HEREOF MORE COMPLETELY MEET THE TAXICAB SITUATION IN CORPUS CHRISTI, IN- CLUDING THE RIGHT OF THE COUNCIL TO CHARGE THE-GROSS RECEIPTS TAX PAYABLE UNDER SECTION 2 OF THIS ORDINANCES OR DO WHATEVER IS NECESSARY TO BETTER PROTECT THE PUBLIC, OR IF THE COUNCIL DEEMS IT DESIRABLE TO INCORPORATE ALL PROVISIONS OF CITY LAW GOVERNING THE TAXICAB BUSINESS IN THIS FRANCHISE RATHER THAN HAVE A SEPARATE ORDINANCE. �HE ABOVE AND FOREGOING FRANCHISE GRA TED ON THIRD AND FINAL� // READING OF 'ORDINANCE NO. 13421 ON CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM THIS THE DAY OF August , 1976 J..BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By Assistant City Attorney THE FOREGOING FRANCHISE THIS DAY DELIVERED TO ME IS HEREBY ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO BY THE GRANTEE. DATED THIS THE DAY OF 1976 BLUEBONNET TRANSPORTATION COMPANY ATTEST: BY L. H. Warnecke, President Secretary THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE A3 READ F THE FIR T TIME PASSED TO ITS SECOND READING ON THIS THE DAY OF 19 B FOLLOWING VOTE: Y THE JA30N LUBY 7P. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE A3E3 RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE fREA. THAT THE FOREGOING ORDI AN E TI SEC ND TIME AN PASSED TO ITS THIRD READING ON THIS THE� ��� FOLLOWING VOTE: BY THE JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE A3E3 RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. ./.. EDWARD L. SAMPLE�� THAT THE FOREG q,fN0 ORDINANC WA READ OR THE T IRD TwI ME AND PASSED FINALLY ON THIS THE ��DAY OF 19 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE A3E3 RUTH GILL' BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE PASSED AND APPROVED, THIS THE DAY OF ATTEST: CITY T� R� Y ' MAYO THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS AP VED: DAY OF 191: a *TYAT"TORNIY - TT O the end of each - month. The' ee shall have ten (10) days with - -granted by this ordinance shall = Grantee shall install and keep in which to correct or remedy not be and is not intended to be AN ORDINANCE an adequate system of book- such default a defaults and to an exclusive franchise. GRANTING TO BLUE- keeping to be approved by the appeal to Me City CalnCil to SECTION 19. The Grantee' BONNET TRANSPORTA- DirectorofFinanceoftheCity; waive suchde�aultadefaults herein shall operate his cab TION COMPANY A FRAN - which books shall be wblect to and reinstate Grantee's tran- as to give good service, employe CHISE ON AND OVER THE Inspection by the goverin9 botlY chise after which the Grantee drivers Mat meet the require -0 PUBLIC STREETS, ALLEYS of the City and any persona must cease ro be business fi not ments d the present taxicab or - ,AND PUBLIC THOROUGH - persons the said Ciry may des- reinstated by the Council. dinance, or that meet such re: FARES OF THE CITY OF ignate, a either of them, so as SECTION 10. The grantee ON cements as may be required, CORPUS CHRISTI, AND PAR• to enable the City ro check the shall own all vehicles operated byor,,, of ,antl any fallUteoa' •TICULARLY IN THE FLOUR correctness of the accounts kept by him in saidbusiness and that the part of any taxicab cmV BLUFF AREA, FOR THE and the amount of gross saitl Grantee shall trold legal Pany to do Se shall be grounds, PURPOSE OF OPERATING receipts, sheet rental, fee orafifletomidvehiclesinhisname, upon which this franchise ma Y, TAXICABS; PROVIDING charge due to it by virtue here and upon demand thereforshall be terminated. Each operator of FOR A CHARGE OF TWO of, exhibit certificates of title of all any motor vehicle operated un PERCENT (496) OF GROSS SECTION 4 A taxicab, as vehicles to any authorized rep der the terms of this franchise. RECEIPTS PAYABLE ONOR used in this ordinance shall resentative of Me Cl" Corpus shall comply with all of the adr� BEFORE THE 10TH DAY OF mean every automobile or mo- Christi hares of the City of Corpus' EACH, CALENDAR MONTH for propelled vehicle used for SECTION 11. The Grantee ,Christi, and the laws of the State' FOR THE AMOUNT DUE thetransporfalien of passengers shall report and pay when due of Texas, now provided and as FROM THE G R O S S and /or personal luggage, la and before booming tleliquent, may hereafter be provided,' RECEIPTS FOR THE PRE- hire over and on the public any charges, rentals, street regulating chauffeurs and Oriv; CEDING CALENDAR streets, alleys and lhaougMare rental fees a obligations, coo- ens of tax I abs and motor vE. MONTH; REQUIRING THE of the City of Corpus Christi, tractuat or otherwise, which the hicles for hire. - FILING OF A STATEMENT and not over a defined a fixed City may new be subsequently SECTION 20. The Ctry Couo- OF RECEIPTS WITHIN TEN route, and irrespective of be authorized by the Legislature cifshallhavetherighttomodify- (10) DAYS FOLLOWING THE whether or not the operations of the State of Texas to impose or change or amend or add io- END OF EACH CALENDAR extend beyond the City limits of and collect or which are now, or this ordinance in order to nri MONTH; PROVIDING F.Rlfhe Cdy of Corpus Christi, at may be, imposed by any valid the provisions hereof marl, PUBLIC LIABILITY SECUR- rates for distance traveled, a ordinance tluly and legally completely the taxicabsitt+ ITY; PROVIDING FOR for wait time, or for both, or at a enacted by the City of Council,, alionm Corpus ChnCouncill PROPER SUPERVISION;xate per hour, per hour, per the City of Corpus Christi, ino the right of the Council two PROVIDING FOR DATE weekorpermonth. Texas, and the failure to dis- charge the gross receipts iaX:; WHEN THIS GRANT SHALL SECTION 5 All taxicabs op, charge these obligations, orany payable under Section 2 of this, BECOME EFFECTIVE UPON eratetl by Grantee under this one of them, shall operate as a ordinance, or do whatever qi ACCEPTANCE IN WRITING, franchise shall be modern, sale revocation of this franchise and necessary to better protect then - BY GRANTEE WITHIN (30) ;and adequate Construction, all permits and licenses *wed Public, ord the Council deemsi)a DAYS. ' shall be kept n good repair and thereunder. cZrable to incorporate all pror. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE kepi clean, and if the Grantee SECTION 12. That the Grant- visions d City law governing, CITYCOUNCILOF THECITY does not comply with the spirit ee shall render,n accortlance lhetaxicabbusnessin thisiran- O F CO R PU S C H R I ST I, Iof this particular provision of his with the provisions d the Char- chise rather than have a sepa.; TEXAS: franchise then such fadureto do ter of the City of Corpus Christi rate ordinance. ^:{ SECTION 1. The right and ushallbecause forafafeiNre and Me State laws governing The above and foregoing privileges is hereby granted 10! hereof. the rendition of property, and°'franchise granted on Mud a Bluebonnet Transportation. SECTION 6. The Grantee pay to the City before same final reading of Ordinance, ,COmpanY, hereinafter called shall comely with all traffic shall became delinquent all ad No - -�, on vote--- vote—} Grantee, for a period of five (5) ! regulations and ordinances now valorem taxes against each ve City Secretary; years from the - -- - -- in force in the City of Corpus hlcle and all personal property APPROVED AS TO LEGAL — to oiler- Christi, and the laws of the State used In the condo of Grantee's FORM THIS THE vote— DAY III a taxicab or taxicabs, as of Texas now in force, and shall taxicab business, antl failure to OF August, TH same are hereinafter defined, comply with such oridinance discharge these obligations, a J. BRUCE AYCOCK, along antl over the public •and State laws which in the fu streets, alleys and thorough- lure may be enacted. The as a revocation of this franchise ________ . fares of the Gry of Corpus Grantee shall never permit the and all permits and licenses is. Assistant City Attorney` Christi, and particularly in the cabs to operate hereunder to be sued thereunder. The foregoing franchise this Flour Bluff area, under and used in violation of any criminal SECTION 13. The Grantee subject to the terms and restric- statutes, State ar Federal, but hereunder may charge such. day delivered to me is hereby tion herein set out, the Grantee shall keep reason- rates as are now, a may in the accepted and agreed to by He. SECTION 2. able supervision Over the cabs future, be set by ordinance Grantee. i (a) Dunng ilia operation of gperaled hxeunder_fa- Heoro..oassed nv -tha cm, cn,rird ",lei this the vote day d said taxicab a taxicabs over i pose of preve,.o,y -�* wv, SECTI'O'N Ta. ",any part of vote-- 1976. i. and upon the public streets, al•, being'uspr v violation of arty this ordinance shall b held to- BLUEBONNET TRANSPORT leys and thoroughfares of the,laws. Failure Grantee_ toyvalid, no valid parts th ereof -.. TATION COMPANY.' City of Corpus Christi, underthe comply with the spirit of this -shall be affectad }hereby. -�- By — ` terms d this franchise, antl for Section shall be Cause fa tar- SECTION 15. This ordinance L H. Warnecke, Presiderlt- the period of this franchise, the feiture of the franchise. shall be bindinig only upon the ATTEST: - owner thereof shall pay to the' SECTION 7. Grantee must occeptancethereof inwrd,ro by Secretary vote -- vote W. City of Corpus Christi, Texas, at carry such public liability se, the said Bluebonnet Transpor• That the foregoing ordinance the office of the Supervisor of •any as is provided by ordr fallen Company, within thirty was read for the first time and Collections, in lawful money Of:nance. Before this franchise (30) days after the final passage • passed its second reading the United States, two percent shall become effective, the thereof, and full compliance by •P? , 100, (2`k) of the gross measured by Grantee shall furnish to the City the Grantee with the terms this the 25th day of August, 197x. the total fares collected and ot, of CorWS Christi a good and hereof as to public liability 'e' the following vote: er income, including advert*-isuffident assurance in writing curity, condition of cabs, pay., Jason Luby Absent ing receipts derived from the that Such automobile will be op- men( of rentals, and with Me Dr Bill Tipton Aye, oparatlon of the taxicab service, ¢rated with due care and cau- terms of the existing Taxicab Etluarde tleASes Aye. or such rate as may be provided Ilion ter the public Safety. Such Ordinance If th grant is not Ruth Gill AYS in any regulartory ordinance assurance shall consist of a accepted within the time pre- Bob Gulley Aye, regulating the operation of tax- good and sufficient policy Of in- scirbed, then the Grantee shall Gabe Lozano, Sr. Aye, icabs, whichever maybe the isurance, bong or cash bond as no longer have the right roopen• EdwardL Sample Ayez greater. now provided by the existing ate a taxicab or taxicabs within That the foregoing ordnanceo (b) Said payments shall be,*faxicab ordinance; and should the City of Corpus Christi. was reatl for the second lime. made in lawful money of the;the City Council, by ordinance, SECTION 16 "Grantee" as and passed to its third readings United States, at tlectio ce of He require different type of both here in u'Sedir'llbeconstmetl onth*thels }dayof Septembery Supervisor of Collations of the or insurance, a insurance, or as singular a plural, according 1976, by the following vote: ,City of Corpus Christi, Texas,,require that all taxicab com- do whether one or more than we Jaw LUDy AYel� and said remmance shall be ponies carry a policy of town- person at the parbcular time Dr. Bill Tipton AYp, made monthly on or before the ante, or increase the face maybe the of mss grant. Eduardode Ales Aye, 10th day of each calendar amount of such bond or insur• SECTION 17. This franchise, Ruth Gill Ayes month based upon the gross ante, then the Grantee shall and the permits held by the BobGUlley Aye, ,receipts of the said business for have thirty (30) days from the Grantee in connechon with said Gabe Lozano, Sr. Aya, the proeceding calendarmonth. tlate of the passage of such Iranchise may be soitl, trans- Edward LSample Atxerlt: (c) It is understood that Met eridinance in which to comply (erred aid inherrtetl; provitletl,' That Me forgoing aim angle payment of the monies as here with the terms Hereof. By a, irowever, that any sale a h. S.7 z read for the third time anq, in provided shall cwt be wi*td- ceptance of th* franchise the ter shall be first presentetl _n lPassetl finally on H* He - - -y ered so as to affect or prevent Grantee agrees to comply with writing 10 the City Council for its day of —vote 19— by any forfeiture of permits for all the provisions of this frarr approval and the City Council following vote: - - -- nonuseraotherwise , asis now,, chise, may disapprove such proposed D Bill Luby -- or may in thefuturebe provided' SECTION 8. At the termination sale or transfer H not in good Or. Bill Tipton — I or by City ordnance. The com- of the five (5) Year period here• faith or that the proposed pur- Eduartlade Ales pensation herein provided for inbefore set out, this grant shall chaser or transferee is not ca- Ruth Gill —_'v shall be in lieu of any other fees terminate and be of no further pable of continuing the open- Bab Gulley or charges imposed by any oth- force and effect, ation under such franchise, m Gabe rd L. S, Sr. er ordinance now in effect Our -, SECTION 9. Any infraction of such a manner as to render the -Edward L. Sample ,no thelifehereof, except that in the terms of this franchise or services demanded in the best PASSED AND APPROVED, event of conflict the higher) any ordinanceof the City of Cot- interest df the public; the City cabs the ---tlay of vote--, charge shall be Paid, but in nd pus Christi regulating the bust- Council in approving or dis- •19— event shall the Grantee be relness of operating taxlcabsathe approving any such sale or ATTEST: - -- teased from the payment of any operation of said vehicles used transfer of this franchise and — — — — — — — ad valor emtaxes levied. in such business shall be the permits owned In connection ,Cdh Secretary SECTION 3. It shall be the deemed a forfeiture of this Iran• therewith, may take into consd- MAYOR duty of the Grantee to file with chise irrespective of any notice eration all of Me requirements THE CITY OF CORPUS the Director W Finance of the or action by the City Councd;aend qualifications of a regular CHRISTI, TEXAS, City of Corpus Christi a swan providetl, however, upon the applicall and apply same as statement showing all receipts qty's giving notice to Grantee ,necessary qualifications of any APPROVED: of said Grantee, which said ver• that it considers the franchise to proposed purchase or transfer- 25 PAY OF August, 1976: , tied statement shall be hied be forfeited, setting forth gener• ee. Michael L. May i sgithin ten (10) days following ally the reasons thereof, Grant. SECTION 16. The franchise City Attorney a i nTn[PT comps 1320 Country Rd, 19, 26 AO UNIT APT complex• 100% 25 acres, future shopping A SPACIOUS Upper 1 bdrm, EXCEPTIONALLY NICE Ef- occupancy. Call for oppord- center or apartment, close to Spohn Hosp. on Eliza, ficiency new carpet, drapes. anent Corpus Christi Realty, townhouse site One beth St. Call BLACKWELL $3550 weeky, all bills pd. 1133 �-2M' 991 -�• mile south of Saratoga, REALTY, CO, 882 -9497. Brownlee. 854.1642, 56,250 per acre. Hun- ATTRACTIVE 1 br apt, cent FLOUR BLUFF, 2 rm Effic Ur _'_ I Baker & Associates 4709 alr /heat, $165 w/3 mos lease. 59954 I Or 5125, 2 -Br SIA bills e- S. Alameda, 353.6223. Bills pd Walking distance to pd. 937432Z 937.5251 co ch. LIMERICK APTS, 201 FLOUR BLUFF, 502 Lakeside ,l.iVAA Fl W7 So Chaparral. 382.11 Elfic cottage s89.50 mo, bills pd. /r1 1 'Mobile ATTRACTIVE 2 br near 6 Pts, FLOUR BLUFF 9815 S. Padre ■ ris carport $149.50, bills pd. BKi• 1/111 Ja7Ll Yyfp� 1936, 855.1375. IsWnd Dr. 1 bdrm, paneled, LAKESHORE GARDENS, D� - ATTRACTIVE 1 br near Del $110 mo. bills pd 991.0211. only $15,700 conventional ar as- Mar, blue shag cpt. 5129.50, bills sume, 2 br, stucco, fenced, nice ANNAVILLE2secluded lots for pd. fA11936, q�r.13 9 FURNISHED TOWNHOUSES. garden & fruit trees, water ac- rent, forced, all Utilities. 241• 1$215 per month. All conven- cbss, nights & Sundays, 1347- 7566, 2414794. fences. Phone 991.1974. 58M RUTH DEARINGREAL- bi TOWN &Country 14x70 on BELAIRE ' GARAGE EFFICIENCY, In TORS, 851-3253. o- i APARTMENTS nice neighborhood, all bills paid, bile home 1912, unfurnished. APARTMENTS or unfurn, water, $90. Call 991.3540or 3543217. For more information 1.547- gas & garbage pd. quiet PERNITAS POINT, 1'h story 5225. neighborhood Walking HANDY TO NAS or Gulfway, home located on 618' of water- distance to shopping Shopping Center. Large 2 front 4 car det. garage 448 COUNTRY SQUIRE 1971,1246 center No Pets, 580• bdrms, good closets, washer acres in fenced yard, 300' light- 2 br, 1 ba unfurn, with appli- $145. cons, roomy yard. 991-W. ed pier, lots of trees & many antes, tie downs & porch. 1422 Devon 853 -0131 extras 1.547.3753. 54,503.241405 1 IF YOU are looking for some - FOR RENT, mobile home lots, BEST VALUE In tam, From thing different in apartments, or PtR dew an POINT most beau• city utilities, restrictions, $55 a 145. Phone: 9914497. have lust been transferred here tiful vlewonthelake. Furnished month & need a place to stay, Mm and central heat and air. Only BILLS PAID. Carolyn Woods 1 PUENTE VISTA on Padre Is- S12SM 853.1033 547 -3763 I bdrm opts A /C, carpet, frost• land is for you. Furnished 2 & 3 SWINNEY SWITCH 11 acres FRIEDRICH Model HSM 301 free refrig, 6170. aS&1494 bedrooms, on water with dock mobile home 34000 blu package sauna, steam room, party with 140 ft waterfront Forced, air conditioning unit. $395. cost BILLS PAID Joyce Manor it 1 room, swimming pool garage coastal burmeda & Irrigation new 5687.75. Reconditioned, bdr, opts. air, carpet, walk-in country club near by, dally, tank. 1. 547 -5027. tested, & guarnteed. Call Mrs. closets, $160. &541494. weekly 8 attractive monthly TWO ADJOINING water front tiouts, 854.3791 or 03 -3927. BILLS PAID, Near Globe, rates. Call Puente Vista Rent- lots, 75'x150' each. Call 1.547• GRANDWESTERN, 1970, clean 1 bedroom apt, $100 ono. als, 93341375 or 9338500. _ 3735 after 5 pm. 14'x65, 3 bdrm, 2 baths, unfurn, 854.1494. - WATERFRONT 2 br 1 ba, den, 55•x• 643-2661• BILLS PD, S2D wk. Atfracilve, I LARGE, NICE I bedroom, brick, 2 fishing piers, all carpet• .lean 1 br, 411 Waco. 882.7848, I go aocatiom ssl IO, u�tlliteptl ect CH &A, bulk headed, dbi LOW INSURANCE rafts & 83 -1936. 'Pat water, gas paid. Apply at gar, only 534000 nights & Sun• complete financing service, BLUE SHAG; redec lge EfBc,6 24%Nernec days 1- 547.5308 RUTH DEAR- GULFGATE MOBILE ING REALTORS, 8543253. HOMES. 5858 Leopard, 838• Pis, S119M, bills pd. 81111936, , MEMORIAL HOSPITAL area, 4040. 11551375• attractive cpt'd 1 Or $749.50,; T� }is n LUXURIOUS COUNTRY 11, BRIARCROFT APART. bills pd. 883- 1936,85.78474. JIJI Ing. 14x70 Taurite Mobile Home. MENTS - Reasonable rates, NEAR DEL MAR, 1 bdm4 I 2 bdrm, bar, bay window, 8 ft attractive efficiencies and 2. 3259. apt. bills pd. 8511326, 853 beamed bar, ba air cord, tie 3"ract furnishedncies and 2 3259 dowry, blocks & steps. 5800 eq- 1325 Rodd FI¢Itl Dr. ulty, assume 6121 mo. 11592 -1420 NEAR GLOBE, 1 bdr, air cord ' A GOOD Investmenn of 40 car- Nites• 1/5953432 days CANTA MAR apt. $115, bills paid, 8541494. ner acres lust outside TAFT APARTMENTS NEAR SAXET Shopping C,L. $1500 per acre. Terms. "ON THE BAY" ter, large 1 beds shed. CASS REAL ESTATE, 643- MOBILE HOME spaces for No Lease, No Pets, As- all bills 2662 rent' 545 � spa paid, child welcome. gas /wit pd. Con• signed Covered Park - $31.75 weekly, 8824313. crate petls. 8519777, 8547367. Ing. Lighted fishing NEAR SPOHN, 1111 3rd St 1% A GOOD Investment of 40 cor- MOBILE HOME lot & trailer, Pier. Furnished or Un- bdr nor acres just outside Taft C.L. furnished. m, all bills pd. 5115 ono. After. $1500 per acre. Terms CASS 6004, a/4 ch, landscaped cor- 4222 Ocean or 5,884-4354 1 REAL ESTATE, 603 -2662 ner lot, porch, shed, 04.9097. 853.0871 OAKCREST 197311x70'3 bdrm, NEAR SPOHN 13206th St, new- PORT-1 NG PASS--ROCK- a m. 2 11/2 bath, ch /a, unfurnished. E C.C. BEACH 3210 Seagull, at- ly redecorated 2 br, $160 per mo PORT - rchett s, l ar a Oak uity & assume loan Mathis 507• tractive l br S3250 wk1 bills plus dep, water pd. 9914666 882- acre rOwnefin large oak Y Pd- 5602 trees. Owner financed, 8 %.rafter 3.30. 8&11936,855 -1315 Nothing down, n closing cats.'SMALL DOWN pymnt 2 bdrm CHANDLER APTS, Beautiful NO VACANCIES, Application Partially cleared. Calf UNA •mobile home; also lot S30 near rm apt, all bills pd except lights, only, Furnished & unfurnished. KENNEDY 758 -3431, C.W. Cuddihy. 85135% 5180.888.7668,383.134! TOM GRAHAM GARDENS Marshall 7%3221. - 1041 Dabney. 855.1552 BROOKS CO. 25 acre tracts. CH &A, fenced, carpet, drapes PARKSIDE APTS. XI Wk So. Lrg live Oak Trees, 29%dwn. 21 5155+e1M.CaIvin Patrick Real Stonewall Bank. Tuloso Schools. ml SW FaRurrias. (Mills Ben• TOWN ton,Referral Fee, 8553313. •1 -2 hdrms. 241- 27[18,241.1303 nett OWNER 11 COUNTRY ' Mc OWNER 11.6 acres on' Mobile homes McKenzie Rd 3'. miles N, ol Now on Display E LOOKING FOR AN ApA3TNENTi Hear m. $1es3D. Call 24!•74 %. Come by today... I ew11864 -4708 r see our beautiful ent cgU111.1TMNSp01(TAT10N j # CALALLEN homes. Live in style! ,,,'For DISTRICT GATEWAY ers YwTMIsv3133Yk For sale by owners, MOBILE Ow ServIR If RtM large lots overlooking HOMES 4 R5N Fi[-[e Commiwbn ' r 3 Nueces River. Streets, I 1545 N. Lexington s curbs, sidewalks, city 8813823 - water • & gas. No city E L- 8B4.4889/$Sq -7681 6.taxes. Call Betty Ham. WESTCHERSTER 197514x843 s llton, 387.2555 or John •br, 2 bath, s200 assumption 211-- a■ `me�� a $ 'Davis, 883.5781. 1167 wk /ends, aft 1 wk /days. w ` f►ee WINDOWS,DOORS, roof coat• cators ee►VECe FINER ACREAGE Perfect Ing, parts for Mobile Homes, s777777ddddddcc ccccatlonforshopping mall MM Murray's5635 Leopard 834.1655. . ALAMEDA -the Village nacres, 1146.15 feet on Staples. nsm Tex o miss$ 1 $Zsy area. Broker -COOp wel• o /come. Busy area. Bette Gross- en rites 8551393. BERNEY KINGSVILLE MALL ALCOREALTORS853.OIB1, I _ ICOUNTRY CLUB Estates area I -- OPEN APPROX. NOVEMBER 18 x pecialists, Home sites, Duplex- „ rOs & apartment sites, etc. Call I - _ 110' .000 Sq Ft of Modern Roy Caldwell, 000. - -�. 991.1 � '� Air Conditioned Mall FUTURE SUBDIVISION. MS Membe;;,` Retail S aC acres with 125 acres In City) �8L MobW Home P e Now For Lease Limits of Aransas Pass. 5!400 M.1051 ft H 400 sq ft to 1 per ac. CASS REAL ESTATE, 6412662. I euHOnto U8.40 HOmaa Call: GERALD OLSEN eae•,ao GREAT INVESTMENT, 9.3 eato"" Ennerpdaas 1- 512 -592 -6351 or 592.5281 ext 303 acres, off Airline, RAY ALVA -f 883 -3023 For mom MNOrmal'lon RIEZ REALTOR, 984.5862. 4 t - 1112131��s ' t; ` PUBLISHER'S AFFID OCg�6 RECEIVED. - STATE OF TEXAS, �ss: N of -[HEE TARY "= _ • - - County of Nueces. SECRE Before me, the undersigned,.a Notary Public, this gqn ( ape.. ...;. ....................... .. .1. Rowena C,__.Vela guez ... ................ who being first duly sworn, according 4o law, says that he is the Aaaounhing ........................... ..... .......................... of the Corpus Christi Caller and The Corpus Christi Times, Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication of Legals .,•.•,AN- _ORDIAGRANTING TO BLUEBONNET A. FRANCHISE... NNCE•_ T of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in ............................ Caller•.. Time- s--- _---- - - - -.: on the. -4-.• . day of. .............19.. -76, =&0MMMMdCX ........................ A= 8HfkM"hM ..................... _. ' acmxegoidxec..-.--..._ ............................................. ............ .................... Times. .. ............. ..................:. -.. -.... _ ...... _... Rowena Vela q e Accounting F Subscribed and sworn to before me this - .....6 .. .. ..........day of......... -0 to ar.......................... 19. ... 7- Iz -•• -. Eugenia S. Cortez 3 V 2,34 Not ublic, ueces Count Texas ` PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF TEXAS, County of Nueces. 1 Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day persona:., - Rowena•, G-„_ yeLasquez_•.,,_ ............ ...„ who being first duly sworn, according to h p sa6 t li: is the . Accaunting ................................ ............................ of the Corpus Christi Caller and The Corpus Christi Times, Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication of �► Is a[s.. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO BIJJEBONNET TRANSPORTATION CO. A FRANCHI- of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in Oa[Ler, _ Times•....................................... ^ -• on the .5.1 - -. day of...... August ...................19.111, and .......XtW M Mf4W ............................ s ..---...... ? . ...... ...........Times. � $ ,_52[:..4.Q ................... . . ................................ ...... •------ -......................- -- - .... , +r Rowena Velasque Accounting l' Subscribed and sworn to before me this ....... -2 ............ day of..... Seg- ember .................. ...... 19......7.. (a... irk . Eugenia S. Cortez, - „ „- ..... .......................... .. tary Public Nueces County, Texas 01 aG' �1�! IONAN -CHISE HE PUBLIC `STA7e�ix ALLEYS AND 'PUBLfe; THOROUGF- FARES OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, AND PAR- TICULARLY IN THE FLOUR BCOFF AREA, FOR THE PURPOSE or FOR TARrCABS; PROVIDING FOk A CHARGE OE TWO PERCENT (2%) OF.GkOSS RECEIPTS PAYABLE ON OR BEFORE THE 10TH DAY OF EACH CALENDAR MONTH FOR THE AMOUNT DUE FROM THE GROSS RECEIPTS FOR THE PRE - CLaUING.CALENDAR MONTH; REQUIRING THE EIEING OF A STATEMENT Of! RECEIPTS WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS FOLLOWING THE - ENO"OF EACH CALENDAR MONTH; PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC LIABILITY SECUR- ITY; PROVIDING FOR PROPER SUPERVISION; PROVIDING FOR DATE WHEN THIS GRANT SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE UPON ACCEPTANCE IN WRITING ""'GRANTEE WITHIN (30) DAYS. BE IT ORDAINED �Y THE CITYCOUNCIL OF TIDE CITY QF_ CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: .r;=SECTiON 1. The right and WI)eges Is hereby granted to aUonnet Transportation xbrnpany, hereinafter called Gremee, fora period of five (5) ymrsfrom the —__ °, tooPeratilatax- �ira6 oror taxicabs, es same are thereinafter defined, along and rover the Wbl(c streets, alleys mntl.it)orougMares of the City of Corpus Christi, and particularly 1the Flour Bluff area, under nd subject to the terms and re- 'arldtloh herein set out. _ "-SECTION L -*"- - i (a) During ibe operation of 'said taxicab or taxicabs aver mnC upon the public streets, aI- teys and thoroughlares-of the 'City, of Corpus Christf, under the terms of this franchise, and for ,t he period M this franchise, the Owpe� fhereef shelf pay to the ,Qity of Corpus Christi, Texas, at the office of the Supervisor of Collections, in lawful money of -fhp United States, tym Percept. .(2%) of the gross mmsurehby the total fares coflePteddani oth- ey,incorne, including adverlis- 1ng receipts derived from the Q�lerafI?n W Y the taxicab rvlce, orsych rate as may be pr'ovybd •1 edy requlartory ordinance reegulating to operation of tax- whichever may be the griafer. 'e(ro) -Say payrnems shall be made In lawful money of the United States, at the offjceof the $bj grvisdr of Collections of the 'City bf Corpus Christl, Texas, �pd-sbld remittance shall be 'made monthly on or before the '10th day of each calendar 'fronth based upon the Q=s r� 4 +•fU.,lt. l5 urstaorl,�ahs at ;Payment of the fde rndrifes here In provided shall not be consltl• :Wr",so as to affect or prevent ?lrY,fbrfelI of- Permits . ilatuser Or oherwise, as is now, o)"-Y In the future be provyed I. by City ordinance, the oo d �6'eri;<ation herein Provided for ellbe In Ifeu of any other fees arct.ELn :____ ng the Iffe hereor, excenect our - i4edf of conflict tehghen ,urge shall be pay, but in no Yen, shall ihe-Grantee lid 'I' used from the payment of I valorem taxes levied any SECTION 3 It shall be the m' of the Grantee to file µgin rector of Finance at the ii'of Corpus Christi a swoon ifemmt showing all receipts kQd Grantee, which said ven- d, statement shall be flied kin ten (10) days following end of each month. The Infee shall Install and keep adequate system of book - >Iqg to be appmved by, the 11 of Finance of to City; 'h books shall be subject to SECTION 6. The Grantee ;shell comply wdh all traffic I nfO�ce In fhh ordinances now_ I _hrfstf, and the e, City Corpus r If Texas now In fort fhe State r bmp1Y With such �i and Shalt I Ind State laws which ere may be enactedhe Grantee shall never permit the ucesedd In vio atiton a e rider to be statutes state or yzrirnfnal the Grantee Federal, but able su tall keep reason. opera PervfSion over to cabs P seled hereunder for. the pro- preventing snob be'ng ^led in Vipytfon nr cabs 're.-I comply with the spirit of this Section shall be cause for for- feiture of the franchise SECTION 7. Grantee must carry such public liability is- •aherity as B is 'vlde _y LofiriTdl nce. eforPtis dhSe ' shall become effective, the GFaTee ihalffdrdish to the City of Corpus Christi a good and sufficient assurance in writing that such automobile whl be op- erated with the care and cau- tion for the public safely. Such assurance shall consist of a good and sufficient policy of In- surance, bond, or cash bond as now provided by the existing taxicab ordinance; and should the City Council fry ordinance, require a different type of bond or insurance, or insurance, or require that all taxicab com- panles carry a policy ot, insur- ance, or increase the face amount of such bored or Insur- ance, then the Grantee shall have thirty (30) days from the date of the passage of such oridinance in' which to comply with the terms thereof. By ac• ceplance of ihls franchise the Grantee agrees to comply with all the provisions of this fran- chise. SECTION 8. At the termination of the five (5) year period here - mbefore set out, this grant shall terminate and be of Ito further force and effect. SECTION 9. Any infraction of the terms of this franchise or any ordinance of the City of Cor- pus Christi regulating the busi. ness of operating texlcabs or the operation of said vehicles used in such business shall be deemed a forfeiture of this fran- chise irrespective of any notice or action by the City Council; provided, however, upon the City's %lying notice to Grantee that it considers the franchise to be forfeited, setting forth goner. ally the reasons thereof, Grant- ee shall have tan (10) days with- in which to correct or remedy such default or defaults and to appeal to the City Council to waive such default or defauhs and reinstate Grantee's fran• chile after which the Grantee must cease to be business If not reinstated by the Council. SECTION Id. The grantee shall own all vehicles operated by him in said business and that said Grantee shall hold legal title to Bald vehicirs In hisliame, and upon demand therefor shall exhibit certificates of title of alt vehicles to any authorized rep resentative of the City of Corpus Christi SECTION 11. The Grantee shall report and pay when due and before becoming dellquent, any charges, rentals, street rental fees or obligations, con- tractual or otherwise, which the City may now be subsequently be authorized by the Legislature of the State of Texas to Irppose and collect or which are now, or may be Imposed by any valid ordinance duly 'and legally enacted by to City of Council of — rely M r,vniw rhri<n Q one at therru shall opera etas a ravaratlon d this franchise and all permits and licenses Issued thereunder: SECTION 12 That the Grant- ee shad render, In acoordance with Me provisions of ih Christi ter of Ilse., of Corpus and the State laws govemin9 the rerxlI, on of property, and pay to the City before same shall become delinquent all ad, valorem taxes against Property hicle and all per in th texx,cab busiconMSOandGailure to used discharge these nbllgatiors, a am one of tlleme"serarkhttse- asat'evacatton and all permits am Ikemes is- sued thereunder. SECTION 13. The Grantee, hereunder may charge such, rales as are now, or may, in the fu,ure,..he Set, by ornance, passed by the city CauTnci� I SECTION 16. If any parr of this ordinance shall roe beherFbl valid, no valid pa shall be affected thereby. SECTION 15. Thisyorr non shill be ��,"'{ a&epta— s My-+ysid. n IM ta1t756nn Car1p1?'ty wlt�sin -thif1Y (3g7(sdYia(Ierfl{MTnifTR6§3Ya therkt pndX6MyiinPll &ifcebY I fire G?�dt�e`KSIlK'tt6e�•t�}r1s.t hereof as o public liability se- curity, condition of cabs, pay meet of rentals, ang with Me terms of the existing Taxicab Ordinance. If this grant h rot accepted within the time pre - sclrbed, then the Grantee shall no anger have the right to oper- ate a taxicab a taxicabs within the City of Corpus Christi. SECTION 16. "Grantee" as herein used shall be comtrued as singular or plural, aarording o wMlhaGIn. +o4.thanuney Per at the particular time may bethe -no of thisg2nt, SECTION 17. This franchise, and Me permit's held by the Grantee in collrlection with sold franchise, may be sold, trans- ferred and inherited; provided however, that any sale a trans- few shall be first presented In writing 1a ih, Cily CW ski, fa Ifs approve' and Me City CWncil may disapprove suU proposed sale or transfer if not In good faith or Mat the Proposed tor. Chaser or transferee Is not ca• 'able of contxluing the oper- ation under such franchise, H such a manner a510 render he services demanded In the best Interest of the public; the City Council in approving or If S, approving any such. sale a I of this franchise, and the permits owned in connection therewith, mayhekelntoconsid- erallen'all of ,Ma requlramems and quaiipcaliogs,of a regular apbllcaller aIM apply same as necessary qualgications of any proposed purchase or transfer- ee. SECTION 18. The franchise moat be and s 'not intended to be an exclusive franchise, , , driven that meet ttie require ments of the present taxicab or- dinance, or that meet such re- quirements as may be required by ordinance, and any failure on the part of any Taxicab com- pany to do so shalLbe grounds upon which this franchise may be terminated. Each operator of any motor vehicle operated un- der the terms of this franchise shall comply with all of the ordi. nances of the City of Corpus Christi, and the laws of the State of Texas, row provided and as may hereafter be provided, regulating chauffeurs and driv ers of taxicabs and =for ve- hicles for hire. SECTION 20, The City CWn- al shall have the right to modify or change or amend or add to this ordinance in order to make the provisions hereof more completely meet the taxicab sit. uation in Corpus Christy includ- .1 Ito. right of.lhe.Co,..,.11 nyl o charge thii gross recelpis`i`az Payable under Section 2 of this ordinance, or do whatever is necessary to better protect the publ1, or H the CWroll deems It desirable to Incorporate -all pro- visions of City law governing the taxicab business In this fran. chise rather than have a sepa- rate ordinance. The above and foregoing franchise granted on third and final reading of Ordinance No— on City Secretary i APPROVED AS TO LEGAL f FORM THIS THE _ DAY OF August, 1976: J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By Assistant City Attorney The foregoing franchise this day delivered to me Is hereby accepted and agreed to by the Grantee. Dated this the _ day of — 1976. BLUEBONNET TRANSPOR- TATION COMPANY By L.H. Warnecke, President ATTEST: p That tt a foregoing ordinance was rtad for the first lime and casse0 to ih second reading on MIS Me TiM day of August, 1916 by the following vote: Jason Lby Absent Dr. Bill Tipton ; Aye Eduardode ASes Aye Ruth Gill Aye Bob Gulley Aye Gabe Lozano, Sr. Ay: Edward L. Sample Aye Teat the foregoing ordinance was read for Me Word time and passed to Its Mlyd reading on th ib hMe e1sft oidlay of Soim: b, 1974 own Jason L% Aye Dr. B,,, Tipren I Aye Eduerdc de ASes Aye Ruth Gill -Aye Bob Gulley - Aye Gabe LOZaro, Sr, Ay a Ed'v L. Sample Absent That Me forgoing ordinance was read for Me third time and passed finally on this the 29 day of September, 1976, by the fol -, lowing vote: Jason Luby Aye. Dr, Bill Tipton Aye Edw Aye Bob Gorky; +�''rT, CYA'Aye''• Gbba____zu%� --.. Aye •E' IVIy,5ap7�74,.m3�- dye PASSED ,ANb " "A ?zWS�EDr:' M7igMe.39aria�,'p f�;" ATTEST, Bill G. Read Cith Secretary Jason Luby THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS ,APPROVED: $ DAY OF August, 1976: Michael L. May City Attorney