HomeMy WebLinkAbout13461 ORD - 11/03/1976jkh:1O- 20 -76; 1st I I i I AN ORDINANCE I AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPROVE AN ASSIGNMENT OF THE AIRPORT LIMOUSINE FRANCHISE BY BOB G. WELCH AND RUBY WELCH dba AIRPORT LIMOUSINE SERVICE TO AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION OF CORPUS CHRISTI, INC., A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "A ". WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 13130, passed and approved by the City Council on April 14, 1976, authorization was given for a five -year airport limousine franchise by Bob G. Welch and Ruby Welch dba Airport Limousine Service; and i WHEREAS, the said grantees desire to assign the airport limousine franchise, and the City Council of the City of Corpus Christi is agreeable to said assignment: I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized 4 to approve an assignment of the airport limousine franchise previously granted to Bob G. Welch and Ruby Welch dba Airport Limousine Service by the City Council on April 14, 1976 for a term of five years, commencing on June 15, 1976 and ending June 14, 1981, said assignment to be granted to Airport Transportation of Corpus Christi,'Inc., all as more fully set forth in the assignment, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto and made I a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ". I I i I I "MICROFILMED JUN 3,0 1980 18801 ir i ASSIGNMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES WHEREAS, Bob G. Welch and Ruby Welch dba Airport Limousine Service are presently grantees of a five -year airport limousine franchise granted by the City of Corpus Christi on April 14, 1976, by authority of Ordinance No. 13130; and WHEREAS, by the terms of the agreement authorized by the aforesaid Ordinance No. 13130, in order for assignment of the franchise to be effected, authorization by the City Council would be necessary; and WHEREAS, the grantees hereinabove named desire to assign the airport limousine franchise, and the City Council is agreeable to said assignment: NOW, THEREFORE, Grantees (hereinafter also called "Assignor ") agree to assign the airport limousine franchise, and this assignment shall be for the unexpired portion of the above mentioned franchise, terminating June 14, 1981, with the Assignee, Airport Transportation of Corpus Christi, Inc., to be bound by the terms and conditions of the said airport limousine franchise granted by Ordinance No. 13130, passed and approved by the City Council on April 14, 1976, a substantial copy of which franchise agreement is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A ", and made a part hereof by reference. EXECUTED in triplicate, each of which shall be considered as an original, this the day of October, 1976. AIRPORT LIMOUSINE SERVICE Bob G. Welch Ruby Welch ASSIGNOR - GRANTEE AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION OF CORPUS CHRISTI, INC. ATTEST: By Secretary ASSIGNEE President f APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI By City Secretary R. MARVIN TOWNSEND City Manager APPROVED: DAY OF OCTOBER, 1976: J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By Assistant City Attorney •h:3 -8 -76; lst' CONTRACT FOR LIMOUSINE SERVICE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES 1'THIS AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT made and entered into this the t`Y_ day of by and between the CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, J ' a municipal corporation, acting herein by and through its duly authorized City Manager, hereinafter called "City ", and Bob G. Welch and Ruby Welch dba Airport Limousine Service hereinafter called "Grantee ", WITNESSETH: Grantee is hereby granted the right and privilege of conducting and operating _a Limousine Transportation Service to and from the Corpus Christi International-Airport and other points in and about the City under the terms and conditions and for the consideration hereinafter set forth: I Grantee is to operate motor vehicles for hire as same are herein- after defined and as hereinafter set forth for a period of five (5) years, commencing June 15, 1976, and ending June 14, 1981 II The operation of the aforementioned Limousine Service is restricted to the carrying of passengers between and to and from the International Airport of Corpus Christi and the following zones: "ZONE I - All of the area of the City bounded on the north by the centerline of the Navigation District Ship Channel extending from a western boundary to be known as Corn Products Road and FM Road 763, to the centerline of the Harbor Bridge and continuing on along the western edge of the north traffic lane of U.S. Highway 181 to the shore of Nueces Bay; and bounded on the south by a line beginning at the shore of Corpus Christi Bay where Morgan Street extended would meet the shoreline of Corpus Christi Bay, and continuing westward along the centerline of Morgan Street and Old Brownsville Road to the City Limits - $3.00; ZONE 2 EAST - All of that area of the City lying North of Navigation District Ship Channel and West of the Western edge of the Northbound traffic lane of U. S. Highway 181 extending Northward from the centerline of said Navigation District Ship Channel to the edge of Nueces Bay; and including all that area south of the south line of Zone 1 and lying North and West of Doddridge Street and Weber Road within the City Limits - $3.50; ZONE 2 WEST - All the area lying West of the FM Road 763 - Corn Products Road and East of Violet Road - $3.50; ZONE 3 EAST - All of the area within the City of Corpus Christi lying South and East of Doddridge Street and Weber Road and West of Oso Creek - $4.50; ZONE 3 WEST - All of the area lying between Violet Road and the West City Limits of Corpus Christi - $4.50; ZONE 4 - Texas A & I Corpus Christi Island - $6.00; ZONE 5 - All the area lying South of Oso Creek to the southern limits of the City, which in general includes Flour Bluff and the Naval Air Station - $7.50 with a maximum of $15.00 per trip to or from the Naval Air Station. Grantee may limit his pick -up on the Naval Air Station to one point." Any fare change cannot be made without the prior approval of the City of Corpus Christi, and any request for such change must be based upon new cost factors and not factors that existed at the time of execution of this contract. Fares to and from points outside of the City to and from the Airport will pay the Franchise Fee based on the fare charged in Zone 1. III As compensation, Grantee shall pay unto the City - - - - - 5% of the gross revenue from the operation of vehicles under this contract and franchise except that gross revenue derived from the transportation of baggage, on which the Grantee shall pay - - - - - 2%, said amount to be payable not later than ten (10) days following the close of each month, at which time of -9- payment a certified monthly revenue statement shall be submitted, and said Grantee shall keep a true and accurate set of books showing the number of passengers carried and the receipts therefrom, which records shall be accessible to the City at all reasonable times, and said City shall have the right to audit said records periodically. The payments herein provided shall be made at the office of the Airport Manager of the Corpus Christi International Airport. IV A motor vehicle for hire, as used in this contract, shall mean every automobile or motor - propelled vehicle used for the transportation for hire over the public streets and public thoroughfares of the City of Corpus Christi for the purpose of hauling and transporting fare - paying passengers and employees -of the various airlines to and from the International Airport of the City of Corpus Christi and elsewhere as specified herein. Grantee agrees to furnish passenger limousines or other suitable passenger vehicles of the standard of quality specified by the Airport Advisory Board and the Airport Manager, or such other suitable motor vehicles as may be first approved by the Airport Manager, Airport Advisory Board and the City Council; further providing that said vehicles shall be kept and maintained in a good condition, clean and neat both inside and out, and free from known mechanical defects.. Each vehicle regularly used as an airport limousine shall be identified by lettering of decalcomania on each front door panel reading "Airport Limousine." Letters shall be one inch (1 ") minimum height. Each limousine shall carry an equipment number. The Airport Manager shall be permitted to inspect the vehicles at all reasonable times and places to insure the proper quality and appearance of the vehicles. Each vehicle must, as long as it is in service, be regularly inspected and operated at all times under and with the approval of the Taxicab Inspector. V The maximum charge to be made by Grantee for the transportation of passengers for hire over the public streets and public thoroughfares of the City of Corpus Christi shall be the sums set out in Paragraph II above. VI Motor vehicles operated under the terms of this contract shall be modern, safe and of adequate construction, air - conditioned to meet maximum passenger loads and peak temperature and humidity conditions, subject to the approval of the Airport Advisory Board and the Airport Manager, and shall comply with all ordinances and laws regulating the use and operation of motor vehicles in the City of Corpus Christi and the State of Texas. VII Each operator of any motor vehicle operated under the terms of this contract shall comply with all of the ordinances of the City of Corpus Christi and the laws of the State of Texas as pre- existing and as may hereinafter be enacted regulating chauffeurs and drivers of public conveyances for hire. Each driver shall hold a valid Taxi Chauffeur's License, and each of said drivers shal•I wear a uniform of suitable design and shall be required .to be neat and presentable while operating motor vehicle of the Grantee herein. VIII Grantee further agrees to comply with all traffic regulations and ordinances now in force in the City of Corpus Christi or'which may be here- inafter passed and enforced, insofar as the same are applicable. IX Grantee agrees to carry public liability and property damage insurance upon any and all motor vehicles operated, and space used inside the Terminal Building under the terms of this contract as follows: 1. Bodily Injury, $10,000 per person, $20,000 per accident; Property Damage, $5,000 per accident; or 2. $20,000 in cash or securities; or Such certificate of insurance coverage shall be filed with the City Secretary and is subject to the approval of the City Airport Manager. X Grantee agrees to provide and maintain modern,efficient service during the life of this contract at rates not exceeding the maximum charge fixed herein or such maximum charge as may be subsequently set, and a failure to provide and maintain such efficient service, shall be grounds for for- feiture of the right of the franchise herein granted, all as is provided in -4- Paragraph XI hereof. Efficient service is defined as service that will meet every plane, and make delivery of every person who calls with reason- able advance notice and will provide sufficient cars to accomplish such service. As part of such service Grantee will have a dispatcher on duty, to answer the business telephone from one and one -half hours prior to departure of the first flight until at least one -half hour after the last flight departs. Upon termination of the five -year period herein provided, this contract shall terminate and be of no further force and effect. XI In any and all questions involving terminaticn of the contract prior to maturity date, Grantee shall first have notice in writing of the grounds of claimed breach, and then have a five -day period in v.hich to correct such alleged breach or deficiency, and then and only then may the City give an additional five (5) days notice in writing of a City Council hearing to determine the question as to whether or not said Grantee has giver grounds for forfeiture or termination of contract; provided, however, should the Grantee fail without cause for as long as forty -eight (48) hours to furnish service to airport passengers, then City may, without notice, immediately suspend this contract and replace with other airport limousine service, pending the hearing above mentioned. XII This contract shall inure to the benefit of Grantee, his heirs, successors and assigns; provided, however, no assignment of this contract shall become effective unless and until said assignment is and has been ap- proved by the City Council of the City of Corpus Christi in writing. This contract shall take effect and be binding upon and from and after the date of its execution and the compliance with the procedural requirements for the granting of franchises provided in the City Charter, including the enactment of the necessary formal resolutions and /or ordinances by the City Council. XIII The City shall provide for Grantee's Limousine Service at the Corpus Christi International Airport suitable and adequate parking spaces for the parking of four (4) vehicles, unless it is determined by the City and Grantee, acting through their respective duly authorized agents, that such number of parking spaces is either not adequate or is more than adequate, in which event adjustment will be made. City will further furnish Grantee 1619 space in the interior of the Corpus Christi International Airport Terminal so that Grantee's employees shall have a place from which to conduct opera- tions inside the Terminal Building and to render efficient service. Such interior space shall contain a floor area of at least forty (40) square feet and be designated by the Airport Manager. Grantee shall post signs or placards in conspicuous and convenient places announcing the availability of limousine service, and the location of motor vehicles and method of reaching same. Providing further that only such signs designating the avail- ability of airport limousine service or the parking place of the motor vehicles used in such service shall be erected after the approval as to size, quality, color and location by the Airport Manager of the City. City will provide for a convenient and expeditious route to be followed by ingoing and outgoing passengers who desire to use limousine service. The City will reserve adequate parking spaces for "Airport Limousines" within the area immediately adjacent to the Terminal Building at the Corpus Christi International Airport, designed for limousine loading and unloading. City shall further give Grantee's limousine service protection from encroach- ment upon this franchise by taxicabs, livery conveyances, public conveyances, private conveyances, and City shall make such rules as are in.the benefit of the public generally, including keeping taxicabs at a sufficient distance from the operation of the limousine service so that such taxicabs will not interfere with the operation of the Grantee's Limousine Service. The City will further act when necessary to protect Grantee from interference which would detract from performance under this contract. No signs, other than as aforesaid, shall be carried on any motor vehicle used in said service except with the approval of the Airport Manager, and such approval shall include the right to limit the size, quality, color and location on the vehicle of any and all such signs. No use shall be made of any of the International Airport property or any structures thereon by Grantee's employees other than as herein specifically provided. XIv Grantee agrees that he will pay all City taxes properly levied and assessed against said limousine service in addition to the percentage of the gross revenue from the operation of vehicles under this contract and franchise. EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE, each of which shall be considered as an original, this the 111;-,day of Idly /—,, , 1976. ;4 ATTEST: CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI �-� ,- P City Secretary AP VED: DAY OF 1976: City Attor ey By �_.L%l _.ly- 11 � R.R. Merin TTownsen City Manager 13130.....AUIHORIZEL BY C0UI4C1L__iY _).Z: M SECRETARY AIRPORT LIMOUSINE SERVICE A72� Bob G. Welch Ruby Welc THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE AS READ F E IRST TIME A D PASSED TO ITS SECOND READING ON THIS THE ff DAY OF FOLLOWING VOTE: IF 19 BY THE JASON LUBY . DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES 1 RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANC WAS READ F T E SECOND TIME A PASSED. TO ITS THIRD READING ON THIS THE�DAY OF '� 19 7,Z BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: , JASON LU8Y awv DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY Ali GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINA WAS REAP FOR THE FINALLY ON THIS THE_Okd T IRD TIME AND PASSED DAY OF 197" BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL 808 GULLEY • GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE PASSED AND APPROVED, THIS THE 'J/r� DAY OF 197(A ATTEST: ITY SECRETARY APPRWED: y / DAY OF i 9/�b AQ CITY ATTORNEY A-�' (0)"a 94--l-I Ir0 Pro•Tem THE _ CITY OF CORPIS CHRISTI, TEXAS air: L?*i� � � .`. 3 a'- - •^ J «r��s4�. � J� iy~ . .. �s., :�YT4 ?,�.. ?'.t'ry` -'. H£,,. r.� . ,. t i ��• at$ e` - • - '" - ,' `_ y.. ^a.: :- i•.z F ~ ' Y fit. .. `. October 21,- 1976« Vt t+ '` Mr'. Andy Schoepf - Classified'Madager = - Caller —Times Publishing Co. P. 0, "tox'9136 y; Corpus Christi, Texas. `4`i':` ,_ -r •r .:�Dear.,Mr: Schoepf Enclosed is of an Ordinance -which passed. an first a copy .by -the City- Council Octobei 26 .197.6,:authotizin& a`reassipnment,.• - of•thc�Airport Umbustrie Franchise agreement with,Taob,G. k1el0i and - Ruby Welch dba'Airport Limousine Service; to Airport T ;anspdrtation _ of Carpus Christi, inc. Please publish this ordinance in'its entirety om the:'following dates:' ' Eirst p4blicatioR,'0 ober 25,`1976 Second "publication; Iovember 1„ ;19.76' and Thud publication: November 1§76 following its third - and 'final :reading.' i ± This. office will call the votes of the ,Council following, each reading, Very truly yours,' *' Bill 0, $ead ... ; City.Sectetar -y Enc.. y .• •• r +' 4 . ti( +F4.' ... .ice= • _�; • "� � - , ._ _�5 �X'y , - 4 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT _STATE OF TEXAS, lss: County of Nueces. 1 f 1 " • K• d Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally came .... ........................ ....... Rowena C. Velasquez .......................................................... who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that he is the Accounting ...••,••_••_••._••_•,______ -_•. of the Corpus Christi Caller and The Corpus Christi Times, . ................. - Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication of Iegals... AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MAN... AIRPORT 11MOUSINE FRAN - ........................•------- ...................................................................................................................... - ...._.._•--•— CHISE BY BOB. G. WEIGH AND RUBY WEIGH..-. of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in Caller -Times �. ..................................... tz::j ....................... _.— . on the.?.`..---. day of .:....Ootober .. ............... 1976..., mnkxnmK4AnlxYY................... efbez"sx ......................... c7Si4#. ..............•--•---••- ---•------- =-----•............. g10111713I© . - - - -- ---( .....................Times. '0 $ �g O ....- .[02:30 <I Np�1 ,�� ..... ............ --•- - --- - •-•.... ......................-•nti'n'g - `r� Gc(� �� � �o� na C, V asque Accounting Subscribed and sworn to oi�`i`n fd c........ ...day of, —.N-Q vets? i .?ex . .......................... 19--- -7.6--.... Euge PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF TEXAS, lss: County of Nueces. J Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally came ... ............................... _Rowena C:•_Ve[asc�uez , who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that he is the ............................................................ of the Corpus Christi Caller and The Corpus Christi Times, Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication of Iegals.. -AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER... 11MOUSINE FRANCHISE.. . .............................._.......--------............---.....------•----•------....._....•- BY -- B•• - E •R B'Y' - WE- IC'A••DS"A.... . of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in ............................................ Ca[[er =- Times••••.••.••.._. _•• o9'the--- - - day of. ..- .Ngmgmber, ........... 19 --- 76 and ewxzcuaah.NR.y.A........... Awffaf41ci ...................._.... claHseul ixK ......................... ........................... . ... - --------- - ----- --------------Times. r$.... ......[28:.70........... ................ ..•--- ......... .. .......- ........- ....,.... -. - -. i Rowena C• Velasq ez Accounting j Subscribed and sworn to before me this .......9............ day of- -khi_ueces__County, IJovember ................... 19--- ••• -76 Eugenia S. Cortez ............................. C` Notary Texas rORDTIGJINCE Eiijrt �LIM eN. dba SERVICE TO AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION OF COR- PUS CHRISTI, INC. A SUB- STANTIAL COPY OF WHICH ASSIGNEMENT AGGREE- MENT IS ATTACHED HERE- TO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIB- IT "A." WHEREAS, by Ordinance 13130, passed and approved t the City Council on April 10. 1976, eutorizotion was given for a five-year airport limousine franchise by Bob G. Welch and Ruby Welch dba Airport Lim- ousine Service, and WHEREAS, the Bald grant• ees desire to assign the airport limousine franchise, and the City Council of the City of Cor- pus Christi Is agreeable to mid assignment. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPRUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby aufrized 4o approve an 9s• signment of the airport Iimou• • sine franchise previously grant- ed to Bob G. Welch and Ruby, Welch the Airport Limousine Service by the City Council on April 14, 1976 for a term of five years, commencing on June Is, 1976 and ending June 14, 1961, said assignment to be granted to Airport Transportation of Corpus Christi, Inc., all as more fully Set forth in theassignment, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit „A„ ASSIGNMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NU ECES WHEREAS, Bob G. Welch and Rub - Airpo we dbe_rt^ U be !(N 1hGa���9r Isfii on'AD`iOilL t9T0. by a l�M_a� t3rkjlnance far ,1313p� �WHEREAS;'bjy1R"e ms of the agreement authorized by r the aforesaid Ordinance No. 13130, in order for assl9Nilent of the franchise to be effected, au- thorization by the City Council would be nec __ ry: end..z., WHEREAS, the grantees heroinabove named desire ,to assign the airport limpisfne franchise, and the City Council Is agreeable to said assign- ment: NOW, THEREFORE, Grant. ees (hereinafter alsocalled "As- signor") agree to assign the air- port limousine franchise, and this assignment shall be for the unexpired portion of the above mentioned franchise, termi- nating June 14, 1981, with As, signee, Airport Transportation of Carpus Christi, Inc, to be bound by the- ferins and condi- tions of the said airport Ilmou- sine franchise gram6d by Ordi. nance No."13i , and approved by the City Council on April 14, 1976, a substantial copy of which franchise agreement is attached hereto, marked Exhia It "A ", and made a part hereof by reference. EXECUTED in triplicate, each of which shall be consid- ered as an original, this the -- day of October, 1976. AIRPORT LIMOUSINE SERVICE Bob G. Wekh Ruby Welch ASSOGNOR- GRANTEE AIRPORT TRANSPORTA- TION OF CORPUS CHRISTI, INC. By--- - - - - -- President ASSIGNEE ATTEST: ------ - - - - -- Secretary APPROVED:T CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI,r By---- - - - - -- R. MARVIN TOWNSEND City Manager ATTEST: ------ - - - - -- City Secretary APPROVED: —7-DAY OF OCTOBER, 1976: - J. BRUCE AYCOCK, ""'- —`_- CITY ATTORNEY By---- - - - - -- Assistant City Attorney That the foregoing ordinance was rend for the first time and Passed to Its seconging reading on this the 29th day of October, 1976, by the following vote: Jaspn Luby , Aye Dr. Bill Tipton Aye Eduardode Ases Absent Rufh Gill Aye Bob Gulley Aye Gabe Lozano, Sr. Aye Edward L. Sample Aye That the foregoing ordinance was read.for the second time and passed-1o'tt`s MtWreadln`g' on this the -- day of —, 19 - -, by Ine fol• lowing vote: I Jason Luby - -- Dr. BIII Tipton - -- EtluardodeAses - -- RuthGlll - -- Bob Gulley - -- Gabe Lozano, Sr. - -- , Edward L. Sample ' - -- That the foregoing ordinance was read for the third time and passed finally on this the —= day of - - - -, 19--, by the following vote: Jason Luby -- Dr. BIII Tipton EduardodnAses Ruth Gill - -- BobGulley - -- Gabe Loza-,Sr - -- Edward L. Sample PASSED AND APPROVED, this the - -'day of -- ---- -, 19- -. ATTEST: ------------ City Secretary MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: 20th day of October, 1976: R.W. Coffin / Asst. City Attorney / A'AN;pRQIr}ANCE AUTFNRIZIPjG`� T+j�3latT): MANAG TO,A�a l'liN ASSIGN, NT-tJ PORT I DUS E FRAN- CHISE, �pp,lG WELCH AND RUBY WE!!fH dbe AIR- PORT 4UVjOUSiN SERIVCE TO At..- R TRANS. PORT TI .1j_ .; CORPUS CHRISTI; INC., A SUB. STANTIAL COPY OF, WHICH ASSIGNEMENT IS AT -' TACHED HERETO AND; MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "A" WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 13130, passed and approved by the Cary Coundron'April 14, 1976, authorization was given fora fiveeywr airport limousine franchise by Bob G Welch and Ruby. Welch ouslpa- SBTVrt tot WHEREZ(S,F }rIB ;.�sa qia i• ees desire b assigh -the afrp6rt I t�qCity ' is,'43q"ble to mId lehf. ` •"- i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF Ttie t�TV�� YOR W a- CHRt"T.1rTE XA51 SECTION 1. That the Cily Manager be and he is hereby authorized to approve an as. signment of the airport limm. sme franchise previously grant. ed to Bob G. Welch and Ruby Welch doe Airpart•Limousine Service by the City CWncil on April 14, 1976 for a term of five years, commencing on June 15, 1976 and ending June 14, 1981, said assignment to be granted to Airport Transportation of Corpus Christi, Inc, all as more fully set forth In the assignment a wbstanfial copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, market! Exhibit A ". APPROVED: CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI By____—_____ R. MARVIN TOWNSEND. City Managef- ATTES City Secretary APPROVED. - -DAY OF OCTOBER, 1976: J BRUCE AYCOCK, _CITY ATTORNEY- By ___ _ Assistant City Attorney That the foregointg ordinance waS read for the first time and' Passed'10 its'second F ®ding -on, � this the 2", day of Octobe', 1976, by the following vote: Jason Luby Aye ' Dr. Bill Tipton Aye Eduardode Ases Absent Ruth GIII Aye Bob Gulley Aye Gabe Lozano, Sr. Aye Edssrarit e That the foregoing oral" e was reed tar• je secaNA4fTe anU; •b•BS�NtMdtr'e$tlIn`g tqi; th �aY`�976 bi th6'.ro 'ny yaSanLlt> j� I Ye, Dr. Bill Tipton ye, Eduardode Ases - qye Ruth Gill Aye Bab Gulley Aye Gabel' Sr. Aye Edward - `Sart1pl rigs.. That the fnehrw; for mF;_a finally an Mls-fi 19— Ing vote: � - R 'fix Jason Luby a ., - -' r Dr., Bill Tipton 'icy arf,e; ��,,, Eduardoda RuthG_i ;l Gabe Lmam, Sir - --•EM1VardC S"arnble -= _ 'ft0SSE9.E N4'4PP 69V ED;' Ys'♦rfE$TE6" • ---------- City Sidle aiy=•- ^41'5,1� MAYOR EGITY OF CORPUS 0n,JI HRISTI,TEXAS APPR VEbi 2fMJi`D , V OF `OCTOBER, 1976! 2wW Gofltnt t V'Attorney ,.1 `