HomeMy WebLinkAbout13476 RES - 11/10/1976JKR:hb:11/8/76:lst , A RESOLUTION ADOPTING STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION MINUTE ORDER NO. 71898, DATED OCTOBER 21, 1976, PERTAINING TO THE JOINT CON- STRUCTION OF SOUTH STAPLES STREET FROM KINNEY STREET TO 17TH STREET BY THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION, WHICH ROADWAY IS TO BE DESIGNATED A PART OF THE URBAN SYSTEMS PRO- GRAM, AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN SAID MINUTE ORDER, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "A "; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the State Department of Highways and Public Trans- portation Commission has submitted a copy of Minute Order No. 71898, dated October 21, 1976, passed by the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation Commission on October 21, 1976, as follows: WHEREAS, in Nueces County, the City of Corpus Christi has requested assistance in reconstruction on South Staples Street from Kinney Street, South to 17th Street, a distance of approximately 1.7 miles; and WHEREAS, South Staples Street is included in the Urban System; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation to assist the City of Corpus Christi in-such work; NOW, THEREFORE, the Engineer- Director is directed to tender the following proposal to the City of Corpus Christi: Provided the City will: 1. Provide for the adjustment of manholes and valves. 2. Provide for repairs to correct major failures in the pavement and its support prior to resurfacing pavement. 3. Maintain all of the work constructed as part of the project and agree to regulate traffic and prevent encroachment on t- the right -of -way, all in accordance with governing policies _ Z1. and regulations of the Department. Subject to the availability of Federal -aid Urban System funds and the eligibility of the proposed work for financing with said funds, the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation will: MICROFILMED 'Ju f I fS 198Q x.34`76 1. Prepare construction plans and specifications. 2. Provide for additional surfacing and pavement markings at an estimated cost of $122,000 as authorized in the Supplement to the 1975 -1976 Urban System Program. Upon acceptance of the provisions of this order by the appropriate officials of the City of Corpus Christi, it is ordered that South Staples Street extending from Kinney Street, south to 17th Street, a distance of approximately 1.7 miles, be and is hereby designated as a Metropolitan Highway and the Engineer - Director is directed to enter into any necessary agreements with the City covering the details of the proposed improvements, to proceed with the engineering development of the project and after the City has fulfilled its responsibilities;.zto proceed with construction in the most feasible and economical manner. It is understood that the City may discharge its construction obligations as outlined herein in any manner as it may elect. In the event the City desires the State to include its portion of the work in the State's construction contract, the Engineer- Director is hereby authorized to enter into agreement with the City for such work and its cost as may be agreed upon. This order shall become operative upon acceptance by the City of Corpus Christi and if not accepted within 90 days of the date hereof, the action herein contained shall be automatically cancelled. NOW,-THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That Minute Order No. 71898, passed and approved by the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation Commission October 21, 1976, regarding joint construction of improvements to South Staples Street from Kinney Street to 17th Street by the City of Corpus Christi and the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, a copy of which Minute Order is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit 'W', be and the same is hereby adopted by the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. SECTION 2. The necessity to immediately adopt the aforesaid -2- Minute Order creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council and the Mayor having declared that such emergency and necessity exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this resolution be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect fro d after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO RESOLVED, this the day of, 1976. ATTEST: City /�V AI� /�fJ cyGe C y Secretary MAYOR 6R S�l THE CITY OF 0 CHR STI, TEXAS APPROVED: _day of , 1976: J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By. Assistant City torney MINUTE ORDE R Dietric! No. WMMAS, In ME= S COUrfY, the CIL-Y Of Corpus chrin-ti ha: requIested aficist—c-, structi= an south-Staplcz Street fraz Li=iey StracL, Sm:th to ---7tL Street, a distance CiE appr=iimtely I.7 tiles ; rmd WIX=As, Soath Stai)lez Straot is iw-baded In tha Orors System; --Tt:l Wr=tTL.I-,, it is the desire of t1he State Deparzt=nt of gni Foblic Tratnsport&tim' to assist the Ct-,T c.' Carr-r.9 Christi in tga-ch wozic; IM, TET-"U=,. th-- is eirectca to termer the fcllawlAg Proposal to the city of Corpus C=isti: PTOVIded the M7 U-112: ..I. Provide fat- the adjustment of manholes and Valves. -it Provide for repairs to correct major fzilare-,s in the pav"-e cxd its su Pria-- to resurfacirts, Pevemt--at. 3. Vdatzja r.11 of the wort: constrructe4 as Pe-TI; Of t:%c PrOJer-'- vM0- agree to rcgulzrr- traffic a&. previ-aL emroacl=ent Ga the rig"nx of emr, all � ac=rdnace vith gc�v- crnicg policiee and regu dtionz of the De-PL=tr-C-It. Subject to the avaaabuiry of Federal -aid Urban syrzte:L ftmdia er.v the eIi-_ib:LIIt:,- 0' the Propaged vu--T- for fl-n-Mncing With said funi'.3. the State De-Partuan". of Uzahways ex-d Pktblic 1. Prep:zre vYaF;tn=:Aon Flans and specIficaticrs. /T mb:..c+«rrty b+y�.1•ti eatc<a Atli &::. t..Y4•.'RF:A:J.fu'l E' CT.''' !:`.ZL: Si (^�E:"k''_''4 F., :, asc AND Pct C Tt.� ��F`E*5 FtAit[�PJ IM IN, TE ORDER 2. Provide for Additional enh Feve wt N-a kim-g s at eu. esuuatecl cc-..t of $122,04t az suthcriAed In thn Sack Ce=L to the 1975 -I:76 Urb= Syg te<! - ipca acceptsace of the Provision-- Of this f,rda:" by the epFsxop ^e Officials o= Ehe City of Carp= C:sist£Y 1'Y IS U^.B-' , that Scutt: Stieplea Street e�:tcr `.i.rg f rcca L.inn._y street, =outer to 17th metre": , c disreace of free m-tely 1.7 miler, be emu; is hereby deg i rat as a 2- "yPRf3P'L M C�.: Vit. m� the Engimer- A$f.cetor is r1 rected to enter: into any nv�s�- ,,. y eo n`s with the City, covering, the detsily of the proposed improvematz, to pri- ceed with the crgi^serfng develop -zm zt of t1me, project srd after th.� City has 'fu?f <-11(--1 Its responsiisiiitias, is pra:eev. vith coustxecticn in the mat feagib a Mzd ezmnOmxiCFA M=V--,, I,- iz araierstsod that the City asey discimrge its constructiou tiom es ou ii j herciza In any m=wr as it Uay elect. In the eJent: the City uesL.ec de State to iwlt3da its troxticu of the ores st is rise State'D comtm --t£aa caatr act„ the F cr- Di.re~tor €a bereby suth=4ze,-' to enter into 4,qrz=mt with the City for u=h wort:: c:ad its cmst jw nvi-.y be nxiec3 upon. ThiA Wrier &hall become operative =pare aaccept=e by the City of corps~s cbristi ar4 if cot exepted within 1i0 dap of the date hereof, tie action herein &catmint &hail be xstamaticclly* zx ', led. S%&: tied by: Ex %mince and T— m:ru:,icd by. . t Ap p,ulw a: et i uca.�4: App:uled: C,jmmiam net cct,— aioncr Cale P:,-d 0 ET ?_1 f -- Co-mmminnei Not, Thn (,-, u W br submitted m vumtuphcsr. CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS DAY OF 19 -1 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCES A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; 1, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY MAYOR TH CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY T FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY AA 0 GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY E FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE