HomeMy WebLinkAbout13486 ORD - 11/17/1976JKH:hb:11/15/76 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND THE STATE OF TEXAS, ACTING THROUGH THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGH- WAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION, TO IMPROVE TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF S.A. 358 WITH NILE DRIVE AND WITH PAUL JONES AVENUE, UNDER SECTION 230 OF THE FEDERAL -AID HIGHWAY ACT OF 1973, ALL IN ! ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT, A SUB - r STANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO, MARKED EXHIBIT "A ', AND MADE A PART HEREOF; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas: ' SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute an agreement between the City of Corpus Christi and the State of Texas, acting through the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, to improve traffic signals at the intersections of S.H. 358 with Nile Drive and with Paul Jones Avenue, under Section 230 of the Federal -Aid Highway Act of 1973, all in accordance with the terms of the agreement, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ". SECTION 2. The necessity to provide for improvement of traffic signals as aforesaid in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the City and the traveling public creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and i necessity to exist, having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance take effect and be in full force and effect from an f r its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED this the % day of , 1976. ATTEST: w0d i Secretary MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: /6 DAY OF , 1476: JB. BR C CE AYCOCK, I RNEY M /CPI a/ Aku" y ,/lJA Assistant City torney ^ 'N,1980, 13486 MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TRAVIS This AGREEMENT, made this day of 197_, by and i between the State of Texas, acting through the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, hereinafter called the "State ", party of the First Part, and the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized officers under a Resolution passed the day of , 197_, hereinafter called the "City ", party of the Second Part: W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the State and the City wish to cooperate in the improvement of traffic signals at the intersection of SH 358 with Nile Drive and with Paul Jones Avenue under Section 230 of the Federal -Aid Highway Act of 1973 and; WHEREAS, it has been determined that such work is eligible for Federal -Aid participation and; WHEREAS, the State and the City are in accord as to the type of improvements needed. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutuallconvenants and agreements of the parties hereto to be by them respectively kept and per- formed, as hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows: 1 -7 Project Authorization It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto that the City by virtue of the provisions of its charter and the laws of the State of Texas has exclusive control of and jurisdiction over all streets and public ways within the incorpo- rated limits of such City and that said City has requested and consented to the construction of the project and the State,in approving construction of said project does so at the special instance and request of the City. 'The City, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, does hereby agree to improve traffic signals at the locations and in the manner shown on the construc- tion plans to be approved by both parties. It is mutually agreed that as the project is developed to the construction stage both parties shall approve such t plans by signature approval thereon, and a copy of such plans will be attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A", and made a part hereof in all respects. Construction Responsibilities The City will provide for the adjusting of all utilities as may be required. The construction plans and specifications will be prepared by the City and ap- proved by the State. All construction activities connected with the project will be done by the City with the exception of certain construction described in the plans which will be done by the State. The improvement of traffic sig- nals will be a part of the construction to be undertaken by the City, and the State will pay to the City 907 of the cost of said construction on a "Force , Account" basis, the specifics to be stated under Special Conditiehs. Hereafter all references in this agreement to "reimbursement" or "payment" of construction costs by the State to the City are understood and agreed to mean "reimbursement" or "payment" on a 9o% of cost basis. 2 -7 Special Conditions The State will reimburse the City the cost of construction of the improvement i of traffic signals as shown listed in and as to location and manner of construc- tion as shown therein and described in the plans and specifications, "Exhibit A ", under a "Force Account" basis. Under said "Force Account ", payment to the City will be made as follows: 1. The State will reimburse the City for properly supported costs incurred in the adjustment of their facilities under the terms and conditions of this agree- ment. Costs incurred prior to the issuance of a written "Work Order" by the State will not be reimbursed. Reimbursement will be made by the State to the City for labor, equipment, materials, supplies, travel expenses, labor additives and warehouse or material handling charges provided the City has paid from City funds their obligations covering items of costs billed. If the City elects to bill for labor additives, equipment and material handling charges, the rates and reimbursements are subject to prior agreement between the State and City. The State will pay the City as follows: A. Periodic Partial Payments:- If the City so elects, the State will make make payments monthly as partial payments which must include properly prepared and executed Form 132 and a billing summarizing costs by each classification of costs showing description, quantity, unit price, ex- tensions and total. Labor additives and material handling rates must be shown as a percentage factor and applied to the total cost of labor or materials as applicable. 3-7 B. Final Billing: Upon completion of the project and final acceptance of the project by the State, if the City so elects, the State will make one payment when all work is completed and the City has submitted a final and complete billing of all costs. This billing must include properly prepared and exe- cuted Form 132 and a final bill summarized by each classification of costs showing description, quantity, unit price and extensions and total. Labor additives or burden and material handling rates must be shown as a percentage factor and applied to the total costs of labor or materials as applicable. Unsupported charges or charges after final acceptance by the State will not be considered eligible for reimbursement. Prior to final payment an audit of the records supporting the costs claimed will be made. These records must be made available to authorized representatives of the State and other agencies involved in the funding of this project during the normal workday. All records relating to this project must be maintained by the City for 3 years after receipt of final payment from the State. 2. The City will use labor and supervisory personnel employed directly by the City, and using City -owned machinery, equipment, and vehicles necessary for the work. In the event, the City does not have the necessary machinery, equipment, and vehicles necessary to perform the work; machinery, equipment, and vehicles may be rented or leased as necessary at the low bid price submitted by approved bidders for the equipment, etc. involved. 3. The City will purchase all major items of equipment and material, such as i traffic signal controllers, traffic signal poles, traffic signal heads, vehicle detectors, conduits, multiple conductor cable and single conductor wire, etc..: for the complete improved traffic signal system, on competitive bids from at 4_7 least two competent and reputable suppliers. All equipment'and materials for use on existing equipment may be purchased by the City from a factory authorized dealer or distributor for the original basic equipment that is being repaired, modified or additions made thereto and the State will reimburse the City for such purchases. On other items of equipment and material, normally carried in stock by.the City, the use of City stock items will be satisfactory and the State will reimburse the City for the cost of such items, provided these items were purchased on competitive bids obtained from at least two competent and reputable suppliers and provided the State shall have given prior approval to the use of these items. All equipment and materials used for the work shall be new and undepreciated items purchased at the low bid price submitted by approved bidders for the equipment or materials involved. 4. The State shall make suitable, frequent, and complete inspections of all materials, equipment, and the work of installations to determine and permit certification that the project and its components meet all applicable require- ments of the plans and specifications for the purpose of constituting a complete improved traffic signal system, in suitable condition for operation and mainten- ance by the City after its completion. The City shall be able to make revisions to the project plans only upon approval of the State and such revisions shall be noted on the "As- Built" plans. The State and the City will cooperate to provide for inspections as required by agencies of the United States Government. 5. The City will provide opportunities, facilities, and representative samples to enable the State to carry on suitable, frequent and complete inspection of all materials, equipment and installation methods, sufficient to afford deter- mination and certification by the State that all parts of the installation and 5 -7 the component materials and equipment comply with the requirements of the r approved plans and specifications. The State will promptly notify the City of any failure of materials, equipment or installation methods to meet the provisions of plans and specifications, and the City will take such measures as necessary to obtain acceptable systems components and installation proce- dures without delay. 6. Any equipment and materials from existing installations at the locations shown in Exhibit A that is removed by the City from their present locations shall become the property of the City. 7. The City will operate and maintain the traffic control devices upon comple- tion of the installation, and will be responsible for all costs iiicident thereto. 8. The City and /or its agents will comply with all Federal, State and local laws, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations and the order and decrees of any court or administrative bodies or tribunals in any matter affecting the performances of this Agreement, including without limitation workman's compen- sation laws, minimum and maximum salary and wage statutes and regulations. When required, the City shall furnish the State with satisfactory proof of its com- pliance therewith. 9. It is mutually agreed that all parties hereto shall be bound by the provi- sions of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, which was promulgated to effectuate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. F In the event the terms of the Agreement are in conflict with the provisions of any other existing Agreement and /or Contracts between the City and the State, this Agreement shall take precedence over the existing Agreements and /or Contracts. 6 -7 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed on the aforementioned date. PARTY OF THE FIRST PART State of Texas Certified as being executed for the purpose and effect of activating and /or carrying out the orders, established policies, or work programs heretofore approved and authorized by the State Highway and Public Transportation Com®ission. By: Asst. Engineer- Director Under Authority of Commission Minute 70104 Date _ Recommended for Execution: District Engineer, District 16 i Director, Finance Division Chief Engineer of Maintenance Operations 7 -7 PARTY OF THE SECOND PART City of Corpus Christi By: Title: ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney i CABINET T Tz LZ L CABINET ce * LOOPS LI A A CABINET rv't. NO. OF TURNS 5/ Minimum Hot Pour Joint Sealing Compound .51-1.358 E /V✓LE DRIVE D2 ✓ 2 /.73 I 3 D 4 D. 4 D5 Asbestos Cord 5 D6 3 p • P, 4 G• s , .p Where Specified a 9 'n D A '. 0 4 • H Loop Wire p o •40•'? d ✓ • 4 Loop Wire • • 3 � • 3 o . L oop Wire - • n , A O 6 Feeder Wire U 4. D 0 Li o a D• '• SECTION A -A SECTION B -B Drilled To Fit Conduit .d Concrete Broken Out °o To Work With Feeder Wire '' Pav't. The Number Of Detector Amplifiers, Type Of Hookup, And Number Of Turns Must Be In Accordance With Manufacturers Recommedation FEEDER WIRE Loop To Feeder Splice (Weatherproof) B „ B 6 SENSING LOOP BELDON # 8956 T�J WIDTH TYPICAL LOOP DETAILS NOTE: 1. INSTALLATION OF WIRE LOOPS IS TO BE MADE IN THE SHORTEST TIME PRACTICAL. NOT TO EXCEED A FOUR -HOUR MAXIMUM AND SCHEDULED DURING OFF -PEAK HOURS TO MINIMIZE DELAY TO VEHICLE TRAFFIC. 2. THE PAVEMENT CUT IS TO BE MADE TO NEAT LINES AND ALL LOOSE MATERIAL REMOVED. THE CUT SHALL BE CLEAN AND KEPT DRY UNTIL THE SEALING COMPOUND IS PLACED. 3. FOR HOT -MIX ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACE: A. THE JOINT SEALING COMPOUND IS TO BE HEATED TO A TEMPERATURE OF 400'-500' F BEFORE PLACING IN THE PAVEMENT CUT, A LAYER OF ASBESTOS CORD IS TO BE PLACED OVER THE WIRE LOOP TO PREVENT OVER- HEATING OF THE WIRE INSTALLATION. B. PAVEMENT CUTTING DEPTH: T LOOP NO. NO. OF TURNS * AMP- LIFIER # .51-1.358 E /V✓LE DRIVE D2 ✓ 2 /.73 I 3 D 4 .3 4 D5 3 5 D6 3 6 SH358� PAUL cAOIVESAVE. D2 ✓ 2 D3 / 3 D4 3 D5 3 5 D6 3 6 4. FOR CONCRETE PAVEMENT: I A. THE SEALING COMPOUND SHALL BE AN EPDXY RESIN. NO ASBESTOS CORD WILL BE REQUIRED. B. PAVEMENT CUTTING DEPTH: T = 3/4” 5. THE FEEDER WIRE IS TO BE SOLDERED TO THE LOOP WIRES AND THE SPLICE WRAPPED WITH A PLASTIC TAPE AND MADE WEATHER -PROOF LOOP DETECTOR DETAILS WITH A SEAL SUCH AS SCOTCH CAST EPDXY RESIN. /NTE,?SECT /d✓V SH358,,'PADPE ✓SLAAD D?.) W/ f/ P✓l L F u �. r'= AP L �A,JC_ �'O,'v ," 4 ✓E NUt ..fir SH358 N17,1i ,Y /L E OR/VE T o(j W y T Sf/ 358 i"✓/Tir NILE DRIVE , OA E SH356 W� %? PAUL JONES Av£T o B SH358 W/TH PAUL JONES 4 SE C� A F-- SH358 MWI N/L F DRIVE 1 0 C Sf/ 358 WITH N/G E Of/ V6 OD C y Sf- /358 YY /7h PAUL d0✓ES AVET O C T i JONES AVE D .SH358 PADRE /SCANO DR 1, D3L_ -- _ DI D n � 0,5 — — u RSLAP'U u D4 06 j 7c7 — 0 ,5 r;D/ 2 u D5 D6 L -� r -=1 0A ,fC IF 9 9 C 3 _SN 358 _ ®Q (( PADRE ISLAND OA � C 1 IF.H. DIV.6I TEXAS I M 617 -I (SHEET -% NUECES COUNTY S HWY..3M CONT. 617-I S9358 PADRE ISLAND De ) WITH A / /LE De SIGNAL HEADS` o Y Y - G G / 3 2 ¢ 6 9 7 /0 R - RED G- GREEN ,-SOL✓D) C✓- G,PEEN AR A OW Y YELLOW o- GREEA/.4RkUW CLEARANCE SH358 ( PADRE ISLAND DR) MT11 PAUL JONES Ai/C Oc L -- -- :ID3u-� OA Oa D5 o DA J J Q J Q c")kBCDkACD�A3D�ABCC PHASE A RIASE 8 PHASE C Pf /ASE D Z ro Q �O 1!CICAP 70 BCD�AI Q CLEAR TO ^� D'A I G CLEAR TD Y CLEAT TO h Q I G BD P ABC / R,PRRGYGYGYGY Y YGGYYRR2R RJR RRY 2 GIG Y Y G 6,Y Y R R R R Y R &RRPIR�',Y�Yd 4 Y Y+ Y YRRRRPR Y�-Y I 4 �e Y Y® Y Y R 2 R P 5 YYGf2, -R e R e R R qG 6 G Y Y G R R R R RIR R R 7RRR 8RRRRRRR PtRRR R RRRRRG (Y 8RRRRRRIR ,g e RIRI, 2RlRRRRRRRGYYYR2 2G'(YG ✓ORRR RR RRRRR RRG Y YY R SH358 ( PADRE ISLAND DR) MT11 PAUL JONES Ai/C Oc L -- -- :ID3u-� OA Oa D5 o DA J J Q J Q c")kBCDkACD�A3D�ABCC PH SEA GT�AR PHASE I3 CLEAR PHASE C 3 Cl6AR /'frASE D CLEAR Z ro / R R IR IR I G I YG Y G Y I G I Y P 2GG Y YGGYYRR2R RR JPRRR-0-Y Y -d- Y< - Y R 4 Y Y+ Y YRRRRPR I 5 YY RRRPRRRRR 6RRRRRRRR YY 7,PRRRRRRRGYYGG 8RRRRRRR RRRRRG SIGNAL HEADS ®�® oy Y' O R �f" • / 3 2 4 7 5 6 8 5H 358 _ A?4DRE /SL AND O2 NOTE: ACTUAL TIMING 4-02 EACH /N TER SECT /ON TO BE DETERM //VEp IN THE Ic -laD, INIE/�'V.I L Sf_ QYENCE e PHASING INTERSECT /ON AYH J5& (PADRE /SC AND De WITH HALE DRIVE AND PAUL UONES AVE, IN CORPOO CHRISTI NUECES .CO, O O.PAA 0 /A v 21C #14 MUCT /PLEXED (Sf//ELDED) J /NTCRCONNECT /ON CA8LE /O .QEO ® RED © RED O COORDJNAi DPANGE ORANGE ORANGE '..' (UNIT O Q GREEN ® GREEN O GREEN v 6VN /TE = WN /TE = WH/TE l-n L 7- W k W 6/0 #14 v � 8/C /4 I l / •PED QED / I / RED /Y17 RED N/S 2 I 20RAW6E ORANGE 2 3GPEEN GREEN 3 I 2 BL ACff BLACK d 3 4 I 4lNN/TE WNIiE 4 — I !� 61P. W/S /r1 GR W/S 5 6'- I SRED NIS P J w/'S 5 69L4CK 61ACK,6 I 5 S BLUF_ �J = BLUE 7 76?E&vmN ,GREENW /S7 7 8 Q0 86LUE BLUE 8 IS S �I N 8 C #/4 RED ORANGE Q REo A GRr EN n OPNGE O RED l I / PED W/ ORANGE GREEN .3 — 3 Wf/ /TE 4 4 i RED W /f' 5 5 BLACK 6 6/PEEN W/S 7 S B/C # 14 WIPING DIAGRAM 11V7-E2SECT 101V S'H.35S (PADR5 /SZ.4AID DBE'.) W I TI-I PAUL JONES DR IN CORPUS CHRIST/ 1JdECES COUNTY r PA /NT AND BODY SHOP — — 21C INTERCONNECT -CA 8L E /N/ULT /PLEX),-_ e ROW. GRAVED DRIVE t 50 -_�— 8' PAVED SHOULDER --Z- D LO �-- SH .358 ( PADRE ISLAND DRIVE ) (r - — — — — — — — — — — — — — 3 PAVED SHOULDER 6 x LOOP /O' EFT TRN U LANE 4' 0 L I- 291C*14 -�; 1 � - -- - -- \I - - - / - ?/C # /0 - - - BUR /EO —_ - --��� /O' LEFT TUeIV LANE I 5'x6 ' GOOP O- - - - -- 200' — - -- - - -- - - -- �{ V O - -- /O " PAVED GRAVEL Del' USED CA.2 LOT 410 W/? } -� / -� %C # /2 BUR /ED IC20I'Y - it 4D SERVICE ROADS SHEET 3 / -O%C #l2 j t4U2/EO .30WIED 14 r jl-4 /C # /2 TH /S LOOP f7X 15) INIGL BE #ILAJ \ A SY✓ITCHING DETECTOR � , I 7 NOTE • HEADS /J34,5,6,7f8 JV / /LL BE NEW fIEADS NEAD.S' 2 ARE EX /ST /.�/G HEADS THAT AR& TO BE U7'1L 12ED 0 -8 /C #/4 8 /-4 /C #/Z 4 2 -2 /C /2 — — — — — — — — — 4_PAVED SNOULDE— — C., 5//358 (PADRE ISLAND DRIVE O - /O' PAVED SHOULDER �=- - — F'VED LVWVEVYAY — — — — — — — — — — — L CO/'ThOLLE 2 AND . a a LOCAL C0O12.0 /1114710N UNIT 7X�S 4 COMMERC/AL S16N LOOP F /RE HYDRANT STORE PLQ/V VIEW J W i� INTERSECT /ON SH,358 (PADRE /SLAN J; DRIVE) W/TAI PAUL LIONES AVENUE - Q IN CORPUS CHRISTI, NUEC ES COUNT)- Q SCALE 1"-40' tti Q ORANGE GL1 GREEN WH /TE LIJ v 2/C #/4 MUGT /PLEXED ASH /ELDED) j /P✓TE/2CONNECrION CABLE' u ZOCAL o eAN�E o I / 2 I GREEN i s� � C � WRITE - O ' CONTPO�LE2 �! L �J I I I � � �Lu I 2 2%k, M; OVA N; 2 Z 3— 3 6kC-E N CPk _PJ 3 3 :% I 5 — ,e_<DN;'s 5 ry 5 6— �I �6B!A_R &ICK (j E 9 0l L 9Pt- )Y /7., rtiO WNi %c 1ti 9 9 � I RE! RED 2 Zo•.,A.rZ OA. 3 ro -3Ck- N ikEEN 3 3 4 8I —4 N'N /TE WHi rE 4 �0 4 I INTERSECT /ON SI -/.TSB (PAD/FE /SLAM/ DR.) W 17"1-1 NILE DRIVE /Al cO. ®RED ® RED O ORANGE O ORANGE . / G,PEE,U iG GREEN NN /TE = WNirE Q) O B/C x/4 ® RED W/S ® O&D W/s OY BLACK 1Y 669CK CG\ J 6xF "N /° /1J CC---,R P 4+ /s � WH !N /s BLUE =BLUE ® C' #14 L ole RED ®R RED O OPgNGE ,J ORANGE GREEN /D l GREEN WHITE /0 /D, 8/C BIC = ,w Q ORANGE GL1 GREEN WH /TE LIJ v 2/C #/4 MUGT /PLEXED ASH /ELDED) j /P✓TE/2CONNECrION CABLE' u ZOCAL o eAN�E o I / 2 I GREEN i s� � C � WRITE - O ' CONTPO�LE2 �! L �J I I I � � �Lu I 2 2%k, M; OVA N; 2 Z 3— 3 6kC-E N CPk _PJ 3 3 :% I 5 — ,e_<DN;'s 5 ry 5 6— �I �6B!A_R &ICK (j E 9 0l L 9Pt- )Y /7., rtiO WNi %c 1ti 9 9 � I RE! RED 2 Zo•.,A.rZ OA. 3 ro -3Ck- N ikEEN 3 3 4 8I —4 N'N /TE WHi rE 4 �0 4 I INTERSECT /ON SI -/.TSB (PAD/FE /SLAM/ DR.) W 17"1-1 NILE DRIVE /Al cO. M _ __ - - - - - - - F - __ LOOP "/'191C /4 F. R. DIVA TEXAS 1 M 617 -1 SHEET ,3 _/ -9/00 - - -- /O L !=FT TU/2N LANE' z -aIc /z /VUECc S COUNTY S HWY.,YSS CONT.6'/7 -/ -- -�- 9O (9� /- 2/C #, /Z — — — 4' PAVED S�'OULDER — — — — — — — — — — — _ _200"--_ --- - - - - -- - -. 7 'L elf I1ACANT R- LOT I z7a oo SH .358 (PAD2E ISLAND DRIVE) _ Q �1 LOCAL CONTROLLER AND %LOCAL COOrO /NAT /ON UN /T VACANT LOT 1 ( ,-/-,9/C N l0' PAVED SNOULDEP 1 -12/0 1 TE,PCOANECT CABLE (MULTIPLEX) _ — ROW. — I -- � � /'OW. 8" PAYED Sr/OULDER — 8' PAVED S'HOUlDER — SH .358 (-PADRE /SLAND DRIVE) 0 � R.O.W L75 100 I27t,00 O �27�too �z7eyoo 4z7sroo -- -- 200' - co J 4' PAVED ,SHOULDER i @ ti X6o Looms /O" LEFT TURN L NE • 0 AP« RTM.E'NT COMPLEX 0 0 / -8 /C 14 0 0 I D/ T CH -- - I -° 6'X 20 o - - -D/ TCH -- - - - ° /- //c */2 ljU2 /ED P �b P h 0 p 0 DRIVE WITH (VILE D/2IVE IN _ __ - - - - - - - F - __ _/ -9/00 - - -- /O L !=FT TU/2N LANE' fi , 60 OOP -- -�- 9O (9� /- 2/C #, /Z — — — 4' PAVED S�'OULDER — — — — — — — — — — — _ _200"--_ --- - - - - -- - -. 7 'L + Q I z7a oo SH .358 (PAD2E ISLAND DRIVE) _ Q 275"00 6 +00 O 279100 l0' PAVED SNOULDEP /O" PAVED YHOULDEE' r R.O.W VACANT LOT i AP« RTM.E'NT COMPLEX PL A N VIEW I v �b INTERSECT /ON SH 758 (PADRE /SI-AND Jx2o DRIVE WITH (VILE D/2IVE IN LOOP CO,2PUS CHRISTI, /VUECE3 COUNTY SCALE /"= 40' IN TERSE CT /oN 5h.358 (-PADRE ISLAIUD Dry'.) WITH All E DR /VC AND PAUL c1ONE 5 ' AVE, /N CORPUS CHRIST / /i/UECES co /� APP�C O IIMXI / E L IST 0,c- lW41 TE/� /%L S FOIE, TGVO (2) FOUr- P,,ASE t. M. urv. ti 1 taws /V/ C) —� SHE T�C'AFFIC - ACTOATED 7- ,PAFFIC SIGNALS FOR I OTURE INTERCONNECT /On/ AND SUPER - NUECES COUNTY j HWY.-3,58 CONT. E/ VISION BYA T2AFF 1C ,PLSPONS /VC 14,,4STER -LO/1/TROLLE�P AT SOUTH PADRE ISLAND DR /VC PWT.V N /LL DPIVE, AM-) SOUTH PADYPE /SL AND DRIVE- WITH PAUL JONES DPI ✓E /N COIPPI/S 0111FIS T/ DESCRIPTION NIL E D2 /VE Pal UL cIONES /1 VE, TOTAL FINAL % CONTROLLER - rOUP -PHASt FULL - ACIOATED 11VTERCO1!'VEC7ED W /Tf! LOCAL COORD INAT ION UIWT AND G.PO0,VD-/VIOUNTcD CAB /NET / Ea / Ea 2 co 2 LOOP VEHICLE DETECTOR AMPLIFIERS 6 Ea 5 E8. // Ea. 3 ONE - WAY, /,?': 3-SECTION 7RAFr •IC S/GiVAL .S ", /2 Ea 9 Ea, 2/ Eo- 4 ONE - WA Y, / 2 4 - SECT /ON TRAF� /C S /GNA L,3 2 Ea / Ea 3 Ea. 5 9/C '*'14 SIGNAL CONTROL CABLE 600 LF — 600 L I..- 6 81C #14 S /6A'A L CONTIFOL CABLE 750 L F 800 L F 1550 � F 7 8 41C #/2 SIGNAL CONTROL 'CABLE 21C 412 LOOP LEAD -IN CABLE 5e0 b' 65O LF 107O LF 9 11C #12 LOOP WIPE 500LF 550LF. 1050LF /O //C #8 SERVICE CABLE 3500LF, 45 LF Z500LF 45 LF. 6000ZF• 90 LF // //C #`4 GROUND W /RE 15 L/7 /5 LF. 12 /3 3/8 INCH GUY WIRE INCH MANILA ROPE 1400 LF. 4000F .301-F. 1300ZF 14 .3/8 51,5 INCH X d FOOT ANCHOR RODS 5.50LF 450 IF /000 LF 15 8 /NCH EIPANDING ANCAIORS /6 Ea 16 Ea. 5 Ea 5 Ea. - 2/ Ea 21 Ea. 16 GUY_ WIRE GRIPS .32 Ea. 1 1060. 42 Ea. 17 GUY GUARDS WRAP - AROUND) 16Ea. 5150. ZI Ea, 18 3 /NCH PVC P /PE ZOLF ZOLF. 401F. /9 2INCH RIGID GALVANIZED PIPE 50LF 50LF. /00 IF 20 1 /NCH RIGID GALVANIZED PIPE — 25LF 251F 2' 314 INCH RIGID GALVANIZED PIPE 50 LF 25LF 72 22 518 /NCH x 8 FOOT C -OPPER "WELD GROUND ROD / Ea / Ea Ee 2 Ea. 23 GROUND ROD CLAMP / Ea. I Co. 2 Ea. 24 S67RV /CE ENTR,4N0E MEADS ,3 Ea. 4 Ea. 76e. 25 /00 •WATT TRAFFIC SIGAIAL 80LBS 44,47 _0, 37 26 JUNCT /0/V Ea. / Ea. 2 Ea. 27 3 /NCH PVC EL D OWS 2 Ea. 2 Ea 4 Ea. 28 GUY POLE BOLTS 30 Ea. /5 Ea_ 45 Ea. 29 GUY POLES (55 FOOT) 6 Ea. 0 Ea, 9 Ea, 30 2,500 POUND STRENGTH CONCRETE FOUNDA T /ON / CF. / CF 2 CF, 31 SPLICE CONDULETS 4 Ea 4 Ea. 8 Ea, 32 ST 41N INSULATORS 16 Ea 8 Ea. Z4 Ea. 33 M/SCELL a NEOUS L S L S L S MA TERIA L L IS T IN TERSE CT /oN 5h.358 (-PADRE ISLAIUD Dry'.) WITH All E DR /VC AND PAUL c1ONE 5 ' AVE, /N CORPUS CHRIST / /i/UECES co C • S r c i r NA CFGVICF PnA— 5Wl INDEX OF SHEETS / TITLE .SHEET 2 MATERIALS LIST SH.358 (S'OU711 PADRE /SL.4ND OR) W/TH Al /LE ,0R1VE 3 PLAN VIEW 4 W IRING DIAGRAM SH 358(SO6171-1 PADRE ISLAND DR.) WITH PAUL ✓ONF_S AVF_IIUE 5 PLAN VIEW 6 W IRING DIAGRAM 7 INTERVAL SEQUF_ NCE � P; IASING L�ETA /LS 8 COOP DE %ECTOrF OET�lCS 9 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS FOR 'P.4AI vV /RE SUSPENDED SIGNALS /0 DETAILS OF ANCl1oRs FARRICADES --01'_ "DUC7101V SIGNS AVD 7YPICAC CONS%,? IJCT /0N LAYOUTS -i—T - a a STATE 0S"A /IF TMENT OF H/GH1414 KS IF. R. DIV.6I TEXAS I M 017 -1 ISHEET / AND PUBL /C TRANSf'D�PTA T /ON I N(/E'CES COUNTYI HWY.358 CONT. 677-1 PD 6477 PLANS OF PROPOSED /MP✓PO!/EMENT / /C Ph'OVECT NO. 6/7 -/- NCl L-- C,S COON TY - H /GH WAY' ND, S11 J5,3 DATE COMPLETED NET LENGTH 0,00 FT O.00 MILES I FINAL COST INSTALLED 8Y CITY OF COIFpPIS CNR/ST/ /NSTALLAT /O/V OF 7WO FOUL' -PHASE TPAFF /C- ACTUATED T/rAl-T : ,5161Vr LS D/, SUTURE zA1rFRCOA1/VEcT 101v AND SUPERVISION By A TRAFFIC RESPONS'lVE MASTER CONTROLLERAT PADRE ISLAND Dl?) W/TH NILE DRIVE, AND S'H..3581 /SOUTH' PAD�PE /SCAND DP) W /Tr/ PAUL cJO�VES qVE' /N CORPUS 01'I/2I,STI NOECES COUNTY r YICAPOLE P.D 0 SO✓TH HAVEN \ Si h 35E3 WAD+°, SL4A,D DRj 60RPIfS CHP /ST/ ( //✓C) POP 204,525 1970 CENSUS LAYOUT SCALE / IN = / /2 MI. )'V :�'� Pi'OPOSt ✓� frYE'CKEN.E'IDGE �o. 4 L�� ✓kt vct a' 3ANCe0FT 'ARRAGOT HOLLY OS -0�P,4 Ik1EI ✓T J7' 7neANSPORTATION FfOl PAL ; I af✓WAY ADIVIN 137BI -I TIO✓1/ APPROVED lo/ 5119N /DMIA115TIPn Tr -C DATE YARN4LL MD, -FE r, /fly o,o 1 W11W 6� SUPERVISING TRMFl 'ENGINEER REC'OMNENDED FOR APPROVAL i-J"..r9iVF.wa, J CORPUS CHRIST/ uI,PECTOR Of- TRAFF /C APPROVED • 52 lel ..,w,•» r� COPPUS CHl2iSTI C/TYMANAGER RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL -4 - -0 +• ysfa^ fa T,PICT ENGINEER RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL ENGINEER OF ,y v' i' S -1, ETY APPPOVED �] CHIEF ENGINEER OF MAIN T. OPER, CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS q TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; I, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY, MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY T E FOLLOWING VOTE: JA30N LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES 1 RUTH GILL I BOB GULLEY t GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THE A80VE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY T E FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON Way DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASE3 RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABS LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE k r -�