HomeMy WebLinkAbout13496 ORD - 11/24/1976JKH:hb:11/23/76, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY FOR $144,254 FOR A SELECTIVE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM TO REDUCE VEHICLE ACCIDENT RATES BY PRO- VIDING OVERTIME COMPENSATION FOR ADDITIONAL WORK IN HIGH ACCIDENT AREAS, ALL AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE APPLICATION, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO, MARKED EXHIBIT AND MADE A PART HEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO CARRY OUT THE PROGRAM AFORESAID; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to submit a grant application to the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety for $144,254 for a selective traffic enforcement program to reduce vehicle accident rates by providing overtime compensation for additional work in high accident areas, all as more fully described in the application, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A", and made a part hereof. SECTION 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute all documents necessary to carry out the program aforesaid. SECTION 3. The necessity to submit the hereinabove described grant application in order to conduct a selective traffic enforcement program in an effort to reduce traffic accidents within the City of Corpus Christi creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance take effect and be in full force and effect from and after s� its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED this the A' q day of -1 1976. ATTES i Ci Secretary MAYOR APPRROVEDD:A��Y OF ATTORNEY 1976: THE CITY OF CORPJV / /CH U' -1LkCD TEXAS ByAssistant City ttorney 13496 JUN 19gp TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CONTRACT STATE LIEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 1 - OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY 3 1 5 STANDARD ^v' " ^- - - NUNJdC, PROJECT NAME Selective Traffic Enforcement Program - City of Corpus Christi BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT IFOR DETAILS, SEE STATEMENT OF WORK) Assignment of selected officers to established high- accident areas by time of day and day of week for the purpose of traffic enforcement. GD "IS Reduction of traffic crashes by 15% as METHOD OF EVALUATION IFORDETAILS.SEESFAIEMENT01WORK) compared to 1976. Administrative Assement; Data Analysis. COST CATEGORY AMOUNT FUNDING PERIOD AMOUNT SOURCES OF FUNDS AMOUNT PERSONAL SERVICES $140,2 74 FEDERAL(,,)... -. > CONTRACT SERVICES oCT: DEC, ........ 6,980 GITSF ............ COMMODITIES...... JAN: MAR, ........ 45,758 ,. OTHER DIRECT COST - APR.JUN. ........ 45,758 INDIRECT COST..... JUL- SEP.......... 45,758 - ,'.' ,`, ;• •;. PROFIT ........... . . ..'. ::. LOCAL........... TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TYPE OF REIMBURSEMENT LUMPSUM COST PER UNITOFWORK BASIS OF REIMBURSEMENT (F R "ACTUAL COST' CONTRACTS ONLY) ❑ OTS WILL REIMBURSE THE CONTRACTOR AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO _% OF ALL REIMBURSEMENT LIMITS 1. MAXIMUM AMOUNT ELIGIBLE FOR REIMBUASEMENT 144 - 2. NO COST CATEGORY MAY BE EXCEEDED COST PLUS FIXED FEE F] ELIGIBLE COSTS. BY MORE THAN S% 3. ONLY THOSE COSTS INCURRED DURING ❑ SPECIFIC RATES OTS WILL REIMBURSE THE CONTRACTOR a AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO 100 % OF ALL THE FOLLOWING PERIOD SHALL BE • ELIGIBLE FOR REIMBURSEMENT: Q ACTUALCOST ELIGIBLE COSTS IN THE CATEGORIES IDENTIFIED 12 -6 -76 TO 9 -30 -77 IN THE STATEMENT OF WORK, 4. THE CONTRACTOR MUST BEAR ALL COSTS FOR DETMLS, SEE STATEMENT OF WORK NOT ELIGIBLE FOR REIMBURSEMENT • THIS CONTRACT INCLUDES 6 ATTACHMENTS • IN THE EVENT OF ANY INCONSISTENCY OR CONFLICT BETWEEN PROVISIONS AND /OR REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CONTRACT, THE INCONSISTENCY OR CONFLICT SHALL BE RESOLVED BY ASSIGNING AN ORDER OF PRECEDENCE TO EACH, ACCORDING TO THE FORM OR ATTACHMENT IN WHICH IT APPEARS, USING THE FOLLOWING ORDER: , 1. CONTRACT (THIS FORM) 2. STATEMENT OF WORK (ATTACHMENT 1) 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS (ATTACHMENT 2) A SPECIAL PROVISIONS (ATTACHMENT 3) - S. OTHER • FEDERAL AND STATE REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES SHALL BE THE BASIS FOR DETERMINING ELIGIBILITY OF COSTS • THIS CONTRACT MAY BE AMENDED ONLY BY "CONTRACT CHANGE NOTICES" EXECUTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH OTS POLICY THE CONTRACTOR IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO PERFORM WORK ON THIS PROJECT, DURING THE PERIOD CITED ABOVE, SUBJECTTO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACT AND ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. SIGNATURE OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO COMMIT OTS SIGNATURE OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO COMMIT CONTRACTOR City Manager - Marvin Townsend TITLE TITLE _City of Corpus Christi - - -- -- - DATE CONTRACTOR 015 FORM A 10 NEW W lS ATTEST APPROVED: DAY OF ' " " " " " " "' 1976 City Secretary J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By Assistant City Attorney TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CONTRACT I•AI�1:.•I:. .m n H11J I I NIIMHI R REPRESENTATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS, AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I CONTINGENT FEE. (check appropriate boxes) The contractor represents (a) that it ❑ has, IN has not, employed or retained any company or person (other than a full -time bona fide employee working solely for the offeror) to solicit or secure this contract, and (b) that it has. IX has not, paid or agreed to pay any company or person (other than a full -time bona fide employee working solely for the contractor) any fee, commission, percentage, or brokerage fee contingent upon or result- ing from the award of this contract; and agrees to furnish information relating to (a) and (b) interpretation of the representation, including the term "bona fide employee ", see Code of Federal Regulations, Title 41, Chapter 1, Subpart 1 -1.5.) II EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: (check appropriate boxes) The contractor represents that R IX has. ❑ has not, participated iri a previous contractor subcontract subject, either to the Equal Opportunity clause herein or the clause originally contained in Section 301 of Executive Order 10925, or the clause contained in Section 201 of Executive Order No. 11114: that it p has, ❑ has not, filed all required compliance reports; and that representations, indicating submission of required compliance reports, signed by proposed subcontractors, will be. obtained prior to subcontract awards. III. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM: (check appropriate box) The contractor represents that (1) it (x has developed and has on file ❑ has not developed and does not have on file at each establishment affirmative action programs as required by the rules and regulations of the Secre- tary of Labor (41 CFR 60 -1 and 60 -2), or (2) it❑ has not previously had contracts subject to the written affirm- ative action program requirement of the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Labor. . IV. CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES: The contractor certifies !hat it does not maintain or provide for employees' facilities which are segregated on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin, whether such facilities are segregated by directive or on a de facto basis. The offeror further agrees that he will not maintain such segregated facilities. V The contract recipient agrees as a necessary condition for reimbursement of costs, to prepare monthly and /or quarterly progress reports in a timely manner, and in accordance with instructions furnished by the Governor's ' Office of Traffic Safety. VI. CLEAN AIR ACT COMPLIANCE: For all contracts in excess of $100,000, the recipient agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act of 1970. Violations shall be reported to OTS and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency. VII. PRINCIPAL PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: The location of the plant or place of business where the item(s) will be produced or the principal services will be performed under the contract is: CITY Corpus Christi COUNTY Nueces STATE Texas VIII. ASSURANCE. The contract recipient hereby assures compliance with all terms, conditions and general and special provisions for this contract, including attachments. L�. 11-23-76 SIGNATURE OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO COMMIT CONTRACTOR DATE ,CONTRACTOR'S PROJECT DIRECTOR I DATE Marvin Townsend, City Manager W. C. Banner, Acting Chief of Police NAVE 'TITLE City of Corpus Christi • Corpus Christi Police Department TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CONTRACT ATTACHMENT 1 PROJECT IN(SJUI MIL E STONE SCHEDULE AND AIF, THOD OI FVAIUAIION I. The contracting jurisdiction, the City of Corpus Christi, in exchange for consideration offered by the Office of Traffic Safety, State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, will: A. Determine the high traffic accident locations from accident records, data processing printouts, and complaints. B. - Assign and supervise officers on an overtime basis in patrol at determined locations. C. Bear all costs not specified in #II (A) below. D. Prepare and provide to the Office of Traffic Safety, State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, three copies of the quarterly Project Claim and Periodic Report, using the forms and procedures illustrated in Attachment 4; E. Prepare and provide to the Office of Traffic Safety, State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, three copies of the monthly technical report, using the forms and procedures illustrated in Attachment 5. F. Submit a final written program assessment thirty days after completion of program. G. Make program adjustments as deemed necessary from statistical and narrative assessment by the Project Director. ,H. The City of Corpus Christi is authorized to purchase the accountable assets specified in Attachment 6. I. Proposed Equipment Necessary to Provide Required Efficiency. II. The Office of Traffic Safety, State Department of Highways and Public Transportati will: A. Reimburse the City of Corpus Christi for 100% of the funds expended (up to the limit specified on Page 1 of this contract) for the following. salaries (for officers, lieutenants, and clerk), fringe benefits (FICA and Workman's Compensation), and two radar units. I III. Method of Evaluation Evaluation will be by a combination of statistical analysis and administrative, assessment. A 'comparison of monthly and quarterly statistical information to a three -,year base period and a final comparison during the final month of the project will be made. A narrative assessment by the Project Director will also be made. IISI(''• eJINEW975 PAGE I OF _ IV. Milestones 1. Project Start 2. Submit Monthly Technical Reports. 3. Submit Quarterly Reports 4. Submit Final Written Program Assessment 5. Project Close Attachment 1 Page 2 of 2 D J F M A M J J A S 0 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Contract No. Attachment 2 Title Corpus Christi GENERAL PROVISIONS CHECK LIST The following provisions contained in "General Provisions for Contracts" - Form GC -2A, are hereby included as a part of this contract by reference: xU I. Definitions Q II. Changes )] III. Disputes O IV. Conditions for Termination Prior to Completion n V. Excusable Delays p V1. Non - Collusion VII. Contract Period Established VIII. Cost Provisions IX. Method of Payment (Check one) ❑ A. Lump Sum ❑ B. Cost Per Unit Work ❑ C. Cost Plus a Fixed Fee ❑ D. Specific Rates of Compensation E. Cost x X. Terms and Conditions of Payment ❑x XI. Inspection [x] XII. Property Accountability �c XIII. Retention ❑ XIV. Ownership of Data and Creative Material ® XV. Reports ❑r XVI. Equal Opportunity ❑x XVII. Overtime Compensation G XVIII. Convict Labor ® XIX. Subcontractual (Applies to all Federal and Most State contracts) M XX. Utilization of Small Business Concerns Q XXI. Order of Precedence XXII. Assignment, Subletting and Transfer n XXIII. Cancellation XXIV. Contractor's Liability Q XXV. Save Harmless x❑ XXVI. Tax and Compensation Liability ❑x XXVII. Reimbursement of Eligible Expenditures ° ® XXVIII. Application of Hatch Act (Applies to all Federal contracts) Q XXIX. Standards for Grantee Financial Management Systems (� XXX. Procurement procedures (Applies to Federal grants to State agencies and communities only) s XXXI. Cost of Living Council Regulations (Applies to all Federal contracts) ® XXXII. Minority Business Enterprise GC -2 8/75 Page 1 of 1 �P • 0 CONTRACT NO. SPECIAL PROVISIONS Attachment 3 Page 1 of 1 1. Unless prior approval in writing is obtained from the Office of Traffic Safety, State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, no costs may be incurred after the end of the contract period specified. 2. No indirect costs and no contractual services shall be eligible for reimbursement. 3. All salary costs charged to this project must be supported by appropriate time distribution sheets. 4. Overtime charges must be supported by records documenting that the correct amount of overtime work was performed, and by whom it was performed. 5. Costs are subject to verification by the Office of Traffic Safety, State Department of Highways and Public Transportation auditor. Documentation by source document should be available. No matching ratio is intended for this project. 6. Approval of this contract is for the stated contract period only. This approval does not commit or promise to commit funding for any subsequent contract period. a I,— I\ 0 ProarUZOS PR- 1.3,4,5,6, t 7 11/75 INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION OF A TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM PROJECT CLAIM AND PERIODIC REPORT SCOPES This document provides instructions for the completion of OTS forms PR- 1,3,4,S,6, and 7; referred to collectively as the *TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CLAIM AND PERIODIC REPORT- (Enclosures 1 thru 6). GENERAL% 1. Project claims and periodic reports are required under the terms Of most Texas Traffic Safety Program contracts. Three types of claim/report forms may be specified by eontractr these instructions shall be used if OTS form PR -1 is specified. 2. The OTS contract may require that project claims and periodic reports he submitted monthly, or quarterly, or one time (only). 3. The attachment forms (PR- 3,4,5.6, and 7) shall be assumed to be required unless the contract. (or other written direction; from OTS) states otherwise. 4. It is recommended that a Copy of the project contract and all changes thereto be reviewed before preparing a pro- ject claim and periodic report, PREPARATION OF OTS FORM PR -1 (Enclosure 1)r , 1. FINAL REPORT - Check the appropriate block indicating whether or not this is the final report to be submitted under this contract. 2. PROJECT TITLE - Enter the project title as shown on the contract. OTS lbem G-4 New 32/75 Page 1 of 17 3. PROJECT•NUMDER - Enter the project number, as shovn on the contract, in the blocks provided. 4. MONTHLY /QUARTERLY REPORT - Check the appropriate block. If the contract requires monthly reports, the claim and report shall cover exactly one calendar month (or less, if at the beginning or end of the project) ; insert the applicable calendar month and year. If the contract re- quires quarterly reports, the claim and report shall cover exactly one quarter (or portion thereof) of a fiscal year (Oct. 1 - Dec. 31, Jan. 1 - Mar. 31, Apr. 1 - June 30, or July 1 - Sept. 30)1 check the appropriate quarter and enter the calendar year. S. EXPENDITURES FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD - A. GENERAL: 1) Routine - Unless otherwise approved in writing by OTS, expenditures shall be recorded on a cash basier i.e., a cost shall be claimed in the period during which it is actually paid. However, since all costs eligible for reimbursement under the con- tract must be claimed during the period of the con- tract, any allowable costs incurred during the con- tract period,'but paid after the contract period, shall be claimed during the final reporting period (monthly or quarterly) of the contract. Example: wages and /or Omplcyeo benefits for the last week (or month) of the project are frequently paid after ' the and of the project) they should, however, be • Page 2 of 17 Q� claimed as costs on the last (monthly or quarterly) report of the project. 2) Errors - In the event of an error in the amount i claimed (either an overclaim or an underclaim), an adjustment may be made on a subsequent report by entering corrections (which may be positive or nega- tive in value). If an error is found subsequent to the final report, a supplementary claim may be submitted (use form PR -1, with the words "SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT,- entered above the title) . B. PERSONAL SERVICES, CONTRACT SERVICES, COMMODITIES, OTHER DIRECT COSTS AND INDIRECT COSTS - Enter the total amount• expended for the reporting period in the spaces provided, using the following category definitions: 1) Personal Services - Salaries and benefits of all salaried personnel (for time actually spent working on the project), travel costs (fares; mileage, etc.), and other travel expenses (par diem or room rent, meals, etc.). 2), Contract Services - Costs incurred under project subcontracts— (including consultant services) . 3) Commodities - The costs -of expendable materials and supplies used on the project (prorated costs may be used if approved by OTS). OThe project contract shows cost by these same categories;1P match- ing coats are shown in the contract, include them in these spaces. If matching costs are not shown in the contract, do not include these spaces. ..Most subcontracts must be approved in advance by OTS (see contract requirements. Page 3 of 17• ' 4) Other Direct Costs - The cost of purchase of - necessary accountable assets, computer services, rentals, other services, etc. 5) Indirect Costs - The percentage add -on cost authorized by contract (may include profit) . NOTE: Indirect costs may be charged only when per by contract. The requirements for Sub- stantiation of indirect costs at audit are often more severe than for direct costs. OTS forms PR- 3,4,5, and 6 shall be attached (an appli- cable) unless the requirement for these attachments has been waived in writing by OTS. C. TOTAL COST AND TOTAL COST CLAIMED FOR REIKBURSE14ENT - 1) Total Cost - This is the sum of the costs, listed above (for the reporting period) . 2) Total Cost Claimed for Reimbursement - This amount is computed on the basis specified in the contract; if the contract specifies 1001 cost reimbursement, this amount will equal the "total cost" (provided the total amount claimed on all reports may never exceed the •Maximum Amount Eligible for Reimburse- ment") as shown in the contract. 6. CUMULATIVE EXPENDITURES AND CLAI14S - Enter the sum of expenditures shown on this report plus those on all prior reports as cumulative actual expenditures. Cumulative actual claimed is similarly computed from claimed amounts. Planned expenditures are, only reported on quarterly reports or on the last monthly report for a quarter (December, Page 4 of 17 Attachment 5 r SU Ail IV, ARY SHLEE_ CITY Or StLECTIVE' TRAFFIC FiUr'P.'" ;iYNT PROGRAi\P - MONTH OF .197„_ REPORTED ACCIDENTS ,_..: .................._..:......... ..............._.........::.... Insert the number of Reported Accidents, INJURY CRASHES..... Injury Crashes, and Fatal Crashes that �- -. occur during the reported month through— I out the city and reported by all police FATAL CRASHES .... units including the S.T.E. P. patrol units. CI TAT, 17i\15 issu The re,,aining eight categories should be f completed for the reported month for WARNINGS ISSUED „• S.T. E. P. patrols only. STEP CHARGES � ILED ........... .....................:......... - ....... STEP CHAr'?G S A+DJUDICAT.ED HAZARDOUS NIOVIN13 ' ViOL 1T101\1 _ ... ............................... rvoly- HazA noes VIOLATIONS .................... TOTAL TOTAL HOURS WORKED ...........................:... ...._..._.._.._._..._ TOTAL • MILES DRIVE I.1 .......... .... .......................:_._.... _........_...... _�_• a Pi:3e I of 5 CITY 0= ADJUDICATIOIN! By COURTS —STEP PROGRAM MUNICIPAL COURT JAN FEB MAR APR 13AY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV =DE,- TOT/ STEP MIRSES ST_:PC_iARG=S ADJUDICATED Insert the number of County Court-at- F:L_rD WNVICTiOnS VATH PEPI-ILTY law adjudications for S.T. NJ E E.P P. . patrol STEP CH,!,=V3ES unit arrests or citati-6n—s only and for the reported month only. DISIM534LS, NOLLE FRO3SED PR�5ATED TO ADJUDICATED P11I.CB 47 M -.1110 U_ PEHAa PRO:; ---------------- MMICTIONS �; I, CT!0;11?TY WITH P;-:.,;A--Ty Insert the number of municipal court; -.'adjudications for S.T.E.P. patrol unit arrests -and citations only and for the DMMJSSALS report6d month only. PEWCTIONS NOLLE PROSS-ro Lf 197— - COU.'. Y COURT L AW' AW JAN FES JUN JUL MAR APR MIAY JUM JUL AUG SEP 0 M- NOV, I DEC I C IOTA! TOTA EFEE :F1 —=TO L EEE D ST_:PC_iARG=S ADJUDICATED Insert the number of County Court-at- WNVICTiOnS VATH PEPI-ILTY law adjudications for S.T. NJ E E.P P. . patrol unit arrests or citati-6n—s only and for the reported month only. DISIM534LS, NOLLE FRO3SED PR�5ATED TO REH4.E.. PROG. P11I.CB 47 M -.1110 PEHAa PRO:; ---------------- PAGE 2 or s CITY OF DISTRIBUTION OF FATAL P�f INJURY CRASHES BY. HOU R OF DAY AND DAY OF WEEK Ylt.lS Or MONDAY TUESDAY WED ?�AY d THOPMAY FRIDAY W SATU�DAY SU4DAY 1 DAY 3 A.?,! - 5 A.M. 70'fA L 12 ili. - 3 A. },I. BAA:- 6 A.M. 6A61- 9A.fd. Insert the data for current month only. Include all fatal and injury crashes U sties - rznocr, Include the hours of enforcement 12mon -3 P. reported by all police units including 12n con -3 Ptn. performed by S.T.E.P. personnel only. _ t p pp 1 S.T.E.P. units for the entire city. 3Pt,}. -6F!M, q U 3PM. -6PM. 6PT4. -9PR 9PM.-12 M. .1 I 9Pt1. -12 M. TOTAL — ' TOTAL - - - °— q - - -- y , f . TOTAL FATAL CRA5yE*S TOTAI. JJJJU.7: CRASiJPS DISTRIBUTION OF ENFORCEMENT BY HOUR OF DAY AND DAY OF WEEK. TIME OF DAY j 1}OVOaY j TUESDAY Y /�VESCLAYTHURSDAY � FRIDAY 3SATURDAY � SUNDAY 9 � TOTA! 1214. -3ATa. 3 A.?,! - 5 A.M. 6k%i.- 9AM 9Ai•}. -12 noon 1 U Include the hours of enforcement 12n con -3 Ptn. performed by S.T.E.P. personnel only. _ t p pp 1 3Pt,}. -6F!M, q U 9Pt1. -12 M. — ' TOTAL - - - °— -- - _-� �- - - -- y , TRAFFKC ACCIDENT STATISTICS APRIL ( %nom /lam ^s %�•J /y— /O /7 /iJ / /0. P' RSO'IS INJURED / /0. FATAL ACCIDENTS /.'0. CF DEATHS //0. F rAl. ACCID FOR YCAR • DPATII "L Mt FOR YEAR C1'rY OF .:A1`Sl+nY 197-4 197-5 075_ 197 19 riAY • R,FP0.?.'EO ACCIDENTS PcPO ?•TF_D 4MDc1,'7S (irc'��:; i•-+j::ry— /o /a /sJ &7cly cs izjury.— /olo /sJ 111✓�.3Y SCCIDE //TS INJURY ACCIOc, %rS _ I 10. PEP•SONS IP/JUr?ED /10. AEASa 9 ffiJURED — I/0 FATAL ACC/OE//TS U0. FATs7L ACCIDENTS _ NO OF DEATHS NO.. OF DEATHS — //O FdrAL AMA FM YEAR /I0. FATAL ACCID. FOR KFAR _ DEAT // TOTAL fW YEAR DEATH. TOTAL FOR YEAR. JUN P•FPCRTED ACCIATW S RCOO.?TED AL"'IDEIITS lirJu�a infory — /o /a /s1 (inc /ud3s in% pry — /c/nlr% II/'G'R/ AGC /DE!.'TS /N✓U ?.Y ACCIDEMS • .- Va PEI=5011S Mill -7 O J'i0. PcASOi /S AWNED — NO.. FATAL ACCIDENT SS n Traffic accident statistics for the Na DF DEArr/s reported month during two previous + — NO FATAL AM-2 FO/ years should be included in the columns YEAR — marked 1974 and 1975. '. 'Cc'.'TH TOTAL FM Y[ BAR .� Compute the accident data for the reported I month for the entire city and as reported I _ by all police units including S.T.E.P. _ ?lAi?CH patrols and insert the data in the 1976 PSPO?TED ACC/DEN/d column. — (indhd-s Injury — /t _ 1 PIJU?Y ACC /DE / /TS /IIJU. ?Y ACC.i cI /rS —r — / /U. FERSONS INJURED 1/0. P'FaSo%S /iM REO — //0.. FATAL ACC /DE /ITS !/0. FATAL ;CC /O TITS — //0 cr D =ATHS l'0. OF DEAM'S /i0 FATAL ACCID. FD7 YEAR NO FATAL ACCID. FOR MAR _ D.T-rH TOTAL FOR YEAR DEATH TOTAL FOR YEAR APRIL ( %nom /lam ^s %�•J /y— /O /7 /iJ / /0. P' RSO'IS INJURED / /0. FATAL ACCIDENTS /.'0. CF DEATHS //0. F rAl. ACCID FOR YCAR • DPATII "L Mt FOR YEAR TRAFFIC ACCIDENT STATISTICS — con;. CITY OF AUGUz�'� 197_.... 197_ 197_ Tl��/ �'cci 197_ 197 1� I?EP:'•a,-_D Acc/D�Nrs nEPD.7rD Acc/a�nrs . (irc /s; J; is f�•ry — folc/sI 'juey — iolc/sl - — 1 / /JURY ACC,'D�flTS' /.� ;JJr ?Y �l�C•!O• !!.+^ • t /O. PcP.SCNS 111JUR60 /YO. PERM,73 /NJUT.EO . ` NO FATAL ACC/DEtIrS //O FATAL ACCIDEtlTS 1/0 OF DEATHS No or DEATHS P✓O. •FA,::L ACCI9 FOR YF•'R ' /ID. FATAL AXID. FCR YEAR' DEATH TOTAL FOR YEAR GFAT,Y MrAL F,^•R YEAR REPORTED ACCIM&rS R =TG! ?Tc'O ;SCC1GcNTS ( /,7Cf0d ; i ;jwy — 10 /o1sJ (/as /udr; ink _ _ /NJUR! ACC /OENTS /r'✓JU.?Y ACC /DENTS ' NO PEP.J::lS /i /JURED NQ P ?30.1,'S JtIJIMED .119. F'Tl._ ACCIDENTS //O FaTia '' IM9 ?✓; l /.9 G= G=GTdS tit : ✓ Th' , ; 1/O F.:TSL ACCID FW YEAR t /O. F::Ii:L I.CC!D. Fil.' }'cAR DEAra 7::4L ',M? YEAR e^,FATH TOTAL ` Fi:R }c AR YEAR SU?k/1M!A R Y R�. °C ?T�J CCIDEt /TS REPORT.:O ACCDENTS .--. irjcly — (alols) (inavd >s irj ;ay — aJsJ' U /Ji'rrY F4" /CcilTS //!✓U °.Y LCC /D =t(TS _ N.2 PE RSG1 iS 111JURED I NO. FERSJ,VS /NJI/P. W ~ 1 10. FA L ACCIDENTS NO. FATAL ACCID✓ 3 /IA GX, S /.THS — NJ 0.9' / /D- F.;T;.L ;CaD. FOR YEAR NO. FATAL AXIO. FOP YEAR DE7TH MrAL FZW YEA,? Dc'+TH TOT,CL FOR YEA7 CONTRACT NO. - Attachment 6 Page 1 of I The City of Corpus Christi is hereby authorized to purchase the following accountable assets: 2 Decatur Moving Radar Units or Equivalent SELECTIVE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI OPERATIONAL PLAN INTRODUCTION The City of Corpus Christi is in need of a Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP). TABLE #1 CORPUS CHRISTI TRAFFIC CRASH STATISTICS YEAR NO. OF CRASHES NO. OF INJURIES NO. OF DEATHS 1973 7,409 1,812 39 1974 6,656 1,766 29 1975 7,240 1,943 34 1976 (First 8 mos.) 5,016• 1,645 30 Between January 1, 1976, and August 26, 1976, 34 persons died in traffic crashes in the City of Corpus Christi. This represents an average of 0.142 deaths per day. Since August 26, however, the City has experienced only three fatalities, for an average of .036 deaths per day. This reduction is attributable to a program introduced by the Police Department, known as the "Blue Light Squad," or popularly known as the "Blue Meanies." This squad consists of five officers working five days per week from 7:30 PM to 3:30 AM. As of November 4, these officers have made 305 DWI arrests. This brings the total DWI arrests for 1976 to 760. In all of 1975, the City made 552 DWI arrests. Conviction rate for 1975 was 85% for DWI cases, and this is expected to remain constant for 1976. Selective Traffic Enforcement Program Page 2 City of Corpus Christi Operational Plan In addition to the increase in DWI arrests, some other figures from the first months of the "Blue Light" program are interesting. During the first 30 days of the program, major collisions in the City were reduced 40 %; minor collisions reduced 29% during the hours the Blue Light Squad were on duty. After the first 67 days of the program, during the same hours, major collisions stood at a 28.7% reduction, and minor collisions at a 27.5% reduction. In order to supplement the highly successful "Blue Light Squad" the Corpus Christi Police Department would like to implement a STEP Program which would be at least twice the size and scope of the present program. A data processing printout shows traffic crash data and accident location and analysis by Census Tracts. The Accident Location Coding Project funded by the Office of Traffic Safety was the basis for the printout, and information was extracted from this printout as needed. a _T �Y Selective Traffic Enforcement Program Page 3 City of Corpus Christi Operational Plan OPERATIONAL PLAN The City of Corpus Christi utilizes Police Officers within a Census Tract. Inside each Census Tract are a number of Patrol Districts made up of a few blocks each. Traffic crashes within five of these Census Tracts account for 27% of all crashes within the total thirty -seven Census Tracts. These top five Census Tracts are Census Tract #3 (which includes the CBD by the "T" heads), Census Tract #24 (which includes shopping center areas), Census Tract 012 (which includes the CBD -Fringe area and many apartments), Census Tract #19 (which includes expressways, shopping centers, light business, and bar areas), and Census Tract #18 (which includes expressways, shopping centers, light business, and bar areas). Based on analysis of the traffic crash data, the following STEP - plan of action will be implemented: 1. The Corpus Christi Police Department will utilize six officers and one lieutenant per shift, or 12 officers and two lieutenants, plus one clerical person per day. The officers and supervisors will operate , in mostly single cars. 2. The enforcement effort will concentrate on imprudent speed, failure to yield right -of -way, following too closely, and other hazardous traffic violations in days and times indicated in the attached chart. Selective Traffic Enforcement Program Page 4 City of Corpus Christi Operational Plan 3. The City of Corpus Christi reserves the right to amend this operational plan if the program can be improved, subject to concurrence by the District Office of the Office of Traffic Safety. 4. All needed equipment in addition to the patrol units, except for two radar units, will be provided by the Corpus Christi Police Department. The equipment proposed will be required to provide the efficiency necessary for success of the overall program, and will be utilized during the life of this project. Future equipment purchases will be authorized only on the basis of the individual projects. The City of Corpus Christi and the Corpus Christi Police Department believe this plan, in addition to the "Blue Light Squad," will greatly aid in the reduction of traffic crashes and their resulting injuries and deaths occurring within the jurisdiction of the City of Corpus Christi. TOTAL CRASHES TRACTS #3, #12, #18, #19, #24 DAY TOTAL CRASHES Sunday 121 Monday 162 Tuesday 215 Wednesday 166 Thursday 212 Friday 254 Saturday 217 CRASHES PER CENSUS TRACT BY TIME OF DAY TIME #3 #12 #18 #19 024 TOTAL - 6 - 10 AM 36 36 51 24 33 37 30 44 42 163 219 7 11 AM 8 - 12 NOON 49 68 , 58 33 39 45 243 3 - 7 PM 70' 81 63 61 63 75 97 73 92- 384 352 4 - 8 PM 61 11 AM - 7 PM 168 149 113 49 116 175 48 73 721 343 8 AM - 1 PM 95 78 3 - 6 PM 66 ' 64 47 48 53 80 61 82 310 294 4 - 7 PM 47 56 #1 11 AM - 7 PM = 721 CRASHES #2 8 AM - 1 PM; 3 PM - 6 PM = 653 CRASHES #3 8 AM - 1 PM; 4 PM - 7 PM = 637 CRASHES #4 8 AM - 12 NOON; 3 PM - 7 PM = 627 CRASHES #5 8 AM - 12 NOON; 4 PM - 8 PM = 596 CRASHES BUDGET SELECTIVE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries Off— 7cers - 8 hrs. /day x 6 days /week x $8.25 x 6 officers x 43 weeks $102,168.00 Lieutenants - 8 hrs. /day x 6 days /week x $10.25 x 1 lieutenants x 43 weeks 21,156.00 Clerk - 24 hrs. /week x $5.63 x 43 weeks 5,810.16 129,134.16 Benefits FICA - 5.85% x $129,134.16 $ 7,554.35 Workman's Comp. - Officers & Lieutenants $123.324 x $4.35/$100 x 2/3 3,576.40 Workman's Comp. - Clerk $5,810.16 x $0.22/$100 x 2/3 8.521 11,198.45 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER DIRECT COSTS 2 Each Radar @ $1,990 $ 3,980.00 TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS TOTAL CONTRACT 9 U $140,273.43 $ 3,980.00 $144,253.43 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS OCiA-DAY OF o'ttl nr.�iw 19 /i TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCES A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EX13T FOR THE 3USPEN- 31ON OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT 13 INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; I, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THI3 ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PA35ED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY r(/ GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE