HomeMy WebLinkAbout13507 ORD - 12/08/1976JKH:hb:11/9/76 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE STANDARD FIRE PREVENTION CODE, 1976 EDITION, WITH CERTAIN CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS, A COPY OF WHICH, AUTHENTICATED BY THE SIGNATURES OF THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY, AND MADE A PUBLIC RECORD BY THIS ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL, IS ON FILE IN THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVER - ABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE •CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The book entitled "Standard Fire Prevention Code", 1976 Edition, a copy of which, authenticated by the signatures of the Mayor and City Secretary, and made a public record by this ordinance, is on file in the City Secretary's office, is hereby adopted as the Fire Prevention Code of the City of Corpus Christi as fully as if copied verbatim herein, with the following changes and additions thereto: A. Section 1.11 is hereby amended to read as follows: "1.11 Investigation of fires and prosecution for arson, etc. (a) The City Attorney, upon the request of the Fire Marshal shall assist the Fire Marshal and his deputies in the investigation of any fire which, in the opinion of the Fire Marshal might have resulted from carelessness or design. The Fire Marshal, when in his opinion further investigation as to the cause of any fire is necessary, shall take or cause to be taken, the testimony under oath of all persons supposed to be cognizant of any facts or to have means of knowledge in relation to the matter under investigation, and shall cause the same to be reduced to waiting. If he is of the opinion that there is evidence sufficient to charge any person with the crime of arson, or with an attempt to commit the crime of arson, or of conspiracy to defraud, or criminal conduct in connection with such offenses, or either of them, then in that event he shall MICROFILMED 135 0 7 JUN 3 01980 furnish to the proper prosecuting attorney all such evidence together with the names of witnesses and all of the information obtained by him, including a copy of all the pertinent and material testimony taken in the case. (b) The Fire Marshal shall have the power to summon and compel the attendance of witnesses before him to testify in relation to any matter which is by the provisions of this chapter a subject for inquiry and investigation, and he may require the production of any book, paper or document deemed pertinent thereto. (c) The Fire Marshal is hereby authorized and empowered to administer oaths and affirmations to any persons appearing as witnesses before him, and false swearing shall be punished as such. Any witness ' who refuses to be sworn, or who refuses to testify, or who disobeys any lawful order of the Fire Marshal, or who fails or refuses to produce any book, paper or document touching any matter under examination, or who is guilty of any contemptuous conduct after being summoned to give testimony in relation to any matter under investi- gation as aforesaid, shall be deemed guilty of violating this chapter. It shall be the duty of the Fire Marshal to make complaint against the person so refusing to comply with the summons or order of the Fire Marshal before the municipal court of the City. (d) The Mayor is authorized and directed to make public proclamation in the name of the City offering a reward of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) for the arrest and conviction in a court of competent and final jurisdiction, of -2- any person found guilty of the crime of arson, as defined in the statutes of the State, within the limits of the City and to have the proclamation printed upon placards eight (8) by twelve (12) inches in size and placed in wooden frames, under glass, and posted in at least twenty (20) public buildings in the City. (e)- Any person who as a guest or occupant of any hotel, rooming house, tourist court, motel or any other place renting rooms for the accommodation of the public shall, by smoking, or attempting to light or to smoke cigars, cigarettes, pipes or tobacco in any manner in which lighters or matches are employed, or who, in the disposition of lighted matches, cigars or cigarettes or live embers of any smoking material, in a careless, reckless or negligent manner, whether willfully or not, sets fire to any mattress, bedding, furniture, curtains, drapes or any other household furnishings shall be guilty of a violation of this chapter. (f) It shall be unlawful for any person to tamper with, remove, injure or destroy any wire,'-bracket, fixture, glass, insulator, fire alarm box, or any part thereof or appurtenance thereto, of the fire alarm system of the City. (g) It shall be unlawful for any person to turn in to the Fire Department or to any City division,' depart- ment, or official any false alarm of fire or any false report of the existence of any bomb or other explosive." B. Chapter 2 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Chapter 2. Modifications. 2.01 Modifications. -3- The City Manager, the Fire Chief and the Fire Marshal, acting together, shall have power to modify any provision of the Fire Prevention Code, upon application in writing by the owner or lessee or his duly authorized agent when there are practical difficulties in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the Code; provided that the spirit of the Code shall be observed, public safety secured and substantial justice done. Such modification shall only be applicable upon the unanimous approval of the City Manager, the Fire Chief and the Fire Marshal in writing. The particulars of such modification when granted or allowed by such unanimous approval shall be entered into the records of the Fire Marshal and a signed copy shall be furnished the applicant." C. Amend Section 5.02 by amending the following definitions to read as follows: "Applicable governing body - means the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. Building Code - means the City of Corpus Christi Building Code. Fire Official or Fire Marshal - means that officer designated by the Fire Chief or City Manager as the person charged with the administration and enforcement of this Code. Plumbing Code — means the City of Corpus Christi Plumbing Code." D. Section 5.02 is further amended by adding the following definitions: "Authority — means the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. Jurisdiction — means the City of Corpus Christi, Texas." E. Section 17.03 is hereby amended to read as follows: "17.03 Manufacture, sale and discharge of fireworks. -4- (a) All of the provisions of this chapter shall apply to all of the area within the City and to all of that area adjacent to the City and within 5,000 feet of the City limits; provided, however, that no change in the City limits occurring after August k, 1976, shall affect an expansion of the area in which this chapter applies until the 120th day following the effective date of such change in the City limits. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, assemble, store, transport, receive, keep, sell, offer or have in his possession with intent to sell, deliver to any person or place, use, dis- charge, cause to be discharged, ignite, detonate, fire or otherwise set in action or have in his possession or on his person or under his control any firewords of any description except as herein provided. The fire official shall have power to adopt reasonable rules and regulations for the granting of permits for supervised public displays of fireworks by a jurisdiction, fair associations, amusement parks, other organizations or for the use of fireworks by artisans in pursuit of their trade. Every such use or display shall be handled by a competent operator approved by the fire official and shall be of such character and so located, discharged or fired so as not to be hazardous to property or endanger any person. (c) Application for permits shall be made in writing at least ten (10) days in advance of the date of display. After such privilege shall be granted, sale, possession, use and distribution of fireworks for such display shall be lawful for that purpose only. No permit granted hereunder shall be transferable." -5- F. Section 17.06 is hereby amended to read as follows: "17.06 Seizure of fireworks. The presence of any fireworks within the City or within 5,000 feet of the City limits shall constitute a violation of this article and is hereby declared to be a common and - public nuisance and detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. The fire official is directed and required to seize and cause to be safely destroyed any fireworks found within the City or within 5,000 feet of the City limits in violation of this article or in violation of the Fire Prevention Code. Any member of the Fire Depart- ment of the City or any police officer is empowered to seize any fireworks found within the City or within 5,000 feet of the City limits in violation of this article and cause the same to be safely destroyed." G. Chapter 17 is further amended by adding the following sections: "17.07 Duties of City Attorney. Notwithstanding any penal provisions of this article, the City Attorney is authorized to file suit on behalf of the City or the Fire Marshal or both, for injunctive relief as may be necessary to prevent unlawful storage, transporta- tion, keeping or use of fireworks within the City and to aid the Fire Marshal in the discharge of his duties and to prevent any person from interfering with the seizure and destruction of such fireworks, but.it shall not be necessary to obtain any such injunctive relief as a prerequisite to such seizure and destruction. 17.08 Defense in prosecution. In any prosecution for any violation of this chapter, it shall not be necessary for the prosecution to negate any proviso exception, but the same may be raised by the -6- defendant by way of defense. The possession of a permit from the fire official shall constitute a defense to the persons named in such permit or in place of the persons named in such permit. 17.09 Penalty. Any person, upon conviction for violation of any provision of this chapter, shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars ($200). If the fireworks be separately wrapped or packaged, the doing of any act prohibited by this chapter or the omission to do any act required to be done by this chapter shall be a separate offense as to each such separately wrapped or packaged fireworks. Each day that a violation of this chapter shall continue with respect to any package of fireworks or any article of fireworks shall constitute a separate offense. Any person who shall use, discharge, cause to be discharged, ignite; detonate, fire or otherwise set in action any fireworks, upon con- viction, shall be fined as above provided." H. Amend Chapter 18 by amending Section 18.2.05 to hereafter read as follows: "18.205 Convalescent homes, homes for the aged and nurseries. At least one fire extinguisher of a type suitable for use on Class A fires shall be provided in each story and in the basement, or these areas shall be protected by one inch or one and one -half inch hose attached to suitably r located gated outlets." I. Section 18.206 is amended by amending subparagraph (a) thereof to read as follows: "(a) Every dwelling unit within an apartment house, condominium or townhouse shall be provided with an approved listed detector, sensing visible or invisible particles of combustion, installed in accordance with the manufacturer's -7- recommendation and listing. When actuated the dector shall provide an audible alarm." J. Section 20.201 is amended by amending paragraph (a) thereof to read as follows: "(a) The storage of flammable and combustible liquids in above ground tanks outside of buildings is prohibited except in the I- 3'Heavy Industrial' zoning district." K. Section 20.601 is amended to read as follows: "20.601 Location of plants. No new bulk plants shall be constructed except'within the I -3 'Heavy Industrial' zoning district." L. Chapter 25 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Chapter 25. Liquefied petroleum gases. 25.01 Definitions. The following terms used in this article are defined as follows: Inspector - the Building Official, Fire Marshal and /or Fire Chief of the City or their duly appointed representatives. Liquefied petroleum gas - any material which is "composed predominately of any of the following hydrocarbons or mixtures of them: propane, propylene, butanes (normal butane or isobutane and butylenes). Liquefied Petroleum Gas Docket No. 1 - the rules and regulations issued by the Railroad Commission of Texas, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Division, referred to in Section 25.02 hereof. Person - as defined in Section 5.02 including the manager, agent, servant or employee of any of them. Premises - the grounds, as well as all buildings and appurtenances pertaining thereto, and any adjacent premises, if directly or indirectly under the control of the same person. -8- Railroad Commission - the Railroad Commission of the State of Texas or any regularly authorized deputy or agent thereof. Vehicle - automobiles, trucks, trailers and all appurte- nances pertaining thereto. 25.02 Adoption of rules and regulations of Railroad Commission. The rules and regulations published by the Railroad Commission, Liquefied Gas Division, entitled Liquefied Petroleum Gas Docket No. 1, the Handling and Odorization of Liquefied Petroleum Gases and Specifications for the Design, Construction and Installation of Equipment used in Petroleum Gases, and Adoption of Forms of Reports, dated June 1, 1972 (a copy of which, authenticated by the signatures of the Mayor and the City Secretary and made a public record by this section, is on file in the City Secretary's office) is hereby adopted as fully as if copied at length in this article except wherein it may conflict or be changed by provisions of this article. 25.03 Compliance with requirements of article and State. No person shall keep, store, retain, handle, haul, transport, dispense, distribute, use or consume within the City any liquefied petroleum gas (not in nonrefillable containers) except upon full compliance with the requirements of this article and with the requirements of the State. 25.04 Remedying or abatement of defective or improperly installed equipment, etc. Whenever liquefied petroleum gas equipment is found to be defective or improperly installed, or is being handled or operated in such manner as to become a menace to the public safety or welfare, same may be deemed a nuisance by the inspector by the serving of a written notice upon the owner thereof, or upon the person having control thereof or the -9- premises, whereupon the matter covered in such notice shall be immediately remedied or abated. 25.05 Permit required to install, repair, etc., tanks, containers, pipes, etc. No person shall install or repair any tank, container, or equipment connected therewith for the storing or consumption of liquefied petroleum gas, or install any piping for the distribution or use of liquefied petroleum gas on any premises within the City, until such person shall have secured a permit from the City, together with a receipt for the payment of a permit fee of ten dollars ($10) for each permit for installation or repair. 25.06 Odorization of gas to permit determination of presence. In order that the danger of escaping combustible gas may be minimized and to facilitate the quick detection of gas leaks, all liquefied petroleum gas shall be effectively odorized so as to indicate postively to a person of ordinary sensibility by distinctive odor the presence of gas down to concentrations in air of as much as one -half (1/2) of one (1) percent by volume. 25.07 Containers, equipment and appurtenances to comply with Liquefied Petroleum Gas Docket No. 1. All containers, equipment and appurtenances installed for the storage and dispensing of liquefied petroleum gas for the purpose of providing gas for industrial, commercial and domestic uses shall be designed, constructed, equipped and installed as specified in the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Docket No. 1. 25.08 Vehicles for transportation to be designed, etc., in accordance with Liquefied Petroleum Gas Docket No. 1. All vehicles used for the transportation or removal of 'liquefied petroleum gas over the streets, alleys or public thoroughfares of the City shall be designed, constructed and operated in accordance with the published regulations -10- for the design, construction and operation of automobiles, tank trucks and tank trailers for the transportation of liquefied petroleum gas, as defined in the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Docket No. 1. 25.09 Limitations on filling containers or transferring from container to another container. (a) Persons having liquefied petroleum gas for sale or for distribution within the City shall not fill tanks or containers, including tanks and containers on vehicles, with a gas having a vapor pressure which at one hundred (100) degrees Fahrenheit, is greater than the working pressure of the tank or container being filled, nor shall any such gas be transferred when the pressure in the originating vessel exceeds the safety valve setting on the receiving container. (b) No consumer container shall be filled at any but an approved liquefied petroleum gas tank or parking location, except consumer tanks used as part of the equipment of mobile house trailers or motor homes; provided the following regulations are observed: (1) No attempt shall be made to put any liquefied petroleum gas into any tank or container, unless such container shall bear a certificate acceptable to the Railroad Commission, certifying that such container will withstand a pressure greater than the setting of the safety relief valve on such container and the safety relief valve is in working condition. (2) Such tank or container shall bear the certifi- cate recognized by the Railroad Commission showing the tank weight of such container. -11- (3) All valves, hoses, and equipment used in the transferring of liquefied gas from the supplier container to the consumers container to be filled shall meet the standards'required by the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Docket No. 1 (4) All filling operations shall be conducted in accordance with regulations in Liquefied Petroleum Gas Docket No. 1. (c) Approved liquefied petroleum gas tank or parking locations shall be those in which liquefied petroleum gas tanks or containers are situated while transfer of their contents is being made and which meet all require- meats of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Docket No. 1 for such transfer, as well as all additional requirements that are herein specified and which locations have been so approved by the inspector. (d) No person shall handle the dispensing or trans- ferring of any quantity from any container to another container or to any form of installation or equipment without first having met the qualifications hereinafter provided for handling and dispensing, and having applied for and been issued a proper certificate in force at the time. 25.10 Installation, etc., of tanks, containers, etc., to be in accordance with laws of State; fire extinguishers to be provided at storage tanks; protection of storage tanks i against mechanical injury. (a) All tanks, containers and appurtenant equipment installed for use within the City for the purpose of providing liquefied petroleum gas for industrial, commercial and domestic uses shall be designed, con- structed, equipped and installed in a manner as required by the laws of the State as defined in the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Docket No. 1. -12- (b) Fire extinguishers of the type and size recommended by the inspector shall be provided and maintained in good working condition, at those storage tanks being used for the purpose of transferring liquefied petroleum gas to motor fuel tanks or other containers. (c) Storage tank installations shall have adequate protection in the form of guard rails and /or bumpers to protect them from mechanical injury from being bumped or run into by trucks or other mobile equipment. 25.11 Maximum capacity of storage tanks. No storage container shall be installed, erected or used for a capacity to hold more than one hundred fifty (150) water gallons in any portion of the City, other than an area zoned for heavy industrial use. Containers larger than one hundred fifty (150) water gallons capacity shall not be erected, installed or used anywhere within the City limits; provided that this restriction shall not be appli- cable to transportation purposes and provided further that containers larger than one hundred fifty (150) water gallons capacity may be authorized and installed only in areas zoned for heavy industrial use and then only after applicant has first obtained and presented to the proper City officials a written approval of such installation by the Chief Engineer of the State Fire Insurance Commission and by the Director of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Division of the Railroad Commission. 25.12 Inspection and approval of tanks prior to placing in service. Tanks and containers shall not be placed in service or filled upon the premises of the ultimate user, until the work of installation has been inspected and approved by the Building Official. -13- 25.13 Parking or storing vehicles used for transportation. No vehicle transporting or containing liquefied petroleum gas other than in consumer tank or tanks shall be parked or stored on the streets, alleys, public thoroughfares or at any other point except on premises owned or leased by the owner of such vehicle and approved as permanent tank or parking locations as provided for in section 25.09; provided, however, the vehicle may be parked at the approved point where the commodity is to be delivered and such delivery is made without undue delay. 25.14 Transfer from one vehicle to another. No liquefied petroleum gas shall be transferred from one vehicle to another on any streets, alleys, public thorough- fares or at any point other than the premises on which per- manent storage tanks are located, or an approved parking location, except that in case of emergency, such transfer may be made under the supervision of the Eire Marshal or fire division. 25.15 Persons permitted to make adjustments, etc., in devices, regulators, etc. Adjustments, changes or alterations in the accessories, devices, regulators and safety devices of liquefied petro- leum gas containers shall not be made except by persons licensed by the City or the Railroad Commission to do such work. 25.16 Use of portable containers inside buildings. By written permission of Eire Marshal, portable liquefied petroleum gas containers may be used but not stored inside of buildings when required as a fuel supply container for Underwriters' Laboratory approved torches being used in the construction, repair or improvement of the building or structure and its fixtures and equipment. —14— 25.17 Article supplemental to laws of State and Railroad Commission regulations. This article shall be construed to be supplemental to the laws of the State and of the regulations of the Railroad Commission of the State applying to liquefied petroleum gas as now or hereafter exist or are promulgated in conformity with the laws of the State. 25.18 Article cumulative of certain ordinances; repeal of conflicting regulations. This article shall be deemed to be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City with respect to the building, con- struction, repair or installation of any character of buildings, structures, or equipment, but'insofar as the provisions of this article are in direct conflict with the provisions of those ordinances, they are hereby expressly repealed." M. Chapter 32 is hereby amended by adding a new section 32.408 to read as follows: "32.408 Fire drills in educational and health care occupancies. (a) Fire drills shall be held at least once a month in educational occupancies where such occupancies constitute the major occupancy of a building and at least once every two months at health care occupancies where such occu- pancies constitute the major occupancy of the building. During severe weather, fire drills are permitted to be postponed. A record of all fire drills shall be kept and persons in charge of such occupancies shall file written reports at least quarterly with the Bureau of Fire Prevention giving the time and date of each drill held. (b) In educational occupancies fire drills shall include complete evacuation of all persons from the building. In health care occupancies fire drills shall be conducted 54-M to familiarize operating personnel with their assigned positions or assigned duties; complete evacuation of occupants from the building at the time of a fire drill shall be required only where it is practicable and does not involve moving or disturbing patients under medical care." N. Chapter 32 is further amended by adding a new section 32.409 to read as follows: "32.409 Convalescent homes, homes for the aged and nur- series. Buildings occupied for the purposes of convalescent homes, homes for the aged and nurseries shall have central heating plants with installation so as to safeguard the inherent fire hazard. The use of portable heaters of any kind is hereby prohibited. Lighting shall be restricted to electricity." 0. Chapter 20 is hereby amended by adding-a new section 20.609 to read as follows: "20.609 Wharves. (a) The term 'wharf' shall mean any wharf, pier, bulkhead, or other structure over or contiguous to navigable water used in conjunction with a bulk plant, the primary function of which is the transfer of flammable or combustible liquid cargo in bulk between shore installations and any tank vessel, ship, barge, lighter, boat or other mobile floating craft; and this section shall apply to all such installations except marine service stations as covered by the provisions of Division VII, Service Stations. The design and construction of wharves or general purpose piers handling liquids in bulk quantities shall be reasonably safe to persons and property. Installation, alteration, or extension of piers and wharves conforming to the provisions of this Code shall be deemed to be -16- reasonably safe to persons and property; on matters not detailed in this Code, piers and wharves installed, altered, or extended in conformance with the provisions of NFPA No. 87, Standard for the Construction and Pro- tection of Piers and Wharves, 1975 Edition, shall be evidence that such piers and wharves are reasonably safe to persons and property. (b) Package cargo of flammable and combustible liquids, including full and empty drums, bulk fuel and stores are permitted to be handled over a wharf during cargo trans- fer and at such times and places as agreed upon by the wharf superintendent and the senior deck officer on duty. (c) Wharves at which flammable or combustible liquid cargoes are to be transferred in bulk quantities to or from tank vessels shall be at least 100 feet fr6m any bridge over a navigable waterway, or from an entrance to or superstructure of any vehicular or railroad tunnel under a waterway. The termination of the wharf loading or unloading fixed piping shall be at least 200 feet from a bridge or from an entrance to or superstructure of a tunnel. (d) Substructure and deck shall be substantially designed for the use intended. Deck construction can employ any material which will afford the desired combination of a flexibility, resistance to shock, durability, strength a and fire resistance. Heavy timber construction is acceptable. (e) Tanks used exclusively for ballast water or Class II or Class III liquids are permitted to be installed on suitably designed wharves. (f) Loading pumps capable of building up pressures in excess of the safe working pressure of cargo hose or loading arms shall be provided with bypasses, relief -17- valves, or other arrangement to protect the loading facilities against excessive pressure. Relief devices shall be tested at not more than yearly intervals to determine that they function satisfactorily at the pressure at which they are set. All pressure hoses and couplings shall be inspected at intervals appropriate'to the service. With the hose extended, test the hose and couplings using the 'inservice maximum operating pressures'. Any hose showing material deteriorations, signs of leakage, or weakness in its carcass or at the couplings, shall be withdrawn from service and repaired or discarded. (g) Piping, valves and fittings shall be in accordance with the provisions of Division III, with the following exceptions and additions: i (1) Flexibility of piping shall be assured by appropriate layout and arrangement of piping supports so that motion of the wharf structure resulting from wave action, currents, tides or the mooring of vessels will not subject the pipe to repeated strain beyond the elastic limit. (2) Pipe joints depending upon the friction character- istics of combustible materials or grooving of pipe • ends for mechanical continuity of piping shall not be used. (3) Swivel joints are permitted to be used in piping to which hoses are connected, and for articulated swivel -joint transfer systems, provided that the design is such that the mechanical strength of the joint will not be impaired if the packing material should fail, as by exposure to fire. (4) Piping systems shall contain a sufficient number of valves to operate the system properly and to control -18, the flow of liquid in normal operation and in the event of physical damage. In addition, each line conveying flammable liquids leading to a wharf shall be provided with a readily accessible block valve located on shore near the approach to the wharf and outside of any diked area. Where more than one line is involved, the valves shall be grouped in one location. (5) Means of easy access shall be provided for cargo line valves located below the wharf deck. (6) Pipelines on wharves shall be adequately bonded and grounded if Class I and Class II liquids are handled. If excessive stray currents are encountered, insulating joints shall be installed. Bonding and grounding connections on all pipelines shall be located i on wharf side of hose riser insulation flanges, if used, and shall be accessible for inspection. (7) Hose or articulated swivel -joint pipe connections used for cargo transfer shall be capable of accommo- dating the combined effects of change in draft: and maximum tidal range, and mooring lines shall be kept adjusted to prevent surge of the vessel from placing stress on the cargo transfer system. (8) Hose shall be supported so as to avoid kinking and damage from chafing. (h) 'Suitable portable fire extinguishers with a rating of not less than 20-B:C shall be located within 75 feet of those portions of the facility where fires are likely to occur, such as hose connections, pumps and separator tanks. (1) Where piped water is available, ready - connected fire hose in size appropriate for the water supply shall be provided so that manifolds where connections are made and broken can be reached by at least one hose stream. (2) Material shall not be placed on wharves in such a -19- manner as to obstruct access to fire fighting equipment or important pipeline control valves. (3) Where the wharf is accessible to vehicle traffic, an unobstructed roadway to the shore end of the wharf shall be maintained for access of fire fighting apparatus. (i) Loading or discharging shall not commence until wharf superintendent and officer in charge of tank vessel agree that tank vessel is properly moored and all connections are properly made. Mechanical work shall not be performed on the wharf during cargo transfer, except under special authorization based on a review of the area involved, methods to be employed, and precautions necessary." P. Chapter 34 is hereby deleted in its entirety. SECTION 2. Articles I, II, III, and Sections 18 -1! through 18 -53 of the Corpus Christi Code are hereby repealed. Ordinance No. 3635, passed January 6, 1954, Ordinance 3977, passed December 8, 1954, Ordinance 7440, passed December 23, 1964, Ordinance 7546, passed April 14, 1965, Ordinance 8464, passed May 24, 1967, Ordinance 11239, passed January 3, 1973, and Ordinance 12087, passed May 29, 1974, are repealed. SECTION 3. Any and all persons, firms, partnerships, or cor- porations who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance or fail to comply therewith, or who shall violate or fail to comply with any order or regulation made thereunder, or who shall build in violation of any detail statement of specifications or plans submitted and approved there- under, or any certificate or permit issued thereunder, shall severally for each and every violation and noncompliance respectively be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars ($10), and not to exceed the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200). The imposition of one fine for any violation of this ordinance shall not excuse the violation, or permit it to continue; and all such persons, firms, partnerships or corporations shall. be required to correct or remedy such violations or defects within a reasonable time; and each day any violation of this ordinance shall continue shall constitute a -20- separate offense. The application of the above penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions. In case a corporation is the violator of any provision of this ordinance, the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, manager, or any agent or employee of such corporation shall also be severally liable for the penalties herein prescribed; provided further that should a different punishment be prescribed in any case by State law for any offense included in this ordinance, and should the punishment prescribed by State law be the only punishment which can lawfully be adjudged for any such offense, then the punishment prescribed by State law shall be adjudged by the municipal court against such offender in lieu of the penalty,hereinbefore provided. SECTION 4. If for any reason any section, paragraph, sub- division, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by final judgment of a court of competent t jurisdiction, it shall not affect any other section, paragraph; sub- division, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this ordinance, for it is the definite intent of this City Council that every section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word, or provision thereof be given full force and effect for its purpose. SECTION 5. Publication shall be made one time by publishing in the official newspaper of the City of Corpus Christi the caption of this ordinance stating in substance the purpose of the aforesaid ordinance. THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE AS READ F THE FI 3T TIME PASSED TO IT3 SECOND READING ON THI3 THE��DAY OF ry(/7>tf�jV, 19' THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY ,/LI DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE A3E3 RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINAN E WAS READ THE SECOND TIME AN PASSED, TO ITS THIRD READING ON THIS TME_! /�pAY OF , �� BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JA30N LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE A3E8 RUTH GILL BOB GULLET GABE LOIANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THAT THE FO E DING ORDI FINALLY ON THIS THE _DAY 0 JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASE3 RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE PASSED AND APPROVED, TH HE IRO TIME AND PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: ATTEST: A& (2, Cl 'f* SECRET RY MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS AK DAY AKVDAY OF 19?-b: Em �L! aTY ATTORNEY L PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT; ` ITATE OF TEXAS, County of Nueces. Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personafly Tame .. ..............................L G.lor .... .... Ac1± D. untimg .............................. ............................... of the Corpus Christi Caller and The Corpus Christi Times„ Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication of LEGALS...NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE NO. 13507 ADOPTING THE STANDARD FIRE ...................P]?EVEN�` ON CbDl , �97b EDITION—, --WITH- UERTAIN C'HtiN'GE-F - -- of which the annexed is a true copy, *as published in C ] el• -T mes..__•_•...__•_-_•.•__.._._•.• . ................ .........•..�•, on the 5..._.. day of- _December ................ 1976.., M&%U &.. ..........................ttRwK fir.............:......._.._. xdb}igeFliMa Ar.--•-------------- - -- ....................................................... ..... ......1 ..................Times. 20..Q--------------- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1.6 . ............day of.. De cem b..--- •..- ........................... 19.76_ - -•_ Eugenia S. Cortez - S �' Notary PubTiic, Nueces County, Texas E pASSAG � r i ORDINANCE N0, 13507 y ADOPTING THE STgrypgRp 1 FIRE PREVENTI ON NODE] 476, ED "' - IiIOry IDER: iN CHANGES AN' AMENDMENTS, A C O OPY O0 WHICH, AUTHENTICATED BY THE SIGNATURES OF� THE MAYOR-AND CITY SEC• RETARY, AND MADE Al PUBLIC RECORD BY THIS,' ORDINANCE OF THE CITY`; COUNCI4 IS ON FILE IN�, PROVIDING FOR SEVER . . ABILITY; AND PROVIDING s r FOR PUBLICATION. WAS PASSED AND APPROV + ED by the Clty CaunUl of the City of Corpus Chhti Tensl during the Regular Council -- Meeting held on December a,, 1976, at 2:01) p.m. and provides that is shall take effM from arHf after its passage and pubs Iicatbn one time in fhe officia? publication of the City of Carpa Christi, Texas. ISSUED UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL of the City of Cor. pus Christi, Texas this 9th da Of December, 1976. f - s- BILLG. READ ` Bill G. Read City Secretary City d Carpus Christi,