HomeMy WebLinkAbout13509 ORD - 12/08/1976JKH:hb:ll /1 /76:lst AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A 5 -YEAR LEASE WITH HERTZ CORPORATION COVERING THE RENTAL OF SPACE AT INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT FOR THE OPERA- ' TION OF A RENT -A -CAR CONCESSION, TO BEGIN FEBRUARY `6~,7 1977, AND PROVIDING FOR MINIMUM RENTALS, ALL AS'MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE LEASE AGREEMENT, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT. "A". BE•IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS•, CHRISTI, TEXAS: ° SECTION,1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby author- ized to execute a 5 -year lease with Hertz Corporation covering the rental of space at International Airport for the operation of a rent -a -car concession, to begin February 6, 1977 and providing for minimum rentals, r all as more fully set forth in the lease agreement; a substantial copy of y„ na which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ". , s " u r A K 1°Y r 135 ®9 t ' M'CROF/LMED JUN z 1980, �h� THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES This Agreement made and entered into by and between the City of Corpus Christi, acting herein by and through its City Manager with Authority duly conferred by the City Council, hereinafter referred to as CITY, and Hertz Corporation, duly licensed to do business in Texas, with principal offices located at 660 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10021, hereinafter referred to as LESSEE: W I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, the City owns and operates the Corpus Christi International Airport located in Nueces County, Texas; and WHEREAS, Lessee is the owner of a driverless automobile business and desires to provide automobile rental service at the International Airport, the parties hereto are desirous of entering into this Lease Agreement: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, and for and in consideration of the charges, fees, rentals, covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I CONCESSION PREMISES & PRIVILEGES A. The "concession premises" covered herein shall be the confines of the Corpus Christi International Airport, 7700 Agnes Street, Corpus Christi, Texas. This concession shall provide passenger automobile rental services which are considered essential for proper accommodation of passen- gers arriving at and departing from subject Airport and shall be in accor- dance with the terms and conditions stipulated within this bid invitation. B. The number of passenger car rental concessions at the Airport shall be four (4) for the full term of this Agreement. ARTICLE II TERM OF AGREEMENT The term of this Agreement shall be for the period of five (5) years, commencing sixty (60) days after final approval by City Council. Upon expiration of the original term each Concessionaire shall be allowed to hold over for such period as is necessary to relet bids. Fees to be paid City during such hold over period shall be based on the fifth year concession fee rate as set forth hereinafter. jF, 0 16;7-, W, ARTICLE III TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT BY CITY The City Manager or his designee may declare this Agreement terminated in its entirety, in the manner provided in Article V of the Agreement, upon the happening of any one or more of the following events and may exercise all rights of entry and reentry, with or without process of law, upon the premises leased hereby: A. Nonpayment. If the rentals, fees, charges, or other money payments which the Concessionaire herein agrees to pay, or any part hereof, shall be unpaid after the date that same shall become due. B. Insolvency Proceedings. If, during the term of'this Agreement, the Concessionaire shall: 1. Apply for, or consent to the appointment of a receiver, trustee, or liquidator of all or a substantial part of its assets; 2. File a voluntary petition in bankruptcy, or,admit in writing its inability to pay its debts as they come due; 3. Make a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; 4. File a petition or an answer seeking reorganizations or arrangement with creditors or to take advantage of an insolvency law; 5. File an answer admitting the material allegations of a petition filed against any said assignee or sublessee in any bankruptcy, reorganization or insolvency proceedings; or if during the term of this Agreement an order, judgment or decree shall be entered by any court of competent jurisdiction, on the application of a creditor adjudicating Concessionaire a bankrupt or insolvent, or approving a petition seeking a reorganization of Concessionaire, and such order, judgment or! decree shall continue unstayed and in effect for any period of ninety (90) consecutive days. 6. Default. If the Concessionaire shall have failed in the performance of any covenant or condition herein required to be performed by the Concessionaire. On the date set forth in the notice of termination, the terms of this Agreement and all right, title and interest of the Concessionaire -2- shall expire, except as otherwise provided in Article V. Failure by the City Manager or his designee to take any authorized action upon default by the Concessionaire shall not constitute waiver of the City's right of termi- nation. ARTICLE IV TERMINATION OF AGREEPENT BY CONCESSIONAIRE The Concessionaire, at its option, may declare this Agreement termi- nated in its entirety, in the manner provided in Article v of this Agreement for the following causes: A. Restraining Use of Airport. If a court of competent jurisdic- tion or regulatory agency issues an injunction or restraining order against the City preventing or restraining the use of the Airport for airport pur- poses in its entirety or substantial entirety. B. Abandonment of Airport. If the City shall have abandoned the Airport for a period of at least thirty (30) days and shall have failed to operate and maintain the Airport in such manner as to permit landings and takeoffs of planes by scheduled air carriers. C. Destruction of the Airport. In the event of destruction of ail or a material portion of the Airport or the Airport facilities, or in the event that any agency or instrumentality of the United States Government or any state or local government shall occupy the Airport or a substantial part thereof, or in the event of military mobilization or public emergency wherein there is a curtailment, either by executive decree or legislative action, of normal civilian traffic at the Airport or of the use of motor vehicles or airplanes by the general public, or in the event of a limitation of the supply of automobiles or of automobile fuel, supplies, or parts for general public use, or in the event of strikes, boycotts, labor disputes, embargoes, shortage of materials and any of the said events shall result in material interference with Concessionaire's normal business operations or substantial diminution of Concessionaire's gross revenue from its automobile rental concession at the Airport, continuing for a period in excess of sixty (60) days. If the Concessionaire's license and Concession Agreement with the City is not renewed or is terminated by the Concessionaire due to default by the City. IM D. Default. If the City shall have failed in the performance of any covenant or condition within the control of the City and herein required to be performed by the City. ARTICLE V PROCEDURE FOR TERMINATION OR REPOSSESSION No termination declared by either party shall be effective and the City shall not take possession of the leased premises unless and until not less than forty -five (45) days have elapsed after notice by either party to the other specifying the date upon which such termination shall take effect, and the cause for which this Agreement is being terminated or for which the leased premises is being repossessed, and no such termination shall be effec- tive nor shall the City retake possession of the leased premises if such cause of default as determined by the City cannot be cured within such forty - five (45) days and corrects the same as promptly as is reasonably practicable. In the event that suit shall be instituted by the City and the City prevails upon the default of payment of rent, charges and fees as provided herein, then the Concessionaire agrees also to pay a reasonable attorney's fee. In the event the court should render complete judgment in favor of Concessionaire, then City shall pay only 8% interest on the amount awarded Concessionaire. ARTICLE VI RIGHTS CUMULATIVE It is understood and agreed that the rights and remedies of the City and the Concessionaire specified in this Article are not intended to be, and shall not be, exclusive of one another or exclusive of any-common law right of either of the parties hereto. ARTICLE VII TERMINAL SPACE AND READY AND RETURN PARKING AREAS The City hereby leases to the Concessionaire, and the Concessionaire takes from the City, space in Corpus Christi International Airport Terminal Building, as identified by Exhibit "A" attached hereto, (herein called the "Lease Premises "). The parties covenant and agree that the City, after giving sixty (60) days' notice in writing, may relocate the Concessionaire's premises and equipment to a space as comparable as possible at the Corpus -4- Christi International Airport. The highest bidder shall have first choice of location, second highest shall have second choice, third highest shall have third choice and fourth bidder will have last choice. Terminal car spaces as shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto shall initially be signed by the Airport Manager. The City agrees that a minimum of 32 of the 44 total available spaces shall be divided equally among the 4 Concessionaires (8 each). The remaining 12 spaces in the main lot shall be divided in accordance with the percentage of total business generated by each of the three (3) Concessionaires presently located in the terminal as it is related to the total business generated at the Airport by all concessionaires during calendar year 1975 as shown on Exhibit "0 ". The proportionate share of all ready rent -a -car spaces shall be adjusted every twelve (12) months during the term hereof, if requested by at least one (1) of the passenger automobile rental Concessionaires conducting business pursuant to concession agreements with Airport, so that the space shall be allocated in direct proportion to the volume of Concessionaire's gross payment to the Airport during the preceding twelve (12) month period of the term as compared to the aggregate gross payments to the Airport of all passenger automobile rental concessionaires conducting business pursuant to concession agreement with Airport. The Airport shall have the right to relocate the areas assigned to the Concessionaire in accordance with the reasonable needs of the Airport for changes in use of the premises as may be made during the term of this Agreement. Each Successful Bidder will be assigned two parking Spaces in ready lot under canopy. Bona fide employees of each Concessionaire will be permitted to park at the Airport free of charge unless additional employee parking must be constructed, then employees will be required to pay a monthly rate of $2.50. ARTICLE VIII ACCESS Subject to Article Y.IV of this Agreement, the Concessionaire has the right of free access, ingress to and egress from the Leased Premises, for the Concessionaire's employees, agents, guests, patrons and invitees. -5- ARTICLE IX DEFINITION OF GROSS REVENUE A. "Gross Revenue" as used herein shall be defined as all receipts cash or credit from all sources applicable to operation of Concessionaire's rental services originating at the Airport save and except the following items: 1. Sums recovered from insurance or otherwise for damage to automobiles or other property. 2. Any tax levied by any competent governmental authority and separately stated and collected from Concessionaire's customers. No deduc- tions from "Gross Revenue" shall be allowed from tares levied on concession activities, equipment, or real or personal property of Concessionaire. 3. Any amounts paid by customers of Concessionaire as additional charges for waiver by Concessionaire of its rights to recover from customer for damages to the vehicle rented. 4. Any charges collected from customers for refueling an auto- mobile rented pursuant to a rental agreement under which the customer is obligated to return the automobile with the same amount of gasoline furnished upon rental. 5. Sums recovered for intercity fees or drop charges. 6. Proceeds from sale of automobiles. 7. Any local or national discounts to customers. ARTICLE X FEES, RENTS, REPORTS, AND RELATED PROVISIONS A. Concession Fees. Concessionaire agrees to pay to the City a minimum annual guaranteed Concession Fee for the rights and privileges herein granted by the City. Concessionaire covenants to pay the following Minimum Annual Guaranteed Concession Fee for each of the five years of the term hereof: (1) $ _ $ 49,200.00 for the First Year. (2) $ $ 53,400.00 for the Second Year. (3) $ $ 57,800.00 for the Third Year. (4) $ $ 63,600.00 for the Fourth Year, and (5) $ $ 70,000.00 for the Fifth Year. $ $294,000.00 Aggregate Total for above 5 Years. -6- B. Concessionaire shall pay to the City the minimum annual guaran- teed concession fee or ten percent (10 %)'of the Concessionaire's annual Gross Revenues as herein defined, whichever is greater. "Gross Revenue" shall be defined in accordance with Article IX of this Agreement. C. Revenue Payments and Activity Reports. The Concessionaire shall file with the Airport Manager on or before the 20th day of each month a monthly report of gross receipts, the report being designed and supplied by the Director of Finance. Concessionaire shall, at the time of filing his monthly report of gross receipts, pay the City the greater of (1) the percent of gross revenue or (2) one twelfth (1/12) of the minimum annual guaranteed concession fee as bid. This statement of gross receipts shall be certified by a responsible officer of the Concessionaire. Any overpayment that might occur shall be adjusted on an annual basis and credit given in the amount of the overpayment in next pay period. Upon expiration of this con- cession agreement or after any hold over period, cash payment shall be made on any credits then due. The Director of Finance or his authorized repre- sentative shall have the authority to audit Concessionaire's records of gross receipts upon demand by the Director of Finance or his authorized representative. Concessionaire shall submit monthly report of Gross Revenues and the number of cars delivered to and returned by the Concessionaire's customers at the Airport. This report shall show a daily.breakdown by date and day of the week. City shall use the report to determine traffic flow for planning and other management purposes. These reports will be held in confidence by the Airport tanager. D. within sixty (60) days after the close of each contract year hereunder, Concessionaire shall furnish to City a sworn statement showing the total of Gross Revenues at the Airport for the contract year. E. The Concessionaire shall have the right to conduct part of its operations on a credit basis; provided, however, the risk of such operation -7- shall be borne solely by the Concessionaire; and the Concessionaire shall report all income, both cash and credit, in its monthly statements of Gross Revenue. Credit given to Concessionaire's customers for such things as out - of- pocket purchase for gas, oil, or emergency services, and deposits, regard- less of where made, shall be included in computing Gross Revenues. F. Other Payments and Related Provisions. 1. Terminal Space Rental Payments. The Concessionaire agrees to pay the City, from the commencement date of the term of this Agreement as provided in Article II of this Agreement, for the term hereof, the sum of seven and 50/100 dollars($7.50) per square foot, per annum for floor space in Terminal Building, payable monthly in advance on or before the tenth (10th) day of the month for which the rent is due. 2. Ready and Return Car Parking Space Rent. The Concessionaire also agrees to pay the City, monthly in advance on or before the tenth (10th) i day of the month for which rent is due, for each parking spade taken by the Concessionaire under Article VII of this Agreement. The rental rate therefor shall be four dollars ($4.00) per month for each space allocated. The number of such spaces rented will vary during the term hereof in accordance with Article VII of this Agreement. 3. Prompt Payment of Taxes and Fees. Concessionaire covenants and agrees to pay promptly all lawful general taxes, special assessments, excises, license fees and permit fees, of whatever nature, applicable to its operation at the Airport and to take out and keep current all licenses, municipal, state or federal, required for the conduct of its business at and upon the Airport, and further covenants and agrees not to permit any of said taxes, assessments, excises, fees or charges to become delinquent. 4. Unpaid Fees. All unpaid fees due the City shall bear a service charge of one and one -half percent (1 1/2%) per month if this is not paid and received by the City by the 30th day of the month in which payment is due, and the Concessionaire agrees that it shall pay and discharge all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred or expended by the City in collection of said delinquent amounts due. -8- 5. Fee and Pent Payment Bond. The Concessionaire agrees to furnish within thirty (30) days from date of award by City Council a Performance Bond in the principle amount of one - fourth (1/4) of the fifth year annual minimum guaranteed concession fee, rounded to the nearest one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). This bond shall guarantee the payment of the concession fee, rent, and Concessionaire's other obligations to pay as provided herein. The bond shall be in a form agreeable to the City Attorney and shall be kept in full force and effect during the term hereof. 6. Retention of Records. Concessionaire agrees that it will keep available, for a period of two (2) years after each year of the term hereof, the books and records of accounts of Concessionaire for each year, showing the gross revenues of Concessionaire from business conducted at the Airport, the deductions therefrom, and other pertinent information required by the provisions of the Contract. The books and records of account shall be accessible during usual business hours to City or its duly authorized agents or auditors, for the purpose of verifying the information set forth in any annual statement or certified annual statement or for the purpose of verifying compliance by Concessionaire with the terms of this Agreement, but for no other purposes. 7. Notice Place and Manner of Payments. Payments shall be made at the office of the City's Airport Manager at the Airport, or at such other place in the City as the City may hereafter notify the Concessionaire, and shall be made in legal tender of the United States. 8. Independent Certified Public Accountant. Wherever an independent Certified Public Accountant is required, it is agreed that said Accountant shall not be in any way a member of the Concessionaire's staff or firm. G. Temporary Reduction of Minimum Annual Guaranteed Commission Fees. In the event that one of the following conditions exists during the contract term, the minimum annual guaranteed commission fee provided for may be reduced for the period of time the condition continues to exist: 1. The operation of Concessionaire's car rental business at the Airport is affected by shortages or other disruptions, including but not limited to rationing or other methods of allocation, in the supply of -9- automobile gasoline or other goods necessary for the operations thereof, resulting in the diminution of Concessionaire's revenue hereunder in an amount of 30% for a period of thirty (30) or more consecutive days. 2. If for any reason the number of passengers deplaning from scheduled airline flights or regular commuter flights at the Airport during any period of thirty or more consecutive days shall he less than 70% of the number of such deplaning passengers in the same month during the preceding calendar year. 3. Before any such reduction shall be authorized Concessionaire shall submit proof and substantiation of such diminution and the causes thereof to the Airport Manager so he may properly determine whether such reduction is necessary and not attributable to conditions within the control of Con- cessionaire's managers, agents, and employees. ARTICLE XI CONCESSIONAIRE'S OPERATIONS, RIGHTS, AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. The operational rights granted herein shall be used by the Concessionaire for the purpose of providing all customary usual services incidental to the rental of passenger automobile at the Airport provided it does not infringe on other Concessionaires, and for the purpose of arranging for such services for the public using the Airport, at destinations where automobile rental service is furnished by the Concessionaire. B. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the City covenants that Concessionaire, on paying the rentals and otherwise performing its coven- ants and other obligations hereunder, shall have quiet and peaceable possession of the leased premises. C. The Concessionaire covenants and agrees that it will perform the herein permitted services in a professional manner by adhering to high stan- dards of operation including but not necessarily limited to the following: 1. The Concessionaire shall be open for and shall conduct business and furnish services seven (7) days a week for all regularly scheduled airline flights. 2. The Concessionaire shall select and appoint a manager of the Concessionaire's operation at the Airport who shall be a qualified and -10- experienced manager or supervisor vested with full power and authority, in respect to the conduct of the operation of the Concession at the Airport. The manager or supervisor shall be assigned to a duty station or office at the `Airport where he shall ordinarily be available during regular business hours; and at all times during his absence a responsible subordinate shall be in charge and available at the duty station. D. The Concessionaire in exercising any of the rights or privileges herein granted to him, shall not on the grounds of race, sex, creed or national origin discriminate or permit discrimination against any person or group of persons in any manner prohibited by Part 21 of the Regulations of the Secretary of Transportation. The City is hereby granted the right to take such action, anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding, as the United States may direct to enforce this nondiscrimination covenant. E. Concessionaire shall furnish high quality and prompt and efficient services hereunder, adequate to meet all reasonable demands therefor at the, Airport. The Concessionaire may be allowed to make reasonable and nondiscrim- inatory and otherwise legal discounts, rebates or other similar type of price reductions if permitted by other provisions of this Agreement. F. The Concessionaire shall prepare a schedule of prices and rates. These schedules shall be filed in the office of the Airport Manager. Printed copies of the files schedule of prices shall be available at the Airport at all times for the use of the Concessionaire's customers. Any changes in this schedule,will be filed with the Airport Manager within thirty (30) days after effective date. G. The Concessionaire shall provide and maintain the rental auto- mobiles made available hereunder at the Concessionaire's sole expense, in good operative order, free from known mechanical defects, and in a clean, neat and attractive condition inside and outside. Provided, however, that none of the foregoing is intended by the City as a warranty but rather as a general standard to be adhered to. H. The Concessionaire shall make available at the Airport only new and late model automobiles in such number as is required by the reasonable demand for same. I. A copy of the rental agreement form covering the use of the Concessionaire's automobiles shall at all times be kept on file in the office of the Airport Manager. J. The Concessionaire covenants that it shall take all reasonable measures in every proper manner to maintain, develop and increase the business conducted by it hereunder, and the Concessionaire shall not divert or cause or allow any business to be diverted from the Airport by referral or any other method. K. Any action taken by the Concessionaire to induce its patrons to rent or receive vehicles in such a manner and at such places so as to diminish the gross revenue of the Concessionaire under this Agreement shall constitute a material breach hereof and a cause for the termination of this Agreement by the City. L. The Concessionaire's personnel performing services hereunder shall be distinctively uniformed, neat, clean and courteous. The Concession- aire's oral solicitation of business at the Airport shall be confined to such locations on the Airport as the Concessionaire and the Airport Manager shall mutually agree upon as being sufficient to properly serve the needs of the Concessionaire, and the Concessionaire shall prohibit and restrain its agents, servants and employees from loud, noisy, boisterous or otherwise objectionable promotion of the services offered, and upon objection from the Airport Manager concerning the conduct or appearance of any such persons, shall immediately take all steps reasonably necessary to remove the cause of the objection. M. The Concessionaire shall at all times during the term hereof keep at the Airport true, accurate, complete and auditable records. Reports to the City shall be in a form satisfactory to.the Airport Manager of all business conducted at the Airport and the Concessionaire further agrees that the City shall have the right, through its duly authorized agents or repre- sentatives, to examine all pertinent books and records at any and all reasonable times for the purpose of determining the accuracy thereof and of the reports required to be made by the Concessionaire under the provisions of this Agree- ment. The making of any willfully false report of revenue by the Concession- aire shall be grounds for the immediate cancellation and termination of this Agreement at the option of the City. dim N. Noncompliance with any portion of Article XI of this Agreement may constitute a material breach thereof and in the event of noncompliance or continued and substantial noncompliance, the City shall have the right to terminate this permit without liability therefor or at the election of the City, State of Texas or Federal Government of the United States, either or all said governments shall have the right to judicially enforce said clause, provided, however, that the termination shall not be effected until such time as Concessionaire has failed to either comply with the provisions of an adverse ruling or to appeal therefrom. ARTICLE XII IMPROVEMENTS TO AND USE OF THE LEASED PREMISES A. Construction of Concessionaire's Improvements to Leased Premises. Concessionaire shall plan, design, construct and furnish any improvements to be made to the Concessionaire's leased premises within the Corpus Christi International Airport Terminal. The Concessionaire -shall cause any construc- tion and installations hereunder to be coordinated with the Airport Manager. All proposed future changes of the improvements shall be approved in the same manner for the full term of this Agreement. B. Title to Leased Premises and the Facilities. Title to the leased premises shall at all times remain with the City. At the termination of this Agreement, title to the Concessionaire's leasehold improvements shall vest in the City except overhead signs or counter. ARTICLE XIII OCCUPANCY OF LEASED PREMISES The taking of possession of the leased premises by the Concessionaire shall constitute acknowledgment by the Concessionaire that the premises are in good condition and suitable for occupancy by the tenant. A. The Concessionaire accepts all premises "as is" and agrees to perform all needed maintenance at its sole cost, except that the City shall perform all repairs to the structure of the Terminal Building. B. It is understood and agreed that the Concessionaire is to make no material removals, additions or alterations to the leased premises without the prior written approval of the Airport Manager and that the Concessionaire -13- shall provide all counters, signs, gates or doors necessary for the use of the leased premises in Terminal Building for the conduct of its business. C. All construction and improvements including plans, proposal, materials, colors of materials and designs shall be submitted to the Airport Manager, and the Concessionaire shall not commence the construction 'of any improvements on the leased premises without the prior written approval of the Airport Manager. D. The Concessionaire shall maintain in good repair and in neat and clean condition all improvements, construction or furniture, furnishings or equipment placed on the leased premises. The Concessionaire shall be respons- ible for the care of the area designated for its use and shall permit no damage to existing improvements. No spikes, hooks, nails, or any other devices shall be driven or screwed into the walls or other surfaces of the leased premises. E. The Concessionaire agrees to maintain the leased premises in a neat and orderly condition, free from all danger of fire and personal injury and to refrain from activities which may destroy or damage the leased premises. No flammable material shall be stored, nor will the leased premises be used for any purpose which will increase the rate of insurance thereon. At the end of the term, the Concessionaire agrees to deliver the leased premises to the City in the same condition as when rented, normal wear and tear, acts of God and other casualties excepted. Janitorial service shall be provided by the City. F. No sign or advertisement of the Concessionaire,br others shall be affixed, kept or distributed on any part of the leased premises except only if such color, size, substance, style and material and method of attachment shall be first approved in writing by the Airport Manager. The City reserves the right to remove, without notice to the Concessionaire, all signs or adver- tisements not having prior approval in writing. All signs shall be in good taste and shall be approved by the Airport Manager to include the placement of such signs. -14- No advertisements of rate schedules of the Concessionaire shall be posted to public view on the leased premises or by agreement with any terminal advertising concessionaire except that this prohibition shall not prevent the Concessionaire from displaying for distribution to the public its pocket - sized, printed brochures of rate schedules. G. The Concessionaire shall not permit any unlawful practice to be committed on its premises on the Airport nor to make or permit any use of the same for any purpose not herein authorized. The Concessionaire shall not use or permit the use of said premises in any way which will disturb other tenants or concessionaires at the Airport. H. The Concessionaire shall not interfere or permit to be done anything which may interfere with the effectiveness or accessibility of the utility, heating, ventilating or air conditioning systems or portions thereof on the leased premises or elsewhere on the Airport, nor do or permit to be done anything which may interfere with free access and passage in the leased premises or the public areas adjacent thereto, or in the street or sidewalks adjoining its premises on the Airport, or hinder police, fire fighting or other emergency personnel in the discharge of their duties. I. The Concessionaire shall not do or permit to be done any act or thing on its leased premises at the Airport which will invalidate any fire insurance policies required under this Agreement, or carried by the City, covering the Terminal Building and ready areas which, in the opinion of the Airport Manager, may constitute a hazardous condition that will increase the risks normally attendant upon the operations contemplated under this Agree- ment. The Concessionaire shall promptly observe, comply with, and execute the provisions of any and all present and future rules and regulations, require- ments, orders, and directions of the Airport Manager which may pertain or apply to the operations in or on its leased premises at the Airport. J. The City shall furnish heating and air conditioning to the leased premises in such degrees as it is furnished to other tenants in the same building area, and the City shall not be liable for any failure to supply the same when such failure is not due to negligence on its part. General area light will be furnished by the City through the fixtures installed for the general lighting of the area of the leased premises. -15- ARTICLE XIV USE AND MAINTENANCE OF LEASED PROPERTY A. Compliance with Laws and Regulations. The Concessionaire shall comply with all statutes, laws, ordinances, orders, judgments, decrees, regu- lations, directions and requirements of all federal, state, city local and other governmental authorities, now or hereafter applicable to the leased premises or to any adjoining public ways, as to the manner of use or the condition of the leased premises and Concessionaire's improvements thereon or of adjoining public ways. B. Repairs and Maintenance. The cost of maintenance and repair of the leased premises shall be borne by the Concessionaire, except that the City shall maintain and repair the structure and the mechanical systems of the Terminal Building. C. Right to Enter, Inspect, and Make Repairs. The City and its authorized officers, employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors and other representatives shall have the right (at such times as may be reasonable under the circumstances and with as little interruption of the Concessionaire's operations as is reasonably practicable) to enter upon and in the leased premises for the following purposes: 1. Inspection. To inspect such premises to determine whether the Concessionaire has complied and is complying with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. Maintenance. To perform maintenance and make repairs in any case where the Concessionaire is obligated, but has failed to do so, after the City has given the Concessionaire reasonable notice so to do, in which event the Concessionaire shall reimburse the City for the reasonable cost thereof promptly upon demand. ARTICLE XV LOSS OF AND LIABILITIES PERTAINING TO LEASED PROPERTY, AND INDEMNIFICATION A. Liability Insurance. The Concessionaire, at its expense, at all times during the term hereof, shall cause the City and the Concessionaire to be insured on an occurrence basis, under policies no more restrictive than the standard form of comprehensive liability policy, against the claims of any and all persons for personal or bodily injury (including wrongful death) in a sum of not less than $500,000 for any one person, and /or occurrence -16- occurring on the leased premises on the Airport or incidental to the opera- tions of the Concessionaire hereunder, and not less than $100,000 each occurrence for the damage to property of others. Such insurance shall specifically insure the obligations of the Concessionaire to indemnify the City. Insofar as the insurance provides protection against liability for damages to third party for personal or bodily injury, death and property damage, the City shall be included as a named insured; provided, however, such liability insurance coverage shall also extend to damage, destruction and injury, to a City -owned or leased property and City personnel, and caused by, or resulting from work, acts, operations, or omissions of the Concession- aire, its officers, agents, and employees. The City shall have no liability for any premiums charged for such coverage, and the inclusion of the City as a named insured is not intended to, and shall not, make the City a partner or joint venturer with the Concessionaire in its operations on the Airport. B. Future Insurance Requirements. The Concessionaire and the City understand and agree that the minimum limits of the insurance herein required may become inadequate, and the Concessionaire agrees that it shall increase such minimum limits upon receipt of notice in writing from the Airport Manager. Such notices to change shall, in general, be issued with no more frequency than every two years of the lease term; however, the Airport Manager may, at anytime, take note of indemnification awards being granted by the courts and direct an increase in the minimum limits of the insurance requirements at anytime during the lease term. In the event Concessionaire feels the new limits are excessive, Concessionaire may appeal to the City Insurance Advisory Board. C. Limitation as to Policies. All policies of insurance required herein shall name the City as additional insured and be in a form and in a company or companies approved by the City, and qualified to do insurance business in the State of Texas. Each such policy shall provide that the policy may not be materially changed, altered or cancelled by the insurer during its term without first giving thirty (30) days' notice to the City's Airport Manager; provided, however, that if the equivalent insurance is sought by Concessionaire, the Airport Manager, after approval by the Legal Department, shall accept such insurance. -17- D. Evidence of Insurance. Certificates, or other evidence of insurance coverage required of the Concessionaire in this Article, shall be delivered to the Airport Manager in form and content satisfactory to the City. At least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of any such policy, the Concessionaire shall submit to the Airport Manager a certificate showing that such insurance coverage has been renewed. If such coverage is cancelled or reduced, the Concessionaire shall, within fifteen (15) days after the date of such written notice from the insurer of such cancellation or reduction of coverage, file with the Airport Manager a certificate showing that the required insurance has been reinstated or provided through another insurance company or companies. E. Adjustment of Claims. Concessionaire shall provide for the prompt and efficient handling of all claims for bodily injury, property damage or theft arising out of the activities of Concessionaire under this Agreement. Concessionaire agrees that all such claims, whether processed by f Concessionaire or its insurer either directly or by means of an agent, will be handled by a person or representative of the Concessionaire. F. Conditions of Insurance Default. If, at any time, the Conces- sionaire shall fail to obtain the insurance as required herein, the City may effect such insurance by taking out policies with companies satisfactory to the City. The amount of the premium or premiums paid for such insurance by the City shall be payable by the Concessionaire to the City with the install- ment of rent thereafter next due under the terms of this Agreement, with interest thereon at the rate of eight (8) percent per annum. G. Indemnification. The Concessionaire agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City, its City Council, and its officers, agents and employees, from and against any and all loss of or damage to Property of third persons, or injuries to, or death of any person or persons, and from any and all claims, damages, suits, costs, expense, liability, actions or proceedings of any kind whatsoever, in any way resulting from, or arising out of the acts and omissions of officers and employees of the Concessionaire arising out of this Agreement or the use and occupancy of the leased premises and the Airport. -18- ARTICLE XVI TERMINATION OF LEASE, SURRENDER OF LEASED PREMISES The Concessionaire covenants and agrees that at the expiration of the lease term or at the earlier termination of the letting hereof, it will quit and surrender the leased premises and the improvements in good state and condition, reasonable wear and tear, acts of God and other casualties excepted, and the City shall have the right to take possession of the leased premises and the improvements with or without process of law. ARTICLE XVII ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING The Concessionaire agrees not to sublet the leased premises, or any part thereof, or the facilities, nor assign this Agreement, or any portion of the term hereof, without the written consent of the City Manager or his designee. Such consent shall not be arbitrarily withheld, provided, however, any successor, sublessee or assign, in interest in this Agreement must meet all pertinent requirements as outlined herein. ARTICLE XVIII LIENS AND CLAIMS, MECHANIC'S AND MATERIALMAN'S The Concessionaire agrees not to permit any mechanic's or material - man's or any other lien to be foreclosed upon the leased premises or any part or parcel thereof, or the improvements thereon, by reason of any work or labor performed or materials furnished by any mechanic or materialman or for any other reason. ARTICLE XIX OTHER PROVISIONS A. No Personal Liability. No council member, director, officer, employee or other agent of either party shall be personally liable under or in connection with this Agreement while performing in good faith duties therein. B. Agreements with the United States. This Agreement is subject and subordinate to the provisions of any agreements heretofore made between the City and the United States, relative to the operation or maintenance of the Airport, the execution of which has been required as a condition prece- dent to the expenditure of Federal funds for the extension, expansion, or a&Z development of the Airport, including the expenditure of Federal funds for the development of the Airport in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Aviation Act as it has been and may be amended from time to time. Any agreement hereinafter made between the City and the United States will not be inconsistent with rights granted to Concessionaire herein. C. Modifications for Granting FAA Funds. In the event that the Federal Aviation Administration requires, as a condition precedent to granting of funds for the improvement of the Airport, modifications or changes to this document, Concessionaire agrees to consent to such reasonable amendments, modifications, revisions, supplements or deletions of any of the terms, condi- tions, or requirements of this Agreement, as may be reasonably required to enable the City to obtain said Federal Aviation Administration funds, provided that'in no event shall such changes impair the rights of Concessionaire. D. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be deemed to have been made in, and be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. E. Notices. Except as herein otherwise expressly provided, all notices required to be given to the City hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the Airport Manager, Corpus Christi International Airport, Route 2, Box 902, Corpus Christi, Texas 78410. All notices, demands and requests by the City to Concessionaire shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to Concessionaire to an address as designated by Concessionaire. Either party may designate in writing from time to time any changes in addresses or any addresses of substitute or supplementary persons in con- nection with said notices. The effective date of service of any notice shall be the date such notice is mailed to Concessionaire or Airport Manager. F. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended from time to time by written agreement duly authorized and executed by representatives of all the parties hereto. G. Force Majeure. Neither the City nor Concessionaire shall be deemed in violation of this Agreement if it is prevented from performing any of the obligations hereunder by reason of strikes, boycotts, labor disputes, embargoes, shortage of material, acts of God, acts of the public enemy, acts -20- of superior governmental authority, weather conditions, riots, rebellion, sabotage, or any other circumstances for which it is not responsible or which is not within its control. H. Invalid Provisions. In the event any covenant, condition or provision herein contained is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of any such covenant, condition or provision shall in no way affect any other covenant, condition or provision. I. Headings. The headings of the Articles of this Agreement are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference and in no way define, limit or describe the scope or intent of any provisions of this Agree- ment and shall not be construed to affect in any manner the terms and provi- sions hereof or the interpretation or construction hereof. J. Withholding Required Approvals. Whenever the approval of the City, or the Airport Manager, or of Concessionaire is required, no such approval shall be unreasonably requested or withheld. K. Successors and Assigns. All of the terms, provisions, covenants, stipulations, conditions and considerations of this Agreement shall extend to and bind the legal representative, successors, sublessees and assigns of the respective parties hereto. L. Waivers. No waiver of default by either party of any of the terms, covenants and conditions hereof to be performed, kept and observed by the other party shall be construed as, or operate as, a waiver of any subse- quent default of any of the terms, covenants or conditions herein contained, to be performed, kept and observed by the other party. M. Gratuities. The City may cancel this Agreement if it is found that gratuities in the forms of entertainment, gifts, or otherwise, were offered or given by the Concessionaire or any agent or representative, to any City official or employee with a view toward securing the rights and privil- eges granted herein or toward securing favorable treatment with respect to the wording, amending, or making of any determinations with respect to the performing of the Agreement. In the event this Agreement is cancelled by the City pursuant to this provision, the City shall be entitled, in addition to any other rights and remedies, to recover from the Concessionaire a sum equal in amount to the cost incurred by Concessionaire in providing such gratuities. -21- N. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with all exhibits attached hereto, constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties hereto and all other representatives of statement heretofore made, verbal or written, are merged herein and this Agreement may be amended only in writing, and executed by duly authorized representatives of the parties hereto. EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE this the day of 1976. ATTEST: CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS By City Secretary R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager APPROVED: DAY OF , 1976: J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By Assistant City Attorney ATTEST: HERTZ CORPORATION By Secretary Cm -riF CORPUS CHRISTI Corpus Christi, Texas t , Rent Car Concessionaire Areas Corpus Christi International Airport Corpus Christi, Texas y Exhibit A June 28,1976 BID#5353/77 IDMIBIT "A" t ITY Cr' CORPUS CHRISTI BTD)#5353/77 crptis Christi, Texas EXIiIBiT "B" ! e �\ l i. l r• I I I L. i,. 11 111. .. j l i 1 1. 1 1 1 1 I l t l I f 4 1 r t l. .. . r I/ L ! 1 1 1. 1 t� r r. r l' 1 1 � t• I 1 t 1 � F r / .1111 1'rl L ill'.'I• i' I11'fi r/ r I L t t l l. I l r l l r .• I r i 1 1. l i. l 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 4 1. 1 1 1 11 1 l 1 .: • r l �•� r .. r 8 Spaces Under Canaopy :::::....... ^ i r F, %436 \S�aces- P �a ......................... ......................... ..... ............................... ...... ......:.I ' Nar Rental Counters t Existing Rental (34r 'Areas Corpus Christi International Airport Corpus Christi, Texas Exhibit B June 28, 1976 0 CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI BIDm5353/77 Corpus Christi, Texas EXHIBIT "D" CAR RENTAL REVENUE 1973, 1974 & 1975 Month /Year Avis Hertz National 1/73 21,647.75 22,728.15 21,373.09 2/73 19,297.01 20,959 35 22,763.83 3/73 21,986.68 27,688.93 27,960.79 4/73 17,892.00 27,553.27 24,753.00 5/73 20,286.16 29,254.10 26,250.31 6/73 19,000.63 28,324.79 25,461.00 7/73 18,739.59 30,418.40 27,024.94 8/73 18,688.01 31,113.91 26,874.42 9/73 17,296.90 26,625.80 26,364.31 10/73 17,258.51 25,925.46 25,805.38 11/73 16,049.54 27,802.44 26,019.10 12/73 15,054.58 21,810.60 22,702.00 $223,197.36 $320,205.20 $303,352.17 1/74 20,601.39 25,473.83 28,776.42 2/74 17,093.77 31,204.19 29,061.46 3/74 18,827.31 33,788.95 33,089.74 4/74 20,255.11 40,444.14 31,564.46 5/74 22,330.23 39,697.63 33,879.49 6/74 18,356.09 43,181.01. 31,242.12 7/74 21,488.40 42,357.78 33,243.42 8/74 21,091.24 45,155.44 32,442.86 9/74 17,842.38 37,193.37 35,176.12 10/74 24,686.60 38,317.56 38,135.91 11/74 22,702.56 37,124.99 29,598.90 12/74 21,271.58 35,402.66 25,984.71 $246,546.66 $449,342.15 $382,195.61 1/75 22,446.77 37,841.98 31,295.69 •2/75 21,657.36 37,215.70 30,373.14 3/75 23,625.54 43,257.32 '39,100.66 4/75 26,212.25 43,037.16 37,906.31 5/75 21,714.68 42,110.69 36,525.43 6/75 24,728.48 41,868.53 37,912.63 7/75 22,923.06 40,964.06 33,392.43 8/75 25,565.53 45,039.01 39,807.15 9/75 25,757.13 34,789.53 35,233.50 10/75 33,124.95 40,548.26 32,906.01 11/75 24,385.82 36,103.58 32,547.46 12/75 23,375.62 31,516.02 28,794.82 $295,517.19 $474,291.84 $415.795.23 THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANC WAS READ THE F RST TIME D PASSED 70 ITS SECOND READING ON THIS THE FOLLOWING VOTE: DAY pY THE JASON LUST DR. BILL TIPTON a.. EDUARDO DE ASE3 RUTH GILL Boa GULLEY AM GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANC WAS READ R THE SE OND TIME AN PA33ED TO ITS THIRD READING ON THIS TNE_DAY OFD, 199 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASEB RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THAT THE FO E IMC ORDINAN S REA FOR THE �Tp IRD TIME AND PASSED FINALLY ON THIS THEDAY OF , �9L, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASEB RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE PASSED AND APPROVED, THIS THE�DAY OF _g ATTEST: / CIT ECRETA MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS AP MOVED: DAY OF 197p: CITY ATTORNEY v AT �r PLD�SE PUBLISH 11/8/76; 11/15/76; 12/8/76: N O T I C E The City Council of the City of Corpus Christi has, on the 3rd day of November, 1976, passed on first reading an Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to execute a 5 -year lease with Hertz Corporation covering the rental of space at International Airport for the operation of a rent -a -car concession, to begin February 6, 1977, and providing for minimum rentals, all as more fully set forth in the lease agreement, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Secretary. Witness my hand this 4th day of November, 1976. . 6fIlU City Secretary City of Corpus Christi, Texas � . PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT -- -STATE OF TEXAS, lss: L County of Nueces. 1 ;a Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally came ... ............................... G.loria . . . Lopez , who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that he is the ................. .. - Account ink .......................... .... ..... ...................... of the Corpus Christi Caller and The Corpus Christi Times, Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication of LEGALS ... THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY -OF CORPUS CHRISTI HAS CN 'THE 3rd-DAY OF .............................-......- AIOVEI'IBER...PASSED OF FIRST REkDY1IU...EXE�Ut'E A 5- E:k L'EhSE... of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in Caller .-Times on the._._8 ... day of.- .IiQ.Y.e.D1be.r----------- - - -- 19....74 and once each ..._.Me— .P.kt. ............ thereafter for .... 2. .............. ..... consecutive..... vr€ elGS - --- name1-y-- 114av- ember 15 and December 11 . ........... 3................. Times. lkc--- 3.6-3LO --------- ------- orid --- I;6-p-6 z -kcc oiirit3n Subscribed and sworn to before me this... 14 .............day of.. cember ............. 19---- ----- - -, I!' Eugenia S. Cortez .............. ...... . ........•--- ------- _....- ..........- ... -..... f -' Notary P lic, Nueces County, Texas } j' The city COJWN of the CRY CorPnx ChrRti trs, on the 1 PM an Grdyn±+cit *&&IaWJ City Menage- io execute a year lease with HMCo-r] radon covering the rental space hrternational Airport for the eratlon of a rent-a -Cer c CI to to begin February ,1177, and providing for rt Imum rentals „all as more ft 'set forth In the lease agreemt a copy of which is on file in 'office of the City Secretary. witness my hand this day of November, 1476. s-Bill G. R r