HomeMy WebLinkAbout13540 ORD - 12/29/1976_ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, 1976 REVISION, BY AMENDING CHAPTER 23, ENTITLED "HEALTH AND SANITATION ", SO AS TO CHANGE THE TITLE OF SECTION 23 -57 FROM "DEPTH 14ARNING SIGNS AT PRIVATELY OWNED BATHING PLACES" TO HENCEFORTH BE ENTITLED "SWIMMING POOLS ": REQUIR- ING STANDARDS FOR QUALITY OF WATER AND FACILITIES, SAFETY AND FIRST AID: AMENDING SECTION 23 -58, ENTITLED "LIFEGUARD REQUIRED AT PRIVATELY OWNED BATHHOUSE OR PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL ", BY DELETING THE LAST FIVE WORDS OF SAID SECTION WHICH READ "OR BUREAU OF MINES CERTIFICATE" AND LIMITING THE REQUIREMENT OF SAID SECTION TO POOLS THAT CHARGE THE PUBLIC MONEY FOR USE: PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE: AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS; SECTION 1. That the Code of Ordinances, City of Corpus Christi, 1976 Revision, be and the same is hereby amended by amending Chapter 23, "Health and Sanitation ", in the following respects: A. Section 23 -57, entitled "Depth Warning Signs at Privately Owned Bathing Places ", shall henceforth be entitled "Swimming Pools ", and shall read as follows: "Sec. 23 -57. Swimming Pools. The following rules pertaining to swimming pools shall be in full force and effect: (1) Definitions. For the interpretation and enforcement of these regulations the following definitions shall apply: (a) Public swimming pool. Any swimming pool, other than a private residential swimming pool contained or located on a one - family dwelling. (b) Swimming pool. Any structure or excavation more than 24 inches in depth, either indoors or outdoors, used or suitable to be used for bathing or swimming purposes, together with buildings, equipment and appur- tenances used in connection 'therewith. (c) Wading pool. An artificial pool with a maximum depth of 24 inches intended primarily for use by children; shall have recirculation and chlorination. (d) Turbidity. Clouded or cloudy; not clear or translucent; muddled; not lucid. MICROFILMED 13540 JUN 30 1990 (2) Unsanitary pools declared a public nuisance. Failure of any person responsible therefor to maintain any swimming pool or wading pool, including private residential pools, in a safe, sanitary condition is hereby prohibited and declared to be a public nuisance within the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, (3) Inspections. Any authorized representative of the Health Department of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, may enter upon any and all parts of the premises of such swimming places, to make examinations and investigations of the sanitary conditions of such places and of such compliance with the provisions of these regulations. Public pools that were in operation before the adoption of the Swimming Pool Ordinance shall have a maximum of one (1) year from the date of the Ordinance passed in which to comply with said Ordinance. Failure to comply within the time stated shall constitute' grounds for the immediate closing of the swimming pool until satisfactory compliance is achieved. (4) Physical quality. Disinfection and pH. (a) Physical quality of water. The surface of the pool water shall be kept free of scum and foreign floating matter. The bottom and sides of the pool shall be maintained free of sediment, dirt, slime and algae. Water in the pool shall be maintained free of turbidity at all times. The water, at all times, shall be sufficiently clear to permit a black disc 6 inches in diameter on a white field, when placed on the bottom of the pool at the deepest point, to be clearly visible from the deck of the pool at all distances up to 10 yards measured from a line drawn across the pool through the disc. (b) Facilities. Areas,surrounding pools, including bathhouses, dressing rooms, toilets, shower stalls, and lounging areas shall at all times be kept clean and in a state of proper repair. (c) Disinfection: A minimum of not less than 0.2 ppm and a maximum of 0.5 ppm residual chlorine shall be maintained at all times. If other chemical means of water purification are used, comparable levels must be maintained at all times. When cyanuric acid is used as a stabilizer the range of available chlorine should be 1.0 to 1.5 ppm corresponding to acid levels of 25 to 45 ppm. -2- (d) pH. Water pH shall be maintained at a level of 7.2 - 7.6. (e) Bacterial quality. Not more than 20% of the culture tubes of single samples tested shall show the presence of coliform organisms or not more than four (4) coliform organisms shall be-present in one hundred milliliters of any single sample tested. (f) Health hazard and /or public nuisance. During the period of inactivity, if the pool remains uncovered, standards which will not permit a health hazard and /or public nuisance to exist must be maintained, water PH from 7.2 to 7.6 and a chlorine residual of 0.2 to 0.5 ppm, available chlorine, and free from turbidity and algae. However, canvas or other suit- able type of covering strong enough to support a person of 200 pounds, properly staked, may be employed during periods of inactivity in lieu of the above standards. (5) Safety Requirements - Lifesaving Equipment (a) Swimming pools operated primarily for unorganized use and having an area of more than 2,250 square feet of water surface area shall be provided with an elevated lifeguard platform or chair. In pools with 4,000 square feet or more of water surface area, additional elevated chairs or stations shall be provided, located so as to provide a clear, unobstructed view of the pool bottom in the area under surveillance. (b) One unit of lifesaving equipment shall consist of a ring buoy not more than 15 inches in diameter to which shall be attached a 60 -foot length of 3/16 inch rope, and a life pole or shepherd's crook type of pole having blunted ends with minimum length of 12 feet. Not less than 1 unit of equipment, as above, shall be provided at every public swimming pool. One unit shall be presumed to be adequate for 2,000 square feet of water surface area, and one additional unit shall be provided for each additional 2,000 square feet or major fraction thereof of water surface area where there is no lifeguard on duty. (c) A standard 24 -unit first aid kit shall be readily accessible to every swimming pool and directions to the location of said kit shall be posted in such a manner as to be clearly visible from the pool deck and protected against the elements. -3- (d) Lifesaving equipment shall be mounted in conspicuous places, distributed around swimming pool deck, at lifeguard chairs, or else- where, readily accessible, its function plainly marked and kept in repair, and ready condition. Bathers or others shall not be permitted to tamper with, use for any purpose other than its intended use, or remove such equip- ment from its established location. , (e) Where no lifeguard service is.provided, a warning sign shall be placed in plain view and shall state "Warning - No Lifeguard on Duty" with clearly legible letters at least 4 inches high. In addition, the sign shall also state "No children allowed without an adult present ". (f) There shall be a telephone readily accessible to every swimming pool. Telephone numbers of the nearest ambulance station and physician's office shall be posted near the telehpone. Directions to the location of said telephone shall be posted in such a manner as to be clearly visible from the pool deck and protected against the elements. (g) In above ground pools, the stile shall be removed when the pool is not in use. i (h) There shall be a diagrammatic illustration of artificial respiration procedures posted at every swimming pool in such a manner as to be clearly visible from the pool deck and protected against the elements. (6) Depth warning signs at privately and publicly owned bathing places. Every person owning or controlling any bathhouse, bathing pier or swimming pool within the City, where persons are permitted to bathe, whether a fee or charge is made therefor or not, shall place upon such bathhouse, pier or pool at distances not more than fifty (50) feet apart, and in con- spicuous places, signs showing the usual depth of the water or the depth M at low tide at that point, and warning the public from jumping or diving into the water if the depth is too shallow, and shall also place in each dressing room of such establishment signs warning the public against diving or jumping into the water at any point except where there is sufficient depth of water designated by proper signs under the provisions hereof. Nothing in paragraphs (4) through (6) of this section shall be construed so as to apply to bathhouses, piers or swimming pools used exclusively by the owner thereof and his family. -4- B. Section 23 -58 shall hereafter read as follows: "Sec. 23 -58. Lifeguard Required at Privately Owned Bathhouse or Public Swimming Pool. Any person operating a public bathhouse or public swimming pool within the city where bathing or swimming facilities are being made avail- able to the public for a charge of money shall at all times when same is in operation have on duty at least one lifeguard who holds a Red Cross Advanced lifesaving certificate." SECTION 2. If for any reason any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect any other section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this ordinance, for it is the definite intent of this City Council that every section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word, ` or provision hereof be given full force and effect for its purpose. SECTION 3. Publication shall be made one time in the official publication of the City of Corpus Christ, after final passage, which publi- cation shall contain the caption stating in substance the purpose of the ordinance and reciting the penalty for violation of the ordinance. -5- 1,011 IJ ,'� TATE OF TEXAS, County of Nueces. t8s: j PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally came .................................. ..G1.Qr.i.a..LjaP.eZ ......................................... who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that he is the kcraaunkin.n .......................................................... of the Corpus Christi Caller and The Corpus Christi Times, Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication of ... QF...-TA.*.5.APj .B ... 9 .F-.aFD1N4LNQ 0 AMENDING THE CODE OF ........... _�Q.ajja. 135.� ORDINANCES, CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI 1976 REVISION, 13y of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in ..QalLer.= Amea .................................................... .... on the.-.r5--..- day of.—,1BLnu-ar.Y ................. 19.1.7 aff"ff&x&-6;i ................ .......... ytKM&ff&qR ---------------------------- c§=gp&ve ............................................... . ........ ........... . .... .. ............Times. ............. ................ Gloria 0 z r Account iri'g'' In Subscribed and sworn to before me this LO ......... day of.- . JTj5Au4.. y .......................... 19...77..__.. Eugenia S. Cortez ... . ...... V—eJA.(:2 ........ :9�rau PuMic, Nueces County, Texas 6 THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE WAS READ FO ��""TFH��E�� F��IRST TIME AND PASSED TO ITS SECOND READING ON THIS THE�DAY OFX j__ __I<Al , 1914 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE WAS READ FAR,/THE S COND TIME ANP PASSED, TO ITS THIRD READING ON THIS THE ,Zxd DAY OF , 19 '74 OY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LuBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE FINALLY ON THAT OAYDOFAHC F/�yLA EAR FOR T;9 j1I BY T HEE FOL LOWINGE VOTE: JASON LUBY (� DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE PASSED AND APPROVED, THIS THE DAY 1d ATTEST: CI SECRETARY MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS M AP VED: DAY OF 197-1a: A it 'I-PA 1�- TOA NOTICE OF PAST-I - OF ORDINANCE NO 13560. AMENDING THE'CODE Or' ORDINANCES, CITY OFi - ' CORPUSCHRISTI, 1976REVI- SION, BY AMENDING CHAP; TER 23, ENTITLE "HEALTH - AND SANITATION ", SO AS - TO CHANGE'rHE TITLE OF, SECTION 23 -57 FROM "DEPTH WARNING SIGNS AT PRIVATELY OWNED t BATHING PLACES" TO HENCEFORTH BE ENj TITLED "SWIMMING _ POOLS "; REQUIRING STANDARDS FOR QUALITY OF WATER AND FACIL- ITIES, SAFETY AND FIRST AID; AMENDING SECTION 23 -58, ENTITLED "LIFE- GUARD REQUIRED AT PRF VATELY OWNED BATH- HOUSE OR PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL ", BY DE- LETING THE LAST FIVE WORDS OF SAID SECTION WHICH READ "OR BUREAU OF MINES CERTIFICATE" AND LIMITING THE RE- QUIREMENT OF SAID SEC- TION TO POOLS THAT CHARGE THE PUBLIC MON- EY FOR USE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND - PROVIDING FOR PUB- LICATION. 5 WAS PASSED AND APPROV- ED try the City Council of the City M Corpus Christi Texas, during the Regular Council , Meeting held M December 29, 1976, at 2:00 p.m. and provides that ltshali take effect from and - l after Its• passage and pub llcetion one time In the official publication of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. ISSUED UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL of the City of Cor. Pus Christi, Texas, this 30th day of December, 1976. 4-Bill G. Read, ' City Secretary - City of Corpus Chrlst6 Texas; ,h