HomeMy WebLinkAbout13579 ORD - 01/19/1977JKH:vp:l /l8/76:1st TEXAS: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A TITLE II COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ACT CONTRACT MODIFICATION TO EXTEND THE CONTRACT DATE FROM JANUARY 31, 1977 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1977, THE TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TO BE INCREASED FROM $1,780,956 TO $1,822,300, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE CONTRACT MODIFICATION, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "A "; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL RELATED AND NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO EFFECT THE CONTRACT MODIFICATION AND TO CONTINUE THE PROGRAM TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1977; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute a Title II Comprehensive Employment and Training Act contract modification to extend the contract date from January 31, 1977 to September 30, 1977, the total contract amount to be increased from $1,780,956 to $1,822,300, all as more fully set forth in the contract modification, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ". SECTION 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute all related and necessary documents to effect the contract modifi- cation and to continue the program to September 30, 1977. SECTION 3. The necessity to authorize execution of the aforesaid contract and any and all related and necessary documents to effect the con- tract modification and to continue the aforesaid program creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and �U( U, 13579 effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the !q day of January, 1977, ATTEST: C1 Secretary MAYOR T C Y OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: DAY OF JANUARY, 1977: J. BR CE AYCOCK, C TTORNEY BY: ssistant Citljttarney C.ULICULM.l bjAXAKUR.E SHELI I l�/ -3011 CRAKIOR Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium 302 South Shoreline Corpus'Chriati, Texas 78408' 8 CONTRACTOR City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 This contract is entered into by, the Prime Sponsor, hereinafter referred to as Grantor and the City of Corpus Christi hereinafter referred to as Contractor. The Contractor agrees -to operate a Comprehensive Employment and Training Program in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This contract consists of this sheet and such general and special assurances as are included herein (See Page 2) A. OBLIGATION (1) The total estimated Federal cost of the CETA FY(s) 1977 program is'$ 598,851 as reflected in Sectica E, f, Tine 7.'of the -Budget Information. Summary. :This estimated cost will cover-the.geiiod __ October 1, 1976 throujh September 30; 1977 ; (2) Funds obligated by the Prime Sponsor are $ 1,822,300 ..These funds cover the period July 1i 1974 ta.September 30,. 1977 -. • B. 1KgDrEICATTOd .. (1) This modification figincreases %]decreases ndoes not cbanga the funds previously obligated by $ 41,344 to.a total obligation of y1,822,300- (2) Description of Modification To extend the contract from 'January 31, 1977-through September -30^; 1977:'.. 'deoblieate 8189,537in FY 76 Base Supnlemental funds and Incorporate ' 4230,881 in FY 77 funds. C. TITLE AND FISCAL YEAR The total funds obligate3 for this'eontract by title and U seal year are «,_ Xiscal Year Title I Title II :. -. Title VI 1974 $. "348,300 $ 348,300 - 975 lh,635. 304,835 1976 2—' 93,2- 293,542 1976 supplemental 595',718 1977 230,881 TOTAL , $ 11822;300 L 0 R. Marvin Townsend,.City Manager. Jason Luby,- Consortium Chairman Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: APPROVED: day of ,1977 Director of Finance City Attorney TITLE II MODIFICATION. SHEET Contract Number: 157 -3011 Modification Number: 8 GENERAL INTENT: The purpose of this modification is to extend the contract from January 31, 1977 to September 30, 1977, deobligate $189;537 in FY 76 Base Supplemental funds and incorporate $230,881 in FY 77 funds. The FY 77 contract funds from October 1, 1976 to September 30, 1977 are $598,851. Total contract funds are increased from $1,780,596 to $1,822,300. MODIFICATION• 1. Page 1, Contract Signature Sheet, of this modification replaced Page 1; Contract Signature Sheet of Contract Modification Number 7. 2. Page 4, Program Planning Summary, of this modification replaces Page 3, Program Modification Summary of Contract Modification Number 7. - 3. Page 5, Budget Information Summary, of this modification replaces Page 4, Budget Information Summary of Contract Modification Number 7. 4. Page 6, C.E.T.A. Monthly Schedule, of this modification replaces Page 5, C.E.T.A. Monthly Schedule of Contract Modification Number 7. 5. Pages 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, Project Component Budget, of this modification replaces Pages 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Project Component Budget of Contract Modification Number 6. 6. Pages 12 and 13, Occupational Summary, of this modification repinces Pages 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, Occupational Summary, of Contract Modification Number 7. 7. Page 14, Program Summary, of this modification replaces Page 1.7, Program Summary, of Congract Modification Number 7. 8. The PY.1977 Program: a. Carry -in funds from previous program year: $ 367,970 b. FY 1977 Title II funds added by this modification: 230,881 Grand Total ( "a" + "b ") $ 598,851 The FY 1977 program consists of Carry -in funds from the previous year plus the new funds added by this modification and must agree with the total of Section E, f, line 7 of the Budget Information Summary. -2- 9. Total Grant funds are being modified as follows: FY 1977 Discretionary Total $1,780,956 $41.344 $1.822.300 A/ Agrees with previous modification -3- FROM A/ CHANGE TO FY 1974 Base $ 348,300 $ 348,300 FY 1974 Discretionary FY 1975 Base 304,835 304,835 FY 1975 Discretionary FY 1976 Base 293,542 293,542 FY 1976 Discretionary FY 1976 Base Suppl. 785,255 - $189,537 Sns,7j8 — FY 1976 Disc. Suppl. Transition Base 49,024 49.024 Transition Discretionary FY 1977 Regular 4$230,881 • 230,881 FY 1977 Discretionary Total $1,780,956 $41.344 $1.822.300 A/ Agrees with previous modification -3- 1 e. GRANTEE'S 'ME AND ADDRESS Oil. DernnTM -•1T u,r ).AUQis u. GRANT NUMItEn Employment and Ina Admtnbtrallors City of Corpus Christi GETA PROGRAM I'DugNING SUMMARY 157 -3011 P. 0. Box 9277 a. GRANT YEAR d. TYPE OF PnoGnAM Corpus Christie Texas 78408 From To 1. O Title 1 3.0 Tnm In speury_ r yam„ �• October 1, 1976 September 30, 1977 z. XXTgne it a, n Tine VI FOn REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY I INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SECTIONS 1. 11, AND IN CONTRACT ItCY MoD. OATS 1 San It. A (Total Enrollments) Is the turn of A.1 and .A.2, 13 (Total Terminations) Is ilia ruin or 11.1 through po O.S. C (Planned Enrollments) Is A minds 6. i hr d d Z Soo. Ilt Enter In line (a) Enndllments In each program activlly cumulatively through 1110 grant year and !n line to ,U a a � g m } pr o d E �+ D o (b) live number or participants planned to Le enrolled In each program activity at tide crll or each F O &U a 4 dZ vil:Z u-U O quarter; parllalpanls wild arc concurrently emollod•bd more than one activity should be counted In each MnL DO YY 2 activity ill Which [flay arc enrolled. o _ _ _ _ _ Sao. 11: Enter lho eumulallva number of particpants In aoeh agment to ba enro lled lluring the gram year. 1 Z 3 d , G 7 0 0 1 11 I 13 11 1G 1 1 (4.. 2 4: 2+?• :: 27 of r.3t Partlelpantt should be counted In as ipany dgnlrlcant segment groups as are opplleahi0. 1. ENROLLMENT AND TEnMINATION SUMMARY GRANT YEAH-TO-DATE PLAN • 4 nEPORT O PERIOD A. TOTAL ENnOLL• 1. Enroll• nd nit 2. Parlitl• pants Wnlcd O. TOTAL TcnmimA. 1. F.nlerNg Engluymnn a. Dlreet b. Indirect C. Obtained 2. Olher Positive 3. Nnn• Im.10vo C. PLANNED I,,,CLLMWh' sl Total Enrollments to) MENTS Its { Y1. Over TIONS Idl f7emle. Plemis. EntN� �ffimm ht Currently Enrolled 1 (rnrlGy! au.ev a 1 Z;'Sq,I�,y+ 7 pJ I:_ "_ xi8 • .°`�''' .+y .: 1 2 22�( 2 •� Gp L4� ° 2 S a .]� 0 .t p �V 1�e � � I. n 8 .�1`s J ill Curranlly Enrollod r t v v}F * a,�, k• o 11A a 222 54 168 ;1Si I.� a) Total.Cnralimonld 0 4 7 6 1 20 35 — ry ,,f o o 222 ' 54 168 222 50 0 35 15 150 22 0 7 21 +' d. L: 3l. 1•f .�'' 77T, 'i =Y d 10`ir it r',,; �;`. "• � h G ' ] 1 3 3 ?r r.p S 's .l 41. PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN PRoanAM ACTIVITIES , " — ' A a C D E CLASSnOOM TnAININ On- tho.Job Tralnlue Pub. Sonic, C'ngld/narll Work Lrnr>o lod�ee� 11Inn Slmn. Voe. od. U_ 2 sl Total Enrollments to) Ldl (a) Ib) (c) Idl A Un mpllnynd 3 ht Currently Enrolled 1 7 6 X42 42 72 ° Ond 2 a) Total Ealmlknanls ° 7 r 1 5 5 225 _ J ill Curranlly Enrollod ° 7 1 7 2 a) Total.Cnralimonld 0 4 7 7 _ 22 — '3 ill Curranlly Cnrolled D a 7 7 ' U 2 a) Total Cnrollmonl] 0 0_ 7_ 7 222 _ 3 L•) Curranlly Enrolled 0 0 7 ] 0 ] 1 3 •4. _ ;'t ;,I�•,. .w:;4? 2:2.2: Y27 2 ') 3t,•..1. 3:- [](ii—Inc,'4A5:.r.: IV. OVER ACTIVITIES Indlato other activities or special Drogratns on Climb. nnntt. Darin o ddntr dbjoCliws and Ilsl 140strums towmd thedr aclduwmoni In a quuntitnlivn ur natrCdv2 (^asuniallmd. Ill. SIGNIFICANT SEGMEIlTS , " — SIGNIPICANT SCG rfENTS GRANT YEAn•TO•DATE PLAN SIGNIFICANT SEUMENTS anANr YEAn- O -DATr. PLAN 123 /1 3131 a/30 013° 12131 3x31 ° /30 0p0 (at 114 to) Ldl (a) Ib) (c) Idl A Un mpllnynd vin 9 19R 1 CJO TCJO P yPrprarl 40 X42 42 42 ° Ond Vii, 34 n Welfare 5 5 5 5 0 Rnrlitar Man— 18 _ 1-8 18 It Recipient • to I. OMB APPtoval No. 44•R1S73 cavitation D,la w3oM A. GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS u.a. DCPARTMC14T OP. LAaOR _ ' D. GRANT NUMBER ' CmPla7mont sod Tr.lnlnj Mlmwdr.OoA 157 -3011 City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 BUDGET INF011MATION SUMMARY c. TYPE OF PROGRAM Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 1. O TRj. 1 2. D Tuu w 4. O nu. w 2. Till. 11 3'Pee) = ............ ..........m1... n. FOR REOIOPJAL OFFICE USE ONLY , i.. CONTRACT KEY MOD. . e.l. 1 L i a o 9 7 a v l0 11 lT J] i� i3 i3 l7 la la 20 ZS 22 27 2a 23 xa 27 20 Z7 7a E. BUDGET SUMMARY COST CATE(1ORIES a. DRANT PROD RAM ESTIMATED UNOXPENOCO FUNDS NEW OR REVISED bUOCET 1. TOTAL FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY b. F dar.l, a Ndn•Padaral d. F.d.NI a. Nen•F.aer,l •; i e r ; t "' .� 1 7 3 31 28 I .'ed t'1V' tray • .ts i.T°.,�IPI ".�: " -�Y v . I •P h;� + f' "il. - D i5'Fd• py5'�, ti. 1. Adminl,tratlon $� .3: !r;;e1 .' +- Lw`'�pl' - a1s:�?5.� i4.i e', } S, y.° a'CJ 0 2 27- 100 r.1 (• a'.i.:1;.1'�:•R f R. Allowanacs ;•� YY`SF ?,rVc ..:i d�7 ^3^�.— �'•al.'A. ^.�'�•:�:'17, ei'r�'i'r. hv�•i�a�d ?tit:. ':: ('.a.�_t r'. S. 1'Jages �! '.: y. riii(e3S4 tc t� �}:L .�'yS7y - as 534i924 `b�, ^ �±`:�L�(�'�' •t `�.+. -. N P' 4. Frht a ti r �`'4ti' ➢ y �33 66 827' Dencills ` f'��" '"i R 1 "t • � y, •. 5. et S. Tralnin9 62i 5. • mot.— .aeT.'.•�.,•. �e;,r;a �� 1e'tSUe . w_�Sr BJ.�!!2 s.. 10 /l`+.�'•� ••t 'R'vi•••.e.r 26 l $598 -,85f: $598;,851 7. Totals -- O 1 . . F. CUMULATIVE OUAnTCRLY PROJECTIONS 00 OBLIGATIONS AND EXPEIJOiTUnES For Ouarrer Ending) 1 2 2 21 x7 2a 2a 2' 1 2 2 1 (JI 2 11 2_1 72 L4121 t 2 ] • ; Z 22 27 24 73 t x a '" xt x. 2_124 23 .,. c ••26 x, 2G 26_ _ 2d 1. Prime Sponsor OLIIgMlons 0 3 $319,000 D $412,300 0 —Ail 3 505 60 G i .$598,851 2. Taul'ProJavtcd Expenditures by Program Y. 35 319.000 '1:..1. 3' ;9 r�. 1� 3' S 8 44 53 s. C141 —am Training, Prime Sponsor Vi 44 :; iF �1", 4' '7.'• $; 44 •f• {i• L. On-the-Job Trolmm `c '." 37 i^.., S �•: ,7,: 6 �r ., 67 : -598.851 c. PubUc Service Employment `+ 67 319.000 ,,. Al 52 4L2,300. 15 63 •_ '50 600 + }; " d. Work Experience i� -: 71 ' •• 71 ,i •4 71 - ;i' 1; 7t 1 2 7 :6 l 13 Z6 7 2 7 Z8 I Z] 26 V. E.IYleea to Participants C r G [% :;1 4 G A 0 4 L Other Activities 2a H 3. Prdlaetdd Expenditures rat Voeatlorul Ed. r < k 1 44 n 4.1 - •� P. 44 -' _ to Spvelal Grants to Coverewrs e .� 44 "'' 4. Projected Expendilueer of Non-Fed, Funds P] t'+ *Y. S3 S. Other Fed, Funds, Hal In Prima Span.O.•ant "I ;Q. 6Z 'i$ e'•S 63 P''; b2 71 50 6. Oran) TGtal • Pralceled Expenditures �: • 7l 319,000 71 412,300 �� ,. `' �- •' 71 598 851- r • i • -- ------- - • OMa Aopla,al Na V -RIS73 U.s" ocrwpTNGNT tI t' 1.AYOp . Fn•obrnenl .M T, a.. AdaWwn,s., CETA MONTHLY SCHEDULE n ynO/r/ TYPE OP PROOAAM ��O.,� gg c,TLi „ IIdT„t„ GRANTEES NIVAE ANO AOOpEsS GRANT NUMBER City of Corpus Christi, ' P. 0. Box 9277 157 -3011 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 ,7 ....... ....... L Enter the total tttuather ed psBdptnv vbo arm ' • IL Fester tlu 0uatlwr alp'rti�+P+�+p��) b M smmg-d 1-0 a =A Title !I Iunded Pvhft - . p4aaed to bo bJ the pragraw w 0.,d by th" sdwdmlw an tl. Luc day oI aacb =wh. TEe acvke job wh. aw rehire; A rahc. it aW Mdi+idud who boa been bfdotr %dmrl rv7.!W - mntrier fa Xaeeh, Ju , Saptenber. aad Di —,bcr abocld agree nlrb Ihy rntriaa a Pace IC 0I the ,nJ,l,&4at.✓ 1,,,�,� by tM prinfm• spxser _ PJOgrafa Pfaafdu7 S'uifQa+Y- w agTnt and wb. b mhwqu,nrfy t-11,d by the 10r a PLV9 hilo a CZ-.Afwtded - • _ .. paxkt w u pYpKlpY14 Flew' the Pbaaad =--d aapNdlttar s of rid. 12 fmf& ft—t wi-g by tmamllb the twtals In Deennbar}. Ut ,k Yuan, aruS saptemb.c should ap— arM the —trio to Part F2 of thi Ridgaf lafo R+trlora Suoanary_. L NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS f+IJ.NNEO TO-BE ENKOLLEO FT ENO OF EAQI IAONTN 111. CUMULATWE PROJECT�O FJfPENO1: UAL BY MONTH ' z g C t! a MONTH M fd Y Y 1 7 165 tl° LaOf".m l $100 100 a W 1� 160 � ..' 6 205 700 D l OI 1 160 ° r z;9 6 319,,000 -• 35 ^: 10411717 350,100 35. = 0 12 717 381 300 :.35 TO 37 17 • P. -,. .4 17 17 443,400 z e' 0 15 17 7 474 500 I d d 1 35 10161717 505 00 "u• r 077.7 35 0 8 7 171 567,800 t JY Sl x n .' 10 *19 17171 JL PREVIOUSLY EMPLOYED By SPONSOR OR AGENT J! - FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY CONTRACT KEY ka « .. ETA Z-2020 1Sao. 1!761 -6- PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET I I TITLE I /S/ TITLE II / / TITLE VI NAME OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBGRANTEE: City of Corpus Christi FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY• Title II Public Service Employment AMOUNT (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COST: $x,700 (2) WAGES: 504 -.924 (3) TRAINING: (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: 6.6,827 (5) ALLOWANCES: (6) SERVICES: TOTAL AMOUNT $ 598,851 -7- ti BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS AMOUNT a. STAFF COSTS: $17,400 b. FRINGE BENEFITS: 3,200 c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: d. PROGRAM EVALUATION• e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: 4,800 f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: g. STATE MANPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: N/A h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: i. TRAVEL: 1, onn J. RENT: k. UTILITIES:. 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: m. INDIRECT COSTS: n. STAFF TRAINING: o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: p. EQUIPMENT: q. MATERIAL: r. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS' s. PUBLICATIONS: t. AUDIT SERVICES• u. OTHER: (Specify) (Telephone) AD- v. OTHER: (Specify) (Reproduction Costs) 500 w. OTHER: (Specify) x. OTHER: (Specify) SUB- TOTAL $ 27.100 -8- BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGET AMOUNT (2) WAGES: a. On- Job - Training: b. Transitional Subsidized Employment: $504,924 _ c. Other:(Spatify) d. Other:(Specify) Sub Total $304,924 (3) TRAINING: N/A a. Salaries:- b. Fringe Benefits: c: Tuitions: d.. Entrance Fees: e. Books: f. Teacher's Aida:` g. Other:(Specify) h.. Other :(Specify) Sub -Total -0- -9- BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS -10- Amount (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: a. i Annual Leave: Part of Wage b. Sick Leave: Part of Wage C. Court Leave: per of Waoe d. Military Leave: Part of Wage e. FICA: S 29.540 f. Life Insurance: g. Health Insurance: All Insurance 15,100 h. Unemployment Insurance: i. Workmen's Compensation: 5,000 J. Retirement Benefits: 16,187 k. Other:(Specify) ..(Travel) 1,000 1. Other:(Specify) Sub -Total $- _66,827 (5) ALLOWANCES: N/A Sub -Total r -0- -10- BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS SERVICES TO CLIENTS: (Y /A) a. Child Care: b. Health Care: c. Medical Services: d. Residential Support: e. Assistance in Securing Bonds: £. Family Planning: g. Outreach: h. Intake and Assessment: i. Orientation: J. Counceling: k.. Job Development: 1. Job Placement: m. Other:(Specify) n. Other:(Specify) o. Other:(Specify) -11- AMOUNT (6) -0- Sub -Total -0- Grand Total $598_851 ' EsW.allen 0.1. 9AOlJT ' ILS. DEPARTMENT OF LAnOR ErmFlol --k and TrtW., A4-WO I- � CO,TLRACTOR PSE OCCUFA UNAL SUMMARY City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 J. CKS r ClUl"ER 157 -3011 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 $ OCCVPAYIONAL TITLS NUFIBER OF joss CET- N -GE RATE cc.- ,,- WAGE FAT (CWA.�I.v CFI E:! -OVME :17 TOT-L .-AGEs IA) te1 cc) ID) /E) IFS CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI Crewman " 60 $488 .$488 132 $ 64,416 Refuse Collector 2 $488 $488 6 2,928 Custodial Worker 6 $488 , $488 18 8,784 Clerk I 3 $509 $509 18 9,162 Traffic Signal Maintenance Man: 3 $530 $530 " 9 4,770 Trades "Helper - 2 $530 .$530 6.. •3,180 Plant Helper, 1 $530 $530 '3 1,590' Truck Driver 3 $530 $530 :9- 4,770 Clerk II 9... $551. $551 .30 16,530 Gardener iV 3 $551 $551 8 •4,408 Senior Library Aide 1 $551 $551 .2 1,102 Building and Grounds. Custodian 2 •. $551 $551 15 8,265 r. Bus - Operator 1 -.$572 $572 3 1,716 Equipment'Operator.I 1 $572 $572 3 .1,716 Senior Clerk 4 $593 $593 .12 Senior Clerk- Typist 6 $593 $593 28 16,604 ]Account Clerk 8 $593 $593• 28 16,604 Reypunch•0perator 3 $593 $593 25 14,825 Rennelman i 1 $593 $593 3 1,779 Laboratory Assistant 2 $593 $593 6 3,558 Meter Reader 1 $616 $616 3 1,848 0. TOTAL ya • Cont. COn} t. I Cont. • US. OEPARTTJENr OF, IAOOR a CO - NTRACTO-R' :City of Corpus Christi PSE OCCUPATIONAL SUMMARY P. G.. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 K raA r numain 157-3011 1 OCCUPATIONAL. TITLE NumeeR OF .05S ccrA WAGE RATE I --AGE -FATE WAGES (A) lei tcl Io1 1E). I IF) Senior Engineering Aide- 2 $616 $616 -24 14,784 Junior Draftsman 2 $616 .$616 6. 3,696 Humane Officer 6 $639 $639 36.,'. 23,004 Senior Clerk-StenogiApher 1. 3 $639 $639. 9' 5,751 .Outreach Worker- 1 $639 $639 31, 7 Cook, AIC, .1 $639 $639 31 1,917 Warrant Officer 1 .$664 .$664 12 7,968 Museum Specialist 1 $689 $689 !2 1,378 Reereation Coordinator 1 4. $689 $689 12' 8,268 Safety Security Officer 2 $689 $689 6 4,134 Painter 1 $716 $716 3, 2,148 Administrative Aide 9 $744 $744 .'17,856 Property Advisor I 1- .$744 $744 3 2,232 Junior Accountant 1 $773 $773 12 9,276 Equipment-Operatdr 11 1 $833 $833 -_.1.666 'Patrolman 18 $833 $833 ­208. 173,264 Counselor 1 1 $833 -$833 3 2,499 AdminitratIve Assistant 1 1 $833 $833. 2,409 Programmer/Analyst 1 $833 $833 12 9,996 CORPUS CHRISTI INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 10 $500 $500 30 .151000 Aides 4. TOTAL -189 -gv F 780 1$ 504,924 7976 -13- 189 $- 598,851 ETA 2 -M7 J— 1972 OMB AaaVp,t U0. oat. 9130f17 • U-`w DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. • PJnata"—' Z T.. Wn9 AEnBM.t *&U= Z GRANT hUMBER PROGRAM SUMMARY 157 -3011 U Comtractor LtAlsom OPFIGAL 7. CHECK ONE ' f Richard J. Mertz 7ZTtTLc to 0 OTNSM - i. PRIME SPONSOR/ OISTRIBUTION OF FUNOS AND JOBS i. TY°E OF UNIT (� AREA SERV80 T_ POPULATION Q- NO. OF JOBS 9. FUNDS • SUBCRANTEE City of Corpus Christi City of Co Administrative Costs City Christi 204,525 2 $ -- 27,100 'City of Corpub.Christi City. City of forpu • Christi 179 555,751 Corpus Christi Inde- pendent School School City of Corpu District District Christi 10 16,000 - 189 $- 598,851 ETA 2 -M7 J— 1972 0 ,Y. .'. TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS #11 ., It CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS If( DAY OF L'� FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCES A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; I, THEREFORE REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY (2�� MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ABE$ RUTH GILL BOB GULLEr A. GABE LOZANOp SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY T FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON „- EDUARDO DE ASE8 RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE