HomeMy WebLinkAbout13581 ORD - 01/19/1977JKH:hb:1/18/77 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A TITLE VI COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ACT CONTRACT FROM JANUARY 1, 1977 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1977, IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,002,682, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE CONTRACT, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF 111HICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF MARKED EXHIBIT "A "; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL RELATED AND NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO EFFECT THE CONTRACT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute a Title VI Comprehensive Employment and Training Act contract covering the period of time from January It 1977 to September 309 1977, in the amount of $1,002,682, all as more fully set forth in the contract; a substantial copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ". SECTION 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute all related and necessary documents to effect the aforesaid contract. SECTION 3. The necessity to authorize the aforesaid CETA contract and any and all related and necessary documents in order to effect the ;said contract creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance take affect and be'in full force and affecctl from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED this the day of January, 1977. ATTEST: 2- ... . City Secretary MAYO THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI ' TEXAS APPROVED: MICROFILMED fiDAY OF JANUARY, 1977: J. B CE AYCOCK, CI I TORNEY JUL Q 1 �An� By, sistant City torney CO2NrRACT SIGIUATURE SHEET . • CR N'TOR Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium 302 South Shoreline Corpus'C-hristi. Texas 78408 City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas .78408 This contract is entered into by -the Prime Sponsor, hereinditer referred to as Grantor and the City of Corpus Christi hereinafter referred to as Contractor_ The Contractor agrees to operate a Comprehensive Employment and Training Program in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This contract consists of this sheet and such general and special_ assurances as are :included herein (See Page 2) A. OBLIGATION (1) The total. estimated Federal cost of the CETA FY(s) 77 program is $1,002,682 as reflected in Section E, f, Tine 7' of • ttie Budget Information. Summary. :This estimated cast will cover the.peiiod - January 1, 1977 through September 30;.197.7 (2) Funds obligated by the Prime Sponsor are $ 1,002,682 These funds cover the period - January 1, -1977 to "September 30, 1977 = B. MODIFICATIOB (1) This modification %%increases 1- 7decreases /-/does not change the funds previously obligated by $ to a total obligation of (2) Description of Modification ' C. TITLE AND FISCAL YEAR The total funds obligated for this contract by title and fiscal year axet- ' Fiscal Year .Title I Title ii Title VI TOTAL,- . 1976 Base Srpulemental (deobl_igated) $ 189,537"' $ 189,537 1977 813,145 813,145 TOTAL $1.002.682' 51.002.682 APPROVED FOR THE CONTRACTOR APPROVED FOR THE GRANTOR R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager. Jason Luby, Consortium Chairman Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: day of ,1977 City Attorney ,APPROVED: Director of Finance else App/eoll ft- 412, E"uauaa Oat. 913017.1 . UZ. MPARTMFIIT OF LABOR. HmplpYmM1 aM Tralnln9 AdmjM,I.II_. PROGRAM. SUMMARY 1 2 ORAPIT frUMBEA 1• CONTRACTOR LIAISON OFFICIAL ]. BECK OnE Richard J. Mertz C] nx. It AR orNeR • S. PRIME SPONSOR/ DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS AND JOBS S- TYPE OF UNIT 6, AREA SERVED 7. POFUfAT1oN b NO. OP JOBS 9. FUNDS SUBGRANTEE • City of Corpus Christi City City of Corp 204,525 1 $:17,000• Administrative Costs Christi City of Corpus Christ City Same ab Above 141-: 741,082 Corpus Christi Inde- School ' Same as Above 42 127;000 pendent School Distri tDistrict Flour Bluff•Indepen -- School Same as Above .5 182900 dent School District District West Oso Independent School Same as Above 3 12,400 School District District Calallen Independent School Same as Above 4 15,300 .• School District District Tulosb -X dwaq Inde- School Same as Above 3 16,800 pendent, School Distri tDistrict Nueces County Commun- Non-Profit Same as'Above 7 28,500 ity Action Agency Organizatl Del Mar College Junior Same as above 3 13,000 -- College District Lulac Educational Non- Profit Same as Above 2 .12,700 Service•Center Organizat' n 10. TOTAL l 210 1$1,002,682 • ETA 2.3 J_ 19 • 0 •11. PLANNED ENnOLLMENTS IN PnOGIIAM ACTIVITIES ' Employment veld .In>< AdminlaLnlloo r v r � �•��'�� ) C CLTA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY E City of Carpus Christi On-tie-Job Training Pub, Sarvkt Enlploynwtt G GIIANT YEAn.' Cl. TYPE Op PnocnAM P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Taxas 78408' From To 1, O Title 1 3. ❑ Title fn 7 Jaatlar 1 1977 September 30, 2, D Title It a. Ig){nuo VI OFFICE FOIL nEGIUNAL OFFICE USE ONLY _ ] INSTIIUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SECTIC14S 1, 11, ANU III 1 7 III Sae, li A: tTolol ritrollmenis) Is ilia sum of A.1 and A.2, D (Total Terminations) If Ilia sum of 0.1 through - 244 CoNTONAL 0 moo. DATE o D.3. C (Planned L•'sirollmonts) Is A minus D. o 3 1 7 Z. o $ y d Z T Sea. III Enter In lino (a) Enrollments In each program acUvlty Cumulatively through ilia grant year, and In 11th c o $o $ N >• .y,E Ap'o E O a eL aZ Hd2 Cunanily Enrolled 0 3 7 7 p (b) ilia number.ol participants planned to be enrolled In eads.prograin activity at Ilia and of each who are enrolled, In more than one activity should be counted In eae15 F rru - MM oo YY 2 0 , quarter; participants concurrently activity !n which they are enrolled. See, lilt Enter ilia cumulative number of parilcipanit In each segment lobe enrolled during the grart yely. C Parllcipanlr should be counted In as many signlfleant segment groups' as or appllcah{e. 0 T a 259 O 5 0) Currently Enrolled 0 0 7 + 1 2 D •5 S a 7 0 A 7r 11 14 U 1 ' 101 1 I 2 ?. 'r 2r 2 z q,.i 3 I 1. ENnOLLMENT ANO'TEnMINATION SUMMAnY GnANT YCAn-TO•bATE PLAN 0 LL REPORT A.TOTAL ENnOLL• 1. C•nralt. 2. Parilck M TOTAL TEnMINA• 1. Enlorha ,� 1 ? J ?l -• : >•g.,5_ ;:, ::5��: ai;i�;�.2 2. Other 3. Nam. C. PLANNCO WnOLLf.Srm? 2)1;'Fab'f ?:3 O PERI00 MENYS manta Pant %Cankd Oval TIONS Enrt+tuymo5 a. Olrtcl Plcmlfi o. Indireel PICMIr. e.Obtrleod FJ5'p 1� Poslllva Positive fPlid of erua r a 1 .aL ,y ra �k?, 3 S•ip�"'rY�'t' _ 1 2 7 7 _thl% yr, rmC11 .�., u n _ I �Aar� `54 7 r iSbtiS�tt, not i e r c� Y',Fr ;�Y,� a a r 7 oar 7 236 256 30 50 206 206 46 66 20 30 0 0 8 12 12 . 18 10 14 _ 16 22 190c, is 390 �' _ +' ,c P -` = o o —2 Tr— 0 206 276 - 85• 0 40 45 80 111 • 0 1 7 Z a a. #� ¢,• ;% 21 .J _r� 2: � 2d %':.�� ' ]l:.%jtY{;' 1.- " " � ; i 1' .f. � ..r• 441 r ; •:N T-71-771 •11. PLANNED ENnOLLMENTS IN PnOGIIAM ACTIVITIES III, SIGNIFICANT A 0 C o E CLASSROOM TnAININC rrtme t. Voa. Ed. On-tie-Job Training Pub, Sarvkt Enlploynwtt Work I Exwlonco 3131 2 a) Talai Enrollmonll 1 2 7 7 0/30 (c) _ ] hl Currently Enrolled r 1 3 7 7 226 - 244 262 F al 7olal Cnrollinontr o 3 1 7 10 236 14 C 3 Cunanily Enrolled 0 3 7 7 190 - C 2 _b) 31 Tolst,Cnrollnlanl'r a 0 T 7 259 O 5 0) Currently Enrolled 0 0 7 190 t 2 a{ Total Enrollments 0 0 7 276' I w 3 Irl Currently Enrnllad 0 9 7 0 ,� 1 ? J ?l -• : >•g.,5_ ;:, ::5��: ai;i�;�.2 2; 2:+ b2� I °��1 2)1;'Fab'f ?:3 'i:i �',,'rI:✓l M1('F.S,{�'1.:; ,1 '.;�i 1+`.62,:: 101 ACTIVITIES Indicate other activities or n5cclol progronis on attach. monts, Descrtlle their objectives and list rnitasiones toward thalr aeldovamunl In a quantl lot lve or narrotivo presentation. 1 1'1 . III, SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS ... , _ SIGNIFICANT ..CG h1ENT5 OTIANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN SIONIFICANT SEGMENTS OnANT YEAn•TO•DATr PLAN 12/31 3131 0/30 g/30 12/31 3131 0/30 0/30 (c) idl lo) Ib) Ic) Id.) A. Unemployed 226 - 244 262 F xa 0 10 12 14 G C x o 1 1 1'1 . TITLE VI PROJECT OPERATING PLAN SUPPLEMENT I. Number of Individuals Planned To Be Enrolled at End of Each Month III. Cumulative Projected Expenditures by Month JAN,77 140 $ 84 0o0 FEB 77 190 198,600 MAR 77 190 313,200 APR -77 190 427,800 MAY 37 190 542,400 JUN 77 190 657,000 - JUL' 77 190 771,600 AUG 77 190 886;200 SEP 77 - 0 $1,002,682 II. Previously Employed by Same Employer -4- Un OMD Approval No. 44•111e7s A. GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS U.a. DePAnTMCNT of LA0011. I;zDirallan Data 4 13ap? D. GRANT NUMBER 1 2 . L�mDlcYmant and 71alnlns AdminInmilon ' City of Corpus Christi 2a 1 2 .P. 0. Box 9277 BUDGET INFOWATION SU AMARY C. TYPE OF PROGRAM Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 1. 0 TRIe 1 3. 0 TRII u+ a. :UTllta Vt 2 r 0 Till. If (S"'I 1 ... . .... ... .............. ... D. Fan nEGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY ' CONTRACT KEY MOD. DATE iia- Y a d " a t D � � � ai s Z j _ 7 Mh1 DD VY .i _ _. eal. s s o o a s o D ao sa t: J7 ti i3 is t? ie 17 so st 2z x3 2a 23 be 27 2e 27 bD - E. BUOCCT SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES '2 a. OnANT PROGRAM FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY - ESTIMATED UNEKPCNDED FUNDS - NEW OR REVISED DUDCET I. TOTAL '• ,3' rY.�'Ly''K.'i.J,t'R.1 a. Fadaral. c Non•Podaral 't Sr•v.s .:s r,.n. �� ry;,f tr1:; r=:s;� t�'1T�4Ia` '- f"'r�Y'Jj' *"'! M ?;,.°tx3,�i���fia�" O 3 d. Fadaral 17.000 a. Nc.-F.dml J`.'.L�.:.$;r'is.` 7ft % ,,•`•k j4j . J IJ 1. Adminlstrallon . *- -- _r.'s� ' s _ r- ; 1C�.:,i. C '.•'1� Z .1 35 Z. Allowanros - 3. vrages 7 1� �.r; �. a it% �w5•8. ?•Y. ri r �5.3ni>I .�. 5t� ^s �.Sr Vlirv-' b,' �" :1:'?�r1:- d; f;'. .`��• L: •1'.'65.3 as %cz 894,150 r,�,7`, . >}'eg 'r-- T- •- -•-••- rMO^ :��1'.}.�<y?2ti•.Y(e:'a•, N,.. _ �'r +•'"'.- "..�'� -"'. . �. FJIngs Beneflss 9 2 5.7tLln d. 6. Se nkos a4 '. �_ �y 'l: *vw y :1. �...�.,r*F'.x.'�F�"• : T r MT,S , 111 71, ss_.�� r.;.e� :: �.:_ !� 53 e. Public Semite EmPloymant ~ a{ 62 S ' .S 62 • '1 >ii 67 - 7, Totals d. Work Ea Parlance c 71 ;t H 71 + $1,002,682 R• • . $1,002,682 F. CUMULATIVE OUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF ORLIOATIONS AND EXPCtJOITURCS IFar Oumr.'r Ending) 1 2 2 21 23 ?a 2n 2a 1 2 a A} 21 lei 2• a 3 z 2 r 3" zt 3 x _ _. E — —x '2 26 25 26 .GZ 1. Alnse Spencer OLllgallons O 3 D 3 $313,200 G 65 00 c 3 $1,002,682 L To Lit' Prol waled Espandhuras by 14ogram ;.. 35 • ; •J? 3' 3 20 'L: >;L 35 +�"'.• )! 35 a. Claasoom Tnlalnq, Prlme Sponsor . r' :t 4.1 st d. ..�. �, a4 J• d. s At L. On•IheJob Traldo-7 - di ''•. 53 111 71, 6 !� 53 e. Public Semite EmPloymant ~ a{ 62 S ' .S 62 • '1 >ii 67 ;7; : 67 ; d. Work Ea Parlance i_r 'k'i 71 ;t H 71 c.: 71 R• • . 71 SaIVIC97 P3rticlp3nls 1 2 1 25 1 2 3 26 1 2 3 id 1 2 3 2G D 4 D 4 U 4 O 4 e. to r. other Aettr;tlel T y 35 °J 3, 35 — } 35 3. Proactod EVpondiluras for Voeallanal L•d. In Slmclal Grants to OovenwN %1 4a �Yt qa ,' W. iy z• r �. 7, . W51 tq 4. Prolaclvd Exprndlturn of Non-Fed. Funds R ' 53 3r, .y gy S3 , ,. ;, 53 y, tlot In prima S en. (kont '4 ; @. 67 9"" 6. Grand Taut • Proleetod Cxpandllares �� ;:y 71 {y' 71 $31 $657,000 y;.1711 71 ,200 0711 :g 1 002 682 u PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET TITLE I f-1 TITLE II NAME OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBGRANTEE: City of Corpus Christi FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY• Title VI /g/ TITLE VI • 'r -6- AMOUNT (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COST: $ 17,000 (2) WAGES: 894,150 (3) TRAUMG• (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: 91,532 (5) ALLOWANCES: (6) SERVICES: TOTAL AMOUNT $1,002,682 'r -6- BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS a. STAFF COSTS: b. FRINGE BENEFITS• . c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: g. STATE MANPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL. i. TRAVEL: J. RENT: k. UTILITIES• 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: m. INDIRECT COSTS: n.; STAFF TRAINING: o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE• p. EQUIPMENT: q: MATERIAL• r. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: s. PUBLICATIONS: t. AUDIT SERVICES: u. OTHER: (Specify) v. OTHER: (Specify) w. OTHER: (Specify) x. OTHER- (Specify) SUB -TOTAL -7- 1,000 BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGET (2) WAGES: a. On- Job - Training; b. Transitional Subsidized Employment: c. Other:(Specify) d. Other:(Specify) (3) TRAINING: N/A a. Salaries: b."' Fringe Benefits: c. Tuitions: d. Entrance Fees: e. Books: f. Teacher's Aids: g. Other:(Specify) h. Other:(Specify) A14OUNT BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS Amount (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: a. Annual Leave: b. Sick Leave: c. Court Leave: d. Military Leave: e. FICA: $41,130 f.. Life Insurance: S. Health Insurance: All insurance 6.996 h. Unemployment Insurance: i. Workmen's Compensation: 41.606 J. Retirement Benefits: k.•. Other:(Specify) Travel 1,800 1. Other:(Specify) Sub -Total $91,532 (5) ALL014ANCES: Sub -Total -0 -9 -.. • • ,< -lo- .OIRB Apse..{ N4 Y•R117] • cw..ero� D.L. 9norn • US. DEPARTHBNror LABOR =CitYT,.k*w PSE OCCUPAItiNAL SUMMARY Corpus Christi 3. GRAINY reU.Ma�A _ r. U. DOx yZ // - - Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 J. OCCURATIONAt -TfTL= NU :A9'eR OF 1095 CCTA t• /aGfi {LATE IC4'/PAFtAAr= •I[3tAA WAGE PAT= : Gr fJ {_t _Q—. ENT 1 TOTAL I :. /AGES (A{ la) (C) -� tOi IE{ (Fl CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI .. Crewman 61 $488 $488 488 $238,144 - Refuse Collector 2 $488 ' .$488 :_18 .' 8,784 Custodial Worker 6 .$488. -$ -488 ..'54 = 26,352 Garage Serviceman I 1 $488 $488 9 -, 4;392 Clerk I .2 $509 $509. 18,.• 9,162 Traffic Signal Maintenance Man. 3 - $530- $530 ' -27 14,310. Trades'Helper 2 $536 $530 18 "' 9.,540 Plant' Helper 1 $530 ¢530 9' 4,770 Truck Driver 3 $530 $530' 27 14;310 Clerk II... ,', 8 $55i. 551 - 72.f -39,672 Gardener II - 3 $551. $551 - -:27 14,877 Senior Library Aide 1. $551 $SSY 9_ -4,959 Buil=ding and Grounds `Custodian :... 1 $551 '$551-' 9 4';959 Bus Operator _ 1 $572 $57Y, 9 -. .5;1[{8 -Equipment Operator I 1 $572 - $572 9 .- 5;148 Senior Clerk 1 $593 $593 - t9. 5,337 Senior Clerk Typist 7- $593 $593 63- -37,359 Account Clerk 7 - $593 $593 83 37,359 Kennelman 1 $593 $593 9 5,337 Laboratory Assistant 2 $593 $593 18 10,674 Junior Draftsman 2• $616' $616 18 11,088 6. TOTAL n•. .-.•,' Cont. u:,',' ;•:.+.iv ^.'- ' �=� : -= ��' Cont. C n{ CTA Z•�'VV • � - ht� 1976 -11- Ab9 Acnre.M Ne. 41.R137',J us oEVgaTr+e+r ar LABOR "CONTRACTOR ' �r•cle7.ww aad Tnbt.q MminlauNlaw PSE OCCUPATiGIIAL SUMIARV City of Corpus Christi ]. ZRANT numaeN P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas- 78408 J. OCRIAATIOf1Al TITLE NUtA3Eii OF :035 CE-rA vl Gan flg7E /TJ�ARAdL WAGE PRT �CUNAY16.v GF EMA OYMEJIT TOTAL. ;iNAGES IAI ( le} ICI go) IE} 1 1 I Humane Office= 4 $639 $639 ° 36 $ 23,004 Senior Clerk Stenographer I 3. $639 $639 _27 17,253` Outreach Worker• 1 $639 $639 9 5;751 - Cook, AIC 1 $639 -'-- $739 9 5751 Warrant Officer 1 $664 $664 ' 9 5,976 Museum-Specialist 1 $689 $689 9 _ 6,201 Recreation Coordinator- -I 4 $6$9• $689 36- 2k,804 Safety Security Officer 2 $689. $689 - 18 12;402 Painter 1 $716. -: $716 9 - ' - 6444' Ad>atnistrative.Aide .3 $744.. $744 27 20,088 Property Advisor I, 1 $744:*.. $744 9 Equipment Operator I1 1 ., $833. $833 9 7;497 counselor I 1 $833'' $833 -9 =` 7;497 Administrative,ASsistaut.2 I $833 $833 9- 7,497 -I CORPUS CHRISTI INDEPENDENT SCHOOL + 1 ' DISTRICT Para Professional Aide 11 $592 $592.- 60 35',520 Aides - 7 $500 $500' -38 _ .19,000 15 $439 $439 82 35,998 Custodian 2 $439 $439 16 7,024 Secretary 1 $439 $439 8 3,512 Personnel Clerk T $488 $488 8 3,'904 Clerks 4 $439, $439 1 22 1 9,658 a TOTAL xn- '-.... 'Con'k. cOn't. con't. ETA 2 -2- . . . JW 1916 _12_ • us, oEPARTr.E14r OA 1A00R ' EmOt07anwa) anA Tr.4a#raq A4anWair,llen PSE OCCUPATIONAL SUMMARY AM9 Atwre+J We. .iR 1373 P eWr,llan 0.1- gn'177 - CONTRACTOR _ City'of Corpus Christi 1. CHANT nur.aza - ' P.. U. Box 92/7 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 3. OCCUBATtOr4AL TtTL°_ vr= CETA VIACE I0V0A! /G�.E PA A M IT.I 3_ 0 YM. Eu T TOTAL ;vrnGES JA) la) 9C1 fol IE7 I IFI Payroll Clerk 1 . $454. $454 - �8 $ 3,632 FLOUR BLUFF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLt DISTRICT Library 1 $433. $433 8 = 3,464 Cafeteria Assistant 1 $433 $433 8 -.- 30464 Teacher Aide 1 - $433 $433 8 3,464 Carpenter Painter 1 $520-':- $520- -= 8= ".~:. 4,160• General Repairman 1 $477' $477 '- 8 ":" 3,816'. WEST.OSO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1_ _ $469 $469.''. 8 3,52 Teacher Aide Para Professional Aide 1 $668. $668. 6 : .:'4,008 Records Clerk 1 �" '$527.... $527 : "8 4,216 CALALLEN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRIC I $469 - $469 8. - 3;752 Bookkeeper Carpenter-Maintenance Man 1 $480.;. $486. - 8'.: " .3;840 . Maintenance -YArd Man 1 $425 :- $425- 8 3,400 Clerk Typist 1 $469 .- $469 -. $ 3,752 TOLOSO MIDWAY INDEPENDENT SCHOOj -. DISTRICT ' Maintenance Man 1 $800 $800 8 6,400 Mechanic 1 $800 - $800 - 8_ 6,400 j Clerk Typist 1 $430 $430 8 3,440. 0. TOTAL T.— >..- Cont. t. °' :`T ' =c;�' ra s`. Cont. ` Con't. ETA 2.700 J_ 1976 -13_ • FSE OCCOPATIONAL SUMMARY City of P-O. Corpus Christi Box 9277 1, cnr.r ffumaaR Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 3. OCCUPATIONAL TtTL.Z OF .035 Co=E C----A-AM—el WAGE PATS CALFA�-T=� 40.1 I V4 -OVVM PAT TOT.L. 1AD !al 1c3 1139 I 41E7 I in NUECES COUNTY'COMMUNITY ACTION 'AGENCY Crewman -7 $433.'. .$433 - 6 24,248 DEL MAR COLLEGE Clerk Typist 3 "$480. $480 24 . 1£, 520 LULAC EDUCATIONAL SERVICE'CENTER College Plach-ment Spec�aligt- 1 $833 6-664 Clerk Typist MD -$450.- 7. 73,600 m . IL TOTAL 210, 1,664 1$894,150 ETA 2-200 -14- • TO THE 1ENBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS Ix ID AY OF lul�_* 19-11 FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; 1, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY, TOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, T S THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY TX FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUST DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO OE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY OR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE