HomeMy WebLinkAbout13582 ORD - 01/19/1977• JKH:hb:1/18/77 .• • AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE FOR THE CITY, AS THE ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT OF THE COASTAL BEND MAN- POWER CONSORTIUM, A MODIFICATION TO THE CETA TITLE VI CONTRACT WITH MANPOWER ADMINISTRATION IN ORDER TO EXTEND THE CONTRACT THROUGH FEBRUARY 28, 1977 AND TO UTILIZE UNSPENT FUNDS DURING THE EXTENDED PERIOD OF THE CONTRACT, AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE MODIFI- CATION, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERE- TO MARRED EXHIBIT "A ", AND MADE A PART HEREOF; AUTHOR- IZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY AND RELATED CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS, AND DOCUMENTS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION, CONTINUATION, AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE AFORESAID CONTRACT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute a CETA Title VI contract modification to extend the contract through February 28, 1977 and to utilize unspent funds during the extended period of the contract. SECTION 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute all related and necessary documents to effect the contract modi- fication and to continue the program to February 28, 1977. SECTION 3. The necessity to authorize execution of the afore- said contract and any and all related and necessary documents to effect the contract modification and to continue the aforesaid program creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED this the j V day of January, 1977. ATTEST: . dee. Agog Cit ecretary MAYOR CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED:,�DAY OF JANUARY, 1977: J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY MICROFILMED By JUL 011980 Assistant Cit ttorney 13582 .- . L:)V-O-1LL 41' oiz_j I - -- - --- 3 Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium jCity of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 I i.Manpower Administration —_.__ L_S 4 T..- -- 70J.AQ D n Rnv Q777 This contract is entered into by the Aduinistretive Lait of the Coastal Bead rznpcc:er- Consorti=, hereinafter referred to as Prime S;cnsor and Manpower Administration herei^zfr-er referred to as Contractor. Tee Cc:t =actor agrees to operate a Haapoc:er Ser•.ices Program in accordance with the pzovisiers of this agreement. This contract consists of 6 pages, including this page, and such other provisions aad eacuients as e_e included herein.. The Co..t_ actor hereby agrees that he has read this Contract and will abide by all teas specif'_ec hernin and also certifies that the information in this Contract is correct to the best of iris 1mowledge and belief and this Contract has been fully authorized. .Funds hereby being cb-1 -gated are subject to the availability clause-- .This Contract covers the period (date).froa 1 -10 -75 ehra B. n. 3. 1 1CAt"ION Mr -etton _increases decreases X does not change the Prime Sponsor obligation this contract by (this action) $ N/A to.(aew 3eve1) $ N/A C.. O- aTIG&TION A2-2F--M 70? 4ME PR?'C SPONSOR- APPROVED FOR iES C0k1RAC103:. Da OF. s 1977. 7 DAY OF 197; BY: 1/ R. Y.ar-,:in Ttr.-asend, Contracting-officer Signature BY: i/ R Marvin Townsend, City Manag MAYOR N s^.d Title Janson Luby, C•nairaan >MName (Prime Sponso_ Use Only) APP ?OJED: APPROVED: DAY OF 1977 Director of Finance DAY 0? 1977 ATTEST: LAY OF .1977 City Attorney `! q if TITLE II MODIFICATION SHEET Contract No.159 -8311 & 8323 Mod. No. 3 GENERAL INTENT fE� The purpose of this modification is to extend the contract period through 3rd oZB12, 1977 and utilize unspent funds during the extended period of.the contract. This modification consists of: a. Contract Signature Sheet b. Modification Sheet c. Program Planning Summary (PPS) d. Budget Information Summary (BIS) e. Supplement to CETA - PPS /BIS f. Back -up Support Budget ;a r OIAII Allprovat No, 44.111575 7 A. GIIANTCE'S NAME AI70 ACDRESs U.9. DEP6nTIdCNT OF Lboon D. "Contract No City of Corpus Christi Evil ylormon(slid 7Yalnln8 A1mtnlUr0on 159• -8311 & 8323 Manpower Administration P, 0. Box 9277 auOCEr lNranlrlArtOrJ suMhiARY D, TYPE aFPeocnAM . Corpus Christi Texas 78408 1. ❑ Tll it I 3, a Two 111 4. RI Tills VI r • 2] 23 a.'❑Tills 11 ISP frily) .. ............................... YI 2 0 ] al 2. 22 24 2' 26 3 $69,309 D. FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY 3 t 2 22 , • ;. CONTnACT KEN MOO. DATE 27 0 +. l a] 7 26. O ,1 �:1 1 2] 1 ,H Obllgatlonr O 3 s6 1. Prime Sponsor 2. T-10 PwjemaJ R■pendltures by Program u o a 4 ? 41� 1 C. Clasfoom TnIning. Prima Sponlat 1.�$ ; •� 1 2 0 53 b. On•IheJob'rrainin4 c, Pvhllc Smvico 4lnploymcnt y,,.i 'f G21I�'i� a6 . 3 76 _ •1 - -- 75 44 MT it 1] Yy 20 O 4 a ` 4 � O �t 4 O a. Damices to Parllelpanls 1. Other Acllvitlal - 3. Prolencd Dxpenditurat for Vdeallonal Ed. 1n SpaelJl Oromt to Cmvernon- 4. Proieclyd F.xpendhtnet of Non•Fad. Funds Funds, Not Et Printo spon. Raul !S 12�y: ;y r, �y. 'T 35 44 _ 53 62 71 .. `, 35 V 44 . +_ 67 it $69, `!, 3.�f 5{1 1•.(,5' I 44 'r' ' �i }! ' {d ;�i'3 _ 39 Cub 1 1 3 i 15 1617 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1$ 14 l7 16 19 20 al 22 23 24 2S 26 27 20 a9 E. DUDOET SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES a. CnANT P110011AM11 ESTIMATED UNE%PENOED FUNDS NEW On REVISED 11000ET Nan•FeU Orel L TOTAL b 4 u. '7•Qir' 1 �.� (i Federal. s r—: • (" + � 's & c. Non•Fodorsl Jggipp •1{�•+�`kSr lti� ,! { t d. FUdvnl 12 32t 26 C :err 2,701 352. 44 $61 628 '' 6t o��"u a: 4yt1:53yrj,, �;�;�,;'.8�_e.. M! t s�rrr h •i r �t �'is .� a / + •�] � ri ,4'. / •4-rn'`; i'f,.•T.a �_'.3; r 4 ct -7Yi ,l 1 i -; s4 �{ t�:•;�'. -s7- ” y / 1vr'ps5s � { eS ( •r {�^ -r .' 1 . V gi .JSt Z�^d•71, f'!r FUNCTION Olt ACTIVITY ",, 1. Adminlstrntton Allosnns V7ages . yl „qu 4 ' 4 1 U) t F. Yr r�+ !l T ?� . V� - ; !l .t c` �rsi.�u . b ��W�tt ; 4,d c t r 4 iG JI' : L'i;pd `: Y l} Snvlc - �.. I'.• $69.309 $69,309 7, Totals a t P, CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF ODLIOATION3 AND EXPENOITURGS IFOr Ovancr Ending! 2l 2] 23 24 2 YI 2 0 ] al 2. 22 24 2' 26 3 $69,309 1 2 3 t 2 22 23 22 a4 27 0 +. l a] 7 26. O ,1 �:1 1 2] 1 ,H Obllgatlonr O 3 s6 1. Prime Sponsor 2. T-10 PwjemaJ R■pendltures by Program �{ 4,. 35 rx ar "•. 41� C. Clasfoom TnIning. Prima Sponlat d ; •� 1 2 62 .$69.309__ 3 26 53 b. On•IheJob'rrainin4 c, Pvhllc Smvico 4lnploymcnt y,,.i 'f G21I�'i� a6 . 3 76 _ •1 - -- 75 44 d. 47otk Experlsnca it 1] 71 3 20 O 4 a ` 4 � O �t 4 O a. Damices to Parllelpanls 1. Other Acllvitlal - 3. Prolencd Dxpenditurat for Vdeallonal Ed. 1n SpaelJl Oromt to Cmvernon- 4. Proieclyd F.xpendhtnet of Non•Fad. Funds Funds, Not Et Printo spon. Raul !S 12�y: ;y r, �y. 'T 35 44 _ 53 62 71 ;;I n ;1 1: :� i'?LI' " +'l 35 V 44 . +_ 67 it $69, `!, 3.�f 5{1 1•.(,5' I 44 'r' ' �i }! ' {d ;�i'3 _ S. Other Fed. 6. Crand'rotal . Projected Expendlluros 71 -. ETA 8.145 IJUA. 17761 • • City of Corpus Christi CLTA mor,11AM IeLANNINC SUMMARY Manpower Administration 159 -8311 6 8323 P. 0. Box 9277 e. Contradt Teriod d. TYPE OF PnOGRAIA Corpus Christi, TX 78408 :. Pram To 1. O Title 1 7. ❑ rum uI Snaclly ............. . 1 -10-75 _ z. ❑ Tian it a, M Tnla VI ran nCGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY INSTRUCTIONS FOII COMPLETING SC:CTIOIJS I, II, AND III Sac, it A I'rolal Ettrollmanq) Is ilia gum at A.l and As, Q {1'olal Terminations) Is ilia nun or p.1 through CONTRACT KEY d 00-0 ATE _• n.a. C (Planned ritrollments) Is A minas U. . a Sao. lit Cntor lit line (a) EnroUmenlr ht 03CIL program aetlylly cumulatively through Ilse grant year, and In line d Ili) Iho number o! participants planned to be enrolled In reek program activity at ilia end of each a 0. 4a R '^ a o o O . quarter) particlpnr11 Villa are concurrently anroiled'In Into then one activity should be counted I�l eselr t O y `tu V� MM Oq Yv .Z activity 1n which Ihay :to enrolled, Sae, Illi L•ntar lito cumulative number of partlelpanis In eweh segment to be enrolled dmhv) the gran year. ln i. tinh�ar panic ants dtould be counted In as many signUlcanr tcgrnent groups as ua appuoahla, I. ENROLLMENT AND TEnMINATION SUMMAnY GRANT YEAn•TO•t)ATE PLAN A p a REPORT A. Torn ENROLL• .1 1. Enron. 2.1115 0. TOTAL TErtMINA• 1 Ehlerla En+lYuynial g. Dlrett b. Indira et e.Obtalned 2. Other Potlllva ]. Pion• Positive C. PLANNED t7•rrtOLLJ•tGJ•n! 1 O PERIOD MENTS nwnit Call Pmov Csntal over TIONS Pil l6 Vicmis. Cnvial IF rl n/ q I+ t r a) Total Cnrollnmitit 0] 7 � _ _ =rue•r y _ __ x I' ] nI Cunenlly L'rn01larl S 7 7 7 _ 0 - T1: -'�' t 7 0 0 1 1 - 6 hf Cunenlly. Gnrollad --0 s + 0 2 a) TOlal Gvollmm�at 0 0 7 x 6 0 , e 1' 0 r _ 0 7 9 9 1 1 8 9 _� 3 0 0 3' 'i•;i�1; :tats• 2 6 0 d r l — lti ` 1 {.t,,t'r. iL,trr {: c3"— ": ° ti••: +l• �� �c�.:P• 5 �a ;� A'*; ,,rr'_ 7i >c t 3 z, L r_ a xd,.:u --It. PLANNED ENnOLLMENTS IN PnOGRAM ACTIVITIES - • A p C O E CLASSROOM TMININ On•1110•JOh Training Pub. Soraks tnP1aynv,nI - - WOrle I u Elcwtoncis ' IN Imo 3DWtt. Vow 2 rl Total Enrollmentr 1 2 7 _ - _ ] bl Currently Enrolled r a) Total Cnrollnmitit 0] 7 7 - 9 I' ] nI Cunenlly L'rn01larl S 7 7 7 _ 0 - 2 31 '1'ulgl.CnrvIIn%i is 0 0 1 - _ u _ "] hf Cunenlly. Gnrollad 0 0 7 0 2 a) TOlal Gvollmm�at 0 0 7 x l ] L•1 Currantly Cnrnllud ,�r:`�`•'= 0 9 2 z. ., 7 b 7d.; i'A;`il• 71tYF:i'Ir"''d: 3' 'i•;i�1; :tats• it }''' Ila'Is. �1•'+ SIGNIVI CANT 5EOI.1ENr5 - SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS PLAN I T OnANT VEAr 0130 SIGNIFICANT I leNt ;,31 SEOMZNTS JA UReMp.,Unaer u emp . C N D 1 IV. OTIIEn ACTIVITIES Indicate altar activities or speclol progrmnr on epoch- marts, OatcrllgO their ablactiws a- +d list ndlestoncs toward their achievement In o quantitative or nurailva presentation. t • • "ZOu?�_Me Public Service Employment SUPPLwItiNT TO THE CETA - PPS /BIS TITLE VI X. _NU_'-L6=K Ur" 1SWIVIDUALS PLANNED TO BE SERVED, PROGRAM YE4R TO DATE. II. NTUMER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANED TO BE EN°OLLED AT END OF EACH ' MONTH III. CUMULATIVE PROJECT EYFNDITURES BY ,;(RI �ICT_OBER JANUARY MAAM - 1977 $69,309 APRIL WAY JU\n JULY AUGUST 5�3�9e..D la�[53RuGl:TOWS I. aacer the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served cumulative each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training, or employment should be counted. The number in December, March, June and. September should agree with the entries in Part IA of the PPS. II.. E- ater the total planned number of individuals who trill be in the program covered by this PPS an the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training, or employment should be counted. The number in December, March, June and September should agree with the entries in Pert IC of the PPS. ; III. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals in December, March, June and September should agree with the entries in Part F of the BIS. SACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGET • CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS /J _ DAY OF , 19: TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; I, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY, MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTOw all_ EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE