HomeMy WebLinkAbout13587 ORD - 01/26/1977jkh :1- 26 -77; 1st AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE T.?RITTEN STATEMENT AND REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT, SHOWING ESTIMATES OF THE VARIOUS COSTS FOR THE IF1PROVEMENT OF THE FOLLOWING STREETS IN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS: 1. Comanche Street, from 19th Street to Port Avenue; 2. Bonham Street, from Sokol Drive to dead end; 3. Cosner Street, from Mahan Drive to McArdle Road; 4. Hakel Street, from South Padre Island Drive to McArdle Road; 5. Houston Street,:from Carroll Lane to Kostoryz Road; and 6. Unnamed Street between Houston Street and Brawner Parkway, north of Carroll Lane, abutting Lots 11 -A, 11 -D and 11 -C, Block 3, Laughlin Tract, Lots A and N, Block 2, Laughlin Tract; DETERMINLNG AND FIXING THE PORTION OF SAID COSTS TO BE PAID AND ASSESSED AGAINST ABUTTING PROPERTY, THE PORTION THEREOF TO BE PAID BY THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI; DETER14INTNG THE NECESSITY OF LEVYING AN ASSESS,MT AGAINST SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY; ORDERING AND SETTING A "HEARING TO BE HELD FEBRUARY 23, 1977 IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF C HALL, IN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, TO GIVE NOTICE OF SAID HEARING AS REQUIRED BY THE LA14S OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI;. AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, heretofore, on the 26th day of January. 1977 the City Council_ by ena.etment of Ordinance No. 135Rb determined that it Baas necessary to improve the following by paving and sidewalks, as hereinafter more fully described: 1. Comanche Street,'from 19th Street to Port Avenue; 2. Bonham Street, from Sokol Drive to dead end; 3. Cosner Street, from Mahan Drive to McArdle Road; 4. Hakel Street, from South Padre Island Drive to McArdle Road; 5. Houston Street, from Carroll Lane to Kostoryz Road; and 6. Unnamed Street tetween Houston Street and Brawner Parkway, north of Carroll Lane, abutting Lots 11 -A, 11 -D and 11 -C, Block 3, Laughlin Tract, Lots A and N, Block 2, Laughlin Tract; Tn41EREAS, by the terms of said ordinance, specifications were ordered to be made by the Director of 'Engineering and Physical Develop - anent. for the improvement of the aforesaid street, within the limits C defined, as provided by said Ordinance; and MOOED J-3587 WHEREAS, the said specifications have been prepared and are now submitted to the City Council for approval and adoption; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Corpus Christi is of the opinion that it is necessary to levy an assessment against the property and the owners thereof abutting upon the aforesaid street, within the limits defined, and against street and railway companies whose tracks occupy said street, if any, for a part of the cost of improving said street, fixing a time for the hearing of the owners of said property, and the said railway companies, concerning the same, and directing the City Secretary to give notice of said hearing, as required by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore, by ordinance, ordered the improvement of the street and portions enumerated above. Any existing curbs, gutters in place, meeting the specifications set by the City. Council, or which can be utilized, shall be left in place, if any, and corresponding credits to the property owners shall be allowed on the assessments; and WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering and Physical Development' of the City of Corpus Christi has, in accordance with the law, filed his report with the City Council, setting forth the participation by the railway companies and street railway companies, if any, and the property owners, in the cost thereof, together with the names of the owners and the descrip� tion of said property, and the work to be done adjacent thereto, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel and its owner and all other matters required by the applicable law: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the specifications so presented to the 'City Council of the City of Corpus Christi by the Director of Engineering and Physical Development and prepared by him for the improvements of the aforesaid street, within the limits set forth, having been carefully considered by the City Council., be, and the same is hereby, approved and adopted as the specifications for the improvements of said street herein- above enumerated, within the limits defined. -2- G SECTION 2. That the City Secretary be, and he is hereby, instructed to advertise for sealed bids for the construction of the improvements called for by this ordinance, such advertisement for bids to .be published in the Corpus Christi Times, the official publication of the City of Corpus Christi, which is a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carpus Christi. The advertisement shall be published at least once in each week for two (2) consecutive weeks. All bids shall be received subject to the terms and provisions of the Charter of the City of Corpus Christi, and shall be filed with the City Secretary on the date and hours specified and shall be opened and read in the presence of the City Council in a public meeting of the said City Council. SECTION 3. The City Council, in initiating this proceeding, is acting under the terms and provisions of the Act passed at the First Called Session of the Fortieth Legislature of the State of Texas, and known: as Chapter 106 of the Acts of the said Session, together with any.amend meats thereto, now shown as Article 1105b of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as an alternative method for the construction of street improvements in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. SECTION 4. That the report or statement filed by the Director of Engineering and Physical Development having been duly examined is hereby approved. SECTION 5. That there is hereby found and determined that the cost of improvements an the hereinafter described street with the amount or amounts per front foot proposed to be assessed for such improvements against abutting property and the owners thereof, and against street and railway companies whose tracks occupy said streets, if any are as follows, to -wit: -3- a i STREET IMPROVEMENTS This project includes improvements to the following streets: 1. Comanche Street, from 19th Street to Port Avenue; 2. Bonham Street, from Sokol Drive to dead end; 3. Cosner Street, from 111aban Drive to McArdle Road; 4. Hakel Street, from South Padre Island Drive to McArdle Road; 5. Houston Street, from Carroll Lane to Kostoryz Road; and 6. Unnamed street between Houston Street and Brawner Parkway, north of Carroll Lane, abutting Lots 11 -A, 11 -D and 11 -C; Block 3, Laughlin Tract, Lot A and N, Block 2, Laughlin Addition. All streets, with the exception of Comanche Street, will be 28 feet measured from back of curb, a 6-inch compacted subgrade, 8 -inch compacted caliche base, and 111-inch Type D hot -mix. surface. Cosner, Bonham and Hakel Streets will have standard 4-inch curb and gutter. - Comanche Street will be 41 feet, measured from back of curb; 6 -inch subgrade; 10 -inch compacted caliche base and 2 -inch Type D hot -mix. Both Comanche Street and Houston Street will have standard 6 -inch curb and gutter. All streets will have standard 4 -inch thick reinforced concrete sidewalks to designed width, 6 -inch thick reinforced concrete driveways where specified•or requested by the owners. The assessment rates have.been calculated in accordance with the latest paving assessment policy adopted by the City. Based on the low bid submitted by Asphalt Paving and Construction Company, these rates are: Curb, Gutter and Pavement - 41' $10.33 per l.f. Curb, Gutter and Pavement - 28' 6.60 per l.f. Curb, Gutter and Pavement (Houston St.) 28' 6.92 per l.f. - Sidewalk 95 per s.f.. Driveways 1.86 per s.f. All properties, one- and two - family use, churches and schools have been assessed the maximum rate established by the City Council as follows: Curb, Gutter and Pavement $ 4.75 per l.f. Sidewalk (all properties) .75 per s.f. Driveways 1.86 per s.f. TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE $415,075.30 TOTAL PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT 150,133.39 TOTAL CITY PORTION $264,941.91 ames K. oLG - Tn E., Director Engineering & Physical Development rage TEM OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED COMANCHE STREET 19th Street to N. Port South 'ide Beginning at 19th Street Teodora M. Gomez 37.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt._ 4.75 .175.75. 2230 Andrews -0 S.F_- S/W .75 Lot l 46..99 S.F. D/W 13' of 25' 1.86 87.40 263.15 . Loma Alta Subd: *Cr. Ex. S/W 2. A.S. De Los Santos 40.00.L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 190.00 2205 Comanche * --0- S.F. S/W .75 -- 0 - Lot 2 43.38 S.F. D/W 12' of 25' 1.86 80.69 Loma Alta Subd. 270.69 " *Cr. Ex. S/W 3_ Gilberto Gutierrez 40.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 190.00 2209 Comanche -0-- S.F. S/W .75 - 0 - Lot 3 45.37 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86. -84.39 Loma Alta Subd_ 274.39 *Cr. Ex. S/W 4. Bonifacio Gonzales 40.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 190.00 2213 Comanche -0- S.F. S/W .75 •` - 0 - Lot 4 45.37'S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 84,39 - Loma Alta Subd_ 274.39 *Cr. Ex. S/W ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED 5. & Pvmt. Roberto Villarreal 40.00 L.F. S/W c/o Aida Cuellar -O- S.F. D/W 1 -10' 206 Wicks St. 45:37 S.F. C.G. & Pvmt. San Antonio, TX. 78210 i 475.00 S/W Lot 5 11.81 D/W 1 -10" Loma. Alta Subd. 84.39 C.G. & Pvmt. *Cr. Ex. S/W 285.00 6. Dora Lamar & A. Corona i I 100.00 L.F. D/W 1 -10' 2225 Comanche * 15.75 S.F. C.G. & Pvmt. Lots 6, 7 & E.,. of 8 45.37 S.F. S/W Loma Alta Subd. .8.44 D/W 1 -12' *Gr. Ex. S/W 95.55; 7. Firs. Nicolas Riojas 60.00 L.F. 22.33 Comanche 15.75 S.F. W., of Lot 8 & all Lot 9 45.3' S.F. Loma Alta Subd. *Cr.Exs S/W 8. Ramon Flores 40.00 L.F. 2237 Comanche * 11.25 S.F. Lot 10 51.37 S.F. Loma Alta Subd. *Cr. Ex. S/W 9. Santos Saenz 40.00 L.F. 2241 Comanche -0- S.F. Lot 11 45.37 S.F. Loma Alta *Cr. Ex. S/W - DESCRIPTION I I ToTAI. OF Ilt RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT A.SSESS'HENT ASSESSED C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 190.00 S/W .75 - 0 -. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 84.39 'I C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 i 475.00 S/W .75 11.81 D/W 1 -10" 1.86 84.39 C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 285.00 S/W .75 11.81 D/W 1 -10' 1.86 84.39 - C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 190.00 S/W .75 .8.44 D/W 1 -12' 1.86 95.55; 274.39 571.20 381.20 I i 293.99 TOTAL NOO.i I PROPERTY DESCRIPTION I ASSESSED ( ASSESSS�NTN � RATE I AMOUNT I AMOUNT 10. Maria G. Ramirez 40.00 L.F. 3042 Buford _ .75 * 13.50 S.F. 10.13 Lot 12 D/W i of 20' 37.69; S.F. Loma Alta Subd. *Cr-Ex. S/W 270.23 11. Blanch Leal 40.00 L.F. 2301 Comanche .75 * 13.50 S.F. 10.13 Lot 13. D/W z of 20' 37..69- S.F. Loma Alta Subd. *Cr -. Ex. S/W 270.23 12. Manuel R. Garza 80.00 L.F. 2309 Comanche. .75- * -0- S.F. - 0 - Lot 14, 15 D/W 2 -10' -90.74 S.F. Loma Alta Subd. *Cr-Ex. S/W 548.78 13. Sixto Loera - 40.00 L.F. 2313 Comanche .75 ^ - 0 - S.F. - 0 - Lot 16, D/W 1 -10' 45,37's.F. Lama Alta Subd. *Cr: Ex. 'S /W 274.39 14. Julio Morales 40.00 L.F. 2317 Comanche -75 * - 0 -- S.F. - 0 - .Lot 17 D/W 13.5' 55.87, S.F. Loma Alta Subd. *Cr. Ex. S/W 293.92 C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 190.00 S/W .75 10.13 D/W i of 20' 1.86 70.10 270.23 C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75' 190.00 S/W .75 10.13 D/W z of 20' 1.86 70.10 i 270.23 C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 380.00 S/W .75- - 0 - D/W 2 -10' 1.86 168.78 548.78 C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 - 190.00 S/W . .75 - 0 - D/W 1 -10' 1.86 84.39'_ 274.39 C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 190.00.' S/W -75 - 0 - D/W 13.5' 1.86 103.92 293.92 ITEM I OWNER A_ND I QUANTITY I DESCRIPTION NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF ASSESSMENT 15. Antonio A. Flores 40.00 L.F. 2321 Comanche * - 0 - S.F. Lot 18 45.37.S.F. Loma Alta Subd. *Cr. Ex. S/W 16.; Arturo Casas 40.00 L.F. 2325 Comanchd * -;. 0 "S.F. Lot 19 46,99 S.F. Loma Alta Subd. *Cr. Ex. S/W L7., Adam S. Rosales 40.00 L.F. 2329 Comanche * 13.50 S.F. Lot. - 20 43.38 S.F. Loma Alta -Subd *Cr -. Ex. S/W .8.- A. C. Brown i 40.00 L.F. 2333 Comanche _ *- 0 - S.F. Lot 21 45.37 S.F. Loma Alta Subd *Cr. Ex. S/W 9. Leandro Gonzales 40.00 L.F. 2337 Comanche * 1$.00 S.F. Lot 22 45.37 S.F. Loma Alta Subd. ' *Cr. Ex. 81W TOTAL RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSED 4.75 .75 1.82 i i 4.75 .75 1.86 it 4.75 .75 1.86 4.75 .75 1.86 4.75 .75 1.86 190.00 -.0 84.39 b 190.00 -'0 - 87.40 190.00 10.13 80_69 190.00 0 _ 84.39 190.00_ 13.50 84.39 274.39 27740' 280.82 274.39 287.89 ITE11 OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE .AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED 20. Darico Perez. 40.00 L.F. C:G.& Pvmt. 4.75 190.00 2341 Comanche * - 0 - S.F. S/W .75 - 0 - Lot 23 22.68 S.F. D/W 5' of 10' .1.86_ 42.18 Loma Alta Subd.. -- 232.18 *Cr. Ex. S/W . 21, Jose G: Perez 40.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 140.00 2345-Comanche * - 0 - S.F. SAl .75 - 0-- Lot 24 22.68,S.F. D/W 5' of 10'.. 1.86 42.18 Loma Alta Subd. 232.18 *Cr. Ex. S/W 22. Acme Ref. Co. Inc.: 41.50 L.F. C.G:& Pvmt. 0.33 428.70 3111 Polk * -.0 - S.F. S/W 75 - 0 - -Lot 25 - 0 - S.F. D/W 1.86: _- 0 _ Loma Alta Subd. 428.70 *Cr. Ex. S /W, CHICO STREEI INTERSECTION 23. Missouri Pacific R. R. 28.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 10.33 284.24 . Railroad Tracks * 13.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 10.33 134.24 505 N. Industrial Blvd. * 64.00 S.F. S/w ,75 48.00 Dallas; Tx. 75207 - 0 - S.F. D/W 1.86 - 0 - * *Return on Chico St. * Cr. Ex. S/W -: 471.53 24. Truck Service Garage 159..88 L.F. C..C.& Pvmt 10.33 1,651.56 2355 - Comanche -- D -- S.F. S/W .75 - 0 - Lot 67, Blk. 3 416.90 S.F. D/W 1 -20' & 1.86 409.98 Los Angeles .Hills 1 -35' 2,061.54 *Cr.Ex. S/W - 165.00 .1,896.54. 25. _ No. Rae. R.R. Co. 73.45, L.F. C.G.& Pvmt, 10.33 758:74 Lot 65, Blk. 3 *57..12`S.F. S/W 75 42.84 Los Angeles Hills - 0 - S.F. D/W 1.86 0 *Cr. Ex. S/W 801-58 505.N. Industrial Blvd. Dallas, Tx. 75207: PARR STREET INTERSECTION -.:. COMAN E'ST. END OF -SOU H SIDE OF ... COMAN HE ST. COMANCHE STREET _19TH STREE TO N. PORT AVE. NORTH IDE BEGINNING AT 19TH STREET 26. Missouri. Improvement Tract 1,092.15 L. C.g.& Pvmt. 10.33 s 11,281.91 505 N. Industrial Blvd. 4,27.2.17 S--- S/W .75 3,204.13 Dallas, Tx. 75207 86.43 S. F. D/W 1 -20' 1.86 160.76 - 14,646.80 27.- Pittsburgh Plate & Glass •245.53 L. C.G.& Pvmt.- 10.33 2,536.32 Inds. Inc. ** 5.90 L. C.G.& Pvmt. 10.33 51.65 402 -N Fort-Ave.- 885 =69 S.F, S/W .75 664.27 Lot C, Kleberg Tract 86.43 S. . D/W 1 -20''. 1.86 160.76 * *Return on N. Port. 3,413.00 N. PORT INTERSECTION END OF COMANCHE ST. ` 'NORTH SIDE ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL N0. _ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AM-M= AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED BONHAM TREET Soko,. Drive io Dead End East ide Beginning at okol Street , 28.(F) Antonio F. Garcia 78.00 L.P. E.G. & Pvmt. 4_75 370.50 5402 Bonham St. 370.00 S.F. S/W _75 277.50 Lot 1,;B1k. 3 -0- S.F. D/W 1.86 -.0 -.. Moravian Village No. 2 -. 648.00. 29. Roy E.'Lumbry 140.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 - 665.00 5414 -5414 Bonham 578.00 S.F. S/W .75 433.50 Lots 2 -3, Blk. 3 219.34 S.F. D/W 3 -10' 1.86 - 407.97 Moravian Village No. 2 1,506.47 30. George R. Ponce 70.00 L.F. C.G. &Pvmt. & S/W 7.75` 542.50 4105 Christi Lot 4, Blk. 3 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 136.34-7 Moravian Village No_ 2 678.84 31, Robert M. Champion 70.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. &"S /W 7.75 542.50 41038 Besco Drive Irvington,Calif. 94538 146.60 S.F. D/W 2 -10' 1.86 272.68 Lot 5, Blk. 3 815.18 Moravian Village No. 2 ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT RATE AmottNr TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 32. W_ D. Hayley 70.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 332.50 5426 Bonham 295.00 S.F. S/W .75 221.25 Lot 6, Blk.. 3 86.15 S.F. D/W 14 of 25' 1.86 160.24 Moravian Village No. 2 713.99 33.. N. J. Kleffner 70.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 332..50 5430 Bonham. 3G8.00 S.F. S/W .75 231..00 Lot 7, Blk. 3 69.65 S.F. D/W 11' of 25' 1.86 129:55 Moravian Village No. 2 693.05 34. A. P. Gilley - 70.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt.& S/W 7.75 542.50 5434 Bonham - Lot 8, Blk. 3 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1:86. 136.34 678.84 Moravian Village No. 2- 35. Eugeue'G. Zipprian 70.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt.& S/W 7.75 542450 5438 Bonham. Lot 9, Blk. 3 73..30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 136:34 Moravian Village No. 2 678.84 36. Irvin D. Ashley 70.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt.& S/W 7.75 542.50 4718 Gabriel Lot 10,. Blk, 3 . 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 136.34 Moravian Village No. 2 ' 678.84 Dead End Street End of Bonham Street East Side Page 9 ITEH OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION, TOTAL NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSEI 37.(F) 3S. 39. 40. 41. Moravian Village No. 2 644.28 678.32' 719.24 . 678.84 678.84 BONHAM ETREET Sokol Drive to Dead End _ West fide Orville Dean Palmer 7.7.50 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 368.13 5401 Bonham 368.20 S.F. S/W .75 276.15 -.y Lot 20 -B, Blk. 4 -0- S.F. D/W 1.86 - 0 - Moravian Village No. 2 Felix Vela 70.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt.& S/W 7.75 542.50 5409 Bonham Lot 19; Blk. 4 73.02 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 135.82 Moravian Village No_ 2 Ramon C. Medina 70.00 L.F. C.G_& Pvmt.& S/W 7.75 542.50 465 Vera Crux iLot 18, Blk. 4 95.02S.F_ D/W 1 -14' 1.86 176.74 Moravian Village No. 2 Mrs. Susie Abarca 70.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt.& S/W 7.75 542.50 2828 Elizabeth ,Lot 17, Blk. 4 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 =10' 1.86 136.34 Moravian Village No. 2 Fairrell McGrew 70.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt.& S/W 7.75 542.50 5421 Bonham Lot 16, Elk. 4 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 136.34 Moravian Village No. 2 644.28 678.32' 719.24 . 678.84 678.84 ITEM I OWNER ANQ I QLTANTITY NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED -42. Reynaldo Garza D/W 1 -10' I 70.00 L.F. S/W 5425 Bonham 136.34 C.G.& Pvmt.& S/W D/W 1 -10 Lot 15, Blk. 4 C.G.& Pvmt. 73_:30 S.F. 222.00 Moravian Village No. 2 id 43. Mary C. Griffin _de 70.00 L.F. 5429 Bonham Lot 14, Blk. 4 73..30 S.F. Moravian Village No. -2 44. Robert L. Hagy 70.00 L.F. 5433 Bonham Lot 13, Blk, 4 73.30 S.F. Moravian Village No. .2 45. Elias B. Toves .70.00 L.F: 5437 Bonham Lot 12, Blk, 4 148.99 S.F. Moravian Village No. 2 46. Miltonie C. Tutwiler 70.00 L.F. 5441 Bonham 296.00 S.F. Lot 11, Blk. 4 70.19 S.F. Moravian Village No. 2 Dead End of Bonh West Ec DESCRIPTION OF RATE ASSESSMENT C.G.& Pvmt.& S/W 7.75 D/W 1 -10' 1.86 AMOUNT 542.50 136.34 C.G.& Pvmt.& S/W D/W 1 -10' I 136.34.' C.G.& Pvmt.& S/W D/W 1 -10' 136.34 C.G.& Pvmt.& S/W D/W 1 -10 277.12 C.G.& Pvmt. 332.50 S/W 222.00 D/W 1 -10' 130.55 id 2 Street _de 7.75 542.50 1.86 136.34.' 7.75 542.50 1.86 136.34 7.75. I 542.50 1.86 277.12 4 , I 4.75. 332.50 .75 222.00 1.86 130.55 TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSEL 678.84 678.84 z 678.84 819,.62 685.05 CTEM 0- IMIER AND QUANTITY I DESC- ;Z=IOil TOTAL i0. PROPERTY DESC=IW ASSESSED OF RATE 10L 4T - A'.QOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED COSNER DRIVE Mahan Drive to McAr dle Road East Side 47. Seventh Day Adventist Ch_ -0- L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 - 0 - 1220 S. Alameda 810.00 S.F. S/W Lot 10 -'& 13 -0- S.F. D/W .75. 607.50 Coggin Subdivision.: - 1.86 - 0 *Exist. C.G. & Pvmt. 607.50 48. Seventh Day Adventist Ch. -0- L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 1220 S_- Alameda S.F. S/W Lot 13 -0- S.F. D/W Coggin Subdivision *Exist. C.G. & Pvmt. INCLUDED IN ITEM # 47 49. John E_ Sheelar -0- L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4602 Cosner 184.00 S.F. S/W 4.75 - 0 - Lot 3 -A, Blk. 5 -0- S.F. D/W ,75 138.00 Mahan Acres 1.86 - 0 -- *Exist. C.G. & Pvmt. ` _ 138.00 ,. 50, Joe H. Salazar. -0- L.F. G.G. &.Pvmt. 4606 Cosner 400.00 S.F. S/W 4.75 - 0 - Lots 3 -B, 4 -A, Blk. 5 -0- S.F. D/W .75 300.00 Mahan Acres - - 1.86 - 0 - 300.00 51. Henry Gibson -0- L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4614 Cosner 160.00 S.F. S/W 4.75 - 0 - Lot 4 -B, Blk. 5 . -0- S.F. D/W .75 120.00 Mahan Acres 1.86 - 0 - *Exist. C-G. & Pvmt..'. 120.00 Page 12 M?4 OWNER AND QiJA1Ti"iY DESCIiI =ION TOTA7, ). PROPRfiPY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE. AllfouhlT P� GiJ11 ASSESSMM ASSESSED 52. Arturo Hinojosa 50.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 7.75 387.50 4618 Cosner & S/W Lot 5 -A, Blk. 5 Mahan Acres 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 136.34 523.84 53. Luis R. Lopez 50.00 L.F. C:G. & Pvmt. 7.75 387.50 2007 Buford & S/W . Lot 5 -B, Blk. 5 -0- S.F: D/W 1.86. - 0 - Mahan Acres 387.50 54. Philip Gonzales 50.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt.& S /id 7.75 387.50. 4626.Cosner 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 136.34 - Lot 6 -A, Blk. 5 Mahan Acres 523.84 55, Louis R. Dobson, Et Ux 50.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. & 7.75 387.50 S/W 4630 Comex :73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' Lot 6 -B, Blk. 5 1.86 136.34. Mahan Acres 523.$4 . ;6, Diane B. Amador 50.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. & 7.75 387.50 4634 Cosner S/W Lot 7 -A, Blk_ 5 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' Mahan Acres 1 .86 136.34 523.84 Page 13 'E14 OWNER AND QUAdiIl](. DESCRIPTION PROP.ER'TY DESCRIPTION{ ASSESSED OF TGTaL 1-'.SSESSlJ -P,:, RATE AiOi NT PmO rvT ASSESSED 57. Mary Hendrick 4638 Cosner 50.00 L.F. C.G. -& Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 Lot 7 -B, Elk. 5 218.00 S.F. 73.30 S_F. S/W D/W 1 -10' •75 163_50 Mahan Acres 1.86 136.34 537.34 8, Daniel R. Martinez 4642 Cosner 50.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4175 237.50 Lot 8 -A, Blk. S , 218.00 S.F. J3.30 S/W .75 163.50`_ Mahan Acres S.F. D/W 1 -10' i.86 136.34 - 537.34. 9. H: S. Gonzales 3737 Gollihar 50.00'L.F. C.C. & Yvmt.& /W 7.75 387.50 Lot 8 -B, Blk. 5 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 136.34 ` Mahan'Acres_ 523.84 1. Gilberta E. Cotter 4648 Cosner 50.00 L.F. C. G-. & pmt . -& W 7.35 387.50 Lot 9 -A, Elk. 5 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' - 1.86 136.34 Mahan Acres" 523.84 Avery Bell ' 4652 Cosner 100.00 L.F. C C.G. & Pvmt. & 7.75 775.00 Lots 9 -B, 10 -A; Elk. 5 146.60 S.F. D/W 2 -10' Mahan Acres 1.86 272.68 1,0.47-68 ITEM NO. . OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSHLriT RATE AMOUIU TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED- 62. Bibian & F. Soliz 50.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. & 7.75 387.50 4662 Cosner S/W Lot 10 -B, Blk. 5 .73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10` 1.86 136.34 Mahan Acres 523.84 63'. Vincent Gonzalez 55.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. & 7.75 426.25 2210 Crawford Ave. S/W Altadena, Calif. -0- S.F. D/W 1.86 - 0 - Lot 11- A,.B1k. 5 Mabart Acres 426.25 64. Demencio Yzaguirre 55.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. & 7.75 426.25 4670 Cosner S/W Lot 11--B, Blk. ..5 73.30 S.F. D /14 1 -101 . 1.86 136.34 Mahan Acres 562.59 65. W. C. Lindley. 117.84 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 559.74 4674 Cosner - 12.50 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt.` 2.38 29.75 Lot 12, Blk. 5 471.36 S.F. S/W .. .75 353.52 Mahan Acres -0- S.F. D/W 1:86 - 0 -- *Ret. on Foley Dr. 943.01. FOLEY DRIVE INTERSECTION 66. E. W. Fenner 97.25 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 461.94 4703 Cosner-. _ * 8.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 2.38 19.04 Lot 1, Blk. 6 359.00 S.F. S/W 291.75 Mahan Acres -0- S.F. D/W .75 1.86 - 0 - *Ret. on Foley Dr. 772.73 E M J< OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION . QUANIT11Y ASSESSED DESC'til'TIOid OF ASSESS ENT RATE 'AbIoUru TOTt-.T AmOLi'i _ ASS, SSED 67. James Williams 50.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. & 7.75 387.50 441 Waverly - S /td Lot 2 -A, Blk. 6 73.30 S.F. D/W 1.86 136.34 Mahan Acres 523.84 68. Alejandro Flores 50.00 L.F. C.G. &_Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 4712 Cosner 218.00 S.F. S/W .75 163.50 Lot -2 -B, Blk. 6 64.15 S.F. D/W of 20' 1,86 119.32 Mahan Acres" 520.32 69. Ramon Frausto 50.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.50- 4714 Cosner 218.00 S.F. S/W .75. 163.50: . Lot 3 -A, Blk. 6 64.15 S.F. D/W 2 of 20' 1.86 119.32 Mahan Acres 523.32 70. Jose C.'Castillo 50.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. & 7.75 387.50 3214 Casa Bonita S/W Lot 3 -B, Blk. 6 -0- S.F. D/W 1.86 - 0 - Mahan Acres 387.50 71., A. Dean & T. R. Felton 50.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. & 7.75 387.50 11105 Jackson Terrace S /W' Lot 4B, Blk. 6, 64.15 S.F. D/W z"of 20' 1.86 119.32 Mahan Acres 506.82 page 16 TOTAL 3'iEIt OMIM AND QUANTITY DESCRIpTI02j PP.OPE= DESCRIFTIOjd ASSESSED OF RATE Pr'OUTdT pi•iOITPil A�SESSi IqT ASSESSED 72. Amadeo Gutierrez 50.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. & 7.75 387.50 P. 0. Box 1029 S/W Laredo, TX. Lot 4 -A, B1k. 6 64.15 S.F. %2 of 20'D /[,* 1,86 119.32 Mahan Acres 506.82 73. Aurora Requenez 4734 50.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4,75 237.5Q 237.75 Cosner 221.00 S.F. S /W . - 75 Lot 5A, Blk. 6 -73.30 S.F. D/W J = 10''; . 1.75 135.34 Mahan.Acres 539.59 74. .lames .Wells 4738- Cosner 50.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 237.$0 50 Lot 5B, Blk. 6 213.50 S.F. 73.30 S.F. S /W _ jf D/W _10i .75 160. Mahan Acres 1 .86 136.34 533.97 75.. Rogelio Rosendez 50.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. & 4802 Cosner S/W 7.75 387.50 Lot 6A, 5 111..80 S.F. D/W 1 -17' Mahan Acres res 1.86 207.95'. 595.45 76. Pablo M_ Martinez' 50.00 L.F. C'.G.& Pvmt. & 4806 Cosner 7.75 387.50 Lot 6 -B, Bak_ 6 73.30 3.F. D/W 1-101 Mahan Acres 1.86 136.34 523..84 77. - W. V. Priest 100.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. & 1219 S. Pine St. S/W 7:75 775.00 San Antonio, TX. 78210 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' Lot 7, Blk. 6 1.86 136.34 Mahan Acres -. 911.34 78.. Joe Eskew 50.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. Box 764 212.00 S.F. S/W 4.75 237.50 Bastrop, TX. 73,.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' .75 159.00 Lot 8 -A, Blk. 6 1.86 136.34 Mahan Acres 532.84 - 79.- Crawford C. Brandon 50.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4822 Cosner 218:00 S.F. S/W 4.75 237.50 . Lot 8 -B, Blk. 6 .73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' •75 163.50 Mahan Acres 1.86 136.34 537.34 30.1 Billy Ray Pollard 55.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. & 7.75. 4826 Cosner- S/W 426.25 N:E_55' of Lot_9,Blk. 6 ' 72.75 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 135.32 - Mahan Acres 561.57 3l. E. D. Bethel. 4830 Cosner 50.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. & 7.75 387.50 S/W N.E.5' of Lot 10 & S.W.45' 72.75 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 135.32 of Lot 9, Blk.` 6 Mahan Acres' - 522.82 2. J. W. Reed 4838 Cosner 102.50 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 48b.88 - Lot 10 except N.E.5'Blk.6 428.00 73.30 S.F. S.F. 5/W D/W 1 -10' .75 75 ` 321.tl0 321.00 Mahan Acres 1,. " 944.22 McARDLE ROAD INTERSECTION End of C seer Drive Eas Side COSN DRIVE 1wlahan Drive o McArdle Rom West Side Seventh Day Adventist 83. Church -0- L- F. C.G. & Pvmt. 1.220 S.-Alameda 560..00 S.F. S/W 4.75 p - Lot 8 -0- S.F. D/W .75 , 420.00 i roggn,Snbdivision 1.86 - 0 - 420.00 84.- G. M. Alvarez 4537 -0- L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. Cosner 210.00 S.F. S/W 4.75 - 0 - Lot 9. -o- S.F. n/W .75 157.50 Coggin Subd_ 1.86 -- 0 _. 157.50 85. Sam Smithwick, III - 0- L >F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4601 Cosner 388.00 S.F. S/W 4.75 - 0 - Lot 3, Blk. 4 57.20 S.F. D/W :.1 -i0, •75: 291.00 Mahan Acres 1.86 106.39 397.39 36. W. W. Trotter 4609 Cosner -0- L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 Lot 4, Blk. 4 400.00 S.F. 51.43 S.F. S/W D/W 1 -109 •75 - 0 - 300.00 Mahan Acres 1.86 95.66 395.66 7. Travis H. Wilson, Jr. 4617.Cosner 50.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. &S W 7.75 387.50 Lot 5 -A, Blk. 4 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' Mahan Acres 1.86 136.34 523.94 =4 OWE AND GUA ITY I DESCRTPTI01d N0, P -ROPEBTY DESC=11011i ASSESSED TC ^r LU OF P.Ai E A1dDLTT�T P.1:Ot1i ASSESSIAM -T AZSESSED 88. Valdo S. Maldonado 50.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmtg 4621 Cosner 7.75 387.50 Lot 5B, B1k. 4 70.19 S.F. D/W 1 -101 Mahan Acres 1.86 130.55 518.05 89. Pedro S. Garza - 50.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 4625 Cosner. 221.00 S.F. S/W 237.50 Lot 6 -A, Blk. 4 70.19 S.F. D/W 1 -10` .75 165.75 Mahan Acres 1.86 130.55 533.80 . 90. Servando Franco, Jr. 100.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. &S 4302 Dinn 7.75 775.00 Lot 6 -B, 7 -A, B1k. 4 -0- S.F. D/W Mahan Acres - 1:86 - 0 - 775.00 91, Ramon Frausto 4722 Hakel 150.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. &S� 7_75 1,162.50 Lots 7 -B, 8 -A, 8- B,Blk. 4 146.60 S.F. A/W 2 -101 Mahan Acres 1.86 272.68 11435..18 - 92. Jessie D. Watson 100.00 L.F. C.G_ & Pvmt. &S W 4649 Cosner 7.75 775.00 Lot 9, Blk. 4 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' - Mahan Acres 1.86 136.34 911.34 Page 20 I �ni OW117-R AND QUANTSTY DESCRMION TOTAL ISO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION P.SSESSED OF RATE ANOMiT IP.116LIAN ?.SSESSME P ASSESSED 93. Gilberta Cotter 100.00.L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. &S W 7.75 4657 Cosner .775.00 Lot 10, Blk. 4 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 136.34 Mahan Acres 911.34 94. Cosner.Ch. of Christ 110.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt-&S W 7.75 852.50 4665 Cosner Lot 11, Blk. 4 146.60 S.F. D/W 2 -10' 1.86 272.68 Mahan Acres 1,125.18 95. E.W. Fenner 107.23 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 509.34 4703 Cosner - 3.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 2.38 7.14 Lot 12, Blk. 4.... 028.92 S.F. S/W .75 321.69 Malian Acres -0-'. S.F. D/W 1.86 - 0 - ^Ret..on Foley, 838.17 . Foley DriVE Intersection 96. E. W.. Fenner 107.68 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 511.48 4703 Cosner 9.00 L.F. C.G. &.Pvmt. 2.38 21.42 Lot 1, Blk. 3 430.72 S.F. S/W Mahan Acres 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' .75 323.04 1.86 136.34 992.28 97. Wm. H. Patterson 50.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. &S W 7.75 387.50 4705 Cosner Lot 2 -A, Blk. 3 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10, Mahan Acres 1.86 136.34 523.84- IM -1 NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUAttI^1Y ASSESSED DESCtZ iOPT OF A.SSESSM=j. RATE AiiOUT�P TOTAL A:iJL3'?' ASSESS 98. E. E. Ortega and .. 50.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt.& /W7.75 387.50 M. Collins 600 Building 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 136.34 Lot 2 -B, Blk. 3 Mahan Acres 523.84 99. Ramon Frausto 100.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. &S �� 7.75 775.00 4722 Cosner. S.F. Lots 3A -3B, B1k. 3 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 136.34 Mahan Acres 911.34 100. Celestino R. Campos 100.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 475.00 4725 Cosner - 421..00 S.F. S/W . .75 315.75 Lots 4- A,4 -B, Blk. 3 146:.60 S.F. D/W 2 -10' 1.86 . 272.68 Mahan Acres 3" 063:43 101• Howard E. Royal 100.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt&SX 7.75 775.00 4733 Cosner Lot 5, Blk. .3 ' 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 136.34' Mahan Acres _ 911.34 . 102. Living Word Temple 150.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt.. 4.75 712.50 4801 Cosner 624.00 S.F. S/W .75 468.00 Lots 6 & 7 -A, Blk. 3 201.60. S.F. D/W 1- 20',1 -10 1.86 374.98 Mahan Acres 1,555.48 -03• Higinio Benavides 50.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 4813 Cosner 218-00 S.F. S/W - .75 163.50 Lot 7 -B, Blk. 3 73,30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 136.34 Mahan Acres 537.34 .04. Warren M. Smith 50.00 L.P. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 4817 Cosner. 218.00 S.F. S/W .75 163.50 Lot 8 -A, Blk. 3 146.60 S.F. D/W 2 -10' 1.86 272.68 Mahan Acres 673.68 .05. Rev. Bohn R. Land 100.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. &S W7.75 775.00 4825 Cosner Lots :8- B,9 -A, Blk. '3 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-40` 1.86 136.34 Mahan Acres 911.34 .06. Carrie,P_ Sparks 50.00 L.F C.G. & Pvmt.& /W7.75 387.50 5922 Del Starr Lot 9 -R, Blk. 3 - 73.30`S.F D/W 1 -10' 1.86 136.34. Mahan Acres 523.84• -07. Roland Garcia 107.50 L.F C.G. & Pvmt_ 4,75 510.63 1516. Baldwin Blvd. 430.00 S.F S/W Lot 10, Blk. 3 73.30 S.F D/W 1 -10' .75 322.50 Mahan Acres 1.86 136.34 969.47 cArdle Road ntersection End of Co ner Drive• West 31de ITEM'S I OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL NO. :PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AH0UNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSEE HAKEL DRIVE South P dre Island Drive to McArdle Roa West ide Begim ing at.South Fadre Island Drive 108- St- 'Cyril & Methodius Chrucl 87.40 L..F. -- C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 415.15 3210 S. Padre Island Dr. 393.60 S.F. S/W .75 295.20 Lot 1, Blk. 1 117.30 S.F. D ' / W 1 -18 1 .86 218.18 Lexington Estates 928.53 109., Josephine Busker- 110_00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt.& S/W 7.75 852.50 5027 Hakel Dr. •73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' Lot 2, Blk. 1 Lexington Estates 1.86 136.34 988.84 1 0- Elmer Haffner 110.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt.& S/W 7.75 852.50 P.O.Box 7357, City Lot 3, Blk. 1 73.30s p. /W 1--10 1.86 136.34 Lexington Estates . 988.84 111. St.Cyril & Methodius Ch. 220.00 L.F. .G. & Pvmt. 4.75 1,045.00 3210 S -Padre Island Dr. *10.00 L.F. G. & Pvmt. 2.38 ' 23.80 Lot 4 & 5, Blk. 1 896.00 S.F. S/W 75 s 672.00 Lexington Estates 146.60 S.F.- /W 210' 1.86 272.68 *Ret. on Green St. 2, 013.48 Green Street Intersection 12. Ivy Lee Jones 100.00 L.F. C.G.V -Pvmt- S/14f7.75 775.00 - 4941 Hakel x=10.00 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt.- 2.38 23.80 Lot 1, Blk. 2 Lexington Estates 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 136.34 *Ret. on Green St. `a 935.14 13. Adrian L. Mallia' 100.00 L.F. C.G.. &'Pvmt. &S /W 7.75 775.00 4937 Hakei Lot 2, Blk. 2 110.30 S-F. D/W 1 -16.8' 1.86 205.16 Lexington. Estates 980.16 14. William 7. McDaniel 100.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 475.06 4925 Hakel 418.00 S.F. S/W .75 313.50 Lot 3, Blk. 2 75.50 S.F. D/W-10.41 1.86 140.43 .: Lexington Estates 928.93 . .15. Otto E. Valka 100.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt.& S/W 7.75 775.00 4917 Hakel. Lot 4, Blk. 2 78.80 S.F. D /W '1 -11' 1.86 146.57 Lexington Estates 16. H. E. Hamann 100.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. &S /W 7.75 775.00. , 4909 Hakel Lot 5, Blk. 2 73.305.F.. D/W 1 -10 1.86 136.34 Lexington Estates 911.34 e i i 117. 0. J. Jaloway 100.00 L.F. C.G_ & Pvmt. 4.75 475.00 4901 Hakel 418.00 S.F. S/W •75 313.50 Lot 6, Blk. 2 -0- S.F. D/W 1.86 -,0 - Lexington Estates 788.50 cArdle -Road Intersection End of Hak 1 Drive " West ide HAKEL IRIVE F So th Padre Islard. Drive to McArdl Road East Side 118. Friendly Finance, Inc. 111.10 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 6.60. 733.26 3326 -S. Padre Island Dr. 404.40 S.Y. " S/W .75 303.30 78415 Lot 1 & S.20' of Lot 2, 1.86 717.87 Blk. 3 385.95 S.F. D/W 1 -35' _ 1,754.43 Lexington Estates 119. George C. Deyo 80.00 L.E.. C.G.& Pvmt.& S/W 7.75 620.00 4317 Killarmet N.80' of Lot 2, Blk. 3 -0- S.F. D/W 1.86 - 0 Lexington Estates 620.00_ 120. J. & A. H. Busker 100.00 L.F. C.G. &Pvmt.& S/W 5027 Hakel 7.75 775.00 Lot 3, Blk. 3 173.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' Lexington Estates 1,86 . 13634 911.3'4. F Page 2b IT i OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL 140. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT- AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED 121. Josephine Busker 100.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvm t. &S /W 7.75 775.O0 5027 Hakel Lot 4, Blk. 3 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 136.34 Lexington Estates 911.34 122. Andrew Busker- 100.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt.& S/W 5010 Hakel 7.75 775.00 Lot 5, Blk. 3 117.30 S.F. D/W 1 -18' Lexington Estates 1.86 218.18 " 993.18 123. John Schanen 100.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75. 475.00 4950 Hakel 424.00 S.F. S/W Lot 6, Blk. 3 - 73.30 S.F. D /W-1 -10' .75 318.00. Lexington.,Estates 1.86 136.34- 929.34 124. Fred Veit 4944 Hakel 100.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 475:00 418.00 S.F. S/W Lot 7, Blk. 3 111.80 S.F. D/W 1 -17' .75 313.50 Lexington Estates 1.86 207..95 995.45 125. A. J..Kucera 100.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4936 Hakel 418.00 S.F. S/W 4.75 475.00 Lot 8, Blk. 6 73.30 S.F. D/W 1 -10' •75 313.50 Lexington Estates 1.86. 136.34 . 924.84 IT&H NO. 26. 27. 28. Z91 OWNER AND - PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED 100.00 L.F. 418.00 S.F. 84.30 S.F. 100.00 L.F. 418.00 S.F. 73.30 S.F. E 100.00 L F. E 73.30 S-F. I 105.00 L.F. 438.00 S.F. -0- S.F. °icA-rdle Road End of Hake East S DESCRIPTION OF RATE ASSESSMENT 4.75 .75 1.86 4.75 .75 1.86 i 7.75 1.86 f 4.75 .75 `1.86 AMOUNT 475.00 313.50 156.80 475.00 313.50. 136.34 ` 775.00 136.34 j� I .. 1498.75 ': X328.50 _ 0 i TOTAL AMOTINT ASSESSED 945.30 924.84 911.34 827.25 _ ..,.. _, .. Page ITEM OWNER AM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL, NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED HOUSTON STREET FRO CARROLL LANE TO KOSTORYZ ST. SOUTH SIDE 130. A. S. Gomez 119.42 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 2:38 284.22 4301 Carroll Ln 381.25 S.F. S/W .38 144:,88,_. Lot 16, Blk., l 86.43 S.F. D/W 1 -20' 1.86 160.76 Laughlin 'Tract _ 589.$6.' - 131. Fernando B. Racha 59.00 L.F. C.G. &.Pvmt. 4.75 280.25 3533 Houston,St. 179. -57 S.F. - S/W .75 134:68 - Lot 15, Blk. 1 51..:43 S.F. D/W 1 -107 .. .86 95.66 Laughlin Tract 510.59 132. Jimm L. Todd Y 59.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 280.25 3529 Houston St. .179.57 S.F. S/W i75 '134.68 Lot 14, Blk. 1 51.43 S.F. D/W -1 10' 1.86. 95.66 Laughlin Tract 510.59. 133. Geronimo Banda, Jr. 59.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 280.25 3525 Houston St. 179.57 S.F. S/W .75 134..68: Lot 13, Blk. 1 51.43 S_F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 95_66 - Laughliu Tract 510.59 I 34- Robert G. Hernandez 59.00 L.F. C -G.& Pvmt. 4.75 280.25 3521 Houston St. 179.57 S.F. S/W .75 134.68 Lot 12, Blk. 1 51.43 S.F. D/W 1--10' 1:86 95.66 Laughlin Tract 510.59 35.. George A. Reed 59.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 280.25 3519 Houston St. S -F. S/W Lot 11, Blk..1 51.43 S -F. D/W 1 -10' •75 134.6$ . Laughlin Tract . 186 `x95.66 .. - 510.59 :- 6- J. M. Parks 98.71 L,F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 468.87 3517 Houston St. Lot C 338.41 S.F. S/W .75 253.8; 51.43 S-F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 DeLong Addition 95.6£& -818.34. 7. B. A. Jonas 3513 Houston 55.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 261:25 St. Lot B - '' 163.57 S.F. . /W .75 _ 122•:68 DeLong Addition 51-.43 S.F. DIw 1 -10' 1.8b- 95.66 479.59 3. Theodoro M. Garcia 55.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 261.25 3505 Houston St, I63 >57 S.F. S/W Lot A DeLang Addition 51.43 S.F. D/W 1 -10' .7S 1.86 . 12268 95.66 479.59 IT i OWNER &ND QUANTITY I DESCRIPTION TOTAL NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED 39, T. Vail Walker 104.36 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 495.71- 3503 Houston St. _ 359.70 S.F. S/W .75 269.78 Lot 9 -D & 9 -C, Blk. 1 51.43 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 95.66 Laughlin Tract 861.15 io... Claude. D. Sonderup 104.70 L.F. C.C.& Pvmt. 4.75 497.33 - 3441 Houston St. -362.37 S.F. S/W 271.78 Lots 9 -B & 9 -A, Blk. 1 51•.43 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 95.66 Laughlin: Tract . 864.77 1. Clyde O. Waters 75.00.L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. -4.75 356.25 3437. Houston S.F. S/W Lot 8 -D, Blk. 1 251.43 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 I82.68 Laughlin Tract . 95.66 634.59 2. Adrian Garcia: 50.00 L.F. •C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 3439 Houston - .143.57 S.F. S/W .75 107-.68 Lot 8 -C, Blk. 1 51.43 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 95.66 Laughlin Tract _ 440.84 3. Unity Church of Christiana 83.71 L.F; C.G.& Pvmt. 4:75 397.62 3421 Houston St. 277_21 S.F. S/W - Lot 8 -B, Blk. I 1 5.43 S.F. D/W 1 -10 t .75 207.91' Laughlin bract 1.86 95.66 701.19 Page 31 ITni OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTIONi TOTAL NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED E44. Johnny Salinas 104.35 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 495.66 3417 Houston St. 360.97 S.F. S/W .75 270.73 Lot 7A, & 7B, Blk. l 51.43 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 95.66 Laughlin Tract 862.05 L45. Patricia -E. Casey 52.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 247.00: 3409 Houston St. 151. 0 S.F. S/W .75 113.68 Lot 1, Blk !1 `51.43 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 95.66 Miles Addition 456.34 :. 146. Noe Silguero 52.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 247-.00 3405 - Houston _ :151.57 S.F. S/W .75 113.68 Lot 2 Blk. 1 51_43 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 95.66 Miles Addition 456.34 147. E. J. Ferdin Jr. 54.70 L.F.. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 259.83 3401 Houston 162:37 S.F. S /W. .75' 121.78 . Lot 3 Blk- 1 51.43 S.F. D/W 1--10' 1.86 - 95.66 Miles Addition 477.27= 148. Adan Olvera 50.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. _ 4.75 � 237.50' 3345 Houston 143.57 S.F. S/W .75 107.68' Lot 4 Blk. l 51.43 S.F.. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 95.66 Miles Addition 440.84 C49. Millard Turner S/W 104.30 L.F. 1.86 3327 Houston 6.92 417.2.0 S.F. D/W 1- 10'Comm. Lots 6--B .& 6A, Blk. 1 C.G.& Pvmt. - 0`- S.F. .75 Laughlin Tract .. 1.86 C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 _50. David.N. Carpenter D/W 1--10; 104.37 L.F. 4.75 3333 Houston .75 359:03 S.F. Lot 5 -BI b 5A, Blk. 1 123.45 S.F. Laughlin Tract .51.' -' Millard Turner 56.03 L.F. Mrs. N. A. Ferguson 167.69 S.F. At. 1, Box 343. 51.43 S.F. Wimberly, Tx. 78676 Lot F E. A. McAlpine-Subd, 52. Carmen G. Perea 50.00 L.F. 3317 Houston 143.57 S.F. Lot E 51:43 S.F. E. A. McAlpine Subd. 53. Gordon Guiberson 50.00 L.F. B6x_3356- 78404 143.57 S.F. Lot D 51.43 S.F. E. A. McAlpine Subd. .C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 S/W .75. D/W 1.86 G.G.& Pvmt..' 6.92 S/W .75 D/W 1- 10'Comm. 1.86 C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 SfW _ .75 D/W 1 10 1.86 C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 S/W .75' D/W 1--10; 1.86 C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 S/w .75 D/W 1 -10' 1.86 495.43 312.90 - 0 . P 722.24 269.27 229.62 266:14 125.77 95.66 237.50 ` 107:68 95.66: i 237.50 107.68 95.66 808.33 1,221.13 I -487-57 440.84` 440.84 ITS OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED .54. Edith Compton 50.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt, 4.75 237.50 3309 Houston 143.57 S.F. S/W .75 107.68 Lot C - 51.43 S.F. D/W 1--10' 1.86 95.66 E. A. McAlpine Subd. 440.84 55.'- Harry Weissman 50.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 4451 6ollihar 143.57 S.F. S /W- :.75 107.68 Lot B 51.43 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 -:95.66 E.. A. McAlpine Subd. } 444.84 56. L. P. Fritz 56.03 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 266.14 537-DeForest A 167:69 S.F. S/W .75 125.77. Lot 51.43 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 95.66 E. A. McAlpine' 487.57. 57. Juanita. Tingle 104.36 L.F. C.�. & Pvmt. 4.75 495.71 3241 Houston 386.32 S.F. S/W .75 289.74 Lots 3 -D & 3 -B Blk: `1 102.86 S.F. D/W 2 -10' 1.86 191.32. Laughlin Tract ' 976.77 i8. H.E.B. Grocery Co. 382.86 L.F: C.G".& Pvmt. 6.92 2,649.39 P.oO Box 9261 415.96 S.F. S/W 5' .75 1,061.97 Lots 1, 2, 3, Blk. 1 125.48 S.F. D/W 2 -10' 1.86 233.39 Laughlin Tract 3,944.75. I NO OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION N0. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF TOTAL RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED 59� 0.Q. L. H.E.B. Grocery Co. P.0 Box 9261 202_90 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 6.92 1,404.07 715.15 S.F. S/W Lot D -B- C 123.45 S.F D/W 1 -10' .75 536.36 Kostoryz & Gollihar C 1.86 .86 229.62 OSTORYZ STREE INTERSECTION END OF HOUST N STREET' SOUTH 'IDE HOUSTON TREET FROi I CARROLL LANE TO KOSTORYZ STREE NORTH IDE J. W. _Coker 4229 Carroll Lane 150.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 2.38' 357:60 Lot E, Blk. 2 543.57- S.F. S/W .38 206.56 - Laughlin Tract 51.43 S.F. D/W Z -10' 1.86 95.66. Cecil E. Bisb6p - 3538 Houston 62..57 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 297.21 Lot D, Blk. 2 193.85 S.F. 51.43 S/W 75 .86 145.39 Laughlin Tract 3.F. D/W 1-10' 1. 95.66 - Harold Thomas Box 1689 62Z7 L.F. -C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 297:21 193.85 S.F. S/W - _ �5 2,170.05 I 659.22 538.26 - - TY vac CRI l4OANTI1Y I DESCRIPTION IvO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF ASSESSMENT .63.. Robert Silvan 62.56 L.F. 3526 Houston '193.81 S.F. Lot B, Blk. 2 51..43 S.F. Laughlin Tract 64- (F) Ruben Laura i 50.00 L.F. 89 3522 Houston 200.00 S.F. Lot A, Blk. 2 - 0 -.S.F. Laughlin Tract FE�IVATE ROAD IN 55. Inez Barton 117.32 L.F. 91 4522 Bluefield - `412.85 S.F. Lots 11-A, Blk. .3 62.64 S.F. Laughlin Tract 16. Jose Race, Jr. 117.32 L.F. 3502 Houston St. '412.85 S.F. Lots 12D & 12C, Blk. 3 .51.43 S.F. Laughlin - .Tract 7. Juan Rodriquez 116.37 L.F. 4718 Gayle _352.84 S.F. Lot 13 -C, Blk. 3 .102.86 S.F. Laughlin Tract C. G. Pvmt. S/W D/W 1 -10'- C.G.& Pvmt. S/W D/W 1 -10' RATE 4.75 .75 1.86 f f 4.75 1.86 i 6.92 .75 1.86 4.75' .75_ 1.86 I TOTAL AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSED 297.16 145.36 95.66 237.50. 150.00 - 0 - I .811.85 309..64 116.51. i 557.27 309..64 95.66 552.76 264..63' 191.32 538.18 387.50 1,238.00 962,57 1,008.71 168. H. W. River 175.98 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 835.91 3434 Houston .534..63 S.E. S/ W .75 400.97 Lots 14A, 14B,15A, Blk. 3 154.29 S.F. D/W 3 -10' 1.86 286.98 Laughlin Tract - 1,523.86 69. R.O.W. Rentals 58.66 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 -s 278.64 1214 Rickey 178.21 S.F. S /W' .75 133:66 Lot 15 -B, Blk. 3 51.43 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 9566 Laughlin Tract . 507.96 70. Willie J. Smith 117.32 L.F. C.G. & Pvmt. 4.75 557.27 3815 Timon Blve. 78402 412.85 S.E. S /W .75 30.9.64 Lot-16-A, Blk. 3 51.43 S.E. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 Laughlin-Tract - .95.66 962.57 7i. Robert Corley 58.66 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 278.64 1090 S. Charles Apt. 19 178.21 S.F. S/W :- .75 133.fi6- Lewisville, Tx. 75067 51.43 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 95.$6 Lot 17 -A, Blk. 3 Laughlin Tract 507.96 72 -. Margaret Ross Ruthland 58.66 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 278.64 Rt. 7, Box 622 178._21 S.F. S/W .75 133.66 Austin, Tx: 78703 51.43 S.Y. D /W'1 -10' 1.86 95.66 Lot 17 -C, Blk. 3 Laughlin Tract : : 507.96 . ITEM I OWNEP AM QUAILiTITY DESCRIPTION NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE ASSESSMENT 173. 174.- - 175. 176. 177. Ora Lundstrum 58.66 L_F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75, 3321 Agnes St. 507.96 :178.21 S.F. S/W .75 Lot 18-B, Blk. 3 _- 51,43 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 Laughlin 'Tract .134_14 - 95.66 N. A. Eden 509.20 58.66 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 3346 Houston 178.21 S.F. S/W _ -.75 Lot 18 -A, Blk. 3 51..43 S.F. D/W 1--10' 1.86 Laughlin Tract'_ Siriton Saving Assn. 58.82 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt.- 4.75 P. 0. Box 456 178.85 S.F. ..S /W .75 Siriton, Tx. 78387 51 -.43 S.F. D/W 1-101. 1.86 Lot 19B,, Blk. 3 Laughlin Tract i jOtto A. Berckenhuff 58.50 L.F_ C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 3330 Houston 177.57 S.F. S/W .75 Lot 19 -A, Blk. 3:._ 51.43.S.F. D/W 1 -10' x.86 Laughlin Tract Geo.'W. Whitehead 58.66 L.Y. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 821 Adel 178.21 S.F. S/W . .75 Lot 20 -A, Blk. 3 51.4.3 S.F. D/W 1 -101. 1.86 Laughlin Tract i i i TOTAL AMOUNT A_ -SOIN, ASSESS; 278.64 133:66 95.66 507.96 278.64 133.66 95.66 . 507.96 279.40 .134_14 - 95.66 509.20 277.88' 133: -18< 95.66 i 506.72. 278.64 133-.66 95.66 507.96 ITEM OWNER AND QUAkTrITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF I RATE I A14OUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED L78. Donald Joe Ray 58.66 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 3322 Houston 178.21 S•F• S/W Lot 20 -B, Blk. 3 51.43 S -F- D/W 1 -10'- .75 Laughlin Tract 1.86 95.66 179. E.A. Brown 117.33 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 557.27. 314 Bartlett 412:89 S.F. S/W 1.86 Lots 21A & 21B, Blk, 3 51:43 S-F. D/W 1 -10' 962.57 Laughlin Tract 278.64 .75 L80. Arthur L. Slagle 117.32 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt... 3308 Houston St. 412:85 S-F- S/W Lot 22A & 22B, Blk. 3 51.43 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 95.66 Laughlin Tract 507.96 L81. Gene Stanley 58.66 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. KO. Box 3006, 78404 178.21 S.F. S/W Lot 23 -A; Blk. 3 ._ 51443 S.F. D/W 1•-10' Laughlin Tract L82. Ocamgo R. Cuellar 58.66 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 3301 Newton 178.21` S.F. S /Ti1 Lot 23 -D, Blk. 3. 51:43 S.F. D/W 1 -10' Laughlin Tract 4.75 278..64 .75 133.66 1.86 95.66 507.96 4.75 .75 _557.32 309:67' 1.86 95.66 962.65 4.75 557.27. .75 309:64 1.86 95.66 - 962.57 4.75 278.64 .75 133.66 _ 1.86 95.66 - 507.96 4.75 278.64 .75 133.66 1.86 95.66 507.96 ITEM I OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED 33 - John Lopez 50.00 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 237.50 2525 Wainwright 191.79 S.F. S/W .75 143.84 Lot 24A, Blk. 3 - 0 - S.F. D/W 1.86 - 0 - Laughlin Tract 381.34 34 C.R. Ringo - 67.15 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 318.96 3234 Houston 220.39, S.F. S/W .75 165,29 Lot 24 -8, Blk. 3 51.43.S.F. D/W 1 -101 - 1.86 . 95.66. Laughlin Tract 579.91 -. t5:. Murl R. Sidener 117.32 L.F_ C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 557.27 3226 Houston 412.85 S.F. S/W .75 309.64 Lot 25, Blk. 3 51.43 S.F. D/W 1 =10' 1.86 _ 95.66 Laughlin Tract - 962.57 6..- _ W. L. Morris 117.32 L.F. C:G.& Pvmt. 4_75 557.27. 3222 Houston 412.85 S.F. S/W .75 309.64 Lot 26, Blk. 3 51.43 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 95.66 Laughlin Tract 962.57. Clifford Jackson Funeral M .117.32 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 6.92 811.$5 P. 0. Box 7055 469.28 S.F. S/W .75 351.96 Lots 27 -D, 27 -C, Blk. 3 -- 0 - S.F. D/W 1.86 - 0 - Laughlin Tract 1,163.81 ITEM OWNER AND NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSEi 188.- -Chas.- J. Jackson 4202 Kostoryz 157.77 L.F. C.G.& Pmt. 6.92 1,091.77 Lots 28A, Blk.. 3 513.34 S.F. S/W .75 385.01 Laughlin Tract . 175.24 S.F. D/W 1 -35� Comm . 186 . 325.95 1,802.73 KOSTORY2 ROAD INTERSECTION END OF HOUSTOI STREET NOR SIDE PRIVATE ROAD ROM HOUSTON S REET TO BRAWNER P EAST SIDE 189 ;`(S) Ruben o 3522 Houston 170.65 L.E. C.G.& Pvmt. 2.38 406.15 A.; Blk. 2 - 0 - S.F. 48.08 S.F. S/W D/W 1 -18' .38 - 0 - L Laughlin Tract 1.86 89.43 495.58 90.'•(S) Joseph E.- Heineman 3525 Brawner Pkwy. 170.65 L.F. "- C.G.& Pvmt. 2.38 406.15 Lot N, Blk. 2 0 S.F. -- 0 - S/W .38 - 0 - Laughlin Tract -S.F. D/W 1.86 - 0 - 406.15 BRAWNER P AY `INTERSECTION END OF IRIVATE ROAD EAST SIDE Page 41 ITS OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED OF RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ASSESSED PRIVATE R AD F1.0M HOUSTON STREET TO BRAWNER PKTY. WEST S DE. Cq-1. Inez S..Barton 185.65 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 6.92 1,284.70 F6-5 4522 Bluefield -- 0 - S/W .75 - 0,- Lot 11 -A, Blk. 3 64.16 S.F. D/W 2 -10' 1.86. 119.34 Laughlin Tract " .. 1,404.04 :92.: Fay Attaway 35.60 L.F. C.G.& Pvmt. 4.75 "' _`169.10 3515 Brainier Pkwy.' - 0 -- S.F. S/W .75 t - 0 - Lot 11 -D, Blk. 3 - 0 - S.F. D/W 1.86 - 0"_: - - .Laughlin Tract 169.10 _93. (S) Domingo G. Hernandez 150.00 L.F. G.G.& Pvmt. 2.38 357.00 3517 Brainier. Pkwy - 0 - S.F. S/W .38 -- 0 - Lot 11C, Blk. 3 32.08 S.F. D/W 1 -10' 1.86 59.67 Laughlin Tract 585.77 BRAWNER P Y INTERSECTION END OF PRI ATE ROAD EAST SIDE All assessments, however, are to be made and levied by the City Council as it -may deem just and equitable, having in view the special . benefits in enhanced value to be received by such parcels of property and owners thereof, the equities of such owners, and the adjustment of the apportionment of the cost of improvements so as to produce a substantial equality of benefits received and burdens imposed. SECTION 6. That a hearing shall be given to said owners of abutting property, and of railways and of street railways, if any, or their agents or attorneys, and all persons interested in said matter, as to the amount to be assessed against each owner and his abutting property and railways and street railways, and as to the benefits to said property by reason of said improvement, or any other matter or thing in connection therewith, which hearing shall be held in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, in the City of Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas, on the 23rd day of February 19 77 at 3:00 P.M,, at which time all the said owners, their agents or attorneys or other interested persons are notified to appear and be heard, and at said hearing said owners and other persons may appear, by counsel or in person, and may offer evidence, and said hearing shall be adjourned from day to day until fully accomplished. The City Secretary of.the City of Corpus Christi is hereby directed to give notice of the time and place of such hearing and of other matters and facts in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Act passed at the First Called Session of the Fortieth Legislature of the State of Texas, and known as Chapter 106 of the Acts of said Session, together with any amendments thereto, now shown as Article 1105b of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, which said law, as an alternative method for the construction of street improvements in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, has been adopted by said City. Said notice shall be by advertisement inserted at least three times in a newspaper published in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, the first publication to be made at least twenty —one (21) days before the date of said hearing. Said notice shall comply with and be in accordance with the terms and provisions of the said Act. The City Secretary is hereby further directed to give additional written notice of the hearing by depositing in the United States mail, at least fourteen (14) days before the date of the hearing, written notice of such hearing, postage prepaid, in an envelope addressed to the owners of the respective properties abutting such streets, highways or portions of streets or highways to be improved, as the names of such owners are shown on the then current rendered tax rolls of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, and at the addresses so shown, or if the names of such respective owners do not appear on such rendered tax rolls, then addressed to such owners as their names are shown on the unrendered tax rolls of said City at the addresses -shown thereon; and when a special tax is proposed to be levied against any railway or street railway using, occupying or crossing any highway or street, portion or portions thereof to be improved, such additional-notice shall be given by depositing in the United States Mail, at least fourteen (14) days before date of the hearing, a written notice of such hearing, postage prepaid, in an envelope addressed to the said railway or street railway as shown on the then current rendered tax rolls of said City, at the address so shown, or, if the name of such respective railways do not appear on such rendered tax rolls of the City, then addressed to such railways or street railways as the names shown on the current unrendered tax rolls of said City, at the addresses shown thereon. Said notice shall describe in general terms the nature of the improvements for which assessments are proposed to be levied, shall state the highway, highways, streets or portions, thereof to be improved, state the estimated amount or amounts per front foot proposed to be assessed against the owner or owners of abutting property and such property on each highway, or street or portion thereof with reference to which hearing mentioned in the notice shall be held, and shall state the estimated total cost of the improvements on each such highway, or street, portion or portions thereof, and, if the improvements are to be constructed in any part of the area between and under rails and tracks, double tracks, turnouts, and switches, and two (2) feet on each side thereof of any railway, street railway or interurban, shall also state the amount proposed to be assessed therefor, and shall -5 state the time and place at which hearing shall be held,.provided, however, that any failure of the property owners to receive said notice, shall not invalidate these proceedings. SECTION 7. That the need for the adoption of the plans and proceeding with the -improvements as herein provided, and the importance of promptly examining the report of the Director of Engineering and Physical Development and matting a decision thereon, creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, having requested the suspension of said Charter :Rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT. IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the day o� R W U f1�Rl� 19. ATTEST: City Secretary. MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: ALDAY OF , 19 aAttorney ity C i CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS eDAY OF L4� 1 g 7`7 �/ TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALT. BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED] AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; 11 THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY, r MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE .Vll 1-3587