HomeMy WebLinkAbout13612 ORD - 02/09/1977• JKH:vp:2 17/77:Ist • TEXAS: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE TEXAS STATE LIBRARY, FOR THE PERIOD JUNE 1, 1977 THROUGH AUGUST 31, 1978, FOR $7,250 TO PURCHASE 16 -MM FILMS AND AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL TO BE USED IN TRAINING AND TREATING THE MENTALLY RETARDED, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF SAID GRANT APPLICATION BEING ATTACHED HERETO, MARKED EXHIBIT "A ", AND MADE A PART HEREOF; AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO CARRY OUT THE PROGRAM IF THE GRANT IS APPROVED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That authorization is hereby given for submission of a grant application to the Texas State Library, for the period June 1, 1977 through August 31, 1978, for $7,250 to purchase 16 -mm films and audiovisual materials to be used in training and treating the mentally retarded, all as more fully set forth in the grant application, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A ", and made a part hereof. SECTION 2. That authorization is hereby given for execution of all contracts and other documents necessary to carry out the program afore- said, if the grant is approved. SECTION 3. The necessity to submit the aforesaid grant application and authorize execution of documents necessary to carry out the program envisioned in the training and treating of the mentally regarded creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the .7- day of February, 1977. ATTEST: City S cretary MAYOR APP THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1977: MICROFILMED ss stant t Attorney JUL 01 i�4jO 13612 ., CHECKSHEET • PUBLIC LIBRARY SERVICE TO INSTITUTIONS LIBRARY SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION ACT TITLE I, PROJECT 6 FFY 1977 THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS SHOULD BE COMPLETED AND PLACED IN THE ORDER INDICATED: CHECKSHEET ® COVER SHEET Q AUTHORIZATION FOR APPLICATION Q INSTITUTIONAL CONCURRENCE © PROPOSAL DOCUMENT REQUESTED-BUDGET FORMS Q LEVEL ONE ® LEVEL TWO ® LEVEL THREE ® LOCAL BUDGET CODES, IF APPLICABLE RETURN THESE DOCUMENTS, POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN MARCH 1, 1977, TO: PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT TEXAS STATE LIBRARY BOX 12927 CAPITOL STATION AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 COVER SHEET PUBLIC LIBRARY SERVICE TO INSTITUTIONS • Library Services and Construction Act Title I, Project 6 FFY 1977 Library Materials for the Institutionalized Mentally Title of Project Retarded - Independent Living and Community Coping Skills Contracting Agency La Retama Public Library Name of system or library submitting proposal Amount of Funds Requested Increment. Total Level One $ 5,175 Level Two $ 2,075 $ 7,250 Level Three $ $ - Initiator: Name Edward L. Whittaker (Applicant) Position Director of Libraries Address La Retama Public Library Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 Telephone 512- 882 -1937 Project Director: Name Guadalupe Mier (Person responsible for administration of pro- Position Head of Branch. Services Jett if funded) Address ' Greenwood Branch Library Corpus Christi, Texas 78416 Telephone 512- 854 -2356 Name and address of Local Fiscal Officer who will be responsible for admin- istering the funds: Harold F. Zick, Director of Finance City of Corpus Christi P.O. Box 9277, Corpus Christi 78408 Telephone 512- 884 -3011 11/76 • AUTHORIZATION FOR APPLICATION for Library Services and Construction Act Federal Fiscal Year 1977 La Ret— Public Library NAME LIB 505 North Mesquite Street ILING ADDRESS Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 Authorization to make application: Chairman, Library Board 01i" Sys Ac seny- a2:21 (Signature) Richard W. litt Typewritten or printed name above P.O. Box 6068 Mailing Address Corpus Christi. Texas 78411 City and Zip Code Date NOTE APPLICATION MUST BE SIGNED BY: 1. Librarian 2. Chairman of the Library Board, if applicable 3. a. If municipally owned, Mayor or.City Manager b. If County Library, County Judge ATTEST: City 5ecretary Librarian (signature Edward L. Whittaker. Typewritten or printed name above Representative of local governmental unit under which the local public library.is legally established as a city or county library in Texas Mayor, City Manager, osw+ -dine Signature (Cross out titles not applicable.) R. Marvin Townsend Typewritten or printed name above P.O. Box 9277, Corpus Christi, T% 78408 Full Mailing Address Date APPROVED: Assistant Ciy Attorney Title I, Project 6 Public Library Service to Institutions INSTITUTIONAL CONCURRENCE Note: Separate copies of this form must be submitted for each institution to be served. Mail this completed form to: Planning and Management Department Texas State Library.. Box 12927 Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711 Library Materials for the Tastitutionalized Title of Project Mentally Retarded - Independent Living and Community Coping Skills Name of Public Library La Retama Public Library Name of Institution Corpus Christi State School To meet the Texas State Library subgrant criteria, let it be known that this institution has: a. participated in the planning of this project b. approved of the project's goals, objectives, and methods. Institutional representative authorized to si contracts: Signature Superintendent Title Gary V. Sluyter, Ph.D. Typewritten or printed name /title above P.O. Box 9297, Corpus Christi, Texas 784 Full mailing address January 24, 1977 Date PROPOSAL DOCUMENT • LIBRARY MATERIALS FOR THE INSTITUTIONALIZED MENTALLY RETARDED- INDEPENDENT LIVING AND COMMUNITY COPING SKILLS June 1, 1977 - August 31, 1978 I. Abstract Public Law 94 -142 dictates that treatment and educational programming for handicapped individuals be conducted in the least restrictive environment. For the past two -year period, pressures from several governmental agencies (e.g.) the Texas Education Agency, the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, etc.) have cussed Texas institutions for the mentally retarded to take measures to deinstitutionalize and move back to home communities sizeable numbers of institutionalized individuals. For borderline and mildly mentally retarded, such deinstitutioualization and movement have been relatively successful. However, for the more severely involved resident, such relative success has not been evident. This proposal, if funded, will allow the public library to purchase 16mm films and audio - visual materials appropriate for the Corpus Christi State School to use in reaching those more Beverly involved residents by assisting this target population to acquire those independent living and community coping skills necessary for return to homes and communities. Specific needs, objectives and evaluation procedures will follow in portions of this project narrative description. As to national or statewide significance of this project, all institutions and community agencies involved in programs for the developmentally dis- abled could profit from information and data gathered during and at termination of this project period. II. Needs Assessment The Corpus Christi State School has near 300 residents/ clients showing need for expanded programming in the curriculum areas of independent living and community coping. However, the public library does not have specific materials suitable for use with mentally retarded individuals of the community. Too, it is assumed that the Nueces County MR/MR Community Center and local independent school districts also are concerned with meeting the needs of like students/ clients being served by their programs. Therefore, it is likely that these requested expanded services by the involvement of other social services organizations could have far reaching effects for the developmentally disabled of Corpus Christi, Nueces County and South Texas. III. Goals and Objectives Major Goal To purchase, utilize and test effectiveosss of the selected library films and audio - visual resource materials for a target population of 300 Corpus Christi State School severly and moderately mentally retarded adolescents and adults. Films and resource materials will be selected for teaching in the areas of independent living and community coping skills. Major Objectives 1. Public Library purchase of $5,000 to $7,000 of films and audio-visual materials designed to reach the severely and moderately mentally retarded for areas of independent living and community coping. 2. To check out from the library these films and materials to the Corpus Christi State School for effective utilization with their 300 residents /clients during the project period. 3. To check out from the library these films and materials to others in the community who could also utilize them. 4. To maintain a count of the number of circulations and number of users during the project period. 5. To effectively evaluate impact of these materials on both residents /clients served and as well on involved program staff. IV. Institutional Participation 1. The Corpus Christi State School was involved in the planning of this project. Larry Corder of the State School met with Edward Whittaker, Guadalupe Mier, and Gloria Garcia of La Retama Public Library to present the project proposal and discuss service needs. 2. Corpus Christi State School will select the materials to be purchased, and La Retama Public Library will order and process these materials. All materials purchased with the grant funds are to be housed at the public library - 16mm films at La Retama Library and the other audio - visual materials at Greenwood Branch Library. All materials are to be made available for check out and use by the Corpus Christi State School and other individuals in the community needing such materials. The public library will keep circulation records of all materials checked out and the Corpus Christi State School w•11 keep records as to the number of showings or uses of an item checked out to it and the number of individuals viewing or using such items. (Statistics will be turned in monthly to the library liason person). Evalauation of the impact and effectiveness of the materials on both residents /clients served and on the school's program staff involved will be provided in a narrative form by the Corpus Christi State School to the library liaison person according to the schedule established by the Texas State Library for reporting. As with all materials checked out by the public library, the Corpus Christi State School is responsible for any damages or loss of materials loaned to it. 3. Ms. Elda Mendez, Resource Specialist for the Corpus Christi State School, is designated as liaison person. Mr. Guadalupe Mier, Head of Branch Services for La Retama Public Library, is designated as liaison person. V. Programming and Materials: Corpus Christi State School 1. Project activities are to provide appropriate 16mm films and audio - visual materials aimed at teaching independent living and community coping skills to approximately 300 severely pad moderately mentally retarded adolescents and adults. Since most residents /clients within this target population are un- responsive to purely academic learning strategies, it becomes necessary to try another approach; in this case through the utilization of appropriate audio - visual methodologies. 2. Other educational and vocational methods designed to meet independent living and community coping needs are on -going at this institution, i.e. field trips, vocational counseling, home and community training classes, etc.... 3. This alternative was selected quite simply to expand on -going services in described curriculum areas. It is felt that the target population, as previously discussed, will more favorably respond to an audio - visual approach. 4. Materials will be "made available" by the public library and will be inserted by the Corpus Christi State School into already existing teaching programs in an effort to make them more meaningful to targeted client group. 5. Residents /clients will be working with materials when their functioning level is sufficiently high to manipulate necessary equipment. When this is not so, teachers and trainers will be available and will conduct training sessions.. 6. Involved staff at the Corpus Christi State School will receive in- service training as to the availability and proper utiliza- tion and of such materials. 7. Evidence indicates that the target group responds more favorably to audio - visual teaching strategies than to the more traditional purely academic.Data from this project will then supply such evidence after several months running. 8. Most problems of note have been discussed and generally appear to be logistical in nature. Both involved agencies agree that none are worthy of great concern. i 9. The materials to be purchased do not include basic reference collections, or professionally necessary books, supplies, and journals for library staff. VI. Delivery Systems Described library films and resource materials will be utilized by the Corpus Christi State School as follows: 1. Eligible residents /clients will be transported to the local public library for services. 2. Services will be delivered within the institution on a regular basis. 3. Services will be delivered to a fixed institutional location and to more remote out -lying community programs on a regular basis. VII. Staff and Training 1. Corpus Christi State School's Resource Specialist will serve as liaison with public library in all matters concerning this project. La Retama Public Library's Head of Branch Services will be the Project Director for the library and will serve as liaison with the Corpus Christi State School in all matters concerning this project. 2. Institutional personnel will be given in- service training by the Corpus Christi State School as to the utilization of films and resource materials. 3. Roles and responsibilities, and reporting procedures have been• outlined and agreed upon by participating agencies. 4. Appropriate training for involved staff will be provided by Corpus Christi State School at no cost to this project. VIII. Budget 1. Request Budget forms are included with this application. 2. The entire amount requested will be needed at the beginning of the grant on .Tune 1, 1977 for purchase of the materials and reimbursement of indirect costs. I%. Evaluation 1. Project evaluation will occur in the following ways: ... Project workload measures - number of circulations and number of users ... Measure of residents /clients success when placed in the home and community ... Studies as to institutional staff attitudes toward project impact. 2. Internal evaluation of the project will be utilized. 3. Process evaluation of the institutional staff involved will be records in the narrative section of the reports to the state library. 4. Statistics of circulation and users will be kept. R. Timetable June 1, 1977 - August 31, 1977 = Select, order, and process materials. September 1, 1977 - August 31, 1978 - Project Implementation Requested Budget • Public Library Service to Institutions Title I, Project 6, FFY 1977 LEVEL ONE Name of Library La Retama Public Library Performance Measures Please list all performance measures which will be used to statistically indicate reaching your various Level One objectives. Please compute the unit cost of each performance measure based upon your Level One funding request. Quantity Performance Measures Anticipated Unit Cost Circulation of materials 480 $10.42 Users of materials 1,440 3.47 TOTAL REQUESTED FOR LEVEL ONE $ 5,175 Asterisks ( *) denote sub -total categories for those items listed below. *Personnel *$ Salaries (itemize on separate sheet) $ Fringe Benefits $ Number of full -time equivalents: *Library Materials *$ 5 000 Books $ 16mm Films $ 2.000 Other (specify on separate sheet) $ 3,000 filmstrips /cassettes Equipment (itemize on separate sheet) $ Contractual Services (itemize on separate sheet) $ *Operating Expenses *$ Supplies $ Communication $ Postage $ Equipment Rental $ Equipment Maintenance $ Travel $ Printing $ *Other Administrative Expenses *$ 175 Audit $ 50 Indirect Costs $ 125 Others (specify on separate sheet) $ TOTAL REQUESTED FOR LEVEL ONE $ 5,175 ,• Requested Budget u � � -- - -- _,_• — Public Library Service to Institutions Title I, Project 6, FFY 1977 LEVEL TWO Name of Library La Retama Public Library Performance Measures Please list all performance measures which will be used to statistically indicate reaching your various Level Two objectives. Please compute the unit cost of each performance measure based upon your Level Two funding request. Note: For those Level Two programs which are expansions of your Level One programs, give cumula- tive performance measures and recalculate unit cost on the total funding request. For those Level Two programs which are additions to your Level One programs, restate your Level One measures and costs, and calculate your new program perform- ance measures on the additional cost. Quantity Performance Measures Anticipated Unit Cost Circulation of materials 576 $12.15 Users of materials 1,729 4_09 Asterisks ( *) denote sub -total categories for those items listed below. Note: Supply only the incremental budget information for Level Two. Do not cumulate Level One costs. *Personnel *$ Salaries (itemize on separate sheet) $ Fringe Benefits $ Number of full -time equivalents: *Library Materials *$2,non Books $ 16imn Films $ 1.000 Other (specify on separate sheet) $ 1,000 filmstrips /cassettes Equipment (itemize on separate sheet) $ Contractual Services (itemize on separate sheet) $ *Operating Expenses *$ Supplies $ Communication $ Postage $ Equipment Rental $ Equipment Maintenance $ Travel $ Printing $ *Other Administrative Expenses *$ 75 Audit $ 25 Indirect Costs $ 50 Others (specify on separate sheet) $ INCREMENT REQUESTED FOR LEVEL TWO $2,075 Amount Requested for Level One $ 5,175 Increment Requested for Level Two $ 2,075 TOTAL REQUEST FOR LEVEL T140 $2,075 • Requested Budget Public Library Service to Institutions • Title I, Project 6, FFY 1477 * LEVEL THREE Name of Library La Retama Public Library Performance Measures Please list all performance measures which will be used to statistically indicate reaching your various Level Three objectives. Please compute the unit cost of each performance measure based upon your Level Three funding request. Note: For those Level Three programs which are expansions of your Level Two programs, give cumula- tive performance measures and recalculate unit cost on the total funding request. For those Level Three programs which are additions to your Level Two programs, restate your Level Two measures and costs, and calculate your new program perform- ance measures on the additional cost. Performance Measures Quantity Anticipated Unit Cost Asterisks ( *) denote sub -total categories for those items listed below. Note: Supply only the incremental budget information for Level Three. Do not cuuTate Level One or Level Two costs. *Personnel *$ Salaries (itemize on separate sheet) $ Fringe Benefits $ Number of full -time equivalents: *Library Materials *$ Books $ 16mm Films $ Other (specify on separate sheet) $ Equipment (itemize on separate sheet) $ Contractual Services (itemize on separate sheet) $ *Operating Expenses *$ Supplies $ Communication $ Postage $ Equipment Rental $ Equipment Maintenance $ Travel $ Printing $ *Other Administrative Expenses *$ Audit $ Indirect Costs $ Others (specify on separate sheet) $ INCREMENT REQUESTED FOR LEVEL THREE $ Amount Requested for Level One $ 5,175 Increment Requested for Level Two $.2,075 Increment Requested for Level Three $ 0 TOTAL REQUEST FOR LEVEL THREE $ 0 *No Level Three funds requested. n CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS �oAY of , tg77 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; I, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY, <2' MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBr olill DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE 1351