HomeMy WebLinkAbout13613 ORD - 02/09/1977L :vmr:2- 7- 7J;lst- AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING NINUTE ORDERS OF THE TE A. DEPARU ENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION COME ION -PER- TAINING TO JOINT CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI BY THE CITY AND THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION, AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN SAID PU ME ORDERS, A COPY OF EACH BEING ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBITS "Any "Buy "C", "D11, "E", "F" AND "Gn; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. • WHEREAS, the State Department of Highways and Public Transpor- tation has submitted a copy of Minute Order Nos. 72202 through 72208, inclusive, passed by the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation of January 20, 1977, concerning reconstruction of various streets in the City of Corpus Christi: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to accept, for and on behalf of the City of Corpus Christi, State Department of Highways and Public Transportation Minute Orders Nos. 72202 through 72208, inclusive, for improvement of the following named streets under the Urban Systems Program: Minute Order No. Location 72202 State Highway 357 (Saratoga Boulevard) from Everhart Road to Weber Road; 72203 Waldron Road from Park Road 22 to NAS Drive; 72204 Horne Road from Columbia Street to Old Brownsville Road; 72205 Airline Road from Alameda Street to Padre Island Drive; 72206 Baldwin Boulevard from Naples Street to Port Avenue; 72207 Morgan Avenue from Port Avenue to State Highway 286; 72208 Everhart Road from South Staples Street to Padre Island Drive; a copy of said Minute Orders, marked Exhibit "A" through "G ", being attached hereto and made a part hereof for all pertinent purposes. The improvement of these streets, located in the City of Corpus Christi, is to be jointly performed by the City and the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation. 1361-3 MICROFILMED JUL 011990 SECTION 2. The necessity to authorize the acceptance of the afore- mentioned Minute Orders in order that plans and construction may be commenced at the earliest practicable date, creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the day ofJ 1977. ATTEST: s MAYOR a THE 'CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS APP DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1977 J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By &&"4;M Assistant City tt iney ��� mom., ��, � • MINUTE ORDER County Dletrlct No. _ 16 Page 1 of 2 p,,u G!ilLU,0. is EMCM CLMM, the City of Corpus Christi has Mquested assiatMae in reconstruction on State Highway 357 (Saratoga Boulevard) fram Everbart Read to Weber Road, a distance of approximately 1.0 mile; and 14MMS, State Highway 357 (Saratoga Boulevard) is included in thn urban System; 'cna, 631D1B['dt8, it i¢ the desire of the Ststo Uc- ,"i:'tmeat of Rightrva and Public Transportation to assist the City of Corpus Christi in such work; NMI, TMMEME, the Engine -Director is directed to tender the following proposal to the City of Corpus Christi: Provided the City vi11: 1. Conform to State Department of H?g:Wayn and Public Transportation policies end regulations regarding utility adjustmants nutl ran tructlan resr0M1bil1tyo 2. Maintain that portiva of the % rk which is its respousihility in acconitm= with present maintenance agreement and agree to regulate traffic and prevent encroach ca the right of way, all in accordance with goveraing policies and regulations of thto Depattmant. Subject to the availability of Pederai -aid ilrboa System funciS and tha eligibility of the proposed work for financing with said funds, the State Departuane of lu'&vaya and Public Transportation gill: 1. Prepare construction plans and specifications. . SPAT D�AJIII.QfeL^vi�, lOL , HiG66MA S �G. •County 16 ? 2 _ MINUTE ORDER P"' nf— _ -_PeEe nmtdettun.— ---- _ —__ -- I 2. Provide for re-conotraction of Grttdimg, Stracturea MWI sax-facing at en esti- mated cesst o6 $606,200 as ssthorired in the 1977 -1973 Drhaa System T1ocram. 3. Tbintain that portion of the vans 0-Ich is its respmeibility in accordance with present maiutmnce a3reemeut. Upon acceptance of the provisions of this Ogden by the appropriate officials of the City of Corpus; eti, the Engineer- Dtrectzr is dircwtr_5 to enter into any rnazserry egre�nts with the City cove-ring the details of the proposed imY roves amts, to praceed with the ergineerlM develomumt of the project cad after the City has fulfilled its responsibilities. to provxzc -.] with coastauction in the most feasible and ecoaamicsal manner. It Is understood that the City my discharge its c=truction aaligat%as a9 outliced herein in any tt*pnaer as it my elect. In the went the City desires the State to in- clude ita portion of the warp in the State'e construction contract, the En3i7 nces'- Director is hereby authors:ed to cater into agreement L-Ith the City for aaseh cork and its coat as may be weed upon. Thin order shall bcemia operative upon =can=e by the City of Corpm Christi and If not accepted within 90 days of the date hereof. the action herein containc-A shall be automatically gelled, s.bmincd by: (Title) Program E sine —ar Approved: Examined and recommended by: Approved 6a�.D;amm Commissioner Minute Num Commissioner Date Passed Note: This farm is to be submitted in puintuDbcato, A— fts� Dlr"� 7O2 .020-77 • Form 330-A STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION MINUTE ORDER County Page 1 of Pages :5tetmet No. 16 ems,: tin. in Mg &17D=, the City of Corpus Christi haB xmumted asaletmx=' in re =nstnxtifn cm Waldxam Bwd from Park R=d 22 to MS Drive, a diatan:m of app-=L- mtely 0.3 mila; sod i4TMMM, Ualdrem RNO io iacludod in the Urban Systee; s2 IrM=. it Ls -kl:e desire on the State TisrsaVnent of 8ighw"s and Public Tras-•poxta- tion to assist t!, City of Corpus wisti in Such urea; Em. SORE. the Eugier - DiTectcr 'aa d1ray-tc I to ter Me Eollaiw propeaml to the City of corpus Christi: P"mided tins City will: 1. COnfozm to State Dejar=2t of Idlah%Myo and Public 'ft=3P0r. -ZZi= pclzoles and regalatims mg t'd2� utility alju -g to a;d c3 ustsvction reapomibility. 2. p +Iaintain s11 of tbp wmk coastrtaeted as past of tho project and &LImce to razu- late traffic and prevent encroachment an the right of way. all in ace-ordaws with gaveralatg policies and regidat3aas of the Dapert t. Subject to the availability of Federal -aid Urban Syotem funda and the eli ability of tha propraead work for financing with said funds, the State Departmeat of Hi -Oways amd Public Trasapartstion will: 1. Prageso ea—istructim plum r.nd epealficatimiD. GrATE DEPARTMENT OF EI.GnUAVS taosC�s ji AND C � TAMON — �p.nlY _ 16^ MINUTE ORDER. ? ._..nf__ _? _. pagg ❑ ., islrlcl No. ,. 2. Provide foa ravonstrscticn of Grading, Structures and Surfacing at an esti- mated cost of $04,6CO as authoriser) in the 1977 -1978 Urban, System PregSram. Upon acceptance of the provisices of this der by the appropriate officials of the City of Corpus Christi, IT IS G&W= that Waldron P=d extending from Pardo goad 22, lartheast to State 353, a distance of appro=ftntely 0.3 mile, be and is Hereby designated as a WIM E=N 111GW 1g aiO the Engincer-Direator is directed to eater into anyEmaceasary agreements with t& C•ity.covering the details of the pro- posed Impsovemmts, to proceed with the engineering devc-lopz2= of the proyQct &ad after the City Eras fulfiller) its resp=sibilities, to procced with etstructim in the most feasible and economical , It in understood the the City spy discharge its coaotruction obligationa as out- lined herein in aW manner an it easy elect. la the event the City deaf as the State to include its pertien of tbs gas° in the State 's Ccrsstxusti+va cc31ract, the Gngl r- Director 13 hereby authorized to rater into a„r"emant with tha City far such work mud its cast as msy be agreed ups. This Order shall L°e:.,om operative upfum acceptance by the City of Corpus Chrieti end if art accepted udthia 9D days of the date hereof, the actin bereft caotainad shall be automatically c=alled. Submitted by: Examined and recommended by (Title) sneer Approved FtFa 'LSSihrSirffaYkE'bA�1e!7€$;gE,� Acv -.0 Fca —.Ws Approved: 653 Dc.e,^t 72AC+V.31 Commissioner Minute Number. _ f'}�gg�� . CQMMLS9ionet Date Passed JAN GW 77 N.L.: Thl. f.— is Lo b. s.bmitted In qv; ­Lc.t.. F1'm� Fla county D1strlot Pao. 16 STATE DEPARTMENT OF FIIGnWA•YS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION MINUTE ORDER Page l of 2 Pages in LWO CCU—WY, eme City of C=F- -3 ibr att has requested assiatmaze in mr stauetion cm norm Bowl from Col.unfoia Street to fold Brmansville Rosa, a diets= of ap- praa .tely 0. ® =I"; awl UFMM. Horne Lo" to iwl=&zd in t bs Urban Syatem; vad WW W, it is the dcsaim of the State Wartc-a-at o2 liig twmyp L a3 Public Transpoa:t1on to assist the City of Corr= C� iati In aria =k; IRW- , TNMM?=, thmm La dfxw —te d to ter_70z the foll ir--a Pruly —m 1 tQ Lbe City of Ccrpue arlat2a Provided the City will: 1. Confom to State Rtpartment of fileamys and Public tae tsttcm polie m-A regalatioass regards utility adjus to d so am Eaag l±3Cy. 2. t5ainta:Jn cll of the work a=traetecl mm pert of the project and one to r A&U traffic and previmmt emezoadumat an the right of way., all in accord=m with gm- ev aln polities and rag al"iaao of the Depaaicamb. Subject to the availability of Federal -aid Ur'4= Gyfltem Lis and the eligibility of the proposed work for fir,=c3mg with caaid fmoAs, the State W, artmnt of Hie -Minya md Public Transportation wills 1. -Prepare eoEatructim ?lam =d scsceificetiosas. STATE DEPMUM9NT OF EWNWATS AND &ii WC Ti3ARIsPQAl3TATd9�JlV County Ulstrlct No. _ _ 1VUNUTE OMER Pn.e 2 of _2 Pays 2. Provide for reconstruction of Grading, Structures and Surfacing at an estimated cost of $465,600 as authorized is the 1977-1978 Fi'"n. System Pro9Uam. Upoa acceptance of the prov'islomv of this Order by thr appropriate officials of the City of Corpus Christi. FP IS ORMM that Horde Ecarl extending from Farm to W-xkct Read 655, East to Columbia Street. a distrince of approxim'otely 0.8 mile, be sad is bareby deal- nawd as a t,OFTJIMAH ffiGMAY and the F43giaeer- Director its directed to enter into sny nece9mry agrees ts ulth the City covering the detsile of the propesed imWravamento, to proceed with the arigimerlug deevelopwnt of the project c—S enter dim City tins fulfilled its rasponsibilities, to primed with cwmtxuctAan in the mmt feesible sad ecxwmicel s:,r. it is underetool that the City may discharge Its construction obligation as outlined herein in any = ner a3 it my elect. in the event the City desires the State to ieclwle Its portion of the vork in the State's construction contract, the Erginmer- Director is hereby authorized to eater into agreement with the City for such work aric1 its c st as my be agreed upon. This Order shall hac operative upsa acceptance by the City of Corpus Christi and if not accepted within 90 diya of the date h roof, the action herein contained shall be automatically Cancelled. Submitted by: (TILte) progrM EM3,ineer Approved Commissioner -- _ Commis ionet Note: This form Is to be submitted In quintvori -te. Examined and recommended by: Approved - - -� — 4�4t_I'9i?34Wp9S3$1�,'rB 6stiarr t�ctm Uunm �s+ne3•Dnnm Minute Number Date Passed 72204 SAN 20. 7 — .__— -M._ —__ County n d"d No. _ 16 STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION MINUTE ORDER Pao— I of 2 Pag- WIME , in 1'a= Gts'€�M the City of Corms Ch-.isti hes requested a2LLstance is reconstructs on A LT11m Road fircm Alm SMr-t to P..dre Island W!IvnW a c?+at o of 0PPrcxtnnW1y 1.4 r lee. and tlM &S. AirlIM d is included in t%a t rLM Systme and WHOM, it ls` thc &mire of the State DeparLm.imt of 19110amp cad Public TraFnsporta- cum to ssslst tho City of Carpus Christi In Gabe •wek; NM, T ORE, the Eager- Director is dieted to tazdar tus follor3ing proposal tee the City of Carpus Christi: Iravl-Aed the City will: 1. Pro-,dl do fer IS,® adjaatnixt of �Fioles- and valve Ems. 2. Maintain all of the work eonstiiwtad an part of the proj=t sal agree to ragu;— lcato traffic and preveat enzxcsrA,mmz on the right of way, all in e=Fdr—rcc ssith Saver poll -cl"s rsgule8i ns of th3 IN-apartmmt. Subject to the aaeallability of Fadesal. -ell Urban System fun?a and Cho eligibility of the proposed w=k for fi inS with said furdf3, Lhe State DepatzUmint of Ugbw&V ara Publ'xc Trrsnspeetation will: 1. Prepare eonstru2t2on plans and spzc1ficatios. 2. Provide for recezatruotion of Grzdieg and SuTf acing at an estim=ated CoSt of 0221,200 as sutharizz -Al in tha 1977 -1978 Urban Syztm iaa . &FATE DEPARnum Qom' WGaWATS County MINUTE ORDER District No. _ -- — - Upon acceptance of the provision of this Order by tha appropriate offieialo of the City of Corpus Christi, U IS ABTf:SF,D that Airline Road erctaOing from McArdle Roads Mrth to Alsmsdra Street, a distame of apprcmimtely 1.2 miles, be aid is hereby designated as a MT@OPOI.IMM iiLC Y and the Engineer- Director is di_rected to enter Into any r=cesary agreemnto with the City covering the details cif the proposed Zeta pro®emnts, to proceed with the engineering deva2spmnt of the project �Md after the City has fulfilled its responsibilities, to proceed with canstauctLcm in the mat feasible awl ezonim cal annnP=. it is underatcal that the CILY my discharge mg acr7t- mci -lan Gbligation ,&a outlincil herein in any earner as it >mmy elect. in the event the City dcnire, tho State to in- clude its portion of the uurlc In the State "a construction contrast, the Euginner- Director is hereby authorized to enter into ogre rat with the City for cuch uorL ,-1 Its cast as may be agreed upon. This Order shall beccom operative upon acceptance by the City of Corpse C&arZsti and if not accepted within 90 days of the data hereof, the action herein contained shall be automatioslly cancelled. Submilied by: Examined and recommended by: (Title) Pros.— EAineer Page T _ __.- of__ 2 __Pages Upon acceptance of the provision of this Order by tha appropriate offieialo of the City of Corpus Christi, U IS ABTf:SF,D that Airline Road erctaOing from McArdle Roads Mrth to Alsmsdra Street, a distame of apprcmimtely 1.2 miles, be aid is hereby designated as a MT@OPOI.IMM iiLC Y and the Engineer- Director is di_rected to enter Into any r=cesary agreemnto with the City covering the details cif the proposed Zeta pro®emnts, to proceed with the engineering deva2spmnt of the project �Md after the City has fulfilled its responsibilities, to proceed with canstauctLcm in the mat feasible awl ezonim cal annnP=. it is underatcal that the CILY my discharge mg acr7t- mci -lan Gbligation ,&a outlincil herein in any earner as it >mmy elect. in the event the City dcnire, tho State to in- clude its portion of the uurlc In the State "a construction contrast, the Euginner- Director is hereby authorized to enter into ogre rat with the City for cuch uorL ,-1 Its cast as may be agreed upon. This Order shall beccom operative upon acceptance by the City of Corpse C&arZsti and if not accepted within 90 days of the data hereof, the action herein contained shall be automatioslly cancelled. Submilied by: Examined and recommended by: (Title) Pros.— EAineer Approved "Ab L`RSli.�iiT�- 2Tm>!1� - AgyZCa IA4LL.M•PiC1lW CSuid'cittu 5 - ------CoMrnii sioner Minule Number -----commissioner Date Passed JAN 20 77 — - CommissluneT Nute: This Porm is to be submitted in qW, ,, Ucaw. Form _ STATE DEPARTAIENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION MINUTE ORDER c _. County 11i"at No. 16 Paso l or 2 Pam maTm. iu CIi', , the city of en- m mr"ti has raquented assistance in r tsasereetfaa tau B „ iu Boulevard from Baples Street to Part Avenue, a distance of approal ite y 1.1 miles; md is AS, Baldwin Boulevard La included in t—T a UEhan Systamz esad AHIOE98. it is the desire of tine State Deparmmt of Riyinanys and Public Tranaporaa- tion to waist the City of Carpu a Christi in such worrlt; , TMEFMr -, thz Emimer- Director ita direaz:od to tender the followiu3 prop;.aal to the City of CMw Chrietio Provided the City will: 1. Pale fer the adjusmant ©E msruislea and 'Volvo ba7za. 2. Prm-1da for r_pairo to correct ua'or failures In the pavmeus: aral its uuppon prior to reatr£aciug Vaument. 3. Maintain all of tin work cam. tzrcted as p=t of the project and agree to regu- late traffic env prevent emmachmmt on the right of way, all in a ceazdancs with governing policies tied rogulatigaa of the Dap =trot. Subject to tha availability of Federal -aid Urban Syetcm fps awl the e13Bi'Wity of the proposed weals for fir -ming with said fug, the State Depaartment of rMgbvzyx and Public Transportation will: 1. Prepare censtructioa plaza and specifications. STATE OVARTMENT 07 GEVVAyS AND PITEM MiN"ar 1im - -• _ — Coon<r jl���/,,,�Q-77�- �It���77yyq 71 �° Page _ 2 of_ 2 Pogrs District No. 16 +'f q v TE O�ER - - 2. Provide far Level t3? and Additianel Sur acing at an estimated cost of 292,200 as autharizzed in the 1977-1975 Urban. System Progrm. Upcn aceeptme of tide pravisionz of this Order by the appropriate officials of the City of Cis %ruo Chriztl, IT IS OR=ED that Si99 win Ernslevard amteading frisa Fort Aise- evue, Scuthewt -ita Eaples Street, a dlatance of r=S=L91y 1.1 miles, be and IS hereby deaiganted sa a t QitIIliAlt MM— A7 ana the Fz&LneEm- Director to directed to eater Into may weary agseemats with Vto City aover&Z the details of the proncael inprovementG, to prcceed with the enaiaeeriug development of the project aud after the City hss fulfilled its r =peaaibilities, to proceed with cvastructim lu the tm t fe.a- St is understood that tlsa City my discharge Its contraction 6�Dl2gatims as outlined In dray manner as it osy elect. in the event the City de3ircm the State to in- clude its portim of the varL to the State'a corsezatcticn cantrssc.t, the Etg --ex- Director io hweby mathorized to enter into agwsmnt wits the City for such rzrk errs Its cost as sassy be agreed, utsom. This Order oba11 beomm operative upon acceptame by the City of Corpun Ct�--Latl 2nd if not accepted within S® days of the data hereof, the aetian herein conta6 ed aba ll be automatically catcalled. Submitted by: (Title) Progr= FugiIIeerr Approved: Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Note: This form is to be submitted m �, - vt.. Examined and recommended by: Approved AsskµwtSpu _Y A s . state HlyJtaay Engineer A��ixa•Dirm 2jy Minute Number 12205 Date Passed JAN 20 77 County STATE DEPARTMENT OF HiGIHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION RANSPORTATION MINUTE ORDER Page^ Q of 2 P_. DiAriat ilia. 16 WHMWJS. is iittii Ian, the City asf T sr�a ��et2 lass retlstctsAesl assistant:® in ram cowtraeti02 an Mzffm Avemuz fl:z= Fort Acv to State iii*amy 2Cfi, at- diotanee of aF,presi -tely 0.6 tae; am WM&S. Morgan ®emna to included in the Urb&a 5ystm; ard Tim, it ia=tao desire of the State D!nkn*tmat of Hi � anal igthlia YraatRparta- tion to wSlat the City of Carpus Chrintl in such evrk; HM. TMMErCIZE, th© Engfueer- Bireetor i© dl, -rated to tensed the following p---az to t+s City of Corp= CbriEtt: Provided the City will: E. %coin -do for tLe adja`t 2 of n3es m-9 Va va t ==. 2. PraAde fcr repalum to correct major failures In th-3 pavamut and Ito at_ -Tport prise to r facing pint. 3. Uaintafn all of the var3t ev=truatad as part of the project an3 wee to regu- late traffic =A prevent ener cbmant on the right of nay, all In a:- ordsncc with gavermius policies dad rezuletioss of the bapartmnt. Subject to the availability o2 Federal-a4d Urhau System fm:da aad the eligSuilitp of the rxopaz€,3 Lark for fins 129 Ulth 020 -Fx z , the Starts DepartmMt ci II321nowjs end Public T- rm=par=1m will: 1. Prep c t cti V2.uaa c:md I AM "MAW MANSPOR ZD County 131atrletN -16 MINUTE ORDER Pape_ 2 2 % 2. Provide for Level Hp and @3ditimal Srwfaeiag at an est2joted cost a! 559.419 as awLikorized im Lha 1937 -1970 IIflan Syutem 8tagrm. wai aeeeptna o of the przvlslow of this Ordw by the xppr riatc offi:icial, of the City of Corte Qstl, 31 IS WO that Norgan Av=e md:endlar, frm EPort Av e, past to State Hinnl% 206 a distmsc of qVroximtely 0.6 Edle, be and to her -,T desip$ted as a ?MMMleVAN & fi 3 and the E t es -B1 Wtee is di. -Mesa to sat= Ito any aecessaiy 9tigreeaeats with the City esva�g th3 deCa33s of the proprse in- poummmits, to prucced with the wSlaseritV,, develarment of this proyec5; a=9 ester t,Fsg City hate Ralf -LILed its rezpemibIllcies, to proceed olul camstmetien in the most !'eaa3ble and eeonamiml or=, cr. EL is understood that the City disc o its eoastraction obligatims as e-stlln -,d heroin in my =oz-- as it €say elect, In the mat the City dcairee €ha State to lu- cluda its portion of the umark In the Statelo emstruct4cn contract, the Engineer - Directar is borCby anthOriZed t© crater LUto aZ t -With t:,ls City for su h UWk as3 Its cost as may be r" upon. This order shall become operative ups &"eptm=c by the City of Corp= Christi s�ci If not aceapted within 90 days of the date he-zeoeB the actin hcr:in wntzIcEt: 6-all ba cutomtimmy emacited. Submitted by: Examined and recommended by: (Title) Prear— EltziLLex Approved _ - _ •L'> ^,— L., =s.Uucat Approved: Commissioner Commissioner Note: This torn la to be submitted In r1W¢tuBiicatu. Fa�iezv- L"lt:mr Ntuiute Nutr Date Passed [I_'I m JB 2Q,,77 Ab . R STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGH NAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION MINUTE ORDER .—. — ..- -..- County P 2 n80 1 of Pages Dletrlat No. 16 W=t—S. in ftGECi23 �'�ihirs. the City of Corpus Mristi has xaTizated assists —C in recou- etmxtioa an Evarhart 2wed from South Stables Strc_,t to Padra Island Drive. a dictate of apProximateiy 0.9 mile; and IMP=, Everhart F3wd 10 i -lulled in the %ball Syw:ea; anal WMMS, it is tPo, deals of the State DePartwont of Sys " Public Tr-mi3 rtatIm to aanlat the My of Cos7a9 ihriati in such wzTk; 1330. T= CM, the Engineer- rWxmtoT to directed to tear the ffollenr?.na propoaal to tho City of Cerpi% Chrlati: Provided the City unl: 1. C.onfcm to State! DaPartmut of I;iarvays and rublic Trauspertgtlen pol-tejas any; ragulation® regarding utility adjuatmans and eomtr:x;tien responaihllitg. 2. Maintain all of the work caoatructed as fart of the proj=t and s�,,e� to regulate traffic and presvant encroarl t on the right of ;m7, all in acco, -dance with Cg*s- erning polici, sad revd'naticns of the Depertmmr. Subject to the availability of Fcderal -sid Ueam System funez _--a the c11gibil3Ly OS too prepoaed work for fism,igg with said funds, the State 11-- pnrmeat of I;ielwago era rablzc Trawportation wt11: 1. Prepare couStructien plla -,B end cpe-_E.jestic=. 2. Prc-�ida for recoutructim of Grading, Stracturas ami Surfaclrg at an estimutend c *st of $247,200 as authorized in the 1977 -1973 Grbaa &yet— Nogrram. r mitcci s AM e� MMON �nnty t DJAK.tN.. ._16 - - - -.- MINUTE ORDER Pe¢c 2_ of _. —.Fa _ Pa6re Upon aeceptmice of the proeinicne of this Order by tote apprapriete ofLiciale of they City of CcrPus Christi, IT 13 OP.BEMD that Everhart &oad entendlM from South SLaples Street to Padre LlLrad Drive, a distance of czpr ately 0.8 =i1et, ifl and is bardby dcslgsst as a I-WMOPMrM1 II1Oftb Y and tho EuZinoer- Dirt= is directed to enter into emy e-ces- sarry aga pro With the City covaeLM the deteila of Rise propesed lmprov; nta, to pro- teed Faith the enS nearing development of tie p_t;.3Wct =2 after the City % €ulfMed ite respcnsibiliticn, to pracaed with camtatactiaa In the asset fewlbla ard It iD mdasstoUA that tae City arsy J!&ChUge ite ccnstructimi obligations ca outliml, herefa Lu Say ainmer as it may elect. Ssa the eve-at the City dasires th3 State to jue1ada its Portion of tha wrk in the aLate °5 comtractt m contraet, the Ev31ae =-"Sirecter Is hereby authericed to eater *_nta agreeme* with the City for ouch wank anti aLte coat aD =y be agreed upon. This Order almll becom operative upon ncc, fitm= by thel City of C=Ptw C;=isti =S if aot accepted within 40 days of th3 dato hereof, the action hereir. confaine3 shall be c=- tomaaticaily cancelled. Submitted by. cTluet Prom I?agim cr Approved: Commissioner - -- Commissioner -- Commission Nate: This form is to be mbmltted in puintuplicate. Approved Examined and recommended by, tx� ea9 12=r- iY—�arr 722013 Minute Number_ Date Passed, mss® 77 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS U�DAY OF , '1c)-77 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE OF THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE, A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND IMPERATIVE NECESSITY EXIST FOR THE SUSPEN- SION OF THE CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT THAT NO ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE PASSED FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, AND THAT SUCH ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION SHALL BE READ AT THREE MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; 1, THEREFORE, REQUEST THAT YOU SUSPEND SAID CHARTER RULE OR REQUIREMENT AND PASS THIS ORDI- NANCE FINALLY ON THE DATE IT IS INTRODUCED, OR AT THE PRESENT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RESPECTFULLY, MAYOR A— THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS THE CHARTER RULE WAS SUSPENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASE$ RUTH GILL BOB GALLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GALLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE 13610-