HomeMy WebLinkAbout13627 ORD - 02/23/1977jkh:2 -9 -77; 1st '1 _I • AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH PADRE ISLAND INVESTMENT CORPORATION PROVIDING FOR CITY ACCEPTANCE AND OPERATION OF A 500,000 GALLON PER DAY WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT, TRANSMISSION SYSTEM, AND COLLECTION SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF OPERATING COSTS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE MEANS OF FINANCING FUTURE PLANT EXPANSIONS, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET OUT IN THE CONTRACT, A COPY OF WHICH, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE SAME FORM, IS ATTACHED HERETO, MARKED EXHIBIT "A ", AND MADE A PART HEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Padre Island Investment Corporation providing for City acceptance and operation of a 500,000 gallon per day wastewater treat- ment plant, transmission system, and collection system; providing for the distribution of operating costs; and providing for the means of financing future plant expansions, all as more fully set out in the contract, a copy of which, in substantially the same form, is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A ", and made a part hereof. 13627 MICROFILMED JUL p 119W3 M SEWAGE SYSTEM AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND PADRE ISLAND INVESTMENT CORPORATION The City of Corpus Christi, Texas, a home rule municipal corporation and body politic under the laws of the State of Texas, hereinafter called "City", and Padre Island Investment Corporation, a Texas corporation, hereinafter called "Padre ", for and in consideration of the covenants and undertakings hereinafter expressed, agree as follows: 1. Padre has constructed at its sole cost and expense sewage treatment facilities as follows: a. A sewage treatment plant located on a portion of the Utility Complex situated on Padre's Padre Island - Corpus Christi Project, Padre Island, Nueces County, Texas, hereinafter called the "Project ", which location is more specifically designated on the map or sketch attached hereto marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof. Such sewage treatment plant has a designed capacity of 500,000 gallons average daily flow and is hereinafter referred to as the "Plant ". b. A transmission system for the purpose of transporting raw sewage from the collection system (as hereinafter defined) to the Plant, which system is hereinafter called the "Transmission System ". Such Transmission System shall consist of all gravity sewage lines having a diameter of twelve inches (12 ") or more, all force mains, all lift stations and all appurtenances thereto. c. A collection system for the purpose of collecting raw sewage from each residence, or other type of improvement, and transporting such raw sewage to the Transmission System, herein- after called the "Collection System ". All of such sewage facilities, Plant, Transmission System and Collection System are hereinafter called the "Sewerage System ". 2. Padre agrees to grant and convey to the City the Plant, together with the land on which the Plant is situated. In addition, Padre agrees to convey to City, from time to time as they are constructed, the entire sewage Trans- mission and Collection Systems serving the Project. 3. City agrees to operate and maintain the Sewerage System as efficiently as possible, in accordance with City's usual and customary procedures and practices. Z pl .� �, 4. If the costs of operating and maintaining the Plant and Transmission System (being the City's actual direct costs, plus 20% and hereinafter called "operation costs ") exceed the income attributable to the Sewerage System, less 15% of such income to be allocated to Collection System maintenance, Padre shall reimburse City for such deficit (hereinafter called the "operations deficit "). Such operations deficit shall be calculated monthly and Padre shall reimburse City for the amount of such operations deficit within 10 days after receipt of City's statement therefor. During each month that the income from the Sewerage System, less 15 %, exceeds the operations costs, such excess shall be applied as income in computing the next succeeding month's operations deficit. At the end of each calendar year, a redetermination shall be made and if the income from the Sewerage System, less 15 %, together with the sums paid by Padre to City under the terms of this paragraph exceed such operations costs, the difference shall be reimbursed to Padre. 5. Padre's obligation to pay such operations deficit, as set forth in paragraph 4 above shall terminate, expire and be of no further force or effect upon the expiration of 10 years from the date of this Agreement. Should portions but not the entirety of the Padre Isles Project be annexed, prior to the expiration date of the agreement, Padre shall pay the City a percentage of the operating deficit equal to the percentage of flow entering the plant from unannexed areas to total flow entering the plant. Total flow from unannexed areas shall be calculated from billings for sewer service from the area for the month preceeding annexation. This percentage shall be recalculated at City expense upon additional annexations and on January 1 of each year. If additional calculations are made at Padre's request, they will be made at Padre's expense. 6. Padre will construct the first expansion to the Plant to bring the capacity of the Plant to 2,000,000 gallons average daily flow, at such time as average daily plant hydraulic flow or biological loading meaches 80% of design capacity for two consecutive months and upon completion of such expansion, City shall advance to Padre the Padre Island Construction Fund, as provided for in section 7 below, to be utilized in making the final portion of the payment due the contractor constructing such first expansion to the Plant. Amounts advanced from the Padre Island Construction Fund to Padre shall be reimbursed to the City at 6% annual interest at such time as the next expansion occurs or the expiration of 10 years from the date of this agreement, whichever first occurs. -2- 7. The 2.00 MCD Plant and Transmission System will be constructed at a cost to Padre of $3,800,000 (using 1976 prices) for the use and benefit of Padre and the persons who have acquired (or who shall acquire) by purchase from Padre (or from persons whose chain of title contains Padre as a grantor) land situated in Project. Therefore, if City uses the Plant or Transmission System to furnish sewage services to any other person or entity with respect to property which was not conveyed at one time out of Padre (hereinafter referred to as "Third Party Users ") the City will credit the proper account with the following sums, and deposit same, in cash, to the proper account, to -wit: a. A monthly operational charge with respect to each Third Party User equal or equivalent to the same charge made by the City for service to customers who acquired their property by purchase from Padre. Such charges shall be treated as income to the City for the purposes of determining the amount of the operations deficit, if any, as set forth in paragraph 4 above. b. A capital increment fee to defray the cost of construction of (i) the Plant together with the estimated cost of the first expansion of the Plant (as set forth in paragraph 6 above) and (ii) the Transmission System based upon a projected or estimated utilization of the capacity of the Plant and the Transmission System by each Third Party User. The projected utilization of the Plant and Transmission System by each Third Party User and corresponding fee shall be calculated as set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and made a part hereof. Such fee shall be deposited in cash in a specially designated construction escrow fund. (hereinafter called "Padre Island Construction Fund ") to be held by the City, which shall be kept invested, and the interest credited to such Fund. If the charge calculated according to this paragraph is less than the standard front foot extension charge of the City in effect at the time of connection, the front foot charge shall be utilized and the amount of money received distributed in such a way that an amount equal to what the capital increment fee would have been if deposited as provided above for such fees and the balance is retained by the City as a front foot charge. c. For the following listed lots for which Padre has provided the sewer collection system but has not committed service availability, 20% of the capital increment fee applicable to these lots based on a hydraulic loading calculation shall be deposited in the Padre Island Construction -3- • • Fund and be available for use by Padre in constructing the first expansion as required in paragraph 6 above. After such sum has been restored by Padre as provided in paragraph 6 such sum shall be credited against the annual payment requirements of paragraph 8 below and shall reduce the next payment due. LOTS IN PADRE ISLES THAT HAVE NEVER BEEN OWNED BY PADRE ISLAND INVESTMENT CORPORATION. PADRE ISLAND NO. 1 BLOCK LOTS 13 16a, 17a, 18a, 21a, 16b, 17b 14 la, 2a, 3a, 6a, 7a, Sa, 9a, 10a, 16a, 17a, 18a, 19a, 20a, lb, 2b, 3b, 16b, 17b, 18b, 19b, 20b 16 la, 2a, 4a, 5a, 6a, 7a, 8a, 9a, 10a, 1b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7b, 8b, 9b, 10b 17 la, 2a, 3a, 4a, lb, 2b 18 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a 19 3a, 16a, 17a, 18a, 19a, 20a, 21a, 22a, 23a, 24a, 25a, 26a, 27a, lb, 15b, 16b, 17b, 18b, 19b, 20b, 21b, 22b, 23b, 24b, 25b, 26b 20 6a, 7a, Be, 9a, 10a, Ila, 12a, 13a, 14a, 20a 3b, 16b, 17b, 18b, 19b, 20b 21 la, 2a, 13a, 14a, 15a, 17a, 18a, 10b, llb, 12b, 15b, 16b, 17b 22 lb 26 la, 2a, 3a 27 20a 12b, 13b, 20b 29 la, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a, 6a, lb, 5b, 6b 30 la, 6a, 7a, 8a, lb, 4b, 6b, 7b, 8b 31 la, 2a, 3a, 4a, 8a, 9a, 13a, 14a, 15a, 16a, 17a, 18a, 19a, 20a, llb, 16b, 18b, 19b, 20b 34 All Lots (1 through 16) PADRE ISLAND NO. 2 35 2, 4, 5, 6, 9 43 5, 6, 14, 15, 16 -4- 8. One year after the completion of such first expansion to the Plant, as described in paragraph 6 above, Padre will deposit with the City the sum of $150,000. Thereafter, on each succeeding anniversary date of such initial deposit, Padre shall deposit with the City the sum of $150,000 until the contri- butions made under the terms of this paragraph total $1,5000000. However, if the City annexes any portion of the Project, then that amount of taxes collected by the City from any portion of such Project as represented by the percentage of d bt service tax supporting the wastewater service systema the total amount of taxes collected shall be credited to the foregoing sums required to be deposited by Padre, on an annual basis, and Padre shall be relieved of its obligations under the terms of this paragraph to the extent of such sums so credited. 9. After Padre has constructed the first expansion to the Plant, as described in paragraph 6 above, and delivered same to City, and so long as Padre is not in default in the performance of its obligations as set forth in paragraph 8 above, City shall, at no further cost or expense to Padre, subject to availability of appropriations, construct or cause to be constructed all subsequent expansions or additions to the Plant as may be necessary to fully and timely furnish sewage treatment services to all persons occupying or using any portion of the Padre Isles Project. 10. The obligations of Padre hereunder shall terminate as follows: a. As to its payment toward the operations deficit, as set forth in paragraph 5 above. b. As to its plant construction obligations, when the 2,0000000 gallon capacity has been obtained and $1,500,000 has been deposited with the City as required in paragraph 8 above. The City's obligation to provide 209, of the plant increment fee set forth in paragraph 7 shall terminate 10 years after the completion and acceptance by the City of the first expansion, i.e. the 2,000,000 gallon capacity plant and the fund required. —5— EXECUTED in duplicate, each of which shall be considered an original, this the day of , 197 . ATTEST: CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI City Secretary APPROVED: DAY OF , 197 J. BRIICE By YCOCK, C ATTORNEY A�eisTne� City ttorney Director of Finance ATTEST: Secretary R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager PADRE ISLAND INVESTMENT CORPORATION President EXHIBIT B Purpose is to set forth a formula to calculate the amount each third party user shall pay for use of-the transmission and treatment facilities. Assumptions: I. Each user shall pay based upon the proportionate utilization of capacity of the facility (transmission and treatment). Cost based on hydraulic loading will be calculated at $1.90 per gallon per day. Cost based on biological loading will be cal- culated at $8.00 per pound of BOD5 per day. These costs shall be adjusted on January 1 of each year based on Engineering News Record Construction Cost of Living Index. 2. Capacity of the transmission facilities shall be the basis of the design capacity as calculated by the Design Engineer which is set forth in the following table. 3. Capacity of treatment facilities will be calculated two ways: a. Hydraulic: Hydraulic capacity is 2,000,000 gal /day average design flow. b. Biological: Biological capacity is 3,836 pounds SOD /day average design flow. 4. All sewage processed through plant with a strength of 250 mg /l BOD or less will be measured on the basis of hydraulic capacity. 5. All sewage processed through plant with a strength of more than 250 mg /1 BOD will be measured on the basis of biological and hydraulic capacities. The calculation resulting in the higher charge will be assessed. 6. Costs and capacities of facilities. For the purposes of com- puting proportionate payments, the cost of transmission facilities and their capacities are as listed as follows: • a. 2 NGD S ,-T.)?,'3ncluding Lift Station 4 @ 2,000,000 gal /day n. Lift Station No. 4 @ 1.43 Mgal /day $ 220,000 LS 7. Quantities of flow. For the purposes of this instrument the following table sets forth.the gallons per day per category of connection that will be used to calculate hydraulic flow. This table has been compiled from data taken from "Wastewater Engineering; Collection, Treatment and Disposal ", by Metcalf and Eddy, Inc., Copyright 1972. In the event that a hydraulic flow rate must (3,836 pounds BOD5 /day) $3,045,084.00 b. 36" VCP @ 9.25 Mgal /day $ 80.18 /LF c. 30" VCP @ 6.40 Mgal /day 54.54/LF d. 27" VCP @ 5.20 Mgal /day 50.33/LF e. 24" VCP @ 4.10 Mgal /day 40.55/LF f. 21" VCP @ 3.15 Mgal /day 38.84/LF g. 18" VCP @ 2.30 Mga1 /day 25.94/LF _ h. 15" VCP @ 1.60 Mgal /day 19.43/LF 1. 12" VCP @ 1.03 Mgal /day 16.46/LF J. 10" VCP @ 0.72 Mgal /day . 14.25/LF k. 8" VCP @ 0.46 Mgal /day 13.14LF 1. 16" Force Main @ 2.21 Mgal /day 22.82LF m. 14" Force Main @ 1.43 Mgal /day 18.38LF n. Lift Station No. 4 @ 1.43 Mgal /day $ 220,000 LS 7. Quantities of flow. For the purposes of this instrument the following table sets forth.the gallons per day per category of connection that will be used to calculate hydraulic flow. This table has been compiled from data taken from "Wastewater Engineering; Collection, Treatment and Disposal ", by Metcalf and Eddy, Inc., Copyright 1972. In the event that a hydraulic flow rate must be computed and does not appear in the following table, data from the aforementioned publication will be used to negotiate such hydraulic flow. (1) Single Family Residence* (2) Condominium 140 gal /living unit (3) Apartments 140 gal /living unit (4) Hotel -Motel 105 gal /unit (5) Restaurant 150 gal /table seat 250 gal /counter seat (6) Cocktail Lounge 20 gal /seat (7) Stores -Shops 50 gal /fixture (8) Self Service Laundry 500 gal /washing machine (9) Bath Houses 100 gal /fixture (10) Hospital 200 gal /bed (11) Warehouse 50 gal /fixture (12) Service Station 4,000 gal /day (13) Schools 20 gal /cap /day (14) Office Building 20 gal /150 SF In the event that more than one category may exist within one . proposed tap facility (example: Hotel w /100 rooms, Restaurant, and Cocktail Lounge) each category shall be computed and the cumulative total shall be used. In the event that a proposed tap facility might be interpreted to be in more than one category, that category which would compute the higher flow will be used. In the event the proposed tap facility is existing and has a water * All single family residences shall be charged $800 per lot. • consumption record that is typical of expected consumption, the hydraulic flow may be computed as 70% of metered water consumption. For the purpose of computing biological load, actual BOD5 measure- ments will be taken if the flow is existing. If the flow is not existing, an estimate will be made by the City. In the event that the connection to a transmission facility by a third party would so load the transmission facility and thereby, render it unable to serve the area within the Padre project it was originally designed to serve, such third party may be directed to make it's tap onto the system at such further point downstream as is necessary. Any additional cost thereby incurred, will be at the expense of the third party. THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE WAS READ F THE FIRST TIME AND PASSED TO ITS SECOND READING ON THIS THE 0/d DAY OF , 1971, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASES RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY JT/ GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINA C WAS READ F 3NE SECOND TIME AND PASSED TO ITS THIRD READING ON THIS THE DAY OF l.G.G' 19�,'I BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON EDUARDO DE ASE$ RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINAN W S READ FOR THE THIRD TIME AND PASSED FINALLY ON THIS THE ( DAY OF 199 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: JASON LUBY DR. BILL TIPTON dw- EDUARDO DE ASE9 dall RUTH GILL BOB GULLEY GABE LOZANO, SR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE PASSED AND APPROVED, THIS THE aJ( DAY OF ATTEST: CPtf SECRETARY OVED: DAY OF 19 CITY ATTORNEY 13627