HomeMy WebLinkAbout13749 ORD - 05/25/1977• JKH:vmr:5- 2547;lst' • AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1977 -78 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION BY REVISING THE HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN SO AS TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF EXISTING SECTION 8- HpUSING UNITS TO 350 AND TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF PUBBLIC HOUSING UNITS TO 300 AND TO REVISE THE APPLI- CATION BY DELETING THE NUECES ACRES SANITARY SEWER PROJECT AND ADDING THE $150,000 ORIGINALLY BUDGETED FOR THAT PROJECT TO UTILITY RELOCATIONS, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE AMENDMENT, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO, MARKED EXHIBIT "A ", AND MADE A PART HEREOF; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to submit an amendment to the 1977 -78 Community Development Block Grant Applica- tion by revising the Housing Assistance Plan by increasing the number of exist- ing Section 8 housing units from zero to 350 and by increasing the number of public housing units from zero to 300, and by revising the Application by deleting the Nueces Acres Sanitary Sewer Project and adding the $150,000 originally budgeted for that project to utility relocations, all as more fully set forth in the amendment, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A ", and made a part hereof. SECTION 2. The necessity to authorize amendment of the 1977 -78 Community Development Block Grant Application as aforesaid creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the O&day of 1977. ATTEST: Cify Secretary MAYOR v THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS M9VED: DAY OF MAY, 1977 J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY MICROFILMED JUL 0 71980 Assistant City 'Attorney �3��� i P-® Apw".d OMS No. 63R. 1411 PcAdL eeeu or U.S. DEPARTMENT OF NCLSHNO AND UaaAH DETELOPJIENT MUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN TAIL III. MAIM LOW' 111;:6;1111 MUSING ASSISTANCE CfJUPT YEAR COAL 1. ■Joe[ OP APPLIC AJAT City of Corpm Christi, Term a. � OnOHa AL Ara,.®■ea T. DA Ta: I. APPLICAT,CN /ONaNT HUN[[R A. PROGRAM TaA,I PHO r' 1977 TO: 1978 0 5 0 2 TTPESARE InwasOPAWSTARCE 'UMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS TO BE ASWI I C [LDe,1LT Om •u:.I ALL MA■,O,CAPP20 PA■I,L- ,..,�. a0ul[„OLOm la1 & e) 1 (e A, RIV JJWTAL UW& Sates l-AEw 195 98 - - SO s 2. saw o(Wua � °•f � • k OtIH4 — 1 - s 3. Odw AsdsT[i lien Raid Housing (Idemilj! - Total 3 Q 30 195 - - 75 75 T k -m 1 5 - - • 4 T@W (San of lime. 1, 2. and 31 595 in 293 1 125 L RENua1TATM OP EI6TAL Talus 18 12 1. Smctim 11-Kw 35 5 172. Swe Tarol (Slim of fines a and 61 - - - - -..� „ a. 9.C[ia11I - -- -- - - - Is k 016n Is i lh�w Assi" It"Iftems of Road Ho" mmatso - Tor le 18 1e t 35 5 12 C I=1ST7NIS 11128T& UWT1 262__ 35 - -- -- ,T 1. Saetim 9-HI10 350 53 to 2. S T (Son liars a and 61 1e 0 iesl SO 6L Odw sl 3. Other Assistsl Ed*" Rod Hasin (lden,i 1 e Tod - IN S s• a Tstal (S.s a t lines l 2. aad v 350 53 26Z 35 D. "USLTTAT1111510 AWITAINO To MUSH=" 02 / CITY mmmot"S ss 11. CD list$ Graft 80 50 30 s. - R, 1 01ber adwWwom Assistets w Hgmwma Pmaitsrtiu Hierws. (Itec>ihl • Told 100 50 50 zs as s0 1. T P &.s 1.2 mew so vAn Lon an L MFS COUTILICTM ASSSTANCI TR 04iOME[t1 to Plespirm s, serfifin 2D R 21 16 =% 2 Memo sT _ sc a I Taw (ton of own l low Q/ [s P. Air• tiMiMG ASRVANCl W"B (Sams of go" A!. I4. CR, ld. ad 13) -. 1.195 235 19.7% 694 58.1% 266 22.3% t�YiS»i 3/23[77,, 9/4/77; 5/19/77 HuD- ro,s.,ona -raH i Page l.R.. u A DEPasTSesr cr NDUSwo Alm URUN DEVELOHENT - wt$tMO ASSISTANCE PLAN TARLe m. GOALS fiSR LOO INCOME WNSING ASSISTANCE TMiM TRAA GOAL I. same OP APPLICANT City of Corpus Christi. Tess t. ORIGINAL i l AwewowaMT,Daral S6 APPLICATIQNloRANT Muwsaw a. pooONAN TWAR PROW, 1977 TO: 1978 R 1 '7 1 7 C I -4 1 8 -0 S 0 2 TYPES moSWRCeSOFASIIITAxice NUMBER OF NOUSENOLDS TO of ASSISTED ALL MOUSRKOL (11 IlLDaRL.00 MAMOICAPPaO P Ial .WIL. 110,10.• proeon.l Idl LANOE FAMILY ! � ur Imv p0r..an.1 lal lol A. Silts uuuL MTS a .. lie 2 T fSfun ,.. R and � 60 180 160 A. Swim I k 06" 200 — — 200 — — e 1 Odw Ant Mw Rd Blip td . ra" 1 • — - 300 30 195 75 a a H _ 75 T —30O-- - 375 a 1. ToW (.%a .1 1.:. mad .t) 235 L REMARiLITATgN w RENTAL unlTs a i 6 75 15 30 30 I o -Te m (Sam .1 lime. • ad a 1 t1 -- I - -- Ia I3. 00— AsAiva/ RaMMlitstios of RE&W Muting de ,n(sl - Total - to 14 Total Man of tiara 1.2. God J. 75 13 30 30 G ROSTEEO RENTAL UKITS -323- -- - - 1r I L Section E -MD 700 Ie 2. Steto Aaoaa7 -ToM (Sun e/ IiBr. a and 6) � 1. Olhw 11 1 otter A,,;a.1 E.lasi� ReBmai l�siMe (tdren )• Tajo - - - -- -- - — a 1a a. 1 L Total (Seem of tlmea 1, 2. Rd 3) 700 105 525 70 10. RENASILITATM ASSISTANCE TO N0601119AS OR PROBPECTtMR N"Zow "ll 15 11. CD Rloe1 Gromta 70 18 15D GIN i Sectims 273 n 3 Othn Ro"litttias Asdttem to � Hoovesm or [ 1INSF tl►eMa.LIWIIldmalihl• Tad 30n 40 - 150 — 110 to a See- 312 300 40 150 110 ND 4 Total View of limes 1, 2, mad 3) 7 IM 330 R t1RS ¢�1i1tt1CTDN A43iSTANCR TO IeIISROeIERAOR 1 s 97 em " We T3TI NN Pil♦w K ei I • T 1 is 1 Tstd M6.4 llama i aad 9/ 115 18 97 >b t, MLHOMMAmmumims R uRaa .� f 910. I.A. 03, ad f, t 692 tv PERSiiT AL1. AIRIISERlkall f 20.9 S 51.3 27.8 S R. RtLaatAtl�rf�PtltsrElall�aidr�r al REVISED 3/23/771 9/4/".. - ./77 11S.10(12-75) Page 2 of 2 HUD - 71113.1 911-73) • • I. NAME OF AIWUC/N1T 1. APPL.F.A11 O Mb OR IG INAL 1410" — ❑ OE-48 tdE NT ...'..—T NT OF MOUSING AN13 URBAN DEVELC"ENT ENTITLEMENT A ONLY COW.IUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 4. PROGRAM City of Corpus Christi Frpemi.6 /1/77 To: 5/30/78 I CENSUS ESTIMATED COST (WWI i RELATED SHORT- TRACT/ EWYIRONMENTAL RELATED BUDGET BLOLR GRANT FUNDS OTHER FUNDS ACTIVITY DESCRWTION TERM EATION, REVICW PROGRAM YEAR %S ANT VEAR TOTAL AMOUNT SOURCE j OBJECTIVE ATION DISTRICT STATUS IT TEM EM I 111 w 0) 141 131 161 Ill 1R1 (9) 1►01 e s(8) Demolition Program C -1 1,2,3, Clearance - 4 50 -0- 50 -0- -0- I 4,5,9, No EIS 10,11,1 , I 15.16,1 I 19 I(9) R=oval of Architectural C-5 2.3,4, Clearance - 6 35 -0- 35 -0- -0- Barriers In The CBD 5.11.12 No EIS j(10) Neighborhood Planning G C-6 N/A Clearance - 13 75 -0- 75 -0- -0- Analysis NO EIS ' I . GRAND TOTAL 94,694 9 -0- 9 4,694 81,575. Page 2 of 2 HUD - 71113.1 911-73) • • Ak U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT CQMUNITYDEVELO➢MHNTBUOUT A. OPIG I'14L u AMLNOTAEN 0. APPLICATILI , B- 77 -MC -48 -0502 C. NAME OF APPLICANT Cit of Corpus Christi D. PROGRAM VEAR FROM June 1, 1977 To: May 30, 1978 LING NO. E. PROGRAM ACTIVITY Ar•OUNT FOR MUD USE ONLY • 1. ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY 2. PUBLIC WORKS. FACILITIES, SITE IMPROVEMENTS 3.644.900 8. CODE ENFORCEMENT —� 4. CLEARANCE ,DEMOLITION.REHABILITATION 100,000 S REHABILITATION LOANS AND GRANTS 500,000 E. SPECIAL PROJECTS FOR ELDERLY AND HANDICAPPED 35,000 7, PAYMENTS FOR LOSS OF RENTAL INCOME 0. DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY —0— S. PROVISION OF PUBLIC SERVICED 20,000 10. PAYMENT OF NON-FEDERAL SHARES _ I —O— It. COMPLETION OF URBAN RENEWAL/MOP PROJECTS —0— 19. RELOCATION PAYMENTS AND ASSISTANCE —0- 13. PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT 75,000 14• ADMINISTRATION 295.100 15. CONTINUATION OF MODEL CITIES ACTIVITIES —0— is. SUBTOTAL MOO Of WON I MM 161 (3.3%) 4,694,000 17 1 CONTINGENCIES AND/OR UNSPECIFIED LOCAL OPTION ACTIVITIES (Nor t0 exceed 1096 of rim 1 B! —�— IS. TOTAL PROGRAM ACTIV ITV COSTS MOP at 0lm IB and 171 4,694,000 LINE NO. P. RESOURCES FOR PROGRAM ACTIVITY COSTS 1. ENTITLEMENT OR DISCRETIONARY AMOUNT 4 694 000 5✓ sa +,Cl'i$ =s' �. �d.: ?p:'{. 7. LESS DEDUCTIONS 3 ENTITLEMENT /DISCRETIONARY AMOUNT FOR PROGRAM ACTIVITIES (,.br / nWma 2) 0. PROGRAMINCOME -Q- B. SURPLUS FROM URBAN RENEWAL/NOP SETTLEMENT —0— B. LOAN PROCEEDS -0- 7. REPROGRAMMED UNOBLIGATED FUNDS FROM PRIOR PROGRAM YEAR —0- 9. TOTAL RESOURCES PDA PROGRAM ACTIVITY COSTS ISem OtLl�3.1) 4,694,000 t O Caacll Boa /Jemo Md de lndl tCma -*kh mgIdm aPPrOmr of. cmr aBOrarlan Plan m regW,,d 0. Federal M.- gemenr Cl—d- 744. NU0-701E3 0 EDITION OF 10.7118 OBSOLETE RMSED.2 /23/771 5/4/77 5/20/77 Schedule In Support of HUD Form 7015.5; C. P. Budget Line 1 Acquisition of Real Property The acquisition of one tract of land knmm locally as the Southgate School to be uti- lized to increase the size of Ben Garza Park 2.5 ac. $ 24,000 Line 2 Public Works, Facilities, Site Improvements (A) Voluntary Streets: Reconstruction, in- stallation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, underground drainage; replacement and relocation of water and gas lines where necessary. (See also Attachment 1) 41) Casa Blanca Arboleda -High Terrace Area 42) Ella Barnes Unit IA X3) Ella Barnes Unit II �($) Lozano School Area k�) Washington -Coles Area 3,613,900 (B) H. E. Butt Park Ares Sidewalk Project Installation of sidewalks to serve pe- destrian traffic in the Park and nearby schools. 11,000 (C) Ben Garza Park Improvements Sodding and landscaping to a 2.5 ac. area to be added to Ben Garza Park as shown above under Line 1. 20.000 -total Public Works 3,644,900 Line 4 Clearance, Demolition, Rehabilitation (A) Pilot Rehabilitation Project: Project will acquire and rehab 3 to 4 substandard single family residences and dispose of same. 50,000 REVISED 2/23/77; 5/4/77; 5/20/77 (B) Demolition Program Establish a revolving fund for the demolition of grossly deteriorated structures within eligible census tracts. Total Line 4 Line 5 Rehabilitation Loans Provide low interest rehabilitation loans to families under the 221(d)3 income limits within eligible census tracts. Line 6 Special Projects For Elderly and Randicapped Removal of Architectural Barriers In the Central Business District: Focuses on the removal of high curbs, broken sidecaalks, and other barriers to the handi- capped and elderly. Line 9 Provision of Public Services Minority and Small Business Development Project: In actively seeking to fulfill the spirit of Executive Order 11246 and Sec. 3, the City proposes to staff two positions - one attached to City Purchasing and the other to Engineering. These two staff members will actively seek to bring minority and small businesses into the City's overall bidding process. Line 13 Planning and Management Development Development of neighborhood plans and policies, and preparation of an updated capital improve- ment program. Line 14 Administration Administration of the CD loan program together with continued emphasis on the utilization of Section 312 monies. REVISED 2/23/77; 5/4/77; 5/20/77 50,000 • $ 100,000 500,000 35,000 20,000 75.000 295,10[ b m m r 0 M (J b m w m m Street Ruth St. Agnes St. Name Prom To Casa Blanca, La Arbolcda MacArthur Belton Tarlton St. and High Terrace MacArthur St. Tarlton St South Port Ave. Eisenhower St. Tarlton St. Nimitz St. Eisenhower St. Bolivar Tarlton St. Lamar St. Goliad Dr. Baldwin Blvd. Bolivar St. MacArthur St. Eisennower Presa St. MacArthur St. Eisenhower Soledad St. MacArthur St. Greenwood Guadalupe St. MacArthur St. Eisenhower Wainwright St. MacArthur St. Eisenhower Montgomery St. _ MacArthur St. Eisenhower Dunbar St. MacArthur St. Greenwood Halsey St. MacArthur St. Eisenhower Nimitz MacArthur St. Eisenhower Goliad South Port Ave. Lamar St. San Jacinto St. Lamar St. South Port Ave. Sonora South Port Ave. Greenwood Dr. 1. Alamo St. South Port Ave. Lamar TOTAL Ella Barnes -Unit lA Dolores Ave. Ruth St. Agnes St. Duncan Ave. Ilighland Ave. Agnes St. Harmon Ave. Ruth St. Agnes St. Maiguerite St. Duncan Ave South Port Ave Mary St. Dolores Ave. South Port Ave. Morris St. Duncan Ave. Harmon Ave. Coleman St. Duncan Ave.. Hannon Ave. Ruth St. Dolores Ave. South Port Ave. Sunrise St. Ruth St. Duncan Ave. TOTAL t Page 1 of 2 Mrp- 7917.1 111 -751 • • 1. NAME OF AWLIC.WT 2. A!119".Ti6.1 NO. 3.ffiOR IC INAL B- 77 -HC -48 -0502_ D AMENOMENT DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANO UROAN OEVELOPhmNr EN n TLEIAENr APPLICANTS ONLY COAMAUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM a.PROGRAU YEAR: City of Carpus Christi FR07A:6 1 77 To: 5/30/78 CENSUS - ESTIMATED COST ROW) RELATED SHORT " TRA1,•q/ ENVIRONMENTAL RELATED O ULOCK GRANT .VNO9 OTHER FUNDS ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION TES IOWECT'VE ENUTAER- REVIEW LINET LINE ATION DISTRICT STATUS ITEM PROGRAM YEAR �QLI`ENT WEAR TOTAL AMOUNT SOU RC@ !r! r2) (3) (a) 15) fal 171 IT) 191 floj (1) C.D. Rehabilitation Loan C-1 1,2,3, Clearance - 5. 500 -0- 500 500 Sec 312 Program 4,5,9, No EIS 10,11.1 (A) Administration 195,16.1 14 295.1 295.1 (2) Vollmtary Street Improvements C -2 4,9.16 Clearance - Utility System Improvements 8 No EIS 2 3,613.9 -0- 3,613.9 1.075.4 Local Relocation Bonds (3) H.E. Butt Park Area Sidewalk C -2 15 Clearance'- 2 11 -0- 11 -0- -0- Project No EIS (4) Park Land Acquisition C -4 11 Clearance - 1 24 -0- 24 -0- -0- (Ben Garza Park) No EIS (5) Ben Garza Park Improvements C -4 11 Clearance - '2 20 -0- 20 -0- -0— No EIS (6) Minority and Small Business City- Clearance - Development Project wide No EIS 9 20 -0- 20 -0- -0- (7) Pilot Rehabilitation Project C -1 1,2,3, Clearance - 4 50 -0- 50 -0- -0- 4.5.9. No EIS 10 ,1 1 .,1116.1 GRAND TOTAL L 9 _ 8 m WE Page 1 of 2 Mrp- 7917.1 111 -751 • • Project Street Name Name From To Lozano School Area Dunbar St. Greenwood Dr. Blake St. Easley St. Greenwood Dr. Blake St. Sonora St. Greenwood Dr. Blake St. Blake St. Aztec St. Baldwin Blvd. Sabinas St. Sonora St. Baldwin Blvd. Elgin St. Sonora St. Baldwin Blvd. Aztec St. Blake St. Cheyenne St. Rosewood Blake St. Baldwin Blvd. Osage St. Baldwin Blvd. Dead End Mohawk St. Dunbar St. Morgan Ave. Tarlton St. Greenwood Dr. Carver St. TOTAL Ella Barnes Unit II Agarito St. Elgin St. Baldwin Blvd. Reyna St. Greenwood Dr. H.E.B. Property Bruce St. Hibiscus St. Elgin St.. Buford St. Port Sabinas St. Sabinas St. Highland Ave. Baldwin Blvd. Verbena St. Reyna St. Highland Ave. Elgin St. Buford St. Morgan d Elgin St. Baldwin Blvd. Morgan w Bright St. Reyga St. Morgan m Hibiscus St. Bruce St. Highland Ave. TOTAL 0 u T 0o N Page 3 of 3 pages Line 2 Public Works �., Voluntary Streets Project Street Name Name From To Washington -Coles Neighborhood full Improvements Burns St. Chipito St. Broadway Ramirez St. Burns St. Sam Pankir Chipito St. Burns St. Sam Rankin Chipito St. North Alameda North Step Chiptio North Staples Waco St. Ramirez North Alameda North Stap Ramirez North Staples Int -37 Waco St. M.L.K. Dr. West Broad Lake St. North Alameda Cabra Lake St. Cabra Winnebago Lobo Sam Rankin North-Stap Lake St. T.C. Ayers Park Sam Rankin Winnebago Brownlee Blvd. Sam Rankir Winnebago North Staples H.L.K. Dr. Overlay San Pedro Chipito St. West Broad San Juan Chipito St. West Broad Parker Alley Chipito St. West Broad Sam Rankin M.L.K. Dr. West Broa1 Coke St. X.L.K. Dr. Leathers 7 Page 3 of 3 pages Corpus Christi, Texas .Ps day of 91 % TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Jason Luby Eduardo de Ases David Diaz Ruth Gill Bob Gulley Gabe Lozano, Sr. Edward L. Sample The above ordinance was passed by the following vote: Jason Luby Eduardo de Ases David Diaz Ruth Gill Bob Gulley Gabe Lozano, Sr. Edward L. Sample 13174,9