HomeMy WebLinkAbout13808 ORD - 06/29/1977TEXAS: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION TO THE URBAN MASS TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION FOR A GRANT OF $20,000 FOR ASSISTANCE IN TRANSIT PLANNING WITH A MATCHING SHARE OF $5,000 TO BE PROVIDED BY IN -KIND SERVICES BY THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, ALL AS MORE FULLY OUTLINED IN THE APPLICATION, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "A"; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN CONTRACTS AND ALL RELATED DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE GRANT WHEN APPROVED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to submit an application to the Urban Mass Transportation Administration for a grant of $20,000 for assistance in transit planning with a matching share of $5,000 to be provided by in -kind services by the City of Corpus Christi, all as more fully outlined in the application, in substantially the form attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ", and that the City Manager be authorized to sign contracts and all related documents necessary to implement the grant when approved. SECTION 2. That the necessity to submit an application as outlined and to execute all necessary and related documents in order to implement the grant when approved, all as aforesaid, creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared that such emergency and necessity exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and a r its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the c{711 day of 19�. ATTEST: GM Secretary MA APPROVED: THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 28 DAY OF , 1977 : MICROFILMED J. BRUCE AY K, CITY ATTORNEY /� ®� l JUL 0 `I 1980 By / �--(.tl 4 Ass i stant lo Attorney OMR NO. SO-RO -1116 1. State Clearinghouse Identifier APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 2. Applicant s Application No. Ito be completed by UMTA) PART 3. Federal Grantor Agency 4. Applicant Nam. Department of Transportation City-of Corpus Christi ' Organizational Unit Department Division Urban Mass Transportation Administration Planning and Urban Development Administrative Office Street Address — P.O. Box Region VI, 400 Seventh Street S.W. P. 0. Box 9277 Nueces Street Address — P.O. Box City County Washington, D.C. 20590 Texas 78408 City State Zip Code State Zip Code S. Descriptive Name of the Project Transit Planning Assistance 6, Federal Catalog No. 7. Federal Funding Requested 20.505 $ 20,000 8. Grantee Type X State, County, City, Other (Specify) B. Type of Application or Request , X New Grant, Continuation, Supplement, Other Changes (Specify) 10. Type of Assistance X Grant Loan Other ISpecify) 11. Population Directly Benefiting from the Project 13. Length of Project 204,525 1970 Census, 221,000 1975 est 12 months 12. Congressional District 14. Beginning Date e John Young, 14th Congressional Dist. September 1, 1977 b. 15. Dat.of Application June 20, 1977 16. The applicant certi fin that to the best of his knowledge and belief the data in this application are true and correct, and that he will comply with the attached assurances if he receives the grant. Typed name Title Telephone Number R. Marvin Townsend City Manager AREA CODE NUMBER EXT. Signature of Authorized Representative 512 884 -3011 200 For Federal Use Only PART fit — BUDGET INFORMATION OW NO. 130-110.1t1G ' SECTIONA — BUDGETSUMMARY Grant Program, Functlon AtoFederal Act vrty (a) 1 -LIKA /Tech; Catalog No. (b) 20.55 Estimated unobliwtcd Funds Naw or Rcvisod audget Fodoral (c) S NomFaderal Idl $ Federal (a) $ 20,000 Nan•Faderal 111 Total 14) $ 2. 3. 5. TOTALS S IS 20,000 $ 5,000 S 25,000 ' SECTION B — BUDGET CATEGORIES 6. Object Class Categories Grant Program, Function or Activity Total 151 1i1 Tech Studies (2) (3) Id) a. Personnel $ 20,527 S $ $ 20,527 b. Fringe Benefits 2,720 2,720 c. Travel 1, 753 1,753 d: Equipment e. Supplies f. Contractual g. Construction h. Other I. Total Direct Charges j. Indirect Charges k. TOTALS $ 25,000 $ $ S S 25.000 7. Program Income $ ___ S $ $ $ ___ PART III — BUDGET INFORMATION Pane 2 OMO NO. SO ROf ?G SECTION C — NON - FEDERAL RESOURCES (a) GRANT PROGRAM (bl APPLICANT (d STATE (d) OTHER SOURCES (a) TOTALS B. UMTA /Tech Studies $ 51000.00 $ $ $ B 10. n. 12. TOTALS S 5,000.00 $ S 5 5,000.00 SECTION D — FORECASTED CASH NEEDS ` 13. Federal total for 1st Ycar 1st Quarter 2nd Ouartor t ` 3rd Quarter 41h Ooartar s 0,000 5 5,000 S 5,000 S 5,000 $ 5 000 14. Non- Federal 15. TOTAL S 25,000 Is 6.250 S 6 S 5 SECTION E — BUDGET ESTIMATES OF FEDERAL FUNDS NEEDED FOR BALANCE OF THE PROJECT [a) GRANT PROGRAM FUTURE FUNDING PERIODS (YEARS) (b) FIRST ld SECOND (d) THIRD (o) FOURTH 16. Is S S S 17. 18. 10. 20. TOTALS S S S SECTION F — OTHER BUDGET INFORMATION (Attach additional Shaets if Nece=rY) 21. Direct Charges: $25,000 22. Indirect Charges: 23. Remarks: TASK (2) (3) PROPOSED TASK BUDGET Transit Surveillance $12,500 Transit Marketing 6,250 Further refinement and testing of marketing strategies. Elderly and Handicapped 6,250 Refinement and implementation of elderly and handicapped transportation study results. TOTAL Project Cost $25,000 EXCERPTS OF UNIFIED kJORK PROGRAM, FY 1978 TASK (6.0) TRANSIT PLANNING Description: The transit planning work program consists of continuing planning activities in transit development and transit marketing, as well as special :studies in transit marketing and transportation needs of elderly and handicapped persons. The elderly and handicapped transportation needs study and the transit marketing study have been carried over.from previous work program years. The planning staff expects both special studies to get underway before the end of the 1977 fiscal year, but because they will not be completed until sometime in fiscal year 1978, they are included in the 1978 work program. Funding Requirement:* $25,276 Funding Sources: UMTA $68,221 cc 17,055 * Includes fiscal year 1978 application to UMTA requesting technical studies funding (Section 9) in the amount of $20,000 (federal) to be matched by $5,000 in local money. The balance of funding consists of technical studies monies earmarked for special. projects carried over from previous funding years. - 24 - Element (6.1) Transit Surveillance Objective: To maintain on a continuous basis a transit surveillance program for Corpus Christi. Previous Work: Corpus Christi Transit Study, 1974; Corpus Christi . Transit Development Program, 1976 -1980. Procedures: The transit planning staff will maintain and update a transit development program that is consistent with the long -range transportation plan, other comprehensive plans for the urbanized area, and short -range transportation planning developed under the transportation systems management element of the transportation plan. Activities will include surveillance and analysis of existing transit services; the development of alternatives for - improvements in transit services over a five -year period; and generation of information needed for long -range transportation planning and other regional planning. Transit planning activities will be coordinated with other tasks and elements of the Unified Work Program. Staffing: CCMPO, CC Agency Responsibility: CC Product: Process for updating the transit•aevelopment program for Corpus Christi. Funding Sources: UMTA CC - 25 - Element (6.2) Transit Marketing Objective: To implement the marketing program to be developed in Element 6.4). Previous Work: None., Procedures: The staff will refine the marketing plan and begin implementation of the marketing program that will be developed in a special transit marketing study. Activities will include identifying transit markets, implementing market - orientated service improvements, developing graphics and symbols to improve public information, and instituting a public information program. Staffing: CC - Agency Responsibility: CC Product: A continuing transit marketing effort. Funding Sources: UMTA f CC �+� . Element (6.3) Transportation Needs Study of Elderly and Handicapped Objective: To develop a feasible program to meet the transportation needs of elderly and handicapped persons in the Corpus Christi area. Previous Work: A study of Senior Citizens in Corpus Christi, October, 1973 and an interim report on existing transportation services for elderly and handicapped persons, January, 1976. Procedures: The study is expected to include the following activities: 1 identification of transportation services now provided to elderly and handicapped by various agencies; (2) determination of transportation needs and estimation of demand for new services; (3) development of system alternatives to provide transportation for elderly and handi- capped; and (4) evaluation of the alternatives and selection of the most effective and efficient system for the Corpus Christi area. The study will concentrate on making the best use of existing resources, and on management improvements to coordinate the services now being - provided by differenct agencies. Staffing: CC, Consultant Agency Responsibility: CC, CCMPO Product: A program for providing transportation services for elderly and handicapped persons in the Corpus'Christi area. Funding Sources: UMTA CC - - 27- Element (6.4) Transit Marketing Study Objective: To develop a comprehensive marketing program for the Corpus Christi Transit System. Previous Work: None Description: The special transit marketing study will identify public attitudes toward transit in Corpus Christi; establish goals and objectives for transit marketing; and develop a comprehensive transit marketing program to meet these goals. The study will identify potential transit market segments and types of service improvements to respond to their transit needs. Informational materials will be developed to foster a better community identity for transit in Corpus Christi, and a transit information program will be established to serve transit riders and potential riders. Staffing CC, Consultant Agency Responsibility: CC, CCMPO Product: A comprehensive transit marketing program.for Corpus Christi. Funding Sources: UMTA CC -28- Corpus Christi219.77 xas A'. day of IF TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Jason Luby Eduardo de Ases David Diaz Ruth Gill Bob Gulley Gabe Lozano, Sr.__�_ Edward L. Sample The above ordinance was passed by the following vote: Jason Luby Eduardo de Ases David Diaz Ruth Gill Bob Gulley Gabe Lozano, Sr. _ Edward L. Sample _ 13808