HomeMy WebLinkAbout13831 ORD - 07/13/1977jkh:7- 12 -77; 1st AN ORDINANCE rAUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT APPLICATION TO THE COASTAL BEND COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS FOR $36,400 TO PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION TO DEPARTMENT OF WELFARE CLIENTS FOR MEDICAL SERVICES, IN ORDER TO CONTINUE THE CURRENT PROGRAM FOR A 12 -MONTH PERIOD COMMENCING SEPTEMBER 1, 1977, AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE PROPOSAL, A COPY OF WHICH,IN SUBSTAN- TIALLY THE SAME FORM, IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "A "; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL RELATED CONTRACTS AND �. DOCUMENTS IN THE ADMINISTRATION AND EXECUTION OF THE AFORESAID PROGRAM; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION -1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to submit application to the Coastal Bend Council of Governments for $36,400 to provide transportation to Department of Welfare clients for medical services, in order to continue the current program for a 12 -month period commencing September 1, 1977, all as more fully set forth in the proposal, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A ", and made a part hereof. SECTION 2. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute all related contracts and documents in the administration and execution of the program aforesaid. SECTION 3. The necessity to make application for the sums described in order to continue the current program of providing transportation to Department of Welfare clients for medical services for the 12 -month period commencing September 1, 1977, and to authorize execution of all necessary and related documents and contracts to effect the program creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on MICROFILMED JUL 0 7 19$0 ..a the date of its introduction and that such ordinance take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the /3 day of July, 1977. ATTEST: � NCO Ci ty' Secrdtary lA ORPto:Tem THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: 3 DAY OF JULY, 1977: J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By Qt sist"Y�i ity Atto�rne CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICES PROPOSAL FOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FOR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE CLIENTS I. Proposing Agency Data Senior Community Services is a division under the Department of Planning and Urban Development within the City of Corpus Christi. The City of Corpus Christi is a municipal corporation and is the proposing agency for this program. Senior Community Services has for the past three years provided transportation services for the elderly. A fleet of eleven buses have been utilized for this service and it is this equipment which will be used to provide the service. II. Proposed Services A. Description ©f Proposed Program Services to be Provided Senior Community Services will provide transportation services to Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) recipients, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients and other Medicaid card carriers for' the purpose of receiving medical services. 1. 'This service is to be provided to the above clients residing within the County of Nueces. 2. This service is to be provided Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Special arrangements will be made when clients are in need of the service on Satur- days. 3. This service will continue to be provided under an assurance contract. More specifically a reasonable charge per month has been negotiated based on the attached analysis of total transportation costs. A utilization rate of 500 DPW clients per month has been estimated after an analysis of the first six months of this year's service to DPW clients. Refer to attached computations for monthly cost. 4. Senior Community Services will provide services to the bulk of the DPW clients utilizing the equipment available. However, other methods of transportation will be used by Senior Commu- nity Services that will include taxi for after hours and week- end transportation, commercial bus for out -of -town transporta- tion, Ada Wilson Hospital for wheel -chair lift equipment, other private carriers for out -of -town transportation. The contract provides funds so that Senior Community Services can reimburse for these services. 5. The number of clients to be served will be 6,000 per year. This amounts to some 500 DPW clients per month. 6. Persons eligible for this transportation service include Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Supplemental Security Income recipients and other Medicaid card carriers.' Service is to be provided in the following manner: a. The Department of Public Welfare will make provider's telephone number available to all clients. b. Clients will make direct contact with provider. -2- c. If client has no current eligibility card, eligibility will be determined by local provider by calling nearest DPW office for client verification. d. Transportation service is scheduled from information re- ceived from client. e. Service is provided to client. (1) Service will not be given to anyone under 18 years of age unless accompanied by parent, guardian or other adult escort. (2) In each case, a minimum of 24 hours notice is to be given for local transportation and 36 hours for out - of -town transportation. 7. Senior Community Services is not expected to utilize any volun- teer service. 8. There are eleven vehicles which will be utilized for this service. Six of these are 12- passenger, air- conditioned vans, one is a 15- passenger van and four are 8- passenger vans. All are equipped with two -way radios to facilitate providing the services. None are specially equipped for the handicapped. 9. The program requires a Transportation Supervisor whose responsi- bility is to coordinate transportation services for DPW clients and a Senior Clerk- Typist (radio dispatcher) whose responsibility includes assigning transportation, compiling and submitting reports. Other supporting staff include the Director of Senior Community Services and eleven bus drivers. -3- B. Concept of Program Operation 1. Program Objectives - All phases of Title XIX entitlements as per attached list are eligible for transportation services. 2. Program Components - a. Publicity - Publicity will be done through notification of all clients by DPW. b. Administration - Administration for the program will be conducted by the Director of Senior Community Services. c. Personnel and Training - The grant provides for one Transpor- tation Supervisor (part -time basis) and one full time Senior Clerk- Typist (radio dispatcher). Training to be provided by DPW staff, Coastal Bend Council of Governments staff and Senior Community Services staff on a periodic basis. d. Operations - All phases of program operations are already covered in Section II, Part A. e. Coordination of Services - Existing transportation services and equipment will be utilized. This will insure utiliza- tion of locally based transportation and therefore avoid costly duplication effort. ' f. Program Evaluation - The program will undertake on -going evaluation of service and monitoring and will submit periodic reports to DPW as required. C. Personnel 1. Transportation Supervisor - The Transportation Supervisor under this program will be responsible for the following: a. Assures contractual responsibilities are fulfilled; -4- b. Resolves all transportation problems; c. Maintains transportation services at an acceptable level; d. Provides direction and training to radio operator and bus drivers; e. Coordinates transportation services; f. Performs other duties as required. 2. Senior Clerk- Typist - The Senior Clerk- Typist under this program will be responsible for the following: a. Receives all requests for transportation from DPW clients; b. Assigns transportation requests to bus drivers; c. Assigns transportation requests to other providers; d. Compiles and prepares reports of services provided; e. Performs other clerical duties as may be required. -5- LU OAS BEND COUNCIL A�p�RNy16NS9 . TITLE XIX SERVICES The Texas State Department of Public Welfare, Region 04, recognizes the need for medical transportation services for Title xIx covered recipients. The Department, under the Medicaid Program, provides for payment of the following medical services to its clients: In- Patient Hospital Services Out-Patient Hospital Services Laboratory, X -Ray and Radiation Therapy Physician's Services Eye Refraction Podiatrist's Examination Post Surgical Lenses Certain Ambulance Services Chiropractic Examinations Skilled Nursing Home Services (for certified recipients u 21 years of age and over, except applicants whose primary impairment is mental retardation). Intermediate Care Facility (for all certified OAA, AB and APTD recipients, except applicants whose primary impairment is mental retardation). State Schools for I•fental. Retardation (any age if in an approved ICF-4R section). State Ml ntal Hospital and State Tuberculosis Hospital (for recipients 65 years of age and over in approved sections). Pharmaceutical Services Optometric Services Family Planning 'Early Periodic, Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Hearing Aid Services 1 Dentre Services 'J BUDGET FOR PURCHASE OF SERVICES PART III Summary City of Corpus Christi - Senior Community Services Agency Name P. 0. Box 9277, Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Agency Address TO Texas State Department of Public Welfare For the Provision of Transportation Services - Title XIX Recipients Descriptive Title of Services to be Provided Contract Period beginning September 1, 1977 and Ending August 31, 1977 Cost Category Total Reim- bursable Other* 1 Personnel - Salaries 2 Personnel - Fringe Benefits 3 Personnel - Travel 4 Office Operation Expenditures 5 Transportation Costs 26,400 26,400 , 6 Vehicle Cost 7 Other Total 36,400 36,400 ' �uDmission: epprovai: R:-Marvin Townsend, City Manager Signature /Title of Authorized Official Signature /Title of Authorized COG Offi Date Date TOTAL: Indicate the total number of consumers or units of service for which this budget is prepared: _ 6,000 clients per year CONTRACT: Indicate the number of eligible consumers to be included in the Purchase of Service contract for -which you are applying (or the number of units to be included under the contract): 17,560 * Costs not allowable by Purchase of Service Contract, or which are already being paid by other sources. BUDGET JUST,IFIC -ATION PERSONNEL - SALARIES City of Corpus Christi - Senior Community Services Agency Name See preceding instructions page 1 - A - Number of Staff for Posi- tion B Position or Title C Average Full- time - monthly salary D Percent of Time on Bud -- geted Job E Number of Months Em- ployed F Cost (AxCxDxE) (Total) Reim- bursa - ble Othi - INCLUDED IN COST PER CL ENT BREAK OWN (Continued) Total Salaries Costs not allowable by Purchase of Service Contract, or-which are already being paid by other sources.- BUDGET JUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL - FRINGE BENEFITS (EMPLOYERS SHARE) City of Corpus Christi - Senior Community Services gency Name 'See preceding .instructions page 3' Based on Total Amount of Salaries Paid (IA) Total Reim- bursable Other* FICA - required I _ Others describe INCLUDED IN COST PER CLIENT BREAKDOWN TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS *Costs not allowable by Purchase of Service Contract, or which are already being paid by other sources. i B U D G E T J U S T i F I C A T I 0 N OFFICE OPERATIONS EXPENDITURES (See preceding instructions page 5) City of Corpus Christi - Senior Community S&Vices Agency Name Description of item and Basis for Cost INCLUDED IN COST PER CLIENT Total I Reim- Other* bursable Total I� * Cost not allowable by Purchase of Service Contract, or which are already being paid by other sources. t B•UDOETJUSTIFICATION PERSONNEL - TRAVEL* (as exact an estimation as is possible) City of Corpus Christi - Senior Community Services Agency Name See preceding instructions page 4• Type of Expense mileage, food, lodging Purpose of Travel (Destination and Benefits to the Program) Total Reim- bursable Other** INCLUDED IN COST PER CLIENT BREAKDOWN Total *Out of state travel will be questioned. * *Costs not allowable by Purchase of Service Contract, or which are already being paid by other sources. 7 B U D G E T J U S T I F I C A T I O N TRANSPORTATION COST (See preceding instructions page 6 ) City of Corpus- Christi - Senior Community Services Agency Name Description of Item and Basis for Valuation Total Reim- bursable Other* SEE ATTACHED BREAKDOWN COMPUTATION OF PER CLIENT a- COST FOR ASSURANCES SERVICES GRANT 26,400 26,400• Total 26,400 1 26,400 *Costs not allowable by Purchase of Service Contract, or which are already being paid by other sources. r BU'D GE'T J S T IP I CAT I ON Vehicle Costs City of Corpus Christi - Senior Community Services Agency Name Description of Item and Total Reim- Other* Basis for Valuation bursable NONE Total ar Costs not allowable by Purchase of Service Contract, or which are already being paid by other sources. B U D G E T J U S T I F I C A T I 0 N OTHER COST CATEGORY (See preceding instructions page : 6) City -of Corpus Christi - Senior Community'Services Agency Name Description of Item and Basis for Valuation a Reim- bursable Other* B U D G E T J U S T I F I C A T I 0 N OTHER COST CATEGORY (See preceding instructions page : 6) City -of Corpus Christi - Senior Community'Services Agency Name Description of Item and Basis for Valuation Total Reim- bursable Other* Taxi Cab Company, Commercial Buses, Ambulance, United Cerebral Palsy, Ada Wilson Hospital and other providers. >> Reimbursement of Senior Community Services staff @ 15¢ per mile 10,000 10,000 Total 10,000 10,000 * Costs not allowable by Purchase of Service Contract, or which are already being paid by other sources. DPW TRANSPORTATION 1977 -78 ASSURED SERVICES COMPUTATION Pro Rated Local Transportation Costs 11 Bus Drivers, Grade 11D, $689 per month each $ 7,579 FICA @ 5.85% of $7,579 443 TMRS @ 7.4% of $7,579 561 Group Insurance for 11 persons @ $19.54 per month each 215 Workmen's Compensation Insurance @ 2.3485% of $7,579 178 Depreciation of Vehicles 367 Operating Costs Average 1,648 Maintenance Costs Average 1,491 Bodily Injury Insurance on 11 Vehicles @ $2.02 per month each 22 Property Damage Insurance @ $3.73 per month each 41 Total Pro Rated Costs $5 Divided by Total Riders per month 8,000 Local Transportation Cost Per Rider $ 1.56 Pro Rated Direct Costs Personnel: Bi- Weekly Salary for Transportation Super- visor, 18B, Feb. 1, 1978 to July 31, 1978, 13 pay periods @ $401 = $5,213 =12= $434 FICA @ 5.85% of $434 25 y• TMRS @ 7.4% of $434 32 Group Insurance 20 Workmen's Compensation @ .1683% 1 Bi- Weekly Salary for Secretary, 12B, Sept. 1, 1977 to Aug. 31, 1978, 26 pay periods @ $306.68 = $7,974:12= 664 FICA @ 5.85% of $664 34 TMRS @ 7.4% of $664 49 Group Insurance 20 Workmen's Compensation @ .1683% 1 Total Personnel Costs - Monthly $ 1,280 Travel: Food and Lodging, 3 days @ $22 $ 66 Out -of -Town Transportation; 400 mi. @ 15¢ per mile or plan ticket (round trip) 104 Total Travel Costs 170 Divided by 12 Months 12 Total Travel Costs - Monthly $ 14 Office Operation Expenses: Office Supplies Including Xerox Copies @ 4.6t $ 40 Postage 10 Telephone, Ext. 292 connected with City Hall Switchboard and 854 -4508 $98.50 Use of 1 of 7 instruments - 7 Total Monthly Cost $14.OT Plus Estimated Long Distance 15.00 Total Phone per Month 29 Floor Space Usage of 200 sq.ft. @ 25¢ /sq.ft. 50 ,,;. Total Office Expense - Monthly $ 129 Total Monthly Direct Cost $ 1,423 DPW Clients Per Month - Est. : 500 Direct Cost Per Client $ 2.84 Total Monthly Cost Per Client $ 4.40 Average Number Clients Per Month x 500 Cost Per Month for Assbred Service $2,200 , Number' of Months x 12 COST OF ASSURED SERVICE 9/1/77 - 8/31/78 $26,400 M 1.138.131 Corpus Christi, exas 13 day of 19 %7 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I. therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, R �o_Tem THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Jason Luby Eduardo de Ases David Diaz Ruth Gill Bob Gulley Gabe Lozano, Sr. Edward L. Sample The above ordinance was passed by the following vote: Jason Luby — Eduardo de Ases David Diaz Ruth Gill Bob Gulley Gabe Lozano, Sr. Edward L. Sample 1.138.131