HomeMy WebLinkAbout13865 ORD - 08/03/1977- y= —j cii:o -2 -77; 1st 0 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF TRAFF•IC_SAFETY FOR $162,042.16 TO CONTINUE THE - SELECTIVE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE PERIOD OF OCTOBER 1, 1977, THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1978, AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO CONTINUE THE PROGRAM IF THE GRANT IS APPROVED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE-CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Authorization is hereby granted for submission of a grant application to the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety for $162,042.16 to continue the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program for the period of October 1, 1977, through September 30, 1978, a substantial copy of said grant application being attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ". SECTION 2. Authorization is hereby given for execution of all documents necessary to continue the program aforesaid if the grant is approved. SECTION 3. The necessity to authorize submission of grant applica- tion to. continue the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program and to execute all documents necessary to continue the program in an effort to reduce 4traffic accidents, all as more fully set forth in the grant application, creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be . passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this theJA4 day of August, 1977. ATTEST: City Secretary MAYOR, THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS R ED: DAY OF AUGUST, 1977: J: B UCE AYCOCK, f ATTORNEY MICROFILMED By Assistant Cit Attorney 1865 �JUL 0 7 1980 TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CONTRACT " PAGE 2 O 2 PROJECT n ' I NUMBER rn t�.11 REPRESENTATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS, AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS CONTINGENT FEE: (check appropriate boxes) The contractor represents (a) that it ❑ has, 0 has not, employed or retained any company or person (other than a full -time bona fide employee working solely for the offeror) to solicitor secure this contract, and (b) that it ❑ has, is has not, paid or agreed to pay any company or person (other than a full -time bona fide employee working solely for the contractor) any fee, commission, percentage, or brokerage fee contingent upon or result- ing from the award of this contract: and agrees to furnish information relating to (a) and (b) interpretation of the representation, including the term "bona fide employee ", see Code of Federal Regulations, Title 41. Chapter 1. Subpart 1 -1.5.) 11. EOUAL OPPORTUNITY: (check appropriate boxes) ' The contractor represents that it W has, ❑ has not, participated in a previous contractor subcontract subject either to the Equal Opportunity clause herein or the clause originally contained in Section 301 of Executive Order 10925, or the clause contained in Section 201 of Executive Order No. 11114; that itki has, - ❑ has not. filed all required compliance reports; and that representations, indicating submission of required compliance reports. signed by proposed subcontractors, will be. obtained prior to subcontract awards. III. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM: (check appropriate box) The contractor represents that (1) it RI has developed and has on file has not developed and does not have on file at each establishment affirmative action programs as required by the rules and regulations of the Secre- tary of Labor (41 CFR 60 -1 and 60 -2), or (2) it❑ has not previously bad contracts subject to the written affirm- ative action program requirement of the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Labor. . IV. CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATtD FACILITIES: , The contractor certifies That it does not maintain or provide for employees' facilities which are segregated on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin, whether such facilities are segregated by directive or on a de facto basis. The offeror further agrees that he will not maintain such segregated facilities. V. The contract• recipient agrees as a necessary condition for reimbursement of costs, to prepare monthly and /or quarterly progress reports in a timely manner, and in accordance with instructions furnished by the Texas Office of Traffic Safety. VI. CLEAN AIR ACT COMPLIANCE: For all contracts in excess of S100.000. the recipient agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act of 1970. Violations shall be reported to OTS and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency. VIL PRINCIPAL PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: The location of the plant -or place of business where the item(s) will be produced or the principal services will be performed under the contract is: CITY Corpus Christi COUNTY Nueces STATF Texas Vlll. ASSURANCE. The contract recipient hereby assures compliance with all terms, conditions and general and special provisions for this contract, including attachments. SIGNATURE OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO COMMIT CONTRACTOR DATE •CONTRACTOR's PROJECT DIRECTOR DA 14arvin Townsend, City Manager W. C. Banner Chief of Police y f1AVE. TITLED. 0. Box 9277 P. 0. Box 9277 • - 7 Cnrnus Christi_ TX 78408 COrouS Christi. Ty. 78408 , N r TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CONTRACT STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY - OI S FORM A30 NEW 9/75 NATIONAL AUDI IN, T tAA3 lB /Ul PROJECT 31 1 5 STANDARD NUMBER F1 I PROJECT NAME Selective Traffic Enforcement Program - City of Corpus Christi BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT (FOR DETAILS. SEE STATEMENT OF WORK) Assignment of selected officers to established high - accident areas by time of day and day of week for the purpose of traffic enforcement. GOALSReduction of traffic crashes by 15% as METHOD OF EVALUATION (FOR DETAILS. SEE STATEMENT OF WORK) compared to 1977. Administrative Assessment; Data Analysis. COST CATEGORY AMOUNT FUNDING PERIOD AMOUNT SOURCES OF FUNDS AMOUNT ' PERSONAL SERVICES 162,042.16 FEDERAL (02) 162,042,16 CONTRACT SERVICES - ocT..DEC....:..: % 40,510.54 - GTsP:_........... COMMODITIES...... . JAN. -MAFL '........ 40,510.54 _ - OTHERDIRECTCOST APR.•Jum. ........ - .40,510.54 INDIRECTCOST....E62 dUL -SE? 40,510.54 :;` �` . ....... .. PROFIT......... LOCAL. .... . TOTAL 2.16 TOTAL. - 162 042.16 TOTAL 162 042.16 TYPE OFREIAISURSE.5IENT BASIS OF nTIMOURSEM.,ENr (FOR "ACTUAL REIMBURSEMEI.LUMITS LUMPSUM COST" CONTRACTS ONLY( OTS WILL RED,wUP.SL' THE COIANC70R 1. MAXIMUM AMOUNT EL10;P1��^¢�q III G U4 li) ❑ REIY_CURSEMEY.T II , ❑ COSTPERUiaYOFWCRK AN AMOUNT EGUALTO __Si OF ALL 2 NO COST CATEGDr.Y MY OOL''EXBEEDED Q"U""" COSTPLUSFDIEDFEE COSTS BY MORE THAIJSX 3. ONLY THOSE COSTS INCURRED DUr.INQ ❑ SPECIFIC RATES - OTS WILL REIMBURSE THE CONTRACTOR © THE FOLLOA•IN3 PERIOD SHALL BE AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO 19-0—% OF ALL ELIGIBLE FOR REIMOUrSEMB)IT: ACTUALCOST ❑X ELIGIBLE COSTS IN THE CATEGORIES IDamnz!D 10 /1 /77 - TG 9/30/78 IN THE STATEMENT OF WORE. 4. THE CONTRA MUST BEAR ALL COSTS FOR DETAILS, SEE STATEMENT OF WORK NOT ELIGIBLE FOR REMBURSEMENT - .r,iISCONTRACTINCLUDE3 6 ATTACHMENTS - ,- • IN THE EVENT OF ANY INCONSISTENCY OR CONFLICT BETWEEN PROVISIONS AND /OR REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CONTRACT. THE INCONSISTENCY OR CONFLICT SHALL BE RESOLVED BY ASSIGNING AN ORDER OF PRECEDENCE TO EACH, ACCOROIN3 TO THE FORM OR ATYACHMEI.'T ITS WHICH IT APPEARS. USING THE FOLLOWING ORDER: - - - 1. CONTRACT (THIS FORM) ' Z STATEMENT OF WORK (ATTACHMENT I) 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS(ATTACHMENTZ) 4. SPECIAL PROVISIONS (ATTACHMENT 3) - 5. OTHER • FEDERAL AND STATE REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES SHALL BE THE BASIS FOR DETERA.INING ELIGIBILITY OF COSTS • THIS CONTRACT MAY BE AMENDED ONLY BY "CONTRACT CHANGE NOTICES" EXECUTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH OYS POLICY THE CONTRACTOR IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO PERFORM WORK ON THIS PF.OJECT. DURUM THE PERIOD CITED AEOYE, SUBJECT TO THE Tam AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACT AND ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS - SIGNATURE OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO COMMIT OTS SIGNATURE Of PERSON AUTHORIZED TO COMMIT CONTRACTOR City Manager TITLE TITLE City of— Corpus Christi - --• - DATE CONTRACTOR - OI S FORM A30 NEW 9/75 TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CONTRACT ATTACHMENT,1 CTATChACA1T nC thInOV INCI UUF MIL LS10NE SCHEDULE AND METHOD Of E VAI UR IION I. The contracting jurisdiction, the City of Corpus Christi, in exchange for consideration offered by the Texas Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), will: A. Determine the high traffic accident locations from accident records, data processing information, and citizen complaints. B. Assign and supervise officers on an overtime basis in patrol at the determined locations. C. -Bear all costs not specified in II (A) below. D. Prepare and provide to the Texas Office of Traffic Safety two copies of each Quarterly Project Claim and Periodic Report, using the forms and procedures illustrated in Attachment 4. E. Prepare and provide to the Texas Office of Traffic Safety two copies of each Monthly Technical Report, using the forms and procedures illustrated in Attachment 5. F. Submit a final written program assessment at the conclusion of this project. G. Make program adjustments as deemed necessary from statistical and narrative assessment by the Project Director. H. The Accountable Assets listed in Attachment 6 will be transferred from OTS contract (77)5104 -OBK to this program, for the period of this contract, for use in performing the tasks herein described. II. The Texas Office of Traffic Safety shall: A. Reimburse the City of Corpus Christi for 100% of the funds expended (up-to the limit specified on Page 1 of this contract) for the following: salaries and fringe benefits (FICA and Workmens Compensation) for police officers, supervisors, and clerk. II. Method of Evaluation Evaluation will be by a combination of statistical analysis and administrative assessment. A comparison of monthly and quarterly statistical information to a three year average base period, and a final comparison for the total project, will be made. A narrative assessment by the Project Director will also be made. IV. Milestones 0 N D J F M A M J J A S 1. Project Start X 2. Submit Monthly Technical Reports X X X X X X X X X X X x 3. Submit Quarterly Reports X X X X 4. Submit Final Written Program Assessment X 5. Project Close X 11S FORM A3 NEW 9 175 1 P-1 t OG i Cr -act No, _ Attachment 7 Selective Traffic-Enforcement Program - Corpus Christi GENERAL PROVISIONS CHECK LIST The following provisions contained in "General Provisions for Contracts" - Form GC -2A, are hereby included as a part of this contract by reference: ❑r. I. Definitions Q II. Changes rr] III. Disputes [] IV. Conditions for Termination Prior to Completion Q V. Excusable Delays N VI. Non- Collusion C1 VII. Contract Period Established [) VIIi. Cost Provisions IX. Method of Payment (Check one) ❑ A. Lump Sum ❑ B. Cost Per Unit Work [j C. Cost Plus a Fixed Fee ❑ D. Specific Rates of Compensation ® E. Cost O X. Terms and Conditions of Pa3Pment ❑r XI. Inspection V ® XII.' Property Accountability © XIII. Retention ❑ XIV. Ownership of Data and Creative Material ❑ XV. Reports ❑x XVI. Equal Opportunity Fj XVII. Overtime Compensation XVIII. Convict Labor ® XIX_ Subcontractual (Applies to all Federal and Most State contracts) [x) XX. Utilization of small Business Concerns Q XXI. Order of Precedence ❑x XXII. Assignment, Subletting and Transfer ❑ X XXIII. Cancellation n XXIV. Contractor's Liability x❑ XXV. Save Harmless Q XXVI. Tax and Compensation Liability []x XXVII. Reimbursement of Eligible Expenditures [� XXVIII. Application of Hatch Act (Applies to all Federal contracts) 0 XXIX. Standards for Grantee Financial Management Systems ER XXX. Procurement procedures (Applies to Federal grants to State agencies and communities only) Q XXXI. Cost of Living Council, Regulations (Applies to all Federal contracts) XXXII. Minority Business Enterprise GC -2 8/75 Page 1 of 1 Selective Traffic Enforcement Program /Corpus Christi Attachment 3 Page 1 of 1 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Unless prior approval in writing.is obtained from the Office of Traffic Safety, no costs may be incurred after the end of the contract period specified. 2. No indirect costs and no contractual services shall be eligible for reimbursement. 3. All salary costs charged to this project must be supported by appropriate time distribution sheets. 4. Overtime charges must be supported by records documenting that the correct amount of overtime work was performed, and by whom it was performed. 5. Costs reimbursed are subject to verification by the Office of Traffic Safety auditor. Documentation by source document should be available. No matching ratio is intended for this project. 6. Approval of this contract is for the stated contract period only. This approval does not commit or promise to commit funding for any subsequent contract period. 7. Equipment purchased with funds from the Texas Office of Traffic Safety, for the purpose of this contract implementation and performance is subject to the con- ditions in National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Policy Memorandum Number R6- B -501A, which provides: If equipment is no longer available to the project through loss, theft, accident, or circumstance other than normal wear, it shall be the responsibility of the grant recipient to.provide for replacement of such equipment. If the equipment retained by the recipient subsequent to the project period for continued traffic safety use becomes unusable for any reason, the responsibility for replacement shall be the grant recipient's and shall be ineligible for Federal participation under this program. Pr- -duces 11/75 INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION OF A TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM PROJECT CIAIH AND PERIODIC REPORT SCOPE: This document provides instructions for the completion of OTS forms PR- 1,3,4,5,6, and 7, referred to collectively as the 'TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CLAIM AND PERIODIC REPORT' (Enclosures 1 thru 6). GENERAL% 1. Project claims and periodic reports are required under the terms of most Texas Traffic Safety Program contracts. Three types of claim /report forms may be specified by contract; these instructions chall be used if OTS form PR -1 is specified. 4. The OTS contract may require that project claims and periodic reports be submitted monthly, or quarterly, or one time (only). 3. The attachment forms (PR- 3,4,5,6, and 7) shall be assumed to be required unless the contract, (or other written directions from OTS) states otherwise, 4. It is recoawended that a copy of the project contract and all changes thereto be reviewed before preparing a pro- ject claim and periodic roport. PREPARATION OF OTS FORM PR -1 (Enclosure 1)% 1, FINAL REPORT - Check the appropriate block indicating whether or not this is the final report to be submitted under this contract. 2. PROJECT TITLE - Enter the project title as shown on the contract. o G-4 New 14/15 , , Page 1 0f 17 3. PROJECT NUMBER - Enter the project number, as shown on the contract, in the blocks provided. 4. MONTHLY /QUARTERLY REPORT - Check the appropriate block, If the contract requires monthly reports, the claim and report shall cover exactly ono calendar month (or less, if at the beginning or end of the project); insert the applicable calendar month and year. If the contract re- quires quarterly reports, the claim and report shall cover exactly one quarter (or portion thereof) of a fiscal year (Oct, 1 - Dec. 31, Jan, 1 - Mar. 31, Apr. 1 - June 30, or July 1 - Sept. 30)r check the appropriate quarter and enter the calendar year. S. EXPEITDITURES FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD - A. GENERAL. 1) Routine - Unless otherwise approved in writing by OTS, expenditures shall be recorded on a cash basis; i.e., a cost shall be claimed in the period during which it is actually paid. However, since all costs eligible for reimbursement under the con- tract must be claimed during the period of the con- tract, any allowable costs incurred during the con- tract period, but paid after the contract period, shall be claimed during the final reporting period (monthly or quarterly) of the contract. Example, wages and /or employee benefits for the last week (or month) of the project are frequently paid after the end of the project; they should, however, be Page 2 of 17 1 I claimed as costs on the last (monthly or quarterly) report of the. project. 2) Errors - In the event of an error in the amount claimed (either an overclaim or an underclaim) , an adjustment may be made on a subsequent report by entering corrections (which may be positive or nega- tive in value) . If an error is found subsequent to the final report, a supplementary claim may be submitted (use fora PR -1, with the words "SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT,' entered above the title). B. PERSONAL SERVICES, CONTRACT SERVICES, COMMODITIES, OTHER DIRECT COSTS AND INDIRECT COSTS - Enter the total amount* expended for the reporting period in the spaces provided, using the following category definitions: 1) Personal Services - Salaries and benefits of all salaried personnel (for time actually spent working on the project) , travel costs (fares, mileage, etc.), and other travel expenses (per diem or room rent, meals, etc.). 2) Contract Services - Costs incurred under project subcontracts** (including consultant services). 3) Commodities - The costs of expendable materials and supplies used on the project (prorated costs may be used if approved by OTS). *The project contract shows cost by these same categories; if match- ing costs are shown in the contract, include them in these spaces. If matching costs are not shown in the contract, do not include these spaces. * *Mast subcontracts must be approved in advance by OTS (see contract requirements. Page 3 of 17_ Y 4) Other Direct Costs - The cost of purchase of necessary accountable assets, computer services, rentals, other services, etc. 5) Indirect Costs - The percentage add -on cost authorized by contract (may include profit) . NOTE: Indirect costs may be charged only when permitted by contract. The requirements for sub- stantiation of indirect casts at audit are often more severe than for direct costs. OTS forms PR- 3,4,5, and 6 shall be attached (as appli- cable) unless the requirement for these attachment. has been waived in writing by OTS. C. TOTAL COST AND TOTAL COST CLAIMED FOR REIMBURSEMENT - 1) Total Cost - This is the sum of the costs, listed above (for the reporting period). 2) Total Cost Claimed for Reimbursement - This amount is computed on the basis specified in the contract; if the contract specifies 100% cost reimbursement, this amount will equal the 'total cost" (provided the total amount claimed on all reports may never exceed the - Maximum Amount Eligible for Reimburse- ments) as shown in the contract. 6. CUMULATIVE EXPENDITURES AND CLAIMS - Enter the sum of expenditures shown on this report plus those on all prior reports as cumulative actual expenditures. Cumulative actual claimed is similarly computed from claimed amounts. ._ Planned expenditures are only reported on quarterly reports or on the last monthly report for a quarter (December, Page 4 of 17 CT "M -m o CITY OF ADJUDICATION BY COURTS -STEP PROGRAM 197_ MUNICIPAL JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL COURT JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL STEP CHARGES FILED STEP CHARGES ADJUDICATED CONVICTIONS WITH PENALTY DISMISSALS REDUCTIONS r NOLLE PROSSED 197 COUNTY COURT AT LAW JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL STEP CHARGES FILED STEP CHARGES ADJUDICATED CONVICTIONS WITH PENALTY DISMISSALS, REDUCTIONS, NOLLE PROSSED PROBATED TO REHAB. PROG. PROBATED —NO REHAB PROD PAGE 2 of 5 T . ^ � ���arx�m� n . nowrn«m' # M/ �L �l L-L-L-L�-l-�L� SUMMARY SHEET CITY OF SELECTIVE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM xxOmT* OF197__ eEpoRrso Aoo-IosmTo . __---_- |mJuer CRASHES ........... ....................................................... ........ FATAL CRASHES ............. CITATIONS ISSUED _vuuRm|mso |ooUso ..................................................... orsp CHARGES FILED .................................................... .. STEP CMARoss ADJUDICATED HAZARDOUS xxo*/mo VIOLATION ................................. ... NON-HAZARDOUS VIOLATIONS To1rAL HOURS xYonmsD ........................ ... ..... —__—_' PAGE I m�L v "'HACT 41 \m�LL�LJ —M p TRAFFIC ACCIDENT STATISTICS CITY OF JANUARY 197 197 197— MAY REPORTEO ACC /DENTS (includes iy'ury — falals) REPORTED ACC /DENTS • (includes injury— lala/s) INJURY ACC /DENTS INJURY ACCIDENTS NO. PERSONS INJURED NO. PERSONS INJURED ND FATAL ACCIDENTS NO. FATAL ACCIDENTS NO OF DEATHS NO. OF DEATHS NO FATAL ACCID. FOR YEAR N0. FATAL ACC /D. FOR YEAR DEATH TOTAL RW YEAR DEATH TOTAL FOR YEAR IFEBZARY JUNE REPORTED ACCIDENTS Ordudes injury — falalsJ REPORTED ACCIDENTS (includes injury — fa/a/s) INJURY ACCIDENTS INJURY ACCIDENTS NO PERSONS INJURED NO. PERSONS INJURED NO FATAL ACCIDENTS NO. FATAL ACCIDENTS NO OF DEATHS NO. OF DEATHS ' NO FATAL ACCID. FOR YEAR NO. FATAL ACC/O. FOR YEAR DEATH TOTAL FEW YEAR DEATH TOTAL FOR YEAR MARCH REPORTED ACCIDENTS _ (includes injury — falals) INJURY ACCIDENTS N0. PERSONS INJURED NO. FATAL ACCIDENTS NO OF DEATHS NO FATAL ACCID. F07 YEAR DEATH TOTAL FOR YEAR _. APRIL REPORTED ACCIDENTS (includes injury— falals) INJURY ACaDENTS NO. PERSONS INJURED NO. FATAL ACC /DENTS NO. OF DEATHS NO. FATAL ACCID FOR YEAR DEATH 70TAL FOR YEAR 197 % 197 197. JULY REPORTED ACCIDENTS _ (Includes injury— falalsJ INJURY ACCIDENTS _ Na PERSONS 11MURED _ NO FATAL ACCIDENTS hV OF DEATHS N0. FATAL ACCID. FOR YEAR DEATH TOTAL FOR YEAR TRAFFIC ACCIDENT STATISTICS — cont. CITY OF AUGUST I97 197 197 FNOVEMBER 197 197 197_ REPORTED ACCIDENTS REPORTED ACCIDENTS (includes injury — tatds) (includes injury — fatals) INJURY ACCIDENTS IAVURY ACCIDENTS NO. PERSONS INJURED NO. PERSONS INJURED NO FATAL ACCIDENTS NO FATAL ACCIDENTS NO OF DEATHS NO OF DEATHS N0. FATAL ACCID. FOR YEM NO. FATAL ACCID. FOR YEAR DEATH MAL FOR YEAR DEATH TOTAL FLT YEAR SEPTEMBER DECEMBER , REPORTED ACCIDENTS REPORTED ACCIDENTS (includes Injury — lotals) (Includes Injwy — fatalsj INJURY ACCIDENTS INJURY ACCIDENTS NO PERSONS INJURED NO PERSONS INJURED NO. FATAL ACCIDENTS NO FATAL ACCIDENTS A10 OF DEATHS NO. OF DEATHS NO FATAL ACCID FOR YEAR NO. FATAL ACCID. FOR YEAR DEATH TOTAL FOR YEAR DEATH TOTAL FOR YEAR OCTOBER YEAR SUMMARY REPORTED ACCIDENTS -- REPORTED ACCIDENTS (includes injury — totols) (includes Injury— totals) INJURY ACCIDENTS INJURY ACCIDENTS — NO PERSONS INJURED NO PERSONS INJURED —� NO. FATAL ACCIDENTS NO FATAL ACC'IDEMS NO OF DEATHS NO OF DEATHS NO FATAL ACCID FOR YEAR NO FATAL ALVIO FOR YEAR DEATH TOTAL FLW YEAR DEATH 70TAL FOR- YEAR ' 1 CITY OF DISTRIBUTION OF FATAL & INJURY CRASHES BY HOUR OF DAY AND DAY OF WEEK TIME OF DAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY TOTAL 12 M. -'3AM. 3A.M.- 6 A.M. 6 A.M- 9 A.M. 9AM -12 noon 12noon- 3 P.M. 3P. M. -6PM. 6P.M. -9PM. 9 P. M. -12 M. TOTAL TOTAL FATAL CRASHES TOTAL INJURY CRASHES DISTRIBUTION OF ENFORCEMENT BY HOUR OF DAY AND DAY OF WEEK TIME OF DAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY TOTAL 12M.- 3A-M. 3AM. -6A.M. 6A.M.- 9AM 9AM. -12 noon 12noon -3 P.M. 3P.M. -6P.M. 6P.M. -9P.M. 9P.M. -12 M TOTAL Contract No. (00) 0000-01-1 ❑ SCHEDULE OF GOVERNMENT FURNISHED ASSETS The following items will be furnished to the Contractor by the - Texas s Office of Traffic Safety for use in the performance of work under this contract. The requirements of General Provisions XII and XXIV apply. UNIQUE TRANSACTION NO. ASSIGNED IDENT NO. DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER SERIAL NO. CONDITION 4615 -1 Radar Unit MR -9 Serviceable 4615 -2 Radar Unit MR -9 Serviceable Page 1 of 1 Form GC-GFA Rev 1235 SELECTIVE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries Officers - 8 hrs. /day x 5 days /week x $8.821hr. x 52 weeks x 6 officers $110,073.60 Supervisor - 8 hrs. /day x 5 days /week x $10.961hr. x 52 weeks 22,796.80 Clerk - 24 hrs /week x $5.631hr x 52 weeks. 7,026.24 $239,896.64 .Benefits FICA - 5.85% of $139,896.64 8,183.95 Workmen's Compensation Officers & Supervisors - $132,870.40 $132,870.401100 x 2.8737 3,818.30 Clerk $7,026.24 x .16991100 11.94 TMRS - 7.4% Oct. 1977 through Dec. 31, 1977 ($33,218) 2,458.13 7.7% Jan. 1978 through Sept. 30, 1978 ($99,652) 7,673.20 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $162,042.16 CONTRACT SERVICES Not Reimbursable Under This Contract COMMODITIES Not Reimbursable Under This Contract OTHER DIRECT COST Not Reimbursable Under This Contract TOTAL CONTRACT $162,042.16 SELECTIVE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI OPERATIONAL PLAN The City of Corpus Christi assigns police officers within census tracts. Each census tract contains several Patrol Districts made up of a few blocks each. Traffic crashes within five of the census tracts account for 29% of all crashes within the City's 37 census tracts. These five are census tract #24 (includes shopping center areas), census tract #19 (includes expressways, shopping centers, light business, and bar areas), census tract #12 (includes the CBD fringe area and many apratments), census tract #23 (includes residential, many apartments, and expressways) and census tract #18 (which includes expressways, shopping centers, light business, and bar areas). - Based on analysis of the traffic crash data, the following STEP plan of action will be implemented: 1. The Corpus Christi Police Department will utilize six officers and one supervisor per shift, or twelve offi- cers and two supervisors, plus one clerical person per day. The officers and supervisors will operate primarily in single -man cars. 2. The enforcement effort will concentrate on imprudent speed, failure to yield right -of -way, following too closely, and other hazardous moving traffic violations on days and at times indicated by the traffic statistic reports generated by the Corpus Christi accident location coding program. Initially the days of patrol will be Tuesday through Saturday, 7 AM through 11 AM and 3 PM through 7 PM. 3.' The City of Corpus Christi reserves the right to amend this operational plan if the program can be improved, subject to the concurrence of the District Manager of the Texas Office of Traffic Safety. Corpus Christi STEP Operational Plan Page 2 of 2- 4. The City will continue to operate the highly successful "Blue Light Squad" concentrating on Driving While Intoxicated motorists. . • F1' SORT? - - TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM L PROJECT CLAIM APID PERIODIC REPORT ❑ NO PROJECT TITLE (❑❑)❑❑❑❑-❑❑ ❑ ❑ THIS IS A MONTHLY REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF , 197- 0 THIS IS A QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 1 1 JFM i I AMJ fJ JAS 17 OND, 197_. 1. EXPENDITURES FOR REPORTING PERIOD (DETAILS ATTACHED) CUMULATIVE EXPENDITURES (TO DATE) PERSONAL SERVICES S_ PLANNED $ CONTRACT SERVICES _ ACTUAL S COMMODITIES _ OTHER DIRECT COSTS _ CUMULATIVE CLAIMED (TO DATE) PLANNED S INDIRECT COST (IF IN CONTRACT) TOTAL S _ ACTUAL S TOTAL CLAIMED FOR REIMBURSEMENT $ II. ACCOUNTABLE ASSETS LIST ❑ HAS CHANGED (ATTACH) I I HAS NOT CHANGED III. SCHEDULE STATUS (MILESTONES SCHEDULLD TO DATE BUT NOT PREVIOUSLY COMPLETED) NO. MILESTONE NAME PLAN DATE ACTUAL IV. NARRATIVEREPORT A. ACCOMPLISHMENTS (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS, IF NECESSARY) uia'umm vm -1 Htv ilii5 Continued on Back . RATIVE REPORT (CONTINUED) B. PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED (INCLUDE DISCUSSION OF MISSED MILESTONES AND CORRECTIVE ACTION) C. ASSISTANCE REQUIRED AND /OR RECOMMENDATIONS (TOOTS) V. PROJECT ORGANIZATION CHART E] HAS CHANGED (ATTACH) HAS NOT CHANGED I certify, that all information presented herein is complete and accurate in reflecting work performed under the provi- FOR OTS USE sions of this project, and no claim has been presented to, or payment made by, the United States of America or the Reviewed and ac- State of Texas for the costs claimed for reimbursement. cepted by responsi- CLAIMANT: ble manager /date. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE - APPROVALS: ` _ (To be used, asfegwred. by clatmanl) NUMBER OF ATTACHMENTS: Corpus Christi, Texas i 9_Z7 TO THE MEMBERS OF`THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance „ finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, ` N • .y - 4 MAYOR ' r , THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS ' w The'Charter rule was suspended by the ollowing vote: .� r Jason Luby r Eduardo de`Ases� w ti,•• David Diaz ! ' Ruth,Gil:ll , .�; r" Bob. Gul l ey ' Gabe Lozano, Sr. V r ` '.Fdward,L,. ;Sample - - - - -- 'The atiove ordcnance� was passed by'the following vote: ` ' Jason ,Luby , + SS ' , Y' y , � • it e r s I Eduardo de Ases � F +' gyp, •� F - °^$'' aDavid D.t z T YRuth Gi11'f r - ,9 • • i{ i � i f � t ii *�• 4 `i a 1'i .r • Bob °Gulley Gabe: Lozano, Sr�• ° "' �� - Edward L:`Sample*-,- ' •� -?865