HomeMy WebLinkAbout13879 ORD - 08/10/1977a , v r, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPLY TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY FOR ALL OR PORTIONS OF STEP 3 GRANTS FOR THE BROADWAY WASTEWATER SYSTEM, PROJECT NO. 250 -72 -1, AND THE WESTSIDE WASTEWATER SYSTEM,PROJECT NO. 250- 72 -11, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF SAID APPLICATION BEING ATTACHED-HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "A "; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to apply to the Environmental Protection Agency for all or portions of Step 3 Grants for the Broadway Wastewater System, Project No. 250 -72 -1, and the Westside Wastewater System, Project No. 250- 72 -11; the Broadway Wastewater System Grant is in the amount of $5,494,500, representing 75% of the total amount for Step 3 of $7,236,000, with the City's share being 25% or $1,831,000; and the Westside Wastewater System Grant is in the amount of _ $667,000, representing 75% of the total amount for Step 3 of $890,000,• with the City's share being 25% or $222,500. A substantial copy of the* aforesaid grant application is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A ", and made a part hereof. SECTION 2. The necessity to authorize the City Manager to apply to the Environmental Protection Agency for all or portions of Step 3 Grants for the aforesaid wastewater systems in order to complete improvements and bring the plants up to E.P.A. standards creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage,_IT_IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the ID af-day of ' This Ordinance is in effect ac August, 1977. j force with or without the signature of the Mayor, in. MICROFILMED ATTEST: accordance with Article II ry Se J � Section 6 of the City Charter.. UL 0 1 1980 City Secretary MAYOR APP THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS ROVED• D I � 7 J. B UCE YCUCK, ATTORNEY By 13879 ssistant Cit At orney 0 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that adequate flood insurance will be secured and maintained for the life of this project. #C -48- 1216 -03. R. Marvin Townsend City Manager City of Corpus Christi 0 2- 10 -77) Guide for Determining Completeness of P. L. 92 -500 Step 3 Application Name of Applicant: City of Corpus Christi Project Number: C- 48- 1217 -03 All documents listed below must be submitted through the State Agency in triplicate. Refer to the instructions accompanying the application when completing this form and the application. If an item is incomplete, your application may not be processed. DO NOT remove pages 15 and 16, Assurances, of EPA Form 5700 -32. This form (CG -122C) must be submitted with your application. C MPLE 0 --APPLICATION, EPA FORM -32 State App i- EPA Agency cant SECTION I, PAGE 1 A ( ) ( ) (XX') 1. Self- explanatory. - A ( ) ( ) (xx ) 2. Self-explanatory. A { ) ( ) (xx ) 3. a. Number assigned by clearinghouse. A ( ) ( ) . (xx ) b. Self- explanatory. A ( ) ( ) (xx ) 4. Complete each item. Item "h "•is authorized representative. 5. Not applicable. A ( ) ( ) (xx ) 6. a. Show: "66.41811. A ( ) { ) (xx ) b. Show: "Construction Grants for Wastewater Treatment Works" - A ( ) ( ) (XX ) 7. Show: "Step 3 project for building and erecting a treatment works "; and A ( ) ( ) (XX ) describe the works planned or being built. A ( ) { ) (xx ) '8. Self- explanatory. A ( ) { ) (xx ) 9. Enter letter "A" in box. A ( ) ( ) (X ) 10. Complete ONLY if project will serve communities other than community. doing construction; - A { ) ( ) (xx ) otherwise, show "N /A". A ( ) ( ) (xx } 11. Self- explanatory. A t ) { ) (xx ) 12. Enter letter "" in box_ (Rev. 2- 10 -77) 2 COMPLETED --APPLICATION, EPA FORM 5700 -32 State Appli- EPA Aqencv cant A ) X 13. Show source of all funds. A ( ) ( ) (x ) 14. Self- explanatory_ A ( ) ( ) (x ). 15. Show: "N /A". A ( ) ( ) (x ) 16. Self - explanatory. A ( ) ( ) (x } 17. Self- explanatory. A ( ) ( ) (x ) 18. Self - explanatory. A ( ) ( ) (x ) 19. C- 48- 1217 -03 number assigned by State Agency. A ( ) ( } (x ) 20. Show: Environmental Protection Agency Dallas, Texas • .75270 A ( ) ( ) (x ) 21. Check appropriate box; .A ( ) ( } (N /A) remarks entered in Section IV. SECTION II, PAGE 1 A-( ) ( ).' (x ) 22•b(1),(2),(3). List areawide and State Clearinghouses; and A ( ) ( ) (_ ) check appropriate box; OR A ( ) ( ) (- ) previously submitted and show "N /A ". A ( ) ( ) (x ) 23.a, b, c. - ,Self- explanatory. - SECTION III, PAGE 1 (To be completed by EPA) PART II, SECTION A, PAGE 5 A ( ) ( ) (x ) Items 1 and 3 are completed. (Items 2, and 4 thru 10 not applicable.) PART II, SECTION B, PAGE 7 A ( } ( ) (x ) Item 20 completed. (Items 11 thru 19 and 21•not applicable.) ( 2- 10 -77) 3 COMPLETED —APPLICATION, EPA FORM 5700-32 State Appli- EPA Agency cant PART III - BUDGET INFORMATION - CONSTRUCTION, PAGE 8 SECTION A - GENERAL A ( ] ( ) ( x ) 1. Shows "66.418 ". 2. Not applicable. SECTION B - CALCULATION OF FEDERAL GRANT, PAGE 8 A ( ) ( ) ( x ) Column "Total Amount Required," Items 1, 4, 5, 10, 111 12, -and 16 through 25 completed. SECTION C - EXCLUSIONS, PAGE 10 - ( 26. a. Exclusions shown; ( } b. Exclusions reviewed and approved ( •) disapproved ( ). Comments: SECTION D - PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING NON- FEDERAL SHARE, PAGE 10 A ( ) ( ) ( x ) 27. Applicable items completed. A ( { ) ( x ) •28. a. Shows amount of State Agency contribution. A { ( ] ( x ) b. Shows amount of contributions by Federal Agencies other than EPA; ie, FHA, DHUD, Reg_ Comm., or EDA. A ( ) ( ) ( x ) 29. Self - explanatory. SECTION E - REMARKS, PAGE 10 Show following as applicable: A ( ) ( - j a. Bond issue election is required before project can be undertaken; A ( ) ( x ) Bond election is planned for (date). A ( ) ( ) ( _ ) b. (Federal Agency other than EPA) grant of $ , or loan of $ Rc 2- 10 -77) 4 COMPLETED -- APPLICATION, EPA FORM 5700 -32 State Appli- _ EPA Agency cant PART IV - NARRATIVE STATEMENT, PAGE 12 ( ) ( ) (x ) a. Explanation of intended method of awarding of subagreements other than Consulting Engineer's. ( } ( ) (x ) b. Grantee's statement showing compliance with other applicable Federal, statutory, and regiulatory requirements (See 40 CFR Part 30 Subpart C). - SUMMARY OF COST OF PLANNED TREATMENT WORKS, PAGE 13 ( } ( ) (x ) All items completed in accordance with instructions on " page 14. PART V - ASSURANCES, PAGES 15 and 16 A (- ).( ) jx ) Assurances submitted with application. COMPLETED -- SUPPLEMEN S TO APPLICATION State, pp i- •A enc cant P) 1. EPA Form 5700 -28, State Priority Certification. x ) 2. EPA Form 5700 -8, Application Acknowledgment Card completed. ( ) ( ) ( x ) 3. Three (3) sets of plans and specifications. - ( ) ( ) ( ie ) 4. Preliminary Plan of Operation. ( ) ( ) ( * ) 5. Start -up Service Provisions. ( ) ( ) ( x ) 6. Form CG -16A, Site Certificate WITHOUT EXCEPTION_ ( ) ( ) ( * ) 7. Letters of intent from all significant industrial contributors attached (40 CFR 35.912 -12). 8. Contracts: ( ) ( ) ( x ) a. Copy of executed contract with consulting engineer which has been negotiated in accordance with the Federal Register dated Wednesday, December .17, 1975, Volume 40, No. 243; ( ) ( x ) Name, address and phone number. ( ) (N /A) b. Copy of other proposed subagreements. * This item will be forwarded at the appropriate time during construction. 122C 1. 2- 10 -77)• ' 5 ........ COMPLETED -- SUPPLEMENTS TO APPLICATION State . App i- EPA Aaency cant } x 9. Schedule of payments requested. (ILLUSTRATION BELOW MUST BE FOLLOWED). Estimated Estimated Amount of Cumulative Amount Payment Date of Payment of Payment Number Request Requested Not to be exceeded ( ) ( ) ( X) 10. Approval requested for force account work ( )yes ( )no (x )not applicable x ) 11.f Applicant has submitted a negotitated indirect cost agreement ( )yes ix )no. ( ) 12. State Agency Certification of Plans and Specifications - received CG- ( ) 13. State Agency Certification of application received CG- ( ) ( ) ( x ) 14. Federal facility ( )will (x)will not discharge into this wastewater treatment works. ( )' 15. Memo, CG -225, to 6AE on for review of NPDES permit; ( ) Received reply from 6AE on ; ( ) Permit modifications ( )is is not required. ( ) ( ) ( X) 16. Project located in DHUD designated flood area ( )yes ( x )no. If "yes," certified statement that insurance will be secured and maintained for life of the project. Reviewed State Agency By: __ Reviewed EPA By: Grant Assistant By: Engineer Date: Date: Date: OMR A.. I Nn, 29 -ka"/1 FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 2. APPLI• s. NUMBER 3. ST TE s. HUMBER CANT'S APPLI• N I TION IOENTI• TY 7n 8201m 1. TYPE ❑ REAPPLICATION b. DATEYrar b, ME Yba, -th day ACTION 10 APPLICATION CATION m.neA day 19 FIER ASSIGNED 19 (M ki.at: E] NOTIFICATION OF INTENT (OpL) Lm.• b.n) ❑ REPORT OF FEDERAL ACTION Bla.k 4. LEGAL APPLICANT /RECIPIENT S. FEDERAL- EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION N0. .. ApplianlHim. City of Corpus Christi 6 s b.Oramimi.LIM w SHmt/P.O. Bet = P. 0. Box 9277 PRO .. NUM3ER I6 I• I4IlI SI I6 b, TITLE Construction Grants d' G'4 ' Corpus Christi ` D° °4 ` Nueces CRAM (F,- I. Stab d Texas s. nP rod.: 78408 Fed.ral Wastewater Treatment b. Contact PNTD. (Nom. C"dop) & t.t,PAon. N..) : Gordon Irwin 884 -3011 Ext. 237 7. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT'S PROJECT S. TYPE OF APPLICANT /RECIPIENT � Step 3 project for rehabilitation or replace - A-Shb H- Cpmn.niy Arlan Almry' R- Intent,•. 1- HitbsrEd.atiawlmntatlam went of existing facilities which need repair Fubs (SymiJYlt, p RCNM and construction of certain new facilities in ,..td y FSthed Disykl order to produce a better quality effluent. `0. 10PoO'° 1C.ta aPPr.Prdaa bN.r© 9. TYPE OF ASSISTANCIL A-Snis Gnat D- latm..ea e- SuPPl -ul Crinl LOG. Snev ayyro. r; FL.. - 'print. M si IM AREA OF PROJECT IMPACT IN... .J cDI.. eenntisn. 11. ESTIMATED NUM- IL TYPE OF APPLICATION State. im SER OF PERSONS "m C- Redsim E- AutmenhUsn N/A 3ENEFITING 18,700 "IMat D- cenunn¢Drn SnMr .JTOY Tda fdGP 1& PROPOSED FUNDING 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF. 15. TYPE OF CHANGE (F It. w Its) " �O.ans. Daoll.n "the (SyreiJy): o-o:ur o rtum MIA E- pnc.11sb°n ' i.u, ayyro- "ist. Gttnr.) .. FEDERAL S ,OT a. APPLICANT 14 k PROJECT 14 b. APPLICANT .DD c STATE .GO 16. PROJECT. START DATE Y- wt_a,.y 19 7Lq 1 1 37. PROJECT DURATION 18 Nm.lAs d. LOCAL AD .. OTHER .00 1& ESTIMATED CATE TO Ys.r m."4 day 19. EXISTING FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION N11.11"T I. TOTAL BE SUEMITTEO TO FEDERAL AGENCY► 19 ' C-49-19,17-01 = ,ca 20. FEDERAL AGENC/'Ib RECEIVE REQUEST (Nan.. City, Slats. ZIP cod.) 21. REMARKS ADDED Environmental Protection c D s ❑ Ye. Q N. 22. .. Ta th. bat .1 m/ I- slod¢..nd b.110, b. It pnlrM by OMS Cfnuly A J5 this tpditallan xas nbmitted, Dunusn(W in• No,r Sc.Patue is Is 1. this prwDDikatlon /.pDliallen a .4"u- thad., is .Ppwi.t. clnrinNatsn and all Fnp.m4 w Mb d: spoa.s attscArd THE Ins1 and es ra, N. doamat M. bsm APKICANT CERTIFIES duly sutAal.sd by N. imstniN bsd/ d N. aFpliant aM Ib. .ppllWl rill conDtl - ❑ n)Coas tal Bend Council of Governments EI THAT Is. with Ns .ttadW aann It tln a "- W ❑- ❑ .na Is -FP-s& l3) ❑ ❑ 23. .. TYPED NAME RHO TITLE k SIGNATURE T. DATE SIGNER d.y CERTIFYING Fs REPRE. R. Marvin Townsend .. - _ x'ar m-& M SENTATIVE City Manager 19 24. AGENCY NAME 2S, PPLICA• Yo mall day . - RECEIVED' 19 23. ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT 27• ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 23. FEDERAL APPLICATION - - IDENTIFICATION b. ADDRESS 30. FEDERAL GRANT 31. ACTION TAKEN 32. FUNDING _ _ -Y.ar r...M day IDENTIFICATION -, 34. Yw -U, day, " ❑ AWARDED s. FEDERAL $ .00 33. ACTION DATE Is- 19 STARTING - ' DATE 19 ❑ b. RnECfEO . , b. APPLICAHT AO 35. CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMA- TION (N.mF and tdsylons numbn)_ Sri Yrar month, day - e. STATE ..00 ❑ a RETURNED FOR ENDING DATE 19 - AMENDMENT d. LOCAL .00 37. REMARKS ADDED d. DEFERRED - - - _ - - .. OTHER - .OGO ❑ s. WITHDRAWN •• - 1 13 Yea ON- I. TOTAL S .00 3& • In 411nt sbns sdion, ny -mta r T d fm. tl rin,h.usn s.n eaa- b. FEDERAL AGENCY A-95 OFnCML • FEDERAL AGENCY rdsre.. nspon.. Is du. undx Dnnsiw N Part 1. OMB Cneuiae A-95. it b., bmn a 1, bs�al nud.. • - - ' IN... and t,lspha.. _ -- _., M5 ACTION' ' _ :or Works •E PA F.rm3700.32 (Rer. 6.76) - - _ - - PAGE 1 OF 16• 'Pru.n -W by CSM FR .W.4 HMaaaPam -1 Ct 74-7 - - - RUTH GILL Coastal Bend Council of Governments August 4, 1977 Mr. Marvin Townsend, City Manager City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Dear Mr. Townsend: The staff of the Coastal Bend Council of Governments has completed its review of the City of Corpus Christi's application for Step 3 Grant Assistance from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to rehabilitate and /or replace exist- ing facilities at the Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant. In accordance with the CBCOG's Project Notification and Review System and the Office of Management and Budget Circular A -95, the project has been found to be of local significance and consistent with local plans and development objec- tives.. The State application identifier number assigned to this application is T% 708 20106. When submitted to the funding agency, this letter will serve as evidence that areawide clearinghouse review requirements have been met. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance in this matter. Sincerely, 4L� John P. Buckner Executive Director JPB /rmg- FILE: GA 74 -98 P.O. BOX 6609, SECOND FLOOR•PARKDALE SQUARE OFFICE TOWER, 4600 PAR KDALE DRIVE CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 78411, (512) 854.3081 x CG (Re.- L- 10 -77) `�=w Guide for Determining Completeness of P. L. 92 -500 Step 3 Application ` Name of Applicant: City of Corpus Christi Project Number: C -48- 1216 -03 All documents listed below must be submitted through the State Agency in triplicate. Refer to the instructions accompanying the application when completing this form and the application. If an item is incomplete, your application may not be processed. DO NOT remove pages 15 and 16, Assurances, of EPA Form 5700 -32. This form (CG -122C) must be submitted with your application. C MPLE D -- APPLICA ION, EPA FORM -3 State pp i- EPA Agency cant SECTION I, PAGE I ,A ( ) ( ) (x } 1. Self - explanatory. A ( ) ( ) (x. ) 2. Self- explanatory. A ( ) ( ) (x 3. a. Number assigned by clearinghouse. A ( ) ( ) . (x b. Self- explanatory. A (' ) ( ); (x ) 4. Complete each item. Item "V-is authorized representative. 5. Not applicable. A ( ) ( } (x ) 6. a. Show: "66.418 ". A ( ) ( ) (x ) b. Show: "Construction Grants for Wastewater Treatment Works" A ( ) ( ) (x ) 7.• Show: "Step 3 project for building and erecting a treatment works "; and .A ( ) ( ) (x ) describe the works planned or being built. A ( ) ( ) (x .) 8. Self - explanatory. A { } ( ) (x ) 9. Enter letter "A" in box. A ( ) ( ) (x ) 10. Complete ONLY if project will serve communities other than community. doing construction; A ( ] ( ) (x ) otherwise, show "N /A ". A ( ) ( ) (x ) 11. Self - explanatory. A ( ) ( ) (x ) 12. Enter letter in box. y C h 2- 10 -77) r 4 2 COMPLETED -- APPLICATION, EPA FORM 5700 -32 State Appli- ET A) Agency cant A U �- 13. Show source of all funds. A ( ) ( ) (x ) 14. Self- explanatory. A ( ) ( ) (x ). 15. Show: "N /A". A ( ) ( ) (x ) 16. Self- explanatory. A ( ) ( ) (x } 17. Self- explanatory. A ( ) ( ) (x ) 18.`'Tself- explanatory. A ( ) ( ) (x ) 19. C- 48- 1216 -03 number assigned by State Agency. A ( ) ( ) (x ) 20. Show: Environmental Protection Agency .Dallas, Texas .75270 A ( ) ( ) (x ) 21. Check appropriate box; -A ( ) ( ) (_ ) remarks entered in-Section IV. SECTION II, PAGE 1 A ( ) ( ). (x ) 22.b(1),(2);(3). List areawide and State Clearinghouses; and A ( ) ( ) (- ) check appropriate box; OR A ( ) ( ) (- ) previously submitted and show "N /A ". A ( ) ( ) (x ) 23.a, b, c. -,Self-explanatory-, SECTION III, PAGE 1 (To be completed by EPA) PART II, SECTION A, PAGE 5 A ( ) ( ) (x ) Items 1 and 3 are completed. (Items 2, and 4 thru 10 not applicable.) PART II, SECTION B, PAGE 7 A ( ) ( ) (x ) Item 20 completed. (Items 11 thru 19 and 21.not applicable.) cc (L 2- 10 -77) s 3 COMPLETED —APPLICATION, EPA FORM 00 -32 State Appli- EPA A.gencl! cant PART III - BUDGET INFORMATION - CONSTRUCTION, PAGE 8 SECTION A - GENERAL A ( ) ( ) ( x ) 1. Shows "66.418 ". 2. Not applicable. SECTION B - CALCULATION OF FEDERAL GRANT, PAGE 8 A ( ) ( ) ( x ) Column "Total Amount Required," Items 1, 4, 5, 10,-11, 22,-and 16 through 25 completed. SECTION C - EXCLUSIONS, PAGE 10 _ ( ) ( ) ('x ) 26. a. Exclusions shown; ( ) b. Exclusions reviewed and approved ( •) disapproved ( ). Comments: SECTION D - PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING NON- FEDERAL SHARE, PAGE 10 A ( ) ( } ( x ) 27. Applicable items completed. A ( ) ( ) ( - ) '28. a. Shows amount of State Agency contribution. A ( ) ( } ( , ) b. Shows amount of contributions by Federal Agencies other than EPA; ie, FHA, DHUD, Reg. Comm., or EDA. A ( ) ( ) ( x ) 29. Self - explanatory. SECTION E - REMARKS, PAGE IO Show following as applicable: A ( ) ( ) a. Bond -issue election is required before project can be undertaken; A ( ) (x ) Bond election is planned for (date). A { ) ( ) ( ) b. Federal Agency other than EPA) grant of or loan of $ I " C (0- 10 -77) ` 4 COMPLETED -- APPLICATION, EPA FORM 5700 -32 State Appli- EPA Agency cant PART IV - NARRATIVE STATEMENT, PAGE 12 ( ) ( ) ( x ) a. Explanation of intended method of awarding of subagreements other than Consulting Engineer's. ( } ( ) ( x ) b. Grantee's statement' showing compliance with other applicable Federal, statutory, and . regiflatory requirements (See 40 CFR Part $O Subpart Q. SUMMARY OF COST OF PLANNED TREATMENT WORKS, PAGE 13 ' { } ( ) ( x ) All items completed in accordance with instructions on page 14. PART•V - ASSURANCES, PAGES 15 and 16 A ( ).( ) ( x ) Assurances submitted with application. COMPLETED -- SUPPLEMEN S TO APPLICATION State pp i- EEPA )"A enc' cant 1. EPA Form 5700 -28, State Priority Certification. x ) 2. EPA Form 5700 -8, Application Acknowledgment Card completed. ( ) ( ) ( x ) 3. Three (3) sets of pla►is and specifications.' ( ) ( ) ( * ) 4. Preliminary Plan of Operation. ( ) ( ) ( * ) 5. Start -up Service Provisions. ( ) ( ) ( x ) 6. Form CG -16A, Site Certificate WITHOUT EXCEPTION. ( ) ( ) ( * ) 7. Letters of intent from all significant industrial contributors attached (40 CFR 35.912 -12), 8. Contracts: ( ) ( ) ( x ) a. Copy of executed contract with consulting engineer which has been negotiated in accordance with the Federal Register dated Wednesday, December .17, 1975, Volume 40, No. 243; Name, address and phone number. b. Copy of other proposed subagreements. * This item will be forwarded at the appropriate time during the construction process. C C (r, 2- 10 -77) ti Reviewed State Agency By: Reviewed EPA By: Grant Assistant By: Engineer Date: Date: Date: 5 .. ..................... . -- SUPPLEMENTS TO APPLICATION COMPLETED State . App i- EPA A enc cant ) Z x ! 9. Schedule of payments requested. (ILLUSTRATION BELOW MUST BE FOLLOWED). Estimated Estimated Amount of cumulative Amount Payment Date of Payment of Payment Number _Request- - Requested (Not to be exceeded ( ) ( ) '(x ) 10. Approval requested for-force account work ( )yes ( )no ( )not applicable ( ) ( ) (x ) 11. Applicant has submitted a negotitated indirect cost agreement ( )yes ( )no. ( ) 12. State Agency Certification of Plans and Specifications received CG ( ) 13. State Agency Certification of application received CG- ( ) ( ) (x ) 14. Federal facility ( )will { )will not discharge into this wastewater treatment works. ( ) 15. Memo, CG -225, to 6AE on _ for review of NPDES permit; ( ) Received reply from 6AE on ; ( ) Permit modifications ( )is is not required. ( ) ( ) (x ) 16. Project located in DHUD designated flood area ( )yes ( )no. If "yes," certified statement that insurance will be secured and maintained for life of the project... Reviewed State Agency By: Reviewed EPA By: Grant Assistant By: Engineer Date: Date: Date: ' S emn Annw.,., Nw .M1.fMrf I FEDERAL ASSISTANCE Z APPLI• HUMBER 3. STATE r. HUMBER uNrs APP LI• N/A nurLICA- IDEHTI• TX 70-820105 1. TYPE PREAPPLICATION b. GATE b• OATc Yrar moxtA dar ACTION ® APPLICATION CATION 19 Nor aoweA day FIER A131GNEO 19 77 Aug 4 (N-'k aP. NOTIFICATION OF INTENT (OpL) DPOron tr REPORT OF FEDERAL ACTION &L..A 4. LEGAL APPLICANT /RECIPIENT 5. FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NO. .. Apptla.nt N.- City of Corpus Christi & 6. ON.M.O. Uolt C St,.WP.O. Bw P. 0. Box 9277 PRO. c RUM9ER • s' TILE e. cla Corpus Christi` c-" eNueces jP _ I. Sul. ' Texas 142IP Cod"78408 Frdml Construction Grants b. Cantles PATa. IN— Caa1 s) Wastewater Treatment A „4.A,,,, N.,) a Gordon Irwin, 884 -3011, 237 �d 7. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION Of APPUCANrS PROJECT •. TYPE C G Step 3 project for enlarging and renovating the OF APPLICANT /RECIPIENT A-SLLn mni. adty Acttx ATme7 ' �5 ��� �� a��7la panel In,rlwtar� Broadway Wastewater Treatment Plant D °emu a r otw (Sp.tu »t. E -City FSeh.w OI1DIw t OHWeplt Pa1pa a"'.w4to 41to7 9. TYPE OF ASSISTANCE A-Buk Gnnt D-Ilaaranao B- S.W -.td Crant W16rr S 30. AREA OF PROJECT IMPACT 1Namr../ cULa, ro 9" �Ia., ]I. ESTIMATED NUM- 12. TYPE OF APPLICATION ' r4.) N/A BER OF PERSONS BENEFITING A-H. C.RW lw c4b m"Nou- - "..rd DI-Ub U. s 65,000 "4' °lm °Pluto 4w. 13. PROPOSED FUNDING 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF. 15. TYPE OF CHANGE (For it, ar U.)' .. FEDERAL b0 agar. Odd . F -0Ibu ISPro1Jr): ,0D r APP t- s FAOIFR 0. APPLICANT unww D..t u/A ' nUal .00 e: STATE E- Gaa1l.Ual .00 3& PROMECL START 17. PROJECT d. LDC1L DATE Yraratoxt4 day 19 DURATION M".tA. - Satrr cyy.o. Frdata 4tesr4) CO , a. OTHER .00 Is. ESTIMATED DATE TO - Yr.r -t& day 39. EXISTING FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER L TOTAL BE SUBMITTED TO FEDERAL AGENCY V. ]9 - C-48-1216-03 S ,00 20. FEDERAL AGENCY TO RECEIVE REQUEST (Naar, C.11 St.4, ZIP.rda) 21. REMARKS ADDED Environmental Protection Agency, Dallas, Texas 75270 ❑ Ye. No 22. .. To U. bast .1 .9 km l.dp and bdlH, b. It tq Ind by OUR Clrcal" A-95 Ibis .p I"Ilaa we au6mlttrd, p_ont to In• No rr- Rnyenra Fd.M 3 THE la Dis proopplkaUan/appllw0al - ta. and arts. Go d.amrnl b" bwn aDUWau tA"aln, b Approplia4 elrsla aas aad dl F "pane" an athebd: opoara at4aAad - APPLICANT d.y otb.ried by Da 1awm1"B bdy N (I) 0 CERTIFIES THAT b- - *"V"Il ad M awkul will amply dN N..ft kw uavaoas N tb. raid- Coastal Bend Council of Governments ID U iaa H rP".L 10 ❑ ❑ 21 a. TYPED .1 AND TITLE 6 SIGNATUII] - - u DATE SIGNER cFJtmm�c R. Marvin Townsend Y. , ...th doy REPRE• ' 39 - SENTATME . City Manager' ana er 24. AGENCY NAME - _ 25. APPLICA, Yrar ° wh d°y _ - - " - RECEIVED 19 ' 26. ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT D. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 28. FEDERAL APPLIGTIOH IDENTIFlGATION 27. ADDRESS - 30. FEDERAL GRANT _ 31. ACTION TAKEN 37- FUNDING _ ... Yw -tA day IDENTIFICATION 34. - V- -a C.y gE3 a AWARDED a. FEDERAL S .00 33. ACTION DATE 1.- 19 STARTING GATE 19 - q [3 b. REJECTED b. APPLICW .00 35. CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMA- TION (Nawr °M 1drPAOaa aur"6m) 364 Yaor atoxtA day a. STATE .00 1¢ a RETURNED FOR EttDIND O E 19 d. LOCAL - .DO 37. REMARKS ADCED- AMENDMENT - - ❑ d. DEFERREO - a. OTHEII L TOTAL S .00 ❑ f WITHDRAWN : 13 Y.a ❑N. 38. r.. d aErtd� aanlr ` TEDEM AGENCY FEDERAL AGENCY It i"nq Ii a: wqa pmiYw i, OMB Clrtuly �5, It Mr as"ph blot mwa oxd is yAO9iu "o)CIAL •- _ 'A-95 ACTION _• -E PA-F ora 5700.32 (R•Y. 6.76) -or Works PAGE 1 OF 16 •- - iTARWXO TORY a<a PAG. 1' 73) I.,umTad by GSA, FrdrrW 6f.wpr"ont CT!rd.r Tt7 -' - -- - RUTH GILL Coastal Bend Council of Governments August 4, 1977 Mr. Marvin Townsend, City Manager City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Dear Mr. Townsend: The staff of the Coastal Bend Council of Governments has completed its review of the City of Corpus Christi's application for Step 3 Grant Assistance from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to enlarge and rennovate the Broadway Wastewater Treatment Plant. In accordance with the CBCOG's Project Notification and Review System and the Office of Management and Budget Circular A -95, the project has been found to be of local significance and consistent with local plans and development objec- tives. The State application identifier number assigned to this application is TX 70 820105. When submitted to the funding agency, this letter will serve as evidence that areawide clearinghouse review requirements have been met. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance in this matter. Sincerely, John P. Buckner Executive Director JPB /rmg PILE: GA 74 -99 P. O. BOX 6609, SECOND FLOOR•PARKDALE SQUARE OFFICE TOWER, 4600 PAR KDALE DRIVE CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 78411, (512) 8543081 1216 PART II PROJECT APPROVAL INFORMATION F.—Apps.d SECTION A OMB No. 1584?0I3,C Item 1. Does this assistance request require State, local, Name of Governing Body Texas Water Qua14 t-M .Rcard regiona!, or other priority rating? Priority Rating #4 x Yes No Item 2. Does this assistance request require State, or local Name of Agency or advisory, educational or health clearances? Board Yes —No (Attach Documentation) Item 3. Does this assistance request require clearinghouse review (Attach Comments) in accordance with OMB Circular A -95? - x Yes —No Item 4, Doei this assistance request require State, local, -Name of Approving Agency regional or other planning approval? Date Yes_No Item 5. Is the proposed project covered by an approved Check one: State ❑ , comprehensive plan? Local ❑ - Regional ❑ Yes—No Location of plan rcem o, Will the assistance requested serve a Federal Name of Federal Installation installation? Federal Population benefiting from Project ' —Yes----No Item 7. Will the assistance requested be on Federal land Name of Federal Installation or installation? Location of Federal Land - Percent of Project — Yes —No _ Item 8. - - -- - - - - - - Will the assistance requested have an impact or effect See instruction for additional information to be on the environment? provided. - -Yes—No -Item 9. - Number of: - Has the project for which assistance Wrequested caused, ' Individuals ' since January 1, 1971, or will ifcause, the displzce -ment- -Families of any individual, family, business, or farm? Businesses Farms —Yes—No lterh 10. Is there other related Federal assistance on this See instructions for additional information to be project previous, pending, or anticipated? provided. - - Yes_LNO - Item 11. - Is project in a designated flood hazard areal X Yes —No EPA F.— 5700-32 (R., 6 -76) PAGE 5 OF 16 1216 iovm Approved OMBNo. 158 -R0134 i INSTRUCTION PART II —SECTION B 11. SITES AND IMPROVEMENTS: Not required, Attached as exhibits Applicant intends to acquire the site through: Eminent domain, Negotiated purchase, Other means (specify) 12, TITLE OR OTHER INTEREST IN THE SITE IS OR WILL BE VESTED IN: _ Applicant, Agency or institution operating the facility, Other (specify 13. INDICATE WHETHER APPLICANT / QPERATOR HAS: Fee simple title, Leasehold interest, Other (specify) 14. IF APPLICANT /OPERATOR HAS LEASEHOLD INTEREST, GIVE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: a. Length of lease or other estate interest , and number of years to rum b. Is lease renewable? Yes No c. Current appraised value of land $ d. Annual rental rate $ 15. ATTACH AN OPINION FROM ACCEPTABLE TITLE COUNSEL DESCRIBING THE INTEREST APPLICANT OPERATOR HAS IN THE SITE AND CERTIFYING THATTHE ESTATE OR INTEREST IS LEGAL & VALID 16. WHERE APPLICABLE, ATTACH SITE SURVEY, SOIL INVESTIGATION REPORTS AND COPIES OF LANDAPPRAISALS. 17. WHERE APPLICABLE, ATTACH CERTIFICATION FROM ARCHITECT ON THE FEASIBILITY OF IMPROVING EXISTING SITE TOPOGRAPHY. 18. ATTACH PLOT PLAN. ' 19. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE ESTIMATES: Not required,_ Being prepared, --Attached as exhibits Percentage of completion of drawings and specifications at application date: Schematics % Preliminary % Final —% 20. TARGET DATES FOR: - - - - - Bid Advertisement 1 December 1,977 Contract Award 15 January 1978 Construction Completion 15 January 1980 Occupancy 1 February 1980 21. DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY: Not Required Attached as exhibits Drawings— Attach any drawings-which will assist in describing the project. - Specifications —Attach copies of completed outline specifications, - (17drawings end specifications have not been fully completed, please attach copies or working drawings that have been completed( . NOTE: ITEMS ON THIS SKEET ARE SELF - EXPLANATORY; THEREFORE, NO INSTRUCTIONS ARE PROVIDED. - EPA Fe 570D-32 (R... 6.76) PACE 7 of is 1216 Form Approved OMB No. 158 - -80134 PART III — BUDGET INFORMATION — CONSTRUCTION SECTION A — GENERAL 1. Federal Domestic Assistance Catalog No ..................... . 2. Functional or Other Breakout ............................ SECTIONS —CALCULATION OF FEDERAL GRANT Cost Classification Use only for revisions Total Amount Required Latest A Approved Amount Adjustment +ctrl —) 1. Administration expense a IS a 30,000 2. Preliminary expense 3. Land structures, right-of-way —0- 4. Architectural engineering basic fees 66,000 5. Other architectural engineering fees * 15,000 6. Projectimpactionfees 58,000 7. Land development —0- a. Relocation Expenses - —0- 9. Relocation payments to Individuals and Swinefses _0_ 10. Demolition and ramovei —0— it. Construction andprojectimprovement 3,300,000 12. Equipment —0- 13. Miscellaneous ** 14. Total (Lines 1 through 13) 3,486,000 15. Estimated Income (ifopplicable) ' - —0- 16. Net Project Amount (Line 14 minus 15) 3,486,000' 17. Less: Ineligible Exclwiorts - - _0_ ' 18. Add: Contingencies 174,000 19. Total Project Amt. /Excluding Rehabilitation Grants) 3,660,000 -20. Federal Share requested of Line 19 - - -2,745,000 21. Add Rehabilitation Grants Requested (100)'ercend - - - —0- 22. Total Federal grant requested (Claw 20 & 211 2,745,000 23. Grantee share 915,000 24. Other shares - —0- 25. Total project (Lines 22.23 & 24) a a $3,660,000 * Includes proportionate share of 0 S M manual which will be completed during Phase 3. ** Materials testing by commercial laboratory: EPA Form 5700.32 (Rev. 6.76) - - - PAGE 8 O 16 1216 Form Approved OMB No. 158 -RO134 SECTION C — EXCLUSIONS Classification Ineligible for Participation 111 Excluded from Contingency Provision (2) a. $ -0- $ -0- b. C. d. f• r g. Totals $ —0— 1' —�- SECTION D — PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING NON-FEDERAL SHARE 27. Grantee Sham $ 8.5ecurities b. Mortgages C Appropriations (By Applicant) d. Bonds 915,000 *.-Tax Levies f. Non Cash g• Other (Explain) - h. TOTAL — Grantee share 28. Other Shares e. State b: Other c Total Other Shares 29. TOTAL S 915,000 SECTION E — REMARKS Approximately.$500,000 in bond funds are available and the remainder will be furnished by a bond election planned for 8 November 1977. Narrative Statement Project #C -48- 1216 -03 1. Because of the scope of this project it has been divided into 3 stages: a. Stage 1 - Construction of additional treatment facilities of the plant site which will increase the overall capacity. This construction will also allow the plant to operate at its present volume during the Stage 3 work. b. Stage 2 - Renovation of the Corpus Christi North Beach sanitary sewer line. c. Stage 3 - Rehabilitation of many of the existing treatment facilities at the present site and connecting them with newly constructed portion. Work on Stage 1 of the project will be initiated upon receipt of a Step 3 Grant and should be completed in approximately 400 working days. It is planned to do the Stage 2 work concurrently with Stage 1. 2. As a local political subdivision, the City of Corpus Christi has the legal authority under applicable statutes under the State of Texas to finance, build, and operate the proposed treatment'works and attendant sewer system improvements. The City of Corpus Christi has the necessary financial, legal, institutional, and managerial capabilities to insure the construction, ope- ration, and maintenance of the treatment works. The capacity of the City of Corpus Christi to build, operate, and maintain wastewater treatment works is demonstrated by the successful construction, operation, and maintenance of five existing treatment works in other parts of the City. These five existing treatment works have been in successful operation for a period of many years in compliance with applicable State and Federal requirements. 3. The City's consulting engineer for this project is McCaughan and Etheridge, Consulting Engineers, 302 Wilson Building, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401. Phone No. 512 - 882 -2691. 4. There are no proposed subagreements other than that of the consulting engineer. 5. The City of Corpus Christi has and will continue to conduct the project in compliance with applicable Federal, statutory and regulatory requirements as embodied in 40 CFR, Part 30, Subpart C. POT Appml I SUMMARY OF COSTS OF PLANNED TREATMENT WORKS MUNICIPALITY tApplicent): APPLICANT'S APPLICATION NO. SCHEDULED BY PROJECT AND CATEGORY City of Corpus Christi 1216 (Read Instructions on reverse before completingfarm) c­ .-03 �'Wn., ;a: a-,,. rex -'•�- sy'u, 'a. b. a d. PROJECT a TOTALALL 1• 't_tl'r'. °x� PROJECT SEQUENCE PROJECT SEQUENCE PROJECT SEQUENCE SEQUENCE PROJECTS 2. PROJECT STEP STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 3 STEP 3 3. ESTIMATED CALENDAR QUARTER/ YEAR APPLICATION WILL BE SUBMIT- j3�A 477 477 378 TED TO EPA FOR FUNDING NEW 2 a. CATEGORY 1 ' Secondary Treatment and BFWTr 3,660,000 2 688 00 b- CATEGORY Il - 6fore Stringent Treatment C CATEGORY IIIA Infutration/Inflow correction 960,000 4 CATEGORY IIIB Major Sewer System Rehabilitation a. CATEGORY IVA New Collectors, etc. 4. L CATEGORY IVB ' New Interceptor; atc, g. CATEGORY V ' Correction ofCombinedSewerOvernows R CATEGORY VI , Treatment and /or Control of Stormwaters TOTAL COST STEP2 %PREVIOUSLY FUNDED S 250 000 $ $ - $ S 5. OF AND STEP 3 PROJECTS b. PLANNED --.; s $ $ Qrn nnn $2,688,00 6. PLANNED BUT UNFUNDED COST ALL PROJECTS rsx,:. s %aa�..s�'iti ^^ ,, . qw•'� •:, 4 fi n gap, 4','; j; $3,648,000 GRAETINCLUDEO IN THE ENTIRE u•c y . ;J;•j»':,,' a*b8 ;'fie ; sg t�6;�,� "per ,- "' ' »is?3.:�"•"•" i'°' ^c. ,•+5.- 7. STEP I PROJECT COST 580 000 , ,,. .3 ^x•h -�". vx:` 3`�p;�,..:... • "..i:'-✓.. "••x:: 'w:2wS °i;,. w`:'&y:;'.•:' ;.re.::•.: •°. =-`,:� 't';'r�•:`�:_- ,....,i as.. S • PROJECT NO. C 7 1 1(, -0 __ ,;r':;s?• }" yy¢.i �,;' `r: n;.$d ,,�.F«' .,£ ;,.x: �;'^'?,s ;;°e :.v; 80,000 COST ESTIMATES OF PLANNED PROJECTS WERE COMPUTED AS OF .Trrl vA VQAR) AND REFLECT THE LATEST B. IM CONSTRUCTION COST INDEX OF 2601.7 AS REPORTED BY THE ENGINEERING NEWS RECORD. 9a. ESTIMATES PREPARED /VERIFIED BY 9b. REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY STATE AGENCY NAME (Pteoreprint) DATE NAME (Please print) DATE Obie Etheridge 10 August 197 ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION McCaughan & Etheridge, Consulting Engine s TELEPHONE ) AREACODE 1 NUMBER SIGNATURE - NUMBER 1 512 882 -2691 - SIGNATURE �� w� 9c. REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY EPA REGIONAL OFFICE NAME (Pieare print) O ATE !'S'/'/Y.i'ljrJ �p '%°1"•. • --= u: ,wtg�c °. ' - :,a 1.f•z xr tz,�;..; '- :5:m• �.rys �'�n #°.9';'�`. ;�f r4 �� s SIGNATURE ' s��'.,$"ar ,a9A•.I -;'�Pw -�. Y-'�� • The Step 1 project, if any, will be reported on line 7. " If no Step 1 project was funded by EPA, insert N /A. " EPA Form a1uU -J2 tKea. a -re) Form Approved - OMB No. 158 —R6134 PART V ASSURANCES The applicant hereby assures and certifies that he will comply with the regulations, policies, guidelines and requirements, Including Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A -95, and FMCS 74-4 and 74.7, as they relate to the application, acceptance and use of Federal funds for this federally- assisted project. Also, the applicant gives assurance and certifies with respect to the grant that: 1. It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant, and to Handicapped;' Number At 17.1.1961. as modified (41 CFR fine and construct the proposed facilities; that a resolu- 101 - 19.603). The applicant will be responsible for con. tion,Kmotion or milar action has been duly adopted or ducting inspections to insure compliance with these specific. passed as an official act of the applicant's governing body, lions by the contractor. authorizing the filing of the application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and direct. 9. It will cause work on the project to be commenced within ing and authorizing the person identified as the official a reasonable time after receipt of notification from the representative of the applicant to act in connection with the approving Federal agency that funds have been approved and application and to provide such additional information as that the project will be prosecuted to completion with may be required. ' reasonable diligence. 2. It will comply with the provisions of: Executive Order 10. It will not dispose of or encumber its title or other 11296, relating to evaluation of flood hazards. interests in the site and facilities during the period of Federal interest or vyhile the Government holds bogds, whichever is 3 It will have sufficient funds available to meet the non-Federal share of the cos[ for construction projects. Sufficient funds will be available when construction is completed to assure effective operation and maintenance of the facility for the purposes constructed. 4. It will obtain approval by the appropriate Federal agency of the final working drawings and specifications before the project is advertised or placed on the market for bidding; that it will construct the project, or cause it to be constructed, to final completion in accordance with the application and approved plans and specifications; that it will submit to the appropriate Federal agency for prior approval changes that alter the costs of the project, use of space, or functional layout; that it will not enter into a construction contract(s) for the project or undertake other activities until the conditions of the construction grant programis) have been met. 5. It will provide and maintain competent and adequate architectural engineering supervision and inspection at the construction site to insure that the completed work conforms with the approved plans and specifications; that it will furnish progress reports and such other information as the Federal grantor agency may require. S. It will operate and maintain the facility in accordance with the minimum standards as may be required or pre• scribed by the applicable Federal; State and local agencies for the maintenance and operation of such facilities. 7. It will give the grantor agency and the Comptroller General through any authorized representative access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the grant. S. It will require the facility to be designed to comply with the "American Standard Specifications for Making Buildings and Facilities Accessible to. and Usable by, the Physically the long¢-. 11. It will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L.-88 352) and in accordance with Title VI of that Act, no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin,be excluged from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the applicant receives Federal financial assistance and will imme- diately take any measures necessary, to effectuate this agreement. If any real property or structure thereon is provided or improved with the aid of Federal financial assistance extended to the Applicant, this assurance shall obligate the Applicant, or In the case of any transfer of such property, any transferee, for the period during which the real property or structure is used for a purpose for which the Federal financial assistance is extended or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits. 12. It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that Is or gives the appearance of being motivated by a desire for private gain for themselves or others, particularly those with whom they have - family, business, or other ties. 13. It will comply with the requirements of Title 11 and Title 111 of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Act of 1970 W.L. 91 -646) which provides for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a result of Federal and federally assisted programs. 1 14. It will comply with all requirements imposed by the Federal grantor agelicy concerning special requirements of law, program requirements, and other administrative re- quirements approved in accordance with FMC 7. 15. It will comply with the provisions of the Hatch AM which limit the political activity of employees. (Continued on Back) EPA Form 5700 -32 (Rev. 6 -76) PAGE 15 OF 16 M It will comply with all applicable requirements of Section 13 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (P.L 92.500), if the grant is available under any grant authority of that Act, which provides that no person in the United States shall, on the ground of sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or EPA Farm 570032 (Rev. 6 -76) Form Approved OHS No. 158 -RO134 be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity under the said Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments for which the applicant received financial assistance and will take all necessary measures to effectuate this agreement. PAGE 16 OF 16 APPLICANT: The upper half of this card will be used to acknowledge receipt of your application /propo S2L The lower half will be the source of data for computer entry. Complete all entries (except as Indicated) including your address on reverse. DO NOT SEPARATE. RETURN ENTIRE CARD WITH YOUR APPLICATION /PROPOSAL. TITLE OF PROPOSED PROJECT Broadway Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements Project #C -48- 1216 -03 FOR STATUS INFORMATION CONCERNING YOUR APPLICATION PROPOSAL CONTACT THE GRANTS INFORMATION BRANCH GRANTS AOMI ISTRATI OPI DIVISION, EPA, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20406, PHOI�E202- 155.2830 FORtPAUSEONLY ^`• SUBMITTEDBY City of Corpus Christi QRAt17 /PRatECS NO l� 78408 14th Congressional District Corpus Christi, Texas DATE R1:LEI VED •' 'NOTE: Acontrol number has been assigned which MUST be used for ALL future reference to your application /proposal. EPA Form 5700- 8(Rov. 672) GRANT APPLICATION /PROPOSAL RECEIPT .. ...... ...... .. .... ..... .. ....... . . ..... ..... _. fireltNI�L INVESTIGATOR /PROJECT DIRECTOR(Last, Townsend. R. Marvin FO(; EPA USEDNLY'•,.L NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT (Include city, county, etete, 27P code and eongros 1-1 die PA GRANT /PROJECT.NGr., City of Corpus•Christi, P.O. Box 9277 ?E OATr9ECEIVEO. Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas TYPE(Cheekano) 78408 14th Congressional District E] NEW E CONTINUATION OF; (Current Grant No.) EPA SHARE REQUESTED FOR THIS BUDGET PERIOD $2,745,000.00 TITLE OF PROPOSED PROJECT Broadway Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements { U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1973 -72a- 672/1315 3 -1 L U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON. D.C. 20460 'e, ...,e.� OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE. AN EgUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER City of Corpus Christi Dept. of Engineering I and Physical Development P.O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 1 CG -16a (Rev. 7- 30 -74) CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the City of Corpus Christi (Legal name of pp scant; i.e., Cityi District, etc. acquired•on various dates - see attached (except as described below), Date all the site, easements and rights -of -way necessary for the construction,.opera- tion of a certain wastewater facilities described as Project No. C -48- 1216 -03 by the Environmental Protection Agency and any deeds or documents required to be recorded to protect the title(s) held by City of Corpus Christi Legal name of Applicant; i.e., City, District; etc. have been duly recorded or filed for record wherever necessary. (If any sites, easements, and rights -of -way have not yet been acquired, explain the proposed method of and time required for acquisition. Describe applicable legal requirements and authority.) (A supplemental site certificate to cover all exceptions noted will be necessary before the requirement of a site certificate will be satisfied.) The City of Corpus Christi Legal name.of Applicant; i.e., City, District, etc. has the right of eminent domain and will take condemnation action, if necessary, to acquire any remaining right -of -way which may be required for this project:. EXECUTED this 5th day of August 1977 Signature R. W. Coffin Assistant.. Ci Title NOTE: This certificate MUST BE EXECUTED BY AN ATTORNEY-OR AN ABSTRACTOR qualified to evaluate the Applicant's interest in the site and make such a determina- tion. RIGHT -OF -WAY CERTIFICATE Summary of Site Acquisition Date of Legal Acquisition Recording Description Purchased Vol. 68,pg. 260 Fractional Blk. 39 April 3, 1911 N.C.T. Deed Rea. Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 106, pg. 232 Fractional Lots 9 & 10, January 8, 1915 N.C.T. Deed Rea. Blk_ 40, Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 143, pg. 425 All of Lot 1, Elk. 39 October 11, 1923 N.C.T. Deed Rea. Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 183, pg. 118 Lots 7 & 8, Elk. 40 December 4, 1928 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 225, pg. 69 Un'd 2/3 last. in Lots 3 May 20, 1936 N.C.T. Deed Rec. & 7 to 11 incl. Blk. 46 Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 224, pg. 177 Lots 1 & 2, Elk. 46 May 21, 1936 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 221, pg. 254 Lot 5, Elk. 46 May 21, 1936 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 221, pg. 256 Lot 12, Elk. 46 May 21, 1936 N.C.T. Deed Rea. Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 221, pg. 255 Lot 6, Elk. 46 May 27, 1936 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Beach Portion \ Purchased Vol. 225, pg. 68 Un'd. 1/3 intst. "in Lots 3 June 11, 1936 N.C.T. Deed Rec. & 7 to incl. Elk. 46 Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 223, pg. 162 Lot 4, Elk. 46 June 11, 1936 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 222, pg. 475 Lot 3, Elk. 47 December 1, 1936 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 222,pg. 479 Lot 10, Elk. 47 December 1, 1936 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 226, pg. 569 Lots 1,2,11.& 12, February 16, 1937 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Elk. 47, Beach Portion ;., Right- of -?-lay Certificate ' y of Site Acquisition' _ o. 2 Date of Legal Accuisi.tion Recording Description Purchased Vol. 236, pg. 154 Lot 9, Blk. 4o January 15, 1938 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 236, pg. 200 All of Blks. 56 & 65 January 22, 1938 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 243, pg. 406 The E. 90' of Block December 17, 1938 N.C.T. Deed Rec. 53, Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 252, pg. 601 An of Blks. 56 & 65 * 2ebruary 28, 1939 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 282, pg. 438 Lots 4,5,6,9,10, & 12 August 13, 1942 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Blk- 57, Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 283, pg. 160 Lots 8 & 9, Blk. 47, August 15, 1942 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Lots 2,7,8 & 11, Blk. 57 Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 282, pg. 440 Lot 5, Blk. 47 August 15, 1942 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 282, pg. 439 Lots 7,8,9,10,11 & 12, August 17, 1942 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Blk.. 58, Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 283, pg. 159 Lot 6, Blk. 47, Lot 1 August 25, 1942 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Blk. 57, Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 282, pg. 440 Lot 4, Blk. 47 August 26, 1942 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 288, pg. 622 Lots 7,8 & 9, Blk. 48 October 28, 1942 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 295, pg. 63 Lot 7, Blk. 47 August 13, 1943 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Beach Portion Purchased Vol. 546, pg. 232 Lot 3, Blk. 57 March 12, 1952 N.C.T. Deed Rec. Beach Portion Date assumed. Note Feb. 31st on acknowledgement NQ�za: P11 deed or related documents necessary for title have been recorded in Nueces County, Texas, County Clerks Office, Deed of Records. Payment Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Estimated Date of Request 15 March 1978 15 April 1978 15 May 1978 15 June 1978 15 July 1978 15 August 1978 15 September 1978 15 October 1978 15 November 1978 15 December 1978 15 January 1979 15 February 1979 15 March 1979 15 April 1979 15 May 1979 15 June 1979 15 July 1979 15 August 1979 15 September 1979 15 October 1979 15 November 1979 15 December 1979 15 January 1980 15 February 1980 Estimated Amount of Payment Requested $114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 114,375 Cumulative Amount of Payment 114,375 228,750 343,125 457,500 571,875 686,250 800,625 915,000 1,029,375 1,143,750 1,258,125 1,372,500 1,486,875 1,601,250 1,715,625 1,830,000 1,944,375 2,058,750 2,173,125 2,287,500 2,401,875 2,516,250 2,630,625 2,745,000 \ CERTIFICATION OF ENGINEERING ADEQUACY This certifies that I, y R. Marvin Townsend of Authorized Representative .- h Cit of Cor us Christi am satisfied with the qualifi- (Applicant cations and performance Of McCamghan_6 Ethridge who performed all or an —Firm name of Consultinq Engineers) y part of the Step 1 and 2 work, on our project C -48'- 1216 _03 1 or 2 preceding step The engineer has t" the capacity to perform the subse u quentsteps and we desire that the same engineer Provide architectural or engineering services for the subsequent step grant. _R. Marvin Townsend City Manager Signed by Authorized Reoresentative 1217 PART 11 PROJECT APPROVAL INFORMATION Fo— Approved SECTION A OMB No. 158•RO134 " Item 1. Does this assistance request require State, local, Name of Governing Body Texac Water Qmg 11 t-T Rnard regional, or other priority rating? Priority Rating #9 x Yes No Item 2. Does this assistance request require State, or local Name of Agency or advisory, educational or health clearances? Board --Yes—NO (Attach Documentation) Item 3. Does this assistance request require clearinghouse review (Attach Comments) in accordance with OMB Circular A -95? - Yes —No Item 4. Does this assistance request require S_ tate, local, Name of Approving Agency regional or other planning approval? Date -Yes---No Is the proposed project covered by an approved Check one: State ❑ comprehensive plan? Local ❑ Regional O —Yes--No Location of plan Item 6. Will the assistance requested serve a Federal Name of Federal Installation installation? Federal Population benefiting Irom Project- • —Yes---No Item 7. Will the assistance requested be on Federal land Name of Federal Installation or installation? . Location of Federal Land Percent of Project —Yes— No Item 8. - - - Will the assistance requested have an impact or effect See instruction for additional information to be on the environment? provided. —Yes—No Item 9.. . Number of: Has the project for which assistance is requested caused, ' Individuals- since January 1, 1971; or will it cause, the displacement Families of any individual, family, business, or farm? Businesses Farms —Yes—NO Item 10 . Is there other related Federal assistance on this See instructions for additional information to be project previous, pending, or anticipated? provided. - - - —Yes---No Item 11. Is project in a designated flood hazard area? —Yes-2&—No EPA Fwm 5700-32 (Rsr. 6.76) -. . - PAGE 5 OF 16 r - 1217 ` Form Approved OMBNa 758 -R0134 INSTRUCTION PART II — SECTION B 11. SITES AND IMPROVEMENTS: Not required, Attached as exhibits Applicant intends to acquire the site through: Eminent domain, Negotiated purchase, Other means (specify) 12. TITLE OR OTHER INTEREST IN THE SITE ISOR WILL BE VESTED IN: Applicant, Agency or institution operating the facility, Other (specify 13. INDICATE WHETHER APPLICANT /QPERATOR HAS: Fee simple title, Leasehold interest, Other (specify) 14. IF APPLICANT /OPERATOR HAS LEASEHOLD INTEREST, GIVE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: a. Length of lease or other estate interest , and number of years to run - b. Is lease renewable? Yes No c. Current appraised value of land S d. Annual rental rate 15. ATTACH AN OPINION FROM ACCEPTABLE TITLE COUNSEL DESCRIBING THE INTEREST APPLICANT OPERATOR HAS IN THE SITE AND CERTIFYING THAT THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IS LEGAL & VALID 16. WHERE APPLICABLE, ATTACH SITE SURVEY, SOIL INVESTIGATION REPORTS AND COPIES OF LAND APPRAISALS. 17. WHERE APPLICABLE, ATTACH CERTIFICATION FROM ARCHITECT ON THE FEASIBILITY OF IMPROVING EXISTING SITE TOPOGRAPHY. 18. ATTACH PLOT PLAN. - - - 19. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE ESTIMATES: Not required,_ Being prepared, —Attached as exhibits Percentage of completion of drawings and specifications at application date: Schematics % Preliminary % Final —% 20.- TARGET DATES -FOR: • - _ Bid Advertisement 1 November 1977 Contract Award 15 December 1977 Construction Completion 15 June 1979 1 Occupancy 15 June 1979 21. DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY: Not Required Attached as exhibits Drawings — Attach any drawings which will assist in describing the project. - - Specifications —Attach copies of completed outline specifications. - - (ifdrawingsand specifications have nor been fully completed, please attach copies or xorking drawings that have been completed.) _ NOTE: ITEMS ON THIS SHEET ARE SELF- EXPLANATORV;THEREFORE,NO INSTRUCTIONS ARE PROVIDED_ _ EPA Form 57ON32 (Rev. 6.76) - - PAGE 7 O te- 1217 • e Form Approved OMB No. 138•ROf34 PART 111 — BUDGET INFORMATION — CONSTRUCTION SECTION A — GENERAL 1. Federal Domestic Assistance Catalog No ..................... 66.148 2 Functional or Other Breakout ............................ SECTION B — CALCULATION OF FEDERAL GRANT Cost Cla sifi ation Use only for revision Total Amount Required Latest Approved Amount Adjustment ♦or 1 -1 1. Administration expense $ S $ 2. Proliminaryexpense 3. Land structures, right Ofw y r 4. Architectural engineering basic fees . 18 000 5. Other architectural engineering fen ii -nnn 6. Project inspection law Staking & Inspect on 25,500 7. Land development 6. Relocation Expenses 9. Relocation payments to Individuals and Businesses 10. Demolition and removal 11. Construction and project improvement 770,000 12. Equipment 13. Miscellaneous slit 14• Total (Lines 1 through 13) 15. Estimated Income (ifapplicable) 16. Net Project Amount (Line 14 minus 151 834 000 17. Len: Ineligible Exclusions 18. Add: Contingencies 42,000 19. Total Project Amt. (Excluding Rehabilitation Grants) 876,000 20. Federal Share requested of Line 19 21. Add Rehabilitation Grants Requested 1100Percent) 22. Total Federal grant requested (Line 20 & 21) 657,000 23. Granteeshare 219,000 24. Othersharn 25. Total project (Lines 22,23 & 24) $ $ $ $76 QQQ * Preparation of Operation and Maintenance Manual and supervision of plant start —up ** Testing by commercial laboratory. E PA Form 5700.32 (R.v. 6.76) PAGE 8 OF 16 1217 Form Approved OMB No. 758 -RO134 SECTION C — EXCLUSIONS Classification Ineligible for (s) (1) Excluded from Contingency Provision (21 a. $ -0- $ -0- b. C. d. f. g. Totels S —0— S —0- ' SECTION D — PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING NON - FECERAL SHARE _ 27. Grantee Sham $ a.Securitias It. Mortgage - ' e Appropriations (BY Applicant) d. Bonds 21L O00 e. Tax Levies - - f. Non Cash - 9. Other (Explain) It, TOTAL — Grantee share 28. Other Shares a. State b: Other e. Total Other Shares ' 29. TOTAL - -- - S 219 000 SECTION E — REMARKS Bond election is planned for 8 November 1977. EPA F— 370"2 (R-1- 6.761 PART( V PROGRAM NAKRAI the f—acn —ace .nswv�...+...7 •.. -- Narrative Statement Project #C -48- 1217 -03 1. Work on the project will be initiated upon receipt of a Step 3 Grant and it is estimated that the project will be completed within 300 working days. The project does not involve enlargement of the present plant but rather improvement of the present facilities so that a better quality effluent will be produced. 2. As a local political subdivision, the City of Corpus Christi has the legal authority under applicable statutes under the State of Texas to finance, build and operate the proposed treatment works and attendant sewer system improvements. The City of Corpus Christi has the necessary financial, legal, institutional, and managerial capabilities to insure the construction, ope- ration, and maintenance of the treatment works. The capacity of the City'of Corpus Christi to build, operate, and maintain wastewater treatment works is demonstrated by the successful construction, operation, and maintenance of six existing treatment works in different parts of the City. These six existing treatment works have been in success- ful operation for many years in compliance with applicable State and Federal requirements. 3. The City's consulting engineer for this project is McCaughan and Etheridge, Consulting Engineers, 302 Wilson Building, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401. Phone No. 512 -882 -2691. 4. There are no proposed subagreements other than that of the consulting engineer. 5. The City of Corpus Christi has and will continue to conduct the project in compliance with applicable Federal, statutory and regulatory requirements as embodied in 40 CFR, Part 30, Subpart C. Form Approved 0.41B,Vo 158 -R0134 SUMMARY OF COSTS OF PLANNED TREATMENT WORKS MUNICIPALITY (Applicant)- APPLICANT'S SCHEDULED BY PROJECT AND CATEGORY APPLICATION NO. /Read instructions on reverse before completfngform) City of Corpus Christi c– 1217 –Q •'' "- =. "'y»= Ay`,' >"•?�" PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT TOTAL ALL SEQUENCE SEQUENCE SEQUENCE SEQUENCE PROJECTS • " L 2. PROJECTSTEP STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP STEP ESTIMATED CALENDAR QUARTER/ F✓"t''•aY:{;``f3` 3. YEAR APPLICATION WILL BE SUBMIT - 4/77 s'r a'SS4 TED TO EPA FOR FUNDING N/A ;_ = ; s 42 200 S 876 000 s $ s a. CATEGORY 1 ' Sewndary Treatment and HI'y/Tl' 42,200 876,000 b. CATEGORY II More Siringent Treatment - c CATEGORY IIIA Infiltralion /Inflow Correction d. CATEGORY 1118 Major Sewer Syster.. RehabllllatiRR e. CATEGORY IVA New Collectors, etc 4. L CATEGORY IVS New Interceptors, etc S. CATEGORY V CorrectionotCombined SawarOvertlows IL CATEGORY VI Treatment and /or Control of ' Stormwaters TOTALCOST a. PREVIOUSLY FUNDED $ $ $ $ 5 OF STEP 42,200 42.200 5. AND STEP PROJECTS b. PLANNED - s:,' ±'•4 °"eV" ,i `t'••�s $ $876,000 5 5 °'s'x A S LL I.» : x.<• •.' �,,yG•l. .., mom✓ ...... ''��.= t,'Y'�'1" r'i^:',y "(. 'a,'y • %y 6. PLANNED BUT UNFUNDED TO BE INCLUDED PROJECTS IN THE ENTIRE tr '^uJt v'= .. ;'' --3 �t -' i,.;,; °' • .a..- , >..,,.. » ;:; uy. $876,000 , GRANT x •t.. d.'" :y� ::y: <n'.• rte,. -re ...2'' .,x, zS:`, a" s., r „��.+xp�. r 7. STEP 1 PROJECT COST ?Z/,UUO ,,;::. • o., : °3:r:,[,„"'f,s�. gi",;�;, •C",,'.'. A „!_ ,.y„� ; `Y �'• a °, ' r, ^';w 's# : • "Y F; =.?.. s•a .tie'"# -,za. 1t': t'yk� .27,000 PROJECTNO.0 481917 –O „] .. e ,s "" ..a...a; •> g. �3•.�q*7:7' ": »r, ;�`.e i 3:; .s� ..rn:: $ COST ESTIMATES OF PLANNED PROJECTS WERE COMPUTED AS OF (.Trtl vH AND YEAR) AND REFLECT' THE LATEST S CONSTRUCTION COST INDEX OF 2601.7 AS REPORTED BY THE ENGINEERING NEWS RECORD. 9a. ESTIMATES PREPARED/VERIFIED BY 9b. REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY STATE AGENCY NAME(Pl— print) DATE NAME (Please print) DATE Obie Etheridge 10 August 1977 ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION McCaughan & Etheridge, Copsultin Engine rs TELEPHONE ( AREACODE I N U_ MBEq SIGNATURE - NUMBER 1 512 i 882 -2691 SIGNATU , ,S 9c. REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY EPA REGIONAL OFFICE NAME (Ple=prtnr) DATE h%y r '1`" `='• ... ±'� =.i:. "`0 "" > SIGNATURE <'�•'•"X, :"^.: fi,F atma' r. €, �'. r,.> ��->,=, ±�= rA.,*��:3�c�r�`::�s�:'•:Y4� • The Step I project, if any, will be reported on fine 7. •• If no Step 1 project was funded by EPA, insert N /A. EPA Fns, 5700.32 (Rev. 6.76) PAGE 13 OF 16 APPLICANT: The upper half of this card will be used to acknowledge receipt of your application /proposal. The lower half will be the source of data for computer entry. Complete all entries (eacepr ea 1.,dlceredl including your address on reverse. DO NOT SEPARATE. RETURN ENTIRE CARD WITH YOUR APPLICATION /PROPOSAL. TITLE OF PROPOSED PROJECT Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements Project #C -48- 1217 -03 FOR STATUS INFORMATION CONCERNING YOUR APPLICATION /PROPOSAL CONTACTTHE GRANTS INFORMATION BRANCH, GRANTS ADMI IST RATI OI�I DIVISION, EPA, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20406, PHONE 202- 155 -2930 "*MpAUSEON4Y ' ' SUBMITTED BY City of Corpus Christi GRAMT(YRgbEGT NO -e Corpus Christi, Texas OATB,Rcceive, 'NOTE: Acontrol number has been assigned which MUST be used for ALL future reference to your application /proposal. EPA Form 5700.0 (Rev. 6-72) GRANT APPLICATION /PROPOSAL RECEIPT PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR /PROJECT DIRECTOR (Leaf, 11r>t, M.I.) Marvin !6p lTA. USE OIN.ti:"' NAME AND AOORESS OF APPLICANT (In Nude city, —ty, PA DRAMT(jROJSGTNb.. elate, ZIP code and OongreaetoneI dlatricl) , City of Corpus Christi, P.O. Box 9277 Pe DATE RECEiV40 Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas 78408 14th Congressional District TYPE (Check one) ' ❑ NEW ® CONTINUATION OF; C- 48- 1217 -03 (Currant Grant Ne.) EPA SHARE REQUESTED FOR THIS BUDGET PERIOD $667,000.00 TITLE OF PROPOSED PROJECT Westside Wastewater Treatmeet Plant improvements ,} U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1973 - 726.672/1315 3 -1 U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON. O.C. 20460 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER City of Corpus Chris Dept of Engineering Physical Developm P.O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texa 78408 w --, CG -16a (Rev. 7- 30 -74) CERTIFICATE ' This is to certify that the City of rnrp,,,g rl ;, tl (Legal name of pp scan ; i.e., Cityi District, etc. acquired'on various dates - see attached - (except as described below), Date all the site, easements and rights -of -way necessary for the construction, opera- tion of a certain wastewater facilities described as Project Ho. c -as -i » -oa by the Environmental Protection Agency and any deeds or documents required to be recorded to protect the title(s) held by _ City of Corpus Christi Legal name of Applicant; i.e.. City, District, ett. have been duly recorded or filed for record wherever necessary. . (If any sites, easements, and rights -of -way have not yet been acquired, explain the proposed method of and time required for acquisition. Describe applicable legal requirements and authority.) (A supplemental site certificate to cover all exceptions noted will be necessary before the requirement of a site certificate will be satisfied.) The Cit of Cor us Christi Legal name of Applicant; i.e., City, District, etc. has the right of eminent domain and will take condemnation action, if necessary, to acquire any remaining right -of -way which may be required for this project: EXECUTED this 5 day of August 19.77 (Signature) R.' W. Coffin, 'Assistant City Attorney Title - NOTE: This certificate MUST BE EXECUTED BY AN ATTORNEY- OR AN ABSTRACTOR qualified to evaluate the Applicant's interest in the site and make such a determina- tion. RIGHT-OF-WAY CERTIFICATE Sumnaxy of Site Acqusition Date of leggy Acqusition Recording r Description _ May 13, 1957 Vol. 775, pg. 257 Portion of Nueces County, Texas hots 13 & 14 Deed of Records. Wm. J. Robertson, Jr. April 1, 1970 Vol. 770, pg. 325 lot 1, Section 15 Nueces County, Texas Bohmenian Colony band. Deed of Records No additional right -of -way is required for this project. t SCHEDULE OF REIMBURSEMENTS Payment Estimated Date Estimated Amount Cumulative Amount Number of Request of Payment Request of Payment 1 15 March 1978 $36,500 $ 36,500 2 15 April 1978 36,500 73,000 3 15 May 1978 36,500 109,500 4 15 June 1978 36,500 146,000 5 15 July 1978. 36,500 182,500 6 15 August, 1978 36,500 219,000 7 t 15 September 1978 36,500 255,500 8 15 October 1978 363500 292,000 9 15 November 1978 36,500 3283500 10 15,December 1978 36,500 365,000 11 15 January 1979 36,500 401,500 12 15 February 1979 36,500 438,000 13 15 March 1979 36,500 474,500 14 15 April 1979 36,500 511,000 15 15 May 1979 36,500 547,500 16 15 June 1979 36,500 584,000 17 15 July 1979 363500 620,500 18 15 August 1979 36,500 657,000 \ CERTIFICATiu,'+ OF ENGINEERING ADEQUACY This certifies that I, R. M_rvin•Tow e of the City of Cor us Christi (Authorized Representative — (Applicant ail satisfied with the qualifi- cations and performance of McCaughan_& Ethe�idee Engineers who performed all or any Firm name of Consulting Engineers) part of the Step 1 and 2 work, on our project C -48- 1217 0 1 or 2 preceding step s The engineer has the capacity to perform the subsequent steps and we desire that the same engineer provide architectural or engineering services for the subsequent step grant. —R_ Maxx T �g City Manager Signed by Authorized Representative r .j v .S'r • < ' - 4 - L Corpus Christi, Texas ]o± day of�} 19 77 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in'the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative,necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution•shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or•at the present meeting'of the City Council. t Respectfully, t MAYOR ' THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote:, , Jason Luby Eduardo de Ases ' At David Diaz ,p • `, Ruth Gill a -;' DA Bob Gulley - _ 4 Gabe Lozano, Sr. _ _ 4 Edward L. < Sample The♦above ordinance was passed by the following vote: Jason Luby _ ' t Eduardo de Ases ' ~. David Diaz r Ruth Gill Bob Gulley . r Gabe,Lozeno, Sr. • , Edward L. Sample r ;