HomeMy WebLinkAbout13880 ORD - 08/10/1977!* H:hb:8 /10/77 -h. -( AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING, THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A TITLE VI COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ,ACT CONTRACT , MODIFICATION EXTENDING THE CONTRACT DATE FROM,SEP- TEMBER 30, 1977 TO NOVEMBER 16, 1977 AND INCREASING THE CONTRACT FROM $1,002,682 TO $1,573,068 AS MORE FULLY SET OUT IN THE CONTRACT MODIFICATION, A SUB- STANTIAL COPY OF`NHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL RELATED AND NECESSARY DOCUMENTS' TO EXTEND THE AFORESAID PROJECT TO NOVEMBER 16, 1977 AND DECLARING"AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute a Title VI Comprehensive Employment-and Training Act contract modification to extend the contract date from September 30, 1977 to November 16, 1977 and increasing the contract from $1,002,682 to °$1,573,068, all as more fully set forth in the contract, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A". SECTION 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute all related "and necessary documents to effect the aforesaid contract. SECTION 3. The necessity to authorize the aforesaid CETA contract modifications and any and all related and necessary documents in order to effect the said contract creates a public emergency and an impera- tive public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its intro- duction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to; exist, having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED this the to day of August, 1977. ATTEST: MICROFILMED • JUL 0 71980 City Secretary MAYOR 0 THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: V DAY OF UGUST, 1977: This ordinance is in effect za J. B UCE AYCOCK C TTORNEY force with or without the signature of the Mayor, in By i accordance with Article II Ssis'ant CityAttorney Section 6 of the City Charter:. 13880 ` F COIN_RA_T SIGUATURE SHEET . .-, 1. . GRANTOR- (Program Agent) Coastal Bend Manpower Consortium •- 302 South Shoreline - Corpus Christi, Texas -78408 CONTRACTOR City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 5277 '. ' . Corpus Christi; Texas 1� 78408 This contract is entered into by, the Program Agent,,. : hereinafter refeixed to as Grantor and thP'City of Corpus Chrlstj - hereinafter referred to as Contractor. : The Contractor agrees'to operate a Comprehensive Employment and Training Program in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This contract consists of this sheet and. such general and special assurances as are included herein (See Page 2) A. OBLIGATION (1) The total estimated Federal cost of the CETA FY(s) _ 7.7 program is $ 1,573,068 as reflected in Section E, f, Tine 7•'of'tfie-Budget information Summary. :This estimated cost will cover' the, geaod January 1, 1977 through November 16,"1977 (2) Funds obligated by the'Program Agent are:._ ,S 1,573,068 These funds cover the period January 1,-1977' ,' 1977 ' to November 16, 1977' B. MODIFICATION :. . (1) This modification /Vincreases %]decreases f%does not change: the funds previously obligated by •- $ 570,386 ; to a total obligation of 3,573;068 (2) Description of Modification - Add FY177 Title•VI "stimulus funds to'continue'201 sustainment positions and -add approximately 230 special project- posiEions: _ C." TITLE AND FISCAL YEAR The total funds obligated for this contract by title and.fiscai year are., Xiscal Year Title I Title II Title. VI TOTAL 1976 Base Supplemental (deobligated)' $ 189,537 $ 189',537" 1977 813,1+5 -145- 1977 Stimulus 570,386 570,386 TOTAL $1,573,068 $1,573,068 APPROVED FOR THE CONTRACTOR ' R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: day of ,1977 City Attorney -I- APPROVED FOR THE GRANTOR Jason Luby; Consortium Chairman Maydr : = APPROVED: Director of Finance i TITLE VI MODIFICATION SHEET Contract Number 160 -3011 Modification Number 1 GENERAL INTENT: To modify the City of Corpus Christi's Title VI contract to add FY'77 stimulus funds and to continue 201 sustainment positions from September 30, 1977 through November 16, 1977 and incorporate 230 special project positions. MODIFICATION• 1. Page 1, Contract Signature Sheet, of this modification replaces Page 1, Contract Signature Sheet, of the original contract. 2. Page 3, Program Summary, of this modification replaces Page 2, Program Summary, of the original contract. 3. Page 4, Program Planning Summary, of this modification replaces Page 3, Program Planning Summary, of the original contract, 4. Page 5, Project Operating Plan Supplement, of this modification replaces Page 4, Project Operating Plan Supplement, of the original contract. 5. Page 6, Budget Information Summary, of this modification replaces Page 5, Budget Information Summary, of the original contract. 6. Pages 7 - 12, Project Component Budget, of this modification replaces Pages 6 - 10, Project Component Budget, of the original contract. 7. Pages 13 - 18, Occupational Summary, of this modification replaces Pages 11 - 14, Occupational Summary, of the original contract, 8. Pages 19 - 52, Program Narrative and Title VI Special Project Data Summaries, are incorporated into the contract through this modification. 9. This modification consists of: a. Contract Signature Sheet e. Budget Information Summary b. Program Summary f. Project Component Budget c. Program Planning Summary g. Occupational Summary d. Project Operating Plan Supplement h. Program Narrative and Project Data Summaries -2- - - Y + '' • _ WAR AD! t• — V.i� OEPAl�iM ENT OF LAnOR. ' ,EmOt. . r t.0•y;t:o. yr• —M .nd Tr.Inlnp Adminl, tr.tlan PROGRA14 SUMMARY _ GAANT IU!•..C- - 160 - 3011/8311 �• CONTRACTOR LIAISON OFFICIAL _• ), CNECK ONE - - 0 Tm— II jUC - 4. PRIME SPONSOR/ DISTRIBUTION of FUNDS AND JOBS , 6. AREA SERVED 7. PoPULATION Q• NO. OF JOBS S. FUNDS SUBGRANTEE S. TYPE OF - UNIT City of Corpus Christ City Administrative Cosfs City of Corpu 204,525 $ 94,000 Christi _ 'City of Corpus Christ City Same as Above 331 1,099,568 Corpus Christi Inde- School Same as Above pendent Schobl Distri t District 42 173,100 Flour Bluff Indepen- School dent School.District. District Same as Above 13 31,400 West Oso Independent School Same as Above School District District 3 15,000 - Calallen Independent School School District District Same as Above 10 - 28,500 Tuloso - Midway Indepen School Same as Above ' dent School bistrict District 3' 20,000 _ Nueces County Commun- Non - Profit Same as Above 7 ity Action Agency Organizati n 33,900 Del Mar College, Junior Same•as Above College 3 15,600' - -- - District - _- I,ulac Educational Non - Profit Service Sam6 as Above 4 Center Organizati ' n a 21,600 Corpus Christi State State' School 12 24,200 - March of Dimes Non- Profit Same as Above 1 Organizati n 1,600 United Services. Non - Profit Same as Above 2 Organization, Inc. Organizati n 4,600 10. TOTAL 431 '$1,573,068 • 1 ETA 2•2- 197 -3- .ny vs mr t sac -wr Ansndururtson „ t of Corpus Christi C12TA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY 160 - 3011/8311 Box 9277 c. GRANT YEAR d, TYPE OF PnOGnAM .s Christi, Texas '78408 Frain To ' • 1. CI Title 1 3. CI T'llls fit !;Pacify ....:.......... a .January 1, 1977 November 16, 1977 2. ❑ Tltto It e.XS Title VI r0i1 REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY INSTItUCTIUNS TUIt COldl'LL•TtNO SECTIONS !, II, ANU III _ a Sac, 1: A t'rolal Esvollmentt) It the turn of A.1 and A.1. C (Total Termlmllons) Is the nun of D.1 Through CONTRACT ICCY d MOD. DATE o 11.3. C (Planned L•'nrollmisits) Is A minut U. a z d ~ n Z t Sao. 11t Enter In line (a) Enrollments In each program activity cumulatively through the grant year and In line $v $ J; E ° o d E b Ilia number o[ participants planned to be enrolled In each. pro grain licllvi at Tile t114 of each a° vt o rt u. W. ° Z c 0 0 () P P P P 9 Y FO 1u z �It Utg 1 0 quarter; pullclpanls who are concurrently onrolled'In more than one adlvily alsould be counted In each Mht Do Yv 1 activity In which they are crvolled, 7 0 _ _ _ SEC. III; Enter the cumulallvo number of psrlldpanls In each segment to be enrolled - durtnq the grant year. t 1 2 7 • d' 0 1 8 0 J[ 1I 12 11 J ' 16 1. It 1.: 2 R 7. ^• ^'' 2t 2. 2c Parllclpants should be counted In as many slgnUlcanl segment groups as are appllcable. I. ENROLLMENT AND `TERMINATION SUMMARY GRANT YEAR-TO-DATE PLAN iuonT A. TOTAL O. TOTAL - C. PLANNCO ENROLL- 1. Enroll- 2. Parllc,• TERMI', 1. tnterhg r 12.p 011rar ]. Non• OJnOLL1ACNPLRI00 MENTS marls Psols Canlad CnTAoynwi a, Olrect b, Indlrecl e. Oblahtad mlllva potglve TIONS Psoute. t +remte. Gx.lwmar rand n! ow4•r _ n 1 a r` "° ����ti;� . ^ .`•' : ",a; ' s ��t ; :x' ;+R^ ;:,�;�^�i.^ s 1 7 r 7 620 206 184 75 � _0 60 15 25 84 --- - - 8- - 4 - - —4• 2- 5 '5I: - o J lr 7 236 30 206 46 20 0 8 12 10 _ 16 190 _ � -•!i;;;s;. <•,,.,. ,,.•:t..:;�i^^�,.` ,�r��;� a c r _7 256 50 206 66 30 0 12 18 14 _ 22 190 7 434 228 206 134 50 0 40 10 19 65 300 7. _ •tis, - :rh 2l z x. „zli Frt ?� �1;,,'"�r� (: t �c' ', t'1 tia l's �u' r� r:; • �•1'';: 7 r^ ds Ti'° = d1" r! _r_ aS ..t , ri x •I1. PLANNED ENROLLhICNTS IN PROGRAM ACTIVITIES —� • • A 1 O C D C CLASSnOOM TRAININ On-1110-Job Training Pull. Sankt Cnpla /nwsl Work i Esgoalaneo Prinro tart. Voe. Cd. C,130 •2 s) Total Enrollmonit 1 2 7 7 (4 011 620 �d�¢ ED 1 Ill Currently Cnrotlad 1 1 7 7 425 o Underem 1p oye 2 e) Total CnroRmonlr o 3 7 7 236 _ V, _ 1 'b) Cnncntly Cnrollod 0 31y H --14u^ _ -7-7 al Totsl.Enrollsnants 0 —617 7 256 0 nlly Enrolled 0 0 7 7 190 2� s) Total CmollutunU 0 0 7 _ _UM U ] t:) Cunanily Enrnllud o a 7 7 300 '1 3 :r:'I::; i:F )'!.' .•' >i'iti•a�eF� 2 ti 7. 3 b 2rf t %,1• JI;; Q,i'7•� JF'�• + ";:: l,•• M1i'1; ,, n•1' d is s.i.. 9l:: IV. OTHER ACTIVITIES Indicate alhor oellvlllos or special nroti onu on altacir monls. Dusertqu slide objectives slid list rnliettones I •• towmd shale ochlswitwnt In o quonllrotivc or narrative presentation. Ill. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS .• , ' 'CANT :NTS GIIANT YCAn•TO•DATC PLAN StGNIPICANT SCGMENTS OnANT YEAR•TO•DATC PLAN 12/71 3/31 (1/30 9/30 12 /J1 3131 C,130 9130 tea) (u) let (a) (4 011 (el �d�¢ A Unemploved 600 _ _ 226 244 420 P o Underem 1p oye 20 10 12 14 G C aeterans 130 40 45 90 H t TITLE VI PROJECT OPERATING PLAN SUPPLEMENT I. Number of Individuals To Be Enrolled at End Month Planned of Each IZI. Cumulative Projected Expenditures by Month JAN 77 140 $^ 84,000 FEB 77 190 198,600 MAR 77 190 247,700 APR 77 190 330,000 MAY 77 190 403,700 JUN 77 190 497,500 - JUL 77 250 640,000 AUG 77 275 837,000 SEP 77 300 1,037,000 OCT 77= '350 1,247,000 NOV •77 425 $1,573,068 . II. Previously Employed by Same Employer -5- r' + ?.M _D Approval No. 44•nis7] A. GRANTEE'S. NAME AND ADDRESS U.O. PCPARTMCr+T of LA0011 B. GRANT NUMBER 1 2 LmvI.yM.n1 and Tratntnlr Adnslnbintlon 160- 3011/8311 City of Corpus Christi 2a 2' C. TYPE, OF PROGRAM P. 0 Box 9277 BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY 23 2' Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 1 z 1. D Tut; I s. C3 TIUS RI 4. DCTIus vi ' 21 za zS 2. 0 Title II (S eaf y/ .... ........................ L.. 1 2 3 '• D. FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY 2 24 21 1. Mine SPonwr Obllgatlone D CONTRACT KEY G MOO. DATE G a 6 d O SR N (i N .r o S Z ''E s. 0 p q.dZ O aS du 3 :!8 .i •;S .p jr, f d; YLL S2 4.1 Vo :n ir: MM DD VV 5 -7 1 a O O T s 0 to eI I: I1 U 11 16 17 la 10 20 11 22 21 2e 1;. 17, 20 2v ]0 CuL U sG E. DUDCET SU IMARY COST CATEGCRIES a. GRANT PROGRAM ESTIMATED UNEXPENOCD FUNDS NEW On REVISED DUDCET 1. TOTAL W F.W.J. a Non•FedUa1 d. Federal a. Non•Federal FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY j• •1 71 tl _ " 1.•r,,(��>t ` sry P :R;�5" } G '..!•�b 8' 2 a o 76 !t,•'_t:i,;' rr;;� w H 4 ��,•^� a rte. •t .F,��.13:y 'i �'' ^•�•w s 1. Admbtttratlon G 4 ZSi ,;• . 5� G S rClj >�3yTr> ?.4.!.«�v •i.J•.. r,.S,., ;:;..., 2. Allowances 'i7 '± .l ..> f "'!; %SSA''! ?+h�fir'lt;'•}•:r.:` : ?`2:�"'i.� �9:F :.•'1� •:l aL 5:t1%:3.+.1 ti " ^J.dt•� •a•_(.,•a . .., •: ]. Wages .L f + ''.r1c. <r%'j ''. ^;i`iif5,� fa'itf•:i "lit*...�^'•Ft';f >:•,'. 5' 4 4 1,334 j, ) a ;<.•L :1•) �` 3....r... -: %C :ice 4.1 , 4. Fringe nenanla ti -tom; w;�g%::+,?�;`it:;:�� R- lTM'. �•i•k�t.s:;e'a S.r i :t 1 53 144,404 t�'. i:L ., - '?...�- S. Tr:blrtt O ;'+ + •.�-, r�.,*,�,Y '%:., t >.�i�F•1,":itlu: y..':.il;: L +:.t;avYy.��:�'y:Y.t�� .-'•: Y +� ��:5. G2 62 • ?':Liy t. ire; �r•,.- �'iT'.•�T% 6. Strvk.s _- — ins ,j; _ t::vw :;n-ei- '+'ti? • ?:� "K�•'3 ", e;• vP�' -�'? �c.: •�I : 11 71 '' $497 ,500 �,r..�••�.++.,.•r.t;Ww.'.�.�. . ?:.:+ •:v.:.:• y;..via. r.rne 71' z 1 21 26 l $1,573,068 $1,573,068 7. Torah c T F. CUMULATIVE OUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF OULICATIOI:S AND EXPENDITURES (For Quarter Ending) 1 2 a .: 21 z2 xa 2a 2' 1 2 3 i 21 •26 2: ?7 23 2' 1 z ] 'f: x z2 21 za zS 1 2 3 '• 21 2. 2 24 21 1. Mine SPonwr Obllgatlone D 3 $1 573 068' G 3 $247 700 s' 247,700 G 26 a $427.50Q c 26 3 2. Tutal'Nrojsvled Espandhures by hogram "S 1!5-73!068 :!8 .i •;S 36 ! 35 1 037 000 4a a. Clasacom Training, PBme Sponwr :i ' +t 4.1 :n ir: q• S• 'ir a', 4a .. A L, On•tlmJob Tralnin3 t.: :: 63 1; ;i. s� T. 6 P :; 13 C. Public Service Employment .fr 62 1 57 68 U sG 62�'r: 947-700 62 67 d. (York Experience ri• 71 L; 71 t • : 7l j• •1 71 • e, Selylces In Participants 2 3 26 1 2 1 26 1 2 3 26 2 3 26 G 4 G 4 O 4 C 4 1, Othcr Actf,i ics 117 ." 35 Y ' 3 35 3. Projected Expenditures for Vocational Ed. N Speelal Crantr to Cov"Mrs 1 . 44 :} ,y7 `!: 44 f; ir• 44 '•� '• 4.1 , Esptnditures of Won•Fed. Funds 'f 53 e L5 -2Prolceted Other Fcd. runde, trot In Pcime Spon.O•anl ;'+ + 62 s' ii' 62 •4 'T 62 • : b1 6. CNni Total • Projected Expendiltaes ins ,j; -ill , g. 71 , , 71 '' $497 ,500 j; 71 1 037 00 s:+n raea Irvn, avrol I PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET TITLE I % / TITLE II /X TITLE VI NAME OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBGRANTEE: CltV of Corpus Christi FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: Title VI AMOUNT (1) ,ADMINISTRATIVE COST: $ 94,000 (2) WAGES: 1,334,664 (3) TRAINING• (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: (5) ALLOWANCES- (6) SERVICES• A TOTAL AMOUNT —7— 144,404 i BACK -UP $UPYORT BUDGETS (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS -8- AMOUNT a, STAFF COSTS: $50,677 _ b. FRINGE BENEFITS: 9,623 c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: 3,000 d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: 4,000 f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: g. STATE MANPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: N/A h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: i. TRAVEL: 2,000 J. RENT: '3,500 k.. UTILITIES 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: m. INDIRECT COSTS- n. STAFF TRAINING: . o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: p. EQUIPMENT: , 6,200 q. MATERIAL: r. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: s. PUBLICATIONS: t. AUDIT SERVICES: u. OTHER: (Specify) Postage 1,000 v. OTHER: (Specify) Telephone 1,000 w. OTHER: (Specify) Printing and Advertising 3,000 x. OTHER: (Specify) Construction Materials and Supplies 10,000 SUB -TOTAL $94,000 -8- r. t BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGET ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF 1. WAGES $50',677 2. FRINGE BENEFITS FICA $ 2,965 Insurance 825 TMRS 3,750 Workmen's Compensation 2,083 $ 9,623 -9- Number Monthly Wage Total Personnel Of Jobs Rate Months Wage Project Director 1 $1,392 3.5 $ 4,872 Administrative Assistant 3 1,203 17.5 21,053 Administrative Aide 6 778 23.0 17,894 Personnel Technician 1 669 3.5 2,342 Senior Clerk- Stenographer I 1 669 3:5 2,342 Senior Clerk- Typist 1 621 3.5 2,174 $50',677 2. FRINGE BENEFITS FICA $ 2,965 Insurance 825 TMRS 3,750 Workmen's Compensation 2,083 $ 9,623 -9- BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGET AMOUNT (2) WAGES: a. On -Job- Training: b. Transitional Subsidized Employment: $1,334,664 c. Other:(Specify) d. Other:(Specify) Sub -Total $1,334,664 (3) TRAINING• N/A . a. Salaries: b.• Fringe Benefits: c. Tuitions: d. Entrance Fees: e. Books: f. Teacher's Aids: S. Other:(Specify) h. Other:(Specify) Sub -Total -0- -10- BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: a. Annual Leave: b. Sick Leave:" c. Court Leave: d. Military Leave: e. FICA: f. Life Insurance: g. Health Insurance: All insurance h. Unemployment Insurance. i. Workmen's Compensation: J. Retirement Benefits: k. Other :(Specify) Travel 1. Other:(Specify) Uniforms Sub -Total f (5) ALLOWANCES: Sub -Total 1 -11- Amount $ 63,310 23,080 4,375 2,000 -0- BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (6) SERVICES TO CLIENTS: (N /A) a. Child Care: b. Health Care: C. Medical Services: d. Residential Support: e. Assistance in Securing Bonds: f. Family Planning: g. Outreach: h. Intake and Assessment: I. Orientation: J. Counceling: k. Job Development: I. Job Placement: M. Other:(Specify) n. Other:(Speclfy) o. Other:(Specify) I Sub -Total Grand Total -12- AMOUNT �0- $1,573,068 i 2, CONTRACTOR PSE uCCUPATIONAL SUIRIARY' City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 1. GRANT NUMBER 160 -3011 3. OCCUPATIONAL TITLE NUMBER CETA MO. JOB TOTAL OF JOBS WAGE RATE DURATION WAGES (A ) (B ) (C) (D) (E TITLE VI SUSTAINMENT -POSITIONS CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI 61(1) $488 320 ' $156,160 Crewman 5.5 (2) $521 155 $ 80,755 Refuse Collector 2(1) $488 14 $ 6,832 2(2) $521 7 $ 3,647 Custodial Worker 6(1) 2) $488 38 $ 18,544 6 $521 21 $ 10,941 Garage Serviceman I 1(1) $488 7 $ 3,416 1(2) $521 3.5 $ 1,824 Clerk I 2(1) $509 12 $ 6,108 5(2) $543 17.5 $ 9,503 Traffic Signal Maint. Man 3(1) $530 21 $ 11,130 3(2) $565 10.5 $ 5,933 Trades Helper 2(1)• $530 14 $ 7,420 2(2) $565 7 $ 3,955 Plant Helper 1 7 $ 3,710 1(2) $565 3.5 $ 1,978 Truck Driver 3�Z� $530 17 $ 9,010 3 $565 10.5 $ 5,933 Clerk II 8(1) $551 51 $ 4,408 7(2) $588 24.5 $ 14,406 Gardener II 3(1) •.$551 17 $ 9,367 3(2) $588 10.5 $ 6,174 Senior Library Aide- 1(1) $551 7 $ 3,857 1(2) $588 3.5 $ 2,058 Building and Grounds Custodian 1(1) $551 7 $ 3,857 1(2) $588 3.5 $ 2,058, Bus Operator l�2� $572 7 $ 4,004 $610 3.5 $ 2,135 4. TOTAL Con't Con't Con't -13- 2. % CONTRACTOR PSE uCCUPATIONAL SU.SMART City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 1. GRANT NUMBER 160 -3011 3. OCCUPATIONAL TITLE VUt�ER CETA MO. JOB TOTAL OF JOBS WAGE RATE DURATION WAGES (A (B (C) (D) (E Equipment Operator 1(1) $572 7 $ 4,004 1(2) $610 3.5 $ 2,135 Senior Clerk* 1(l) $593 7 $ 4,151 1(2) $633 3.5 $ 2,216 Senior Clerk Typist 7(l) $593 45 $ 26,685 7(2) $633 24.5 $ 15,509• Account-Clerk 7(1) $593 45 $ 26,685 7(2) $633 24.5 $ 15,509 Rennelman '1(1) $593 6 $ 3,558 1(2) $633 3.5 $ 2,216 Laboratory Assistant 2(l) $593 12 $ 7,116 2(2) $633 7 $ 4,431 Junior Draftsman 2(1) $616 14 $ 8,624 2(2) $657 7 $ 4,,599 Humane Officer 4(l) $639 20 $ 12,780 4(2). $682 14 $ 9,548 Senior Clerk Steno. II 3(1) $639 14 $ 8,946 2(2) $682 7 $ 4,774 Outreach Worker 1(l) $639 7 $ 4,473 1(2) $682 3.5 $ 2,387 -Cook, AIC 1(1). $639 ^7 $ 4,473 1(2) $682 3.5 $ 2,387 Museum Specialist 1(1) $689 4 $ 2,756 1(2) $735 3.5 $ 2,573 Recreation Coordinator I 4(1) $689 20 $ 13,780 5(2) $735 17.5 $ 12,863 Safety Security Officer 2(l) $689 12 $ 8-,268 2(2) $735 7 $ 5,145 Painter 1(1) $716 6 $ 4,296 1(2) $764 3.5 $ 2,674 Administrative Aide 3(l) $744 14 $ 10,416 4. TOTAL Con't Con't Con't -14- -15- 2.' CONTRACTOR PSE OCCUPATIONAL SUMMARY City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 1. GRANT NUMBER 160 -3011 3. OCCUPATIONAL TITLE NUMBER CETA M0. JOB TOTAL OF JOBS WAGE RATE DURATION WAGES (A ) (B ) (C) (D) E) Property Advisor I 1(1) $744 7 $ 5,208 1(2) $794 3.5. $ 2,779 Equipment Operator II 1(l) $833 6 $ 4,998 Counselor I 1(1) $833 7 $ 5,831 1(2) $833 3.5 $ •2,916 Administrative Assistant I 1(l) $833 7 $ 5,831 1(2) $833 3.5 $ 2,916 CORPUS CHRISTI INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Para Professional Aide 11 $592 94.5 $ 55,944 Aides 7 $500 60.5 $ 30,,250 15 $439 92.5 $ 40,608 Custodian 2 '. $439 17.0 $ 7,463 Secretary 1 $439 9.5 $ -4,171 Personnel Clerk 1 $488 9.5 $ 4,636', Clerks 4 $439 30.0 $ 13,170 Payroll Clerk 1 $454 9.5 $ 4,313 FLOUR BLUFF INDEPENDENT 'SCHOOL DISTRICT Library Assistant 1 $433 - 9.5- $ 4,114 Cafeteria Assistant - 1 $433 9.5 $ 4,114 Teacher Aide 1 $433 9.5 $ 4,114 Carpenter Painter 1 $520 9.5 $ 4,940 General Repairman 1 $477 9.5 $ 4,532 WEST OSO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Teacher Aide 1 $469 9.5 $ 4,456 Para Professional Aide 1 $668 7.5 $ 5,010 4. TOTAL Con't Con't Con't -15- PSE OCCUPATIONAL SUMMARY 1. GRANT NUMBER 160 -3011 3. OCCUPATIONAL TITLE NUMBER 9.5 OF JOBS (A ) (B) JOB TOTAL Records Clerk 1 CALALLEN INDEPENDENT (C) SCHOOL DISTRICT (E Bookkeeper 1 Carpenter- Maintenance Man 1 Maintenance -Yard Man 1 Clerk Typist 1 TULOSO MIDWAY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Maintenance Man 1 Mechanic 1 Clerk Typist" , 1 NUECES COUNTY. COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY Crewman 7 DEL MAR COLLEGE Clerk Typist 3 LULAC EDUCATIONAL SERVICE CENTER College Placement Specialist 1 Clerk Typist 1 TITLE VI SPECIAL PROJECT POSITIONS CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI 61 Crewman Clerk i ' 1 4. TOTAL ' Con't 2. ' CONTRACTOR 9.5 City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 9.5 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 CETA MO. JOB TOTAL WAGE RATE DURATION WAGES (C) (D (E $527 9.5 $ 5,007 $469 9.5 $ 4,456 $480 9.5 $ -4,560 $425 9.5 $ 4,038 $469 9.5 $ 4,456 $800 9.5 $ 7,600 $800 9.5 $ 7,600 , $430 9.5 $ 4,085 $433 66.5 $ 28,795 $480 28.5 $ 13,680 $833 9.5 $ 7,914 $515 1 9.5 $ 4,893 $521 170 $ 88,570 $533 3.5 $ 1,866 Con't Con't -16- -17- 2.` CONTRACTOR PSE uCCUPATIONAL SUMMARY City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 1. GRANT NUMBER 160 -3011 3. OCCUPATIONAL TITLE NUMBER CETA MO. JOB TOTAL OF JOBS WAGE RATE DURATION WAGES (A ) (B) (C) (D) (E Gardener I 4 $565 12 $ 6,780 Truck Driver- 3 $565 11 $ 6,215 Trades Helper 12 $565 38 $ 21,470 Building and Grounds Custodian 8 $588 22 $ 12,936 Senior Library Aide 1 $588 3.5 $ 2,058 Laboratory Assistant •8 $633 22 $ 13,926 Account Clerk 3 $633 11 $ 6,963 Library Assistant I 1 $708 3.5 $ 2,478 Labor Foreman 2 $708 7 $ 4,956 WORK EXPERIENCE . Trainee I 35 $510 105 $ 53,550 Trainee II 30 $554 90 $ 49,860' Trainee ,111 -30 $599 90 $ 53,910 FLOUR BLUFF INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT General Maintenance Man 2 $433 5.0 $ 2,165 Air Conditioning Maintenanc . Man 1 $433 2.5 $ 1,083 Cafeteria Assistant 5 $433 12.5 $ 5,413 CALALLEN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Construction Supervisor 1 $667 3.5 $ 2,370 Painter 1 -$500 3.5 $ 1,750 Laborer 4 $417 14 $ 5,838 I x 4. TOTAL Con't Con't Con't -17- 2.% CONTRACTOR PSE uCCUPATIONAL SUMMARY City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 1. GRANT NUMBER Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 160 -3011 3. OCCUPATIONAL TITLE NUMBER CETA N0. JOB TOTAL nF .TOSS WAGE RATE DURATION WAGES LULAC EDUCATIONAL SERVICE CENTER Research and Resource Specialist Clerk Typist . CORPUS CHRISTI STATE SCHOOL 1 l 12 $833 $515 $743 3.5 3.5 30 $ 2,916 . $ 1,803 $ 22,290 Therapist Technician MARCH OF DIMES Program'Assistant 1 $500 2.5 $ 1,250 UNITED SERVICES , ORGANIZATION, INC. Program Developer - 2 $750 5.0 $ 3.,750 3 (')Represents the number of jobs and wage rate /man- onths prior o August 1, 1977. (2)Represents the number of jobs and wage rate /man- onths after iugust 1, 1977. 4. TOTAL 431 2 482 $1,334,664 -18- l CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI TITLE VI PROGRAM PROGRAM NARRATIVE The City of Corpus Christi has expanded its Title VI program administrative staff to include additional areas of program development and administration. Contract administration will be divided into three components: 1. A public service employment component with municipal departments and divisions. This component would be responsible for program administration of both Title VI sustainment and special project positions funded within the staffing structure of the City's departments and divisions. 2. A component for sub - contractors. This component would administer Title VI sustainment and special project positions with sub - contractors to include various independent school districts, other special districts and non - profit organizations. 3. A public service employment Work Experience component. This component would provide a new function similar in concept as that used for the Title I . Work Experience program. Special project positions will be developed for eligible applicants who have not successfully found employment in either of the other two components. Attempts would be made to place these applicants at a work site where they could develop additional skills or a job could be structured around their abilities and qualifications within the concept of a special project. Special Title VI projects have been developed as reflected on the attached Project Data Summaries. -19- PSE Title II & Title VI Administrative Assistant Grade 27 Personnel I Technician Grade 14 CITY OF'CORPU$ CHRISTI TITLE VI C.E.T.A. PERSONNEL COMPONENT CITY POSITION birector of Personnel Grade 34 C.E.T.A. FUNDED STAFF CETA Project Director Grade 31 Senior Clerk I 1 Stenographer Grade 14 PSE Sub - Contracts Administrative Assistant Grade 27 I Administrative I Aide Grade 18 Senior Clerk Typist Grade 12 -20- A PSE Work Experience Administrative Assistant . Grade 27 Senior Clerk Typist Grade 12 dmin. JAmi- d - Admin. JAAmi: ide Aide Aide id Gr. 18 Gr. 18 Gr. 18 Gr. 18 PROJECT DATA SUMMARY 160- 3120 -01 -01 Conti _`s Name and Address 2. Project Agency, and Address " _City of Corpus Christi Accounting Division P. O. Box 9277 'Corpus Christi, Texas 78408- • a t. Name of Project ' Catalogue Municipal Bonds and Coupons- 'urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed Title VI project personnel would be used in conjunction with Title II personnel to sort and cataloguh cancelled city bonds and coupons. Currently these documents are stored in no oiderly 'fashion or sequence. The sbrting and cataloguing would facilitate the rapid reply to inquiries concerning old bond issues'. i. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5.- Operational Dates 3 From: Nov. 1, 1977 TO:ADril 30.19' r. rro j ect rubimc Service Are s - A:- appro cure ooxes Wage 'educational 7,590 Health & $ Transporta- Environ- Creative Recreational & Hospitals ion mental Social Fire Public Housing Other. :nf orcement iaf Services Protection Works (specify) *Do not include anticipanted turnover -21- '*Use additional paver if necessary Aver. Annual PS Job Title Aver. Annu PS Job Title Wage Account Clerks (3 ) 7,590 $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -21- '*Use additional paver if necessary PROJECT DATA' SUMMARY 160- 3327 -01 -02 Conti Is Name and Address 2. Project Agency, and Address City of Corpus Christi Police Department P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 . a 1. Name of Project Interior Painting ofthe Police Department ____ ' urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed Special project crew would paint the interior of the Police Building and Municipal Court.. Municipal'budgetary limitations 'restrict the use of current personnel for this purpose. i 't.. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5.• Operational Dates 4 From :Aug. 1, 1977 TO:July 31,197 - - - -` 3ducatioaal V Health &yy Aver. Annu Transports- Environ- Wage Creative Recreational 6 Trades Helper (4) $ 6,780 Hospitals. $ ion mental .aw Social Fire' Public Housing Other. enforcement Services Protection Works g (specify) -- -- -- - -v Aver. Annual PS Job Title Aver. Annu PS Job Title Wage Trades Helper (4) $ 6,780 $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -22- '*Use additional paper if necessary PROJECT DATA SUtOMY Coat: :'s Dame and Address City of Corpus Christi . P. 0. Box 9277 .Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 2. Project Agency. and Address Inspections and Operations Name of Project Special Maintenance for Memorial Coliseum 'urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed Two person crew would rough paint interior and exterior portions of the Memorial Coliseum primarily for maintenance purposes rather than aesthetics. Additional project tasks would include renovation of the Coliseum's main stage and stage properties to include a thorough sr-rubbing of the stage floor, application of a, wax stripper, and then re- coating with varnish:, 'All stage curtains would be removed and cleaned as the footlight oiellsicleaned and painted. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5.• Operational Dates 2 From: Aug. 1 1977 TO: Dec. 31 1977 Project PubiiC Service Axe s '"S- a ro riare poxes adage Aucational $ 6,246 Health & $ Transports- Environ- Creative Recreational & $ Hospitals $ ion mental R aw Social Fire- Public Housing Other. nforcement Services JPratection S•Torks (specify) A Aver. Annual PS Job Title Aver. Annu, PS Job Title adage Crewman (2), $ 6,246 $ $ $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -23- *Use additional paper if necessary 'OROJECT DATA SUMMARY 160- 3813 -01 -04 Contr. :'s name and Address I. Project Agency and .Address City of Corpus Christi Street Division P. O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 ' Name of Project ` Downtown Concrete Repair and _R_eplacem_ent_ P- ronam _ urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed Special project crew will be used in conjunction with.Title II public service employees to remove unused driveways and'unsa£e sidewalks in the downtown city area from the freeway to Furman Street and from'the Bluff to.Shoreline Boulevard. Unsafe sidewalks will be replaced. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5.• Operational Dates -'15 From: Aug. 1 1977 To: 3 ----- nrotr -s.. �.. ..� Aucational - Health &- Y Transports- Environ- wage Creative Recreational & $ Truck Drivers (3) 6,780 Hospitals.. ion $ 6.246 menta l $ Arts $ aw $ Social Fire' Public Housing Other. ,nforcement Services Protection Works g - (specify) _ Aver. Annual PS Job Title Aver. Annu. PS Job Title wage $ Truck Drivers (3) 6,780 Crewmen (12) $ 6.246 $ $ $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -24- *Use additionnl na if nproc _ - _ _ -_ _ r- _ - •rrvJnc� arumoec .. ._. .. PROJECT DATA SUMMARY 160- 3822 -01 -0 Cont: .:ts Name and Address 2. Project Agency and Address ; City of Corpus Christi Street Division P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Right -of -Way Cleaning urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed Two three - person special project crews would be used-throughout the City to clear debris from street right -of -way and cut weeds in areas where mowers cannot operate. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5. Operational Dates 6 From: Aug. 1 1977 To: Jul 31 1978 0....0 .... I. 9..Lld.. 0......1.... A- - -- /II VII -- -r- iucational Aver_ Annual Rage Health S Aver. A nua Wag a Traasports- Environ- dreative $ 6.780 Recreational & $ Crewmen (4) $ 6,246 Hospitals $ ion $ mental x $ $ 1w aforcement Social Fire, Public Housing Other. Services Protection Works (specify) rr=rin to YISnlmr . P_rvmre Jon -rl.rie (.q1 and AVernge_ Annual_ wage Is) x PS Job Title - Aver_ Annual Rage PS Job Title Aver. A nua Wag a Trades Helper (2 ) $ 6.780 $ Crewmen (4) $ 6,246 $ $ $ $ $ -Do not include anticipanted turnover _2,5- Use additional naner if . .1. -- ' _.. . —. - - - - -- .. _ .. -• .._ LLVJ cIiI aiuwuc� -•- _ _.. _ - "' ._ - PROJECT DATA SUMMARY Conti :'s Dame and Address 2. Project Agency' and Address City of Corpus Christi La Retama Library P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 3. Name of Project 'Library Collection Inventory ?urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed Two person special project team would provide a complete inventory of adult non- fiction,.adult fiction,•local history, reference; and children's book collection at.the La Retama Library. +. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5.- Operational Dates. �• 2 From: Aug. 1,1977 To;July31,197E 5. Project BublYC servlCe Are as - -A -- ap o riace ovscs Educational Health & Transporta- Environ- Creative Recreational 6 R Hospitals ion menta Law Social Fire' Public Housing Other. Enforcement Services Protection F7-rks (specify) 7. Principle Public Service Job Title (s) and Average Annual Wa a (s ) ** Aver. Annual PS Job Title PS Job Title T e adAver. ag e Senior Libra Aide (l) $7,050 $ Library Assistant (1) $8.496 $ $ $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -26- k *Use addii—F-1 -- 4F --------- aROJECT DATA SUMMARY 160- 4010 -01 -07 Contra 's Name and Address 2. Project Agency-and Address City of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Museum •P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Name of Project ` Restoration of Historical Railroad Car Exhibit_' ------------ — -------- urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed A -Title VI special project person would assist Title•II employee in the restoration of several historical railroad cars for.a museum exhibit. The restoration would involve -the refurbishing of the interior and exterior of the cars. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5.. Operational Dates 1 FrOm:Au .1,1977 To:Jul 31 1978 ducational Aver. Annual •Health & Aver. Annu. Transporta- Environ- Triage dreative Recreational & Trades Helper (1) $6,780 Hospitals $ ion mental X aw Social Fire Public Housing other. nforcement Services Protection [Yorks (specify) *Do not include anticipanted turnover -27- *Use additional paper if necessary Aver. Annual PS Job Title Aver. Annu. PS Job Title Triage Trades Helper (1) $6,780 $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -27- *Use additional paper if necessary PROJECT DATA' SUMMARY 160 - 4010 -01 -08 L. Coat is Name and Address 2. Project Agency. and Address City of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Museum' P. 0. Box 9277 "Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 ' 3. Name of Project Cataloptuing of Mnsenm Snp- da=­_ ?urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed Title.VI special project personnel would develop a subject card catalogue for the Museum archives. Special cards will be prepared on 'anthropological.• specimens and filed. Once; the card catalogue is established, current Museum'personnel will maintain'it. +. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5.' Operational Dates •2 prom: Aug. 1, 1977 To:Julv31.1978 S. Project Yublie service Are is ap o riare ovxes 'educational 'Health & Transporta- Environ- dreat1ve Recreational G Hospitals ion mental R 'aw Social Fire: Public Housing Other. 3nn.forcement Services Protection Sdorks (specify) i. Principle Public Service Job Title (s) and Average Annual Wage (s ) ** Aver. Annual PS Job Title Aver. Anna PS Job Title Wage Laboratory Assistant (2 $ 7,590 $ $ $ 1$ $ *Do not include auticipanted turnover -28- '*Use additional paper if necessary nnnYCM. nATA ~CTI CADV QOntl 's Name and Address '- City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 160 - 4010 -02 -09 Z. Project Agency. and- Address Corpus Christi Museum Name of Project P_re_s_e_r_v_a_tio_n- of_ Museum Material urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed A Title VI special project task.force would be used in comjunction with Title II public service employees to complete the preparation-of animal materials for, display•exhibits and preserve the'negative photograph collection and other materials in the local history archives. - The animal materials for display and negative photograph collection of local history have been donated. Limited municipal museum staff has resulted in these projects to be deferred. Number of Participants to be 'Employed in Project* 5. Operational Dates 2 From: Aug. 1, 1977 To:July31.1978 Yro ect L -ubllc Service re as - -A-- ap o r1ave ouxes ducational -Health 6 Transports- Environ- Creative Recreational Fr Hospitals ion menta B aw Social• Fire' Public Housing Other. aforcement Services Protection Works (specify) Principle Public Service Job Title (s) and Avera a Annual Wa a (s) ** Aver. Annual PS Job Title Aver. Annu. PS Job Title Wage Laboratory Assistant (2) $ 7,590 $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover _29- *Use additional paper if necessary PROJECT DATA' SUMMARY I 160-4121-01-10 _ Cont: :'s blame and Address '- 2. Project Agency and Address ' City of Corpus Christi Park Division 'P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Name of Project -^ Corpus Christi _Beach R to a on InXp] im Matn1 -n n— Program urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed The City of Corpus Christi is currently restoring a public beach with additional sand and.widening the beach area along•thd water. The special maintenance crew would keep the beach clean while additional sand.is being added as well as maintain barriers to effectively control traffic while restoration worjc is being performed. Number of Participants to be-Employed in Project*� 5.- Operational Dates -6 Froia. Aug. 1,1977 To:Apri130,197 Iducational - •Hea)th & Aver. Annu, Wage Transporta- $6,780 Environ- $ Creative $6,246 Recreational & $ $ Hospitals $ ion Is mental $ X aw nforcement Social Fire- Public Housing Other. Services Protection Works (specify) PS Job Title Aver. Annual PS Job Title Aver. Annu, Wage Gardener (1) - $6,780 $ Crewman (5) $6,246 $ $ $ Is $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -30- *Use additional paper if necessary • °ROJECT DATA SUMMARY 160 - 4121 -02 -11 Contr . 's Name and Address 2.- Project Agency'and Address .City of Corpus Christi Park Division P. 0. Box 9277 'Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 1. Name of Project Development of Greenwood Park and Related Park Play Area 'urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed + :_..A special project crew would locate, assemble; and set'in place park play- ground.0quipment. Park project development would also include construction of rest shelters, playground pads, and related facilities in Greenwood and other municipal parks. Number of Participants to be )Employed in Project* 5.- Operational Dates 5 gjom : Aug. 1,1977 To:Jul 31 1978 z_.. _. :ucatlonal -- •Health & Aver. Annu Wage Transporta- Environ- 'Creative $ 6,780 Recreational & $ Crewman (4) $6,246 Hospitals $ ion mental 1$ X Social Eire' Public Housing Other. ;nf hf orcement Services Protection 1.1orks (specify) PS Job Title Aver. Annual o PS Job Title Aver. Annu Wage Gardener $ 6,780 $ Crewman (4) $6,246 $ 1$ $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -31- *llsP aAAif -4-7 tF PROJECT -DATA SUMHARY I 160 - 4121 -03 -12 _ . "Conti `s "name-and Address' 2. ;Project Agency. and Address ' City of Corpus Christi Park Division .P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Name of Project Upper Broadway Bluff Projec_t___ urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed Special project crew-would-construct a retaining wall to.terrace the downtown city bluff slope.to'pievent "erosion. 'This-bluff separates the downtown area from the uptown and serves as a natural asset to the City. A•project to terrace the bluff would further enhance the natural aesthetics of the City in addition to preventing erosion. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5.1 Operational Dates 5 - From: Aug.1,1977 To :July31,1978 :ducationa1 ~4V 'Health & Tiansporta- I Environ- Creative ecreational & Hospitals ion men a A aw Social Fire Public Housing Other. ;nforcement Services Protection Works (specify) Principle Public Service Job Title (s) and Avera a Annual Wa a (s) ** Aver. Annual PS Job Title Aver. Annu PS Job Title Wage Gardener (1) $ 6,780 $ Crewman (4) $ 6,246 $ $ $ *Do not include'anticipanted turnover -32- *Use additional paper if necessary PROJECT DATA SUP4fARY 160- 4121 -04 -13 -c _'d cli3- Vame-and Address 2: "Project Agency, and Address - City of Corpus Christi Park Division T. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 S. Name of Project ' Flynn -Shea Parkway Construction Project 'urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed -special task force would shore-up areas in the Flynn -Shea Parkway with retaining walls to prevent drainage from further eroding the'drainage ditch. F.. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* S. Operational Dates 5 From:Au .1 1977 To:Jqly, 31,197 c., er nivn r4 *e t,,, % :ducational - Health & Aver. Annu: Wage Transports- $ 6,780 Environ- $ Creative $ 6,246 Recreational & $ Hospitals ion $ menta $ % hf ;nforcement Social Fire! Public Housing Other. Services Protection Works (specify) vri„ninio v..h5— snrc . _Inh •V,rI. f. inn A11.1 OP anm1a1 wnoe ,ci PS Job Title Aver. Annual PS Job Title _ Aver. Annu: Wage Gardener (1) $ 6,780 $ Crewman (4) $ 6,246 $ $ $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -33- *Use additional vaner if necessary PROJECT DATA SUMMARY 160- 4135 -01 -14 ' Coittt :*s Name "and- Address Z. - Project Agency. and Address • . City of Corpus Christi Recreation Division _.P. 'P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 t. Name of Project Special' Facility Maintenance Program 'urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed Special task force would repair plumbing, electrical; structural and other - - - - - - deficiencies in- athletics;. aquatics; reckeatioiial 'centers, and other special use recreation - facilities to include painting and refurbishing. Exisiting.municipal budgetary limitations preclude renovation of these ' facilities. Title VI special task force personnel.will be used in conjunc- tion with Title II public service employees to operate the program. i.• Plumber of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5.• Operational Dates 16 From: Aug. 1 1977 To:Jul 31 1978 • - - -- /11V11 ----- - -S -v- L- .. -..\ educational Aver. Annual -Health & Aver. An nu. Transporta- Environ- Wage Creative Recreational & X Building and Grounds Hospitals $ ion $ 7,050 mental Crewman'(8) $ 6,246 $ nforcement Social Pere Is Public $ Housing I Other. Services Protection Works (specify) *Do not include anticipanted turnover -34- *Use additional paper if necessary Aver. Annual PS Job Title Aver. An nu. PS Job Title Wage Building and Grounds $ Custodian .(8) $ 7,050 Crewman'(8) $ 6,246 $ Is $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -34- *Use additional paper if necessary PROJECT DATA SUMMARY -- - - 160- 5329 -01 -15 Contz 's •Name and Addf ess _ .i, Project 'Agency; and -Address City of Corpus Christi - Wastewater Services Division P. 0. Box 9277 -- - - -- • - - . .._ _ _ Corpus Christi, Texas -78408 _.- . ' Name of Proj ett' ' Wastewater Equipment Reconditioning urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed - A. special project of- three.persons would be used to overhaul equipment -which is cur=ently•in need of - rewiring, tune- ups, - and - general- recondi tioning. Present budgetary limitations are such that there is a - backlog of equipment which requires additional maintenance. aintance. The project would extend the operational life of•ekisting equipment and assist in meeting equipment safety standards. Number of Participants to be- Employed in Project* 5. Operational Dates 3 From: Aug.1,1977 To July31,1978 Project pnhTir_ Sawiro Aron. (nyn n ..ire 3ucational - -Health & T Transports- £ £nvi.ron- C Creative - R Recreational & Hospitals i ion m mental % % aw S Social F Fire' P Public H Housing O Other. Services P Protection W Works ( (specify) Aver. T Annual PS Job Title Aver.- Annua Wag Crewman (3) $6 246. $ $ $ 'Do not include anticipanted turnover -35- Use additional paper if necessary 'Do not include anticipanted turnover -35- Use additional paper if necessary PROJECT DATA* SUMMARY 160 -5329 -03-17 J ,- __Contr 's'Name and Address-'_ 2.- Prroject`Agency, and Address City of Corpus Christi- Wastewater Serviced'Divi -sibn .Y. 0. Box 9277 - - Corpus Christer Texas 78408 --- :. Name o£' Project- Special Maintenance Project.-of Wastewater Lift Stations and Plants-- urpose -o£ Project and-Brief Description of Work to -he Performed -- - _ A•ten person•special_crew -would be used, on a.project.basia to clean ° -and paint the wastewater -systems lift, stations and plants. Current budgetary limitations restrict such a program as an on -going project. Number'of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5.- Operational Dates_ 10. From: Au .1,1977 To: Jul 31,197E diieational Aver. Annual •Health Aver. Annu, Transporta- EnvirOn- Wage Creative $8,496 Recreational & $ Trades Helper (2) $6,780 Hospitals $ ion --t-1 % Crewman (6) $6,246 $ aw $ Social $ Fire' Public Housing Other. nforcement Services Protection Works (specify) *Do not include anticipanted turnover -37- *Use additional paper if necessary Aver. Annual PS Job Title Aver. Annu, PS Job Title Wage Labor Foreman $8,496 $ Trades Helper (2) $6,780 $ Crewman (6) $6,246 $ $ $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -37- *Use additional paper if necessary PROJECT DATA. SUMMARY =160- 5133 -01 -18 _ Cont! :'s game and Address - 2. Project Agency, and Address ' City'of'Corpus Christi - _ - - Water Division _- P.' 0. Box 9277' - _Corpus Christi,- Texas , 78408_ _Nama of" Project :.. _ - •� - -._ - Water Pieter Location` - 'urpose•of•Proiect -and Brief Description of Work to_be Performed Two person special project crew would survey the City to locate water meters at locations where customer- service no longer exists: Meter locations will - -' be ascertained so -that the meters may be serviced if future customer service _ at the location is anticipated.in_ the future-or-removed for meter repair-And re-use - re se if no future water service to the location is required. t. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* S.• Operational Dates. 2 From:Aug.1•1977 To:July 31,197 2. Project ruoixc serv3.ce areas k A -- appzo ri LC ovxaa :ducational Hea7t & Transports- Environ- Creative Recreational & Hospitals ion mental .aW Social Fire' Public Housing Other. =fcrcement Services Protection Works g (specify) I. Principle Public Service Job Title (s) and Average Annual Wage (s ) ** Aver. Annual PS Job Title Aver. Annu+ PS Job Title Wage Crewman $ 6,246 $ $ $ $ $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -38- '*Use additional nanny iP ....-oc��. -.. PROJECT DATA SUMMARY cant, ''s Name and Address City of Corpus Christi P: O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas" `78408 9 rn -C /.' Z. Project Agency-and Address Aviation Division urpose of Project and Brief Description .of Work to be Performed.. Three person special project crew would remove unwanted'growth from approximately three miles of drainage ditches along-the municipal airport's ai =field. Fence right -of -way would be cleaned along approximately eight miles of fencing: Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5_- Operatlonal'Dates 3 . From: Aug.1,1977 . To: Feb.28,1978 riu eca ruotic Jervxce zepLs " "A- ap O riare OoxeS $ Crewman (2) $ 6,246 $ ducatioAal -Health 5 Transporta- $ Pnviroa- $ Creative Recreational & Hospitals ion menta R Arts aw nforcement Social Fire' Public Housing Other. Services Protection Works (specify) rLilllaUle ruo11U JeEV/Ue Jon ITU1e IS/ R AURrnVP AnnIMI wave [St x PS Job Title Aver_ Annual PS Job Title Aver. Annua Wag e Trades Helper (1) $ 6,780 $ Crewman (2) $ 6,246 $ $ $ kDo not include anticipanted turnover -39- 'Use additional paper if necessary PROJECT DATA SUMMARY - 160 - 6211 -01 -20 _ Contz 's Name and Address c. Project -Agency and Address - City of Corpus Christi Maintenance Services P.O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas--78408 Name of Project'" Vehicle Maintenance Project urpose of Project-and-Brief- Description of Work to be Performed. -•, Three person crew would initiate a project to wax City sedans and pick up . "trucks. Currently, the City does not-provide such maintenance'to vehicles and through the use of a crew to'perform this function; a protective wax .'coat could be applied on a one -time basis. The crew would also be used in other•equipment and facility maintenance areas as needed. Number of Participants to be Imployed in Project* 5.• Operational Dates 3 From: Au .1 1977 To: Jul 31 1978 rro ect rubric service Are as a al3pro rMare ooxes Crewman•(3) $ 6,246 $ ducational Hea th & Transporta- $ Eaviroa- $ Creative 1$ Recreational & $ Hospitals ion % mental Arr-s aw nforcement Social Fire' Public Housing Other._ Services Protection Works (specify) PS Job Title Aver. Annual 14agp PS Job Title Aver. Annuz Wage Crewman•(3) $ 6,246 $ $ $ 1$ $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -40-• *Use additional paper if necessary PROJECT DATA SUMMARY ' 160 - 6512 -01 -21 CJntI 's Name and Address 2. Project'Agency.and Address City of Corpus Christi Transit Division P, 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Name of Project Bus Refurbishing urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed A two-person special crew would be used to sand municipal buses for repainting. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5_• operational Dates 2 From: Aug .1 1977 To Hul 31 1978 rro ecc ruo11C servxce Ere s - -ll -" ap o mate ouxtu ;ducational Health & Transporta- Enviroa- Creative Recreational &_ Hospitals''I ion % men tal 'aW Social Fire' Public Housing Other.* ;nforcement Services Protection Works (specify) Fri nci le Public Service Job Title (s) and Average Annual Wage (s) ** Aver. Annual PS Job Title Aver. Annu: PS Job Title Wage Crewman(2) $ 6,246 $ Is $ 1$ $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -41- *Use additional paper if necessary stvJca­ muwuc.. 'PROJECT DATA SUMMARY 160- 6512 -02 -22 _ Contr, 's Name and Address 2•. Project Agency and Address ' City of Corpus Christi Transit Division., P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi; Texas 78408 Name of Project Bus Stop-cleaning project urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed Two- person crew would initiate a special project to paint municipal-bu's stops and clear area's around bus stops as needed. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5. Operational Dates 2 - From:Aug- 1,1977 To:July31,1978 Yro-ect ruo1YC Service re 4s t -R- ap 0 dace ovx ducational Ilea th & Transporta- Environ- Creative Recreational & _Hospitals ion % mental aw enforcement Social Fire Public Housing Other.' Services Protection Works (specify) Principle Public Service Job Title (s) and Avera a Annual Wage (s) ** Aver. Annual PS Job Title Aver. PS Job Title Wage Crewman(2) _ $ 6,246 $ $ $ 1$ $ -�Do not include anticipanted turnover -42- +,Use additional vaner if necpssary PROJECT DATA' SUMARX 160- 6551 -01 -23 L. Cont :'s Hame and Address 2. Prbj ect 'Agency. and Address City of Corpus Christi Transit Division.- P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 3. Name of Project ' Transit System Communication Revision _ Purpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed The municipal transit administrative communication system will be revised so that in- coming telephone calls will be routed directly-to -the administrative offices instead of through a transit dispatcher. A special.project employee will assist in the transition by providing addi- tional personnel capabilities during'the transition period. +. dumber of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5. Operational Dates 1 From: Sept.1,1977 To pec.31,1977 educational Aver. Annual l Health & Aver. Anne Wage Transporta- Environ- Creative $ 6,510 Recreational $ Hospitals ion X menta „aw enforcement Social Fire, Public Housing Other. s is�! —___i_ i._.L1_� Services c.��_t _� i_L Protection mewl_ /�\ —_� Works A._. —� —� A_ —. -.1 il�.... /..\ .f •Y (specify) PS Job Title Aver. Annual l PS Job Title Aver. Anne Wage Clerk 1(1) $ 6,510 $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -43- *Use additional paper if necessary PROJECT DATA SUMMARY 160 - 6551 -01 -23 L. Cont :'s Name and Address 2. Project•Agency_and Address City of Corpus Christi Transit Division.- P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 3. Name of Project ' Transit System Communication Revision Purpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed The municipal transit administrative communication system will -be revised so that in- coming-telephone calls will be routed directly to -the administrative offices instead of through a transit dispatcher. A special.project employee will assist in the transition by providing addi- tional personnel capabilities during'the transition period. +., Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5.• Operational Dates 1 From: Sept.1,1977 To pec.31,1977 7. Project Pnb11c Service Are S -w- appro rlare ooxe5 Clerk I(l) $ 6.510 $ 3ducational -Health & Transporta- $ Environ- $ Creative Recreational & Hospitals ion X mental `aw Social Fire' Public Housing Other. - inforcement Services Protection Works (specify) PS Job Title Aver. Annual Wage PS Job Title Aver. Annu-, adage Clerk I(l) $ 6.510 $ $ $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -43- *Use additional paper if necessary - - -• c rro3ecz mumoer ti /—\ PROJECT DATA SUMMARY 160- 8543 -01 -24 ContrL___,r's Name and `Address - 2. Pzoject Agency-and Add =ess - City of Corpus Christi Calallen Independent School District P. 0. Box 9277 4602 Cornett Drive Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Corpus Christi, Texas 78410 t. Name of Project Repair Middle School Campus Building 'urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed ~~� -A special project crew will repair the Calallen Independent School District's Middle School campus building based on an architect's detailed study 'of needed improvements. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5.- Operational Dates 6 F om': Sept.1,1977 To: Aug. 31,197E ;ducational Aver. Annual Wagp -Hea th & Aver. Annu' Wage Transporta- £nviron- Creative $8,004 Recreational & $ Painter (1) x Hospitals $ ion $5,004 mental $ 1$ $ aw afozcement Sooial Fire, Public Housing Other. Services Protection Works (specify) - PS Job Title Aver. Annual Wagp PS Job Title Aver. Annu' Wage Construction Su ervisor 1 $8,004 $ Painter (1) $6,000 $ Laborer (4) $5,004 $ 1$ $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -44- k'use additional near if naracc�ry PROJECT - DATA' - SUMMARY 160- 8549 -01 -25 Conti 's Name and Address Z. Project Agency -and Address City of Corpus Christi Lulac Educational Service Center P. 0. Box 9277 702 Morgan Avenue' Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Corpus Christi. Texas 78404 Name of Project Resource Center Development. 'urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed A two person team would establish a Resource Center containing local scholarship sources and new developments in career education, including related materials and publications. - Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5.• Operational Dates 2 From; Aue.1.1977 _ Toe Julv31.1978 rro ecc ruo.Lle service Are s t "A:, alp 0 Aare DoxeS ducational Health & Transporta- Env iron- dreative Recreational & X Hospitals ion mental sa ceforcement Social Fire, Public Housing Other. Services Protection Works (specify) Princi le Public Service Job Title (s) and Average Annual Wa a (s ) ** Aver. Annual PS Job Title Aver. Annua YS Job Title Kage Wage Research and Resource Specialist (1) $10,000 $ Clerk Typist (1) $ 6,180 $ $ $ TDo not include anticipanted turnover -45- �Use additional paper if necessary Project Number •/ jFOJECT DATA SUMMARY 160- 8550 -01 -26 n 1. Contractor's Name and`Adaress 2. Project Agency and Address City of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi State School P. O. Box 9277 P. O. Box 9297 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Corpus Christi" Texas 78408 Communication oil the-Way - ---------------------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - -- Purpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed Title VI special project would provide diagnostic and training in communication skills for Corpus Christi State School clients who *presently cannot communicate due to physical and mental disabilities. Project employees will also be provided with direct training and supervision.in the area of communication skills by a Certified Speech Pathologist. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5.• Operational Dates 3 From: se t,l 1977 To :Au .31 1978 b. rro-ect Yuo11C Jervxce Are is - -a'- appro Aare ooxes Therapist Technician(3) $ 8,916 $ Educational $ -Rea th & $ Transporta- $ Enviroa- $ Creative 1$ Recreational & $ Hospitals X ion mental Law Enforcement Social Fire' Public Rousing Other.* Services Protection Works (specify) PS Job Title Aver. Annual WAiYP PS Job Title Aver. Annual Wage Therapist Technician(3) $ 8,916 $ $ $ $ $ 1$ $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -46- Project Number ~( ROJECT DATA SUMMARY `• 160- 8550 - 02-•27 1. Contractor's Name and`Address 2. Project Agency and Address City of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi State School P. O. Box 9277 P. 0. Box 9297 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Corpus Christis Texas 78408 3. Name of Project Physical /Recreation in Mobility Education (PRIME) Purpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed r Special project would employ an aide training program in the areas of occupational, recreational, physical and speech-therapies for handicapped clients at the Corpus - Christi State School. -The project would provide innovative treatment techniques to prevent the loss of mobility potential through physical education training of clients. 4. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5.• Operational Dates 9 From: Sept.1,1977 To: Aug.31,1978 - -_f -- - - - -- /II VII ------- -1 -�.- L- ......1 Educational Aver. Annual wage •Healt & Aver. Annua Wage Transporta- Environ- Creative $8,916 Recreational & $ Hospitals X ion $ mental $ Aren $ $ Law Enforcement Social Fire' Public Housing Other. Services Protection Works (specify) PS Job Title Aver. Annual wage pS Job Title Aver. Annua Wage Therapist Technician (9) $8,916 $ $ $ $ $ *Do not include auticipanted turnover -47- _ - � Project Number (----IRO DATA SUMMARY , 160-8544-01-2R �\ LL. Contras Cor's Name and Addross 2. Project Agency and Address 1 1 City of Corpus Christi Flour Bluff Independent School District •P.' 0. Box 9277 2300 Waldron Road Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Corpus Christi, Texas 78418 3. Name of Project ' Renovation of Classrooms 'urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed Special project team would provide needed repairs to old frame classroom buildings as well as clean and provide maintenance fo a large number of window air conditioners used in classrooms. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5.- Operational Dates - 2 From:Se t. 77 To:June30 1978 ;ducational Aver. Annual Health & Aver. Annual Wage Transporta- $ 5,196 Environ•- Imental $ Creative $ 5,196 loecreational & $ ' x( Hospitals $ ion aw Inforcement Social Fire' Public Housing other. Services Protection Works (specify) Prinrinla Ynhlie Senora _inh Tirla fcl and AVPrAGP Annual WAPP_ (s] xa PS Job Title Aver. Annual PS Job Title Aver. Annual Wage General Maint..Man 1 $ 5,196 $ Air Cond. Main 1 $ 5,196 $ ' $ $ *Do not include auticipanted turnover -48- kUse additional oaner if nec-- -., Project Number -7 (—�ROJECr DATA SUMMARY 160- 1544 -02 -29 Coatrac�or's Name and Address 2, Project Agency and Address �J City of Corpus.Christi Flour Bluff Independent School District P..0. Box 9277 -' 2300 Waldron. Road Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Corpus Christi, Texas 78418 Name of Project ` Bus Cleaning - - - - - - - -- urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed One person would be used to thoroughly clean the interior of all the Flour Bluff Independent School District's buses. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5.- Operational Dates" 1" From: Sept. 1 1977 TO:June30 1978 . rry ecr ruuuc Dt3Z XU- nL0 General Maint.Man (1) $ 5,196 $ ducational •Hea th & Transporta- $ Environ- Creative Recreational & Hospitals ion aw Social Fire' Public Housing Other.' nforcement . Services Protection Works (specify) Aver. Annual PS Job Title Wage pS Job Title Aver. Annu, Wage General Maint.Man (1) $ 5,196 $ $ $ $ $ *Do not include auticipanted turnover -49- Project Number JECT DATA SMVARY '• 160- 8544 - 03-+30 n . L. Contractor's Name and`Address 2. Project Agency and Address City of Corpus Christi Flour Bluff Independent School District P. 0. Box 9277 2300 Waldron Road Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Corpus Christi Texas 78418 3. Name of Project _ Re- scheduling -of _Cafeteria Se_rvi_c_e_- `-- �� - -_�_ -`_ -- 'urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed The school district plans to redesign a system to schedule and serve meals in the cafeteria. Special project personnel will be used to'implement the new system to facilitate the rescheduling and serving. i. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* 5. Operational Dates 5 From:Se t.l 1977 To:June30,1978 :ducational Aver. Annual Health & Aver. Annua. Transporta- Environ- Wage Creative $5,196 Recreational & $ X Hospitals ion $ mental $ Is $ :;7s -r :nforcement Fire' Public Housing Other. Services Protection Works (specify) *Do not include anticipanted turnover -50- Aver. Annual PS Job Title Aver. Annua. PS Job Title Wage Cafeteria Worker(5) $5,196 $ $ $ Is $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -50- OJECT DATA SU MARY Contractor's Name and•Addrass City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 - Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Project Number ' 160-8551-01-31 21 Project Agency and Address Tropical Coast Chapter - National Foundation March of Dimes 517 South Water Street Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 3. Name of Proj ect Prenatal Education for Youth - 'urpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed A special project would provide for prenatal education for teenagers and young adults. 'All high schools and junior high schools in the city would be contacted' offering.films, educational materials and programs. An effort would be made to involve young people in the March of Dimes. i. Number of Participants to be Employed in Project* S.- Operational Dates. 1 From: S ep t. 1, 1977 To: Aug. 31 1978 i Project Public Service Areas "V appro riate boxes educational Annual Health & Aver. Annua Transporta- Environ- Wage Creative Recreational & Program Assistant (1) $ 6,000 Hospitals $ ion me $ $ 'aw :nforcement $ Social $ Fire' Public Housing Other. Services g Protection S-Jorks (specify) Y -Aver. PSb Annual PS Job Title Aver. Annua Title PS Job Title Wage Program Assistant (1) $ 6,000 $ $ $ $ $ *Do not include anticipanted turnover -51- ')JECT DATA SUMMARY Contras._ -`s Name and Address City of torpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277_ Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Project Number. 2' Project Agency and Address United Service Organization, Inc. 342 NAS Drive Corpus Christi, Texas 78418 Name of Project _ Militarx Information _ O_utreach___ .irpose of Project and Brief Description of Work to be Performed - Special project personnel would provide outreach into the military and civilian community to •recruit and train volunteers for civic events and USO related programs. Number of Participants to be.Employed in Project* 5.- operational Dates 2 From: Sept. 1 1977 To:Au .31 1978 Project Public.Service Are is IL a appr. ducational -Health & Transporta- Imental Environ- Creative Recreational & Hospitals ion aw Social Fire Public Housing Other. nforcement Services g Protection Works (specify) Princi le Public Service Job Title (s) and Average Annual Wage-(,) ** Aver. Annual PS Job Title Aver. Annul PS Job Title r Wage $ Program Developer(2) $ 9,000 $ $ $ $ *Do not include anticipauted turnover -52- Corpus Christi, Texas h b5Lt_day of�, TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, z MAYOR " THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Jason Luby Eduardo de Ases David Diaz Ruth Gill Bob Gulley C" Gabe Lozano, Sr. Edward L. Sample The above ordinance was passed by the following vote: Jason Luby Eduardo de Ases David Diaz Ruth Gill Bob Gulley Gabe Lozano, Sr. Edward L. Sample 13880