HomeMy WebLinkAbout13972 ORD - 10/12/197710 -12 -77 I ORDINANCE NO. _i3972 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI,, TEXAS, CALLING AN ELECTION ON THE QUESTION OF THE ISSUANCE OF IMPROVE- MENT BONDS. WHEREAS,£ the City Council of said City deems it advisable to issue the bonds'of'said City for the purposes hereinafter stated;,and. BE IT ORDAINED•BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI,,TEXAS: l_..That.an election shall be held in said City on the 8th day of November, 1977, in the several regular Election Precincts of said City, and at the Polling - Places, as set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. The City Council of said City shall appoint the election officers to hold said election in accordance with law. 2. That at said election the following PROPOSITIONS shall be submitted�in accordance with law: MICROFILMED JUL 0 7 1980 , 13972 1 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS - $11,710,000 PROPOSITION 1 Shall the City Council of said City be authorized issue the bonds of said City, in one or more series or ues, in the aggregate principal amount of $11,710,000, h the bonds-of each such series or issue, respectively, to ure serially within not to exceed twenty -five years from it date, and-t6 be sold at such prices and bear interest such rates as shall be determined within the discretion of City Council, for the purpose of CONSTRUCTING IMPROVEMENTS THE SANITARY•SEWER SYSTEM, INCLUDING IMPROVEMENTS TO ADWAY, WESTSIDE, OSO, LAGUNA MADRE, AND ALLISON PLANTS; ABILITATION OF McARDLE TRUNK LINES; REPLACEMENT OF PORT NUE TRUNK LINES;. EXTENSION OF FIVE POINTS AREA TRUNK LINES; ENSION OF LATERALS IN FLOUR BLUFF, CALALLEN AND ANNAVILLE AS, AND OTHER SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS; and shall said y Council be authorized to levy and cause to be assessed collected -annual'ad valorem taxes in an amount sufficient pay the annual interest on said bonds and provide a sinking d'to pay said• -bonds at maturity? PROPOSITION 2 Shall the City Council of said City be authorized to issue the bonds of said City, in one or more series or issues, in the aggregate principal amount of $825,000, with the bonds of each such series or issue, respectively, to mature serially within not to exceed twenty -five years from their date, and to be sold at such prices and bear interest at such rates as shall be determined within the discretion of the City Council, for the purpose of CONSTRUCTING AIRPORT IMPROVEMENTS AT THE CITY'S INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, INCLUDING EXPANSION OF TERMINAL BUILDING, PARKING AND ACCESS FACILI- TIES, AIRCRAFT PARKING RAMPS, AND OTHER AIRPORT IMPROVE- MENTS; and shall said City Council be authorized to levy and cause to be assessed and collected annual ad valorem taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the annual interest on said bonds and provide a sinking fund to pay said bonds at 'maturity? PROPOSITION 3 . Shall the City Council of said City be authorized o issue the bonds of said City, in one or more series or slues, in the aggregate principal amount of $100,000, with he bonds of each such series or issue, respectively, to ature serially within not to exceed twenty -five years from heir date, and to be sold at such prices and bear interest t such rates as shall be determined within the discretion of he City Council, for BUYING BUSES TO OPERATE THE CITY'S 313LIC BUS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM, CONSTRUCTING BUS -STOP IELTERS AND IMPROVING MAINTENANCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE FACIL- VIES FOR SAID SYSTEM; and shall said City Council be author - aed to levy and cause -tc be assessed and collected annual ad ilorem taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the annual iterest on said bonds and provide a sinking fund to pay said )nds at maturity? j PARKS (AND RECREATION) - $4,310,000 PROPOSITION) Shall the City�Council of said City be authorized to issue the'bonds of said City, in one or more series or issues, in the`•aggregate principal amount of $4,310,000, with the-bonds- of.each such series or issue, respectively, to mature serially within not to exceed twenty -five years from their date, and to be sold at such prices and bear interest at such rates as shall be determined within the discretion of the City Council, for the purpose of•IMPROVING LANDS FOR PARK PURPOSES AND RECREATION FACILITIES, INCLUDING COLE PAR! -, CORPUS CHRISTI BEACH AND BAYFRONT PARKS, VARIOUS NEIGHBORIIOOD PARKS; MARINA IMPROVEMENTS; PARKS MAINTENANCE FACILITIES. TENNIS COURTS AND LIGHTING; KENNEDY CAUSEWAY FACILITIES; SOFTBALL FIELDS, AND OTHER PARK IMPROVEMENTS; and shall said City Council be authorized to levy and cause to be assesseu and collected annual ad valorem taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the annual interest on said bonds and provide a sinking fund to pay said bonds at maturity? PUBLIC BUILDINGS - $1,690,000 . PROPOSITION 5 Shall the City Council of said City be authorized to issue the bonds of said City, in one or more series or issues, in the aggregate principal amount of $1,690,000 with the bonds of each such series or issue, respectively, to mature serially within not to exceed twenty -five years from their date, and to be sold at such prices and bear interest at such rates as shall be determined within the discretion of the City Council, for the purpose of PUBLIC BUILDINGS, COLI- SEUM AND MUSEUM IMPROVBMENTS,MULTICULTURAL CENTER IN EXIST- ING BAYFRONT ARTS AND SCIENCE PARK, AND LIBRARY IN NORTHWEST AREA OF CITY, FOR CULTURAL ENHANCEMENT; and shall said City Council be authorized to levy and cause to be assessed and collected annual ad valorem taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the annual interest on said bonds and provide a sinking fund to pay said bonds at maturity? PUBLIC SAFETY - $1,865,000 A. PROPOSITION 6 Shall the'City Council of said City be authorized to issue the bonds of said City, in one or more series or issues, in the aggregate principal amount of $915,000, with the bonds of each such series or issue, respectively, to mature serially within not to exceed twenty -five years from their date;+and to be sold at such prices and bear interest at such rates as shall be determined within the discretion of the,City Council, for the purpose of permanent public improve - ments,.to -wit: POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENT BUILDINGS, .ANIMAL'SHELTER'IMPROVEMENTS AND RELATED PERMANENT IMPROVE- MENTS; and shall said City Council be authorized to levy and cause to be +assessed and collected annual ad valorem taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the annual interest on said bonds and provide a sinking fund to pay said bonds at maturity? WIN PROPOSITION 7 Shall the City Council of said Citv be authorized to issue the certificates of obligation of said City, in one or more series or issues, in the aggregate principal amount of $950,000, with the certificates of obligation of each such series or issues, respectively, to mature serially within not to exceed twenty -five years from their date, and to be sold at such prices and bear interest at such rates as shall be deter- mined within the discretion of the City Council, for the purpose of PURCHASING LADDER AND PUMPER FIRE TRUCKS AND LIFE SUPPORT COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT; and shall said City Council be author- ized to levy and cause to be assessed and collected annual ad valorem taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the interest on said certificates of obligation and provide a sinking fund to pay said certificates of obligation at maturity? STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS - $3,000,000 PROPOSTTTON S Shall the City Council of said City be authorized to issue the bonds of said City, in one or more series or issues, in the aggregate principal amount of $3,000,000, with the bonds of each such series or issue, respectively, to mature serially within not to exceed twenty -five years from their date, and to be sold at such prices and bear interest at such rates as shall be determined within the discretion of the City Council, for the purpose of CONSTRUCTING DRAINAGE IM- PROVEMENTS, INCLUDING EXTENSION OF STORM SEWERS IN LINCOLN TERRACE, CABANISS ACRES, FLOUR BLUFF AND ANNAVILLE AREAS AND OTHER STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS; and shall said City Council be authorized to levy and cause to be assessed and collected annual ad valorem taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the annual interest on said bonds and provide a sinking fund to pay said bonds at maturity? STREET IMPROVEMENTS - $9,425,000 PROPOSITION 9 Shall the City Council of said City be authorized to issue the bonds of said City, in one or more series or issues, in the aggregate principal amount of $9,425,000, with the bonds of each such series or issue, respectively, to mature serially within not to exceed twenty -five years from their date, and to be sold at such prices and bear interest at such rates as shall be-determined within the discretion of the City Council, for the purpose of IMPROVING THE STREETS OF THE CITY, INCLUDING VARIOUS NEIGHBORHOOD STREETS, PORT AVENUE FROM AGNES TO BUFORD AND SH 286 TO AYERS; CARROLL LANE FROM STAPLES TO GOLLIHAR AND PADRE ISLAND DRIVE TO TIGER LANE; EVERHART ROAD FROM PADRE ISLAND DRIVE TO STAPLES; HORNE ROAD, FROM COLUMBIA TO OLD BROWNSVILLE ROAD; NUECES BAY BOULEVARD FROM IH 37 TO BROADWAY; AIRPORT ROAD FROM MORGAN TO AGNES; McARDLE ROAD FROM AYERS TO CARROLL LANE; SARATOGA FROM STAPLES TO WEBER; BALDWIN BOULEVARD FROM HIGHWAY 44 TO HIGHWAY 9, AND OTHER STREET IMPROVEMENTS; and shall said City Council be author- ized to levy and cause to be assessed and collected annual ad valorem taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the annual inter- est on said bonds and provide a sinking fund to pay said bonds at maturity? =❑ 3. That all resident, qualified electors of the City shall be entitled to vote at said election., 4. That the official ballots for said election shall be prepared in accordance with the Texas Election Code so as to permit the electors to vote "FOR" or "AGAINST" the aforesaid PROPOSITIONS, which shall be set forth in sub- stantially the following form: PROPOSITION NO. 1 FOR ) THE ISSUANCE OF SANITARY SEWER BONDS IN THE. SUM OF $11,710,000 FOR CONSTRUCTING IMPROVE - MENTS TO THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, INCLUDING IMPROVEMENTS TO BROADWAY, WESTSIDE, OSO, LAGUNA MADRE, AND ALLISON PLANTS; REHABILITA- TION OF McARDLE TRUNK LINES; REPLACEMENT OF :,b PORT AVENUE TRUNK LINES; EXTENSION OF FIVE POINTS AREA TRUNK LINES; EXTENSION OF LATERALS IN FLOUR BLUFF, CALALLEN AND ANNAVILLE AREAS; MAINTENANCE YARD FACILITIES, AND OTHER SANITARY SEWER.IMPROVE- MENTS AGAINST ) s : ' . E PROPOSITION NO. 2 i FOR - ) THE ISSUANCE OF AIRPORT BONDS IN THE SUM OF $825,000 FOR CONSTRUCTING AIRPORT IMPROVEMENTS AT THE CITY'S INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, INCLUDING EXPANSION OF TERMINAL BUILDING, PARKING AND - } ACCESS FACILITIES, AIRCRAFT PARKING RAMPS, AND OTHER AIRPORT IMPROVEMENTS. AGAINST ) PROPOSITION NO. 3 FOR ) THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS IN THE SUM OF $100,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUYING BUSES TO OPERATE )' CITY PUBLIC BUS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM,.CON- STRUCTING BUS -STOP SHELTERS AND IMPROVING • ) MAINTENANCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES FOR SAID AGAINST i SYSTEM. PROPOSITION NO. 4 FOR ) THE ISSUANCE OF PARKS AND RECREATION BONDS IN THE SUM OF $4,310,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF IM- PROVING LANDS FOR PARK AND RECREATION FACILI- TIES, INCLUDING COLE PARK, CORPUS CHRISTI BEACH AND BAYFRONT PARKS, VARIOUS NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS; MARINA IMPROVEMENTS; PARK MAINTENANCE FACILITIES; TENNIS COURTS AND LIGIiTING; KENNEDY CAUSEWAY FACILITIES; SOFTBALL FIELDS, AND OTIIER PARK IMPROVEMENTS. AGAINST ) PROPOSITION NO. 5 F OR ) )ITHE ISSUANCE OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS BONDS IN THE SUM OF ,$1,690,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING COLISEUM AND MUSEUM IMPROVEMENTS.MULTICULTURAL CENTER IN )'EXISTING BAYFRONT ARTS AND SCIENCE PAP.K, AND LIBRARY )[IN NORTHWEST AREA OF CITY, FOR CULTURAL ENHANCEMENT. GAINST )� • PROPOSITION NO. 6 OR ) THE ISSUANCE OF PUBLIC SAFETY BONDS IN THE SUP! OF $915,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THE POLICE BUILDING FACILITY, FIRE TRAINING BUILD- ING, ANIMAL SHELTER IMPROVEMENTS AND RELATED PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS. AGAINST ) PROPOSITION NO. 7 ` ) THE ISSUANCE OF PUBLIC SAFETY CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION IN THE SUM OF $950,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING LADDER AND PUMPER FIRE 'TRUCKSAND LIFE— SUPPORT COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT. ,INST ) - PROPOSITION NO. 8 FOR ) THE ISSUANCE OF STORM SEWER BONDS IN THE SUM OF $3,000,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING EXTENSION OF STORM SEWERS IN LINCOLN TERRACE, CABANISS : ACRES; FLOUR,BLUFF AND ANNAVILLE AREAS; DOWN - s " TOWN_LATERALS AND PUMP.ENGINE REPLACEMENTS, AND OTHER STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS. AGAINST r. PROPOSITION NO: 9 FOR ) - j., -THE ISSUANCE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS IN 'THE SUM-OF-$9,425 000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF IM- --PROVING THE STREETS OF THE CITY, INCLUDING VARIOUS NEIGHBORHOOD STREETS, PORT AVENUE FROM AGNES'TOIBUFORD AND SH 286 TO AYERS; CARROLL LANE FROM STAPLES TO GOLLIHAR AND PADRE ISLAND DRIVE TO TIGER LANE; EVERHART ROAD FROM PADRE ISLAND DRIVE TO STAPLES; HORNE ROAD FROM COLUMBIA TO OLD BROWNSVILLE ROAD;, NUECES BAY BOULEVARD FROM Iii 37 TO BROADWAY; AIRPORT ROAD FROM MORGAN TO AGNES; McARDLE ROAD FROM AYERS TO CARROLL LANE; SARATOGA FROM STAPLES TO WEBER; BALDWIN BOULEVARD FROM IiIGHWAY 44 TO HIGIPWAY 9, AND OTHER STREET IMPROVEMENTS. AGAINST 5. That the City Secretary of the City of Corpus Christi shall be the clerk for absentee voting at said elec- tion; and the office of said City Secretary in the City Hall is hereby designated as the place at which absentee voting I shall be conducted for said election, during the regular office hours of said City Secretary. voting machines shall be used both for absentee voting by personal appearance and for voting at the regular polling places at said election; but paper ballots shall be used for absentee voting by mail. A Special Canvassing Board shall be appointed by the City Council as provided by law, to count and canvass all absentee votes and ballots cast at said election. 'I 6. That notice of said election shall be given by posting a substantial copy of this Ordinance in each of the Election Precincts of said City and also at the City Hall, not less than 15 days prior to the date set for said election; and, a substantial copy of this Ordinance also shall be pub- lished on the same day in each of two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published in said City, the date of the first publication to be not less than 14 days prior to the date set for said election. 7. It is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which said election was called was open to the public as required by law and public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given as required 0 by Vernon's Ann. Civ. St., Article 6252 -17, as amended. PASSED AND APPROVED the 28th day of September, 1977, October 5, 1977 and October 12, 1977. Mayor, City of Corpus Christi, Texas ATTEST: City Secretary, City of Corpus Christi, Texas The foregoing ordinance was approved prior to paspage as to form and correctness the day of , 1977. City Attorney, City of Corpus Christi, Texas EXHIBIT "A" CITY COUNTY POLLING PRECINCT NO. PRECINCT NO. PLACE 1 1 Old Courthouse, Central Jury Room 2 2 Windsor Park School 4526 So. Alameda 3 3 Assembly Hall, First Presbyterian Church 435 S. Broadway 4 4 Kindergarten Room Cathedral School Upper So. Broadway 5 5 Hamlin Jr. High School Gaslight Square 6 6 1000 Third Street Oak Park School 7 * 7 3701 Mueller Street Alice Allen Hall 8* 8 Oak Park Methodist Church Erwin at Mueller Streets Old Calallen Elementary 9 * 9 School - Calallen, Texas 15* 15 West Oso Co -op Gin Old Brownsville Road Shannon Jr. High School 17 17 1530 Airline Road 18 18 County Building -Flour Bluff 13808 Padre Island Drive *That portion within the city limits of Corpus Christi CITY COUNTY POLLING PRECINCT NO.' PRECINCT NO. PLACE 20 20 Municipal Service Center Hygeia and Sacky 21* 21 Kiwanis Field Recreation 3933 Timon Blvd. 24 24 Wesley Hammonds Company 5841 Highway 44 Violet Gin 29* 29 Violet, Texas 30 30 Ayers Recreation Center. 1722 Winnebago Street 31 31 Edward Furman School 1115 S. Alameda St. 32 32 Good Samaritan Mission 210 So. Alameda St. 33 33 Geo. Evans School 1315 Comanche Street 34* 34 Clarkwood School Auditorium,Clarkwood, Texas, 38 38 Hillcrest Church of Christ 1221 Peabody So.Bluff Methodist Church 39 39 Hall - 1329 - 7th Street 40 40 C. S. Neve Garage 408 Palmero St. *That portion within the city limits of Corpus Christi. CITY COUNTY POLLING PRECINCT NO.. PRECINCT NO. PLACE 41 41 Nueces National Bank 1434 So. Port Ave. 42 42 James Atwill Residence 202 Ohio Street 43 43 Wm. Travis School .1634 Tarlton DeZavala School 44 44 3102 Highland Recreation Center' 45 45 Geo. Wiggins Homes 2320 Buford Street Mirabeau B. Lamar School 46 46 2212 Morris Ben Garza Gym 47 47 1815 Howard Street Parkdale Elementary School 48 48 4801 Everhart Road 49 49 Booker T. Washington School -1114 Sam Rankin St.. 50 50 Lindale Recreation Center 3133 Swantner 51* 51 Weldon Gibson School 5723 Hampshire Woodlawn Presbyterian 52 52 Church -3757 UpRiver Road Entrance Hall • imi. -,+ r.�r+i..r. .- .: +Ai.. +/... ... +..- l ieni+c ..F n.......... nL....: .. +. CITY COUNTY POLLING PRECINCT NO. PRECINCT NO. PLACE 53 53 Sam Houston School 363 Norton 56 56 La Armada 3701 Ayers Street 57 57 Del Mar College Foyer of Auditorium 58 58 Menger School 2209 South Alameda " 59 59 Utility House Incarnate Word Convent 2930 So. Alameda St. 60 60 Stephen'F. Austin School. 3902 Morgan Ave. Shaw School Annex 6i 61 844 Virginia 62 62 Wynn Seale Jr. High - School Annex -So. Staples 63 63 First Christian Church Scout Hut -3401 Santa Fe Santa Fe Swimming Club 64 64 4100 Santa Fe 65 65 Montclair School 5241 Kentner 66 66 R. B. Fisher School 601 Texan Trail CITY COUNTY POLLING PRECINCT NO. PRECINCT NO. PLACE 67 67 LeMaire Garage at 518 Harrison Street 68 68 Billimek's Garage 2812 Devon 69 69 Baker Jr. High School 3445 Pecan Street Blanche Moore Elementary 70 70 School Williams Drive 71 71 Lexington School 2901 McArdle Road 72 72 Central Park School 3602 McArdle 73 73 James W. Fannin School 2730 Gollihar Cunningham Jr. High School 74 74 4321 Prescott 75 75 David Crockett School 3302 Greenwood Drive 76 76 Port Avenue Drug Store 913 South Port 77 77 Lozano School 650 Osage St. Ebenezer Baptist Church 78 78 1423 Palm Drive CITY COUNTY POLLING PRECINCT NO. PRECINCT NO. PLFCE 79 79 Robert Driscoll,Jr. High School - 261 Weil Street 80 80 Skinner Elementary School First Aid Room 81* 81 Alice Savage school 5025 Up River Road 82 82 Omaha Street Labor Union Hall, 801 Omaha Street 83 83 LaArmada No. 3 Office 1404 Tompkins 84 84 King High School 5225 Gollihar T. G. Allen Elementary 85 gg School 2002 Elizabeth Munroe Bass Building 86 86 3054 So. Alameda Street 87 87 Carroll Lane School 4120 Carroll Lane 88 88 Garage at Ramirez Residence 1433 19th Street 89 89 State Farm Insurance Bldg. 5701 Gollihar .90 Wm. K. Fraser Elementary 90 School- McArdle & Airline *That portion within the city limits of Corpus Christi CITY COUNTY PRECINCT NO. PRECINCT NO. 91 91 92 92 93 93 94 94 95 95 96 96 97 - 97 98 98 99 99 POLLING PLACE Pharoah Country Club 7111 Pharoah Cullen Place Jr. High 5225 Greely Wilson Elementary School 3925 Fort Worth Wm. Calk Elementary School 4621 Marie St.Cyril & Methodius School 3210 So. Padre Island Dr. Garage at 3013 Brawner Parkway Calvary Baptist Church 2421 Gollihar Moody High School 1818 McArdle West Heights Baptist Church' 642 Scott 100* 100 Tuloso- Midway Elementary School Tuloso Road 101* 101 County Building Annaville Tuloso- Midway High School 103 103 .9830 LaBranch *That- portion within the city limits of Corpus Christi CITY COUNTY PRECINCT NO_ PRECINCT NO. 106 106 111* 111 112 112 113 113 POLLING PLACE Tom M. Browne Jr. High 4301 Schannen Lulac West Park Apartments 10170 Interstate 37 Schannen Elementary School 5717 Killarmet Garcia School 4401 Greenwood 114* 114 St. John's Baptist Church Annex 5445 Greenwood Mt. olive Lutheran Church 115* 115 5101 Saratoga Bridges Garage 116* 116 4521 Acushnet 117 117 Flour Bluff High School Library -2300 Waldron Field Rd. Kostoryz School 118 118 3602 Panama Corpus Christi Country Club 119 119 6300 Everhart Road 120 120 Woodlawn School 1110 Woodlawn C. P. Yeager School 121 121 5414 Tripoli *That portion within the city limits of Corpus Christi That the foregoing ordinance was read for the first time and passed to its second reading on this the 41th day of c�)AQ:hEhj* , 19 in by the following vote: j Jason Luby Eduardo de Ases David Diaz Ruth•Gill 0 -E Bob Gulley' Gabe Lozano; Sr. Edward L. Sample That the foregoing ordinance-wos read for ec nd time and passed to its third reading on this the day of kAP,, 19 '%7 by the following vote: Jason Luby Eduardo de Ases David Diaz Ruth Gill 041A 11 Bob Gulley Gabe Lozano, Sr. , Edward L. Sample That the foregoing ordina ce was read for the third time and passed finally on this the J day of 19!1�__, by the following vote: Jason Luby Eduardo de Ases David Diaz Ruth Gill Bob Gulley Gabe Lozano, Sr. Edward L. Sample PASSED AND APPROVED, this the�� day of. Ata 1917 ATTEST: -r C City Secretary MAYOR ¢ THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS • N D: DAY OF , 19 �7 J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY . BY Assistant City —Attorney x r _ 13972 ;, � L/1Ja17-I&LO \.vRuncli\.Inb WANT AD ORDER FORM Corpug u�vvL�.c -TrUp v A �ti Caller ' 'IA�9'ES (- C 51147 P. O. BOX 9136 • 820 LOWER N. BROADWAY A.C. 512 -882 -9401 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 78408 TOTAL BILLED ORDER RECEIVED 3 0- -21 -77 BY 49—Li Z LINES ININESr DAYS LINES INCHES RATE c AMT. DUE CLASS. y�..SO AD. N � P 12- 2y' D 6 r 46 JXJ / 1 DAYS 4.)-_ EXPIRATION ` 11` � ENGLISH & SPANISH �/ 7•/1�� � CANCELLED ON POST DAT 0 DAY 10 -2 - 7 ACCOUNT No. AFFIDAVIT & TEARS AD SIZE PICKUP FROM City OF Corpus - Christi TEAR SHEET City Secretary ❑ MULTI INSERT ,P.O. Box 9277 ❑ CARD RATE - Corpus Christi, Texas. 78408 ❑ MONTHLY EARNED= ORD._!ED BY Bill G. Read PHONE 884 -3071 £� = counter `- JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUN. 1 2 A ! IS Ib 17 ib 2 251261 ?t 26 29 JD JUL. AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. 3 6 7 9 10 II 12 12 U 19 20 21 22 • • �i�`:� ..� NOTICE�QE wH{ :..'�r`:; i'+.�`f'c'�- ?- 'OY+eC�• 'r: ... -RR's ..�'y`.�. - `` `E_ %ECTIODf - ;,rte` •- s,:�'t� �*c gi:5�: - _ 'p'�'txa�"1tin- y,'"'V 'xT1iE� STAT 10 TEx6S':C0 TY OF NUECES CI RPU3 =C TfTSTHis- ,RESIDENT QUASI ED ELECTORS OF 3LL2F},`CZT7C - PIQTiC TFTAT;AN ION;%' 1III: `_ E HELD IN SAID ITr:"- PR(1VID gu- EDI A� MCAII,TNG",,"M ELE TION DULY PASSED] _Tii �.O NANC _ s!i tv lA Y�F {1 ' r....i.' -'" BMWI3974`o' oAPISOi, DE ELEC CIONES . ESTA - D TEX�LS,1 CLIl4D E 11 C 'G1UDaW6pS:-`_COfWUSf6 ISTI: A LOS RES DEVWESj�l,;, Ice � w 0 i' ORDENAN A NO. '13972.... J uF Ti•. ,.:"L'[T 2�t _ - -.i �• aw7r` <tC����• 1. -'.- ,�•—L CUSTOMER COPY ` If You Have Any Questions Regarding This Invoice Call 884 -2011 And Ask For Customer Service! AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THE-STATE OF TEXAS' COUNTY OF NUECES A�fd�19;�77 i> [2ECE9llt� rim OFFICE Op THE r'� iC_{n(SECRETCI(j`( �L ' o yW" i BEFORE ME, a notary public in and for the above named County, on this day personally appeared the person whose name is subscribed below, who, having been duly sworn, says upon -.oath that he or she is a duly authorized officer or employee of the which is a news- paper of general circulation published in the above named City; and that a true and correct copy of-the NOTICE OF ELEC- TION, a. clipping of which is attached to this Affidavit, was published in said newspaper on the following dates: 1977, 1977. Gloria O� �m (g' Lo 121 Es 1) ie Z l9. Authorized 'Ot�ficer or Employee SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME on VaVeuber4 , 1977. (NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL) f/ err: Notary Public My commission expires _ THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCES WERE PUBLISHED IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH IN THE CORPUS CHRISTI CALLER AND__THE_CORPUS CHRISTI TIMES ON OCTOBER 24, 1977 AND OCTOBER 31, 1977: NF y ELECTION i THE STATE E O OF F TEXAS: COUNTY OF NUECES: 1 OPOSITION2 p BUILDINGS CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI Shell the City CouncN of said S1,5940o0 TO THE RESIDENT, QUA L -City _ be authorized i0 Eme hole 3ROPOSTiON3., IFIED ELECTORS OF SAID 6txtds m City; iri one or Shall the City Council of s CITY: more series or issues, in the &I City be authorized to Issue TAKE- NOTICE THAT AN gregate Principal amount Of bads of sold City, In one ELECTION WILL BE HELD aa2s,000, with the bonds of each' more series or Issues, in they IN SAI D CITY AS PROVIDED $aria err Issue, respectively, ft gregate principal amount IN AN ORDINANCE CALL- mature serallly within ratto ex $1,694000 with the bonds of ING AN ELECTION DULY ceed twenty-five years froff such series or Issue„ respect! PASSED BY THE CITY their data and to be sold at such ly, to mature serially withini COUNCIL OF SAID CITY, prices and bear interest of to exceed twenty -five yel WHICH ORDINANCE IS SUB- rotes as shall be determined from their data and to be $ STANTIALLY AS FOLLOWS: within the discretion of the City at such prices and bear Inter ORDINANCE NO. 13971 Council, for the purpose of CON • at such rates as shall be det BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF STRUCTING AIRPORT IM- mined within the discretion THE CITY OF CORPUS PROVEMENTS AT THE nk City Courc." for the purer CHRISTI, TEXAS, CALLING CITY'S INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC BUILDINGS, C AN ELECTION ON THE AIRPORT. INCLUDING EX. LISEUM AND MUSEUM I, QUESTION OF THE IS• PANSION OF TERM]• PROVEMENTS, MULL SUANCE OF IMPROVE- NALBUILDING, PARKING CULTURAL CENTER MENT BONGS. ANDJACCESS FACILITIES, EXISTING BAYFRONTAR WHEREAS, the City Council AIRCRAFT PARKING AND SCIENCE PARK, At of =deems deems h adviseble RAMPS, AND OTHER AIR. LIBRARY IN NORTHWE: o Issue the bonds of sold CI PORT IMPROVEMENTS; and AREA OF CITY FOR CL for the purposes Warm fer shall Old City Council be au- TURAL ENHANCMENT; a stated, and thorlzed to levy and cause to h-^ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE assessed and collected ann CITY COUNCILOF THE CITY ad valorem taxes In an arm OF CORPUS CHRISTI, sufficient to pay the annual TEXAS: terest on sold bonds and prov, 1. That an election shall be a sinking fund to pay said bar held In sold City an the eth day at meturty? of November, 1977, in the Sever - PROPOSTION 3 a1 regular Election I of Shell, the City Council a sf mid City, and at the Polling Clty be authorized to Issue I Places, as set forth on Exhibit I bonds Of said City, In one attached hereof. more series or Issues, In the 4 The City Council of said City gregate Principal amount shall appoint the election offs- S1o0A00, with the bonds of ea :el to hold said election in ac- such series or Issue, respecgi xrdance with law. ly, to mature serially within r 2. That at mid election the fd• to exceed twenty-five yea 'awing PROPOSITIONS shall their data and to be u x submitted in accordance at such prices and bear intern Nlth law: at such rates as shall be detr SANITARY SEWER IM- mined within the discretion PROVEMENTS- $11,7101100 the City Council, for BUYIN PORPOSITION 1 BUSES TO OPERATE TI, Shall the City Council of said CITY'S PUBLIC BUS TRAN :Ity be authorized to Issue the PORTATION SYSTEM CO xxds of mid Clty, In one err STRUCTING BUS•STO nore sales or Issues, in the ag- SHELTERS AND IMPRO' legate Principal amount of ING MAINTENANCE AN 31,714000 with the bonds of ADMINSTRATIVE FACII ech such series or Issue, r (TIES FOR SAID SYSTEA ^^cti fi to I and shall said City Council La ,"•, - t'VKR — '— PROSITIONII i—_ THE - ISSUANCE OF- 54 Shall the City Council of said TARY SEWER BONDS Its be authorized to issue the THE SUM OF $11,710,0D0 F rids of sold City, In one or CONSTRUCTION IMPRC sure sales w Issues, in the ag• MENTS TO THE SANIT0 'agars Principal amount of SEWER SYSTEM. INCL 6004000, with the bonds of ING IMPROVEMENTS Ich such series or Issue, re- BROADWAY, WESTSII IecNvely, to mature serially OSO, LAGUNA MADRE, A Ithln not to exceed twenty -fives ALLISON PLANTS; REHI lars from their date, and III LITATION OF McARC �Id at such prices and bear k- TRUNK LINES; REPLA rest at Such rates as shall be MENT OF PORT AVEIS Aermined within the dl,. TRUNK LINES; EXTENS ptiun of the City Council, for OF FIVE POINTS AR e purpose of CONSTRUCT- TRUNK LINES; EXTI IG DRAINAGE IMPROVE- SIONS OF LATERAL ENTS, INCLUDING EX- 'FLOUR BLUFF, CALALL ENSION OF STORM AND ANNAVILLE ARE EWERS IN LINCOLN TER. MAINTENANCE YARD ACE, CABANISS ACRES,1 CILITIES, AND OTHER S. _OUR BLUFF AND ANNA., T.Ap 1— 1.-1 shall said City Council be au MENTS; and Shall said City tldrized to levy and cause to be Council be authorized b levy FO assessed and collected annual and cause to be assessed and T ad valorem taxes In an amount collected annual ad vain PO, sufficient to pay the annual in. taxes in an amount sufficient O F terest on said bonds and provide pay the annual Interest on sa STI a sinking fund opay said bonds bonds and provide a sinks PR at maturity? fund to pay and bonds at CI1 PUBLIC SAFTEY- $1,1165,000 writy? AIF PROPOSITION6 STREET IMPOVEMENTS PA Shall the City Council of said $9,425,01)) BU City be authorized to Issue the PROPOSITION 9 bads of said City, In one or Shall the City Council of said JCR, more series or Issues, In the ag.I' City be authorized to Issue IN ANI gregate principal amount of IIbonds of sold City, In one_on pm or Issues, respecti.17,,`�' e serial ly within not to ex- twenytdive years from ate and to be sold at such and bear Interest at such as shall be determined the discretion of the Cjty II, for the sluriom of rxx- PROPOSITION NO.2 IE ISSUANCE OF T BONDS IN THE ; $825,000 FOR Ci UCTING AIRPORT IVEMENTS AT 1 y'S INTERNATIOI SORT, INCLUDING SION OF TERMII DING, PARKING I ESS FACILITIES, I FT PARKING RM OTHER AIRPORT Incipel antaKtt of PROPOSITION NO.3 with the bads of FOR)( lerlae 0r Issues, re,• THE ISS{JpNCE OF BO o rtsafura srNlty IN THE SU141 OF S100I I ....__•...._ THE PURPOSE OF BUY such prices and bear at such rates as shall AND ADMI FACILITIES very, me re ser aityi nc PROVEMENTS; and shall said NewntlVKnwD bIKI::l tin not to exceed twenty-five authorized to levy ant cause t0 Clty Council be authorized to PO RT AVENUE FROM � PROPOSITION N0.4 arsfrom their dataandtobe, essesse and collected an. AGNESTOBUFORDANDSH FOR)( d at such prices and bear In• ual ad valorem taxes in an levy and cause o be assessed THE ISSUANCE OF PA and collected annual ad vela 2K TO AYERS; CARROLL AND RECREATION BO at at such rates, as shall be mound sufficient t0 pay the an• LANE FROM STAPLES TO termined within the dis acal IMerat an mid bonds and rani texas in an amount wf- GOLLIHAR AND PADRE IS- IN THE SUM OF $431 orlon of the Clty Council, tar provide a sinks turd to tklent to pay the annual Interest FOR THE PURPOSE OF PaY on mid bonds end provide a LAND DRIVE TO TIGER PROVING LANDS FOR Pc purpaae ol CONSTRUCT mid bonds at maturity? sinking fund to pay said bonds LANE; EVERHART ROAD AND RECREATION FA G IMPROVEMENTS TO PARKS (AND RECREA at maturity? FROM PADRE ISLAND (TIES, INCUDIryG C( IE SANITARY SEWER TION)-R1,3140)0 PROPOSITION] DRIVE TO STAPLES; PARK, CORPUS CHR' 'STEM INCLUDING I D. PROPOSITION 4 Shall the City Council of said HORNE ROAD, FROM CO. BEACH AND BAYFRf OVEMETSI E, BROAD- Shall the City Council u sold City be authorized o Issue the LUMBIA TO OLD BROWNS. PARKS, VARIOUS NEI IY, WESTSIDR , LA. D City be f mid zed fi Issue the gertiflcats of obligation of said VILLE ROAD; NUECES BAY BORHOOD PARKS; MAR INA MANTS; AND bonds of and City, In one City, In one or more series or BOULEVARD FROM IH37TO IMPROVEMENTS; PA LISON PLANTS; MC RDLE more pate principal In the eg Issues, in the aggregate printl- BROADWAY; AIRPORT MAINTENANCE FAC iINK LINES: OF MCARDLE gregate principal bOW-af pal amount of ,4000 with the., FROM MORGAN TO LINK LINES: REPLACE "$L3111,0041RIi�ie bonds 0f certificates of obligation of each AGNES; MCARDLE ROAD ITIES; TENNIS COU RTSr cNT OF PORT AVENUE each such WIN or Is:tIe4 re- LIGHTING; KENNE Such series or issues, rap, FROM AYERS TO CARROLL CAUSEWAY FACILITI LICK E ES; POINTS AREA within 1e, cted mr-ft" lively, fo mature Serially within LANE; SARATOGA FROM SOFTBALL FIELDS, A FIVE POINTS AREA wihM notbexcaedfwerdy -flue not to exceed twentyflve years STAPLES TO WEBER; OTHER PARK IMPRO UNK LINES; EXTENS14N years from their dNa and to be tram their date, and to be sold BALDWIN ,BOULEVARD MENTS. r LATERALS IN FLOUR sold At such prices ON bear In- -at such prices and beer Interest FROM HIGHWAY 44 TO AGAINST)( UFF, CALALLEN AND ,kr4sLatsudLrMat.as -"I.be- at wch rates as shall be deter- HIGHWAY 9, AND OTHER PROPOSITION NO. S iNAVILLE AREAS, AND determined within the dis- mlrled within the discretion of STREETS IMPROVEMENTS; per)( HER SANITARY SEWER, the N the City Council, for the City Council, for led purpose and shall said City Council be THE ISSUANCE OF P pROVEMENTS; and shall the purpose of IMPROVING of PURCHASING LADDER authorized o levy and cause to LIC BUILDINGS BONDS I City Council be authorized LANDS FOR PARK PUR- AND PUMPER FIRE be assessed and collected an- THE SUM OF $1,6941)00 F rvy and chum to be assessed I POSES (AND RECREATION TRUCKS AND LIFE SUP.', nual ad valorem taxes in an THE PURPOSE OF CI collected annual ed valo-,FACILITIES), INCLUDING PORT COMMUNICATION I, amount sufficient io pay thean• STRUCTI NG COLISEUMA 1 taxes In an amount wf -I4COLE PARK, CORPUS EQUIPMENT; and shall mkt noel Interest on mid bads and MUSEUM IMPROVEMEh sntioysy _the annual )ntrest•ICHRISTI BEACH AND BAY. City Council be, authorized to provide a sinking fund to pay MULTICULTURAL CENT Mid bonds and provide a FRONT PARKS, VARIOUS levy and chum m be essased Said bonds at maturity? M EXISTING BAYER[ ding fund to pay mid ll0nds NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS; and cdlecled anrwal ad veto- 3. That all resident, qualified ARTS AND SCIENCE PA 2 g-""' C MARINA IMPROVEMENTS; ram Texp In en amalnt wf• electors of the City Shall be an- AND LIBRARY IN NOR PARKS MAINTENANCE FA- ficlent to pay thelnfaarmseid titled to vote at mid election. WESTAREAOF�CITYrF CILITIES; TENNIS COURTS arryfkafu- af- gWrya -{ 1 4. That the official ballots` AND LIGHTING; KENNEDY CULTURAL @NHANf CAUSEWAY FACILITIES; provide a hxd to Pal' sold election shall be e Tom MENT. said cerlNkalee of oblgNbn at in accordance with the Tanta SOFTBALL FIELDS, AND ,,.Etedbn_Codeso- as_fo..permit _ INS OTHER PARK IMPROVE• the Nectars to vote "FOIN' or MENTS; and shall said City "AGAINST' the aforesaid Council be authorized to levy PROPOSITIONS, which Shall and cause to be assessed and - be aN forth In substenMNly the collacanr�N -ad- f7 fixes In an amaxd riffklent Ito 0 I pay annual InW on said s all provides a alMskg' to pay sold bonds at me- (Continued) r f.. -._' lFl"Y�- M1n� ... -YO.r. w4� .Y.. �'•`.i- ..' -.�1 v' rn .._.._.. �L. .-- _.r._ -. er et -._ .�-t•. ^.. __,.. .__'t_ t — - Page -_2_ _ f• f N!15 S TION NO.6 ISSUANCE OF We- AFETYBONDS INYHE OF 5915,000 FOR THEJ OSE OF EXPANDING POLICE BUILDING FA- Y, FIRE TRAINING PROVEMENTS. AGAINST)( PROPOSITION NO, 7 FOR)( NCIATION NO. It iE OF CONSTRUC ANIAGE IMPR NTS, INCLUDING 4SION OF STORM i IN LINCOLN TERI IANISS ACRES, F OFF AND ANNA% ZXS; DOWNTOWN U-S AND PUMP EN oOSITION NO.9 ISSUANCE C IMPROVEMEN IN THE' SUM C = ORTHEPURPO sROVIMG TH ;OF THE CITY, I VARIOUS NEIG STREETS, POI FROM AGNES- AND SH 206 1 1 " asub- 51. 51_hool,l 114' 114 - S. Johns Baptist - se mebwan una J, a substantial copy of if dinnce also shall be pt led on the same day in ea two successive weeks in vsPeper of general circu 1 published In said CNN. t It Is hereby officially fo determined that the m at which said election 1 all was open to the plblk Bred by law and public of the time, place and n r ef said meeting was at equlred by Vernon's A St., Article 6252.17, nded. 4SSED AND APPROV bbr 9a 19777 and October Mayor, City of Cori Christi, Ta Carpus Christ], Texas following ordinance w 'ed prior to passage as and correctss the - --, 1977. ITY PRECINCT NO., CC Y PRECINCT NO., PI 4G PLACE 1 - old Courthouse, Ce 3ry Room 2 - Windsor Park School, I. Alameda 3 - Assembly Hall, First f (terian Church. 435 S. Br ay 4- Kindergardel Room 0 _al School, Upper So. Br ,ND PADRE ISLAND Y 7 - Oak Park School, TO TIGER LANE; Mueller Sheet TART ROAD FROM 3'8- Alice Allen Hell Oak i ISLAND DRIVE TO Methodist Church, Erwin ES; HORNE ROAD Mueller Street COLUMBIA TO OLD 9. 9 -Old Calallen Element 'NSVILLE ROAD;' SMaol- Catalan, Texas :S BAY BOULEVARD 'IS' 15 -West Ono Coop 1 IH 3770 BROADWAY; Olds Browmvllle Road )RT ROAD FROM 1717- Shennon Jr. High Sch 'AN TO AGNES; 190 Airline Road OLE ROAD FROM Is 18 . County Building-F1 TO CARROLL LANE; Bluff 13808 Padre Island Dri 3GA FROM STAPLES 2020-Municipal Service Can EBER; BALDWIN "el and Sticky iVARD FROM HIGH• 121- 21 - Khvanis Field Recr PROVEMENTS. -- - - - - - -lt panY. 5941 Highway 44 AGAINST)( 29.29 - Vlolet Gin, Vlolet Texas 5. That the City Secretary of 3D 30 • Ayers Recreation Centel the City of Corpus Christ shall 1712 Winnebago Street be the clerk for absentee voting 3131- Edward Furman School at said election; and theoffced 1115 S. Alameda St. Ssitl [Ify Secretory In the City 32 32. Good Samaritan Mission Hall Is hereby designated a the ZIO So. Alameda 51. pkce at which absentee voting M M - Geo. Evens School, 131, shall be conducted for saki elec- Carr ache Street clan, during the regular office 34.34• Clrkwood School, Audi bars of said City Secretary. torfum, Clrkwood, Texas Voting machines shall be used 38 36 - Hlllcrest Chruh o both for absentee voting by per• Christ, 1221 Peabody sanseI appearance and far voting 39 39 . So. Bluff Methodis at the regular pollnp pleas ai [TUrch Hall - 1329.7th Street said eleceon; txn paper balltos 40 m - C.S. New Gerspe, 4a shaIt be used for absentee vd- Pelmro 5t. in0 by mail. A Special Canvass- 41 41 . Nuaces National Bank erg Board shall be appointed by 1434 So. Port Ave. the City Council as Wed by 42 42 - James Atwill ReskNnce T - Nw,`Id- iaint`aixnvass al 202 Ohio Street a6sanlee Yates cst 43 43 • Wm. Travis School, 161 id Tarlton I u M - r—ftla Schod, 3104 45 B 4 45 d - 5 - Recreation Canter, Geo Wiggins Homes, ZGO Buforc Street 46 46 - Mkabaau B. lame Schad, 2712 Morris 47 47 - Ben Gsrza Gym, 18� Howard Street Y 48 - Parkdale_ Elementary r-^-Y AN Evarhrt Red t b b - Scatter T. Washington j Scholl -1114 Sam Rankin 9l,. V S 5830 - lJrdaN Racraatbn Case }Ji ter, 3U3 9wwdnr C5 HIV.5dU a "5-- - Utheran 2 52 hW=57 cion an dkhe Culded el a dal nit - viembre de.1977, you wrys pRI ere`R -d En-;j Church, 5101 S at g. lurchS57 UPRIver Road Ertel 51Bridpes -fie Retlntos de Elacabn repo -frw 16ruch, •ante Hall Garage, 4521 de dkha Ciudad, y an lea Lu- AousMel 153 - Sam Houston School, 363 Ac l onton 117- Fleur Bluff High School gar tle Votos, Cones man fek tado an el Exhibit A fladoa sfo 156 - La Armada, 3701 Ayers,, Library-2300 Waldron Field Rd, y hech o una parts de esto. tree} ,118 118 - Kostoryz Schaal, 3602 r El Curpo de Contselros Mw n57- Del Mar College, Foyer of Panama nlUpalsdedachaCiudadnom- udltorlum 119119. Corpus Christi Country brara los dklales Para N @1@6- t 5a - Merger Schaal, 2209 Club, 63M Everhart Road aeon paFa conduclr cliche outh Alameda 120120 - Woodlawn School, Ilia r 59 - Utility House Incarnate Woodlown elecclan do acurdo con Is ley., 2. Due en tal elacclon Is st ford Convent, 29 So. Alameda 121 121 - C.P. YEAGER pulents PROPOSICIONES s¢ I•, SCHOOL, 5414 Tripoli ran sometids de scurdo con Is 160 - Stephen F. Austin School, 'That portion within the city ley: W Morgan Ave, limits d Corpus Christi MEJORAS PARA EL CORE. 61 - Shaw School Annex, SN That the foregoing Ordinance NAJESANITARIO.511,714000 Irglnla was read far the first time and PROPOSICION 1 t 62 - Wynn Seale Jr. High passetl to Its second reading on ''Debera at Curpo de Coq - :md Annax -SO. Stsphs this the 211th day of September, 163 - First Christian Church 1977, by the following vote: seleros Municipals de cliche Ciudad or a0horlmde de eml- wA Hut-3401 Santa Fe Jason LubY Aye l 64 - Sabra Fe Swimming Eduardo de Aso Aye fir los bons de cliche Ciudad, all una o ms emislorles, on at lub, 410D Santa Fe I David Diaz Aye mono principal pgregado de 165 - Montclair School, 5241 Ruth Gill Aye $11,710,000, con fos bonds de enttW Bob Gulley Aye coda tal serle o emhion, re- 66 - R.B. Fisher School, 601 j Gabe Lozano, Sr. Aye speCsvammte, a swarm or rxan Troll I Edward L. Sample Aye sera dentro dal Peron a- 67 - LeMarls Garage at 513 That the foregoing ordinance diendnva1n11r1vnaro9 daMast, arrlson Street I was read for the second time }echa, y ser vwdkks a tats 68 - BilllmeWs Garage, 2312 and passed to Ns third reading preeias y pmducir Inters a evon on this the 5th day of October, dlcho valor como sea determ4 69 •Baker Jr. High School, 1977, by the following vote: ndo a Is dlscreclon de Cuerpo 45 Pecan Street I Jason LubY Aye de Corns em Municipals, Cali 70 - Blanche Moore Eta • EdurdodeAss Aye et fin de CONSTRUIR ME- enhrySchool,WllliamsDrlve David Diaz Aye JORAS AL SISTEMA DE 71 - Lexington School, 2961 RWh Gill Aye DRENAJE SANITARIO IN- cArdle Road BObGUllay Aye 72- Central Park Schad, 3602 Gabe Lmano, Sr. Aye CLUYENDO MEJORAS A LAS PLANTAS DE BROAD cArdle Edward L. Sample Aye WAY, WESTSIDE, OSO, LA. 73 -James W. Fannin School, 1That the foregoing ordinance GUNA MADRE, Y ALLISON; 30 Gal it ,was read for the third time end •, REHABILITACION DE LAS 74 - Cunrdngham Jr. High passed finally on this the 15th LINEAS PRINCIPALES DFz tiool, 4321 Prescott day of October, 1977, by the fol• MCARDLE;•REEMPLAZA- 75 -David Gradcett School, lowing vote: MIENTO DE LAS LINERS 02 Greenwood Dries Jason Luby Aye M.POrt AvenueDrgStore, Eduardode Ass Aye PRINCIPALES DE LA AVE- N I DA PUERTO; EXTENSION 3South Pori David Diaz Aye DE LINEAS'PRINCIAPLES 77- Lomm, Schad, 650 Osage Ruth Gill Aye EN LA AREA DE FIVE BolaGulley Aye POINTS; EXTENSION DE 78- Ebenezer Baptist Church Gape L-110, Sr. Aye LINEAS LATERALES EN 23 Palm Drive Edward L. Sample Aye ILAS AREAS DE FLOUR A. Robert Driscoll Jr. High PASSED AND APPROVED, reLUFF, CALALLEN Y AN- nod -261 Well Sweat this the 12th day of October. AVILLE; Y OTRAS ME- a0 - Skinny Elementary 1977. GRAS EN EL SISTEMA D tool, First Ad Rom Ro ATTEST: RENAJE I '81ver -Allce School, 50¢5 era dkho CuerpoAtl Con Road City Secretary > River Road Iselers municipals autorizado 82 - Omaha Street Labor a gravar y dr cause a graver 'Mcfar Ilan Hall, 801 Omaha Street MAYOR impuestos ad valorem 83 - LaArmada No. 3 OHke, THE CITY OF CORPUS fanwales an una csnidad sufl. W Tompkins CHRISTI, TEXAS ciente pare pager el Interes 84 - King High Schad, 5725 APPROVED: fanual de dkhos bons y pre llihr 23 DAY OF Sept 1977: steblecer un fondo de amorii- e5 - T.G. Allen Elementary J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY AT. zaclon pare pager dichos bons lad, 20D2 Elizabeth TORNEY euando ventnn?" 86 - Munroe Bass Building By Michael L. May PROPOSICION 2 ss Building, 3094 Sou. Ale• Assistant City Attornev °Debra el CuaW dal Con- do Street AVISO DE seine Municipals de cliche 87- Carroll Lane School, 4120 ELECCIONES ESTADO DE TEXAS: Ciudad srautorizadodeemRlr troll Lane CONDADO DE NUECES: N - Garage at Ramirez Rest- nos boloos de cliche ktd Cad, alp una o me$ saris o emislones, x11, 1473 19th Street CIUDAD D E CORPUS en N mono principal agragatlp a9 -State Faml Insurance CHRISTI: 10„,5701 to Faar A LOS RESIDENTES, CON de $875,000, con Is bons de coda ten serie o emisim re- 90 - Wm. K. Fraser Elr DEREGHO A VOTAR, DE spectivaments, a vencerse par nary School- McArdle &Air DICHA CIUDAD 1 515 L�3- i�'ACES7�68R -Qu Serie dentro de, Pero no exce- 91 - Phroah Country Clio, ours elaalans bmaran kgr diendoveinkinooanos dude su fecha, y Sr vendidos a his 1 Phroah i on dacha Ciudad hl cum se ac• preclos y producir Interes a 92 • Cullen Place Jr. Hig14 dicho valor comp sea determl. 5 Greely ipula art la ORDENANZA 93 - Wilson Elementary �LAMANDO A LAS SLEC- nado a to discrecton del Cuepd dal Conselrm Muth les, can not, 3925 Fart Worth [ONES, N fin de AGRANDAR EL 94 - Wm. Calk Elementary debldamente dada por a) S Y PROVEER FACIL- oot 4621 Maria Curpo de Coselers Munlcl -' ES PARA EL AEREO- 95 . St. Cyril & Methadius pals de dkha Ciudad, Y cusp TO INTERNACIONAL opt, 3210 So. Padre Island ORDENANZA dice s ustancialr CIUADAD:ysradkho melte como a toninuaciop o de Coseleraa Muck(; M - Garage at 3013 Brawner slgue: � utorizado a graver Y dar rkway ORDENANZA NO. 13972 a graver y cat tens- n - Calvary Baptist Church, POR EL CUERPO DE CON• ad valorem amain en I Gdliher SEJEROS MUNICIPALES DE ntitlaOwlkNMeparaPa- R -Moody High School, 1813 LA CIUDAD DE CORPUS inheres areal de dichm Ardle CHRISTI, TEXAS, LLA• - y-Wa- CnslabNcar una 99 - West Heights Baptist MANDO UNA ELECCIONJ daanortbaclonprepa- itch, 642 Scoff SOBRE LA CUESTION DE icto6 bolos cliando vary 100 - Tuloso-Mldway Ek- EMITIR BONDS PARA ME f RAS. Reed JTRAS. Mary Sdxxnt Build DUE, ei Cuerpo de 101 - County Building, Art Mlle conmirercs Munlcipales de 103 - TulosoMidway, High dacha Ciudad 1=90 scomNable - od, "M LaBranch emitir toss bans de dkn Clq. 106 . Tom M. Browne Jr. dad Para Jos proposNon estab h 4301 Schsnnen lecids mas adelana:y ' 111 - Lulae West Park:ORDENA- 6L- GUERPO- ^ ` artrt1a10i78 GWW�%i'e,37 CONSEJ €ROS MUNICIPAL 112 - Sdrrmea Elerenry ES DE LA CIUDADOE COW W1, 917 KIII —net PUS 2Z1,MMj TEXAS; 113 - Garcia Schad, 44s J (Continued) I OPOSICION3 - n e TFTCF6 ME1t70RAi%'C6RE Debar. N Cuerpo de Cam -LICOS CONSTRUIR ME- PROPOSICION cgs. MUNCIPLIM- de -�dkhb JORASENELCOLIESOV EL •DE AGUAS DE LLUVIAS - NUM.1 NuMa - dodserautori:adodeemRlr MUSEO, MULTICULTURAL u�'�,000 LA. EMISIOjd DE BONGS LA EMISION DE -BONOS bones de dkha Ciudad, en PROPOSICIONS PARA DRENAJE SANITORIO o os serich o budad, - - CENTRO EN EL EXISTENTE - SEGURIDAD PUBLICA PARQUE DE CIENCIA EN Debora a1 Cuerpo de Con• EN LA SUMA DE 511,114000 LA SUMA DE $915,DD0 P) el monto principal de sejeros Municipals de dlcho PARA CONSTRUIR ME- 0,000, con bs 17onos des cede 'EL PARQUE FRENTE A LA EL LA FACTO DE EXT Cis b ser o d;chedoudad, en JORAS AL SISTEMA DE PLAYA, Y BIBLIOTECA EN •� �s de dkha Ciudad, en DRENAJE SANITORIO IN- DER LA FACILIDAO DE Berle o emiston, respect- FLA AREA DEL NOROESTE EDIFICIO A LA POLE mente, a vencerw por series aE LA CIUDAD PARA EL EN uro o ores sale o•emisiones, CLUVENDO MEJORAS A EDIFICIO PARR ENTRE rof de, Pero M excedlendO :GRANDECIMIENTO CUL- -� el momo principal agregado LAS PLANTAS DE BROAD- MIENTO CONTRA I ntl Inco arcs destle su fecha, 'TURAL; y sera dicta Cuerpo -de $4000000, con los bones de WAY, WESTSIOE, OSO, Ll1- CENDIOS, PARA MEJOer vindldm a tales precis y tle RAL; erase dicho Cu au coda tal serhe o emislon, re• GUNA MADRE Y ALLISON. EN EL ALBERGUE DE I ervi Inters,oldic revalor ie Col lems rydarcauwa ,Ipecivamente, a vencerse por REHABILITACION DE LAS LES Y MEJORAS P o sea determinadoa le dis• 'Berle denho de, per. no excr LINEAS PRINCIPALES DE clon de Cuerpo de Con• 9ravarycolecfarlmpratosed MANENTES REALCII •dlendo veingcincoaras desdew McARDLE: REEMPLAZA- lores Munlcipeles con el fin Valorem aneles en una a .techa, y ser vendida a tale MIENTO DE LAS LINEAS AteCad wflclente pare pager el In• PROPOSICION COMPRAR AUTO BUSES fern anal de dkhos bans y precis Y Producir In }ores a PRINCIPALES DE LA AYE• NUM.7 RA OPERAR EL SISTEMA `tllUa valor camp sea determl• NIDA PUERTO; EXTEN- LA EMISION DE CERT TANSPORTACION PUB - Para exstablaer un foMO tle jNtloalm discrecbn de CUerpO LION DE LINEAS LATER- CADOS DE OBLIGACION amartizacbn per. pager Okhos ^ e Conseleros Munkl les, con ALES EN FLOUR BLUFF, CO DE AUTO BUSES DE bOnpq cuando venzan7'• pa SEGURIDAD PUBLIC CIUDAD, CONSTRUIR SEGURIDAD nn?" A .N Tin de CONSTRUIR ME• CALALLEN VAREAS DE AN• LA SOMA DE 5950,000 P) BCIUDA , LAS RUIR 1,865,000 JORAS EN EL DRENAJE, I N• NNAVILLE; MANTENIEL PROPOSITIO DE G S DE AUTO BUSES Y PORPOSICION6 .CLUYENOOLA EXTENCION MIENTO DE FACILIDADES PRAR CAMEONES Y E RA MEJORAR LAS FA- '�pebera el Cuerpo de Con- DE DRENAJE DE AGUAS DE DE YARDA Y OTRAS ME- LERAS PA PELEAR LIDADES DE MANTENI- "Debe Municipals de dkha ''LLUVIAS EN LAS AREAS DE JORAS EN EL SISTEMA DE CENDIOS Y EQUIPO IENTO Y ADMINIS• Ciudad ser auforiudo de emlTir LINCOLN TERRACE, CABI- DRENAJE SANITORIO. COMUNICACIONES PA RATIVO DE DICHO In bones de dlcha Cludod, en NISS ACRES, FLOUR BLUFF PORPOSICION ELSUPORTE DE VIDA. SEMA: y seradkho Cuwpo uro o mess sofa oemisiona, , Y ANNAVILLE Y OTRAS ME- NUM2 PROPOSICION e Co selerm Munipales autorl• el made principal agregodo JORAS DE ORENAJE DE LA EMISION DE BONDS DE NUM. / edo a graver y der cause a de 59monf, con los bones de AGUAS DE LLUVIAS; y sera EL AEREOPUERTO EN LA LA EMISION DE BOP rver y ravery Ider aus ed dicho Curpo de Comelerm Mu- SUMA DE A$825,OW PARA LA calla tai serle o emision, re• PARA DRENAJE DE AGI aloem anuala an urea canal• nkipals autorlrado a graver y CONSTRUCION MEJORAS DE LLUVIAS EN LA SU ipectivemente, a vencerse Por der cause a graver y cdectar DE AEREOPUERTO EN EL dad sufklente pare pager el at• term anal de dkhos bonze y serle dentro de, Pero no exce dlendovelMfcincoarxs tlesdew impuafos ad valorem emoteI AEREOPUERTO INTER to establecer un fondo de feche, yser vlydldos a tales pre an uro confided sufklenta per el Inters anual de d1cm NACIONAL DE LA CIUDAC INCLUYENDO EXPANCIO1 amortization pare pager dic bonds cVando veazenP" ti's y P�grJr inters a Okho pager ebr cartes sea determinedo a dos y pare establecer u DE EL EDIFICIO TERMI PARQUES (Y RECREACION) Iadlscraion del Cuermlit COm fordo de emartizaclon pare Pa- dittos bonos cuando van NAL, ESTACIONAMIENTO` FACILIDAD DE ACCESC - $0,310,000 PROPOSICIONI •selwos Munlcipalss, can el fin .gar .T1 RAMPAS DE ESTACIONA "Debora el Cuerpo de Con- de meloras publicas per- manentes,a saber: EDIFICIOS ' MEJORAS DE CALLES MIENTO PARA AVIONES^ EN AI selerm Municipals de dkha DE LOS DEPARTAMENTOS $9,425,0011, PROPOSICION9 OTRAS MEJORAS AEREOPUERTO. Chided ser autorizedo de emRlr In tbons de dkha Chided, an PE POLCIA Y ENTRENA- ,,, MIENTO CONTRA IN• ,�Debera el Cuerpo de Con PROPOSICION una o mm series o emisiones, 'CENDIOS, MEJORAS EN EL MuMc de NUDE M at monto prlmlpal agregado ,gwlera rizad nnIth ALBERGUE DE ANIMALES'.. Ciudad ser o dictadode xt, a bores dicta Chided, en LA EMISION DE BONGS El DE $100,001) PAR de $4310,0DD, con los bons de coda tal serle o amision, re Y M E R J O R A S PER -� Un s MANENTES RELACION• urea o mess series o emisbnes, DE EL PROPOSITO DE CON EL PRO sPecslvemente, a "masse Par ADDS; y sera dkho Cuerpo de Can 5t son o principal bs tgreg de OPERARUTO SISTEMA EAR, Berle dentro de, Pero no ezce•' dlendo veinticlnco ens desdew toilseleros Municipals autorl- -, -coda tai serle o emiston, re• TRANSPORTACION PUE fetM, y set verbldos a tell �o a graver y der cause a graver y cglektar imposts ad _spedlvamente, a vencerse per LICO DE AUTO BUSES DI precis y Woducir Inters ■ valorem anales an uro cants- 'wane dentro de, Pero d exce diendo_yNntlUncoanm tlsdea LACIUDAD, E CONSTRUIR PA DI CUBIERTOS EN LAS PAR/ tlida vela come sea tleterm4 natloa IadlscreclondN Cuerpo pad sufkleme pore pegar el;in - -- term anal de tlkhm bonds y ��' y ser Nis - DAS DE AUTO BUSES tle Conselars Munkipela, con pare establecer un fondo idol ratios Y prs PARA MEJORAR LAS F/ CILIDADES DE MANTEN at fin des MEJORAR TIERRAS PARA FACILIDADES DE PARQUES (Y FACILIDADES amor nlon Para pager dlc dkho valor ca b�peggO Vepz0n7" nado ales dlocCu., - PROPOSICION 7 des Carejera can L IENTO DE DICHO $1: Tom' DE RECREACTION IN. "Debate at Cuerpo de Corn el fin de MEJORAR PROPOSICION CLUYENDO_EL -- PARQUE selerm Municipals de diche -D E—LA CICIOAD, IN- NUM.4 CDU -U PLAYA CORPUS Ciudad sew autorimdo de emitir CLUYENDO GLLESVECIN- LA, EMISION DE BOND PARA PARLXIESY REGRET CHRISTI, LOS PARQUES LA LAGUNA V In ceraTkada de abligecbn de DARIAS, LA AV ENIDA CION EL LA SUMA D F ENTE A VARIOS PARQUES VEIN• Cicha CWded, m uro o mm PUERTO DESDE AGNES saris o emislones, an el panto HASTA BUFORD Y CARRE- f43140D0 PARR EL PROI OSITO DE MEJORA DARIOS; MEJORAS EN LA l principal, agregado de s954o00, TERA DEL ESTADO NUM. S PARA -MARINA; FACILIDADES a con la cortificadm de oblige- 286 A AYERS; CARROLL PARQUES IDADES PARQUES IDADES 'PARNELMANTENIMIENTO okn de coda tai Berle o emision, LANE DE STAPLES A GOL• C IO iCOLE, DE PARQUES; CANCHAS DE rspectivamente, a vencerse LIHAR Y CALLE PADRE IS- EL PARQUE L TENTS Y ALUMBRA- Por serle dentro de, pero no ex- LAND A TIGER LANE; CAM- velntknco arcs desde IND EVERHART DE LA PLAYA CORPUS CHRIST MIENTO; FACILIDADES EN EL PUENTE Y CALZADA cedlerdo su lath., y ser vendidm a tales CALLE PADRE ISLAND A LOS PARQUES FRENTE LA LAGUNA Y VARIOS PAI kENNEDY; CAMPOS PARA brecim y prodmir Intern a STAPLES; HORNE ROAD DE tlitla velar con'° sea determF COLUMBIA AL GAMING QUES VECINDARIOS; MEI JUGAR PELOTA SUAVE Y IDTRAS MEJORAS DE PAR- rodo a la discrclon del Cuerpo VIEiJOA BROWNSVI LLE; EL JORAS EN LA MARINA, R R CILIDADES PARA E QUES: y sera dkha Cuerpo de de Comeleros Munklpales, con BULEVARD NUECES BAY MANTENIMIENTO PAI ENIMIE Conseies Muncipales autorl• 'el tin de COMPRAR ESCA• DE CARRETERA INTRE ES- • TADO 37 A BROADWAY; QUES S DE TENT zado a graver y der cause a LERAS Y CAMEONF PARA COMBATIR INCENDIOS Y�CAMINO DEL AEREO- NTO, F, Y ALUMBRAMIENTO, F. pnevarycolecterlmpuntaad walorem anal. an uro cants- E Q U I O DE C OM- PUERTO DE MORGAN A CILIDAMBRAMI Y CALZADA KENN ED) -dad sufklente pare pager N Im UNICACIONES PARA EL SU- AGNF; GAMING HURDLE I PORTE DE VI DA; ysere dkho DE AYERS A CARROLL CAMPOS PARA JUGAR PI teras_anual , de- dkha. - bolas -y 1>Ka asT.Wecer un � Cuerpo de Consalwos Munlcl- LANE: SARATOGA DE LOTH SUAVE Y OTRAS MI JORAS DE PARQUES. .nartizecfon Para pagan• dichOe l pales aulorizado a graver y dar STAPLES A WEBER; RULE- PROPOSICION bars Cuando venzan7•, cause a graver y cdeciar Im- VAR BALDWIN DE LA CAR. NUM 5 EDIFICIOS 1, UBLICOS -, "tosodvaloremanuaisen RETERA M A LA CARRE- caMldad sufklentepara pa•1`TERA 9 Y OTRAS MEJORAS LA EMISION DE BONC S1,,fgO PROPOSICION 5 Una gar of InWas de dichs certifl-11 DE CALLES; y sera dkha PARA EDIFICIOS PUBLIC( EN LA SUMA DE o care n "Oebwa- el- Cuwpa- de-COn•' M Balers Municipals de dlci)e r CludaO ser autoriratlo de emlaf .rt 1m bores de dkha Ciudad, en cei Wes o ma series o emBlones, en at monto principal agregado 'de 51,690,000, con In bonds de coda tal serle o emisloo, r _. Spedlvamente, a vencerse por serle dentro de pore no exce• 'dlendo veirdinclnco anon dad. U fiche, Y set vendidn a tales precis- y- produclr_ Inters_ e 74th valor cons was defermF ' redo a N dbcrcion dal Cuerpo F 1 IL con i -y Cuerpo de Conseiws Munkl- e pales autorlmdo a grevar y der PARA EL PROPO: PARA a rauw a graver y Cdctar kn• CONSTRUIR MEJO EL COLISEO Y EL n punts ell valorem encases en MULTICULTURAL urea Cantered sufidente pore pa- EN EL EXISTENT gar N' Inters erlual de dicta. QUE DE CIENCIA bones y pare atableter un PARQUE FRENT - tondo de amortization pets Pa. • gar dkhm bones cuendo vem PLAYA,- Y:16LFC0' ... _ �....� ... . 3. Clue tads In rest ecbrm calRkada de lid Nndran el derech o d 1 dkha eicclon. 4. Que In balotas of line dkha elcclon seen Ida des acuerdo con el C e Eiecclones de Texas P a•malr a 9m, Necbrm A FAVOR" W "EN SICIO YSaaatlsgfctta I SICIONES, Ma cuafia A3 EL CENTRO Y ZAMIENTO DE S DE OWBAS Y' IORAS DE DREW IAS DE LLUVIAS. PROPOSICION NUM 9 EMISION DE I DE F ASTA BUFORD oTERA DE EL I NUM. 286 A AYEF LOLL LANE I .ES A GOLLIHAR PADRE ISLAND A A ILLE; EL BULEVAF UECES BAY DE CARR ERA INTRE ESTADO 37 ROADWAY; CAMINO I L AEREOPUERTO I ORGAN A AGNES; CA 10 MCARDLE DE AYER! ARROLL LANE; SAR 7GA DE STAPLES A A On el Secreterlo Munlcl la Ciudad de Corpus Ctz Nira corn at ofklal We los absentistas We dal salon; y Ie ofklna de di, crelario Municipal an to C unleipal sea aqul dmlgn mo N Wgar donde In yr sentistas wren conduct N EL' EA LA qunla votentes saran use We Ice votos absentistm M ROESTE os en persona Y Para We v to ENG- hecm an In Itlgars regue :ULTU R- de valor M dkha elecclw I balolas de Papal wren Use W. 1oa Votos absentlstas torso. Una Junta Especto ESCnArllo Sera apwdada p Cuerpo de Conselaros N " ttiMD`ty so "oat icy par. C~ Y satky le M In vela. dea widlic s y Ins bias errlafdas endkro ebu (Continued) Y —Page 4 a ' E • - `• R on ,tea o oso Road S *m dKdm Por me to do po, Wbgk19 Ho11M6, tmhaltiery School, TulOw Rand uto oopla fkkdigna-de e6N Siraaf — _ -. LOL• County _ 4!>!kflny, An• Ordenama a code Rento de 46 46 - Mirabeau B. Lamar nevllle Elecebn de dkna Ciudad Y School, 2212 Morris 103 103 - Tuloso•Mklway High tumbler, an le Casa MuNcpal, 47 41 - Ben Garza GYM 1615 School, . T Lu t Br no moos de 15 dlas antes de Ia Howard Street 106 106 -Tom !rL Browne Jr. fecha fflada pare cliche elec- 4B 48 • Parkdale Elementary High 4301 Schannen Lulac West Park clon; }amble sera 49 M . BoMur Washington Apartments, 101701Merstate37 4801 Everhart Road III* publicada el mhmo die en Code - School•1114Sam Rankln St. 1121 12 Auh�lnen Elementary una de dos ternaries ion- 90 50 - Lklda461�¢�aRa+ Cn'I113 113 - Garcia School, 1401 secutivas an un perlodko deck• tar, 3133 Swonk 6 { Greenwood wMCbn general publkada of 51. 51 • YYaldarh �. 114• 114 - St. John's Baptist cliche Ciudad, Is fecha de le prl- SM Harm hire ChurchAnnac- 5445Greenwood mere publication sere no 92 92 - Woodlawwn Prabywrtan 1115. 115 - Mt. Olive Lutheran menus de 14 dial antes de Is Churt11 W UpRW Road En- CWuh, 5101 Saratoga fecha fllada pare dkha ills- francs Hail—•"- - —��-= p6. 116 - Bridge Garage, 4521 cion. 53 53 - Sam Houston School, 363 i� Acushnet 7. Por ate medlo se an -, Norton 117117 - Flour Bluff High School ouenfra y se determine ofklal• 56 56 - Le Armada, 3701 Ayers Library-2300 Waldron Field Rd. rnenta que Is reunion an Is cuur 118 118 - Kcstoryz School, 3502 esta elecclon fue Ilamada fue 99 Del Mar College, Foyer of Panama ablerta at publlco como re ,Auditorium 119 119 - Corpus Christi Country qulerdla por la ley y noticla pub- S. 3B . Manger School, 2709 Club, 63, Everhart Road Iko de Is hors, of lugar, Y at IScuth Alameda 120 120 • Woodlown School, 1110 proposito de dlcha reunion sue 59 59 - Utility House, Incarnate Woodlawn dada corno reqularida Ix1r Vey-' Word Canvmt, 2glp So, Ala- 121 121 • C.P. YEAGER don's Ann. Clv. St. ARicuio lileds St SCHOOL, 5414 Tripoli 6252.17, cargo enmendado. 6060.Slepllel F. Austin Scholl, -That portion within the city PASADO Y APROBADO el 2902 Morgan Aw. limits of Corpus Christi die 22 de septlembre de 1977, d 5 6161 -Shaw School Annex, 844 That the forogoing ardinance de octubre de 1977 Y el 12 do Virginia was read for ft first time and octubre de 1977. 62 62 -Wynn Seale Jr. High passed to Fns second reeding on Aicalde, Ciudad de Corpus School Annex-So. Staple this the 29th day of September, Christi, •First Christian Churth lyn, by the {..lowing vote: Taxes Scout Hut•31015aMe Fe Jason L, Aye ATESTIGU ri 64 64 - Santa Fe Swlmmirg Eduordode Ales Aye Secretario Municipal, Club, 410D Santa Fe David Diaz Aye Cudad de - 69 6s - Montclair School, 5241 Ruth Gill Aye Corpus Christi, Texas KMTnar BobGUllay Aye Ls robada nre do e7ente 66 66 - R.B. Fisher School, 601 Gabe Lozano, Sr. Aye sue epr0bada odes de tar Pe• Tex. Trail Edward L. Sample Aye soda con respeck a forma Y 67 67 • LeMarle Garage at 516 That the foregoing ordinance exectitud de boa Mu Harrison Street Aflogado Ciudad de wn read for the second time Ciudad de � �' Billlmek's Geroge, 2612 end �� to Its third reeding Corpus Christi, Texas �'on on this the 5th day of October, CITY PRECINCT NO. COON- 6969- 8ek[r Jr. High Sc hool, 1977, by Me following vote: TY PRECINCT NO. POLL- Jasondode 70 JO •- BSancM Moore Ell Eduardodo ASS Aye ;NGPLACCaurttwusb Centre I memory Sctwd'WIiliams Drive David Dlaz Aye Old Jury ROOM 71 11 Laxirgton School, 2901 Ruth Gill Aye 2 2 • Windsor Park School, 4526 NrAr- a Roetl Gabe Lozano, Aye So. Alameda 7272- Cenhal Pork School, 3602 Gabe Lg2arq, Sr. Aye 33•AsmmblyHall,'FtrsiPra• McAr It Edward L. Sample Aye 33-An Assembly Hall, 4355. Broad- 7373• James W. Fannin School, t the foregoing ordina nca way 273D Galllhar was read for the third time and 74 74 - Cunningham Jr. Higm final) on this the 15th 44- Klndergarden Room Cathy School, 4321 Prescott Say Nbv,1972,bYthefd- dral School, Upper So. Broad- 75 75 - David Crockett School, bwlrg of vote: way 55- 3302 Greenwood Drive Jason Luby Aye 55 - Hamlin Jr. High School 76 76 -Poi Avaw0 Drug StOrb Eduardode Asa Aye 6 6 • Gaslight Square 100D Third 913 South Part David Diaz Aye Street 7777 - Lozano School, 650OSege RuthGlll Aye 7" 7 -Oak Park School, 3101 Bob Gulley Aye V9-AlceAll 7873- Ebenezer Baptist Church; Gabe Loom Sr. Aye YB -Atka Allen Hall Oak Park 1423 Palm Drive Edward L. Semple Aye Methodist Church. Erwin s} 79 79 - Robert Drlxdl Jr. High PASSED AND APPROVED, Mustier Street Shod -261 Well Street this the 12th day of October, 9. 9 - Old Celallen Elementary so e0 - Skinner Elementary lyy7• School - Calallem Texas School, First Aid Roan ATTEST: 15" 15 •Wet eR Rood Gin, 31 "B1 - Alice Saving School, 5075 ' Olds Brownsville Road 1717 - Shannon Jr. High School, Up River Road CRY secretary 1530 Airline Road 12 02 - Omaha Sheet Labor 18 1S - County Bultding -Flour Union Hell, Sol Omaha Street MAYOR Bluff 13101 Padre island Drive • 13 83 • LaArmsda No. 3 Office, THE CITY OF CORPUS 2020- MUdcIpal Service Canter, 1101 Tompkins CHRISTI, ]TEAS 202D' and SackY 94 M - King High School, 5225 APPROVED: 21" 21 - Klwanis Field Re:res- Gollihar 21 DAY OF Sept, 1977: }ion, 3933 71man BNd. - 95 M - T.G. Allen Elements BRUCEAYCOCIC-C2t24- Watey Hammonds Com• ScIw62002 Elizabeth party, 5611 Highway M " M"mf0e Bess Building By MkW L May 29.29 -Violet Gin, Violet,Texn Bass Building, 3054 So. Ala• Aellsterlf City Attorney Eli303D Ayers Recreation Center, a Sir �rdl Lane Stxxd, /lam 4 1722 Winnebago Street Carroll Lane -� - Edward Furman SCrOW, _ -, o_..,i.�. 0..6 -` s`'"-"'"e1°°' "° „._........._. M a9 - State Farm Insurance 210 So. Alameda St. 5701 Crollihar 33 33 - Geo. Evans School; 1315 1315 90 go - Wm. K. Fraser Ele- Comanche Street mentary SchoolAkArdle 6 Air - 34.34 - Clarkwood School, Audi- torlurn, Clarkwaod, Texas line 38 3B • Hlllcrest Chruh of 91 91 - Pharcah Country Club, Christ, 1221 Peabody 7111 Phxroah 39 39 - $0. Bluff Methodistf 5125 - Cullen Place Jr. High, Church Hall•1329 -7th Street 9a 93 •Wilson Elementary 40 l • C.S. Neva Garage, 401.1 School 3975 Fort Warts 41 41 - 51. 94 94 -gym, Calk Elementary 1l 41 - Nor} A National Bank, �1 Maria 143456 Port Ave' 95 95 - St. Cyril 6 Methodlus 4242 - Jaynes Alwili Residence, School, Will So. Padre Island -.- 202 Ohl* Street Or 43 4 - Wm. Travis Sho04 1634 M 96 - Garage at 3013 Browner Tar"en Parkway H M • Doze Sctod, 3702 ' 97 97 - Calvary Baptist Church H 2421 Gollihar - 1! S 1i-SB 7P{oa�y Higif S[h001, Ialt i - -'j - McArdie t Wet HagMs SeMlst t s Z �1 C E R T I F I C A T E THE STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF NUECES E, the undersigned, City Secretary of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, do certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 13972, passed and approved by the City Council on October 12, 1977, which became effective on October 19, 1977, as same appears in the Official Records of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, of which I am the lawful custodian. WITNESSETH MY HAND and the Official Seal of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, this 24th day of October , 1977. ( S E AL ) Bill G. Read,' City eczetary City of Corpus Christi, Texas h ;CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS ail. _ F."�t�� ^� ���� 7�1.�r�'4'.��?G'.°,�'�!`�'- j• '' t 8gq A`6 October 21, 1977 hOCl JASON LUBY MAYOR Public City Council City Manager City Secretary -CRY SMTARY Reference is made to the propositions in the bond issue to be voted on November 8, 1977. Subsequent to my voting for the passage of the ordinances, I was informed of the following. It has been found that McQuillin-- Municipal Corporations in Volume 15, Section 40.09 -- Single or Dual Propositions, states among other things, the following: "If there are two or more separate and distinct propositions to be voted on, each proposition should be stated separately and distinctly, so that a voter may declare his opinion as to. each matter separately, since several propositions cannot be united in one submission to the voters so as to call for one assenting or dissenting vote upon all the propositions; and elections are invalid where held under such restrictions as to prevent the voter from casting his individual and intelligent vote upon the object or objects sought to be attained. So it is generally held that where the election is to vote on the issuance of bonds, bonds for two or more different purposes cannot be combined in one proposition, so that the voter cannot vote for one and against the other if he so desires." McQuillin has attached 7 pages of quotations of authorities throughout the United States in support of the statements made above. It is remembered that the City Attorney, P11r. Bruce Aycock, notified the City Council in the City Council meeting of October 12, 1977, that numerous propositions as being presented are illegal and subject to contest. I therefore return the ordinances Ps 13972 and 13974 to the office of the city secretary, unsigned, because it would be in violation of the law and my oath of office to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the State of Taxas, and I shall have no part in presenting an unlawful proposition to the public. i 1 ASON LUBY Mayor JL:rb CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS �egy JASON LLIBY October 21, 1977 MAYON Public City Council City Manager City Secretary Reference is made to the propositions in the bond issue to be voted on November 8, 1977. Subsequent to my voting for the passage of the ordinances, I was informed of the following. It has been found that McQuillin-- Municipal Corporations in Volume 15, Section 40.09 -- Single or Dual Propositions, states among other things, the following: "If there are two or more separate and distinct propositions to be voted on, each proposition should be stated separately and distinctly,'so that a voter may declare his opinion as to each matter separately, since several propositions cannot be united in one submission to the voters so as to call for one assenting or dissenting vote upon all the propositions; and elections are invalid where held under such restrictions as to prevent the voter from casting his individual and intelligent vote upon the object or objects sought to be attained. So it is generally held that where the election is to vote on the issuance of bonds, bonds for two or more different purposes cannot be combined in one proposition, so that the voter cannot vote for one and against the other if he so desires." McQuillin has attached 7 pages of quotations of authorities throughout the United States in support of the statements made above. It is remembered that the City Attorney, Mr. Bruce Aycock, notified the City Council in the City. Council meeting of October 12, 1977, that numerous propositions as being presented are illegal and subject to contest. I therefore return the ordinances #'s 13972 and 13974 to the office of the city secretary, unsigned, because it would be in violation of the law and my oath of office" to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the State of Texas, and I shall have no part in presenting an unlawful proposition to the public. z1� AY Mayor JL:rb