HomeMy WebLinkAbout14024 ORD - 11/09/1977JKH:hb:1117 /77.. TEXAS: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A TITLE II COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ACT CONTRACT MODIFICATION EXTENDING THE CONTRACT DATE FROM NOVEMBER 16, 1977 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1978 AND IN- CREASING THE TOTAL CONTRACT FROM $2,155,784 TO $2,822,753, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE CONTRACT MODIFICATION, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "A "; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL RELATED AND NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO EXTEND THE AFORESAID CONTRACT TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1978; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized r to execute a Title II Comprehensive Employment and Training Act contract modification to extend the contract date from November 16, 1977 to September 30, 1978 and increasing the total contract from $2,155,784 to $2,822,753, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ". SECTION 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute all related and necessary documents to effect the aforesaid contract. SECTION 3. That the necessity to authorize the aforesaid CETA contracts and any and all related and necessary documents in order to effect the said contracts creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the ! day of November, 1977. ATTEST: MICROFILMED JUL 0 71980 City Secretary MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED:_DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1977: - -- J. BRUCE OCK, CITY ATTORNEY This ordinance is in effect and force with or without the B signature of the Mayor, in y accordance with Article II Assistant t Orney J 402 Section 6 of the Citv Charter. CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI TITLE II CONTRACT NO. 157 -3011, MODIFICATION NO. 10 PRIME CoastalMd Consortium 302 South Shoreline Corpus Christi, Texas a rr urvrxw'rux: City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 - 78408 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 This contract is entered into by the Administrative Unit of the Coastal. Bend Con®ortium, hereinafter referred to as a Prime Sponsor and rt,P rgry of .,R ChLiwri hereinafter referred to as Contractor. The Contractor agrees to operate a CETA Services Program In accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This contract consists 0K.26 pages, including this page, and such other provisions - and - documents -as are - included herein. The Contractor hereby agrees that he has read this Contract and will abide by all terms specified herein and also certifies that the information in this Contract is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief and this Contract has been fully authorized. Funds hereby being obligated are subject to the availability clause. CONTRACT PERIOD ThIA Contract covers the period (date) from July 1, 1974 thru September 30, 1978, MODIFICATION This aotioa /,zlincreasea /-/decreases J_fdoes not change the Prime Sponsor obligation for this contract by (this action) $4titi .9r Q. to (new level) OBLIGATION TITLE FISCAL YEAR TOTAL FY 74-75 FY 76 FY Title II 2 2 33 $2,822,753 TOTAL :E$653,135 $938.284 $1,231 334 $2 822 753 .APPROVED FOR THE 'PRIME SPONSOR: APPROVED FOR THE CONTRACTORS DAY OF . 1977 BYE - R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager BY: Jason Luby, Consortium Chairman, Mayor DAY.OF .1977 BY: SIGNATURE BY: NAME AND TITLE (PRIME SPONSOR USE ONLY APPROVEDi APPROVED: 9 DAY OF 1977 ^DAY OF !x1977 Director of Finance ATTEST: DAY OF , 1977 City Attorney -1- Pit.- Farrorary ' TITLE II MODIFICATION SHEET Contract Number: 157 -3011 Modification Number: 10 GENERAL INTENT: The intent of this modification is to extend the contract from November 16, 1977 to September 30, 1978 and increase the contract amount by $666,969 in FY 77 funds. FY 77 contract funds are increased from $932,335 to $1,231,334 and the total contract amount is increased from $2,155,784 to $2,822,753. The number of jobs are decreased from 110 to 109. MODIFICATION: 1. Page 1, Contract Signature Sheet, of this modification replaces Page 1, Contract Signature Sheet of Contract Modification Number 9. 2. Pages 4 and 5, Program Planning Summary, of this modification replace Page 4, Program Modification Summary of Contract Modification Number 9. 3. Pages 6 and 7, Budget Information Summary, of this modification replaces Page 5, Budget Information Summary of Contract Modification Number 9. 4. Page 8, Project Operating Plan Supplement, of this modification replaces Page 6, Project Operating Plan Supplement of Contract Modification Number 9, 5. Pages 9 - 18, Project Component Budget, of this modification replaces Pages 7 - 11, Project Component Budget of Contract Modification Number 9. 6. Pages 19 - 25, Occupational Summary, of this modification replaces Pages 12 - 15, Occupational Smeary, of Contract Modification Number 9. 7. Page 26, Program Summary, of this modification replaces Page 16, Program Summary of contract Modification Number 9. S. The FY 1978 Program: a. Carry -in funds from previous program year: $ 321,430 b. FY 1977 Title II funds added by this modification 666,969 Total FY 1978 Program $ 988,399 -2- �otal Grant funds are being modified as follows:, • FROM CHANGE TO FY 1974 Base $ 348,300 $ 348,300 FY 1974 Discretionary FY 1975 Base 304,835 304,835 FY 1975 Discretionary FY 1976 Base 293,542 293,542 FY 1976 Discretionary FY 1976 Base Suppl. 785,255 - $189,537 595,718 FY 1976 Disc. Suppl. Transition Base 49,024 49,024 Transition Discretionary. FY 1977 Regular +$230,881 230,881 FY 1977 Discretionary FY 1977 Stimulus 1-000-453 Total $ 2.822,753. -3- r CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS 0 P.of Corpus Christi Box 9277 e Christi, Texas 78408 roll nEGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY CONTRACT KEY z a J $& S vi > E ;-td EE S 1.. o du a Zmplormeni and bbr .tdmllllrlrsllon CONTRACT N MBER: s r `. CCr/t mowtADi . k ANNJNC SUMMARY 157 -3011 c. GRANT WAn d. TYPE OF PnOGPIAM From•' i.. Ta 1 4 T L1 Illo I J. 1'llla III •.neclly........... Octobei :1 1976` September 30 1977 2. ®[Tula 11 d. ❑ rill• vt INSTIIUCTIONS PUB COhAI'LETINO SECTIONS I, II, ANU III 00. oATe m Sao' t' A (Total Errollmentt) It ilia turn of A.1 and A.2... 0 (Total Terminations) Is ilia mill of D.1 Iivough o 0.3. C (Planned Enrollments) Is A minus U. , Sao. ifs Enter In line (al Enrollmo+ats in each program activity cumulatively through tine grant year and In line d (b) ilia number of participants planned to be enrolled In each. program activity at Ilia an or each p • quarter-, participants who ore concurrently onrolled'In more than one activity should be counted In each M M. Yv - activity In ,which they arc enrolled. - - Sac. till Enter ilia cumulative number of paritclpanli In each torment to be enrolled during the gran year. - ASrllclosntr dnould be counted In as many significant segment groups as are applicable. I. ENROLLMENT AND:TEf1MINATION SUMMAnY GRANT YEAn•TO.OATE PLAN 4 nEPORT A. IOTA U. TOTAL C. PLANNCO 0 P,L•RI00 µ SL• 1, menu. 2.ParLtvl ^Io 1T6nMINA� nr uY^�+sg s. rrn���rue b.I direct e. Oblahfad ''PO{iltivv' J�peilllvv INnOLiJAFmI TIONS Td...,�. w .... r........,.•....,, er.,d nr ewev' . '� „,t, �,� t • ,ai h`y h'�d1 'r`j..'°"i' .Jai 1 2 7 0E as --.•• On•Ihodob Training Pub, Sonia Enplamtoat Work I Cxwlanee Prime n. -�-r. mss s-ssm� 2 - 1 1 7 } b) Currently Enrollad 1 _ _ 0 2 a) Total Cnrolhnonla C' J b) Currently Enrotlod 0 J107 1 8 205 37 0 29 8 136 32 51 REM .a G`adr�•': °9 tr,'Y1^ "A6'.a . 3y:; ?; r di' f'' ad' 'i' 71 x. •II• PLANNED ENROLLMENTS IN P56611AM ACTIVITIES A a ' C 0E CLASSROOM TMTNI On•Ihodob Training Pub, Sonia Enplamtoat Work I Cxwlanee Prime n. Voe. Cd. 2 a) Total CnrollmanU 1 2 7 } b) Currently Enrollad 1 7 _ 2 a) Total Cnrolhnonla C' J b) Currently Enrotlod 0 2 7 [ 2. a) Total.Cnrogmanls _ 0 G 7 _ 0 7 b) Curranlly Enrolled 12.1 2 a) Total Cnrollrnants 0 9 7 7 a 253 _ _U D J b) Curranlly Enrnllud 0 g 7 51 1 7 0 'ta.:.:�Y;!:ir.�yC,!: • ;'F �aP..e.';�tisi. 212: D.: •. b tai li• '}�1• d)1:1.+ . 7?! }• i': +'•Jrl�• it., k.7'•ti'. q d . !1•'0 Ill. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS O rtANT YEAn•TO•OATC PLAN anAI 1 JI]] 6p0 g/30 SIGNIFICANT 12 /J1 SCOMENTS IV. OTHEn ACTIVITIES • v indlcoto other aatrvttlos,of %+octal pnogrtinu on oRach• . mantt. Volathu their obloerlws and list ndlattonat toward Blair ocidovorrlvnt In o quantitative or narrative prowntotlon. AN Ci� Corpus Christi P., ox 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 roil tlEGIONAL OFFICE USE CONTRACT KEY C z tc w RZ N�z U0 CLTA PROGRAM PLANNING SUbMh(AIRY coNTxACT NOflaliK: t 157 -3011 o. GRANT YEAn d. TYPE OF PnOGnAIA From , : ' To 1. O Title I 0. 0 Title III October 1, 1977 September 30, 1978 2•3M Title 11 a. O rills VI 114STIIUCTIUNS FOR COMPLETING SECTIONS I, II. ANU III ]D. Dn7E Sac. It A (Total Enrollments) is t11t aim of A.1 and A.1, D (Total Terminallans) It ilia aun of 0.1 throuh g D.S. C (Planned Enrollments) Is A minus D. See. Ill Enter In line (a) Enrollments In tacit program aoUvtly cumulatively through ilia grant yea, and In lint d (b) ilia number of participants planned to be enrolled In tech. program activity at ilia end of each a DD vv 0 quarter) arilelpenit who coo concurrently enrolled In more than one activity dtould be counted In tacit S activity fit which they are enrolled. Sea, ilia Enter ilia cumulative number of putldpsim In each segment to be enrolled durtrtg the grart year. h 2. 2t Parllclpanit dtould be counted In as many significant segment groups as are applicable. I, ENnOLLMENT AND'TEnMINATION SUMMAnY GRANT YEAn•TO.OATE PLAN ' 4 nEPOnT A. TOTAL ENdOL4 1• IC.tinlod 0. TOTAL TErtMINA• CmtEouynng work I Expaltnee stn Spoilt. Vat. Ed. 7�Positive 0 C. PLANNCO wnOLVAGM'. 2 7 7 O PERIOD 1.1ENT$ menu P�nii Over TIONS a. Ofreet Plcndr. b. Inofrocl P[emit. e. Oblaload Cmploymol �aa+:as positive trod nr Q-6., 95 Imlt Vr. 2 .a) 7olai Cnrollmonls 0 7 7 8 ..z —rraQS - -124 107 124 4 8 4 8 4, n Y �^ LL s�y 8 5 73 51 24 8 0 0 •2 4 2 4 95 11 — ^P' • >, ,� o a 7 129 78 51 34 14 0 7 7 10 _ 10 '95 ` _ — I +? r y�( 7 S _ 2 aI Total Emollmanis 51 136 55 0 30 25 40 41 0— 0 0 7 8 s '.F^ • "'1'L:.:.' '� "''Tr?'S %1b +..' 1. JT'r— •'" '•e'�...•'� r ' ad' '.a.'' if'Sti,l X ! .'� •?( :;.-�:: 1 J .12 tf •.s..: SL'•.: a8 - ail . 71 s •I1. PLANNED ENItOLLSIENTS IN PnOCnAM ACTIVITIES A 0 ' C D E CLASSROOM TMININ On•tlte•Job Training Pub. Sarvkr Divla,•nsost work I Expaltnee stn Spoilt. Vat. Ed. 2 81 Total Enrollmonh 1 2 7 7 - 107 ear Currenlly Cnrollad 1 7 7 95 2 .a) 7olai Cnrollmonls 0 7 7 8 - -124 __ C 7 b) Currently Enrolled 013 79' 100 C 2 _ If Tatal.Ertlollntantl 0 0 7 8 D - .1 -b) Currently Cnroard 0 0 7 8 95 U 2 aI Total Emollmanis 0 0 7 8 136 l 1 0 Currenlly C•rrnuad 0 0 7 8 0 t—i # z z L120,211 if'Sti,l 11:'1f : +7,'F:t 5 'i: + "';'r• ais:+�1 ,r OR fir. 111. SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS GrtANT YEM•TO•DATE PLAN TS 12131 3131 0130 q/10 SIGNIFICANT IV. OTHEn ACTIVITIES I I • Indicate other aetivitlas or spacial progrims on eilech• moms. Doterflau tittle objectives slid list udlationat toward their ocblovamtnt In o cluondtativa or narrative presentation. Gj s OMB Approval No. 44.1115711 E>,efrallee D.le MGM A. CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS: u.a. OEPARTNCr17 Of LABOR O. GRANT NUMBER • (For Ouarrer rnd.'np) Cmplaymant sad Trilnlnt Adm4d6uttoA 1 7 J „ 157 -3011 City of Corpus Christi Q TYPE OF PROGRAM P. 0. Box 9277 BUDGET INFORMATION SUMMARY E4 ] Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 1. G TII►e 1 3. O Two 111 4. O 711I6 VI 2 ]] 10/1/76 — 9/30/77 ]. 91 Tills tt D. FOR REGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY 3 " ' CONTRACT kEY MOD. DATE ' :r z a �1iI dd ,b1 E$ i y e e yy no VY 26 ..11 :G 1. Ntme Sponnr O4119a11ona 7. Total Froleeled Eapcndllurea by Proyram a. Cl+toroom TraluLy, W1.0 Sponaor U. On•thcJob TrAWA) e. Public Servlee Employment d. 1VOrk Eaperlenea 0 `:4 yt •1; 7Q L`,• 3 $610,905 610 902 44 53 82 2 71 e.•1, l L a a o a 7 a p 1a a 1] l] q i6 i6 11 is 19 :o at z: xJ Sn ]s ]d ]7 a4 Qp o0 3 35 4• 5 67 • 71 0 E. DUDCET SUMMARY COST CATCOOR193 a' A :(; '•j �a{-' ;`. ''T a. OnANT PnOORAM :r.. li •' : '1 ESTIMATED UNEXPENOCO FUNDS - NEW OR REVISED OUOGET- .1. TOTAL ] D. F•daral. c•.�- NOn•FOeoral ] d. Federal a. Non;•�Faaer+rl FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY G lY 1:7 1. Adminlltratlen O �� 3; x 'T �'diF+ ' � l >i:. Y U) i +T �? -1 y ' 0 2 '8,071 $ 5 ,v'�• '�96•(r ^ii' 1{�� ^' 1� $�.: ? +'= ` 30 00 1. Allowtneca ': r' ': JF :.r 'J` %4�'1•.. �''' ,.+.�.':i�.M.' �iRri�4 =:$�' 3�'cai.•,.�h: :• . :t ]e ?t : .<.,. J. S. Other F.J. Funds. flat In Prima Spoa.Gant ` 6: {c e;' 6: ai R $ 44 9 r 4. Fringe BeoellU TI _i,••4•+.�,. '"•!''' NA1*0531 613, S. TtJninq .'% 1 TS:•.'4i�feji�r - i?a.G°9' v 7f. 5t. al 6] u" 6. Servleat L:r.:IV?` "1['' ••'66 'f:• 1 !.:N'a : ?..a''cC•t,. 1 7 J 71 36 $321x430 r $610,905 $932,335 7. TOCa11 a t - F. CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURCS (For Ouarrer rnd.'np) 1 7 J „ t7 ZS ]a 74 Z• 1 1 J 'i JI S. 72 E4 ] 1 ] ] '�. 2 ]] ]] ]a 7S t ] 3 " ]i ]. 7 74 75 cc 26 — i6 26 :G 1. Ntme Sponnr O4119a11ona 7. Total Froleeled Eapcndllurea by Proyram a. Cl+toroom TraluLy, W1.0 Sponaor U. On•thcJob TrAWA) e. Public Servlee Employment d. 1VOrk Eaperlenea 0 `:4 yt •1; 7Q L`,• 3 $610,905 610 902 44 53 82 2 71 D .7 i' ,c—'�' ir: 'P, ;�, ti , ,. 4; ,1 3 35 4• 5 67 • 71 0 3 G 3 44 53 a' A :(; '•j �a{-' ;`. ''T 4 71 - ] 36 :r.. li •' : '1 67 71 e. Servkes to partlelpanls I. Other Aellvltloa I a J- t6 ] ] ]C f C ] ] 2G 0. ' '� 4 ti G lY 1:7 4 35 O 4 >S 0 + 3 d 36 3. Prolcctsd EspendBwes for Yotatlonal Cd. In Spaolal Grants to pay.11 'i ;. 44 - ', 0 R .j: 44 _ S D ! ir• 4• • ': 44 — 53 4. Projected Enpen;l wer of Non•Fod. Funds f 53 ix'.3[ ?t : b 63 S. Other F.J. Funds. flat In Prima Spoa.Gant M1 ;Q. 6: {c e;' 6: ai R 6'' 6. Crand Total • Projected Cltpondltwtt , • it 610,905 TI I .O OMO APP /oval No. 44•1`1I67S E„atratlen mr, cnano CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS t u.a oEl nnrMCtaT or I hooA 4. GRANT NUMBER Vanployment and 24dning ddntlnfrltatlon ' .^ 21 • 157 -3011 ' City of Corpus, Christi, 1 2 O. TYPE OF PROGRAM 'P. 0. Box 9277 BUDGET INFOWATION SUMMARY Corpus Christie Texas 78408 ] 'kj 3. 13 Till. 1 3, d Two 111 4, d Tim Vl 2e 2S 10/1/77 — 9/30/78 2. UTitla it 21 2. 22 2a 0. FOR IIEGIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY iT 1 CONTRACT NEV, M00. OATS w'7• A' 0 6 Jt: ''r '.i' _ 0 9 ' 5L �'�'• h z 24 1. plumesponur01:11pitom 0 2 $246,900 Q 9�S4gq_g d B $240,700 R�x 3� 2. Talal'l'rojeeted Eaprndimres by Program t ... 35. 46 0 ' tJ• i T 0 9,, 35 a. Claasraom 97ainiug. Prime Sponsor �� •14 •. Mht 00 YY v ,` I( . oo a B ,;;,' �i %'• It. CmheJob Tralnla7 rt ti S3 cot. i t. i ELI c r a o to tl 1: r2 a if ie a is 19 xo sl z2 2a 2e zs ac it 20 2p E. OUOCET SUMMARY COST CATEGORIES a. GnANT PnocnAM ESTIMATED UNEXPENOE0 FUNDS NEW OR AEVISCO OUOCET- I. TOTAL b. Federal, TI Na�n-Federal d. Feaeral A. Non•F.deral FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY 3 26 2 {p;' 3 2 ]gC. {o 2 zl 2$ �T 4 1. Admh,blrailon } t; ry' '� r 4,y�X .j yy� j f'QjPr '+ G A,200 `pk? r, �� :r +yF: $ 64,200 a 2. Allawancca :i ': J:• :; IS7 S!'r F. tl'$ , ?gw yr :I! (• . a. 1 ;ai�5' •.• �s.,r�tn t�"; i .I: :t al: Projected Eapendilures (at. Voeallonal Ed, g� •a t .. S :,d�'u:l ? •;, .rnl •. — 44 S. I'rager J_ i :' . ...' 2C :Ri:•Y ° >tl iG..r.,i I?-:s °,$thy + :1.'I.�.�I':4'%'•'.`i ' ? �f •14 r :a_Ii�;'tl. +.: •r:. v:�:,�.•. 3 , 1 •{. Fringe OeuallU ti .'t �. a;:"4;fGt :i4 '¢'d'�•�•Yis �• "4r.•nT ;s'�' ;'•a+.: :'iii -' : q. 110 0 Er,'-� :• 84 0 3. 7talninq .. ifs �IEislpr4' }'',•t ':rN }'c r'S�i,¢1•K a2' ZY'&.a• 62 '4 jsl. 62 6. Services Li •1 1 ?: r:. `i['.!`P!!.' .i' eti6G 'ri'F •vP+4, 82 11 d • 'dM'as• ruy' e, {t,,'r•4 :• $246,900 —To 2 2 21 26 7! $740,70C ^T 7j 1 $988,399 $988,399 7. lalt O 7 F. CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY PROJECTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS AND EXPE'ItQITURES Ifor Quarter Ending! 1 2 a .^ 21 12 2a 2n 2' 1 2 ] '1. �1 1: 2a 2a 2• 1 2 ] 'kj 2 22 2] 2e 2S i 2 a '° 21 2. 22 2a M '� ec 1 ,y T_ :y. w'7• A' 0 6 Jt: ''r '.i' _ 0 9 ' 24 24 1. plumesponur01:11pitom 0 2 $246,900 Q 9�S4gq_g a B $240,700 0 2 $988, 99 2. Talal'l'rojeeted Eaprndimres by Program t ... 35. 46 0 s. 1.' 493.800 i T 0 9,, 35 a. Claasraom 97ainiug. Prime Sponsor �r % :1 •14 �f7, .1: •1• >° ?[• 4 Jt 44 ,;;,' �i %'• It. CmheJob Tralnla7 rt ti S3 5 5 Ir 55 _ o. public Service Employment ',.1 62 246,'900 S.r a, 62 493,800 ' :11 62 740,700 - •1, t• 62 988 399 d. (York Eaperl.neo L • ;( 71 , +r '1 71 • ''. •} TI , .1' 7l • 1 2 3 26 2 7 24 3 2 2 26 t 1 a 29 e. Services to Participants 0 4 0 4 q. 1 0 4 t. Other AelivBlci ; ' ; 83 111 71 35 ;; 7S 1.1 '. 35 Projected Eapendilures (at. Voeallonal Ed, - — 44 �'± � 4 zj l• 4 • 4•i In Special Grants In Cavernors �r W �y — 4. Proleetcd EspenJiturn of Non•Fed, Funds 'i %y 77 tX''x 53 '21 5. Other Fed. FunJe, 1.101 In Prime Spon.Q'anl '4 jsl. 62 ;r yam: 82 �'fi 6 ••"• 82 6. Grand Total • Projected Expenditures d • 71 $246,900 F f 71 $493,800 p 7! $740,70C ^T 7j 71 $988, 399 CTA 6.143 .(Jun; $976) I M1 PROGRAM Public Service EmoloyMtnt 'SUPPLEMENT TO THE CETA - PPS /BIS TITLE II I. NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED TO BE SERVED, PROGRAM YEAR TO DATE MONTH -YEAR II. NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS PLANNED TO BE ENROLLED AT END OF EACH MONTH III. CUMULATIVE PROJECTED EXPENDITURES BY MONTH A. Monthly B. Total Contract Expenditures Expenditures OCTOBER 80 80 82,300 $ 693.200 NOVEMBER 95 90 164,600 775 500 DECEMBER 107 95 246,900 857,800 JANUARY 115 95 329,200 940,100 FEBRUARY 120 95 411,500 1,022,400 MARCH 124 100 493,800 1,104,700 APRIL 126 100 576,100 1,187,000 MAY 128 95 658,400 1,269 300 JUNE 129 95 740,700 1,351,600 JULY 132 60 823,000 1,433,900 AUGUST 134 40 905,300 1,516,200 SEPTEMBER 136 0 $988,399 $1,599,304 INSTRUCTIONS I. Enter the total planned number of individuals who are planned to be served cumulative each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training, or employment should be counted, The number in December, March, June and September should agree with the entries in Part IA of the PPS. II. Enter the total planned number of individuals who will be in the program covered by this PPS on the last day of each month. Only individuals who have been declared eligible for and are receiving services, training, or employment should be counted. The number in December, March, June and September should agree with the entries in Part IC of the PPS. III. A. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by month. The totals In December, March, June and September should agree with the entries in Part F of the BIS. B. Enter the planned accrued expenditures of funds cumulative by total contract. S:D C! October 1, 1976 - September 30, 1977 PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET j—/ TITLE I /g/ TITLE II f-1 TITLE VI NAME OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBGRANTEE. City of Corpus Christi FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: Public Service Employment is AMOUNT (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COST: 58,071 484,689 (2) WAGES: (3) TRAINING: (4) FRINGE BENEFITS• 68,145 (5) ALLOWANCES: (6) SERVICES: TOTAL AMOUNT $610,905 -9- -10- BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS October 1, 1976 _ September 30, 1977 (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS AMOUNT a. STAFF COSTS: $16,300 b. FRINGE BENEFITS: 2,471 c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: 3,000 f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: g. STATE MANPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: N/A h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: i. TRAVEL: J. RENT: k. UTILITIES- 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: m. INDIRECT COSTS: (1.96 %) 36,300 u. STAFF TRAINING: o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: p. EQUIPMENT: q. MATERIAL: r. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: s. PUBLICATIONS: t. AUDIT SERVICES: u. OTHER: (Specify) d. OTHER: (Specify) W. OTHER: (Specify) x. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL $58,071 -10- October 1, 1976 - September 30, 1977 BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGET AMOUNT (2) WAGES: a. On- Job - Training: b, Transitional Subsidized Employment: $484,689 c. Other:(Specify) d. Other:(Specify) Sub -Total $484,689 (3) TRAINING: N/A a. Salaries: b. Fringe Benefits: c. Tuitions: d. Entrance Fees: e. Books: f. Teacher's Aids: g. Other:(Specify) h. Other:(Specify) Sub -Total -0- -11- • BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: Amount • a. Annual Leave: b. Sick Leave: c. Court Leave: d. Military Leave: e. FICA: 22,145 f. Life Insurance: g. Health Insurance: 17,800 h. Unemployment Insurance: i. Workmen's Compensation: 15,500 J. Retirement Benefits: 11,700 k. Other. (Specify) Travel 11,000 1. Other:(Specify) Sub -Total $68,145 (5) ALLOWANCES: N/A Sub -Total -0- -12- October 1, 1976 - September 30, 1977 BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS AMOUNT (6) SERVICES TO CLIENTS: (N /A) a. Child Care: -0- b. Health Care: c. Medical Services: d. Residential Support: e. Assistance in Securing Bonds: f. Family Planning: g. Outreach: h. Intake and Assessment: i. Orientation: J. Counceling: k. Job Development: 1. Job Placement: m. Other:(Specify) n. Other:(Specify) o. Other:(Specify) Sub -Total ;-0- Grand Total $610,405 -13- October 1, 1977 - September 30, 1978 PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET f-1 TITLE I /S/ TITLE II f-1 TITLE VI NAME OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBGRANTEE: City of Corpus Christi FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: Public Service Employment AMOUNT (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COST: $ ti .200 (2) WAGES: 839,891 (3) TRAINING• (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: 84,308 (S) ALLOWANCES: 5 (6) SERVICES: TOTAL AMOUNT $988,399 -14- • BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS • October 1, 1977,- September 30, 1978 (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS -15- AMOUNT a. STAFF COSTS: $135,800 x 20% $27,160 b. FRINGE BENEFITS: $23,300 x 202 4,66n c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: $3,600 x 20Z 720 d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: 3,600 f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: g. STATE MANPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: N/A h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: i. TRAM: $6,500 x 20% 1,300 J. RENT: $12,00 x 20X 2,400 k. UTILITIES: 1. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: M. INDIRECT COSTS: (1.962) 19.300 n. STAFF TRAINING: $3,600 x 20% 720 o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE• P- EQUIPMENT • $2,200 x 20% 44.0 — q. MATERIAL: r. CAPITAL EDUIPMms $2,200 x 20% 440 s. PUBLICATIONS: t. OTHER:- (specify) Postage $2,400 x 20% 480 u. OTHER: (Specify)Printing and Advertising $10,400 x 20% 2,080 v. OTHER: (Specify) Telephone $3,500 x 207 700 w. OTHER: (Specify) Equipment Maintenance $1,000 x 207 700 x. OTHER: (Specify) SUB -TOTAL $64,200 -15- • October 1. 1977 - September 30, 1978 BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGET (2) WAGES: a. On- Job - Training: b. Transitional Subsidized Employment: c. Other:(Speclfy) d. Other:(Specify) (3) TRAINING: N/A a. Salaries: b. Fringe Benefits: C. Tuitions: d. Entrance Fees: e. Books: f. Teacher's Aids -.: g. Other:(Specify) h. Other:(Specify) -16- Sub -Total Sub -Total October 1, 1977 - September 30, 1978 BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS Amount (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: a. Annual Leave: b. Sick Leave: c. Court Leave: d. Military Leave: a e. FICA: $44,920 f. Life Insurance: g. Health Insurance: 16,988 h. Unemployment Insurance- i. Workmen's Compensation: 21,400 J. Retirement Benefits: k. Other* (Specify) Travel 1,000 1. Other:(Specify) Sub -Total $84,308 (S) ALLOWANCES: NIA Sub -Total ^0^ -17- October 1, 1977 - September 30, 1978 BACK -UP SUPPORT BUDGETS AMOUNT (6) SERVICES TO CLIENTS: (N /A) a. Child Care: -0- b. Health Care: c. Medical Services: d. Residential Support: e. Assistance in Securing Bonds: f. Family Planning: g. Outreach: h. Intake and Assessment: 1. Orientation: J. Counceling: k. Job Development: 1. Job Placement: m. Other .,(Specify) n. Other:(Specify) o. Other-(Specify) Sub -Total =0- Grand Total $988,389 -18- • 94;tober.1, 1976 - September 30, 1977 " •, PSE OCCUPATIONAL SUMMARY Contractor: City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 OCCUPATIONAL TITLE BY EMPLOYING AGENCY NUMBER OF CETA 140. JOB TOTAL JOBS WAGE RATE DURATION WAGES (A) (B) (C) (D) (E).. CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI Crewman 60(1) $488 110 $53,680 1 488 6 2,928 3(3). 521 2 1,042 Refuse Collector 2(1) 488 6 2,928 -Custodial Worker 6(1) 488 14 6,832 2(3) 52). 2 1,042 Clerk I 3f1; 509 8 4,072 1(9) 509 7 3,563. 543 1 543. Traffic Signal Maintenance Man 3(1) 530 7 3,710 Trades Helper 2(1) 530 6 3,180 5(3) 565 3 1,695 Plant Helper.. 1(1) 530 3 1,590 Truck Driver 3(1) 530 8 4,240 Engineering Aide 1(3). 565 1 565 Clerk II 9(l) 551 1.8 9,918 1(2) 551 7 3,857 1(3) 588 1 588 Stock Clerk 2(3) 588 2 10176 Gardener II 3(1) 551 2 1,102 Senior Library Aide 1(1) 551 2 1,102 Building and Grounds Custodian 2(1) 551 6 3,306 1(2) 551 7 3,857 1(3) 588 1 588 Bus Operator 1(1) 572 3 1,716 TOTAL Cont. Con't. Cont. Cont. October 1, 1976 - .Septembet 30, 1977 • PSE OCCUPATIONAL SUMMARY Contractor: City of.Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 OCCUPATIONAL TITLE BY EMPLOYING AGENCY NUMBER OF CETA MO. JOB TOTAL JOBS WAGE RATE DURATION WAGES A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Equipment Operator- 1(1) $572 3 $ 1,716 2(3) 610 1 660 Senior Clerk 4(1) 593 5 2,965 1(2) 593 5 2,965 2(3)- 633 2 1,266 Senior Clerk Typist 6(1) 593 19 11,267 2(2) 593 10 5,930 1,899 3(3) 633 3 Account Clerk 8(l) 593 18 10,674 1(2� 593 5 2,965 1(3 633 1 633 Keypunch Operator 3(l) 593 21 12,453 3(2) 593 8 4,744 KQppolmvn 1(1) 593 3 1,779 Laboratory Assistant 2(l) 593 6 3;558 Meter Reader 1(1) 616 3 1,848 Senior Engineering Aide 2(l) 616 10 6,160 242• 3 616 10 6,160 2 657 2 1,314 Junior Draftsman 2(l) 616 6 3,696 1(3) 657 1 657 Humane Officer 6(l) 639 30 19,170 2(2) 639 14 8,946 2(3) 682 2 1,364 Senior Clerk Stenographer I 3(l) 639 7 4,473 Outreach Worker IM 639 3 1,917 Cook, AIC 1(l) 639 3. 1,917 Warrant Officer 1(l) 664 3 1,992 1(2) 664 7 4,648 1(3) 708 1 708 TOTAL -Co., t. con It. Con t. Con t. -20- October 1, 1976 - Septembe; 30, 1977' • PSE OCCUPATIONAL SUMMARY Contractor: City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi. Texas 78408 OCCUPATIONAL TITLE BY EVLOYING AGENCY WMER OF CETA MO. JOB TOTAL JOBS WAGE RATE DURATION WAGES (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Carpenter 6(3) $708 2 $ 1,416 Labor Foreman 4(3) 708 2 1,416 Maintenance Foreman 2(3) 708 1 708 Senior Account Clerk I 2 (3) 735 1 735 Museum Specialist l(l) 689 2 1,378 2(3) 735 1 735 Maintenance Mechanic 2(3) 735 1 735 Recreation Coordinator 4(l) 689 8 5,512 Safety Secruity Officer 2(l) 689 6 4,134 Painter l(l) 716 3 2,148 3(3) 764 1 764 Administrative Aide. 9(1) 744 20 14,880 Planning Technician 1(3) 794 1 794 Carpenter= Joiner 1(3) 794 1 794 Property Advisor l(l) 744 3 2 X 232 2(3) 794 -1 794 Junior Accountant l(l) 773 3 2,319 1(2) 773 5 3.865 1(3) 825 1 825 Concrete Finisher 2(3) 833 1 833 Inspector Foreman 1(3) 833 1 833 Maintenance Mechanic Foreman 1(3) 833 1 833 Equipment Operator II l(l) 833 2 1,666 Patrolman 18(1) 833 85 70,805 18(2) 833 80 66,640 18(3) 839 15 12,495 TOTAL. Con't. Con't. Cont. Cont. -21- (1; • ; , • October 1, 1976 - ,September 30, 1,977 0 PSE OCCUPATIONAL SUMMARY Contractor: City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 OCCUPATIONAL TITLE BY EMPLOYING AGENCY NUMBER OF CETA MO. JOB TOTAL JOBS 14AGE RATE DURATION WAGES (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Counselor I 1(1) $833 3 $ 2,499 1(3) 833 1 833 Administrative Assistant I 1(1) 833 3 2,499 Programmer /Analyst 1(1) 833 3 2,499 1(2) 833 7 5,831 1(3) 833 1 833 CORPUS CHRISTI INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 10(4) 500 30 15,000 Aides FLOUR BLUFF INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 2(3) 433 1,5 650 Aides Grounds and Maintenance Man 1(3) 433 1 433 WEST OSO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Teacher Aides 10(3) 451 9 4,059 {1)Represents the number of jobs and wage r te/man-mont is from Octo er 1, 197 through December 31, 1976. (2 ) Represents the number of jobs and wage to /man from 1, 197 ri July 31, 1977. -mon s Janutry through (3)Represents the number of jobs and wage ri te/man-mont is from Augu t.1, 1977 through November 16, 1977. (4)Represents the number of jobs and wage ri January 31, 1977. te/man-montis from Augu t 16, 197 through TOTAL 93 752.5 1$484,689 _P2- October 1, 1977 - .September 30, 1978 • PSE OCCUPATIONAL SUMMARY Contractor: City of Corpus Christi P. 0, Box 9277 Corous Christi Texas 78408 OCCUPATIONAL TITLE BY EMPLOYING AGENCY MMER OF CETA MO. JOB TOTAL JOBS WAGE RATE DURATION WAGES (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI Crewman 3 $521 34 $ 17,714 Custodial Worker 2 521 24 12,504 Clerk I 2 543 23 12,489 Clerk Typist 2 543 22 111946 Trades Helper 7 565 78 44,070 Engineering Aide 1 565 12 6,780. Clerk II 1 588 . 12 7,056 Stock Clerk 2 588 23 13,524 Building and Grounds Custodian 1 588 12 7,056 Equipment Operator 2 610 24 14,640 Senior Clerk 2 633 •24 15,192 Senior Clerk Typist 4 633 48 30,384 Account Clerk 2 633 24. 15,192 Laboratory Assistant 1 633 12 7,596 Senior Engineering Aide 2 657 24 15,768 Junior Draftsman 1 657 12 7,884 Utilities Serviceman 1 682 11 7,502 Humane Officer 2 682 24 16,368 Personnel Technician 1 682 11 7,502 Warrant Officer 1 708 12 8,496 Carpenter 6 708 66 46,728 TOTAL Cont. Con't, Con't: Can't. -23- October 1, 1977 = September 30, 1978 • PSE OCCUPATIONAL S%L`1ARY Contractor: City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 OCCUPATIONAL TITLE BY EMPLOYING AGENCY MMER OF CETA MO. JOB TOTAL JOBS WAGE RATE DURATION WAGES (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Labor Foreman 4 $708 40 28,320. Maintenance Foreman 3 708 34 24,072 Safety Security Officer 2 735 20 14,700 Senior Account Clerk I 2 735 22 16,170 Museum Specialist 2 735 24 17,640 Maintenance Mechanic 3 733 36 26,460 Painter 3 764 36 27,504 Maintenance Supervisor 2 794 22 17,468 Planning Technician 1 794 12 9,528 Carpenter Joiner 1 794 11 8,734 Property Advisor 2 794 23 18,262 Counselor I 1 794 12 9,528 Junior Accountant 2 825 20 16,500 Maintenance Mechanic 1 833 12- 9,996 Patrolman 18 833 200 166,600-- Counselor II 2 833 24 19,992 Programmer /Analyst 1 833 12 9,996 FLOUR BLUFF INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 2(l) 433 6 2,598 Aides 2(2) 478 18 8,604 Grounds and Maintenance-Man 1(1) 433 3 1,299 1(2) 511. 9 4,599 TOTAL Cont. Con't, Con't; Cont. • October 1, 1977 -.September. 30, 7978' • PSE OCCUPATIONAL SUMMY Contractor: City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Co us Christi Texas 78408. OCCUPATIONAL TITLE BY DIPLOYING AGENCY NUMBER OF CETA MO. JOB TOTAL JOBS WAGE RATE DURATION WAGES A) (B) (C) (D) (E) WEST OSQ INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 10(1) $451' 30 13,530 Teacher Aides 10(2) 460 90 41,400 (')Represents number of jobs and wage rat jab durati prior to nuary 1, M78. (2)itepresents number of jobs and wage rat /job durati n after Januiry 1, 197f. TOTAL 109 1,248 839,891 -25- 'PSE PSUGRAM 'SUMMARY 1. CONTRACTOR LIAISON OFFICIAL 4. CONTRACTOR ''• yR �V• SERVED City of Corpus Christi City City of Corpus Administrative Costs 8, NO. OF Christi City of Corpus Christi City City of Corpus $ 122,271 96 Christi Corpus Christi Inde- School Same as Above pendent School District 60,100 District 59 34 Flour Bluff Indepen- School Same as Above dent School District District West Oso Independent School Same as Above School District District -26- 7. POPULATIM 204,525 2. CONTRACT MM - 157 -3011 3. TITLE II JOBS 8, NO. OF 9. FUNDS JOBS $ 122,271 96 1,382,033 16,000 3 18,900 10 60,100 109 59 34 10. TOTAL 1 11. OTHER ACTIVITIES 12. TOTAL $1,599,304 Co�us Christi, Texas 7day oA—"MAW1, 1917— TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is,introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by t following vote: Jason Luby Eduardo de Ases David Diaz Ruth Gill Bob Gulley Gabe Lozano, Sr. Edward L. Sample The above ordinance was passed by th following vote: Jason Luby Eduardo de Ases David Diaz Ruth Gill Bob Gulley Gabe Lozano, Sr. Edward L. Sample 14024