HomeMy WebLinkAbout14208 ORD - 03/01/1978jkh:Z- Z8 -/8; Ist s TEXAS: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SYSTEMS MARKETING, INC., OF PHOENIX, ARIZONA, FOR THE LEASE PURCHASE OF CURRENT PERIPHERAL EQUIP- MENT FOR THE COMPUTER IN THE DATA PROCESSING DEPARTMENT, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE CONTRACT, A SUBSTAN- TIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "A "; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE CONTRACT AFORESAID; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Systems Marketing, Inc., of Phoenix, Arizona, for the lease purchase of current peripheral equipment for the computer in the Data Processing Department, all as more fully set forth in the con- tract, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ". SECTION 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute any and all documents necessary to implement the contract afore- said. SECTION 3. The necessity to authorize execution of the aforesaid contract and any and all documents necessary at the earliest practicable date creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requir- ing the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introducticnbut that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the _day March, 1378. ATTEST: 4CStgcretary MAYOR TH CITY OF 0 HRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: 1,: =DAY OF MARCH, 1978: MICROFILMED J. BW AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By JUL Q 7190A AP40ant C ttorney 14208 LEASE OF DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT WITH PURCHASE OPTION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES THIS AGREEMENT is made between Systems Marketing, Inc., herein called LESSOR, and City of Corpus Christi, a municipal corporation located in Nueces County, Texas, herein called LESSEE, upon the following terms and considerations: 1. Venue. This agreement is performable in Corpus Chrfsti, Nueces County, Texas, and shall be construed, enforced and performed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. 2. Term and Equipment. Lessor hereby leases to Lessee the following described personal property for a period of sixty (60) months commencing upon written acceptance by Lessee certifying to Lessor that all equipment listed herein is installed operational, and has been accepted by IBM for maintenance. The first monthly payment will be due thirty (30) days thereafter. GROUP ITEM EQUIP. TYPE MODEL DESCRIPTION UAQ NTITY MANUFACTURER B 1 IBM 3704 Al Communication * 1 IBM Controller 2 IBM 3333 11 Disk Storage /Control 1 IBM 13 IBM 3330 11 Disk Storage 3 IBM 4 IBM 1403 N1 Printer 1 IBM 5 IBM 3505 B2 Card Reader 1 IBM 6 IBM 3525 P3 Card Punch 1 IBM 7 IBM 3803 001 Tape Controller 1 IBM 8 IBM 3420 3 Tape Drive 2 IBM 9 IBM 3775 P1 Terminal 1 IBM 10 IBM 3271 2 Control Unit 4 IBM 11 IBM 3272 2 Control Unit 1 IBM 12 IBM 3275 2 Terminal w/4633 1 IBM Keyboard 13 IBM 3277 2 Terminals w /4633 30 IBM Keyboard 14 IBM 3284 2 Printer 2 IBM 15 IBM 3284 1 Printer 3 IBM 16 IBM 3286 2 Printer 1 IBM 3. Bid Invitation Controlling. This agreement shall be governed by Bid Invitation No. 7506/78 dated December 28, 1977, and the specifications therein set out and to the extent of any conflict between this agreement and said Bid Invitation, the said Bid Invitation shall be completely controlling; provided, however, that Paragraph 21 of this agreement shall control over the Bid Invitation. A copy of said Bid Invitation is attached hereto and is a part of this contract for all purposes. 4. Rental. Total rental payable by Lessee to Lessor under this lease shall be payable in monthly installments thirty (30) days after written . acceptance by Lessee as follows: Payment Rentals (Including Interest) No. (Total Payment) 1 9010.00 2420.33 2 9010.00 2385.88 3 9010.00 2351.25 4 9010.00 2316.44 5 9010.00 2281.45 6 9010 .Go 2246.28 7 9010.00 2210.92 8 9010.00 2175.38 9 9010.00 2139.65 10 9010.00 2103.74 11 I 9010.00 2067.63 12 9010.00 2031.34 13 9010.00 1994.86 14 9010.00 1958.19 15 9010.00 1921.33 16 9010.00 1884.27 17 9010.00 1847.02 18 9010.00 1809.58 19 9010.00 1771.94 20 9010.00 1734.10 21 9010.00 1696.07 22 9010.00 1657.83 23 I 9010.00 1619.40 24 9010.00 1580.76 25 9010.00 1541.93 26 9010.00 1502.89 27 9010.00 1463.65 28 9010.00 1 1424.20 29 9010.00 1384.54 I 30 9010.00 1344.68 31 9010.00 - 1304.61 32 9010.00 1264.33 33 9010.00 1223.84 34 9010.00 1183.14 35 i 9010.00 1142.22 36 9010.00 1101.09 37 9010.00 1059.75 38 9010.00 1018.19 39 9010.00 976.47 40 9010.00 934.42 41 I 9010.00 892.20 42 9010.00 849.77 43 9010.00 807.11 44 9010.00 764.23 45 9010.00 721.12 46 9010.00 677.79 -2 TOTAL INTEREST $ 77598.17 TOTAL PRINCIPAL 463000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OS Lessor or its assigns shall bill Lessee for each monthly installment. Such billing shall be sent to the Chief Accountant, Accounting Division, City of Corpus Christi, P. 0. Box 9277, Corpus Christi, Texas 78408. -3- Payment Rentals (Including Interest) No. (Total Payment) 47 9010.00 634.24 48 9010.00 590.45 49 9010.00 546.44 50 9010.00 51 9010.00 457.20 457.72 52 9010.00 413.01 53 9010.00 368.07 i 54 9010.00 322.90 55 9010.00 277.49 56 9010.00 231.84 57 9010.00 185.95 58 9010.00 139.82 59 9010.00 93.45 60 9008.17 46.84 TOTAL INTEREST $ 77598.17 TOTAL PRINCIPAL 463000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OS Lessor or its assigns shall bill Lessee for each monthly installment. Such billing shall be sent to the Chief Accountant, Accounting Division, City of Corpus Christi, P. 0. Box 9277, Corpus Christi, Texas 78408. -3- • • 5. Taxes. As part of the consideration for this lease, and. as part of Lessor's cost in leasing the equipment to Lessee, Lessee will timely pay and discharge all personal property taxes and any sales taxes now or hereafter imposed by the State of Texas, or any local government in the State of Texas, upon the equipment or upon the ownership, leasing, pur chase, possession or use thereof. Should the legislative body of the State of Texas or any local governmental entity thereof hereafter provide for and require license or registration fees, salves and use taxes, rental taxes, gross receipts taxes, or any other taxes, upon the equipment or upon the ownership, leasing, purchase, possession or use. thereof, Lessee will timely pay and discharge such fees or taxes_ Said payment shall be made in the name of the Lessor or its assigns and shall be made: and con - sidered as additional rental under this lease and shall be payable by- Lessee within thirty (30) days after Lessee's receipt of Lessor's invoice for such amount accompanied by proof of assessment or license or, fee requirement. Upon Lessor's receipt of such assessment or license or fee requirement, Lessor. shall immediately forward to Lessee said invoice and proof of assessment or license or fee requirement Such invoiced amount shall not include and Lessee shall not be liable for any amounts incurred as penalties or interest for nonpayment -or late payment of such taxes which resulted from Lessor's failure to timely forward such assess- ment and Lessor's invoice. At the time of the execution of this agreement, there are no taxes, licensing or registration fees which will be assessed or, required by the United States government, or the government of any State other than the State of Texas, or any local government in any State other, than the State of Texas, upon the equipment or upon the ownership, leasing purchase, possession or use thereof. Should the legislative body of the United States, or any State other than the State of Texas, or any local govern- ment in any State other than the State of Texas hereafter provide for and require license or registration fees, sales and use taxes, rental taxes, gross receipts taxes, or any other taxes, upon the equipment or upon the ownership, leasing, purchase, possession or use thereof, Lessee, as further consideration for this lease and as part of Lessor's cost in leasing the -4- • equipment, will pay as reimbursement to Lessor an amount equal to such taxes and fees assessed or required. Said reimbursement payment shall be payable by Lessee to Lessor within thirty (30) days after Lessee's receipt of Lessor's written request accompanied by proof of Lessor't payment of said taxes or fees in the form of a photostatic copy of said tax or fee receipts. Such reimbursement payment shall not include and Lessee shall not be liable for any amounts incurred by Lessor as penalties or interest for nonpayment or late payment of such taxes or fees. Nothing herein shall be construed to require Lessee to be responsible or liable for any federal, state or local taxes, or payments in lieu thereof, imposed upon or measured by the net income of Lessor_ • 6. Late Charges. Payments received more than thirty (30) days after the due date and without there then being present an event of Lessor's default will be subject to a late charge at the rate of 1 1/2% per month based on the amount of the late payment. 7. Purchase Option. Lessee may purchase the above described equip- ment at any time before the end of the contract term by prepaying the out- standing balance of any or all of the equipment plus rentals or any other sums due and owing hereunder without penalty. 8. Leaseback of Presently Installed Equipment. Should Lessor's bid in response to said Bid Invitation•be based upon Lessor's purchase of the data processing equipment which the Lessee presently leases from IBM, Lessor may utilize the Lessee's accruals in making said purchase from IBM. 9. Cancellation for Nonappropriation. Lessee may cancel this agree- ment should the present or any future City Council of the City of Corpus Christi not appropriate in any fiscal year funds for the payments required by this agreement. No penalty shall attach in the event of any such nonappropria- tion. In the event of nonappropriation, Lessee shall give the Lessor sixty (60) days notice prior to the end of the then current fiscal year before cancelTa- tion of this agreement and Lessee shall not be obligated to make any payments beyond the end of the sixty -day notice. Lessor shall have all the rights and remedies under the law to take possession of the above described equipment in the event of such cancellation. 10. Consultant. Lessor will supply consultant for planning and installation for the new computer equipment described above, including air conditioning, power and location. Said consultant must be available for at least five-or more days before and during the installations. 11. Limited Warranty. Lessor warrants that the above described equipment meets specification requirements set out in Bid Invitation No. 7506/78 which will allow IBM to perform maintenance on the hardware. 12. Notices. Notices provided for herein shall be sufficient if sent by certified United States mail, addressed as follows: TO LESSOR: Systems Marketing, Inc. 200 East Thomas Road Phoenix, Arizona 85012 TO LESSEE: City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 -5- 13. Title. Title to the above equipment and all parts thereof shall not pass to Lessee until purchase is made thereof as herein provided and until full payment of such purchase price and all interest and any other sums which may be due hereunder is made in cash to the Lessor or its assigns, in which event title to said equipment and all parts shall pass to Lessee. Lessee shall not remove, conceal or otherwise interfere with the title or ownership plate of Lessor affixed to equipment described above unless and until equipment is purchased and full payment made thereof as herein provided. Said equipment and all parts thereof shall retain their character as personal property. 14. Maintenance and Inspection. Except as set out herein with respect to being in operating order upon completion of installation, so as to be accepted by IBM for maintenance, Lessee at its own cost and expense shall maintain the equipment in good operating condition, repair and appearance and protect the same from deterioration other than normal wear and tear. Lessee agrees to use the equipment only in a manner reasonably contemplated by the manufacturers. Lessee shall use the equipment either in the regular course of its business or for the benefit of some other governmental entity, but in no event shall Lessee authorize or allow persons other than Lessee's employees to operate the equipment. Lessor shall have the right, during normal working hours, to enter upon the premises where the equipment is located to check or inspect the equipment. 15. Indemnity. Lessee agrees to indemnify and hold the Lessor harmless from any and against all liability arising out of the ownership, Selection, leasing, operation, control and maintenance of the equipment, including but not limited to accidents causing personal injury, property damage and /or death, unless occasioned by the negligence of Lessor, its agents or employees. IBM shall not be construed to be an agent of Lessor. Lessee shall be credited with any amounts received by Lessor with respect to injury, damage or loss from liability insurance secured by Lessee. 16. Quiet Use and Enjoyment. Lessor hereby covenants to provide Lessee during the term of this agreement with quiet use and enjoyment of the equipment described hereinabove and Lessee shall during the said term peace- fully and quietly have and hold and enjoy the equipment described herein -6- without suit, or hindrance from Lessor except as expressly set forth in this agreement. Any assignee of Lessor shall not interfere with such quiet use and enjoyment during the contract term so long as Lessee is not in default of any of the covenants set out herein. 17. Insurance. At its own expense, Lessee shall cause comprehensive general insurance to be carried and maintained with respect to the equipment described hereinabove. All insurance proceeds from casualty losses shall be payable solely to Lessee; provided, however, Lessee shall remit said proceeds to Lessor unless Lessee provides satisfactory proof to Lessor that said equip- ment has been replaced or restored to good working order. On Lessee's accept- ance of the equipment, Lessee shall provide evidence to Lessor of comprehensive general insurance. Lessee shall carry workmen's compensation insurance in Texas statutory amounts covering all employees working on, in, near or about the hereinabove described equipment and shall require any other person or entity working on, in. near or about said equipment to carry such coverage. Upon request, Lessee shall supply to Lessor evidence of such coverage throughout the contract term. 18. Risk of Loss. Lessor shall bear all risk of loss to the equipment until delivery to Lessee. Upon delivery, Lessee shall bear all risk of loss to the equipment. For purposes of this agreement, delivery shall occur when the Lessor causes said equipment to be put and held at Lessee's disposition at the 8th floor of the Jones Building, 317 Peoples Street, Corpus Christi, Texas,• during the hours from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., Monday through Friday (not including national holidays) or during times mutually agreeable to the parties, and giving Lessee any notification reasonably necessary to enable Lessee to take possession. Such equipment must be kept available for the period reasonably necessary to enable the Lessee to take possession. 19. Transportation. The Lessor shall be responsible for all trans- portation charges relative to the shipping of equipment to Lessee's location. 20. Delay in Delivery. If delay in delivery as specified on the Purchase is foreseen, Lessor shall give written notice to the Purchasing Office, City of Corpus Christi, immediately. Lessee has the right to extend the delivery date if the reasons appear to Lessee to be valid. Until delivery of all of the equipment, Lessor shall keep Lessee advised at all times of the status of the order. -7- 21. Delivery. Lessor shall deliver said equipment no later than thirty (30) days after this agreement has been executed. 22. Assignment. Lessee will not sublet or assign this agreement or any part of it without the prior written approval of Lessor. Any assignment or transfer of Lessor's right, title or interest in the equipment or this lease, including the right to receive further rental payments, to other than Security Pacific National Bank and subsequently to a subsidiary or affiliate thereof, without the prior written consent of Lessee, shall be void. No assignment or transfer of Lessor's right, title or interest in the equipment or this lease shall have any force or effect prior to Lessee's written acceptance of the equipment. Upon assignment to Security Pacific National Bank, the Lessor (Systems Marketing, Inc.) shall continue to assume and faithfully perform and discharge all of the terms, covenants and obligations to be performed by Lessor under this lease. Lessee shall not assert against any assignee or transferee of Lessor's rights (by way of defense to any claim of such assignee or transferee), any defense, counterclaim, offset, or recoupment of any kind which Lessee may now or hereafter have against Lessor; provided, however, that in the event of cancellation of this lease for nonappropriation, Lessee shall not be obligated to make any payments beyond the end of the last fiscal year in which appropriation for payments under this lease was made by the City Council of the City of Corpus Christi. 23. Lessee Default. Any of the following events will constitute an Event of Lessee Default under this lease: a) Lessee fails to make any payment required when due and such failure continues after written notice (certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the Director of Finance of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas) by Lessor for a period of fifteen (15) days after the receipt of such written notice; or b) Lessee fails to observe or perform any other covenants, condi- tions, agreements or warranties of the lease and such failure continues for thirty (30) days without cure after Lessor provides Lessee written notice (certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the City Manager of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas) of the failure. 24. Lessor Remedies for Lessee Default. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Lessee Default, then Lessor may, at its option, take any of the follow- ing actions: -8- a) Without retaking possession of the leased property, hold Lessee liable for all rents and other sums which shall become due under the terms of this lease subject, however, to the Paragraph E nonappropriation provisions. b) Terminate the lease and all rights of the Lessee with respect to the equipment. After complying with Lessee's security regulations. Lessor may then enter the premises where the equipment is located and take possession thereof or require Lessee to deliver the equip- ment at a reasonably located place on Lessee's premises where Lessor may take possession of the equipment. Upon such termination, Lessor will hold, possess and enjoy or sell, lease or otherwise deal with the equipment free from any right of Lessee or its successors in such equipment. c) Lessee will be liable to Lessor for all costs associated with Lessor's regaining possession of said equipment or enforcement of the performance of this contract. 25. Lessor Default. Any of the following events will constitute an Event of Lessor Default under this lease. a) Delay in delivery as specified on the Purchase of any and all equipment without extension of the delivery date by Lessee; or b) Delay in delivery of any and all equipment after expiration of the last extension of the delivery date by Lessee; or c) Failure to install, or failure to properly install any and all equipment within a reasonable time, not to exceed five (5) days after delivery of all of the equipment; or d) Failure of any and all equipment to operate and perform satisfactorily within a reasonable time, not to exceed five (5) days after delivery of all of the equipment; or e) Failure of Lessor to provide or have available to Lessee for at least five (5) days before and during the installations a consultant for planning and installation of the equipment, air con- ditioning, power and location; or f) Failure of any and all equipment to be accepted for mainten- ance by IBM within a reasonable time, not to exceed five (5) days after delivery of all of the equipment; or -9- g) Failure of any and all equipment to meet the specification requirements set out in Bid Invitation No. 7506/78; or h) Failure of any and all equipment (except equipment which is presently leased by Lessee from IBM but which will be purchased from IBM by Lessor and leased back to Lessee) to operate and perform satis- factorily due to latent defect or design defect of the equipment. 26. Lessee Remedies for Lessor Default. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Lessor Default, then Lessee may, at its option, take any one of the following actions: a) Purchase any and all equipment elsewhere and charge the full increase in cost and handling to the defaulting Lessor. b) Cancel the Purchase Order, in whole or in part with respect to any and all equipment, returning to Lessor at Lessor's expense, any and all equipment pertaining to the cancelled portion of the Purchase Order. c) Terminate this lease, in whole or in part with respect to any and all equipment, returning to Lessor, at Lessor's expense, any and all equipment pertaining to that portion of the lease which has been terminated. 27. Equal Opportunity. Lessor, during the performance of this contract, will (a) treat all applicants and employees without discrimination as to race, color, religion, sex or national origin, and (b) identify itself as an equal opportunity employer in all help - wanted advertising or requests. Lessor is hereby placed on notice that any complaints filed with the Lessee alleging that Lessor is not an equal opportunity employer during the six months preced- ing the date of receipt of bids which resulted in this contract, will be referred to the Human Relations Commission of the City of Corpus Christi through its Human Relations Administrator for the purpose of review and recommendations. The report of the Human Relations Commission will be transmitted to the Purchasing Agent or the Director of Engineering and Physical Development who will include a summary of such report with. any future bid award recommendations for which the Lessor is a bidder and bring to the attention of the City Council of the City of Corpus Christi any such report received prior to the issuance of authority to deliver or work order to Lessor. A copy of this report shall be sent to the Lessor. The Human Relations Administrator will follow up any -10- such report and bring to the attention of the Commission any further action by the Lessor which would include that the findings of the Commission should be modified. Any such modified findings of the Commission will be delivered to the Director of Engineering and Physical Development or Purchasing Agent with a copy to the Lessor and be included in any future bid award recommenda- tions. 28. Modifications. This agreement, including the bid documents, as outlined above, expresses the entire understanding of the parties with reference to the subject matter hereof, and no representations or agreements modifying or supplementing the terms of this agreement shall be valid unless in writing signed by person authorized to sign agreements on behalf of each party. EXECUTED in duplicate originals this day of 1978, by the duly authorized representatives of Lessor and Lessee. SYSTEMS MARKETING, INC. ATTEST: Secretary ATTEST City secretary APPROVED: DAY OF 1978: J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By ssi /gar t City A or ey Director of Finance LESSOR CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS By R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager M fIN 4 fprm 5 (Rev. 3175) CITY OF C0,111pus CH SrJu PURCHASING DIVISION CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS BID INVITA TION THIS IS NOT AN ORDER r �1 L_ J 19- �— ............ ....................................... ............................... Icase ga:ote as per instructions Indicated below for the articles drs:ribed. Bi:ls must be submitted on arc foams to be:eonsulered_Thisinquiry Is in.duplicat� riYinal must be returned to us properly filled out. Duplicate to be retained by you. 'o charges will be allowed for packing or attage. otationsmustbeiatiiisotficeby..0 00 a.m. T¢esda JanUar 10 1-978 si' ��C:JAiiVI�,J�t. � Roreltatmg agent. PLEASEi61ARl YOUR ENVELO LVASE PURCH(oE PR =&A T FOI3 DATA PROCESSlt[G SO YOUR BID WILL NOT BE OPENED UNTIL THE PROPER ThVE EQUJJPA%I&)T bids to furnish the following will be received in the office of the City Puirchaslug 321 N. Mesquite Street, 2nd Floor Weber Building, up to and including 11:00 a.m., ', January 10, 1978, and opened immediately thereafter in the` 0-vancil Chatabers: LEASE PURCHASE PROPOSAL FOR DATA PROCESSING EQUIRDMI' Pr';Ft FOl'rxtOrrllRG •GICOUPS-_ A - CENTRAL PROCESSING WIT (CPU) B - E)=ING PERiPHML EQUIP1dEi•3T C - ADDITICNAL PERIPHERAL EQUIR %WT _ as per specifications and Data Sheets attached hereto anti made a part hereof- (AWARD will be made by Group with all items in each Group to be, purchased frox crae supplier - Do not submit a.bid on a Group unless you bid on'all• items in that: Group. ELLA?TEOUS CHARGES Prices shown must include all othex- charges involved such reight, planning,relocatioa, shipping insurance and penalties for premature of existing IR4 Equipment Long Term Lease Contracts- DER PURCHASE OPPION - If Bidder Purchase Option on the 3135 Central Processing Unit is= s than 197, 5_3 ­WO this difference must be included in the miscellaneous, cost ,which sd111 Included in the net purchase price for Item 1, Group A. - All Premature Cancellation Charges involved in the fine', e Bidder by the City. These payments mill be due immediately receipt of the invoice. BID SECURI M - Bidder must furnish with his proposal, as bid security, a Cashier's Check, ertified Check, Money Order, or Bank Draft in the amount of. $1,500-00- Such Bid Security 11 be returned via registered . mail after 48 hours have elapsed from the time bias are opened, with the exception that the Bid Security of the three 1.o:w bidders, twill be retainer CONTTNUID ON PAGE 2 "Conflict of interest: Any member of the Council, officer or employee of the City Is prohibited by the City Charter is b=omino interested dike"—ON or Indirectly in any contract or purchase by the City." If delay In delivery as specified on the Purchaso is foreseen, supplier shall give written notice to Purchasing OflrwzImmediately.7he City has the iebt so• extend the delivery date Freasons appear valid. Supplier must keep the City advised at all times of the status of order. Default In promised delivery (Without accepted reason) or failure to meet speeifiations, authorizes the City of Corpus Christi to purchase material r1tsewh ere and charge full increase In cost and handling to the defaulting supplier and could also be reason for cancellation of the Purchase Order (at no expeaw to the City) if the Cary of Corpu%Christi deems it necessary. - - The City res:.rvcs the rkrbt to reject any or all bids, as well as the t4ht to determine the most advantageomsbid: To: — CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI PURCHASING DIVISION We quote yo:t as above F.O.B...Corpus Ch risti,Tx ..... Shipment will l be made - -- da y s fro m receipt of order. .... .. "Terms YiIOa�TE: Date............... - ................. . By ................... _.... *it shish be understood [list rash or term discounts shill be based on payment scithin a specified time from date materid isrccehed and nor from,!Ae of invoice. - IIISTP.UMC:6 TO M-0911; Envelopes containing bids m•1;t be sealed and narked to the uer left -hand comer with the n•oa and address of the bldg_ . en Idtifications of the invitations. and the date and hour Opp f opening shalt be show, in the lower left -hand corer. Bid; should be filled out in ink, indelible pencil, or typeorlter. Bld+r_r should show totet a =t bid on last sheet on which a bid Is entered. CORZECTIO:IS: Erasures or changes on the bid sheets most he initialed by the person stoning the bid, or explained or r th'bTW :rs signature. SIGNATURE 10 BIOS: Each bid must give the full business address of the bidder and be signed by hfo wlth his usual Pgnature. s partnerships oust shoo the full partnership nacs and be signed by one of the maabers of the partnar- ship or by an authorized representative with the designation of the person signing. Bid; by corporations or co- panies- rwit shca the legal name of the corporation or company and be signed by the president or other persons authorized to bind it in the matter, with his designation. Tne name of the person signing shall also be typed or printed below his signature, if the bid is signed in a capacity other than an Individual, partner, wrier, or as president, vice- presidewt. secretary, or treasurer of a compeny, or corporatlon, satisfactory evidence of the authority of this person signing, in behalf of the principal should be furnished with the bid, unless such authority has previously been furnished the con- tracting officer issuing the invitation. All bid sheets on which bids are submitted and applicable certificates will be manually signed by the person signing the bid. Other sheets of the invitation must shoo the bidder's azze. which my be, manually signed, typed, printed, or sta=yed. PARKING AND FAILING OF BIDS: Bids, with their guarantees, must be securely sealed in suitable envelopes, addressed mod marked on tha outs as required by the invitation. Bids with insufficient postage will not ber aaepted. Bids (including deposit or bond when required) must be mailed in sufficient tiro to arrive and be to the bands of the City Purchasing, Agent - prior to hour fixed for the bid opening. Late bids will be returned ... they cannot be considered. - MITIMMAL OF BIDS: Bids coy be withdrawn on written or telegraphic request received fros bidders prior tR the time- fixed for open ng. t ligence on the part of the bidder in preparing the 61d confers no right for the withdreadal of the bid. - after the our fixed for the bid opening. - - GENERAL SALES TEIM AND LTLYDITIMIS INSPECTION: Bidders are invited and urged to inspect the property (when applicable) prlor to aWmittiug bids. Property wfFl be available for Ins action at the places and times specified in the Invitation. The City will not be obligated to furnish any labor for such purpose. In no case will failure to Inspect constitute groans. for a claim or for the wstb- drawal of a bid after opening. , CONSIOERAT10,11 OF BIDS: The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any technical detects iv the bids. and unless otherwise specified by the City or by the bidder, to accept any one item or group of Items in the.bid as cap be in th a best interest of the City. Unless otherwise specified, bids must be submitted on the basis of the unit speclfled for the Item in the Imitation, and bids owl be submitted on any or all items. In case of error in the extension-or prices in the bid, the unit prices will govern. BID GUARMTEE: The bidder agrees that the bid will not be withdrawn within 60 calendar days next f01104Tn9 the date of open ny un ass a different period be specified by the bid notice), and will during that Lice renaih tiro and Irrevocable_ - If a I deposit or bond is.required, the bid must be accompanied by sax. In the event of any default by the bidder or any failure by the bidder to comply with all terms and conditions of this contract, the deposit or bond made by thL bmeaar may be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages. ,Deposits on rejected and /or unsuccessful bids wpl be returned to bidder by mail. - r r A0IUSTM@IT FOR VARIATIM IR QUAIITITY OR 4EICiT: Any Y.rl.tl., between the quantity or weight listed for any I" and the" _ gwant ty or we ght 01 sur�ii item tench, ar livered to the City will be adjusted on the basis of the unit price quoted for such item. VERBAL MOTFICATIOYS: Any oral statement by'any representative of the City, codifying or changing agy tnttditicas of this -- contract, s an expresstoo of opinion only and confers no right upon tha seller. - DISPUTES:. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this contract, all questions of fact involved to disputes basing - - under this contract shall be decided by the City, whose decision upon said facts shall be final and conclusive upon the parties, - subject to written appeal by the Vendor within thirty (30) days to the City Havager or his duly authorized representative, whose decision an said facts shall be final and conclusive upon the parties hereto. In the oeaotttW: tits Vendor shall diligently proceed with performance. _ DEFINITI0 S: (a) The term 'his duly authorized representative* shall mean any person or persona, other than the eootraettng offirer, authorized to act for'him, or any board set up In accordance with regulations and a aw.sered to Oct. (b) The term "contracting officer' as used herein shall include his duly appointed sueceisor andbis duly authorl zed representative. EQUAL OPPORTIFILTY EMPLOYER: Every contractor must agree that, during the performance of its contract, it wlllt (a) Treat all applicants and evployees without discrimination as to race. color. religion, sex. or national origin. . (b) Identify Itself as an equal opportunity employer in all help wanted advertising or requests. The contractor is hereby advised that any complaints filed with the•City alleging that a contractor is not en equal - opportunity employer during the 6 months preceding the date of receipt of bids will be referred to the Hu:rsn Relations Commission, through its Human Relations Administrator, for the purpose of review and reco�.endatians. the report of the - Huaan Relations Commission will be transmitted to the Purchasing Agent or the Director of Public Uorks who will inel.& a srerary of such report with any future bid board reconnendations for which the contractor is a bidder -and bring to the - attention of the City Council any such report received prior to the issuance of authority to deliver or a work order to any such contractor. A copy of this report shall be sent to the contractor. The Human Relations Administrator will follo.e up any such report and bring to the attention of the Commission any further action by the contractor which would Include that the findings of the Commission should be rodifted. Any such modified findings of the Commission will be delivered to the Director of Public Harks or Purchasing Agent with a copy to the contractor and be included in any future bid at and recommendations. The City Council reserves the right to consider such reports in date rminfng the "best bld and to, on the basis of such report. terminate any peril on of a contract for which work orders or authorltles to deliver have not been 4ssued. However, the contractor is specifically advised that no equal opportunity ecployrent covplaint will be the basis for eancellatim of any contract for which authority to deliver Ass been granted or a work order Issued. ASSIVNE :iT OF COMPACTS; No contract a.arded as a result or this contract ray be sublet or assigned wftbout prior approval U th e L ity. 119 BIDS PMAROEO 0.4 DATE OR DAY TRY ARE OPEtiEO. ALL BIDS SHALL BE TAKEO FOR A I11111M". OF FORTY -Elan (48) HOURS: 'M • crrY OF coReus CFiRIvil 13MT- f5051/"(8 Corinis Christi,Texas Page lA BID SECURITY Cont'd until such time as the contract on the subject project has been awarded, not to ex-ceed 30 days. The Cashier's Check, Certified Check, Money Order or Bank Draft submitted by the Successful Bidder will be retained until receipt cf Performance Bond. For additional information contact T 1.1. Jarvis, Jr., Purchasing Peent, Purchasing• Division, Phone (512) 884 -3011, e xt. 362, 302. Bidders are invited to attend bid opening at the time and dater mentioned on previous page, in the Council Chambers, 1st Floor City Hall, 302 S. Shorelin_ Blvd. DATE BIDDER BY t I C12Y OF CO'tFJS CILRIu I • Corpas Christi,Texas B1D#75c6173 Page 2 The City of Corpus Christi, Texas, t:ishes to enter into a contract with a computer leasing company which Will 2110:+ the City to lease- purchase• data processing equipment. The lease- purchase agreement will be for a period of 60 months, subject to annual budget appropriation. 'and without penalty 10'r uon- appropriation. _ The City must also have the ability to upgrade any of the data processing equipment during this 60 -month period without any penalty, and with 253a payments, of principal, on these items of equipment, by the City to be applied toward the financing of the. upgrade. The City shall have the ritUt: To prepay, Cher ovm- standing balance of any or all of the equipment -vy'l out penalty. The bidder can base it's bid on the option-of buyin& the equipment currently installed at the City; or purchase equal or better IML hardwatre - rrc;= then mar &et place where the price difference will benefit the City A13. hardware must meet specification requirements which will alloy IBM to perform maintenance on the hardware. With regard to the currently installed IBM 3135 Central 'rocessiug Urnt _ (CPU), the bidder has the option'to purchase the remaining: balance: of the.pur- chase agreement with IBM or the bidder must obligate itself for the monthly payments on the (CPU) through July 31, 1978. Under the present CPU purchase plan with IBM, the City has purchase balance of $197,453 on the IBM 3135 a_c of _ January. 1, 1978. See Attachment "A ".for a detail breakdotst of this hardware configuration. The bidding party's option in this regard sh all be stated o:t the bid tabulation sheet. . r • Cri-Y, or CORPUS CHRISTI BM "11- 61ta "Corpus Christi,Texas / � Page 3 ''tie attached bid form must be used. Bidders will note that the bid forctc includes three separate groups of items on which bids may ba received_ Bidders may bid on any one or core of the three groups of bid items_ Award will b_ mallet by group with all items Art each group to be purchased from one: suppliar_' Do not submit a bid on a group unless•you bid on all items in that group- Any substitution of the equipment with regard to nz^ufecturer --st: Rave written approval prior to bid opening or the bid shall be considered ut!2¢--pt able. Selection of substitutes will be judged upon, perforeencee, so£twarr,, - co--patabi.li.ty, service reliability, service availability, service responser _ tine, end cost of software conversion if applicable_ _ See Attachment "C" for a list of equipment currently irtstalle3 z:t the QEty` along with its current pur =tease price as of December 1,,,'1977- The bidc'er•should note that items designated by an asterisk (^') on attech —mat& "C?' are ireas.nader lease from IBM. The IWI lease agreement contains a penalty provision static t if the lease is caacelied prior to its expiration date, the penalty provisions will apply unless the purchase option is exercised_ Bids are to specify 60 months lease- purchase only The first uoathly pay- Bent will be due 30 days after installation is completed and oparational- Bids must include any cost.associaied with the planning and. relocating o£ the computer and its related equipment to the net? hardware configuration.. (See attachment "E" for hardware layout.) Bidder is to supply a consultant for plan- ning and installation for the new, computer, including air conditlan ng, ponery and location. The consultant must be available for at least five or raora days before and during the installations. so CITY OF CORPUS CHRI&H .BIDS'7506178 Corpus Christi,Texas Fagge- k All parties Who participate in this proposal rust post a $25.000 perfor– rance bond to insure that all machinery will be installed and oparatiortal on or before February 28, 1978. Deviation fro:i this schedule lust be approved - pr_o: to bid ooening._ Bids are to be submitted to IMr. T. M. Jarvis, Purchasing A„—Ur. cs.ty o£ Cores Christi, no later than January 10, 1978 11:00 a m- DWE BIDDER 3 - �N ITY 6r CORPUS CHRISM :brp}i s* Cla isti,Texas 3215 Model 1 3046 Model I ATTALIMENT t Page 5 370/135 FEATURES I00 Processing Unit (512K) - 1421 Block MPX Channel 1431 Shared Subchannels 2001 Clock Comparator 3900 Floating Point 3906 128 Byte MPX Subchannels 4457 1401/1440/1460 Comp. 4655 3330/3340 IFA 4670 IPA Basic Control 4672 Int. 1403 Prt. Md1 2,NI " 6981 Selector Channel, First 7855 3215 Adapter _ 7861 Control Storage Incr_ 1- 7862 Control Storage Iucr_ 2 9080 Cabling Below ' Floor ' 9101. Console Address 'OIF' 9188 1403 Mdl N1 Specify 9313 3333 Attachment 9316 3330/3333 Mod.1.1 Attach. " 4640 Integrated Comm. -Adapter ' 9649 Synch: Data Adptr. It Line I - 9609 Modem Clocking Line POS _ I - 4722 _ Additional Line _- 2nd - 9650 Synch. Data Adptr: 11 Lin _ 9610. Modem Clocking Tine Pos. 2 -4723 Additional Line - 3rd _ 9651 Synch. Data Adptr. II Line 3 9611- .Modem Clocking Line Pos_ 3 _ 4724 Additional Line - 4th 9651 Synch. Data Adptr. U Line 4 9612 Modem Clacking Line Pos. 4 4725 Additional. Line - 5th ' 9653 Sunch. Data Adptr. iI Line 5 _ _ - 9613 Modem Clocking Line Pos. 5 9903 Power 208V 60H7 3 Phase _ 9043 Blue Covers 001 Power Unit - 9043 Blue Covers 9080 Cabling Below Floor 9903 Power 208V 60HZ 3 Phase _ 001 Console Printer Keyboard 9162 Pin Feed Platen 13 1 /8° . _ 9902 Power 208V 60HZ I Phase M N CITY OF CORPUS:CHRISTI f "TY OF CORPUS CHRISTI 3145 l l Corpus Christi,Texas Page 6 I,NIT ZIDL /FC bESCiSPTIO J Attaachrm:nt "3Y 3145 /IH2 PROCEssl1jG MT . 1001 Advanced Control Program: Support 1421 Bloc: Multiplexor Channel. _ 2001 Cloc'r- Comparator 2152 Expanded Control Store 3621 Emergency Posner Off - 2 Ssritchet!�i 3910 Floating Point 4457 1401/1440/1460 Compatabilitg 4660 Integrated Storage Contxol - 4953 128 Byte Multiplexor Subcbm-- l--- - 6111 Register Expansion _ 6982 Selector Channel - 2nd 6983 Selector Channel - 3rd. 7855 3215 Adapter 8810 word Buffer 9043 Blue Covers 9080 Cabling Below Floor .. �. 9101 Console Address °01F° 9318 3350 DASD Attaciment - 9522. Block Multiple. -or 512 UCSTS - 9570 Non Use of Retain 9824 Console Table Right 9903 Power 208V 6OH2 3 Phase _ 8740 Virtual Machine Assist 1005 APL Assist PIT: or CORPUS CIIRISTI Corpus Christi,Teras 3047 001 9903 9080 2821 002 3615 9043. 9262 9903 8637 3215 Model I 9902 9162 M Page T , Power Unit ATTACMEUr W Continuei Power 208V 60 }[Z 3 Phase Cabling below Floor Control Unit 1100 LP:i Printer Adapter Blue Covers Attach 1403 Model N1 Power 208V 60HZ 3 Phase;. Universal Character Adapter - Console Printer _ 208 Volt 126 Print Positions 13-1/8 Hole to Hole - - - • CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI BBVT50o178 ATTACIVE11T ' C' Corpus Chricti,Tcx QUOTATIU4 PURCRASE OF INSTALLED IBNf:L1 P-E5 Page 8 .±x£ D SCRIPTION HODEL SEPSAL NO. PUMUASE PP_ICE 1 =03 * Printer Ni 33406- 25,863 3505 Reader E2 21346 31,5!s0 3525 Punch P3 72173 21,989 3333 x Disk 11 4299& 12,371 32,30 * Disk 11 26746 331,276 3330 • Disk 11 11242. - 37,375 3330 Disk 71 30032 35,947 •3277 Terminal 2 87843 2,46% 3277 Terminal 2 87845•- _ 2,469 3277 Terminal 2 C7180 2,469 " 3277 Terminal 2 70622 2,46% 3284 Printer 1 55905% 2,L3f, 3284 Printer 1 55258 - 2,127 3284 Printer 2 5525L 2,821 3284 Printer 1 54145 3275 Terminal 2 83809 3,325 3775 * Printer 1 10069' X1,534 3286 Printer 2 80543 - 3,358 3271 Controller 2 10685 3.061 . 3271 Controller 1 20165 3,242 3704 Communication Al 30870 41,391 Controller _ 3803 Tape Controller 1 MCKZX 23,670 3420 Tape Drive 3 _ 7ClOCI�'C _ 16,950 - 3420 Tape Drive 3 1000 16,950 3272 Controller 2 38353 5,627 M • CrrY OF Cora-us CEERISTI ( DIDr-T505/f8 Corlps Chricti,Texas ATRACMEkIT 'C' Continued Pace 9 .i;OT\TION FOR PUP,CHASE OF INSTALLED ICM ,L- \CHIt.SS 55•PE DESCRIPTION MODEL SERIAL No. PURCLASH PPSCF 3271 Controller 2 24529 5,092 3271. Controller 2 25143 4530 3277 Terminal 2 B0033 3,679 3277 Terminal 2 J7227' ° 3,467- 3277 Terminal 2 37225 = 3,467 3277 Terminal 2 37229F 3,467 3277 Terminal 2 J723L 3277 Terminal 2 37232 - 32.517 _ 3277 Terminal 2 74923 */ 3'666 ` 3277 Terminal 2 74944. `� - 3,666 Bidder should note that these items are leased:.from MM- The lease, agreement contains a penalty provision stating that If 'the lease is cancelled prior to the expiration date,. the penalty provision: v111 • apply unless the purchase option is exercised- -if the bidder elects - not to. purchase these items the penalty amouat_mrost: bee xucluded is - the Net Purchase Price df the associated item- Type/Serial Plan Penalty • Explratioa Date 3330/11241 ETP 1,739.00 02/09/79 3330/26746 ETP 1,739.00 01/07179 _ 3333/42996 ETP 2,065.00 01/07-179 - - 3330/30032 ETP 1,739.00. 06117178 3775/10069 ETP 435.00 05/15/78 1403/33406 SLGLP 908.60 11 /04• /8Z All other equipment is on month to month rent- 2 CITY Or. CO-Ims CHRISTI { / BIDh5c6178 r Carpus Christi,Texas \ Attachment 'D' Page 10 DETAIL CONFICUPWIlON FOR CMDrUNICAT10.1 COMIOLLEP. TYPE 140DEL D2SCKiP'FLO.i$ QU1LiiTTT 3704 Al Coumkwticatioc3 Controller Z 4714 Line Set Type 1D 3 4701 Line Interface Base Tyg-- i 1 1642 Co=unication Scanner Type• 2 1 3600 Expansion Feature Z - 4650. Business Machine Clock 1541 Channel Adapter Typer 1 9090 Communication Sea nrr r ExPav--AoIX X - 9606 134.5 BPS Specify 9902 208 Volt 1 - 9080 Below Flooring Czble_ 3. - 9043 Blue x • .9511 LIB Position designatolc 7L - i .I ...i i `w �ir.� I - N�ge 3.9. I I I I I Ir ►,,,_I I I• I w.,'rw r -' , , � ��1.:� � trtl'r ��u �� /fi �I na... Y"r •++r••'.^I -L- IPP 717 FT 'r -''+i �` i 1� ..I. ! I ! ! •r I � i 1 1` ` I � � I. ( ( ( , I� *•� �A� ! •� I i'� � �_1....,...f ��.• -i 'II I- FF II -f ..s� I �rr ,• I R I I• 1 I I! L _� •, , L, _i�+ 4 .r.. _• I.�; ;1� ; ?• } _ ..� � I, , +; r � ' I. I _ ! I i I f 4 .� !_ _l I I� I f _I l I I I I ! 1 � .. i),jti1,2,,1 :sae ,,� u— e,o �i,i. I a �•ai ! I r� I I. � ..! . � J.� 1- to I �•— —+ -'-*: - (',f�', +- I •J• c 1 0 ` _' I '1 I I � I I. - , I ..I ' -- — '' �, I ,;, 'I-� -: ; •�-�r� �.; -' • -yi `� -� � -0_ �o I I I ! _I I I� „� I� � I �- I •l I_ � _..�. � .1.... �_ _ _ _ . • �— - _ I - -r I _T ---.� rr .I -I ; • _ _.YF I '�' I ! ;•_- 1 ° f ":".... t I • I ! I !��_rl- .•••.I I i I I I I ! ' - I _ .. :._�- � �I '�•' � I - •- - II -� _I :- - I -- ! i _ ! I I I I I I I 1 I I .I .,. i •i -; -- - ;� +. I �� r ; i i •' �I ! _ o- I _ : _'- �i , •.� ,1, _ I p I I i O f f 0 LC '! �- 1r ): I I �! q I I 1- -\ I M �� � I i I... -.�._i - -- I� -� . I 1 I I I I i• I� i_ I �.'I _ F �. -I i i. _' .I. _i e} n,a' - -_- I 1 I• i I f I, I I O O I I Q IA' I oe A.-F r, =;�-r. _�. - I -: -p -•�'�: �° � � , -I -�+ moo+ �. ,I I �.. 1 I 'I I �_+I � �. I a I�' I ! �- �i. � f I i I 1 I� i ti �'' � I :,:.� ... , I 11 I � { - -• ! 1 1 I corpus �Chx.sti'TexBstl� � n .abe 12 NfaT ::FF GCTxvr MONTHLY GURRRNT" P IT 1;M EQUIP, TYPL' MODBL DRSCRIPTI UAQ NTITY PURCHASE 60 MO.. YNTGP%rST LrnSP•, MONTHLY PURCHASE PRICE LinNT, -COST PRICE; INTrREST RATE 1 IBM 3145 1112 Processing -- unit B 1 IBM 3704 Al Conimunicatiola �' ' • 1 - - - Controller ' 2 IB:f 3333 XL Disk Storage/ - :.: Control ° 3 IBM 3330. 11 Disk Storage 3, 4 IBM 1403 N1 Printer 1 5 IBM 3505 B2 Card Reader 6 IBM 3525 P3 Card Punch 1' 7 IBM 3803 001 Tape Contrller 1 ---- 8 IBM 3420 3 Tape Drive 2 9 IB:f 3775 P1 Terminal 1 , 10 IBM 3271 2 Control 'Unit. 4 ^--- 11 IBM 3272 2 Control unit 12 IBM 3275 2 Terminal H/4633 1 Keyboard 13 IBM 3277 2 Terminals w14633 30 Keyboard 14 IBM 3284 2 ( Printer, 2 ..�_ _,._....., ..,..� -..�,. ,------ •-- �- ---- -- 15 IBM 3204 1 Printer 3 ,..,-„^.,. ...�._..�.,, .._,....1...._. - ...— .-...�. _^-. ' 1G IOM 3286 2 Printer , S ...,,.�.,., r..- .. -.•., ..,...,.,... -.. CITY or CORFJS CHRISTI � Corp lv^isti,TeXes ' CONTINUED 'BID- ! ABULATION 9HRUT ' �jLq` Ti�I:L"TYV_ L MONTHLY CAOUP ITC�t CSlJY1?'TYPE- M01)EL DESC Y '�YOt� O'ANZ'�'1"Y , , iNlt: RCST .L.1.A..S, -- ' —1tClAL 60 MOB -?1J CE INTEREST RUE PURCHASE PRICE C•; 1 IBJt 3287 2 priittdt W.r+....... - 2 IBM 3350 A2 Disk 9to:4Sa 3 ISM 3420 3 Tape Drive ..� —�. SIDDCRS OPTION ON MaSTING IBM 3135 CPU Option A: Assume total monthly payments through July 31g 1978 on IBM 3135 amounting to-0.630514.10. option B: Bidders purchase price for IBM 3135 CPU currently installed at City. $ k Sec Attachment 'b' for detail configuration DATE BIDDER B.Y CUIiRF,N111Y MONTHLY MANT COST .01T • COP--US C=STI COI�TINULD BID TA211LATYOR- $$ELT' � BIDIN506/78 : '• Page 14 Co hristi,Texa6 5UMARY RATA SHEL•'T NLx 140NTHil! CURRENTLY .' item PURCHASE. 60 LEASE MONTHLY PRICE, INTEREST, PURCHASE PRICE MANT. —COST •, t Total For Group 'A',,,..� .. II Total for Group III III Total Tor Group 'Ct IV Total For Croups As D, & Cam_ DATE BIDDER BY • Corpus Christi, Texas _ day of , 19A TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, The Charter Rule was suspended by Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample CITY OF"CO CHRISTI, TEXAS hd following vote: The above ordinance was passed by Gabe Lozano, Sr. 1. Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt _ Tony Juarez, Jr. _ Edward L. Sample _ 14208 following vote: