HomeMy WebLinkAbout14232 ORD - 03/22/1978JKH:vp:3 /22/78:1st AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 35 -65, DRILLING BLOCKS, OF DIVISION 3, DRILLING BLOCKS AND PRODUCTION UNITS, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, 976 REVISION, AS AMENDED, AND PARTICULARLY AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 14098, BY AMENDING SUBSECTION (b) TO PROVIDE THAT OPER- ATORS SEEKING A CHANGE IN DRILLING BLOCK BOUNDARIES WILL BE REQUIRED TO SURVEY THE BOUNDARIES OF ONLY THOSE BLOCKS WHICH THEY ARE SEEKING TO AMEND; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That Section 35 -65, DRILLING BLOCKS, of Division 3, DRILLING BLOCKS AND PRODUCTION UNITS, of the Code of Ordinances, City of Corpus Christi, 1976 Revision, as amended, and particularly as amended by Ordinance No. 14098, be and the same is hereby amended by deleting from Subsection (b) of said Section 35 -65 the words, "and a metes and bounds description thereof," from the end of the second sentence, and deleting from the third sentence the words "provide all necessary surveys, as well as payment," and replacing the word "pay" therefor, said Subsection (b) to hereafter read as follows: "(b) The City Council may, from time to time, amend the bounda- ries of the drilling blocks referred to in this section, after a recommenda- tion to that effect from the Petroleum Inspection Division. Prior to a recommendation for amendment of the drilling block boundaries, the Petroleum Inspection Division shall cause to be published on the same day for two consecutive weeks a notice of the drilling blocks proposed to be changed. The applicant seeking the change in the drilling block boundaries shall pay for notification in the official City newspaper. The proposed changes shall also be kept on record in the office of the Petroleum Inspection Division for a period of seven days after the second notice hereinabove referred to. If no objections have been received, or if after examination of any objections received, the Petroleum Superintendent or his representa- tive recommends a change in the drilling block or blocks, then the recom- mendation of the Petroleum Superintendent shall be forwarded to the office of the City Manager for further action. If objections are received, then MICROP "ED JUL 0 7 No' 14232 the City Secretary shall arrange for a public hearing on the question of alteration of the drilling block boundaries before the City Council." SECTION 2. Publication shall be made one time in the official publication of the City of Corpus Christi, by publishing the caption of this ordinance, stating in substance the purpose of the ordinance. SECTION 3. The necessity to make the hereinabove set forth changes to the Land Drilling Ordinance at the earliest practicable date creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the r, 2 day of March, 1978. ATTEST: � Azd ® ffLl�/ Aaze-,-, City Secretary MAYOR E CITY C S CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: DAY OF MARCH, 1978: J. BRUCE�AAY'CO/CK, CITY ATTORNEY BY: Assistant Ci torney Corpus Christi, Texas _day of /L4-4— _, 19 7P TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, THE CITY OF COOUS_J;H iISTI, TEXAS The Charter Rule was suspended by the following vote: Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample The above ordinance was passed by the following vote: Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample 14232 .y I PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT PIC STATE OF TEXAS, �s ✓ n County of Nueces. Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally came ... ............................... ..Divin.a Pulidq.__ - - - -- who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that he is the .-. Ac. Cnunting-------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- of the Corpus Christi Caller and The Corpus Christi Times, a Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication of ._ OF _ORDINANCE..NO..._142 2... of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in ......... CAI LER. ..T1h.SE.S ..................... on the.27.-- day of....... Maxr-h ...................19.?.$.., aY at? &&&w& .......................... Mk'4ft` " ................... __... qRWROM...... .................. ......................:........ 1 ..................Times. 27.09 $- •- ---- . ............... ......... r iria- Pu '3 ..._._A.�C6UTitt'ng Subscribed and sworn to before me this .......... 29.......day o . March ....... ............ .. 19..x$...._ Eugenia S. Cortez _mot- ........ `.- ty . ....... ....... _. _. Not Pub .c, Nueces Coun Texas f PA55 E O(= t 1 ORDINANCE NO �Ld232 i AMENDING,' SECTICnJ 35.4 s DRILLING BLDCKS,4 DI - DRILLING VISION 3 DRILLING BLOCKS AND PRODUCTION UNITS, , OF THE CODE OF ORDI- NANCES, CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, 1976 REVISION, AS AMENDED, AND PAR71C r - , ULARLY AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO.'-10498, BY AMENDING SUBSECTION (b) TO PROVIDE THAT OP- ERATORS SEEKING A CHANGE IN 'DRILLING ' BLOCK BOUNDARIES WILL ' BE REQUIRED TO SURVEY THEBOUNDARIESOF ONLY THOSE BLOCKS WHICH THEY ARE SEEKING TO , AMEND, PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND DE- CLARING AN EMERGENCY. WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED by the City Counul o , `the City of Corpus Christi, ' Texas during the Regular Coun. cil Meeting held on March 27, 1978 and 2:88 p.m. and pm de., that it shall be In full force aM effect from and after Its pas , g. and -blr ,_ one time m th ctlicial pub the lkatbn eicas. - City of Corlxn Christi. ,. - - .• - is AN SEAL oDhe City o AZ- 0 - pus Christi, Texas, thls 23rd o March, 1978• a Bill G. Read, ' " City Secretary Corpus Christi, Texas