HomeMy WebLinkAbout14267 ORD - 04/12/1978JKH:vp:4 /12/78:lst AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH LOCKWOOD, ANDREWS & NEWNAM, INC., FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH THE DESIGN AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS TO THE CORPUS CHRISTI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CONSISTING OF CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW ENTRANCE ACCESS ROAD, IMPROVEMENTS TO THE TRAFFIC FLOW TO THE TERMINAL BUILDING, IMPROVEMENTS TO THE COMMERCIAL RAMP, AND CONSTRUCTION OF A FIXED BASE OPERATOR RAMP, AND SUCH OTHER SERVICES AS ARE MORE FULLY DESCRIBED AND SET FORTH IN THE ENGINEERING AGREEMENT, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "A "; APPROPRIATING $120,000 OUT OF THE NO. 245 AIRPORT BOND FUND APPLICABLE TO PROJECTS NO. 245 -77 -5, AIRPORT ENTRANCE ROAD; NO. 245 -77 -2, MAIN PARKING LOT EXPANSION; NO. 245 -77 -1, COMMERCIAL RAMP OVERLAY; NO. 245 -77 -3, ADDITIONAL RAMP SPACE; OF SAID APPROPRIATION $118,015 IS FOR ENGINEERING FEES ($15,360 FOR PROJECT NO. 245 -77 -5, AIRPORT ENTRANCE ROAD; $31,280 FOR PROJECT NO. 245 -77 -2, MAIN PARKING LOT EXPANSION; $48,575 FOR PROJECT NO. 245 -77 -1, COMMERCIAL RAMP OVERLAY; AND $22,800 FOR PROJECT NO. 245 -77 -3, ADDITIONAL RAMP SPACE) AND $1,985 IS FOR LABORATORY TESTING, CONTINGENCIES, INCIDENTAL AND RELATED EXPENSES; AND DECLAR- ING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Authority is hereby given to Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc., to prepare engineering plans and specifications for various improvements to the Corpus Christi International Airport consisting of con- struction of a new entrance access road, improvements to the traffic flow to the terminal building, improvements to the commercial ramp, and construc- tion of a fixed base operator ramp, and such other services as are more fully described and set,forth in the engineering agreement, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ". SECTION 2. There is hereby appropriated out of the No. 245 Airport Bond Fund the sum of $120,000 applicable to Projects No. 245 -77 -5, Airport Entrance Road; No. 245 -77 -2, Main Parking Lot Expansion; No. 245 -77 -1, Commercial Ramp Overlay; No. 245 -77 -3, Additional Ramp Space; of said appro- priation $118,015 is for engineering fees ($15,360 for Project No. 245 -77 -5, Airport Entrance Road; $31,280 for Project No. 245 -77 -2, Main Parking Lot Expansion; $48,575 for Project No. 245 -77 -1, Commercial Ramp Overlay; and $22,800 for Project No. 245 -77 -3, Additional Ramp Space) and $1,985 is for laboratory testing, contingencies, incidental and related expenses. MICROFILPAED 14267 JUL 0 71980 • SECTION 3. The necessity to grant authority to the aforesaid engineering firm for preparation of engineering plans and specifications for various improvements to the Corpus Christi International Airport so that ' work may be begun promptly creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the iz- day of April, 1978. ATTEST: City Secretary MAYOR THE CITY OF CO CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: DAY OF APRIL, 1978. J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY BY: Assistant it orney CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES THE STATE. OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES The City of Corpus Christi, hereinafter called "City ", and Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc., hereinafter called "Engineer ", whether one or more, agree as follows: 1. Services to be Performed. The Engineer hereby agrees, at his own expense, to perform all engineering services necessary to properly develop design plans and specifications on the following improvement projects to the Corpus Christi International Airport, each to be constructed in a single construction contract: IA. The construction of a new entrance access road parallel to the.. existing road from the general area of the parking to S.H. 44 including land- scaping, irrigation and lighting at the median between the inbound and outbound lanes, together with the installation of curbs to the existing road to make it compatible with the new. Project budget $190,000. Construction budget 9160,000. IB. The study of the traffic pattern to the terminal area, the access to the parking area and the improvements at the existing as well as proposed narking to facilitate the traffic improvement into and out of the parking area. The work includes entrances, gates - -short time and long time parking as well as landscaping. Project budget $400,000. Construction budget $340,000. IC. The study and analysis of the present problem with the commercial ramp as it pertains to the design to withstand the present and design aircraft. Work will include the improvements to the ramp as needed. Project budget $805,000. Construction budget $725,000. ID. The construction of a fixed base operator ramp to provide for more space needed for private aircraft. The design must include an analysis of the present and future uses. Project budget $350,000. Construction budget $300,000. 2. Scone of Services. Engineer's services for Items IA, IB, IC, and ID will be those Basic Services which are in accordance with the Manual of Practice, General Engineering Services, as published in 1972 by the Texas Society of Professional Engineers, and Consulting Engineers Council of Texas, and will _.. . include the following: A. In the Preliminary Phase: (1) Conferences with the proper City representative regarding the proposed project. (2) A preliminary engineering study and report directly related to and part of the work being considered. Consultations with City regarding location of lines in area described. (3) Preliminary location, sizes and types of materials. (4) Preliminary cost estimates of proposed construction. (5) The City will furnish engineer with preliminary information, with copies of plans of such existing facilities as are necessary and available, and with other information pertinent to the planning and design. (6) Provide support material only such as may have been developed during preliminary design.in their preparation of all preliminary documents for making application to Federal agencies for funds on the project. The City shall prepare all forms required on behalf of the City. (7) Furnish the City ten (10) copies of the preliminary -report, drawings, and cost estimates. B. In the Design Phase (for work as authorized by City): (1) Furnishing engineering data necessary for the City to prepare permits required by local, state and federal authorities and advise the City regarding coordination of project with Federal agencies. (2) Preparation of detailed contract plans and specifications for construction, with five (5) sets of plans and ' twenty -five (25) sets of specifications and contract documents furnished to the City. (Additional copies will be furnished as required at actual cost of reproduction) (3) Preparation of estimates of quantities and costs. (4) Assistance to City in securing bids. -2- (5) Analysis of bids and recommendations concerning awards. (6) Assistance in award of contracts. C. In the Construction Phase: (1) Checking of shop and working drawings when.required and furnished by contractor. (2) Review of laboratory test reports and data. (3) Consultation with the City and advice during construction. (4) General observation of the work and interpretation of the plans and specifications by periodic visits (as distinguished from the continuous services of a resident project representative) to the site by a qualified inspector. In performing these services the Engineer will endeavor to protect the City against defects and deficiencies in the work of the contractor, but he can- not guarantee the performance of the contractor, nor be responsible for the actual supervision of construction operations or for the safety measures that•the contractor takes or should take. (5) Preparation of monthly and final estimates for payments to the contractors, based on contractor's submittal. (6) Final inspection. (7) Revision of the construction drawings to show the project as actually constructed. D. Special Services. This contract does not include Special Services. Should Special Services be required not normally included as part of the Basic SerSices, the. City will provide or negotiate with Engineer for those services. 3. Fee. A. Fees for Basic Services The basic fee for'performing the basic engineering services for Items IA, IB, IC, and ID will be apportioned as follows: 1. For basic services to be performed in connection with Item IA -3- entrance roads and related improvements, $15,360.00. 2. For basic services related to the traffic and study pattern and access to parking including the reconstruction and development of the parking lots, $31,280.00. 3. For basic services related to the improvements and of the commercial ramp, including the study and analysis, $48,575.00. 4. For basic services in connection with the expansion of the fixed base operator ramps, $22,800.00. The City will not pay the engineer for fees as a result of change orders resulting from negligence of the engineer.. .B. Payment of Fees for Basic Services The fees for basic services for Items IA, IB, IC, and ID to be due and payable as follows (said services above listed): 1. In the Preliminary Phase: For services rendered under the preliminary phase as described above for work authorized by the City 20% of the basic fee. Approval of the preliminary engineering plans will be required before payment. 2. In the Design Phase (for work as authorized by the City): For services rendered under the design phase, as described above, an amount equal to 65% of the basic fee for work authorized by the City shall be due and payable. 3. Construction Phase: For services rendered under the construction phase, as described above, an amount equal to 15% of the basic fee for those portions of the work covered by construction contracts shall be due and payable based on monthly estimates of work performed by the contractor. 4. Termination of Contract: The City may at any time, with or without cause, terminate this contract upon seven days written notice to the other at the address of record. In this event, the engineer shall be compensated for his services on all stages -4- authorized, as follows: A. If termination occurs prior to the final completion and approval of the drawings and specifications, the engineer shall be paid a reasonable compensation for the services actually rendered by him in accordance with the above described schedule of fees and in proportion to the amount of work done on such stages or phases as have been authorized. B. If termination occurs after final completion and approval of the drawings and specifications, the fee of the engineer shall be 60% of the basic fee, plus the fee paid for the preliminary phase. C. If termination occurs after the letting of the contract, but prior to final completion or acceptance by the City, the fees of the engineer shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of Paragraphs 3 and 4 of this contract to the date of termination. D. The foregoing shall not be construed to require the City to compensate the engineer for any services not performed in a proper professional manner suitable for use in the construction of the project contemplated by the parties to this agreement. 5. Renegotiation. In the event that the scope of Engineer's services, or the construction cost, of any or all of the four improvement projects be determined; by the Engineer's preliminary phase work-to be substantially different from the description of services or construction budget contained, herein, the fees set forth in his contract shall be renegotiable only insofar as this contract pertains to the project or projects so determined to be substantially different. Fees for projects determined, by Engineer's preliminary work, to be substantially in accordance with descriptions and budgets contained herein, shall not be renegotiable. 6. Engineer's Liability. Acceptance and approval of the final plans by the City shall not constitute nor be deemed a release of this responsibility and liability of the Engineer, its employees, associates, agents and consultants, for the accuracy -5- t;` l and competence of their Designs, Working drawings, and Specifications or other Documents and work; nor shall such approval be deemed to be an assumption of such responsibility by the City for any defect in Designs, Working drawing and Specifications or other Documents prepared by Engineer, its employees, sub- contractor, agents and consultants. 7. Ownership of Documents. Upon completion of the project (or upon termination of this contract if previously terminated) the engineer shall furnish to the City, in a suitable container for filing, "Record drawings ", reproduced on linen or mylar drafting film from the original drawings, together with a correct and legible set of specifications. 8. Assignability. The engineer shall not assign, transfer or delegate any of his obligations or duties in this contract to any other person without the prior written consent of the City, except for routine duties delegated to personnel of the engineer's staff. If the engineer is a partnership, in the event of the termination of the partnership, this contract shall inure to the individual benefit of such partner or partners as the City may designate. No part of the -'- engineer's fee may be assigned in advance of receipt by the engineer without written consent of the City. 9. Technical Assistance and Consultations. The City shall not pay the fees of expert or technical assistance and consultants unless such employment, including the rate of compensation, has been approved in writing by the City. Executed in duplicate, each of which shall be considered an original, this day of 1978. ATTEST: THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI By City Secretary R. Marvin Townsend, City :tanager APPROVED: LOCKWOOD, ANDREWS AND NEWNAN, INC. day of ,1978 By City Attorney &IV Director of Fin. e —6— CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS CERTIFICATION OF FUNAS (City Charter Article IV Section 21) March 31, 1978 I certify to the City Council that $ 15 °360 , the amount required for the contract, agreement, obligation or expenditures contemplated in the "above and foregoing ordinance is in the Treasury of the City of Corpus Christi to the credit of: Fund No. and Name 245 Airport Bond Fund „ Project No." 245 -77 -5 Project Name Airport Entrance Road from which it is proposed to be drawn, and such money is not appropriated for any other purpose. / �9—& rector of ante Revised sed7 /3169 '1 , CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS CERTIFICATION OF FONDS (City Charter Article IV Section 21) March 31, 1978 I certify to the City Council that $ 31'280 , the amount required for the contract, agreement, obligation or expenditures contemplated in the above and foregoing ordinance is in the Treasury of the City of Corpus Christi to the credit of: Fund No. and Name 245 Airport Bond Fund Project No. 245 -77 -2 Project Name Main Parking Lot Expansion from which it is proposed to be drawn, and such money is not appropriated for any other purpose. - Director of Fi ce �gFIN 2 -55 Revised 7/31/69 r CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS CERTIFICATION OF FUNDS (City Charter Article IV Section 21) March 31, 1978 I certify to the City Council that $ 48,575 , the amount required for the contract, agreement, obligation or expenditures contemplated in the above and foregoing ordinance is in the Treasury of the City of Corpus Christi to the credit of: Fund No. and Name 245 Airport Bond Fund - Project No. 245 -77-1' * Project Name Commercial Ramp Overlay ' from which it is proposed to be drawn, and such money is not appropriated for any other purpose. �— i ector of pinance FIN 2 -55 Revised 7/31/69 CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS CERTIFICATION OF FUNDS (City Charter Article IV Section 21) March 31, 1978 a Ae I certify to the City Council that $ 22,800 , the amount required for the contract, agreement, obligation or expenditures contemplated in the above and foregoing ordinance is in the Treasury of the City of Corpus Christi _ to the credit of: Fund No. and Name ` ', —r"`" -- ,.- Project No. 245 -77 -3 Project Name Additional Ramp Space from which it is proposed to be drawn, and such money is not appropriated for any other purpose. c_ Director of F6rAnce r/✓ FIN 2 -55 /�I� Revised 7/31/69 19 7e Corpus Christi, Texas 12. —day of 19 7j) TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, MAYOR THE CIT OF C S CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter Rule was suspended by the following vote: Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample The above ordinance was passed Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample 14267 to : CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS , CERTIFICATION OF FUNDS Y (City Charter Article IV Section 21) April 12, 1978 I certify to the City Council that $ 1,985 , the amount required for the contract, agreement, obligation or expenditures contemplated in the above and foregoing ordinance is in the Treasury of the City of Corpus Christi to the credit of: Fund No. and Name 245 Airport Bond Fund Project No. 245 -77 -1 Project Name Commerical Ramp Overlay e from which it is proposed to be drawn, and such money is not appropriated £or, any other purpose. 19_L Director of inane FIN 2 -55 /1 Revised 7/31/69 r