HomeMy WebLinkAbout14278 ORD - 04/19/19784- 18- 78:jkh:ya:lst .w AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF SEVEN (7) GRANT APPLICATIONS TO THE TEXAS STATE LIBRARY FOR THE CONTINUATION OF VARIOUS PROGRAMS OF THE SOUTH TEXAS LIBRARY SYSTEM, SUBSTANTIAL COPIES OF EACH OF SAID APPLICATIONS BEING ATTACHED HERETO, MARKED EXHIBITS "A ", "B ", "C ", "D", "E", "F", AND "G ", AND MADE A PART HEREOF; AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO CONTINUE THE PROGRAMS IF THE GRANTS ARE APPROVED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Authorization is hereby given for submission of seven grant applications to the Texas State Library for the continuation of various programs of the South Texas Library System, substantial copies of each of the said grant applications being attached hereto, marked Exhibits "A ", "B ", "C ", "D", "E", "F ", and "G ", and made apart hereof. SECTION 2. That authorization is hereby given for execution of all documents necessary to continue the aforesaid programs if the grants are approved. SECTION 3. The necessity to authorize submission of grant applications and the execution of all necessary documents to continue the programs if the grants are approved creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the ATTEST: �Z Secretary THE APPR ED: ! DAY OF ,1978: J. BRUCE AYYC,OC1K, CITY ATTORNEY By. s0stan CY Attorney 14278 of April, 1978. OF_,tRPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS MICROFILMED JUL 0 71980 '•`_ LSAASCA APPLICATION COVER SHEET This cover sheet must accpmpany each project proposal submitted by the major resource system. This application Is authorized for funding under the state Library Systems Act and the federal Library Services and Construction Act, Title I, Project 3 a. Title of the Project: System Development Name of the Major Resource System: South Texas Library System Contracting Agency: La Retama Public Library tl=e of Library A&ninistering Grant) Initiator: Name Edward L. Whittaker (Applicant) Position Director of Libraries Address Corpus Christi Public Libraries 505 N. Mesquite, Corpus Christi TX 78408 Telephone 512- 882 -1937 Project Director: Name Beverley G. Van Camp Position Librarian III (System Coordinator) Address 505 N. Mesquite Corpus Christi TX 78401 Telephone 512 - 882 -6502 Name and address of Local Fiscal Officer who will be responsible for administering the funds. Name Harold F. Zick Position Director of Finance Address P.O. Box-9277, Corpus Christi TX 78408 Telephone 512 -884 -3011 Amount of grant funds by source requested to implement this project: FFY 1978 LSCA $ — FY 1979 State -$ 22.477 FFY 1979 LSCA $ 22,208 Total amount of grant funds requested to implement this project: $ 44.685 Is this application for a continuing project? It Yes No AUTHORIZATION FOR APPLICATION for Library Services and Construction Act Federal Fiscal Year 1979 and Library Systems Act State Fiscal Year 1979 Name of Major Resource System La Retama Public Library The Authorization for Application must be signed by the Director of the Major Resource Center library and either (1) the Mayor or City Manager (if the Major Resource Center library is municipally established) or (2) the County Judge (if the Major Resource Center library is established under the County). Signature of the Major Resource Center Director Edward L. Whittaker Typewritten or printed name above Q ( 7, /,T 78 Date Signature of the XWXI, City Manager, or )MX0*XM R. Marvin Townsend City Manager Title P.O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi TX 78408 Full Mailing Address Date I SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT ,Abstract Much more work needs to be done to involve a greater proportion of member librarians, lay representatives, and Advisory Council members involved in the planning process and the issues of cooperative library systems. Response during FY 1978 has been favorable in that surveys have been returned at a high rate for not only the budget preparation, but management information vital to the sucessful operation of the South Texas Library System. Member librarians and lay people are becoming more responsive to state -wide and region -wide information requests as noted in their response to theILSA Advisory Board',s,,Rules and:Regulations changes and a survey conducted by John Corbin involving the SWLA region. Response to the committee structure has not been entirely successful, especially with regard to the Continuing Education Committee which has never had a full complement of members. Lack of time to give to system concerns and lack of travel funds at the local level has impeded the work of these committees. It is hoped that over time input will improve through these mechanisms. At least three workshops will be held during FY 1979. Each will be held in a minimum of two locations. Workshop topics will be drawn from the survey done by the Continuing Education Committee during FY 1978. On -site consultation will be provided at least once during the year to each member library. In FY 1979, 27 of 44 member libraries will be in federated sub- systems with professional, full -time coordination available to 16 libraries. once again, the emphasis of consultation will be improvement of existing member libraries rather than increasing membership in the South Texas Library System. 0 System South Texas Library System ---- - - - -•• Month: _ - ram Title: System Development ,PZease include your locally determined objectives for FY 1979 on this form. With your FY 197y plan of service, please identify quantitative measures for each program area. At the close of each month, you should report progress made that month toward meeting your quantitative objectives in the section entitled "Monthly Work Report." This Statement of objectives form will be due to the Texas State Library two (2) weeks after the end of each month. With your FY 1979 contract packet we wilt supply twelve (12) copies of this form for your use. Statement of Objectives Monthly Performance Repor 1• To add 1 system member library 2• To provide telephone technical assistance TARGET: 600 contacts 3• To provide technical assistance via mail TARGET: 120 contacts 4• To provide in- person consultative service to non - member libraries. TARGET: 2 libraries 5• To provide in- person consultative service to member libraries TARGET: 43 libraries 6• To provide three-additional workshops.-: TARGET: 480 Student hours 7• To hold three meetings of each standing committee. TARGET: 12 meetings 8• To hold 2 business meetings (i.e. Lay Representative /All- System meetings) 9• To hold four Advisory Council meetings 10. 11. Lover) • LIBRARIAN III SYSTEM COORDINATOR (Grade 27) Beverley Van Camp Brief Summary�of Duties: Is responsible to the Director of the Corpus Christi Public Libraries for the operation and administration of the South Texas Library System. Details of Duties: Formulates and implements annual and long range plan for develop- ment of System library services, including budget preparation and + annual grant proposals for the City of Corpus Christi and the -Texas State Library. Has general supervision over other System staff, opera- tions, and budget. Prepares reports and oversees keeping of necessary records and statistics. Consults with librarians, library boards, city and county officials in the System. Obtains input on'System services for planning from librarians, by representatives, and Advisory Council in the System area Prepares Advisory Council and System membership meetings. Responsible for a public relations program which explains the purposes,.objectives, and services of the System. Minimum Qualifications: Training and Experience: Masters degree in Library Science from an ALA accredited school plus at least two years experience in appro- priate library work. Knowledge, Skills, and Personal Qualifications: Broad educational background. Thorough knowledge of all phases of library work. Exper- ience in library administration - especially in budgeting, grant proposal preparation, development of services, and working with governmental officials. Ability to conceive, plan and execute annual and long range plans for development of library services. Ability to counsel with administrators of libraries and to work with community leaders for development of local library services. Must be able to speak and write clearly and effectively. Must possess initiative, resourcefulness, vision, enthusiasm and good professional judgment. Must be able to work under pressure. Must have previous supervisory experience. it is 4.� - ":��. • - _ . c SENIOR CLERK TYPIST (System Secretary) Grade 12 - Lesa Stephanou Brief Summary of Job Duties Under general supervision, performs specialized and responsible clerical and typing work involving considerable public contact; may supervise office personnel; serves as floor receptionist and does related work as required. Detail of Duties Works for and in conjunction with all STLS programs in a secretarial and record - keeping capacity. Handles incoming calls, correepondence, and all nec- essary typing. Majntains and manages system files and sees that all necessary documents and records are available for public inspection. Is responsible for submitting monthly reports to the Texas State Library and the MRC Director each month. Handles all xeroxing and printing needs of the System Office, and that information needed for distribution to member librarians, lay representatives, and advisory council members. Takes care of order procedures involved in pur -• chasing minor office equipment and office supplies. Assists in taking care of details in preparation of official meetings of the advisory council and lay representatives, as well as recording and writing up minutes of same meetings. Assists Public Relations Specialist with mailing out publicity materials to mem- ber librarians, when needed. Organization of administrative tasks. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Trainina and Experience Graduation from high school and three years of office experience, prefer- ably including at least one year of service with the city in work closely re- lated to that of the position involved. Each year of college or business school training may be substituted for one year of general office experience or six months of service. Knowledge, Skill and Personal Qualities Thorough knowledge of grammar, spelling and simple arithmetic; good know- ledge of elementary bookkeeping practices and clerical methods; good knowledge of elementary bookkeeping practices and statistical methods; general knowledge of the operation oP the division or department; general knowledge of the organ- ization and operations of the municipal government. Exceptional ability to deal effectively and courteously with people; ability to work rapidly and accu- rately with figures; ability to type from plain copy at the rate of 50 words per minute; ability to handle difficult office situations with good judgement and tact. Neatness; pleasant appearance and personality; patience and good judge- ment. i FY 1'979 .SYSTEM BUDGET ESTIMATES (BY PROJECT) P complete the following information for each project for each fund account. A ks ( *1 uenote sub -total categories for those items indented below the asteriks. Title of the Project: SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT * Personal Services * $ 15,285 Salaries (System personnel only) $ 13,170 Fringe Benefits (System Personnel Only) $ 2,115 Contractual Services (ARC personnel and specialized $ consultants on contract with the system) Number of full -time equivalents: 2 * Printed Library Materials (Local Library Collection Enrichment) * $ Major Resource Center $ Area Libraries $ Community Libraries $ Other Printed Library Materials: Periodicals $ 150 (P ease i tij�j Audio Visual Materials $ Equipment (Please identify on a separate sheet each item and its $ estimated cost) * Operating Expenses * $. 5.475 Supplies $ 500 Communication $ 2,000 Postage $ 350 Rental of Equipment (Please identify on Equipment Sheet) $ Maintenance of Equipment $ 325 Travel $ 2,000 Printing $ Training Programs $ 300 Contractual Services: $ (Please iden") * Other Administrative Expenses * $ 250 Audit $ 250 Building Rental $ Other Expenses: $ (Please identify) Total Direct Cost $ 21,160 Indirect Cost $ 1,317 Total $ 22,477 Please identify the source of funds for this budget: (Check the appropriate space) FFY 1978 LSCA funds, or V/ FY 1979 state funds, or _ FFY1979' LSCA funds If building rental Is claimed, please complete the following: Amount of square footage of office space Monthly cost per square foot W -SS' -` - FY SYSTEM BUDGET ESTIMATES 3,• 1979 (BY PROJECT) e complete the following information for each project for each fund account. -iks (-I denote sub =total categories for those items indented below'the,asteriks. Title of the Project: SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT * Personal Services * $ 4 Please identify the source of funds for this budget: (Check the appropriate space) FFY 1978 LSCA funds, or _ FY 1979 state funds, or V FFY1979• LSCA funds If building rental is claimed, please complete the following: Amount of square footage of office space Monthly cost per square foot _ 15. 74 Salaries (System personnel only) $ 13.336 Fringe Benefits (System Personnel Only) $ 2.138 Contractual Services WC personnel and specialized $ consultants on contract with the system) Number of full -time equivalents: 2 * Printed Library Materials (Local Library Collection Enrichment) * $ Major Resource Center $ Area Libraries $ Community Libraries $ Other Printed Library Materials: $ (Please z ti `y) Audio Visual Materials $ Equipment (Please identify on a separate sheet each item and its $ estimated cost) * Operating Expenses * $._5,150 Supplies $ 500 Communication $ 2,000 Postage ' $ 350 Rental of Equipment (Please identify on Equipment Sheet) $ Maintenance of Equipment $ Travel $ 2,000 Printing $ Training Programs $ 300 Contractual Services: $ (Please identify) * Other Administrative Expenses _ * $ 250 Audit $ 250 Building Rental $ Other Expenses: $ (Please identipj) Total Direct Cost $ 20,874 Indirect Cost $ 1,334 Total $ 22,208 Please identify the source of funds for this budget: (Check the appropriate space) FFY 1978 LSCA funds, or _ FY 1979 state funds, or V FFY1979• LSCA funds If building rental is claimed, please complete the following: Amount of square footage of office space Monthly cost per square foot LSAASCA APPLICATION COVER SHEET This) cover sheet must accpmpany each project proposal submitted by the major resource system. This application is authorized for funding under the state Library Systems Act and the federal Library Services and Construction Act, Title 1, Project 3 a. Title o'f the Project: Media Program Name of the Major Resource System: South Texas Library System Contracting Agency: La Retama Public Library Name of Library A&ninistering Grant) Initiator: (Applicant) Name Edward L. Whittaker Position Director of Libraries Address Corpus Christi Public Libraries j• 505 N. Mesquite, Corpus Christi TX 78408 Telephone 512 -882 -1937 Project Director: Name Beverley G. Van Camp Position Librarian III (System Coordinator) Address 505 N. Mesquite Corpus Christi TX 78401 Telephone 512 - 882 -6502 Name and addrgss of Local Fiscal Officer who will be responsible for administering the funds. Name Harold F. Zick Position Director of Finance Address P.O. Box 9277, Corpus Christi TX 78408 Telephone 512- 884 -3011 Amount of grant funds by source requested to implement this project: FFY 1978 LSCA $ FY 1979 State $ 70 -704_ FFY 1979 LSCA $g6,663 Total amount of grant funds requested to implement this project: $ 167.367 Is this application for a continuing project? x Yes No "' )('4 -4 / 1 15 '' Q AUTHORIZATION FOR APPLICATION for Library Services and Construction Act Federal Fiscal Year 1979 and Library Systems Act State Fiscal Year 1979 Name of Major Resource System La Retama Public Library The Authorization for Application must be signed by the Director of the Major Resource Center library and either (1) the Mayor or City Manager (if the Major Resource Center library is municipally established) or-(2) the County Judge (if the Major Resource Center library is established under the County). -; t- I V- jdo Signature of the Major Resource Center Director Edward L. Whittaker Typewritten or printed name above Date Signature of the Napo, City Manager, or dpi V V I5 R. Marvin Townsend City Manager Title P.O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi TX 78408 Full Mailing Address Date MEDIA PROGRAM Abstract• The media program focuses on user as well as non -user needs. It gives member libraries the opportunity to borrow short as well as long length films which can motivate, entertain, educate and inform their patrons. . During FY 1979, the system expects to circulate 16mm films at a rate of 1,000 showings per month or 12,000 showings per year. The viewing audience is estimated to be 400,000 persons. The Media Librarian will provide assistance in film programming for libraries interested in weekly or monthly consistant programs. Printed materials will'be distributed explaining procedures and resources. Resource people will be brought in to share their film knowledge through a workshop. These films are useful materials stimulating group as well as individual parti- cipation. The collection intends to attract community partaking in library functions, constituting support. One expected outcome of the collection is to attempt to attract a wider range of citizenry to the local library in hopes of increasing local use and support of the individual library. In the statistical record keeping process comments on particular films are provided by film users. Often these comments are channeled on to producers. It is believed that a greater use of these films will certainly lead to production of better films in the long run. For example, in one library situation, a government agency borrowed a drug film depicting a Chicano addict; the characterization definitely was not Chicano. The agency identified the discrepancies and informed this film company of this matter. The film collection will establish other new and significant library -based acti- vities such as film forums, film study programs and possible efforts to promote cultural and international understanding. It is hoped that through the use of alternative media, librarians will awaken to the information which can be provided through non -book formats. The media program should be considered as an important communication medium and can be evaluated through patron response. Month: iram Title:.-Media.-Program " Please include your locally determined objectives for FY 1979 on this form. With your FY 1979 plan of service, please identify quantitative measures for each program area. At the close of each month, you should report progress made that month toward meeting your quantitative objectives in the section entitZed "Afonthly Work Report.' This Statement of Objectives form wiZZ be due to the Texas State Library two (2) weeks after the end of each month. With your BY 1979 contract packet we will supply twelve (12) copies of this form for your use. Statement of Objectives Monthly Performance Repor 1. To circulate 85% of the 16mm film collection per month 2. To have 1,000 16mm film showings per month TARGET: 12,000 showings per year 3• To have an attendence of 33,000 people per month TARGET: 400,000 people per year 4• To have 12 libraries participate in a comprehensive film program based on additional agency contact. TARGET: 3,600 people per year 5. Propose to have 25 different libraries participating in the fea- ture length film rental and reach an additional audience of 10,000 6• Propose to circulate 5,000 8mm films. 7• Propose to answer 12 questions per month regarding technical assistance including in person, telephone or by mail. 8. Propose to purchase 200 l6mm films 9• Propose to distribute 600 film catalogues. 10. Propose to talk with 5 people per month regarding film collection improvement 11. To produce program package for film collection usage designed around multipurpose films. Cover) O LIBRARIAN II MEDIA LIBRARIAN (Grade 25) Gloria Garcia Brief Summary of Duties: Is responsible for the operation of the South Texas Library System Film Program and Collection. Details of Duties- Supervises and plans system audio - visual services; prepares policies and procedures; selects, orders, and catalogues and new films for the collection; supervises maintenance and loan of films to system members, including the film "circuit,,, oversees the feature length film rental pyogram; compiles monthly statistics the on film programs; consults with member librarians on film services and programs; answers audio- visual related questions; supervises the Principle Library Aide; writes evaluation reports; contacts and works with community organizations in selection of films, works with media committee of librarians to co-or- dinate programs for the system. Minimum Qualifications: Training and Experience: A combination of education - including hours beyond a Bachelor's Degree and years of related library experience or a Master's Degree in library science from an ALA accredited school. Knowledge, Skills, andowledge, Skills, and Personal Qualifications: Broad educational background. Must be familiar with audio-visual hardware and software. Must be able to work well with public and librarians. Ability to under pressure. work O PRINCIPAL LIBRARY AIDE (Grade 14) Norma Gonzales Brief Summary of Job Duties: Under the general supervision of the Media Librarian, the Principal Library Aide has the responsibility for the supervision of the circulation of the South Texas Library System Film Collection. Details of Duties: This person is responsible for checking out films, collecting fines, calling patrons concerning overdues or statistics that were not reported; taking film bookings from area librarians, preparing the schedules of films for the circuit; handling complaints, ordering the and returning the preview prints; supervising films clerks. Minimum Qualifications: Training and experience: Completion of two years of college work required. One year of work experience in a position of similar responsibility may be substituted for each year of education. Must possess demonstrated ability to assume responsibility for being assigned in charge of a library. Knowledge, Skills, and Personal Qualities: Good educational background. Ability to question patron and determine his needs. Ability to type 40 words per-minute. Must be able to meet the public pleasantly as this job involves constant contact with the public and area librarians. i I r SENIOR LIBRARY AIDE r FILj4 •CLERK• (Grade 10) Elia Neri0s Laura Garcia Brief Summa of Job Duties: Under supervision of the�Principal Library Aide Performs a variety of clerical duties of ordinary difficulty and responsibility. Detail of Duties: Answers telephone and books filmo checks ea librariest collects doesfilm inspection; handles mailing works with the public; fines; calls overdues; maintains records; types forms and reports - fe•ni mum Oualifications: Training and experience: Graduation from high school plus two erie ce in clerical or library wor)S, or one year of college years exp year of experience. may be substituted for each Y Aptitude for detailed Skill and Personal 4ualities. AP ICnowied e, entl Ability to work work. Ability to follow instructions Must be able to type 40 words 14ust have with and meet the public Pleasantly. per minute accurately. Ability to tunder inreonsuse•of film inspec- pleasant telephone voice. willingness ` tion equipment- 11 N i F 079 SYSTEM BUDGET ESTIMATES (BY PROJECT) Plo__e complete-the following information for each project for each fund a.cebbnt•. ASt -.Iks ( *) denote sub -total categories for those items indented below'the asteriks. Title of the Project: MEDIA * Personal Services * $ 23.491' Salaries (System personnel only) $ 20.141 Fringe Benefits (System Personnel Only) $ 3-1;0 Contractual Services (MC personnel and specialised $ consultants on contract with the system) Number of full -time equivalents: 4 * Printed Library Materials (Local Library Collection Enrichment) * $ Major Resource Center $ Area Libraries $ Community Libraries $ Other Printed Library Materials: Periodicals $ 300 P ease z tifiy) Audio Visual Materials $ 12,624 Equipment (Please identify on a separate sheet each item and its $ 7,000 estimated cost) Operating Expenses * $. 10,275 Supplies $ 1,000 Communication $ 3,600 Postage $ 2,575 Rental of Equipment (Please identify on Equipment Sheet) $ Maintenance of Equipment $ 600 Travel $ 500 Printing $ 2,000 Training Programs $ Contractual Services: Rental films $ 15,000 (Please identft ) * Other Administrative Expenses * $ Audit $ Building Rental $ Other Expenses: $ (Please identify) Total Direct Cost $ 68,690 Indirect Cost $ 2,014 Total $ 70,704 Please identify the source of funds for this budget: (Check the appropriate space) FFY 1976 LSCA funds, or 1/ FY 1979 state funds, or _ FFY1979' LSCA funds If building rental is claimed, please complete the following: Amount of square footage of office space Monthly cost per square foot t -,:i "', i� .a.v�xa -,,'i _'e�.p < " -� _r+ «��srr wi��. •'.._: ,]qY:;y. �..`'a: -_ _C, zy�w ,, ..�i�.- rz'. ' t47y':rf FY 1979 .SYSTEM BUDGET ESTIMATES (BY* PROJECT) Pleo.. complete the following information for'each project for each fund account-. As,. Ks- <( *) denote sub -total categories for those m in ites dented below the asteriks. Title of the Project: MEDIA * Personal Services * $ 24,118 Salaries (System personneZ onZy) $ 20,692 Fringe Benefits (System Personnel OnZy) $ 3,426 Contractual Services MC personneZ and speciaZiaed consultants on contract with the system) Number of full -time equivalents: * Printed Library Materials (LocaZ Library Collection Enrichment) Major Resource Center Area Libraries Community Libraries Other Printed Library Materials: P ease identify) Audio Visual Materials Equipment (Please identify on a separate sheet each item and its estimated cost) * Operating Expenses Supplies Communication Postage ` Rental of Equipment (Please identify on Equipment Sheet) Maintenance of Equipment Travel Printing $ $ 62,376 * $. 8,100 $ 1,000 $ 3,600 $ 3,000 $ 500 $ Training Programs $ Contractual Services: $ (Please identify) * Other Administrative Expenses * $ Audit Building Rental Other Expenses: (Please identify) Total Direct Cost Indirect Cost Total $ $ 94,594 $ 2,069 $ 96,663 Please identify the source of funds for this budget: (Check the appropriate space) FFY 1978 LSCA funds, or _ FY 1979 state funds, or_I/FFY1979• LSCA funds If building rental is claimed, please complete the following: Amount of square footage of office space Monthly cost per square foot LSA /LSCA APPLICATION COVER SHEET -This cover sheet must accompany each project proposal submitted by the major resource system. This application is authorized for funding under the state Library Systems Act and the federal Library Services and Construction Act, Title I, Project 3 a. Title of the Project: Public Relations Name of the Major Resource System: South Texas Library System Contracting Agency: La Retama Public Library Nmne o Library A nisterxng Grant) Initiator: Name ' Edward L. Whittaker (Applicant) Position .Di•rector of Libraries Address Corpus Christi Public Libraries 505 N.` Mesquite, Corpus Christi TX 78408 Telephone•512 -882 -1937 Project Director: Name Beverley G. Van Camp Position Librarian III (System Coordinator) Address 505 N. Mesquite Corpus Christi TX 78401 Telephone 512-882 -6502 Name and address of Local Fiscal Officer who will le responsible for administering the funds. i Nam- Harold F. Zick Position Director of Finance Address P.O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi TX 78408 Telephone 512- 884 -3011 Amount of grant funds by source requested to implement this project: FFY 1978 LSCA $ FY 1979 State -$ 21,795 FFY 1979 LSCA $ 16.677 Total amount of grant funds requested to implement this project: $ 38 472 Is this application for a continuing project? x Yes No 'Ex h� AUTHORIZATION FOR APPLICATION for Library Services and Construction Act Federal Fiscal Year 1979 and Library Systems Act State Fiscal Year 1979 Name of Major Resource System La Retama Public Library _ _ The Authorization for Application must be signed by the Director of the Major Resource Center library and either (1) the Mayor or City Manager (if the Major Resource Center library is municipally established) or (2) the County Judge (if the Major Resource Center library is established under the County). Signature of the hfaJor Resource Center Director Edward L. Whittaker Typewritten or printed name above t -7,/1779 Date Signature of the 1 City Manager, or 0bUWX34YHW R. Marvin Townsend City Manager Title P.O. Box 9277 .Corpus Christi TX 78408 Full Mailing Address Date. PUBLIC RELATIONS Abstract In FY 1976 and in FY 1977 the main thrust of the Public Relations Program was to produce promotional materials using both print and electronic media. In FY 1978 the emphasis of the Public Relations Program shifted from publicizing system services to publicizing the individual libraries and their services. In FY 1979 the emphasis will again be changed to incorporate as much individualized material as is economically feasible on general library services and system services. A variety of formats will be used. This redirectigfi is based on the consensus of members of the South Texas Library System as garnered from a survey completed at the end of FY 1977. The Public Relations Committee will work with the Public Relations Specialist and draw up a program for FY 1979 which will best meet the needs of the South Texas Library System and its members. A film catalog and an annual report will definitely be part of the program. LIBRARY ASSISTANT II : PUBLIC RELATIONS SPECIALIST (Grade 18) Jane Garrison Brief Summary of Job Duties: Prepares and carries to completion public relations programs and activities for the South Texas Library System. Detail of Duties: Under the general direction of the System Coordinator prepares copy and graphic design ideas for all promotional materials for the South Texas Library System. Develops, and /or adapts all public relations programs necessary for fulfillment of System objectives. Supervises and coordinates printing, publicity distribution, and graphic design services for the System. Devises and implements new forms of advertising as well as the crtation,.implementation and supervision of all electronic media work. Minimum ualifications: Training and Experience_: Bachelor's degree in advertising, public relations or journalism; or three years college work in one of these fields plus experience in public relations. Knowledge, Skills and Personal Qualities: Must be familiar with printing and graphic procedures and the use of various advertising media. Must be able to supervise and coordinate printing, publicity distribution, and graphic design services. Must be outgoing and able to meet the public well. Must be able to work under pressure. Must be able to present a portfolio of public relations /promotional work. 0 - 7 ivystem: aoutn iexas uiorary ystem yn yi - Month 'am Title: PublicRelations Please include your locally determined objectives for FY 1979 on this form. With your FY 1979 plan of service, please identify quantitative measures for each program area.; At the close of each month, you should report progress made that month toward meeting your quantitative objectives in the section entitZed " MonthZy Work Report." This Statement of objectives form wiZZ be due to the Texas State Library two (2) weeks after the end of each month. With your FY 1979 contract packet we will supply twelve (12) copies of this form for your use. Statement of Objectives Monthly Performance Report 1• To produce and distribute 400 annual reports 2• To produce and distribute 600 film-catalogs 3- To produce and distribute 8,000 bookbags aimed at the adult market. 4• To produce and distribute 8,000 bookbags aimed at the child, market 5• To produce and distribute 8,000 bi- lingual bookbags aimed at the adult market 6. To produce and distribute posters and /or bookmarks and /or brochure publicizing the STLS media program 7• To produce and distribute posters and /or bookmarks and /or brochure publicizing the STLS Reference Back -up Service 8• To produce and distribute posters and /or bookmarks and /or brochure to promote.childaen's services 9• To produce and distribute posters and /or bookmarks and /or brochure publicizing the Inter - Library Loan Program 10. To produce and distribute posters and /or bookmarks and /or brochure publicizing the Mail -A -Book program 11. Each library will receive $150 worth of individualized materials. (TARGET: 44 libraries) Cover) BUDGET PUBLIC RELATIONS PROGRAM FY 79 ANNUAL REPORT ($600- printing $400- graphics) $1,000.00 FILM CATALOG ($2,000- printing $150 cover graphics) $2,150.00 LETTERHEAD $1,050.00 BOOKBAGS 3 different bags $6,500.00 1. Adults (8,000) $1,900 + $400 graphics 2. Children (8,000) $1,900 + $400-graphics 3. Bi- lingual (6,000) $1,500 + $400 graphics (Bags that would have artwork from #1 in English on one side and in Spanish on that other side.) FILMS Various materials publicizing this service would be $1,750.00 produced. REFERENCE BACK -UP Various materials publicizing this $1,500.00 service would be produced. CHILDREN Various materials would be produced to appeal to $1,000.00 children, INTER- LIBRARY LOAN Various materials would be produced $ 750.00 publicizing this service. MAIL -A -BOOK Bookmarks and a self - mailer would be produced $ 500.00 Thor use in this user group market only. EACH LIBRARY WILL RECEIVE $150.00 WORTH OF INDIVIDUALIZED $6,600.00 MATERIALS. They can use this money to re -order materials from FY 78 or to produce new materials for their library. RADIO $ TELEVISION PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS F $2,200.06 Spanish $ English TOTAL $25,009.09 2 .`ys,- •- r.�c�,i, :_�. FY 1'979 SYSTEM BUDGET ESTIMATES (BY PROJECT) Plea complete the following Information for each project for each, fund account,. AS.erlks ( *) denote sub -total categories for those items indented below'the asteriks. Title of the Project: PUBLIC RELATIONS * Personal Services * $ 5,977 Salaries (System personnel only) $ 5,183 Fringe Benefits (System PersonneZ OnZy) $ 794 Contractual Services WC personneZ and speeiaZised $ oonsuZtante on contract with the system) Number of full-time equivalents. 1 * Printed Library Materials (Local Library CoZZeetfon Enrichment) Major Resource Center Area Libraries Community Libraries Other Printed Library Materials: P ease tafy) Audio Visual Materials Equipment (PZeaee identify on a separate sheet each item and its estimated cost) * Operating Expenses Supplias Communication Postage Rental of Equipment ( PZease identify on Equipment Sheet) Maintenance of Equipment Travel Printing Training Programs Contractual Services: (PZeaee identi ) * Other Administrative Expenses Audit Building Rental Other Expenses: (Please identiij) Total Direct Cost Indirect Cost Total * $ $ S * $. 15,300 c S $ 300 $ 15,000 $ * $ S $ 21,277 $ 518 $ 21,795 Please identify the source of funds for this budget: (Check the appropriate apace) FFY 1978 LSCA funds, or V FY 1979 state funds, or _ FFY1979' LSCA funds if building rental is claimed, please complete the following: Amount of square footage of office space Monthly cost per square foot s Please identify the source of funds for this budget: (Check the appropriate space) FFY 1978 LSCA funds, or _ FY 1979 state funds, or V/ FFY1979' LSCA funds If building rental is claimed, please complete the following: Amount of square footage of office space Monthly cost per square foot �r y • "• - ";'° FY 1979 SYSTEM BUDGET ESTIMATES (BY PROJECT) f Plc- _ complete the following information for- each project for each fund account-. As. Ks ( *) denote sub -total categories for those items indented below'the asteriks. Title of the Project: PUBLIC RELATIONS * Personal Services * $ 6,153 Salaries (System personnel only) $ 5,244 Fringe Benefits (System Personnel Only) $ 909 Contractual Services (MC personnel and speeiaZized $ consultants on contract with the system) Number of full -time equivalents: 1 * Printed Library Materials (Local Library Collection Enrichment) * $ Major Resource Center _$ Area' Libraries $ Community Libraries $ Other Printed Library Materials: $ (Please identity) Audio Visual Materials $ Equipment (Please identify on a separate sheet each item and its $ estimated cost) * Operating Expenses * $• 10,000 Supplies $ Communication $ Postage $ Rental of Equipment (Please identify on Equipment Sheet) $ Maintenance of Equipment $ Travel $ Printing $ 10,000 Training Programs $ Contractual Services: $ (Please identify) * Other Administrative Expenses * $ Audit $ Building Rental $ Other Expenses: $ (Please identify) Total Direct Cost $ ' 16,153 Indirect Cost $ 524 Total $ 16,677 Please identify the source of funds for this budget: (Check the appropriate space) FFY 1978 LSCA funds, or _ FY 1979 state funds, or V/ FFY1979' LSCA funds If building rental is claimed, please complete the following: Amount of square footage of office space Monthly cost per square foot �r y LSAASCA APPLICATION COVER SHEET This cover sheet must accompany each project proposal submitted by the major resource system. This application is authorized for funding under the state Library Systems Act and the federal Library Services and Construction Act, Title I, Project 3 a. Title of the Project: Mail -A -Book Name of the Major Resource System: South Texas Library System Contracting Agency: . La Retama Public Library None of Library A metering Grant) Initiator:- Name Edward L. Whittaker (Applicant) I Position Director of Libraries Address Corpus Christi Public Libraries 505 N. Mesquite, Corpus`Christi TX 78408 i Telephone 512 - 882 -1937 Project Director: Name Beverley G. Van Camp jPosition Librarian III (System Coordinator) Address 505 N. Mesquite Corpus Christi TX 78401 Telephone 512 - 882 -6502 Name and address of Local Fiscal Officer who will be responsible for administering the funds. Name Harold F. Zick Position Director of Finance Address P.O. Box 9277, Corpus Christi TX 78408 Telephone 512 -884 -3011 Amount of grant funds by source requested to implement this project: FFY 1978 LSCA $ FY 1979 State -$ 19,491 FFY 1979 LSCA $ 6,208 Total amount of grant funds requested to implement this project: $ 25,699 Is this application for a continuing project? R Yes No E,,-44 /1 ) ,, I AUTHORIZATION FOR APPLICATION for - -- — Library Services and Construction Act - -. -_ -_ Federal Fiscal Year 1979 and ... Library Systems Act State Fiscal Year 1979 Name of Major Resource System La'Retama Public Library The Authorization for Application must be signed by the Director of the Major Resource Center library and either (I) the Mayor or City Manager (if the Major Resource Center library is municipally established) or (2) the County Judge (if the Major Resource Center Zibrary is estabZished under the County). Signature of the Major Resource Center. Director Edward L. Whittaker Typewritten or printed name above l 7 / Q 78' Date ' Signature of the MdiYM, City Manager, or WMVXMW R. Marvin Townsend City Manager Title P.O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi Ti 78408 Full Mailing Address , • d :-1 _`.x$�r• *'� - MAIL -A-BIOOK _strdt from a public librar} Rural citizens of South Texas are as member library. Most of the remaining areas without far As 100 miles away and 150+ miles from a system library service do not have a sufficient tax base to establish or continue o adequately support library service. has been gratifying. Given that South Texas this program it is 'The intitial success of has the lowest literacy and educational aedasomen reg' onal systems. oflthe more established books - remarkable that circulation hag regip by -mail programs in other Texas providing Span ish materials, and :because a Hecuase of the inc mail had attempted a Spanish and English books -by- increased cost of p federated system in the Valley g anish adding P program without notable success, Spanish materials will not be provided. other regional systems have run into ons withcthispparticular need will use some of materials. It is hoped that p Spanish-speaking the excellent Spanish resources which do exist in the heavily areas. mailing e yar and a circulation The program will cut back slightly on the current level o operation by 7,000 catalogs, 1,000 supplements three times during the of 1,500 per month. The target audience is approximately 7,000 rural resident box holders. I N ^� Stem: ,i South Texas Library System Month: .v. - - -- ram plcase include your locally determined objectives for FY 1979• on this form. With your FY 1979 plan of service, please identify quantitative measures for each program area. At the close of each month, you should report progress made that month toward meeting your quantitative objectives in the section entitled "Monthly Work Report. 11 This Statement of Objectives form wilt be due to the Texas State Library two (2) weeks after the end of each month. With your FY 1979 contract packet we will supply twelve (12) copies of this form for your use. Statement of Objectives Monthly Performance Re 1. To encourage the 10,886 rural resident box holders to use the Hooks -By -Mail Program. 2. To distribute 7,000 catalogs. 3. To distribute 4,500 supplements. 4. To circulate 1,500 Books -By -Mail per month. 5. To purchase 6,800 volumes -of paperbacks to support the Books -By -Mail Program. 6. 7. 8. 0. 1. (over) SENIOR LIBRARY AIDE BOOKS-BY -MAIL CLERK (Grade 10) Ermilio Martinez Brief Summary of Job Duties: Under professional supervision performs a variety of clerical duties of ordinary difficulty and responsibility. Detail of Duties Performs all clerical tasks of the Books -by -Mail program.) Answers correspondence from patrons. Collects statistics-and compiles monthly report. Handles mailing for items which go directly to the U. S. Post Office. Minimum uaLifications Graduation from high school plus two years experience in clerical or library work, or one year of college my be substituted for)each year of experience. Knowledge, Skill and Personal qualities: Aptitude for detailed work. Ability to work fairly independently. Ability to work with and meet the public pleasantly. Must handle routine correspondence. Must be able to type 40 words per min to accurately Abilin . to work under pressure. t w•s�`T. FY 1'979 SYSTEM BUDGET ESTIMATES (BY PROJECT) Ple_ complete the following information for- each project for each 'fund account-. As, Ks ( *) denote sub -total categories for those items indented below the asteriks. Titae of the Project: MAIL -A -BOOK * Personal Services * $ 4,644 Salaries (System personnel onZy) $ 3,968 Fringe Benefits (System Personnel Only) $ 676 Contractual Services WC personnel and specialized $ consuZtants on contract arith the system) Number of full-time equivalents: 1 * Printed Library Materials (Local Library Collection Enrichment) * $ Major Resource Center Area Libraries Community Libraries Other Printed Library Materials: Paperback books (Please i te.}�) Audio Visual Materials Equipment (Please identify on a separate sheet each item and its estimated cost) * Operating Expenses Supplies Communication Postage Rental of Equipment (Please identify on Equipment Sheet) Maintenance of Equipment Travel Printing Training Programs Contractual Services: (Please identify) * Other Administrative Expenses Audit Building Rental Other Expenses: (Please identify) Total Direct Cost Indirect Cost Total $ $ 9,4Do $ 2,053 * $, 2,997 2,175 $ 822 c * $ $ S - 19,094 $ 397 $ 19,491 Please identify the source of funds for this budget: (Check the appropriate space) FFY 1978 LSCA funds, or l/ FY 1979 state funds, or _ FFY1979' LSCA funds If building rental is claimed, please complete the following: Amount of square footage of office space Monthly cost per square foot FY 1:979 SYSTEM BUDGET ESTIMATES (BY PROJECT) PI—e complete the following information for each project for each-fund account-. As —I ks ( *) denote sub -total categories for those Items indented below'the asteriks. Title of the Project: MAIL -A -BOOK * Personal Services * $ 4;798 Salaries (System personnel only) $ 4,103 Fringe Benefits (System PersonneZ Only) $ 695 Contractual Services WC personnel and specialized $ consultants on contract with the system) Number of full-time equivalents: 1 • Printed Library Materials (Local Library Collection Enrichment) * $ Major Resource Center $ Area Libraries $ Community Libraries $ Other Printed Library Materials: $ (Please i tiflj) Audio Visual Materials $ Equipment (Please identify on a separate sheet each item and its $ estimated cost) • Operating Expenses * $ 1,000 Supplies $ Communication $ Postage $ 1,000 Rental of Equipment (Please identify on Equipment Sheet) $ Maintenance of Equipment $ Travel $ Printing $ Training Programs $ Contractual Services: $ (Please identify • Other Administrative Expenses * $ Audit $ Building Rental $ Other Expenses: $ (Please identify) Total Direct Cost $ 5,798 Indirect Cost $ 410 Total $ 6,208 Please identify the source of funds for this budget: (Check the appropriate space) FFY 1978 LSCA funds, or _ FY 1979 state funds, or V / FFY1979' LSCA funds If building rental is claimed, please complete the following: Amount of square footage of office space Monthly cost per square foot LSA /LSCA APPLICATION COVER SHEET This cover slieet must accpmpany each project proposal submitted by the major resource system. - This application is authorized for funding under the state Library Systems Act and the federal Library Services and Construction Act, Title I, Project 3 a. Title of the Project: Reference Back -Up Service Name of the Major Resource System: South Texas Library System Contracting Agency: La Retama Public Library Name of Library A inaatermng Grant) Initiator: Name Edward L. Whittaker (Applicant) Position Director of Libraries Address Corpus Christi Public Libraries 505 N. Mesquite, Corpus Christi TX 78408 Telephone 512- 8B2 -1937 Project Director: Name Beverley G. Van Camp Position Librarian III (System Coordinator) Address 505 N. Mesquite Corpus Christi TX 78401 Telephone 512 -882 -6502 Name and address of Local Fiscal Officer who will be responsible for administering the funds. � - Name Harold F. Zick Position Director of Finance Address P.O. Box 9277, Corpus Christi TX 78408 Telephone 512- 884 -3011 Amount of grant funds by source requested to implement this project: FFY 1978 LSCA $ FY 1979 State -$ 19,966 FFY 1979 LSCA $ 20,228 Total amount of grant funds requested to implement this project: $ 40,194 Is this application for a continuing project? x Yes No AUTHORIZATION FOR APPLICATION for - Library Services and Construction Act Federal Fiscal Year 1979 and Library Systems Act State Fiscal Year 1979 Name of Major Resource System La Retama Public Library The Authorization for Application must be signed by the Director of the Major Resource Center library and either (2) the Mayor or City Manager (if the Major Resource Center library is municipally established) or (2) the County Judge (if the Major Resource Center library is established under the County).. I . -�X Signature of the Major Resource Center Signature of the MW, City Manager, Director or l(d'm* dog R. Marvin Townsend Edward L. Whittaker City Manager Typewritten or printed name above Title P.O. Box 9277 `7i / 176 Corpus Christi TX 78408 Date Full Mailing Address Date I REFERENCE BACK- UP-SERVICE Abstract The Reference Back -up Service was created to solve several interrelated problems; the need for information by the working community, which is often unaware of the library's resources; the need for information by a large non - English oriented population for whom traditional printed materials are often irrelevant; and the limitations in most system libraries' reference capabilities which prevent their meeting the above needs and improving the public library's image. Reference Back -Up Service, by acting as a "last resort" for librarians at the local level, can provide patrons with information which would otherwise be unavailable. This is done through use of the MRC collection and telephone calls. The centralization of this function in the System Office means that prohibitively price reference services, and non - traditional resources can now be provided to all the citizens of South Texas. Also that the most common areas of deficiency and /or need in refer- ence service can be perceived and dealt with in a coordinated fashion. Thus, the service aspect of Reference Back -Up Service, the answering of reference questions which cannot be answered at the local level, is not just an end in itself. A continual effort will be made to extrapolate from the form and subject of question's to underlying deficiencies in reference service; the training function of RBS will take the form of formal and informal technical assistance, and a coordinated collection development program. Related to this goal of improving member libraries' reference capabilities is the additional goal of gradually encouraging members to share their own resources and knowledge with the whole systee, even on a limited basis. Reference Back -Up Service will recieve 2,000 questions from member libraries - during FY 1979 and will attempt to answer at least 90% of them satisfactorily. Statistics will be kept on numbers of questions received and answered as well as on turn - around time. An ideal 15 hours' turn- around time will be maintained as a general goal, although the importance of quickness as opposed to quality of answers will have to be judged in each case individually. Final quantitative evaluation will be made in terms of unit cost per question and unit cost per satistified question. Qualitative evaluation will depend on feedback from members on both the service and training functions of RBS, as well as evaluation of answers by the Reference Back -Up Librarian. Program Title:_ Reference Back -Up Service ;- dZease include your locally determined objectives for FY 197$ on t3zi& form. yorer FY 1979 plan of service, please identify quantitative measures for each p. _,am area. At the close of each month; you should report progress made that month toward meeting your quantitative objectives in the section entitled "Monthly Work Report." This Statement of objectives form will be due to the Texas State Library two (2) week+ after the end of each month. With your FY 1979 contract packet we will supply twelve (I2) copies of this form for your use. Statement of Objectives Monthly Performance R 1. To receive a minimum of 2,200 questions from member libraries TARGET: 183 per month 2' To satisfactorily answer 2,075 questions per TARGET: 168 per month 3• To answer each question or refer to outside sources within 15 work- ing hours while discriminating those questions for which time is less important than quality of answer 4• To maintain monthly and year -to date statistics on.numbers of questions received and answered as well as turn - around time 5• To encourage resource sharing and aid-in providing quality service by updating periodicals and reference materials holdings lists of member libraries TARGET: 20 participating libraries 6. 7. 9• 10. tt. (over) =5r' t rSOUTH TEXAS LIBRARY SYSTEM - PY '•: )-4 a r a r ... - a�`��s a _ . LIBRARY ASSISTANT II REFERENCE BACK -UP ASSISTANT (Grade 18) Pamela Heisser Brief Summary of Job Duties: Under the supervision of the Reference Back -up Librarian performs a variety of para - professional duties. Detail of Duties: ` Answers telephone and takes down information received from member libraries; explains procedures of program to librarians calling and does basic question negotiation; types reports and forms; answers lexx complex reference questions from available resources; refers questions to research agencies; refers difficult questions to Reference Back -Up Librarian.. Minimum Qualifications: Training and experience: Graduation from college with a Bachelors degree; or completion of three years of college work plus experience which is related to library work. Knowledge, Skill and Personal Qualities: Aptitude for re- search work. Ability to follow instruction intelligently. Ability to listen. Ability to work under pressure. Must have pleasant telephone voice. ; n s=; s�.LU: ---.ga ,,.,..�i.. - ;._� = ss��.�'.s ;F -•;ap"r::.;...: ...' _ ,�K..¢r..�r: >" ;.'z- .�:;�'�.3A'`yti`i. LIBRARIAN II REFERENCE BACK -UP LIBRP.RIAN (Grade 25) Beth Stenberg Brief Summary of Job Duties: Professional librarian working as an information specialist. i Detail of Duties: Provides answers to questions which cannot be answered at the local library level; provides continuouta feedback-(training) to librarians on the ways to improve their reference techniques; super- vises, schedules and trains staff; refers questions to research groupsuben necessary; works with Interlibrary Loan Librarian and Corpus Christi Public Libraries Information Services staff in dis- criminating reference questions; originates forms and compiles statistics; writes evaluation reports; makes contact with business/ professional community. . Minimum Qualifications- Training and Experience: Masters degree in library science from an ALA accredited library school. Knowledge, Skills, and Personal alifications: Broad educational background. Knowledge of reference tools and sources particularly non - traditional and specialized (e.g.business, agricultural, petrolem engineering). Ability to meet the public and to do public speaking Except al ability to provide training feedback and negotiate inquiries. Ability to work under time pressure; Ability to use the telephone effectively. r 1 r n a e• '"'.^' ' �, .y7:: • �., �.r ar!•e.- - •�.�e• s•.. ,r�`+'� RZ,'S'''�"I`_ :; t -' :: y ... t�•.. ::x` _ ., i. ,��c.{x�� - 9#.�; E, �''`�.�4,i:'.'-r 'r�- �8'.ek+''S'i.: '.Z�r'd: r;, 54•, ;Lae: V+;b: -... - .:�:,:,y- i*= _:•3T °,, e. .r' :: 'TX. "ate- ".dr..ri•a7f ', *' -,,, FY 1979 . SYSTEM--BUDGE 7'ESTIMATES (BY PROJECT) �: ,a;": 'x t•" ?Pig complete the following information for•each project for each••fund account. As s ;_•( *) denote sub -total categories for those items indented below the asteriks. Title of the Project: REFERENCE BACK -UP * Personal Services * $ 14,664 Salaries (System personnel only) $ 12,644 Fringe Benefits (System Personnel Only) $ 2,020 Contractual Services (AMC personnel and speeiaZiaed $ consultants on contract r.,ith the system) 2 Number of full-time equivalents: * Printed Library Materials (LocaZ Library CoZZecBion Enrichment) * $ Major Resource Center $ Area Libraries $ Community Libraries $ Other Printed Library Materials: $ (Please identify) Audio Visual Materials $ Equipment (Please identify on a separate sheet each item and its $ estimated cost) * Operating Expenses * $, 4,300 Supplies $ 300 Communication $ 3,000 Postage ' $ . 1,000 Rental of Equipment (Please identify on Equipment Sheet) $ Maintenance of Equipment $ Travel $ Printing $ Training Programs $ Contractual Services: $ (Please identift) * Other Administrative Expenses * $ Audit $ Building Rental $ Other Expenses: $ (Please identify) Total Direct Cost $ 18,964 Indirect Cost $ 1,264 Total $ 20,228 Please identify the source of funds for this budget: (Check the appropriate space) FFY 1978 LSCA funds, or _ FY 1979 state funds, or V FFY1979' LSCA funds If building rental is claimed, please complete the following: Amount of square footage of office space Monthly cost per square foot ^•.R- : *xs,a :,g:''?x'�.�a•.- ':;cb'iar...: y:ffi ��n-r. ,s.; - k}t•.�:n�•;: wr}$'c'1. '�t. �a +�'�-. °ata K" e� _ �C,r fir':-•' / r1t i�lS.e � ' ;�h,,..t FY 1'979 SYSTEM BUDGET ESTIMATES (BY pPROJECT) Pleo.c complete the following information for 'each project for each fund account•. Ast. KS ( *) denote sub -total categories for those *itemn' indented below the asteriks. Title of the Project; REFERENCE BACK -UP * Personal Services * $ 14,423 Salaries (System personnel only) $ 12,432 Fringe Benefits (System Personnel Only) $ 1,991 Contractual Services (ARC personnel. and specialized $ consuZtants on contract with the system) Number of full -time equivalents: 2 * Printed Library Materials (Local Library Collection Enrichment) * $ Major Resource Center Area Libraries Community Libraries Other Printed Library Materials: (Please a entif�) Audio Visual Materials Equipment (Please identify on a separate sheet each item and its estimated cost) * Operating Expenses Supplies Communication Postage +, Rental of Equipment (Please identifV on Equipment Sheet) Maintenance of Equipment Travel Printing Training Programs Contractual Services: (Please identify) * Other Administrative Expenses Audit Building Rental other Expenses: (Please identify) Total Direct Cost Indirect Cost Total $ * $. 4.000 $ 300 $ 3,000 $ 1,000 r * $ $ $ 18,723 $ 1,243 S 19,966 Please identify the source of funds for this budget: (Check the appropriate space) FFY 1978 LSCA funds, or Z FY 1979 state funds, or _ FFY1979' LSCA funds If building rental is claimed, please complete the following: Amount of square footage of office space Monthly cost per square foot t . �? Al. LSA /LSCA APPLICATION COVER SHEET This cover sheet must accpmpany each project proposal submitted by the major resource system. This application is authorized for funding under the state Library Systems Act and the federal Library Services and Construction Act, Title 1, Project 3 a. Title of the Project: Collection Development Name -of the Major Resource System: South Texas Library System Contracting Agency: La Retama Public Library. I Name of Library A matemng Crant) Initiator: Name Edward L. Whittaker (Applicant) position Director of Libraries Address Corpus Christi Public Libraries 505 N. Mesquite, Corpus Christi TX 78408 Telephone 512- 882 -1937 Project Director: Name Beverley G. Van Camp Position Librarian III (System Coordinator) Address 505 N. Mesquite Corpus Christi TX 78401 Telephone 512 - 882 -6502 ` Name and address of Local Fiscal Officer who will be responsible for administering i the funds. Name Harold F. tick Position Director of Finance Address P 0 Box 9277 Corpus Christi TX 78408 Telephone 512 - 884 -3011 Amount of grant funds by source requested to implement this project: FFY 1978 LSCA $ FY 1979 State -$ 5q•137 FFY 1979 LSCA $ 4,966 Total amount of grant funds requested to implement this project: $ 44 103 Is this application for a continuing project? —X—Yes No I , If ex' id /-- 4' AUTHORIZATION FOR APPLICATION for Library Services and Construction Act Federal Fiscal Year 1979 and Library Systems Act State Fiscal Year 1979 Name of Major Resource System La Retama Public Library The Authorization for Application must be signed by the Director of the Major Resource Center library and either (1) the Mayor or City Manager (if the Major Resource Center library is municipally established) or (2) the County Judge (if the Major Resource Center library is estabZished under the County). Signature of the Major Resource Center ' Director Edward L. Whittaker Typewritten or printed name above I 1L l `7, !T 78 Date Signature of the Wy—" City Manager, ,or DD WDy(X jw- R. Marvin Townsend City Manager Title P.O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi TX 78408 Full Mailing Address Date COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT Abstract This program will enable the member libraries of the South Texas Library System to purchase approximately 3,500 books at greater discount through .the System Office. In addition to each library which has a budgeted amount for books receiving an allotment against which to purchase,'local monies may be channelled through the vendor enabling local libraries to 'receive the benefit of higher discounts and no freight charges. The matching formula which was formerly in the Rules and Regulations for the Fourth Biennium will be used to allocate accounts and provide incentives for local materials budget increases. With a set amount of $34,540 allotted for book purchases, each libraries' individual account will be percentage matched down from the full amount if maximum funding was available. collection Development Development gram Tttle: PZcase include your locally determined objectives for FY 1979 on this form. Wz. your FY 1979 ply of service, please•idenbify quantitative measures for each progrwr, area. At the close of each month, you should report progress made that month toward meeting your quantitative objectives in the section entitled "Monthly Work Report." T3:is Statement of Objectives form will be due to the Texas State Library two (2) weeks after the end of each month. With your FY 1979 contract packet we will supply twelve (12) copies of this form for your use. StateJnt of Objectives Monthl Performance Re 1. To purchase, through system office coordination, approximately 3;400 books for qualified system libraries ; 2. 20 member libraries to use the system discount To encourage • in order to amplify their local funds. 3. 4. 7. 8. 10. 11. � • (over) SENIOR LIBRARY AIDE COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT CLERK (Grade 10) Becky Marez Brief Summary of Jab Duties: Under professional supervision performs a variety of clerical duties of ordinary difficulty and responsibility. Detail of Duties- Keeps accounts of member libraries accurately. Handles problems with jobber on daily basis. Refers difficult questions concerning distribution procedures to supervisor. Handles, limited duties in Reference Back -up including answering telephone and taking requests. Minimum Qualifications: Training and experience: Graduation from high school plus one year experience in clerical or library work, or one year of college may be substituted for a year of experience. Courses in bookkeeping are preferable. Knowledge, Skill and Personal Qualities: Aptitude for detailed ' work. Mathmatical aptitude preferred. Ability to follow instructions intelligently. Must be able to type 40 words per minute accurately. Ability to work under pressure. I� J 0 FY 1'979 SYSTEM BUDGET ESTIMATES (BY PROJECT) Please complete'the following information for each project for each'fund' account. As iks ( *) denote sub -total categories for those items indented below'the asterlks. Title of the Project: COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT * Personal Services * $ 4.514 Salaries (System personnel only) $ 3.828 Fringe Benefits (System Personnel Only) $ 686 Contractual Services (ARC personnel and apeeiaZized $ consultants on contract with the system) Number of full-time equivalents: 1 * Printed Library Materials (Local Libzvrny Collection Enrichment) * $ 34,24D Major Resource Center $ Area Libraries $ Community Libraries $ Other Printed Library Materials: $ (Please identify) Audio Visual Materials $ Equipment (Please identify on a separate sheet each item and its $ estimated cost) * Operating Expenses * $ Supplies $ Communication $ Postage $ Rental of Equipment (Please identify on Equipment Sheet) $ Maintenance of Equipment $ Travel $ Printing $ Training Programs $ Contractual Services: $ (Please identify) * Other Administrative Expenses * $ Audit $ Building Rental $ Other Expenses: $ (Please identify) Total Direct Cost $ ' 38,754 Indirect Cost $ 383 Total $ 39.137 Please identify the source of funds for this budget: (Check the appropriate space) FFY 1978 LSCA funds, or / FY 1979 state funds, or _ FFY1979' LSCA funds If building rental is claimed, please complete the following: Amount of square footage of office space Monthly cost per square foot L FY 1'979 SYSTEM BUDGET ESTIMATES (BY PROJECT) Please complete the following information for each project for each 'fund accbbnt -. AsL-.-iks ( *) denote sub -total categories for those items indented below•the asteriks. Title of the Project: COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT * Personal Services * $ 4,578 Salaries (System personnel only) $ 3,882 Fringe Benefits (System Personnel Only) $ 696 Contractual Services (ARC personnel and specialized $ consultants on contract with the system) Number of full-time equivalents: * Printed Library Materials (Local Library Collection Enrichment) * $ Major Resource Center $ Area Libraries $ Community Libraries $ Other Printed Library Materials: $ Please z tzfijl Audio Visual Materials $ Equipment ( PZease identify on a separate sheet each item and its $ estimated cost) * Operating Expenses * $. Supplies $ Communication $ Postage $ Rental of Equipment (Please identify on Equipment Sheet) $ Maintenance of Equipment $ Travel $ Printing $ Training Programs $ Contractual Services: $ (Please identifyy) * Other Administrative Expenses * $ Audit $ Building Rental $ Other Expenses: $ (Please identify) Total Direct Cost $ '4,578 Indirect Cost $ 388 Total $ 4,966 Please identify the source of funds for this budget: (Check the app ropriate space) FFY 1978 LSCA funds, or _ FY 1979 state funds, or i/ / FFY1979' LSCA funds If building rental is claimed, please complete the following: Amount of square footage of office space Monthly cost per square foot I LSA /LSCA APPLICATION COVER SHEET This cover sheet must accpmpany each project proposal submitted by the major resource system. This application is authorized for funding under the state Library Systems Act and the federal Library Services and Construction Act, Title 1, Project 3 a. Title of the Project: Inter - Library Loan Name of the Major Resource System: South Texas Library System Contracting Agency: La Retama Public Library Name of Library A nisterzng Grant) Initiator: Name Edward L. Whittaker (Applicant) Position Director of Libraries Address Corpus Christi Public Libraries 505 N. Mesquite, Corpus Christi TX 78408 — -- Tei'ephone 512- 882 -1937 Project Director: Name Beverley G. Van Camp Position Librarian 111 (System Coordinator) Address 505 N. Mesquite Corpus Christi TX 78401 Telephpne 512- 882 -6502 Name and address of Local Fiscal Officer who will be responsible for administering the funds. Name Harold F. Zick Position Director of Finance Address P.O. Box 9277, Corpus Christi TX 78408 Telephone 512 -884 -3011 Amount of grant funds by source requested to implement this project: FFY 1978 LSCA $ r FY 1979 State -$ 82,504 FFY 1979 LSCA $ Total amount of grant funds requested to implement this project: $82,504 Is this application for a continuing project? x Yes No ,, Name of Major Resource System La Retama Public Llbrar The Authorization for Application must be signed.by the Director o Major e Major Reenter! Center library and either (1) the Mayor or City manager f (if the Mo or Resource library is municipally established) or (2)'the County d9 Center library is established under the County)- City Manager Signature of the Major Resource Center o gnaeX6he EPd2gaex, Director R. Marvin Townsend City Manager Edward L..Whittaker Title Typewritten or printed name above P.O. Box 9277 t.7 /'17 $. Corpus Christi TX 78408 Full Mailing Address Date Date I 0 AUTHORIZATION FOR APPLICATION . for Library Services and Construction Act Federal Fiscal Year 1979 and Library Systems Act State Fiscal Year 1979 Name of Major Resource System La Retama Public Llbrar The Authorization for Application must be signed.by the Director o Major e Major Reenter! Center library and either (1) the Mayor or City manager f (if the Mo or Resource library is municipally established) or (2)'the County d9 Center library is established under the County)- City Manager Signature of the Major Resource Center o gnaeX6he EPd2gaex, Director R. Marvin Townsend City Manager Edward L..Whittaker Title Typewritten or printed name above P.O. Box 9277 t.7 /'17 $. Corpus Christi TX 78408 Full Mailing Address Date Date I ` INTERLIBRARY LOAN Abstract Through the Interlibrary Loan Department of the La Retama Public Library the resources of all major libraries in Texas and Louisiana, and many libraries in the United States are made available to the residents of the 26 counties of the South Texas Library System. La Retama Public Library, as one of the ten Major Resource Centers in the Texas State Library Caomunications Network, has several vital functions: to receive requests for books, periodical articles and other materials, to fill these requests from its collection, or to refer them quickly to other libraries in the Network or to out -of -state libraries. This program provides services beyond local capabilities to libraries of the South Texas Library System and residents of Corpus Christi. Non- system libraries in the South Texas Library System area are handled at the Major Resource Center level only and not forwarded on the Network, according to system member and Advisory Council vote in December, 1975. Location devices, telecommunication equipment, and even computer access have speeded up the search process for the increasing number of requests rec6ived, as the statistics demonstrate. As of December 1, 1977, requests from Corpus Christi residents have increased almost 100% over the previous fiscal year and other library requests averaged an almost 14% increase. c buu•1•tf TZAAb Lln!(A" bIb'XZM L'X lWa Tnteriibrary Loan LIBRARIAN II INTERLIBRARY LOAN LIBRARIAN (Grade 25) Margaret Neu Brief Summary of Job Duties: Is responsible for interlibrary loan operations. Detail of Duties: Supervises interlibrary loan operations and staff; organizes the work flow; formulates procedures in accordance with Texas State Library Communications Network and Corpus Christi Public Libraries policies; responsible for statistics, planing and reporting to the Texas State Library regarding interlibrary loan in the South Texas Library System area; performs bibliographic verification for interlibrary loan requests. Minimum Qualifications: Training and Experience: Masters degree in library science from an ALA accredited library school. Knowledge, Skills, and Personal Qualifications: Broad educational background. Ability to plan and adjust for shifting work load. Ability to communicate clearly both in writing and speaking. Must be able to work under pressure. PRINCIPAL LIBRARY AIDE (Grade 14) Noelia Gonzalez - Brief Summary of Job Duties: Under the direction of the Interlibrary Loan Librarian has the responsibility for the supervision of interlibrary loan routines. Details of Duties: Takes requests by telephone and TWX, does initial bibliographic veri- fication of interlibrary loan requests, operates TWX and sends messages for interlibrary loan. Minimum Qualifications: Training and Experience: Some college preferred; requirement may be waived w�.th previous related clerical work experience and ability to assume responsibility has been demonstrated. Xnowledae, Skills, and'Personal Qualifications: Good educational background. Aptitude for detailed work. Ability to understand and apply instructions. Ability to question patron skillfully and determine his needs. Ability to type 40 words per minute accurately. Must be able to work under pressure. 4- Interlibrary Loan - PRINCIPAL LIBRARY AIDE (Grade 14) Nita Hayes Brief Summary of Job Duties: Under the direction of the Interlibrary Loan Librarian has the responsibility for the.supervision of interlibrary loan routines. Details of Duties: Takes requests by telephone and TWX; does initial bibliographic veri- fication of interlibrary loan requests; operates TWX and sends messages for interlibrary loan. Minimum Qualifications: Training and Experience: Some college preferred; requirement may be waived with previous related clerical work experience and ability to assume responsibility has been demonstrated. Knowledge, Skills, and Personal Qualities: Good educational background. Aptitude for detailed work. Ability to understand and apply instructions. Ability to question patron-skillfully and determine his needs. Abi4ty to type 40 words per minute accurately. Must be able to work under pressure. •i Interlibrary Loan •� ` . ; . a? F:, , SENIOR LIBRARY AIDE (Grade 10) Sarah Dankenbring Brief Summary of Job Duties: Under professional supervision performs a variety of clerical duties of ordinary difficulty and responsibility. Details of Duties: Does initial bibliographic searching; takes phone request; photo- copies materials; serves as back -up to TWX operators; sends correspondence and reports to network members; processes outgoing and incoming mail. Minimum Qualifications: Training and Experience: Graduation from high school plus one year experience in clerical or library work, or one year of college may be substituted for a year of experience. Ability to assume responsibility for ILL clerical routines. Knowledge, Skills, and Personal Qualifications: Aptitude for detailed work. Ability to follow instructions intelligently. Ability to work with and meet the public pleasantly. Must be able to type 40 words per minute accurately. Ability to work under pressure. Interlibrary Loan SENIOR LIBRARY AIDE (Grade 10) Jo Ann Villareal Brief Summary of Job Duties: under professional supervision performs a variety of clerical duties of ordinary difficulty and responsibility. Details of Duties - Does initial bibliographic searching; takes phone requests; photo- copies materials; serves as back -up TWX operator; sends correspondence and reports to network members; processes outgoing and incoming mail. Minimum Qualifications: Training and Experience: Graduation from high school plus one year experience in" clerical or library work, or one year of college may be substituted for a year of experience. Ability to assume responsibility for ILL clerical routines. Knowledge, Skills, and Personal Qualifications: Aptitude for detailed work. Ability to follow instructions intelligently. Ability to work with and meet the public pleasantly. Must be able to type 40 words per minute accurately. Ability to work under pressure. 0 0 �,,,,�M ��.�,,�., ,i:.au,�.. - -"':, Srs�.,.: s...-_,-> �, ������; ....rr_atxtii_- .�.;;'s,- �;�.,.., ..'• .'r,- =-.- �y::��? _ `v„�w� '�*y �„h !{ �; '' " "'= FY 1979 SYSTEM BUDGET ESTIMATES (BY PROJECT) Ply complete the following information for.each project for each -Tund vcoobnt•. & is ( *) denote sub -total categories for those items indented below'the asteriks. * Title of the Project: Inter- Library Loan " * Personal Services * $ 57.318 Salaries (System personnel onZy) $ 49,080 Fringe Benefits (System PersoxneZ OnZy) $ 8,238 Contractual Services WC personnel and specialized $ consultants on contract with the system) .Number of full -time equivalents: 5 * Printed Library Materials (Local Library Collection Enrichment) * $ Major Resource Center $ Area Libraries $ Community Libraries $ Other Printed Library Materials: $ P ease tzjiy) Audio Visual Materials $ Equipment '(Please identify on a separate sheet each item and its $ 1,382 estimated cost) * Operating Expenses * $. 19,800 Supplies $ 5,580 Communication $ 11,495 Postage $ 1.904 Rental of Equipment (Please identijj on Equipment Sheet) $ Maintenance of Equipment $ 240 Travel $ 581• Printing $ Training Programs $ Contractual Services: $ (Please identity) * Other Administrative Expenses * $ 75 Audit $ 75 Building Rental $ Other Expenses: $ (Please identify) Total Direct Cost $ 78,575 Indirect Cost $ 3.929 Total $ 82,504 Please identify the source of funds for this budget: (Check the appropriate space) FFY 1978 LSCA funds, or ✓ FY 1979 state funds, or _ FFY1979• LSCA funds If building rental is claimed, please complete the following:. Amount of square footage of office space Monthly cost per square foot g ';' ^'i• ' Corpus Christi, Texas _day of 19Z TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, MAYOR THE CITY OF CO S CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter Rule was suspended by the following vote: Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample The above ordinance was passed Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley . David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample 14278 -- ;e: