HomeMy WebLinkAbout14334 ORD - 05/31/1978JKH:ya:5- 16- 78:lst J AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI 1976 REVISION, AS AMENDED, BY AMENDING SECTION 53 -257, SCHEDULE VIII, PARKING METER ZONES ESTABLISHED, BY ADDING TO (a) METER ZONE NO. 1, PERMITTING MAXIMUM PARKING OF 10 HOURS, PORTIONS OF LOWER BROADWAY, TWIGG STREET AND NORTH CARANCAHUA STREET; ADDING TO (c) METER ZONE NO. 3, PERMITTING MAXIMUM PARKING OF TWO HOURS, A PORTION OF LOWER BROADWAY, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH HEREINAFTER; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Code of Ordinances, City of Carpus Christi, 1976 Revision, as amended, be amended by adding to Section 53 -257, Schedule VIII, Parking Meter Zones Established, the following provisions: A. Add to Subsection (a) Meter Zone No. 1, permitting maximum parking of 10 hours, the following streets: (18) Lower Broadway (west side only), from Taylor Street to Twigg Street. (19) Twigg Street (north side only), from Lower Broadway to Mesquite Street. (20) North Carancahua (both sides), from Buffalo to Winnebago. B. Add to Subsection (c) Meter Zone No. 3, permitting maximum parking of two hours, the following street: (24) Lower Broadway (east side only), from Taylor Street to Twigg Street. SECTION 2. Publication shall be made one time in the official publication of the City of Corpus Christi by publishing the caption of this ordinance, stating in substance the purpose of the ordinance. V�IICROFILM �JUL 0 81980 14331 • F That the foregoing ordinance was read for first time and pass d to its second reading on this the_�day of 19% , by the following vote: Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample That the foregoing ordinance w s read for second third reading on this theday of time and d to its 19 p by the following vote: Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample That the foregoing ordinance s read for the thir time and passed finally on this the_,V day of 19 by the following vote: Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample PASSED AND APPROVED, this theA _day of r/ 19 7i ATTEST: C Secretary MAYOR THE ITY ORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: Al LDAY OF J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CI Y ATTORNEY By // #ssts# ant Cit Attorney 4433: PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT s STATE OF TEXAS, lss: " - mss.. - -•- County of Nueces. 1,:'• .E / . ` ce_ � �i` afore me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day.persimail iy came ............. ...... - - ..._ - -.- I� Rowena •_V, ..Gonzalo o• ...................... •.___._-- _••_.__- __- ._._••. who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that he is the - Acnnunti.ng -.. Clerk— .......... ............................... of the Corpus Christi Calleic and The Corpus Christi Times, Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication of Lagala—.SIQTZ.0 ..aE..xessAfzE..9E oRJ?I27AJ3CE..1Ia....1ti3�Lj..� , ..............._...«......_---- of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in .... _...... .Ca11ex -- Times ................ . ...... on the....5 ...... day of ............ .Una --- --------- 19....7.QmmA +o+ *�etrai�YYxx =YxY s rt,�rYYxzXXX -XX Aas�tttit�xxx xxxx�acxas�xx�3tact . ...... - -..3 ...................Times. $.....27..72.....----- - - - - -- ........................... Anz �-- •--- --------- ------ •_ ..... - Rowena V. G o�Accounting Clg k Subscribed and sworn to before me this.... - -.Z.- ..........day of-- .... y Lois Winn r _ ._- ........_......... l/. - .--- - - - - -- Not ublic, Nue es County, Texas NOTICI E OF 113SAGE OF `ORDI.'')AN(e NO. 1LO0 AMENDIN.i-THE CODE OF, =4Dt; DINANCES, CITY OF. CORPUS CHRISTI, 1976 REVI -� SCHEDULE VIII, PARKING METER ZONES ESTAB- LISHED, BY ADDING TO (a) METER ZONE NO. 1, PER- MITTING MAXIMUM PARK- ING OF 10 HOURS, POR- TIONS OF LOWER BROADWAY, TWIGG STREET AND NORTH, CA- RANCAHUA STREET; ADD- ING TO (c) METER ZONE NO. 3, PERMITTING MAX- MUM PARKING OF TWO HOURS, A PORTION OF LOWER BROADWAY, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH HEREINAFTER; AND PROVIDING FOR PUB- LICATION, WAS PASSED AND APPIR ED by the City Council of the City of Corpus Christi, TexaS during the Regular Councll Meeting held on May 31, 1978 at 2:01 p.m and provides that R shall be In full force and effect from and after its passage and publication one time In the offi- cial publication of the City ofj Corpus Christi, Texas. { Ik ISSUEDUNDERMY HAND{ AND SEAL of the City of CT pus Christi, Texas this 1st day of June, 1978 /s/ Bill G. Read, City Secretary Corpus Christi, Texas .........�.... t r ,1 t r ,1