HomeMy WebLinkAbout14339 ORD - 05/31/1978JKH:hb,:5/ 0/,78 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH THE EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CENTER, INC., UNDER WHICH THE CITY WILL PROVIDE THE CENTER AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $15,000 FOR THE PERIOD JUNE 1, 1978 THROUGH MAY 31, 1979 IN RETURN FOR THE CENTER PROVIDING DAY CARE SERVICES TO APPROXIMATELY 68 CHILDREN OF LOW- INCOME FAMILIES, AS MORE PARTICU- LARLY SET FORTH IN THE CONTRACT, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE 'A PART HEREOF; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute a contract with the Early Childhood Development Center, Inc., under which the City will provide the Center an amount not to exceed $15,000 for the period June 1, 1978 through May 31, 1979 in return for the Center I providing day care services for approximately 68 children of low - income families, as more particularly set forth in the contract, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION 2. The necessity to authorize execution of the aforesaid contract at the earliest practicable date in order to make provision for day care services to children of low- income families creates a public emer- gency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and afte its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the Jday of 1978. ATTEST: ' 4&"' Z . y Sec t y MAYOR TH CIT OF RPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED; -30 DAY OF 1978: J. BRUC AYCOCI' CITY ATT lEY ���ROFILME By Assistant Ci ttorney 14339 :3�:Y."..' : :k "i:.::3� i ;�:�14•�7•i: i� #ipJ.0 "s- ' �.'ri 1i: vim. - .. .. �K '# `_ _. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES THIS AGREEMENT, entered into as of this day of June, 1978 by and between the Early Childhood Development Center, Incorporated, a nonprofit corporation (herein called the "Center "), and the City of Corpus Christi, a municipal corporation (herein called the "City "), WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, Center has been providing day care services to children of low - income families since 1972, enabling the parents of these children to receive job training, work or find employment; and WHEREAS, since the parents of these children cannot afford to pay for the cost of day care services provided by Center, the operation of Center has been funded in the past by a grant under Title XX of the Social Security Act, state money through the Texas Department of Human Resources and a pilot grant from a private foundation through the Texas Department of Community Affairs; and WHEREAS, grants under Title XX of the Social Security Act require a 30%, match or local share; and WHEREAS, the local share match in the past has been provided by state money and the pilot grant; and WHEREAS, the pilot grant has been exhausted and local money is needed to enable the Center to continue receiving a Title XX Social Security Act grant; and WHEREAS, City is desirous of purchasing services from Center so Center can continue providing day care services to children of low income families in this community so the parents can become self - sustaining members of the community by receiving job training, working or finding employment; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do mutually agree as follows: 1. In consideration of Center providing the services and complying with the conditions described hereinafter, City agrees to pay Center an amount not to exceed $15,000 to support the provision of day care services to children of low income families and to provide a portion of the required local share for a grant under Title XX of the Social Security Act for the period June 1, 1978 through May 31, 1979. Payment is conditioned upon approval of a Title XX grant for Center by the Texas Department of Human Resources and upon submission of monthly billing and expenditure reports as required below. 2. Center agrees to: a. Provide day care services to approximately 68 children of low income families in accordance with its contract and budget with the Texas Department of Human Resources. b. Comply with all provisions of its "Social Services Contract" with the Texas Department of Human Resources and all appendices thereto and operate within the budget on which-the contract is based, copies of which in substantially the same form are attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" ( "Social Services Contract "), Exhibits "B ", "C ", and "D" (appendices to "Social Services Contract "); and Exhibit "E" (Center's budget). Center shall also comply with any and all additions, deletions or amendments to the above documents approved by the Texas Department of Human Resources, whether covered by the specific documents attached hereto or not. c. Comply with all or any other applicable local, state and federal regulations governing this type of program. d. Be responsible for the operation and maintenance of its day care program including any audit exceptions and operate the program within available funds from whatever source. Such program operation and maintenance shall be coordinated with the City- County Health and Welfare Director who is hereby designated as the City representative for the purposes of administration of this contract. e. Hold the City harmless from any and all liabilities which may arise in connection with its operation of a day care center including but not limited to audit exceptions. f. To the maximum extent possible, seek funding for the required match for future program years from private sources. Additionally, should Center obtain sufficient private funding for the required match for the period June 1, 1978 through May 31, 1979 so that all or a portion of the $15,000 provided for above is not needed, Center shall immediately so notify City. g. Maintain a responsible management with a governing body which meets regularly but not less than four times a year. Notice of such meetings shall be provided to the City representative who shall have the privilege of the floor at such meetings, but shall not be a member of such body, A copy of all minutes and other -2- ''�ti:+t ^• = i�ihx�F - ..;''- ��'p1: °;•,�^,,,?:yh`:Y+. -r;•d :°''.:3 =3 �rt'.Y'�3'.+5• .. - -' •''':;;; materials submitted to this Governing Body shall be transmitted to City representative. h. Keep regular books of accounts conforming to generally accepted accounting standards and make them available for City's inspection at any reasonable time or times. i. Provide City a copy of any audits of its day care program conducted by the Federal government, the State of Texas or any other agency, public or private, and the annual self - evaluation required by the Texas Department of Human Resources. J. Submit to City representative by the tenth (10th) day following the last day of the month a report showing expenditures for the previous month by budget line item; the amount of the monthly expenditures to be reimbursed by the Federal and State governments, by private sources, by City and by the United Way of the Coastal Bend; and the names of the children served during the previous month and the number of days each child attended Center. A report shall be submitted for each of the months June 1, 1978 through May 31, 1979 even though no reimbursement is being requested from City for the particular month involved. Reimburse- ment will not be made until the report required herein is submitted. Reimbursement will be provided according to a monthly schedule approved by City representative, which shall be approximately 1 /12th per month unless Center submits in advance a different schedule which recognizes cash flow from all agencies and does not unreasonably draw down City payments prior to participation by others. 3. This agreement may be terminated with or without cause by either party by 30 days written notice by either party to the other. Additionally, if Centers "Social Services Contract" with the Texas Department of Human Resources is cancelled for any reason, this agreement shall automatically terminate on the same date as said "Social Services Contract ". 4. If this agreement should be terminated as provided in Paragraph 3 above, City's reimbursement liability shall be limited to reimbursements for expenditures incurred through the date of termination only less any reimbursements previously made. -3- 's"-"'- ^'�'zfi,'ay�e'- ���e�.;," ••s';eit�.4:_��iz,��`�'i;9�Y : = ��y'p }�.1}' '{ _`:yc,,.'- yi�.�„ =�a ,.,:�'��'� -',�: r,�.._<- .'��t',o 3�.��i�'�+F;�. kyrtr ��- 14��, 3u'� ..5� _a it ,y •4?,,,, �r,,:i" •. `- � A�z: ; IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Center have executed this agreement as of the date written above. ATTEST: CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI By City Secretary R. Marvin Townsend City Manager APPROVED: DAY OF ,1978 EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CENTER City Attorney Ey Director of Finance Name Title -4- State of Texas Department of Public Welfare STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TRAVIS SOCIAL SERVICES CONTRACT P.S. NO. 08 The State Department of Public Welfare, hereinafter referred to as the Department, and EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPmENr CENTER INC. Form 2632 April 1877 ­­11141«r rcmrma to as the t.ontractor, do hereby make and enter into this contract, which constitutes the entire agreement under the above number between the Contractor and the Department. I. The Department is the single Texas state agency responsible for administering the public welfare programs under the Social Security Act. Federal law and regulations, as well as State law in TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN., art. 695 c 4(12), permit and authorize the Department, subject to certain limitations, to enter into agreements with public or private agencies for the purpose of providing social and /or other services for the benefit of eligible individuals and to accept and expend funds received from public or private agencies for such purposes. Since the Contractor desires to provide services for the benefit of certain eligible individuals, as described herein, the Department and the Contractor make this contract. The parties hereto mutually agree: A. The scope and coverage of the services to he provided by the Contractor and /or subcontract agency(ies) under this contract, the program description and budget for these services, as well as such other compo- nents as may be necessary, are described and limited to the attached Plan(s) of Operation, which is (are) hereby incorporated in this contract in its (their) entirety by specific reference. The Plan(s) will be maintained on file with the Department as a part of this contract. Any change, modification or amend. ment thereto, or renewal [hereof, must be made with the prior written approval of the Department except as otherwise provided in this contract and any such change, modification or amendment to, or renewal of, such Plan(s) is not effective until approved by the Department. Such original Plan(s) of Operation together with any approved amendment as maintained on file by the Department will be con- sidered to be the controlling instrument to case any dispute arises relative to the wording of any portion of such Plan(s) of Operation or amendment thereto. E>< "J'. f' 0 "." • 'Form 2032 Page 2 B, The basis for payment for services rendered under this contract is indicated in the attached Plan(s) of Operation. The Plan(s) of Operation, including the basis for payment, will be periodically reviewed, and reviewed in its entirety at least once annually. In no case will the Department be obligated to pay in excess of the Contractor's reimbursable budget or allocation of funds whichever is lesser. Should it be determined, by the Department as a result of periodic review(s) and /or audit(s) that an overpayment has occurred, such overpayment shall be refunded by the Contractor to the Department. 1. This additional item relates to approved unit rate contracts only: a. All monies received by the contractor in excess of actual cost for services to eligible clients through the unit rate mechanism shall be used for Not Applicable 2. These additional items relate to cost reimbursement contracts only: a. In no case will the Department be obligated to pay in excess of the Contractor's allowable actual cost. b. Shifts between line items of a budget will be allowed without prior approval if such transfers do not result in a cumulative increase or decrease in any budget item of more than Two Thou- sand Dollars ($2000) (or a prorated portion of such amount in cases where the term is for less than one year) or two percent (2%) of the total budget, whichever is less. Such shifts must be described and reported promptly by letter. Funds will not be available in excess of the total approved amount of the reimbursable budget as originally approved or subsequently amended. Prior written approval must be secured: 1. When the transfer between items of more than the above designated amount is involved; lack of prior approval in these instances will be grounds for refusal of the payment of the item or items involved. "2. When a transfer, regardless of the amount, would result in a significant change in the / character or scope of the program; lack of prior approval in these instances will be grounds for recovery of such unapproved payments and /or termination of this contract at the option of the Department. c. The contractor agrees to assume responsibility for the protection, at all times, of all physical property and equipment used at the facility or facilities being maintained to carry out the Plan(s) of Operation and take appropriate measures to ensure meeting this obligation. The Contractor must furnish the Department with a written factual report of the theft of, or damage to, any equipment which was purchased under this contract, including the circum- stances concerning such loss and, in the event of any theft, vandalism, or other offense against said property, must notify appropriate local law enforcement authorities. d. The Contractor agrees to dispose of any equipment bought under this contract with funds allo- cated to the Contractor or its subcontractor(s) in accordance with Federal and State laws, audit requirements, rules or regulations. C. The Department, the Coftractor and all subcontractors, if any, will carry out the requirements set forth in Chapter II, Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as amended, to monitor and conduct fiscal and/or program audits at reasonable times and provide consultative and technical assistance for the con- tinuous development of the services provided under the terms of this contract. ' i Form 2032 Page 3 D. This contract is subject to the availability of State and/or Federal funds and if such funds become unavailable, or if the total amount of funds allocated hereunder should become depleted during any budget period and the Department is unable to obtain additional funds for such purposes, then this con- tract will be terminated, + E. In the event that the Contractor fails to provide services in accordance with the.approved Plan(s) of Operation in accordance with the provisions of this contract, the Department may, upon written notice of default to the Contractor, terminate the whole or any part of this contract, and such termination shall not be an exclusive remedy but shall be in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract. F. Furthermore, in the event that Federal or State laws or other requirements should be amended or judicially interpreted so as to render continued fulfillment of this contract, on the part of either party, substantially unreasonable or impossible, or if the parties should be unable to agree upon any amend- ment which would therefore be needed to enable the substantial continuation of the services contem- plated herein, then, and in that event, the parties shall be discharged from any further obligations created under the terms of this contract, except for the equitable settlement of the respective accrued interests or obligations incurred up to the date of termination. G. This contract may be cancelled by mutual consent; however, if such mutual consent cannot be attained, then and in that event, either party to this contract may consider it to be cancelled by the giving of sixty (60) days notice in writing to the other party and this contract shall thereupon be cancelled upon the expiration of such sixty (60) day period. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to prohibit immediate cancellation for breach of cord tract pursuant to paragraph E. above. H. Performance under this contract shall begin June 1 , 1928—, and shall continue until Jima 1 , 1979_, subject to the availability of appropriated funds. This con- tract may be renewed and extended by a formal written amendment between the Contractor and the Department. The Contractor agrees to, and will require Its subcontractors, if any, to agree to: A. Provide services in accordance with the aforementioned Plan(s) of Operation and allow the Department to monitor same. B. Provide services in compliance with applicable Federal regulations found in Chapter 11, Title 45 of Code of Federal Regulations, as amended. C. Provide to the Department, in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the Department, a verified and proper monthly statement of charges, (or certification of expenditures if specifically allowed by the terms of this contract) for services which have been rendered under this contract. D. Submit billings and statistical documentation as required by the Department by the forty -fifth (45th) day following the last day of the month in which a service is performed and to any event, no later than the ninetieth (90th) day following the last day of the month in which service is provided. In the event that the required billing and statistical documentation have not been received by the ninetieth (90th) day following the last day of the month in which service is provided, this will be considered failure to comply with the contract. Such failure to comply is valid justification for immediate termination of this contract. E. Hire or promote only such personnel who can meet specific qualifications as set forth in job descriptions approved by the Department unless a waiver of a specific required qualification is obtained in writing from the Department prior to the hiring or promotion of the individual involved. Fwm 2032 Page.! F. Refrain from entering into any subcontract(s) for services without prior approval, or waiver of the right of prior approval, in writing by the Department of the qualifications of the subcontractors) to perform and meet the standards fixed by this contract and its attached Plan(s) of Operation. All subcontracts entered into by the Contractor shall be written and shall be subject to the requirements of Title XX of the Social Security Act, as amended, and of this contract. The Contractor agrees that it shall be responsi- ble to the Department for the performance of any subcontractor. G. Observe regulations as specified by the Department as they relate to particular programs of service con- templated under this contract. H. Comply with appropriate State licensing or certification requirements and with such standards as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. I. Make available at reasonable times and for reasonable periods those client records, books, and supporting documents kept current by the Contractor and its subcontractor(s) pertaining to services provided for purposes of inspection, monitoring, auditing, or evaluating by Department personnel or their representa- tives. J. Participate fully in any evaluation study of this program authorized by the Department. K. Comply with Department rules and regulations pertaining to hearings concerning applicants for and recipients of services and abide by the decisions rendered by the Department in such hearings. The Con- tractor shall inform all individuals of their right to such fair hearing. L. Comply with the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN., art. 6252.16, as amended, Executive Order No. 11246 entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity" as supplemented in 41 C.F.R. Part 60, including but not limited to, giving equal opportunity both to those seeking employment and those seeking services without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. M. Establish a method to secure.the confidentiality of records and other information relating to clients in accordance with the applicable Federal laws, rules and regulations, as well as the applicable State laws and regulations. N. Maintain and retain case information conceinirig '[hose eligible individuals who received seivices' aiid supporting fiscal documents adequate to ensure that claims for Federal matching funds are in accord with applicable Federal requirements. Said documents shall be maintained and retained by the Contrac- tor and all subcontractors, if any, for a period of three (3) years after the date of submission of the final billing for each service provided or until the resolution of all audit questions, whichever time period is longer. O. Permanently identify all equipment purchased under this contract by appropriate tags or label affixed thereto and maintain a current inventory of such equipment which will be available to the Department at all times upon request. P. Be responsible for any audit exception or other payment deficiency in the program covered by this con- tract, and all subcontracts hereunder, which is found to exist after monitoring or auditing by the Depart- ment, or the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and be responsible for the collection and proper reimbursement of any amount paid in excess of the proper billing amount. ? Form 2032 Page•5 IV. This Article IV is: 11 Applicable ElInapplicable The Contractor further agrees: A. To provide the Department with detailed statements of charges each month developed in the format prescribed by the Department, and to promptly forward such bill to the Department along with a state- ment certifying that the contractor has expended one hundred percent (100%) of the total bill for ser- vices for that month in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Department. B. That funds certified by the Contractor for matching purposes in accordance with the terms of this con- tract will be funds which can be used to match Federal funds under the Social Security Act and appropri- ate Federal rules and regulations. C. That to reimburse the Department for administrative and other operational costs incurred in procuring matching Federal funds, the Department shall be entitled to retain from any allowable reimbursement due the Contractpr an amount equal to percent ( 4b) of the total amount cerrified'to the Department as having been expended. V. The Department agrees to: A. Pay the Contractor One Hundred percent ( 100 %) of the approved monthly billings for each service which has been rendered in accordance with the terms of this contract and its attached Plan(s) of Operation, upon receipt of a proper and verified statement after deducting therefrom all pay ments for services made by or on behalf of any recipient and /or any previous overpayment made by the Department. B. Recognize the fiscal policies and procedures of the Contractor and its subcontractor(s), if any, except where they are in conflict with generally accepted accounting procedures or Federal and State laws, policies, rules, and regulations. C. Perform such evaluation studies that the Department determines to be necessary and report to the appropriate officers of the Contractor and its subcontractor(s), if any, the preliminary results of the study before the evaluation is concluded and the findings made a matter of record. VI. The following instruments are attached hereto and incorporated herein: A. Authorizing resolution(s) of the governing body(ies) of the Contractor and subcontractor(O. B. Plan(s) of Operation of the Contractor and subcontractor(s). Page 6 For the faithful performance of the terms of this contract, the parties hereto in their capacities as stated, of i their signatures and bind themselves effective the 1 St day of June 19 8 . STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE BY Commissioner Title EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CENTER INC. A Name BY C—.1 Ch rman Title EiIOcLive. Date I. Basic Requirements for Child Care Core Services This section must be completed jointly by the Child Development Program staff and "agency representative authorized to sign the contract or agreement. For a purchase of service contract the contract manager must also sign. If multiple sites are used complete for each site. i' 1. The facility is licensed or certified as meeting the applicable standards of the Department of i j Public Welfare for such licensing. License Date License Capacity Age Range '1• Fr 7_/2Q/7 68 0 to 2. The facility is certified as meeting Quality Child Care requirements. Certification Date Certification Capacity Certified Age Range I I'' i "• 'I ' f am June 1 t7 &o 1 1 7 68 I have read and understand the Texas Quality Child Care Requirements (QCCR) and agree to pro- fvide a program which meets these requirements. I will cooperate fully with the Department of Public Welfare staff in their continuing assessment of this program's compliance with the above. I will cooperate by: ' a Providing a plan for compliance on DPW format a Allowing access to facility records which document compliance with the QCCR a Participating at least annually in an assessment for QCCR certification a Allowing monitoring visits by DPW staff e Working with DPW staff to plan and implement agreements for program improvement The Texas Department of Public Welfare will not contract with any agency not meeting the basic requirements stated above. We certify that these requirements are being met and will continue to be met throughout the contract. Signature—Child Development Program Staff I Date Signatum— Agency Representative Data , ,r Signatum ntroct Manger when appropriatai. Date I f /Y Effective Datq 6/1/78 K Basic RegUiremeitts for Child Care Support Services This section must be completed in a joint effort by the Child Development Program staff, the Contract Manager /Developer, and the agency representative authorized to sign the contract. 1. A determination of eligibility must be made for the child (1) when services are initially re- quested, (2) six months thereafter for income eligible clients and (3) within 30 days of notifi- cation of a change in circumstances which affect eligibility. 2. The eligibility determination with regard to income shall be made in accordance with Depart- , .. t ment of Public Welfare Form 2050, which is provided by the Department. 3. Day care provided without regard to income must be authorized by Department 6f Public Welfare staff through DPW Form 2054. This form is retained in the child's file. ,, Person Responsible Mar3r a Meador Position of Person Responsible Hire for — - Location(s) of Eligibility Unit(s) U17 aorng and .. rnrnm rhriatir =Texab 7841A,!';• I have read and understand the Texas Quality Child Card Requirements (QCCR) and agree to pro- vide support services' which meet these requirements. I will cooperate fully with the Department of Public Wclfaici'staft' iri theli't6i,itinuit i assdssmn nt of this program's compliance with the above. I ,yl ,i,1,i ui ,I,, ..11 ,rtli r�, (•/ I will cooperate bye I,• rr: ;. r r,i u, t . 1 I • Providing a plan for compliance on DPW format • Allowing access to facility records which document compliance with the S9R1 • Participating in an annual assessment for QCCR certification • Allowing monitoring visits by DPW staff 1 • Working with DPW staff to plan and implement agreements for service improvement. The Texas Department of Public Welfare will not contract with any agency not meeting the basic requirements stated above. We certify that these requirements are being met and will continue to be met throughout the contract. pnsture hild Development Staff Date _ Ir.. .. - - • -•- ipA ••utlprp,J Signature—Agency Representative Data Signature—contract Manspr1when appropriate Date • Support services include social services, parent involvement, health services, training, administrative requirements and aecwdit -ping• I &y r k- 4 ' Effective Date-6/1/78- ro j BI. Brief History of -the Agency /ies Provide information about your agency as the prime contractor, as well as information on any subcontracting agency, as it relates to overall services provided, and more specifically each , agency's experience base and expertise on the service area(s) to be provided in this contract. , Divide the discussion into two main areas — general past history of the prime contracting agency/ r; subcontracting, agency] and specific experience in the service area's that will bel included in ti3e;ji,� conttacti' • m The Early Childhood Development Center, Inc. started in 1972, one of fourteen pilot projects with a five year grant from the Texas pepartment of Community Affairs. This pilot ended in 1976. _• We are contracted to service 68 children and we are operating at Yp`• capacity. We have a waiting list of about 60 children. E.C.D.C. became an Infant Center in June 1976. E.C.D.C. is the only Infant Center in the City and Region 8 of the Department of Human Resources. We have a com- prehensive program designed to meet the developmental needs of the children with a USDA Supplemental Nutritional Program giving two complete hot meals !I per day plus one snack. E.C.D.C. is evaluated and monitored on a regular basis by the Department of Human Resources. Referrals Children that leave E.C.D.C. at 3 years of age go to other day care centers in the city that are private and public facilities. Service Provided Service is provided to working mothers and those going to school and Job training receiving AFDC, WIN, VR, and low income families in order for them to become self sustaining and self dependent. Staff Training Staff training was given with money provided by the State Department of Human Resources to send nine staff persons to Del Mar CDA and six staff persons i to Early Childhood Education A.A. Program. E.C.D.C. currently has 30 staff who have attended workshops and training through B.A.A.E.Y.C. and DHR to help develop their developmental ski7. -'for continued quality service. Volunteer Component The Volunteer Service Component has been added. Students from.Del Mar anc° other professional persons in the Community have been titillg`ed. Tliii3 io 'k't ai F developed with the aid from P gram was j DHR Volunteer Services, and the Volunteer Service Center, and this service is growing stronger. Parent Involvement Monthly parent training sessions are given using professional and specialized resource persons which provide parents with informative and r educational data, such as Parenting, Family Service, and Planned parenthood. E.C.D.C. has a Parent Advisory Committee which helps to encourage parents to be more involved. E.C.D.C. has a Parent Board Member on the Board of Trustees ai G representing the parents. parent Participation was.very good and 100 were in 1 attendance in December's Parent Involvement Session. Attendance at other monthly parent sessions have also been very good. Referral Aeencies Referrals are coordinated with other agencies for parents needing our community services. In working with other public community agencies such as MHMR, DHR, City- County Health Department, E.C:D.C. is better able to meet our client's needs. i` . III. Brief,History of the Agency /ies (cont.) Effective Date 6/1/78 Our records at the Early Childhood Development Center show that we have serviced quite a few mothers during this contract year who have gone from AFDC to Income Eligibles, thereby enabling them to take their children to a paying facility. (80% of the total income eligibles are no-longer receiving AFDC. At the present time, E.C.D.C. is servicing 42 AFDC, WIN, VR, and 21 Income Eligibles. Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees has increased its members from nine to fifteen. The Board has added a standard Fund Raising Committee, that is planning a fund raising project. The Center had a Fund Raising Banquet November 1977. Effective Date 6/1/7S, t4 .J. Regional Referral Process , l iI Discuss in this section the region's plan for referring eligible clients to the service in question. Be • •,I ;, as specific as possible as to which regional staff will be responsible for coordinating DPW referrals I-, {r ; with the contracting agency. Indicate approximately how many referrals DPW staff will make to -! this contract over the contract period as well as which DPW regional direct service staff positions, o , _will be responsible for coordinating DPW referrals to the contracting agency. Also indicate who,lvr will be responsible for assuring that the region will use this process and who will inform direct.l'it' ' delivery staff of the available resource. The regional staff responsible for coordinating DPW referrals with the contracting agency will be the WIN staff, VR staff, AFDC staff, and I ! Protective Services staff, ; The percentage of referrals made to the Early Childhood Development Center ; by DPW staff and other agencies during the contract year are as follows: ' AFDC - 44% , WIN 19% _ " VR 19% Income Eligible - 18% ,�., Total 100% i. . Effective Date,6 /1/7$ r. Enrollment Contingency Plan In the space below, please provide this agency's contingency plan as is required in the Enrollment Policies. '(See AppencU' llhC'of thi"SoGaI Services Handbook Poli ciesi foi bay C�e'rV rchase, df Service Contracts.) The Early Childhood Development Center's Contingency plan as is required in the Enrollment policies will be as follows; If two children's attendance patterns allow them to alternately occupy a single day care space, the billing should be for both children according to their use of the space (i.e., three days per week for one child and two days for, the other) The enrollment records of each child must show whether the child , is enrolled full -time, for specific hours, or for specific days of the week. 1e Effective Datb,6/1/70 J VI. Waiver or Reduction of Fees In the space below, please provide this agency's policies for the reduction or waiver of fees as. provided for in Fee Requirements. (See Appendix III-C of the Social Services Handbook, Policies , 1 for Day Care Purchase of Service Contracts,) The Early Childhood Development Center's policies for the reduction or . waiver of fees shall take into account fees an individual Family pays for other social services, family size, and extenuating economic conditions which would t } jeopardize a family's ability to maintain economic self - sufficiency and family continuity. When fees are'reduced or waived a statement which defines the basis i of the reduction or waiver must be included in the provider's records for the F family , t • .a. t g ' { ,Appendix III•C Now POLICIES FOR DAY CARE CONTRACTS Priorities for Provision of DPW Purchased Day Care Servires Purchased day care services should be provided to children in the order oft he priorities shown below. The order relates to both eligibility of the client and the purpose for which the service is given. 1. To prevent or remedy abuse or neglect of the child, including ensuring adequate care and supervision. 2. To allow parents or caretakers to participate in the Work Incentive Program (WIN) or Department of Public Welfare-Vocational Rehabilitation Program (DPWVR), including the period during which they remain eligible upon y completion of the WIN or DPWVR progr..m. 3. To allow Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or income' eligible Medical Assistance Only (MAO) recipients to participate in work or training. 4. To allow AFDC, SSI, or income eligible MAO recipients to actively seek employment. 5.' To allow income eligible persons to participate in work or training. Begin with the lowest income when - selecting within this group. 6. ' To allow income eligible persons to actively seek employment. 7. To offer children of AFDC, SSI, or income eligible MAO recipients needed growth opportunities related to physical, social, and mental functioning. 8. To offer children of income eligible persons needed growth opportunities related to physical, social, or mental functioning. ! „• In the event the purchased service agency is filled to cipacity, a child ai a lower priority level will not be dropped to make room for a child at a higher priority. Priorities should be considered relative to placement on waiting listr. However, immediacy and severity of situations should be evaluated for each child. Enrollment Policies Enrollment begins with the first day that the child attends or on the date specified on a DPW Form 2510, Notification of Day Care Service Eligibility, When the following conditions are met, enrollment is considered to continue as long as the child attends regularly. 1. The reason for absences of less than 5 days duration will be noted by the caregiver on the attendance record or in the child's file, i f' i t . t State Dept. of Public Welfare SSHR 77.15 /May 19 ?7 2 The consecutive days of absence shall not exceed .10 days and there shall be documentation (see Number 5 below) that the parent or caretaker intends for i; the child to return. :•: i G The; staff person, responsible for social services confers with the parent or caretaker when a child is absent for either 5 consecutive days or 5 days or more per month for three months (or earlier if the provider desires). In the conference, the staff person should: a. Try to determine the cause of the absences. I , ••1= " b. •, Offer assistance to the family in resolving the cause of the absences, such as p•I { Ij,; 'f ,; referral of the child for medical treatment or arrangement for transportation. t ,n;q� I�p ,,t i •. f. c. Emphasize the benefits of regular attendance. :; it•• ,,d. ,. Determine if the parent wishes to continue the child's enrollment in the day ;•,,,,:,,;•,; )';.care facility. �• e. Decide whether continued day care services are appropriate. 4. • This conference (see Number 3 above) will cake place no later than the tenth day of consecutive absences or the week following the third month of excessive I,m- absences, if the conference is not held, enrollment will end with the last day of attendance. 5. A brief written summary of the conference (see Number 3 above) between the staff person and parent or caretaker which includes the reason for the absences 1, ,,,, will be, included in the child's file as documentation when the child is absent for more than five consecutive days or five days per month for three months. I A When the conference (see Number 3 above) indicates that there is no intent on the part of the parent or caretaker for the child to return or there is no commitment for the child to attend on a regular . basis, the child will be dropped a rr ' t'ar a tr.••A. from enrollment on the date of the conference. When ii provider beiteves ih'ai t the discontinuance of day care services will result in the child being neglected due to lack of supervision, the provider contacts DPW protective services staff. 7. A notation is made in the record of each child (DPW eligible or ineligible) which indicates the reason he was dropped from the enrollment. Children who are dropped from enrollment because of extended illness, vacations, etc. may be placed for top priority for enrollment when they arc ready to return. Under special circumstances, enrollment can be continued for a period of absence which is longer than 10 days with the written approval of the DPW contract manager. Enrollment Basis Overenrollment (enrollment in excess of QCCR certified capacity) will be allowed in order to fully use day care spaces. However, the following limitations apply to overenrol Iment: t State Dept. of Public Welfare ' •� S'tHR 77.15 /May 1977 cu •,.,, - -� Page 3 Pg. 1,; No payment will be made for any child in a facility for any day on which A'1 ',I attendance in that facility exceeds license and QCCR capacity. 2., Payment cannot be made in excess of the allocation of funds for a specific r+•'r" rh .' contract. , 3, Enrollment and attendance shall be calculated the same whether the child is DPW eligible or ineligible. t . Q. A contingency plan must be included in the contract to establish procedures for caring for children when overenrollment is practiced and over - attendance is experienced. If two children's attendance patterns allow them to alternately occupy a single day care space, the billing should be for both children according to their use of the space (i.e., ','three days per week for one child and two days for the other). The enrollment records of each child must show whether the child is enrolled full-time, for specific hours, or for specific days of the week. Day homes are not permitted to overenroll. Unit of Service The service units for day care services for children are either half-day or full-day of care. A half -day of care is four hours or less of care with no meal except a snack. When care is extended beyond the half-day definition, it is considered to be a full -day of care. Rate of Payment In cost reimbursement contracts, the rate of payment is determined by dividing the actual accumulated monthly cost by days of enrollment. Half-day enrollments will be billed at half of the full-day rate. Fee Requirements Fees will not be charged for children served for the following purposes: i 1. To prevent or remedy abuse or neglect of children reported under the Family Code, including ensuring adequate care and supervision of the child. 2. To allow parents or caretakers to participate in the DPWVR or WIN programs for the duration of the public assistance grant and one year following grant denial when income eligible. r State Dept, of Public Welfare SSHR 77.15 /May 1977 Page 4 Effective 6— `ltS - ' p i Pg. 3: ' To allow parents or caretakers of AFDC, SST, or income eligible MAO recipients to participate in work or training or to actively seek employment. V 1 ;1'1'4.1' To offer AFDC, SSI, or income-eligible MAO recipients needed growth opportunities related to their physical, social, and mental functioning. Fees will be charged for children served for the following purposes: 7 1. To allow income eligible parents or caretakers to participate in work or training or to actively seek employment. 2. To offer children of income eligible persons needed growth opportunities related to their physical, social, or mental functioning. A weekly fee for one child receiving day care services will be two percent of the gross monthly family income based on the most recent eligibility certification. For all other children receiving day care services in a family there will be one additional charge of half the weekly fee for the first child. When children are enrolled half-days, one-half of the fee as computed above will be charged. Provider agency,boards or advisory groups may establish policies and � i guidelines to � reduce or waive fees for individual families. Such policies shall take into account fees an individual family pays for other social services, family size, and extenuating } economic conditions which would jeopardize a family's abilUy to maintain economic 1 self - sufficiency and family continuity. When fees are reduced or waived, a statement which defines the basis of the reduction or waiver must be included in the provider's records for the family. Providers must make a reasonable effort to collect the fees assessed to each family. As a minimum, a reasonable effort is defined as sending to the residence of the family or handing to the parent in conference one written monthly statement of the amount due for that month. Reasonable effort shall be documented by retaining in the provider's files a copy of statements to the family. If waivers, fee reductions, or reasonable effort to collect are not documented, the provider agency will be held liable for the full extent of fees as defined in this regulation. If fees are knowingly assessed and collected in violation of the limitations stated in the fee policy, this is grounds for immediate termination of the contract. This policy will be implemented on a limited basis in conjunction with pilot tests of the unit payment rate system. All contract providers will comply with this policy upon their contract renewal dates. Until the above processes are completed, current policies of providers concerning fees may remain in effect. State Dept, of Public Welf&re SSHR 77.15/Mav 1977 . r ' cfiEC11V0 � etJe b .Audits Fg The following are the basic premises under which audits of day care contracts will be ;u411 conducted. Attendance and enrollment records will be examined. 1. Exceptions will be taken for overattendance and overenrollment as stated in the enrollment policy. t 2. Exceptions will be taken for enrollment days billed for children whose absences are not documented as stated in the enrollment policy. Eligibility documents will be examined. i 1. Exceptions will be taken for lack of documentation on eligibility Forms 2050 or 2054. 2, Exceptions will be taken for services rendered prior to the application date on Form 2050. 3. For income eligibles, exceptions will be taken for services rendered after the redetermination date if no redetermination is documented. 4. For current recipients whose grant has been denied, exceptions will be taken if income eligibility is not documented. Journals, ledgers, and other books of account and all supporting documentation will be examined. 1. For cost reimbursement contracts, exceptions will be taken for any expenses billed to the contract which are: a. Not supported by appropriate documentation. b. Offset by a reimbursement from another source. c. Not allowable under Federal and State regulations. d. Not authorized in the approved budget by line item in salaries, equipment, and those items in other costs which are supported by subcontracts or other written agreements. { e. Not authorized in the approved budget by category in fringe benefits, travel, supplies, and those items in other costs which are not included in (d) above. i Fee records will be examined. 1. Exceptions will be taken for fees collected from eligible clients but not deducted from billings. 2. Exceptions will be taken for fees not collected if collection attempts or waivers are not documented as required by the fee policy. a t� l State Dept. of Public Weifarp, SSHR 77.15/May 1977 6—.L— fu III j', Phge 6, ElfecW8- - -- �.. , Policies for Day Home System { �• �:. Day home system providers must have written agreements with day home operators II which specify the rights and responsibilities of both parties to the agreement. These c include: I !Il ?'f.lt I' 1.1W Rate of payment. I 2. Hours of service. t, 1 3. Number of children to be served. 1 , 4. Description of services to be provided. ; 't Beginning and ending dates of the agreement. 6. Responsibility for the collection and disposition of fees. 7. Record•keeping requirements. ' I {t b Both'the' agency representative and the day home operators must sign and date the I' agreement prior to enrolling children in the day home. ; t 4t":1. Required Forms Providers are required to maintain or submit the following forms in addition to those u II'rrincluded in their contract: " 1. Form 2000, Client Registration 2. Form 2014, Purchased Services Expenditure Report (Cost reimbursement contracts only) 3. Form 2015, Purchased Services Delivery Report 4. Form 2050, Eligibility Form 5. Form 2054, Eligibility for Services Without Regard to Income tl. 6.' Form 280 -B, Eligibility Notification 7. Form 2426, Day Care Fee Record, or an equivalent record U' Form 2427, Day Care Enrollment Record, or an equivalent record 9. Form 2428, Day Care Attendance Record, or an equivalent record l rl iuh 10:' Form 116, Purchase Voucher " I V.` ' I °'I t r : rl 1 n •' State Dept. of Public Vleltatc ' SSHR 77.15/Mov 1 .177 I I Appends. Ps. No. 0$1- 23 —P -6 TEXAS QUALITY CHILD CARE REQUIREMENTS 6 -1 -78 r • •� iSpecifications for Child Day Care Services Effective Purchased by the State Department of Public Welfare) Pg. 1. Child Care Core Services c. Appropriate to his /her special needs, such as handicaps or language. A. Basic Requirements 1. The child care facility is licensed, certified, or registered as meeting the applicable set of minimum standards of the State Department of Public Welfare (DPW). 2. The facility complies with applicable group sizes, See Requirement I,G, Group Sizes and Staff -Child Ratios. 3. The ratios of children to child care staff are normally not greater than those applicable. See Requirement I,G, Group Sizes and Staff -Child Ratios, 4. Volunteers meet staff qualifications where they are counted in staff -child ratios. Other volunteers will not count as staff. 5. Trainees in DPW - Vocational Rehabilitation " (DPW -VR). Work Incentive Program (WIN). Texas Youth Council (TYC), Manpower. college work study, vocational high school, and other DPW approved vocational or training programs designed to provide child care services are included in the staff -child ratios for only the time periods of their assignment. 6. It is the policy of the facility to give priority to clients with the greatest need, as defined by contract or agreement. 7. The provider has the DPW designated plan for providing services on file with DPW. B. Children's Program Requirements 1.• Each child in care must have activities and equipment available that are: a. Interesting to the child. b. Appropriate to his /her abilities. 2. Each child in care must have indoor and outdoor equipment and materials that are: a. Accessible to the child. Play equinmenl and play materials must be arranged at child level so that children may select and return items and move easily from one activity to another. Expendable'supplies such as art supplies, paints. and clay or breakable Items such as record players or tape players may be stored above child level but must be available to the child upon request. b. Rearranged in the room and rotated, stored or moved from group to group as the children show lessening interest. 3. Each child in care must have activities supported by staff and materials that promote: a. Creative expression — Interaction with raw materials for creative art. music. and construction (blocks) experiences that encourage individual response. b. Positive self- concept — Use of materials, books. and activities that reflect positively on the child's culture and sek. Staff cortlmonds child for hiinsblf/ herself as well as his /her accomplishments. c. Social skills — Activities which use materials . cooperatively, staff interprets children's behavior to . other children in ways that' foster acceptance and cooperation. d. Cognitive skills — Activities that encourage , children to think, reason, question, experiment. State Dept. of Public Weltare SSHR 77.15 /May 1977 e. Communication skills — Activities that encourage language development. comprehension, and meaningful communication. . , • f. Health habits — Activities that encourage and demonstrate sound health practices. . . . C. Caregiver Requirements 1. One paid caregiver in each day care center must have one of the following:' a. A Child Development Associate Credential b. , Four years direct paid child care experience. c. Twelve semester hours of credit in child development or early childhood education. Six of these hours may have been accumulated in one full year of high school work - training program. d. Two years of direct paid child care experience and six semester credit hours as described above. 2. , Day home caregivers must have either;' a. One of the qualifications mentioned in C.1. above; or b. Two years of experience in child care and 40 clock hours of DPW instruction or DPW approved instruction to child development within the first six months of day home certification. A caregiver's experience with his /her own children counts as child care experience. 3. Persons providing direct child care must demonstrate competence daily in working with children by: a. Planning and implementing activities that offer each child opportunities for growth and development. 'Note: For agencies already under contract, a one year period, beginning with the date of the contract, will be allowed to meet this requirement. ,u - P& aim b. Providing a smooth movement from activity •__ to activity. c. Maintaining an environment which does not create health and safety hazards. d. Communicating with children in a language and manner that children understand. For example. the caregiver speaks and understands child's first language: talks and reads to child; helps child expand his /her vocabulary; calls each child by name: and talks to each child on his /her eye level. e. Being patient, warm, affectionate. and supportive. For example, the caregiver gives thoughtful responses to children's questions and comments; the caregiver praises the efforts of all children: and cuddles infants and toddlers. f. Understanding and nurturing children. For example, redirects children's activity before behavior problems erupt: curbs undersrable behavior without demeaning the child: provides activities that the children can do and-enjoy: comforts unhappy children. g. Encouraging respect for property and the rights of others. 4. Persons providing direct child care: a. Are assessed at least annually for physical health. b. Receive guidance and supervision from a designated, qualified stafl member. c. Take advantage of training and other opportunities to improve skills in working with children. d. Receive orientation in the Texas Quality Child Care Requirements. They understand the purpose of compliance and the possible results of non- compliance. i State Dept. of Public Welfare SSHR 77.15 /May 1977 D. Environmental Requirements Note: Sufficient space and materials are necessary to provide activities which meet each child's developmental needs 11 -C). These are the tools that a caregiver must have to do an effective job. Insufficient space and materials lead to poor use of the caregiver's time and lead to misuse and destruction of supplies and equipment. When an assessment of the children's program finds it not to be of good quality. the environment will be assessed to determine whether it provides the space and materials indicated in this section. 1. Indoor Environment i a. The infant indoor environment must include: 1) At least 100 square feet of open space for each group of infants (four or less) to allow infants a safe space to develop their motor skills. The space must be free from any type of furniture. 2) At least one item from each of the following categories for each Infant in care: a) Toys such as cradle gyms and soft toy animals. b) Colorful mobiles and pictures. c) Rattles and other musical toys. 3) No toys small enough for an infant to swallow. b. The environment for children one to three years old must include: 1) Durable commerical or homemade equipment and supplies to support activities required in Requirement I,8,3. a) Two blocks per child for building experiences. These must be of cardboard. hollow plastic, or other safe construction. b) One transportation toy per child. such as boats. trucks, planes, and trains. c) One accessory toy per child, such as figures of animals and people, including washable rag and yarn dolls. u, ✓, AppenL Pq .-Pa d) One manipulative toy per child, such as one through four piece wooden puzzles, drop -in toys, stacking toys, and textured toys. - e) One book of cloth or other sturdy construction with bright pictures for each child. f) Homemaking items which include dress -up clothes. dishes. telephones, baby dolls, sturdy child -size doll beds, and other appropriate items. g) Music equipment must be available and may be shared by other groups. Music 'equipment must include one instrument per child and either records and a record player or tapes and a tape ' recorder. Examples of music instruments are drums, ' bells, and maracas. h) Art supplies must be available for i use by at least four children at the same time Art supplies include large sheets of paper, crayons, paste, collected materials and scraps for pasting, playdough, and tempera paint which is used for a variety of art activities, r d One push -pull toy per child under i two years old. i 2) At least 100 square feet of open space ' must be available to each group of children when cribs 'I are used for this age group. The space must be free from furniture. c. The environment for children three years old and o(dei inusl support the activities listed in Requirement I.B.3: 1) Day care centers caring for children ' three years old and older must have interest areas so that at least three children can participate in the same type of activity at the same time. The interest areas must have durable commercial or homemade equipment and materials. The equipment and materials must include the following: r a) One set of wood blocks of various ` sizes and shapes in sufficient quantity to allow a ratio of at least 20 blocks per child playing in the building area. i Of these blocks, at least one half must be wooden floor blocks. State Dept. of Public Welfare SSHR 77 -15 /May 1977 a I I b) Transportation toys and block accessories so that a ratio of one toy per child three years old and one toy per two children over four years old is maintained. Examples of transportation toys are boats, trucks, planes, trains, figures of people, and animals. For school age children, miniature cars with tracks are appropriate. • I c) Manipulative items, two toys per child In the group, : Examples of manipulative items for preschool children are flannel boards and figures, wooden puzzles, lotto, drop -In toys. and counting blocks. `1 ,I Examples for school age children are flannel boards and figures, dominoes, and games that require several players. d) One book for each child in the ..facility age three years old and older (may be from public library). e) Dramatic play items for each group with at least two dolls with clothes, a child -size stove, unbreakable dishes, a broom, two telephones, a mirror of unbreakable materials or securely mounted, and dress - up clothes for both sexes. Accessories may be used to extend the play possibilities. School age children should have materials to develop their own props. Examples of dramatic play items for preschool children are puppets, tents, clean food containers or packages. and props found in the community. Examples for school age children are poster board. fabric, wood, and props found in the community. f) Simple equipment for science experiences must be available to each group of children for observation and experimentation. Other science experiences that require large equipment may be made available to each group. Examples of science equipment are large magnifying glasses, growing plants or sprouting seeds, aquariums, or animal cages. Effective • ' 1 -�� Pg. - g) Music equipment must include one instrument per child and either records and a record player or tapes and a tape recorder Records or tapes'I must represent the interest and developmental level of each age group in the center. Examples of instruments are drums, bells, and maracas. h) Art supplies must be available to allow at least one -third of each group to participate at one time Art supplies include tempera paints (used fora variety of activities), crayons, scissors, paste, clay. collected materials, and paper. Provision must be made, to display the children's original art work, some of which must be placed at the children's eye level, Wall pictures must represent the children's interests. 2) Commerical or homemade equipment and materials must be supplied in day homes from Requirement I,B.3 that are sufficient for the number and ages of the children in care. 2. Outdoor Environment Note: Transportable indoor items. see Requirement I.D,1 may be used as appropriate to meet outdoor environment requirements. a. The infant outdoor environment must include: 1) A space where infants can safely enjoy fresh air and see living things. 2) One item per child which enhances enjoyment of the outdoors and the caregiver's - management of the infants. Examples include walkers and strollers for Independent mobile children and blankets and portable fences for others. b. The uutdoor environment for children one to three years old must have homemade or commercial equipment and materials and must provide space that supports the activities stated in the Requirement I,B,3 including: 1) Two different pieces of equipment per group of children that promote large muscle development. Examples of this equipment are boxes,' tires, barrels. and low stable climbing apparatus. State Dept. of Public Welfare SSHR 77.15 /May 1977 2) One transportation toy per two children which children can ride, push, or pull. Examples of transportation toys are wagons. doll carriages, and sleds. 3) Sand or other digging area with accessories, such as scoops, strainers, pails, and containers of various sizes. 4) Sufficient materials for imaginative play so that one -half of the group can participate at the same time. Examples of these materials are lengths of hose, toy animals, dress-up clothes such as hats, and other dramatic play materials. 5) At least one open area, 20 feet by 20 feet, where children can run or play ball safely without interference from stationary equipment. 6) A quiet place that accomodates at least two children at once. Examples include box, bench, hammock, or blanket with transportable materials such as books, stuffed toys, dolls, or art supplies to be used 'there. 7) Items set forth in Requirement 1,8.2.a.2 must be provided for children under 18 months old. c. The outdoor environment for children three years ol,i and older must include the following. 1) Sufficient homemade or commercial equipment and materials in day care centers to support the activities listed in Requirement 1,8.3 The equipment must be arranged so that at least three children can play in an area and use the same type of equipment at the same time. The equipment must include: a) Two different pieces of equipment per group of children that promote large muscle development, such as boxes, boards, barrels, ladders, and climbing apparatus. b) One piece of riding equipment for every four children, such as wheelbarrows, wagons, and tricycles. c) Space for gardening. other nature and science experiences, and sand or digging areas with accessories. For school age children, regular gardening Ci{Cbl1YU�,.,,.� — Appendr _ Pt r to equipment is appropriate. Examples for preschool children include trowels, scoops, strainers, plaster. containers, and pails. d) Sufficient materials for imaginative v play so that one -third of the group can participate at the same time. Examples include lengths of hose, outdoor blocks, stick horses, transported indoor dramatic play . items, and balls. e) At least one open area. 20 feel by 20 feet. where children can run or play ball safely r without interference from stationary equipment. For f school age children, this area should be large enough for i organized games. r f) A quiet place which will accomodate at least 2 children at once. Examples include boxes or boards with transportable materials - such as books, art supplies. or games. 2) Sufficient homemade or commercial equipment and materials in day homes to support the activities listed in Requirement I.B,3 for the number and ages of the children in care. E. Food Sevice 1. A qualified nutritionist or food service specialist . especially interested in child nutrition. is consulted at least twice a year about menus. food service, and the , facility's total nutritional program. The resulting recommendations are incorporated into the succeeding year's plan. 2. Children must be served at tables in small groups that correspond to the staff -child ratios for the children's , ages. 3. The adult caregiver must eat at the table with the . children so that the children may obserJe and interact ' with an adult. { k z • r t, State Dept. of Public Welfare SSHR 77 -15 /May 1977 - ' .. • ,ge 8 f ,. • F. Transportation 1. There must be a written transportation agreement between the child's parent and the facility. The agreement must describe transportation conditions and responsibilities. These must be mutually understood 'and accepted. - . 2. Preschool children may be transported only if they are received from and delivered to adult supervision. 3.• The staff -child ratio indicated in the basic requirements must be maintained for daily transportation to and from the facility, for field trips, and for excursions. The ratios exclude the driver. 4. The vehicles used to transport children must be in good repair and comply with State and local laws and standards. 5. Vehicle drivers must be appropriately licensed, have a safe driving record. and must abide by State laws and local driving regulations. Drivers must meet the same requirements as caregivers regarding health, competency, and character. See Section II,C of the Minimum Standards for Day Care Centers. 4J t "x• lib r• r • r ' �I , Effective 6'-1, 8 r• . r. r r r r Slate Drpt. of Pul)lic Wr:llare SSHR 77.15 /May 197? 6 1 -78 , Appt, Effective P6• -- a. t3roup SUDS and Staff -Chiid Ratios 6 7 Minimum Staff to Child Ratios Type of Facility Age of Children and Maximum Group Sizes Family Day Home `r ' 0 — 6 years No more than two children under two years old, and no more than five in total, including the family caregiver's ,. ,,,, •i; ,, own children. 3 — 14 years No more than six children, including . the caregiver's own children. Group Day Home Care' 0 — 6 weeks One child per adult. 6 weeks — 2 years Four children per adult in an eight child group. 3 years Five children per adult in a 12 child group. 4 — 5 years Six children per adult in a 12 child group. 6 — 14 years Twelve children per adult in a 12 child group. Mixed ages 0 — 14 years Six children per adult in a 12 child " group. Day Care Center* ' 0 — 6 weeks One child per adult. 6 weeks — 11 months Four children per adult in a group of ' eight children. 1 year Four children per adult in a group of eight children. 2 years Four children per adult in a group bf eight children. 3 years Five children per adult in a group of 15 children. 4 — 5 years Seven children per adult in a group of 20 children. 6 — 9 years Fifteen children per adult in a group of 25 children. 10 — 14 years Twenty children per adult in a group of 25 children. 'Under certain circumstances, these may be waived to the level of licensing requirement when a few Title XX related children are served. (See Form 2403. Assessment of Texas Quality Child Care- Requirements.) State Dept, of Public Welfare - SSHR 77.15lMay 1977 II. Child Core Support Services A. Social Services 1. The facility must designate a staff person responsible for the delivery of social services to the child and his /her family, 2. Each family must receive counseling and guidance regarding appropriateness of day care, selection of facility, and possible alternate plans for care for each child. 3, Each child's adjustment in the day care program is continually assessed by facility staff with the parents. 4. Staff who deal with the child and the child's family must be competent and considerate of the child's and family's needs, uniqueness, and preferences. 5. All social services must be supervised by staff trained or experienced in social services for families and children. 6. Non - professionals can be used in productive roles to provide social services. 7. The child care facility cooperates and coordinates with existing resources. It offers referral to resources which meet family needs. 8. Social services staff helps families plan and carry out a program for medical and dental care for their children. 9. The child care facility must have a system to determine the family's ability to pay for part of the cost of day care. This system must be consistent with policies published in the DPW's Title XX Comprehensive Annual Services Program Plan. B. Health Services 1. The facility must designate a staff person who is responsible for health services. 2. Each child must receive appropriate dental, medical, and general health evaluation upon entering day care. These evaluations must be repeated at intervals appropriate to his /her age and state of health. Early and Periodic, Screening. Diagnosis, and Treatment Program is used for current recipients, whenever possible, , N5, hU '1-2., .nUu Effective-- 1.7a'. pg. 3. The child care facility must make appropriate y referrals and document follow -up to existing treatment resources in the community. No child can be denied health services because his /her parents are unable to ' carry out an adequate health plan 4. Each child is examined daily for evidence of illness. abuse, or neglect. DPW protective services staff must be contacted if there is any suspected abuse or t ' neglect. This is a requirement of Slate law and the ; appropriate set of minimum standards. C. Parental Involvement - i 1. The child care facility must have a designated staff person responsible for parent involvement. 2. The name of the person responsible for parent involvement must be made known, via handouts or posters to parents. Parents must also be informed of the location, telephone number• and hours this person is ' available to parents for answering questions and receiving parents' recommendations regarding the a program. 3. The facility must provide a variety of opportunities for parents to work with or contribute to the day care program in ways meaningful to parents. a, 4. The facility must provide opportunities for n parents fo be invoived In dd61916h- m9king `roles abobi the nature and operation of the facility. 5. A facility, with 40 children or more, must have a functioning policy advisory committee. The committee t must have representation from the parents and their representatives, at least 50%. and other individuals with i ' knowledge or skills in programs for children and r families. e 6. There must be a person responsible for parent r involvement services. This person is the liaison between parents and other segments of the day care service, r' such as social services staff and advisory committees to ensure that parents have access to them. ; T State Dept. of Public Welfare ', -i SSHR 77 -15 /May 1977 , I' I � , ,1 D. Administrative Requirements 1. The child care facility must have written personnel policies that include job descriptions, qualifications for each position, procedures for review of grievances, employee benefits and responsibilities, and career progression. The facility must provide a copy of the personnel policies to the employee at the time of employment. 2. Recruitment and selection of staff must include: a. An opportunity for all interested persons to file applications and have them considered equally. b. The effective use of paraprofessionals. c. The policy that priority is given to qualified welfare recipients and other low income people. 3. By the first day of employment. the facility must provide each staff person. volunteer, and trainee with a written description of his /her lob that identifies the individual to whom each is responsible. 4. The facility must have a written staffing pattern or organizational chart showing lines of authority. 5. The facility publishes policies and procedures about program services, eligibility requirements, rates, fees, funding sources, and budgets. 6. Any facility which operates multiple programs, can share appropriate personnel and resources to gain maximum productivity and efficiency of operation. 7. The caregiver must perform a self - evaluation at least every year. The evaluation report is shared with the contract manager and child development staff. B. The results of the self- evaluation must be incorporated into the succeeding year's plan. 9. The facility avoids duplication of services by cooperating and planning with other facilities and agencies. Effective— Pg. 10. The following wording must appear on the facility's brochures and signs: "The Department of Health. Education, and Welfare and the Texas State',, Department of Public Welfare purchase quality child care services from this facility." r E. Staff Training Requirements (All Staff Professionals r and Volunteers) 1. Personnel policies must define staff eligibility !' for training and the criteria for selecting staff to be ; trained. t i 2. Staff must have training opportunities available that are appropriate to their work, observed needs for `t' - improvemenl, and ability level. t 3. One or more staff must be assigned specific responsibility for organizing, coordinating, and documenting training programs. y F. Recordkeeping Requirements 1. The child care facility must designate a staff t' person who is responsible for the maintenance of , service and financial records. 2. The facility must maintain and retain supporting fiscal and service documents adequate to ensure that claims for Federal funds are in accord with applicable - Federal requirements. These documents must be maintained and retained for a period of three years after 4i the date of submission of Mee lrihal bill for s`er' vices. An exception is the case of documents that are part of an , audit that has been or is being performed. These w documents must be retained until audit findings are , resolved. These documents include:': ' f a. Daily enrollment and attendance records on a child -by -child basis, T, f f State Dept. of Public Welfare SSHR 77.15 /May 1977 3 • Ya. IiU. Y�ka` Effective 6 -1 -78 b. Records of income and expenditures for the Pg. t - facility'` or„ agency operation with ' supporting documentation. This includes allocation worksheets. �1 • r1 I -c. , Records of fees assessed and received for , client families. d. Records of waivers or reductions of fees. e. Records relating to compliance with Texas Quality Child Care Requirements. State licensing - standards, and local ordinances. t f, Eligibility forms, ', .f, �ij�i ;I ]3,lhiti 1: •.r ,1 '1 Y tr , •.� dr.• •�,I, 1:'I,s,ji li t<t: 1111 I I rl•:` .7 , ,.�,. , �ir IjYi] t '�J a r!•'" �a13 - .''I: '. tit: ,•,I�, r iyr , ^ to •n h q,!^ .nj r; >, '-, , '' , it • .l i. , tjT° I • '.i� l � � 1 i •_ State Dept. of Public Wei fare + SSHR 77.15 /May 1977 •. _., , laq I I 1 , 0." A Public Welfare 1977 BUDGET FOR PURCHASE OF SERVICES Pg 1 Prime Contractor Contract No. Early Childhood Development Center Inc. PS- 081- 23 -P -00 Subcontractor fif applicable) N/A Service Name Traini and Job - Related Day Care for Children in a D3 Care Center Budget Name _ Contract Period Beginning Date Ending Date 01 June 1 1978 May 31 1979 COSTCATEGORV TOTAL REIMBURSABLE OTHER' (1A) Personnel — Salaries 169,424.40 169,424.40 -0- (1B) Personnel — Fringe Benefits 12,267.20 12,267.20 -0- (1C) Personnel — Travel 901.60 901.60 -0- (2) Consumable Supplies 22,190.95 10,185.95 12,005.00 (3) Rental, Lease, or Purchase of Equipment —0— —0— —0— (4) Other (specify): Rent, Telephone 12,108.00 12,108.00 -0- Insurance, Staff Training, Maintenance of Grounds and Equipment TOTAL 216,892.15 204,887.15 12,005.00 ' Costs not allowable by purchase of service contract, or wmcn are aireaay oemg pain oy Omer sources. TOTAL: Indicate the total number of consumers or units of service for which this budget is (A) 68 CONTRACT: Indicate the number of eligible consumers to be included in the purchase of service contract for which you are applying or the number of units to be included under thecontract: ........................ ............................... 68 Ratio of Eligible Recipients /Units to Total Individuals /Units: (B) 68 = + (A) 68 DPW Portion of Reimbursable Budget Total: 100 X 1 204 887.15 $ 204 887.15 Less Fees from Eligible Recipients ................... ............................... $ 800.00 Maximum Amount Reimbursable from DPW ............ ............................... $ 204 087.15 SUBMISSION: APPROVAL: Signature — Title of Authorized Official Signature — Title of Authorized DPW Official Date Data � Effective 6 -1 -78� age I. BU DG ETJUSTIFICATION — (t A) Personnel - Salaries Pg. Agency Program (if more than one budget) ontract No. Earl Childhood Development Center Inc. I PS-081-23-P-00 A Position or Title a Number of Staff for Position C Average Full Time Monthly Salary D Percent of Time on Budgeted Job E Number of Months Em- ployed F Cost (B x C x D x E) (TOTAL) Reimbursable Other* Program Director 1 1 1.ob.00 _n_ Assistairt Director 1 .770.00 00 2 -n- Parent Coordinator /Teacher, 1 725.00 100% 12 8,7 0.00 8 700.00 -0- Secretary/Bookkeeper 1 625.00 100% 12 7,5Q0.00 7,500.00 -0- Nurse 1 570.00 100% 1 12 6.840.00 Cooks 2 434.60 475.60 100% 7 5 6,084.40 4 756.00 6,084.40 4,756.00 -n- Teacher I 1 660.00 100% 12 7,920.00 7,920.00 Teacher II 1 650.00 100% 12 7,800.00 7,800.0 Teachers 18 434.60 475.60 100% 7 5 54,759.60 42 804.00 54,759.60 -n- Substitutes @ 2.65 per hr. 3 0.40 300.4n - - TOTALSALARIES 1 169 424.40 169 424.40 -0- *Costs not allowable by purchase of service contract, or which are already being paid by other sources. Effective 6 -1 -70• o30 ge 3 Pg 3.�-- II. BUDGET JUSTIFICATION — (16) Personnel - Fringe Benefits (Employer's Share) Agency Program (if mom then one budget) Contract No. Early Childhood Development Center, Inc. PS- 081- 23 -P -00 Fringe Benefits Based on 11A) Salaries Paid Total Reimhurmble Other* FICA - required 6.05% of 169,424.40 10,250.18 10,250.18 -0- TUCA For Employees .5% of 150,404.00 752.02 752.02 -0- Worlanen's Com ensation Insurance "Da Nurser Instructors" 565.00 565.00 -0- "All other Employees" 400.00 400.00 -0- Hospitalization Insurance for permanent em to ees 300.00 300.00 -0- TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS 12 267.20 F12.267.20 L -0- 'Costs not allowable by purchase of service contract, or which are already being paid by other fQSllces. 1 `s ' � • L0ut uYL , J 'alp 1 Pg. 4 /111. BUDGET JUSTIFICATION — (1C) Personnel -Travel' A11-11 Program (if more than one budget) Contract No. Early . d Center. - - - - Type of Expense (mileage, food, lodging) Purpose IDestination and Benefits to the Program) Total Ralmbursable Other ** Local Mile e 1 Director 35 miles mon h X 12 mos. X 80 miles /month X 12 mos. X 12t mile (comnunity contacts, urc si hom visits etc.) 115.20 115.20 -0- Out -of- Town Director and other staff or volunteers as authorized by di Mile e 3,200 miles X 12 mi. (workshops, conferences conventions etc. 384.00 384.00 -0- Food and Lodging 8 staff X 2 days X $22.00 /day worksho s oonfe nces conventions etc. ) 352-00 352.00 -n- TOTAL TRAVEL 901.60 901.60 —0— *Out-of-state travel must be justified in detail. "Costs not allowable by purchase of service contract, or which are already being paid by other sources. ' � �iIt:6I146 ,ae5 r pg 5 IV. BUDGET JUSTIFICATION — (2) Consumable Supplies (life expectancy less than one year) Agency Program lif more than one budget) I Contract No. Early Childhood Development Center Inc. PS- 081- 23 -P -00 Description and Basis for Cost Total Reimbursable Other' Program Supplies: 68 children @ 9.60/child/year 652.80 652.80 -0- Child Health Supplies: 68 children X 59.54 /child/ ear 4,048.72 4,048.72 -0- Kitchen and Maintenance Supplies: $256 /mo. X 12 months 3,072.00 3,072.00 -0- Office Supplies: $90 /mo. X 12 months 1 080.00 1 080.00 -0- _ Food: $.75 per day X 68 children X 255 days 13 005.00 1 000.00 12 005.00 Staff Supplies: 30 smocks @ 4.93 each 147.90 147.90 -0- Playground Supplies: Sand, dirt, cement, grass 184.53 184.53 -0- TOTAL CONSUMABLE SUPPLIES 22 190.95 10 185.95 12 005.0 'Costs not allowable by purchase of service contract, or which are already being paid by other sources. Effective 6 -1 -78� sae ) VI. BUDGET JUSTIFICATION - (4) Other Costs Pg. 6 Agency Program (if more than one budget) Contract No. Early Childhood Development Center Inc. I I PS-081-23-p-nn Description and Basis for Valuation Total Reimbursable Other Rent: $535.00/mo. X 12 months 6,420.00 -n- Janitorial Services: $150.00 /mo. x 12 months -n- Telephone: Local cost: 70 /mo. X 12 mos. = 0,00 Long Distance: $13.33/m o. X 12 mos. -n- Insurance - Vandalism E Malicious M' -n- General Liability E Auto Liability -n- Bonding for SDHR re ent Procedures -n- Ground Maintenance 8 minor repairs for building: $120.00 a month X 12 months i,44a.hn i LLLLn nn - - Maintenance of a ui ent and pllygmund: -0- Children's Ph sicals Ps ho i cal testing is npadpd 4nn-nn unn nn ----0- Staff Training: Consultants -n- Volunteer Activity: mee ' I TOTAL OTHER COSTS 12 108.00 12 108.00 -0- 'Costs not allowable by purchase of service contract, or which are already being paid by other sources. J Corpus Christi, T xas -31 day of , 19 -if TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, MAYOR THE ITY OF ORP CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter Rule was suspended by the following-vote: Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt • 81 Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample The above ordinance was passed by he following vote: Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample 14339