HomeMy WebLinkAbout14409 ORD - 08/02/1978TEXAS: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 8127, AS AMENDED, BY AMENDING SUBSECTION 501, AS AMENDED, BY SUBSTITUTING THE SALARY SCHEDULES ATTACHED HERETO TO PROVIDE FOR A COST OF LIVING INCREASE TO ALL EMPLOYEES EXCEPT FIRE AND POLICE; AMENDING SUBSECTION 510 BY CHANGING CERTAIN POSITION TITLES, BY DELETING CERTAIN POSITION TITLES, AND BY ESTABLISHING NEW POSITIONS, AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH HEREIN; AMENDING SECTION 550, ADMINISTRATION OF THE COMPENSATION PLAN, BY AMENDING SUBSECTION 552.7 SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR ADVANCEMENT IN SALARY IN RECOGNITION OF EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE AND CURRENT LABOR MARKET CONDITIONS OF GRADES 23 AND 24, BY AMENDING SUBSECTION 552.8 SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR ADVANCEMENT IN SALARY IN RECOGNITION OF EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE AND CURRENT LABOR MARKET CONDITIONS OF GRADES 18 THROUGH 22, AND BY ADDING SUBSECTION 552B.1SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR ADVANCE - '... MENT IN SALARY IN RECOGNITION OF EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE AND CURRENT LABOR MARKET CONDITIONS OF GRADES 17 AND BELOW; AMENDING SECTION 800, OVERTIME COMPENSATION, BY AMENDING SUBSECTION 801 TO PROVIDE FOR ALLOWING OVERTIME TO BE REPORTED TO THE NEAREST QUARTER HOUR; ADDING SUBSECTION 805 TO ESTABLISH PROVISIONS FOR PAYING AUTHORIZED OVERTIME TO EMPLOYEES WORKING 12 -HOUR ROTATING SHIFTS; PROVIDING A SEVERANCE CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 8127, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended by amending Subsection 501 by attaching new salary schedules for all employees except Fire and Police, substantial copies being attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes the same as if copied verbatim herein. SECTION 2. That Subsection 510 Administrative, Executive, Pro- fessional and Laborers, be amended by adding the following position classi- fications, titles and grades: CLASS CODE CLASS TITLE CLASS GRADE 092 Assistant General Superintendent 33 095 Assistant Airport Manager 28 093 Collection System Superintendent 31 094 Supply Superintendent 31 and by reclassifying the following position classification under Subsection 510: CLASS CODE CLASS TITLE CLASS GRADE cis General Superintendent - Wastewater From: 34 System To: 36 C OFILMED. 00 )9%,o 14409 SECTION 3. Amending Subsection 552.7 by amending the first sentence thereof to hereafter read as follows: "To recognize exceptional performance or current labor market conditions, the City Manager may approve advancement in salary of any position in Grades 23 through 43 to any step of the salary grade, but such advancement cannot exceed two steps in any 12 -month period." SECTION 4. Amending Subsection 552.8 by amending the paragraph to hereafter read as follows: "To recognize labor market conditions or outstanding performance when recommended by the department administrator and the Personnel Department, the City Manager may approve advancement in salary of any position in Grades 18 through 22 to any step of the salary grade provided that such advancement be limited to not more than one step in any one year for any employee. No employee may be more than two steps in advance of which his salary would otherwise be because of use of this provision." SECTION 5. That a new subsection, 552.8.1 be added to hereafter read as follows: "552.8.1'.To recognize exceptional performance or current labor market conditions, the City Manager may approve early advancement in salary of any position in Grade 17 or below provided that such advancement be limited to one step. When the employee attains by time in service the step granted under this section, he shall return to his regular step. The authority granted under this section will then be again available for use at the City Manager's discretion." SECTION 6. Amending Section 800 Overtime Compensation by amending Subsection 801, the last sentence thereof, to hereafter read as follows: "With the preceding exceptions, all authorized overtime shall be reported to the nearest quarter hour." SECTION 7. Amending Section 800 by adding a new subsection, to be numbered 805, and to hereafter read as follows: "805 Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, employees working scheduled rotating work shifts of 12 hours shall be paid overtime at the rate of one and one -half times their regular rate of pay only for time worked in excess of the scheduled 12 -hour shift." -2- SECTION 8. If for any reason any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction it shall not affect any other section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this ordinance, for it is the definite intent of this City Council that every section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, word, phrase, or provision hereof be given full force and effect for its purpose. SECTION 9. Except as otherwise may be providenyerein, the effective dates of the above changes shall be JAu s ,((1��978 SECTION 10. The necessity to maintain at all times an efficient administration of City affairs creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordi- nance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared that such emergency and necessity to exist, having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the 24day of August, 1978. ATTEST: City Secretary ' MAYOR THE CI Y OF CAI PUS ISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: 2nd DAY OF AUGUST, 1978: J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By 4sntan�tCity Attorney fir �•,,: I{ CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI SALARY SCHEDULE A a >: EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1978 ENTRANCE. INTERMEDIATE ' -MAXIMUM RATE RATES RATE ' t: AFTER 6 "' AFTER 12 AFTER 12 AFTER 8 YRS, AFTER 16 YRS. • AFTER 23 YRS. 'SALARY 1ST SIX. MONTHS AT MONTHS AT' MONTHS AT AND 1 YR, AND 18 MOS. 'AND 2 YRS. GRADE MONTHS A STEP B STEP C STEP AT D STEP AT E STEP AT F STEP:. A 8 C• D E F G 7 546— 568- 593' 616, 641 664% 689 8 568 593 616 641 664 689 716 9 593 616 641 664 689 716 744 10 616 641 664 689 — 716 744 771 11 641 664 689 716 744' 771 801 12 664 689 716 744 771 801 332 13 689 716 744 771. 801 832 866 14 716• 744 771 ,' 801 :'. 832 866 900 15 744• 771 801 832 866 900 935 16 771' 801 832 866 900. 935 973 , 17 801" 832 866 900 935 •973 1012 .18 '832 866 '900. , 935 973 1012 1057 19 866- 900 935 973 1012 1057 1105 20 900- 935 '•. '973 1012 .1057 1105 11.56 21 935^ 973 1012 1057 1105 1156'• 1208 22 973- 1012' 1057- 1105- • . 1156, 1208- 1263 ' `t' , , ,'S �rt"SS•- .2'x'9 CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI �t;,•,; SALARY SCHEDULE B }r• EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 197$ ; ^4`1, A 8 D E F, G H `F' 23 1008, 1058 1111 1166 1225 1287 1350 1419 1489 1564 r ' 24 •1058' 1111 '1166 1225 1287. 1350 1419 1489 1564 1642 25 26• 1111- 1166• 1166 1225 1225 '1287 1287 1350 1350 1419 1419 1489 1489 1564 1564 1642 1642 1725 1725 1812 y i 27 12251 1287 1350 14}9 1489 1564 1642 1725 1812 1902 " - >° u•x 28 1287- 1350 1419 1489 1564 ' 1642 1725 1872 1902 1997 29 30 1350'- 1419- 1419 1489 ' 1489 1564 1564 1642 1642 1725 1725 1812 1812 1902 1902 1997 2096 � : �•'K; 31 1489- 1564 7642 ' 1725 1812 1902 1997 1997 2096 2096 2201 2201 2311 e •,,i,M ,•';;•, ' '` 32' 1564- 1642 1725 .1812 ' 1902. 1997 2096 2201. 2311 2426 ' � `= 33 34 1642 - 1725 7725 1812 1812 1902 1902 1997 1997 2096 2201 2311 2426 2547 35 1812- 1902 1997 2096 2096 2201' 2201 2311 2311 2426 2426 2547 2547 2675 2675 2809 < 36 37 •1902• 1997- 1997 2096 9096 2201 2201 2311 2311 2426 2426 2547 2547 2675 2809 2949 • 2675 280 2949 3096 'f= 38 39 2096- 2201 2311 2426 2547 2675*: 2809 2949, 3096 3252. Y1r a '• i 40' 2201- 2311- 2311 •2426 2426 2547 2547 2675 2675 2809 2809 2949 2949 3096 3096 3252 3414 41 2426 2547 2675 2809 2949 3096 3252 3252 3414 3414 3585. 3585 3765 : ""'' 42 43 2547 • 2675 2809 2949 3096 ; . 3252 3414' 3585 3765 3953 2675= 2809 • 2949- 3096 3252 • 3414- 3585. 3765 - 3953- 4151 T .'i - ^ia`- .. -`,2 iY•$w"&_'+•n: ^'S i�A .S`S.FaS ' iiMa s- CY;'q-- gy•�` \"aijn]i - - •. ��x� -�� �`�"` - •�YY 'a'y` !a_i. _t �:a�. •a •.t �.ra� ., • ``� ".r"�. A":§+.: - t.� ~, �,. �ti'' '. _ �xa�i'. ': ri=:t� � .....'�i• ;'T �%tie�.'- i�-��.r:-- ,r>f a' -,.,YT �N. -e'i{ S' -'_Y y�tc�u, T'x',�_a '�'^..r.`si�S`r,-��.i'�•+ _ _ _ -~i fi� _ a• �.:.. �'A!,• -f � a•. e'.z.. - Fire Chief) zl'k` '•���.., _ i� S' c �° v � -yt � - 'a4•:.fFY� �a •: ...'',.n _� G ,1� A 04A ^ � TM ✓.Y�" __ .. .. °$. _ :: *« �q`,,, .181.36 2.267 04C• 408.00 188.32 2.354 05A 408.00 188.32 2.3% 2.475 056 429.00 198_00 - N GENERAL SALARY SCHEDULE August 1, 1978 Monthly Salaried Employees, Except Fire and Police (Includes Assistant Police Chief, Police Commander Assistant Fire Chief, and First Assistant Fire Chief) GRADE 111ONTHLY BIWEEKLY HOURLY 04A 378.00 174.48 2.181 046 393.00 .181.36 2.267 04C• 408.00 188.32 2.354 05A 408.00 188.32 2.3% 2.475 056 429.00 198_00 - 05C 455.00 210_00 _ 2_625 •06A 462.00 -213.20. 2.665 066• 483.00 222,96 2.787 06C 505.00 233.04 2_913 07 546.00• 252.00 3:150 - 08 568.00 262.16 .-3.277 09 -593.00 273.68 3.421 10 616.00 284.32 3.554 - 11 641.00 295.84 3.698 •12 .664.00 306.48 _ 3_831 13 689.00 318.00 3.975- 14 •716.00 330.48 .4.131 15 744.00 343 -36 4_292 16 771.00 355.84. 4.448 17 801.00 369.68 4.621 18-- 832.00 384.00 .4.800 19 866.00:.' 399.68 - 4.996 20 900.00 415.36 5.192 . 21 935.00 431.52 5_394 22A 973.00 449.04 .5.613 = 22B 1012.00 467.04 5.838 ' 22C 1057.00 487_84 6_098 -- 220 1105.00 510.00 6.375 22E 1156.00 533.52 6.669 22F 1208.00 557.52 6_969" 22G 1263.00 582.96 -7.287 '_ - :��. ;3. x 3y�= s -.° •s.;i,..':I ."`-�: e,'� s.:. ;>;µ 3 � 5.:.,:r 'fz'_.,,.m'. _��t::. +,: +i °;,�a�, -%µ. ";F - _ -'f -;: _ , ^- -a � Y '; �3 r' r-"-= d• "',3_'`!Y�'{y';N - i =1.✓ ..iai"�1��y6y�4 _ -_... ai ,a'`^h' •;'���?- :. ;2'�!- ,•.'`y :1 ^��d.' Hy4x'rs -!l - _ _ -_ �Wr,:�•F 1...er eu - y`•.- �.`-:� _ .. ... _ ✓•fib - - '. ti. �giJ1 GENERAL SALARY SCHEDULE August 1, 1978 Monthly Salaried Employees, Except Fire and Police (Includes Assistant Police Chief, Police Commander • Assistant Fire Chief, and First Assistant Fire Chief) GRADE MONTHLY BIWEEKLY HO- URLY 23 24 1008.00 1058.00 465.20 5 -815 25 1111.00 •488.32 6.104 5I2 -80 -6 -410 _ 26 27 1166.00 1225.00 538.16 6.727 28 1287.00 565.36 - -7.067 ' 594.00 - .7.425 29 30 1350.00 1419.00 623.04 7.788 31 14$9.00 654 -96 - 8.787 _ .687.20 -8.590 32 1564 -00 721.84 33 1642 -00 - 757.84 9.023• 34 1725 -00 796.16 9.473 9.952 35 36 1812.00 1902 -00 836.32 70.454 37 1997.00 877.84 10.973 921 -68 11.521 39 2096.00. 2201.00 967.36 ' _ 72.092 - 40 - 2311 -00 1015.$4 7066.64 12.698 ' - 13.333•. . 41 2426.00 2547 1119.68 :.73.996 43A -00 2675.00 1775.52• - 1234.64. 14.694 -- _15.433 43B 43C 2809 -00 1296.48 76_206 43D •2949 -00 136T.12 I7. 3095.00 1428.96 17_.88b2 62 43E 43F 3252.00 1500.96 18 43G 3414 -00 3585.00 7575.68 -762 19.b96 1654.64 20 -683 _ 43H 43I 3765.00 3953 1737.68 21 -721 43J -00 4151 -00 7824.48 1915 22.806 -84 23.948 a V, M p -. pr 1 'r •'' riig�ij�. :. TEMPORARY AND PART -TIME SALARY SCHEDULE August 1, 1978 ` Class Class Entrance • After After Code Title Rate 3 Months 6 Months >... 505 158 Pool Attendant Jr. Library Aide 2,181/Hr. 9:261f11! PI 7 2.181/Hr. 2 26b" I! a - Wd 9' R. 8 p, .3 54 E- 345fN•r. -.1 w • 514 Pool Cashier. 3S� . 4.—. -Wtlw a- 2 475 /Hr, 9^D °r'6• 2.625/Hr. 507- Lifeguard 2.665/Hr. 2,787/Hr. 2.913/Hr. 807 Temporary Crewman 2.665/Hr. 2.787/Hr. 2.913/Hr. COASTAL BEND WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAM SALARY SCHEDULE ' Class Code. Class Title - Hourly Rate 171 '. Work Experience Trainee 2.65/Hr, - .,4,.,�cr "`tit . -- e "� • V, M p -. pr 1 'r •'' riig�ij�. Corpus Christi, Texas day of a-ed4 � 19 7p TO THE'MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus'Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, . OR THE CITY 0 CORp ISTI, TEXAS The Charter Rule was suspended by the following vote: Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz 'Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample The above ordinance was passed Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample 14409 the following vote: