HomeMy WebLinkAbout14432 ORD - 08/09/1978w JKH:Nb:8 /9/78_ AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, WHICH'ADDS SECTION 3 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1968, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE AMENDMENT, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO, MARKED EXHIBIT "A ", AND MADE A PART HEREOF; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That there is hereby adopted Amendment No. 1 to the Affirmative Action Plan of the City of Corpus Christi, which adds Section 3, Terms and Conditions of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, all as more fully set forth in the Amendment, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto, made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ". SECTION 1. That the necessity to adopt Amendment No. 1 to the Affirmative Action Plan of the City of Corpus Christi as soon as possible creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, having requested the suspension of the charter rule and that this ordinance take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its l7 passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED this the __9 d of August, .1,978. ATTEST: .City Secretary � MAYOR THE CITY OF C CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: DAY OF AUGUST, 1978: J. BRUC AYCO C, CITY ATTORNEY '` By Assistant C' Attorney ` 4 1443` VI L OFILMol C L h p. AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI IMPLEMENTATION OF SECTION 3 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1968 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 General ................. ............................... 1.1 Nature & Scope ..... ............................... 1.2 Definitions ........ ............................... 2.0 In -House Employment ..... ............................... 2.1 Employee Recruitment .............................. 2.2 Program Monitoring . ............................... 2.3 Grievance Proceedings ............................. 3.0 Contractors and Vendor Agreements ...................... 3.1 General Statement .. ............................... 3.2 Notification ....... ............................... 3.3 Bid Requirements ... ............................... 3.4 Contract Awards .... ............................... 3.5 Program Monitoring . ............................... 3.6 Grievance Proceedings .............................. 4.0 Miscellaneous ........... ............................... 4.1 Plan Modification .. ............................... EXHIBITS "A" Paragraph 135.70 "Development of an Affirmative Action Plan " .......................... "B" Analysis of In -House Employment ................... "C" Paragraphs 135.80 - 135.115 "Grievance Proceedings" ........................... "D" Analysis of Contracts ............................. "E" Paragraph 135.20 Section 3 Clause ................ a -2- 1.0 General 1 1.1 Nature 6 Scope: This plan is designed to promote employment opportunities for Section 3 covered businesses and lower income project area residents with regard to CDBG activities. Further, the plan should enable the City to meet and exceed those requirements for a Section 3 project as outlined under Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, 12 U.S.C. 1701u. While this plan is intended for active implementation, no section nor part thereof of this plan shall be construed as subrogating any section nor part thereof of the Affirmative Action Plan for Equal Em- ployment Opportunity adopted by the City and approved by HUD on August 16, 1976, of which this plan has been added as an amendment thereto. Indeed, these plans should actively work to compliment each other leading to full compliance for the City with all applicable regulations, Additionally, Paragraph 135.70 "Development of An Affirmative Action Plan" published in the Federal Register, Vol. 38, No. 203, October 23, 1973 is attached hereto as exhibit "A" and made a part of this plan. 1.2 Definitions: A. "Business concerns located within the Section 3 covered project area" means those individuals or firms located within the Section 3 covered project area (i.e. political jurisdiction of the City of Corpus Christi), listed on the HUD registry of eligible business con- cerns, and which qualify as small under the small business size stan- dards of the SBA. B. "Business concerns owned in substantial part by persons residing in the Section 3 covered project area" means those business con- cerns which are 51 percent or more owned by persons residing within the Section 3 covered project area and considered by the SBA to be socially or economically disadvantaged, listed on HUD's registry of eligible business concerns, and which qualify as small under the small business size standards of the SBA. C. "Lower income resident of the area" means any individual who resides within the Section 3 project area and whose family income does not exceed 90 percent of the median income in the Corpus Christi SMSA. D. "Section 3 covered project" means the Community Development Block Grant Program as administered by the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. E. "Minority and Small Business Development Project" is a pilot pro- ject of the City of Corpus Christi funded under the CDBG program and is designed to stimulate and aid minority and small business in the City's bid process. - 2.0 In -House Employment 0 2.0 In -House Employment: The City has, in the past, and will continue to attempt to employ project area residents. Ceterus Paribus, the City has given and will continue to give preference in employment opportunities to those indi- viduals residing within the City. In the case of those individuals hired from outside the City, they are required to relocate into the City limits within 6 months of their employment. As per Paragraph 135.60 published in the Federal Register, Vol. 38, No. 203, October 23, 1973, an analysis of in -house employment is in- cluded as exhibit "B ". 2.1 Employee Recruitment: The City shall attempt to recruit Section 3 covered persons to fill any covered vacancy which occurs on the staff. This recruitment shall be through the local newspapers, community organizations, posting of employment opportunities, and the Texas Em- ployment Commission. All recruitment will be based fully on equal employment opportunity under Title VII as amended. 2.2 Program Monitoring: The Equal Opportunity Officer shall monitor the effectiveness of this Affirmative Action program with reference to in -house employment and report directly to the City Manager. -5 -� t 2.3 Grievance Proceedings: Any grievance arising under this section must be filed in writing within ninety (90) days from the date of the action upon which the grievance is based. The complaint is to be filed in the office of the Director of Personnel. After the Director reviews the case, he shall forward his re- commendations to the City Manager for appropriate action. This proced- ure in no way subrogates any cause of action which the complainant may have under Paragraphs 135.80, 135.85, 135.90, 135.95, 135.100, 135.105, 135,110, and 135.115 as published in the Federal Register Vol. 38, No. 203, October 23, 1973. Subject paragraphs are attached hereto as exhibit "C" and are made a part hereof. -6- a Section 3.0 Contractors Agreements 3.1 General Statement: Contractors Agreements The generalized goal of the City is to utilize Section 3 covered businesses and /or contractors to the fullest extent feasible under the various HUD regulations and State Statutes eliminating negotiated con- tracts for construction. The Minority and Small Business Development Program is an integral part of this effort. This program assigns an aide to the City's Purchasing Division. This aide is to provide primary contact and liaison with the eligible Section 3 covered con- tractors and vendors. As per Paragraph 135.70 op. cit., a general analysis of contracts to be awarded is included as exhibit "D" and made a part hereof. 3.2 Notification: The City will take appropriate steps to the greatest extent feasible to insure that all Section 3 covered businesses located in the Section 3 covered area are notified well in advance of pending contractual oppor- tunities and this positive action will assure compliance with and satis- fy the notification requirements. The City shall accomplish the above by informing the Area Office of the SBA and the Associated General Contractors of its intention to issue contracts and the nature of the work to be performed. All prospective bidders shall be contacted by the City and informed of any Section 3 covered business which is capable of subcontracting any part of the proposed activity and, further, shall be encouraged to utilize same. All bid documents issued by the City shall include a statement of the City promoting the use of Section 3 covered businesses and shall in- clude the standard "Section 3 Clause" which is attached hereto as exhi- bit "E" and made a part hereof. -7- 3.3 Bid Requirements: The City will require each covered competitive bidder to submit his utilization goal and his Affirmative Action Plan for accomplishing this goal. Evaluation of each bid will include the determination by careful evaluation of the submission to determine whether the Affirmative Action proposed will accomplish the stated goal. Technical help will be given to contractors, as necessary, to help them comply with Section 3 requirements. 3.4 Contract Awards: Bids will not be awarded to those covered bidders who, after careful review by the City, do not exhibit a good faith effort toward meeting all Section 3 requirements. 3.5 Program Monitoring: The City's Engineering and Physical Development Department and /or the City's Minority and Small Business Development Aide will have prime re- sponsibility for monitoring the contractors' good faith efforts. Any failure by the contractor to maintain same shall be reported to the City Manager who shall, upon his review, take appropriate action. 3.6 Grievance Proceedings:- Any grievance arising under this section must be filed in writing within ninety (90) days from the date of the action upon which the grievance is based. The complaint is to be filed in the office of the Director of the Department of Engineering and Physical Development. After the Director reviews the case, he shall forward his recommendations to the City Manager for appropriate action. This procedure in no way subrogates any cause of action which the complainant may have under Paragraphs 135.80, 135.85, 135.90, 135.95, 135.100, 135.105, 135.110, and 135.115 as published in the Federal Register Vol. 38, No. 203, October 23, 1973. Subject para- graphs are attached hereto as exhibit "C" and are made a part hereof. -8- 4.0 Miscellaneous 4.1 Plan Modification This plan may be modified at such times as future guideline requirements are issued by HUD relative to Section 3. Further, the plan may be modified if a certain part or parts are found to lack sufficient impact to reach the City's Section III Affirmative Action goals. Exhibits 6.13i.-7.0 111.0.p—pt of eo d6rma1ke I aliori plan. In developing an alnnnatne action t plan• each applicant, reclpic"l, Con. tractor, and subcontractor Pleparing to undertake work pursuant to a section 3 covered contract than: (a) fief, forth the approximate number and dollar value of all contracts prop. ^.led to to awarded to nil bmbicsscs u11..!!n each category (Ly tie or professlor) over lire duration of the section 3 covered pro- ject In question. lb) Analyze the Information tot forth In paragraph (a) of tills section and the avnllabllhy of elicnble buslncss concerns wlthin the project area dame buslncss In Professions or occupations ldentithd as needed in parnrraph (a) n( this sec- tion, and set for it, a real or tip rEl num- ber and estimated dollar Rmount of con- tracts to be atvalded to the clll :ib!e busi- nesses and cntrcprcnrurs wlthin each category over the duratlo:l of the section 3 covered project. (c) Outline the anticipated program to be used to nchleve the roils for rnch business and /m• profrssmual ca(rpory ldentincd. This prorr:un should Include but not be limited to the follorAnr ac- tions: (1) Insertion In the bid documents, If anf, of the affirmative action plan of the applicant, reciplent. contractor, or sub- contractor letthlr the contract: and (2) IdentiMcation within the bid docu- ment, If any, or the npPllcable section 3 project area. (d) Indicate the anticipated process and steps which have been taken nrd /or will be taken to secure the cooperation of contractors• subcontractors, and unions In meeting the roils and enrrying out the r-Mrinntive action plan El Lveloped pursu- ant to this subpart. lo) Take steps lc insure il.•at the np- PIOPrIate bt mncs% (,, erns Inruded In the Departmen L's Ietaslry for the sectlon 3 covered project nice toe notified of pending contractual npportunlllt•s either personally or Ihruugh locally utilized media. All applicnnt%, recipients, con- tractors and subcnnlractors -11;,h so notify concerns Included hn the Depart- ment's registry Of R%Ad.ihle colt.lels and of Opportunities to submit bids shall sat - Isfy all requirements of this Part for notllleatlon of business concerns located within the section 3 covered pro,ect area and business concerns owned In sub- stantial part by persons residing Iu the section 3 eoveavo piorect arra. if) Take step% to h•sutc lh it renpaets which are gp)caliy let on a nrl;ot,,tc(1 tither lhnn it bid basis In arras other than section 3 catered project areas, are also let on a necctatca basis• whvneter feasible, when let In n section 3 covered project area. (g) Where competithe bids are toile- tLed. require the bidders to submit their utillralio.l goals, nod their riirmative Action plans for nccornplishing their f:nnls, atld In cvaluathng each hid, to determnle its icsponsneness, ealclully evaluate the bidders' snbmlsslon to tie - ternmle whether the ntrinnalile action Plan proposed will llceomplLSh the Rated goals. (h) Where ademltarcmts. seek the (,s- slstaltee of local ofbcmis of the Depart- ment in preparing and implementing the NOrmaLive action plan. It) In Implementing Its Rfe)mntive ax- Eton plan, each apFilrarl L, rCeplernt, con- tractor, or subcontnclor $hall male a EXHIBIT "A" good faith effort to achieve Its goal or target number anal est.mated dollar n:nctmt of contracts to be awarded to the ellclble bu,tilm en end entrepre- neurs wltbln each cm,rory over the duriltlou of the section 3 coded project. Etch amill.arlt, reclrlent, contractor. or subcontractor seeking to est)b1151i that a good fallh effort has been made to Implement Its a111rmallve nehon p!an. A% regtu:ed by this Pnrarra;,b, shall as a mtnlmum, net forth Evidence acceptable to the Secretary that It has implemented the steps required by paragraphs (c), (d), (c), (t), (g,, and (h) of tills section and has asceilchncd Isom the Depart- ment's Reglornal AdminhUnLor, ArcA Wee Director, or IIIA Oince Director having Jurirdlctlon over the section 3 cove:ed projerl, the buurdarles of tilt section 3 coscrcd Inoject;uca, if avail- able. and attempted to recruit from the appropriate areas the neccvsnry eligible buslncss concenu lhruirch: Local ad- vertidrg media, sighs pieced at the pro - poselfslte for the projccl; and com n n)u- ILy orCnui7atlons nod pu6dc or private institutions OPclatmg v,ithm or serving the project me. Inch n: '°t OjecL Area COmmittPes (PAC) Ln Wbrun renewnl urcas. Model Cities Eit):en advisory boards, Service Iimp)oynlcnt and P.edo- velopment 1SER), Op,^.oawa ties Indus - tr•1Alnrntail Center (OIC). Urban I,cagur, COE :cntrntcd Emf-loymcnt Prorram. o. the U.S. Empioymenl Service, es v:ell as tl.e Chamber of Conlav,ice mid any cqulvnlent orrnniratlens !n the section 3 co -oJecl area. ATTACHMENT "B" IN -HOUSE EMPLOY MEN T The following lists of employees covered under the Community Development Block Grant Program have been designed to show; (1) Activity number and activity name. (2) Ethnic and sexual breakdown. (3) Tenure in position. (4) Job title. (5) Job code which represents classification in the City. As can be seen from a review of the various Community Development Block Grant related activities, the work force of the City of Corpus Christi tends to be relatively stable in nature, with the average employee having been employeed for approximately 9.04 years. Data over the last 3 -year period. indicates a turnover of approximately 10% will occur during the next 12- months. Out of the total 197 CDBG employees, 10% would indicate a turnover of 20 positions to be filled. Ceteras paribus, the City of Corpus Christi will endeavor to fill these positions with Section 3 covered employees. Other basic statistics concerning the CDBG covered activities indicate that out of a total of 197 employees, 133 or 67.5% are minority; 180 of the employees are male with 17 being female. FA R— PnRSSM -0 I7oLau >/161c >71 CITY .;F LC.PUS CHRISTI AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN PAV PERIL: ENGIh6 a0 /04/7. PAGE — 1 .099ACTIVITY >741 SueCIVIbILh6STREET LChTRCL .••'4".���� ' j AC7V EMP NAME JLC CCCE ETFNIC SEX UAIc HIRED J7v1 40S1 HLTCHENS, VIROIL E. 335 025 EO AN6LO YALE U4 /c0 /70 CONSTRUCT i ON INSPECTCR 11 , 3741 74La SCHCULFIELU, hULH N. 3!5 025 EO ANGLU YALE O1 /lo /ao CONSTRUCTION INSPECTCR 11 >74♦ a2c9 PEAR ENO T. FRED A. 3 >5 C25 E AhGLO PALE 07 /ce/o7 CCN STRUCTION /NSPECTOR I1 n741 0254 PETERS. OGN T. 306 029 F0 AN LC RALE 09126/60 ENGINEER II ' 7741 lobs CAVILSON, SAM h. 315 033 GO AN, LC HALE 16/04/50 SENIGR ENGINEER R— PnHSSM —c I7oL6U2 /161„71 � •.s�ACTIVITN 4ii: CG dL 77 -1a ALTV LAP NAME i 47» j624 HARVEY. LINCA 5. 47J6 lo57 CLRIEL. R"ALINUA 47J5 1711 CLRIEL. ESTELA PEREA 47,2 —14 PLEASANT, DORU71V N. ,1,, 1715 LORTE,, RUSAL1hCA 4732 aAC3 7RE+1NU. EVAN6ELIhA M. Y 73S j6C3 FENNANDE„ JCE V1L,E6AS 4735 3269 GCNLALEZ, MANUEL H. 4735 11,7 ORO.N, EARMEANE MAE x735 4o W LA.SCN. ALEERT F. 41J5 1452 CASTRO, DAVID L. ,7J2 0656 2ERLANUA. DAVIL +735 ,02d FUEN7ES. RudEh n. h735 09J4 aLAAAENSHIF, JAh1E UARLA CITY OF CLAPUS CHAISTI i AFFIRMATIVE ACTIO,/ PLAN FAN FERIL� LhLIN6 0o /04/76 ♦........... rA.E — 2 JCn CdOE EThNIL SEX CATE hIREC 1C7 C12 AO ANULJ FEMALE OJ/13/78 SENIOR CLERK — TYPIST 1G7 012 d0 LATIN FEMALE 11/21/77 SENIOR CLERK— TYPIST 169 C14 60 LATIN FEMALE 10/24777 C6TREACH WCRKER 169 014 Cu dLACN FEMALE OZ/22/74 L6TREACIs YORKER lua C14 E. LATIN FEMALE U7 /1, /ed SENIOR CLERK— STENOGRAPhEM 431 Glo ED LATIN FEMALE 06 /U3 /6l LOAN PRFCESSOR 603 G,3 AO LATIN MALE 01 /14 /7a PROPERTY ADVISOR 11 603 C23 AO LATIN MALE LZ/O4 172 PROPERTY ADVISOR 11 193 023 00 BLACK FEMALE 04/13/70 HOUSINU COUNSEL1NO SUPERVISOR 414 C23 ED AAvLC MALE 04/09/7u PARKING LOT SUPERVISOR 6G3 C23 Fu LATIN MALE 08/01157 PROPERTY AOVISLR 11 603 C,3 FO LATIN MALE v5 /C1 /59 PRUPERTV ADVISOR 11 603 024 ED LATIN MALE 05/OL/69 PROPERTY ADVISOR it 004 0,7 CO LATIN FEMALE 11/08/77 REHAdILITATION SLPERVISOR ' P- Pn RSSM -a I7d—L5 /lo l[_ /) CITY OF CLAPuS CHRISTI AFF IRMAT IVE ACTIGN PLAN PAY PERIUG LNLIhL Oa /Or /7n PALE - 3 ....ACTIVITY 5171 CCh�1RLCT1Gh ............ ACTV EMP NAME JCE CCCE ETHNIL SEA CATE HIk EC 017L 7550 SIFUEh TEL. CALISTRO 841 CC7 AO LATIN MALE WiD /7d CREWMAh 5171 6a 7. RLBL tLJ JR, JOHN 341 CC7 AU LATIN MAL`c 05/24/78 LREWMAN 5171 h14J AKGCALES5 GER ER LEA n41 CCf AO 2LACS MALE 05/31/1. CREWMAN 017L h140 FLEICHEH, PAUL CLoGLAS 41.1 OG7 AJ ANGLJ PAL- J0 /c1 /7d CREWMAN ' 0171 1 ELILALOE, JCE LLIS d41 CC7 A0 LATIN MALE 01 /21/78 LREWMAh >Lll 15.1 GANALES. cU.AkLL L_ d41 CL7 e0 LATIN MALE 04/01/7n CRE.MAh 0171 3517 GUT IERRCC, RAYMLh0 841 GC7 AO LATIN HALE 05/10/78 CREWMAN 517• )535 GULMAN, VICENTE 641 CC7 d LATIN HALE 11/16/77 CREWMAN 0171 n0>0 CAMERCN. ChARLES r. tl41 OC7 d0 dLACA PALE 08/03/77 LR£YnAN 0171 54_2 MEDINA, ISMAEL GA. CIA 641 CC7 CC LATIN MALE 10/04/76 CPE.MAN ' 0171 Sec[ MORA T AYA, SAN TLS SERNA 6" " 7 DU LATIN MALE 11/17/71 CREWMAN 5171 .V2L .ILLIAMS. .ENN IE 841 CC7 CU CLACK PALE 0S/34/74 CREWMAN 017L Ub 59 BARBC SA. FEC TCR A. E41 CC7 DO LATIN P. ALE 0S/10/73 CREWMAN 0171 cb29 UAR CI A. PEDk0 TLRkES 641 CC7 Or LATIN HALE 11/1[/71 CREWMAN 5171 !936 UARLA• FRANK X. 841 GC7 EU LATIN PALE G3 /14/69 CREWMAN 5171 1273 CABRERA, HUMBE0.T0 805 CC9 AO LATIN M ALE 12/C5/77 TRADES HELPER 5171 7710 SMA IL. ROb.RT JAMES .05 GG9 A. AhGLG MALE UJ /29/7. TRADE) HELPER 0111 IbtJ SPARKS. A06 ERT LAY 805 C09 AG AhuLG MALE C3124/7d TRACES HELPER 5171 8660 VILLEGAS, FRAhCISCG B05 CCS AZ. LATlh MALE 1G /C5 /77 TRADES HELPER 0171 o.lU RIVERA. REYnALOG LUIS 805 009 AO LATIN MALE U4/03'I TRADES hELPER 5171 t4oU RAMIREZ• JCE REYh ALLU 805 009 CO LATIN MALE 05/23/75 TRACES HELPER 5171 b-cc REYES, JOSE ANGEL 805 CC9 CO LATIN MALE 09!29/75 TRADES HELPER 5171 556- MENJARES, RLFIAL LAk.ALLE d05 CC9 CG LATIN MALI 09/29/75 TRADES HELPER 0171 484a LCPEL. CARLCS d65 C09 CO LATIN MALE 03/J1/75 TRAUES HELPER 5171 1520 CHAVEL♦ EkNESTC JLEL dG5 GCS LO LATIN MALE 04/15/75 TRADES HELPER 5171 .<21 TOnRES. TLMMY 805 CC9 DO LATI N MALE 04/17/73 TRADES HELPER 517L 4610 LEI JA. FERNANDO 805 009 GO LATIN MALE 01/18/74 TRADES HELPER 5171 5149 MAR T IN Et, CAST" ALVARADG 805 GG9 00 LATIN MALE 02 "7/75 TRADES HELPER 5170. r.tt LGPEL. PAdLC FEkheNLEL 805 Cos EO LAT lh HALE 07/31/74 TRADES HELPER 5171 d.53 .A..GNER• UAVIC S. 805 CGS EO AA6LG MALE 02,01 16. TRADES HELPER 5171 oGSS PAYING. CAM ILO 805 009 E6 LATIN MALE OG /O3 /65 TRACES MELPER 5111 7210 SALCANA, JESUS v. B05 CG9 EG LA T it MALE Ob /lo /o4 TRADES HELPER 5171 J446 GUERkERO. JESUS T. 805 CG9 GO LATIN MALE 0./29150 TRADES HELPER 5171 5031 MILES, JOE LEE 813 011 Cu AhGLO MALE lc/09/74 WATER SYSTEM MECHANIC >171 dT63 wASr[hGTO N, nEhkY a,J Gll CG FLACK MALE U9/12/73 mATER SYSTEM MECHANIC 5171 1.C1 SGLI— Y6hAC11 .13 011 Uu LATIN MALE Od /2.152 WATER SYSTEM MECHAh1C 5171 4.5b LOPE. uILbERTC 813 C11 GO LATIN MALE u1lU. /S3 .A T ER SYSTEM MlCMA1, 11 5171 5011 MACIAS. PEDRO W; 013 DL LATIN MALE J- /19/12 SEH IUk WATER SYSTEM MECHANIC 5171 5194 MARTIAEA. SANTCS 808 613 FG LATIN MALE 09/20/60 SENIUR WATER SYSTEM MECHANIC 5171 e50! RAMGEL, RudEN 80a 013 FO LATIN MALE 09/16/73 SEN iGk MATE0. SYSTEM q£Cndh I C 5171 4..7 LUPEL. LEANORL 701 C15 d0 LAT lh MALE 1J/21/74 TAP CREW LEAUER 511I 5tla JLhES. EL L IS L. T07 C15 ED CLACK MALE 0. /20 /bl TAP CkEk LEADER R- rnM1�Y -6 176Ge'S/l61[A7J ....ACTIVITY 7171 LLNSIRLC71CN ACTV EMP hAME 5171 69.1 RCGRIGUEL JR. FRANCISCO 5171 1345 CANTU. uUSE G. 5171 '671 bAkRERA, 6Eh JaMIN R- I 1 71 X976 CLYERA. YlC TOR L. 511 CT�2 GARCIA, ANA, TA ClG L. 5171 <1GI OUMES. JUNN OP 5171 6452 RAMIkEL, it GC 5171 4169 JAIME• RA MIRO 5171 lSS4 hAMILIr JChh J. 5171 3u<6 GATICa, JOSE R. 5171 6664 6 ERN ER, JLSSE VERNO1. 5171 bH 51 .IhF1ELO. Pr IL I 6. 5171 .414 VANCLEAVE, .ESLEY R. 5171 0966 8GLANC, 6EMNETh r. 5171 1014 dUS.ELL, EUGENE G. 5171 d645 VGGES SR, LA.RENCE ALLEN 5171 —C.I MC hLRTCN, JAMES R. PAGE - 4 CITY GF CLMPLS ChM1STI AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN PAY PEkICC ENLING 06 /04 /7b ............ JCE CGCE ETrNIC SEA OATE hIREC 753 C15 EO LATIN MALE 03 /1G /66 ECUIPMEhT OPERATOR I I HALF 1[/04/63 ECUI DMENT OPERATOR MENT ODERA 70R 7C1 C15 EG LAT IN YALE 07/30/64 TAP CkEk LEADER 753 C15 FC LATIN MALE On /Ld /5a EQUIPMENT OPERATOR i 753 C15 uO LATIN MALE 07/07/46 Et.L IPMEhT OPERATOR 1 713 C[G EC ELA- YALE u! /16/68 ATER SYSTEM FOREMAN 754 C11 00 LATIN MALE 12/3 L /70 E4LIPMENT OPERATOR III 754 G11 80 LAT 1N MALE UJ/29/11 ECU IPMENT OPERATOR III 750 G11 E0 A.GLC MALE 1. /o3 /6J I.NSP ECTGR- FOREMAN 754 C21 ED LATIN YALE Od /13 /SC ECUIPMEhT OPERA7OR III 7 54 C 21 ED AA GL0 MALE " /l6 /b6 EGLIPMENT OPERATOR !I1 15G Ccl EO AhuLO MALE Ud /01/6[ INSP EC TCR- FOREMAN 723 «L Fu A11GLO MALE 07/30/CG S IOR .ATER SYSTEM FCREMAh 723 Cc2 FO AAGL0 MALE 06/14/5& SEh1CR EATER SYSTEM FORERAM 7[3 Cc[ FO ANGLO MALE 03/04/5d SEAl OR . ATER SYSTEM FOREMAN 751 C<4 AO AAGLC MALE 041L4/7b EGLIPME7IT OPERATOR 1V 731 Cc5 GO AN.LO YALE 08/01/49 MATER SYSTEM GENERAL FCREMAh PAGE - 4 .... ALT! SIT, 5,71 LCKSIAvC71Lh ALTv EMP hA.ME 5,71 0114 IEREuu SR. RENE 5171 4bs'. LG�E1, GSLAR x IL .6+. REThA, S. ANGEL _7L 7.67 SA, :.EuA, JUAN 5,71 194! LE1 S..h. LLARENCE MARVIN SAl1 ,o J4 CR„�. AudEN SALAL AR 5271 .G S6 TIE JC Jk, RAFAEL R. 5271 9150 2M.1 ANO: MA NOEL 5L71 7246 SALINAS JR, ALFREGO 5,71 06 Ev .A,A[AA, hlCK f. Sc71 6e,4 PET ES. JESSc C. 5,71 ,uSu JL,h­,',, .ANDA kvTH 5,7L G74. ., ARC 'A, ELIAS V. 5,71 ,044 uA.. KA . JOSE 5,71 STL. MGTA. JESSE 5271 ,96r Gi+ ;A. ROYAL IL A- !,,7, S19i MA411hE,. JOSE T. 5,71 .555 RAh.EL, CRISFORC 5'71 7 7L ILA�•.TER JR. TRLETT PRESTON 5,71 7140 RLTLEeGE, JCMh 5471 5a4A MC6PE:GA, JAME5 LGU1S 5,71 51=� MARTIN, MEL ►YN R. r PAGE - 5 CITY GF CLRP'S CHRISTI AFFIRMAT IvE ACTION PLAN Pet PERILO ENCIN1, U 04/7d r•esssseese• JGd CODE EIhhIL SEA DATE HIRE.. 141 C07 AU LATIN MALE 03 /Oo /7. CREeMAN d4I C07 CU LATIN HALE 10 /15 /7o CREI.MAN .41 CC7 OJ LATIN MALE GL /09/74 CREhRAS 641 CC7 EU LATIN MALE UI /LD/69 C E.MAN ' 6G5 CLS OO ANGEO MALE 6J —/74 TRACES HELPER /C5 "" DO LATIN MALE U, / L. /71 TRADES HELPER 605 009 EO LAT IM MALE 05/0./70 TRADES HELPER 605 OC9 ED LAT 1N MALE JS /27/6! TRADES HELPER 609 Cil E.. LATIN MALE �. /15 /.I GAS SYSTEM MECHANIC 6GS C11 GO LAT I N FALE O6 /011 51 GAS SY5TEM MECHANIC 605 CAI GO LATIN MALE 03/211 52 GAS SYSTEM MECHANIC 105 C12 00 dLA CK FEMALE vo /05/74 CLERK - STENOGRAPHER 753 C15 EU LATIN MALE 07/23/6, EbUIPMENT OPERATOR i IlJ 015 E0 LAT lh MALE 03/29/.3 EOUIPM ENT OPERATOR l 753 G15 FU LATIN MALE Oo /,1 1 6O E,UIPMEST JUPERATLR 1 753 CIS G0 LIT Ih MALE 0610714. EGUIPMENT CPERATCR I 625 C19 00 LATIN MALE 01/10/71 ELECTROLYSIS TECHNICIAN 754 C21 v0 LATIN MALE 1)J/ 10154 E6UIPMENT OPERATOR I11 716 022 BO A1, GLD MALE Od/2�/70 GAS SYSTEM FOREMAN 716 C22 FO Ah6L0 MALE 1212d/62 GAS 5 Y TEM FOREMAN 331 C23 BU Ah6L0 MALE 04/26/77 EhGIhEERS ASSISTANT 1 126 C,5 ED AAGLO MALE G./G7/67 GAS SYSTEM GENERAL FGREMAh r PAGE - 5 H- Pn0.S�r -0 t76LoJ5 /lolcA71 CITY OF CCAPLS CHRISTI AFFIRXATIYE ACTION PLAN FAY PERICC EALING Oa /04/7b PAGE - o a•e•p L7Ir1TY 5371 CChSTRGCi1CN .....•...... ACTY EMh NAME JCe CODE ETHNIC SEA LATE h1RED 5171 74 <6 MEDINA JR. JUAN SANLMEL 441 COT AO LATIN MALE 12/61/77 CREWMAN S o71 3772 HERE&NDEG. EUDIE C. 041 GG7 AO LATIN MALE Jh /Id /7a CRE.MAh 5s71 +047 LUPEL. ANTONIO C. d41 OG7 AU LATIN MALE 04/17/78 CREWMAN »71 1375 GARRtLLO, SERGlG L. 6•i CC7 AO LATIN MALE 10/31/77 CREWMAN 7371 L451 FLGRES. HENRY 041 CC7 AU LATIN MALE 04/17/70 CREWNAh 5A 7L 9141 YOANEL. MARTLN MANLEL .41 COT a0 LATIN MALE 04/19/77 CREWMAN 5071 7773 MCNEY, 6EGRGE THOMAS 641 007 CO AAGLG M ALE u6 /L9/7t CREWM AN 5371 3750 HERhANGEL, JUAN 8e5 CL9 AG LAT Ih MALE 10/07/77 TRACES HELPER 571 9147 YbAARA, RICHARD 605 C09 80 LATIN MALE U4 /03/77 TRADES HELPER 5,71 Ut0 CANiL, SE MERINO 805 C09 d0 LATIN MALE C9/1>/7t TRACES HELPER >3 T1 91tC YtY EkINV. H6M8EkTG SANLrEL SQS CC9 Cu LATIN MALE U 5 / 07 /7 TRADES MEL PER 7A71 6731 RAMCS, ALOERtL 405 CG9 GO LATIN TALE U7 /U3 /7h TRAD E' HELPER 7371 6> PRACC. �JSE L. 865 GOr DO LATIN MALE lu /25/70 TRACES HELPER 571 e7�5 OARCIA. CARLGS A. 811 C11 CG LATIN MALE J�l06 /1a WASTEWATER SYSTEM PEI Chph1C 5371 0064 RIYERA, LEON 5. all CL1 FO LATIN MAL£ OL /!L /79 wASTEWAT F32 SYSTEX MECHANIC 53 7' j4" NERAANDEL, AL FONSG 753 L15 AO LATIN MAL E 0 9 /17 /7e EQ U IPMENT DPERA7GR i 571 aele wELC1. RlCnARO kANDAII 753 015 AG Ah6LD MALE U2/16 7b EULIPXENT UPERA70R 1 557. 5h F[ MEN C.L. REYES 753 C15 ED LATIN MALE 09/23/65 E4u1PMENI UPER A TOR I 5,IL 7L 44 SAL1hAS. LAY [D G. 753 CLS EO LATIN PALE G1 /16 /bS EWIPXEH7 OPERATOR 5071 7742 MUN.L1A, 6ALOEMAR L. 741 C16 GO LATIN MALE 07 /L3 /57 SENIOR TAP CREp LEADER 5371 4610 LLAPA S. MATLAS 741 016 uO LATIN MALE 05/18/48 SENIGR TAD CRE. LEAGEM 7371 77 -1 SMITH. AEhhE Th RAY 754 021 ED ANGLO MALE 0 1 /G2 1 c! ECa1PX EhT OPERATOR lil 5j71 jrSe 6UEYARA. FR AhCISCO 721 C22 Fu LATIN MALE OL /2l /Sa SENIOR WASTE wA TER SYSTEM FGREMAN 537E .704 RALSTON. JG SEPH A. 739 C25 FO AhGLU MALE 11/11/58 WAlIE.AIER SYSTEM GENERAL FOREMAN A— P�kSSM —a ( IoC.05/14414,1 CITY OF CCAPUS Chkl!�Tl AFFIRMATIVE AC710H PLAN PAI PERLOC E&�IS6 06/04/7h PAGE ****ACTL�ITY JILI PLANh1hu"RdAN DEVEL GPM ENT ............ ACTV EMP NAME JCd CCCE ETHNIC SEA GA7E I-IREO 3;,;bl 6579 kEEVES, C6NNIE 1EAN L07 01. 00 AhtLO FEFALE O�/,4/77 SENIOR CLERK—TYPIST ­ I 6 4 , L . Y RAL,�EL Iu7 0,2 1 80 LATIN FEN ALE 04,/.dO/77 I R — I SENCORSCL E K TYPSST .W.61. 6!,4 3 'dc HEAL DOLANDA IR " All EZ . Sy L IA A55 C 4 8,, LATINL,� FE MALE LAN U E DATA SY FE? CLEAK 'S 'i I 3 6 " "' _ E.. AR A , Cop M C' 'L 11) . I 4 Co MINORITY F EM ALE SENIOR CLERK—STENGLRAPHER I 3 b 1 ' .1 " P '"' CAR, b1I " " �L 1 G6 0 014 EO ANGLO, #. FE ALE; I I I /,j RK SENIOR CL E STENCGRAPhER I 1.74 DALEY, ELAI N E RuTh III C16 DO Ah�LO FE A ALE Ob / 19" 7" SEN I OR CLERK:STENCGRAPhER . 6 1 20 11 0 EPM I EST, L 01 S L_ Ill OL 6 FO ANGLO, FEM ALE 06/02/56 SEN I OR CLE Fj'_ STENCGRAPhER II Jx61 43C2 KEEN, HARRY E. 3.e b 0 16 A 0 ANGLO' MALE 111GE/7a ORA F 7SM AN 2 6 , TO 57 ROSE . CHESTER ALLEN 3,e 6 C 11 1; U A11L1, "ILE 0.$/LL/76 DRA F IS M ANTECHNIC 3i6l j74 _ ARNS.ORTH, 8 L AIN E K f 3,1 22 A AhGL. MALE 0 9.10 t/ 73 P L A Nh I N G IAN I I 1 '61 I�ka C H MbERLAIN R, A 6 EPT L. A jz 1 22 C Ah1;L M A LE P LANN Ih G TECHNICIAN 11 �261 L M I I C�ELL, KC t' ERT �ARNET .14 0 45 h C A GL M ALE 00/1 /76 P N G I ECH C All LA N IN N, I I I I 3261 .176 PEN A, ROBEKT 3G2 0 25 0 0 L A TI A LE 0 1 /3 1 /7 2 C A it I U1,RAPHER 32&L .�41 PGN�R, HARR Y J_ 32 2 C25 F 0 A NG L MALE ('9 /1 ./67 PLAN N I N G TECHNIC I Ah I I I 3f6l 6.$Eg PUL ICO. G 6 ILLERME) jui C,4 80 LATI�/ MALE Ob/14/72 CITY P L ANNER I 3261 426G PETERSEN. ic HN SAMUEL 303 C2b CO ANGL MALE 06/23/76 C I ly P L A NNE R I 326L 3' '3 HARTMAN. RICHAR C; C. 300 Oil BO ANGLO, M A LE 0 , /iz/77 CITY PLANNER I[ .4461 �4 -1 RAA.11 LENN - MIC KEV I 3G C c� I Co AhGL oALE 76 CITY P�ANNERJ I 8 9 H I L L..ALD S uGt , 3 1 00 AhGL�' PALE 01/12/71 A E;M I , 15TRA71 E ASSISTANT III ..e6L 3 ' 2 S . tD.AR HAL 30 0 C3 I EQ A11GLG1 "A LE 0* If 0 lip 6 3 c I I Y P L A ER 11 J,bi 4530 L NM LARRY A CN, 304 03�i AD AhGL:/ MALE G7.001f 73 E 10 P S N it CITY LAhNER 32.6t .4 0 F MI �U"7 G. CHEAL NIX 304 r 33 DO ANGLV MALE O�./ L9,173 SENIOR CI Y LAhhER I P 3i'i6L 1 11 j 5 GOETSLH. EARL C. J04 0 34 ED AhGL MALE 0 71 Z b" 54 S h , R C TV P LAhNER E jr �;..j b - I . ENGER. L A. RY H. G_iO 0 38 E 0 AhGL OX M A LE 0 0 1 LW j CHIEF PLANNER 11 .1'61 1076 8RIGNES, EAnESI M. C58 C,42 DO LATIN, MALE 06,101/59 DIRECTOR 0 F PLANNING AND URBAN DEVEL f R— PhRS�,M —6 Ilevou>/1447» 1 CITY CLAPUS CHRISTI AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN VAV PERK[ EMCING O6 /04 /7o PAGE � araaACflYIiY s71c VLL�AiAAY 7AY1M1G as rrra •rsess ALTV EMP NAME 3C8 CODE ETHNIC SEA GATE HIREO 1 j712 L3G6 AMBR12. DANIEL 735 G23 00 LATIN MALE 05/01/72 FIELD REPRESENTATIVE .712 5[42 MAAIM, HAkRY PAUL 7.5 G23 00 ANGLO MALE Ub/04/75 FIELD REPRESENTATIVE .712 29,9 �ARZA, ERASMG � 735 023 ED LATIN MALE Ge /19 /b4 FlELU REPRESEh TAT1YE 3712 11,9 6RO.h� MARICh F k STEk 126 027 60 Ak4LC YALE 10/24/77 PAY IN COOROINATCR A- PHRSSY -6 17. C6C5/ 144710 I CITY 4F CLRPLS CHRISTI AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN PAY PERIC, ENLING 04/0417. •F��wCi1ViTY 1741 DE5l,.h •..........• y ACT EMr NAME JCE CLUE EThNIC SEX GATE r1REU 3721 5414 MEUINA SR. GULL ERnD G. 318 010 CO LATIN MALE J4/21/69 DRAFTSMAN 0711 0044 BENTGN, JOHN TAYLGR 301 O[3 AU AhGLO MALE 0 1 Ic5 /7� ENGINEERS ASSISTANT 1 174E 64L2 ARREGGNLU JR, AhTGhIL 311 O23 CO LATIN MALE O7 /12/74 ENGINEERS ASSISTANT l 3741 3119 GCMEZ VICTCR MANUEL 11a 6 c3 00 LATIN MALE 1L' /41/70 ENGINEERS ASSISTANT I 0711 7444 S1MCN, MARK A. 111 Oc3 DO dhGLO MALE 07/34/71 ENGINEERS ASSISTANT i ' 07 1 4911 4ARZA, AMALIG LMAh 331 .G5 CO L A 7 1 h YALE 0.130/71 Eh41N EERS ASSISTANT Ii 0741 1411 GOFER. CHA0.LE5 h. 334 025 DO dAGlO MALE 0. /02/71 ENGINEERS ASSISTANT 11 1741 0693 NAYnES. RICHARu LAhI 1L7 C<7 DO AAGLG PALE G4 /1S /7o ENGINEER I 02x1 4077 HURL. ALVIN M. 3�6 L29 FO AhGLG MALE 09/04/60 ENGINEER 11 ! 0721 2973 LAR2A JR. MUCIL 015 003 6G LATIN MALE C9/04/73 SEN IGA ENGINEER 1741 SoL5 NEINIRK. CHARLES E. STS C33 00 AhGW MALE u. /06/73 SENIOR ENGINEER 0741 109 COkDELL JR, EEN E. 3L6 C34 EU A h G L 0 MALE •0/10/71 UE'I GN ENGINEER PAGE - 3 R— P—SaM —6 17uG6G5/14473s1 ••.. ACT IVITV SLn VEY ALTV EHF NAME .71, ,53L UARLA. ELI,Y 3721 t4S5 RAMIRE2, ROBERT P. .7.1 4.SL LOPE . k..Eh 3724 —63 ORTEGCN, RICnA,L CARtA 3722 4E55 LGPt2, CAVIL R. 372, I>tl CARAUAJAL JR. 41L.ER% 3721 64L4 VALERIO Jk. AhOnE. 3712 1415 CASTANEDA. RGBENT h_ t t 372, 5054 MIRELES. FRED R. 372, 1006 GARCIA. LUIS ,. 3721 274[ 6ARL1A. ESTEVAh .7.2 764. SLTL. LOU15 P. >7,4 GB,, BENAVIGES. FMEU E. 372, 25.. CARL A. MG OESTC >I22 7353 SCnLAbACH. PERFY E. 3712 351. LUT IEkRE1. LAURC L. 372[ 5St4 ULIVEIRA, nCRACiC PAGE — 4 CITY LF CG.FUS CHRISTI AFFIRMATIYt ALTION PLAN PAY PEFIGL EnL Ih4 Uo /U4 /lb JL6 CCOE EThhIL SEA CATE FIRED 325 009 AO LATIN PALE 04/03/7. ENGINEERIN.. AIDE J25 C09 AO LATIN MALE 44/03176 ENGINEERING AIDE >15 GGS CO LATIN MALE 11/11/75 ENGlhEERINC AIDE J25 009 00 LATIN MALE IL/05/75 EhG1NtERING ALOE 315 OG9 EO LATIN MALE 02/17169 EN.IhEERING AIDE J27 CIJ BU LATIN MALE 69/30/74 SEAIGk ENGINEERING AIDE 327 Cls CO LATIN MALE 12/15/73 SENICk ENGINEERING AIDE 1 317 GIJ FU LATIN MALE 11/01/54 SENIOR ENGINEERING AIDE 317 C13 40 LATIN MALE 11 /C. /54 SENIOR ENGINEERING AIDE 329 C16 EU LATIN MALE 10/01/63 IhSTRuMENT MAN J29 016 FO LATIN MALE Ub /10/55 INSTR.mEhT MAN J,S OLE GO LATIN MALE 011W / 5J INSTRUMENT MAN ... 423 CU LAT 1N MALE 12/05/6-1 CCNSTRUCTI Oh INSPECTOR I JJ2 015 GO LATIN MALE 07/17/51 Eh6lhEERS ASSISTANT 11 332 C25 GO ANGLU MALE 03/21/54 tkGINE.RS ASSISTANT I1 332 025 HO LATIN MALE 04/12/54 ENUINEERS ASSISTANT 11 3Jt CJ2 FU LATIN MALE 03 /05/56 C1 T >6R V YOR PAGE — 4 R— Fh Rbah —d I CITY LF CLRFuS CHRISTI AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAh PA PERICG ENU ING 0o /04 /7o FAG — 5 a..•A CT IV I I :Tca CLNSlAGCTICN IhSFECTIUN ............ ACTr Env NAMc JCd CCCE ETHNIC SEA LATE FIRED a 1[1 49bC LLNA, CANIEL 344 023 n0 LATIN PALE 11/14/77 CCNSTRUCTION INSPECTOR I 37Za �1CC MAI.SPEfM. FRANCIS V. 334 0<3 DU AhGLO YALE 01/[x/71 CONSTRUCTION IN $PECTGa I a7[J Jvll HINLJUSA, JLAf. 3x5 0[5 00 LATIN MALE 07/01/72 CChSTRUC71 ON Ih5PECTGR 11 a Ica lo,4 GARCIA. KC8EkT P. Jas C <5 Eu LAT 1N MALE 1G /G1/57 CONSTRUCTION Ih SPECTCR 11. 37[a oIa3 RIEGEL JK. HEwMAh 315 G[5 ED AMGLC YALE 05/17/71 CChSTkUL710N 1h5PECTC4 11 J7[a J9�.5 HutldS, FJ UERT v. 3x5 0 5 EG AMGLO PALE 05/22/72 CCMSTkUCTION lhSPECTCR 11 a1 2a [015 OTTC, RGd cF,T L. 3J5 u<3 Fu ANGLO PALE J4/G1/59 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 11 a1c3 c7cG AR A. ART LAG L. 1di C[5 GG LATIN MALE Ol /OL /54 CGNSTRUCT ION INSPECTOR 11 a7 <a 5aa3 MEUthA, v1C iC0. S- 335 033 00 LAT 1N HALE J7/17/7[ SEN ILR ENGINEER { i � R- PHR"m -2 17nO6V> /1447: =) +ww.ACT IV IT A7A1 K16.T OF wAY ACTV EMF NAME ,731 8051 TARELE. SHIPLEY ANN X731 656d RAY MUhD JR, JOE MARTIN .7A1 2<94 ES,UIVEL. JCnN F. �7J1 03 GC AL VAR EC, REThA-3L wU14 A 731 0665 eARRERA, nCPAh 3711 4454 ROHR S, hENNEI� T. 1 CITY LF LLAPUS CHRISTI AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN PAY PERICO EN IN 06 /0y /7a JCt COCE ETFNIL SEA DATE h1MEO IU7 L12 UV ANULO FEMALE L!4 025 00 LATIN MALE 1A4 025 EU LATIN MALE 174 X27 EU LAT I 1MALE 174 027 UU LATIN MALE 1J5 U3c E0 AhGLO MALE 10/29/74 11/26/74 Va /UJ /72 J9 /Oi /ee LC /lU /69 0 , /73 PAGE - 6 SEN IGR CLERM- TYPIST PROPERTY AND LAND ACLUISITIGN AGENT rRGPERTY AND LANG ALGUISI T ICN AGENT PROPERTY ANC LAND ACLL ISIT'7Gh AGENT PROPERTY AND LAhO AL6UISITIGN AGENT MANAUER CF PROPERTY AND LAND At.U1 ST Subpatt f-- Grievance and Compliance , Review t Dons or any other Eligible Ity within the _ i lard or cerll0ed mull, return Ircelpt re- 5 135.90 Who may f!IC Friel,aire, Julladl Uvn of the 1h partmenl, the Src• gnelted, to lilt plut!es. This w•!I, c :It .11 Any lower Income tesldent of the prof- retalj InnY dkud:z the grievance with- 111 t ndv...0 the r:Iles Of the m hue pr•,pn,n1 ect area, for himself or ns n represents - live of persons simlube initiated, seek- out further action. To the extent that t to tr taken, the .1 'CC lc pl of V, Lilt uudl r 1 "•bleb the pl nPosrd nctlnn L^ In be Iii :- in0 cmployotcnt or "Wine opporlunt_ Executhc Older 11210 relathlg to Equal t cn• mid lhr millers of f l L 111 Lev s• tics with an applicant, recipient, con- I Opportunity In UmphlIment npplirs to seucd as ilia balls for tills act!on. In ` Uaetor, or subcontractor, or any business the sul,lert ruttter of the rrkuuu r, the addulon, it shrill efther (D fia a ante not proccdlun renufrrd by np;dlcuble rrgu- It's that% 20 days a11cr Lhc II1tti of rurh concern located In, or owried 111 sub- latlotn 1:nplcnlEUUng lh:U adcr shall be bvllre 15ithln which Ih- parties ulay re• slantlal part by persons residin g,within fellowCd quest of Ihr.Sectelan' that [lie matter be • a plopect area Seeking contlart op,n11 -' (d) if the Secretary dcrldrs not to xchmfilkld for bem'inr, or (9) udi,•t tilt tunlllts from nnY applir :I )rrlpl :tit• ' resolve ngrirvmlrr . or to dr.uuss It Under pmtu� that tilt ntnticr in qur.tlnn has conlrrclor. or subconh litter, for it, elf Or paragraph rcl of tills —t ion, he :,hall beml set down for Marine at a ns n IeplesEllintlte of prncn•, Ell firm slmllmly slhrotCd, may personally or by udtlse ilia rnCtant of the Sop' woe of time and parr. The lime and p; r.,e so ills rllel unl r Respondent shall :1VO be ❑\ed shall ht suUJrct to rin:ulrr for afire. all authnrl2Cd represclltatltc flit n r,rlcv- notified lit ally caw tlhVIC h" )),is beell Tile Irgucilllll: 1 arty may %valve. n hear - ance nUer.la9 nonrolnpdance \dill sec- served "'1111 a ropy of the I:rit Hllice. in3 Ond 111 Hell thereof silhillft wrltton lion 1. IhCse legulallnus, or obit,,,,slicks (el Any patty cdl\erscly nliectcd by : Information find nrglhncnt for Wit rue- underlahvii pu!suant thereto. delelinlnallnn under paral'IaUh (Ili or olcf.']he lndule Of the le(plr•dlu;: early � E 11a.85 Comrm of Frirvm,, ,• f bur.. (VI of tilt, srC1Nn mnY. "nhln s day+ of to appear fit a hcanil- for a!ul It a rime (a) The l :Ilrl :uicr: houlc!hu9uc''' Ell tcrelpl ul a nullcr of dclrlminntinn. re- has LCCII 'ol shall be dM21111 tq be ; name mid CS+ of the rl levant, cnwet that the `vvlvtlu Iccun• Jvr ills r.alvvrof the a ",ht In n hem Ui:ard rim- ,, (2) ilia nmuc mid adcUrss Of lac gl Irv- n't"el s;urh Itqul:•t for neon•adrlatinn will be will :alt to the making of a decision. ml lire ant's bu'Jntxs, if npplirab!r. ED ilia Iv .,nh•/l Only alt 111c bills Of addl- bails of suClt h)fonn•dlal as 19 fitalLtblt. nantn and roldrrss Of She al ph. :nit. Iv- llonal In.11rrlyl rtfdcnrr 1;01 plrvullslY (b) )itnnnla shall be held 111 or uv:u• I m ell lit. c'onlrnrlot, or subrnnlrartor I ul nvullnbic In the witty legur•,unk lecon- the socllml 9 0.1"111 project nr01 Ili this suhpart czlled "rr Lr,ulrn; "I, 1;) I slderall Ell Ell for ntbrr gaud c :urc sh're n. qu!'slfon, or fit such allot n lies tom IhC:cts Ell ollis. rf) If the Secretary decnlrs to IN.otvc '•a x111 rerec ilia rout rniuu(o of P:u'urs and PM'Li r, ld N- it Oil Ili- 1u1: tl +e• lu ilia Crlrl,nicc, and 151 ilia rricuulcc. he shall endc :nor to rlunl- w•Ilnessrs, t a 11me liscd by 1!)c liv,le- ' rorrecllva e,thn.+ought, little or corrrrt Ihr ul.11iclx role a tart- HeIn inrs shall be held More the Ibl \Yhe;c ri Orirv.inte cw:hdns In- pl :dried of lu the grievance by lufm alai , Lecletrry or, fit his dlsetetrnn. Urfine a conlplrle blf rtnatlua, the I:rrlttitrY melllod+ of confclenLC. conclhallou, and llruring rxnminer des, "nnled In areold- shall seek pram the nrtlI bd0lnm- persuaslnn• Elute ullh $ U.S C, 910,1 awl .,31.1 ev + that fluor Ihr ¢flat °fill. In the r5t Ell (ia In rontpinting n grfmallCC, the IC) In All provecdnig,, under 11119 sec- !n(olmallou a nil funmshed !o Ihr Sec- Sec- Secretary rh.dl nitrnlllt to arhlevr a Jult tell, the respondent nod lu•:clanl. If any, • ICI.1IT' within :I%ty (CO) d tys of the dnte res0hdio1l of the rilevallrr Inrludml: (1) shall have Ilia rlOht to be reptescntotl I,y ' such hCg11CSl. Rll` i :l ll't'13I11'l' In :j' bC MI'tifle lelief for (lie I:rlV%allt. I;;) al- counsel. cl eluted. nrI1lnl;iC actions be (lie rc!.pondvnt to (dl 'J'he hca1:11( :. (INI,lorl. flltd mlv • rellete Ihr effects of pnsl violation rind it 11 Ireview t1ClC1 ;,1111 lie 19S.9U Inn( 1, irnbnC• 1rCe11l1 110 Orrtlrl t11CC U( ItlllC Ylnl ,1- In C0nfOr nllj 11h $ 13 fi C. 1•:ach gr@tnnec :,hall be in ulitlnt; nod llon, rind 131 riplrropr1rilr Irpulnnl; rr- 1 551 -5$7, atilt In ph 9urh signed, quu'rmrnls. Notice of n ploposed des• ales n( praeclwre 1 =s. •d b, IIL'D n1 ntt, § 11 aqa 1'Inrr fling• pnslllnn of a griev:nire and of the trl Ells proper 101:0111'. to the 001 =duct of Ill of of a plupwvd settlement. If any, sh.111 henrnlr„ ilia I %onorC Of nntl,C a %reel A grievnnc0limy be filed by ntadin,^, It be Mvml I I the parties. or thou• leple- Ihnt ur.nlded in parivaph (a1 0l ,Lis tot`1r A ^.h,tant Secret,,) for unum Op- snllafare, by the Secltlmy."I wlitnll: 'rrc lien. the l -1kutcof W, tLnnr' v, rshl. I,,. po, tlnuty Dcpa :harm Of Ilou•dn0 .uui If +nil,(actoly. the Inoposcel sc LUUnrnl urrunirnts, and bring Icm:rsls for Lrld- Urbnn Developa,rnt, \Nash alit tan, UC. shall he sl,med by the Iv lrl, III n1d the Inrs, . -..Ilct other related mattes. )IUD. 90110, or bj pre',enting It at any ReClon l )0lpo11dent or their reel esrntath re and Ihr resl;oudenl, nnct the erievant, It :Ely, Office. Area Office. or MIA Iusmlug Of- al'Tovrll bj the Sceletary. '111C Src.C- 1 .511,111 be, en(Wed to introduce till i0evanl fife of the Dellaltineill Ali.,, Clllld„lce tall'uiny, from Llnic to little. I ce few cn)ll- e'llence 011 the issut9 as ,Weed Ili tilt Of the Departinclit rec VII'mr, n I') ICY- I'll' "pith the torills of .lily srttivillein Il Olhce of hearing Or ns dcil'rni!'ll'd by Elites Shah for"ard the min;c dnetlly :grovinent and nisi Y. upon it finding Of the officer COIldee Llill: the hvalmj at ilia LO I] IC A'+ktiint $;•t'I Ctal )' for 1 :'.till uo"COlup!btnre, ICOPCII the grlev.fiu'e or outtetoford :l l ill; the livarinr. Oppo,,unity, t:lke surh enforcement ncilua as is pro- I ldrd for under the srtllemcot nlace- let Technical rides of r,idcnre shell 5 135. 100 Ti nr of fill";;• meat erns niay Ell hrl ruse be nppl one :ilc• not apple to hrari•1 "s ceWurtcd purs11- A gllevanre must be filed not later till Sh0111d n rr+POndent (ail lint to this Pala; lash but 110e, or ;n in- ,Ilan ninety (001 days flotn the d lt0 of or re- feu t0 Confer loth Ihr Serretnty or frill ciples &.11pned to nswre plo0l.rtlon n( , tilt lilt al Ron lot' ollll1sio11) upon "filth tile: , '01' refute to 111.11 :C A nand fwlil vI(Ort to mast cr0din :r Evldenre neallAt!r 00.(1 g11Ct'fivice is based, unlcel till` Lillie for IC'O1lC the 1'Ilevance. Of sholdll the SicC• LOhej);0c'l IC111111011V IO lest Ill e; r,•, -l'x- 'ambl 1111118 Is rstelvicd by the SecleInly upon Ivory fine fill' a11V Other rewon that :li1011 sllab bC -1pt :1 "d 5\h,:vdcr!nvd r -1usE Show n. v0111n1ary n ".'anent Is lint likely lO Ic• rE.isnnahly nCressnly by Il:t D,I rCr Coll. �ducthv! the hcarina. 'Ilia § 193.105 Prurr ;er .,( wir,00, fit. stilt. the Srrlrtary illy tenmmile ills he'udlr. n.•iCn' �mnv rxrlude Irrtlecant. Inml,d r•tial, or iunr, � Cgol is to con•i!late the dislnitr. In the IUnduly Irpetitlatm evidcure. All dlru- fill tipmlleCClpt Of: griCl'aliCe aCOpj" InIICI Cent IIIC pnllill sl'llil Ile POlined melds and other evidence01feltdol t.0,V11 theleof ,hn1i be furlll'hcll Ellr n"pOn(1- I p10111p11 \', Ill tt l;l ill: lilnt 'dell epmts ll:IVV bt'Cll for the ICcolll shall I`c 0111.11 IU (' \.Iflll• CIIt h }' C,'I libel Illilll (11' 1111(1111'11 Pel �nllill uil'IICCC .5[fol. I nation by Zile Department ant Of llUll .:1g service. Ill It th, r)'•palhlivilt it unablE• to Ob- atilt t1f I1n11 DCi'l lOpttl 'lit till' i'r9lli Il.le ill, ,bl 'I'ho Secretary shall lain voluntary rulopll.eire, the Srrre- i mid Ihr gnm•ant. if env. nnii 0p;�nrtu- conduct nu I1,Catry•.tunn of rneh herd Illy shall adllle the 16,1mrl. mid Elie ally Avill be I:h•en to•IClute facts nod enrr,ulrr and sh nil rice noucr nI wrltlnr to Ihr parties fn "rl:lu,", of ills propose -cl leso- m'ruRienls odranrrd oil rdlw•r lute of rltrv- nIt Mid the r"'pondPnt to "het II,•r he hdlan of the I'uot a11 re Such v"'Iet"ill the b.,nrs. A traru.nPL 'hall Pr nlefe a, lu lchd, to I :11-111 bc'conn' tun d nod binding out the of Ihr oral evtdPIICC except la Ihr I \tent IC=Ohv It, p :utir +, unless nnhm is it;,,. site, the the subslvtce thereof 13 stlpui•itrd for Ire N,ItwlthdamIlv:; pm'n;•l aphs 1.11 reregrt of noUflcuNon, Either parly hies the record. All deeiuciv; :Jlall bE bnq•l! tied (Ill of IldssOcUon, "hole the allrga- "nil the Seelelmy a tighten request for 1 upon ilia hearing record nnii wtltten 110111 of A gl 105nnce pn their f we. or as n bE :u ml; 011 the matter. I► - •flndtngs shall be made. na,phlud bj tilt alalrnu'nts n( Ihr E - lla - -' I,nt, dl 10'e [lint the OIICt.,I CC Ix rid 193.110 IlrarLllFr. e Imlvly hied Or 0thcrul•r f.u:s In lime n Lot \Yhenmer a healing la requested, valid cl ,ml for relief under lhrse Iegula• rci"3%nble 11Oilce slhdi be glvrn by rerts- _1 U) If the hearing Is held by a hear - for examiner, lie shell either rentler an Initial decision, If so authortrrd, or certify the entire record, inclnd:::: Ills recommended f)ndlnrs and prouo•,td lie - rRlon to the Recrctnry for n foal drel- rlon. A copy Of -Inch InItlll dre H,-n or certification ;hall, be mailed to tLr rc- srondent and the rrlevant. or ll:clr renresenlnth e, by certified or rerp'rred mill, return receipt requested 1,1.1heie the InitM decidnn Is made by file hear - ing examiner, the respondent or griEvant may within 30 dlrs of the tnalhor of such notice of Initlll derision file nllh the Secretary exceptions to the Initial derision. with rensons therefor. in file absence of exernlion, the Serrrmry iniv Oil Ills own motion, within 15 dais latter the Initlal decision, serve on the re- I,pmlticut anti gtiel•anl, a notice flint he %0II review the decision. tipon the fling of such execollnns or of such nOtre of rcvlcw, the Secretary shalt rcvlcw the Initial decision and issue his ov n r4- cHon thereon Includinr, the reasons therefor. If no exception Is taken or notice Of review Issued, the Initial dc- clslon shill constitute the final decision of the Secretary. (g) Whenever a record Is cetllned to life Secretary for dcci,ion or he res'IewS the decision of a bearing examiner Illlr- suant to paranra'•h if) of this src lon, or whenever the Secretary couiarts the hearing. the respondent and grievant shnll be riven reasonable CiPpOrtutity to file briefs or Other written statements of their contentions, and a copy of the final decNon of the Secretary shall be riven fit wrltlnti to the respondent. anri to the grievant by rei tlfird or regtstrl ed mall, return receipt requested. ()1) Wheneucr n hexing Is scnlved pilrsuant to rnraaranh (a) of tilts sec- tion, a (lcclalon'shall be made by the Secretary on the record Old a copy of such decldon shall be Oven In wlittllg to the respondent, and to the gi- levalit, by cei tined or registered mail, return 1 c- ce1Pt requested. (1) Each decision of a hearing exam- iner or the Secretary shall set fol•lh his ruling on each finding, conclusion, or exrcpllon presented, and shall IdrnlIfy the requirement or requirements of rec. lion 3 of the Aou, !nti and Urban De- velopment Act of 1908 Or the rlritblations w hlrh the respondent has not complied with. ()I The final dccislon may contnin such terms. Conditions, and other provi- sions as ate consistent with, and will effectuate the purposes of section 3 and these regulations. The decision uiiy also hiclude provisions designed to mrpic- incnt. arahrtam, and enforce snoctrnns set forth to f 135.135 until the resPcnd- cnt corrects Its noncompliance and Whites the Secretary that It will fully comply with aecllon 3 and these rcgu- latiouls. (RI The General Counsel shnll rcpre- :ent the Department and shall receive collies of Ili 1104447Ca, decisions and other documents which are fortarded to the parties, (3) The rpplicant or recipient, If not a party, shall be Invited to participate In the heath and shnll receive copies or all noticcs, ('eclslrim. and other decu. mrnts which are forwarded to the parties. !1 13;.115 C— Id; .nre rrlle— and pro. return. In ordrr to determinc whether the re- snon•lbiiilics Impored ufxln him by sec - llon 3 Ind these regulalions are hying prepcily carried nut, the iircrctnry ihnll prriodfrally cmldu ^t section 3 rompll- anre reviews of -le-led npplirants. Ie- cirlelits, contractors, nod subCOlurarlors. A comollance review shell consist of a r0illprallens!ve nnaly;ls and evaluation Of each asrect of the 8foremen timwd section 3 policies, .1110 COudllions result. In^, therefrom. W?Ipvc deticirneles pie found to ral-l. reasonable efrotls shall he ntn(!c to rerure cwnpllnnce through the rnufltatlOn process set forth In s 135.I115(r). Compliance reviews may be conducted Prior to award of contrarts In tiny rase there the Secrelnry ems rcasounhle rromud% bared 011 it substan- Hill rrievanre, the Definrtmenl's own Investigation, or other subgtnnllal evi- dence, to believe that the applicant, re- cinienl, contractor, or subcontractor will be unable or unalilinp, to comply with section 3 and the provisions of this part. EXHIBIT "D" ANALYSIS OF CONTRACTS TO BE AWARDED - 1978 -79 C.D. YEAR IV The City of Corpus Christi wherever permitted by state statutes and local ordinances, attempts to utilize contractors from within the Sec. III covered area. All of the construction projects must be bid in accordance with state statutes, however, the City has been very successful in obtaining Sec. III covered contractors. During the 1978 -79 CDBG year, the following activities will be generated: I. Heavy Construction Heavy construction activities included within the Fourth Year Program primarily concern either street paving and /or reconstruction, water line improvements, sewer projects, and drainage projects as follows: a. Three street projects are proposed during the Fourth Year and include Lozano School Area Unit II - $720,000; Broadmoor Park Area - $485,000; Ella Barnes Unit IA - $750,000. These three projects will be awarded on a bid basis. Past experience will indicate that at least one of the three projects will be awarded to a Sec. III covered firm. All contract documents will contain the Sec. 3 clauses regardless of the low bidder. Employment of low income persons from the City will be vigorously encouraged by the City as well as the utilization of Sec. 3 covered subcontractors. b. Underground drainage project scheduled for Main Drive in the amount of $275,000. This project will be awarded on a bid basis. Given the City's past performance, the probability is high that a Sec. covered contractor will be selected. Again, the contract documents will contain all pertinent Sec. 3 clauses and the employment of Sec. 3 covered persons will be vigorously encouraged by the City. t c. Nueces Acres Sanitary Sewer Project is to be included in the amount of approximately $175,000 and given the City's past performance, the probability is high that a Sec. 3 covered contractor will be the low bidder for this project. Again, the contract documents will contain all pertinent Sec. 3 clauses and the employment of Sec. 3 covered persons will be vigorously encouraged by the City. . d. Various water improvement projects. Approximately $792,000 will be divided into seven water line improvement projects which at present are being con- sidered for bid. Although the City does not have extensive experience in bidding such projects, the City of Corpus Christi will attempt.to solicit bids from heavy construction contractors who are Sec. 3 covered for these projects. II. Rehabilitation Activity Rehabilitation activity undertaken with CDBG funds have been under the general supervision of the Neighborhood Improvement Paogram of the City of Corpus Christi. Over the past 12 -month period, virtually 100% of the rehabilitation activities have been undertaken by Sec. 3 covered contractors. It is anticipated that a minimum of 80% of the following projects will be conducted by Sec. 3 covered contractors: a. Boys Club Pool Rehabilitation - $80,000 b. Hialco Rehabilitation Projects (1) Remodeling - $25,000 (2) Kitchen Expansion $35,000 c. Rehabilitation Loans (both CDBG and 312) : approximately 150 loans will be made in the amount of approximately $1,500,000. III. Miscellaneous This group contains those projects which are neither heavy construction nor rehabilitation. a. West Oso Sidewalk Project: This project entails installation of sidewalks only and will be in the amount of approximately $75,000. It is anticipated that a Sec. 3 covered contractor will be the successful bidder on this project. b. Demolition: $200,000 has been allocated for demolition project which should fund some 100 separate demolition activities of which approximately 90% will be Sec. 3 covered contractors. These projects are on bid basis. § 135.20 ,4rurauer of rnmplimvr with (a) Every contract or agreement for a grant, loan, subsidy, or other direct financial assistance In aid of housing, urban planning, development, redevelop- ment, or renewal, public or community facilities, and new community develop- ment, entered Into by the Deportment of Housing and Urban Development with respect to a secllon 3 covered project shall contain provisions requiring- the np- plleant or recipient to carry out the pro- visions of section 3, the regulations set forth In this part, find any applicable rules and orders of the Department Is- sued thereunder prior to approval of Its application for assistance for a section 3 covered project. (b) Every applicant, recipient, con- tracting party, contractor, and subcon- tractor shall Incorporate, or cause to be Incorporated, In nil contracts for work In connection with a section 3 covered project, the following clause (referred to Ail it section 3 clnuse) : A. The work to be performed under this contract Is on A project asslsted un- der a program providing direct Federal financial assistance from the Deport- ment of 1lousing find Urban Develop- ment and Is subject to the requirements Of section 3 of Mlle Housing And Urban' Development Act of 1968, os amended, 13 U.B.C. 1701u. Section 3 requires thnt to the greatest extent feasible opportunl- dles for training and employment be given lower Income residents of the project area and contracts for work In connection with the project be awarded to business concerns which Are located In, or owned In substantial part by per- sons residing In the arch of the project. B. The parties to this contract will comply with the provl,ions of said see - Lion 3 And the remilntions Issued pursu- ant thereto by the Secretary of liousing -and Urban Development set forth in 24 CFR-, nod all anpllenbie rules and orders of the Derarur.ent lasued there- under prior to the execution of this con- tract. The psrtl-s to this contract certify and ngree that they Are under no con- tractual or other disability which would prevent them from complying with these requirements EXHIBIT "E" -i5 -. C. The contractor will send to each la- bor org,lihithn or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining orreennent or other contract or understanding. If any, a notice advis- Ing the said Inlor orgnnlznlion or work- ers' renresentative of his commitments under this section 3 clause and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and Applicants for em,lolmnent or training. D. The contractor will include this section 3 clause In ev^ry subcontract for work In connection with the project and will, at the direction of the applicant for or recipient of Federal financial as- slstance. take approprinto action pursu- ant to the subcontract upon a finding that the subcontractor Is In violation of regulations Issued by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, 24 CFR -. The contractor sill not sub- contract with nny subcontractor where It has noWe or knowledge that the litter has been found In violation of regula- tions under 24 CFR -- And will not let any subcontract unless the subcon- tractor has first rrovided It with a pre- liminary statement of ability to comply with the requirements of these regu- lations. E. Cemnllance with the provisions of section 3, the regulations set forth in 24 CFR -, & -d all Applical,le rules and orders of the Department issued there- under prior to the execution of the con- tract, shall be a condition of the Federal financial assistance provided to the proj- ect, binding upon the applicant or recip- ient for such assistance, its successors, and &&Mans. Failure to fulpil these re- quircments shalt subject the aridicnnt or recipient. Its contractors and subcmurac- tors. Its successors. and nrslgns to those 'sanctions specified by the grant or loan nerecment or contract through which Federal amistance Is provided, and to such sanctions as are specified by 24 CFR -.135. Corpus Christi, Texas _day of , 19 71 TO THE'MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus•Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, R THE CITY OF C ISTI, TEXAS The Charter Rule was suspended by he following vote: Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz 'Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. . Edward L. Sample The above ordinance -was passed by he following vote: Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample 14432