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14440 ORD - 08/16/1978
jkh:8- 16 -78; 1st TEXAS: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE GRANT APPLICATION AND ALL SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS, ADDITIONS, AND CORRECTIONS THERETO, TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTEC- TION AGENCY FOR ALL OR PORTIONS OF THE STEP 3 GRANT FOR THE OSO WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM, PROJECT NOS. 250- 72 -2.1, 250- 72 -2.2, 250- 72 -2.3, AND 250- 72 -2.4; THE GRANT AMOUNT IS $10,225,931 REPRESENTING 75% OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT FOR STEP 3 OF $13,634,574 WITH THE CITY'S SHARE BEING 25% OR $3,408,643, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF SAID APPLICATION BEING ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "A "; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute the grant application and all subsequent amendments, additions, and corrections thereto, to the Environmental Protection Agency for all or portions of the Step 3 Grant for the Oso Wastewater Treatment System, . Project Nos. 250- 72 -2.1, 250- 72 -2.2, 250- 72 -2.3, and 250- 72 -2.4, the grant amount being $10,225,931 representing 75% of the total amount for Step 3 of $13,634,574 with the City's share being 25% or $3,408,643, all as more fully set forth in the application, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ". SECTION 2. The necessity to execute the grant application and all related and subsequent amendments, additions and corrections thereto at the earliest practicable date creates a public emergency and an impera- tive public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its intro- duction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and'the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction h and take force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the�day of August, 1978. ATTEST: City�ecretary MAYOR APPROVED: THE CITY OF C CHRISTI, TEXAS J. BRUCE„A COCA, CYYY ATTORNEY MICROFILMED,, By Assistant ttorney �4� � rJUL 0 8 19 -r •. I ) C� f k FEDERAL ASSISTANCE• 2 �� ` MYNecR VMD Apper.l NO. 29� L STATE .. TUMFER CAH7'5 250 -77 -p4 J. o�K ❑ PRFAMCATION APPL1. w DAn AFTIJG. TX 41022057 TICK ACTON ®' APPUGTION Gnon �'�! �}} 19 IDENTI. 4 DAT! Y«v —M d.R " A IM.N..s. 1 O [] NoT1FITATiON 0► INIFNi (Up" E..,, AsslaNEO 1974 10 03 rl REPORT OF FEDERAL ADM 14.4 L 1En.. APPLICNIT /RECIPfENT 6. FEDLRAI. EMPLOYER IDENTFIGTION NO. w ApplI•+.U• • : City of Corpus Christi 74- 6000 -574 \ o1p.4•41r IM w sD..Vra P. 0. -Box 9277 w - Luy = Corpus Christi w �► E Nueces GRAM R. "UNIX. 6 6• 1411181 °' T'� F sea Texas 6LPOAY 78408 (r— Construction Grants f L D•+d.t ►R.. tx.«. �) Wastewater Treatment a ta"a— N I : R. Marvin Townsend 1 Works 7. Tn z ANO D11a;WN OF APPI.ICAI.PS PM= Step 3. Project for builds building and erecting a treat S. TYPH OF S. TY AP�CWT /RHOIM[IIT A.S. meIIt works: R IMe.t b l-, ILW E! I. Wl.. oD;*M A.... i Corpus Christi 0so D t= tsP..rr1A. ' Expansion at wastewater treatment plant and rrelated transmission system �° rM a.t.P.PR1o,.rnR.N.. to serve appaox- imately 51% of the residents of Corpus Christi. "Y ASSISrANeE S 20. AREA W PROJECT IMPACT w««.a<. � 0.4 &40i s.e...P„e. MA RNew...l sitiy - - al°W •A•'') 9E�F.R OrT veltsoRNMis >Z TYPt OF A►PLICAnoN Corpus Christi, Nueces, Texas DENUMNG �•• E�4 AwaWMR 230,000 li PROM= FUNDING - 11. CONGRESmONAL D13MICTS OR 41I« w Fm QM s 10 225 0 . APPUrAxr w PAGIFA 15. Types OF CHANGE tT lY osO"" F °m'c Es""JFI' w APUeANr :6M; 14 °o-a H- N/A t STATE - ,DD ls. PROTEGE STA 17. PROJECT RT w.Uw EE-C I m d 1 L 1A61L - DAT! YR«.«.RA LF DURATto" .CO 19 a.tw ` QINq •. ,D° lw CSTAU TED OATH TG Yw ewwlA d.F = +.q..!•/ 19. EUSTING FEDERAL IDMTIFIGTION NUMDEN +. TD01L s 13 634 5 w FEDERRAL AGE°FNC�rT O. 2378 09 01 WPC TEX- 1214 -03 2D. FEDERAL AGENCY TD REDEIYt REQUEST UV, CU.. SAW3JY «d.) EPA Dallas Texas 75201 �• REM utHS ADDm - 22. 1 j3 N e w T. Uw .«T M V .14 L N nRWhd M OMB CIR.T k AS IA7..FkXU THE 1. F N .D..Dew DRI, Me -W MV....dmb -« • ih I.- - .t W wp« a i. WCM G D•• oxDK . APPLICANT MdN.e.1 W bw 0, 1wNt .F..w .E CENTiFi[S liewkw Wtb- "whom mu w Coastal Bend Council' THAT of Governments ❑ El P. t4 a� «.«...« q N. .elegy - - 2L B. iTRD NAME AM Tiltt Archie N. Walker ❑ ❑ ` DATE mGY RET71G iii La w sNR4 e.P SENTATVL Assistant Cit . b 24 AGIVCr t"t . ' 715. APPLICA. Y.r sw.IA dq . 2F. ORGANUJITIONAL UNIT RECEIYHD 19 MT $7. ADMINIXTyt omct 2w FEDERAL APPLtGTON a •j 2% ADDRYS3 IDENTIFICJ1nON 70. FEDERAL ORAHT - IDENTFICAnON 3L ACTION TAM 3L FUNDING r— +1..IA d.F �, x t NFA90@ a FEDERAL S C 0 •OD SL ACTON DATHP 39 YM oAT�E NGIg q L RE11C10 0. APFLIWIf '� �• TON UVwFiD.R.iADwtN•sA.wvuAnORMA. 3d. icy E3 G RETURNED FOR n STATE Y wcw4 do ENDING ,OO AMFRIDY[RT L IAGt WTH 19 .00 13 d. DDTRR[D OTHER 3T• RDAARKS ADDED .. —.00 w TIR710RARR L TOTAL s UD 3i ���F w ..°'...o IWW d A w W«i^Ee..w° 13 Y.. [JNo ��• 1,.,. «.- y. FEDEIW. AcFNLY Ms oTFicLW FEDERAL AGENCY n m.«. «b biw niMU d� �« )• I PNt 1. DNF EJrtskl Ady. (J/a� ..d E.yyA�y y > A!D ACTION cw r«m atuvu IN.... -7.) _ PAGE 1 OF 10 STANDARD roRM 12{ ►AGE 1 uWN Ff.n.3.E k Gl.S.I.d.M AI.r.F.ww. CG.d.P TJ-r F :G -122C7 (Rev. 3 -1 -78) Guide for Determining Completeness of P. L.. 92 -500 Step 3 Application Name of Applicant: CITY ,OF coxrvs C13RISTI Project Number: c -48- 1214 -03 All documents listed below must be submitted through the State Agency in triplicate. Refer to the instructions accompanying the application when completing this form and the application. If an item is incomplete, your application may not be processed. DO NOT remove pages 15 and 16, Assurances, of EPA Form 5700 -32. This form (CG -122C) must be submitted with your application. COMPLETED -- APPLICATION, EPA FORM 5700 -32 State pp i- EPA Agency cant SECTION I, PAGE 1. - A( ) ( ) (x ) 1. Self- explanatory. A( ) ( ) (x ) 2. Self - explanatory. A( ) ( ) 4x ) 3. a. Number assigned by clearinghouse. _ A( ) ( ) (x ) b. Self- explanatory. . - A( ) ( ) (x ) 4. Complete each item. Item "h" is authorized representative. 5. Not applicable. A ) ( ) GX ) 6. a. Show: "66.418 ". A ) ( ) (x ) b. Show: "Construction Grants for Wastewater Treatment Works" A( ) ( ) (x ) 7. Show: "Step 3 project for building and erecting a treatment works "; and A( ) ( ) (x ) describe the works planned or being built. A( ) ( ) (x } 8. Self- explanatory. A( ) ( ) ( x ) 9. N/A A( ) ( ) (x. ) 10. Complete ONLY if project will serve communities other than community doing construction; A( ) ( ) (x ) otherwise, show "N /A". A( ) ( ) (x ) 11. Self- explanatory. C A( ) ( ) (x ) 12. Enter letter "D" in box. CG-122C- 'Rev. 3= 1 -78)' C COMPLETED --APPLICATION, EP FORM 0 - State App i- EPA A enc cant AT— ) Z X _ 13. Show source of all funds. A( ) ( ) ( x ) 14. Self- explanatory. A( ) ( ). ( x ) 15. Show: "N /A ". A( ) ( ) ( x ) 16. Self - explanatory. A( ) ( ) ( x ) 17. Self - explanatory., A( ) ( ) ( x ) 18. Self - explanatory. • A( ) ( ) ( x ) 19. C- 48-1214 -03 number assigned by State Agency. • A( ) ( ) (x } 20. Show: Environmental Protection Agency Dallas, Texas 75270 AA( ) ( ) (x ) 21. Check appropriate box; ( ) ( ) remarks entered in Section IV. SECTION II, PAGE 1 ` A( ) A( ) ( ) ( ) (x ) (x ) 22.b(1),(2),(3). List areawide and State Clearinghouses; and check appropriate box; OR A( ) ( ) ( ) , previously submitted and show "N /A ". A( ) ( ) (x ) 23.a, b, c. - Self-explanatory- SECTION III, PAGE 1 (To be completed by EPA) . PART II, SECTION A, PAGE 5 A( ) ( ) J ) Items 1 and 3 are to be completed. (Items 2, and 4 thru 10 not applicable.) PART 11, SECTION B, PAGE 7 A( ) A( ) ( ) ( x ) Item 15 (prepare CG -16A, Sample Site Certificate). ( ) ( x•) Item 20 completed. (Items 11 thru 14, 16 thru 19, and 21 not applicable.) l "G -122C Rev. V148), '3 COMPLETED -- APPLICATION, EPA FORM 5700 -32 State pp i- EPA Agency cant PART III - BUDGET INFORMATION - CONSTRUCTION, PAGE 8 SECTION A - GENERAL A( ) ( ) ( x ) 1. Shows "66.418 ". 2. Not applicable.' SECTION B - CALCULATION OF FEDERAL GRANT, PAGE 8 A( ) ( ) ( x ) Column "Total Amount Required," Items 1, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, and 16 through 25 completed. _ SECTION C - EXCLUSIONS, PAGE 10 ( ] ( ) ( x ) 26, a. Exclusions shown; ( ) b. Exclusions reviewed and approved ( ) disapproved ( ). Comments: r SECTION D - PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING NON- FEDERAL R9, PAGE A( ) ( ) ( x ) 27. Applicable items completed. A( ) ( ) ( x ) 28• a. Shows amount of State Agency contribution. A( ) ( ) (NIA) b. Shows amount of contributions by Federal Agencies other than EPA; ie, FHA, DHUD, Reg. Comm., or EDA. A( ) ( ) ( x ) 29. Self- explanatory. SECTION E - REMARKS, PAGE 10 Show following as applicable: - A( ) WA) a. Bond issue election is required before project can be undertaken; A( ) (N/A) Bond election is planned for (date). A( ) ( ) (NIA) b. ($ Federal Agency other than EPA).grant of , or loan of $ { CG -122C (Rey. 3- 1-78) 4 COMPLETED -= APPLICATION, EPA FORM 5700 -32 tate pp •i- EPA Agency cant PART IV - NARRATIVE STATEMENT PAGE 12 ( ) ( ) (NIA) a. ExpTanatiog of intended method of awarding of subagreements other than Consulting Engineer's. ( ) ( ) ( x ) b, Grantee's statement showing compliance with other applicable Federal, statutory, and regulatory requirements (See 40 CFR Part 30 Subpart C). SUMMARY OF COST OF PLANNED TREATMENT WORKS, PAGE 13 ( ) ( ) ( x ) All items completed in accordance with instructions on page 14. PART V - ASSURANCES, PAGES 15 and 16 A( ) ( ) ( x) Assurances submitted with application. COMPLETED - -SU EM 0 APPL N tate pp •i - EPA )Agency cant AT— 1. -EPA Form 5700 -28, State Priority Certification. • �- A( } ( } ( x } 2. EPA Form 5700 -8 Application A k led . now c gment Card completed. . ( ) ( ) ( x ) 3. Four.(4,)• sets of plans and specifications. ( ) 4. CG -219 to O&M and complete Item 2.a. through d. ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ) 5. Preliminary Plan of Operation received; Memo, CG -219 to O&M ( japproved ( )disapproved. ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ) 6. Start -up Service Provisions received; Memo, CG -219 to 0 &M ( )approved ( )disapproved. ( ) ( ) (N /A) 7. Letters of intent from all significant industrial contributors attached (40 CFR 35.912 -12). ( ) ( ) ('x 8. Contracts: ) a. Copy of executed contract with consulting engineer which has been negotiated in accordance with the Federal Register dated ( ) ( ) ( ) Wednesday, December 17, 1975, Volume 40, No. 243; ( ) ( ) ( ) Name, address and phone number. - b. EPA Form 5700 -41, Complete and date. approved ( ) ( ) ( ) C. Copy of other proposed subagreements. CG -1220 (Rev.'3 -1 -7b) 5. COMPLETED -- SUPPLEMENTS TO APPLICATION State pp i- EP A) Agency cant t x f 9. Payments have been requested monthly except for - final payment which will be requested after final _ inspection of the project. ( X ) 10. Approval requested for force account work ( )yes ( X)no ( )not applicable.', ( ) ( ) ( X ) 11- Applicant has submitted a negotitated indirect cost agreement ( )yes (X )no. ( ) 12. State Agency Certification of Plans and Specifications received CG- ( ) 13. State Agency Certification of application received CG- ( ) ( ) { X ) 14. Federal facility ( )will ('X)will not discharge into this wastewater treatment works. _ A( ) 15. Memo, CG -200, to 6AE on for review of NPDES permit; ) Received reply from 6AE on ; ( Permit modifications ( )are •. are not required- A( ) ( ) X ) 16. On DHUD-list of participating communities. A( ) ( ) X ) Eligible project structures located in DHUD designated flood area (X )yes ( )no. A( ) ( ) (X ) If "yes," certified statement that insurance will be secured and maintained for life of the project. ( ) 17. Form CG -228 to Contract Price Analyst, 6AWMG on for Review of Reply received on negative ( )proceed with offer. r Q -122C ,Rev. 3 -1 -78) 6 ' Reviewed State Agency By- Date - Reviewed EPA By: Date - Grant Assistant By; Date: Engineer • L PART II PROJECT APPROVAL, INFORMATION Fo Appr d SECTION A OMB No. 158•R0134 CItem 1. Texas Department of Does this assistance request require State, local, Name of Governing Bod Water Resources regional, or other priority rating? Priority Rating X Yes No Item 2. Does this assistance request require State, or local Name of Agency or ' advisory, educational or health clearances? Board Yes X No (Attach Documentation) Item 3. Does this assistance request require clearinghouse review (Attach Comments) in accordance with OMB Circular A -957 X Yes_No Comments Attached Item 4. -• Does this assistance request require State, local. Name of Approving Agency City of Corpus Christi regional or other planning approval? Date 08 -16 -78 _L —yes Item 5. Is the proposed project covered by an approved Check one: State 13 com rehensive plan? Local 0 - Project is in accordance with the Regional M Coastal Bend Council comprehensive plan. X Yes-_No Location of plan of Governments - Item 6. Will the assistance requested serve a Federal Name of Federal Installation installation? Federal Population benefiting from Project Yes X No Item 7. Will the assistance requested be on Federal land Name of Federal Installation or installation? Location of Federal Land Percent of Project YesXNo Item 8. Will the assistance requested have an impact or effect See instruction for additional information to be on the environment? provided. _Yes X No Item 9. Number of: Has the project for which assistance is requested caused. Individuals since January 1, 1971, or will it cause, the displacement Families of any individual, family, business, or farm? Businesses Fay No —Yes —No Item 10. Is there other related Federal assistance on this See instructions for additional information to be project previous, pending, or anticipated? provided. . % Yes__lo EPA Step 1 and Step 2 only Item 11. Is project in a designated flood hazard area? Improvements will be protected from X Yes---No flooding EPA Fam 570032 (Rw. 6.76) PAGE S OF to - ' RUTH GILT ' oMlrman Coastal Bend Council of Governments August 15, 1978 Mr. Marvin Townsend, City Manager City of Corpus Christi P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Dear Mr. Townsend: The staff of the Coastal Bend Council of Governments has completed its review of the City of Corpus Christi's application for $10,225,931 in Step 3 Grant Assistance from the U.S, Emrironmental Protection Agency to enlarge and renovate the Oso Wastewater Treatment Plant. In accordance with the CBCOG's Project Notification and Review System and the Office of Management and Budget Circular A -95, the project has been found to be "Primarily of Local Significance" and consistent with local plans and development objectives. When submitted to the finding agency, this letter will serve as evidence that areawide clearinghouse review requirements have been met. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance in this matter. Sincerely, John P. Buclmer Executive Director JPB /mb File: CA- 78-101 P.O. BOX 6609, SECOND FLOOR•PARKDALE SQUARE OFFICE TOWER, 4600 PAR KDALE DRIVE CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 78411, (512) 854.3081 CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS MAYD [ LOZANO. 8R. J ZB °.iy CITY MANAGER p. MARVIH TOWnBCND CITY OOLINCIL CITY SECRETARY RUTH DILL JOE VOLT TONY JUAREZ. JR. EDWARD L. SAMPLE August 16, 1978 111— D. RuD CITY OFFICES 181 BOUTI eHDR[LINC PDBT DIIID[ BO% 81'J9 PHONE [511] 884.1011 ZIP CODE 7ILIO6 Environmental Protection Agency Washington, D.C. Dear Sirs: Please be advised that as of the date of this letter, the City of Corpus Christi has applied for flood insurance in the maximum available amount of $250,000 covering the Oso Wastewater Treatment Plant facilities. Very truly yours, • Harold F. Zick ' Director of Finance HFZ:RER:lm C� Fom Applov0d " . OMBNa 158 -ROt_ . INSTRUCTION PART 11 — SECTION B 11. SITESANDIMPROVEMENTS: Not required, see attached Attached as exhibits Applicant intends to acquire the site through: See attached list. Eminent domain, Negotiated purchase, Other means (specify) 12. TITLE OR OTHER INTEREST IN THE SITE IS OR WILL BE VESTED IN: X Applicant, Agency or institution operating the facility, that (specify 13. INDICATE WHETHER APPLICANT /QPERATOR HAS: X Fee simple title, Leasehold interest, Other (specify) tai. IF APPLICANT /OPERATOR HAS LEASEHOLD INTEREST, GIVE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: a. Length of lease or other estate interest , and number of years to run b. Is lease renewable? Yes No c. Current appraised value of land S Not applicable d. Annual rental rate S 15. ATTACH AN OPINION FROM ACCEPTABLE TITLE COUNSEL DESCRIBING THE INTEREST APPLICANT OPERATOR HAS IN THE SITE AND CERTIFYING THATTHE ESTATE OR INTEREST IS LEGAL & VALID 16. WHERE APPLICABLE. ATTACH SITE SURVEY,SOIL INVESTIGATION REPORTS AND COPIES OF LANDAPPRAISALS. 17. WHERE APPLICABLE, ATTACH CERTIFICATION FROM ARCHITECT ON THE FEASIBILITY OF - IMPROVING EXISTING SITE TOPOGRAPHY. 18. ATTACH PLOT PLAN. 19 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE ESTIMATES: Not required, X Being prepared,'--Attached as exhibits Percentage of completion of drawings and specifications at application date: . Schematic % Preliminary % Final % 20. TARGET DATES FOR Nov. and Dec. 1978 01 -01 -79 Bid Advertisement Contract Award Construction Completion 09 -30 -81 Occupancy 09 -30 -81 21. DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY: Not Required Attached as exhibits Drawings —Attach any drawings which will assist in describing the project Plans & specifications Specifications— Attach copies of completed outline specifications. approved _by EPA & Tm. Of drawings and specifications here not been fully completed, please artxh copies or working drawings that haw Dean completed.) NOTE: ITEMS ON THIS SHEET ARE SELF-EXPLANATORY: THEREFORE, NO INSTRUCTIONS ARE PROV IDE0. EPA Form 5700.32 (R., 6.76) PAGE 7 OF re SITE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the City of Corpus Christi has acquired, except as noted on attached Exhibit "A ", all the site, easements and rights -of -way necessary for the construction and operation of the Oso Watewater Treatment Plant described. as Project No. C- 48- 1214 -03 by the Environmental Protection Agency and any deeds or documents required to be recorded to protect the title(s) held by the City of Corpus Christi have been duly recorded or filed for record wherever necessary. There are ten (10) utility and construction easements and three (3) fee simple site acquisitions yet to be acquired by the City of Corpus Christi, as noted on the attached Exhibit "A ". Negotiations are currently underway, and acquisition is expected to be completed by December, 1978. The City of Corpus Christi has the right of eminent domain and will take condemnation action, if necessary, to acqui any remaining right -of -way which may be required for this roject. EXECUTED this day of ( , 19 70. IQ044V� - - R. W. Coffin, s istant City Attorney 4 OSO WASTEWATER TREATMENT IMPROVEMENTS The City of Corpus Christi is in the process of obtaining an appraisal proposal for ten (10) utility easements and related construction easements and three (3) fee simple acquisitions, all in connection with the Oso Wastewater Treatment Improvements. Parcel No. 1 - 10' Utility Easement out of Block A, Pharoah Valley School Tract. Parcel No. 2 - 20' Utility Easement and 10' Construction Easement out of Section 18, Lot 3, Flour Bluff, Encinal Farms and Garden Tracts. Parcel No. 3 - 20' Utility Easement and 10' Construction Easement out of Section 18, Lot 14, Flour Bluff, Encinal Farms and Garden. Tracts. Parcel No. 4 - Lift.5tation No. 3 (fee simple), 85' x 117' out of Section 18, Lot 14, Flour Bluff , Encinal Farms and Garden Tracts. Parcel No. 5 - 10' Utility Easement and 15' Construction Easement out of Section 18, Lot 19, Flour Bluff, Encinal Farms and Garden Tracts. Parcel No. 6 - 20' Utility Easement and 10' Construction Easement out of Lots 18 and 31, Section 18, Flour Bluff, Encinal Farms and Garden Tracts. Parcel No. 7 - 20' Utility Easement and 10' Construction Easement out of Section 19, Lot 2, Flour Bluff, Encinal Farms and Garden Tracts. Parcel No. 8 - 20' Utility Easement and 10' Construction Easement out of Section 19, Lot 15, Flour Bluff, Encinal Farms and Garden Tracts. Parcel No. 9 - 20' Utility Easement and 10' Construction Easement out of - Section 19, Lot 14, Flour Bluff, Encinal Farms and Garden Tracts.. Parcel No. 10 - 25' Utility Easement and 15' Construction Easement out of Section 19, Lot 15, Flour Bluff, Encinal Farms and Garden Tracts. Parcel No. 11 - Lift Station No. 4 Site (fee simple), 125' x 125' out of Section 19, Lot 15, Flour Bluff, Encinal Farms and Garden Tracts. Parcel No. 12 - 7' Utility Easement out of Section 1, Lot 1, Tract D, Country Club Estates Unit 1. Parcel No. 13 - Lift Station No. 5 Site (fee simple), 50' x 50' out of Section 11, Lot 1, Flour Bluff, Encinal Farms and Garden Tracts. C80 WAS-1G :ATER TREATI -EIY1 114PROV- _' Parcel 1 UTILITY EASEKENT Aletes and Bounds Fieldnotes for a 10' utility easement out of Block P., Pharaoh Valley School Tracts, a map of which is recorded in Volume 32, Page 120, Map Records of Ilueces County, Texas: Beginning at a point on the Southeast boundary of a 15` utility easement as recorded in Volume 990, Page 157 of the Nueces County Deed Records, from which point the West corner of Lot 10, Block 14, Pharaoh Valley West, a map of which is recorded in Volume 29, Page 100 of the Nueces County Map Records, bears N. 290 00' 40" E., 38.68 feet; Thence S. 290 00' 40" W., with the Southeast boundary of said 15` utility easement, 588.32 feet to a point on the Northeast boundary of McArdle Road; Thence S. 610 E., with the Northeast boundary of MC4rdle Road, 10.0 feet; Thence N. 290 00` 40" E., 584.18 feet; Thence N. 740 00' 40" E., 30.86 feet; Thence S. 600 59* 20" E., 82.25 feet; Thence N. 740 00' 40" E., 22.62 feet to a point on the Southwest bound- ary at Suez Drive; Thence N. 0 59' 20" W., with the Southwest boundary of Suez Drive at 10.07 feet pass the intersection of the Southwest boundary of Suez Drive with the Northwest boundary of Delta Drive, in all a distance of 14.14 feet; lnence S. 740 00' 40" W., 8.49 feet; Thence N. 600 59' 20" W., 82.25 feet; Thence S. 740 00` 40" W., 39.14 feet to the place of beginning and con - 'pining 0.165 acres, more or less. U e7- Pal V F, z a (TI 0 C� m b. I0. iE 0 0 10 560 °59'20E m or, p 0 x ma lo' UTILITY Z!A.$eMER-T p N GO* 59'20'W 82-25- r S-14'OdAO'W 13.45' P p U e7- Pal V F, z a (TI 59 zd w 14,141 C) CBO WASTEWATER TREATI-ENT DIFROVESENTS Parcel 1 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION F-ASEb2NT Metes and Bounds Fieldnotes for a construction easement out of Block A, Pharaoh Valley School Tracts, a map of which is recorded in Volume 32, .Page 120, Map Records, Nueces County, Texas: Beginning at a point on the Southeast boundary of a 15' utility easement as recorded in Volume 990, Page 157, Deed Records, Nueces County, Texas, from which point the T7est corner of Lot 10, Block 14, Pharaoh Valley West, a map of which is recorded in Volume 29, Page 100, Nueces County Map Records, bears N. 290 00' 40" E., 38.68 feet; Thence N. 740 00' 40" E., 39.14 feet; Thence S. 600 59' 20" E. 82.25 feet; Thence N. 740 00' 40" E., 8.49 feet; Thence N. 600 59' 20" W., 115.93 feet to a point on the South- east boundary of said 15' utility easement; Thence S. 290 00' 40" W., 33.68 feet to the place of beginning. Said temporary construction easement to be used for working room and storage of r.-aterials and equipment and to be a- bandoned six (6) months after completion of the project for which the easement is required. 6/, z 11 hi fn 60 °59'20'E 82.29 Lb ty c 0"-A S-,rp 10 N 5u5z Ln N ro* 5WEV w Ul • rt EXISTING 5 Orr • � � _. c I � m o � 11� b o ft L. Ln U, m N OSO VAS;i'E1•:4TER Tf, A.TIE!4T lr4P.ROVI °;4-ErrTs' Parcel 2 Metes and Bounds Being a 20.0 foot wide strip of land for utility easement out of Lot 3, Section 18; Flour Bluff and Encinal Farm and Garden Tracts as shown by map of record in Volume A. Pages 41, 42, 43, Map Records, Ilueces County, Texas, and more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a point on the centerline of IicA.rdle Road which at this point is 40.0 feet wide, said point being the Northwest corner of abovementioned Lot 3; Thence S. 290 08' 30" W., along the Westerly boundary line of said Lot 3, a distance of 20.0 feet to a point on the Southerly right -of -way line of said Mc4rdle Road for the beginning point of the tract of land herein described; Thence S. 600 51' 30" E.; 'along the Southerly right -of -way line of said Mc?rdle Road, a distance of 20.0 feet to a point for the „Northeast corner of this tract; Thence S. 290 08' 30” W., along a line that is 20.0 feet East of and parallel to the Westerly boundary line of said Lot 3, a distance of 1,220.0 feet to a point on the Northerly right,-of -way line of South Padre Island Drive; Thence N. 600 51' 30" W., along the Northerly right -of -way line'of said South Padre Island Drive, a distance of 20.0 feet to a point on the Westerly boundary line of abovementioned Lot•3; Thence N. 290 08' 30" E., along the Westerly boundary line of said Lot 3 and the Easterly boundary line of Block 1, Woodlawn Estates, as shown by map of record in Volume 10, Page 34, Map Records, Nueces County, Texas, pass the Northeast corner of said Block 1, Woodlawn Estates at 1,215.0 feet, in all a distance of 1,220.0 feet to the place of beginning and containing 0.560 acres, more or less. Together with a 10.0 foot wide temporary construction easement adjacent to and rarallel to the Easterly boundary line of the above described utility easement to be used for working room and storage of material and equipment during con- struction of this project. Said temporary construction easement shall be termin- ated six (6) months after completion of the project for which the easement is required. • i 31 cep t e Lo .o 1I = . JAV/ 'A,� I 7 a �hv g /p -J/ 60. 5/'30 i✓. 20.O' . 50117H P�J/,�` I5L /ND o2 /tiL CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS_ DEPARTt..ENT OF ENGINEERING & Torii�q o.S�o Qc. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMIENT. A=c�no,narr: /7.9aS/�c. RIGHT OF `'JAY/ EASEt,tENT ACQUISITION. OWNER :r�t-z/77 D'cSCRIP_TION:,_�� /_:�CQ — -_— _ i'tZO.IFCr: •i =;n ,':i!'7. '.� : 7jrr_r!fGflrJt'/Jf /,� /� /•tom•• .��/ " . nn I ICY' OSO WkS ELATEP, TREATGENi' 114PPOVEMEN''TS Parcel 3 Metes and Bounds Being a 20.0 foot wide strip of land for utility easement out of Lot14, Section 18, Flour Bluff and Encinal Farm and Garden Tracts as shown by map of record in Volume A, Pages 41,. 42, 43, Mao Records, Ifteces County, Texas, and more partiu- larly described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a point on the centerline of Williams Drive which at this point is 40.0 feet wide, said point being the Southwest corner of abovementioned Lot 14; Thence N. 290 08' 30" E.,'along the Westerly boundary line of said Lot 14, pass the Northerly right -of -way line of said Williams Drive at 20.0 feet, in all a distance of 105.0 feet a Doint being the beginning point of the tract of land herein described; Thence continue N. 290 08' 30" E., along the Westerly boundary line of said Lot 14 and the Easterly boundary line of Block 8, Woodlawn Estates as shorn by map of record in Volume 10, Page 34, a distance of 1,040.0 feet to a point on the Southerly right -of -way line of South Padre Island Drive; Thence S. 600 51' 30" E., along the Southerly right -of -way line of said South Padre Island Drive, a distance of 20.0 feet to a point being the Northeast corner of this tract; Thence S. 290 08' 30" W., along a line that is 20.0 feet East of and parallel to the Westerly boundary line of said Lot 14, a distance of 1,040.0 feet to a point being the Southeast corner of this tract; Thence N. 600 51' 30" W., a distance of 20.0 feet to the place of beginning and containing 0.478 acres, more or less. Together with a 10.0 foot wide temporary construction easement adjacent to and parallel to the Easterly boundary line of the above described utility easement to be used for working room and storage of material and equipment during con - straction of this project. Said temporary construction easement shall be ter- minated six (6) months after completion of the project for which this easement is required. if3K r:,. CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS. DEPARTMIENT OF ENGINEERING & Lo/ Id 17. 04'5 !TC. ?HYSICAL DEVELOPMENT. 7ot-inq �IGHT OF %VAY/ EASEMIENT ACQUISITION. 7F-SCRIP [-ION: Fly: A 10 ki 9 0 � lb ei, Sec -/6' CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS. DEPARTMIENT OF ENGINEERING & Lo/ Id 17. 04'5 !TC. ?HYSICAL DEVELOPMENT. 7ot-inq �IGHT OF %VAY/ EASEMIENT ACQUISITION. 7F-SCRIP [-ION: Fly: OSO WPSTE.-IATER TRE_u TI•21NP IMPROVEI•ENTS Parcel 4 I;etes and Bounds Fieldnotes for an 85 foot by 117 foot tract of land out of Lot 14, Section 18, Flour Bluff and Encinal Farm and Garden Tracts, Nueces County, Texas: Beginning at a point at the intersection of the Northwest boundary of'said Lot 14 with the Northeast boundary of Williams Drive for the West corner of this tract, from which point the common corner of lots 14, 15, 18 and 19, Section 18, Flour Bluff and Encinal Farm and Garden Tracts bears South 290 West 20.0 feet; Thence North 290 East, with the Northwest boundary of said Lot 14, 85.0 feet for the North corner of this tract; Thence South 610 East, 117.0 feet for the East corner of this tract; Thence South 290 West 85.0 feet to a point on the Northeast boundary of Williams Drive for the South corner of this tract; Thence North 61 0 West, 117.0 feet to the place of beginning and containing 0.228 acres more or less. le C6 NJ O P r: 0 (LIFT STATION No. 3 SITE 2 3: :c 0 2 5ueowl,slota LIME 1':t UNPLATIED ST RIO AS FI.Ou"ll) OM THE G440UMD O -T,-q Lo CA Z LL 0 2 O LC 0 cd 0 0 F011AY OF -F-GIMMING DATE: B-t-11 NO I.CALE J05 No. 9254-21 b/ 1976 C60 W?S` FIViATER TRE4TlENT D- IFR9V-EI•ENTS Parcel 5 Metes and Bounds Fieldnotes for a 10.00 foot wide utility easement out of Lot 19, Section 18, Flour Bluff and Encinal Farm and Garden Tracts, a map of which is recorded in Volume A. Pages 41, 42 and 43, Map Records of Nueces County, Texas: Beginning at a point on the present Southwest right-of-way line of Williams Drive for the North corner of this easement from which corner the original Eases• corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Woodlawn Estates II, Unit 1, a map of which is recorded in Volume 16, Page 3, bears N. 610 00' 00" W. 10 feet and N. 290 00' 00" E. 35.00 feet; Thence S. 610 00' 00" E., with said right -of -way line of Williams Drive, 10.00 feet to the East corner of this easement; Thence S. 290 00' 00" W., 1,158.00 feet to a point on the Northeast right -of -way line of Hardwick Drive as shown on Briarwood Unit 3, a map of which is recorded in Volume 38, Pages 112, 113, Map Records, Nueces County, Texas, for the South corner of this easement; Thence N. 610 00' 00" W., with said Northeast right -of -way line of Hardwick Drive, 10.00 feet to the West corner of this easement from which corner the South corner of Lot 14, Block 1, Woodlawn Estates II, Unit 1, a man of which is recorded in Volume 16, Page 3, of said Map Records bears N. 610 00' 00" W. 10.00 feet; Thence N. 290 00' 00" E., 1,158 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.266 acres, more or less. Together with a 15.0 foot wide temporary construction easement East of and adjacent to the above described utility easement to be used for working room and storage of material and equipment. Said temporary construction easement to be abandoned six (6) months after completion of the project for which this easement is required. A_ il e.o.w. CORNEfz Z 2.0.w. to WILLIAMS DRIVE OQl GjUlk, Lo T POINT OP BEGINNIMG Ld :2 0 4/ 00 00 Ul 7 Ld tn o bi Ln LT Ld D 0 0 Q 0 Zr 0 0 0 0 10, cli Z En w R.O.W. R,I\RDWICK DRIVE DATE -.'7 -29 -77 Ffi -re-- .4,e,,-,g c NO, SCA.LE JOB No : 9254.21 OSO I-MTEWATER TRFATNLTdT IMPROVEMENTS Parcel 6 Metes and Bounds Fieldnotes for a 20.00 foot wide utility easement out of Lots 18 and 31, Section 18, Flour Bluff and Encir•al Farm and Garden Tracts, a map. of which is recorded in Volume A,. Pages 41, 42 and 43, Map Records of Nueces County, Texas: Beginning at the South corner of Lot 14, Block 1, Woodlawn Estates II, Unit 1, a map of which is recorded in Volume 16, Page 3, of said Map Records for the North corner of Briarwood Unit 3, a map of which is recorded in Volume 38, Pages 112, 113 of said Map Records and the East corner of this easement; Thence S. 290 00, 00" W., with the Northwest 'subdivision line of Briarwood Unit 3, 1,351.85 feet to a point on the present Northeast right -of -way line of Holly Road for the South corner of this easement from which corner the South corner of said Lot 31 bears S. 290 00' 00" W. 60.00 feet; Thence N. 610 00, 00" W., with said Northeast right -of -way line of Holly Road, 20.00 feet to the West corner of this easement; Thence N. 290 00' 00" E., 1,351.85 feet to a point on the Southwest boundary line of said Lot 14, Block 1, Woodlawn Estates II, Unit 1 for the North corner of this easement; Thence S. 610 00, 00" E., with said Southwest boundary line, 20.00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.621 acres, more or less. Together with a 10' wide temporary construction easement West of and adjacent to the above described utility easement to be used for working room and storage of materials and equipment. Said temporary construc- tion easement to be abandoned six (6) months after completion of the project for which this easement is required. J. S Col' E 1,-POIN-r OF 8GGlMMl),JC- SUB'O. HARDWICK DRIVE Lo-r Lime LP co 00 Ld -: tn 7? �n LLI tt) Lj 0 o 0 0 > 0 lk VC 0 Ln cli cv Ln tj r, I' w HOLLY ROAD e—NP,.S. RAILROAD 12.0,w. SOUTR CORME12 OE LOT 31 DjlrE: 7 -213-77 NO SCALE JOB NO: 9254.Zl CSO YIASTF.SdATER TREP.TINONT IMPROVEI-Er S Parcel 7 Metes and Bounds Fieldnotes for a 20.00 foot wide utility easement out of Lot 2, Section 19, Flour Bluff and Encinal Farm and Garden Tracts, a map of which is recorded in Volwme A. Pages 41, 42 and 43, Neap Records, Nueces County, Texas: Beginning at the point of intersection of the common boundary line of said Lots 2 and 3, Section 19 and the Southwest line of the Naval Air Station Railroad right -of -hay for the East corner of this easement from which corner the East corner of said Lot 2 bears N. 290 00' 00" E. 20.00 feet; Thence S. 290 00' 00" W., with the common boundary line of Lots 2 and 3, 1,262.50 feet to a point on the Northeast right -of -way line of a 75.00 foot wide drainage easement for the South corner of this easement from which corner the common corner of Lots 2, 32 14 and 15, Section 19 bears S. 290 00' 00" W. 37.50 feet; Thence N. 610 00' 00" W., with said Northeast right-of-way line of the 75.00 foot wide drainage easement, 20.00 feet to the West corner of this easement; Thence N. 290 00' 00" E., 1,262.50 feet to a point on said Southwest right- of-way line of the Naval Air Station Railroad for the North corner of this easement; Thence S. 610 00' 00" E., with said Southwest right -of -way line, 20.00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.58 acres, more or less. Together with a 10' wide temporary construction easement L:Test of and adjacent to the above described utility easement to be used for working room and storage of materials and equipment. Said temporary construc- tion easement to be abandoned six (6) months after completion of the project for which this easement is required. /* �tc-5-z. 7 If HAP TO ACcoMPANY FIELD NOTES H 0 l=LY—J3 OA D ........ A', ll-'Fi bFi WAY EAST CORNER OF LOT 2 � -';z I 4 S -e.1-00*00" E 20 POINT 0 7 F BEGINNING w Ld Ld Ln c, -2 N(lllo0•0o" W 20' ttu- V ,>-75 DRAINAGE EASEMENT DA'rE 7-29-77 No SCALE /—Y JOR M.. 9254.21 1111IM111111 1p MAP TO AC-COMP,&NY FIELD NOTES OF ISM ORAIMPGE. F-51AT. tj '20 COMMON LOT LINE \L.C.�l Loo, po- POINT OF BEG 1 rlt NI jr- -40 SU5 ' D LINE '2- P. LINE z 43 \Af. —LOT LIKIE WEST rop-Ijee OF 2. 0. W. VILLA FLAP-ASEAU WOOLO P LOGS ROAXt 0 fjk-TE: 7- 2.9-1-I M J." N. SCAUE ::ram ".. -LZ 54'.2 050 EMSUE'N'ATER TREATILIENJT TPdrFROVE -KE ITS Parcel 9 Metes and Bounds Fieldnotes for a 20 foot wide utility easement out of Lot 14, Section 19, Flour Bluff and Encinal Farm and Garden Tracts, a map of which is recorded in Volume A, Pages 41, 42 and 43, Yap Records, Nneces County, Texas: Beginning at a point on the common lot line of Lot 15 and Lot 14, of said Section 19 for the West corner of this tract, from which point the North corner of Villa Flambeau, a map which is recorded in Volume 28, Paage 51 of said Map Records, bears S. 290 00' 00" W. 131.42 feet; Thence N. 290 00' 00" E., along said common boundary line, at 25.00 feet pass the South corner of Airline Subdivision No. 2, a map of which is recorded in Volume 13, Page 18, of said P4ap�Records, at 243.26 feet pass the East corner of said Airline Subdivision No. 2, same being the South corner of Airline Subdivision, a map of which is recorded in Volume 12, Page 18, of said Map Records, at 635.46 feet pass the East corner of said Airline Subdivision, in all a distance of 773.10 feet to a point on the Southwest right -of -way line of a 75.00 foot wide drainage ditch for the North corner of this easement; Thence S. 610 00'-00" E., along said Southwest right -of -way line, 20.00 feet for the East corner of this easement; Thence S. 290 00' 00" W., 773.10 feet for the South corner of this easement; Thence N. 610 00' 00" W., 20.00 feet to the point of beginning and con- taining 0.355 acres, more or less. Together with a 10 foot wide temporary construction easement running East of and adjacent to the above described utility easement and ex- tending 15' past the South end of said utility easement. Thence in a Westerly direction to the West boundary line of Lot 14 at a point 15' South of said utility easement as shown on the attached map. Temporary construction easement to be used for working room and stora .ge of materi- als and to be abandoned six (6) months after completion of the project for which this casement is required. MAP TO ACCOMPANY FIELD- NOTES OF -75� DR -Zi ki A G -EA 1 70 COMMON L-0-17 LIME b Ul , 0 Y zo.04 Y7 P1-0-r LIME WEST cozkjEz OF VILLA FLAmBEAU - ----------- _0 WOOLOPIOGG ROAD SCAI.- nui L. Z, S05' LINE O O SUB,p LINE Pbl NT c,' BEGimmiAG' COMMON L-0-17 LIME b Ul , 0 Y zo.04 Y7 P1-0-r LIME WEST cozkjEz OF VILLA FLAmBEAU - ----------- _0 WOOLOPIOGG ROAD SCAI.- 61974 - OSO 4:AS`_'EWATER TRFATAEENJT IMPROVEMENIM Parcel 16 Metes and Bounds Fieldnotes for a 25 foot wide utility easement out of Lot 15, Section 19, Flour Bluff and Encinal Farm and Garden Tracts, a map of which is recorded in Volume A. Pages 41, 42 and 43, Map Records of Nueces County, Texas: Beginning at a point on the Northwest boundary line of Villa Flambeau, a map of which is recorded in Volume 28, Page 51, Map Records, same being the Southeast boundary line of said Lot 15 for the South corner of this easement from which corner the West corner of Villa Flambeau bears S. 290 00' 00" W., 125.00 feet; Thence N. 610 00' 00" W., 25.00 feet for the West corner of this easement; Thence N. 290 00' 00" E., 379.90 feet to a point on the Southwest boundary line of Airline Subdivision No. 2, a map of which is re- corded in Volume 13, Page 18, of said Map Records for the North corner of this easement; Thence S. 610 00' 00" E., along said Southwest boundary line of Airline Subdivision No. 2, 25.00 feet to its South corner for the East corner of this easement; Thence S. 290 00' 00" W., along the Southeast boundary line of Lot 15 of said Section 19, and the Northwest boundary line of Lot 14, of said Section 19, at 156.42 feet pass the North corner of said Villa Flambeau, in all a distance of 379.90 feet to the point of be- ginning and containing 0.218 acres, more or less. Together with a 15' wide temporary construction easement West of and adjacent to the above described utility easement to be used for working roo, and storage of materials and equipment. Said temporary construe - tion easement to be abandoned six (6) months after completion of the project for which this eaccrient is required. e —nx- -TO ACCOMPANY FIELD NOTES • OF -75' Di ZJPGE �ESM-r ;F 40• w to CC)hWOill LO-r LIME 2:Ro•' 20- 40 Z. 0 It A 00 % V7 3 cr 0 rn ci ZS � VILLA F WEST co;zkjEz- 40P -LAP.1 J3 C — RI L- 0 —4-k— Nn SCAt- EF OSO EASTF` -,ATER TREATMENT IMPROVEMENTS Parcel 11 Metes and Bounds Fieldnotes for a 125 foot by 125 foot tract of land out of Lot 15, Section 19, Flour Bluff and Encinal Farm and Garden Tracts, a map of which is recorded in Volume A, Pages 41, 42 and 43, Map Records, Nueces County, Texas: Beginning at a point on the Northeast right -of -way line of Wooldridge Rgad for the West corner of Villa Flambeau, a map of which is recorded in Volume 28, Page 51 of said Mao Records and the South corner of this easement; Thence N. 610 00' 00" W., with said Northeast right -of -way line of Wooldridge Road, parallel to the centerline thereof and 30.00 feet distance therefrom, measured at right angles thereto, 125.00 feet to the West corner of this easement; Thence N. 290 00' 00" E., 125.00 feet to North corner of this easement; Thence S. 610 00' 00" E., 125.00 feet to a point on the North -. west boundary line of Villa Flambeau, same being the Southeast boundary line of said Lot 15, Section 19.for the East corner of this easement; Thence S. 290 00' 00" W., with the common boundary line of said.Villa Flambeau and Lot 15, Section 19, 125.00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.359 acres, more or less. o/ ljla a:: 1 1p cli n 0 3: 0 -0 w CD cl 0 CO 0 2 C9 w LOL I -7-, Irl,'6 '. 0 - -3 5- '? 'I G 29-00'00"E lzs� -D C-1 VV I-j C.) YV I JWI 0 0 0 O 119 ME L,),j E—= DATE -. 7 -30 -.77 .140 scpL-F- JOB N0:92S4.2f F. OSO WASTEWATER TREATMENT IMPROVEMENTS Parcel 12 Metes and Bounds Fieldnotes for a 50.00 foot by 50.00 foot tract of land out of that certain 64.974 acre tract of land out of Lot 1, Section 11, Flour Bluff and Encinal Farm and Garden Tracts, a map of which is recorded in Volume A, Pages 41, 42, 43, Map Records, Nueces County, Texas; said 64.974 acre tract recorded in Volume 875, Page 388, Deed Records of Nueces County, Texas; Beginning at a point on the Southeast right -of -way line of South Staples Street for the North corner of this tract from which corner - the North corner of said Lot 1, Section 11, same being the North corner if said 64.974 acre tract bears N. 600 58' 00" W., 40.00 feet to a point on the existing centerline of said South Staples Street and with said centerline, N. 280 57' 00" E., 259.00 feet; Thence S. 600 58' 00" E., 50.00 feet for the East corner of this tract; Thence S. 280 57' 00" W., 50.00 feet for the South corner of this tract; Thence N. 600 58' 00" W., 50.00 feet to a point on said Southeast right -of -way line of South Staples Street for the West corner of this tract; Thence N. 280 57' 00" E., along the Southeast right -of -way line of South Staples Street, parallel with the existing centerline thereof and 40.00 feet distant therefrom, measured at right angles thereto, 50.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 2,500.00 square feet, more or less. x: _6/, OSO WASTEWATER TREATMENT IMPROVEMENTS Parcel 12 Metes and Bounds Fieldnotes for a 50.00 foot by 50.00 foot tract of land out of that certain 64.974 acre tract of land out of Lot 1, Section 11, Flour Bluff and Encinal Farm and Garden Tracts, a map of which is recorded in Volume A, Pages 41, 42, 43, Map Records, Nueces County, Texas; said 64.974 acre tract recorded in Volume 875, Page 388, Deed Records of Nueces County, Texas; Beginning at a point on the Southeast right -of -way line of South Staples Street for the North corner of this tract from which corner - the North corner of said Lot 1, Section 11, same being the North corner if said 64.974 acre tract bears N. 600 58' 00" W., 40.00 feet to a point on the existing centerline of said South Staples Street and with said centerline, N. 280 57' 00" E., 259.00 feet; Thence S. 600 58' 00" E., 50.00 feet for the East corner of this tract; Thence S. 280 57' 00" W., 50.00 feet for the South corner of this tract; Thence N. 600 58' 00" W., 50.00 feet to a point on said Southeast right -of -way line of South Staples Street for the West corner of this tract; Thence N. 280 57' 00" E., along the Southeast right -of -way line of South Staples Street, parallel with the existing centerline thereof and 40.00 feet distant therefrom, measured at right angles thereto, 50.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 2,500.00 square feet, more or less. x: P,CE / ✓n. ./ • Fe Si.,/: LE -?r q /s.j.�,� Oso h;Ax7eF, -7,Lc 7ko-rv7,,;,-7 n �5 VV �a 5 150 No.4rN coRNE.4 OF LOT / SECTION // .Wp NOA'Ti/ COtWF1i 0,",4 64. 974 ACRE Tv..oCT OF LANp REcoROEp /N !/OL. 875 -Sca , N-1 OQ pEEO ,gEC0,4p5 of IYUECES/ C�uNry TLa•A5. s 0 -CONSTRUCTION �=7 _EA5EMENT i) L 1 STi{TioN NO. s 5- \ / PL..-r oF�- A TA4cr of LAmo Our OF T/!AT CEFi 7A /A/ 6 4.974 Ac.4E 7.44cr of L c,vp \ puY of LOY 1 SEC Y /oN // FLOUR BG UFF / E"NC /NAG FA�C.N / GAROEN TRQc T5 A L,/HICA/ /s F?ZC0ROE0 /N vet. A, �O.S ANb 43/ �:aF RECaPCtS of NUEGES coliNr TExas .5 /7-.E- FOe E• /FT '5 TA T %O /V /VO..5 .0.47--c': 7-49 - 7L3 4A05 / /O• 92S4. Z/ SCAZ -5. z'=50' :. 6/: OSO WASTEWATER TREATMENT IMPROVEMENTS Parcel 12 CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT Metes and Bounds Fieldnotes for a construction easement out of that certain 64.974 acre tract of land out of Lot 1, Section 11, Flour Bluff and Encinal Farm and Garden Tracts, a map of which is recorded in Volume A, Pagel 412 42, 43, Map Records, Nueces County, Texas; said 64.974 acre tract recorded in Volume 875, Page 388, Deed Records of Nueces County, Texas: Beginning at a point on the Southeast right -of -way line of South Staples Street for the North corner of this easement from which corner the North corner of said Lot 1, Section 11, same being the North corner of said 64.974 acre tract bears N. 600 58' 00" W., 40.00 feet to a point on the existing centerline of said South Staples Street and with said centerline, N. 280 57' 00" E., 234.00 feet; Thence S. 600 58' 00" E., 100.00 feel for the East corner of this easement; Thence S. 280 57' 00" W., 100.00 feet for the South corner of this easement; Thence N. 600 58' 00" W., 100.00 feel to a point on said Southeast right -of -way line of South Staples Street for the West corner of this easement; Thence N. 280 57' 00" E., along the Southeast right -of -way line of South Staples Street, parallel with the existing centerline thereof and 40.00 feet distance there- from, measured at right angles thereto, 25.00 feet for a corner of this easement; Thence leaving said right -of -way, S.1600 58' 00' E., 50.00 feet for an inside corner of this easement; Thence N. 280 57' 00" E., 50.00 feet for an inside corner of this easement; Thence N. 600 58' 00" W., 50.00 feet!to a point on said Southeast right -of -way line of South Staples Street for a corner of this easement; Thence N. 280 57' 00" E., along said ISoutheast right -of -way line of South Staples Street, parallel with the existing centerline thereof and 40.00 feet distance there - from, measured at right angles thereto, 25.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, con- taining 7,500.00 square feet of land) more or less. i q V • r NOR -rl4 CORNER OF tar / SEC 770/V // N✓O NOKTH CORNER OFA 64.974 ACRE 7R4CT OF t LANO RECORDED /N !/OL. 675 RG. .366 OSEO RECORDS OF NOEGES CovNTy 7Ex4S. .s q4 O O i5 e`; 4p- 5 ypJ�a o � � �rf V� v° 00 ti8 s C• �' •ro Q' • h�0 Z ry�ryi- 6 °PO /NT OF BEG /NN /NG° c� Cl. ,�1• IZA7- 0,--A CONSTRUCT /ON F-45E/i'EN7' 007-,9,' se o pp T. A7 CERTA /N 6 4.974 ACRE TFL4cT OF (ANo C Oar OF LOT /, SECT /ON /I FLOUR BLUfF f' ° h� ENC /NAG F.�fi� el GARDEN TRAc TS A /fA0 Oc t,/ y/CN /S 4ECOROEO /N VOL. A, d0. S 41, 4Z, 4AW 43 MAP .TZCOgLk5 OA /NU6CES' COUNTY TExas. / CO1v5..T,2UG•T1O1v-- - A--SE/" 1 EN T FO ,2* L /FT 5TAT /ON NO.5 oA76 7-zB -7B Job No gzs4- Z/ D 0 OSO WASTEWATER TREATMENT IMPROVEMENTS Parcel 13 Metes and Bounds Fieldnotes for a 7.0 foot wide utility easement out of Lot 1, Section 1, Tract D, Country Club Estates, a map of which is recorded in Volume 33, Page 87, Map Records, Nueces County, Texas: Beginning at the point of intersection of the Northeast right -of -way line Saratoga Boulevard and the Southeast right -of -way line of Everhart Road for the West corner of said Lot 1 and the West corner of this easement; Thence N. 290 01' 45" E., along the Southeast right-of-way line of Everhart Road, 7.80 feet for the North corner of this easement; Thence S. 340 49' 18" E., 217.89 feet to a point on said Northeast right -of -way line of Saratoga Boulevard for the South corner of this easement from which corner the South corner of said Lot 1 bears S. 610 29' 30" E., 246.43 feet; Thence N. 610 29' 30" W., with said Northeast right -of -way line of Saratoga Boulevard, 15.60 feet for a corner of said Lot 1 and a corner of this easement; Thence N. 340 49' 18" W., with the continuation of said right -of -way line of Saratoga Boulevard, 200.51 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING_ ' •_ i^'E "`• "fig?',;(. i f -1� S� Q/Q •0 f 1701 w T of 3=C-, 11'I W l hl Cl (w E5T coeue¢. oG L q, 1 ) GGTiL�T,% �nr /.yc -�7l Oso GJ,ysT wn �c.L /.CE/7 /�E T E.rP Arlo✓ bh v PLAT of A 70 wioE UTILITY EA5EMENT OUT OF _LCSf 1, SEc r I c N 1, TfZAGT D, COUWT2K CLUB E57ATE5, A MA.P of WEIGH I5 2ECoa0e12 IN VOL. 33, 'PAGE 0,7. MAP EGO¢05 01= h1ul =CES S b� 3o CTa� Rp \, &M NINE - -- 4-o.7 1, PATE : 7 -ZB-70 _ ,Jog N O: 92 54.21 �OVr � �c AV o� �s 6f e92 30� J 6o, o �o yY • Form Approved OMB No. 158•RO134 PART III —BUDGET INFORMATION —CONSTRUCTION SECTION A — GENERAL 1. Federal Domestic Assistance Catalog No ..................... 66.418 2 Functional or Other Breakout ............................ SECTION B — CALCULATION OF FEDERAL GRANT r Cost Classification Use only for revision Total Amount Required Latest Approved Amount Adjustment +or l —) t. Administration expense ' (1 %) $ $ $ 128,000 2. Preliminary expense - 3. Land structures, rightof• ay 50,000 4. Architectural engioeering basic fees 110,000 S. Other architectural engineering fees *See below 41,865 6. Project inspection fees 319.000 7. Land development N/A B. Relocation Expenses N/A 9. Relocation payments to Individuals and Businesses N/A 10. Demolition and removal N/A 11. Construction and project improvement 12, 378, 444 12. Equipment (Operators' Training) 8,000 13. Mismllaneous —0- 14. Total (Lines 1 through 13) 13, 035, 309 15. Estimated Income (ifapplicable) —0- 16. Net Project Amunt (Line 14 minus 151 13, 035, 309 17: Less: Ineligible Exclusions 50,000 18. Add: Contingencies (5 %) 649,265 19. Total Project Amt. (Excluding Rehabilitation Grants) 13, 634, 574 20. Federal Share requested of Line 19 - 10,225,931 21. Add Rehabilitation Grants Requested (10OPercend 22 Total Federal grant requested (Line20 & 21) 10, 225, 931 23. Grantee share 3,408,643 24. Othershares — 25. Total project (Lines 22.23 & 24) $ S $ 13, 634, 574 * Line 5 contains: 0 & M $15,100 EPA Far. 18,200 m 5700.32 (Rev. 6.76) Laborat test W ... 18,565 TOTAL $ 41,865 PAGE B OF to i; Fo»n Approd ' ve OMB No. 1J8•R 0134 SECTION C — EXCLUSIONS Clarification Imligible for Participation (1) Excluded from Contingency Provision 121 a. Site Acquisition s 50,000 S b. c d. e. f. s• Twos $50,000 s SECTION 0— PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING NON-FEDERAL SHARE 27. Grantee She. $ 3,408,643 a. Saeuritin b. Mortgages m Apprupriatiom (By App&ant) " d. Bonds 3,408,643 e. Tax Levies f. Non Cash t4 Other (Explain) h. TOTAL — Gremee share 3,408,643 28. Ochershares e. State — b: Other — c Total Other Shorn — 29. TOTAL S — SECTION E — REMARKS A bond referendum was approved November, 1977 which provided the local share for construction and related Step 3 costs. E!A r— SiVxwav - o -rot VAKT IV YKUt I(AM NAKKAI IV to(Arracn —ace Instmuc,ens� �nvc .•. ... ••+ Narrative Statement Project 1. Work on the project will be initiated upon receipt of a Step 3 Grant and it is estimated that the project will be completed within 500 working days. The project does involve enlargement of the present plant and improvement of the present facilities so that a better quality effluent will be produced. 2. As a local political subdivision, the City of Corpus Christi has the legal authority under applicable statutes under the State of Texas to finance, build and operate the proposed treatment works and attendant sewer system improvements. The City of Corpus Christi has the necessary financial, legal, institutional, and managerial capabilities to insure the construction, opera- tion, and maintenance of the treatment works. The capacity "of.the City of Corpus Christi to build, operate, and maintain wastewater treatment works is demonstrated by the suc- cessful construction, operation, and maintenance of six existing treatment works in different parts bf the City. These six exist- ing treatment works have been in successful operation for many years in compliance with applicable State and Federal require- ments. .3. The City's consulting engineer for this project is Urban Engi- neering, 3100 South Alameda, Corpus Christi, Texas 78411. Phone No. 512- 883 -5581. 4. There are no proposed subagreements other than that of the con- sulting engineer. „5. The City of Corpus Christi has and will continue to conduct the project in compliance with applicable Federal, statutory and regu- latory requirements as embodied in 40 CFR, Part 30, Subpart C. ;6. There are no significant industrial users of this wastewater system. Form Approved nMn N.. rea_nr IARY OF COSTS OF PLANNED TREATMENT WORKS MUNICIPALITY (Appbcont/: APPLICAN 1 SCHEDULED BY PROJECT AND CATEGORY. A4P11CATi (Read instructions on reverse befoie cam pleting fwm/ C i t of corpus Christi ' C— l214-o3 b. 'PROJECT d e. PROJECT SEQUENCE SEQUENCE PROJECT SEQUENCE PROJECT SEQUENCE TOTALALL PROJECTS 2. PROJECTSTEP STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 2 STEP 3 ; ESTIMATED CALENDAR QUARTER/ - -qV,•� 3. YEAR APPLICATION WILL BE SUBMIT• _ ' ' TED TO EPA FOR FUNDING N/A 09/78 N/A "$ $ a $ $ a. CATEGORY 1 . 1 1 q ' gil -n _ 5 ;J C.nr•'.• ' ? �- w Secondary Trealmane and BPrr 461,673 9,925,625 329 231 T,078,420 b. CATEGORY 11 More Stringent Treatment e CATEGORY IIIA Infiltration /In Row Correction d. CATEGORY 1118 Major Sewer System Rehabilitation " e. CATEGORY IVA , New Cotlecton, ate ' 4. E CATEGORY IVB New Interceptors, «e 170,497 3,665,541 S. CATEGORY V Correction of CombinedSewerOvertlows R CATEGORY VI Treatment and /or Control of Stormwaters TOTAL COST OF STEP 2 a. PREVIOUSLY FUNDED $ 632,170 $ $329,231 $ $ 96].,401 5. AND STEP PROJECTS3 b. PLANNED $ $13.591.1 ig $ 7 078 .42tl;. , ,•' 6. PLANNED BUT UNFUNOEDOPROJECTS TO �','',°i'. ry•ti'.` -' :;,a� my,araf�� xr.,rn ' ".,' �• BE INCLUO ED GRANT IN THE ENTIRE w w,,�{, +' r»+iY;: ^„•C"�.°i.:;Tw' d'-.°?#,:" p, b¢.' <+r� ";.i.;';•'Y�'°„'a.,�i.- :;.."`.:3'i�•4`'�'? £t°� $ 2.0,669, I 7. STEP 1 PROJECT COST - *•,'rte --� -,� " '�" ;+g ya:r„••r PROJ ECT NO. c:48- 1214 -o 64,000 COST ESTIMATES OF PLANNED PROJECTS WERE COMPUTED AS OF July, '1978 AND REFLECT THE LATEST 8. (MONTH AND YEAH) , 10N COST INDEX OF AS REPORTED BY THE ENGINEERING NEWS RECORD. 9X E IMATES PREPARED/VERIFIED BY 9b. REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY STATE AGENCY AME (Please prin ITT DATE - 78 NAME (Pleasep+fnt) DATE AN A N ORGANIZATION ban Eng neeriag A ODE TEL PHONE I AR 1 NUMBER SIGNATURE NU ER I 5 2 ; 883 -5581 SI TU 9e. REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY EPA REGIONAL OFFICE NAME ep"Araprint/ DATE n",tt -.n+' ;•,.t, "7'&.y.. "•.ya'_.:,�.E%J�„(,. .,"n" Y 56,35ty.'5.4•ta';" SIGNATURE . °.�w- °'^T•w- p;- ta��.., va. ^: S`4F >.^Y'•Y�°s3.Ra= S'`�a..Y ^•: • The Step 1 Proje i any. will be reported on line 7. •' If no Step 1 project was funded by EPA, insert N /A. EPA Fwm 5700 -32 (Rev. 6 -76) PAGE 13 OF 16 BACK -UP INFORMATION FOR FORM 5700 -32 OSO WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM C -48- 1214 -03 PLANT WORK SEGMENT 1 PLANT WORK SEGMENT 2 Contract 1 $2,183,003 Contract 5 $5,359,960 Contract 4 7,742,622 Contract 6 1,718,460 $9,925,625 $7,078,420 INTERCEPTOR WORK SEGMENT 1 Contract 2 $1,517,742 Contract 3 2,147,799 $3,665,541 Cont. 1 Cont. 2 Cont. 3 Cont. 4 Cont. 5 Cont. 6 Administration 1% 19,900 $ 13,800 19,500 $ 70,500 $ 48,700 $ 15,60D Basic Engineering 17.763 12,352 17,490 62,995 43,390 14,140 0 &M Manual Start Up 2,425 1,317 1,686 916 2,388 1,297 8,601 4.670 53950 3,230 1,910 1,040 Inspection •50,991 35,458 50,210 180.841 125 060 40 100 Testing 3,200 2,000 1,500 12,000 14 000 4 000 Construction Total $1,988,007 $1,382,410 1 $1,957,537 $7,050,490 $4,875,840 $1 563;490• Total $2,083,603 $1,448,622 $2,049,922 $7,390,097 $5,116,170 $1 640.280 Contingencies 5% 99,400 69,120 97,877 352,525 243,790 78,180 Grand Total 2,183,003 $1,517,742 $2,147,799 $7,742,622 $5,359,960 $1,718,460 PLANT WORK SEGMENT 1 PLANT WORK SEGMENT 2 Contract 1 $2,183,003 Contract 5 $5,359,960 Contract 4 7,742,622 Contract 6 1,718,460 $9,925,625 $7,078,420 INTERCEPTOR WORK SEGMENT 1 Contract 2 $1,517,742 Contract 3 2,147,799 $3,665,541 Form Approved r - OMB .No. 158 —R0134 PART V ASSURANCES The applicant hereby assures and certifies that he will comply with the regulations, policies, guidelines and requirements, Including Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A -95, and FMCS 744 and 74.7, as they relate to the app8cation, acceptance and use of Federal funds for this federally - assisted project. Also, the applicant gives assurance and certifies with respect to the grant that: 1. It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant, and to finance and construct the proposed facilities; that a resolu. tan, nation or similar action has been duty adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant's governing body, authorizing the filing of the application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and direct• ing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required. Handicapped," Number Al 17.1.1961. as modified 141 CFR 101 - 19.6031. The applicant will be responsible for con- ducting inspections to insure compliance with these specifim tions by the contractor. 9. It will cause work on the project to be commenced within a reasonable time after receipt of notification from the approving Federal agency that funds have been approved and that the Project will be prosecuted to completion with reasonable diligence. 2. It will comply with the provisions of: Executive Order 10. It will not dispose of or encumber its title or other 11296, relating to evaluation of Ilood hazards. interests in the site and facilities during the period of Federal . interest or vyhile the Government holds bonds, whichever is 3 It will have sufficient funds available to meet the non - Federal share of the cost for construction projects. Sufficient funds will be available when construction is completed to assure effective operation and maintenance of the facility for the purposes constructed. 4. It will obtain approval by the appropriate Federal agency of the final working drawings and specifications before the project is advertised or placed on the market for bidding; that it will construct the project, or cause it to be constructed, to final completion in accordance with the application and approved Plans and specifications: that it will submit to the appropriate Federal agency for prior approval changes that alter the costs of the project, use of space, or functional layout; that it will not enter into a construction contractls) for the project or undertake other activities until the conditions of the construction grant programis) have been met. 5. It will provide and maintain competent and adequate architectural engineering supervision and inspection at the construction site to insure that the completed work conforms with the approved plans and specifications; that it will furnish progress reports and such other information as the Federal grantor agency may require. 6. It will operate and maintain the facility in accordance with the minimum standards as may be required or pre- scribed by the applicable Federal; State and local agencies for the maintenance and operation of such facilities. 7. It will give the grantor agency and the Comptroller General through any authorized representative access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the grant. 8. It will require the facility to be designed to comply with the "American Standard Specifications for Making Buildings and Facilities Accessible to, and Usable by. the Physically the longer, I1. It will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 IP.L.-88 352) and in accordance with Title VI of that Act, no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluled from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the applicant receives Federal financial assistance and will imme- diately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. If any real property or structure thereon is provided or improved with the aid of Federal financial assistance extended to the Applicant, this assurance shall obligate the Applicant. or in the case of any transfer of such property, any transferee, for the period during which the real property or structure is used for a purpose for which the Federal financial assistance is extended or for another Purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits. 12. It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is or gives the appearance of being motivated by a desire for private gain for themselves or others, particularly those with whom they have family, business, or other bas. 13. It will comply with the requirements of Title It and Title III of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Act of 1970 (P.L. 91.6461 which provides for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a result of Federal and federally assisted programs. 14. It will comply with all requirements imposed by the Federal grantor agency concerning special requirements of law, program recuirements, and other administrative re. quirement approved In accordance with FMC 7. 15. It will comply with the provisions of the Hatch Act which limit the political activity of employees. (Cpntinwd on Back) EPA Form 5700.32 (Rev. 6 -76) PAGE 15 OF 16 t, I& It will comply with all applicable requirements of Section 13 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 IP.L 925001, if the grant is available under any grant authority of that Act, which provides that no person in the United States shall, on the ground of sex be excluded from participatlon in, be denied the benefits of, or EPA Pam. 5700.32 (Rev. 6.76) Forth Approvod OMB No. 158 -R0134 be otherwise subjected to discriminetian under any program ar activity under the said Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments for which the applicant received financial assistance and will take all necessary measures to effectuate this agreement. r PAGE 16 OF 16 APPLICANT: • The upper halt of this card will be used to acknowledge receipt of your application /proposal. The lower half will be the 'source of data for computer entry. Complete all entries (except as Indicated) including your address on reverse. DO NOT SEPARATE. RETURN ENTIRE CARD WITH YOUR APPLICATION /PROPOSAL. TITLE OF PROPOSED PROJECT Oso Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Project No. C -48- 1214 -03 FOR STATUS INFORMATION CONCERNING YOUR APPLICATION PROPOSA CONTACT THE GRANTS INFORMATION BRANCH, GRANTS ADMI / ISTRATIOL R DIVISION, EPA, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20406, PHOAE202- 155.2630 FOR.PPAUSEONE.Y' SUBMITTED BY ' GRANT /PROJB:CT NO:.• ; s' City of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi, Texas DATE RECEIVED •" 'NOTE Acontrol number has been assigned which MUST be used for ALL future reference to your application /proposal. EPA Form 5700.8 (Rev. 6-72), GRANT APPLICATION /PROPOSAL RECEIPT PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR /PROJECT DIRECTOR(Losr, rinr, IU.v.) ,• FO R EPA 115E ONLY Townsend R. Marvin NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT (Inctude City, county, PA GRANT /PROJECY NQ, state, ZIP Code and congresalonal district) ,. City of Corpus Christi PE DATE RECEIYEO P. 0. Box 9277 TYPE (Check one) Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Tex. 78408 O NEW Mx CONTINUATION OF. 14th Congressional District C -48- 1214 -03 (Current Grant No.) EPA SHARE REQUESTED FOR THIS BUDGET PERIOD $10,225,931.00 TITLE OF PROPOSED PROJECT Oso Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements * U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1973_72867211315 3 -1 C C, C ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY DATE OF INSPECTION REPORT ON OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Form Approved OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT ' 061B No. 158 -R0035 A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. PLANT NAME (b.) OWNER (e.) LOCATION Oso City of Corpus Christi Ennis Joslin Road 2. TYPE OF PLANT 3. PROJECT NO. 0. AVG. DESIGN FLOW (.go S. DESIGN POPULATION Conventional Activated _ EQUIVALENT Sludge C -48 -1214 12 MGD 133,000 S. COLLECTION SYSTEM 7. DATE PRESENT PLANT BEGAN OPERATING 1942 S. STATE PERMIT NO. WPC -TEX- 1214 -03 COMBINED I X; SEPARATE I BOTH 9. IN THE SPACE PROVIDED BELOW. FURNISH A SIMPLIFIED FLOW DIAGRAM OR A WRITTEN DESCRIPTION OF THE PLANT UNITS IN FLOW SEQUENCE. - A /CHLORINATION 1.' Bar Screen 1 2 3 4 5 6 J 2. Pumps 7 EFFLUENT 3: Detritor 4. Parshall Flume 5. Primary Clarifier 5A. Storm Water,Clarifier 6. Aeration Basin 8 SOIL 10 7. Final Clarifier CONDITIONE 8. Aerobic Digester 9 9. Anaerobic Digester 10. Sludge Dryer Plant 10. IDENTIFY RECEIVING WATERS Cayo Del Oso, Corpus Christi Bay II.-IDENTIFY PERTINENT STREAM STANDARDS AND /OR USES OF THE RECEIVING WATERS D.0.5.Omg /l, pH 7.0 to 9.0, Total Coliform 70/1000 ml., Temp, 950 12. GIVE THE EFFLUENT STANDARDS AND /OR REQUIREMENTS FOR STATE OPERATING PERMIT 20 mg /l BOD, 20 mg/l TSS, lmg /I C12 residual ' B. CURRENT PLANT LOADING T. ANNUAL AVG DAILY FLOW RATE (mad) 2. PEAK FLOW RATE 11.Q0 3. POPULATION SERVED 11.0 DRY WEATHER WET WEATHER 10.9 13.0 120,000 Est. 4. ANNUAL AVG BODS OF RAW SEWAGE (me/i) S. ANNUAL AVG 5USPENDED SOLID OF RAW SEWAGE (m9/1) 185 225 6. PRINCIPAL TYPES OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE DISCHARGEO TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM 7. POPULATION EQUIVALENT(BOD) OF INDUSTRIAL WASTES Dairy Products (small) B. POPULATION EQUIVALENT 55) OF INDUSTRIAL WAS S 9. VOLUMC 01 NUUSTRIAL WASTES maw (small) (small) 10. INFILTRATION PROBLEMS Infiltration appears significant. � 14-72) k LAGE5 FORM FWPCA -12 WHICH IS OBSOLETE. F.— App_, n.11 R Al . FC. PLANT PERFORMANCE LABORATORY ANALYSIS (rota! Plenty. (a) REPORTING PERIOD FROM (Month, yaer) TO (Month, ".0 January, 1977 December, 1977 I • ACTUAL PLANT PLANT NPDES PLANT ACHIEVES PLANT COMPLIES MONTHLY ITEMS PERFORMANCE DESIGN PERMIT DESIGN WITH PERMIT DATA DATA REQUIREMENTS EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS YES NO YES 'ND (b) (e) (d) (e) (() FLOW (mad) ! —wly •w•ea) 10.93 12 12 (2) PEAK FLOW (malt) t axlaamt dy) 12.13 15 15 SETTLEABLE SOLIDS (.mthly averede) _ 8 (3) INFLUENT(.!/}) ' EFFLUHNT(.1 /1) i REMOVAL - SUSPENDED SOLIDS (monthly Arerye) (4) INFLUENT(m01) 168 250 - EFFLUENT (.a/1) 12 - % REMOVAL 92.8 - - BODS (..mthly —9) , 151 INFLUENT(ma/1) 217 250 - EPFLUENTC g/1) 9 20 >< REMOVAL 96. - - DISSOLVED OXYGEN (6) f mthly.Yana) 0.9 - - EFFLUSr1r[ a/A CHLORINE RESIDUAL ' (7) (monthly everege) ' EPFLUENT(.01) 2.1 - 1.0 , COLI FORM Co" 100 d) (a) (.onthty .Tore. TOTAL NA FECAL NA - 200/1000-- . 'H RANGE EFFLUENT (9) MINIMUM 7.0 - 6.0 . MAXIMUM 7.1 9.0 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS(eep �. (—thly average) (10) INFLUENT (.01) NA - NA EFFLUENT(lWl) NA N REMOVAL _ NA NA TOTAL NITROGEN (ae IV) (monthly everegs) fit) INFLUENT f-912) NA - NA ' EFFLUENT (.9/1) NA N_A T. REMOVAL NA - 2. PLANT RECORDS ARE MONTHLY OPERATING RECORDS FILED WITH STATE AGENCY} Cl YES u NO EPA Form 7500.5 (R.,. )•74) PAGE 2 REPLACES PAGE 214721 WHICH 13 OBSOLETE C C • - FOM PLANT HAVE ALTERNATE ELECTRIC POWER SOURCE? 4. ADEQUATE ALARM-SYSTEM v . 11 {p�•q, M- SYSTEM FOR POWER OR EQUIPMG ra.DOES UAL FEHO . ❑ GENERATOR �❑ NONE FAILURES? ❑ YES, ONO S. EQUIPMENT PROGRAM ADEQUATE INADEQUATE 6. IS PLANT EFFLUENT BEING CHLORINATEDt 7 PLANT IN WET WEATHER! OUTINE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES X ECORDS OF MAINTENANCE.REPAIR36 REPLCM X ® YES O NO ARE PARTS INVENTORY X YES ❑ NO SEWAGE BY -PASS 9. AGENCIE S NOTIFIED OT IN DRY WEATHER? ❑ YES ® No Texas Department of Water Resources 10. BYPASS FREQUENCY II.-AV G DURATION OF 12. REASON FOR BYPASSING (Menthfy) BYPASS 1Hr 13. CAN BYPASS SEWAGE BE Varies 6 -lL I S. Infiltration /Inflo -a CHLORINATED? ®v¢3 ONO 10. DO SEWER OVERFLOWS OCCUR 15. ANY ODOR COMPLAINTS BEYOND PLANT PROPERTY? (fly., ezplelrV UPSTREAM OF PLANT? ® YE3 ONO Yes, Odors from primary clarifiers and sludge drying plant. 16. OBSERVED APPEARANCE OF EFFLUENT, RECEIVING STREAM OR DRAINAGE WAY Effluent turbid at- times. 17. IS A CONSULTING ENGINEER RETAINED OR AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION ON OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS? ®YES ONO (((yea, cheek eaeo(tha jP(fpWfnl� ®CONTINUINGBASES ❑REQUEST BASES 18. 00 OPERATORS AND OTHER PERSONNEL ROUTINELY ATTEND SHORT COURSES. SCHOOL NO OR OTHER TRAINING? ®Yes 19. IS LAB TESTING ADEQUATE FOR THE CONTROL ❑ REQUIRED FOR THIS SIZE AND TYPE OP PLANT (a.) If yea, cit. coone aP*a ' ®d date of )eat coerce. AND USES OF RECEIVING WATERS? Southwest Texas Regional Short School ❑YE3 ®No (flee, .W1a1,Q July 10 -12, 1978 (b.) u tw. era then any coeraea avellabl6la this —a? .,No lab for plant control - Lab analysis for permit require- ments. (e.) Ia !hero en aatabnnhad procedure for tt b I g nawr Ppereton? - Yes Z0. EXPLAIN MAIN DIFFICULTY EXPERIENCED WITH INDUSTRIAL WASTES No difficulties experienced - no significant discharger of industrial wastes. 21. PERMANENT RECORD FILE (a.) PLANT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL? ❑ yes ® No (e.] MANUFACTURERS OPERATION 6 MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS? ® V es 0 BUILT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS? ©yea ❑ No Z2. ESTIMATED WEEKLY MAN -HOURS FOR LAB WORK INCLUDING MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS AND PREPARATION OF REPORTS 30 hours Z3. ANNUAL BUDGET FOR MAINTAINING AND OPERATING PLANT SALARIES 6 WAGES ELECTRICITY CHEMIC AL3 MAINTENANCE STAFPING 6 TRAINING OTHER 197 923 2013 738 65 790 23,800 TOTAL 130 118,570 613,051 !1. STABILIZATION PONDS (a.) WEEDS CUT AND VEGETATION GROWTH 1=1 IN PONDS REMOVED? (b.) BANKS AND DIKES MAINTAINED? (E,oal6n. eta) ❑ rE3 NO NA - RO ponds [] res ONO NA :.) ANY REPORTS OF GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION FROM POND? (jj yea. give detalfa) ❑ YES ONO NA (d.) SEEPAGE REPORTED, (..)ADEQUATE DEPTH CONTROL? (f.) EFFLUENT RELEASE IS (A [DYES ONO AYES ❑NO NA ❑CONTINUOUS ❑INTERMITTENT ❑SEASONAL NA EPA Form 7500 -5 (1.77) PAGE 3 i Form Approved - ON8 No. 1' '935 D. LABORATORY CONTROL • • CODING INSTRUCTION ' Enter test codes opposite appropriate items. If any of the below tests are, used to monitor industrial wastes, place an vX' in dition to the test code. - 1 - 7 or more per week 3 - 1, 2 or 3 per week 5 - 2 or 3 per month 7 - Quarterly 9 - Annually 2-4, 5 or 6 per week 4 - as required 6 - 1 per month 8 - Semi- Annually ITEM (e.) RAW (b. RIMARY EFPFLUENT (e.) MIXED LIQUOR (d.) FINAL (e_) (I•) SLUDGE RECEIVING STREAM RAW SUPER. NATANT DIGESTER 1. Boo 3 3 1 7. SU3PENOED SOLIDS 3 3 1 3. SETTLEABLE 30LICS 1 1 4. SU3PENOEO VOLATILE 3. DISSOLVED OXYGEN 1 G. TOTAL SOLIOs 7. VOLATILE SOLIDS - a. TEMPERATURE ]• 1a. COL /FORM DENSITY 1 11. RE31CUA6 CH40 q1.r 1 IA VOLATILE ACIDS ' 13. M B STABILITY 14. ALKALINITY is. NH -N 3 3 Ia. NO2- 3 17. NO -N '3 16. SO4 3 3 ' la. Cl- 3 MMENTS E. PLANT PERSONNEL INVENTORY ' PERSONNEL CLASSIFICATION (a ), EMPLOYMENT �.) e.) CERTIFICATION TRAINING REQUIRED NEXT 12 MONTHS VOLUNTARY MANDATORY x ACTUAL ' NUMBER BUDGETED NO. RE- COMMENOE NO .RECOM- MEN OED OR REQUIRED BY STATE ACTUAL NO. CERTIFIED NEW HIRES UPGRADE (Ft —dan OrlkillI- pl-- -t MAN•NOUR3 PER WEEK NUMBER 1. MANAGEMENT /SUPERVISOR 40 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2. OPERATOR 200 5 5 5 1 1 0 1 & LABORATORY 40 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 4. MAINTENANCE '7Qeeded * * * * 0 0 0 - OTHER PLANT WORKER! 280 7 7 7 3 3 0 3 1'6. OTHER OFFICE/CLERICAL 3 .3 0 0 0 0 0 0 7. TOTAL 563 14.3 13 14 6 5 0 5 EPA Form 7500 -5 (472) PAGE 4 S Form AF OAlFJ NO. J075 " F. OUIDE - VISUAL OBSERVATION - UNIT PROCESS RATING CODES: S= Satisfactory; U= Unsatisfactory; hl= Marginal; IN= In Operation; OUT= Out of Operation CONDITION OR APPEARANCE RATING COMMENTS GROUNDS M Walks uneven and dangerous eu1LDINOS S J POTABLE WATER SUPPLY PROT E W SAFETY FEATURES U T.N.T.C. m BYPASSES M V STORM WATER OVERFLOWS M MAINTENANCE OF COLT- FcnoNSYSTQs M PUMP STATION M T VENTILATION IS < BAR SCREEN M Needs safety railing ? S DISPOSAL OF SCREENINGS S - J W COMMINUTOR None ' E a GRIT CHAMBER M DISPOSAL OF GRIT s SETTLING•TANKS } SCUM REMOVAL S m S SLUDGE REMOVAL M Need additional t 2 EFFLUENT a DIGESTERS M Need additional facilities TEMPERATURE ANOpH S No control J GAS PRODUCTION S No control y O HEATING EQUIPMENT None 6 SLUDGE PUMPS .S O DRYING BEDS 0 a VACUVM FILTER Old epmen qui D INCINERATION DISPOSAL OP SLVDGfi pNone FLOW METER ANDRECOROER Design of Parshall flumes questionable W RECORDS M F LAB CONTROLS O 2g < �a s� W �q M E E < a pti O `a Va W „ EFFLUENT M Records on both outfalls needed W CHLORINATORS S • EFFECTIVE DOSAGE S O J CONTACT TIME M U CONTACT TANK None No chlorine contact ank EPA Farm 7500.5 (4.72) PAGE 5 C ' Form Ay ?ro OAI8 No. 1, i G. NOTATIONS BY EVALUATOR ' I. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PROS LENS/ DE FICI ENCI ES —ECK EACH OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS IN TERMS OF THEIR ESTIMATED ADVERSE AFFECT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE PLANT. ITEM MAJOR MINOR NONE ITEM MAJOR MINOR NONE STAFF COMPLEMENT x OVERLOADS'(type) PERSONNEL TRAINING X HYDRAULIC X OPERATING BUDGET - x PERIODIC X LABORATORY CONTROL Z X CONTINUOUS X INSTRUMENTATION ORGANIC X INDUSTRI AL W ASTE x x PERIaO1C x PLANT OBSOLESENCa x CONTINUOUS EQUIPMENT FAILURE: x OVERLOAD CAUSEISI: TREATMENT PROCESSES x INFILTRATION 4 SLUOGA HANDLING AND PROCESSING (2) x COMBINED SEWERS X INDUSTRIAL GROWTH EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE x RAPID POPULATION GROWTH X ' SPARE PARTS INVENTORY x INCREASED SERVICE AREA X POWER FAILURE x OTHER: OTH ER: 2. DESCRIBE BRI ED LY THE MAJOR PROD 6EM3 INOI CAT ED ABOV E (include 1P11 --w aetl— nsadad Ses in- 3=tJ —) (1) A control lab is needed for this size plant. (2) The sludge plant is obsolete. (3) Hydraulic overloading :and bypassing is normal procedure. ' (4) There appears to be significant infiltration. 3. PURPOSE OF INSPECTION 4. GENERAL RATING ® GRANT COMPLIANCE 0 FOLLOW-UP PERMIT COMPLIANCE O OTHERi ACCEPTABLE CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE UNACCEPTABLE - EVALUATION PERFORMED BY TITLE ORGANIZATION DATE INFORMATION FURNISHED BY TITLE ORGANIZATION DATE Harry Fowler ssis an irec or Public Utilities City Coq ram raw -� tnew 1 -141 PAGE 6 REPLACES PACE 1 14-121 WHICH 15 OBSOLETE Corpus Christi, Texas ll,:� day of (l, , ,.,t -�t_- , 192' TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, THE CITY OF G�ORPU RISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the fo wing vote: Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley CL�Uz- David Diaz Ruth Gill R Joe Holt Qo,� Tony Juarez, Jr. /titix� Edward L. Sample The above ordinance was passed by the following vote: Gabe Lozano, Sr. Qom, 2 Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Q w�- Joe Holt ,nom Tony Juarez, Jr. Cdr Edward L. Sample 1444® = ia: ''?