HomeMy WebLinkAbout14551 ORD - 10/11/1978jkh:1O- 11- 7.8;2nd - i k AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT GRANT APPLICA- TION FOR FOUR MINI - GRANTS TO THE COASTAL BEND COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1. Field Officers Training Course, 2. Family Crises Intervention Training Course, 3. Portable Surveillance Radio Grant, 4. Interpersonal Relations Course, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF EACH APPLICATION BEING ATTACHED_ HERETO, MARKED EXHIBITS "A", "B", "C ", AND "D ", AND MADE A PART HEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO OBTAIN THE GRANTS, IF AND WHEN THE APPLICATION IS GRANTED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to submit grant application for four mini - grants to the Coastal Bend Council of Governments for the following: 1. Field Officers Training Course, 2. Family Crises Intervention Training Course, 3. Portable Surveillance Radio Grant, 4. Interpersonal Relations Course, all as more fully set forth in the applications, a substantial copy of each being attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibits "A ", "B ", "C ", and "D ". SECTION 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute all documents necessary to obtain the aforesaid grants, if and when the application has been approved. SECTION 3. The necessity to authorize submission of the afore- said grant application for the purposes set forth herein creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the JUL 0 81980 14551L suspension of the Charter rule and that thi's ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT PS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the day of October, 1978. ATTEST: 'ag/ eA�� Cityy7Secretary APPROVED: -DAY Of OCTOBER, 1978: J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By Assistant C- ttorney a, 19_79'S SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET EFFORT PROJECT NOTIFICATION SHEET. CJD CJD USE ONLY — This section to be completed by regional Prog.Seq.No. council, metropolitan planning unit, or state agency director. 1. Region or Agency Number: 2. Priority Number: = -3­ . CJD_ Program: _Number:- 79 W; - 4... RHE_ ' - S Elint =SIock i 6. Proposed applicant: City of Corpus Christi 7. Project title: Field Training Officers' Course 8. Proposed grant period: from Nov / 78) to Dec/ 78 (month) (year) (month)(year) (Note: 1980 funds generally will be available for projects beginning between October, 1979, and September, 1980.) 9. Month and year application (or, in the case of mini -block projects, implementation documents) to be submitted: October / 1978 (month) (year) 10. Project summary and anticipated project accomplishments for new and continuation projects: This information must be quantified and include base data. Use additional pages if needed. A. Background and Justification 1. Crime problem addressed (please identify and discuss briefly): There is a significant problem in the process of training a newly hired individual to perform as a police officer. Seldom can academics be made.to serve as a substitute for hands on experience. ,De- partments have relied on experienced officers to impart the essential post academy training with mixed results. In 1970, the San Jose, California Police Department chose an approach to the problem that has given them one of the finest Field Training Programs in the country. Two nationally recognized experts, Dr. Roberts and Lt. Kamenski ,'of the San Jose Police Department, who are closely associated with the San Jose program have developed a superb course of instruction for Field Training Officers. The Field Training Officer is the essential element in the final training of a police recruit and in evaluating the recruit as to his fitness to be an effective officer under actual field conditions. The course offered by Roberts & Kamenlski rinsures that evaluations will be based on consistent and reliable standards, - -­ 4 "' ' 2. Criminal Justice system problems and needs addressed (please identify and discuss briefly): The criminal justice system cannot be better served than to provide ;t with the maximum possible effective personnel to accomplish its goals. This is particularly true of the caliber of its peace officers which can only be assured by the most efficient selection and training processes available. The experience of the San Jose Police Department with the F.T.O. Program developed to accomplish those two purposes is demon - stratably the finest available and the duplication of their program cannot help to be of benefit to any department interested in the course objectives. I1`I TNS Page 2 B. "Goals and Indicators 1. Goals (a quantified achievement to be accomplished within a specified time period): The purpose of this grant will be to provide the initial professional training of selected officers to fullfil the roles of F.T.O., to design the training curriculum they will use and to instill the standards of evaluation required to sustain the program at its most effective level. This will be done in a one week (40 hour)-' training course conducted by Dr.,Roberts and Lt. Kamenski; currently members of.the San Jose, ia7afornYa,POIi'ce,I2epartmenC ;.and natiohally recognized expertsin` the- area:of post _academy_polce 'tfaining"._and' "@Gaiaatiori methods. It is,anticipated that =appzosiidaEely 30 officers will be °r' trained as F.T.O's. with the additional capacity of training more as needed by the department. 2. Indicators of goal achievement (quantified result(s) ,expected. An indicator identifies criteria against which project progress can be measured to determine whether goal is being achieved). To address this requirement, please complete form provided on page 6 of this project notification sheet and consult instructions. C. Project Plan This section should describe how the proposed project would be carried out. It includes two parts - -(1) a• narrative identifying project methodology and organization and (2) a tabular implementation schedule. ,1. Methodology and Organization: The course will consist of five 8 -hour class days taught by Dr. Roberts and Lt. Kamenski. It will include a complete analysis of actual evaluations used by other departments already employing the San .lose approach, as well as -all training materials required. The theory of the F.T.O. program is discussed in- depth, plus the methodology, objectives and techniques required to supplement a successful local program. In addition to the actual instruction of the officers involved, Dr. Roberts will design or tailor the existing concept of the program to the specific needs of the Corpus Christi Police Department. 2. Implementation Schedule: This section is a description of the various phases of project operation. Specify estimated dates of completion of each stage. To address this requirement, please complete form provided on page 7 of this project notification sheet and consult instructions, PNS Page 3 11. Proposed project budget: + CJD Sral upport Tot al Fe de Cash * and State Contribution A. Personnel Cash Pro'ect In -Kind Contribution Total Pro'ect B. Professional $ Contract 3,900 Services:- 3,900 - -200__ 3,900 E. Construction F. Supplies g Direct 600 0 ,rating G. Indirect Cost * ** H. Total 4,700 4,700 4,700 Budget narrative. Briefly describe major proposed expenditures such as positions to be filled and proposed salary ranges and job description for each, any professional or contract services en- visioned and method of procurement, major travel planned including destination and travelers, type of equipment to be purchased, and basis for determination of major costs (use additional pages, if needed). A. Personnel. . . . - . .. None B. Professional Services (Fee for Dr. Roberts & Lt. Kamenski). . . . . . $3,900.00 . C. ,Travel ($100.00 round trip, Air Fare, Houston - Corpus Christi x 2) 200.00 D. Equipment. . . . . . . - . None E. Construction . . . None F. Supplies & Direct Expenses ($200.00 total per diem x 2 men + $200.00 Training Manuals and Materials) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600.00 G. Indirect Cost . . . . . None TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,700.00 Criminal Justice Division Contribution (100 %) . . . . . . . • $4,700.00 xConsult CJD continuation funding policy. a *A required 25% cash contribution must be provided for aZZ equipment purchases in aZZ program areas beginning in FY '79 with exception of. teZetppe projects in program B6 which will require only a 15% cash contribution. r, '**See Z979 Criminal Justice Plan for Texas, Appendix C. PNS Page 4 12. Previous funding: If this project continues an existing project, identify: A. Funding source: N/A B. Grant title . - _ = �— f^ pie _ - --=vsoizs ffM _ `_C _YLost °'recent -CJ1 i an_t rmmber i— (If budgeted for 1979 but grant award not yet made, check here )•. D. Number of months project will have been funded by CJD /LEAA as of October 1, 1979:" E. Concise history Of project from initial funding to present. This section should address (a) staffing, (b) significant accomplishments, (c) significant problems that have prevented project from reaching goals, and (d) program changes contemplated during new funding period. PNS Page 5 13. Future funding: - If this project is funded, for how many additional months will CJD funding be requested? IJ /A 14. Multi - regional or regional- metropolitan impact: If funded, this project (will /will not) have impact on agencies in! more than one local planning area % it will; gleaser Identify,- all' affected IocaL planning units w and explain how coordination has been effected. 15. Subpart E of the EEO requirements (is /is -not-) applicable to the agency. If it is, state whether the agency (has /has -no--) complied with Subpart *E of the EEO requirements. (28 CFR 42.201 et seq. Subpart E) *16. Assessment: Identify who will do the assessment, when it will be done, and what will be the basis for determining the success or failure of the project in reaching its goals and objectives. The assessment of the success of this program will be done by the chief of police. X4 will be done as an ongoing part of the training of successive recruit classes. The determination of the success or failure of the grant .. will be based on the performance of recruit officers relative to that of earlier recruits and the professionalism and the opinion of their capabilities garneredfrom.-theii-field and division supervisors. *Only mini -block applicants are required to address this requirement. INDICATORS OF G©A.L. AdAVtMENT • li'iJ•,a November 20, 1978 pager; ° f' of PROJECT START DATE h _ Report Required MAPTM— NIFINAL rp. ee Name, Address, and Telephone Grant Number ! Clydo Fe� Report Period Novemb1rl – e ember 1978 us Christi Police Department 6rantTitle Field Training Officers' . Box 9016 D ate October 6y. 1978pus Christi, Texas 78408 Course y Project Director W:. !C.I Banner • ,iii __ -- * * Current Indicator Level 1. Train 30 officers as Field Training Officers 1 week tour 0 * Projected Annual Range 30+ Periodic Progress Reporting Qt M1 M2 hi3 Q2 M4 MS M6 a3' M7; ,!;,, M9 Q4. ;410 2111 12 �j�,l�• Vilt .r 1 'It, 0 1 .......... ' p J,Dir or'sinitiz Grant Manager's Review' EF- L� - � . Form CJD -1 *1-0: ir. these five items with PNS,Other items will be recorded monthly and reported to CJD quarterly should this project be budgeted. See directions nn Page 11 of this form. Z W IMPLEMENTATIom SCHEDULE GRANTHO, *TITLE." Field Training Officer JECT START DATE November 20, 1978 Course REPORTING PERIOD Nov TO Dec 1978 tis chart should identify each step of the project from preparation of the project application to, ompletion of grant period. Complete co�Umns j and 2 with application and •lumps 3, 4, and 5 will be reported to CJD quarterly. ' 1 2. Class Ends 3. Final .Date ' UARTE 2 UARTER 3 _ To Be Tuh Completion ' aslt Comp)etton UARTER 4 Date in Date Date to Task atpplca,m -- Com leted Com feted Pro EteW;,^d Date Data ^in Data Y Tas& Ccmp!eG�c 9Completed Proz ,.Z—,. r..__e_._� Date In n.,_ I in these three items with FNS. Other items will be recorded monthly and reported to CJD quarterly should this project be budgeted. See instructions on Page t n CJD-1 ,' and 12 of this form. PNS Page 8 17. -.we affirm'that-this proposed - project fully conforms.with the program description shown in Item 3 and fully conforms with existing CJD and LEAA program descriptions and financial guidelines as to years of funding, minimum agency size, program requirements, etc.- O - Signature _of- Propos d- Project- Director__:_- Signature of Pinancia ffic r _— -� - W. C. Banner - _ H. F. (M se print or type) Name (Please print or type) Name Chief of Police, Corpus Christi Police Dept. Director, Finance Department Title Title P. 0. Box 9016, Corpus Christi, Tex. 78408 P. 0. Box 9277, Corpus Christi, Tex. 78408 Address Address 512- 884 -3811 512- 884 -3012 Telephone Telephone October 5, 1978 Date ATTEST: Signature of Authorized Official City Secretary R. Marvin Townsend (Please print or type) Name APPROVED: DAY OF OCTOBER, 1978: city Manager J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY Title to P. O. Box 9277, Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 By 9'" " Address Await City A orney 512- 884 -3811 Telephone Date CJD will not consider unsigned or incomplete project notification sheets. + I 779•S SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET EFFORT PROJECT NOTIFICATION SHEET CJD CJD USE ONLY — Prog. Seq. No. 6. Proposed applicant: 7. Project title: This section to be completed by regional council, metropolitan planning unit, or state agency director. 1. Region or Agency Number: 2. Priority Number: 3. CJD Program Number: 79 4.` RBE: 5. Mini- Block:` City of Corpus Christi Family Crises Intervention Course S. Proposed grant period: from Nov. / 1978 to Dec / 1.978 (month) (year) (month)(year) (Note: 1980 funds generally will be available for projects beginning between October, 1979, and September, 1980.) 9. Month and year application (or, in the case of mini -block projects, implementation documents) to be submitted: October / 1978 (month) (year) 10. Project summary and anticipated project accomplishments for new and continuation projects: This information must be quantified and include base data. Use additional pages if needed. A. Background and Justification 1. Crime problem addressed (please identify and discuss briefly): A very large Percent of violent crimes have been discovered to be against family members, friends and neighbors of subjects arrested for their perpetration. Theoretically, these crimes, occurring in the privacy of the subject's home, are reported to be unpreventable ojp controlable. The concept of family crises intervention, however, denies this allegation. It suggests the family violence can be mitigated if it is handled competently and expertly by officers who invariably 'become aware of the situation before the ultimate consequence -- violence that results in death or serious in- jury. Even if this ultimately is proven non - supportable, the fact remains that officers trained in family crises intervention are far better equipped to handle such incidents than otherwise. If the suggested mitigation occurs because of Ctrained intervention, the program is incalculably valuable in terms of human lives, both victims and perpetrators, and of society as a whole. 2. Criminal Justice system problems and needs addressed (please identify and discuss briefly): The criminal justice system is im- measurably improved when crimes-that would otherwise have to be handled by the system are pre- vented. If family crises intervention is, in fact, a valid concept, the expert handling of a crises by trained officers at once provides invaluable crime prevention by short circuiting violence before it occurs and allows trained officers to anticipate some of the emotional needs of the family or individuals experiencing the crises to which they are responding and provides the officers with information and alternatives they would otherwise not have in reaching non- violent and constructive solutions. i 'PNS Page 2 B. Goals and Indicators 1. Goals (a quantified achievement to be accomplished within a specified time period): The obvious goal of a program that trains officers to intervene intellegently in the emotional laden family crises is to resolve the problems involved without the crises esculating to violence. Now to quantify this fact is difficult to contemplate. Obviously, training less than 10% of the officers of a department in this field will not resolve - rnmmunitu. =or bu meaningful percentages_ detectable_ handled -z'ight_, -and _ . �- -- --- ---_ - - - participants is a total gain for society over the alternative. The -only quantifiable goal outside this concept is to train approximately 30 officers with funds from this grant. 2. Indicators of goal achievement (quantified result(s) expected. An indicator identifies criteria against which project progress can be measured to determine whether goal is being achieved). To address this requirement, please complete form provided on page 6 of this project notification sheet and consult instructions. C. Project Plan This section should describe how the proposed project ivwould be carried out. It includes two parts - -(1) identifying project methodology and organization and (2) a tabular implementation schedule. 1. Methodology and Organization: This course is a one week (40 -hour) course taught by F.B.S. instructors from the F.B.I. National Academy. These officers provide fully professional instruction and all support for this program. The purpose of this grant is to pay the overtime required for 30 officers to attend on their own time. _ t .2. Implementation Schedule: This section is a description of the various phases of project operation. Specify estimated dates of completion of each stage- To address this requirement, please complete form provided on page 7 of this project notification sheet and consult instructions, PNS Page 3 11. Proposed project budget: Federal Cash* Cash In -Kind Total and State lContribution. P I Contribution Projec I� zna E Construction F. Supplies 1� Direct Budget narrative. Briefly describe major proposed expenditures such as positions to be filled and proposed salary ranges and job description for each, any professional or contract services en- visioned and method of procurement, major travel planned including destination and travelers, type of equipment to be purchased, and basis for determination of major costs (use additional pages, if needed). Personnel A ............... 15 officers x 40 hours x $9.94 = $5,964.00 15 sergeants x 40 hours x $11.24 = $6,744.00 Total ..... ............................... $12,708.00 Criminal Justice Division Contribution... $12,708 "Consult CJD continuation funding policy. * *A required 25% cash contribution must be provided for aZZ equipment Purchases in all program areas beginning in FY '79 with exception of. teletype projects in program B6 which will require only a Z5% cash contribution. ** *Sec 2979 Criminal Justice PZan }'or, Texas Appendix C. PNS Page 4 12. Previous funding: If this project continues an existing Project, identify: A. Funding source: NIA B._ Grant title: AA D r�LK P'rev- 7, -77�C - Most recent -CJD . n CIf budgeted for 1979 but grant award not yet made, check here Number of months Project will have been funded by CJDILEAA as of October 1, 1979: E. Concise history of Project from initial funding to present. This section should address (a) staffing, (b) significant accomplishments, (c) significant problems that have prevented project from reaching goals, and (d) program changes contemplated during new funding period. 0 PNS Page S 13. Future funding: If this project is funded, for how many additional months will CJD funding be requested? N/A 14. Multi - regional or regional- metropolitan impact: If funded, this project (will /will not) have impact on agencies in 'Y more than one local planning area. If it will, please identify all affected local planning units - and explain how coordination has been effected. NONE 1S. Subpart E of the EEO requirements (is /ks-mut) applicable to the agency. If it is, state whether the agency (has /h-s_q--mot) complied with Subpart E of the EEO requirements. (28 CPR 42.201 et seq. Subpart E) *16. Assessment: Identify who will do the assessment, when it will be done, and what will be the basis for determining the success or failure of the project in reaching its goals and objectives. The chief of police will be the primary assessor of the success of this program with the assistance of field supervisors who will actually observe the family crises intervention trained officers in the field. *Only mini -block applicants are required-to address this requirement. .u��IYI91� i IND'1 ATORS OF GOAL ACHIEVEMENT P€ CDJECf START DATE November 1978 page of x " Gratitce Name, Address, and Telephone Grant Number Report Required WAR-T€4k- WFINAL (Circle one) Report Period Nov 1978 - Jan 1979 Corpus Christi Police Department trantTitle Family Crises Interventio p. o. Box 9016 Date October 6,, 1978 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Course * W. C. Banner Project Director k Indicator 1. Train 15 officers and 15 sergeants in Family Crises Intervention rrunnual Periodic Progress Reporting s: Current Annual D4 - -- E Level Range Q1 Q2 4�; M1 M2 M3 1414 M5 M6 M7 IAB' M9 M191911 24 j 54 'o L tA rorm C) D•1 *Fill in these five Items with PNS. Other Items will be recorded monthly and reported to Cj0 quarterly should this project be budgeted. See directions an Page 17 oFthis form. 1I 4rLEMENTATION SCHEDULE GRANY N O *TITLE Family Crises Intervention J ECT START DATE November 1978 REPORTING PERIODILOv 7870 Lan 79 tis chart should identify each step of the project from preparation of the project application to completion of grant period. Complete columrts J and 2 with application and -lumps 3, 4, and 5 will be reported to CID quarterly. APPLICATION UARTER 7 UA 'In these three Items with FNS.Other items will be recorded monthly and reported to C D a 0 n these J quarterly should this Project be budgeted, Sce Instructions on Page 1 i and 12 of this form. Date To RTE 2 Task Cc mpierian 'bask UARTER'3 " • TASK 6e Com leted Completion Date In Date Date 1n Datc Com feted Pro Task ompletion Date Revised Com feted Pro , Revised in , Date om feted Proy Q1tc ',,Revised 1. One week course to start in Compact late November 1978 or in December 1978.according to availability of FBI instructors 11_27_7 2. Final Report - 1_31_79 - 'In these three Items with FNS.Other items will be recorded monthly and reported to C D a 0 n these J quarterly should this Project be budgeted, Sce Instructions on Page 1 i and 12 of this form. PNS Page S' 17. xWe,affirm that .this..proposed project fully conforms with the program description shown in Item 3 and fully conforms with existing CJD and LEAA program descriptions and financial guidelines as to years . Lding, minimum agency size, program requirements, etc.- Signature of Proposed Project Director Signature of ;Fin ial fficer rr:- sue. .r.- ....•. ..,-. _ _ _- W. C. Banner - -- _ H. F. tick (Please print or type) Name (Please print or type) Name Chief of Police, Corpus Christi Police Dept. Director, Finance Department Title Title P. O. Box 9016, Corpus Christi, Tex 78408 P. O. Box 9277, Corpus Christi, Tex 78408 Address Address 512- 884 -3811 512- 884 -3011 Telephone Telephone October 5, 1978 Date Date ATTEST: Signature of Authorized Official City Secretary R. Marvin Townsend (Please print or type) Name APPROVED: DAY OF OCTOBER, 1978: City Manager Title J. BRUC AYCOCK, TY ATTO NEY By �Cityt.r.ey P. O. Box 9277, Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 — Address 512- 884 -3011 Telephone Date CJD will not consider unsigned or incomplete project notification sheets. 1979 S SUPPLEx9ENTAL BUDGET EFFORT PROJECT NOTIFICATION SHEET CJD CJD USE ONLY This section to be completed by regional Prog.Seq.No. — council, metropolitan planning unit, or state agency director 1. Region or Agency Number: 2. Priority Number :_ 3. CJD Program Number: 79 4. RBE: _ S. Mini - Block: 6. Proposed applicant: City of corpus Christi 7. Project title: Portable Surveillance Radios 8. Proposed grant period: from .'Nov / 1978 to ,Ian / 1979 (month) (year) (month)(year) (Note: 1980 funds generally will be available for projects beginning between October, 1979, and September, 1980.) 9. Month and year application (or, in the case of mini -block projects, implementation documents) to be submitted: October / I978 f - (month) (year) 10. Project summary and anticipated project accomplishments for new and continuation projects: This information must be quantified and include base data. Use additional pages if needed. A. Background and Justification 1. Crime problem addressed (please identify and discuss briefly) : The anticipated Project accomplishment cannot be quantified in a manner that would lend itself to the reasoning that if we had these radios we could expect "x" number of facts to result. The radios expected to be purchased by this grant will facilitate secure tactical operations in a number of important police areas, including narcotics, vice, criminal surveillance, and in a tactical emergency, unit deployment. 2. Criminal Justice system problems and needs addressed (please identify and discuss briefly): The use of these radios will equip the police department with an important flexibility and security in carrying out its primary function in a number of areas of immediate concern to'the entire criminal justice emergencies. system. These include narcotics, major crime areas and police deployment under field TNS Page 2 Goals and Indicators 1. Goals (a quantified achievement to be accomplished within a specified time period): The goal of this project is to provide advanced technical equipment to officers involved in high security surveillance operations, tactical deployments and major criminal investigations. While predominantly its equipment will be used in the interdiction of narcotics traffic, the radios them- selves will provide invaluable additional capability for the department in any type of major incident requiring secure communications. Indicators of goal achievement (quantified result(s) expected. An indicator identifies criteria against which project progress can be measured to determine whether goal is being achieved). To address this requirement, please complete form provided on page 6 of this project notification sheet and consult instructions. Project Plan This section should describe how the proposed project would be carried out. It includes two parts - -(1) a narrative identifying project methodology and organization and (2) a tabular implementation schedule. 1. Methodology and Organization: The equipment will be assigned to the depart- ment's special services Division which includes Narcotics and vice, as well as controlling the organized Crime Control Unit and the Narcotics Task Force. While primarily assigned to this particular division, the equipment will be accessible to any division that may need it for special tactical problems. 2. Implementation Schedule: This section is a description of the various phases of project operation. Specify estimated dates of completion of each stage. To address this requirement, please complete form provided on page 7 of this project notification sheet and consult instructions. pNS Page 3 11. Proposed project budget: Budget narrative. Briefly describe major proposed expenditures such as positions to be filled and proposed salary ranges and job description for each, any professional or contract services en- visioned and method of procurement, major travel planned including destination and travelers, type of equipment to be purchased, and basis for determination of major costs (use additional pages, if needed), Number Cost Total CJD Share Radios�(MOtoroZaD.V.P.) X4 $3,629 $14,256 $20,887 Cases X4 IO 40 30 Chargers X4 99 396 297 Surveillance Kits X4 60 240 180 Encoder XI 1,400 1,400 1,050 Total Project Cost .... ........................$26,592 CJD Funding Requested......... $12,444 Grantee Cash Match ............ ............................... 4,248 Total...... ................. ............................... $16,592 *Consult CJD continuation funding poZicy. * *A required 25% cash contribution must be provided for a1Z equipment Purchases in aZZ program areas beginning in FY '79 with exception of teletype projects in program B6 which wiZZ require onZy a Z5% cash contribution. ** *See Z979 Criminal Justice Plan for Texas, Appendix C. ., PNS Page 4 12. Previous funding: If this project continues an existing project, identify: A. Funding source: N/A B. Grant title: C. Most recent CJD grant number, if previously funded by CJD or LEAA: (If budgeted for 1979 but grant award not yet made, check here )• D. Number of months project will have been funded by CJD /LEAH as of October 1, 1979: E. Concise history of project from initial fundiresent.li hments, section should address (a) staffing, (b) significant (c) significant problems that have prevented project from reaching goals, and (d) program changes contemplated during new funding period. s' ..PNS Page 5 13. Future funding: If this project is funded, for how many additional months will CJD funding be requested? N/A 14. Multi - regional or regional - metropolitan impact: z If funded, this project (will /will not) have impact,on agencies in more than one local - planning area. If it will, please identify all affected local planning units and explain how coordination has been effected. None 15. Subpart E of the EEO requirements (is/4s_aat3 applicable to the agency. If it is, state whether the agency (has /has_ae_Q complied with Subpart E of the EEO requirements. (28 CFR 42.201 et seq. Subpart E) *16. Assessment: Identify who will do the assessment, when it will be done, and what will be the basis for determining the success or failure of the project in reaching its goals and objectives. As indicated above, the assessment of fact details from the utilitization of the radio equipment being applied for does not lend itself easily to quantitative analysis. The effect of this equipment upon operations of the department will be assessed by the chief of police or such members of his staff as he designates. *Only mini -block applicants are required to address this requirement. INDICATORS OF GOAL ACHIEVEMENT PROJECT START DATE November 1, 1978 Page of Grant Number Report Required Q1J4% U-REVIFINAL Grantee Name, Address, and Telephone Nov - (%S .—M 978 . corpus Christi Police Department trantTitk Portable Surveillance Report Period P. O. Box 9016 Date October 6, 1978 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Radios * W. C. Banner Project Director Form CID-1 'Fill in these five items with PNS,Other items will be recorded monthly and reported to CID quarterly should this project be budgeted. See directions on Page 11 of this form. z z w IMPLEME14TATION SCHEDULE GRANT NQ ..;_ *TITLE' Portable"Surveillance Recd_ JECT START DATE November 1, 1978 REPORTING PERIOD 11 -78Tp 1 -79 lis chart should identify each step of the project from preparation of the project application to completion of grant period. Complete columns I and 2 with application and lumns 3, 4, and S will be reported to CJD quarterly. APPLICATION 0 DARTER 1 U RTE 2 QUARTER3 ARTER 4 TASK * Date To Be IM &W Date Co feted Task In ft& Completion Date Revised Date m feted ask In Prog. Completion Date Revised Date S2MLWed Task In Pr Completion Date Revised Data Co feted Task In Prot. Compledon Dote Revised 1. Purchase Radios & Equipfnen 11 -1 -78 2. Final Report 1 -31_7 FF P 'ect Director's Initial Grant Mioggs RIX'w in these three items with PNS. Other items will be recorded monthly and reported to CJD quarterly should this project be budgeted See' instructions on Page 11 and 12 of this form. n CJD -1 PNS Page 6' i 17. We affirm that this proposed project fully conforms with the program description shown in Item 3 and fully conforms with existing CJD and LEAA program descriptions and financial guidelines as to years of funding, minimum agency size, program requirements, etc.- 1Z Signature of Pro osed Project Director• Signature of Fin i Offi er W. C. Banner H. F. Zick (Please print or type) Name (Please print or type) Name Chief of Police, Corpus Christi Police Dept. Director, Finance Department Title Title P. 0. Box 9016, Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 p. O. Box 9277, Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Address Address 512- 884 -3811 512- 884 -3011 Telephone Telephone October 4, 1978 Date Date ATTEST: Signature of Authorized Official City Secretary R. Marvin Townsend APPROVED: (Please print or type) Name DAY OF OCTOBER, 1978: City Manager, City of Corpus Christi J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY Title B P. 0. Box 9277 City A orney Address 512- 884 -3011 Telephone Date CJD will not consider unsigned or incomplete project notification sheets. ,•i 1979 S SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET EFFORT NOTIFICATION PROJECT NOTIFICATION SHEET CJD CJD USE ONLY — Prog.Seq.No. 6. Proposed applicant: 7. Project title: This section,to be completed by regional council, metropolitan planning unit, or state agency director. 1. Region or Agency Number: 2. Priority Number: 3. CJD Program Number: 79 4. RBE: 5. Mini- Bldck: City of Corpus Christi Interpersonal Relations Course 8. Proposed grant period: from Nov / 1978 to Jan / 1979 (month) (year) (month)(year) (Note: 1980 funds generally will be available for projects beginning between October, 1979, and September, 1980.) 9. Month and year application (or, in the case of mini -block projects, implementation documents) to be submitted: October / 197'8 " (month) (year) 10. Project summary and anticipated project accomplishments for new and continuation projects: This information must be quantified and include base data. Use additional pages if needed. A. Background and Justification h 1. Crime problem addressed (please identify and discuss briefly): d Police officers are called upon to intervene in crises under circumstances that range from trivial to bizarre. The responding officers arrive, either equipped or not equipped, to handle the situation they encounter by their history and their under- standing of themselves. A misstep or a prejudice they were unaware of might ignite a violent confrontation or a festering dissatisfaction with the department. The ultimate ramifications are unpredictable in terms of anti - social- behavior, violence or other activity regarded as criminal. The concept of interpersonal relations addresses this " Problem. The course is designed to place the officer in touch with the unique reality that is himself and by allowing him to establish this critical understanding - -to equip him to function well in his role within the Criminal Justice System. A-_ 2. Criminal Justice system problems and needs addressed (please identify and discuss briefly): Whether or not the criminal justice system functions properly, or at all, is a product of the ordinary citizen's perception of its representatives and its responsiveness to . that citizen's needs. It is for this reason that the appropriate attitude among criminal justice personnel, and in particular the law enforcement officer, is so critical to the goals of the entire system. The concept of interpersonal relationships as being vital to the success of the criminal justice effort towards the control and prevention of crime stems solely from the fact that the officer who responds to a complaint is responding to a human crises and in doing so must respond as a human being rather than a complex of unresolved personal problems and prejudices. The interpersonal relations course teaches the attending officer that he must effective peace officer. understand his own nature to be an 'PNS Page 2 B. Goals and Indicators 1. Goals (a quantified achievement to be accomplished within a specified time period): It is virtually impossible to quantitate a quality as intangible as interpersonal skills, it is not impossible to demonstrate the existence or non- existence of that same trait. Rather than to attempt to directly measure the amount of skill an officer might have, perhaps the most appropriate measurement of the overall effect of a successful interpersonal relations ocurse is the diminishment of citizen related complaints, supervisory complaints and violent confrontations encountered by officers trained in such a course. These categories and certain others can be used to gauge the effectiveness of the training, and do, lend themselves to some quantitative analysis. 2. Indicators of goal achievement (quantified result(s) expected. An indicator identifies criteria against which project progress can be measured to determine whether goal is being achieved). To address this requirement, please complete form provided on page 6 of this project notification sheet and consult instructions. C. Project Plan This section should describe how the proposed narrate would be carried out. It includes two parts - -(1) identifying project methodology and organization and (2) a tabular implementation schedule. 1. Methodology and organization: The Interpersonal Relations Course will be con- ducted under the auspices of Dr. Roland Brauer, Psychologist, and will include a total of 25 sessions at a rate of two per week. Each session will be one and one -half hours long and will be supported by psychological testing, evaluation and some interpretation. The cost of the testing and Dr. Brauer's fee will be picked up by the local Coastal Bend Council of Government Unit. The grant will be used to pay overtime for the approximate 15 officers who will attend. 2. Implementation Schedule: - This section is a description of the various phases 'of project operations Specify estimated dates of completion of each stage. To address this requirement, please complete form provided on page 7-of this project notification sheet and consult instructions. .PNS Page 3 11. Proposed project budget: $6,716.25 Budget narrative. Briefly describe major proposed expenditures such as positions to be filled and proposed salary ranges and job description for each, any professional or contract services en- visioned and method of procurement, major travel planned including destination and travelers, type of equipment to be purchased, and basis for determination of major costs (use additional pages, if needed). The entire cost of professional services to be picked up by the local Council of Government unit out of training funds. In addition, Coastal Bend Council of Governments will fund the costs of tests and testing. Criminal Justice Division support is requested for payment of the overtime for the officers to attend. This amounts to 37.5 hours per man x 15 men x $11.94 per hour = $6,716.25.x!' * Outside of the overtime costs, there are no additional funding requirements for the project. *ConsuZt CJD continuation funding policy. * *A required 25% cash contribution must be provided for all equipment Purchases in all program areas beginning in FY '79 with exception of teletype projects in program B6 which will require only a 15% cash contribution. ** *See 2979 Criminal Justice Plan for Texas, Appendix C. CJD Support Total Federal Cash* Cash - In -Kind Total A. Personnel and State Contribution Pro'ect Contribution Project B. Professional $ Contract $6 716.25 - - -- 6 716.25 6.716'2 Services �C. Travel D, E ui ment ** E. Construction F. Supplies $ Direct 0 eratin E ense G. Indirect Cost * ** H. Total $6,716.25 $6,716,25 Budget narrative. Briefly describe major proposed expenditures such as positions to be filled and proposed salary ranges and job description for each, any professional or contract services en- visioned and method of procurement, major travel planned including destination and travelers, type of equipment to be purchased, and basis for determination of major costs (use additional pages, if needed). The entire cost of professional services to be picked up by the local Council of Government unit out of training funds. In addition, Coastal Bend Council of Governments will fund the costs of tests and testing. Criminal Justice Division support is requested for payment of the overtime for the officers to attend. This amounts to 37.5 hours per man x 15 men x $11.94 per hour = $6,716.25.x!' * Outside of the overtime costs, there are no additional funding requirements for the project. *ConsuZt CJD continuation funding policy. * *A required 25% cash contribution must be provided for all equipment Purchases in all program areas beginning in FY '79 with exception of teletype projects in program B6 which will require only a 15% cash contribution. ** *See 2979 Criminal Justice Plan for Texas, Appendix C. PNS Page 4 12. Previous funding: If this project continues an existing project, identify: A. Funding source: N/A B. Grant title: C. Most recent CJD grant number, if previously funded by CJD or LEAH: (If budgeted for 1979 but grant award not yet made, check here )• D. Number of months project will have been funded by CJD /LEAA as of October 1, 1979:' E. Concise history of project from initial funding to present. This section should address (a) Staffing, (b) significant accomplishments, (c) significant problems that have prevented project from reaching goals, and (d) program changes contemplated during new funding period. r PNS Page 5 13. Future funding: If this project is funded, for how many additional months will CJD funding be requested? N/A 14. Multi - regional or regional - metropolitan impact: If funded, this project (will /will not) have impact on agencies in more than one local planning area. If it will, please identify all affected local planning units and explain how coordination has been effected. NONE 15. Subpart E of the EEO requirements (is /is-net) applicable to the agency. If it is, state whether the agency (has /+rasnot -) complied with Subpart E of the EEO requirements. (28 CFR 42.201 et seq. Subpart E) *16. Assessment: Identify who will do the assessment, when it will be done, and what will be the basis for determining the success or failure of the project in reaching its goals and objectives. The assessment will be performed by the chief Of police. It will be done as an ongoing part of the operation of the department. Success of the project will be determined by the diminishment of, or lack of complaints (or the nature of complaints) against attending officers. It is anticipated that the impact of the program will be observable as a higher level of skill among the group of attending officers in dealing with crises, the public and themselves. *Only mini -block applicants are required to address this requirement. J Interpersonal Relations INDICATORS OF GOAL ACHIEVEMENT -• - - - PROJECT START DATE November 1978 page of Grantee Name, Address, and Telephone Corpus Christi Police Department P. O. Box 9016 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Grant Number Interpersonal Relations `rutt Title � Report Required (#!RRL`rY %?FINAL (ehue one Report Period Dec 1978 to Jar 1979 Date October 6, 1978 # r Project Director W. C. Banner NO Form CJD-1 'Fill in these five items with PNS.Other items will be recorded monthly and reported to CID quarterly should this project be budgeted. See directions on Page I I of this form. z . o 4 r NO r 1. Train 15 officers in inter- MEN personal Relations Concept ®MEN, MENIM 000 MINSIMMINIMEME■ ■���IMOMMIK EEMO■ IMMMIMEMM MINIMMIMMIMEME■ � MENMEM No ME 'Grant Managers Review Form CJD-1 'Fill in these five items with PNS.Other items will be recorded monthly and reported to CID quarterly should this project be budgeted. See directions on Page I I of this form. z Interpersonal Relations _ IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE GRANT NO . 'TITLE Interpersonal Relations. C( ECT START DATE December: 1978 Jan March REPORTING PERIOD TO its chart should identify each step of the project from preparation of the project application to completion of grant period. Complete columns 1 and 2 with application and •lumns 3, 4, and 5 will be reported to CJ D quarterly- APPLICATION 0 UARTER t QUARTER 2 OUARTER3 O11JJ RTER 4 TASK s Date To fie Com leted Date Co kted Task In R Completion Date Revised Date am kted Task In &2L. Completion Date Revised Date Completed I Task In Pr Completion Date Revised Data Completed Task to Completion Date Revised 1. Classes start 2 -5 -78 2, Classes End 2 -24 -79 3. Final Report 3-31-791 1 P Giant M w I in these three Items with PNS, Other Items wil l be recorded monthly and reported to CID quarterly should this project be budgeted. See instructions on Page 11 and 12 of this form. n CJD -1 PNS Page B' 17. We affirm that this proposed project fully conforms with the program description shown in Item 3 and fully conforms with existing CJD and LEAA program descriptions and financial guidelines as to years of funding, minimum agency size, program requirements, etc.- Signature of Pro a Project Director Signature of Fi -al ffic r W. C. Banner H. F. Zick t; (Please print or type) Name (Please print or type) Name Director, Finance Department Chief of Police, Corpus Christi Police Dept. Title Title P. O. Box 9016, Corpus Christi, Tex. 78408 P. O. Box 9277, Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Address Address 512- 884 -3811 512- 884 -3811 Telephone Telephone P October 4, 1978 Date Date ATTEST: Signature of Authorized - Official City Secretary R. Marvin Townsend APPROVED: (Please print or type) Name DAY OF OCTOBER, 1978: City Manager City of Corpus Christi J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY Title I�L By & P. 0. Box 9277 City torney Address 512- 884 -3011 Telephone Date CJD will not consider unsigned or incomplete project notification sheets. Corpus Christi, Te s p /day of �J 19 76 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, The Charter rule was suspended Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample The above ordinance was passed Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample 14551 THE -OITY OF I"ORPUS -tHI , TEXAS