HomeMy WebLinkAbout14643 ORD - 12/06/1978JU:jKn:IL- b - /ti; ISt AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE SUBLEASE BY R. E. LAMBERT TO S. T. RUSSELL OF 1.55 ACRES ON KENNEDY CAUSEWAY AT THE INTRACOASTAL CANAL, LEASED TO MR. LAMBERT AS AUTHORIZED BY ORDINANCE NO. 13301, AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE SUBLEASE AGREEMENT, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "A "; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City Council by Ordinance No. 12673, passed and approved on July 2, 1975, authorized execution of a bait stand lease with F. J. Graham dba Graham's Bait Stand, situated on the Intracoastal Canal crossing on Kennedy Causeway; and WHEREAS, the City Council by Ordinance No. 13301, passed and approved on July 28, 1976, authorized approval of the assignment of Graham's Bait Stand by F. J. Graham to R. E. Lambert; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms of the aforesaid lease, the operator of the bait stand shall obtain written approval prior to assigning or subcontracting the said lease; and WHEREAS, R. E. Lambert desires to sublease the bait stand on Tract 3' Of the Coastal Public Lands granted by Ordinance No. 12673, and assigned by Ordinance No. 13301, and the City is agreeable to the said sublease: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to approve the sublease of the bait stand operated by R. E. Lambert on Tract 3 of the Coastal Public Lands,situated on the Intracoastal Canal crossing on Kennedy Causeway, containing 1.55 acres of land and /or water, more or less, being the same lease area authorized for bait stand lease by Ordinance No. 12673, passed and approved by the City Council on July 2, 1975, and being the same lease area approved for assignment by Ordinance No. 13301, passed and approved by the City Council on July 28, 1976, said bait stand to be subleased by R. E. Lambert to S. T. Russell, all as more fully set forth in the sublease agreement, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A ". SECTION 2. The necessity to authorize approval of the aforesaid sublease agreement at the earliest practicable date creates a public emergency 14643 UU1® 0 so and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date Of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor, having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the day of 1978. ATTEST: a- Ca y MAYOR AP ROVED: THE CITY OF 0 CHRISTI$ TEXAS DAY 01978: J. B,R,UCE�AIYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By UC I�-Cl Assistant C' y Attorney CONSENT TO SUBLEASE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES WHEREAS, the City Council by Ordinance No. 12673, passed and approved on July 2, 1975, authorized execution of a bait stand lease with F. J. Graham dba Graham's Bait Stand, situated on the Intracoastal Canal crossing on Kennedy Causeway; and WHEREAS, the City Council by Ordinance No. 13301, passed and approved on July 28, 1976, authorized approval of the assignment of Graham's Bait Stand by F. J. Graham to R. E. Lambert; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms of the aforesaid lease, the operator of the bait stand shall obtain written approval prior to assigning or subcontracting the said lease; and WHEREAS, R. E. Lambert desires to sublease the bait stand on Tract,- 3, of the Coastal Public Lands granted by Ordinance No. 12673, and assigned by Ordinance No. 13301, and the City is agreeable to the said sublease: 1. This consent to sublease shall cover the following described tract or parcel: TRACT NO. 3 A tract or parcel of land and /or water being on the Southwest side of the Intracoastal Canal Crossing on Padre Island Causeway, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point which is in the centerline of the Padre Island Causeway right -of -way and the center of Trestle "B ", being also the center line of said Intracoastal Canal; Thence N. 64° 03' W. along the center line of the Padre Island Causeway right -of -way a distance of 200 feet to a point; Thence S. 25° 57' W. a distance of 70 feet to a point which is the most easterly corner of Tract No. 3; Thence continuing S. 250 57' W. a distance of 225 feet to the most southerly corner of Tract 3; Thence N. 64° 03' W. a distance of 300 feet to the most westerly corner of Tract No. 3; Thence N. 25° 57' E. a distance of 225 feet to the most northerly corner of Tract No. 3; Thence S. 641 03' E. a distance of 300 feet to the most easterly and beginning corner of Tract No. 3 for a closure of this tract; Containing 1.55 acres of land and /or water, more or less. 2. Assignee, R. E. Lambert, proposes to sublease the building, improvements, equipment and business situated on the aforesaid Tract 3 to S. T. Russell, Sublessee, under the terms of the proposed sublease which is attached hereto as Exhibit "1" to become effective on or about October 21, 1978. 3. Sublessee agrees to be bound to the terms of the lease between the City and original lessee, F. J. Graham, dated July 18, 1975, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit 11211. 4. It is understood and agreed that this Consent to Sublease shall not operate to diminish or discharge Sublessor R. E. Lambert from liability under the original lease and assignment. 5. Sublessee shall obtain the written approval of the City prior to exercising any option to purchase the business described in Exhibit "1 ". 6. Said sublease shall be subject to the terms of the aforesaid lease and assignment, shall be for the unexpired portion of the lease, which expires on October 24, 1979, with the option to renew for five additional years, ff the City obtains authority from the School Land Board to so extend, the lease. EXECUTED this the day of 19 ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: DAY OF December , 1978: J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By Assistant i y orney R. E. Lambert Sublessor S. T. Russel Sublessee APPROVED: CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS By R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager Director of Finance II �Ii tI STATE OF TEXAS; COUNTY OF KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THIS AGREEMENT OF LEASE, blade this 21 day of October A. D. I9 78 by.and between R. E. Lambert . known herein as LESSOR, and S. T. Russell - known herein as LESSEE. (The terms "Lessor" and "Lessee" shall he construed in the singular or plural number according as they respectively • represent one or more than one person.) WITNESSETH, That the said Lessor does by these presents lease and demise unto the said Lessee the following :•described property, to -wit: Lying and being situated in Corpus Christi of Nueces , County , State of Texas, and being A Bait Stand business known as Grahams Bait Stand located at 13245 South Padre Island Drive and including a building, docks, piers, six 14' aluminum boats, all refrigeration equipment and other contents of the building, except resale merchandise. for the term of 12 months beginning the 21st day of October A. D. 19 78 and ending the 20th day of October A. D. iB 79 Paying therefor the sum of Four Thousand Eight Hundred - DOLLARS, ,payable as follows: $800.00 upon execution of this lease 400.00 per month in advance with the first payment due on the 21st day of November 1978 upon the conditions and covenants following: First. That Lessee will well and PUNCTUALLY pay said rents in manner and form as hereinbefore specified, and quietly deliver up said premises on the day of the expiration of this lease, in as good condition as the same were in when received, reasonable wear and tear thereof excepted. Second. That the said premises shall be used for Business and for no other purpose. Third. That Lessee will not sub -let said premises, or any part thereof, to any person or persons whatsoever, with- out the consent of said Lessor, IN WRITING, thereto first obtained. Fourth. That on failure to pay the rent in advance, as aforesaid, or comply with any of the foregoing obligations, or in violation of any of the foregoing covenants, the Lessor may declare this lease forfeited at h discretion and h agent or attorney shall have the power to enter and hold, occupy and repossess the entire premises hereinbefore described, as before the execution of these presents, Fifth - Lessee acknowledges that the land occupied by this business is the property of the State of Texas and administered by the City of Corpus Christi. Further that the terms of this lease are contigent upon the receipt of City approval for the transfer of responsibility for the property from the Lessor to the Lessee. Sixth - Lessee has the option of purchasing this business at any time during the lease period for a total of $25,000.00 with all monies paid on the lease being applied to the total purchase price. IN. TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The said parties have hereunto set their hands, in duplicate, the day and year above written D Executed and delivered in the presence of: ,/` ACM UONT THE STATE OF TEXAS X KNO!•I ALL 2•14 BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY or NUECES X THIS AGMEMMIT is made and entered into by and between the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, a municipal corporation, hereafter re- ferred to as City, pursuant to a Resolution authorizing this Agreement, and IMr. F. J. Graham, MBA Grah-am's Bait Stand, hereinafter referred to as Operator, and for such, iTiTDITES SE^1H 1_ That in consideration of the.covenants herein contained on the part of Operator to be kept and performed, City, does'hereby grant.to Mfr. F. J. Graham, MBA Graham's Bait Stand, a non - exclusive franchise.£or the purpose of building and operating a bait.stand business to further public recreation in the Coastal Public Lands described as Tract... 3 on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of this agreement. 2. This agreement is subject to all provisions of'Coastal Public Lands Lease No. L -1000, a copy of caTuch is attached hereto as Exhibit "B ", and to all provisions of TEX, REV. CIV. STAT. AM_'ART. 5415e -1. This agreement is subject to the approval of the Texas School Land Board_ 3_ The terry of this agreement shall be for a pex-lod begsnn-!ng- on the 61st day following the date of final adoption of the Ordinance - authorizing this agreement and ending on October 24, 1979. Operator.shal7 have the option to renew this agreement for an additional five -year period subject to City successfully obtaining the authorization from the State of Te-ras to so extend the agreement. 4. Either party hereto-may terminate this agreement by giving notice to the other party of intent to do so at least one year in advance of the date of terminaticn_ Both parties mutually agreeing may terminate this agreement at any time. 5. The Coastal Public Lands contemplated by this agreement are expressly subject to lease by the School Lane Board for the exploration for and development of oil, gas' minerals, and /or other energp sources at zny time during the term hereof_ 6_ City reserves the right to at any tine alter the boundaries of the preMises and to designate access and utility casements within the preen -ises When necessary for public purposes and the common good, subject to renegotiation of this agreement. 7. For and in consideration of this agreement, Operator hereby covenants and agrees with and to City that it will pay to City at Corpus Chtisti, Texas, the amount of One Thousand and Ei `Ltv Dollars per year, or one per cent of the gross sales and receipts for the year, whjchever is greater_ Payments shall be made by Operator for each calendar month in the amozat of one - twelfth of the annual'amouat due, and said monthly pay- ment shall be due on the 20th day of the following month. Operatoz agrees to submit a report to City, accompanying the monthly payments for the months of Harch, June, September, and December, of the gross-sales and receipts for the preceding quarter. if Operator -shall knowingly furnish any incorrect statement of gross sales and receipts, this will .constitute- default on the part of Operator entitling City at its option to declare this Agreement terminated. Any such report which shall vnde* state the gross sales and receipts for any month by as.much as ten: percent (109.') of the true amount thereof shall be conclusively deemed to have been knowingly and falsely furnished by him, and City in order. to exercise .its option of termination shall only be xequi.red.to establish..such falsity and shall not be required to establish actual 1mv-wledoe on. the part of Operator of such falsity. Operator agrees that Operator's casTx register and all records relating to Operator's business shall be .subject to the examination and audit by City at any time. Operator- further agrees to provide copies of sales tax reports and income tax statements to City within 30 days after such reports and statements are fileff with. the State and Federal governments. A reckoning shall be made at the end of each calendar year, and Operator zorees to pay any additional'amouat owed City within 30 days of billing by City. Operator agrees that the amount to be, .paid nay be increased, at the option of City, at the end of calendar year' 1977, ,-id again at the end of each succeeding two -year period, by an amount not to exceed twenty percent (20 %) . The increase may be applied to either the flat monthly rate or to the per cent of gross sales and receipts, or to both, at the discretion of City. 8- Operator covenants that it will not assign this Agzeerei_ nor - Subcontract the use of the whole or any part of said premises unless it has first obtained the written permission of City. 9. Operator may construct or demolish buildiugs and structures, or extend and improve existing buildings and structures, provided that Operator first obtains the written approval of City for each specific project - Operator shall construct and repair all improvements and install all equipment in compliance with the City of Corpus Christi Building Code, Electrical Code, Fire Prevention Code, Plumbing Code, Zoning Ordinance, and all other applicable 1c,as and ordinances_ It is agreed and understood that all construction and repairs of buildings and structures and equipment installation shall be at the expense of — Operator- Buildings shall be painted at intervals not to exceed two years unless Operator obtains a written waiver of this requirement-from City- 10. Operator agrees to maintain se *oage disposal facilities in cocpliauce with all applicable laws and regulations. In this coauection, Operator agrees to obtain a written statement -at least once per yeai•-from_ the City of Corpus Christi — Nueces County Health Department.reporting the conditions and acceptability of sewage disposal facilities; and to provide a copy of said written statement to City. In the event tlat eXi5tlIIg septic tank facilities fail to be approved, then Operator agrees to install holding tanks of a size to be approved by City and to-procure regular servicing in accordance with a schedule approved by City. Operator.furtller agrees to procure sanitary sewer services if said services-become available, to the premises, and to connect all toilet -drains and other sewage lines within ninety days after sanitary sewer service becomes available.- Operator agrees to prevent the anauthorized discharge of any sewage or'debris onto, the ground, -or into the waters within or immediately adjacent to the premises_ Operator further agrees to construct adequate dikes around fuel storage- .facilities or other' -rise protect adjacent waters from contamination fro- potential spills of fuel. 11. A copy of City Council Resolution No. 11768 is attached hereto as Exhibit "C ". Operator agrees to carry out the spirit and intent of said Re solution No. 11768 by maintaining the premises so as to be clean and having a pleasing appearance. Operator agrees to maintain regular garbage collection services, and to prevent the accumulation or storage on the premises of any abandoned motor vehicle or boat, ice box, refrigerator, stove, glass, building material, rubbish or similar items. Lessee agrees to prevent the accumulation of any junk, trash, or other debris in the waters c-ri. thin or imneeiately adjacent to the shoreline of the premises. 12- Lessee agrees.to provide,its services to the public mad to be open' -for S;j;iness according to the follcaiog.schedule:- '])At OF TBE IMEK TIME 'rXCEPTIONS .Sunday Monday 6 :00 a-m. to 12.00 6-00 a_m.. to :QC3 n. Closed is Had Fteat - Tuegda Y= P.M. 6:00 a_m_ to 2-00 p.-m. Wednesday 6 :00 a-m_ to 100 p_m. Thursday 6 :00 a.m_ to :00 P.M. Friday 6:00 a.m. to 0 P.M. Saturday 6:00 a-m. t 12: 0 P.M. Operator agrees to deviate from the foregoin"o schedule and y after obtjri._no written permission- from City. -13- It is expressly understood that City shall•have the'iight to eater the premises at reasonable hours to inspect facilities and.othexuise determine Operator's compliance i .iith the Agreement. - 14_ Operator agrees to post in, a conspicious place at evj-_Xy location where aerchandise is sold, or fees are to be charged' , a schedile of Prices which are not iu excess of those charged ceder similar coaditions elsewhere within the City limits of -the City of Corpus Christi_ 15- A-11 improvements on the premises shall •be the security £or pronpt payments hereunder, and as a consideration for this Agreec=nt, Operator agrees that all homestead exemption- be craived_ It is understood' and agreed that, in the event-of default in the payment of any amount due, "or in the failure of Operator to keep f the P an Y covenants or novae -er_ts herein, or upon the violation by Operator of any city ordinance or other` lag in the carrying out of this Agreement, then and from thenceforth this Agreement shall be terminated . 4 mad the full mount due hereL.zder shall a become payable immediately. It is further understood and agreed that in such event all buildings and improvements on the premises shall remain as attached to the land and be and become the property of City unless Operator, within sixty days from the date of re -entry by City shall pay all payments then in default at the date of re -entry to City; and City shall at once have all right of re -entry upon said premises and possess, have and enjoy the same which it would have upon the expiration of this Agreement by lams- of time. 16- It is.further agreed and understood that City shall not be liable to Operator, or to any other person whatsoever, for any injury, m loss or daage to any person or property in-or upon the Coastal .public Lands hereinabove described. Operator hereby consents and agrees to assure all liability for or on .account of any injury, loss or damage above.des -- cribed, ani to indemnify and forever hold harmless City against each and .every claim, demand or cause of'actiou that may be made against City by reason of or in any way arising out of any defect or-imperfection In. any building, pier, wharf, sidewalk, driveway, street, or any other structure in or upon the Coastal public Lands hereinbefore described. Operator agrees in this connection to carry public liability insurance in the ,,,;r;;, um s1m Of $100,000 for personal injury and $5,000 for property damage, -in a.comp -7 Or -companies 'acceptable to City, with a loss-payable clause makjng City an_ .additional insured, and to maintain a copy of said insurance policy on file With City. Coverage Of said insurance shall include the'entire premises - including piers, wharfs, and any other water froat'faci.lities. EXECUTED this the rt �/ - -- - _ day of, J u 7 - .... 19_ . ] i `.. ATTEST. CITY OF CORPUS aMSTI APPROVED: `Day of ' •3 City Attorney BY R. Ma 'n Towase -4 City 11anager 1?- 11.1-3 ...... AU1nOKIZEU CI1y BY COUNCIL L - % SECRETARY F. Y Gra>�rrr OPERATOR TRACT N0. 3 I -VISEO RAY 2, 1975 A tract or parcel of land and /or water being of the Intracoastal Canal Crossing on Padr°- Isla de Causeway,tandde being rove particularly described as follays: BEGINNING at a point which is in the centerline of the Padre Island Causeway Right -of -Nay and the center of Trestle "B ", being also the center line of said Intracoastal Canal; THENCE N. 540 03' 41, along the center line of the padre Island Causeway Right-of-Way a distance of 200 feet to a point; THENCE S. 250 57' 11. a distance of 70 feet to a point which is the most easterly corner of Tract No. 3; THENCE continuing S. 250 57' !d_ a distance of 225 feet to the most southerly corner of Tract No. 3; THENCE N_ 540 03' 14. a distance of 300 -Feet to the most 'westerly of Tract No. 3; THENCE Fd. 250 57 E. a distance of 225 feet to the most northerly corner of Tract No. 3; _ THENCE S. 540 03' E. A distance of 300 feet to the most easterly and beginning corner of Tract No. 3 for a closure of this tract; CONTAINIPIG 1.55 acres of land and /or water, more or less. _ 1 .t V 4 I 1 � Z J% IS i v e o] 0 t V � q / Asa Cur ✓c �afu - ,P _ Pl__ /93�St�G3 O t: H ?ttG.00 � /njroosiotCo�ol �`Tresfl '��7.ao fnd T�esi /e _ -ai • o • f3� /T STj./,c/� L.cilsr° �1,P,E.4s .Uueces Coun /y Cnginecrii�,� Depf. Pyhfof/''�oy/nop .Uo -O.33- 1038_ Sia. Sao �OZOO f�agin Tresf /z C" 7, esf /P c" 5io z�zf ozov fud r�eslie c ` �'' CUf..' C'ifiJL "CC iriilU ; LEItSti il0 �-1UCU lE OF aElt \S X :i- _OUadTY Ui' :fRAV7S X The parties to this lease are the School Land Eoard of the State of Texas,_ LESSOii, and tlzc City of Corpus Christi, ldueces County; Teas, LESSEE. This Lease is made under the authority of and for the Pura- poses set forth in the Coastal Public Lands i3anage,aent Fact 'of 1973, TEX_ REV. CIV_ STAT- ANN_ art_ 5:15e -1, §8 (a) (1) and 98 (b) (r) _ The term of this lease is five--(5) years from the date hereof. ]Either party hereto may terminate this lease by giving•notice to the other warty oi_ intent to do so at least one year in advance Of _the date of termination_ For and in consideration of the covenants herein_ con Fined on the part of LESSEE to be kept and pe= �ormed, LESSOR does hereby lease unto LESSEE, subject '• o' all provisions of TEX_ REV_ CIV_ SiP,T_ AIM art_ 5415e -1, the Coastal Public Lards described as Tract No_ 1 Tract t:o_ 2, 4116. Tract't?o- 3 on Exhibit A attached- hereto and .made a Part of this Lease Agreement_ The Coastal Public Lands contemplated by this lease are e:cPtes�- subject to lease by the School Land Board -for the exploration for,, at development pf oil, gas, minerals, and /or other energy sources, at a. time during the tern hereof_ -For and in consideration of this lease, L1SSI:E Hereby cove;zant: and agrees with and to LESSOR that it will during the term of the lease pet} to LESSOR at Austin, Texas, on the ninetieth day" after .the date hereof, or the next business da }• thereafter, if t:,r sea= falls on z! Sunday or legal holiday, and every ninetieth day therc- after until the termination of this agreement, thirty -three and one- third p=r cent (33- 1/31) of the gross revenues dcrivad by LL•'S;E- fr.'. and Paid to it by virtue of contracts or franchise agreements entet.- in'to by LEJSEC to proaote public recreati.orL upon thet Iterc.inb-�-rorc described Coastal Public Land_:_ and z:qrc (2 5 ed tI;;IL per. - CnI.- 01 the -qxoss revenues Sbitil be placc..d in an draw; 11a Spacial account by LL-SSj-,E, consistent the Statc,• -nor the - purpose of laws of, the future by IzSsLL for and constructing public recreational Facilities upon. the henaill: I eforc, 6--scribed Coastal Public -rands; that UP Pon tenm'natiOn Of the lease, any lund_l remaining ill said special account, with accrued accrued inte're . sL, Will be re-.itted provided further that plans, dra. Iillgs and desc=i.tio, 0- an.' public recrea' Onal facilities funded out Of said special account, shall be sub-Mitted to LESSop, for LESSOR'S aPPrO-va-I 'befote Construction begins- It is further understood and agreed that all books, records and ledges kept by LESSEE relating to reverxujas derived by 'virtue of contracts 0..c franchise agreements enter6d into LO by LL PrO,1110'Le public recreation Upon 'the hexeinbefo're*- described Coastal Public Lands, shall be made a-ailabj, to LESSOR, 'upon zequest- fU_rt!lr-r agreed and understood that, liable to LESSEE, or to any other person 7hat L S S o.,tj shall not be- 1-soever, - . I. Lor any injury, loss Or damage to any person I Or property in Or . IlPqn the Coastal Public Lands herainbefore ' described . LESSEE hereby consents and;, agrees to ass'Lne all liability for or on accoupt of any loss or damage above describedana to Indemnify and . forever hold; harmless LESSOR zgainst each and every clairft, demand or cause of action that way be nacle against LESSOR by reason -Oi or in -any way: arisiiiq out of any defect or imperfection in any - building,:- PI-er", wharf, sidewalk, driv a-WaY, street, -1y OtI or -2� --er -structure in or upon the Coastal Public lands leased Ilereby- EXECWT-ED in duplicate Originals 'this the day of P.TTEST 1. Secretary ot tile schoETT --L,,.a 0_a rd SCJT0OL LAND BOARD Or T110 STATE Or ji0_5 Armstrong, i. �i:ii (;_ Itecicl ' —ter F•pQxoVED: Jal tes 12 _ Iti figs ity �;ttorney THE STILE OF T.c ms x COULgTY OF TP VIS x CL'i ^)' -) , 01, CO:Z'US C;IalSii BY ' o�nscncl City Manager -j ICU LEF ORE 1iF, th e tndersi aPPeared BOS API,1STROI+FG fined authority, on this day State of Te ;as l Chairman of School Land Boardrofn heY name is "nown to me to be the person and officer tvhos- subscribed to the fore to rle that he executed the going instrument, and ac'rnowledge�. La,nd Board ,, Of th'e State of Texasaforhthect and deed of said Schoc therein Of and in the ca Purposes and considerati( pacify thereip- ' sated_ O, GIVFr, UwnYR I•SY FI.AND �!I\D SL' OFF? r r fix, �� CEr, t US clay 197 the 7_- c.. i�1 " Z: Nocary Public 1 o TRAVIS COMITY, 2EXr1S for r TFIE - . TEXAS CO& Ty OF I,,UECEs x _ appear` s undersigned authority, on this d d F._ 2LARVIN Tot"IDISEtz Christi, Teia, , City manager of ay P °rsoaal3y e municipal corporation, the City of- Corpus person and officer lvhose name edo -* to me to }» instru� lent is subscribed to the as `(1e and ackno;vledged to b- the act and deed me that he executed foregoing tlhereinysta,ej_ sidepationdtherein ;expr- ssedh1resltznfohet�em� paci z:y C2VF; of P! U"InER 1 -1Y I-MND AND Sri, or orrxcl , C�c.l •_[. 3.974 _ this the �1 day it a.ry �Pub:l:ic� r UF_CES COUi`ITY, �O TE\r ?S . Corpus Christi, Tex b day of 6t, 1974 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, MAYOR THE TY OF 0 HRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule Was suspended by a following vote - . Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley r David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample 14643 Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample The above ordinance was passed by the following t,A-r o-