HomeMy WebLinkAbout14689 ORD - 12/20/1978! UKn:1Z- ZU7/M;ISt P AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS ON JANUARY 20, 1979; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION I. That the City Secretary be authorized to publish w the fallowing Notice of Election in accordance with Taw: r 146€9 11CR_OFILI�FD ' �SUL 0 81980 AN ORDINANCE NOTICE OF ELECTION AVISO DE ELECCION To the Registered Voters of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas': A los Votantes registrados de la Ciudad de Corpus Christi, Texas Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on the 20th day of January, 1979 for voting in the special Election for the purpose of the following proposed amendments to the City Charter of Corpus Christi Texas: Por la presente se da aviso que los sitios de votacion indicados abajo estaran abiertos desde las 7:00 a.m. hasta las 7:00 p.m. el dia 20 de enero de 1979 para votar en la Eleccion F especial con el proposito de las siguientes enmiendas propuestas a la Carta Constitucional II{ de la Ciudad de Corpus Christi, Texas: PROPOSITION NUMBER 1 Shall Article VII, Taxation and Bonds, Section I - Taxation, Paragraphs (a) and (b), as now contained in the Charter of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, be repealed in their entirety and the following substituted therefor as an amendment to the City Charter of Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas? ARTICLE VII Section 1, Taxation. (a) The City Council shall have the power, and is hereby author- ized annually, after the City Budget is adopted, to levy and collect taxes to the maximum as herein prescribed, based on the assessed value of all real and personal properties in the City, not exempt by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas from taxation. (b) The ad valorem taxes on real and personal property in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas shall be limited to two hundred sixty -five one - thousandths (0.265) of one (1) percent of value except to pay the prin- cipal and interest on debts previously approved by the voters. (c) The assessed valuation of properties for tax purposes. shall be based on the assessed values of said properties for the year 1975 - 1976. (d) Reassessment of said properties shall not exceed two (2.00) percent per year. In case of repair or remodeling of the improvements on said property by the owner thereof, who continues the ownership thereof, the value of said property shall not be increased because of such repair or remodeling of the improvements on said property for five (5) years after the completion of such repair or remodeling. 3k: ,.., - -.� _ ..... -� - ' .. - -•�,.. _ - . - ' T?�'�; ""'iii. (e) The limitation provided in Paragraph (b) above, sha t apply to ad valorem taxes to pay the interest and principal on indebtednes- ses, including bonds, previously created by the voters prior to the time this Charter Amendment becomes effective. (f) The full cash value means the assessor's valuation of real and personal property, as shown on the year 1975 - 1976 City assessor's rolls under "full cash value ". Thereafter, the appraised value of real' and personal property, when purchased, newly constructed, or a change of ownership has occurred after the 1975 assessments shall be brought to the base assessment of all other properties, based on the 1975 assessment values, with such increases in such value as will have been permitted on the' two (2) percent per year basis, as is provided in Paragraph (d) above. (g) The fair market value base shall reflect, from year to year, the inflationary rate, not to exceed two (2) percent for any given year, as provided in Paragraph (d) above, or a reduction as shown in the Consumer- Price Index or comparable date for the area under taxing jurisdiction. (h) The City, by a two- thirds vote of the qualified electors within said City may, by said two- thirds vote of qualified electors of said City, impose special taxes on said City, except that no ad valorem taxes on real property or a transaction or sales tax on the sale of real property within the City shall be permitted or imposed. (i) Full credit shall be given the taxpayer for homestead exemp- tion, military incurred disability allowance or other existing exemption under present laws, nor shall any reduction be permitted on such exemptions as now in force and effect. (j) The maximum tax rate, as prescribed herein, will be avail- able at all times for the purpose of meeting interest and principal require- ments of debts existing as of the date of any tax levy. The portion of this maximum tax rate for all purposes, other than debt services shall not exceed one dollar and twenty -five cents ($1.25) per one hundred ($100.00) dollars of assessed value. Before the City Council calls an election for the issuance of any tax supported bonds, in addition to all other required actions, the Director of Finance shall certify that all interest and principal requirements of existing and proposed tax supported debt can be met from the estimated proceeds of a tax rate not in excess of one dollar and twenty -five ($1.25) cents per one hundred ($100.00) dollars of assessed valuation as established, prescribed and limited herein in Paragraph (b) above. 2� a�a� M This Charter Amendment shall take effect on the date of its adoption and approval by the voters of Corpus Christi and acceptance by the City Council. PROPOSICION NUMERO l 2Debera( revocarse en su totalidad el Articulo VII, Impuestos y Bonos, Seccion 1 - Impuestos, Parrafos (a) y (b), como estan contenidos en la Carta Constitucional de Corpus Christi, Texas y substituir para eso to siguiente como enmienda a la Carta Constitucionai de Corpus Christi, Condado Nueces, Texas? ARTICULO VII Seccion 1, Impuestos. (a) El Concilio de la Ciudad tendra el poder, y esta /por la pre - sente autorizado anualmente, despues de que adopte el Presupuesto de la Ciudad, gravar y recaudar impuestos' al maximo como se prescribe aqui dentro, basado en el valor fijado de toda propiedad real o personal en la Ciudad, que no este exenta por la Constitucion y por las Leyes del Estado de Texas. (b) Los impuestos ad valorem sobre propiedad real y personal en la Ciudad de Corpus Christi, Texas seran limitados a doscientos sesenta Y Cinco milesimas (0.265) del uno (1) por ciento de valor con excepcion de aquellos para pagar el principal / p y el interes sobre deudas aprobadas con- - anterioridad por los votantes. (c) La valuacion fijada de propiedades para fines de impuestos / estara basada en los valores fijados a dichas propiedades por el ano 1975 -1976. (d) La revaluacion de dichas propiedades no excedera el dos (2:00) por ciento por ano. En caso de reparacion o remodelacion de las mejoras de dicha propiedad por el dueno de la misma, quien continue siendo dueno de la misma, el valor de dicha propiedad no sera aumentado debido a tal repara- ci6n o remodelacion de las mejoras en dicha propiedad por cinco (5) apos despues de la terminacion de tal reparacion o remodelacion-_ (e) La limitacion provista en el Parrafo (b) arriba, no se aplicara a impuestos ad valorem para pagar el interes y en el principal sobre adeudos, incluyendo bonos,'creados con anterioridad por los votantes antes de la fecha en que esta Enmienda de la Carta Constitutional se haga M E1 valor efectivo entero quiere decir la valuation del asesor de la propiedad real y personal, indicada en el ano 1975 -1976 de las nominas del asesor de la Ciudad bajo "valor efectivo entero ". t De ahi en delante, el valor estimado de la propiedad real o personal, cuando haya lido comprada, recien reconstruida, o haya ocurrido un cambio de dueno despues de las valuaciones de 1975 sera emparejada al avaluo base de todas otras propiedades, basado en las valuaciones estimadas de 1975 con dichos aumentos en dicho valor Como hayan sido permitidos en el dos 2 ( ) por ciento por 6-no Como base, asi Como se proviene en el Parrafo• (d) arriba. (g) La base del valor de mercado justo reflejara i de ano a ano, el grado de inflation, no excediendo el dos (2) por ciento para cualquier ano especificado, Como provisto en el Parrafo (d) arriba, o una reduccion Como se indica en el Indice de Precio del Consumidor o fecha comparable para el area bajo la jurisdiccion de impuestos. (h) La Ciudad, por el voto de las dos terceras partes de los electores calificados dentro de dicha Ciudad podra , por el voto de dichas dos terceras partes de los electores calificadds de dicha Ciudad, imponer impuestos especiales sobre dicha Ciudad, excepto que ningun impuesto ad valorem sobre propiedad real o una transaccion o un impuesto de venta en la venta de propiedad real dentro de la Ciudad sera�permitida o impuesta. (i) Se dara credito entero al pagador de impuestos por . i exencion de Casa hogar, por pension de incapacidad incurrida militarmente u otras exenciones existentes bajo las leyes presentee, ni ninguna reduc- cion sera permitida sobre tales exenciones que hasta ahora esten en vigor y efecto. (j) El grado de impuestos maximo, Como se prescribe aqui dentro-, estara disponible en todo tiempo para el fin de satisfacer los requisitos del principal a interes de deudas existentes en la fecha de cualquier gra- vacion de impuestos. La porcion de este grado maximo de impuesto para todos los fines, con excepcion deservicios de deuda no excedera un dolar y veinti- i cinco centavos ($1.25) por cien ($100.00) dolares de valor estimado. Antes que el Concilio de la Ciudad flame a una eleccion para la expedicion de cualquier bono financiado por impuestos, ademas de todas las acciones reque- 4i ridas, el Director'de Finanzas certificara que todo requisito de principal e interes de deuda existente o propuesta financiada por impuestos puede ser satisfecho-por el producto calculado de un grado de impuestos no en exceso de un dolar y veinticinco ($1.25) centavos por cien ($100.00) de valuation estimada como se establece, se prescribe y se limita aqui /dentro en Parrafo (b) arriba. (k) Esta Enmienda de Carta Constitutional tendra efecto en la fecha de su adoption y aprobacion por los votantes de Corpus Christi y aceptacion por el Concilio de la Ciudad. PROPOSITION NUMBER 2 Shall Article VII, Section 1, be amended by adding the following paragraph (g): The property tax levy (tax rate times total assessed value) for 1979 -80 for all purposes shall be reduced 11.25% from the 1978 -79 levy excluding taxes from assessed value growth resulting from new construction of all types, additional personal property, expanded minerals, annexations, and not more than 2.5% increase resulting from reassessments. Thereafter, the tax levy for all purposes except debt service and judgments for any fiscal year shall not exceed the previous year's levy for the same purposes by more than 2.5% excluding assessed value growth result- ing from new construction of all types, additional personal property, expanded minerals, and annexations. PROPOSICION NUMERO 2 (Alternativa del Concilio) Se enmendara el Articulo VII, Seccion 1, agregandole el siguiente parrafo (g): La tasa sobre impuestos de propiedad (grado del impuesto mul -- tiplicado por el valor estimado total) Para 1979 -80 para todos los fines i sera reducido 11.25 % de la tasa 1978 -79 excluyendo impuestos de crecimiento i de valor estimado que resulte de la construction nueva de todos los tipos, propiedad personal adicional, mineraies expandidos, anexaciones, y no ma's' . . del 2.5% de aumento resultante de revaluaciones. f De ahi en delante, la tasa del impuesto para todos los fines excepto servicio de deudas y juicios para cualquier a'no fiscal no excedera la tasa del ano anterior para Ios mismos fines por mas del 2.5% excluyendo el crecimiento de valor estimado que resulte de nueva construction de todos"= tipos, propiedad personal adicionaLminerales exoandidos. v anexaciones SECTION 2. The ballots for said election shall be in such form as those voters intending to vote "Yeg' shall show on their ballot a vote "FOR" the respective proposition, and those intending to vote "NO" shall show on their ballot "AGAINST." SECCION 2. La balota Para dicha eleccion estara en tal forma para aquellos votantes que tengan intencion de votar "Si" mostraran en su balota un voto "POR" la proporcion respectiva, y aquellos que tengan inten- cion de votar "NO" mostraran en su balota "EN CONTRA." SECTION 3. The election shall be held pursuant to Article 1170, R.C.S., Texas, and the general laws of Texas pertaining to elections insofar as such are applicable hereto. The polls shall be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Said election shall be held in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, at the following places, being the City's regularly prescribed voting precincts: SECCION 3. La elecci n sera llevada a cabo de acuerdo con el Articulo 1170, R.C.S., Texas, y las leyes generales de Texas perteneciente a elecciones en cuanto a tales sean ,pplicables a este fin. Las casillas estaran abiertas desde las 7:00 a.m. hasta las 7:00 p.m_ Dicha eleccion se llevara a cabo en la Ciudad de Corpus Christi, Texas, en los siguientes- lugares, siendo Jos precintos de votacion de la Ciudad los normaies. LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES LUGARES DE LOS SITIOS DE VOTACION 6 r I CITY & COUNTY PRECINCT NO. POLLING PLACE LOCATION: 1 Old Courthouse, Annex Mesquite and Belden Sts. 2 Windsor Park School 4526 So. Alameda 3 Assembly Hall First Presb. Church 435 So. Broadway 4 Kindergarten Room, Cathedral School Upper So. Broadway 5 Hamlin Junior High School 3900 Hamlin 6 Gaslight Square 1000 Third Street y Oak Park School 3701 Mueller 8 Alice Allen Hall, Oak Park Meth. Ch. 878 Oak Park 9 - Calallen Elementary School 5215 Avenue A 15 * (Also 24 & Skinner Elementary School 80) First Aid Room 1001 Bloomington i7 Shannon Junior High School 1530 Airline Road 18 * County Building 13808 So. Padre Island DRive CITY & COUNTY PRECINCT NO. POLLING PLACE LOCATION: 20 Municipal Service Center 2525 Hygeia 21 * Kiwanis Field Recreation Room 3933 Timon 24 Skinner Elementary School (Also 15 & 80) First Aid Room - 1001 Bloomington 29 * (Also 34 Tuloso- Midway Elementary School & 100) 1925 Tuloso 30 Ayers Recreation Center 1722 Winnebago 31 Garage at Ontiveres Residence 1021•- 10th Street 32 Good Samaritan Mission 210 So. Alameda 33 George Evans School 1315 Comanche 34 * Tuloso-Midway Elementary School (Also 29 & 100) 1925 Tuloso 38 Crossley School 2512 Koepke 39 United Methodist Hall 1329 7th Street 40 Garage at C-S. Neve Residence 408 Palmero 41 Nueces National Bank 1434 So. Port Ave. .fat:~ - + 1 •• - - - _ - - -_ , CITY fi COUNTY PRECINCT NO_ POLLING PLACE LOCATION: 42 Bessar '>--I- C enter 2760 Santa Fe 43 Travis School 1634 Tarlton 44 2avala School 3102 Highland 45 Recreation Center, Geo Wiggins Home 2320 Buford 46 Lamar School 2212 Morris 47 Ben Garza Gym 1815 Howard ' 48 Parkdale School 4801 Everhart 49 WashiBgton School 1114 Sam Rankin 5o Lindale Recreation Center 3133 Swantner 51 Gibson School 5723 Hampshire 52 Woodlawn Presbyterian Church Entrance Hall - 3757 Up River Road 53 Houston School 363 Norton 56 La Armada, Hall 3701 Ayers CITY & COUNTY . PRBCINCT- POLLING PLACE LOCATION 57 Del Mar Junior College Foyer of Auditorium 58 Menger School 2209 So. Alameda 59 Incarnate Word Convent Utility House - 2930 So. Alameda 60 Adult Learning Center Austin School Campus _ 3902 Morgan 61 Shaw School Annex 844 Virginia 62 Wynn Seale Junior High 1707 Ayers 63 First Christian Church Scout Hut 3401 Santa Fe 64 Santa Fe Swimming Club 4100 Santa Fe 65 Montclair School 5241 Kentner 66 Fisher School 601 Texas Trail 67 Garage at LeMaire's Residence 518 Harrison 68 Garage at Billimek's Residence 2812 Devon 69 Baker Junior High School 3445 Pecan 70 Moore School 5426 Williams Drive CITY & COUNTy POLLING PLACE LOCATION PRECINCTS: 71 Lexington School - 2901 McArdle 72 Central Park School 3602 McArdle 73 Fannin School - 2730 Gollihar 74 Cunningham Junior High School 4321 Prescott 75 David Crockett School. 3302 Greenwood 76 Port Avenue Drug 913 So. Port Store 77 Lozano School 650 Osage 78 Ebenezer Baptist Church 1423 Palm 79 Robert Driscoll Junior High School 261 Weil 80 Skinner Elementary School (Also 24, 15) First Aid Room - 1001 Bloomington 81* Savage School 5025 Up River Road 82 Iron Workers International Hall 506 Westchester 83 La Armada No. 3 Office 1404 Tompkins 92 Cullen Junior High School 5225 Greely 93 Wilson School 3925 Port Worth 94 Calk Elementary School 4621 Marie 95 St. Cyril & Methodius School 3210 So. Padre Island Drive 96 Garage at Kirton's Residence 3013 Brawner Parkway CITY & COUNTY PRECINCTS - - -�_. POLLING PLACE LOCATION ' 84 King High School - .._. 5225 Collihar 85 Allen School 2002 Elizabeth 86 Munroe -Bass Building 3054 So. Alameda 87 Carroll Lane School 4120 Carroll Lane 88 Garage at Ramirez Residence 1433 19th Street 89 State Farm Insurance Building 5701 Gollihar ° 90 Wm. K. Fraser School 1230 Airline i 91 Oso Square Apartments Party Room 7350 McArdle 92 Cullen Junior High School 5225 Greely 93 Wilson School 3925 Port Worth 94 Calk Elementary School 4621 Marie 95 St. Cyril & Methodius School 3210 So. Padre Island Drive 96 Garage at Kirton's Residence 3013 Brawner Parkway 5101 Saratoga 116 * Garage at Bridges' Residence 4521 Acushnet "'t CITY & COUNTY PRECINCTS_ POLLING PLACE LOCATION 97 Templo Elim, Spanish, Assembly of God 2625 Go llihar 98• Moody High School 1818 McArdle 99 Tally -Ho Motel 3901 Leopard 100 * (Also 29 & 34) Tuloso- Midway Elementary School 1925 Tuloso 101 * County Building Annaville 103 (Also 111) Tuloso - Midway High School 9830 LaBranch 106 Browne Junior High School 4301 Schanen 111 * (Also Tuloso- Midway High School 103) 9830 LaBranch 112 Schanen Elementary School , 5717 Killarmet 113 Garcia School 4401 Greenwood 114 * St. John Baptist Church Annex 5445 Greenwood 115 * Mt. Olive Lutheran Church 5101 Saratoga 116 * Garage at Bridges' Residence 4521 Acushnet "'t CITY & COUNTY PRECINTS: POLLING PLACE LOCATION 117 * Flour Bluff High School Library 2505 Waldron Field Road 118 Kostoryz School 3602 Panama 119 Fire Station 5901 So. Staples 120 Woodlawn School 1110 Woodlawn 121 Yeager School 5414 Tripoli that portion within the City limits of the City of Corpus Christi. SECTION 4. An election school for judges and clerks will be held at 7:30 p.m. on the 16th day of January, 1979, in the lobby of City Hall at 302 South Shoreline Boulevard. SECCION 4. Una escuela de elecciones para jueces y escribientes se llevara a Cabo a las 7:30 p.m. el dia 76 de enero de 1979, en el salon de entrada de la Presidencia Municipal en el 302 del Bulevar South Shoreline. SECTION 5. By approving and signing this ordinance, the Mayor officially confirms as his action all matters recited in the ordinance which by law come within his jurisdiction. . SECCION 5. Al aprobar y firmar esta ordenanza, el Aicalde oficialmente confirma Como accion suya todos los puntos citados en la orde- nanza los cuales por ley se comprenden dentro de su jurisdiccion. APPROVED- _ -..- ter,= �"t`'� _ - - - - - - __ _ =- :- 2-,,'•,_:= -,.'._ �r.•'.a L SECTION LI. The necessity to immediately provide for form of Notice of Election and to publish the same in accordance with law creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspen- sion of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolu- tion shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the -day of December, 1978. ATTEST: C' y Secretary MAYOR APPROVED: THE ITY OF ORPU ISTI, TEXAS 20th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1978: J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By 7s7t City At ne 1 , ' Corpus Christi, TeA s a0 day of 19 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, 1-4689 r (lt= coR CHRISTI, TEXAS lowing vote: he following vote: The Charter rule Was suspended by Gabe Lozano, Sr. (, Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. C Edward L. Sample The above ordinance was passed by Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley David Diaz Ruth Gill Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Edward L. Sample 1-4689 r (lt= coR CHRISTI, TEXAS lowing vote: he following vote: PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT STAT.' OF TEXAS, s: County of Nueces. Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally came .................................. ......... ................................... who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that he is the ........ ACC.0TJN.T1R"G CLERK ......................................... of the Corpus Christi Caller and The Corpus Christi .... ...... ........ ........ .. Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication,of ........AN.. —O. .ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR NaTf.. C. E or H-ME-0y CQRp%4..GMR14AT� I .. ......... .. .... ......... .. .... .. ..... . ...... . ... ..... of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in CALLER -TIMES..... ........... . ....................................... on thelil- day of ... J-4NUARY .................... 1922., and once each ............. ................ thereafter for.................... consecutive..........._.._ ........................................ ....... .........................Times. 1� .. 1..- .. -... ........ . . . . . ........ C.M. SMOLINSKI Subscribed and sworn to before me this .......... ...day of JANUARY : . . ................... 19.-- 79...._ -ex as W.W. GLENN cv � Para Ia;eitPediel6n• de•GUa I•, gmler bona financiado poi sass aplicara .a ImPUestos -a0 valorem 'Para Puesh", ademos de Codas -cfla 'as Director car pager el In- tarts y el principal sobre er doe Plnanzasl IfII cart qua todo requlsifo de ad sscon anterl.ritlad por cos votantes princlpafe In }arts (la deuda existents o Prop, entesdelafecha sn qua esta EnMiende de la non. clads Per ImPUestos puede :aria Constitutional$a he - fectiva. ser satlslecho por el prod- ucto calculado de u,, grado (f) El valor efectivo Intern lulere declr la de impuestos,no en e.'csode yaluacldn del ssesor de le propredad real y cents osyPerrnclannf IOp,ppj' de valuacidn estlmada 19755 -j976 edlasa"minas del Ilona ssesor ca se establee.+ `_ de la Ciudad bolo 'valor elective s e•-equ dentro. an dent Parrafo (D)rarriba. enters ", O shl en de;ante, el valor ati K,(K• P=ta,"n1tITIr4dG, dB Ea tuClOhal. 0hf�f/ ')feehs Ada n'00 de la ro P pledad real o xrsonal, cuanda hays ,do = ampreda, ef'atr owCeil. au recttn re- cansfrufoa, o edd�jc161`v'4y_�p.baelM 'hX j, Y. ocurrldo un cambio de dueno currfds de leas :tAg3 arU3qr +SJfa'ls,Cmdad,'. ,) valuations de 1975 sera emparelada at aval6o 0 P I SIF ON NUMBER' base de todas otras pro 5he11 Are 't(c a yrl, Sectlon 1, ledatls: basado an las valu- aclones esffmadas de 1975 amentled<by adding and IoW111g "j>aPltproph (g): con dichos aumentos an dicho valor Como he �FI'aPffFy tax levy ftex yen Id Permltidos en el dos (2) per u +� •o for all poses s Wbe redu 11,25% from the 19,791 excluding taxes from`esse from growth rsuif from new conshucflon of types, additional person property, expanded .min als, annexations, and more the- .5 %•Increase suiting from reassssment Thereafter, the tax le for all Purposes except d service and lodgments f any fiscal year shall not e teed the previous year's le for the same' purposes more then 2.5% excludin ass.zed value growth r sulnng from new c.n Itru tion of all types, a�Elfion Personal property, expand minerals, And annexations. PROPOSICION NUMER ".Se enmendara -e1 AArt-Icul VII, Section 1, agregandol el sigulente Parrafo (g)- Le sass sabre Impuesfos d propletlad (grado del !m valoroestimafdo dotal) pare 1979 -e0 Para todos 1. fines sari reducrdo -" " %de la lase 1978.79 excluyendo Im- puestos de crectmlento de valor estlmado qua results de la consiruccl6n nueva de lodes lIs tlpos, propiedad P, l eso expandlidosi anexe- clones, y no mss del 2.5% de allmLnto resultants de re. valuaclones. Oe Or an delante, le Casa del Impuesfo pare todos lox tInes excepto servlclo de deudas y IUiclos Para coal• outer e,o fiscal no excedera Is lass del site anterior Para lox mismos ffaes por mss der 2.5% excluyende el creel• miento de velar estimado qua results de nueva con_ tirucd6n de-,todos tiPOS, propiedad personal adlclon- al, minerales expandidos, y anexaciones, SECTION ,2. The ballots all- cientopor aho Como base, asr pur- coma se proviene on el cad Parrafo (d) arriba. ss niercado lusfo reflelora de 1ng aft a she, el grado de +n- ail flacidn, no excediondo el tlos al anoper .cif,.,, cualquler ^o} vista enle( Parrafo Id)par re• ribs, o Una retluccldn Como S. se indite on ei Indite de Pre. vy Cie del Consumidor o fecha obi 'SOmpara(i)e;pyravel>;arEa or bolt la iuriftlfccl6n de im. X. puesro{- • - (h) La Cludad, Orel votc ley 1 las dos terceras parts of by �elaetore. callficados den .t tle =dicho Cludad padre o• yor e1 vofo de•dichas dos ter al cares parts$ de los elector,: callfIcatlos de dicha, Ciudad Imponer Impuesfos asps O ciales sobre dicha Cludatl, ,�I� except. Us sob impuestc o ad valorem sob propledad real o Una transacclan o un e impuesto tle vents en is ven. e to tle pro pledad reel tlentro tle la Cludad sera Per tilde o Impuesfo. (i) Se dare crtdlro enter . al pagador de impuestos por exencibn de caa hogar, por pens)6n de IncapaUtlad In- cuirrld. M"Itarme6fe u afros exenctdnes existents$ bafo Q (b),­ Como estan afoI (a) y an is Carta Consf(tuUonal de Corpus Christi, Texas y sub- sfltulr Para eso to slpulente eomo eamionda a Is Carta ConstliucJonal de Corpus Christi, Condodo r4 orpu, Texas? ART,CULO Vil Seccf6n 1, Impuesfs. (a) EI Concha de la Clu• dad lends el Poder, y Isla por la presents 6utarizado anuaimente, despu6s de qua adopts el Presupuesro do la Ciudad, gravar y recaudar Impuesfos al Maximo eomo sea Prescribe squrdentro, ba- satlo en el valor fllado de a ldenpl. C udedraI person - exenta por la Co s'It.c y por leas Texas. Leyas at Estado tle ""Los Impesfos ad vela rem sobre pr"oup,,had real y Personal en Is Ciudad de Car - Pus Chrfsli, Texas sent Ilm- Itado$ a doscientos sesenta y cinco m116sfmas (0,265) del Una (1) por cfegto de valor con excepcl6n de aqucios Para i paper el principal y el nverts sobre deudas apt• obadas con antertoridad per Is votantes. (c) La yafuscidn toads de [Is lays$ prasenfes, n! ning -' Una reduccl sere permit- Pr °Pledad. Para !Ines de s de en l Ida sobre tales exenclones qua pasta ahora estdn en p,� 1976.(( $,'4"2 k4t' de vlg• or y etecro. lU ELgrado de Impuesfos §IJf Lja aluacl6n dkhyj[�t`,, ' ades no exce- dBPi;al Wi(Z.00) par dents 'Maximo, Como sea soot dentro, astara�ibe P .a!�,•1: - pon1ble en rodo fsmp pd f,. r EnjTis dY, rgpsreeidn a a las meloras IF fin de satisfacer lox r sours• Ito$ del Principal a infer6s do deudas exlatentes .. .° '� ' ieeatl por ei due, ',I.�rplsme, qulen en to fecha ' de cualquler gravaci6n de Impuesfos. La conf(npoJS7�gdo due,. de la mism'a'`99;ei,nvalor de dicha porcf6n de I'll grado Maximo de Inv• propied4 Al ra.aumep -- facto delJ"(A ieparatiid`n pueato Para fads lox fines, o renSodeP /GI�(i de las me- con excepai6n de servlclos de tleuda no excedera X loss en.d%(Ip' opiedad por un do- tar y veintl co centavos tint. (,IYj0ks espues de la terminaWii Vie" teal rapers. (51.25) Per tlen (f 100.00) d6lares de cidn o remodelacldn. valor estimado. Antes quP el CdficlJlo de la (e) La Ilmitac(dn provlsta an el Parrafo (b) arriba, no Cludad Ilame a Una .1...+a., (d) Reassessments spa , propertles shall not exceed I two (200) percent per year. In case of repalr of remod• I eling'af ",.,_Pr. vements on ' sajd property by the owner + tire who continues the wnershI thereof, the value I o }sold property shall not be Increased because of such repair or remodeling of the Improvements oh saltl prop- erty',for. five (5) years after the completlon of such repair orTemodeling._ . �?(aY'Tfie" Ilmitation: prdvid -• ed.in Paragraph (b) above, s ail'not pp' d V.I. m y to a e tads to pay The Infereit and gl,, c p51 on lodebtedneses, IndddIng bom)s, previously S ;fed by the voters prior to fbb��e" ti me this Charter A'rjlendment bbcomes effec- five. (() The full cash value means the assessor's value - t1ow of reel and personal property, as `shown on the yap 197 - 1976 City assss• 6Y tolls unntldbr•';,full cash vF " ". TheieaftOthe ap- n f.ed value,a -, real and has as- in such ran per• Percent value 1 year �9!v sllveJ(,year, as p(d7 ro- ed In, Psrapnaph a pe, or'xd" �eiluctlon as `•n In the Consumer Price Usid R or comparable date itle ores under taxing lu- ( ICtion, ith) The Clty, by a Two- thfFp "s vote of the qualifled e(eGrors within said City ?by saltl two-thirds vote ofquelifled electors of said City; frr�pose special tax. on fa- !);,City , excepf_thaJ no,ad v lorem tikes,on real prop• r a transaction or was tax on the sale of rea I proper• lflthin""1baRC(ty' -'sh .p)fe' -1, fitted or- Imposed, I" Pull credit shall be 9iv- edatga taxpayer for,home- stead exemptioM military in- d9r'retl dizahllity all a or "dfher exi mptlan - under pr nt laws, nor shall aillr�Peducfion 4e permitted on.'Ah exemptions as now in idre_e and effect. d.! The maximum fax r ro, as prescribed herein, "I " available at all tfm. for the purpose of meeting mTerest and principal re• q(i(`rAmeW. of deb)$ existing asbf the date of any ta,,levy. tlf£portlon of this maximum fax rafe�for all purposs, oth- 2r..'S5R,h�an'debt services shall no6iXceed• one dollar• and tNJr�htyiive cents (!1.25) per pndred (f100,00) dollars 70. Mooia(St(rool -� 71�2ezi�1� q'+bPtve �'� 2901 MCArdr�dl- 72. Can ,$I:hool 73 F�O06 �•1 la'ki• 74 ?7 Go, �lft'Si P?7 5cnao • .- 4321rrsicff 75, Devld= '2rE,b" School 3302 Greerjpidbd 75. Dtivid Crssckatt School F. 76' pOprjAVaDrug Store 77j Lozano School 65o Osage 78. Ebenezer Baptist Church 1423 Palm 79. Robert High School Driscoll Junior 80'65kinin er School Elementary (Also 24, 15) First AId Room 1001 BoomSeington 81', Savage hooi 5025 Up River Road na iron Workers Inter- if 506 Wes 83. La Armada No. 1404 Tombki^t, 84. KingHigh School 5225 Golllhar 85. Allen Sghooi 2002 Elizabeth 86,;rylunroa:Ba" Building 3854.$0. lamed. 97. Carioi�lana 4120 Carroll Lane $8. Garage at Ramirez Resi- dence' ,-- - 1433 19th Street. ` 89. State Farm Insurance Building 5701 Golllhar 90. Wm, K. Fraser School 1230 Airline 91. Oso Square Apartments Party Room 7350 McArdle 92. Cullen Junior School 5225 Greely 93. Wilson School 3925 Fort Worth 94. Calk Elementary school 4621 Merle 95. St. Cyrll & MethOdius School 3210 So. Padre Island Drl 61 rage �araga at Klrton's Resi- dence 3013 Browner Parkway 97. Templo Ellm, Spanish, Assembly of God 2625 Golllhar 98. Moody High School 1818 McArdle - 99. Tally -Ho Motel ' 3901 Leopard 1001. Tuloso- Midway Ele- mentary School (Also 29 8. 34) 1925 Tuloso 101•. County Building Annavllle 103. Tuloso - Midway High School (Also 111) 9830 La Branch 106. Browne Junior High School 4301 Schanen 111•. Tuloso•Midway High School Also 103) noon' .eraa,•A D 21•, Kiwanis Field ec Rrea- "on Room 3933 Timon 24. Skinnof Elementary `School ., , -- (AIso,15 E 80) First old Room 1001 Bligton 29•. Tuloomoso- Mindway Ele- mentary School (Also 34 8 100) 1925 Tuloso 30 Ayers Recreation Center 1722 Winneb.go ' 31, Garage sidence at Onfiverea Re 1021 - 10th Street 32. Good Samaritan Mission 210 So. Alameda 33. George Evans School 1315 Comanche 34'. Tuloso - Midway Ele• Mentory School (Also 21r 100) 1925 Tuloso 38. Grossley School 2512 Koepke 39. United Methodist Hall 1329 7th$tceet W, Garage },C. a$, N`Bve Reif- 1634 Tar' }o^6_ 41- Zavela School 3102 Highland LRetreat Lamer School 2212 Morris 47. Ben Garza Gym 1815 Howard 48. Perkdale School 4801 Everhart 49. Washington School 1114 Sam Rankin 50. Limlale Recreation Cen. ter 3133 Swantner 51•. Gibson School - 5723 Hampshire 52. Woodlawn Presbyterian Church Entrance hall - 3757 Up River Road 53. Houston School 363 Norton 56. La Armada, Hall 3701 Ayers 57.,DeI Mar Junior College Foyer of Auditorlum 58. Manger School 2209 So. Alameda 59. Incarnate Word Convent utility House -2930 So. Ala made 60. Adult Learning Center Austin School Campus 3902 Morgan 61. Shaw School Annex 844 Virginla - 62. Wynn Seale Junior High 1707 Ayers 63. First Christian Church Scout Hut 3401 Santa Fe 64. Santa FeSwlmmlhb Club 4100 Santa Fe 65. Montclair School - 5241'Kentner 46. Fisher School 601 Texas, Trail 67. Garage et LeMeire's Residence 518 Harrison 68. Garage of Bllllmek's Residence 28112Devo Devon •. _ . „ 'nr Hlnh School n e r Ilot a v "FOR" the respective pro Slifer, and !hose intending vote "NO" she show their ballot 'AGAINST. SECCION 2. La bolo Para cliche eleccl6n est. en tal forma Para .quell volatile$ qua }organ I tencidn de voter "Sill tiro r 6 an su balota un vo "POR" IS Propnrct6n r spectiva,, 7 agoellos q tengan Imencl6n de vot "NO" mostrardn an su b Iota "EN. CONTRA SECTION The,alecH shall be held pursuant to A hc.. 1170, R.C.S., Texas, an the general laws of Tex pertaining no-elections in solar as such are epplicabl hereto. The polls shall b open .from 7:00 a.m. toil'! p.m.,Safp election sha b Jill I "he Clfy of Corpu Christi, Texas,.at the follow ing places, being the City' regularly prescribed voting precincts: SECCION 3. La eleccl6 sera llevada a cab. de acn erdo can el Articulo 1170 R.C.S., Texas, y las ,eye generates de Texas per teneclentes a elecc16nes e cuanto a tales seen apt Icables a este fin. Las,ca. "Iles eslaren abiertas desde las 7:00 a.m. haste las 7:00 P.m. Dicha eleccl6n se Ile• vard cab. an 'a Ciudad de Corpus Christi, Texas, an l ,, sigulentes lugares, slendo Ios precIntO" do votacl6n de la Ciudad los normales. LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES LUGARES DE LOS SITIOS DE VOTACION CITY 6 COUNTY PRECINCT NO, POLLING PLACEJ•Q�frTJON: I, bId.CIIUT1�9u¢e, Annex Mesq`uitti,li-tic Be den Sts. 2, W, #a chool 451d`5'oF"A�erji" 3. rr!Csiem y "#left First Pr(@sl Ch6r h' 435 30'.__ dar�yrpy <• [KI gotten- Room, Ca- th ra I oo ; Upper Sa.:Braadway 5, Hamlin Junior High School 3900 Hamilti�'z�'. 6. Gasligh(Sgtlare ' 1000 Third Street 7'. Oak Perk School 81. Alice Allen Hall, Oak Park Moth Ch. 878 Oak Park 9•. Calallen Elementary School 5215 Avenue A 15•. Skirmer Elementary School (Also 24 8 80) First Aid Room, 1001 Bloomington 17. Shannon Junior High School 1530 Airline Road 18•. County Building 13808 So. Padre Island Drive 20. Municipal Service Center 2525 Hygela IM Para de expedIcidw e`cu quler Bono finantlado F impuestos, a dem6s de too has acdon4 'requeridasa ote Director de Finanzes certl Po- card que todo requlsito to princlpar elnterds de des on existente o propuesta fine clads par Impuestos pun to ser satisfecha par el pro rd ucto calculado de un gra' os de Ithpues }o %no en exceso' n - un d61ar y velnticinco (51.2 sl• centavos par clan (IM, to de veluaCl6n estimado co e- se estebl ue se a. equ dentro e ar Pdrrafo Wierriba. a- -- (k•);ESta.. Bnmtendd s Cartal�CO tit'iclanal tend' on efecto�-en Jd I- a de I �- edo"�rcl6r P� Iprobecft PC es th 1's4`y'=- tk-p6n i e �aOS��:ION NUMBER a Shall Aill`!,pk'Vil, Section 1, be .Me.,. by adding and s foIlOCying:ddiigto h (g): - The property tax levy (tax rate;f(rdei to7;l assessed val- PO'eli ;1979.80 e r ell pur- poses rInt be red ucad n xilud from the 197tl -79 levy • exclvtling taxes from assess- ee value, growth resulting s from new conshuctlon of all types, additional personal n property, expanded miner. a Is, annexations, and not more than 2.5% Increase re- sulting from reassassmenis Thereafter, the tax levy Ior all purposes except debt service and Judgments for any fiscal year shall not ex- ceed the previous year's levy for the same' purposes by more than 2.5% excluding assessed value growth re. sulting from new construc- tion of all type% additional personal property, eipanded minerals, a<nd annexations. PROPOSICION NUMERO Se enmendard el Articulo I'll, Settler 1, a.reg1nd.I. ei s,g.,er a pdrrafo ): La lase iobre Impuestos de sl propledad (grade del Im- puesto multiPllcado par el valor estimado total) pare 1979 -80 Para todos (as fines serd reducido 11.25 % de la lase 1978.79 excluyendo Im- puesfos de creclmiento de valor estimado que resulle de la construccl6n nueva de todos los tipos, propiedad personal adiclonal, miner - ales expand ,dos, anexa- ciones, y no mds del 2.5% de aumento resultante de re• valuaclones. De ahr an delante, la lase del tmpuest0 pare todos los lines excepto servlcio de deudas y (uIclos pare cual- quler an. fiscal no excederd la Casa del oho anterior par. los mismos }lies per mds del 2,5% extluyendo el crecI. mlento de valor estimado qua resulte de nueva con - struccl6n de .todos tipos, PrOPledad personal adicion. al, minereles expandidos, y a nexaciones. SECTION 2. The ballots for said election shall be In such form as thos6 voters In• tending to vote "Yes" shall 5445 Greenwo — — 115 *, Mt. Olive Lutheran Church 5101 Saratoga 416•. Garage at Bridge's Residence 4521 AcuShnet 117'. Flour Bluff High School Library 2505 Waldron Field Road 118. Kostoryz School 3602 Panama 119. Fire Station 5901 So. Staples 120. Woodlawn School 1110 Weadlawn 121. Yeager School $414 Tripoli •that portion within the City limits of Christi. the City of Corpus _ •Esa porcidn; dentro tos Ifmites de la Ciudad de Car. Pus Christi. SECTION 4. An election school for Judges and clerks will be held at 7:30 p.m. on the 16th day of January, 1979, IN'the- 16bbyy6f.CifT'Hall at 302 South Shoreline aoule an at Bule. the Ma�"yor„adlfleielly con - firms'ata}ililrratt10t1 a11'met- Calde oflcfairYlente confirms como acc16n suya todos Jos puntos citadds pn la drdo- nanza 1os cuales por ley se comprenden dentro de su lu. rlsdicci6n. APPROVED: -s•Gabp Lozano, Sr. GABE LOZANO, SR., Mayor (Alcalde) SECTION I1. The necessi- ty to Immediately provide for form of Noticeof Election and to publish the same In accordance with law creates a public emergency and an Imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordi• , nance or resolution shall be Passed finally on the date of Its Introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having de. clared such emergency and necessity tb exist, and hay. Ing requested the suspension of the Charter rule that this ordinance be passed finally on thedateof Its Introduction and take effect and be In full force and effect from and af- ter its passage, IT IS AC- CORDINGLY SO OR- DAI NED, this the 20th day of December, 1978. ATTEST: - 5.8111 G. Read City Secretary -s -Gabe Lozano, Sr. MAYOR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 4000nvon-