HomeMy WebLinkAbout14779 ORD - 02/21/1979TEXAS: • • AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, ON THE 7TH DAY OF APRIL, 1979, FOR ELECTION OF MAYOR AND SIX COUNCIL MEMBERS; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That the City Secretary be authorized to publish the following Notice of Election in accordance with law: UNA ORDENANZA QUE HACE DISPOSICIONES PARA EL AVISO DE ELECCION QUE SE LLEVARA A CABO EN LA CIUDAD DE CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, EL DIA 7 eE ABRIL, DE 1979, PARA LA ELECCION DE ALCALDE Y SEIS MIEMBROS DEL CONCILIO; QUE HACE DISPOSICIONES PARA PUBLICACION; Y DECLARA UNA EMERGENCIA. QUE SEA ORDENADO POR EL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD DE LA CIUDAD DE CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECCION 1. Que se autorice al Secretario de la Ciudad publicar el siguiente Aviso de Eleccion de acuerdo con la ley. MICROFILMED AUL 0819°0 14779 • 209n ? OTICE OF Y.LECTION NOTICE OF ELECTION AVISO DE ELECCION To the Registered Voters of the A los Votantes registrados del Condado de Nueces, Corpus Christi, Texas. Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will he open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on the _ J.th .. ..day of_ _..Apr_i L.� 1922 _for voting in the General__.- __ __ __ __Election for the purpose of: Election of Mayor and six Council Members for the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. Notifignese Por lapresente clue los sitios de votaci6n ivdicados abajo se ebriran desde 7:00 a.m. haste las 7:00 p.m._ �1_ die 7 de Abril .,de 19 _7? _gam votar en ta- General_ _ election eon el o dsito de: p Election de Alcalde y seis Miembros del Concilio para la Ciudad de Corpus Christi, Texas. LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES Direceiones de los sitios de votaei,n As set forth on the attached list of Polling Place Locations. Como se indica en le lista adjunta de las Direcciones de los Lugares de Votacion. Corpus Christi. ,Texas PRECINTOS DEL CONDADO Y DE LA CIUDAD • • COUNTY E CITY PRECINCTS: POLLING PLACE LOCATIONS ' DIRECCIONES DE LOS LUGARES DE VOTACION GENERAL COUNCIL ELECTION ELECCION GENERAL DE CONCILIO APRIL 7, 1979 ABRIL 7, DE 1979 LOCATION: DIRECCION 1 Old Courthouse Annex Mesquite 6 Belden 2 Windsor Park School 4526 So. Alameda 3 Assembly Hall. First Presbyterian Church - 435 So. Broadway Kindergarten Room Cathedral School Upper So. Broadway 5 Hamlin Jr. High School 3900 Hamlin 6 Second Baptist Church 605 Furman 7* Oak Park School 3701 Mueller Street Alice Allen Hall Oak Park Methodist Church 878 Oak Park Old Calallen Elementary School - 5215 Ave. "A" * Aquella porcidn situada dentro de la Ciudad de Corpus Christi, Texas. '.'a Lst .,.,.-�:.,.. 1.•i nn e.eitl.'en t/.n fit' limit.• ..F H,.. r?.t.. ..F r.. �....r r►—e..t • 15* 'Skinner Elementary'School (Also 24 C 80) First Aid Room 1001 Bloomington 17 Shannon Junior High School 1530 Airline Road 18* County Building 13808 So. Padre Island Dr. 20 Municipal Service Center 2525 Hygeia 21* Kiwanis Field Recreation Room - 3933 Timon 2k Skinner Elementary School (Also 15 E 8Q) First Aid Room 1001 Bloomington 29* Tuloso-Midway Elem. School (Also 3/1 E 100) 1925 Tuloso 30 Ayers Recreation Center 1722 Winnebago 31 Garage at Ontiveros Res. 1021 - 10th Street 32 Good Samaritan Mission 210 So. Alameda *That portion lying within the City of Corpus Christi. Texas * Aquella porcion situada dentro de la Ciudad de Corpus Christi, TExas. • • 33 George Evans School 1315 Comanche 34* Tuloso- (Also 29 & 100) 1925 Tulosoay Elem. School 38 Crossley School 2512 Koepke 39 .South Bluff United Methodist Hall - 1329 7th Street 'i0 43 13 44 45 Garage at C. S. Neve Res. 408 Palmer° Nueces National Bank 1434 So. Port Ave. Bessar Park Center 2760 Santa Fe Travis School 1634 Tarlton Zavala School 3102 Highland Recreation Center - Geo Wiggins Home 2320 Buford * Aquella portion situada dentro de la Ciudad de Corpus Christi. Texas. That portion lying within the city limits of the City of ,.. 46 47 48 49 50 51* 52 53 56 57 • Lamar School 2212 Norris Ben Garza Gym 1815 Howard Parkdale School 4801 Everhart Washington School 1114 Sam Rankin Landale Recreation Center 3133 Swantner Gibson School 5723 Hampshire Woodlawn Presbyterian Church Entrance Hall- 3757 Up River Rd. Houston School 363 Norton La Armada, Hall 3701 Ayers Del Mar Junior College Foyer of Auditorium * Aquella porcion situada dentro de la Ciudad de Corpus Christi *That portion lying within the city limits of the City of Corpus Christi - ' • • 58 Manger School 2209 So. Alameda 59 60 Incarnate Word Convent Utility House - 2930 So. Alameda Adult Learning Center Austin School Campus 3902 Horgan 61 Shaw School Annex 844 Virginia 62 Wynn Seale Junior High 1707 Ayers 63 64 • First Christian Church Scout Hut - 3401 Santa Fe Santa Fe Swimming Club 4100 Santa Fe 65 Hontciair School 5241 Kentner 66 Fisher School 601 Texas Trail 67 Garage at LeIaire's Res. 518 Harrison 68 69 • • Garage at Billimek°s Res. 2812 Devon Baker Junior High School 3445 Pecan Blanche Moore School 5426 Williams Drive 71 Lexington School 2901• HcArdle 72 Central Park School 3602 HcArdle 73 Fannin School 2730 Gollihar 74 Cunningham Junior High School 4321 Prescott 75 David Crockett School 3302 Greenwood 76 Port Avenue Drug Store 913 So. Port 77 Lozano School 650 Osage • 78 79 80 {Also 24 E 15) 81* 82 83 84 85 86 87 Ebenezer Baptist Church 1423 Palm Robert Driscoll Jr. High School - 261 Weil Skinner Elementary School First Aid Room - 1001 Bloomington Savage School 5025 Up River Road Iron Workers Int'! Hall 506 Westchester La Armada No. 3 Office 1404 Tompkins King High School 5225 Gollihar Allen School 2002 Elizabeth Munroe -Bass Building 3054 So. Alameda Carroll Lane School 4120 Carroll Lane *That portion lying within the City limits of the City of Corpus Christi * Aquella porcion situada dentro de la Ciudad de Corpus Christi p 88 • Garage at Ramirez Res 1433 19th Street • 89 State Farm Insurance Building 5701 Gollihar 90 Wm. K. Fraser School 1230 Airline 91 Oso Square Apts. - Party Room 7350 McArdle 92 Cullen Junior High School 5225 Greely 93 Wilson Elem. School 3925 Fort Worth 94 • Calk Elementary School 4621 Marie 95 St. Cyril s Methodius School - 3210 So. Padre Isl. 96 Garage at Kirton's Res. 3013 Brawner Parkway 97 Templo Elim, Spanish Assembly of God 2625 Gollihar • 98 Moody High School 1818 McArdle 99 Bldg. in Saxet Center 3934 Leopard 100* Tuloso-Midway Elem. School (Also 29 6 34) 1925 Tuloso 101* 103 (Also 111) 106 111= (Also 103) 112 113 114* County Building Annaville Tuloso-Midway High School 9830 LaBranch Browne Junior High School 4301 Schanen Tuloso-Midway High School 9830 LaBranch Schanen Elementary School 5717 Killarmet Garcia School 4401 Greenwood St_ John Baptist Church Annex - 5445 Greenwood • * Aquella porcion situada dentro de la Ciudad de Corpus Christi *That portion lying within the city limits of the City of Corpus Christi • 115* Mt. Olive Lutheran Church 5101 Saratoga 116* Garage at Bridges' Residence 4521 Acushnet 117= flour Bluff High School Library - 2505 Waldron Field Rd. 118 Kostoryz School 3602 Panama 119 Fire Station #14 5901 So. Staples 120 Woodlawn School 1110 Woodlawn 121 Yeager School 5414 Tripoli *That portionlying within the city limits of the City of Corpus Christi * Aquella porcion situada dentro de la Ciudad de Corpus Christi • • SECTION 2. The necessity to immediately provide for form of Notice of Election and to publish the same in accordance with law creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this theo2/.tday of February, 1979. SECCION 2. La necesidad para que se disponga inmediatamente para una forma de Aviso de Eleccion y para publicar la misma de acuerdo con la ley crea una emergencia publica y una imperiosa necesidad publica que requiere la suspension del estatuto de la Carta Constitucional que ninguna ordenanza o resolucion sera tomada finalmente en la fecha de su introduccion sino que tal ordenanza o resolucion sea leida en tres varies juntas del Concilio de la Ciudad, y habiepdo declarado el H Alcalde que tal emergencia y necesidad existe, y habiendo pedido la suspension del estatuto de la Carta Constitucional que esta ordenanza sea tomada finalmente en la fecha de su introduccion y tome efecto y este en pleno vigor y efecto desde y despues de su aprobacion, SE ORDENA DE ACUERDO, este dia .1 ,/ de febrero de 1979. ATTEST: DOY FE: Ego ty Secretary Secretario dela Ciu.ad APPROVED:APROBADO: 21st DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1979: FEBRERO 21 DE 1979 J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY J. BRUCy1 'COCK ABOGADO DE LA CIUDAD By Assistant Ci T'orney Por: Asistente d ogado de la Ciudad MAYOR TH LA CIUD S CHRISTI, TEXAS CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS. Corpus Christi, Texas o?/ day of , 19 79 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, THE CITY 0_F_ -CO S CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter Rule was suspended by the following vote: Gabe Lozano, Sr. Bob Gulley ' {� David Diaz Qi ' Ruth. Gill atiFJ Joe Holt 04..0 Tony Juarez, Jr. 01$46 Edward L. Sample —2—'1 The above ordinance was passed by the following vote: Gabe Lozano, Sr. QAL(C._ Bob Gulley at4 _ David Diaz Ruth Gill Wed Joe Holt Tony Juarez, Jr. Q� Edward L. Sample Q,lt0 14779