HomeMy WebLinkAbout15050 ORD - 08/08/19791:8/8/79:1st. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY FOR $116,284 TO CONTINUE FROM OCTOBER 1, 1979 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1980, THE SELECTIVE TRAFFIC PROGRAM, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF SAID APPLICATION BEING ATTACHED HERETO, MARKED EXHIBIT "A" AND MADE A PART HEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXE- CUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE GRANT AND CONTINUE THE PROGRAM; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to submit a grant application to the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety for $116,284 to continue from October 1, 1979 to September 30, 1980, the Selective Traffic Program, a substantial copy of said application being attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. SECTION 2. The necessity to authorize submission of a grant application to the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety for the purposes afore- said, and to execute all documents necessary to implement the Grant and continue the program, creates a public emergency and an imperative public neces- sity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolu- tion shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared that such emergency and necessity exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordi- nance take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the ATTEST: Secretary APPRQVED: �' DAY' OF AUGUST, 1979: J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By Assistant Cit rney r/ day of A ust, 1979. MAYO 15050 OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 1 3 1 5 ° """AL I 9'A�0Aa0 TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CONTRACT STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF TRAFFIC:...7ETY� AUSTIN. TEXAS 73701 8101 111 1 0 Selective Traffic Enforcement Program, City of Corpus Christi E. E' OES6 PPoN 0. PROJECt GOR 321.I:S SEE STA TEIAE.T OF vJOR•U To reduce accident rate within the City of Corpus Christi by 5% through -the employment of police officers on overtime basis during hours indicated to be the most hazardous. The deployed officers to concentrate on enforcing the • traffic laws on specific census tracts. • • -_ To reduce the total number of fatal & injury causing accidents in STEP sites by 5% lam- ° ;;ac) `JET, -07 OF EYALLAT:O•`I GOR C'TA:LS SEE STATEMENT C' rgR41 Statistical analysis and administrative assessment. - c•„ _A,E�Oar A`:O.J•J •-: FUTURE . FUNOWG PERIOD AMOUNT .. PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES COMMODITIES OTHER DIRECT COST INDIRECT COST PROFIT TOTAL $105,784 $ 10,500 $116,284 OCT: DEC. $ 29,071 JAN. -MAR. $ 29,071 APR.JUN. $ 29,071 JUL-SEP $ .29,071 TYPE OF RELLIBURSEME LU.M? SUM COST PER UNIT EllCOST PLUS FIXED FEE SPECIFIC RATES ACTUAL COS— INT CF WORK X .,3 DETAILS. SEE STA SOURCES OF FUNDS TOTAL AMOUNT $116,284 PlMOO.rJ+�,,v//-.ra�yy: ` Y`i f 140 ...9/.30183 I0 FEDERAL (402) GTS? LOCAL 7EMENT OF WORX TOTAL $116,284. - REIa13UR92111ENT LIMITS --- 1 1AAXIMUd A IOUNT1 `•' �a A REIMDURWEYS717 a I I :2. NO CO$T CATL'flg9YifAY!!!XCUDIDI BY POR! THA/8.4%CP THE CONTRACTS TOTAL DUD!!T 3. ONLY 7#4O42 COSTS Di0URRL5) O43tCCn THE FOLLOWS:4Q P!!IOD SMALL DB ELIOIDLL TOR R+ovxI.i: • �F[ 4. THE COHT %ACTOrkpq*F„,:RaR'A' -1,, COSTS NOTA BLIT *' Tit. o 7,115 CONTRACT INCLUDES ATTACHM5NT! ▪ tai T.45, 5: ENT OF ANY INCONSISTENCY OR CONFLICT BETWEEN PROVISIONS ANO/OR REQUIREMENTS 03 IRIS CONTRACT THE INCURS:STENCY OR CONFLICT SHALL 8E RE50LV e.0 9Y ASSIGNING AN 08553 OF PRECEDENCE TO EACH, ACCORDING TO THE FORM OR A77AC1ial5HT 1S WHICH IT A'P=ARS, USING THE FOLLOWING CR75R: CO': TRACT (THIS FOAM) 2 STA,VAENT OF WORKIATTAC--:;,ENT 1) 3. G- E.AL PROVISIONS (ATTAC'-iM_,,T 2) A SAES( SL PROVISIONS (ATTACHMENT 3) a ?523?._ A:13 STATE P.EOULA TIONS ANO GUIDELINES SHALL 8E THE BASIS FOR DETERMINING ELIGIBILITY OF COSTS • THIS 00,1TRACT MAY 50 AMENDED ONLY BY'HRITT89 AUTHORIZATION EXECUTED ;H ACCORDANCE WITH OT3 POLICY. 78800')?? 5CT0315 HERESY AUTHORIZED TO PERFORM WORX ON ThIS PROJECT. DURING THE PERIOD CITED ABOVE, SUBJECT TOT The TERMS AND CCh7:TIO',S OF THIS CONTRACT 580 ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS ANO REGULATIONS. SIG NATURE OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO COMMIT OTS ✓ /�2 '— S)GNATU' 8 OF PERSON AU OWED TO COMMIT C&TFAACTOR City Manager TITLE City of Corpus Christi. TRYRC----• TITLE DATE ' 'ATTEST: CONTRACTOR City Secretary Director of Finance APPROVED: DAY OF AUGUST, 1979 J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By Assistant City Attorney TEXAS TRAFFIC:SAFETY PROGRAMf CO Nf1Tj1RA11CT." PA;Z 2 Oc 2 /t /`fFT L o REPRESENTATIONS. CERTIFICATIONS, AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS% -;,2 1. CONTINGENT FEE: (check appropriate boxes) The contractor represents (a) that it ❑ has, WXhas not, employed or retained any company or person (other. than a full-time bona fide employee working solely for the offeror) to solicitor secure this contractand (b) that it 0 has. :XXhas not, paid or agreed to pay any company or person (other than a full-time bona tide employee working solely for the contractor) any fee. commission. percentage, or brokerage fee contingentupon or result- • :ng from the award of this contract: and agrees to furnish information relating to (a) and -(b) interpretation of the representation. including the term "bona fide employee•`, see Code of Federal Regulations. Titie41,Chapter-1, Subpart 1-1.5.) • li E0l.,AL OPPORTUNITY: (check appropriate boxes) The contractor represents that it Xhas. 0 has not. participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject either to the Equal Opportunity clause herein or the clause originally contained in Section 30t of Executive Order 10925. or the clause contained in Section 201 of Executive Order No. 11114; that it( has. 0 has not filed all required compliance reports: and that representations, indicating submission of required compliance . reports, signed by proposed subcontractors. will be obtained prior to subcontract awards. - III AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM: (check appropriate box) The contractor represents that (1) it CXXnas raveloped and has on file 0 has not developed anddoes not have - on file at each establishment affirmative action programs as required by the rules and regulations of theSecre- - tary of Labor (41 CFR 60-1 and 60-2), or (2) it❑ has not previously had contracts subject to thewrittenaffirm-' ative action program requirement of the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Labor. IV CERTIFICATION OF Nn"t^EGREGATED FACILITIES: The contractor certifies ihat it does not maintain or provide for employees' facilities which are segegatedon the -- basis of race, color. religion, sex or national origin, whether such facilities are segregated by direrdiveoron a de facto basis. The offeror further agrees that he will not maintain such segregated facilities. . V. The contract recipient agrees as a necessary condition for reimbursement of costs, to prepare monthly and/or Quarterly progress reports in a timely manner. and in accordance with instructions furnished by the Texas - Office of Traffic Safety. - - . VI CLEAN AIR ACT COMPLIANCE: For all contracts in excess of 5100.0,,00, the recipient agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders. or " regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act of 1970. Violations shall be reported to OTS and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency. VII. PRINCIPAL PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: • The location of the plant or place of business where the item(s) will be produced or the principal services will be performed under the contract is: . Corpus Christi COUNTY Nueces STATF Texas i.. = ANCE The contract recipient hereby assures compliance with all terms. conditions and general and 55"E'':.7:, provisions for this contract. irchidrrg aitachmen:s. - _RSO^1 AUT:, R,ZEO COh . aCTO OAT//�/•COVT,7nCTCa � r. �- Oil_ i0�i W. C. Banner, Chief of Police R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager P.O. Box 9027, Coreus Christi. Tx. 78408 =ca'=s'=• 2.O•.5 r.0 o 1 2 ) 884-3011 ext. L00 q o 'L1 bi' - 81 e L.\1:,J I r:.ti; r it SAFE FRRROGRAM CON i ICAC: l ATTACHMENT 1 STATEMENT OF WORK \ 1 !1 fit ❑❑l I ? DE •' E,10`.i SCHEDULE AND METH')D Of EVALUATION Attachment. 1 Page 1 of 4 I. Background The City of Corpus Christi has a population approaching 250,000 people by recent estimates. It is a growing, progressive community oriented towards shipping, petro -chemicals and tourism. It has two colleges, a major naval installation, and serves as the regional shopping hub for South Texas. The City's traffic accident rate has continued upward despite a major effort to alleviate this problem over the last several years. The base data on traffic accidents for 1975, 1976, 1977, and 1978 is as follows: 1978 1977 •1976 1975 Accidents 8185 7599 7397 7245 Deaths 50 47 38 33 Injuries 2555 2380 2142 1918 In order to reduce this serious accident rate, the City of Corpus Christi operates a traffic enforcement program concentrating primarily on alcohol related and DWI offenses. This program is called the "Blue Light Squad," supplemented by the "Traffic Enforcement Task Forcer' and the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program funded in part by this office during fiscal 1979. This reflects a sincere effort on the part of the City to save lives and reduce injury and property damage accidents. This contract is intended to provide flexibility for the City of Corpus Christi to analyze their traffic safety problems and to take appropriate corrective action. Also, this agreement identifies the responsibilities. of the City of Corpus Christi and the Office of Traffic Safety, State Department of Highways and Public Transportation. II. This project has been authorized by the Highway Safety Plan for Fiscal Year 1980, in conformance with Program Module #80-05 and Problem Solution Plan #80-05-05. III. The City of Corpus Christi shall: A. Agree to the following program objectives: 1. To utilize on an overtime basis, qualified patrolmen who will be selected on the basis of traffic law experience and self- motivation from existing personnel with a basic law enforcement certificate (issued by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Education). STEP patrolmen shall work those areas described in the Operation Plan to enforce existing laws, primarily unsafe speed, alcohol related violations, failure to yield, and other hazardous moving violations. TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CONTRACT ATTACHMENT11 STATEMENT OF WORK i j 111 ❑❑I INCA 9DE V,LESTO.E SCHEDULE AND ,1E IHOD Ur EVMLU.H)N Page.2 of 4 2. Provide officers on an overtime basis, equipment and patrol vehicles required to conduct the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program as identified in the latest Operational Plan. 3. • Operate the Selective Enforcement units according to the Operational Plan (Attachment 4) to this contract. 4. The City of Corpus Christi shall reserve -the right to amend the STEP Operational Plan as the need arises in order to improve the program. Such amendment will be made only with written concurrence from the Office of Traffic Safety District Manaoer. B. Provide the Office of Traffic Safety District Office assistance in the evaluation of the project. Such evaluation, described in #V below, will be undertaken on a quarterly basis, and at the conclusion of the contract. C. Submit the following reports: 1. Quarterly Project Claim and Periodic Report in accordance with General Provision X and Attachment 5. 2. Monthly Technical Reports in accordance with Attachment 6. D.- Acre to the following audit requirements: 1. This project is subject to audit in compliance with Federal -Management Circular 74-4 and applicable State requirements. 2. Documentation to support costs claimed for reimbursement shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Payroll Register .b. Time Records c. FICA Records d. Insurance (Worker's Compensation) e. Mileage Logs f. Retirement Contribution Records ... r .cStO'.E SCHEDULE At.O . E;HOD UT EVALuAt10V ATTAt..• iv1ENT 1 STATEMENT OF WORK( f11 1111l1G1G 1 Page 3 of 4 IV. The Office of Traffic Safety, State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, shall: A. Reimburse the City of Corpus Christi for 100% of all allowable costs. - (up to the limit specified on Page 1 of this contract) for the following expenditures: 1. Personal Services Salaries (overtime salaries for Patrolmen, Sergeants, Police 'Department clerk, Municipal Court clerk) Sub -total: $93,211 Fringe Benefits (FICA, TMRS, Worker's Compensation). Sub -total: $12,573 2. Other Direct Cost Mileage reimbursement at the rate of 15C per STEP mile driven Sub -total: $10,500 . TOTAL: $116,280 B. Provide reasonable technical assistance in accomplishing the project tasks. C. Monitor the project at a minimum of once per quarter, in accordance with the Office of Traffic Safety Project Monitoring System. Areas to be monitored include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Arrest Record Findings 2. Time Distribution Records 3. Monthly and Quarterly Reports 4. Mileage Logs V. Evaluation The District i•1anager, OTS, and the City P.D. Project Director will complete the evaluation of this project by statistical analysis and administrative assessment. Statistical data for STEP site accident experience will be compared to data for the comparable period of the preceeding year to determine if the goal of 5% reduction in total accidents in STEP sites has been achieved. Additionally, an administrative assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of the project will be undertaken. Areas to be considered in this assessment tis : .Alt P•o PAGE 1 OP . r f.,-.1 f IV .,rf ._ 1 If.n vv 11 f of L, f ATTACHMENT 1 STATEMENT OF. WLRK( fel 1 E DULE *NO 1IE fr.30 OF FVALUAIf0,1 Page 4 of 4 may include, but are not limited to, the following: A. Systematic assignment of available police manpower and equipment resources to identified problems and areas. B. That manpower so assigned are consistently working against those violations that contribute to the accident at_the times of day, and day of the week at high accident locations. C. Comparison of enforcement actions with violations which are accident causatives at the times and locations as described in the Operational Plan. D. Provide information necessary to determine the level of enforcement by contacts or arrests per man hour or per unit hour by type (arrest/ citation/warning) and by violations. E. Management tools such as the enforcement index (number of convictions with penalties OR hazardous violations OR contacts, divided by the number of fatal and injury accidents) may be used to compare STEP activity with the community -wide enforcement index. VI. Milestones: VII. 1. Project Start: October 1, 1979 2. Submit Quarterly Project Claim and Periodic Report: January 31, 1980; April 30, 1980; July 30, 1980; and September 30, 1980. 3. Submit Monthly Technical Reports: November 15, 1979; December 15, 1979; January 15, 1980; February 15,'1980; March 15, 1980; April 15, 1980; May 15, 1980; June 15, 1980; July 15, 1980; August 15, 1980; September 15, 1980. 4. Submit Final Report: September 30, 1980 5. Project Close: September 30, 1980 Accountable Assets The accountable assets listed in Attachment 7 will be transferred from Office of Traffic Safety contract (79) 01 -01 -A -1 -CR to this program, for the period of the contract, for use in performing the tasks herein described. .3rcr - wurpus l.nrlstl GENERAL PROVISIONS CHECK LIST The following provisions contained in "General Provisions for, Contracts" - Form GC -2A, are hereby included as a part of this contract by rdference: • I. Definitions •❑-."! II. Changes • III. Disputes • IV. Conditions for Termination Prior to Completion V. Excusable Delays • VI. 'Ion -Collusion �j VII. Contract Period Established VIII. Cost Provisions IX. Method of Payment (Check one) ❑ A. Lump Sum ❑ B. Cost Per Unit Work ❑ C. Cost Plus a Fixed Fee ❑ D. Spebific Rates of Compensation ❑ E. Cost • X. Terms and Conditions of Payment • XI. Inspection [) XII. Property Accountability C) XIII. Retention ❑ xiV. Ownership of Data and Creative Material XV. Reports El XVI. Equal Opportunity XVII. Overtime Compensation • XVIII. Convict Labor ❑ XIX.-.zbcontractual (Applies to all Federal and Most State contracts) 0 XX. _=ilization of Small Business Concerns u XXI. Order of Precedence 0 XXII. 'Assignment, Subletting and Transfer XXIII. Cancellation ED XXIV. Contractor's Liability U XXV. S•s"e Harmless XXVI. '_ax: and Compensation Liability iZJ X':vII. Reimbursement of Eligible Expenditures Application of Hatch Act (Applies to all Federal contracts) :•:XIX. Standards for Grantee Financial Management Systems XXX. P_o-urement procedures (Applies to Federal grants to State _ncies and communities only) :XXI. Cost of Living, Council Regulations (Applies to all Federal :ontracts) IJ ::XXII. Minority Business Enterprise FS GC -2 8/75 Page 1 of 1 -achmept 3 ,e 1 of 1 SPECIAL PROVISIONS STEP - Corpus Chris, CONTRACT if 1. Unless prior approval in writing is obtained from the Office of Traffic Safety,.State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, no costs may be incurred after the end of the contract period specified. 2. Overtime records must document the distribution of both regular time and overtime worked. for traffic safety and all other activities. 3. All expenditures shall be in strict compliance with monies allocated in the approved contract. 4. All costs reimbursed are subject to verification by the State department of Highways and Public Transportation auditors. 5. Approval of this contract is for the stated period only. This approval does not commit or promise to commit funding for any subsequent period. 6. All costs claimed for reimbursement shall be categorized in accordance with.the estimated budget. 7. Equipment purchased with funds from the Texas Office of Traffic Safety, for the purpose of this contract implementation and performance is subject to the conditions in national Highway Traffic Safety Administration Policy Memorandum Number R6-8-5O1A, whichrovides: If uilonger available to the project through loss, theft, a cident,�or is no circum- stances other than normal wear, it shall be the responsibility of the grant recipient to provide for replacement of such equipment. If the equipment retained by the recipient subsequent to the project period for continued traffic safety use becomes unusable-for.any reason, the responsibility for replacement shall be the grant recipient's and shall be ineligible for Federal participation under this program. Page 1 6f 8 SELECTIVE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI OPERATIONAL PLAN FISCAL YEAR 1979 The City of Corpus Christi assigns police officers within census tracts. Each census tract contains several patrol districts made- up of a fern blocks each. The Selective Traffic Enforcement Program will operate in the eight census tracts with the highest accident rates. These are: 24 - Residential and Shopping Center Area n 3 - "T -Head," Bayshore, and Downtown Business Area #12 - Central Business District Fringe and Apartment Area #27 #19 - Expressway, Shopping Centers, Light Business and Bar Area - Shoreline, Light Business, Residential and University Area #34 - Residential, Light Business and Expressway Area r18 - Expressway, Shopping Center, Light Business and Bar Area #26 - Business, Shopping Center and Residential Area Based on analyses from the Accident Location Coding Prooram and the City information files, the following plan of action will be implemented: 1. The Corpus Christi Police Department will utilize seven officers, plus one clerical person and necessary Municipal Court clerk time per STEP operational day. 2. Me officers will operate P primarily in single -man units. 3. The enforcement effort will concentrate on unsafe speed, failure to yield right-of-way, alcohol-related violations, following too close, and other hazardous roving traffic violations on days and at times indicated by the traffic Statistical reports. 4. Initially the days and tires of patrol will be Tuesday through Saturday, 3:00 p.m. through 7:00 p.m. 5. The City of Corpus Christi reserves the right to amend the operational plan if the program can be improved, subject to written approval of the Office'of Traffic Safety District Manager. 6. The City will continue to operate the "Blue Light Squad", concentrating on Driving l;hile Intoxicated offenses, and the "Traffic Task Force," concentrating on point checks for DL and alcohol related violations. Attachment 4 Page 2 of 8 CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ** TRAFFIC ACCIDENT SUMMARY ** TOTALS FOR YEAR 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 ACCIDENTS 6365* 7599 7397 7245 6606 7287 7871 DEATHS 50 47 38 33 26 39 41 INJURIES 2555 2380 2142 1918 1707 1604 ,1981 1 INTERSECTION ACCIDENTS 3051 3688 3615 3349 2871 2277 2540 MID -BLOCK ACCIDENTS 3327 3910 3782 3896 3735 5010 5331 TIME AND DAY OF OCCURENCE MIDNIGHT TO 12.59 243 SUNDAY 763 1.00 AM TO 1.59 215 2.00 AM TO 2.59 267 MONDAY 857 3.00 AM TO 3.59 79 4.00 AM TO 4.59 53 TUESDAY 851 5.00 AM TO 5.59 27 6.00 AM TO 6.59 73 WEDNESDAY 852 7.00 AM TO 7.59 278 8.00 AM TO 8.59 264 THURSDAY 874 9.00 AM TO 9.59 188 10.00 AM TO 10.59 242 FRIDAY 1088 11.00 AM TO 11.59 279 NOON TO 12.59 342 SATURDAY 1080 1.00 PM TO 1.59 325 2.00 PM TO 2.59 324 3.00 PM TO 3.59 416 4.00 PM TO 4.59 480 5.00 PM TO 5.59 552 DAYLIGHT 4066 6.00 PM TO 6.59 397 7.00 PM TO 7.59 307 DARKNESS 2191 8.00 PM TO 8.59 241 9.00 PM TO 9.59 284 DAWN 44 10.00 PM TO 10.59 229 11.00 PM TO 11.59 260 DUSK 64 we * Figures from D.P.S. readouts. Accidents captured on readout changed from $25.00 total to $250.00 total in late 1978. Number is therefore smaller than actual total investiaated by deoartmant_ Attachment 4 . Page 3 of 8 TYPE OF ACCIDENT 1. OVERTURNED 103 2. PEDESTRIAN 93 3. ANOTHER VEHICLE IN TRANSPORT 4580 4. TRAIN 4 5. PARKED CAR 688 6. PEDALCYCLIST 52 7. ANIMAL 10 8. FIXED OBJECT 789 9. OTHER OBJECT 21 10. ANOTHER VEHICLE ON THE OTHER ROADWAY 0 11. OTHER NON -COLLISION 25 VIOLATIONS CONTRIBUTING TO ACCIDENT 1. SPEEDING, LIMIT 316 2. SPEEDING, UNSAFE 1554 3. FAILED TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY 1464 4. DISREGARD STOP SIGN OR LIGHT 219 5. DISREGARD STOP AND GO SIGNAL 513 6. DISREGARD FLASHING YELLOW SIGNAL 1 7. IMPROPER TURN, WIDE RIGHT 76 8. IMPROPER TURN, CUT CORNER ON LEFT 26 9. IMPROPER TURN, WRONG LANE 203 10. WRONG SIDE, NOT PASSING 165 11. WRONG WAY ON ONEWAY ROAD 30 12. FOLLOWING TOO CLOSE 436 13. OVERTAKE & PASS., INSUFFICIENT CLEARANCE 17 14. PASSING IN NO PASSING ZONE 1 15. OTHER ILLEGAL PASSING 68 16. NO SIGNAL OR WRONG SIGNAL OF INTENT 7 17. IMPROPER START FROM PARKED POSITION 123 18. FAILED TO YIELD ROW TO PEDESTRIAN 10 19. IMPROPER PARKING 19 20. UNDER INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL (DWI) 640 21. UNDER INFLUENCE OF DRUGS 31 22. ALCOHOL RELATED 1484 23. OTHER FACTOR 511 Attachrent . Page 4 of 8 ' DRIVER INFORMATION AGE OF DRIVER RACE AND SEX OF DRI:'ER 15 & YOUNGER 9 WHITE MALE_ 16 31 .3933' 17 WHITE FEMALE 2135 224 NEGRO MALE 423 18 TO 19 • 1048 NEGRO FEIALE 20 TO 24 191 25 TO 34 2516 LATIN MALE 2680 2850 LATIN FEEMAL 1125 35 TO 44 1384 OTHER MALE 45 TO 54 977 17 OTHER 55 TO 64 OTHERFEMALE 5 790 UNKNOWN 589 65 TO 74 587 75 & OLDER 184 Li;__✓0 jai: 601 DRIVER LICNESE STATUS LICENSED AND A RESIDENT OF TEXAS 9488 NOT LICENSED AND A RESIDENT OF TEXAS 603 LICENSED AND RESIDENT OF SOME OTHER STATE 390 UNKNOWN 572 PEDESTRIAN INFORMATION PEDESTRI_N ACTION CROSSING LOAD NOT AT INTERSECTION OR CROSSWALK 13 STANDING IN ROADWAY 3 CROSSING ROAD AT INTERSECTION OR CROSSWALK 3 OTHER IN ROADWAY 3 W_TKING IN ROA2WAY, WITH TRAFFIC 0 PLAYING IN RO_=.Dt:Y 0 i;ALKING IN ROADWAY, AGAINST TRAFFIC 3 GETTING ON OR OFF VEHICLE 62 :d0?" NG IN ROADWAY 0 PEDESTRIAN D i:.:ING 16 WEATHER CONDITION CLEAR CLOUDY 5591 RAINING 695 FOG 78 VEHICLE TYPE PASSENGER CAR PASSENGER CAR & PASSENGER CAR & TRUCK 'TRUCK & TRAILER TRUCK -TRACTOR & SEMI -TRAILER OTHER TRUCE COMBINATIONS FARM TRAZIOR ROAD _` AEE =: _RY BUS SCHOOL -;,_ MOTORCYCLE PEDALCYCLE VEHICLE TYPE UNKNOWN MISC. INFORMATION ROAD SURFACE DRY 5402 WET 960 ICE• 0 8397 TRAILER 10 HOUSE TRAILER 0 1941 27 90 11 0 3 17 17 193 3 386 r, ROAD 'CONDITION NO DEFECTS HOLES, RUTS, ETC. SLICK SURFACE UNDER CONSTRUCTION OTHER ACCIDENT CLASSIFICATION INTERSECTION INTERSECTION RELATED DRIVEWAY ACCESS • NON -INTERSECTION TOTAL ACCIDENTS BY MONTH ' JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUTE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEER DECEMBER 6194 3 96 54 18 2152 895 743 2575 Page b of 8.i.T.; SIGNIFICA7T OBSERVATIONS FOR 1978 TYPE OF ACCIDENTS ALL CC TS (6380) 1. 83 PERCENT OF ALL ACCIDENTS WERE A RESULT OF A COLLISION BETWEEN TI70 OR MORE VEHICLES. 2. 10 PERCENT OF ALL ACCIDENTS IN'VOL4ED PARKED CARS. 3. 12 PERCENT OF ALL ACCIDENTS WERE FIXED OBJECT ACCIDENTS. 4. 1 PERCENT OF ALL ACCIDENTS WERE RESULT OF A VEHICLE BEING OVERTURNED. 5. 1 PERCENT OF ALL ACCIDENTS INVOLVED PEDESTRIANS. ' B. FATAL ACCIDENTS (48 ACCIDENTS 50 FATALITIES 18 DRIVERS 11 OCCUPANTS 1 12 PEDESTRIANS 7 MOTORCYCLISTS 2, PEDALCYCLISTS I. 31.2 PERCENT OF 7 E FATALITIES WERE THE RESULT OF A COLLISION BETWZEN TWO OR MORE MOVING VEHICLES. 2. 25.0 PERCENT OF THE FATALITIES WERE PEDESTRIANS. 3. 25.0 PERCENT OF 14t. FATALITIES WERE THE RESULT OF THE VEHICLE STRIKING A FIXED OBJECT AND/OR OVERTURNING. 4. 4.2 PERCENT OF THE FATALITIES WERE THE RESULT OF A COLLISION BETWEEN A VEHICLE AND MOTORCYCLE. 5. 6.2 PERCENT OF THE FATALITIES WERE THE RESULT OF LOSS OF CONTROL CFA MOTORCYCLE. • 4.2 PERCENT OF FATALITIES WERE RESULT_ OF OCCUPANT FALLING FROM VEN'ICrE. c. I:: 'Y ACCID=::TS ( 1673 ACCIDENTS, 2555 INJURIES ). COMPARABLE TOTALS WITH 1977 A. ALL ACCIDENTS ( 6380 ) 1. UNABLE TO OBTAIN DUE TO D.P.S. B. FATALITY ACCIDENTS (48) 1. LP 7•FRO?1 41 IN 1977 C. FATALITIES (50) 1.' UP 3 FRO;•; 47 IN 1977, D. INJURY ACCIDENTS (1673) 1. 'UP 15 FROM 1658 IN 1977, 9.0 PERCENT I1NCREASE. E. INJURIES (2555) 1. UP 175 FROM 2380 INi 1977, 7.3 PERCENT INCREASE. AGE OF CASUALTIES A. FATALITIES Page 7 of 8 NEW FORMAT TOTAL ACCIDEENT INUREASE. 17.0 PERCENT INCPPASE 9.0 PERCENT INCREASE. 1. 0 TO 10 YEARS 2. 1: -0 20 YEARS 3. 21 :3 30 YEARS 4. 31 TO 40 YEARS 5. '41 TO 50 YEARS 3 FATALITIES 14 FATALITIES 16 FATALITIES 5 FATALITIES 2 FATALITIES 3. CASUALTY / 6CCUPA_NT ("ALL ACCIDENTS) AGE 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 0 T_0 4 5 TO 9 10 TO 14 15 TO 19 20 TO 24 25 TO 34 35 TO 44 45 TO 54 55 TO 64 65 TO 74 75 AND OLDER 243 . 136 141 315 200 146 61 66 43 31 24 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 51 TO 60 YEARS 5 FATALI •7. 61 TO 70 YEARS 3 FATALI • 8. 71 TO 80 YEARS 1 FATALI 9. 81 TO 90 YEARS 1 FATAL./ SEVERITY OP INJURY *A* TYPE - INCAPACITATING *B* TYPE- NONINc.APACITATPiG *C* TYPE - POSSIBLE NOT INJURED 109 521 516 22 238 • ,.yc `o' Or 73 TIME A. TIME OF DAY 1. 63.8 PERCENT OF ALL ACCIDENTS OCC 2 URRED DURING DAYLIGHT HOURS, 34.2 PERCENT OP ALL ACCIDENTS OCCURRED DURING PEAK HOURS. B. DAY OF WEEK 1. 17.0 PERCENT OF ALL ACCIDENTS OCCURRED ON FRIDAY WITH BEING THE LOWEST AT 11.0 PER CENT. SUNDAY PEDESTRIAN ACCIDENTS(10_ 2 ACCIDE\TS) A. 12.0 PERCENT OF ROAD NOT THE PEDESTRIAN ACCIDENTS INVOLVED PEDESTRIANS CROSSING AT AlN INTERSECTION OR CROSSWALK. B. 2.9 PERCENT OF THE PEDESTRIAN IN ACCIDENTS IpIVOL THE "'N ROADWAY. VED PEDESTRIANS STANDING C. 2. 9 PERCENT OF THE PEDESTRIAN ACCIDENTS INVOLVED PEDES ROAD AT AN INTERSECTION OR CROSSWALK. D. PEDESTRIANS CROSSING ThPEDESTRIAN ACCIDENTS OCCURRED INVOLVING PEDESTRIANS THE ROADWAY. ED.,STRI.SiiS PLAYING in MAJOR CONTRIBUTINGCIRCU.,�, S TAiv CES A. SPEEDING, LIMIT & UNSAFE B. FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY C.ALCOHOL RELATED 28.1 PERCENT D. FOLLOWING TOO 21.6 PERCENT E. DIS? CLOSE 22.1 PERCENT DISREGARD STOP LIGHT 6.3 T. DISREGARD STOP \D GO PERCENT _ISpE`yR SIGNAL 4.1 PERCENT TURN7.3 PERCENT IMPROPER START FRO:! PARK ED POSITION 4.3 I. MISCELL NEOUS PERCENT 2.6 PERCENT 3.6 PERCENT Ta zdurey 11/75 INST•q:CT1ON', ros PREPARATION OF A TESA; :It\rl•Ic s.\:'Ery PROC AM PRoJCCT CL\TH AND PERIODIC Kwan, Thio document provides instrg4liona for the r•umpldtlon of OTS forms P:-1,.1,:,5,6, anti 7; referred to collectively as the "TEXAS TIArric S/1'ETY PROGRAM CLMIH AND PEItTODIc REPORT' • (Enclosureo 1 thru 6). GENERAL. 1. Project claims mud periodic reports are required under • the turas-nC mo,.. Texnt Traffic Safety Program contracts. Three types of claim/report forma may bo opacified by contract; these Inatructlone shall bo used if OTS form Ph -1 is rl.ccaficd. 2. The CTS contract may require that project claims and periodic rx,,rte be uubaltted monthly, or quarterly, or one else (only). • 3. The utt,,chsent force (11-3,4,5,6, and 7) shall be aooumed to be required unlecu rho contract.(or other written directions Item OTS) otates othorviao. 4. It in recommended that n copy of the project contract and all chango•y Thereto bu reviewed before preparing a pro- ject claim and periodic report. LIPARATTON Oe OTS rOhlt Ph -1 (;:n_cloaurc 1 t ) 1. yrIAL h::PO1tT - Check tho appropriate block indicating whether or not this iu the Mimi report to ho oubmittod under chin contract. 2. rxOJECTTtrL;: - Diner the project contract. i Taro C-4 Ikw )./74 Page 1 of 17 Attachment 5 3. PROJECT 1.R - Enter tho project number, as as shown On/ the cont act, in the blocks+• provided, 4. HONTIILY5g,RTrRLY REroRT '-' - Check the oppropriato blocl, If the centrad requires monthly reports, the'claim and report shall cover cxie ono calendar month (or less, if at the beginning or end of the project); insert the applicable calendar month and year. If the contract re- quires quarterly reports, the claim and report shall cover exactly ono quarter (or portion thereof) of a fiscal year - or Juba. -1 c Dec. 11, Jan, 1 - Har. 31, Apr. 1 - June 30, St. 30)7 check the appropriate quarter add enter the calender year. 5. EXPEND/TIMES FOR TIIF ru:PORTTNO PERIOD - A. CCN1:5AL: 1) Poutlne - Unlc,,t•. othclti+iso approved in writing by OTS, expendtturea shall bo recorded on a ccaah • baste; i.e., a coat shall bo claimed in the period during which it to actually paid. Newover, mince all touts eligible for reimbursement under the'con-' tract must be claimed during the period of the coq. tract, any allowable coats' irieurred during the can. tract period, but paid after the contract period,. shall bo claimed during the final reporting paned (monthly or quarterly) of the contract. Examples. wageo and/or employee benefits for the last week (or month) of the project aro frequently paid after - tho and of the project: thoy should, however, bo . • Page 2 of 17 clar:ed '.,e.,;„ .,; thv last (monthly or quarterly) repo';; of Lne ylo je el. 2) E_r rirs - In LJu event of an error in the amount claimed (either nn overelaim or an undurclaltn), an adjustment ;.;,y ba made on a eubnequent report by ontoring corrections (which may bo positive or noga tive in value). If an error in found cuhaequent to the final report a auppleren tory claim may bu aubraitted (uoo form PR -1, with Cho word,. 'SUPPLEMENTARY mon,- entered above the title). D. PERSONAL SERVICES, CONTRACT SERVICES, COMMODITIES, OTIiER DIRECT COSTS AND INDIfECT COSTS - Enter tho total amount• expended for tho reporting period in the epaceo provided, ueing tho following category definitions, 1) Percona_ca - Salarioa.and bcnefita of all salaried peraonnol (tor time actually apcnt working on the project), travol caata.(farca, mileage, ate.), and other t2dVel expenaeu (por diem or room rent, ceal:,'etc.). 2) Contract Seryicee - Coate incurred under project cubuontract_". (including consultant services). 1) CCnamaitier. - Tao coati. of expendable ma torials and euppliev used On the project (prorated coots may bo seed if approved by OTS). project t e-ct chows coat by then° 04me eatogorioot if mateh- OLOC oro Chown In the contract. include thou in those epaeaa. :atoning costa :-a nye shown in tho contract, do not Saclvdo these :00. • aubcontracta muut bo approycd in advance by OTS (Cao contract tlremanto. Palo 3 of 17 , Attachment 5 4) Other Direct Coats - Tho coot 91 purchase of neceacary accountable covets, computer cervices, rentals, other earvicca, etc. 5) Indlrcr.t Coots -.Tho porcentago add-on coot authorised Ly contract (may include profit),. NOTE, Indiroct costa nay bo charged only when, permitted by contract. Tho requiremonta for'eub- atantiatlon of Ind/net coats at audit aro often mor) cover° than for direct coots. OTS forms PR -3,4,5, and 6 chall bo attached (ac appli- cablo) unlcoc the requirement for these attachments hal been waived (n vrltinn by OTS. C. TOTAL COST AND TOTAL COST CLAIMED FOR REULDUILSEMENT - 1) 'Dotal Cost - Thio In the sum of the costa, lieted • above (for the reporting period). 2) Total Cost Claimed for Rclmbureement - This amount in computed on the basin specified in the contracts if tha contract specifies 1001 coat reimburoerrnt, thin amount will equal tho 'total coot" (provided the total amount claimed on all reports may never exceed the `Maximum J.mount Eligiblo for Reimburse- ment") an ,.hove in the:Contract.' 6. CUPNLATIVC I:kPENOITURCS ANO CLAIM: - Entor the cum of expendituroc•shovn on this report plus thoao on' all prior reports as eumulativo actual expondituros. Cumulative actual clalmod ie similarly computod Iron claimed amounti. Planned axpanditureo aro only rc4ortad on guartarly rspattal or on the last monthly raporp for a quartan (Dcccmbor, Paco 4 of 17 • Nnarh, Ju1v UL ;,. p1, i,;,.r1, enter the nnounL ohoun for the applicable period on pogo 1 of tho contract. Tho plannod 010100d amount shall bn computod'from thn planned eAPca- diluro ua1nj the retmburaemcni formula net foi Ll, lu Lhe contract, 7. ACCOUNTnn1J: As,r:7;: r_�sT - An accountable Asnetn lint is rcqulr•od if, And only if, accountable aoacta kava boon . (physically) acquired during the reporting period. If anceta have boon acquired, check the firot block and Attach a copy Of O. form PN -7. If no aoecto worn ac- quired during the rrpo,1ing porlod, cheek tho aoeond block and oust the PR -7 aLtachmont. 0. EC!rouL�US - Lint all mLloetonca which aro acllcdul ed in the contract for completion on or before tho end of the reporting period and which have not been reportcd an com- plotcd in proviouo reports. Enter tho milootonc number (project otart io mileatona 01, cn the next milcatono shown in the contract in 01, 01011 project'camplete is mllontone 99), the mllontone name (nn shown In the contract), the planned completion dato (no shown in the contract), and the actual completion date, if any. .NOTo, always show the latent contract information (including all Contract Change' 1 Loticca). 9. NARRATIVE ORT - Tho narrative report in divided into three ucctlono: Accompliahmenta, Problems Encountered, and Ansiatance Acquired. Then* auctiono may vary in con.. tont and dotail an approprinto. Sections A 6 A moat ba conslatont with tho report of mlloatonaa met and minced : Page S of 17 • • Attachment 5 feection 0, above) and should cite rcanona if the proje • ie behind schedule or over budget, Section C provide, tho opportunity to .tduntlfy problemc, ne min, nctlnnn re. • cluired by OTG, and• rccommendationn to O'rl, Any (or nil) of tho oections may b0 continued on acparate sheets (in- cluded as attochmcnta). Tho narrative section is an im- portant part of Iiia report, and the project manager in encouraged to mrka effective ono of this opportunity to • communicate needs, problems, .achicvementa, and other pertinent information. Please keep this narrative acetic conciao and interesting. Concentrate on major polnta rather than detallal lncludo material of Interest to.othc project ranageru. 10.. PROJECT ORfANIZAT/ON CUSRT '-- - An organtzntion 0)1,01 in.re-. quired wit), the :trot projoct report. The fore or'fai'nat in optional, but all key peraonnol, including the project manager, Uncal manager (or equal), evaluator (if any); 000., must be shown by name and function. On aubccqucnt reports, the organization chart moat be revised and re- nubmjtted if, and only if, ono or mora of the key perconne change. Chock the applicable block and attach a revised chart, if required. 11. r,IcNAA'runc A. CLAIMANT - Enter the name of the organization sub- • misting the claim (thin must bo the organisation ahovr�, • on the contract). A• AUTLOAI7$D!� SIGNATUlIE - Tho cledm•muat be signed by a Pogo 6 of 17 person furn•lb1• authorized by the claimant to sign and submit claims on Sts behalf. C. APPROVALS - Thio alnico in probided for thu convenience of the claimant/ its uce io optl omni, 12. ?lc 1CR C:y7 r S - ? u: } o3; each attachment (rd -3,4,5, G, and 7, organisation chart, elc.) in order of their ( ret refcrenea on thu PR -1 form. Enter tho numbor of attachments in the rpace provided, PREPARATION OF O".'S ronin PR -1 d, 5, and G (Encloaur�Gr 1. C3:3 11,\3, - Th eon attachments aro required if, and only 1f, eorrerponding cu,.ta are reported for tho period; PR -3 io required if PL'nt0NAL SERVICES ore reported; PR -d if =- CONTRACT SERVICES Are required; PR -5 if COMMODITIES aro .reported; and On -6 if 0T11ER DIRECT COSTS aro reported, See paragraph D., 1.-5., above, for definitions of these categories. 2. l3EADIN05 - At the top of each form, orator tho project• • number and date (see paragraphs 3. i 1.. unJor "PREPARATION OF O15 FORM PR -1,` above), •% J. INDIVIDUr.L ENTRIES - Each form moat contain tho individual 00ata which accumulate to the ozr1unto reported on tho PR -1 . form (ata section 5., above), In gonaral, each entry will consist of tho following elements! h. DATE - Tho dato on which the coat la paid (aoo para- graph S.A., above). D. D1:5CR3PTIDN• OF ITEM - Thin may. bo, ' 1) PEILSo11A3, s0rrvXC3:S - Tho nama 02 an individual or 4 labor coLcgory (1.o., olark ZV, draftsman, etc.) with a common pay rate. Pngo 7 of 17 . 1 • /Attachment 5 2) CO5TItACT SI:IIVICES - Tha noon 0f the subcontractor and/or the work•performed, 3) COAU1oDIT1ES OR OTIIER DIROCT COSTS - An item mase (11111 Solcctric II typewriter, March telephone bil)' cerputcr'tllae, C. QUANTITY AND RATE - )lours worked and rate per hour, days worked and rata per day, quantity purchtacd and cost per day, quantity purchased and coat per unit, etc. NOTE: Not required on P5-4; may bo emitted if not applicable or appropriato for the lino entry, D. EXTENT/ON 013 AY.OUNT PAID - Tho total amount (in dollt and canto) paid Lor thu lino entry. NOTE; Eru:.l to quantity multipled by rate (where applicable). • E. 'DOCUMCNT - Identify tho instrument (document) used to pay the amount shown; show the type of document (check, warrant, etc.), and identify number (check nc warrant no., etc.). N�TE,,Tho document .identified • must bo rotained for audit in accordance with the Central Provisions of tbo contract. P. TOTAL - Enter the total amount (in dollars and cont.)• in tho zpaco provided, NOTE, Tha totals must agree exactly with tho amounts entered on the, front o1 the PR -1 form. PREPARATION or 025 FORM PR -7 (A ccounteblo Asacta Re ort ; ,1. GENERAL - Tho Accountable Ascots Report moot bo oubedttad • whonuvar necountablo assets aro furnl,hsd by OTS or pun-' chased, onto a Pn-7 has boon. vubmittod on • contract, it must ba resubmitted if, and only if, ono or mono assets Palo 8 of 17 are acquired Luang any reporting period. Subsequent re- visions of the Ph -7 must include all assets previously nhown (even if they have born dinpoand el)/ IL in nuggentcd that the organi:atien submit ing claims retain the ori- ginal P1t-7 for oubu tqucnt updating and submit photocopies to OTS. 2. NEADING - Sane as the heading for PP -3,4,5. and L. 3. OTS-UIIIOUJ: TRANSACTION - Enter tho 10 -digit OTU code for the asset (for examples h0(0000G102), if known/ if unknown, leave blank. 4. USER IDCUT - Enter the inventory number used by the claimant organization. NOTE( If none is used, a number system must be created, a number assigned, and the ntuid)er Affixed to the asset (embossed tape in a uooful method in cane instances). 5. DESCRIPTION/;;::ILIAL NO. - Enter a moaningful description of tho asset and its aerial nu bor (1f applicable). Examples of "useful" dencriptione are, A. Tys.owritcr, IUM Selectric II, S/MXXXXXx... D. Desk., Secretarial, 30' x 40", loft Hand, walnut C. Pilo Cabinet, 4 -dr., legal,' black metal In general, manufacturers nanon aro not useful, except in some instances where they uniquely define a typo, style, or quality; for example, 'IDM Solcctric II" or "UP -45' aro unoful identifiers but •Caeomark' or "Chau-Halkor", ars gcnurally not. 6.. Puncii4nh: coni -: rotor the exact eraunt paid forth, item, Page 9 of 17 Attachment 5 if'purchoocd. If furnished (from a previous contr, from another aOurco by OTS),entor 'OTS, 7. ACOUISITION DATE - Enter the date the asset Was rcr or transferred to the project. 0. DISPOSITION - If en oceat is destroyed, stolen, or ' fcrred to another project respectively, enter 'DDST "STOLEN,• or the new project number and date of tra in this column (if tho new project number it not kn can be obtained from the responsible OT5 manager). NOTE( If an item is destroyed or stolen, the full di muct be documented/ contact the rnnponaible OT5 Cfan4 for details. If an asset is transferred to another ganization, an Accountable Accete Log (0T5 lora •.V.-: be furnished to you to clear your records (nee the r niblo OTS manager for detailo), SUDMITTAL - The completed and signed On -1, with attachments, rust forwardod,'in dnplidate, to the rcopona iblo'O55 mans It vill bo rovioved and processed In accordance with policy, and reimbursement may bo expected within two six weeks if no osjor problems aro anc0untored in.0u review. The exact period required will depend upon immediate procoauing backlog in the OTS office and th State comptroller's offico, mail delays, and rather in cidental factors. • page 10 of 17 v Al '.[ 1'01111 •11.5 Trr/•: TIOIFCrc Mrs TY P,:Ocrrn:.1 li•n) 1110)1 Cr 1(. 11'.1 ,1111 1. 1,10010771(OU r Prorrdur2 rn•7 1'0)).101 iml_^---•- 1)Ir•laaulcr• 1 ^•• ''� ^ate :.1 11115 .....5 A1UNII1LY ��t 1'f.',111!'11111 l•UNNr 111 y___\�)� OD00 E :11,1,515 A 01141117 Al 111111 )111 ' 011 J. 5c 1 ,Sr0/ 11* NI 11 JAS :UNI/ :1,/,., L fXPCHnlTUnr3 (0n UPDATING l'LNOfI PC ASJNAI S(Al'1C(5 Ir[IAgS AilA0g0) CUNIULATI CONIAACI SCnOOCUS '----��,� YC CXPLI+Ol1UnCE IIOOAIII o0.11S ^.•_` L41411,11) AC atlll n _ CCIAe,r IUAI 5 01.1Cn OA(CI COSTS 110,r,(0, 0051 lc w COhIONCO ------ --.4717._._._ cun+uLilnvr.cLAlA+rfillowrn I'L•MAO 5___ Il ILL SC EDL/1 :S - '' i SClul10010174(11* PMA`IlLYNCIIANOCO CAT110`LEF Sl0N($SCHl041(71 IIU 041L UUIN 1 N() V'l F$IONE 114/.10 0111LYA)1/SIr CU'.IPILICUI • • PI AN O61r ACTUAL 10917 Cl Al1A 10TH( CO ion AEIA10UA5 F71C NI $ —_� AC1Un1. 5 ACCOV'�--�-----�-- 7171_-7171 — (7v UST.) ry. 11-AT•JlATry! 7:L(C'IT A. ACC057'V5IXarTE (USC AO011K(UC 5)10075• V N(CC55AAT) TArya 11 of 17 'f Il 1 C(MA,TOP, 0•la , • /ILtachnient 5 IV. n7Al:l l,l rl•/150g51.37. 01',1.111110' 11. PIIOULL/AS C::COU/111.11LU 11r,r1 Vvl J1SLU:;IOh O/ 1,' ;;7 O 7.47•,16''1 S A\O 01,11,11 C. A OLIO (MICE /i00Lr111ib AKOl011 r•'fcCCLY.CJ:0A110:IS UO oil) V. P110JCC7bMANIZATI0fl Cilnnr 1a{'1. r 141 so 04r1.49.., lJ IUS GV.VCED pvtormou )q vasa d 1401 u'olnl P'r.mtro en....l erv,•urq 04.;ar{w•h ., 1rly{I. SNIT it Irlla lyl 111.1 (9111 {ll•nh•1 brim PIel•97CI•, Plamny 11107Yr• 1'V (YYH41111091Amei IVPr rn•q 1 W ,{.1•(AAInry.11 CLA'((ANI, Au1H0A17E0 SlCLIAIVAF: aPP90YAL 1100. 170 11,111.{.14(1+, 4.1 1 1 Ag0 12 of 17 (011 11,evn f 1(.4J' ..71.%CtiVi.:Cr 1.1.1.:Cr•••: WU • : ....• • I•VIC I .! Ctn.-1-11AG 6:12.1JEL-1 0 - - - 015,10flu P. 3 AUL:1012111 •,• 6. • GO' r ;Ain HAIC r-- LXIti(i hrl ro7At rine 13 of 17 Attachment 5 • AT TAX/I/ACM TO PLHIOUIC /11.I'wl r ITT___, CO/ITHACT(la_ I 0.•1/1.0 Luncutirrucr cctivicts VAN 51.1:CCATMCICH.IX:CHIPTIO•1 OF von4 COCIAX 1Hr• 041($4.4 3,1 4,4o:40134i Page 14 of 17 • TOL% 1.411 •.X10 Li 70 Li oLvs . .510. SU11 L11 ?VI 1tS),1'51 nN'rIbrinlT SIO A00?Ya•..yr CYr Ng1Y.'IY_ :.L^:i. fl 111701 Npry]vo.YN. urn /INN': 5r0 _ 1'::1.1]11 ^_t. r _ �l]f Ul'.00 •_"'.n� •--011 Y(' //.'0,171 1 71001117.1 O11N])Y110 L'iL Y tic7l11 peq.4v . 1%I N01Nn(1Y14 01'.V1life Li JO 41 • Val 0.1./717 nl nnr510 r. S amsv[.Q .1-1-j? 1/103 ] io cU1111O 021Y0 1110011 7t001UJd 011H7111tYtlY • INVg1.Nn r 0--_7 W�1 �rs 1 Y �17YU1N0J' ---tot 7.111100rmr., O VnlJil 1170/110,1311 71001112,1 01 1117 11117 7117 .1nr..1l.xtj I SUMMARY SHEET COUNTY/CITY OF SELECTIVE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM MONTH OF 19 REPORTED ACCIDENTS (COUNTY OR CITY WIDE)_ _ _ INJURY CRASHES (COUNTY OR CITY WIDE) NO. PERSONS INJURED (COUNTY OR CITY WIDE) _ _ FATAL CRASHES.(000NTY OR CITY WIDE) NO, DEATHS COUNTY OR CITY WIDE) STEP TRAFFIC ARRESTS STEP WARNINGS ISSUED STEP CHARGES FILED STEP CHARGES ADJUDICATED HAZn-JOUS MOVING VIOLATIONS NC;--.AZARDOUS VIOLATIONS TOTAL HOURS WORKED TOTAL I .AL BILES DRIVEN .PAGE 1 of 5 !1i TRAFFIC n� RY j TED ACCIDENTS .n,ury/fatals) •.J.,?Y ACCIDENTS • --- S INJURED `.Ai ACCIDENTS DEATHS ATAL ACCID. FOR YEAR •- TOTAL FOR YEAR R -`•'1-R T ED ACCIDENTS rc,,,des injury/fatals; — IN:JRY ACCIDENTS NG PERSONS INJURED t',r, r ATAL ACCIDENTS 1'.0 OF DEATHS NO FATAL ACCID. FOR YEAR ,DE = n TOTAL FOR YEAR tD ACCIDENTS (ur_i.:L!cs i^j'... y/farals) ACCIJE:\TS .JURED ;.DENTS -^ •-). =0R YEAR -=OR YEAR rirracnmznt 6 U m COUtNTY/C I TY ACCIDENT STATISTICS. 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 PAGE 3 of 5 REPORTED ACCIDENTS (includes injury/fatals) INJURY ACCIDENTS NO. PERSONS INJURED N0. FATAL ACCIDENTS NO. OF DEATHS NO. FATAL ACCID. FOR YEAR DEATH TOTAL FOR YEAR REPORTED ACCIDENTS (includes injury/fate's) INJURY ACCIDENTS NO. PERSONS INJURED NO. FATAL ACCIDENTS NO. OF DEATHS NO. FATAL ACCID. FOR YEAR DEATH TOTAL FOR YEAR REPORTEQ ACCIDENTS (includes injury/fatals) INJURY ACCIDENTS NO. PERSONS INJURED_ NO. FATAL ACCIDENTS NO. OF DEATHS NO. FATAL ACCID. FOR YEAR DEATH TOTAL FOR YEAR •19 ' 19 19 19 1 19 19 19 YEAR SUMMARY I u t_rf L_L_1 COUNTY/CITY TRAFFIC A C C I II E N T S TA T I S•T I CS Rc FED ACCIDENTS .,,.,:'s injury/fatals) •. , ACCIDENTS :.SC,>.S INJURED • ACCIDENTS .',THS A_ ACCID. FOR YEAR -.OTAL FOR YEAR _`SJST REPO TEC 'ACCIDENTS ^jt:y/fatals) itJu --Y ACCIDENTS NO. R,FRSONS INJURED N\ ' �•Tr L ACCIDENTS NU ur DEATHS No • _ ACCID. FOR YEAR Dc A'— TOTAL FOR YEAR 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 REFC ACCIDENTS -;a y/fatals) — i .JL .:;BENTS _ t0 ,::JURED _ '.O. :•.0 - •.^;D. FOR '• E ., DEA FOR YEAR. REr -: E ..\CCIDENTS /fatals) .,.:IDENTS NO. PERS:.'.S INJURED OCTO3ER REPORTED ACCIDENTS, (includes injury/fatals). INJURY ACCIDENTS NO. PERSONS INJURED NO. FATAL ACCIDENTS NO. OF DEATHS NO. FATAL ACCID. FOR YEAR DEATH TOTAL FOR YEAR NOVa3FR REPORTED ACCIDENTS (includes injury/fatals) INJURY ACCIDENTS NO. PERSONS INJURED NO. FATAL ACCIDENTS NO. OF DEATHS NO. FATAL ACCID. FOR YEAR DEATH TOTAL FOR YEAR DECE 3.ER REPORTED ACCIDENTS • (includes injury/fatais) INJURY ACCIDENTS NO. PERSONS INJURED NO. FATAL ACCIDENTS NO. OF DEATHS NO. FATAL ACCID. FOR YEAR DEATH TOTAL FOR YEAR PAGE 4 of 5 NO. FATAL ACCIDENTS NO. OF DEATHS 19 19 is 19 19 19 19 19 t9 ; OF DAY LLJ L±J'LJ 0 ED • COUNT Y/ C I TY DISTRIBUTION OF FATAL & INJURY CRASHES TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY : M- 3AM 9AM Wie P 1M 3AM- 6AM I Pr I 110° I. I I I OP" gliA AM- 12N .? N- 3PM SPY,- 6PM 9Pf4 9PM- 12M TOTAL L LIAMIMMIMMIMP° .atdMFATAL CRASES INJURY CRASHES DISTRIBUTION OF TRAFFIC ARRESTS TOT PAGE 5 of 5 v /751 Con4act No. (LLD) LL) L.LJ L_J LJ 1717-1 •t STEP - Corpus Christi UNIQUE TRANSACTION NO. TC005413 TC005414 '1 Attachment 7 Pa{lo 1 of 1 SCHEDULE OF GOVERNMENT FURNISHED ASSETS The l be to the use in following performance lof work u r clo this contracractor t. Theby the Texas Oice of requiiirements of General Provisions XIIic tand XXIV apply. :SIGNED IDENT NO. 4615-1 4615-2 DESCRIPTION Radar Unit MR -9 MANUFACTURER SERIAL,NO. 1594-1G44 1617-1649 Pane 1 0l 1 �grrn GC•GFA Rev. 12/75 CONDITION Serviceable Serviceable BUDGET SHEET: SELECTIVE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM I. SALARIES & BENEFITS: PATROL OFFICERS 1. 7 officers x 4 hours x 5 days per week x 52 weeks at $10.51 per 2. TfRS (.0768) 3. FICA (.0613) 4. Workmen's Comp. (.013) hour II. SALARIES & BENEFITS: CLERICAL 1. 1 secretary x 20 hours x 52 weeks x $6.44 overtime per hour 2. TMRS (.0768) 3. FICA (.0513) 4. Workmen's Comp. (.013) III. MUNICIPAL COURT OVERTIME & BENEFITS MILEAGE 70,000 miles per year x S .15 per mile $ 76,512.80 5,876.18 4,690.23 594.67 Sub -total $ 88,073.88 $ 6,697.60 514.38 410.56 87.07 Sub -total $ 7,709.61 $ 10,000;00 Sub -total $ 10,500.00 GRAND TOTAL 5116,283.49 Corpus Christi, Texas day of TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. The Charter rule was Luther Jones Edward L. Sample Dr. Jack Best David Diaz Jack K. Dumphy Betty N. Turner Cliff Zarsky The above ordinance Luther Jones Edward L. Sample Dr. Jack Best David Diaz Jack K. Dumphy Betty N. Turner Cliff Zarsky Respectfully, MAY., THE Y OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS suspended by the following ktf) vote: was passed by the following vote: I 15050