HomeMy WebLinkAbout15056 ORD - 08/15/1979AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE T•RITTEN STATEMENT AND REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT, SHOWING ESTIMATES OF THE VARIOUS COSTS FOR THE IMPROVEMMENT OF THE FOLLOWING STREETS IN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS: (1) Driscoll Drive, from State Highway 44 (Agnes Street) to Kenwood Drive; (2) Bluebonnet and Kenwood Drives, from Driscoll Drive to Longview West; (3) Villa Drive, from the Baldwin Boulevard to Quaile Drive. DETERMINING AND FIXING THE PORTION OF SAID COSTS TO BE PAID AND ASSESSED AGAINST ABUTTING PROPERTY, THE PORTION THEREOF TO BE PAID BY THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI; DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT AGAINST SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY; ORDERING AND SETTING A HEARING TO BE HELD SEPTEMBER 12, 1979 AT 3:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 302 S. SHORELINE IN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, TO GIVE NOTICE OF SAID HEARING AS REQUIRED BY TI'E LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, heretofore, on the 15th day of August, 1979 the City Council by enactment of Ordinance No. /so 3 determined that it was necessary to improve the following by paving and sidewalks, as hereinafter more fully described: and 1. Driscoll Drive, from State Highway 44 (Agnes Street) to Kenwood Drive; 2. Bluebonnet and Kenwood Drives, from Driscoll Drive to Longview West; and 3. Villa Drive, from Baldwin Boulevard to Quaile Drive; WHEREAS, by the terms of said ordinance,•specifications were ordered to be made by the Director of Engineering and Physical Develop— ment for the improvement of the aforesaid street, within the limits defined, as provided by said Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the said specifications have been prepared and are now submitted to the City Council for approval and adoption; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Corpus Christi is of the opinion that it is necessary to levy an assessment against the property and the owners thereof abutting upon the aforesaid street, within the limits defined, and against•street and railway companies whose tracks occupy said street, if any, for a part of the cost of 15058 improving said street, fixing a time for the hearing of the owners of said property, and the said railway companies, concerning the same, and directing the City Secretary to give notice of said hearing, as required by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore, by ordinance, ordered the improvement of the street and portions enumerated above. Any existing curbs, gutters in place, meeting the specifications set by the City Council, or which can be utilized, shall be left in place, if any, and corresponding credits to the property owners shall be allowed on the assessments; and WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering and Physical Development of the City of Corpus Christi has, in accordance with the law, filed his report with the City Council, setting forth the participation by the railway companies and street railway companies, if any, and the property owners, in the cost thereof, together with the names of the owners and the descrip- tion of said property, and the work to be done adjacent thereto, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel and its owner and all other matters required by the applicable law: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the specifications so presented to the City Council of the City of Corpus Christi by the Director of Engineering and Physical Development and prepared by him for the improvements of the aforesaid street, within the limits set forth, having been carefully considered by the City Council, be, and the same is hereby, approved and adopted as the specifications for the improvements of said street herein- above enumerated, within the limits defined. SECTION 2. That the City Secretary be, and he is hereby, instructed to advertise for sealed bids for the construction of the improvements called for by this ordinance, such advertisement for bids to be published in the Corpus Christi Times, the official publication of the City of Corpus Christi, which is a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Corpus Christi. The advertisement shall be published at least -2- once in each week for two (2) consecutive weeks. All bids shall be received subject to the terms and provisions of the Charter of the City of Corpus Christi, and shall be filed with the City Secretary'on the date and hours specified and shall be opened and read in the presence of the City Council in a public meeting of the said City Council. , SECTION 3. The City Council, in initiating this proceeding, is acting under the terms and provisions of the Act passed at the First Called Session of the Fortieth Legislature of the State of Texas, and known as Chapter 106 of the Acts of the said Session, together with any amend- ments thereto, now shown as Article 1105b of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as an alternative method for the construction of street improvements in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. SECTION 4. That the report or statement filed by the Director of Engineering and Physical Development having been duly examined is hereby approved. SECTION 5. That there is hereby found and determined that the' cost of improvements on the hereinafter described street with the amount or amounts per front foot proposed to be assessed for such improvements against abutting property and the owners thereof, and against street and railway companies whose tracks occupy said streets, if any, are as follows, to -wit: -3- PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL ACCESS TO OLDER NEIGHBORHOODS This project shall include improvements to the following streets: 1. Driscoll Drive from State Highway 44 (Agnes Street) to Kenwood Drive; 2. Bluebonnet and Kenwood Drives, from Driscoll Drive to Longview West; 3. Villa Drive from Baldwin Boulevard to Quaile Drive. These streets shall be constructed by excavation to a width and depth to permit the laying of a standard curb and gutter, 6" compacted subgrade, 8" compacted caliche base and 11/2 or 2 inch Type "D" Hot -Mix asphaltic pavement. Streets will vary in width from 28' to 48' depending on right-of-way and street usage. There will be 4' wide reinforced sidewalks and 6" thick reinforced driveways as shown on the construction plans or where requested by the owners. The assessment rates have been calculated in accordance with the latest paving policy adopted by the City. Based on the lowest bid submitted by King Construction Company, the assessment rates are as follows: STREET WIDTH, BOC 28' Wide 31' Wide 38' Wide 48' Wide Maximum Ordinance Rate 4" COG $10.53 per L.F. $12.51 per L.F. $16.57 per L.F. $22.36 per L.F. $14.25 per L.F. Sidewalk $1.04 per S.F. Tied Sidewalk $1.21 per S.F. Maximum Ordinance Rate $ .75 per S.F. 6" COG $10.74 per L.F. $12.72 per L.F. $16.78 per L.F. $22.58 per L.F. $14.25 Per L.F. Driveways $2.66 per S.F. A11 properties, zoned and used for one and two family residences, churches and schools, have been assessed at the maximum rate established by the City Council as: Curb, Gutter and Pavement $4.75 per L.F. Sidewalks $ .75 per S.F. JKL/dl Total Contract Price Total Preliminary Assessments Total City Portion 41444.9 G_ James K. Lon os, P.E., Director Engineering & Physical Development $195,576.25 52,391.62 $143,184.63 once in each week for two (2) consecutive weeks. All bids shall be received subject to the terms and provisions of the Charter of the City of Corpus Christi, and shall be filed with the City Secretary/on the date and hours specified and shall be opened and read in the presence of the City Council in a public meeting of the said City Council. , SECTION 3. The City Council, in initiating this proceeding, is acting under the terms and provisions of the Act passed at the First Called Session of the Fortieth Legislature of the State of Texas, and known as Chapter 106 of the Acts of the said Sdssion, together with any amend- ments thereto, now shown as Article 1105b of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as an alternative method for the construction of street improvements in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. SECTION 4. That the report or statement filed by the Director of Engineering and Physical Development having been duly examined is hereby approved. SECTION 5. That there is hereby found and determined that the' cost of improvements on the hereinafter described street with the amount or amounts per front foot proposed to be assessed for such improvements against abutting property and the owners thereof, and against street and railway companies whose tracks occupy said streets, if any, are as follows, to -wit: -3- All assessments, however, are to be made and levied by the City Council as it may deem just and equitable, having in view the special benefits in enhanced value to be received by such parcels of property and owners thereof, the equities of such owners, and the adjustment of the apportionment of the cost of improvements so as to produce a substantial equality of benefits received and burdens imposed. SECTION 6. That a hearing shall be given to said owners•of abutting property, and of railways and of street railways, if any, or their agents or attorneys, and all persons interested in said matter, as to the amount to be assessed against each owner and his abutting property and railways and street railways, and as to the benefits to said property by reason of said improvement, or any other matter or thing in connection therewith, which hearing shall be held in the Council Chamharc, at City Hall, 302 S. Shoreline, City of Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas, on the 12th day of September , 19 79 , at 3.00P.M., at which time all the said owners, their agents or attorneys or other interested persons are notified to appear and be heard, and at said hearing said owners and other persons may appear, by counsel or in person, and may offer evidence, and said hearing shall be adjourned from day to day until fully accomplished. The City Secretary of the City of Corpus Christi is hereby directed to give notice of the time and place of such hearing and of other matters and facts in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Act passed at the First Called Session of the Fortieth Legislature of the State of Texas, and known as Chapter 106 of the Acts of said Session, together with any amendments thereto, now shown as Article 1105b of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, which said law, as an alternative method for the construction of street improvements in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, has been adopted by said City. Said notice shall be by advertisement inserted at least three times in a newspaper published in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, the first publication to be made at least twenty-one (21) days before the date of said hearing. Said notice shall comply with and be in accordance with the terms and provisions of the said Act. -4- The City Secretary is hereby further directed to give additional written notice of the hearing by depositing in the United States mail, at least fourteen (14) days before the date of the hearing, written notice of such hearing, postage prepaid, in an envelope addressed to the owners of the respective properties abutting such streets, highways or portions of streets or highways to be improved, as the names of such owners are shown on the then current rendered tax rolls of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, and at the addresses so shown, or if the names of such respective owners do not appear on such rendered tax rolls, then addressed to such owners as their names are shown on the unrendered tax rolls of said City at the addresses shown thereon; and when a special tax is proposed to be levied against any railway or street railway using, occupying or crossing any highway or street, portion or portions thereof to be improved, such additional notice shall be given by depositing in the United States Mail, at least fourteen (14) days before date of the hearing, a written notice of such hearing, postage prepaid, in an envelope addressed to the said railway or street railway as shown on the then current rendered tax rolls of said City, at the address so shown, or, if the name of such respective railways do not appear on such rendered tax rolls of the City, then addressed to such railways or street railways as the names shown on the current unrendered tax rolls of said City, at the addresses shown thereon. Said notice shall describe in general terms the nature of the improvements for which assessments are proposed to be levied, shall state the highway, highways, streets or portions thereof to be improved, state the estimated amount or amounts per front foot proposed to be assessed against the owner or owners of abutting property and such property on each highway, or street or portion thereof with reference to which hearing mentioned in the notice shall be held, and shall state the estimated total cost of the improvements on each such highway, or street, portion or portions thereof, and, if the improvements are to be constructed in any part of the area between and under rails and tracks, double tracks, turnouts, and switches, and two (2) feet on each side thereof of any railway, street railway or interurban, shall also state the amount proposed to be assessed therefor, and shall -5- state the time and place at which hearing shall be held, provided, however, that any failure of the property owners to receive said notice, shall not invalidate these proceedings. SECTION 7. That the need for the adoption of the plans and proceeding with the improvements as herein provided, and the importance of promptly examining the report of the Director of Engineering and Physical Development and making a decision thereon, creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, having requested the suspension, of said Charter Rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the 15th day of August ATTEST: , 197q . ityecretary. APPROVED: 14 DAY OF August City Attorney , 19 79 . R c,„/THE CI OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS Corpus Christi, as /5' day of 9•_ TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no. ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally,on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. The Charter rule was Luther Jones Edward L. Sample Dr. Jack Best David Diaz Jack K. Dumphy Betty N. Turner Cliff Zarsky Respectfully, MAYO/ /�// "ICY' THE CI OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS suspend by the following vote: t /. , The above ordinance was passed Luther Jones Edward L. Sample Dr. Jack Best David Diaz Jack K. Dumphy Betty N. Turner Cliff Zarsky by the following vote: 15058 4 I i AUGUST 6, 1979 DESCRIPTION ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY OF NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT PAGE 1 RATE AMOUNT 77 TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL ACCESS TO OLDER NEIGHBORHOODS STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DRISCOLL DRIVE AGNES ST. TO KENWOOD DR. WEST SIDE 1 TEX-MEX R.R. * 62.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 10.98 680.76 AND 18.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 14.25 256.50 13 TRAFFIC DEPT 124.00 S.F. S/W .75 93.00 6002 HIGHWAY 44 78410 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- TRACK ROW -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- *PVMT ONLY 38' BOC -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 1,030.26 2 ROAN REAL ESTATE CO INC * 435.06 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 14.25 6,199.61 PO BOX 5405 78405 -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0- LOT 2R 1,268.64 S.F. S/W .75 951.48 MILLER INDST. TRACT -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 1-2 561.90 S.F. D/W 2-25 2.66 1,494.65 I *38' BOC 186.45 S.F. D/W 1-16 2.66 495.96 TEXAS PAPER CO 438.45 OTHER LF 1-40 2.66 1,166.28 WHSE, SHOPS E EQUIP 144.45 OTHER LF 1-12 2.66 384.24, 10,692.22 I 3 FERRELL WALRAVEN * 67.81 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0- B 634 SCOTT 78408 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- LOT 26 BLK 4 271.24 S.F. S/W -0- -0- PALM COURT -0- .S.F. S/W -0- -0- R-18 1 RES'UNT 92.55 S.F. D/W 1-13.5 2.66 246.18 *FRONT S/W EXST -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 246.18 1 1 4 G.E. HOWE * 85.47 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- • 3717:S NAYLOR 78408 LOT 27 BLK 4 PALM COURT R -1B 1 RES UNIT *FRONT S/W EXSTS -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0- 341.88 S.F. S/W -0- -0- - 0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- .00 1 ITEM NO. AUGUST 6, 1979 PAGE 2 OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 5 PEDRO SERRANO B 3513 S NAYLOR 78408 LOT 28 BLK 4 53.34 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 213.36 S.F. S/W PALM COURT R -1B *FRONT S/W EXSTS - 0- S.F. S/W -0- S.F. D/W - 0- S.F. D/W - 0- - 0- - 0- - 0- - 0- -0- - 0- - 0- -0- -0- -0- -0- .00 6 ROY W. GALBREATH 8 1502 CLODAH 78404 LOT 29 BLK 4 PALM COURT R -1B 1 RES UNIT *FRONT S/W EXSTS 55.00 L.F.C.G.6 PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 220.00 S.F. S/W - 0- S.F. S/W -0- S.F. D/W -0- S.F. D/W - 0- -0- -0- - 0- - 0- -0- .001 1 7 ROY C. LEE B 3505 S NAYLOR 78405 LOT 30 BLK 4 * 50.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 200.00 S.F. S/W PALM COURT R -1B 1 RES UNIT *FRONT S/W EXSTS -0- S.F. S/W 104.76 S.F. D/W I -16B -0- S.F. D/W - 0- - 0- - 0- -0- 2.66 - 0- -0- - 0- 278.66 -0 278.66 8 JANICE LOUIS THOMPSON B 3501 S NAYLOR 78408 LOT 31 BLK 4 PALM COURT R -1B 1 RES UNIT *SIDE RTN NAYLOR CEG 55.37 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 27.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 221.48 S.F. S/W -0- S.F. S/W 104.76 S.F. D/W 1-168 -0- S.F. D/W -0- 2.38 -0- - 0- 2.66 -0- - 0-' 64.26 -0-, - 0- 278.66 - 0- **FRONT S/W 342.92 N NAYLOR CR INTERSECTION 9 CONCEPCION B. GARCIA S 3502 N NAYLOR 78408 LOT 23 BLK 1 PALM COURT R -1B *SIDE RTN ON NAYLOR 120.05 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. * 24.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 480.20 S.F. S/W * 96.00 S.F. S/W 111.80 S.F. D/W 1-17 - 0- S.F. D/W 2.38 4.75 .38 .75 2.66 -0- 285.72 114.00 182.48 72.00 297.39 -0- 951.59 ITEM N0. AUGUST 6, 1979 PAGE OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT "RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 10 WILLIAM L. SWANSON S 3501 BLUEBONNET 78408 LOT 22 BLK A ** ** 10.00 L.F.C.G.6 PVMT. 173.89 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 695.56 S.F. S/W BLUEBONNET CRT R-18 *RTN ON BLUEBONNET *D/W ON BLUEBONNET **RED. BY D.F. .38 - 0- S.F. S/W 78.80 S.F. D/W 1-11 * 98.45 S.F. D/W 1-10 4.75 1.81 .29 -0- 2.66 2.66 47.50 314.74 201.71 - 0- 209.61 261.88 1,035.44 BLUEBONNET DR INTERSECTION 11 C.A. RIDENOUR 5 3502 BLUEBONNET 78408 LOT 21 BLK 8 BLUEBONNET CRT R -1B *RTN ON BLUEBONNET *D/W ON BLUEBONNET **RED. BY D.F. .38 ** ** * 16.00 L.F.C.G.6 PVMT. 173.89 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 695.56 S.F. S/W -0- S.F. S/W 98.45 S.F. D/W 1-10 - 0- S.F. D/W 4.75 1.81 .29 -0- 2.66 -0- i 76.00 314.74 201.71 261.88 - 0 854.33 12 R.DRISCOL JR. HIGH C.C.INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST * *RTN ON KENWOOD **S/W ON KENWOOD ** 583.04 20.00 84.00 80.00 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. L.F.C.G.& PVMT. S.F. S/W S.F. S/W RC 4 REVERSE CRB RC 234.22 216.84 456.04 S.F. D/W 1-35 S.F. D/W 2-30 OTHER LF 4.75 2.38 .75 .38 2.66 2.66 4.75 2,769.44 47.60 63.00 30.40 623.03 576.79 2,166.19 6,276.45 L KENW00D DR INTERSECTION END DRISCOLL DRIVE WEST SIDE DRISCOLL DRIVE AGNES ST. TO KENWOOD DR. EAST SIDE 13 AND 1 TEX-MEX R.R. ROW 31.00 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. .00 9.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. .00 *CR EXST S/W **PAVMENT ONLY *CURB 6 GUTTER ONLY SEE ITEM 1 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- S.F. D/W -0- - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- -0- - 0- - 0- -0- -0- .00 ITEM NO. AUGUST 6, 1979 PAGE ' DESCRIPTION OWNER AND QUANTITY OF PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT 4 RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 14 DELUX AUTO PARTS 3420 AGNES 78405 11.2 AC OUT OF17.08 AC ** T 421.65 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 228.00 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. - 0- S.F. S/W WEIL TRACT I-3 PARTS STR & JUNK YRD *CR EXST S/W **38'80C T TRANSITION TO 28'BOC -0- S.F. S/W 333.45 S.F. D/W 1-30C -0- S.F. D/W 14.25 13.40 -0- -0- 2.66 -0- 6,008.51 3,055.20 -0- - 0- 886.98 - 0- 9,950.69 15 JUAN C. DAVILA SR B 201 W LONGVIEW 78408 LOT 6 BLK 11 WESTGATES HEIGHTS R -1B 1 RES UNIT *CR EXST S/W NO ACCESS ON BACK 75.35 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. * -0- S.F. S/W - 0- S.F. S/W -0- S.F. D/W -0- S.F. 0/W -0- - 0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - 0- - 0- - 0- - 0- -0- -0- 16 RAFEAL F. OLIVER JR 133.62 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. B 205 W LONGVIEW 78408 LOT 5 BLK 11 WESTGATES HEIGHTS -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- S.F. S/W -0- S.F. S/W R -1B 1 RES UNIT *CR EXST S/W 100.80 S.F. D/W 1-15 - 0- S.F. D/W - 0- -0- -0- -0- 2.66 -0- -0- -0- - 0- - 0Th 268.13 -0-� 268.13 17 FRANK C. VILLARREAL ETUX 8 209 W LONGVIEW 78408 LOT 4 BLK 11 WESTGATE HEIGHTS 70.50 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. * -0- S.F. S/W -0- S.F. S/W R -1B 1 RES UNIT *CR EXST S/W 78.80 S.F. D/W 1-11 - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- - 0- - 0- 2.66 -0- - 0- - 0-i - 0- - 0-' 209.61 - 0- 209.61 1 18 S.A. ZAMBRANO 70.00 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0-02 - B 213 W LONGVIEW 78408 LOT 3 BLK 11 WESTGATE HEIGHTS R -1B 1 RES UNIT *CR EXST S/W NO ACCESS ON BACK -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- S.F. S/W -0- - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- -0 .00 AUGUST 6, 1979 PAGE ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 19 NICOLAS ABREGO B 217 W LONGVIEW 78408 LOT 2 BLK 11 63.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. * -0- S.F. S/W WESTGATE HEIGHTS R-18 1 RES UNIT *CR EXST S/W NO ACCESS ON BACK -0- S.F. S/W -0- S.F. D/W -0- S.F. D/W - 0- -0- - 0- -0- - 0- - 0- -0- ' .00 20 OSCAR SPITZ B 2100 600 BLDG 78401 S 40 LOT 1 BLK 11 WESTGATE HEIGHTS R-2 B ** ** ** 66.54 L.F.C.G.S PVMT. 113.00 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. - 0- S.F. S/W 440.00 S.F. S/W 106.30 S.F. D/W 1-16 *CR EXST S/W **SIDE -0- S.F. D/W 5.37 10.53 .00 .75 2.66 - 0- 357.32 1,189.89 • -0- I 330..00 282.76 -0- 2,159.97 BLUEBONNET DR. INTERSECTION 21 ETHEL LORENA MITCHAM B 229 W LONGVIEW 78408 S 39 LOT 14 E S .5 LOT 13 BLK 9 WESTGATE HTS R-2 1 RES UNIT *CR EXST S/W **SIDE 8 ** * ** ** 85.26 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 5.37 457.85 112.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. - 0- S.F. S/W 420.00 S.F. S/W 10.53 -0- .75 1,179.36 - 0- 315.00 117.30 S.F. D/W 1-18 2.66 - 0- S.F. D/W - 0- 312.02 -0- BACK RED .50 2,264.23 22 M.W. MEREDITH JR. 8 237 W LONGVIEW 78408 LOT 12 E N .5 LOT 13 BLK 9 WESTGATE HTS R-2 1 RES UNIT *CR EXST S/W B 75.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. * -0- S.F. S/W -0- S.F. S/W - 0- S.F. D/W -0- S.F. 0/W 5.37 -0- -0- -0- -0- - 0- 402.75 - 0- 0- -0- -0- -0--0- -o- -0 BACK BACK RED .50 402.75 23 ROBERT W. MARROW B 241 W LONGVIEW 78408 B 62.24 L.F.C.G.6 PVMT. 5.37 -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- 334.23 LOT 11612.13, LOT 10 BLK 9 WESTGATE HTS R-2 1 RES UNIT *CR EXST S/W BACK RED .50 * -0- S.F. S/W -0- - 0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- S.F. 0/W -0- - 0- - 0- -0- 334.23 AUGUST 6, 1979 PAGE 6 DESCRIPTION r TOTAL ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY OF AMOUNT NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED 24 DANIEL A. ALEMAN B 65.60 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 5.37 352.27 8 247 W LONGVIEW 78408 -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0- N 38.57'LOT 10& * -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- S 25.03'OF LOT 9 BLK 9 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- WESTGATE HTS -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- R-2 1 RES UNIT -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- *CR EXST S/W I BACK RED .50 1 352.27 25 CECIL S. RICHARDSON 8 63.60 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 5.37 341.53 8 251 W LONGVIEW 78408 -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0- N 25.28' LOT 9 & * -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- S 38.32' OF LOT 8 BLK 9 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 1 WESTGATE HTS -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 1 R-2 1 RES UNIT -0- S.F. D/W -0- *CR EXST S/W BACK RED .50 341.53 1 26 ALBERT J. DEMEULE B 63.67 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 5.37 341.91 8 257 W LONGVIEW 78408 -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0-' S 11.69'LOT 8 E ALL 7 * -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- BLK 9 WESTGATE HTS -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- R-2 1 RES UNIT -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0-1 *CR EXST S/W -0- S.F. 0/W -0- -0-1 BACK RED .50 341.91 1 27 JOSE C. SALINAS ETUX 8 58.29 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 5.37 313.02 8 261 W LONGVIEW 78408 -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0- LOT 6 BLK 9 * -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0-, WESTGATE HTS -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- R-2 1 RES UNIT -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- *CR EXST S/W -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0-. BACK RED .50 313.02 28 SANTOS MIRELES JR 8 58.29 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 5.37 313.02 B 265 W LONGVIEW 78408 -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0-, LOT 5 BLK 9 * -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- WESTGATE HTS -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0-I R-2 1 RES UNIT -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0-} *CR EXST S/W -0- S.F. 0/W -0- -0- BACK RED .50 313.021 C1 AUGUST 6, 1979 PAGE 7 ; DESCRIPTION ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY OF NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 29 RONALD LOWMAN 8 58.29 L.F.C.G.B PVMT. 5.37 313.02 B 234 EASTGATE DR 78408 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- LOT 4 BLK 9 * -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- WESTGATE HTS -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- R-2 1 RES UNIT -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- *CR EXST S/W -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- ' BACK RED .50 313.02 30 D.V. ESPEY B 116.58 L.F.C.G.B PVMT. 5.37 626.03 B 309 BRAWNER PKWY 78411 -0- L.F.C.G.'8 PVMT. -0- -0- LOTS 382 BLK 9 * -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0-1 WESTGATE HTS -0- S.F. S/W - -0- -0-I R-2 2 RES UNITS -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0-1 *CR EXST S/W -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0-} BACK RED .50 626.03 31 M.W. MEREDITH JR 8 65.00 L.F.C.G.B PVMT. 5.37 349.05 B 4942 OAKMONT 78413 ** 155.00 L.F.C.G.B PVMT. 10.53 1,632.15 S 38 LOT 1 BLK 9 * -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0 WESTGATE HTS ** 496.00 S.F. S/W .75 372.00 R-2 1 RES UNIT ** 68.09 S.F. D/W 1-10 2.66 181.12 *CR EXST S/W -0- S.F. 0/W -0- -0 **SIDE BACK RED .50 2,534.32 KENW00D DR INTERSECTION END DRISCOLL DR EAST SIDE VILLA DRIVE BALDWIN BLVD TO QUAILE OR WEST SIDE 32 DONALD T. BIBEAU 3727 LIBERTY 78408 LOT 9 BLK 4 RUSSELL INDST TRACT *PAVING ONLY **C C G ONLY I-2 RNTL UNTS * 28.00 L.F.C.G.B PVMT. 14.25 399.00 ** 182.02 L.F.C.G.B PVMT. 14.25 2,593.79 910.10 S.F. S/W 5'T .75 682.58 - 0- S.F. S/W -0- -0-' - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -0-1 -0- S.F. D/W .-0- -0 - 3,675.37 J AUGUST 6, 1979 PAGE ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 33 ESTER JANE HAWN EST S C/0 A.V.T.C. PO BOX 8808 78408 * 148.48 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 593.92 S.F. S/W LOT 11 BLK 14 VILLA GARDENS R -1B VACANT *HOT MIX NO CHG RED BY D.F. .36 -0- S.F. S/W - 0- S.F. D/W -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- .27 - 0- - 0- - 0- -0- -0- I 160.36 -0- { - 0- i - 0- 160.36 QUAILE DR INTERSECTION END VILLA DR WEST SIDE VILLA DRIVE BALDWIN DR TO STA. 4+88.5 EAST SIDE 1 E 34 J.A. KIRSCHKE ETAL PO BOX 125 BOERNE TX 78006 LOT 1 BLK 5 RUSSELL INDST TRACT I-2 GARAGE *PAVING ONLY 48.88 L.F.C.G.6 PVMT. 14.25 162.02 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 14.25 490.34 S.F. S/W .75 -0- S.F. S/W -0- 210.80 S.F. 0/W 1-35TC 2.66 - 0- S.F. D/W -0- 696.54 2,308.79 367.76 -0-, 560:73 -0- ** 6 C E G 3,933.82 35 L.W. LONG ETUX 342 VILLA DR 78408 LOTL BLK 15 99.35 * 25.00 326.53 L.F.C.G.6 PVMT. 4.75 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 2.38 S.F. S/W .75 471.91 59.50 244.90 VILLA GARDENS R -1B 1 RES UNIT *RTN ON QUAILE,PAV ONLY **RTN ON QUAILE, C&G ONLY - 0- 103.35 - 0- ** 5.00 S.F. S/W S.F. D/W 15.5C S.F. D/W' OTHER LF - 0- 2.66 - 0- 2.38 -0- 274.91 11.90 1,063.12 QUAILE DR INTERSECTION 36 JUDY BAKER 2125 FERNW00D DR 72.00 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 25.00 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. NASHVILLE TN 37216 LOT 13 BLK 3 VILLA GARDENS R -1B VACANT *RTN ON QUAILE, PVMT ONLY **RTN ON QUAILE,C&G ONLY S.F. S/W S.F. S/W S.F. D/W S.F. D/W OTHER LF 4.75 2.38 - 0- - 0- -0- 342.00 59:50 - 0- 2.38 -0- -0 - 0-' 23.80 425.30 / AUGUST 6, 1979 PAGE 9 ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT 1 RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED STA. 4+88.5 END VILLA DRIVE EAST SIDE KENWOOD DRIVE DRISCOLL DR TO LONGVIEW WEST NORTH SIDE 37 WALLACE E. STEWART 5 305 W LONGVIEW 78408 155.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 2.38 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- 368.90 - 0- LOT 1 BLK 8 WESTGATES HTS R-18 1 RES UNIT * 448.00 S.F. S/W .38 -0- S.F. S/W -0- 60.80 S.F. D/W 1-17 2.66 170.24 - 0- I 161.73 *112 L.F. S/W -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 700.87 LONGVIEW WEST INTERSECTION END KENWOOD DR NORTH SIDE KENWOCD DRIVE DRISCOLL DR TO LONGVIEW ST SOUTH SIDE 38 M.W. MEREDITH JR S 4942 OAKMONT 78413 B 31 LOT 1 BLK 9 WESTGATE HTS 155.00 L.F.C.G.6 PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. * 496.00 S.F. S/W -0- S.F. S/W R-2 1 RES UNIT *CR 31 L.F. S/W SEE ITEM 8-31 68.09 S.F. D/W 1-10 -0- S.F. D/W -0- - 0- - 0- - 0- - 0- - 0- -0- , - 0-1 -0-I -0- - 0- - 0- , .00 LONGVIEW WEST INTERSECTION END KENWOOD DR SOUTH SIDE 1 ITEM NO. AUGUST 6, 1979 PAGE 10 DESCRIPTION OWNER AND OF PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT QUANTITY ASSESSED TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED BLUEBONNET DRIVE DRISCOLL DR TO LONGVIEW WEST NORTH SIDE 39 ETHEL LORENE MITCHAM * 112.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. S 229 LONGVIEW W 78408 -0- L.F.C.G.6 PVMT. B 21 S 25' LOT 13ELOT 14 BLK 9 520.00 S.F. S/W WESTGATE HTS -0- S.F. S/W R-2 1 RES UNIT *CR 18L.F. C.G.EPVMT SEE ITEM 8-21 117.30 S.F. D/W 1-18 - 0- S.F. D/W -0- - 0- - 0- -0- - 0- - 0- .00 LONGVIEW WEST INTERSECTION END BLUEBCNNET DR NORTH SIDE BLUEBONNET DRIVE DRISCOLL DR TO LONGVIEW WEST SOUTH SIDE 40 OSCAR SPITZ S 2100 600BLDG 78401 B 20 LOT 1 BLK 11 **. 113.00 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 440.00 S.F. S/W WESTGATE HTS R-2 1 RES UNIT *CR 17L.F. C.G.&PVMT **CR 20L.F. S/W SEE ITEM 8-20 - 0- S.F. S/W 106.30 S.F. D/W 1-16 -0- S.F. D/W -0- - 0- -0- -0- - 0- -0- -0- -0- .00 LONGVIEW WEST INTERSECTION END BLUEBONNET DR SOUTHSIDE END PROJECT TOTAL ASSESSMENTS 52,391.62