HomeMy WebLinkAbout15063 ORD - 08/15/1979vo:r1:8-13-79:1st AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE HERITAGE CONSERVATION AND RECREATION SERVICE TO RE- HABILITATE FACILITIES IN BEN GARZA AND T. C. AYERS PARKS; CERTIFYING THE ELIGIBILITY OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI TO RECEIVE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, DESIGNATING THE CITY MANAGER AS RESPONSIBLE OFFICER FOR THE PROJECT, AND DES- IGNATING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AS FISCAL OFFICER FOR THE PROJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City of Corpus Christi is a municipal corporation, home rule city and a political subdivision of the State of Texas, and is authorized by Article 6081r V.A.C.S., Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service for financial assistance in developing public outdoor recreation areas; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to designate the City Manager as the responsible officer for the City for the project; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to designate the Director of Finance of the City of Corpus Christi as the fiscal officer for the project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That it is hereby determined that the City of Corpus Christi is eligible to receive Federal financial assistance from the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service for rehabilitation of Ben Garza and T.C. Ayers parks. SECTION 2. That the City Manager of the City of Corpus,iritj.,is if hereby designated as the responsible officer for the City for theforpaid project, said office now being held by R. Marvin Townsend, and said City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to submit such application for fin- ancial assistance in said project. SECTION 3. There is hereby designated as fiscal officer for the City for the said project the Director of Finance of the City of Corpus Christi, which office is presently held by Harold F. Zick. SECTION 4. The necessity and urgency for immediate application for federal financial assistance from the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service as authorized by Article 6081r. V.A.C.S., as promptly as possible creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordi lution shall be FILM -r AUG 2 71984 15063 passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its assage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the /5 day of g , 1979. ATTEST: /4ii% 4 4 City Secretary APPROVED: /4 DAY OF J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CIT ATTORNEY 1979 '1 4111 „ L Y,R THE SITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS . .. I IERAL ASSISTANCE - 2. APPLI- CANT'S APlll• CATION a' HUMBER UPRR 001-79-A 1• STATE A►PLICA• TION iDE ITI- ►TER .•, 001.41102CANT'S T. TYPE PREAPPLILATION)...r ACTION ❑ APPLICATION OF (N.dki.t..P• ❑ NOTIFICATION OF INTENT (Opt) t.sy,❑ REPORT OF FEDERAL ACTION 9 OM( ....l>. day 19 9. DATE Y..r ...nth day' 0910C#09 19 t,,.,. Blank ' 4. LEGAL APPLICANT/RECIPIENT a.deelrontlWma City ►. o,I•ni„D.nUnit Park .. Som/1.0. Ra P. d. Cit, Corpus I. Texas b. Carded Pam* (Noma sa 4 sei.Ylame Nae of Corpus and Recreation 0. Box 9277 _ Chri sti Terry Dopson, : (51?) BRP OF APPLICANTS - Ben Garza Christi Department , .. c...y : Nueces d. 211 ca.: 78408 Director ' _- -1971 PROJECT Park: Rehabilitation,, Of. • center, park areas - - - Ayers Park: Rehabilitation of courts, 'recreation 5. FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NO. - 6. PRO. ntAM Fedl Federal Cat•loa) R. TYPE OF 0-SI. F%-InlanNle C-Sab,lat. D-Couan E -c y F-SMoal surd DhV t l"'°pa a. HUMBER 11 191 II b. TITLE APPLICANT/RECIPIENT H-Gamma I- It ' _ _ r ' ty Action Away - - Hither (duu4an.l In,Itlufan EX -Indian -Other (Spe[ifY): g 7. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION Priority One 2{ softball field, gym/recreation (� C ' Priority Two - T. C. , £.f.,'.pprapr+.te later,E softball field, basketball/tennis center and park areas. gr.II-1599l.,.enW1 A-9 TYPE Grant ASSISTANCENIrNnu CH.nl C -Lest EOther E,f.r aypro- I I atom.' /Worts) A I SIC 10. AREA OF PROJECT IMPACT INemee e/ 540....55.2i55. ,Stara, ate.) CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS 11. ESTIMATED NUM. 12. TYPE OF APPLICATION BER OF PERSONS ',Hew 0_0„;,ian OENEFI7ING 6-900mtl D•Gntmwii.A 50,000 E-Autm.nWlian Eater appropriate t.11.r n 13. PROPOSED FUNDING 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: 15. TYPE OF CHANGE IFor 211 or 12.1 (Specify): a. FEDERAL S .0011-0..,,,. a. ',mow 14 9. 1001[0 14 A-laemu ,, Doll.7-cm. Dellis C•41.1./11 Dunt., D-D,tr.,,. Duration (-Cancellation ►. R7ri20290 SPP remarkcao e. STATE .00 16. PROJECT START GATE Year ..aw1A day 1979/1 1 /15 17. PROJECT DURATION Six Mt." . IL LOCAL .00 oyy.o- pr (t Ie1erra) I I I fart; a. OTHER .00 10. ESTIMATED DATE TO Year mo.O. day 19. EXISTING FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER OE SUBMITTED TO FEDERAL AGENCY gm 1979 8 29 1. TOOL 9 .00 o 20. FEDERAL AGENCY TO RECEIVE REQUEST (Na,.., City, Stale. 21P cod.) 871 1 t 21. REMARKS ADDED Herage Conservation and Recreation Service, Albuquerque, N. Met. Yp Y.. ❑ No it 22_ THE .. APPLICANT CERTIFIES THAT). 5. Te IM bad .1 my .nadmide and .glial. 3515 M Nu pppWiulion/.pphut.a are trim and carnal. the document has ban duly .athermad by the pawning bell N .Aa apola.nt end lb .ppinl will ayl/ m aa with toe .0x41 mammal 11 Um exist- s is appdd. pan 6.'111 e.avir.d by 0236 Circular 0-95 this .palmation w„ ...mined. ...aslant to • No re• Res's,.r ,t ectiens N.ran, b apprapate dearmghp.ses and all mamma era attSGed: alma.. aecachad Coastal Bend Council of Governments IIA ❑ (1) to❑ 0 p) 0 ❑ 27. CERTIFYING REPRE• SENTATIVE a. TYPED MAIL AND TITLE R. Marvin Townsend City Manager b. SIGNATURE a. DATE SIGNED Year a""U1 day 19 79 8 15 24. AGENCY NAME ' PPLICA• Year eatA day T . n RECEIVED 19 • 26. ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT g ` 27. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 20. FEDERAL APPLICATION IDENTIFICATION 29. ADDRESS 90. FEDERAL GRANT • IDENTIFICATION 31. ACTION TAKEN 0 .. AWARDED b. REJECTED ' jE.y ❑ ❑ a. TETURAEO FOR AblE1d)MEITF E ❑ d. DEFERRED tt ❑ • MRHOAAW9 12- FUNDING Year mantle day 33. ACTION DATE W. 19 34. Year ..e.t# day STARTING DATE 19 a. FEDERAL S .00 ►. APPLICANT .00 35. CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMA• TION ;Nae..e ead d.Myasra aern5m1 • • 36. Year a.aa*A day EHOSIN' OAT19 ,. STATE .00 d. LOLL .00 37. REMARKS ADDED Lc,/ <Y.. ❑Ho a. OTHER J7d 1. TOTAL S .00 30. FEDFMI AGENCY a. 1. Wing ahem odes, any som...nte naiad from .)annShws.s tart aa• I 4 Men aaway b t Ad u'�" ....a dim each prnmeem al Pen I. OMB G..IN A-15, IN.',...d td.PA.aa aa.) - ►. FEDERAL AGENCY A-95 OFFICIAL ••_�.._.. _ STANDARD FORM 324 PAGE 1 170-75) Yreaa.rlad Os GSA. Fadaro7 Alsaaem.at Crda.1.. 74-7 -J IERAL ASSISTANCE " 2. APPLI• CANT'S APPLI- CATION "' ND"bE" UPRR 001-79-A 3. ST OA TION FILR a•, 8UMaER 1. TYPE i "REAPPLICATION OF ACTION 0 APPLICATION y(1.r..k 0 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT (OpL) ..sJ ❑ REPORT OF FEDERAL ACTION b. DATE,IDENTI. IYsr month or 19 b. DATE Yes, none/. der ASSIGNED 19 /,.,. Blank 4. LEGAL APPLICANT/RECIPIENT ..400n2U80. City b. 0,l.ninlien Will Park c Sb..vr.O. Dos P. I. City Corpus 1. SDI. Texas b. C.M.n Pen.. (v.... & (OW.. n..) of Corpus and Recreation 0. Box 9277 Chri Terry Dopson, : (512) RR OF APPLICANT'S - Ben Garza Christi Department sti .. L...> : Nueces tr. zip c.d.:78408 - Director 2-1971 PROJECT - Park: Rehabilitation of - _ center, park areas Ayers Park: Rehabilitation of courts,'recreation 3-i _ - 5. FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION 110. 6. PRO'. _ ,:RAM IFra'n F.d..1 Catarap) R. TYPE OF A-St,2. D-lntent.t. o-5220Ra7. rD-Cayl�rrt E-Cr7 b 2-17.01, D2,22.t S3p..ill Porpne 019Di.t .• NU00ER I 'I I. I b. TITLE APPLICANT/RECIPIENT N-Comma I- A-In9. K-Donor . .' D Acbon Al.nry Nth.r F.u2osenol lno4122tien rno IS)+rrifr7: Spa a 7. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION b Priority One a softball field, gym/recreation 4Ci • Priority Two - T. C. , EMIR appropriate tetter E softball field, basketball/tennis 1 center and park areas. g p IL do Grant ASSISTANCED-rs B-Suplem.ntal Grind 0-1Loon (-Other Angor appro.. p,.•2, 1,N.+o, I IA 1 :}(� 10. AREA OF PROJECT IMPACT (Nome of esti., counties. ,Slate. etc.) CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 31. ESTIMATED NUM. BER OF PERSONS DENEFITING• 50,000 12. TYPE OF APPLICATION A-N.., LRmsi.n B-INnneal D-ContinWliolh C-Autm.nt.I.on Eater aDp,op, oto Itle.r i:� 13. PROPOSED FUNDING 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: 15. TYPE OF CHANGE A-Incro .n-p...., Dar. F-011. 0-Inu.e. Duration D-Dnr.n. DunDea (-C'°ellaDon (For Jte es tee) lSPerilr>= .. FEDERAL 9 .00 a. APPLICANT 14 b. PROJECT 14 ►. MnIFANi Cep remark coo .. STATE .00 16. PROJECT START GATE Year wawa dor 1979/11/15 17. PROJECT DURATION Six H.n.A, 4. LOCAL .00 iwlrr .pp.o- p,iatr Itrre,ld I I I .. DIRER ,DD 1B. ESTIMATED DATE TO Year month day OE SUBMITTED TO FEDERAL AGENCY► 1979 8 29 19. EXISTING FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 1. TOTAL 1 .00 20. FEDERAL AGENCY TO RECEIVE REQUEST Waste, C.ty. Slee, 27P cod.) 87110 21. REMARKS ADDED Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, Albuquerque, N. Me . Yp Y.. ❑ Na 22.. THE 3 APPLICANT CERTIFIES TNAT 9- e. T. the bat .1 11. 11,11.1.41. and bend. ,0u/."7121.1..* .r. 1. th" applti tib e caned, the doomed has ban Inn and cum de17 Whoring* by tin Ter.minl 1.4F «Coastal the appinanl end the *palms« .dl ..mill 11 , maid- .d4 Ib. attscl.4 .2,.0e.2, t1. amu is spanned. b'411 Maud 07 099 Ceroid„ 0.95 This &pollution we ...Dad.owns..to .n. No rt. Reeponee 1422270.1 Ihsru7, b 977117101. derini1.en and all Ied7.1.n an .10,.1.0: .p.1.. .212,10.4 Bend Council of Governments ❑ 11) CI 0 () ' (11 • 0 0 23. iCERTIFYING REPRE- SENTATIVE .. TYPED NAME AND TITLE R. Marvin Townsend City Manager b. SIGNATURE _ .. DATE SIGNED Year mesa day 24. AGENCY NAME 25. APPLICA• year .,000 day TION RECEIVED 19 ' 26. ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT g 1 27. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 20. FEDERAL APPLICATION IDENTIFICATION F i 29. ADDRESS - 30. FEDERAL GRANT • IDENTIFICATION i31. ACTION TAKEN .. AWARDED g n b. REJECTED • 17 p• �TURhCd 701 AIfE1mME117 0 d. DEFERRED 91 0 .. DI2ND1AY1N 32. FUNDING Year ....ti day 33. ACTION DATE W. 19 34. Year n.n.A L7 STARTING GATE 19 • .. FEDERAL S .00 ►. APPLICANT .9.0 35. CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMA• TION Wawa end /e1.p..ne number) • 36, year mew+/. day ENDIHS DATE 19 c STAT'. AO F. LOCAL .00 37. REMARKS ADDED (Y" ON. .. OTNER AFT /. TOTAL $ .DO 371. FEDERAL AOLHCY a. b Sala. shone .cl:M..q .emm.nts incense hue cleonnahwl.o rue er• 1 b. FEDERAL AGENCY A-95 OFFICIAL eon.4r 5. IN..l4r712.ne w.) ant.... ►cane N ss can Nu doe .Mu p.n...ae. « fan 1. OMR Con.1..nnd R STANDARD FORM 424 PAGE 1 110-75) P eseri►.l by CSA. F.d.,.1 X2,.., .eat C:red.r 74-7 SECT! REMARKS (Please re/err.ncr the proper item number Iran Section, 1, 11 or 111. i/ opplIcable) -_ :; REMARKS - SECTION -DO ' -Section-I-13 Proposed.Funding • - Priority One - Ben Garza ., Park Priority Two - ,T. C. -Ayers . Park. , a. Federal • $ 165,040.00-, $ 43,000.00 b. Applicant •- ... - 49,692.00 •• 14;900.00. .. ., c. State• d. Local , e. Other. • ., .. - , f. TOTAL •- .-•• $ 215,332.00 $ 57,900.00 ,+• ': i r•. • .1l _ n.'' -- r • • ' „__.,_« _-STANDARD FORM 424 PAGE 2 (10-75). Corpus Christi, Texas qday of TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. The Charter rule Luther Jones Edward L. Sample Dr. Jack Best David Diaz Jack K. Dumphy Betty N. Turner Cliff Zarsky Respectfully, MAYOR THE C was suspended by the RPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS following vote: The above ordinance was pass Luther Jones Edward L. Sample Dr. Jack Best David Diaz Jack K. Dumphy Betty N. Turner Cliff Zarsky by the following vote: j5063 L----'" TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT COMMISSIONERS '4 PERRY R. BASS • Chairman, Fort Worth ,JAMES R. PAXTON Vice -Chairman, Palestine PEARCE JOHNSON Austin June 26, 1980 Mr. R. Marvin Townsend City Manager P. 0. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Dear Mr. Townsend: CHARLES D. TRAVIS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 4200 Smith School Road Austin, Texas 78744 COMMISSIONERS •"P JOE K. FULTON Lubbock EDWIN L. COX, JR. Dallas W. B. OSBORN, JR. Santa Elena The executed project agreement for Neighborhood Parks Rehabilitation -1 (P. C. Ayers and Ben Garza Parks) which constitutes official approval for the State share of funds for the project is enclosed. Attention is invited to the conditions of the agreement. After receipt of the Certificate of Compliance regarding handicapped accessibility and work is accomplished the reimbursement process may begin. Provide the Department an information copy of each billing request made to the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service (HCRS). Upon receipt of evidence from HCRS that they have made payment to the City, the Depart- ment will initiate action for the State 10% share of the billing request. The Department's Grants -in -Aid Branch will monitor this project, and all future correspondence concerning the project should be directed to William R. Kopp, who is head of this Branch in the Department. Your actions to provide outdoor recreation facilities for your citizens are to be commended. Sincerely, • ,/WM copies 7-1-80 CHARLES D. TRAVIS " Hennings Executive Director - Dopson RMT CDT/WRK/efj Zick Enclosure Bill_Read,(origina )"� cc: South Central Regional Office Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service Albuquerque, New Mexico TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT Texas Local Parks, Recreation and Open Space Fund Agreement for Urban Parks and Recreation Program Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service Number 48CTY15508001 Texas Parks and Wildlife Number 15-00003 Project Name Neighborhood Parks Rehabilitation -1 (City of Corpus Christi) Project Period to December 31, 1982 Project Cost $295.307.00 Approved State Funds $29,530.70 • For and in consideration of State Funds for the above Federal approved project, the undersigned political subdivision agrees to the following: 1. Complete the project in accordance with the approved Federal contract. 2. Submit plans and specifications to the State Purchasing and General Services Commission for review of handicapped accessibility and provide the Department a copy of the Certificate of Compliance which has been acknowledged by that State agency. 3. Furnish the Department a comprehensive report detailing the present and anticipated use of the property, any contiguous additions to the property, and any major changes in the character of the property, including the extent of park development which may have taken place. This report to be furnished on the anniversary date of the grant (date Department signed this agreement) for five years. 4. Project records are subject to audit by the Comptroller of Public Accounts, the State Auditor, and the Department. * STArE OFTEXAS -* * POLITICAL SUBDIVISION * BY /��/, / / VVL4 CH RLES D. TRAVIS TITLE Executive Director DATE June 26. 1980 PWD 398 (11/79) 5700 City of Corpus Christi. Texas NAME OF POLITIC'L SUBDIV SION BY R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager NAME AND TITLE :TYPE) DATE 6 - /o - �o