HomeMy WebLinkAbout15142 ORD - 09/26/1979vp:,9/25/Z9:1st AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A TITLE II -D COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ACT CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,773,999 FOR THE PERIOD OF OCTOBER 1, 1979 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1980. THE CONTRACT AUTHOR- IZES A MAXIMUM HIRING LEVEL OF 270, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE CONTRACT, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED "EXHIBIT A"; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL RELATED AND NECESSARY DOCUMENTS OF THE AFORESAID CONTRACT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute a Title II -D Comprehensive Employment and Training Act contract in the amount of $1,773,999 for the period of October 1, 1979 through September 30, 1980. The contract authorizes a maximum hiring level of 270, all as more fully set forth in the contract, a substantial copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, marked "Exhibit A". SECTION 2. That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute all related and necessary documents of the aforesaid contract. SECTION 3. That the necessity to authorize execution of the aforesaid contract and all related and necessary documents creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared that such emergency and necessity exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the 26 day of September, 1979. ATTEST: icy Secre ar' MA'Y R / APPROVED: f day of SEPTEMBER, 1979: THE CI(TY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS J. BRUCE V • KK,, CITY ATTORNEY By ssistant City007.tney 15142 Corpus Christi, Texas 24 day of C i A, 1g� TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, The Charter rule was suspended Luther Jones Edward L. Sample Dr. Jack Best David Diaz Jack K. Dumphy Betty N. Turner Cliff Zarsky THE C Y OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS by the following The above ordinance was passed Luther Jones Edward L. Sample Dr. Jack Best David Diaz Jack K. Dumphy Betty N. Turner Cliff Zarsky by the vote: following vote: 15142 CONTRACT SIGNATURE SHEET CONTRACT NUMBER i MODIFICATION NUMBER t i PRI[ SPi Coastal Bend Consortium CONTRACTOR: Ci y� f CQpus Christi P.O. Box9?77. P.O. �ox y /// , Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 :his contract is entered into by the Administrative Unit of the Coastal Bend Consortium, here- inafter referred to as Priine•Sponsor and City of Cnrpoc fhricti , hereinafter referred to as Contractor:* The Contractor agrees to operate CETA Employment and Training Program in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This contract consists of 40 pages, including this page, and such other provisions and documents as are included herein. The Contractor hereby agrees that he has read this Contract and will abide by all terms specified herein and also certifies that the information in this Contract is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief and this Contract has been fully authorized. Funds hereby being obligated are subject t� the availability clause. A. CONTRACT PERIOD : This contract covers the period (date) from October 1, 1979 to September 30, 1980 B. MODIFICATION : This action increases _ decreases does not change _ the Prime Sponsor obligation for this contract by (this action) $ to (new level) C. OBLIGATION : TITLE FISCAL YEAR TOTAL 1 773 •9• FY 80 FY FY Total $ 1,773,999 1 773 999 APPROVED FOR THE PRIME' SPONSOR DAY OF 'BY: • R. Marvin Townsend City Manager APPROVED FOR THE CONTRACTOR DAY OF BY: (Signature) Name and Title (Prime Sponsor Use Only) APPROVED: DAY OF APPROVED: DAY OF -Director of Finance ATTEST: .City Secretary • City Attorney APPROVED BY THE COASTAL BEND CONSORTIUM EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ON (Signature) Ex N• "Ah 'CONTRACTOR'S NA 1E AND ADDRESp City of Corpus Christi P.O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 UA. ,3GYA n'rn,o .r or LAnnn I4n,p10r 034, 11141 Tu51516 AJO,hdnra Ung DIi1l0ET INFOIIMATIWN SUMMARY October 1, 1979 September 30, 1980 n, ron rICOIONAL OFFICE USE ONLY 0 it ) 0 CQNTIIACT IICY 4u 45 61 0 Adz db 3a z Moo. OA t r. 141I6 111) YY 7 4 10 12 13 II 15 10 1)114 17 20 21 22127 2.1 25 26121 25 20 30 r nUOOt SUMA)AIIY COST CATLOOIIICS 1. CONTRACT NUMBER • C. TYPE OF P110011AM 1. L/ Title II -B&C 2: L/ Title II—D 3. [_,/ Title ITT - Speclfy 4. LI Titla 5; L/' Titla VII 6. L/ Admin. Cost 7,Z:7 Other 1. a1,Atlr 1.110011AM Fl1rtCT10N Oft ACTIVITY 1. Aelminlalrlllon 2. Allowlnc,e 3. Wages 4, 6'i Inie n„m111s 5. Training we .h .r ill i i ESTIMAI CU UNCHI CNDCn ruN115 5. I'Id,,11 _ e<jr'i,t�i'•, ,1t1• .6117'41 -,l 6.6Servicet 7. Toll: 0 T41,3 417 F. CUMULATIVE Ol1AOTCOLY rfOJCCI10112 1 2 ii "P n ; 1','3 Of UIILIOATIONS AND CxPI:NU 3 11 2;11', 1,4 7: ''r''".�SI.11J': 26 3 $ 886,988 1 2 n IT 111100 3 3 frur fluartnr Cndlny) +` 2 72 23 24 25 ' ° -..� 1 2 ,'' r 1 r 3 35 4•I 21 2_7 2.1 24 ?..61 -�'<.L,1: -7 ,=>s,� 25 $ 1,773,999 1 2 r t 0 Tif g �J $. 3 74. 3 35 E Ori 21 22 2a 24124_ ;.�1...S,v., 26 $ 443,499 ....".,,.--.�. .�..._,... I. rrin,t fir.nntor O1,I1g1110n, _.. 26 $ 1,330,497 n Ai T 3. Told r,nlecie4 1:xprnnlutai by Penguin 443 499 886,98i� .f se %' .f 'ii '' 1a 1. ^_i 1 2 D T ” 35 44 1,330,497 1,773,999 6. Cl.i onos Tta6dug, rrGnt Stumm1 44 53 17.650 •i• r:4, 2.' ,d 35,300 '52,950 7(1,600 5. Orr,eJnl, Tr+loIn7 n 5: 67 71: 3 4 35 C. rnl,lle Servlet Employment ;V T l 1 2 n 3: (: b2 '11 3 4 35 '394,599 4 cc, 'S• 'T` 1 3 0 •} • 1 1,2 71 3 4 789,188 1,183,797 ,7 l' .' :I: 51 71 1,578,399 4. Work Exprrle,3et --1 q 2G ;1{ 12I�t:L 1 31,250 , 331/M}T!• i3,� 20' jg, lAyg,,, "• .1 125,000 1. servelkt0 1'3ru71pinle 20 4 .8 12 n T 7' 3 ;f �1 :1' - , 3 4 35 44 53 i,i it 2,500 93,750 1. onur Acl145176 I 35 4.1 5:1 r7 77 __.-_._--L__... -• `_ ---• 1,773,999 3. l'lelecleJ L'xpeoJllnt,I for Voc.lI011+1 ):d, In SpccDj 62,3,316 lo 0,33,00,1 1 7,': 44 )• ':I ,.3 •I• •? .1 T. • 44 4 53 62 •ri 4, P,^lexl,4 ExtH,ullutite cl Ilon•F,J. hands 5. (21Lt 174. ri. ic. Uni b3, Nim. 5p n 65 I GiL.,�,i 1;1:1 . r. �1;, i,�ii:. ... ;,thin„----- r'I'" _... / ,1 ..I Fi ;1 ... �. 53 62 .7i __ _.__..__.._�_ t 886.988 ij t1 1 ,', ... ,�” 1 ,• ,', •l-.,' _ _____ $ 1,330 497 -r• —•---- a ..aa._aall • 44 F CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS City of'Cor us Christi P.O. Box 92/7. Corpus Christi, Texas ' 78408 • Fofl n1010NA1 OFFICE USE ONLY s 4 1a 1' 0 aN CONT TACT !MY t0 • 4: loll rE 17r 1: �ut) NSZ o.1011;71 11.0, 111.1'0111 II1:N 1 1ai+ 1,0111111 I'mpinynnnn mal 'I ndnlnp AtIndnl,Irnand CLTA PROGRAM PLANNING SUMMARY c. GI1ANT YEAn From October 1, 1979 L. CONTRACT NUMBER d. TYPE OP I'noCflAnl 1. t1Tnll11 [VC 3, 0Title VII 2.')1111' IID 6. 0 Adml.n, Cost To ' • i. L11RIO III Speedy • October 30,.1980. A. c11105 vi 7. C7 Other INSTRUCTIONS Fon. COMPLETINO SEC'110NS I, II, AND 111 See. 11 A (Total Etvoihneulr) Is the mm of A.1 and A.1. 0 ('Tonal TerminslIonI) it the sum of 0.1 through 11.3. C (Planned Cnrollmrnts) Is A; SIIIIW E. Sec. 51: Enter In Una (a) Enrollment, In each progreln ',deity cumulatively through the grant year, end In Ilse (b) the number of participants planned to be enrolled In each program acIlvlty at the end or each quarter: patll:Ipinit who are eoncurrndly enrolled In more than one ecllvlly should be counted In each . activity In which they ate enrolled. Sec. 1111 Enter 1lle cumulative Number oI pnrticlpants In each ;content to be enrolled duriral the grant 750'. rarllcIpanit Mould be cnuntrd In at many sIgnllIcant ,Mnlenl group* as are applicable. • I. CN7OLLME:NT AND TERMINATION SUMMAflY . •' • , • GRANT YEAT•T0.OATE PLAN ' t. Tool T O „moo A. TOTAL rNnoLL• MEN TS 1, rnroll• meals 11n=}•rY 100 2. rartlel• rant%Canal Ower 0. TOTAL TCnMINA• TIONS I. Cnler119 L•nliuymrt e. OReel 19emtt. C. Indirect PINTIt% _ 4 e.0615M10 Brei Tera 1 }, Other Potlltve _ 1 2, Nnn• pos11111 •_, ._.� 14 " C. PLANNED Wrtr Lum. 1. 'end n/cirri; 270 'i 190 20 4 5 0 _R_ b D c r u c 1 t....... 1 1 J aJ• --2:--j _` , •..,: %1't2 ( :.•t .4; C ;,d " ` ' �f • r. '" 1 c e T 9 a g n 290 21.Q ' 12Q_- 190 40 10 28 270 '41 on n 7.1,:,.,7»�''�]1 8,•p 9 an 340 150 190 70 20 ..-0.---..___L___-2—______2—_—L 0 16 4 5 45 270 I: 370 __ },$0 190 Z70 100 0• 711. 14 ?,6 5. 9 ••• JG ' il• . ,. ,Ioi; -- —t— sE 9a 'n1 , I nd' /i' , } l , G . N. PLANNED CNIIOLLMIENIS IN 1'1100IIAM AC TIVI 111:5 n 1 n CLASSROOM 111/11NINl' 161,0 rocs. Voc. Ed. L _s,•+.. 2 al Total CnrnlImenlr ....J...—•.. a bl Currently Carnilad E al Tal31 Cnrnllnlrnt9 2 a 9 9 C D J 61 Currently Cnr011sd c� al Tonal Cnrullnontt 0) Currently Enrolled D 2 rt Total Cnrollnunis 00 J S n0 O a bl CurrenIIV Enrolled . 1 2 1 • 0 a 0 o?� 00" 21 NV:2H 011•Iho•J01r Pub. SoN0. 1'rarnin9 CtToomo..11 290 ..• 270 310 270 �4n 270 370 25 2n 31 25 0 Work [yr/mimeo IV, 01111.11 ACTIVITIES (flolnrarlcr 11r1 • Incl? Ale other activities dr sneclel programs on attach. mann, Describe •hili ohlncllvos end Inst milestone, toward their achievement In a tfuonillotive or norrollve Indtarllntioll. III, SIGNIFICANT SEGMENTS SIONIrtcnNT SEOMCNTS ono 12/31 NT VCAT•T apt b1 25 A Vnepp 30 day n Upemp 15/'20 to 25 265 0.13AT0 11. AN (/4O 9/211 SIONIPICANT SCOMENTS lel 25 285 315 1111a. .25 345 r• NT VEnal•T 3pl lel O•n(6TO PL repo a _ -- - OMB Approval: No. 4A -R1635 •�• _ _ S. DEPARTMENT OP (,11308 Employm+nt and TM In n, A4minla=ra:lon CETA MMONThLY saEL1 rLE CONTRACT NUMBER -b, TYPE OP PROGRAM ('•.r -can.) II -D IIvs ' Q Sc.P1a1 Gnnt to Gcwnora a CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS City of Corpus Christi P.0. Box 9277.• Corpus Christi; Texas 78408 ' POR RGIONALO77,1Cb U34 CONTRACT KEY a`v i az 4a Z Ei Uj 4I 5 ' M 6 17 a 1 91101 1112113114115It6I LA 1a 191 2G 21 _ - C C i O , _ ___ __ 1- MON754 ENO OF MO Milt III- PROJEC'TE'D t -t CUMULATIVE S_ �- ITUR�►' s8Y MONT _ __ - . —_ ._ __ .- ._ - • 11 Pl.ANNSD CURRENT ENROLLMENT I A. PSS 1 B. NON•PS2 3 22 t 0 0 1 24 270 L •t - 36 1 $ 147,833 • :- _- ' 1 1 4 1 7 1 9 270 295,660. , 1 1217 1 9 270 443,499 0 1 7 1 81 0 270 591,332 • r k'• -_^mer kr, �: 0 1 2 1 81 0 270 739,165 o 3 18 1 0 270 886,998 0 4 1 8 1 0 270 • --- 1,034,831 a w• - :.? 'X' `0 5 1 81 0 • 270 1,182,664 o1 s 1 8 1 0 270 ' 1,330,497 0 j 7 8 1 0 270 1,478,330 0 1 8. 1.81 0 270 • 1,626,163 - r o 1 9 1.8 1 0- 270 •. - $1,77-3,999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.1 1 • 1 1 1 - . ETA 22029 (Apr: 1979) -4- U.S. NEPA WI Id ENT Up LAMM. • IAuPloywunt uu a TtuInlnc Admlu6hutl.,n P S E OCCUPATIONAL SUMMARY CONTRACT NUMBER 164-3011 Nnn noonEssOr•.CONTRACTOR City of Corpus Christi P.O. 9277 Corpus Christi,'Texas• 78408 3. TYPE OF PROGRAM ("X" appropriate bu+(rtn a. tL1 11 • O . b. Q VI e. C7 Spacial Oovanor's Gram d. GI Olhor (SpeclfY) •t. Pt1OGI1AM AGENT. EMPLOYING' AGENCY AND POSITION TITLE • O. OF JOGS (A) . coMPARAULE WAGE • ANNUALIZED CETA WAGE . NON•CETA ,SUPPLEMENTATION • OF WAGE/SALARY PEnsorer?Ans EMPLOYMENT PLANNED TOTAL ANNUALIZED WAGES • 03) ICI (D) (EI IF! On Board 9/30/78: Crew Worker, Grade 7 • Custodial Worker, Grade 7. Guard, Grade 7. Clerk I, Grade 8 } Clerk -Typist, Grade 8 - }. Trades Helper, Grade 9 Traffic Sign Maintenance Man, Grake 9 Cler`'k II, Grade 10 Gardener II, Grade 10 Stock Clerk, Grade 10 Bus -Operator, Grade 11 • Account Clerk, Grade'12r Community Service Aide, Grade 12 I. Kennelman, Grade 12 • • '1' Laboratory Assistant, Grade 12 Senior .Clerk, Grade 12. Senior Clerk -Typist, Grade 12 Junior Draftsman, Grade '13 Senior Engineering Aide, Grade 18 Humane Officer, Grade 14 Personnel Technician, Grade 14 22 • 3 3 6 8 5 3 4 1 1 1 6 1 1 2 3 6 2 1 $ 6,677 '6,677. 6,677 6,968 ' 6,968 7,259 7,259 7,550 7,550 7,550 7,840 8,133 8,133 8,133 . •8 ,133' ' 8',133 8,133 8,445 • 8.,445 8,757 8,757 0 0 0 0 . • 0' 0 •' • 0' 0` 0 0 0 A'• 0•, 0 .. 0 0• 0 0 • ' 0 ' 0' 0 11 • '1.5 1.5 3 4 2.5 1.5 2 .5 .5 .5 3 .5 -5 1• 1.5 3• 1 .5 1.5 .5 $ 6,677 6,677 6,677 6,968 6,968 7,259 7,259 7,550 7,550 7,550 7,840 8,133 8,133 .8,133 8,133 8,133 8,133 8,445 8,445 8,757 8,757 • U. TOTAL t*-• )0,•- 83 • 0 41.5 11.8, 1;1:1'All 11•IEN'P OF I.AIR)R • Employ invnl w1 'I' ,t)dna P S C OCCUPATIONAL. SUMMARY ' CONTRACT NUMBER . NAME AND AODIICS5 or• .CONTRACTOR City of Corpus Christi. P.O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, 'Texas .78408 J. TYPE OF PROGRAM ("x" opprupr(3(e bur(rd) a, t7 11 • 13 b. ❑ VI C. 0 Special Gov01))or'1I Lt. 17 Otlmr (Speellvl <. PROGRAM AGENT, EMPLOYING AGENCY AND POSITION TITLE No. OF .IOUs , COMPARAPLE WAGE (A) asrs ANNUALIZED CETA WAGE • NON•CETA SUPPLEMENTATION' OF WAGE/SALARY pensonvrARS EMPLOYMENT PLANNED TOTAL ANNUALIZED WAGES IC) (0) (E1 (F1 101 Utilities Serviceman, Grade 14 Maintenance Foreman, Grade 15 Loan Processor, Grade 16 Recreation Coordinator,. Grade 16 ' Safety Security Officer, Grade.16 Painter, Grade 17 Administrative Aide, Grade 18• Planning Technician, Grade 18 .i Junior Accountant, Grade 19 Administrative Assistant, Grade 23 Engineering Assistant I, Grade 23 Programmer Analyst III, Grade 31 Patrolmen 'On Board 3/31/79:' • Brush Collector,'Grade• 7 Custodian, Grade 7 Guard, Grade 7 Clerk I, Grade 8 Clerk Typist, Grade 8 Engineering Aide, Grade 9' Garage Serviceman, Grade 9 Plant Helper, Grade 9 1 2 1 2 3 1 '1 1 2 ' 1. 1 1 12' 2 3 4 5 2 1 1 $ 8,757 9,090 9,443 9,443. 9,443 9,797 10,000 10,000 • 10,000 10,000 10,000 • 10,000 10,000 6,677 6,677 6,677 6,968' . 6,968 • 7,259 7,259' 7,259 0. 0 • 0 0 0 0 . 192 192 608 2,397 2097 8,325 3,145 0 0 0 0 .'O 0' 0 0' .5 1 .5 1 ' 1.5 • .5 .5 .5 1 .5 .5 .5 6 1 1.5 2 2.5 1 .5 .5 • .5 $ 8,757 9,090 9,443 9,443 9,443 9,797 10,192 10,192 10,608 12,397 12,397, 18,325 13,145 4 6,677 6,677 6,677 6,968 6,968 7,259 7,259 7,259 • E. TOTAL t- )p••• 48 17,256 •. 24.0 u,.I1L•t'AR'IMEN'1'aI' l.Allult ' Enploynwnlm+d•r,ulnlnaAduilnbl+ullun '• CONTRACT NUMBER P S g OCCUPATIONAL SUMMARY ' NAME AND ADDIIESS OF :CONTRACTOR City of Corpus Christi P.O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 . 3. TYPE OF I'ROO(IAM ("X" opprupr(clo lror(111) a. ti II • O b, ❑ VI • C. 0 Spacial0ovornor'30 d. ❑ allot (Speclry) �. PROGRAM AGENT, EMPLOYING'• AGENCY AND POSITION TITLE NO. Or JOGS COMPARABLE WAGE ANNUALIZED CETA WALE NON•CETA ,SUPPLEMENTATION DF WAGE/SALARY PE RS OONFY pliRS •ANNUTOALIZED FMPLOyMENT WAGES PLANNED (A) (D) (CI (g1 IEI IFI . (D) Trades •Helper, Grade 9 Trainee II, Grade 9 Truck Driver, Grade 9 jr�' Building & Grounds Custodian, Grade. 10 Parking Lot Attendant,' Grade 10 ' Stock Clerk, Grade 10 Account Clerk; Grade 12 Humane Officer, Grade•14 Warrant Officer, Grade 15 { • Positions Created on or After 4/01/79 Trainee Refuse Collector, Grade 7 Crew Worker, Grade 7 • Guard, Grade 7 Recreation Leader; Grade 8' Clerk -Typist, Grade 8• • Clerk I, Grade 8 Gardener I, Grade 9 Plant Helper, Grade 9 Trades Helper, Grade 9.+•• Truck Driver, Grade 9 5 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 16 12 41 .4 • 3 • 5 8 • 2 1 2" • $ 7,259 7,259 . 7,259 7,550 7,550 7,550 8,133 8,757 . 9,090 6,157 7;153 7;153 7,153' 7,465 7,465 7,465 7,777. •7,777 • 7,777 • 7,777 0 2.5 $ 7,259 .0• 1. 7,259 0 • • .•. .5 7,259 0 .5 7,550 0 .5 7,550 0 . .5 ' 7,550 0 • 1 8,133 0 1.5 8,757 0 • .5 9,090 0 8.0 6,157 l . 0 6.0 7,153 i ' •0 20.5 7,153' 0 . 2.0 .7;153 0 . 1.5 7,465 0 2.5 7,465 0 4.0 7,465 0. 1.0 7,777 0 .5 7,777 .0 3.0 7,777 0 1.0 7,777 G. TOTAL 117 58.5 U.:1. 111:1'All1b1I%NT UP (.AlIU11 ' lilfrluymeni and 'I•mininp A.Im lul�liutluu 'P S OCCUPATIONAL SUMMARY ' CONTRACT NUMBER NAME AND ADDRESS or •CONTRACTOR City of Corpus Christi P.O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi, Texas 78408 3. TYPE OF 1,11O011AM ("X" o:Prul'rlule boe(etJJ a, f$1 11 • D b. 0 VI C. 0 Spaclal0ovornor'r C d. t1 other (Specify) 4.• PROGRAM AGENT, EMPLOYING AGENCY AND POSITION TITLE NO. Or JODS COMPARADLE WAGE ANNUALIZED CETA WAGE • NON•CETA SUPPLEMENTATION' GF WAGE/SAL/01Y FERSOONYEARS EMPLOYMENT PLANNED TOTAL ANNUALIZED WAGES IA) IC) Io) (E) (F) (G) Worksites .0n Board 9/30/78 Custodial Worker, Grade 7 Recreation Coordinator, Grade 16 i Maintenance Mechanic,.Grade 16 r Trainee IV, Grade 17 • • On Board 3/31/79 Clerk.Typist, Grade 8 Trainee II, Grade 9. 2 1 1 2 4 • 1 $ 6,677 9,443 9,44.3 . 9,797 • • • 6,968 7,259 0 0 0 •O 0 0• 1 • .5 •;5 •. 1 2 ..5 • $ 6,677 9,443 9,443 • 9,797 • 6,968 7,259 00 . G. TOTAL t••• )z•-•• 11 5.5 U.B. III:rAII I MLN 1 or LA11Ilil lunpwyn"•"1 MIN 'MM.; n , m ,,, u, ,,., P S OCCUPATIONAL SUMMARY NAME AND ADDRESS OF.CONTRACTOR City of Corpus Christi P.O. Box 9277 . . Corpus Christi, Texas' 78408 3. TYPE OF PIIOOIIAM ("X" appruprfalc b a. X�4 II - D b. CI VI d. 0 Other (Specify) ...,,.."................. ux(rI)) C. 0 Spacial Go Off verse: G' 4.: PROOnAM AGENT, EMPLOYING', AGENCY AND POSITION TITLE IA) ND. OF JOGS (n) T COMP/kit/OLE WALE ANNUALIZED CETA WAGE NON•CETA ,SUPPLEMENTATION' OF WAGE/SALA nY pgnsoorivgAns •EMPLOYMENT PLANNED TOTAL ANNUALIZED WAGES (q1 IE) (F1 Coastal Bend Council on Alcoholism •Clerk Typist, Grade 8' I Trainee IV, Grade 17 • : ' Corpus Christi Arts Council Clerk Typist, Grade 8' Recreation Coordinator, Grade 164 Education Service Center Clerk Typist, Grade 8 HIALCO Community Service Center'. Custodial Worker.,'Grade 7 Texas Youth Council 'Trainee II,•Grade 9 Maintenance Mechanic, Grade 16 1 2 1' 1 2 .2 1 1. $ 6,968 9,797. 6,968 • . • 9,443 6,968 • .•6,67 • 7,259 . 9,443' ' • '0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 .5 ' '.5 1 1' .5 .5 $ 6,968 9,797 6,968 9,443 6,968 6,677 • 7,259 9,443 . O. TOTAL 11 5.5 rn rrn 99f1fl in,,. 19 1Y Ul'1DL' R P S E OCCUPATIONAL, SUMMARY . NAME AND ADDRCSS Or .CONTRACTOR • City of Corpus Christi P.O. Box 9277 Corpus Christi; Texas 78408 ' 3, Typg OF PROGIIAM ("X" oppraprlale bor(n1J a. 6 II • a b. ❑ VI c. 0 Special Covcanoes 0 d.(:1 Otliar (Sp OW '.PEnsoNvgARs 4:. PROGRAM AOCNr, EMPLOYIND' AGENCY AND POSITION TITLEWAGE NO. OP JOGS COMPARAIJLE I ANNUALIZED CETA WAGE 'SUPPLCI ENTATION' ' OF WAOL'/SALT R,Y OP pmpLOYMENT PLANNED TOTAL ANNUALIZED WAGES (A) (G) . (C) (pl (EI (F! . (GI Sub -Contractors • Flour Bluff Independent School District 1 2 7 1 1 ' . 1 . • •• $ 6,240 6,240 6,073 ' 6,073 6,073 6,323 .• . 0 0 . . 0 . 0 0 0 . .5' 1 .5 .5 .5 .5 $ 6,240 6,240 6,073, 6,073 .1 6,073 0 6,323, Grounds Maintenance Teacher Aide i West Oso Independent School District Teacher P.E. Aide English Department Aide • Business .Clerk • .Teacher P.E. Aide } 1 . C. TOTAL ,e.— );,.-• 13 3.5 , / / TITLE I PROJECT COMPONENT BUDGET Al TITLE II NAME OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBGRANTEE: City of Corpus Christi / / TITLE -VI - FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY: Public ServiceEmployment (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COST: (2) WAGES: (3) TRAINING: (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: (5) ALLOWANCES: AMOUNT - $ -0- 1,425,000 70,600 153,399 -0- (6) SERVICES: 125.000 -11- TOTAL AMOUNT $ 1,773.999 BACK-UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (1) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS a. STAFF COSTS: b. FRINGE BENEFITS: c. CONSUMABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES: d. PROGRAM EVALUATION: e. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: f. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: g. STATE MANPOWER SERVICES COUNCIL: h. PRIME SPONSOR PLANNING COUNCIL: i. TRAVEL: j. RENT: k. UTILITIES: 1.. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: m. INDIRECT COSTS: n. STAFF TRAINING: o. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: p. EQUIPMENT: q. MATERIAL: r. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: s. PUBLICATIONS: t. AUDIT SERVICES: u. OTHER: (Specify) v. OTHER: (Specify) w. OTHER: (Specify) x. OTHER: (Specify) c -12- SUB-TOTAL AMOUNT N/A BACK-UP SUPPORT BUDGET (2) WAGES: a. On -Job -Training AMOUNT b. Transitional Subsidized Employment: $ 1,425,000 c. Other: (Specify) d. Other: (Specify) Sub -Total t 1,425,000 *Includes wages to be paid during training. (3) TRAINING: a. Salaries: Staff $ 30,000 b. Fringe Benefits: Staff - 18% 5,400 c. Equipment: Minor 2,000 d. Equipment: Capital 10,000 e. Tuition: 6,000 f. Books and Supplies: Materials 10,000 g. Rental Equipment: 2,000 h. Professional Services: 5,000 i. Equipment Maintenance: 200 Sub-Total $ 70,600 -13- BACK-UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (4) FRINGE BENEFITS: a. Annual Leave; b. Sick Leave: c. Court Leave: d. Military Leave: e. FICA: f. Life Insurance: g. Health Insurance: h. Unemployment Insurance: i. Workmen's Compensation: j. Retirement Benefits: k. Other: (Specify) 1. Other: (Specify) AMOUNT - 0- - 0- -0- - 0- $ 86,899 4,000 - 0- 60,000 2,500 600 Sub -Total $ 153,399 (5) ALLOWANCES: Sub -Total -14- -0- BACK-UP SUPPORT BUDGETS (6) SERVICES TO CLIENTS: (N/A) AMOUNT a. Child Care: b. Health Care: c. . Medical Services: d. Residential Support: e. Assistance in Securing Bonds: f. Family Planning: g. Outreach: Staff - $105,000 h. Intake and Assessment: Fringe - $16,000 i. Orientation: Costs will be prorated be- tween Title II -D and Title j. Counseling: VI with II -D providing k. Job Development: 1. Job Placement: m. Other: (Specify)- Travel (Staff) n. Other: (Specify)- Travel (Participants) o. Other: (Specify) -15- -0- $ 121,000 2,000 2,000 Sub -Total $ 125,000 Grand Total $ 1,773,999 ' Ti'. -D Narrative City of Corpus Christi Program Activities and Services Integration of Activities The City of Corpus Christi Title II -D program will provide training activities and other services leading to maximum employment opportunities and enhanced self-sufficiency. Activities to be integrated into the public service employment program include classroom training, employability counseling, work orientation, and job placement activities. Special Arrangements Special arrangements for pre -vocational classes, GED preparatory training, and remedial education will be made to meet the specific needs of the long-term and structurally un- employed participants. In addition to structured classroom training, counseling sessions and seminars will be scheduled in personal skill development, communications, job relat- ionships and job search assistance. The significant segments of the eligible population, including disadvantaged female heads -of -households with undeveloped clerical skills, will be provided with classroom training for skill development. Remedial education, including language and mathematics instruction, is also planned for those segments in need of adult education. Orderly Transition from FY 79 to FY 80 The City of Corpus Christi Title II -D program provides a number of potential lateral transition or promotional advancement opportunities for the significant number of parti- cipants who will reach a 78 week limit of participation in the current year. In addition participants in the Public Service Employment Program who are hired after April 1, 1979 will be compensated with entry level wages to provide for both the requirements of the designated average annual wage and for potential advancement into permanent employment with the City of in the private sector. Those provisions will facilitate the orderly transition from the City of Corpus Christi Title II -D program from FY 79 to FY 80. Wages and Fringe Benefits for Title II -D Participants Wages and fringe benefits for Public Service employees will be consistent with the Com- pensation Plan for the City of Corpus Christi and will provide a comprehensive plan that includes wages for both' employment and training opportunities during each work week. The combination of employment training and wages provided for Title II -D Public Service employees is not comparable to any unsubsidized occupations in the City of Corpus Christi. Entry level wages for Public Service employees hired after March 31, 1979, have been est- ablished to insure that the average annual wage for Public Service Employment positions is within the required annual average wage schedule. Levels of Employment within the City of Corpus Christi The level of permanent employment for the City of Corpus Christi is estimated at 2,795 positions. This level is determined by annual budget requests as received and approved by the Corpus Christi City Council for a fiscal year from August 1 through July 31. What changes, if any, in this permanent level of employment will be made by lay-offs or hiring and promotional freezes is not known at this time. -16- Avt Annual Wage Rate for Title II -D The City of Corpus Christi Title II -D program has a required annual average wage rate of $7,110 for Public Service Employment positions filled on or after October 1, 1979. To provide for entry level employment in keeping with this required annual average wage, the majority of Title II -D participants will be hired as Trainees with an entry level wage of $2.90 per hour and a 6 -month step increase to $3.02 per hour. -17- ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS General Assurances 1. The applicant assures and certifies that: a. It will comply with the requirements and provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) amendments of 1978 (Public Law 95-524), here- inafter referred to as the Act, all federal regulations issued pursuant to the Act, and with its Comprehensive Employment and/or Training Plan, as approved by the Coastal Bend Consortium. b. It will comply with OMB circular number A-102 and Federal Management Circular (FMC) 74-4 as those circulars relate to functions such as the utiliza- tion of funds, operation of programs, and maintenance of records, books, accounts, and other documents under the Act. 2. The applicant, in operating programs funded under the Act, further assures that it will administer its programs under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Plan in full compliance with safeguards against fraud and abuse as set forth in the CETA amendments of 1978 and pursuant Federal regulations; that no portion of its CETA program will in any way discriminate against, deny bene- fits to, deny employment to or exclude from participation any persons on the grounds of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, handicap, or poli- tical affiliation or belief; that it will provide employment and training services to those most in need of them, including but not limited to, low-income persons, handicapped individuals, persons facing barriers to employment commonly experienced by older workers, and persons of limited English-speaking ability. -18- 3. In addition to the above requirements and consistent with the regulations issued pursuant to the Act, the applicant makes the following further assurances and certifications: a. It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant; that a resolution, motion, or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant's governing body, authorizing the filing of the application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such addi- tional information as may be required. b. It will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (P.L. 88-352), and in accordance with Title VI of that Act no person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the applicant received Federal financial assistance and will immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. c. It will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (42 -USC 2000d) prohibiting erployment discrimination where (1) the primary purpose of a grant is to provide employment or (2) discriminatory employment practices will result in unequal treatment of persons who are or should be benefiting from the grant -aided activity. d. It will comply with the requirements of the provisions of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646) which provides for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a re- sult of Federal and Federally -assisted programs. -19- e. It will comply with the provisions of the Hatch Act which limit the political activity of certain state and local government employees. f. For grants, subgrants, contracts, and subcontracts in excess of $100,000, or where the contracting officer has determined that orders under an indefinite quantity contract or subcontract in any year will exceed $1000,000, or if a facil- ity to be used has been the subject of a conviction under the Clean Air Act (42 USC 1857C-8 (c) (1)) or the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 USC 1319 (c)) and is listed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or is not otherwise exempt, the grantee assures that: (1) no facility to be utilized in the performance of the pro- posed grant has been listed on the EPA list of Violating Facilities; (2) it will notify the RA, prior to award, of the receipt of any communication from the Director, Office of Federal Activities, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, indicating that a facility to be utilized for the grant is under consideration to be listed on the EPA List of Violating Facilities; and (3) it will include substantially this assurance, including this third part, in every non-exempt subgrant, contract, or subcontract. -20- ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS The applicant also certifies that the information in this application is correct to the best of its knowledge and belief and the filing of this application has been duly authorized. City of Corpus Christi 302 S. Shoreline (Legal Name of Applicant) (Address) (Signature of Chief Elected Official or His/Her Designee) (Typed Name & Title of Chief Elected Official or His/Her Designee) —21— R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager (Date of Application) SPECIAL CLAUSES 1. Ct. a. The Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer may, at any time, without notice to u. o be a ge n the woby within order dscopeaofdor thisindicated contract,tin any onenor morerofmthe follke oes wing: (1) the work drawings, the generalPr of (1) drawings, designs, or specifications; (2) in the method aofeshipmentfor Packing; of the work; (3) in the Government -furnished facilities; (4) method or (5) place of delivery. b. Any other written order or an oral order (which terms as used in this paragraph (b) shall include direction, instruction, interpretation, or determination)'from the Prima Sponsor's Contracting Officer, which causes any such changes as enumerated in (a above, shall be treated as a change order under this clause: Provided, that the Conte Subgrantee gives the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer written notice stating the date, circumstances, and the source of the order and that the Contractor/Subgrantee regards, the order as a change order. c. Except as herein provided, no order, statement, or conduct of the Prima Sponsor's Contracting Officer shall be treated as a change under this clause or entitle the Contractor/Subgrar:tee to an equitable adjustment hereunder. d. If any change under this clause causes an increase or decrease' in the Contractor's/ Subgrantea's cost of, or the time required for, the performance of any part of the work under this contract, whether or not changed by any such order, an equitable adjustment shall be made and the contras= modified in writing accordingly: Provided, however, That hall e 20 daysm mbefore terContr=_ctor/Suogranteesgivesbwrittened for noticeany costs as therein cerred required, rthan for any requir d,And providedons for which he Prime rsible,:he equitable cad ustmentse of fshalleincludeianylincreasd costtreasonablyponsor is responsible, o. q speci- fications. by the Contractor/SaSg_aztea in attempting to comply with such defective sp fications. e. If the Contractor/Subgrantee intends to assert a claim for an equitable adjust- .nent under this clause, he must, within 30 days after receipt of above, a a wr,ttenmc angetorder under (a) above or the furnishing of a written notice under (b) Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer a written statement setting forth the general nature and monetary extent of such claim, unless this period is extended by the Pri) arime e.Spopsor. the The statement of claim madeobsoleteorbe excessLasdthe resulttofea changr e is included in the the cost ofr? property Sponsor's Contracting Officer Contractor's/Subgrantee4s claim for adjustment, the Prime SP - shall have the right to prescribe the manner of disposition of such property. f. No claim by the Contractor/Subgrantee for an equitableadjustmenthereunder shall le e'. if asserted after final payment under this centsact., Failure to agree. on the teres of a:y equitable adjustment shall be a dispute g. concerning a question of fact within the meaning of the clause of this contract entitled "Disputes." rom h. Nothing in this clause shall excuse the Contractor/Subgrantee f r Offroceeding with the contract/subgrant as changed by the Prime Sp r writing, either by (i) issuance of a written change order as described in (a) above, or (ii) issuance of a written confirmation by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting glOfficer erom an the ubgrantee oral`tordernby theeP Prime SSponsorred 'us Contracting Officer. (b) 2. NONDISCRIMINATION _22- . T` is the policy of the Executive Branch of the Government that (a) contractors and ntractors engaged. in the performance of'Federal contracts shall not, in conn, Jn with the ecployment, advancement, or discharge of employees, or in connt_ c with the terms, conditions, or privileges of their employment, discriminate against persons because of their age except upon the basis of a bona fide occupational qualifi- cation, retirement plan, or statutory requirement, and (b) that contractors and sub- contractors, or persons acting on their behalf, shall not specify, in solicitations or advertisements for employees to work on Government contracts, a maximum age limit for such employment unless the specified maximum age limit is based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan, or statutory requirement. 3. CHILD LABOR No trainee or enrollee under 18 years of age will be employed in any occupation which the Secretary has found to be particularly hazardous for persons between 16 and 13 years of age (a list of such occupations is published at 29 CFR Part 1500, Subpart E). Any eligible trainees and enrollees under 17 years of age will be employed only in accor- dance with the limitations imposed by 29 CFR Part 1500, Subpart C. 4. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows: (1) The Co:tractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment beca_se of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The contractor will take affirative antic= to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: Employment, upgrading, demoticn, or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination_; rates of pay other forms of compensation; and selection for train- ing, including apprenticeehp. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees aid ap?licants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. . (2) dna contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive .consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. (3) The contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice to be provided by the agency contracting officer, advising the labor union or workers' representative'of the contractor's commitments under section 202 of Executive Order 11246 of Septerber 24, 1965, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. (4) The contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 11246 of 3epta_ber 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary . ♦. Lebo:. (5) The contractor will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Ordar 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. (6) In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clause e of this contract or with any of such rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be canceled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. • -23- (7) The contractor will include the provisions or para £..pn. ---__e_ very.'s -- -- verJ.'s Ztract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Sec y of Labor issued pursuant to section 204 of. Executive Order 11246 of Septerbe_ ..4, 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor o vendor. The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or punch_ order as the contracting agency may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions in- cluding sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, That in the event the contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. 5. TRAINEE OR ENROLLEE WAGES The hourly wages paid to enrollees or trainees shall not be less than the following, whichever is higher: (1) The minimum rate. required under the Fair Labor Standards Act including any special rate provided by specification under Section 14 of the Act,as amended in 1974, or that is applicable to enrollees or trainees, or (2) Any applicable to the enrollee or trainee as required under Federal, State, or local laws if it is higher than that stated in Item Number 1 above. 6. TERMINATION OF TRAINEES OR ENROLLEES Trainees or enrollees will not be terminated without prior notice to the trainee or enrollee and reasonable opporten ty for corrections or improvement of performance and consultation with the Contracting Officer by the training facility for substandard or unsatisfactory p o grecs or co=duct. Termination of trainees or enrollees will be governed by disciplinary and grievance rrocedures approved by the Contracting Officer or his duly authorized representative: Provided, That in training facilities operating under a collective bargaining agr2erent, disciplinary and grievance procedures provided in such an agreement and applicable tc trainees or enrollees covered by this contract, shall govern. 7. TERMINATION a. The pe,-=e-r:ance of work under the contract/subgrant may be terminated by the Prime Sponsor in accordance with this clause in whole, or from tine to time in part: (1) Whenever the Contractor/Subgrantee shall default in performance of this contract/subgrant in accordance with its terms (including in the term "default" any such failure by the Contractor/Subgrantee to makelprall ogress cutthe e sprosuchec£tion oft tie a f the work hercundar as endangers such performance), period of ten days (or such longer period as the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer may allow) after receipt from the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer of a notice specifying the default; or (2) Whenever for any reason the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer shall determine that such termination is in the best interest of the Prime Sponsor. Any such termination shall be effected by delivery to the Contractor/Subgrantee of a :.{o`_ee oC Terrination specifying whether ter .nation is for the default of the contractor/Subg-'antee or for the convenience of the Prime Sponsor, the extend to which performance of work under the contract/subgrant is terminated, and the date upon which such termination becomes effective. If, after notice of termination oftthithis tcontract/ctor/ subgrant for default, under (1) above, it is determined for any reason • Subgrantee was not in default pursuant to (1), or that the Contractor's/Subgrantee's and wie to perform t to nage progrnegligss in ence thepCoat actor/Subnce is granteecauses pursu pursuantbeyond the provi- and without the usefault of isgcon ,.sicns o� the clause of this contract/subgrant relating to e�,V?abanddtteyYights and Notice of Termination shall be deemed to have been issued under -(2) aove,nadctreirigh. obligations of the parties hereto shall in such event be governed b. After receipt of a Notice of Termination and except as otherwise directed by the Prue Sponsor's Contracting Officer, the Contractor/Subgrantee shall: top work under the contract/subgrant on the data and to the extent specifio' in the ce of Termination; (2) Place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services, or facilit except as may be necessary for completion of such portion of the work under the contract/ subgrant as is not terminated; (3) Terminate all orders and subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the performance of work terminated by the Notice of Termination; (4) Assign to the Prime Sponsor in the manner and to the extent directed by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, all of the right, title and interest of the Contractor/Subgrantee under the orders or subcontracts so terminated in which case the Prima Sponsor shall have the right, in its discretion, to settle or pay any or all claims arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts; • (5) With the approval or ratification of the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, to the extent he nay require, which approval or ratification shall be final and conclusive for all purposes of this clause, settle all outstanding liabilities and all claims arising out of such termination of orders and subcontracts, the cast of which would be reimbursable in whole or in part, in accordance with the provisions of this contract/subgrant. (6) Transfer title to the Prime Sponsor (to the extent that title has not already been transferred) and deliver in the manner, at the times, and to the extent directed by the Priya Sponsor's Contracting Officer, (i) the fabricated or unfabricated parts, work in process, completed work, supplies, and other material produced as a part of, or acquired in respect of the performance of, the work terminated by the Notice of Termination;(which, the.completed or partially completed plans, drawings, information, and other property if the contractisubgrant had 'seem completed, would be required to be furnished to the Prime Sponsor, amd (iii) the jigs, dies, and fixtures, and other special tools and tooling acquired, or rannfactured far the performance of this contract/subgrant for the cost of which the Contractor/Subgrantee has been or will be reimbursed under this contract/ subgrant. (7) Use his best effort: to sell, in the manner, at the times, to the extent and at the price or :rices directed or authorized by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, any property of the types referred to in (6) above: Provided, however, That the Contractor/ Subgrantee (i) shall not be required to extend credit to any purchaser, and (ii) nay acquire any such property under the conditions prescribed by and at a price or prices approved by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer: And provided further, That the proceeds of any such transfer or disposition shall be applied in reduction of any payments to be made by the Prime Sponsor to the Contractor/Subgrantee under this contract/subgrant or shall otherwise be credited to the price or cost of the work covered by this contract/ subgrant or paid in such other manner as the Prise Sponsor's Contracting Officer may direct; (8) Complete performance of such part of the work as shall not have been terminated by the Notice of Termination; and • (9) Take such action as may be necessary, or as the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer may direct, for the protection and preservation of the property related to this contract/subgrant which is in the possession of the Contractor/Subgrantee and in which the Prime Sponsor has or may acquire an interest. The Contractor/Subgrantee shall proceed immediately withthe performance of the above obligations notwithstanding any delay in determining or adjusting the aaou_t of the fez, or any item c` reimbursable cost, under this clause. At any time after expiration of the plant clearance period, as defined in Subpart 1-8.1 of the Federal Procurement Regulations (41 CFR 1-8.1), as the definition nay be amended from time to time, the Contractor/Subgrantee may submit to the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer a list, certified as to quantity and quality, of any or all items of termination Inventory not previously disposed of, exclusive of items the disposition of which has been directed .cr authorized by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, and may request the Prime Sponsor to remove such items or enter into a storage-agreement covering them. Not later than fifteen (15) days thereafter, the Prime Sponsor will accept such items and remove then or enter into a storage agreement covering the sane: Provided, That the list submitte• shall be subject to verification by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer upon removal of the items or, if tha items are stored, within forty-five (45) days from the date of sub- mission of the list, and any necessary adjustment to correct the list as submitted shall be tide prior to final settlement. -25- c: `er receipt of a Notice of Termination, the Contractor/Subgrantee shall submit 'to`the _ Sponsor's Contracting Officer hi's termination claim in the form and with certifi_ _.ion prescribed by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer. Such claim shag submitted promptly but in no event later than one year from the effective date of term- mination, unless one or more extensions in writing are granted by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer upon request of the Contractor/Subgrantee made in writing within such one-year period or authorized extension therefo. However, if the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer determines that the facts justify such action, he may receive and act upon any such termination claim at any time after such one-year period of any extension thereof. Upon failure of the Contractor/Subgrantee to submit his termination claim with- in the time allowed, the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer ray, subject to any review required by the contracting agency's procedures in effect as of the date of execution of this contract/subgrant, determine, on the basis of information available to him, the amount, if any, due to the Contractor/Subgrantee by reason for the termination and shall thereupon pay to the Contractor/Subgrantee the amount so determined. d. Subject'to the provisions of paragraph (c), and subject to any review required by the contracting agency's procedures in effect as of the date of execution of this contract/subgrant, the Contractor/Subgrantee and the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer may agree upon the whole or any part of the amount or amounts to be paid (including an allowance for the fee) to the Contractor/Subgrantee by reason of the total or partial termination of work pursuant to this clause. The contract/subgrant shall be amended accordingly, and the Contractor/Subgrantee shall be paid the agreed amount_ e. In the e-:eet of the -_lure of the Contractor/Subgraat and the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Office: to agree im whole or in part, as provided ir. paragraph (d), as to the amounts with respect to costs and fes, or as to the amount of the fee, to be paid to the Contractor/Subgrantee lei connection with the termination of work pursuant to this clause, the Prime Sponsor's C=tracting Officer shall, subject to any review required by the contracting agency's procedures in effect as of the date of execution of this contract/subgrztt , determine, on the basis of information available to him, the amount, if any, due to to Contractor/Subgrantee by reason of the termination and shall pay to the Contractor/Subgr_atee the amount determined as follows: (1) If the settlement includes cost and fee - - (i) There shall be included therein all costs and expenses reimbursable in accordance with this contract/subgrant not previously paid to the Contractor/Subgrantee for the performance of this contract/subgrant prior to the effective date of the l;otice of Termination, and such of these costs as may continue for a reasonable time thereafter with the approval of or as directed by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer: Provided, however, That the Contractor/Subgrantee shall proceed as rapidly as practicable to discontinue such costs; (ii)°There shall be included therein so far as not included under (i) above, _he cost of settling and paying claims arising out of the termination of work under sub- contracts or orders, as provided in paragraph (b) (5) above, which are properly charge - to tbs terminated portion of the contract/subgrant;. (iii) There shall be included ;In the reasonable costs of settlement, including . leg,I, cl•_rizzi, and other expenses reasonably necessary' for the preparation of settlement claims and supporting data with respect to the terminated portion of the contract./subgrant anon for the termination and settlement of subcontracts thereunder, togethee with reasonable storage, transportation, and other costs incurred in connection with tics protection or disposition of termination inventory: Provided, however, That if the termination is'for default of the Contractor/Subgrantee there shall not be included my amounts for the preparation of the Contractor's/Subgrantee's settlement proposal; and (iv) There shall be included therein a portion of the fee payable under'the coatrac:t/subgrant determined as follows: (A) In the event of the termination of this contract/subgrant for the conver.:.etce of the Prima Sponsor and not for the default of the Contractor/Subgrantee, there shall be paid a percentage of the fee equivalent to the percentage of the com- pletion of work contemplated by tha contract/subgrant, less fee payments previously made hereunder; or 6 -26- • (B) In the event of the termination of this c,ntract/subgrant for the def- 't bf the actor/Subgrantee, the total fee payable'shall be such proportionate part the fee , if this contract/subgrant calls for articles of different types, of such of the fee as is reasonably allocable to the type of article under consideration) as the total number, of articles delivered to and accepted by the Prime Sponsor bears to the total number of articles of a like kind called for by this contract/subgrant. If the amount determined under this subparagraph (1) is less than the total payment, theretofore made to the Contractor/Subgrantee, the Contractor/Subgrantee shall repay to the Prima Sponsor the excess amount. (2) If the settlement includes only the fee, the amount thereof will be determined in accordance with subparagraph (1) (iv), above. f. The Contractor/Subgrantee shall have the right of appeal, under the clause of this contract/subgrant entitled "Disputes," from any determination made by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer under paragraph (c) or (e) above, except that, if the Contractor/ Subgrantee has failed to submit his claim within the time provided in paragraph (c) above and has failed to request extension of such time, he shall have no such right of appeal. In any case where the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer has made a determination of the amount due under paragraph.(c) or (e) above, the Prime Sponsor shall pay to the Contractor/ Subgrantee the following:' •(1) if there is no right of appeal hereunder or if no timely appeal has bean taken, the•anount so determined by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer; or (2) if an appeal has been taken; the amount finally determined on such appeal. g. In arriving at the anc:_t due the Contractor/Subgrantee under this clause there • shall be deducted (1) all u*_'-i:-idated advance or other payments theretofore made to the Contractor/Subgrantee, applicable to the terminated portion of this contract/subgrant, (2) any claim which the Priea Spoeaer may have against the Contractor/Subgrantee in connection with this contract/subgrane, and (3) the agreed price for, or the proceeds of sale of, any materials, supplies, or other things acquired by the Contractor/Subgrantee or sold pursuaat to the provisions of this clause and not otherwise received by or credited to the Prime Sponsor. h. In the event of a partial termination, the portion of the fee which is payable with respect to the work under tha continued portion of the contract/subgrant shall be equitably adjusts; by agreement between the Contractor/Subgrantee and the Prima -Sponsor's Contracting Officer, and such adjustment shall be evidenced by an amendment to this contract/subgrant. i. The Prima Sponsor may from time to time, under such terms and conditions as it nay prescribe, rake partials payments and payments on account against costs incurred by the Contractor/Subgrantee in connection with the tereleated portion of the contract/ sebgrant whenever in the opinion of the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer the aggregate of such payments shall be within the amount to which the Contractor/Subgrantee will be titl?d `-creunder. If the total of such payments is in excess of the amount finally _ . to beaue ua3or•thie clause, such excess snail be payable by the Contractor/ _ _bgr•x._t =e to thePr___ Spoasor upon demand together with interest computed at the rat_ of 6 percent per annum, for the period from the date such excess payment is received by the Contractor/Subgrantee to the date on which such excess is repaid to the Prime Sponsor: Provided, however, That no -interest shall be charged with respect to any such.excess payment attributable to a reduction in the Contractor's/Subgrantee's claim by reason of retention or other disposition of termination inventory until ten days after the date of such retention or disposition, or such later date as determined by the Prime Sponsor's Contrartir_g Officer by reason of the circumstances. (,j) The provisions of this clause' relating to the fee shall be inapplicable if. this contract/subgrant floes not provide for payment of a fee. 3. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE -27- The ^rovisions set forth in this clause 9b shall gov:rn in lieu of clause 9a snouta this cc t/subgrant be for experimental developmental or research work And the Contrac ubgrantee is an educational institution'or other nonprofit institution on no-fee or no-profit basis. a. The performance of work under this contract/subgrant may be terminated, in whole or from time to time in part by the Prime Sponsor whenever for any reason the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer shall determine that such termination is in the best interest of the Prime Sponsor. Termination of work hereunder shall be effected by delivery to the Contractor/Subgrantee of a Notice of Termination specifying the extent to which perfor- mance of work under the contract/subgrant is terminated-and the date upon which such term- ir,ation becomes effective. b. After receipt of the Notice of Termination the Contractor/Subgrantee shall cancel his outstanding commitments hereunder covering the procurement of materials, supplies, equipment, and miscellaneous items. In addition, the Contractor/Subgrantee shall exercise all reasonable diligence to accomplish the cancellation or diversion of his outstanding coeeitments covering personal services and extending beyond the date of such termination to the extent that they relate to the performance of any work terminated by the notice. With respect to such canceled commitments the Contractor/Subgrantee agrees to (1) settle all outstanding liabilitiea and all claims arising out of such cancellation of commitments, with the approval or ratification of the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, to the extent he may require, which approval or ratification shall be final for all purposes of this claw, and (2) assign to the ?r=te Sponsor, in the manner at the time, and to the extent directed by the ?rime Sponsor's-00nttacting Officer, all of tha right, title, and inter - est of the Contractor/Subgrantee under the orders and subcontracts so terminated, in which case the Prime Sponsor nhall have the right, in its discretion, to settle or pay any or all clams arising out a the termination of such orders and subcontracts. c. The Contractor/Subgrantee shall submit his termination claim to the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Office: promptly after receipt of a Notice of Termination, but in no event later than one year from the effective date thereof, unless one or more exten- sions in writing are grantee by the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer upon written request of the Contractor/Suberantee within such one-year period or authorized extension thereof. Upon failure of the Contractor/Subgrantee to submit his termination claim within the tine allowed, the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer may, subject to any review required by the contracting agency's procedures in effect as of the date of execution of this contract/st3grant, determine, on the basis of information available to hiss, the amount, if any due to the Contractor/Subgrantee by reason of the termination and shall thereupon pay to the Contractor/Subgrantee the amount so determined. d. Any determination of costs under paragraph (c) shall be governed by the cost principles set forth in the ALLOWABLE COST, FIXED FEE, AND PAYMENT Clause of this contract/ subgrant. a. 5 abject to the previsions of paragraph (c) above, and subject to any review required the ?__me Sponsor's contracting agency's procedures in effect as of the date of execution of this o:tract/scbgrast the Contractor/Subgrantee and the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer may agree upon the whole or any part of the amount or amounts to be paid to the Contractor/Subgrantee by reason of the termination under this clause, which amount or amounts nay include any reasonable cancellation charges thereby incurred bytherCintractor/ Subgrantee and any reasonable loss upon outstanding commitments for personal which he is unable to cancel: Provided, however, That in connection with any outstanding rcostren_s for personal services which the Contractor/Subgrantee is unable to cancel, the Contractor/Subgrantee shall have exercised reasonable diligence to divert such commitments to his other activities and operations. Any such agreement shall be embodied in an arandneot to this contract/subgrant and the Contractor/Subgrantee shall be paid the agree amount. -28- f, -.Prime Sponsor may from time to time, under su_n term. heContractbr/Subgrantee zY'P ,.r e, make partial payments against costs incurred by in coat on with the terminated portion of this contract/subgrant wheneSer, in. the opinion of the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, the aggre gate of such payr.•ents is reed or determined to be due within the amount to which the Contractor/Subgrantee will be entitled hereunder. I total of such payments is in excess of the amount finally lynagreedrrudeter in too b under this clause, such excess shall be payable by Prime Sponsor upon demand: Provided, That if such excess ito the Prime man ats not so paid uponn demand, interest thereon shall be payable by the Contractor/Subgrantee d. the rate of 6 percent per annum, beginning 30 days from the date of such demanor and e g. The Contractor/Subgrantee agrees to transfer title to the Prime by the deliver in the manner, at tContracting tie, and to the such informationtandfitems which, if the contract/ Prime Sponsor's be nocompleted Officer, partially completed plans, drawings, and information; subgrant had been completed, would have been required to be furnished to the, z me and including: (1) pme Completed ouc p Y in connection With the and (2) ;aterials or equipmznt'produced or in process or acquired performance of the work terminated by the notice. Other than the anytermination written above, inventory resulting from the termination of the contract/subgrtmay, with the approval of the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, be sold or acquired the Contractor/ approved by theby Subgrantee ender the conditions prescribed by and at a price or pricesoved e Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer. The Proceeds of any yisuchSdisposition shall Ca 3-beton/ p lied in reduction of any pay snts to be made by price or b ;-•�ogrant or shall otherwise be credited to the p Sostrofwo under this yathisc_c paid in such other -manner as the Prime this act nub rant or osition of property arising S Spot or work cot iti by f _- =may: - $final diva 'z Officer may direct. Pending fromsthe eonire-io $ be direct, for the protection from:the termination, the Ca..:===or/Subgrart ee agrees to take such action as may necessary, or as the Prime Sprso_'s Contracting Officer may ianc which is in the • and preservation of the prclot! related to this contract/sub$ wire possession of t[:s.Contractar!S=grantee and in which the Prima Sponsor has or may ac an interest. 9. COISTRUCTI03:.'?D BUILDING :L 1LITATION The subcontractor shall not expend Federal funds for construction and building .rehabilitation without prior approval of the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer. Any projects approved by the Department of Labor and the Prime Sponsor shal bnstrue ered under the guidelines of A-102 and parts of Paragraph IV, applicable procurement. LISTI::G OF E?PLOYME I OPENINGS (finis clause is applicable pursuant to 41 CFR 50-250 if this contract is for $2,500 or =ore.) a^t o= n. the . isabled.v: erans;, i a order to provide spacial emphasis tato suitable e: employment "..es veterans veterans of the vietns the era, of this and -contract • --•"-- which exist at the time of these not generated ] ci one r wring at an establishment other than the on e t ase ::i,ich occur during the performance of tiers contract, including ng w this the cont and is being erfthooe oedcbrtiex :herein the contract is being performed but excluding those f localloffice of the corporate affiliates, shall be offered for listing at an appropriate Soap_ -exp stem wherein the opening occurs and to provirequired:reports State h=localeof ice rt system and hires as ray Pvide local office regardingnemployment openings paragraphs (c) and (d) are -not required. r Provided, That if this contract is for less than $IO;OOD or if it with a State: or local no1er;;ne;L the reports set forth in p pursuant to this p with the use of any other recruitment service b. Listing of employment openings with the employment service systemof a bona clause;hail be trade at least concurrently lacing or effcrt and Shall involve the Corral obligations which attach to the p fide j„ti order, including the acceptance9referrals of veterans and nonveterans. This lis"ng of employment openings does not require the hiring of any particular job appl:icz from any particular group of job.applicants, and nothing herein is intend ' to reli _he Contractor from any requirements in any statutes, Executive'orders, or regulations regarding nondiscrimination in -employment. c. The reports required by paragraph (a) of this clause shall include, but not be limited to, periodic reports which shall be filed at least quarterly with the appropriate local office or, where the Contractor has more than one establishment in a State, with the central office of the State employment service. Such reports shall indicate for each establishment (i) the number of individuals who were hired during the reporting period, (ii) the number of those hired who were disabled veterans, and (iii) the number of those hired who were nondisabled veterans of the Vietnam era. The contractor shall submit a report within 30 days after the end of each reporting period wherein any performance is made under this contract. The Contractor shall maintain copies of the reports submitted until the expiration of l year after final payment under the contract, during which time they shall be made available, upon request, for examination by any authorized represent- atives of the Contracting Officer or the Secretary of Labor. d. Whenever the Contractor becomes contractually bound by the listing provisions of this clause, he shall advise.the employment service system in each State wherein he has establishments of the name and location of each such establishment in the State. As long as the contractor is contractually bound to these provisions and bas so advised the State employment system, there is no need to advise the State system of subsequent contracts. The Contractor ray advisee the State system when it is no longer bound by this contract clause. e. This clause does not apply to the listing of employment openings which occur and are filed outside of the 50 ;.stns; the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Pico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. f. This clause does not apply to openings which the Contractor proposes to fill from within his own o=ganization or to fill pursuant to a customary and traditional employer - union hiring arrangement. This exclusion does not apply to a particular opening once an employer decides to consider applicants outside of his own organization or employer - union arrangene_- for that opening. g. As used in this clause: (1) "All suitable employment openings" includes, but is not limited to, openings which occur in the following job categories: Production and nonproduction; plant and office; laborers and mechanics; supervisory and noasupervisory; technical; and executive, administrative, and professional openings which are compensated on a salary basis of lesstthan $18,000 per year. The term includes full-time employment, temporary employment of more than 3 days' duration, and part-time employment. It does not include openings which the Contractor proposes to fill from within his own organiza- tion or to fill pursuant to a customary and traditional employer -union hiring arrangement. ^) : ?_;ropriate o`=ic-_ of the State employment service system" means the local office r'b -acetal-.,�ac� national with signed responsi- bility 'est:.. o£ public employment offices as for serving the area of :file establishment where the employment opening isr o be filled, including the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. (3) "Openings which the Contractor proposes to fill from within his own organization" means employment openings for which no consideration will be given to persons outside the Contractor's own organization (including any affiliatea, -sub si.d<_aries, and parent companies), and includes any openings which the Contractor proposes to fill from regularly established "recall" or "rehire" lists. (4) "Openings which the Contractor proposes * * * to fill pursuant to a customary and traditional employer - union hiring arrangement" means employment openings for.which no consideration will be given to persons outside of a special.hiring arrangement, including openings which the Contractor proposes to fill from union halls, which is part of the customary and tradi- -tionel hiring relationship which exists between the Contractor and representatives of his employees. -30- administered by the Veterans Administration for a disability rated at 30 percentum or more, ,or„a,t 1 whose discharge. or release from active, duty was for a disability incurree aggrat in line of duty. (6) "Veteran of the Vietnam era” means a person (A) wb (i) ser.,d on active duty with the Armed Forces for a period of more than 180 days, _ part of which occurred after August 5, 1964, and was discharged or released therefrom with other than a dishonorable discharge, or (ii) was discharged or released from active duty for service connected disability if any part of such duty was performed after August 5, 1964, and (8) who was so discharged or released within the 48 months preceding his application for employment covered by this clause. h. If any disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era believes that the Contractor (or any first-tier subcontractor) has failed or refuses to comply with the provisions of this contract clause relating to giving special emphasis in employment to veterans, such veteran nay file a complaint with the veterans' employment representative at a local State employment service office who will attempt to informally resolve the complaint and then refer the complaint with a report on the attempt to resolve the matter to the State office of the Veterans' Employment Service of the Department of Labor. Such complaint shall then be promptly referred through the Assistant Regional Director for Manpower to the Secretary of Labor who shall investigate such tomplaint and shall take such action thereon as the facts and circumstances warrant consistent with the terms of this contract and the laws and regulations applicable thereto. i. The Contractor agrees to place this clause (excluding this paragraph (i) in any subcontract discrly under t,_ contract. 11. DEVIATIONS Under the =cr.: coapelli ; circumstances such as situations where the needs of the Government cannot reasonably be otherwise supplied, where listing of employment openings would be contrar7 to national security, or where the requirement of listing would other- wise not be in the best interests of the Government, a deviation from this subpart may be rade, subject tohs approval of the Secretary of Labor. Requests for any such deviations shall be addressed to the Assistant Regional Director for Manpower, U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, 555 Griffin Square Building, Griffin and Young Streets, .0.11s, Texas 75202, wherein the contract is to be signed, and shall set forth the reasons for the request. 12. DISPUTES a. Except as otherwise provided in the contract/subgrant, any dispute concerning a question of fact arising vnder this contract/subgrant which is not disposed of by agree- ment shall be decided by the Prima Sponsor's Contracting Officer, who shall reduce his :ecisior to writing and mail or otherwise furnish a copy thereof to the Contractor/ Subgrantee. The decision of the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer shall be final and csnc..:s e unless within 30 days from the date of receipt of such copy, the Contractor/ ,,::,r,-•t.ee mails or otherwise furnishes to the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer, appeal ad'res_ed to the Prime Sponsor. The decision of the Prime Sponsor's Contracring Officer for the determination of such appeals shall be final and conclusive unless determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to have been fraudulent, or capri- cious, or arbitrary, or so grossly erroneous as necessarily to imply bad faith, or not • .supported by substantial evidence. In connection with any appeal proceeding under this clause, the Contractor/Grantee shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard and to offer ience in support of its appeal. Pending final decision of a dispute hereunder, the Ccnircctor/Subgrantee shall proceed diligently with the performance of the coatract/ subgrant and in accordance with the Prime Sponsor's Contracting Officer's decision. b. This "Disputes" clause does not preclude consideration of law questions in connec='_cn with decisions provided for in paragraph (a) above: -31- rovid-_Z, That nothing in this contract/subgrant shall be construed as making final the ny administrative official, representative, or board on a question of law .3. SUEC0.,.,,ACTING The subcontractor shall obtain written consent of the Prime Sponsor prior to sub- .cntracting any parts of this agreement. The Contracting Officer may, in his decretion, -atify in writing any such subcontract; such action shall constitute the consent of the :oatracting Officer as required by this paragraph. 4. COURT ACTIONS The subcontractor agrees to give the Prime Sponsor immediate notice in writing of -y actions or suits filed and prompt notices of any claims made against the Prime 'onsor, the subcontractor, or any of the parties involved in the implementation and Idministration of the CETA Program. ORDER OE PRECEDENCE In the event there are inconsistencies or conflicts in the grant and/or contract, =less otherwise provided, thereon,the inconsistencies shall be resolved by giving ;_ecedsnce in the following order: (1) The Ant (Public Law 93-203, 87 Stat. 839) (2) e regulations as approved by the Secretary of Labor (3) Special Clauses (4) FITC 74-7 '5) FMC 74-4 (6) The Coapre srsive Hanpower Plan as stated in the grant as applicable .) each title. - Motions passed by the Consurriun Executive Board: June 13, 1974 - Each progz.:.. that is approved have an approved wage scale derived _on a co-?reheasive wage study conducted in their areas, and an approved Affirmative -tioa Plan. . June 17, 1974 - Out -of -area travel for each program not exceed $25 per day. June 2, 1975 - No contractor exceed 17% for administrative cost and A11 out -of- -_ea travel for any program have clearance by the staff. September 22, 1977 - Allowance of up to 18c per mile for travel. Per diem rates for out f town travel be established at a level equal to Federal per diem rates for all non-profit .3encies. Governmental agencies shall pay travel expenses consistent with the policies -.:proved by the respective governing bodies. -32- AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS CLAUSE The prime sponsor's obligation hereunder is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for the contract purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part of the prime sponsor for payment of any money shall arise unless and until funds are made available to the prime sponsor for this procurement and notice of such availability, to be confirmed in writing by the prime sponsor's Contracting Officer, is given to the contractor. This request does not commit the prime sponsor to pay for costs incurred in the submission of a proposal or for any costs incurred prior to the execution of a formal contract unless such costs are specifically authorized in writing by the prime sponsor's Contracting Officer. l -33- CERTIFICATION FOR CASH DEPOSITORIES FM 74-7 ATTACHMENT A - Paragraph 3 The undersigned hereby certify that: "Any moneys advanced to the State or local governments which are determined to be public moneys (owned by the Federal Government) must be deposited in a bank with FDIC insurance coverage and the balances exceeding the FDIC coverage must be collaterally secure, as provided for in 12 U.S.C. 265. Bank Name Name City of Corpus Christi 302 S. Shoreline (Signature) (Signature) (Date) (Date) R. Marvin Townsend (Type Name) (Title) (Type Name) City Manager (Title) -34- A(,KGEMENT FOR SPECIAL BANK ACCOUNT The City of Corpus Christi hereinafter referred to as the Contractor; the unit of local government herein- after called the Program Agent; and Corpus Christi National Bank located at 502 N. Water , a banking corporation hereinafter referred to as the Bank, hereby mutually agree as follows: 1. As a condition to the making of advance or supplemental payments under the Contract between the Contractor and the Program Agent, amounts advanced to the Contractor by the Program Agent shall be deposited in the account established at the Bank, designated'.as the " 101 Combined Fund Special Bank Account," hereinafter referred to as the Special Bank Account. 2. The Bank is "insured" within the meaning of The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Act (Act of September 21, 1950; 64 Stat. 872 as amended 12 U.S.C. 265)- 3. The Bank will be bound by the provisions of the Contract referred to in paragraph numbered 1 above, insofar as the deposit and withdrawal of funds in the above Special Bank Account is concerned, and particularly shall not permit with- drawal of funds from the Special Bank Account except by persons named in said contract as authorized to incur and pay costs on behalf of the Contractor, but shall not be responsiblefor the application of funds withdrawn from the account. 4. The Program Agent shall have a lien upon the credit balance in the Special Bank Account to secure the repayment of all advance or supplemental payments made to the Contractor, which lien shall be superior to any lien or claim of the Bank with respect to such account. 5. Upon receipt of written directions from the Program Agent or his duly authorized representative, the Bank shall act thereon and shall be under no liability to any party hereto for any action taken in accordance with such written directions. 6. In the event of the service of any writ of attachment, levy, or execution, or the commencement of garnishment proceedings with respect to the Special Bank Account, the Bank will promptly notify the Program Agent. 7. Authorized representatives of the Program Agent shall have access to the books and records maintained by the Bank with respect to such Special Bank Account at all reasonable times and for all reasonable purposed, including, but not limited to, the inspection or copying of such books and records and any and all memoranda, checks, correspondence or documents appertaining thereto. Such books and records shall be preserved by the Bank for a period of six (6)•years after the closing of this Special Bank Account. -35- • 8. All moneys deposited in the Special Bank Account are public moneys subject to the requirements of Title 12 Section 265 U.S.C. The Bank agrees to take all necessary measures to qualify with the Secretary of the Treasury as a depositary of public money and to deposit satisfactory security by the deposit of United States bonds or otherwise, for the safekeeping and prompt payment of the aforesaid public moneys as required by the regulation of the Secretary of'the Treasury and Title 12 Section 265 U.S.C. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the last day of signing set forth below. BANK USE BANK COLLATERAL BANK NAME BANK COLLATERAL.required, based upon estimated maximum bank balance, (excludit FDIC coverage of $40,000, is $ SIGNATURE DATE CONTRACTOR USE TYPE NAME TITLE ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT CONTRACTOR'S NAME City of Corpus Christi SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE TYPE NAPE TYPE NAME R. Marvin Townsend TITLE TITLE City Manager -36- g Cv � AUTHORIZATION FOR ADVANCE PAYMENT An .initial advance payment to the contractor in the sum of is hereby authorized. Subsequent payment must be requisitioned monthly on a form prescribed by the Administrative Unit in conformance with federal requirements as outlined in the Fiscal Activities Guide for Prime Sponsors under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973. Such payments will be made based upon the monthly submission of financial reports and cash requisitions to the Administrative Unit documenting prior expen- ditures and anticipated expenditures for a period not to exceed 45 days, the first day of which shall be the first day of the month in which the report is due. All initial and subsequent advance payments will be made without interest. -The contracting officer hereby determines that the making of such advance payments without interest is in the public interest. -37- CERTIFICATION OF ACCOUNTABILITY Under the provision of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973, the Secretary of Labor has the responsibility of requiring that Contractors receiv- ing Federal Funds under the Act maintain financial records to fully account and control such funds. To provide the Secretary of Labor with the necessary infor- mation, the following items of information are to be completed and submitted with the Contract. 1. Name, Title, & Organization of Chief Financial Officer Check if one has not been appointed or designated. Harold Zick Director of Finance 2. Will the Accounting System be directly maintained by you? Yes1I No (If No, who will I maintain the account- ing system? X Name and Address 3. Are you familiar with the Department of Labor Audit Requirements? X I Yes No 4. Description of your Financial Accounting System (Indicate whether the system is manual or automated and describe how it will meet the record keeping, reporting, and accounting requirements of the Manpower Administration.) Same as Administrative Unit USE CONTINUATION SHEET IF NECESSARY CERTIFICATION: I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief this report is correct and complete. Name and Title of Authorized Official Telephone No. and Area Code R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager Signature Date of Execution -38- BONDING REQUIREMENTS 1. List of persons authorized to sign checks or withdraw funds from the Special Bank Account. 2. Copy of Bond covering those persons. Same as Administrative Unit -39-, INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Copy of workmen's compensation policy including persons covered or similar type of insurance for same purpose. All CETA employees will be covered by the City of Corpus Christi workmen's compensation policy. -40-