HomeMy WebLinkAbout15256 ORD - 12/12/1979k^4 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE STANDARD BUILDING CODE, 1979 EDITION, AS THE BUILDING CODE OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI; WITH CERTAIN CHANGES AND ADDITIONS. THERETO; PROVID- ING FOR ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT; ESTABLISHING CERTAIN FEES; REPEALING ORDINANCES 12604, 13554, 13555, 13805, AND 14422, AND ARTICLE I, SECTIONS 13-1 THROUGH 13-11, OF CHAPTER 13 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, 1976, AS AMENDED; MAKING VIOLA- TIONS A MISDEMEANOR PUNISHABLE BY FINE NOT EXCEEDING $200; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION BY NOTICE; PROVIDING ' A SAVING CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF MARCH 1, 1980. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The Book entitled "Standard Building Code, 1979 Edition" (a copy of which, authenticated by the signatures of the Mayor and the City Secretary, and made public record by this section, is on file in the City Secretary's Office) is hereby adopted as the Building Code of the City as if copied at length in this ' ordinance, but with the following changes therein and additions thereto: 1. Chapter I -is hereby amended to read as follows: "CHAPTER I - ADMINISTRATION SECTION 101 - TITLE AND SCOPE 101.1 - TITLE The provisions embraced within the following chapters and sections shall constitute and be known and may be cited -as -"-The Building Code" hereinafter referred to as "this code". 101.2 - CODE REMEDIAL This code is hereby declared to be remedial, and shall be construed to secure the beneficial interests and purposes thereof which are public safety, health, and general welfare - through structural strength, stability, sanitation, adequate light and ventilation, and safety to life and property from fire and other hazards incident to construction, alteration, repair, removal, demolition, use and occupancy of build- ings, structures-, or premises. 101.3 - SCOPE The provisions of this code shall apply to the construction, alteration, repair, equipment, use and occupancy, location, maintenance, removal and demolition, of every building or structure or any appurtenances connected or attached to such buildings or structures. 15256 MoOfILMEu. N. 101.4 - EXISTING BUILDINGS (a) If, within any period of twelve months, alterations or repairs costing in excess of fifty percent of the then physical value of the building are made to an existing building, such building shall be made to conform to the requirements of this code for new buildings. (b) If an existing building is damaged by fire or otherwise in excess of fifty percent of its then physical value before such damage is repaired, it shall be made to conform to the requirements of this code for new buildings. (c) If the cost of such alterations or repairs, or the amount of such damage, is more than twenty-five but not more than fifty percent of the then physical value of the building, the portions to be altered or repaired shall be made to conform to the require- ments of this code for new buildings to such extent as the Building Official may determine. (d) For the purpose of this section physical value of the building shall be determined by the Building Official. (e) If the occupancy of an existing building is entirely changed the building shall be made to conform to the requirements of this code for the new occupancy. If the occupancy of only a portion of an existing building is changed and that portion is separated from the remainder as stipulated in Section 403, then only such portion need be made to conform. (f) Repairs and alterations, not covered by the preceding paragraphs of this section, restoring a building to its condition previous to damage or deterioration, or altering it in conformity with the provisions of this code or in such manner as will not extend or increase an existing non -conformity or hazard, may be made with the same kind of materials as those of which the building is con- structed; but not more than twenty-five percent of the roof covering of a building shall be replaced in any period of twelve months unless the entire roof covering is made to conform with the requirements of this code for new buildings. -2- 1 101.5 - SPECIAL HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND DISTRICTS The provisions of this code relating to the alteration, repair, enlargement, restoration, or moving buildings or structures shall not be mandatory for existing buildings or structures identified and classified by the state or local jurisdiction as Historic Buildings, provided that, in the opinion of the Building Official, any proposed construction, alteration, repair, enlargement, or restoration of such buildings not in strict compliance with this code will nevertheless meet the spirit and intent of this code. Accompanying the application for a permit for such work, the applicant must submit complete architectural and engineering plans and speci- fications bearing the seal of a registered professional engineer or architect. 101.6 - MAINTENANCE All buildings or structures, both existing and new, and all parts thereof, shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition. All devices or safeguards which are required by this code in a building when erected, altered, or repaired, shall be maintained in good working order. The owner, or his designated agent, shall be responsible for the maintenance of buildings and structures. SECTION 102 - ORGANIZATION 102.1 - BUILDING OFFICIAL There is hereby established a division of the Department of Inspections and Operations to be called the Building Inspection Division, which shall be in the charge of the Building Official.• 102.2 - DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY The Building Official is hereby designated as the person responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Building Code. The Building Official may delegate said authority to assistants, inspectors, and other employees of the Building Inspection Division as may be required to carry out his duties. 102.3 - RESTRICTIONS ON EMPLOYEES No officer or employee of the Building Inspection Division, shall be finan- cially interested in the furnishing of labor, material, or appliances for the construction, alteration, or maintenance of a building, or in the making of plans or of specifications therefor, unless he is the owner of such building. 102.4 - RECORDS The Building Official shall keep, or cause to be kept, a record of the busi- ness of the division. The records of the division shall be open to public inspection. -3- SECTION 103 - POWERS AND DUTIES OF BUILDING OFFICIAL 103.1 - RIGHT OF ENTRY The Building Official shall enforce the provisions of this code, and he, or his duly authorized representative, may enter any building, structure, or premises to perform any duty imposed upon him by this code. 103.2 - STOP WORK ORDERS Upon notice from the Building Official that work on any building or structure is being done contrary to the provisions of this code or in a dangerous or unsafe manner, such work shall be immediately stopped. Such notice shall be in writing and shall be given to the owner of the property, or to his agent, or to the person doing the work, and shall state the conditions under which work may be resumed. Where an emergency exists, no written notice shall be required to be given by the Building Official. 103.3 - REVOCATION OF PERMITS The Building Official may revoke a permit or approval, issued under the provisions of this act, in case there has been any false statement or misrepresen- tation as to a material fact in the application or plans on which the permit or approval was based or whenever the permit or approval was issued in error. 103.4 - UNSAFE BUILDINGS All buildings or structures which are unsafe, unsanitary, or not provided with adequate egress, or which consistute a fire or windstorm hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life, or which in relation to existing use constitute a hazard to safety or health by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, or abandonment, are severally in contemplation of this section, unsafe buildings. All such unsafe buildings are hereby declared illegal and shall be abated by repair and rehabilitation or by demolition in accordance with the provisions of Article II - BUILDING AND HOUSING STANDARDS CODE of Chapter 13 of the Code of Ordinances, City Of Corpus Christi, 1976, as amended. 103.5 - REQUIREMENTS NOT COVERED BY CODE Any requirement necessary for the strength or stability of an existing or proposed building or structure, or for the safety or health of the occupants thereof, not specifically covered by this code, shall be determined by the Building Official. 103.6 - ALTERNATE MATERIALS AND ALTERNATE METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION The provisions of this code are not intended to prevent the use of any material, or method of construction not specifically prescribed by this code, provided any such alternate has been approved and its use authorized by the Building Official. The Building Official shall approve any such alternate, provided he finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the provisions of Chapter XII, and that the material, method, or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that prescribed in the code in quality, strength, effective- ness, fire -resistance, durability, and safety. The Building Official shall require that sufficient evidence or proof be submitted to substantiate any claim that may be made regarding its use. If, in the opinion of the Building Official, the evidence and proof are not sufficient to justify approval, the applicant may refer the entire matter to the Building Code Board of Appeals as stipulated in Section 112. 103.7 - LIABILITY Any officer or employee, or member of the Building Code Board Of Appeals, charged with the enforcement of this code, acting for the applicable governing body in the discharge of his duties, shall not render himself liable personally, and he is hereby relieved from all personal liability for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act required or permitted in the discharge of his duties. Any suit brought against any officer or employee because of such act performed by him in the enforcement of any provision of this code shall be defended by the Legal Department until the final termination of the proceedings. SECTION 104 - TESTS The Building Official may require tests or test reports as proof of compliance. Tests, if required, are to be made at the expense of the owner, or his agent, by an approved testing laboratory or other approved agency. Copies of such test reports or the results of all such tests shall be kept on file in the office of the Building Official. SECTION 105 - APPLICATION FOR PERMIT 105.1 - WHEN REQUIRED (a) Any owner, authorized agent, or contractor who desires to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure; or to erect or construct a sign of any description; or to install or alter fire extinguishing apparatus, elevators, engines, or to install a steam boiler, furnace, heater, incinerator or other heat producing apparatus, or other appurtenances, the installation of which is regulated by this code; or to install a mobile home for occupancy upon a lot; or to erect, construct, fabricate, apply or repair more than 25% of any roof covering of any building; or to erect any fence over seven feet in height; or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit therefor. (b) A general permit shall carry with it the right to install in any building or structure, or part thereof, heating apparatus, elevators, sidewalk elevators, vaults, chutes, coal holes, lifts, cranes,derricks, steam power boilers, steam, oil, gas or vapor engines provided the same are shown on the drawings and set forth in the specifications filed with the application for the permit; but where these are not shown on the drawings and covered by the specifications submitted with said application, special permits shall be required. (c) Ordinary minor repairs may be made without a permit subject to the approval of the Building Official: provided that such repairs shall not violate any of the technical provisions of this code. (d) See Section 501 for Temporary Structures 105.2 - FORM (a) Each application for a permit with the required fee, shall be filed with the Building Official, on a form furnished by him, and shall contain a general description of the proposed work and its location. The application shall be signed by the owner, or his authorized agent. (b) Each application for a permit shall indicate the proposed occupancy of all parts of the building and of that portion of the site or lot, if any, not covered by the building or structure, and shall contain such other information as may be required by the Building Official. 105.3 - DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS (a) When required by the Building Official, two or more copies of specifications, and of drawings drawn to scale with sufficient clarity and detail to indicate the nature and character of the work, shall accompany every application. Such drawings and specifications shall contain information, in the form of notes or otherwise, as to the quality of materials, where quality is essential to conformity with this code. Such information shall be specific, and this code shall not be cited as a whole or in part, nor shall the term "legal" or its equivalent be used, as a substitute for specific information. (b) The Building Official may require details, computations, stress diagrams, and other data necessary to describe the construction and basic calculations and they shall bear the signature of the person responsible for the design. (c) All plans and specifications accompanying an application for a building permit shall bear the name and address of the designer. Said plans and specifications, if for any of the following listed buildings and structures, shall be designed by an architect and/or engineer registered in Texas, and shall bear the official seal of the designer: -6- (1) Building of Group E - Educational, Group I - Institutional, and Group A - Assembly occupancies. (2) Buildings of Group R - Residential occupancy having more than two stories, two story buildings containing more than four dwelling units, and one story buildings containing more than eight dwelling units. (3) Buildings of all occupancies having more than one story, or exceeding 5,000 square.feet in floor area, except Group R - Residential occupancy. (4) Buildings in special flood hazard areas, required by Section 3303 to be designed to minimize flood damage and to protect water and sewer systems during flooding. (5) Boat and fishing piers. (6) Post tensioned concrete foundations. (7) Any trusses, beams, or other roof supporting members on un- supported spans having a structural clear span between supporting structures greater than 24 feet on the narrow side. (8) Any free standing structure such as a sign, antenna, or tower, exceeding twenty-five feet in height or producing over 15,000 foot pounds of wind moment on said structure. (9) Any fence over seven feet in height, except fences more than 80% open to the wind up to ten feet in height. (d) Plans and specifications for all buildings shall indicate how required structural and fire -resistive integrity will be maintained where a penetration of a required fire -resistive wall, floor or partition will be made for electrical, mechanical, plumbing and communication conduits, pipes and systems and also indicate in sufficient detail how the fire integrity will be maintained where required fire -resistive floors intersect the exterior walls. 105.4 - PLOT DIAGRAM The Building Official shall require drawings showing the location of the proposed building or structure and of every existing building or structure on the site or lot. He may also require a boundary line survey, if necessary, prepared by a qualified surveyor. 105.5 - LIMITATION An application for a permit for any proposed work shall be deemed to have been abandoned six months after the date of filing, unless before then a permit shall have been issued. 105.6 - EXAMINATION OF DRAWINGS The Building Official shall examine each application for permit and the drawings and 'computations filed therewith and shall ascertain by such examinations whether the construction indicated and described appears to be in accordance with the requirements of this code and all other pertinent laws or ordinance. O SECTION 106 - PERMITS 106.1 - ACTION ON APPLICATION (a) No person, firm or corporation shall erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair,move, improve, remove, convert, or demolish any building or structure in the applicable jurisdiction, or install a mobile home for occupancy upon a lot, or - cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a separate building permit for such buildings, or structures or mobile homes from the Building Official. (b) If the Building Official is satisfied that the work described in an application for permit and the drawings filed therewith appear to conform to the requirements of this code and other pertinent laws and ordinances, he shall issue a permit therefor to the applicant. (c) If the application for a permit and the drawings filed therewith describe work which does not appear to conform to the requirements of this code or other pertinent laws or ordinances, the Building Official shall refuse to issue such permit. Such refusal shall, when requested, be in writing and shall contain reasons therefor. 106.2 - CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT The Building Official shall act upon an application for a permit with plans as filed, or as amended, without unreasonable or unnecessary delay. A permit issued shall be contrued to be a license to proceed with the work and shall not be construed as authority to violate, cancel, alter, or set aside any of the provisions of this code, nor shall such issuance of a permit prevent the Building Official from thereafter requiring a correction of errors in plans or in construction, or of violations of this code. Any permit issued shall become invalid unless the work authorized by it shall have been commenced within six months after its issuance, or if the work authorized by such permits is suspended or abandoned for a period of one year after the time the work is commenced; provided, that, for cause, one or more extensions of time, for periods not exceeding ninety days each, may be allowed in writing by the Building Official. 106.3 - DRAWINGS TO BE KEPT AT, SITE When the Building Official issues a permit, he shall endorse in writing or stamp both sets of plans "cleared". One set of drawings so cleared shall be retained by the Building Official and the other set shall be returned to the applicant who shall keep said drawing at the site of the work and available for inspection by the Building Official or his authorized representative. 106.4 - EIAZARDOUS OR COMPLEX WORK Whenever the work to be covered by a permit involves construction under con- ditions which, in the opinion of the Building Official, are hazardous or complex, -8- 0 the Building Official shall notify the owner. The owner shall require that one architect or engineer who made the drawings or computations shall supervise such work, be responsible for its conformity with the approved drawings, and forthwith upon its completion make and file with the Building Official a written affidavit that the work has been done in conformity with the approved plans and with the structural provisions of the code. In the event such architect or engineer is not available, the owner shall employ in his stead a competent person or agency whose qualifications are approved by the Building Official. 106.5 - FOUNDATION PERMITS When application for permit toerect or enlarge a building has been filed and pending issuance of such permit, the Building Official may, at his discretion, issue a special permit for the foundations of such building. The holder of such a special permit shall proceed at his own risk and without assurance that a permit for the superstructure will be granted. 106.6 - PERMITS NOT REQUIRED (a) Where any industry occupies a site of twenty(20) or more acres in the use of said plant site and the conduct of general operations is such that the plant site is inaccessible to the general public and the operations or the plant site involve the assembly, disassembly, reassembly, alteration or improvements under the supervision of a Registered Professional Architect or a Registered Professional Engineer, no permit shall be necessary and no inspection shall be performed by the City for the erection of the plant or the -assembly, disassembly, reassembly, remodeling, alterations or improvements of the plant or any portions thereof used in any manu- facturing process, pilot plant use, laboratory testing or use of any mechanical process equipment or laboratory testing of chemical or chemical manufacturing equipment. Any building used principally as office building, shipping docks, assembly room, restrooms, warehousing, and not for any purpose related to the manufacturing or testing of equipment or operations, shall not be exempt under this section from the necessity of obtaining a permit and any construction or repair of any such building or structure shall be required to have a permit and shall be permitted only under a permit as for the same type of building elsewhere within the City limits. In order to qualify for an exemption of the provisions hereto, an affidavit shall first be filed in the office of the Building Inspection Division of the Depart- ment of Inspections and Operations of the City Of Corpus Christi, setting forth sufficient facts to show that the affiant is entitled to the exemption requested, on the form provided by the Building Official. 0 (b) Permits and inspections are not required for construction, repair or alteration of any building which is being used exclusively in connection with the ranching or agricultural use of any tract of land of ten acres or more in area, within the City Of Corpus Christi, at the time of annexation so long as the entire premises being used for agricultural or ranching purposes at the time of annexation is not converted to any other use. Any building for residential occupancy shall not be exempt under this section from the requirements for permits and inspections. SECTION 107 - FEES 107.1 - GENERAL No permit shall be issued until the fees prescribed in this section shall have been paid, nor shall an amendment to a:permit be approved until the additional fee, if any, due to an increase in the estimated cost of the building or structure, shall have been paid, except as hereinafter provided. 107.2 - FAILURE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT . If any person commences any work on a building or structure before obtaining the necessary permit from the applicable governing body, he shall be subject to the penalty prescribed herein. 107.3 - ACCURATE RECORDS The Building Official shall keep a permanent and accurate accounting of all permit fees and other monies collected, the names of all persons upon whose account the same was paid, the date and amount thereof. 107.4 - SCHEDULE OF PERMIT FEES On all buildings, structures or alterations requiring a building permit, fee shall be paid as required at the time of filing application, in accordance with the following schedule: (a) Permit Fees (1) Where the valuation does not exceed $100.00, no fee shall be required, unless an inspection is necessary, in which case there shall be a $1.50 fee. (2) For a valuation over $100.00, up to and including $2,000.00, the fee shall be $5.00 per thousand or fraction thereof. (3) For a valuation over $2,000.00 up to and including $15,000.00, the fee shall be $10.00 for the first two thousand plus $3.00 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof. (4) For a valuation over $15,000.00, up to and including $100,000.00. the fee shall be $49.00 for the first fifteen thousand plus $2.00 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof. -10- (5) For a valuation over $100,000.00, the fee shall be $219.00 for the first one hundred thousand plus $1.00 for each addi- tional thousand or fraction thereof. (b) Square Foot Basis for One and Two Family Dwellings The foregoing schedule of permit fees based on valuation shall not be used for new construction of one and two family dwellings. The fee for permits for new con- struction of one and two family dwellings shall be five cents (50 per square foot of the main building, excluding garage. (c) Moving of Building Structures For the moving of any building or structure, the fee shall be $50.00. (d) Demolition of Building or Structures For the demolition of any building or structure, the fee shall be $4.00. 107.5 - BUILDING PERMIT VALUATIONS If, in the opinion of the Building Official, the valuation of building, alteration, or structure appears to be underestimated on the application, permit shall be denied, unless the applicant can show detailed estimated cost to meet the approval of "the Building Official. Permit valuations shall include total cost, such as plumbing, electrical, mechanical equipment and other systems. 107.6 - FAILURE TO OBTAIN PERMIT BEFORE WORK ON JOB IS COMMENCED In the event that work for which a permit is required by this Code is commenced prior to the issuance of the required permit, the permit fee shall be doubled. 107.7 - INVESTIGATION FEE If the Building Official causes an inspection to be made, and the resultant discovery of the inspector is that any work, for which a permit is required by this code, is started or'proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit, then an investi- gation fee of $10.00 shall be paid in addition to the fee specified in Section 107.4 and 107.6. 107.8 - MOBILE HOME INSTALLATION FEE The fee for a building permit for the installation of a mobib home for occupancy upon a lot shall be $10.00. 107.9 - REDUCED FEES Agencies of the federal, state, and county governments are exempt from the payment of fees in connection with the construction or repair of buildings, used, owned, and located on property owned by said governmental agencies. Permit fees for public schools, other political subdivisions having ad valorem tax-exempt status, -11- 0 and for church sanctuaries and all other state constitutionally exempt ad valorem tax entities, shall be fifty percent of the regular permit fee. 107.10 - INSPECTIONS OUTSIDE THE CITY (a) Fees for permits which require inspection outside the city limits shall be increased by ten ($10.00) dollars. (b) Permit fees for buildings which are manufactured and inspected outside the city limits prior to being moved into the city may be increased by the Building Official once annually per manufacturing plant by twenty ($.20) cents per mile plus twenty ($20.00) dollars per 200 miles for the distance between the city and the plant, to allow for annual in -plant inspections. 107.11 757. of the permit fee may be refunded upon application within six months after the permit is issued if no work is done, provided that the City shall retain a minimum of ten ($10.00) dollars to cover the cost of auditing the fee and preparing the request for refund. SECTION 108 - INSPECTIONS 108.1 - INSPECTIONS - GENERAL (a) Before issuing a permit, the Building Official may examine or cause to be examined any building for which an application has been received for permit to enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy thereof. (b) When deemed necessary by him, the Building Official shall make an in- spection of materials or assemblies at the point of manufacture or fabrication. (c) The Building Official may make, or cause to be made, the inspections of all buildings and structures from time to time, during and upon completion of the work, for which a permit was issued. He may accept reports of inspectors of recognized inspection services provided that after investigation he is satisfied as to their qualifications and reliability. A certificate called for by any provi- sion of these requirements shall not be based on such reports unless the same are in writing and certified by a responsible officer of such service. 108.2 - INSPECTIONS REQUIRED (a) The Building Official shall inspect or cause to be inspected at various intervals all construction or work for which a permit is required, and a final inspection shall be made of every building or structure upon completion, prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, as required in Section 109. -12- 0 (b) The permit holder or his agent shall notify the Building Official so that he may make the following inspections of buildings and such other inspections as may be necessary. FOUNDATION INSPECTION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected. • FRAME INSPECTION: FINAL INSPECTION: To be made after the roof, and framing, fire -blocking and bracing is in place and all pipes, chimneys, and vents are complete. To be made after the building is completed and ready for occupancy. (c) Work shall not be done on any part of a building or structure beyond -the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the written approval of the Building Official. Such wirtten approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the con- struction as indicated by each of the foregoing three inspections. (d) No reinforcing steel or structural frame work of any part of any building or structure shall be covered or concealed in any manner whatsoever without first obtaining the approval of the Building Official, the designing architect or engineer. (e) In all -buildings where plaster is used for fire protection purposes, the permit holder or his agent shall notify the Building Official after all lathing and backing is in place. No plaster shall be applied until the approval of the Building Official has been received. (See Chapter X). (f) When an inspection made by the Building Official, after receipt of noti- fication from the permit holder or his agent-, reveals that the portion of the construction as completed fails to comply with the law, and a re -inspection is therefore required, then the permit holder or his agent shall pay a re -inspection fee of $5.00 prior to the conducting of said re -inspection. (g) Special Hurricane Inspections During such periods of time as are designated by the United States Weather Center as being a hurricane warning or alert, the Building Official shall make inspections to ensure that all furniture, display racks, material and similar. loose objects in exposed outdoor locations, shall be lashed to rigid construction or stored in buildings. Orders issued by the Building Official shall be oral or written and shall be given to the person on the premises responsible for the custody or management or care or maintenance of said premises, or his employee or agent, - and such order shall be carried out before winds of hurricane velocity are anticipated. -13- SECTION 109 - CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 109.1- WHEN REQUIRED No new building shall be occupied and no change in occupancy or the nature or the use of a building or part of a building shall be made until after the Building Official shall have issued a certificate of occupancy therefor. 109.2 - CONTENTS OF CERTIFICATE Upon completion of a building hereafter erected in accordance with approved plans, and after the final inspection herein referred to, and upon application therefor, the Building Official shall issue a certificate of occupancy stating the nature of the occupancy permitted, in accordance with the provisions of this code. 109.3 - TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY A temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued for a portion or portions of a building which may safely be occupied prior to final completion of the building. 109.4 - EXISTING BUILDINGS A certificate of occupancy for any existing building may be obtained by apply- ing to the Building Official and supplying the information and data necessary to determine compliance with the code for the occupancy intended. When necessary, in the opinion of the Building Official, two sets of detailed drawings, or a general inspection, or both, may be required. When, upon examination and inspection, it is found that the building conforms to the provisions of this code for such occupancy, certificate of occupancy shall be issued. A fee of $5.00 shall be paid at the time of application. SECTION 110 - POSTING FLOOR LOADS 110.1 - FLOOR LOADS (a) No existing or new building shall be occupied for any purpose which will cause .the floors thereof to be loaded beyond their safe capacity. The Building Official may permit occupancy of a building for mercantile, commercial, or industrial purposes, by a specific business, when he is satisfied that it appears that such capacity will not thereby be exceeded. (b) It shall be the responsibility of the owner, agent, proprietor or oc- cupant of Group F and S Occupancies, or any occupancy where excessive floor loading is likely to occur, to employ a competent architect or engineer in computing the safe load capacity. All such computations shall be accompanied by an affidavit from the architect or engineer stating the safe allowable floor load on each floor in pounds per square feet uniformly distributed. -14- 110.2-- SIGNS REQUIRED In every building or part of a building used for business storage, industrial or hazardous purposes, the safe floor loads, as approved by the Building Official, shall be marked on plates of approved design which shall be supplied and securely affixed by the owner of the building in a conspicuous place on each story to which they relate. Such plates shall not be removed or defaced, and if lost, removed or defaced, shall be replaced by the owner of the building. 110.3 - LOADS IN EXCESS OF POSTED CAPACITY No such owner shall place, or permit to be placed, on any floor of a building a greater load than the safe load so determined and posted. SECTION 111 - BUILDING CODE BOARD OF APPEALS 111.1 - APPOINTMENT' There is hereby established a board to be called the Building Code Board of Appeals, which shall consist of seven members. Such Board shall be composed of one architect, one general contractor, one engineer, three members at large from the building industry and one member not connected with the building industry. The said Board shall be appointed by the City Council. 111.2 - TERM OF OFFICE Members shall be appointed for terms of four years, except that upon creation of the Board initial terms shall be reduced to three years for one member and two years for three members in order to stagger terms so that no more than three terms expire in any calendar year. Vacancies shall be filled for unexpired term in the manner in which original appointments are required to be made. Continued absence of any member from regular meetings of the Board shall render any such member liable to immediate removal from office. 111.3 - QUORUM Four members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. In varying the applica- tion of any provisions of this code or in modifying an order of the Building Official, affirmative votes of the majority present, but not less than four affirmative votes, shall be required. No board member shall act in a case in which he has a personal interest. SECTION 112 - APPEALS 112.1 - TIME LIMIT (a) Whenever the Building Official shall reject or refuse to approve the mode or manner of construction proposed to be followed or materials to be used in the -15- erection or alteration of a building or structure, or when it is claimed that the provisions of this code do not apply, or that an equally good or more desirable form of construction can be employed in any specific case, or when it is claimed that the true intent and meaning of this code or any of the regulations thereunder have been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, the owner of such building or structure, or his duly authorized agent, may appeal from the decision of the Building Official to the Building Code Board of Appeals. Notice of appeal shall be in writing and filed within 90 days after the decision is rendered by the Building Official. A fee of $25.00 shall accompany such notice of appeal. (b) In case of a building or structure which, in the opinion of the Building Official, is unsafe or dangerous, the Building Official may in his order, limit the time for such appeal to a shorter period. Appeals hereunder shall be on forms provided by the Building Official. SECTION 113 - DECISIONS OF THE BUILDING CODE BOARD OF APPEALS 113.1 - VARIATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS (a) The Building Code Board of Appeals, when so appealed to and after a hearing, may vary the application of any provision of this code to any particular case when, in its opinion, the enforcement thereof would do manifest injustice, and would be contrary to the spirit and purpose of this code or public interest, or when in its opinion the interpretation of the Building Official should be modified or reversed. (b) A decision of the Building Code Board of Appeals to vary the application of any provision of this code or to modify an order of the Building Official shall specify in what manner such variation of modification is made, the conditions upon which it is made and the reasons therefor. 113.2 - DECISION (a) Both the Building Official and the individual filing an appeal shall have the right to appeal the decision of the Building Code Board of Appeals to the City Council. (b) The Building Code Board of Appeals shall, in every case, reach a decision without unreasonable or unnecessary delay." 2. Chapter III - FIRE DISTRICT is hereby deleted. 3. Section 508 - ACCESSIBILITY FOR PHYSICALLY DISABLED AND/OR HANDICAPPED is' hereby amended to read as follows: -16- "SECTION 508 - ACCESSIBILITY FOR THE PHYSICALLY DISABLED AND/OR HANDICAPPED Elimination of architectural barriers in certain buildings is required by Article 601b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended." 4. Subsection 705.2 - DRAFT STOPPING is hereby amended to read as follows: "705.2 - DRAFT STOPPING Enclosed attic and floor spaces formed of combustible construction shall be divided into horizontal areas not exceeding three thousand square feet by partitions .extending from the ceiling to the roof. Such partitions shall provide not less than one hour fire resistance. Openings in the partitions shall be protected by self-closing doors constructed as required for the partitions. Exception: Where the entire attic is equipped with an approved automatic fire -extinguishing system, the attic space may be divided into areas not exceeding nine thousand square feet." 5. Section 706 - ROOF COVERINGS is hereby amended to read as follows: "SECTION 706 -'ROOF COVERINGS 706.1 - GENERAL Roof coverings shall be installed in accordance with Appendix R - ROOF COVERINGS, the Southern Building Code Congress International Standard for the In- stallation of Roof Coverings. Classes A, B, and C roof coverings shall be tested in accordance with ASTM E-108 "Standard Method of Fire Tests of Roof Coverings." 706.2 - CLASS A ROOF COVERINGS Class A Roof Coverings shall include the following: Brick, Concrete, Slate, Tile, Corrugated Asbestos Cement or assemblies listed and identified as Class "A" by an approved testing agency. 706.3 - CLASS B ROOF COVERINGS Class B Roof Coverings shall include the following: Corrugated iron sheets, galvanized iron sheets, galvanized iron shingles, sheet copper, galvanized iron or assemblies listed and identified as Class "B" by an approved testing agency. 706.4 - CLASS C ROOF COVERINGS Class C Roof Coverings shall include the assemblies listed and identified as Class "C" by an approved testing agency. 706.5 - REQUIREMENTS FOR ROOFS Roofs on buildings shall have Class A, Class B, or Class C roof coverings, except that grade labeled no. 1 and no. 2 wood shingles and no. 1 shakes with a minimum butt thickness of one-half inch (1/2") may be used on one -family dwellings located not less .than fifty (50) feet from the property lines. 706.6 - WEATHER PROTECTION Roof coverings shall provide weather protection for the buildings at the roof." 6. Section 11.18 - RAMPS is amended by amending paragraph (f) of said Section 1118 to read as follows: "(F) Requirements for ramps at entrances to certain buildings for use by the physically handicapped are set forth in Article 601b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended." 7. Figure 1205.1 - BASIC WIND SPEEDS IN MILES PER HOUR is amended to read as follows: "FIGURE 1205.1 -BASIC WINO SPEEDS IN MILES PER HOUR 105 miles per,hour inland of the Intracoastal Canal 120 Milesi per hot seaward cif the T Coastal Canal -11 r 6, Intracoastal C; 1 100 Year Recurrence of Fastest Mile of Wind, MPH" 8. Chapter XIII is hereby amended by adding a new section 1305 and new figures 1305.1, 1305.2, 1305.3 and 1305.4 to read as follows: "SECTION 1305 - MINIMUM FOUNDATION STANDARDS In consideration of extreme heaving and shifting characteristics of the soil in the Corpus Christi area, the following minimum foundation standards are established: -18- 3ackalope to drain 32" GRADE 2" x 4" Wood sill and 1" x 0" balls 4'-0" O.C. Place slab steel under top beam sheet. • =?-. P-74.--/7 Sand or select material_pll 11_"\`\ 1 Membrane• waterproofiug-----�� 1" \ i /" 8" /0" *ONE AND TWO STORY RESIDENCES AND OTHER LIGHT FRAME BUILDINGS For frame construction. For veneer, cavity a solid masonry construction. _ 8" /0'X24"r For lightweight concrete block const- ruction interior beams No dead-end beams permitted. *fcUSE SLABS F BEAIWS (SLAB REINFORCING STEEL) PANEL MAX. DIMENSION BAR DIA. SPACING EA. WAY FEET (Clear) INCHES INCHES 10 3/8 12 16 1/2 12 20 1/2 10 NOTE: Max. panel dimension determines size and spacing for reinforcing steel. Max. panel dimension for: Lighweight concrete block: 12' -0" All other construction: 20' -0" (BEAM RE/NFORC/NG STEEL ) TENSION AND COMPRESSION BARS 4 - 3/4"A. STIRRUPS 3/8 EXTERIOR BEAMS : 15" 0.C. INTERIOR BEAMS 12" 0.C. FIGURE 1305.1 (A) BEAM & SLAB SECTIONS ON EXPANSIVE CLAY SOILS BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION -20- • o 0 1305.1 - Floating Slab Foundations on Expansive Clay Soils Floating Slab Foundations for one and two story residences and other light frame buildings on expansive clay soils shall be in accordance with Figure 1305.1. 1305.2 - Floating Slab Foundations on Nonexpansive Sandy Soils Floating slab foundations for one and two story residences and other light frame buildings on nonexpansive sandy soils shall be in accordance with Figure 1305.2. Such soils are normally found on Corpus Christi Beach, the Flour Bluff area and on the barrier islands. 1305.3 - Pier Foundations Pier foundations for one and two story residences and other light frame buildings shall be in accordance with Figure 1305.3. See Section 3305 for pilings used to elevate structures. - 1305.4 - Reduced Standards where permitted Foundation slabs in accordance with Figure 1305.4 are permitted for single and double detached garages, detached storage sheds, carports, and patio covers. Buildings-- using uildings--using these standards shall be limited to one story and shall not be used for habitable occupancies. - 1305.5 - Other Foundation Standards Other foundation designs may be permitted provided such design is based on a comprehensive soil evaluation and structural analysis." 9. Subsection 2002.1 - TOILET FACILITIES is hereby amended to read as follows: "2002.1 - TOILET FACILITIES Plinimum numbers of fixtures are required by the Plumbing Code." -19- GRADE A. =// f 4 %, ;s 2" x 4" Wood sill and 1/2" x 8" bolts 4'-0" O.C: S/ope /% A �l�i —• '1 --M /» • 8" » » Z ears l/ Sand or select material \'' �• k Membrane Waterproofing y J / ., 8" ' For frame . c• s ruction Veneer cavit and solid 'masonry construction.. PORCHES, TERRACES, ATTACHED GARAGES AND BREEZEWAYS (SLAB REINFORCING STEEL) PANEL MAX. DIMENSION BAR DIA. - SPACING EA. WAY FEET (Clear) INCHES INCHES 10 3/8 12 16 - 1/2 12 20 • - - - 1/2 10 NOTE: Max. panel dimension determines size and spacing for reinforcing steel Max. panel dimension for: Lightweight concrete block: 12' - 0" All other construction: 20' - 0" (BEAM REINFORCING STEEL ) TENSION AND COMPRESSION BARS 4 - 3/4"if STIRRUPS 3/8", EXTERIOR BEAMS: 15" 0.C. INTERIOR BEAMS 12" 0.C. FIGURE 1305.1 (B) BEAM & SLAB SECTIONS ON EXPANSIVE CLAY SOILS BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION -20A- Backslope to drain 32" / GRADE 2" x 4" Wood sill and 1'; x 0" balls 4'-0" 0.C. Place slab steel under top beam sheet. Sand or select material Membrane water proofing 8" /0" ONE AND TWO STORY RESIDENCES AND OTHER LIGHT FRAME BUILDINGS For frame construction. For veneer, cavity a solid masonry construction. • 8 /12"X12" HOUSE SLABS a BEAMS (SLAB RE/NFORC/NG STEEL)* 6 x 6 A6 GAGE STEEL MESH (BEAM REINFORCING STEEL) TENSION AND COMPRESSION.BARS 4-5/8 STIRRUPS 3/8"jf @ 18" NOTE: Max. beam panel spacing for interior' beams shall be 20'-0".. In the case of 2 story building or concentrated loads, beams shall be located under bearing walls and columns. * Sandy soft as in the Corpus Christi Beach, the Flour Bluff, and the North Padre Island Areas. For lightweight concrete block const- ruction interiorbeams No dead-end beams permitted. FIGURE 1305.2 (A) BEAM & SLAB SECTIONS ON NON -EXPANSIVE SANDY SOILS BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION -21- 2" x 4" Wood sill and 1/2" Slope /% s— — N x 8" bolts 4'-0" O.C. Sand or select material Membrane Waterproofing For frame construction Veneer, cavit 'and so 1. masonry construction. PORCHES, TERRACES, ATTACHED. GARAGES AND BREEZEWAYS (SLAB RE/NFORC/NG STEEL) * 6 x 6 86 GAGE STEEL MESH (BEAM REINFORC/NG STEEL) TENSION AND COMPRESSION BARS 4-5/8"fr STIRRUPS 3/8"f1 @ 18" • NOTE: Max. beam panel spacing for interior beams shall be 20'-0". In the case of 2 story building or concentrated loads, beams shall be located under bearing walls and columns. * Sandy soft as in the Corpus Christi Beach, the Flour Bluff, and the North Padre Island Areas. FIGURE 1305.2 (B) BEAM & SLAB SECTIONS ON NON -EXPANSIVE SANDY SOILS BUILDING INSECTION DIVISION -21A- Outside 20 d. nails or '' Lag Bolts Minimum into sill. GROUND LEVEL STRAP 5/8" Bolt with nut and washer to m IT 11 Outside tt • t� _.a. N,• 0 • ; .N ', GROUND LEVEL {,. - /1 BOLT 11 IEFi,MATI7 NOTES Yre oc 10 Ca_ (Galvanized) /%2" 'Al]. concrete must be 2500 p.s.i. Bolts or straps mandatory only on exterior piers. RESIDENCES AND OTHER LIGHT FRAME STRUCTURES (one story only) FIGURE 1305.3 (B) PIER TO BEAM CONNECTION DETAILS -22- BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION O NOTES: All Concrete must be 2500 p.s.i. Bolts or straps mandatory only exterior piers. /0" For One and Two Story Residences and Other Light Frame Structures Pour Block and Pad together Strap or Bolt O" Poured Concrete Poured Strap or Bolt • i` Ground Level 1" Def. Bar 24" Concrete 4 Ground Level '11 1 I1+ . n � O 0) 5/8" Def. Bar DRILLED PIER FOOT/NGS RESIDENCES AND OTHER LIGHT FRAME STRUCTURES. , (one story only) FIGURE 1305.3 (A) TYPICAL PIER FOUNDATION DETAILS BOLDING INSPECTION DIVISION -22A- PLAN- 20'X20' /4'- 0" PLAN -14'X20' ,�4" Concrete Sl.ab . 6 x 6 - No. 6 Wire Mesh � �Gradc N� '- :.__..r..yl:7,! /kms/// -2" Sand Fill 2, ," Reinf. Bars CROSS SECT/ON - 20'X 20' 4" Concrete Slab 6 x 6 - No. 10 Wire Mesh Grade 2" Sand Fill 2, 1" Reinf. Bars CROSS SECTION- /4'X 20' n" Reinf. Bars Wire Mesh, Turned down in slab TYPICAL BEAM FIGURE 1305.4 FOUNDATION SLABS FOR CARPORTS, DETACHED GARAGES, PATIOS AND STORAGE SHEDS BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION 20' -' 0" oI N I6x6 - No. 6 I ♦:•+• Wire Mesh ♦'�♦ I 4" Conc. Slab I L\8" x 12" Conc. Beams ------1 PLAN- 20'X20' /4'- 0" PLAN -14'X20' ,�4" Concrete Sl.ab . 6 x 6 - No. 6 Wire Mesh � �Gradc N� '- :.__..r..yl:7,! /kms/// -2" Sand Fill 2, ," Reinf. Bars CROSS SECT/ON - 20'X 20' 4" Concrete Slab 6 x 6 - No. 10 Wire Mesh Grade 2" Sand Fill 2, 1" Reinf. Bars CROSS SECTION- /4'X 20' n" Reinf. Bars Wire Mesh, Turned down in slab TYPICAL BEAM FIGURE 1305.4 FOUNDATION SLABS FOR CARPORTS, DETACHED GARAGES, PATIOS AND STORAGE SHEDS BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION 10. Section 2204 - MOVING OF BUILDINGS is hereby amended by adding new subsections 2204.8, 2204.9, 2204.10, 2204.11, 2204.12, 2204.13 and 2204.14 to read as follows: "2204.8 - Additional Improvements by Owner Required. The owner of any house, building, or structure proposed to be moved to any new location within the City of Corpus Christi or within 5,000 feet of the City limits shall make any necessary improvements required in order for said house, building, or structure to comply with the requirements of the building code, electrical code, plumbing code, zoning ordinance, and platting ordinance of the City Of Corpus Christi within 90 days from the date of the issuance of the moving permit. The application for the building permit, if for a permanent dwelling, shall include evidence of the availability of electricity, an approved potable water supply, and an approved method of sewage disposal, if the proposed new location is within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City. 2204.9 - Owner's Deposit and Agreement Required. As a condition precedent to the issuance of the building permit for the necessary improvements, the owner of the lot to which the house, building, or structure is pro- posed to be moved shall place on deposit with the City of Corpus Christi a cash deposit of $500, and an affidavit whereby the owner agrees that if the specified required improvements are not made within the required time period, then the $500 deposit shall be forfeited and the City of Corpus Christi shall retain said deposit, provided that the Building Code Board of Appeals is authorized to grant extensions of time not exceeding 180 days for cause beyond the control of the owner upon appeal in accordance with Section 112. Such retainage of deposit is to help defray the additional clerical and inspection costs incurred under such circumstances and is not a penalty and is not preclusive of any remedy otherwise available to the City Of Corpus Christi to enforce this code. If the necessary improvements are completed within the required time period, then said $500 cash deposit shall be refunded when the certificate of occupancy is issued. 2204.10 - Housemover's License Required. Moving permits shall be issued only to holders of current and valid housemover's licenses. Any person, firm, or corporation engaged in or desiring to engage in moving houses, buildings, or other structures in the City of Corpus Christi as defined above, shall apply to the Building Official for a housemover's license, and in such applica- tion shall state the name and address of all persons owning any interest in said house moving business. Said applicant shall pay at the time of application an annual house - mover's license fee of $50. -24- e 2204.11 - Amount of Housemover's Bond. The amount of bond required by Section 2204.4 of this code shall be $20,000. In lieu of said bond in the amount of $20,000,the applicant may file a bond in the principal sum of $2,000 provided that in addition to said $2,000 bond the applicant shall file with the City by delivery to the Building Official a public liability and property damage insurance policy certificate naming the applicant as the assured and providing for the payment of any liability imposed by law upon such applicant to the extent of $100,000 for personal injury and $50,000 for property damage for each accident, and with certificate shall show that said insurance is in force for the period for which the license is requested. Said person, firm, or corporation may give as surety upon said bond a good and reliable surety company or may give a sufficient personal bond with two or more financially responsible persons as sureties. Before becoming effective, said bond requires the approval of the City Attorney of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. Said bond shall also be conditioned that it shall not be discharged by one recovery thereon, but that the obligation is a continuing one, effective for all renewals of such license. 2204.12 - Term of License and Renewal. A housemover's license shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance, unless sooner revoked. A housemover's license may be renewed at the end of its term by filing an application for renewal and paying the license fee. 2204.13 - Notification, payments, and revocation of license. (a) Any licensed housemover shall before moving any house, building, or structure within the City of Corpus Christi give notice to all persons, firms, or corporations having poles, lines, wires, or other such fixtures that may be affected along the route over which said house, building, or structure may be moved, at least 24 hours before said house, building, or structure shall be moved. (b) Upon the completion -of the moving operation and the final determination of the expenses, including time and material incurred by the City by reason or services and material, all of which shall be shown by an itemized statement furnished to the permit holder, the latter shall thereupon pay such expenses to the City of Corpus Christi. Failureto pay these amounts within 10 days after receipt of such statement shall automatically cancel the housemover's license of such person, firm, or corporation engaged in the business of housemoving in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas and a -letter from the Building Official to such person, firm, or corporation shall be sufficient to cancel such permit. -25- r. (c) The Building Official may revoke at any time a housemover's license, if the holder of said license violates the terms of this code or any other ordinance of the City. 2204.14 - Exemptions:for Moving Small Buildings. Any building or structure for which the maximum dimensions are less than 13 feet 6 inches in height, 12 feet 0 inches in width, and 55 feet 0 inches in length may be moved without a housemover's license or moving permit. Any mobile home bearing the inspection sticker of the Texas Bureau of Labor Statistics Mobile Home Division may be moved without a housemover's license or moving permit. 11. A new Chapter'XXXI is hereby added, to read as follows: "CHAPTER XXXI EXPOSED, GRADED, UNCOVERED LANDS SECTION 3101 - GENERAL (a) Exposed, graded and uncovered lands within the corporate limits of the City of Corpus Christi, owing to its location on a coastal prairie, and those lands within 5,000 feet of its said corporate limits, particularly susceptible to denudation through wind -blowing of soils shall be considered a detriment of the environment, an extreme annoyance and discomfort to the inhabitants within the City and within the 5,000 foot zone adjacent thereto, and a peril to traffic and, a hazard to the res- piratory health of the people. (b) Such lands in actual, present cultivation for agricultural purposes do not pose a problem of like kind to the City and, in prevailing, good soil management . practice shall not foreseeably constitute such detriment, problem, peril and hazard. SECTION 3102 - SCOPE This Chapter includes within its scope all lands, except lands presently and actually under cultivation for agricultural purposes, within the corporate limits of the City as the same may from time to time now and hereafter exist and within five thousand feet of such corporate limits, and further except for those plots defined in "Exposed Land." SECTION 3103 - DEFINITIONS (a) "Aeolian Soil" is one that is capable of being transported out of place on the tract or parcel of land where it occurs by a sustained fresh wind, or a wind of lesser velocity, in a duration of not less than five (5) seconds and by one or more of such durations within any total.period of two (2) hours outside of the bounding -26- property lines within which it was situated prior to any such transportation. An "aeolian soil" is also any fine gravel, coarse sand, medium sand, fine sand, or very fine and falling within the soil separate diameter limit ranges taken from the United States Department of Agriculture as follows: Fine gravel or very coarse sand 2 to 1 mm. Coarse sand 1 to 0.5 mm. Medium sand 0.5 to 0.25 mm. Fine sand 0.25 to 0.10 mm. Very fine sand 0.10 to 0.05 mm. Silt 0.05 to 0.002 mm. Clay 0.002 to 0.001 mm. Colloidal clay Below 0.001 mm. (b) "Exposed Land" is topsoil plowed, turned, graded, or uncovered, other than land presently and actually in cultivation for agriculture, so that its natural or artificial cover, if any, has been substantially removed or plowed under, rendering such land subject to aeolian deposit in measurable quantities or abutting land or lands. A plot of such land containing an area of less than ten (10) square feet and situated, at its nearest edge, more than sixty (60) feet from the nearest property line enclosing such plot shall not be subject to the terms of this ordinance and shall be deemed not within its scope. (c) "Fresh Wind" is a wind ranging in velocity from 19-24 mph on the 0-12 Beaufort Scale as modified by the United States Weather Bureau and shall be deemed to be prima facie evidenced by the Inspector's reported observation of swaying motion of small trees in leaf or of crested wavelets forming on inland waters where such observations of such features occur within the subject tract or parcel or within a radius of 300 feet of a property line of the subject tract or parcel. Alternatively, a portable anenometer reading shall constitute such evidence. (d) "Sands"; "Sandy Loams". For purposes of further definition hereunder of soil textural classification the following rules from the modified Davis -Bennet Triangle shall apply: "Sand" or "Sands" contain 80% or more of sand. "Sandy Loams" contain more than 50% but less than 80% sand and have less than 20% clay. (e) "Watered" is the sprinkling of water on the exposed land so that the subject land is completely covered thereby to an average three (3).inches penetration in -27- depth below the topsoil surface as evidenced by five (5) equally distanced 6" borings and whereby such core samples each contain a ratio of not less than 3 parts water to 10 parts of soil. SECTION 3104 - TESTS For purposes of this code a soil shall be deemed prima facie properly classified if the same is positively tested in conformity with the following described mechanical analysis or a demonstrably more refined and accurate variant thereof: Place exactly 100 grams of soil into a pint bottle. Add 10 cc of a saturated solution of Na2CO3 and fill the bottle three-fourths. Stopper the bottle and shake it for five minutes in order to bring the soil in suspension. Wash the sand sticking to the sides down into the bottle and allow the solution to stand for about two minutes. Theoretically, only silt and clay are now in suspension. Carefully pour off the suspended silt and clay, being careful to lose none of the sand. Refill the bottle with water, shake vigorously a few times, wash down the material sticking to the sides of the bottle, and again allow it to stand until all of the sand has settled. Decant the silt and clay as before, repeating this process until the supernatant liquid is clear when the sand has settled. Wash the sand carefully into a large evaporating dish and allow to settle again, then pour off as much of the water as possible. Place the dish on a ring stand and heat gently with Bunsen burner until the sand is dry. After allowing the sand to cool, separate it into the various separates by use of sieves arranged in the following order 20 mesh, 40 mesh, 60 mesh, and 80 mesh. The material on top of the 20 mesh sieve is fine gravel; that on top of the 40 mesh is coarse sand; that on top of the 60 mesh sieve is medium sand; that on top of the 80 mesh sieve is fine sand; the material passing the 80 mesh sieve is very fine sand. SECTION 3105 - OFFENSE DEFINED It shall be unlawful for any person, as owner or as custodian, to cause or permit to exist or be maintained exposed land within the corporate limits of the city within five thousand feet of such corporate limits except lands presently and actually under cultivation for agricultural purposes containing aeolian soil or sandy loam therein, subject to transportation as stated in the definition of -28- "Aeolian soil," unless watered as herein defined and provided. Every day such person causes or permits the existence of such unlawful condition shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 3106 - ENFORCEMENT (a) The Building Official is hereby empowered to go upon any tract or parcel subject hereof, irrespective of ownership or custody, for the purpose of enforcing this ordinance, and for the purpose of removing one (1) 100 -gram soil sample, more or less, not more often than once in a twenty-four (24) hour period as to such tract or parcel, and may remove, take, and test such sample as herein provided, and may retain custody of such sample until final disposition of any civil or criminal action filed in relation thereto or for one (1) year, whichever first occurs, without charge, damage, debt, or liability therefor, his supervisors, or the City of Corpus Christi or its officers. After such first occurrence the sample shall be returned to the owner or custodian of such land upon demand. (b) By this same police power license the Building Official may enter and measure, without charge, damage, debt, or liability therefor, the perimeter dimensions of any exposed land in a subject tract or parcel. (c) By the same police power license the Building Official may enter, make, and take the watered -test borings described in the definition of "altered" herein. (d) Wherever there is observed by the Building Official or his assistants, corroborated by one witness, an accumulating deposit of aeolian or wind -driven soil on the private land of one person, or upon any public street, way, or place, such deposit occupying thereon an area of six (6) square feet or more, proceeding presently from the exposed land of another person, having ownership therein or custody thereof and such condition substantially persists for fifteen (15) seconds the offense and condition herein denounced and declared shall be deemed, prima facie, complete and actionable." 12. A new Chapter XXXII is hereby added, to read as follows: "CHAPTER XXXII PIERS AND PILINGS SECTION 3201 It shall be unlawful, unless specifically provided by this code, for any person, firm or corporation to place, build or construct or maintain any pier or piling, post, pipe or pole in the waters of Corpus Christi Bay, within the City limits of the City of Corpus Christi, or to maintain or fail to remove the same after receiving notice as hereinafter provided. -29- SECTION 3202 - PERMITS REQUIRED The Building Official shall issue permits for the placing, building or construction any pier or any piling, post, pipe or pole in the Corpus Christi Bay waters, within the City limits of the City of Corpus Christi. Each permit shall be for a specific pole, pipe, post, piling or for the construction of a pier or other structure at a specific locality within the bay waters of the City and shall specify the dimensions and the type of materials to be used and describe the upland to which said placement or structure is attached. Such permit shall be issued only upon furnishing of information to the Building Official sufficient to place such information in the permit requested. Compliance with the provisions in the obtaining of a permit shall not relieve any person, firm or corporation from obtaining authority from any other governmental body for the placing of any facility or structure in Bay waters of the City. All poles, pipes, posts, piling, piers and/or other structures heretofore placed in the Corpus Christi Bay waters of the City within limits set forth, shall be registered by application for a permit for an existing facility or structure or removed without the requirement of any notice. The Building Official F shall make inspection of the Bay waters of the City, and upon discovery of any pole, pipe, post, piling or pier which has not been registered, the Building Official shall issue written notice requiring the removal of such facility or structure ten (10) days from the date of delivery of such notice. SECTION 3203 - EXISTING STRUCTURES Any upland owner in Nueces County who has in existence any pole, pipe, piling, post, pier and/or other structure in the water area riparian to his land and within the Bay waters of Corpus Christi Bay and extending from the shore within the extension of the property lines into the Corpus Christi Bay waters of the City of Corpus Christi for a distance of 1,000 feet from the shore shall immediately comply with any notice from the Building Official and shall comply with the registration and permit require- ments. No fee shall be charged for registration of the existence of such pole, pipe, post, piling, pier and/or other structure, but a fee as provided in Section 107 shall be paid for each permit for repair or construction. SECTION 3204 - BOAT AND FISHING PIERS (1) A11 boat piers and fishing piers are to be reinforced concrete and/or heavy timber construction. (2) Wood piles used to support boat and fishing piers shall be pressure im- pregnated according to AWPA Standard C18. -30- (3) The piles shall be driven to a minimum penetration below the mud line equivalent to the length of the cut-off pile. (4) All piers shall be designed to withstand a total live load of 100 pounds per square foot. (5) All wooden structural members below the walkway level (caps, stringers, braces, etc.) shall be pressure impregnated, according to AWPA Standard C18. (6) The primary pier walkway or platform shall be of a minimum elevation of 6 feet above mean tide level as established in the U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey Bench Mark Datum. (7) Piers constructed inside the breakwater or within protected waters may be built at an elevation lower than 6 feet. (8) All wooden caps, stringers, beams, etc., shall be positively connected to its supporting member in such a manner so as to completely resist their dis- placement by wave action. (9) Wooden decking shall be one inch (1") rough sawn untreated lumber nailed to its supporting member in such a manner to allow the decking to be displaced by wave action. (10) All hardware is to be hot -dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM Standard A153-61. (11) All piers are to be designed by an engineer or architect licensed by the State of Texas. (12) Damaged piers may be rebuilt at their original elevation providing that at least 75% of the existing pilings are sound. The Building Official shall make this determination. All piers not meeting this requirement shall be removed. (13) Damaged piers not completely rebuilt shall be completely removed. The preceding subparagraphs numbered (1) through (13) shall apply to all boat and fishing piers extending into Nueces Bay, Corpus Christi Bay, and Cayo del Oso, from land lying within Nueces County. SECTION 3205 All piers shall be designed to withstand a total live load of 50 pounds per square foot. Wooden decking may not exceed 2" thickness and shall be nailed to its supporting member in such a manner to allow decking to be displaced by wave action." -31- `r\ 13. A new Chapter XXXIII is hereby added, to read as follows: CHAPTER XXXIII MINIMUM ELEVATION ABOVE MEAN TIDE LEVEL FOR STRUCTURES 3301 - General No building or structure shall be erected in the corporate limits of the City having first floor elevation of less than seven (7') feet above mean tide level as established by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Bench Mark Datum and no build- ing or structure shall be erected upon a natural grade of less than seven (7') feet elevation above mean tide level as established by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Bench Mark Datum, except as hereinafter expressly provided. 3302 - Residential Buildings All buildings classified as Group "R" - Residential Occupancy and all occupied mobile homes shall have a minimum first floor elevation of twelve (12) feet above mean tide level as established by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Bench Mark Datum, except in those areas specified by Figure 3302.1, where the minimum elevation shall be thirteen (13) feet, fourteen (14) feet, fifteen (15) feet, sixteen (16) feet, or seventeen (17) feet as indicated. 3303 - Nonresidential Buildings In addition, all other buildings or structures having a minimum first floor elevation less than the minimum required for buildings classified as Group "R" - Resi- dential Occupancy shall be designed by a registered architect or engineer; shall use methods, materials, and anchorage to minimize flood damage; shall be flood proofed to the level of the minimum first floor elevation required for buildings classified as Group "R" - Residential Occupancy; and shall locate and protect water and sewer systems to avoid impairment or contamination during flooding. Storefront display windows and other windows larger than six square feet shall be protected by a removable protection readily installable and designed to withstand the action of wind and rising water. A prerequisite to the issuance of a Certificate Of Occupancy shall be the submission to the Building Official of a flood proofing certificate by said architect or engineer. 3304 - Areas Protected by Seawalls The foregoing minimum floor elevation and design requirements shall not apply in areas protected by seal walls of elevation equal to or greater than the minimum ' first floor elevation requirement for buildings classified as Group "R" - Residential Occupancy where such areas are completely enclosed within the control elevation. -32- CALALLENV '1'13 7.• • • I flood level.. -1,---7":"-, 1 • . ------,...—..J.31;=-"—: i ..- . . `1.--...., ...:' F.. i : 1 • I 1 s • . • 1 • : ..c../ .. . , ...,..74- .f..., ".......__,....,;-- - :7') 1 g • ..., 71 • z / c . I ',......,„.........,, c i .4; / V i 1 z. zcz- i i - /- I ' . • ---- , '-'-'•'-'2'..--.- s'-• '' '' 1••..-:1 l' 'cl; 1 ;',1 t'• r•I / ---- --:.....1,-..., '1 :; •,!. t; • i i ____-:,'_'..f._'_1 '..:•". ' 1•;1 • 4 f. .r "--', l''' 1 .f: 2 I ,„.....,4!,...... ! ,----' / / ,L. :;.,..;::,2 . . ..c. ..„........?,, ........ ,...,..-,, ---..._.„,_____1_ ., „- . ..,,,, -,......,..„.....- . -,.„-....,..„,i, .:7,„,:.]g:-..-0,..„, • r•-•,- - / -- F- . ri.',*2:4,°_, . i --1 gi i'1.\•?.` : 4, ,.d.47,n:, PM105311 .i. 1-4., 1 • 5- Ti e.'1.----. 1.--•-•,,, q re.',c,c,..:- q r ,.....,,,..., 4- :. • , - c... \\,- . .„(.‘/-1--;.' -As:44- . ------ • ..„.,\,,o. ..,s,,,,,, t.,,,,-.: ?.\1.,.. , ..r- , i011,1ril, -1, I - CAI-LLN 2,, 5rat?) 11%.1,SCH. DiST. NOTE: Refer to Flood Hazard Boundary Map, Federal Insurance Administration,for exact boundari ••-;:cv.tz ....z.,,, zix,..” .,,..f4 ... '1Yr::::, rAz••.-'-i" • -:.---•• .' -A1W-4",--•';'14:..4-7-:-•.-4-14:;•-4.,' / 1 rt".=•.•.1. ,,..„ 1.:,-7, • 4. , ,,,,,-_,. -.1,,1---r •,---,„--..4,,,, iI - .0/ fri "''''" ' " —frz.,,,sr::-;4. - s ,,V.,•... s !? 7 ,,,...itz .:.•-•>:-.:-.4! ., pLe'? ";-'ifi:1:2/4,1-2"7".!r•:-41 •.-./ ; -Z.14:::',--//j-- .,„.z._.:_._1, ..., ‘•:1:-/.:-,,.*, ott, . ft Z' . • 7 , . ... . .e flf,;.--7•SL-4...:-:.75.,-- z...?zr,if -----.-Le--,1,--„„ WAD- ; ISLAND \C RPUSCHTSTI FIAVAL AIR StATION) „?-127-••-•-•-• ORPE1.9. ROOD FIELD I (N.A.S.A) • Os •o eTir PI:c.:Ida V.L11.1611. ,14,41:41A1,101,1.1111.1 _ ") r i 1 'Creek •-• • -33-- ••. / FLOUR BLUFF OST . ' " ‘.3. • • • AU) ON HELD. \ Li/ '71 1. 3305 - Pilings Used To Elevate Structures All wood pilings used to support structures shall have a minimum top diameter of ten inches and shall be pressure impregnated according to APWA Standard C3. Tops of pilings shall be notched to receive sills. Fasteners used to secure sills to pilings shall be minimum five-eighds inch galvanized bolts with galvanized ogee washers to supplement effective nailing. Nails used to secure sills to pilings shall be 20d or larger. Pilings used to elevate structures shall be driven or placed a minimum of eight feet below natural grade, or four feet if encased in two feet of concrete, and all wood pilings shall be effectively knee -braced." 14. Appendix D - HURRICANE REQUIREMENTS is hereby amended to read as follows: "APPENDIX 'D' HURRICANE REQUIREMENTS D-1 - HURRICANE PRECAUTIONS During such periods of time as are designated by the United State Weather Center as being a hurricane warning or alert, the owner, occupant or user of a property shall take precaution for the securing of buildings and equipment. Canopy awnings and swing signs shall be lashed to rigid construction, tents shall be tied down and stored or lashed to the ground, and such other precautions shall be taken for the securing of buildings or structures or material or equipment as may be reasonably required. D-2 - CANTILEVERED PROJECTIONS Cantilevered projections, including but not limited to exterior balconies, on the exterior of buildings shall be designed for not less than 60 pounds per square foot live load or 200 pounds per linear foot live load applied at the outer edge. D-3 - PARAPET WALL LOADS Parapet walls shall be designed to withstand all applicable loading, including but not limited to wind loads, as specified in this Code. D-4 - CONTINUOUS ANCHORING Metal strap anchors, or other approved anchoring devices designed to resist hurricane uplift and overturning loads, shall be used to secure rafters or joists to top plates and top and bottom plates to studs in order to achieve a positive continuous anchorage from roof structure to the foundation; anchorage shall be at a spacing of 48" on center or at every third stud, whichever is the lesser in distance. Metal strap anchors shall be galvanized steel, and a minimum thickness of 19 gage. =34- D-5 - EXTERIOR WALLS AND TIE BEAMS Exterior walls constructed of hollow concrete masonry units shall be not less than a nominal thickness of 8 inches. In all one and two family residences a reinforced tie beam shall be placed around the perimeter at each floor and roof level on exterior walls of masonry units. Reinforcing shall be not less than one No. 5 reinforcing bar. Beam size shall not be less than eight inches. This beam may be constructed with approved masonry units poured solid and tamped with concrete. In all buildings (except one and two family residences) of nonreinforced masonry construction, hollow masonry units, masonry bonded walls and cavity wall shall not exceed 240 square feet without approved vertical and horizontal support' where the nominal wall thickness is eight inches and units and laid in Type M, S, or N Mortar. Such walls when a nominal thickness of 12 inches and laid in Type M, N, or S Mortar shall not exceed 360 square feet without approved vertical and horizontal support. Grouted Brick Masonry, when laid in Type M, N, or S Mortar, shall be supported vertically and horizontally in areas not to exceed 1.20 times that allowed for hollow unit masonry of comparable wall thickness. Plain Solid Masonry, when laid in Type M, N, or S Mortar, shall be supported vertically and horizontally in areas not to exceed 1.10 times that allowed for hollow unit Masonry of comparable wall thickness. D-6 - CORNERS -HOLLOW MASONRY CONSTRUCTION In hollow masonry unit construction each unit cell shall be reinforced with at least one No. 5 bar at all corners; poured solid and tamped with concrete; such reinforcing shall be properly tied into the footing and spandrel beam. D-7 - WOOD TRUSS RAFTERS -ROOF CONSTRUCTION All such members shall be securely fastened to the exterior walls with approved hurricane anchors or clips.' 15. Appendix G.- RECOMMENDED GUIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FIRE DISTRICT is hereby deleted in its entirety. -35— 16. Appendix H - MOBILE HOME TIE DOWN STANDARDS is hereby amended to read as follows: APPENDIX H Mobile Home Tie Down Standards H-1 Mobile Home Installation All mobile home installations shall meet the requirements of the Texas Depart- ment of Labor and Standards, Mobile Home Division, Standards and Requirements through .013. H-2 Minimum Tie -Down Requirements In the absence of Specific Criteria approved by the Texas Department of Labor and Standards, the following tie down methods shall be considered as meeting the minimum requirements of this code: Approved blocking and anchorage is illustrated in Figure H-1 a. Number of Ties Per Side - See Table H-1 Length of Mobile Nome Box (Ft.) Mobile Home pox Width (FT.) 0 No. ) Vertical Ties 10 12 14 65 - to 43 53 6 57 " to to 56 80 to r.: to to 63 5 46 75 80 46 -- 74 79 to to to 4 35 56 60 '34 55 59 to to to 3 33 38 40 37 39 to to 2 - 33 33 o No. of Diagonal Ties (All Widths)' 0 4 5 6 7 8 0 33 43 53 64 74- " to to to to to r.: 42 52 63 73 80 a NOTE(1). The ties nearest the end of the unit shall be placed between 4 feet and 8 feet from that end. TABLE H-1 1 Glde - :itn. dlr. ,alr. s+c(ol c+blo j 1/0• i-,7,:`,17). nln. u[.u.. • r acvc' c Lt. - 1) ) ; c+Lln cl.aeps { t, 1107 Crgad "—Mr:7,2U. \(a Pere...Nrd blocking\-. 1.0 ac•.cl or ,o,4 blu.ka (y di:lribn:e pressure, of hinlcmv dSmer.r V_/ • erc11 7711 C T-Dc� hem. 1-•iow) •hiaa /` -T07 of anchor re FSo1W cozre Dlxka 5��n(I�i �l� r‘�'1!i1;Oa eroa`ar - 16' x 16' x .• mll,CO 417..0 Di«xing FIGURE 11-1 -?7- rin b. Anchoring equipment shall be capable of resisting all allowable working loads equal to or exceeding 3,150 pounds and shall be capable of with standing 50 percent overload (4,725 pounds total) without failure of either the anchoring equipment of the attachment point of the mobile home. Ground anchors shall be of an "approved design" and shall be used in a soil type for which they are designed and approved. Approved equipment include the following: 1. Ground Anchors a. Auger or dead man, 6" in diameter -- arrowhead 8". b. Auger or arrowhead depth 4' -- dead man 5'. All augers must be screwed into the earth the full four -foot depth. c. Anchor rod 5/8" diameter with welded eye at top. Must be hooked into concrete when used in dead man anchors. d. Anchors to slabs must equal above in pull resistance. e. All Augers, arrowhead or anchors shall be of galvanized steel. c. Approved Tie Materials and Connectors 1. Galvanized or stainless steel cable -- 3/8" (7 x 7-7 wires each), or 2. Galvanized aircraft cable -- 1" (7 x 19-7 strands of 19 wires each), or 3. Steel strap -- 11" x .035" -- galvanized, with tensioning device. 4. Cable ends secured by 2 U -bolt clamps. 5. Steel rods -- 5/8" with ends welded closed to form an eye. 6. Turnbuckles -- 5/8" drop forged -- closed eyes. Other tensioning devices of similar strength approved. d. Piers and Footings 1. Spaced at 10' intervals on both frame rails with end ones no further than 1' from end of mobile home when practical. 2. 4" x 16" wide concrete runners. 3. Footings of solid concrete 16" x 16" x 4". 4. Piers of standard 8" x 8" x 16" open cell or (30" Max. height) solid concrete block. 5. Wood blocks used for leveling shall not exceed a maximum thickness of four (4) inches. Such blocks must be of nominal 8" x 16" dimensions. e. Patio and Cabana Roofs 1. Two rows of vertical supports bars -- spacing 12'. Second row to be down middle or at mobile home edge anchored to concrete floor or equivalent footings. -38- 2. Other structures on lot must be secured. 3. Tip -out rooms to be held by over -the -Lome tic at outer edge. 4. Clerestory roof requires over -the -home tie at end of each raised section. H-3 Travel Trailers (Local Rule) Travel Trailers to be left, or left, at parking site during United States Weather Center hurricane warning or alert periods shall be lashed to rigid construction and lashed to the ground, or stored securely in permanent buildings, conformable as practicable to the terms and conditions of Sections 101.6 and 108.2g of this Code. A "Travel Trailer" is a vehicular, portable structure built on a chassis and designed to be used without a permanent foundation as a dwelling primarily and independently of utility connections at the parking site. All Travel Trailers shall be road worthy and shall bear current license to qualify under this section. Ii -4 Exceptions for Sales:Lots Unoccupied mobile homes on mobile home dealers' sales lots shall be anchored, as a minimum, at each corner of the mobile home. A frame tie, an over -the -top tie, anchor, connections, and piers and footings shall be installed at each corner in accordance with the foregoing paragraphs. Not more than two unoccupied mobile homes on any sales lot may be unanchored at any one time, except during such periods of time as are designated by the United States Weather Center as being a hurricane warning or alert; during such periods of warning or alert, no mobile home shall be permitted to be unanchored." 17. Appendix J - ENERGY CONSERVATION is hereby amended by adding Sections .1-2 and J-3 to read as follows: "J-2 - LOCAL CLIMATIC CONDITIONS The following changes to the "Code for Energy Conservation in New Building Construction"are suggested in order to reflect local conditions: a. Revise Section 302.1 to read as follows: 302.1 EXTERIOR DESIGN CONDITIONS CORPUS CHRISTI. TEXAS EXTERIOR DESIGN CONDITIONS HINTER' Design Dry -Bulb 35° F Design Dry -Bulb 94' F SUMMERI Design Wet -Bulb . 80n F DEGREE DAYS HEATING 930 DEGREES NORTH LATITUDE 27050' . -39- . b. Add new paragraph 402.3(c) to read as follows: 402.3 ANALYSIS PROCEDURE •c. The State of Texas (EEI) Energy Envelope Index method in the Texas Energy Conservation Manual may be used to test compliance. c. Revise Table 5-1 to read as follows: TABLE 5-1 CORPUS CIIRTSTT. TEK' ELEMENT RODE TYPE A -I BUILDINGS TYPE A-2 BUILDINGS VD UD HALLS2 HEATING 0R COOLIIIG .29 .37 ROOF/CEILINGS HEATING OR COOLING. .05 .05 FLOORS OVER UNHEATED SPACES HEATING OR COOLING .32 .32 HEATED SLAB ON GRADE HEATING R VALUE R VALUE 3.2 1 3.2 UNHEATED SLAG 0:I GRADE HEATING R VALUE L P. VALUE NIA s N/A d. Revise Table 5-2 to read as follows: TABLE 5-2 CORPUS CFRISTI, TEXAS ELElE:TT }:OCE VALUE HALLS HEATING_ UD .37 3 STORIES OR LESS COOLING OTTY 30 5F- 119 OVER 3 STORIES HEATING _ UD .46 COOLING OTTY 30 5FF' 119 R GOOF/CEILING HEATING DR COOLING Ua .10 - FLOORS OYEZ UNHEATED SPdCESCOOLING HEATING OR UQ .33 HEATED 5LAS ON GRAD' MATING OR [OGLING R VALUE - 3.2 UNHEATED SLAB 0:1 C.D.-ADE HEATING OR COOLING N VALUE -.0/A SF = Solar Factor -40- e. For type A-1 and A-2 Residential Buildings (detached one and two family dwelling and all other residential buildings, three stories or less in height) utilizing conventional wood frame construction, the following criteria may be considered to meet the requirements of Section 502.2 of the "Code for Energy Conservation in New Building Construction": MINIMUM CAVITY INSULATION REQUIRED Walls - R-11 Roof/Ceiling - R-19 Floors over unheated spaces - R-11 MAXIMUM GLAZING PERMITTED Single Glazing - 20% of Gross wall area Double Glazing - 33% of Gross wall area J-3 - APPENDIX NOT MANDATORY . This appendix provides suggested guidelines for energy conservation, and these provisions are not mandatory." 18. Appendix K - RECOMMENDED SCHEDULE OF PERMIT FEES is hereby deleted in its entirety. 19. Chapter VIII - APPURTENANCE REQUIREMENTS is hereby amended by adding new sections 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 816 and 817 to read as follows: "SECTION 811 - CHIMNEYS AND VENTS 811.1 - MASONRY CHIMNEYS FOR RESIDENTIAL TYPE APPLIANCES (See Table 811.A) (a) Construction 1. Masonry chimneys shall be constructed of solid masonry units or rein- forced concrete with walls not less than four (4) inches thick or rubble stone masonry not less than twelve (12) inches thick. 2. Masonry chimneys for residential type appliances shall be lined with approved fire clay tile flue liners not less than five eighths (5/8) of an inch thick, or with other approved liner of material that will resist corrosion, softening or cracking from flue gases at temperatures up to eighteen hundred (1,800) degrees F. 3. Fire clay tile liners shall be installed ahead of the construction of the chimney as it is carried up, carefully bedded one on the other in fire clay mortar or as listed in Section 1402.12 (Table 3) with close fitting joints left smooth on the inside. 4. Liners shall be separate from the chimney wall and the space between the liner and masonry shall not be filled; only enough mortar shall be used to make a good joint and hold the liners in position. -41- 5. Flue liners shall start from a point not less than eight (8) inches below the intake. They shall extend as nearly vertically as possible.for the entire height of the chimney. 6. Where two adjoining flues in the same chimney are separated only by flue liners the joints of the adjacent flue liners shall be staggered at least seven (7) inches. 7. Where more than two (2) flues are located in the same chimney, masonry wythes (partitions) at least four (4) inches wide and bonded into the masonry walls of the chimney shall be built at such points between adjacent flue linings that there are not more than two (2) flues in any group of adjoining flue without such wythe separation. (b) Termination. Masonry chimneys for residential type applicances shall extend at least three (3) feet above the highest point where they pass through the roof of a building and at least two (2) feet higher than any portion of a building within ten (10) feet. (c) Clearance from combustible material 1. All wood beams, joists and studs shall be trimmed away from chimneys. Headers, beams, joists and studs shall be not less that two (2) inches from the outside face of a chimney or from masonry enclosing a flue. Ends of wood girders may be supported on a corbeled shelf of a masonry chimney provided there is not less than eight (8) inches of solid masonry between the ends and the flue liner. 2. Combustible lathing, furring or plaster grounds shall not be placed against a chimney at any point more than one and one-half (11) inches from the corner of the chimney, but this shall not prevent plastering directly on the masonry or on metal lath and metal furring, nor shall it prevent placing chimneys for residential type appliances entirely on the exterior of a building against the sheathing. 811.2 - MASONRY CHIMNEYS FOR LOW HEAT APPLIANCES (a) Construction 1. Masonry chimneys shall be constructed of solid masonry units or reinforced concrete with walls not less than eight (8) inches thick, except that rubble stone masonry shall be not less than twelve (12) inches thick. 2. Masonry chimneys for low heat appliances shall be lined with approved -42- fire clay tile flue liners not less than five -eights (5/8) of an inch thick, or with other approved liner of material that will resist corrosion, softening or cracking from flue gases at tempertures up to eighteen hundred (1,800) degrees F. 3. Fire clay tile flue liners shall be installed ahead of the construction of the chimney as it is carried up, carefully bedded one on the other in fire clay ,mortar or as listed in Section 1402.12 (Table 3) with close fitting joints left smooth on the inside. 4. Flue liners shall start from a point not less than eight (8) inches below the intake. They shall extend as nearly vertically as possible for the entire height of the chimney. 5. Where two adjoining flues in the same chimney are separated only by flue liners, the joints of the adjacent flue liners shall be staggered at least seven (7) inches. 6. Where more than two (2) flues are located in the same chimney, masonry wythes (partitions) at least four (4) inches wide and bonded into the masonry walls of the chimney shall be built at such points between adjacent flue linings that there are not more than two (2) flues in any group of adjacent flues without such wythes) separation. - (b) Termination. Masonry chimneys for low -heat appliances shall extend at least - three (3) feet above the highest point where they pass through the roof of a building and at least two (2) feet higher than any portion of a building within ten (10) feet. (c) Clearance from combustible material. - 9 1. All wood beams, joists and studs shall be trimmed away from chimneys. Headers, beams, joists, and studs shall be not less than two (2) inches from the outside face of a chimney or from masonry enclosing a flue. 2. Combustible lathing, furring or plaster grounds shall not be placed against a chimney at any point more than one and one-half (1111) inches from the corner of the chimney, but this shall not prevent plastering directly on the masonry or on metal lath and metal furring, nor shall it prevent placing chimneys for low heat appliances entirely on the exterior of a building against the sheathing. 811.3 - MASONRY CHIMNEYS FOR MEDIUM HEAT APPLIANCES (a) Construction. Masonry chimneys for medium heat appliances shall be constructed of solid masonry units or of reinforced concrete not less than eight (8) inches thick, -43- except that stone masonry shall be not less than twelve (12) inches thick; and in addition, shall be lined with not less than four and one-half (4') inches of fire brick laid on the four and one-half (41) inch bed in fire clay mortar, starting not less than two (2) feet below the chimney connector entrance and extending for a -distance of at least twenty-five (25) feet above the chimney connector entrance. Chimneys extending twenty-five (25) feet or less above the chimney connector shall be lined to the top. (b) Termination. Masonry chimneys for medium heat appliances shall extend not less than ten (10) feet higher than any portion of any building w,thin twenty-five (25) feet. (c) Clearance from combustible material. Masonry chimneys for medium heat appliances shall have a clearance of two (2) inches from buildings and structures. 811.4 - MASONRY CHIMNEYS FOR HIGH HEAT APPLIANCES (a) Construction. Masonry chimneys for high heat appliances shall be constructed with double walls'of solid masonry units or of reinforced concrete each not less than eight (8) inches in thickness, with an air space of not less than two (2) inches between them. The inside of the interior walls shall be of fire brick not less than four and one-half (41) inches in thickness laid on the four and one-half (41) inch bed in fire clay mortar. (b) Termination. Masonry chimneys for high heat appliances shall extend not less than twenty (20) feet higher than any portion of any building within fifty (50) feet. - (c) Clearance from combustible material. Masonry chimneys for high heat appliances shall have sufficient clearance from buildings and structures to avoid overheating combustible material, to permit inspection, maintenance operations on the chimney and to avoid danger of burns to persons. 811.5 - MASONRY CHIMNEYS FOR INCINERATORS (a) Residential. Masonry chimneys for residential type incinerators shall be' constructed in accordance with the requirements for Chimneys for Residential Type Appliances, Section 811.1. (b) Fuel -Fed Incinerators (apartment house type). 1. Construction (A ) The flue of fuel -fed incinerators shall serve the incinerator only and be used for no other purpose. -44- on the inside. following: (B) The flue liner shall be straight and plumb and shall be smooth (C) The size of incinerator flues shall be in accordance with the Where not more than one service opening is provided, the size of the flue shall be not less than fourteen (14) by fourteen (14) inches of one hundred ninety-six (196) square inches, inside measurements, except that in one family dwellings the size shall be not less than twelve (12) by twelve (12) inches or one hundred forty-four (144) square inches. Where two (2) to six (6) service openings are provided, the size of flue shall be not less than eighteen (18) by eighteen (18) inches or three hundred twenty-four (324) square inches, inside measurements. Where seven or more service openings are provided, the size of flue shall be not less than twenty-two (22) by twenty-two (22) inches or four hundred eighty-four (484) square inches, inside measurements. (D) A masonry chimney serving an incinerator with a combustion chamber having a horizontal combined hearth and grate area of seven (7) square feet or less shall have walls of clay or shale brick -work not less than four (4) inches thick with a lining of four and one-half (41) inches of fire brick for a distance of not less that ten (10) feet above the roof of the combustion chamber; beyond this point chimney walls shall consist of not less than eight (8) inches of clay or shale brick- work with a standard fire clay tile flue liner not less than five -eights (5/8) inch in thickness extending from the top of the fire brick lining to the top of the chimney. (E) A masonry chimney serving an incinerator with a combustion chamber having a horizontal combined hearth and grate area exceeding seven (7) square feet shall have walls of clay or shale brickwork not less than four (4) inches thick with a lining of four and one-half (41) inches of fire brick for a distance of not less than forty (40) feet above the roof of the combustion chamber; beyond this point, chimney walls shall consist of not less than eight (8) inches of clay or shale brickwork with a standard fire clay tile flue liner not less than five-eighths (5/8) inch in thickness extending from the top of the fire brick lining to the top of the chimney. (F) Other constructions may be used if equivalent to the construction outlined in the preceding paragraphs, in structural strength, insulating value and ability to withstand thermal expansion and flame impingement. -45- (C) Fire brick shall be laid in high temperature cement or fire clay mortar.. (11) A chimney flue that is divided into two channels, one for feeding refuse and the other for the discharge of combustion gases, shall be constructed as specified in this section. (I) Masonry chimneys for fuel -fed incinerators shall be supported on properly designed foundations of masonry or reinforced concrete. Noncombustible material having a fire resistance rating of not less than three (3) hours may be used to support masonry chimneys where such supports are independent of the floor construction and the load is transferred to the ground. They shall be so constructed as not to place excessive stress upon the roof of the combustion chamber. Masonry chimneys may be supported on incinerator walls. (J) A11 flues shall terminate in a substantially constructed spark arrester with openings not greater than three -fourth (3/4) inch, or be provided with other suitable means of avoiding discharge of fly particles. Expansion chambers used as a secondary combustion chamber shall be constructed equivalent to that of the incinerator combustion chamber. Those used only for settling shall be of constructim equivalent to that of the upper portion of the incinerator.' 2.. Termination. Masonry chimneys of fuel -fed incinerators shall extend at least four (4) feet above sloping roofs measured from the highest point at which the chimney passes through the roof and at least eight (8) feet above•)flat roofs. In either case, the chimney shall extend -at least two (2) feet higher than any portion of a building within twenty (20) feet. 3. Clearances (A) A clearance of not less than two (2) inches shall be provided between the exterior surface of chimneys for fuel -fed apartment house type incinerators and combustible material. (3) Combustible lathing, furring or plaster grounds shall not be placed against a chimney at any point more than one and one-half (11/2) inches from the corner of the chimney but this shall not prevent plastering directly on the masonry or on metal lath and metal furring; nor shall it prevent placing chimneys entirely on the exterior of a building against the sheathing. 4. Service openings to incinerators.' All service openings into an incinerator flue shall be provided with a hopper or other charging device constructed -46- r 7 of metal of sufficient thickness and durability to prevent cracking, breakage, or deformation in normal usage. Such hopper or other charging device shall be firmly built into the masonry and shall be so designed and installed that no part will pro- ject into the flue and that the opening to the flue exterior will be closed off while the service opening (hopper) door is fully open. The hopper or other device shall be counter -weighted or otherwise devised so that it will close automatically upon release and be so constructed as to be tightly fitting when in the closed position. (c) Commercial and Industrial Type Incinerators 1. Construction (A) Masonry chimneys of commercial and industrial type incinerators, except as provided inthe following paragraphs (b) and (c) shall be not less than eight (8) inches of clay or shale brickwork or reinforced concrete lined with fire brick not less than four and one-half (411) inches thick for the full height of the chimney. (8) Commercial and industrial type incinerators may be connected to chimneys constructed of eight (8) inches of clay or shale brickwork or reinforced concrete lined with fire clay flue liner, where the incinerator is specially constructed to produce low flue gas temperatures. (C) Other constructions may be used if equivalent in structural strength, insulating value, and ability to withstand thermal expansion and flame impingement, to paragraphs 1 and 2 above. (D) Fire brick and other refractory lining shall be laid in high temperature cement or fire clay mortar. (E) Masonry chimneys for commercial and industrial incinerators shall be supported on properly designed foundations of masonry or reinforced concrete. Noncombustible material haveing a fire resistance rating of not less than three (3) hours may be used to support masonry chimneys where such supports are independent of the floor construction and the load is transferred to the ground. They shall be so constructed as not to place excessive stress upon the roof of the combustion chamber. Masonry chimneys may be supported on incinerator walls. -47- (F) Incinerators used for the burning of rubbish or other readily combustible solid waste material shall include effective means for arresting sparks and fly particles, such as an expansion chamber, baffle walls, or other effective arrangement, or the flues of such incinerators shall be provided with an approved spark arrester having an opening not greater than one-half (1/2) inch. 2. Termination. Masonry chimneys for commercial and industrial type incinerators shall extend at least four (4) feet above sloping roofs measured from the highest point at which the chimney passes through the roof and at least eight (8) feet above flat roofs. In either case, the chimney shall extend at least two (2) feet above any ridge, parapet, cornice, penthouse or other obstruction.within twenty (20) feet. 3. Clearances. A clearance of not less than four (4) inches shall be provided between the exterior surface of masonry chimneys for commercial and industrial type incinerators and combustible material. 811.6 - METAL CHIMNEYS (SMOKESTACKS) --GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (a) Metal chimneys shall be of adequate thickness based on good engineering practice, properly riveted or welded, and securely supported. NOTE: When selecting the gage of metal chimneys consideration should be given to factors such as location, maintenance, use, etc., as well as engineering design factors. As a guide'the following are gauges of uncoated sheet steel for given cross-sectional areas: Mfgrs. Std. Gage No. Area (Sq.'In.) 16 Up to 154 14 154 to 201 12 201 to 254 10 Larger than 254 (b) Metal chimneys shall not be carried up inside of ventilating ducts unless such ducts are constructed and installed as required by this standard for chimneys and the ventilating ducts are used solely for exhaust of air from the room or.space in which the appliance served by the metal chimney is located. (c) Metal chimneys shall have sufficient clearance from buildings and structures to avoid overheating combustible material, to permit inspection and maintenance operations on the chimneys and to avoid danger of burns to persons. 811.7 - METAL CHIMNEYS FOR LOW HEAT APPLIANCES (a) Termination. 1. Metal chimneys for residential type low heat appliances except as provided in 811.7(a) 2 shall extend at least three (3) feet above the highest point -48- i . where they pass through the roof of a building and at least two (2) feet higher than any portion of a building within ten (10) feet.. 2. The outlet of a metal chimney for residential type and low heat ap- pliances equipped with an exhauster may terminate at a location not less than three (3) feet from an adjacent building or building opening and at least ten (10) feet above grade or walkways. In any case, the outlet shall be so arranged that the flue gases are not directed so as to jeopardize people, overheat combustible structures, or enter building openings in the vicinity of the outlet. (b) Clearances. 1. Exterior metal chimneys used only for residential type low heat appliances as defined in Table 811A shall have a clearance of not less than six (6) inches from a wall of wood frame construction and from any combustible material. 2. Exterior metal chimneys over eighteen (18) inches in diameter shall have a clearance of not less than four (4) inches, and those eighteen (18) inches or less in diameter a clearance of not less than two (2) inches from a building wall of other than wood frame construction. . 3. An exterior metal chimney shall not be nearer than twenty-four (24) inches to any door or window or to any walkway, unless insulated or shielding in an approved manner to avoid burning a person who might touch the chimney. 4. Where a metal chimney extends through any story above that in which the appliances connected to the chimney are located, it shall be enclosed in such upper stories with walls of noncombustible construction having a fire resistance rating of not less than one (1) hour. 5. The enclosure shall provide a space on all sides of the chimney suf- ficient to permit inspection and repair. 6. The enclosing walls shall be without openings, except doorways equipped with approved self-closing fire doors at various floor levels for inspection purposes. 7. Where a metal chimney used for residential type construction as defined in Table 811A is located in the same story of a building as that in which the appliances connected thereto are located, it shall have a clearance of not less than eighteen (18) inches from a wall of wood frame construction and from any combustible material. 8. Where a metal chimney serving only lowheat appliances as defined in Table 811A passes through a roof constructed of combustible material, it shall be -49- guarded by a ventilating thimble of non-combustible material, of galvanized iron or approved corrosion resistant metal, extended not less than nine (9) inches below and nine (9) inches above the roof construction, and of a size to provide not less than six (6) inches clearance on all sides of the chimney; or the combustible -material in the roof construction shall be cut away so as to provide not less than eighteen (18) inches clearance on all sides'of the chimney, with non-combustible material used to close up such opening entirely. 811.8 - METAL CHIMNEYS FOR MEDIUM HEAT APPLIANCES (a) Termination. Metal chimneys for medium heat appliances shall,extend not less than ten (10) feet higher than any portion of any building within twenty-five (25) feet. (b) Clearances 1. Exterior metal chimneys used for medium heat appliances as defined in Table 811A shall have a clearance of not less that twenty-four (24) inches from a wall of wood frame construction and from any combustible material. 2. Exterior metal chimneys over eighteen (18) inches in diameter shall • have a clearance of not less than four (4) inches and those eighteen (18) inches or less in diameter a clearance of not less than two (2) inches from a building wall other than wood frame construction. 3. Portions of an exterior metal chimney shall not be nearer than twenty-four (24) inches to any door or window or to any walkway, unless insulated or shielded in an approved manner to avoid burning a person who might touch the chimney. 4. Where a metal chimney extends through any story of a building above that in which the appliances connected to the chimney are located, it shall be en- closed in such upper stories with walls which are continuous of noncombustible construction having a fire resistance rating of not less than one (1) hour. 5. The enclosure shall provide a space on all sides of the chimney sufficient to permit inspection and repair. 6. The enclosing walls shall be without openings, except doorways equipped with approved self-closing fire doors at various floor levels for inspection purposes. 7. Where a metal chimney serving a medium heat appliance as defined in Table 811A passes through a roof constructed of combustible material, it shall be ' guarded by a ventilating thimble of galvanized iron or approved corrosion resistant -50- metal, extending not less than nine (9) inches below and nine (9) inches above the roof construction, and of a size to provide not less than eighteen (18) inches clearance on all sides of the chimney. 8. Where a metal chimney used for medium heat appliances as defined in Table 811A is located in the same story of a building as that in which the appliances :connected are located, it shall have a clearance of not less than thirty-six (36) inches from a wall of wood frame construction and from any combustible material. 811.9 - METAL CHIMNEYS FOR HIGH HEAT APPLIANCES (a) Construction. Metal chimneys used for high heat appliances as defined in Table 811A shall be lined with not less than four and one-half (415) inches of fire brick laid in fire clay mortar extending not less than twenty-five (25) feet above the chimney connector, entrance. Chimneys extending twenty-five (25) feet or less above the chimney connector shall be lined to the top. (b) Termination. Metal chimneys for high heat'appliances shall extend not less than twenty (20) feet higher than any portion of any building within fifty (50) feet. 1 (c) Clearance from combustible material. Metal chimneys for high heat appliances shall have sufficient clearance from buildings ancj structures to avoid overheating combustible material, to permit inspection, for maintenance operations on the chimney and to avoid danger of burns to persons. Clearances shall be based on good engineering practice and acceptable to the aurhority having jurisdiction. 811.10 - METAL CHIMNEYS FOR INCINERATORS (a) Residential Type Incinerators. Metal pipe not less than No. twenty (20) galvanized sheet gage number or other equivalent nomcombustible corrosion resistant material may be used for residential carports provided the metal pipe is exposed and readily examinable for its full length and clearances not less than eighteen (18) inches are maintained from combustible material. The metal pipe shall extend at least three (3) feet above the highest point where it passes through the roof and at least two (2) feet higher than any portion of the building within ten (10) feet. Where the metal pipe passes through a roof construction of combustible material clearances shall conform to the requirements for interior metal chimneys for Low Heat Appliances 811.7(b) 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. -51- (b) Commercial and Industrial Type Incinerators 1. Construction (A) Metal chimneys of commercial and industrial type incinerators shall be lined with firebrick not less than four and one-half (41) inches thick for the full height of the chimney. (B) Firebrick shall be laid in high temperature cement or fire clay mortar. (C) Subject to approval by the authority having jurisdiction, commercial and industrial type incinerators may be connected to a metal chimney without firebrick flue liner provided the incinerator is specially constructed to produce low flue gas temperatures. 2. Termination. Metal chimneys of commercial and industrial type incinerators shall extend at least four (4) feet above sloping roofs measured from the highest point at which the metal chimney passes through the roof and at least eight (8) feet above flat roofs. In either case, the chimney shall extend at least two (2) feet higher than any portion of a building within twenty (20)1feet. 3. Clearance. A clearance of not less than four (4) inches shall be pro- vided between the exterior surface of metal chimneys for commercial and industrial type incinerators and combustible material. 811.11 - CHIMNEY CONNECTORS AND VENT CONNECTORS 811.11.1 - Connectors Required Connectors shall be used to connect appliances to the vertical chimney or vent unless the chimney or vent is attached directly to the appliance. 811.11.2 - Materials (a) Connectors shall be made of noncombustible material capable of withstanding the flue gas temperatures produced by the appliances and of sufficient thickness to withstand physical damage. The material of connectors shall also be resistant to corrosion. Connectors for appliances installed in attics shall be of Type B or Type L vent material for listed gas appliances with draft hoods or of Type L vent material for oil appliances listed as suitable for Type L vents. For other appliances allowed in attics, a chimney shall be attached directly toithe appliance. NOTE: When selecting the gage of metal for connectors of appliances not installed in attics, consideration should be given to factors such as location, maintenance, use, etc., as well as engineering design factors. of galvanized steel for given diameter connectors: -52- As a guide the following are gages Galvanized Sheet Diameter Of Gage No. Connector, Inches 24 10 or less 22 10 to 12 20 14 to 16 16 16 (b) Connectors used for gas appliances having draft hoods and for listed conversion -burner -equipped appliances having draft hoods may be constructed of materials having resistance to corrosion and heat not less than that of No. twenty-eight (28) gage galvanized steel, or they may be Type B or Type L vent material. (c) Connectors made of Type L vent material may be used with oil appliances• listed as suitable for use with Type L venting systems. 811.11.3 - Length A connector shall be as short and straight as possible. The appliance shall be located as close as practicable to the chimney, vent, or venting system. The horizontal run of an uninsulated connector to a natural -draft chimney, or vent, shall be not more than seventy-five (75) percent of the height of the vertical portion of the chimney or vent above the connector, unless part of an engineered venting system. 811.11.4 - Size The connector, for its entire length, shall not be smaller than the flue collar of the appliance unless otherwise recommended by the appliance, chimney, or vent manufacturer. 811.11.5 - Clearance Clearance from combustible materials for chimney connectors shall be eighteen (18) inches for Residential type appliances, and Commercial -Industrial type low -heat appliances. The clearance for Commercial -Industrial type medium -heat appliances shall be thirty-six (36) inches. Vent connector clearances for gas appliances not equipped with draft hoods, except clothes dryers, should be eighteen (18) inches. This distance may be six (6) inches for listed gas appliances equipped with draft hoods, and for boilers and furnaces equipped with listed conversion burners and with draft hoods. A vent connector of listed Type E or Type L venting material may be used with listed appliances and may be installed in accordance with their listing. 811.11.6 - Location When the connector used for a gas appliance having a draft hood must be located in or pass through a crawl space or other cold area, that portion of the connector shall be listed Type B or Type L vent material or be provided with equivalent means of insulati -53- 811.11.7 - Installation (a) A connector to a masonry chimney shall extend through the wall to the inner face or liner but not beyond, and shall be firmly cemented to masonry. A thimble may be used to facilitate removal of the chimney connector for cleaning, in which case the thimble shall be permanently cemented in place with high-temperature cement. (b) A chimney connector or a vent connector shall not pass through any floor or ceiling. (c) Connectors for listed residential and low heat gas appliances with draft hoods except incinerators may pass through walls or partitions constructed of com- bustible material if: 1. Made of listed Type B or Type L material and installed with not less than listed clearances to combustible material. 2. Made of single wall metal pipe and guarded by a ventilated metal thimble not less than four (4) inches larger in diameter than the vent connector. (d) Connectors of low heat appliances except listed residential and low heat i gas appliances with draft hoods (Table 8118, Column 1) shall not pass through walls or partitions constructed of combustible material unless they are guarded at the point of passage by: 1. Metal ventilated thimbles not less than twelve (12) inches larger in diameter than the connector. 2. Metal or burned fire clay thimbles built in brickwork or other approved fireproofing materials extending not less than eight (8) inches beyond all sides of the thimble. (e) In lieu of thimbles all combustible material in the wall or partition shall be cut away from the connector a sufficient distance to provide the clearance required from such connector. Any material used to close up such openings shall be noncombustible insulating material. (f) A connector of any medium or high heat appliance classified in Table 811A shall not pass through any wall or partition constructed of combustible material. (g) Connectors shall maintain a pitch of rise of at least one fourth (0) inch to the foot (horizontal length of pipe) from the appliance to the chimney. (h) Connectors shall be installed so as to avoid sharp turns or other construction features which would create excessive resistance to the flow of flue gases. 'A device -54- which will obstruct the free flow of flue gases shall not be installed in a connector, chimney, or vent. This shall not be construed to prohibit the use of devices specifically listed for installation in a connector, such as heat reclaimers, draft regulators, and safety controls. (i) Connectors shall be securely supported and joints fastened with sheet -metal screws, rivets, or other approved means. (j) The entire length of a connector shall be readily accessible for inspection, cleaning, and replacement, unless listed materials are used and previous approval has been obtained from the authority having jurisdiction. (k) A vent connector shall not be connected to a chimney flue serving a fireplace unless the fireplace opening is sealed or the chimney flue which vents the fireplace is permanently sealed below the connection. 811.11.8 - Interconnection (a) Connectors shall not be connected to a chimney, vent, or venting system served by a power exhauster unless the connection is made in the negative pressure side of the exhauster. (b) Two (2) or more fuel -burning appliances may be connected to a single chimney or vent provided sufficient draft is available for safe combustion in each appliance and removal of all the products of combustion safely to the outdoors. Gas and oil appliances so connected shall be equipped with primary safety controls. 811.11.9 - Dampers (a) Manually operated dampers shall not be placed in chimneys, vents or connectors of stoker fired, or liquid or gas -burning appliances. Fixed baffles on the appliance side of draft hoods and draft regulators shall not be classified as dampers. (b) A listed automatic vent damper device may be installed on an existing ap- pliance installation provided the appliance is listed and equipped with -a draft hood and provided the device is installed by a qualified agency in accordance with the terms of its listing. The name of the installer and date of installation shall be marked on a label affixed to the damper device. (c) On gas appliances in excess of eight hundred thousand (800,000) BTU input having more than two draft hoods, fixed manual baffles may be used in the connectors between draft hoods and the common breeching as a means of equalizing the available draft pull. -55- 811.11.10 - Draft Hoods For information concerning the use and installation of draft hoods, refer to the Standard Gas Code. 811.12 - DRAFT REGULATORS (a) Gas appliances connected to chimneys, other than those required by the Standard Gas Code to be installed with draft hoods, may be installed with draft regulators if in accordance with the appliance manufacturer's instruction. (b) For information concerning the use and installation of draft regulators with oil -burning appliances, refer to the "Standard for Oil -Burning Equipment, NFPA 31, 1972." (c) Solid fuel -burning appliances may be installed with draft regulators to reduce draft intensity. Such regulators shall be installed and set in accordance with the instructions furnished with the appliance or the draft regulator. (d) A barometric draft regulator, if used, shall be installed in the same room or enclosure as the appliance in such a manner that a difference in pressure between the air in the vicinity of the regulator and the combustion air supply will not be permitted. 811.13 - FIREPLACES 811.13.1 - Factory -Built Fireplaces Factory -built fireplaces shall be listed and shall be installed in accordance with the conditions of the listing. Factory -built fireplaces shall also be required to be installed in accordance with Section 811.13.3(f) and (i). The factory -built fireplaces shall be tested in accordance with and meet the requirements of DL 127, Factory -Built Fireplaces. 811.13.2 - Factory -Built Fireplace Stoves Factory -built fireplace stoves shall be listed and shall be installed in accordance with the conditions of the listing. The factory -built fireplace stoves shall be tested in accordance with and meet the requirements of UL 737, Fireplace Stoves. 811.13.3 - Masonry Fireplaces (a) Fireplaces shall be constructed of solid masonry or of reinforced concrete with back and sides of the thickness specified in this paragraph, except as provided in Section 811.13.1. Where a lining of firebrick at least two (2) inches thick or other approved lining is provided, the total thickness of back and sides, including the lining, shall be not less than eight(8) inches. Where no such lining is provided, the thickness of back and sides shall be not less than twelve (12) inches. -56- (b) Steel fireplace units incorporating a firebox liner of not less than one fourth (4) inch thick steel and an air chamber may be installed with masonry to provide a total thickness at the back and sides of not less than eight (8) inches, not less than four (4) inches of which shall be solid masonry. (c) Warm air ducts employed with steel fireplace units of circulating air type shall be constructed of metal or masonry. (d) Fireplace hearth extensions shall be provided of approved noncombustible material for all fireplaces. Where the fireplace opening is less than six (6) sq. ft., the hearth extension shall extend at least sixteen (16) in. in.front of, and at least eight (8) in. beyond each side of the fireplace opening. Where the fireplace opening is six (6) sq. ft. or larger, the hearth extension shall extend at least twenty (20) in..in front of and at least twelve (12) in. beyond each side of the fireplace opening. Where a fireplace is elevated above or overhangs a floor, the hearth extension shall also extend over the area under the fireplace. (e) Fireplaces constructed of masonry or reinforced concrete shall have hearth extensions of brick, concrete, stone, tile or other approved noncombustible material properly supported and with no combustible material against the underside thereof. Wooden forms or centers used during the construction of hearth and hearth extension shall be removed when the construction is completed. (f) Hearth extensions of approved factory built fireplaces and fireplace stoves shall be not less than three-eighths (3/8) in. thick of asbestos, concrete, hollow metal, stone, tile or other approved noncombustible material. Such hearth extensions may be placed on the sub or finished flooring whether the flooring is combustible or not. The hearth extension shall be readily distinguishable from the surrounding floor. (g) All wood beams, joists and studs shall be trimmed away from fireplaces. Headers supporting trimmer arches at fireplaces shall not be less than twnety (20) inches from the face of the chimney breast. Trimmers shall not be less than six (6) inches from the inside face of the nearest flue lining. (h) Woodwork shall not be placed within four (4) inches of the back of a fireplace but this shall not prevent plastering directly on the masonry or on metal lath and metal furring. (i) Woodwork shall not be placed within six (6) inches of a fireplace opening. Wood- work above and projecting more than one and one-half (11) inches from a fireplace opening shall not be placed less than twelve (12) inches from the top of a fireplace opening. -57- 811.13.4 - False Fireplaces False fireplaces may be used in connection with listed gas or electric heaters, provided such fireplaces are constructed of concombustible materials. TABLE 811A -CHIMNEY SELECTION CHART Chimneys for Chimneys for Residential Type LOW II1iAT _Appliances Appliances 1. Factory built 1. Factory built (low (res:ciertial) heat) 2. Masonry 2. Masonry (low heat (residential)4 type)t 3. Metal (smokestack)6 TYPES OF APPLIANCES Column I A. Residential appliances such as: 1. Ranges 2. Warm Air furnaces 3. Water heaters 4. Hot water heating boilers 6. Lo:- -pressure steam heating boilers (not over 15 psig) G. Domestic incinerators' 7. Floor furnaces - S. Wall furnaces 9. Itoom heaters 10. Fireplace stoves. B. Fireplaces Chimneys for IIEDI UM IIEAT Appliances 1. Factory butt (medium heat type) 2. Masonry (med. heat type)4 3. Metal (smokestac;)s TO BE USED Column II A. All appliances shown in Column I B. Nonresidential type building heating appli- ances for heating a total volume of space exceeding twenty-five thousand (211,000) cubic feet* C. Appliances such as: 1. Annealing baths for hard glass (fats, par- affin salts, or metals) 2. Bake ovens (in bak- eries) 3. Boiling vats, for wood fibre, straw, lignin, etc. • Chimneys for II IGLU 11EAT Appliances 1. Masonry (high heat type) 2. Metal (smokestack)s WITH EACH TYPE CHIMNEY Column III All appliances shown in Columns I and II, and ap- pliances such as: 1. Alabaster gypsum - kilns 2. Annealing furnaces (glass or metal) 3. Charcoal furnaces 4. Cold stirring furnaces 5. Feed driers (direct fire heated) G. Fertilizer driers (di- rect fire heated) 7. Galvanizing furnaces 8. Gas producers 9. hardening furnaces (cherry to pale red) 4. Candy furnaces 10. 5. Coffee roasting 6. Core ovens • 7. Cruller furnaces 11. 8. Feed drying ovens 12. 9. Fertilizer drying 13. 10. Fireplaces, other than residential type 14. 11. Forge furnaces (solid 15. fuel) 12. Gypsum kilns 16. _13. hardening furnaces (below dark rcd) 14. IIot air engine fur- naces 15. Ladle drying furnaces 17. 16. Lead melting furnaces 13. 17.- Nickel plate (dry- ing) furnaces 19. 18. Paraffin furnaces 19. Recuperative furnaces (spent materials) 20. Rendering furnaces - 21. Rosin melting fur- naces 22. Steam boilers operat- ing at not over 50 1b. per sq. in. gage pres- sure; pressing ma- chine boilers 23. Stereotype furnaces 24. 25. Sulphur furnaces • Tripoli kilna (clay coke and gypsum) 26. Type foundry fur- naces 27. Unit heaters (oil- fired) • 28. Wood drying furnaces 29. Wood impregnating furnaces 30. Zinc amalgamating furnaces Tncinerato:s commer- cial and industrial type Lehrs and glory holes Lime kilns Linseed oil boiling furnaces Porcelain bircuit kilns Pulp driers (direct fire heated) Steam boilers operat- ing at over 50 Ib- per sq. in. gage pressure except pressing ma- chine boilers Water -glass kiln Wood -distilling fur- naces Wood -gas retorts Column IV • All appliances shown in Columns I, II and III, and appliances= such as: 1.. Bessemer retorts 2. Billet and bloom fur- naces • 3. Blast furnaces 4. Bone calcining fur- naces 5. Brass furnaces 6. Carbon point furnaces 7. Cement brick and tile kilns 8. Ceramic kilns 9. Coal and water 10. Cupolas 11. Earthenware kilns 12. Class blow furnaces 13. Glass furnaces (smelting) 14. Glass kilns'. 15. Open hearth furnaces 16. Ore roasting furnaces 17. Porcelain baking and glazing kilns 18. Pot -arches 19. Puddling furnaces 20. Regenerative fur- naces 21. Reverberatory .fur- naces 22. Stack, carburetor or superheating furnaces (in water gas worts) 23- Vitreous enameling Ovens (ferrous metals) 24. Wood carbonizing furnaces ial e ding fi.e thoasandd(2i,000) cubic lfc t mayheconnected stoor chhnneys fortresidential o of space not ce fo exced twenty- five 1. Appliances fiances ot}lc. � type appliances. 1 p- `wise classed as high heat appliances may be considered as medium heat appliances if not larger than oae hundred (100) cubic feet in size. Note 2. When such appliances are larger than 100 cubic feet in size, and other furnaces classified as high heat appliances in accordance with nationally recognized good practice. Note 3. Continuous operating equipment of trio counter current type may not require the type of flue indi- cated by general types of appliances. Note 4. For construction and other provisions for masonry chimney installation see Section 803. Note 5. For construction and othe.r provisions for metal chimney inctnitation or Sec tin^. 311,6--' 11.'1 -58- ' TABLE 81IB - VENTING SYSTEM SELECTION CHART Tyj,e 13— Gas (Round or Oval) All listed gas appliance - draft hoods such as: 1. Central furnaces 2. Duct furnaces 3. Floor furnaces 4. heating boilers B. Ranges 6. Built-in ovens 7. Vented all furnaces listed for use with Type B vents 8. Room heaters 9. Water heaters 10. Horizontal furnaces Unit heaters TYPE OF VENTING SYSTEM • Type BW—Gas Type L-011 1. Vented wall furnaces 1. Low temperature flue 1. for use with Typo BW appliances listed for vents only use with Type L vent- ing systems 2. Gas appliances shown in Column I SECTION 812 - CLEARANCES 812.1 - CLEARANCES FOR HEAT PRODUCING APPLIANCES AND THEIR ACCESSORIES Metal Pipe • Incinerators used out- doors, such as in open sheds, breezeways or carports as provided in 811.10A 2. Gas appliances shown in Column I . 3. Listed residential and low heat gas appli- ances without draft hoods an d unlisted residential and low heat gas appliances with or without draft hoods. (a) Clearances for listed heat producing appliances and their accessories, when listed for greater or less clearances than stipulated in this code, shall conform to their listings, subject to the approval of the Building Official. (b) Clearances not covered in this code shall be subject to the approval of the Building Official. (c) Clearances covered in this code shall conform to Table 812A except if the Clearances shown in the various sections of this code differ, they shall take precedence over those shown in Table 812A, subject to the approval of the Building Official. (d) Clearances 1. Factory built wood and coal burning stoves whichare listed by a nationally recognized testing, laboratory shall be installed in accordance with the listing. 2. Factory built wood and coal burning stoves which have not been tested and listed shall be installed with the clearances specified in Table 812A. 3. Vent connectors shall not connect to a chimney in an attic or a single wall chimney shall not pass through an attic or other space normally un -occupied. 4. Combustible floors under unlisted coal and woodburning stoves shall be protected in accordance with the following: -59- (A) Stoves without legs or with legs providing an air space less than 4 inches between ash box or bottom of firing chamber and combustible floor shall have the combustible floor protected with sheet metal or 1/8" asbestos covered with two courses of 4" hollow tile or its equivalent, this in turn covered with at least 3/16 inch metal. Three courses of brick with the top course laid on edge, providing ventilating space between them, may be used in lieu of the 2 courses of 4" tile. The floor protection shall extend 12" beyond the sides and rear and 24" beyond the front of the stove. (B) Stoves equipped with legs providing an air space of 4 to 17 inches between the ash box or bottom of the firing chamber and combustible floor shall have the floor protected with sheet metal or 1/8" asbestos covered with 4" hollow tile or its equivalent. The protection shall extend a minimum of 12" beyond the sides and rear 24" beyond the front of the stove. (C) Stoves equipped with legs providing an air space of 18 inches or more between the ash box or bottom of firing chamber and combustible floor shall have the floor protected with a minimum of 28 guage metal extending 12 inches beyond the sides and 24 inches beyond the front of the stove.! TABLE 812A — STANDARD INSTALLATION CLEARANCES, INCHES, FOR HEAT PRODUCING APPLIANCES (See Nots 1) These clearance, apply unless. otherwise Sown on listed appliances. Appliances shall nos by installed in alcoves on closets unless approved For such installation. For installation on combustible (loon, see note 2. APPLIANCE RESIDENTIAL TYPE APPLIANCES For Jnr: attntinn 'n Raem, S; hich am Ler.C.o (Sea Note 3) Above Top of nfl or Appliance From Top and Side, of lyarm Alr Bo,,;.; , Pleum From Front 5. Note 4 From Back From Side, Bolters and Water Heaters Stearn Boilers —15 prig Waver Eoilers-253 deg F Water Heaters -250 deg F Al) W,s, Walled or Jacketed Automatic Oil• or Comb. Gas•03 Automatic Gas Solid Electric • 6 6 6 6 — — — — • 24 18 48 18 6 6 6 6 6 •6 ' 6 6 a Furnaces — Centra( Gravity, (follow, Downllow, Horizontal and Duct. Warm- Air —250 deg F Max. - Automatic Oil Ga Comb. s -Oil Automatic Gas Solid Electric 6' 6' 18' 6' 6, 6' . 18' 6' ' 24 IB 49 18 6 18 18 6 6 ' 18 18 6 ' Fomac., — Flow36 For Mounting in Combustible Floors Automatic Oil Comb. Gas -O6 Automatic Gas 36 — ' — 12 12 12 12 12 12 Heat Fxchannar 51eam — 15 psi,. flax. d 50, Wa,,r-550 deg 6 Mex. — 1 1 1 1 1 -60- TABLE 812A — STANDARD INSTALLATION CLEARANCES, INCHES, FOR HEAT PRODUCING APPLIANCES (See No)r, 1) — Continuer/ �. Snndnrd clasran,-, may he r..d0c'.I b7 Prov;dina Drotect'on to cnrnhnatibl? rnateria' 'R rda2ce .$ i Table 812E An appliance may La instollol on a combo tibia 11rwr when conforming- to section i 3. )soona which are large in comparison8�2 t to t ,, sire u[ the appliance re ore volume a or. , a )•! r-. 11 the tqual to nt !oast twelve (12) times tis he total este than volumeofa furnace and l least e0 0onl .61 times the total cotuma of a Lao a If the actual ce;gha. laid'.+ -of a roon ',rester than dimension o(6o ft., the lama of r it shall w computedapp o•. the h 'e cf a c,o' s height nl e • ; (8) ft - ,t 4. The minimumndimens.on altar Ly that rewired for , aura na the apphnnca incl•:J;o= acnes for c ins: neiJ normal car„ tuix r,:moval, cies t to"a ' 6. For a Lister nils c mt,ination ny-oil, s n,, or clectr:c fnr..re this dimension msysv: t -so (21 in. if t!e f.:rnace limit ,ur.rrrl can- not be o -_t (.1,6,7 than two hundred fifty (2_60) dee.revs 1• or this di.ren..on may Le (1, in if the hnt10 control canted. 1.• tot1.2:her than t.:o :J herrsd (2001 dezrtee Y '. G. ^he cllme•:.:on may Le ; (6) in. for -nn nuWmatie :. `er-Gwarns-ale force arns-air for: ere tela'pied with two bunds. -1 fifty (253) . n. -a I' Irnit control and with l..rmnetne draft co -trod operate] by draft )ounsay and p'.,-mnen!y net to limit draft to 7. Ifrthe10,00 onderaind>of ob( eomin.alihir material orm ein. metal cahin•t iasprotctel with natleto, Rlh. a .! at lett one fourth 0,1 covered with shaft metal of not less than I:o. twenty-ebeht (21) haze the dint. e•e nay t- r „0 less than t.ven[ t t )(�) thick A. If the •m'L,nre it encased in brick, the eighteen (I0) in. ch•,ron c nb••.e and : a y o no tu.Iva (12) in. - -mea - -e-,r m -,y he t t I-•, th •.n 9. If the appliance Is enensal to brick the tiearanee above rn.J Lecnut lea, than C 1-"-t:s (.>) in, end ut sides and aver ;nay ba not less then eight.on (1A) In. 30. (:tesr.nee nivove chaemmn door should net he lee than forty-.,izht (43) In. —61— APPLIANCE IOESID))NTIAL TYPE APPLIANCES For !nate!Idlo., in Rooms Which are Lary (See Non 3) Top of Ce:4n7 or Appliance • From Top and d Sides of Warm -Ab Bonner or Plenum From From' Deo Non 3 Fr:^t Esdc from Side, Room Heaters C Vowed oyU r nventd Radiant or Other Typo Vented or Unvented Od or Solid Ga, .. Oil or Solid Ges Gas with double metal or ceramic back 36 - 36 36 36 36 — — — — — 24 24 26 36 35 12 12 36 13 12 12 12 36 18 10 • Radiator. Stearn or Hot Wever - G., Seo No1e7 36 — 6 6 6 - Firing Side Opp. Side Ponces—Cooking Stov . Vented or Unvented . - Oil Gaa Solid—Clay Lined Firepot Unlined !;repot 30 3D 30 3D — — — — — — — — 9 & 24 75 24 6 24 18 6 10 IB Ciolhes Dryers listed Types .• Electric Ge, Electric 30 6 — — — — 24 — 6 6 — 6 6 — Ini nera.or. ' Domestic Type. — See Note 10 36 — .43 35 35 • - - APPLIANCE COMMERCtAL.INDUSTRIAL TYPE LOW HENT APPLIANCES • Any and All Physical Siam Exwpl as Noted Above Top of Casing or Sec Note(' From Top and of f Yonne Air Bonn' ° Plen_c, From Front Frek Beek Zee flo•e8 S;dea 1= See No:,B - -- - Bel/an and Water Heaters . 16-) co 1: or Irss An, psig Steam 50 psi or Les, Any ciao All Fuels All Fuels 18 18 • — — . 43 43 la 18 18 18 3nfre.,.6 Haat.,, (Sts also "Hazardous Loco- ,ions • Sect:on 302.5) - 18 — 60 18 18 Unit Hale,, Floor Mounted or So,pended— Any Size Suspended -160 o, ft or less Suspended -100 cu fr or lea, Floor Mounted—Any Size Steam or Hot Water 03 or Comb. Gas -03 Gas All Foals 1 6 6 18 —— — — — 24 16 43 0 T8 18 la 1 ^ 18 13 18 R,Flcor A'.ounoed 1 Type . - All Fuels - 48 — 45 18 18 Other tow -Heat Industrial• Appliance. Floor Mounted or Suspended All Fuels 18 1B • L3 18 18 APPLIANCE COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL TYPE MEDIUM HEAL APPLIANCES • Above Top of Caso9 °r i See hint.Note 9 From Top and Sides of Warm -Air Bonnet ., Plenum From Front From Back See Note 9 Fco,, Sides See Note I Baer, end Wasrr Heater. Over 50 ps: Over 100 cu ft All Fuels 43 — - 95 36 36 • Other Med.-Hest Ind ' 1 Appliances All Sas All Fuels .40 36 95 36 35 Inrinerafors All Sizes — 48 — 95 36 36 INDUSTRIAL TYPE IIIGH-HEAT APPLIANCES H,9h-Ne., Indostri:l Appliance, All Sizes All Fu -1, 183 — 300 120 120 �. Snndnrd clasran,-, may he r..d0c'.I b7 Prov;dina Drotect'on to cnrnhnatibl? rnateria' 'R rda2ce .$ i Table 812E An appliance may La instollol on a combo tibia 11rwr when conforming- to section i 3. )soona which are large in comparison8�2 t to t ,, sire u[ the appliance re ore volume a or. , a )•! r-. 11 the tqual to nt !oast twelve (12) times tis he total este than volumeofa furnace and l least e0 0onl .61 times the total cotuma of a Lao a If the actual ce;gha. laid'.+ -of a roon ',rester than dimension o(6o ft., the lama of r it shall w computedapp o•. the h 'e cf a c,o' s height nl e • ; (8) ft - ,t 4. The minimumndimens.on altar Ly that rewired for , aura na the apphnnca incl•:J;o= acnes for c ins: neiJ normal car„ tuix r,:moval, cies t to"a ' 6. For a Lister nils c mt,ination ny-oil, s n,, or clectr:c fnr..re this dimension msysv: t -so (21 in. if t!e f.:rnace limit ,ur.rrrl can- not be o -_t (.1,6,7 than two hundred fifty (2_60) dee.revs 1• or this di.ren..on may Le (1, in if the hnt10 control canted. 1.• tot1.2:her than t.:o :J herrsd (2001 dezrtee Y '. G. ^he cllme•:.:on may Le ; (6) in. for -nn nuWmatie :. `er-Gwarns-ale force arns-air for: ere tela'pied with two bunds. -1 fifty (253) . n. -a I' Irnit control and with l..rmnetne draft co -trod operate] by draft )ounsay and p'.,-mnen!y net to limit draft to 7. Ifrthe10,00 onderaind>of ob( eomin.alihir material orm ein. metal cahin•t iasprotctel with natleto, Rlh. a .! at lett one fourth 0,1 covered with shaft metal of not less than I:o. twenty-ebeht (21) haze the dint. e•e nay t- r „0 less than t.ven[ t t )(�) thick A. If the •m'L,nre it encased in brick, the eighteen (I0) in. ch•,ron c nb••.e and : a y o no tu.Iva (12) in. - -mea - -e-,r m -,y he t t I-•, th •.n 9. If the appliance Is enensal to brick the tiearanee above rn.J Lecnut lea, than C 1-"-t:s (.>) in, end ut sides and aver ;nay ba not less then eight.on (1A) In. 30. (:tesr.nee nivove chaemmn door should net he lee than forty-.,izht (43) In. —61— 812.2 - CLEARANCES WITH PROTECTION Appliances may be installed in rooms, but not in alcoves or closets, with clearances less than specified in Table 812A, provided the combustible material or appliance is protected as described in Table 812A. CONSTRUCTION USING COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL, PLASTERED OR UNPLASTERED A 4c C SHEET METAL OR OTHER PROTECTION CONNECTOR OR APPLIANCE Figure 1 A equals the required clearance with no protection, specified in Table 812A. B equals the reduced clearance permitted in accordance with Table 812B. The protection applied to the construction using combustible material shall extend far enough in each direction to make C equal to A. Fig. 1. Extent of Protection Required to Reduce Clearances TABLE 812B — CLEARANCES, INCHES, WITH SPECIFIED FORMS OF PROTECTION'' TYPE OF PROTECTION Applied to the Sombuatbledalcal^n• therwise pe15ed d material ell surfaces within the distancepeci• ed arfte requies. auickwith n protection( E. 1)Thicknesses are inimm WHERE THE R2OUIR2D CLEARANCE WITH 220 PROTECTIONIST 36 Inches 1a Inches 12 Inches 9 inches 6lncheslass Above . Chimney 5e o 8 n- •Resr neap, Above Chimney Side o . Rear neater Above 8 Roar Chimney o . moor Above Chimney 5 o Vont E. Con. Rear nscror WA in. asbestos millboard spaced out 1 In ( 30 • 18 30 15 9 12 9 6 6 3 2 3 (b) 20 gape sheet metal on 1/a In. es. bestos millboard 24 18 24 12 9 12 9 6 4 3 2 2 (c) 28 gago sheet metal spaced out 7 in} 18 12 18 9 6 9 6 t 4 •` 2 2 2 (4) bestospmillboard ap cc«I out i1.(n.} 18 12 18 9 6 9 5 4 4 2 2 2 (e) heating asbestos pliancy anent covering on 18 12 36 9 6 13 6 4 9 2 T 6 (1) Va In. asbestos millboard on 1 fn. mineral fiber bats reinforced v60, wire mesh or equivalent 18 12 18 6 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 age (9) 22leo meal on 1 In. ntin- bats reinforced with wire or equivalent - 10 12 12 4 3 3 2 2 2 • 2 2 2 (h) 1/ in. asbestos millboard 36 36 36 10 18 13 12 12 9 4 4 4 (i) ;i In. cellular asbestos 36 36 35 18 18 19 12 12 9 • 3 3 3 • Except for the pmtaction decrihed in (oh all clearances shall be measur;d from tia outer surface of the appliance to the combustible ma- terini disregarding any intervening protection applied to the combustible material. } Spacer, shall be of nonmmbustil a ma mini. Note 1 A,beeto, millho.rd referred to -,lav- is a different rentrriai from asbestos - los rd. si' 1t 7s rot intended that est stoe anent board be used in complying with these requirement..Oben asbestos miiltcard�is sp-c:f:s1. Note 2 The etcj'air((nmx from specified forma of protection shall be such as not to Inta:fera w:tb the requirements for ocrosibitt7. Section R Rote 3 i'/fiere'fh5ar luired clearance with no proteclton la lees than etz (6) in., tae reglad e:mnnee for npprove,l gas npplianeea may his reduce,l one inch per inch Lhieknes., of fiberglass aeventy•ftve (.78) Ib. dna:y od4,a) W protect combuatibta material. Tho insula. tion may be applied to the duct, plenum, or cambustibla material to be probse d. • • -62- SECTION 813 - EXHAUST SYSTEMS 813.1 - SYSTEMS REQUIRED (a) Exhaust systems shall be provided, maintained and operated for all occupied areas where machines, vats, tanks, furnaces, forges, salamanders, and any other equipment and processes in such areas produce or throw off dust or particles sufficiently light to float in the air, or which emit heat, odors, fumes, spray, gas or smoke,in such quantities as to be irritating or injurious to health or safety, and shall mechanically discharge such exhaust to the ourdoor atmosphere. The total outdoor air supplied shall be equal in volume to that removed. (b) All equipment and system service rooms, which house sources of odors, fumes, noxious gases, smoke, steam, dust, spray, or other contaimination shall be such as to prevent spreading of any such contamination to any other occupied parts of the building. (c) Air exhausted from bath, toilet, urinal, lavatory, locker, coat room or similar rooms shall not be recirculated unless treated by a listed or approved air treatment system in compliance with NSF Standard C-10. 813.2 - GENERAL PROVISIONS (a) If a greater quantity of air is supplied by a mechanical ventilating supply system than is removed by a mechanical exhaust system for a room, adequate means shall be provided for the natural exit of the excess air supplied. If a mechanical exhaust system only is installed for a room or if a greater quantity of air is removed by a mechanical exhaust system than is supplied by a mechanical ventilating sypply system for a room, adequate means shall be provided for the natural supply of the deficiency in the air supplied. (b) The air removed by every mechanical exhaust system shall be discharged out-of-doors at a point where it will not cause a nuisance and from which it cannot again be readily drawn in by a ventilating system. (Exhausting air into an attic or crawl space shall be prohibited.) Air which is to be used for re -circulation may be discharged to a supply system. (c) Mechanical exhaust from bath, toilet, urinal, locker, service sink, closets and similar rooms shall be an independent system and shall not be recirculated unless treated by a listed or approved air treatment system in compliance with NSP Standard C-10. When exhaust systems are used, they may be combined with similar exhaust except kitchen exhaust shall be on an independent system. -63_ (d) Where natural ventilation or approved air treatment system in compliance with NSF Standard C-10 is not provided, two (2) cubic feet of air per minute per square foot of floor area shall be exhausted from lavatories, toilets, bathrooms and rest rooms, with the following exceptions: (1) For lavatories, toilets, bathrooms, and restrooms in one and two ,family dwellings, exhaust air may be reduced to a minimum of one (1) cubic foot per minute per square foot of floor area. (2) For private toilet rooms with not more than one water closet and one lavatory, exhaust air may be reduced to a minimum of one (1) cubic feet per minute per square foot of floor area. 813.3 - DUCTS - GENERAL The materials used in every mechanical exhaust system shall be of sheet metal or other approved materials in accordance with Section 816. Materials shall be of non- absorbent and moisture and corrosion resisting character. The design and construction of all equipment and the weight and bracking of all duct work shall be such that will operate under normal conditions without excessive vibrations. (See Section 816). Ducts shall be substantially air -tight. Linings, if used, shall be securely anchored. t 813.4 - GREASE HOOD DUCT SYSTEMS i (a) Material. Duct systems serving exhaust hoods removing smoke and grease - laden vapors shall be constructed of and supported by steel not lighter than No. 16 Manufacturer's Standard Gage or of other material of equivalent strength, fire and corrosion resistance as approved by the Building Official. All seams and joints shall be/made liquid -tight with.a continuous external weld. All duct systems furnished as a part of a grease extractor listed by a nationally recognized testing agency are considered as complying with these requirements when installed in accordance with the terms of its listing. Ducts constructed of materials that are subject to corrosion shall be suitably protected when installed out of doors. (b) Prevention of Grease Accumulation. All sections of the duct system shall be constructed and installed without forming dips and traps and shall slope not less than one inch per lineal foot toward either the hood or an approved residue trap. -64- (c) Openings. The duct system shall have only those openings required for the proper operation and maintenance of the system. For cleaning purposes, cleanout openings shall be provided at each change in direction of the duct and at any other portion of the system not accessible from the duct inlet or dscharge. All cleanout openings shall be located on the sides of the duct and shall be of sufficient size to permit a thorough cleaning of the entire system. Cleanout openings shall be equipped with tight -fitting doors or covers, constructed of metal which is equal to or greater in thickness than that of the ducts. Such doors or covers shall be equipped with a substantial method of latching, sufficient to make them grease -tight. Doors or covers shall be so designed that they can be opened or removed without the use of a tool. (d) Support. Duct systems shall be properly supported and securely fastened in place at every change in direction and as required in Section 816. Supports or fasteners shall not penetrate any duct or plenum. (e) Air Velocity. Duct systems shall be designed and installed, in a manner, to provide an air velocity within the duct system of not less than 1500 feet per minute. (f) Separate System. A separate system and individual duct system shall be provided exclusively for each grease hood, except as provided herein. A single duct system may serve more than one grease hood located in the same story of the building provided that in addition to other requirements of this Code the installation also complies with the following: 1. All hoods served by the system shall be located in the same room or adjacent rooms. 2. No portion of the interconnecting duct shall pass through any construction which would require the opening to be fire protected. Grease exhaust duct systems shall not be interconnected with any other building ventilating or exhaust system. (g) Duct Enclosure. Vertical ducts located within a building shall be enclosed in a continuous enclosure extending from the ceiling above the hood to or through the roof. A minimum clearance of six inches shall be maintained between the duct and interior surface of the enclosure. The fire resistance rating of the enclosure shall be a minimum of one hour for buildings two through three stories in height and a minimum of two hours for buildings four stories or more in height. The enclosure shall be used exclusively to enclose a single grease exhaust system and shall be used for no other purposes. -65- (h) Enclosure Access Openings. Openings required in vertical enclosures for access to cleanout openings shall be equipped with approved sliding or hinged doors equal in fire -resistive construction to that of the enclosure. (i) Dampers. No damper shall be installed in any portion of the duct system unless specifically listed for such use. This does not prohibit the use of dampers which are part of a listed grease extractor, an approved extinguishing system or an approved fan by-pass system. (j) Clearance. Every duct system shall have a clearance from combustible construction of not less than 18 inches. This clearance may be reduced, to no less than 3 inches provided the combustible material is protected with materials as approved for one-hour fire -resistive construction on the duct side. Ducts shall not pass through interior walls or partiions having a fire resistance rating of two hours or more. (k) Exhaust Outlets. Exhaust outlets for grease hood duct systems shall comply with all applicable requirements as specified in Section 813.5. (1) Fume incinerators, thermal recovery units,, air pollution control devices, or other devices, may be installed in ducts or hoods or location in the path of travel of exhaust products when specifically approved for:such use and shall not increase the fire hazard. 813.5 - EXHAUST OUTLETS Exhaust outlets for ducts conveying noxious gases, flammable vapors, corrosive vapors, and ducts serving commercial food cooking and processing equipment, shall terminate outside the building and shall be located ten feet from any adjacent building, parking area, adjacent property line window, door, or air intake opening and shall be located at least ten feet above the adjoining grade level. Every exhaust outlet which is located above the roof shall terminate at least 40 inches above the roof surface. The airflow from exhaust outlets conveying grease - laden vapors shall be in a vertical direction away from the roof surface. Where this is not possible, a metal pan at least one inch deep shall be provided on the roof surface to catch the grease residue. The exhaust from hoods serving commercial food heat -processing equipment may terminate in an approved engineered air recovery system for recirculation to the room in which the hood is located. -66- 813.6 - HOODS (a) Location. An exhaust hood shall be installed for all commercial, industrial, institutional and other food heat -processing equipment producing smoke or grease -laden air. This does not include domestic equipment located in one and two family dwellings and similar occupancies. (b) Air Volume. The hood shall be designed with a sufficient air volume to properly exhaust all grease and smoke vapor produced by the equipment which it serves. Unless the hood is designed and certified by a licensed architect or Professional Engineer or is an approved prefabricated hood tested and certified by,the manufacturer the following requirements shall be met: 1. Canopy -type hoods shall be at least two feet deep from bottom edge to top edge of hood and shall overhang the equipment it serves at least six inches on all open sides. 2. The bottom edge of a canopy -type hood shall be a maximum of seven feet above the floor. 3. Canopy hoods open on all sides shall have a minimum exhaust capacity of 150 CFM per square foot of hood area. 4. Canopy -type hoods open on three or less sides shall have a minimum exhaust capacity of T00 CFM per square foot of hood area. 5. Backshelf-type hoods having an intake within three feet of the vapor producing surface shall have a minimum exhaust capacity of 300 CFM per lineal foot of cooking surface within a maximum distance of one foot from the face of the hood to the front edge of the equipment it is serving. Provisions shall be made to admit air to the room where the hood is located at a rate not less than that which is exhausted by the hood. (c) Material and Installation. All hoods shall be constructed and installed in accordance with the following: 1. Hoods shall be constructed of and supported by steel not lighter than No. 18 Manufacturer's Standard Gage, or stainless steel not lighter than No. 20 Manu facturer's Standard Gage or of other material of equivalent strength, fire and corrosion resistance as approved by the Building Official. 2. Hoods shall be securely supported by non-combustible supports. 3. -A11 seams and joints shall be made liquid -tight with a continuous external weld. -67- 4. Hoods shall be so designed and installed to provide for thorough cleaning of the entire hood. 5. When grease troughs or gutters are provided, they shall drain to a collecting receptacle designed, fabricated and installed to be readily accessible for cleaning. (d) Clearance. Every portion of the hood shall have a clearance from combustible construction of not less than 18 inches. This clearance may be reduced to not less than 3 inches provided the combustible material is protected with materials as .approved for one-hour fire -resistive construction on the hood side. (e) Grease Removal Devices. Each hood shall be equipped with a properly sized :grease removal device of one of the following types: 1. Grease extractors specifically listed for this service and installed in accordance with the terms of its listing. 2. Grease filters or other grease removal device specifically listed for use with commercial cooking equipment when installed in accordance with the following: (A) The height of the lowest edge of a grease filter or other removal device located above the cooking or heating surface shall not be less than the distances shown in Table 813A. TABLE 813A - MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN THE LOWEST EDGE OF A GREASE FILTER AND THE COOKING SURFACE OR THE HEATING SURFACE Duct System and Hood ' With Fire -Extinguishing Systeml (In Feet), No exposed Flame Grilles, French Fryers, etc 2 Exposed Flame and Burners 2 Exposed Charcoal and Charbroil Type Fires 4 1Fire-extinguishing system shall be of an approved type. (B) Filters shall be tight fitting and firmly held in place, yet .be easily accessible and removable without special tools. (C) Filters shall be installed at a minimum angle of 45° from the horizontal. A drip tray designed and located to collect the grease from the filters and drain to an enclosed non-combustible container shall be provided beneath the lower edge of the filters. The container shall have a maximum capacity of one gallon unless otherwise approved by the Building Official. -68- 813.7 - FIRE EXTINGUISHING EQUIPMENT Duct systems, grease removal devices and exhaust hoods serving food heat processing equipment producing smoke or grease -laden air shall be protected by both an automatic fire extinguishing system and a portable extinguisher in accordance with the Paragraphs (a) and (b). (a) Portable. Alkaline dry chemical -type portable fire extinguishers shall be installed in the kitchen area for the protection of the cooking equipment. Extinguishers shall have a minimum rating of 20 B -C (Sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate base) and shall be conspicuously located and readily accessible along exit paths from the area. The extinguishers shall be a minimum of ten feet and maximum of 20 feet from the cooking equipment. The top of the extinguishers shall be a maximum of five feet above the floor and shall be protected from physical damage. (b) Automatic. Automatic systems shall be listed specifically for this type service and shall be installed in accordance with the terms of its listing. The following types of extinguishing systems may be provided when installed in accordance with the provisions of the following applicable standards when approved by the Building Official. _ 1. Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing System NFPA-12. 2. Installation of Sprinkler Systems NFPA-13. 3. Installation of Foam -Water Sprinkler Systems and Foam -Water Spray System NFPA-16. 3. Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems NFPA-17. (c) Fixed pipe extinguishing equipment conforming to the requirements of Section 103 of NFPA-96, Standard for Vapor Removal from Cooking Equipment. (d) Fat fryers, ranges, griddles, broilers, and similar cooking equipment which may be a source of ignition of grease in the exhaust system shall also be protected by approved fire extinguishing equipment. (e) When listed grease extractors complying with Section 813.6(e) (1) of this code are provided for all cooking equipment, the duct fire extinguishing equipment may be omitted when approved by the Building Official. CO Fire extinguishing equipment designed for manual operation shall have these instructions posted conspiciously in the kitchen or cooking area. -69- (g) The operation of any extinguishing system shall automatically shut off all sources of fuel and heat to all equipment protected by an extinguishing system or located under ventilating equipment protected by an extinguishing system. 813.8 - RESIDENTIAL RANGE HOODS Residential range hoods shall be vented to the outside by a Type "B" labeled vent or single wall pipe having a clearance of one inch from Combustible material. Vents serving range hoods shall not terminate in an attic crawl space or any area inside the building. Listed unvented range hoods may be used when installed in accordance with the terms of its listing. SECTION 814 - LOCATION AND MOUNTING 814.1 - LOCATION (a) Every appliance shall be located with respect to building construction and other equipment so as to permit access to the appliance. Sufficient clearance shall be maintained to permit cleaning of heating surfaces; the replacement of filters; blowers, motors, burners, controls and vent connections; the lubrication of moving parts where required; and the adjustment and cleaning of burners and pilots. (b) Appliances listed for outdoor installations may be installed without pro- tection in accordance with the provisions of their listing and shall be accessible for servicing. Appliances listed "for outdoor installation only" shall not be installed inside a building. (c) Where such appliance is located in an equipment room, such room shall have an opening or door and passageway thereto, which is large enough to permit removal of the largest piece of the appliance, but not less than twenty (20) inches in width. 814.2 - MOUNTING Heating producing appliances listed for mountings on combustible floors shall be installed strictly according to their listings, subject to the approval of the Building Official. SECTION 815 - COMBUSTION AND VENTILATION AIR 815.1 - COMBUSTION AIR - GENERAL (a) The standards set forth in this section define the minimum requirements of air for combustion and ventilation. These standards shall not be decreased; however, manufacturers specifications shall be followed where their requirements exceed these standards. The minimum dimension of rectangular air ducts shall be not less than three (3) inches. -70- (b) To prevent space temperatures exceeding one hundred twenty (120) degrees Fahrenheit, additional ventilation air shall be supplied to the equipment room. Equipment rooms shall not be ventilated by any means which would reduce pressures in the space sufficiently to draw gasses of combustion from the appliance into the equipment room. (c) Operations of exhaust fans, kitchen ventilating systems or fireplaces shall. be installed so as to avoid unsatisfactory equipment operation. 815.2 - COMBUSTION AIR - SOLID FUEL EQUIPMENT Rooms or spaces in which an appliance or appliances arranged to burn solid fuel are installed shall be provided with minimum unobstructed combustion air openings equal to two (2) square inches for each one thousand (1,000) BTU's per hour fuel input of such appliances with a minimum total free area of two hundred (200) square inches as specified in Section 815.3. 815.3 - COMBUSTION AIR - LIQUID AND GAS FUEL EQUIPMENT Rooms or spaces in which gas or liquid -fuel burning appliances are installed shall be provided with minimum unobstructed combustion air openings as follows: (a) Where appliances are installed in unconfined spaces in buildings of conventional frame, brick, or stone construction having air infiltration and without storm windows, air for combustion and draft hood dilution is not required. (b) Where appliances are installed in a confined space within a one or two family residence, provision may be made for supplying this space with air for combustion and ventilation by eliminating the ceiling of the confined space; provided, however, that the area above this confined space has openings directly to outside air as required by this section. (c) Where appliances are installed in confined space within a building having adequate air infiltration, provisions shall be made for supplying this space with air for combustion and ventilation. This may be accomplished through use of two (2) permanent openings freely communicating with interior areas of adequate infiltration or by compliance with provisions of item (b) or (d). These two (2) permanent openings shall be near the top of the confined space and one near the bottom. If necessary, continuous ducts having cross-sectional areas at least equal to the free area of the opening shall be utilized to communicate with the source of air supply. The minimum dimensions of rectangular air ducts shall be not less than three (3) inches. Any duct from the top opening must be horizontal or pitched upward. (d) Where appliances are installed in a confined space within a building, the -71- building being of unusually tight construction, air for combustion and ventilation for the confined space shall be provided with two (2) permanent openings, one near the top and one near the bottom of the enclosure, each opening having a minimum free area of nineteen (19) square inches. The openings shall communicate directly, or by ducts, with the outside air. 1. When directly communicating with the outside air each opening shall have a minimum free area of one (1) square inch per four thousand (4,000) BTU per hour of total input rating of all appliances in the enclosure. 2. When communicating with the outside air through vertical ducts, each opening shall have a minimum free area of one (1) square inch per four -thousand (4,000) BTU per hour of total input rating of all appliances in the enclosure. 3. When communicating with the outside air through horizontal ducts, each opening shall have a minimum free area of one (1) square inch per two thousand (2,000) BTU per hour of total input rating of all appliances in the enclosure. 4. When ducts are used, they shall have at least the same cross-sectional area as the free area of the openings to which they connect. The minimum dimension of rectangular air ducts shall not be less than three (3) inches. Any duct from the top opening must be horizontal or pitched upward. (e) Where appliances are installed in unconfined spaces, within a building of unusually tight construction, air for combustion, ventilation, and draft hood dilution must be obtained from the outside air or from spaces freely communicating with the outside air. Under these conditions, a permanent opening or opening having a total free area of at least nineteen (19) square inches but not less than one (1) square inchper five thousand (5,000) BTU per hour of total input rating.of all appliances shall be provided. Where ducts are required they shall have at least the same cross- sectional area as the free area of the openings to which they connect. The minimum dimension of rectangular air ducts shall be not less than three (3) inches. The air from the outside space must freely communicate with the room in which the appliance is located. 815.4 - COMBUSTION AIR REQUIRED - FUEL INPUTS OVER POUR HUNDRED THOUSAND (400,000) BTU/HR The size of combustion air openings specified in 815.3 shall not govern any installations having an input in excess of four hundred thousand (400,000) BTU per hour. Where combustion air is taken from the space in which the fuel -burning appliance is located, a permanent opening to the outside air shall be provided having an area -72- -at least one hundred eight (108) square inches for each one million (1,000,000) B.T.U.'s per hour input. ,815.5 - DUCTS FOR COMBUSTION AND VENTILATION AIR Ducts required for combustion air shall be of galvanized steel complying with Section 816 or other corrosion -resistant material approved for this use; and terminate :in a space not less than six (6) inches in depth in front of, or open to, the front or firebox side of the appliance. Every such space shall extend from the floor to the ceiling of the appliance enclosure. Combustion air openings shall be covered with corrosion -resistant •screen of not less than one fourth (14) inch mesh. 815.6 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS TO THAT SPECIFIED IN SUBSECTIONS 815.3 and 815.4 Alternate methods of supplying combustion air may be approved when special engineering assures an adequate supply of air for combustion, ventilation and draft hood dilution by mechanical means. Such mechanical systems shall be as approved by the Building Official and shall supply outside air to the space. In no case shall exhaust fans be used which will create a negative pressure in a space where gas ox liquid fuel appliances are installed. SECTION 816 - DUCTS AND DUCT SYSTEMS 816.1 - GENERAL All duct systems used for the movement of air or material in air conditioning, heating, ventilating, environmental exhaust and conveying systems shall conform with the provisions of this chapter. For ventilating and exhaust systems for the removal of dust, smoke, fumes, gases, vapors, odors or other hazardous, noxious or injurious impurities, see Section 813 of this code. When referred to in this section, commercial duct applies to all systems serving spaces of over twenty-five thousand (25,000) cubic feet in volume; and, residential duct applies to all systems serving one and two family dwellings and spaces twenty-five thousand (25,000) cubic feet and less in volume. 816.2 - STANDARDS Ducts shall be constructed, braced, reinforced and installed to provide structural strength and durability. Ducts and duct systems complying with the requirements of the following standards shall be deemed as meeting the intent of this code: -73- (a) Low Pressure Duct Construction Standard, Fifth Edition; high Pressure Duct Construction Standard, Third Edition; Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standard, Fourth 'Edition and Duct Liner Application Standard, Second Edition --all published by the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning contractor's National Association. i (b) The Equipment Volume of the Handbook published by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (c) Underwriters' Laboratories Standard UL -181, "Factory Made Duct Materials and Air Duct Connectors". 816.3 - DUCT MATERIALS All ducts shall be constructed of iron, steel, aluminum or other approved material complying with the following requirements: (a) Commercial Duct Systems. 1. Flexible and rigid Class 0 and Class 1 duct materials may be used when installed in accordance with the conditions of their listing, they are not used for vertical risers serving more than two stories and they are used on duct systems having a maximum air temperature of two hundred fifty (2500) degrees F. Listed air duct material is not limited in length. 2. When approved by the Building Official, part of the building structure may be used as a duct when installed in accordance with one of the following: (A) Ductwall construction consisting,of not less than three quarters (3/4) inch cement or gypsum plaster on metal lath applied to suitable supports. (B) Duct walls of masonry construction of proper strength and design. (C) Properly constructed and lined passages of gypsum wallboard may be used for ductwalls for return air and heating ducts in which no condensation is to be encountered. (b) Residential Duct Systems. 1. All ducts shall be constructed of metal having a minimum gauge number as shown in the following table: (A) Round Ducts & Enclosed Rectangular Ducts: Wm. or i Lubes Norn:nal Thickness Inches MIrs We mulr. Ammo. Tim -Plate Galvanized Aluminum lbs. Lu brae Soret Gale Na S t. s Gare ' box 14 or less 0.016 30 Over 14 0.019 23 (b). Exposed Rectangular Ducts: 14 or Less 0.019 28 24 Over 14 0.022 26 23 26 135 24 -74- 2. Non-metallic ducts and duct materials may be used for duct systems serving listed automatic -fired heating equipment having a two hundred fifty (250°) degree F. temperature limit control when installed in accordance with the conditions of their listing and the following: (A) The entire system including plenums may be Class 0 or Class 1 materials. (B) Class 2 materials may be used in single-family dwellings only and shall not be used for ducts located within the first three (3) feet of the bonnet, plenum or casing of the heating unit. 3. Return ducts, except those portions directly above the heating surface or closer than two feet from the heating unit casing, may be constructed of materials having a flame spread rating not higher than two hundred (200). 816.4 - DUCT CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION (a) Joints and seams shall be securely fastened and made substantially air tight. Where tape is used for sealing joints, it shall not be more combustible than flameproof fabric. All slip joints shall have at least a one -inch lap which is mechanically fastened. (b) Vibration isolation connectors between ducts and mechanical systems shall be of an approved flame retardant fabric, such as woven asbestos, and shall not exceed ten inches in length. On commercial systems, a sleeve joint packed with an approved material having a maximum flame spread rating of twenty-five (25) and maximum smoke developed rating of fifty (50) may be used. (c) Ducts shall be suitably protected when placed in locations where they may be subject to damage, rupture or corrosion. (d) Metal ducts shall be securely supported, hung or suspended by metal hangers, straps, lugs or brackets having a minimum width of one inch. Approved nonmentallic ducts shall be installed and supported in accordance with the terms of its listing. When approved by the Mechanical Official, heavy gauge galvanized wire may be used for supports. Nails or screws shall not be driven through the duct walls. (e) Ducts shall not be installed in or within four inches of the ground unless the provisions of Section 816 are met. (f) Vertical supply ducts in residential systems which are exposed in closet or rooms shall be covered or lined with a minimum of one-quarter (1) inch thick approved fire-resistant material. -75- (g) Exposed openings in fan housing shall be protected with screens or gratings to prevent accidents or the entry of foreign material. (h) All mechanical equipment shall be provided with guards or protectors over rotating parts to prevent accidents. (i) Lights or lighting installed within the enclosure of any duct system shall be enclosed fixtures of the -marine (vapor -tight) type. Germicidal lamps are not included. (j) All ducts including linings, coverings and vibration isolation connectors installed on the exterior of the building shall be adequately protected against the elements. 816.5 - FLEXIBLE AIR DUCT CONNECTORS Flexible air duct connectors for use between ducts and air outlets or air outlet units which do not pass through floors of buildings need not conform to the requirements for ducts (Section 816.3) if they conform to the following provisions: (a) Air duct connectors up to eight (8) inches in diameter shall be of minimum Class 2 materials. (b) Air duct connectors exceeding eight (8) inches in diameter shall be minimum Class 1 materials. (c) Flexible air duct connectors shall not exceed fourteen (14) feet in length. (d) Flexible air duct connectors shall not pass through a fire wall or partition having a required fire resistance rating of two (2) hours or more. 816.6 - INSULATION (a) Materials. 1. Coverings and linings, including adhesives when used, shall have a flamespread rating not over twenty-five (25) without evidence of continued progressive combustion and with a smoke developed rating not over fifty (50). 2. Duct coverings and linings shall not flame, glow, smolder, or smoke when tested in accordance with Test for Hot -Surface Performance of High -Temperature Thermal Insulation (ASTM C411) at the temperature to which it is exposed in service. In no case shall the test temperature be below two hundred fifty (2500) degrees F. 3. Linings shall be interrupted at the area of operation of a fire damper or fire door. -76- 4. Linings shall be interrupted for a minimum of eighteen (18) inches upstream and thirty (30) inches downstream from electric resistance and fuel burning :heaters in a duct system. (See Duct Coverings 506(b).) 5. Listed equipment internally lined shall be considered as meeting the requirements of this section. 6. Duct coverings shall not penetrate a wall or floor required to have a fire resistance rating or required to be firestopped. 7. Service openings shall not be concealed by duct coverings unless the .exact location of the opening is properly labeled. 8. Foam plastic shall conform to section 718. 9. External duct work insulation and factory insulated flexible duct work shall be legibly printed or labeled at intervals not greater than thirty-six (36) inches with the name of the manufacturer, the nominal thickness and density of the insulation or R -value and the flame -spread and smoke -developed ratings of the composite materials. (b) Installation. 1. All ductwork installed in an attic shall be insulated. All metal supply ductwork installed in a ventilated crawl space or other nonconditioned area shall be insulated. Insulation shall be a minimum two (2y inch thick three-quarter (3/4) pound density blanket or one (1) inch thick, one and one-half (111) pound density liner. When ducts used for cooling are externally insulated, the insulation shall be covered with a vapor barrier having a maximum permeance of five hundredths (0.05) perms or aluminum foil having a minimum thickness of two (2) mils. When nonmetallic ducts or other approved insulating or lining materials are used, the minimum thermal conductance value of the material shall be twenty-three hundredths (0.23).at seventy- five (75°) degrees F. All exterior ducts insulated shall be properly protected with an approved weatherproof vapor barrier. 2. Where duct liner has been interrupted, a duct covering of equal thermal performance shall be installed. 3. All ducts which operate at temperatures in excess of one hundred twenty (120°) degrees F. shall have sufficient thermal insulation to limit the exposed surface temperature to one hundred twenty (120 ) degrees F. (Vapor barrier not required.) -77- 816.7 - DUCTS IN CONCRETE SLABS - (a) Ducts located in or under concrete slabs shall be of metal of sufficient .strength encased on all sides with not less than two (2) inches of concrete or shall be of other approved material specifically designed for this service installed fin accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. (b) All ducts shall slope to an accessible plenum for drainage of condensate. (c) Ducts shall be properly sealed and secured prior to pouring the concrete encasement. ER6.8 - DUCT CLEARANCE (a) Commercial Systems 1. Metal ducts serving heating equipment shall have a clearance from com- bustible construction of not less than one-half (') inch. 2. In concealed ceiling, wall and partition spaces where the one half (11) inch clearance cannot be maintained, the interior surfaces of the concealed space shall be protected with one-quarter ('-z) inch approved insulating material. (b) Residential. 1. Supply ducts serving automatically -fired heating equipment equipped with two hundred fifty (250°) degree F. temperature limit control shall have a clearance from combustible construction as follows: (A) When the heating unit is listed, not less than two (2) inches for ducts within three (3) feet of the plenum. (B) When the heating unit is unlisted, not less than six (6) inches for ducts within six (6) feet of plenum. (C) Beyond the distances specified in (A) and (B) above, no clearance is required. 2. Clearances from combustible construction to vertical ducts, risers, boots and register boxes which connect to ducts within the distances from the plenum specified in Section 816.8(b)(1) shall be not less than that specified for the duct. 816.9 - PLENUM FLOOR SYSTEMS 816.9.1 - General The use of a crawl space as a plenum shall be restricted as provided herein. (a) Such spaces shall have not more than twentyfour (24) inches nor less than three (3) inches clearance between the bottom of the floor joists and sand or concrete cover. Such spaces shall be cleaned of all excess combustible material. -78- (b) The enclosing material of the underfloor space, including the side wall insulation, shall have a flame spread classification of not more than two hundred (200). (c) Access, if provided to such spaces, shall be through an opening in the floor _and shall not be greater than twenty-four (24) inches by twenty-four (24) inches. (d) The furnace supplying such space shall be equipped with an automatic control having a maximum setting of one hundred fifty (150°) degrees F. designed to start the furnace fan when the bonnet temperature reaches the setpoint of the control and i an approved temperature limit control designed to limit the outlet temperature to two hundred (200°) degrees F. 816.9.2 - Construction Practices (a) Framing. Framing shall comply with the requirements of this Code. (b) Decay and Termite Protection. Where required, preservatives shall be of approved water borne type. (c) Soil Poisoning. Chemical soil treatment shall be applied to both sides of the foundation wall from the footing to the grade level. Approved chemical shall be used. All excavations for plumbing and other services shall be completed at the time of the chemical soil treatment, or retreatment shall be necessary. (d) Vapor Barrier. After the soil has been treated, a vapor barrier shall be provided within the foundation perimeter, from wall to wall, with joints lapped two (2) inches but not sealed. The vapor barrier membrane shall be carefully fitted around pipes and drains and turned up at the foundation wall. The vapor barrier membrane shall be equal to or greater than polyethyiene film of four (4) mil thickness. The vapor barrier membrane shall be covered with a two (2) inch layer of clean sandorother non-combustible material. i (e) Insulation and Sill Sealer. The foundation wall shall be insulated along its inner face from the sill vertically to the under -floor plenum grade level and horizontally over the vapor barrier, a distance of two (2) feet. The insulation shall provide a maximum heat loss of thirty-five (35) BTU per linear foot of perimeter wall above the underfloor space, assuming a plenum air temperature of seventy (70) degrees for return and one hundred ten (110) degrees Farenheit for supply. A positive seal shall be provided at the junction of the house wall and the foundation. -79- o- (f) Outlets. Outlets from the plenum shall be provided by one of the following methods: 1. An air slot shall be provided at the base of the exterior wall or interior partitions in accordance with the recommendations of the National Forest Products Association. 2. Floor registers shall be designed for easy removal in order to give access for cleaning. 3. Wall registers shall be connected to the plenum space with a duct or boot complying with the requirements of this Section. 816.10 - FIRE PROTECTION OF DUCTS (a) Fire Doors. Duct penetrations of fire walls having a fire resistance rating of three hours or more shall be'protected by installing a listed fire door satisfactory for Class A openings on both sides of the walls. (b) Fire Dampers. Listed fire dampers shall be installed in accordance with the manu- facturer's installation instructions in the following locations: 1. Ducts penetrating walls or partitions having a fire resistance rating of one (1) or more hours. 2. Ducts penetrating shaft walls having a fire resistance rating of one (1) or more hours.. 3. Ducts penetrating floors of buildings requiring the protection of vertical openings when the duct is not protected by shafts described in Section 816.10(E). Exceptions: Fire dampers are not required: (A) In buildings which do not require protected floor openings. (B) In duct systems serving only one floor and used only for exhaust of air to the outside and not penetrating a wall or partition having a required fire re- sistance rating of two (2) hours or more or passing entirely through the enclosure for a vertical shaft. (C) Where branch ducts connect to return risers in which the air flow is upward and subducts at least twenty-two (22) inches in length is carried up inside the riser at each inlet. (c) Protection of Ceiling Penetrations. Ducts penetrating the ceiling of a fire resistive roof/floor and ceiling assembly shall be protected by methods complying with the design of the assembly or by ceiling dampers specifically designed and listed for this type servide. (d) Smoke Dampers. Unless the air system is designed to provide smoke control of -80- pressurization functions during a fire emergency, smoke dampers with listed operators shall be installed at all duct penetrations of required smoke partitions. (e) Vertical Shafts. In buildings more than one story in height, ducts extending through more than one floor shall be enclosed in a shaft constructed of non-combustible materials having a fire resistance rating of not less than one (1) hour for buildings less than four (4) storied in height and not less than two (2) hours for buildings four (4) stories and more in height. Ducts penetrating only one floor may be protected by installing a listed fire damper where the floor is pierced in lieu of the enclosure. (f) Access. An access door or other approved means of access shall be provided in ducts to permit the proper maintenance and resetting of each fire door, fire damper and smoke damper. For ducts located above the ceiling of a fire rated assembly, a service opening designed and installed so as not to reduce the fire rating of the assembly shall be provided. (g) Design Drawings. The specific location and installation details of each fire door, fire damper, ceiling damper and smoke damper shall be shown and properly identified on the building plans by the designer. 816.11 - WEATHERPROOFING All ducts installed outside buildings and exposed to the elements shall be properly weatherproofed in an approved manner. Ducts with internal insulation shall have all joints and seams soldered or otherwise sealed so as to be weathertight. Ducts externally insulated shall have this insulation protected with a covering of sheet metal, weather- proof membrane or a mastic coating, all of which shall be applied in an approved manner. 9 816.12 - PLENUM CHAMBERS A room attic, void, hollow or concealed space shall not be used as an integral part of a duct system, or plenum unless the component parts of such space is constructed entirely of non-combustible material, properly protected by means of fire dampers and/or fan cut-off controls so as to restrict the spread of fire, and arrange so as to protect the fire -resistiveness of the assembly, for exeeption.see Section -816.9. Such chambers shall not be used for storage or occupational purposes. Public exit halls in hotels, hospitals, institutions and similar occupancies and in multi -family houses shall not be used a plenums for adjoining areas other than toilet rooms, bathrooms, shower rooms, sink closets, and similar auxiliary spaces opening directly on the corridor. -81- Exception No. 1: This requirement shall not prohibit the use of - mechanical ventilation for the corridors or incidental exfiltration because of pressure differential in institutional occupancies. Exception No. 2: In multi -family houses, hotels and similar occu- pancies, this requirement shall not prohibit the use of a corridor as a source of make-up air through normal leakage around doors for interior exhause fans in kitchens, appliances, bathrooms and toilets. Stairway enclosures connecting two or more stories shall not be used as plenums. Combustible material shall not be used in plenums unless it is properly protected or meets all standards of Class I Duct Material as defined by U.L. 181. 816.13 - AIR FILTERS All heating and air conditioning systems of the central type shall be provided with approved type air filters. Low velocity type filters shall have a face area of not less than one (1) square inch for each two and one-half (2.5) cubic feet per minute of air circulated by the unit. Filters shall be installed in the return air, upstream from any heat exchanger or coil, in an approved convenient location, and shall be easily accessible for cleaning or replacement. Filters shall be of a type that will not burn freely or emit large volumes of smoke or other objectionable products of combustion when attached by flames. Liquid adhesive coatings used on filters shall have a flashpoint not lower than three hundred twenty-five(3250) degrees F. 816.14 - FRESH AIR INTAKES Outdoor air intakes shall be -protected against exterior fire exposure by means of approved fire doors, dampers, or other suitable protection in accordance with the degree of exposure hazard and shall be screened with a corrosion -resistant material not larger than one-half inch mesh. Fresh air intakes shall not be taken from a location closer than'ten (10) feet from any chimney or vent outlet, or sanitary sewer vent outlet, unless such vent outlet is not less than eighteen (18) inches above the fresh air inlet. 816.15 - FAN SHUTDOWN CONTROLS s (a) Recirculating air systems with a fan capacity between two thousand (2,000) cfm an fifteen thousand (15,000) cfm shall automatically shutdown when heat within the system (1360 Pr 58°C) becomes excessive. The automatic control (firestat) shall be in the return air stream prior to any exhausting from the building or mixing with fresh air makeup. -82- 1. An approved smoke detector for duct installation may be used in lieu of the firestat. 2. Upon the approval of the Mechanical Official, properly arranged heat and smoke sensors that also are connected to the fan system for automatic shutdown -may be used. (b) Recirculating air systems with a fan capacity less than two thousand (2,000) cfm, but serves an area used for egress shall have automatic shutdown. (c) Recirculating air systems with a fan capacity greater than fifteen thousand (15,000) cfm shall automatically shutdown by means of an approved smoke detector placed in the return air duct prior to any exhausting from the building or mising with the fresh air makeup. (d) Exceptions: , 1. When approved smoke dampers are installed to isolate the fan unit from the remainder of the system upon activation from properly arranged heat and smoke sensors. 2. When automatic by-pass dampers are arranged at the fan unit to exhaust the air to the outside of the building upon activation from an approved heat and smoke sensor system. (e) 1. All controls shall be listed. 2. Upon activation of the safety control, the system shall not restart until the safety control is manually reset. SECTION 817 - INCINERATORS 817.1 - SCOPE AND PURPOSE (a) Scope. The application of this Chapter is intended to insure the safe design, construction, installation, repair, maintenance, and operation of incinerators. (b) Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to provide minimum standards to safeguard life or limb, health, property, and public welfare by regulating and con- trolling the design, construction, quality of materials, use, location and maintenance of all incinerators. 817.2 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW AND ALTERED INSTALLATIONS The installation and alteration of incinerators shall be governed by all applicable provisions of this Code. -83- 817.3 - APPROVED EQUIPMENT (a) Standards. Construction and installation of equipment and appurtenances -complying with the Incinerator Standards of the Incinerator Institute of America, dated November 1968, and operation of incinerators in accordance with incinerator Operator's Manual of the Incinerator Institute of America, dated November 1968, and operation of incinerators in accordance with incinerator Operator's Manual of the Incinerator Institute of America, dated March 1968, and not in conflict with this Code, will be approved. (b) Equipment designed and constructed as controlled air packaged units and having complied with the Incinerator Institute of America Standards recommended velocity profiles in a physical arrangement that permits established mixing, combustion, and separation paramaters.that results in stack emissions acceptable to the Environmental Protection Agency or state, or local governing agencies will be approved for installation and operation under this Code. 817.4 - ALTERNATE MATERIALS AND METHODS Existing Premises. In existing buildings or premises in which incinerator in- stallations are to be altered, repaired, or renovated, the Building Official may permit deviations from the provisions of this Code provided that such deviations are in keeping with the intent of the Code to protect the health, safety and welfare of the occupant of such premises and the general public. 817.5 - LOCATIONS AND CLEARANCES All commercial and industrial incinerators installed indoors shall be located in rooms separated from the rest of the building by a minimum of one (1) hour fire - resistive construction. More restrictive requirements may be required due to occupancy or building type classification. In one and two family dwellings, residential type incinerators need not be in a separate room. Outdoor installation of incinerators shall be so located as not to introduce any direct exposure to ddjacent buildings, structures, or outside permanent storage areas of combustible material while the incinerator is in operation. 817.6 - CLASSIFICATION OF INCINERATORS Incinerators shall be classified as follows: (a) Class I -Portable, packaged, completely assembled, direct -fed incinerators, having not over five (5) cu. ft. storage capacity, of twenty-five (25) lbs. per hour -84- burning rate, suitable for Type 2 Waste. (b) Class IA- Portable, packaged or job -assembled, direct -fed incinerators five (5) cu. ft. to fifteen (15) cu. ft. primary chamber volume; or a burning rate of twenty-five (25) lbs. per hour up to, but not including, one hundred (100) lbs. per hour of Type 0, Type 1, or Type 2 Waste; or a burning rate of twenty-five (25) lbs, per hour up to, but not including, seventy-five (75) lbs. per hour of Type,3 Waste. (c) Class II -Fuel -Fed, single chamber incinerators with more than two (2) sq. ft. burning area, suitable for Type 2 Waste. This type of incinerator is served by one vertical flue functioning both as a chute for charging waste and to carry the products of combustion to atmosphere. This type of incinerator installed in apartment houses or multiple dwellings not more than five stories high.- THIS TYPE OF INCINERATOR IS PROHIBITED. (d) Class IIA -Chute -fed multiple chamber incinerators, with more than two (2) sq. ft. burning area, suitable for Type 1 or Type 2 Waste. (Not recommended for industrial wastes). This type of incinerator is served by a vertical chute for charging wastes from two or more floors above the incinerator and a separate flue for carrying the products of combustion to atmosphere. (e) Class III -Direct -fed incinerators with a burning rate of one hundred (100) lbs.__ per hour and over, suitable for Type 0, Type 1 or Type 2 Waste. (f) Class IV -Direct -fed incinerators with a burning rate of seventy-five (75) lbs. per hour or over, suitable for Type 3 Waste. (g) Class V Municipal incinerators suitable for Type 0, Type 1, Type 2 or Type 3 Wastes, or a combination of all four wastes, and are rated in tons per hour or tons per twenty-four (24) hours. (h) Class VI -Crematory and pathological incinerators, suitable for Type 4 Waste. (i) Class VII -Incinerators designed for specific by-product wastes, Type 5 or Type 6. 817.7 - CLASSIFICATION OF WASTE Classification of waste shall be as follows: (a) Type 0 -Trash, a mixture of highly combustible waste such as paper, cardboard, cartons, wood boxes, and combustible floor sweepings, from commercial and 'industrial activities. The mixtures contain up to ten (10) percent by weight of plastic bags, coasted paper, laminated paper, treated corrugated cardboard, oily rags and plastic or rubber scraps. (b) Type 1 -Rubbish, a mixture of combustible waste, such as paper, cardboard -85- cartons, wood scrap, foliage and combustible floor sweepings, from domestic, commercial and industrial activities. The mixture contains up to twenty(20) percent by weight 'of restaurant or cafeteria waste, but contains little or no treated, plastic or rubber .wastes. (c) Type 2 -Refuse, consisting of an approximately even mixture of rubbish and garbage by weight. This type of waste is common to apartment and residential occupancy, consisting of up to fifty (50) percent mositure, seven (7) percent incombustible solids, and has a heating value of four thousand three hundred(4,300) BTU per pound -as fired. (d) Type 3 -Garbage, consisting of animal and vegetable wastes from restaurants, cafeterias, hotels, hospitals, markets, and like installations. This type of waste, contains up to seven (7) percent moisture, up to five (5) percent incombustible solids, and has a heating value of twenty five hundred (2,500) BTU per pound as fired. (e) Type 4 -Human and animal remains, consisting of carcasses, organs, and solid organic wastes from hospitals, laboratories, abattoirs, animal pounds, and similar sources, consisting of up to eighty-five (85) percent moisture, five (5) percent incombustible solids, and having a heating value of one thousand (1,000) BTU per pound as fired. (f) Type 5 -By product waste, gaseous, liquid or semi-liquid, such as tar, paints, solvents, sludge, fumes, etc., from industrial operations. BTU values must be determined by the individual materials to be destroyed. (g) Type 6 -Solid by-product waste, such as rubber, plastics wood waste, etc., from industrial operations. BTU values must be determined by the individual materials to be destroyed. 817.8 - GAS-FIRED INCINERATORS (a) Clearances. Listed gas-fired incinerators shall be installed as close as practicable to a vent and with at least twelve (12) inches clearance between sides and combustible construction, except that appliances approved for installation at lesser clearances may be installed in accordance with their listing. In no case shall the clearance be such as to interfer with the requirements for combustion air and accessibility. Incinerators of the wall type shall be installed in a non-combustible wall communicating directly with a chimney flue. -86- (b) Flue Pipe Connection. A draft hood shall not be connected into a flue pipe of an incinerator. Where conditions permit, it is preferable to have the flue pipe connected to a separate chimney flue. (c) Flue Pipe Clearance. Flue pipes shall have at least eighteen (18) inches clearance from combustible construction and shall not pass through combustible construction unless guarded at the point of passage. (d) Flue Pipe Materials. The flue pipe from an incinerator to a vent shall be galvanized steel of a thickness at least No. twenty-four (24) U.S. Standard Gage or of material having equivalent or superior heat and corrosion -resistant properties, and the joints shall be secured by sheet metal screws. (e) Automatic Pilot Devices. Automatic pilot devices having a response time of not more than five (5) seconds shall be installed on all gas burners in unlisted commercial incinerators installed in buildings. 817.9 - GAS BURNERS (a) Gas burner equipment up to, but not exceeding, four hundred thousand (400,000) BTU per hour may be of either the atmospheric of power burner type. In either case, a continuous burning or intermittent stable pilot adequate to ensure safe, reliable ignition shall be installed. A flame safeguard shall be used so that no gas can flow to the main burner unless satisfactory ignition is assured. The response time of this flame safeguard to de -energize the gas shut-off device on flame failure shall not exceed 2 to 4 seconds. (b) Above four hundred thousand (400,000) BTU per hour input, the burner equipment shall be of the power type which utilizes a forced draft blower to supply air needed for combustion under controlled conditions. A continuous burning or intermittent pilot shall be used to ensure safe and reliable ignition. Automatic spark ignition shall be used on pilots for burners with input above one million (1,000,000) BTU per hour. A suitable flame safeguard'shall be utilized so that no gas can flow to the main burner unless satisfactory ignition is assured. On burners with inputs from four hundred thousand (400,000) to one million (1,000,000) BTU per hour, the response time of the flame safeguard to de -energize the gas shut-off device on flame failure shall not exceed 5 seconds. In capacities above one million (1,000,000) BTU per hour shall be supplied with a means of providing air supply before the main gas valve can be energized. -87- (c) The burner assembly shall consist of the main burner, pilot burner, automatic valve, the necessary manual valves and accessory equipment, plus interconnecting pipes _ and fittings with provision for rigid mounting. The burner shall be constructed so that parts cannot be incorrectly located or incorrectly fitted together. Power burners sealed to incinerator wall with capacities above one hundred thousand (100,000) BTU ,per hour shall be supplied with a means of providing air supply before the main gas valve can be energized. (d) Electrical motors over one -twelfth (1/12) horespower on power burner equip- ment shall be designed for continuous duty and shall be provided with thermal overload protection, or current -sensitive devices. (e) When a complete automatic pilot shut-off system is utilized, the controls shall be readily accessible and arranged so that the main burner gas can be manually shut off during lighting of pilot. When a complete automatic system is not utilized, a readily -accessible manually -operated, quarter -turn level handle, plug type valve shall be provided to shut off or turn on the gas supply to the main burner manifold. This valve shall be upstream from all controls except the pilot control valve. 817.10 - SCRUBBER OR GAS WASHER (a) The total dust emissions from the flue gas scrubber shall be not more than four -tenths (0.40) lbs. dry dust per one thousand (1,000) lbs. flue gas, corrected to fifty (50) percent excess air. (b) The scrubber may be separate from or an integral part of the incinerator, but no internal volume of the scrubber shall be included as a part of the incinerator internal volume. (c) Lined scrubbers shall have a -welded or gasketed casing of not less than No. twelve (12) guage steel. The density of the refractory lining shall not be less than one hunred twenty (120) lbs. per cubic foot. The thickness of the refractory shall in no case be less than two inches and adequately anchored to the casing. (d) All scrubbers requiring an induced draft fan shall have the motor horsepower sized for cold start-up. All induced draft fans with the impeller in the flue gas stream must be equipped with a cleanout door and drain. (e) All scrubbers shall be equipped with an access door for cleanout. (f) The induced draft fan, if provided, shall be interlocked with the sprays. -88- (g) A damper shall be located either between the incinerator and scrubber, or at the inlet of the induced draft fan, with a by-pass arrangement of breechings or flue connections to by-pass the scrubber and induced draft fan. 817.11 - STACKS AND CHIMNEYS (a) Masonry Chimneys. Masonry chimneys for commercial and industrial type incinerators shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of Subsection 811.5. (b) Metal Stacks of Flues. Metal stacks shall be designed and constructed as specified in Subsection 811.10. 817.12 - SPARK ARRESTORS All chimneys and stacks shall terminate in a spark arrestor. Spark arrestor shall be constructed of Series 300 stainless steel wire of not less than sixty-three thousandths (.063) in. diameter. Wire shall be woven in a mesh with wire spacing of not less than three equal spaces per inch. 817.13 - MARKING INCINERATORS A name plate shall be conspicuously fastened to the incinerator indicating the manufacturer's name, model number, rated capacity of the unit, classification and the type of waste for which the incinerator is designed. 817.14 - OPERATION OF INCINERATOR The incinerator operator shall follow the written operating instructions of the manufacturer. A copy of these instructions shall be submitted for approval to the Building Official at the time of application of the permit." 20. An additional appendix, Appendix 0 - ARCHITECTURAL BARRIERS, is hereby adopted, said appendix to hereafter read as follows: P "APPENDIX '0' ARCHITECTURAL BARRIERS 0.1. General The Texas State Program for preventing architectural barriers, Article 678g, -89- Vernon's Texas Civil. Statues, establishes standards and specifications relating to the construction of certain buildings to make them accessible to handicapped persons. 0-2. Scope (a) These standards and specifications shall apply to all buildings and facilities used by the public which are constructed in full or in part by the use of state, county, or municipal funds, or the funds of any political subdivision of the state. (b) These standards and specifications also apply to certain privately financed buildings, building elements, and improved areas which are open to public use for education, employment, transportation, or acquisition of goods and services, including the following: 1) Shopping Centers which contain in excess of five mercantile establishments; the standards and specifications for toilet rooms do not apply unless the shopping center elects to have public toilet rooms; 2) Transportation terminals; 3) Theatres and auditoriums having a seating capacity of 200 or more patrons; 4) Hospitals and related medical facilities which provide direct medical service to patients; 5) Nursing homes and convalescent centers; 6) Professional office buildings containing 20,000 square feet or more of floor . space and wherein commercial activity or profession is practiced in all or the majority of such building or structure; 7) Funeral homes; 8) Commercial business and trade schools or colleges. 0-3 - Purpose (a) This appendix is concerned with nonambulatory disabilities, semiambulatory disabilities, sight disabilities, hearing disabilities, disabilities of coordination and aging. (b) It is intended to make all buildings and facilities covered by this appendix accessible to, and functional for, the physically handicapped to, through, and within their doors, without loss of function, space, or facilities where the general public is concerned. 0-4 - Definitions For the purpose of this appendix the following terms have the meanings as herein set forth: (1) "Nonambulatory disabilities" means impairments that, regardless of cause or manifestation, for all practical purposes, confine individuals to wheelchairs. (2) "Semiambulatory disabilities" means impairments that cause individuals to waik with difficulty or insecurity. Individuals using braces or crutches, amputees, arthritics, spastics, and those with pulmonary and cardiac ills may be semiambulatory. The listing here made is illustrative and shall not be construed as being exhaustive. -90- "Sight disabilities" means total blindness or impairments affecting sight to the extent that the individual functioning in public areas is insecure or exposed to danger. (4) "Hearing disabilities" means deafness or hearing handicaps that might make an individual insecure in a public area because he is unable to communicate or hear warning signals. (5) "Disabilities of coordination" means faulty coordination or palsy from brain, spinal, or peripheral nerve injury. (6) "Aging" means those manifestations of the aging processes that significantly reduce mobility, flexibility, coordination, and perceptiveness but are not accounted for in the aforementioned categories. (7) "Standard", when this term appears in small letters, is descriptive and means typical type. (8) "Fixed turning radius, wheel to wheel" means the tracking of the caster wheels and large wheels or a wheelchair when pivoting on a spot. (9) "Fixed turning radius, front structure to rear structure" means the turning radius of a wheelchair, left front -foot platforms to right rear wheel, or right front - foot platform to left rear wheel when pivoting on a spot. (10) "Involved (involvement)" means a portion or portions of the human anatomy or physiology, or both, that have a loss or impairment of normal function as a result of genesis, trauma, disease, inflammation, or degeneration. (11) "Ramps, ramps with gradients" means ramps with gradients (or ramps with slopes) that deviate from what would otherwise be considered the normal level. An exterior ramp, as distinguished from a "walk", shall be considered an appendage to a building leading to a level above or below existing ground level. As such, a ramp shall meet certain requirements similar to those imposed upon stairs. (12) "Walk, walks" means a predetermined, prepared -surface, exterior pathway leading to or from a building or a facility, or from one exterior area to another, places on the existing ground level and not deviating from the level of the existing ground immediately adjacent. (13) "Appropriate number" means the number of a specific item that would be reasonable necessary, in accord with the purpose and function of a building or a facility, to accommodate individuals with specific disabilities in proportion to the anticipated number of individuals with disabilities who would use a particular building or facility. -91- 0-5 - Design Criteria The following design criteria shall be applicable: (1) The collapsible -model wheelchair of tubular metal construction with plastic upholstery for back and seat is most commonly used. The standard model of all manufacturers falls within the following limits, which are used as the basis of con- sideration: (a) Length: 42 inches (b) Width, when open: 25 inches (c) Height of seat from floor: 191 inches (d) Height of armrest from floor: 29 inches (e) Height of pusher handles (rear) from floor: 36 inches (f) Width, when collapsed: 11 inches (2) The fixed turning radius of a standard wheelchair, wheel to wheel, is 18 inches. The fixed turning radius, front structure to rear structure, is 31.5 inches. (3) The average turning space required by a person in a wheelchair (180 to 360 degrees) is 60 x 60 inches. A turning space of 63 x 56 inches may at times prove more workable and desirable. (4) A minimum width of 60 inches is required for two individuals in wheelchairs to pass each other. (5) In a wheelchair the average unilateral vertical reach is 60 inches and ranges from 56 to 78 inches. (6) The average horizontal working (table) reach of a person in a wheelchair is 30.8 inches and ranges from 28.5 inches to 33.2 inches. (7) The bilateral horizontal reach both arms extended to each side, shoulder high, of a person in a wheelchair, ranges from 54 inches to 71 inches and averages 64.5 inches. (8) An individual reaching diagonally (from a wheelchair) as would be required in using wall -mounted dial telephones or towel dispenser, would make the average reach (on the wall) 48 inches from the floor. (9) Most individuals ambulating on braces or crutches, or both, or on canes are able to manipulate within the specifications prescribed for wheelchairs, although doors present quite a problem at times. However, a crutch tip extending laterally from an individual is not obvious to others in heavily trafficked areas, and not as obvious or protective as a wheelchair and is, therefore, a source of vulnerability. (10) On the average, individuals 5 feet 6 inches tall require an average of 31 inches between crutch tips in the normally accepted gait. (11) /On the average, individuals 6 feet 0 inches tall require an average of 32.5 inchesbetween crutch tips in the normally accepted gait. -92- 0-6 - Site Development (a) The ground shall be graded, even contrary to existing topography, so that it attains a level with a normal entrance and will make a facility accessible to individuals with physical disabilities. (b) Public walks shall be at least 48 inches wide and shall have a gradient not greater than 5 percent. These walks shall be of continuing common surface, not interrupted by steps or abrupt changes in level. Wherever walks cross other walks, driveways, or parking lots they shall blend to a common level. A walk shall have a level platform at the top which is at least 5 feet by 5 feet if a door swings out onto the platform or toward the walk. This platform shall extend at least one foot beyond each side of the doorway. (c) Spaces in parking lots that are accessible to the building or facility shall be set aside and identified for use by individuals with physical disabilities. An adequate parking space is one that is open on one side and which allows room for individuals in wheelchairs or individuals with braces and crutches to get in and out of an automobile onto a level surface, suitable for wheeling and walking. Parking spaces for individuals with physical disabilities when placed between two conventional diagonal or head-on parking spaces shall be 12 feet wide. Care in planning shall be exercised so that individuals in wheelchairs and individuals using braces and crutches are not compelled to wheel or walk behind parked cars. Consideration shall be given to the distribution of spaces for use by the disabled, in accordance with the fre- quency and regularity of their parking needs. 0-7 - Ramps (a) Where ramps with gradients are necessary or desired, they shall conform to the following specifications: (1) A ramp shall not have a slope greater than one foot rise in 12 feet, or 8.33 percent, or 4 degrees 50 minutes. (2) A ramp shall have handrails on at least one side, and preferably two sides, that are 32 inches in height, measured from the surface of the ramp, that are smooth, that extend one foot beyond the top and bottom of the ramp, and that as far as practicable conform with American Standard Safety Code for Floor and Wall Openings, and Toe Boards as promulgated by the American Standards Association, Inc. (b) Ramps shall have a surface that is nonslip. A ramp shall have a level platform at the top which is at least 5 feet by 5 feet, if a door swings out onto the platform or toward the ramp. This platform shall extend at least one foot beyond -93- each side of the doorway. Each ramp shall have at least 6 feet of straight clearance at the bottom. Ramps shall have level platforms at 30 foot intervals for purposes of rest and safety and shall have level platforms wherever they turn. 0-8 - Entrances At least one primary entrance to each building shall be useable by individuals in wheelchairs. At least one entrance useable by individuals in wheelchairs shall be on a level that would make the elevators accessible. 0-9 - Doors Doors shall have a clear opening of not less that 32 inches when open and shall be operable by a single effort. The floor on the inside and outside of each doorway shall be level for a distance of 5 feet from the door in the direction the door swings and shall extend one foot beyond each side of the door. Sharp inclines and abrupt changes in level shall be avoided at doorsills. As much as practicable, thresholds shall be flush with the floor. 0-10 - Stairs Stairs shall conform to standards of the American Standards Association, Inc., with the following additional considerations: Steps in stairs shall be designed wherever practicable so as not to have abrupt (square) nosing. Stairs shall have handrails 32 inches high as measured from the tread at the face of the riser. Stairs shall have at least one handrail that extends at least 18 inches beyond the top step and beyond the bottom step. Steps should, wherever possible, and in conformation with existing step formulas, have risers that do not exceed 7 inches. 0-11 - Floors Floors shall wherever practicable have a surface that is nonslip. Floors on the same story shall be of a common level throughout or be connected by a ramp. 0-12 - Toilet Rooms (a) An appropriate number of toilet rooms, in accordance with the nature and use of a specific building or facility, shall be accessible to, and useable by, the physically handicapped. (b) Toilet rooms shall have space to allow traffic of individuals in wheelchairs. (c) Toilet rooms shall have at least one toilet stall that (1) is 3 feet wide (2) is at least 4 feet 8 inches, preferably 5 feet deep (3) has a door (where doors are used) that is 32 inches wide and swing out. -94- • (4) has handrails on each side, 33 inches high and parallel to the floor, 11 inches in outside diameter, with 11 inches clearance between rail and wall, and fastened securely at ends and center. (5) has a water closet with the seat 20 inches from the floor. (d) Toilet rooms shall have lavatories with narrow aprons, which when mounted at standard height are useable by individuals in wheelchairs, or shall have lavatories mounted higher, when particular designs demand, so that they are useable by individuals in wheelchairs. (e) Mirrors and shelves shall be provided above lavatories at a height as low as practicable and no higher than 40 inches above the floor, measured from the top of the shelf and the bottom of the mirrow. (f) Toilet rooms for men shall have an appropriate number of wall -mounted urinals with the opening of the basin 19 inches from the floor, or shall have floor - mounted urinals that are on level with the main floor of the toilet room. (g) Toilet rooms shall have an appropriate number of towel racks, towel dispensers, and other dispensers and disposal units mounted no higher than 40 inches from the floor. 0-13 - Water Fountains (a) An appropriate number of water fountains or other water -dispensing means shall be accessible to, and useable by, the physically disabled. (b) Water fountains or coolers shall have up -front spouts and controls. Water fountains or coolers shall be hand -operated or hand- and foot -operated. 0-14 - Public Telephones (a) An appropriate number of public telephones shall be made accessible to, and useable by, the physically disabled. (b) Such telephones shall be placed so that the dial and the handset can be reached by individuals in wheelchairs. (c) An appropriate number of public telephones shall be equipped for those with hearing disabilities and so identified with instructions for use. 0-15 - Elevators Elevators shall be provided and shall be accessible to, and useable by, the physically disabled at all levels normally used by the general public. Elevator control buttons shall have identifying features for the benefit of the blind. Elevators shall allow for traffic by wheelchairs. 0-16 - Switches and Controls Switches and controls for light, heat, ventilation, windows, draperies, fire alarms, and all similar controls of frequent or essential use, shall be placed within the reach of individuals in wheelchairs. -95- 0-17 - Identification for the Blind Appropriate identification of specific facilities within a building used by the public is essential to the blind. Raised or incised letters or numbers shall be used to identify rooms and offices. Identification shall be placed on the wall, to the right or left of the door, at a height between 4 feet 6 inches and 5 feet 6 inches measured from the floor, and preferably at 5 feet. Doors that are not intended for normal use, and that are dangerous if a blind person were to exit or enter by them, shall be made quickly identifiable to the touch by knurling the door handle or knob. 0-18 - Warning Signals (a) Audible warning signals shall be accompanied by simultaneous visual signals for the benefit of those with hearing disabilities. (b) Visual signals shall be accompanied by simultaneous audible signals for the benefit of the blind. 0-19 - Hazards (a) Every effort shall be exercised to obviate hazards to individuals with physical disabilities. (b) Access panels or manholes in floors, walks, and walls can be extremely hazardous, particularly when in use, and shall be avoided where possible. (c) when manholes or access panels are open and in use, or when an open excavation exists on a site, particularly when it is approximate to normal pedes- trian traffic, barricades shall be placed on all open sides, at least 8 feet from the hazard, and warning devices shall be installed. (d) Low -hanging door closers that are within the opening of a doorway when the door is open, or that protrude hazardously into regular corridors, or traffic ways when the door is closed, shall be avoided. (e) Low -hanging signs, ceiling lights, and similar objects or signs and fixtures that protrude into regular corridors or traffic ways shall be avoided. A minimum height of 7 feet, measured from the floor, shall be had. (f) Lighting on ramps shall be at least equal to that prescribed by the specifications of American Standards Association, Inc. Exit signs shall be in ac- cordance with specifications of American Standards Association, Inc., except as iflodified herein." -96- 21. An additional appendix, Appendix P - PROSCENIUM CURTAINS, is hereby adopted, said appendix being the pamphlet entitled "SBCCI 4-1 January 1, 1979, Standard for Proscenium Curtains" (a copy of which, authenticated by the signatures of the Mayor and City Secretary, and made a public record by this section is on file in the City Secretary's office), as fully as if copied at length in this ordinance. 22. An additional appendix, Appendix Q - BUILDING SECURITY, is hereby adopted, said appendix to read as follows: "APPENDIX 'Q' BUILDING SECURITY This appendix contains suggestions for improving the physical security of buildings. I. Exterior Doors: A. All exterior doors except sliding glass doors or metal doors, should be solid core doors if wood and should be a minimum of one and three-eighEs (1 3/8") inches in thickness. Hollow core doors should not be used. B. Hinges: All exterior doors hinges should be mounted with the hinge on the interior of the building, except where a non -removable hinge pin or stud bolt is used; such a hinge may be installed with the hinge facing the exterior of the building. C. Strike Plate Lock Area: The shim space between the door buck and door frame should have a solid wood filler 12 inches above and below the strike plate area to resist spreading by force applied to the door frame. Screws securing the strike plate area should pass through the strike plate, door frame, solid wood filler, and enter the buck plate by a minimum of one-quarter of an inch. D. Glass in exterior doors: No glass should be used on any exterior door within forty inches of any lock. E. Door locks: 1. All exterior door locks should be single cylinder keyed locks with mortised dead bolt that extends into the strike plate a minimum of one inch. See Section 1117 for door hardware limitations to exit doorways. -97- 2. Lock bolts should have a case hardened steel insert to resist hack sawing. 3. Locks should have case hardened steel cylinder guards on exterior, to resist prying and/or pulling. 4. Retaining screws on interior of lock should be the shielding or nonremovable type. F. Sliding Glass Doors: Sliding glass doors should be installed with the sliding portion on the inside only, so as to prevent the lifting and removal of the glass panel from the exterior of the building. Each sliding panel should have a secondary locking or securing device in addition to the original lock, such as: (1) A charlie bar, which is a device laid in the track to prevent opening. (2) An approved track lock. (3) Inside removable pins or locks securing the panel to the frame. G. Exterior Glazing All glass used in exterior sliding glass doors and fixed glass panels should be tempered glass or polycarbonate sheeting. II. Windows: All locking devices should be secured with three-quarter inch 118 full threaded screws as a minimum. III_ Door Viewers: Door viewers should be installed on all main entrance doors and should cover 180 degrees of viewing. Such viewers should be installed with the securing portion on the inside. IV. Lights: All exterior doors should be provided with an approved light, with interior activated switch, to illuminate the door area for at least ten feet in any direction. V. Key Requirements: During construction the builder should use a lock cylinder that will be removed upon occupancy, and new cylinders and all keys should be furnished to the occupant." _98_ 23. An additional appendix, Appendix R - ROOF COVERINGS, is hereby adopted, being the pamphlet entitled "Southern Building Code Congress International STANDARD FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ROOF COVERINGS" (a copy of which, authenticated by the signatures of the Mayor and City Secretary, and made a public record by this section, is on file in the City Secretary's office), as fully as if copied at length in this ordinance. SECTION 2 Appendix D - Hurricane Requirements, Appendix H - Mobile Home Tie Down Standards, -Appendix I - Standards for Demolition, Appendix L - Power Operated Doors, Appendix M - Mechanical, Appendix P - Proscenium Curtains, and Appendix R - Roof'Coverings are made apart of this code, and the requirements set forth in appendices D, H, I, L, M, P, and R are requirements of this code. Other appendices are solely for the purpose of providing information and recommended practices, and shall not have the force and effect of law. - - - SECTION 3 For the purposes of this code, there shall be no Fire District established in. the City of Corpus Christi. - SECTION 4. Ordinance No. 12604 passed April 23, 1975, Ordinance No. 13554 passed January 5;- 1977, Ordinance No. 13555 passed January 5, 1977, Ordinance No. 13805 passed June 29, 1977, and Ordinance No. 14422 passed August 9, 1978 are hereby repealed effective March 1, 1980; provided, however, that those portions of Ordinance No. 12604 per--..-- taining to repair of wood shingle and shake roof coverings on one -family dwellings shall be saved from repeal and continued in effect as the regulations for such repair work notwithstanding any other provisionsofthis ordinance. Article I, Sections 13-1 through 13-11, of Chapter 13 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Corpus Christi, 1976, as amended, is hereby repealed effective March 1, 1980. SECTION 5. Any person, firm or corporation who violates a provision of this code, or fails to comply therewith or with any of the requirements thereof, or who erects, constructs, alters, demolishes; or moves any building or structure in violationofa detailed statement or drawing submitted and approved thereunder, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor and shall be liable to a fine of not more than $200. Each such person, firm, or corporation shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during which any violation of any of the provisions of this code is committed or -99= continued. The owner or owners of any building or structure failing to comply with any of the provisions of this code, and the owner or owners of any premises wherein a violation of the provisions of this code occurs, and any architect, engineer, designer, builder, contractor, agent, person, firm, or corporation employed there- with and who has assisted in the commission of any such violation, shall be guilty of a separate offense. SECTION '6. If for any reason any section, -paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect any other section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word or provision of this ordinance, for it is the definite intent of this City Council that every section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word or provision hereof be given full force and effect for its purpose. SECTION 7.' This ordinance shall have an effective date of March 1, 1980, and shall take effect for all permits issued from and after March 1, 1980, after its final passage and publication one time in the official publication of the City of Corpus Christi, which publication shall contain the caption stating in summary the purpose of the ordinance. • -100- That_the foregoing ordinance was read for fistt time and passed to its . second reading on this the /7 day of w 1 I4 , 19'`1 b`yrthe following vote: 7 - Luther Jones Edward L. Sample Dr. Jack Best David Diaz Jack K. Dumphy Betty N. Turner Cliff Zarsky That the foregoing ordinance was read for the econd time and passed to its third reading on this the p,' day of „ & ' z h5// , 19 79 , by the following vote: Luther Jones Edward L. Sample Dr. Jack Best David Diaz Jack K. Dumphy Betty N. Turner Cliff Zarsky That the foregoing ordinanc was read for the third 'time and passed finally 44,11. -A11 -,on this the ,/ . day of �ii�Cia-, 19 `7' , by the following vote: Luther Jones Edward L. Sample Dr. Jack Best David Diaz Jack K. Dumphy Betty N. Turner Cliff Zarsky PASSED AND APPROVED, this the 1.Z day of , ATTEST: �� /4 J City' Secretary ' APPROVED: /7 DAY OF (9-� , 19 J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY MAYO THE IT OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS STATE QF' TEAS, `—'1County of Nueces. }ss: Before me, Elma Rodela PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT ,�tiQ25262T2g9 .rn °FF/ CF/L' 4i the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day perso y Ap e� °' � O 1> , who being first duly sworn, according law_, says the of the Corpus Christi Caller and The C-orpusP�Chnsti Times. Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication of Notice of .Passage of Ordinance No. 15256 tAdopting the Standard Building Code Corpus Christi Caller -Times a RF/979 CR s c 41ilat-hes Sib/ct�, l Accounting Clerk of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in --- on the. -17.- day of December 1979 -, and once each xiiilINKKOM consecutive - Times. 42.70 Subscribed and sworn to before me this Accounting Cler 20tgay of December t% l4� `""c, Nueces C ounty. Texas Lois Winn Notary 19 79 22 -Dec. 21): life. Jun place, favor cable mo 'new start m tacts ma ht indepen- cial. Yov 8 nV ILt OF PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTING, THE��_ STAN 1ARD 974 EDITION, I.95C1 D 1TH BUILDING CODE OF THE _ CITY OF CORPUS CHANGES WITH ANDERTAIN ADDI• TIONS THERETO; PRO. VIDING FOR ADMINIS- TRATION AND ENFORCEMENT; ESTAB. LISHING CERTAIN FEES; REVISING CERTAIN FEES FOR ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING PERMITS;. REPEALING ORDI- NANCES 12604, 13554, 13555, 13805, AND 14422, AND AR- TICLET ROUGH 581), OF CHZSIONS AP. TER 13 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, 1976, A AMENDED; MAKING VI. LAT'IONS A MIS DEMEANOR PUNISH ABLE BY FINE NOT EXCEEDING 8200; PRO- VIDING FOR PUB LICPROVIDINGION BA SAVIINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF MARCH 1, 1989. (First Reading • 10117/79) (Amended by Council 11S0 12/5/79) TO WAS PASSEDSEDAND AP- PROVED '17 by the City Council /1 Of the City Of Corpus ChrilN,lI `2i0 Texas during the Regular dF Council Meeting held on the 2°covshall be arI eff idce sthhat12th day of pr979 9 from and after Its psssepe and publication one time In the ofNclal publication of The Cltyof Corpus Christi, Texas. ISSUED UNDER M of HANG AND SEAL of the CI the Corpus dayl f, Decembbe�l 1979. Corpus Chris -s-8111 G. Read, City Secreta h Texas