HomeMy WebLinkAbout15258 ORD - 12/12/1979AN ORDINANCE CLOSING THE HEARING ON STREET IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING STREETS: PORT AVENUE (M.H. 102), FROM AGNES STREET TO BUFORD STREET AND FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PROPERTY ABUTTING SAID STREETS WILL BE SPECIFICALLY BENEFITED AND ENHANCED IN VALUE IN EXCESS OF COST OF THE IMPROVE- MENTS AND LEVYING AS ASSESSMENT; FIXING A LIEN AND CHARGE, THE MANNER AND TIME OF PAYMENT AND COLLEC- TION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City Council of Corpus Christi, Texas, by duly enacted ordinance passed and approved on the 7th day of November ., 1979; determined the necessity for, and ordered the improvement of the following streets: PORT AVENUE (M.H. 102) FR0P4 AGNES-STREET TO BUFORD STREET in the manner and according to the plans and specifications heretofore approved and adopted by the City Council by ordi- nance dated NovamhPr 7 , 191i, a duly executed notice of said ordinance having been filed in the name of the said City with the County Clerk of Nueces County, Texas; and WHEREAS, the said City Council has caused the Director of Engineering and Physical Development to prepare and file estimates of the cost of such improvements and estimates of the amount per front foot proposed to be assessed against the property abutting upon a portion of the aforesaid streets within the limits herein defined, to"be improved, and the real and true owners thereof, and said Director of Engineering & Physical Development has heretofore filed said estimates and a statement of other matters relating thereto with said City Council, and same has been received, examined and approved by said City Council; and WROFUJED 15258 WHEREAS, said City Council, by duly enacted ordinance dated November 7 , 1979, did determine the necessity of levying an assessment for that portion of the cost of construct- ing said improvements on the above named streets, within the limits herein defined, to be paid by the abutting property and the real and'true owners thereof, and by ordinance dated November 7 1979, did order and set a hearing to be held at 3:00 P.M. on the 5th day of December , 1979, at City Council Chambers, City Hall in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, for the real and true owners of the property abutting upon said streets, within the limits above defined, and for all others owning or claiming any interest in, or otherwise interested in said property, or any of said matters as to the assessments and amounts to be assessed against each parcel of abutting property and the real and true owner or owners thereof, and as to the special benefits to accrue to said abutting property by virtue of said improvements, if any, or concerning any error, invalidity, irregularity or deficiency in any proceedings, or contract, to appear and be heard in person or by counsel and offer evidence in reference to said matters; and the City Council did by -said ordinance order and direct -the City to give notice of said. hearing to the owners abutting upon said streets as shown by the current ad valorem tax roll by mailing such notice to such owners and publishing said notice at least three times in the Corpus Christi Times before the date of the hearing, such notice of mail and by publication being in compliance with the provisions of Article 1105b of Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes of Texas; and WHEREAS, such notice was given said owners of property as shown on the current ad valorem tax roll within the limits of the streets being improved by mailing such notice at least four- teen (14) days prior to the hearing to such owners and by publish- ing three times notice of such hearing in the Corpus Christi Times, the first of which publication was at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of said hearing; both forms of notice being in compliance with and containing the information required by Article 1105b, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes; and WHEREAS, after due, regular and proper notice thereof, all as provided by law and the Charter of the City of Corpus Christi, said hearing of which notice was given, was opened and held on December 5 , 1979, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, in accordance with said ordinance and notice, at which time an opportunity was given to all said abovementioned persons, firms, corporations and estates, their agents and attorneys, to be heard and to offer evidence as to all matters in accordance with said ordinance and notice, at which time the following appeared and offered the following testimony: -3- Minutes Regular Council Meeting December 5, 1979 Page 7 Mrs. Srtiz stated that previously cars were driven all over the park; dirt was placed at t entrance to the park which prevented this; but she feels that the dirt should be us to fill in the park, even though it was objectionable when the vehicles were driven .11 through the park. Mayor Jones sug.ested that a staff report be provided on the status of the improvements to the park. Mr. Utter reiterated that this project was in the 6th year plan because_ the City is required to submit - three-year plan following the various public hearings at the time the applica ion is submitted each year. Mayor Jones informed the C. ncil that he has visited Los Encinos Park and had discovered that this park has mumore equipment than many other parks, par- ticularly the park on Congressional an. St. Andrews Park. Mayor Jones contended that a great deal of progress has occurre,. in the development of Los Encinos Park. Council Member Diaz suggested to Mr.. Ortiz that she provide the City staff with a list of the improvements that the area residents would like to have in Los Encinos Park. No one else spoke in regard to this matte Motion by Best that the hearing be closed, s_ onded by Turner and passed unanimously. * .. .. * .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .: .. .. Mayor Jones announced the public hearing scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on the following matter: Preliminary assessment roll for Improvements to South Port Avenue from Agnes to Buford Streets. The roll consists of 25 items and totals $35,952.32. The project is being constructed by the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation at a cost of $195,515.02. City Manager Townsend explained that the nature of this hearing is to consider the preliminary assessments on the street improvement project for South Port Avenue from Agnes to Buford Streets. He reminded the Council that this project had been discussed on several occasions during previous Council Meetings because of the necessity for eliminating the head -in parking on this portion of the street. He informed the Council that the purpose of the public hearing is to determine whether or not the abutting property owners' property will be enhanced at least in the Minutes Regular Council Meeting December 5, 1979 Page 8 amount of the assessments. Mr. Townsend then requested that Mr. Gerald Smith, Chief Engineer, Department of Engineering and Physical Development, explain the scope of the project. Chief Engineer Smith displayed a map showing the limits of the Port Avenue project and explained that this was included in the 1977 Bond Program; it is being constructed jointly with the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation; this is the last portion of three projects for improvements to Port Avenue; the State advertised and received bids on the project; and the low bidder was Heldenfels Brothers, Inc. Mr. Smith then displayed a design drawing of the proposed improvements and explained that head -in parking will be eliminated but that parallel parking will be included in the project. Mr. Smith continued his presentation by stating that the assessment roll includes 52 items but there are only 26 property owners that are being assessed for for some amount; the assessment roll was prepared in accordance with the City's ordinance pertaining to assessments; the total bid cost for Port Avenue improve- ments is $195,515.02;, the City's cost will be $69,693.50; and the total preliminary assessments are $35,287.78. He also informed the Council that included in this total project are the Morgan Avenue, Port to S.H. 286, overlay; and the South Staples, Carroll Lane to Annapolis Drive, overlay, for a total project cost of $487,105.25. City Manager Townsend questioned Mr. Smith and ascertained that he is a qualified professional engineer, registered in the State of Texas, that he has been employed by the City of Corpus Christi for 20 years, and that he is thoroughly familiar with the project under discussion. Mayor Jones requested that Mr. Smith explain the payment plan of the assess- ments. Chief Engineer Smith stated that the property owners may pay in cash or in monthly installments over a period of five years, or in case of hardship, for a longer period of time; the interest rate would be 54%; and that no payment would be due until the work on the project is completed. He also informed the Council that the minutes Regular Council Meeting December 5, 1979 Page 9 property owners will be credited for existing curbs, gutters and sidewalks and that there is no assessment for asphalt. Council Member Turner asked Mr. Smith if the property owners affected by the assessments had been informed of the fact that they would be assessed for this work. Mr. Smith assured her that all property owners were informed of the amount of their assessments and that a public hearing on the matter would be con- ducted today. City Manager Townsend also stated that the proper legal notice had been published three times in the Corpus Christi Caller -Times. Mayor Jones inquired as to whether or not property owners usually pay the assessments for street improvements levied against their property. City Manager Townsend replied that he felt that payments were made but he would have to provide the Council with a report on the payment of assessments. City Attorney J. Bruce Aycock determined, through questioning of Mr. Smith, that cost estimates were prepared prior to this hearing and before construction was started. City Attorney Aycock called as his next witness, Mr. W. J. "Bill" Holly, and after questioning, determined that he is a licensed real estate broker in the State of Texas; that he has been in the real estate business for 25 years; and that he is experienced as a real estate appraiser. Mr. Holly verified that he had examined each and every piece of property included in this project, and that, in his opinion, all of them would be enhanced at least in the amount of the assessment levied. Mr. Holly testified that included in the assessment roll was only one odd -shaped, or triangular, lot, but since this property is zoned Light Industrial and is being fully utilized, he does not recommend any adjust- ment. No one from the audience spoke in regard to this matter. Motion by Diaz that the hearing be closed, seconded by Turner and passed unanimously. City Manager Townsend commented that the absence of any opposition to the preliminary assessments indicated that the Engineering staff responsible for the Minutes Regular Council Meeting December 5, 1979 Page 10 paving assessments had obviously performed an excellent job in explaining the pro- posed assessments to the property owners involved. .. .. .. .. .. .. .t .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * .. City Secretary Read suggested that the ordinance pertaining to the street improvements in the B oadmoor Park Area be considered by the Council at this time. City Manager To nsend briefly explained the ordinance and stated that there is a need to appro e this ordinance at this time to provide an opportunity for notice to be filed in the Office of the Nueces County Clerk. City Secretary Rea• polled the Council for their votes, and the following ordinance was approved: ORDINANCE NO. 15246: DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR A D ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FOLLOWING STREETS IN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, ECES COUNTY, TEXAS: BROADMOOR PARK AREA: 1. Niagara, Sarita, and Cleo Stre- s, from Baldwin Boulevard to South Port Avenue, 2. Sonora Street, from Sarita Stree to David Street, 3. McDaniel Street, from Sarita Stre=t to David Street, 4. Shely Street, from Niagara Street t. David Street. REQUIRING THE DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AN PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT TO PREPARE AND FILE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS; REQUIRING THE C TY SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, NUECES COUNTY, TEXAS, AS TO THE ACTION HEREIN; PROVIDING HOW SUCH IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PAID; AND DECLARING EMERGENCY. The Charter Rule was suspended and the foreg.ing ordinance passed by the following vote: Jones, Sample, Best, Diaz, Dumphy, Turner an. Zarsky voting "Aye". Mayor Jones called for the City Manager'. Reports. City Manager Townsend presented the following items with related commen s and explanations and recommended that: a. A public hearing be held on December 12, 1979 ,n the request of Pendaris Corporation to amend the Master Transportation 'lan so that F.M. 1889 will not extend through the subdivision. b. A public hearing be held on December 19, 1979 on the closing of a portion of Snowgoose Road (Lots 11, 12, 21, and 22, Section Flour Bluff and Encinal Farm and Garden Tracts). The final plat of Club .tates Unit 4 was approved by the Planning Commission subject to annexation, hich has been accomplished, and closure and rerouting of a portion of Snowgoose Road. The subdivision is located south of Saratoga and east of Everhart. c. A public hearing be held at 2:00 p.m. during the Regu ar Council Meeting on December 19, 1979 to close the deadend portion of Joh Street from the east right-of-way line of Port Avenue to the west right -of- ay line of the railroad at the request of the abutting property owner. There being no further testimony offered or any further parties appearing to be heard, upon proper motion, duly seconded and unanimously carried, the said hearing was declared closed; and WHEREAS, no further parties appearing and no further testimony being offered as to the special benefits in relation to the enhanced value of said abutting property as compared to cost of the improvements of said portion of said streets proposed to be assessed against said property, or as to any errors, invalidities or irregularities, in the proceeding or contract heretofore had in reference to the portions of said streets to be improved; and WHEREAS, said City Council has heard evidence as to the special benefits and enhanced value to accrue to said abutting property, and the real and true owner or owners thereof, as com- pared with the cost of making said improvements on said streets within the limits above defined, and has heard all parties appearing and offering testimony, together with all protests and objections relative to such matters and as to any errors, invalidities or irregularities in any of the proceedings and contract for said im- provements, and has given a full and fair hearing to all parties making or desiring to make any such protest, objection or offer testimony and has fully examined and considered all evidence, matters, objections and 'protests offered and based upon said evidence, testi- mony and statements, said City Council finds that each and every par- cel of property abutting upon the portion of the streets aforesaid within the limits to be improved as herein defined, will be enhanced in value and specially benefited by the construction of said improve- ments upon the said streets upon which said property abuts, in an amount in excess of the amount of the cost of said improvements proposed to be, and as hereinbelow assessed against each and every said parcel of abutting property, and the real and true owners there- of, and said City Council did consider and correct all errors, invali- dities or deficiences called to its attention and did find that all proceedings and contracts were proper and in accordance with the Charter of said City and the,laws of the State of Texas, under which those proceedings ceedings of said City Council such improvements, and in all were being had, and the pro - heretofore had with reference to respects to be valid and regular; and said City Council did further find upon said evidence that the assessments hereinbelow made and the charges hereby declared against said abutting property on the portions of the streets hereinabove described, within the limits defined, and the real and true owner or owners thereof, are just and equitable and did adopt the rule of apportionment set out below and the division of the cost of said improvements between said abutting properties, and the real and true owner or owners thereof, as just and equit- able, and as producing substantial equality fits to be received and the burdens imposed objections and protests should be overruled considering the bene - thereby, and that all and denied except the corrections and changes as appear on the final assessment roll included in this ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That there being no further protest or testi- for or against said improvements, said hearing granted to the and true owners of abutting property on said streets, within mony real the limits above defined, and to all persons, firms, corporations and estates, owning or claiming same or any interest therein, be and the same is hereby closed and all protests and objections, whether specifically mentioned or not, shall be, and the same are hereby overruled and denied. SECTION 2. That said City Council hereby finds and determines upon the evidence heard in reference to each and every parcel or property abutting upon the aforesaid streets, within the -5- limits defined, that the special benefits in the enchanced value to accrue to said property and the real and true owner or owners there- of, by 'virtue to the construction of said improvements to said portion of said streets upon which said property abuts, will be in excess of the amount to be, and as herein assessed real and true owners thereof, the cost of said improvements, of the cost of said improvements as proposed against said abutting property and the and finds that the apportionment of and that all assessments hereinbelow made are just and equitable and produce substantial equality con- sidering the benefits received and the burdens imposed thereby, and are in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, and the Charter provisions of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, and that the proceedings and contract heretofore had with reference to said improvements are in all respects regular, proper and valid, and that all prerequisites to the fixing of the assessment liens against said abutting properties, as hereinabove described and the personal liability of the real and true owner or owners thereof, whether named or correctly named herein or not, have been in all things regularly had and performed in compliance with the law, Charter provisions and proceedings of the said City Council. SECTION 3. That in pursuance of said ordinance, duly enacted by said City Council, authorizing and ordering the improve- ments of the above described street, within the limits defined, and in pursuance of said proceedings heretofore had and enacted,by said City Council, in reference to said improvements and by virtue, of the powers vested in said City with respect to said street im- provements by the laws of the State of Texas and the Charter of said City, with particular reference to Chapter 106 of the Acts of the First Called Session of the 40th Legislature of the State of Texas, known and shown as Article 1105b of Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended, there shall be, and is hereby levied, assessed and taxed against the respective parcels or property abutting upon said portion of said streets, and against the real and true owners,thereof, whether such real and true owner or owners be named or correctly named herein or not, the several sums of money hereinbelow mentioned and itemized opposite the description of the respective parcels of said property, the number of front feet of each and the several amounts assessed against same and the real and true owner or owners thereof, and names of the apparent owners thereof, all as corrected and adjusted by said City Council, being as follows, to -wit: -7- SECTION 4. Be it further ordained that in the event the actual frontage of any property herein assessed shall be found upon the completion of said improvements to be greater or less than the number of feet hereinabove stated, the assessments herein set against any such property and against the real and true owner or owners thereof, shall be, and the same are hereby declared to be increased or decreased as the case may be, in the proportion which said excess or deficiency or frontage shall bear to the whole number of front feet of property actually improved in accordance with the front foot rule or rate of assessment here- in adopted, it being the intention that such parcel of property and the real and true owner or owners thereof abutting on the portion of the streets above described, within the limits defined, shall pay for said improvements under the "FRONT FOOT RULE OR PLAN", which rule or plan is hereby found and determined to be just and equitable and to produce a substantial equality, having in view the special benefits to be received and the burdens imposed thereby; and it is further ordained that upon final completion and acceptance of said improvements on the aforesaid streets, within the limits defined all certificates hereinafter provided for, issued to evi- dence said assessments against said parcels of property abutting upon said street, and the real and true owner or owners thereof shall be issued in accordance with, and shall evidence the actual frontage of said property and the actual cost of said improvements, the amount named in said certificate in no case to exceed the amount herein assessed against such property unless such increase be caused by an excess of front footage over the amount hereinabove stated, such actual cost and such actual number of front feet, if different from the hereinabove shown in Section 3 hereof, to be determined by the Director of Engineering & Physical Development upon comple- tion of said work on said street, and the findings of the Director -8- of Engineering & Physical Development shall be final and binding upon all parties concerned. SECTION 5. That the several sums mentioned above in Section 3 hereof assessed against said parcels of property abutt- ing on the aforesaid streets, within the limits defined, and the real and true owners thereof, whether named or correctly named herein or not, subject to the provisions of Section 4 thereof, together with interest thereon at the rate of five and one- quarter (5 1/4%) per annum with reasonable attorney's fee and all costs and expenses to be made a first property, against said improvements of collection, if incurred, are hereby declared and prior lien upon the respective parcels of which same are assessed from and after the date were ordered by said City Council, to -wit: , 19_, and a personal liability and charge against the real and true owner or owners in, and that said lien shall be and constitute the first and prior enforceable claim be named or correctly named here - against the property assessed and shall be a first and paramount lien superior to all other liens, claims or title, except for lawful ad valorem taxes; and that the same so assessed shall be paid and become payable in one of the following methods at the option of the property owner: 1. All in cash within 30 days after completion or accep- tance by City; or 2. Payments to be made in maximum of 60 equal install- ments, the first of which shall be paid within 30 days after the completion of said improvement, and the acceptance thereof by the City, and the balance to be paid in 59 equal consecutive monthly installments commencing on the 1st day of the next succeeding month until the entire sum is paid in full, together with interest from the date of said completion and accep- tance by the City, until paid, at the rate of five and -9- one -forth percent (5 1/4%) per annum; provided, however, that the owners of said property avail- ing themselves of Option "2" or "3" above shall have the privilege of paying one, or all, of such installments at any time before maturity thereof by paying the total amount of principal due, together with interest accrued, to the date of payment. 3. The total number of monthly installments on owner occupied property may be extended beyond sixty (60) in number so that,'at the owner's request, the total monthly payments will not exceed ten ($10.00) per month. SECTION 6.. That for the purpose of evidencing said assess- ments, the liens securing same and the several sums assessed against the said parcels or property and the real and true owner or owners thereof and the time and terms of payment, and to aid in the en- forcement thereof, assignable certificates shall be issued by the City of Corpus Christi, Texas to itself upon the completion of said improvements in said streets and acceptance thereof by said City Council, which certificates shall be executed by the Mayor in the name of the City, attested by the City Secretary, with the corporate seal of'said City, and which certificates shall declare the amounts of said assessments and the times and terms thereof, the rate of interest thereon, the date of the completion and accept- ance of the improvements for which the certificate is issued, and shall contain the names of the apparent true owner or owners as accurately as possible, and the description of the property assessed by lot and block number, or front foot thereof, or such other description as may otherwise identify the same, and if the said prop- erty shall be owned by an estate or firm, then to so state the fact shall be sufficient and no error or mistake in describing such -10- property or in giving the name of any owner or owners, or otherwise, shall in anywise invalidate or impair the assess- ment levied hereby or the certificate issued in evidence there- of. That said certificate shall further provide substan- tially that if default shall be made in the payment of any in- stallment of principal or interest when due, then at the option of the City, its successors, or assigns, or the holder thereof, the whole of said assessment evidence thereby shall at once become due and payable, and shall be collectible with reasonable attorney's fees and all expenses and costs of collection, if incurred, and said certificate shall set forth and evidence the personal liability of the real and true owner or owners of such property, and that said lien is first and paramount thereon, superior to all other liens, titles_and charges, except for law- ful ad valorem taxes, from and after the date said improvements were ordered by said City Council, to -wit: November 7 , 1979 , and shall provide in effect that if default shall be made in the payment thereof, the same may be enforced, at the option of the City, or their successors and assigns, by the sale of the pro- perty therein described in the manner provided for the collection of ad valorem taxes as above recited, or by suit in any Court having jurisdiction. That said certificates shall further recite in effect that all the proceedings with reference to making said improvements have been regularly had in compliance with the law and Charter in force in said City and the proceedings of said City Council of said City, and that all prerequisites to the fixing of the assessment lien against the property therein described, or attempted to be described, and the personal liability of the real and true owner or owners thereof, evidence by such certificates, have been regular- ly done and performed, which recitals shall be evidence of all the matters and facts so recited and no further proof thereof shall be required in any Court. -11- That said certificates shall further provide in effect that the City of Corpus Christi; Texas, shall exercise all of its lawful powers, in the enforcement and collection thereof, and said certificates may contain other and further recitals, pertinent and appropriate thereto. It shall not be necessary that said certificates shall be in the exact form as above set forth, but the substance and effect thereof shall suffice. SECTION 7. That all such assessments levied are a personal liability and charge against the real and true owner or owners of the property described, or attempted to be described, notwithstanding such owner or owners may not be named or correctly named, and any irregularity in the name of the property owner, or the description of any property or the amount of any assessment, or in any other matter or thing shall not in anywise invalidate or impair any assessment levied hereby or any certificate issued, and such mistake, or error, invalidity or irregularity whether in such assessment or in the certificate issued in evidence there- of, may be, but is not required to be, to be enforceable, at any time corrected by the said City Council of the City of Corpus Christi. Further that the omission of said improvements in front of any part of parcel of property abutting upon the aforementioned streets, which is exempt from the lien of said assessment, shall in no wise affect or impair the validity of assessments against the other parcels of property abutting upon said street; and that the total amounts assessed against the respective parcels of property abutting upon said streets within the limits herein defined and the real and true owner or owners thereof, are the same as, or less than, the estimate of said assessment prepared by the Director of Engineering and Physical Development and approved and adopted by the City Council and are in accordance with the proceedings of said City Council relative to said improvements and assessments 712- - thereof, and with the terms, powers and provisions of said Chapter 106 of the Acts of the First Called Session of the 40th Legislature of the State of Texas, known as Article 1105b of Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes of Texas and Charter of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, under which terms, powers and provisions said proceedings, said improvements and assessments were had and made by said City Council. SECTION 8. The fact that the above-described streets have become important thoroughfares and the fact that the present condi- tion of said streets, within the limits defined, are dangerous to the health and public welfare of the inhabitants thereof creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity, requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the -date of its introduction, and that said ordinance shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared that such emergency and neces- sity exists, and having requested that said Charter rule be suspended, and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its intro- duction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the %T day of December ATTEST: City Secretary' , 1979. APPROVED: 12th DAY OF December , 19 79 J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY MAYOR THE''CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS Corpus Christi, Texas /.2 -day of, i) 19 19 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas - For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally,on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City' Council. ti Respectfully, MAYOR / THE CIJm OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Luther Jones Edward L. Sample Dr. Jack Best David Diaz Jack K. Dunphy Betty N. Turner Cliff Zarsky The above ordinance was passed by Luther Jones Edward L. Sample Dr. Jack Best David Diaz Jack K. Dumphy Betty N. Turner Cliff Zarsky the following vote: 15258 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL SOUTH PORT AVENUE (M.H. 102), FROM AGNES STREET TO BUFORD STREET PROJECT NUMBER MR009(1) December 5, 1979 This project includes the construction of street improvement within the limits described and provides for rehabilating a 64' wide street within the existing right-of-way. The improvements shall consist of removal of the existing median and overlaying the base with 3" hot -mix asphaltic concrete. Standard 4" thick sidewalks of varying width, 6" thick driveways and 6" curb 1' in width will be constructed according to the plans and specifications of the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation. This project is being constructed jointly by the City and the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation and is an improvement assessment project. Abutting property owners are assessed in accordance with the assessment policy of the City of Corpus Christi. Based on the low bid submitted by Heldenfels Brothers, Inc. and the assessment policy, the assessment rates are as follows: Pavement Overlay no assessment 6" Curb @ $3.99 per L.F. Sidewalk @ $3.26 per S.F. Driveways @ $4.49 per S.F. Maximum assessment rates established by City Ordinance: Curb, Gutter & Pavement @ $14.25 per L.F. Sidewalk @ ;$ .75 per S.F. Total Contract Price Federal/State Share City Share Preliminary Assessments /7i-+-' / ._�-/ James K. Lo os, P.E., Director Engineering & Physical Development $195,515.02 $125,821.52 $ 69,693.50 $ 35,287.78 . I,IW%aowmENTS/IN CALAG45N (791127/1836 = AccFccMEMT 9 7 B 2 IY u 1 n 10 19 ] 2912 x a 7 x 2. za 25 1 32 x z, se z9 IS as 39w 3 au 6! az ] 43 32 M <] ]] '48 69 96 80 a55z 6.] 39 u 7 56 42 45 65 49 66 65 w Sr 66 7 42 t] ep 59 75 59 72 54 ]] 74 al DATA ROCU ENTS/INC NOVEMBER 7, 1979 \ PAGE 1 DESCRIPTION TOTAL :ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY OF AMOUNT 7 7 NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED 4 4 . 3 6 7 • 7 PRELEMINARY a ASSESSMENT ROLL ! SOUTH PORT AVENUE . ,0 3 11 I4 I2 AGNES ST. TO BUFORD ST. 15 13 EAST SIDE 19 1 20 16 1 POWER EQUIP SALES E SERVICE * 90.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 3.99 359.10 21 17 P 0 BOX 9156 78408 —0— L.F.C.G.S PVMT. —0— —0-22 16 LOT 23 BLK 5 720.00 S.F. S/W .75 540.00 , 23, :a ,a STEELE ADDN —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0 — 25 70 *CURB ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— n 2, —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 26 33 899.10 i 23 30 31 24 32 7 2 MACEDONIA CHAPA * 35.00 L.F.C.G.S PVMT. 3.99 139.65 7a 412 S PORT AVE 78405 —0— L.F.C.G.E PVMT. —0— —0— n LOT 20—A BLK 5 280.00 S.F. S/W .75 210.00 36 :a *CURB ONLY —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— 37 23 STEELE ADDN —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— n 36 —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— m 7 349.65 4 37 .: 3, 43 34 3 POWER EQUIP SALES E SERVICE * 130.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 3.99 518.70 43 35 P 0 BOX 9156 78408 —0— L.F.C.G.E PVMT. —0— —0— 46 36 LOT 40 BLK 5 867.02 S.F. S/W .75 650.27 47 77 7a STEELE ADDN *CURB ONLY —0— S.F. S/W 156.98 S.F. D/W 1-20 —0— 4.49 —0 — 704.84 49 so n —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 1/873.81 —.._ 33 41 34 u 4 M.J. LEIF —0— L.F.C.G.E PVMT. —0— —0- 44 C/O ED SLAVIK —0— L.F.C.G.E PVMT. —0— —0— !e 43 P 0 BOX 8808 78412 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— . LOT 23 BLK 8 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— a1 47 STEELE ADDN —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 62 46 OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— , —0- 49 .00 .! So ea !1 67 52 469 33 70 54 72 79 73 Se 74 37 73 7y (&DATA OOCOIENTS/INC NOVEMBER 7, 1979 PAGE 2 ? ,ITEM 5 NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION QUANTITY OF ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT , ASSESSED . 6 . 6 . 5 GEORGE TAYLOR —0—" L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— • . P 0 BOX 719 78403 —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— ; . LOT 40 BLK 8 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— ,2 ,. STEELE ADDN —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— ;; 1-0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— .00 a 1. 15 I 2. 16 MARY STREET INTERSECTION2. ■ 20 la 24 1. 6 G.M. GILLESPIE ET AL —0— L.F.C.G.E PVMT. —0— -0— 2. 20 C/O SOUTHLAND CORP —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— 25 21 2828 N HASKELL ST —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— x 22 DALLAS TX 75204 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— 25 2. LOTS 19,20.&21 BLK 2 -0— S.F. D/W —0— —0- 51 2, VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. 0/W —0— —0— 4, 25 OVERLAY ONLY 26 .00 '° g 22 56 2. N .7 ,, m 7 MRS MARY E GABRIEL UTOPIA ROUTE —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— —0— —0— .. Si SABINAL TX 78881 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0- 32 LOTS 17 & 18 BLK 2 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— .2 25 VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— v OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 45 .6 .00 ,. 8 MILTON GABRIEL ET AL —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— . 2. UTOPIA ROUTE —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— ,_ .. SABINAL TX 78881 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— 6_ .1 LOT 16 BLK 2 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0 — 02 42 VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0 — 55 43 OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 57 . .00 5[ 45 S2 62 .2 9 A.C. CHAPA —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— .2 .. 3558 COLUMBINE 78415 —0— L.F.C.G.E PVMT. —0— —0— .. .. LOT 15 BLK 2 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— 65 5., VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— B6 5, OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0- 60 52 —0— S.F. 0/W —0— —0— •• 6. .00 54 55 )1 5 . 2. 75 & BATA ECCUmENT5RNC NOVEMBER 7, 1979 PAGE 3 :ITEM 2 NO. • OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT RAT - AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ; ASSESSED . • 10 DELORES CHAPA -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- . 3558 COLUMBINE 78415 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- ;; , LOT 14 BLK 2 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 12 10 VILLA GREEN ADDN -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- Is 11 OVERLAY ONLY -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 15 12 —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0 — 16 1• 1. .00 ,a 9 15 22 I. 11 ELUTERIO G. ESTRADA -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0- ■1 1. 2318 AGNES 78405 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 15 VILLA GREEN ADDN -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- :. 15 OVERLAY ONLY -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 25 m -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 36 21 -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 27 2. 22 .00 2, 22 M 12 MANUEL M. GONZALES —0— L.F.C.G.E PVMT. —0— —0— 20 4841 CHERYL 78415 -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0- s 9 LOT 12 BLK 2 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 2. . VILLA GREEN ADDN -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 2. ss OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. 0/W —0— —0- .. —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— . 51 .00' 5: 2Z M 2. 13 JUAN GONZALES, EST -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0- >_ C/O JACK HAAS, RCVR —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0- Y , 3817 S ALAMEDA 78411 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— 47 .7 LOT 11 BLK 2 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— .5 VILLA GREEN ADDN -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- OVERLAY ONLY -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 2 .00 5: 05 42 36 .. 14 JOE GONZALES -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 5. M 3730 LIBERTY 78408 -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0- 5f 45 N 30.84' LOT 10 BLK 10 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 59 GC .. VILLA GREEN ADDN -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- .1 .. OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 63 .., —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0- 63 45 6. ,. .00 .. 55 m 5. .2 .5 03 64 71 M 5_ 1. 90 '77i ({, BATA 00=ENT5/INC NOVEMBER 7, 1979 PAGE 4 ITEM , NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 2 , . . 5 , 15 T.E. POPPE —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0- 6 1202 E MULBERRY —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— , SAN ANTONIO TX 78209 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— ,. LOTS 8,9 & S 10' LOT 10 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0 — 11 BLK 2 VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0—• ` ,, OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 15 .00 „ 14 ,6 ,5 ,6 26 ,. 16 TONI HAMMAUEL —0— L.F.C.G.E PVMT. —0— —0 — 31 r, 525 ATLANTIC 78404 —0— L.F.C.G.E PVMT. —0— —0— ,. LOT 7 BLK 2 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— :< „ VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— 2 25 OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— - 26 21 —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0- 27 22 .00 13 14 ,2 29 17 ANN 8. MOSES —0— L.F.C.G.E PVMT. —0— —0— 33 25 1213 AVE. G —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— 36 27 LUBBOCK TX 79401 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— M :a LOT 6 BLK 2 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0-37 P VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— 5.F. D/W —0— —0— OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 40 „ 3 .00 ° 32 ° ,a 0 a. 18 NAZHA BULLAJIAN —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— 817 S PORT 78405 —0— L.F.C.G.E PVMT. —0— —0— ,. LOT 5 BLK 2 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— m 37 VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— ' ,5 OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— .9 51 ,6 —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 52 °° .00 5a 41 54 41 33 56 v 19 MORRIS M. BRAND —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— 57 .. .5 410 PENNINGTON 78412 LOT 4 BLK2 —0— —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. S.F. S/W —0— —0— '-0— —0— :` VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0 — 41 47 OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 63 .9 —0— S.F. 0/W —0— —0— 63 .9 .00 .5 u 6. 67 51 ea 31 33 70 5. 71 72 59 73 5 . 7. �7 75 7y (j/OATA OOCOIDENTS/INC NOVEMBER 7, 1979 PAGE 5 3 ITEM NO. • OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION _ DESCRIPTION QUANTITY OF ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ' ASSESSED 3 4 4 s . 3 20 NAZHA BULLAJIAN -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0- 817 S PORT 78405 -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0- ° 9 LOT 3 BLK 2 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- s +. VILLA GREEN ADDN -0- S.F. S/W -0- It OVERLAY ONLY -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- ; -0- S.F. 0/W -0- -0- 13 .00 -t3 4 ,9 IY 20 ,. 21 ANGELENA BULLAJIAN -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- u 1, C/O FAMOUS DEPT STORES -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0- se 1e 1213 AVE G -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- P4 . LUBBOCK TX 79401 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 3[ :. LOT 1 & 2 BLK 2 -0- S.F. 'D/W -0- -0- 25 31 VILLA GREEN ADDN -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 27 n OVERLAY 33 .00 .1 Y 32 3 33 m 21A JAMES EASDON 110.00 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 3.99 438.90 34 33,, 1101 WEST HENDERSON -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- se m CLEBURN, TX 76031 68.00 S.F. S/W .75 51.00 n :9 LOT 7 BLK 2 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 3t 3. WHITES MONTROSE PARK 261.98 S.F. D/W 1-35 4.49 1,176.29 4. 31 261.98 S.F. D/W 1-35 4.99 1,307.28 d1 33 2,973.47 33 44 34 33 22 FRANCISCO & ERNESTO LIRA * 36.00 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 3.99 143.64 L & L CONSTRUCTION CO -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0- . . 37) 916 5 PORT 78416 -0- S.F. S/W .75 -0- 33 39 LOTS 6 & N .5 LOT 5 MONTROSE PARK -0- S.F. S/W 173.98 S.F. D/W 1-14 -0- 4.49 -0- 781.17 st ,a *CURB ONLY -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 33 41 924.81 34 u n . 23 FABIAN 5 MOLINA & * 112.00 L.F.C.G.6 PVMT., 3.99 446.88 3. 49 JUAN L MORENO -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 19 4. 6010 LUCILLE 78412 -0- S.F. S/W -0- - -061 49 N .5 LOT 4 & S .5 LOT 5 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- e3 ,4 BLK 2 MONTROSE PARK -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- .4 43 . *CURB ONLY -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- es 5, 446.88 ar 51 se 33 63 53 IV 54 3 s3 9. 73 ]4 \3 15 3g 41 BATA OOOOLDENTS!!NC [ ' • NOVEMBER 7, 1979 PAGE 6 ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION QUANTITY OF ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ' ASSESSED o s • ---- a a , , 23A E.L. LAIRD 3526 BLUEBONNET 78408 S .5 LOT 4 BLK 2 * 55.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- S.F. S/W 3.99 -0- -0- 219.45 -0- -0- to to to 1, j MONTROSE PARK *CURB ONLY -0- S.F. S/W 156.98 S.F. 0/W 1-12 252.98 S.F. D/W 1-20 -0- 4.49 4.49 -0- 704.84 1,135.88 13 ;i 19 15, 2,060.17 +1 1. 19 i, to 24 17 11. C.L. ESTES 1010 S PORT 78405 N 100' LOT 3 & * 65.00 L.F.C.G.& PVMT., -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- S.F. S/W 3.99 -0- -0- 259.35 -0- -0- u zz 25 z t. :3 :1 LOT 2 & S 10' LOT 3 BLK MONTROSE PARK *CURB ONLY 2 -0- S.F. S/W 312.98 S.F. D/W 1-25 -0- S.F. D/W -O- 4.49 -0- -0 - 1,405.28 -0- 23 26 n u 2] M 1,664.63 =. 32 , 25 :6 .) JOHN CHARLES BROOKS RT 1 BOX 94 78415 LOT 1 BLK 2 * 107.00 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- S.F. S/W 3.99 -0- -0- 426.93 -0- -0- „ ,a 35 u 35 m MONTROSE PARK *CURB ONLY -0- S.F. S/W 237.98 S.F. D/W 1-25 -0- S.F. D/W -0-- 4.49 -0- -0= 1,068.53 -0- 31 4' .. '2 331 1,495.46 . o d, m ,a ,a a BUFORD STREET END S PORT AVENUE EAST SIDE u m ,7 >a 550 SOUTH PORT AVENUE m ao ;� 4/ 41 AGNES ST TO BUFORD ST WEST SIDE „ 33S. 26 'I ALFONSO QUINTERO III 432 YERBY CIR. 78408 * 92.00 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 3.99 -0- 367.08 -0- > Sa 60 .a ,a LOT 29 BLK 5 , MONTROSE PARK *CURB ONLY 316.53 S.F. S/W -0- S.F. S/W 187.98 S.F. D/W 1-25 .75 -0- 4.49 237.40 -0- 844.03 .1 62 55 65 s 65 ,.187.98 '° 51 S.F. D/W 1-25 4.49 844.03 2,292.54 SZ 53 55 90 70 71 72 S_ 34 „ 35 5 (41 MTA OOCNmENTS/SNC NOVEMBER 7, 1979 PAGE 7 :ITEM OWNER AND DESCRIPTION QUANTITY OF TOTAL AMOUNT : NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED ° e e s 3 27 E.G. ESTRADA —0— L.F.C.G.E PVMT. —0— —0 — • ° 3714 NIAGARA 78416 —0— L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. —0— —0— ;; LOT 36 BLK 5 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— : STEELE ADDN —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— 13 „ OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— ;s ,_ —0— S.F. D/W —0— — —016 ,s .00 ,. ,e ,9 30 ° MARGUERITE STREET INTERSECTION :, 18 23 28 25 :0 28 B.S. BENAVIDES * 122.00 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 3.99 486.78 26 _+ 1129 COMAL 78407 —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— n 33 LOT 27 BLK 8 803.02 S.F. S/W .75 602.27 :9 =s STEELE ADDN —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— ; u *CURB ONLY 152.98 S.F. D/W 1-20 4.49 686.88 u s a _ —0— S.F. D/W —0— 1/775.93 ,, x 37 n 29 B.S. BENEVIDES * 60.00 L.F.C.G.E-PVMT. 3.99 239.40 ' s. 1129 COMAL 78407 —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— +e N 50'LOT 36& 10'ALLEY BLK 8 480.00 S.F. S/W .75 360.00 ° u , STEELE ADDN *CURB ONLY —0— S.F. S/W —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— —0— —0— <2 _° ss —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 599.40 ;, = se 30 JAMES F. VESLEY * 80.00 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 3.99 319.20 '° M 3014 KOPEK 78407 —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— 51 u S 50.5' OF S 85' LOT 36 640.00 S.F. S/W .75 480.00 s3 e+ BLK 8 STEELE ADD —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— . n *CURB ONLY —0— S.F. 0/W —0— —0 — 55 ° —0— S.F. 0/W —0— —0 — 37 " ys 799.20 ' 39 W el °, 31 GERT M. GILLESPIE ET AL —0— L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. —0— —0— 63 .e C/O SOUTHLAND CORP —0— L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. —0— —0— 63 .9 2828 HASKEL —0— S.F. S/W —0— — —0Is so, s, DALLAS TX 75204 LOTS 22,23 & 24 BLK 2 —0— S.F. S/W —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— —0— —0— '° W 3 VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— so 3 ° OVERLAY ONLY .00 70 n' ss ee Ss =e 3, DATA 00GlIBENTS/INC r NOVEMBER 7, 1979 PAGE 8 :ITEM • OWNER AND QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF TOTAL AMOUNT ' 3 NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED 7 32 MARIA M.G. SALINAS ET AL * 40.84 L.F.C.G.£ PVMT. 3.99 162.95 9 9 C/O FILBERTO GARCIA —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— '° . 402 E RICHARDS 326.72 S.F. 5/W .75 245.04 ,! KINGSVILLE TX 78363 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— „ LOTS 25 E 26 BLK 2 —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— ;; _� VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— ,6 ,> *CURB ONLY m ,. 15 407.99 :its. „ 33 ROBERT L. SLADEK * 40.84 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 3.99 162.95 18 1545 LEA LN. 78415 —0— L.F.C.G.E PVMT. —0— —0— _, 19 S 1.52' LOT 26 E ALL 27 326.72 S.F. S/W .75 245.04 22 BLK 2 VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— 89 *CURB ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— .. —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0 — 29 23407.99 r 2. 32 2 34 REFUGIA YBARA —0— L.F.C.G.E PVMT. —0— —0— 23 702 1/2 HARMON 78405 —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— 19 2. LOTS 28 & 29 BLK 2 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— . VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— 3P 38 OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— : 91 —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— . 32 .00 3. P6 2! 35 ROBERTO GALVAN —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— 46 38 506 MDNETTE 78412 —0— L.F.C.G.S PVMT. —0— —0— 24 3: LOT 30 BLK 2 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— .3 . VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— x 3s OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 2 . —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 5! 41 .00 32 az 5s 58 u 5v .. 36 NARCISCO GARCIA ET UX —0— L.F.C.G.E PVMT. —0— —0— .5 709 S PORT 78405 —0— L.F.C.G.S PVMT. —0— —0— 6 .5 LOT 31 BLK 2 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— ., .3 VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— 6: ,2 OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 6 69 —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— Y5 3° .00 ss 32 59 53 5471 92 9! J3 S6 , 5} 79 [ ' • NOVEMBER 7, 1979 PAGE 9 DESCRIPTION TOTAL + :ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY OF AMOUNT ; 3 NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED 4 7 37 ED GROSSMAN —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— 5 5 C/0 JACK MILLER —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— ; P 0 BOX 7247 78415 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— +2 10 LOTS 32 & 33 BLK 2 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— s +2 OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— +. 13 .00 i) 35 14 1. 15 20 1. 38 T.H.A. WALTERS —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— +, 721 S PORT 78405 —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0- 23 +6 LOT 34 BLK 2 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— 2. 19 VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— 23 try OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 26 27 2+ —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 2. 22 .00 2. 23 2. 31 32 25 39 JNO A. ROBINS —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— - u 2. C/O H.J. ROBINS —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— 34 39 27 P 0 BOX 72 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— b 2. HOUSTON TX 77001 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— 03 03 LOTS 35 & 36 BLK 2 —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 3°\. VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— ;0 33 OVERLAY ONLY •+ 32 .00 42 33 43 N 40 DAVID DIAZ —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— °' m 3741 LIBERTY 78408 —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0- 23 LOTS 37 & 38 BLK 2 —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— as 3a VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— 50 . OVERLAY ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 31 32 30 —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 53 41 .00 42 i5 34 43 57 4. 41 NAZAH BULLAJIAN ET AL * 40.84 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 3.99 162.95 53 .5 817 S PORT 78405 —0— L.F.C.G.& PVMT. —0— —0— sn as LOT 39 BLK 2 326.72 S.F. S/W .75 245.04 47 VILLA GREEN ADDN —0— S.F. S/W —0— —0— 82 m *CURB ONLY —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0- 63 4a —0— S.F. D/W —0— —0— 55 5b 99 407.99 1�7 SR GP 53 70 94 73 72 53 73 56 }4 23 75 (il DATA 60GJLENTSIINC NOVEMBER 7, 1979 PAGE 10 > .ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED .r 3 ° 42 MARY BULLAJIAN * 40.84 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 3.99 162.95 ° a 817 S PORT 78405 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- LOT 40 BLK 2 326.72 S.F. S/W .75 245.04 VILLA GREEN ADDN -0- S.F. S/W -0-o -0- „ *CURB ONLY -0- -0- S.F. D/W S.F. D/W -0- -0- -0- -0- " 407.99 +' r ,6 43 ANGELENA BULLAJIAN * 72.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 3.99 287.28 „ 4423 W 10TH ST. -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0- LUBBOCK TX 79416 536.00 S.F. S/W .75 402.00 +. LOTS 41 E 42 BLK 2 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- .a *CURB ONLY -0- S.F. D/W -0- ' -0- a, -0- S.F. 0/W -0- -0- u 689.28 . 29 1 3a LOT 7 BLK 3 >a .B 44 SERAFIN QUIROGA * 103.00 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 3.99 410.97 m 810 15TH ST. 78408 -0- 398.04 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. S.F. S/W -0- .75 -0- 298.53 3o MONTROSE PARK -0- S.F. S/W -0- 3'. *CURB ONLY 237.98 S.F. D/W 1-25 4.49 1,068.53 237.98 S.F. D/W 1-25 4.49 1,068.53 2,846.56 „ 45 JOS. S. SIKORA * 262.36 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 3.99 1,046.82 36 4209 HAMLIN 78411 -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0- n LOTS 8,9,10 &S 60' LOT 11 1,381.18 S.F. S/W .75 1,035.89 4. u BLK 3 MONTROSE PARK 240.00 S.F. S/W STUBS .75 180.00 °'-0- *CURB ONLY 522.98 S.F. D/W 1-30 S.F. D/W 4.49 -0- 2,348.18 -0- °3 4,610.89 03 u ! 3a 45 C.C. THEATERS * 50.00 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 3.99 199.50 111 „ C/0 JACK MILLER -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- P 0 BOX 7247 78415 300.00 S.F. S/W .75 225.00 09 S 50' OF LOT 11 BLK 3 52.00 S.F. S/W STUBS .75 39.00 a >a MONTROSE PARK -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- ;' *CURB ONLY -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- sx 463.50 . 33 , ]. SA 1 �. 55 1 & MTA OOLUiDENT5IINC NOVEMBER 7, 1979 \\ \ PAGE 11 :ITEM . NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION \DESCRIPTION QUANTITY \ OF\ ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE „ AMOUNT TOTAL " AMOUNT ASSESSED '99.' 5 6 7 7 47 MARY BULLAJIAN * 110.00 L.F.C.G.£ PVMT. 3.99 438.90 • to 817 S PORT 78405 -0- L.F.C.G.£ PVMT. -0- -0- . LOT 12 BLK 3 771.02 S.F. S/W .75 578.27 1: ,. MONTROSE PARK 344.00 S.F. S/W STUBS .75 258.00 f5 11*CURB ONLY 216.98 S.F. D/W 1-12 4.49 974.24 ;; ,: -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 15 2,249.41 " 18 1. 1. 12 :. . 48 JIM WILBURN * 82.50 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 3.99 329.18 .l +7 1017 S PORT 78405 -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- - -023 10 N 82.5 OF LOT 13 BLK 3 410.02 S.F. S/W .75 307.52 le .. MONTROSE PARK 144.00 S.F. S/W STUBS .75 108.00 ss :C *CURB ONLY 216.98 S.F. D/W 1-12 4.49 974.24 n :, -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- u 1,718.94 �. 23 81 : 49 GEORGE WILBURN * 27.50 L.F.C.G.& PVMT. 3.75 103.13 65 :6 4302 VESTAL 78416 -0- L.F.C.G.& PVMT. -0- -0- ;6 :7 S 27.5' OF LOT 13 BLK 3 253.00 S.F. S/W .75 189.75 .6 . MONTROSE PARK -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 57 *CURB ONLY -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 39 lo -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0-" w ., 292.88 . 5: 42 .5 55 .• .. 50 C.C. COOMBES * 98.00 L.F.C.G.£ PVMT. 3.99 391.02 'S 10029 UPRIVER RD 78410 -0- L.F.C.G.£ PVMT. -0- -0- 40 ,. LOT 14 BLK 3 554.04 S.F. S/W .75 415.53 .. MONTROSE PARK -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- ' >a *IN TRANSITION 212.98 S.F. D/W 1-20 4.49 956.28 M * 192.98 S.F. D/W 1-20 4.49 866.48 51 5: . 2,629.31 55 41 33 u m u BUFORD STREET 57 .. END SOUTH PORT AVE.. 50 .5 WEST SIDE 32 .6 61 47 .. END ASSESSMENT ROLL 63 au 65 66 . 67 5' 6. 53 65 53 • 70 5. 71 73 59 74 75 }56 . 49 (30 BATA 60CIUBENT5/INC, NOVEMBER 7, 1979 PAGE 12 2ITEM OWNER AND NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNTASSESSED TOTAL AMOUNT 4 3 i ] 6 e 10 0 55 15 „ TOTAL ASSESSMENTS *** 35,287.78 ;; 2 i t6 3 ,> 4 19 19 20 6 ]Y 7 22 33 e 24 37 1 29 22 29 10 31 24 32 6 45 7 26 2e 37 29 36 30 19 40 3 41 41 3] AA 34 45 33 46 4> 36 40 37 49 38 !G 39 31 92 ac 33 4( 54 33 4 ST " ae 45 ]9 K 46 51 4> 82 a. 475 I 6] 91 59 • 52 69 3• Si ti ]t 53SO Sa 76 C