HomeMy WebLinkAbout15272 ORD - 12/19/1979AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CESSION BY THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI TO THE CITY OF GREGORY OF ALL ANNEXATION RIGHTS AND POLICE POWERS OVER AND IN CERTAIN LANDS, A MAP OF THE SAME, MARKED EXHIBIT "A", BEING ATTACHED HERETO, WITHIN THE OVERLAPPING EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND THE CITY OF GREGORY, AS DEFINED BY ART. 97OA, V.A.C.S., TEXAS, BY MUTUAL WRITTEN AGREEMENT, MARKED EXHIBIT "B", ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, PURSUANT TO ART. 97OA, V.A.C.S., TEXAS, SECTIONS B AND C; PROVIDING PUBLI- CATION BY CAPTION; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; AND PRO- VIDING SEVERABILITY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City of Corpus Christi is a city having a population of one hundred thousand or more inhabitants; and WHEREAS, the present extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Corpus Christi consists of all contiguous unincorporated area, not a part of any other city, within five miles of the corporate limits of said City; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described certain tract of land, a map of the same marked Exhibit "A" being attached hereto, is found to be within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of said City; and WHEREAS, the City of Gregory is desirous of annexing land and establishing its extraterritorial jurisdiction one-half mile from the existing municipal boundary, as shown by Exhibit "A", the area of one-half mile extra- territorial jurisdiction being presently within the said five -mile extra- territorial jurisdiction of the City of Corpus Christi; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City of Corpus Christi to reduce the boundaries of its extraterritorial jurisdiction so that future annexation by the City of Gregory may be accomplished, there being no other cities having jurisdiction or legal interest therein, for the purpose of establishing extra- territorial jurisdiction, exclusive annexation rights and police powers of the City of Gregory over and in the said certain tract of land. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The City Manager of the City of Corpus Christi is hereby authorized and directed to enter into, subscribe, and execute the "City of Gregory -City of Corpus Christi Art. 97OA Cession Agreement", marked Exhibit "B", attached hereto, and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes, for and on behalf of the City of Corpus WOVILMED p\IG 2 81980 Christi, to be wholly binding according to the terms thereof upon the City of Corpus Christi and the City of Gregory, all as authorized by Art. 970A, V.A.C.S., Texas, and pursuant to Sections B and C thereof, and approved, sealed and attested by the City's officers as required by law. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be published by caption once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Corpus Christi. SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with shall be and are hereby repealed to the extent of conflict herewith. SECTION 4. If for any reason any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid by final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect any valid provisions of this or any other ordinance of the City of Corpus Christi to which these rules and regulations relate. SECTION 5. The necessity to immediately enter into the aforesaid agreement creates a public emergency and imperative public necessity requir- ing the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared such emergency and necessity to exist, and having requested the suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the / Q day of (, 1979. ATTEST: -City Secretary APPROVED: gDAY 1979 J. Bruce Aycock, City Attorney By Assistant City 1'YOR TH ITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS 1 COUNTY OF NUECES 1 CITY OF GREGORY = CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI ART. 970A CESSION AGREEMENT BE IT REMEMBERED BY ALL MEN: WHEREAS, the City of Gregory is a city having a population of less than five thousand inhabitants and all contiguous unincorporated land area, not a part of any other city or of its extraterritorial jurisdiction and within one-half mile of the corporate limits of said City of Gregory is overlapped by the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Corpus Christi; and WHEREAS, the City of Corpus Christi is a city having a population of 'one hundred thousand or more inhabitants and the present extraterritorial juris- diction of the City of Corpus Christi consists of all contiguous unincorporated .;area, not a part of any other city or its extraterritorial jurisdiction, and within five (5) miles of the corporate limits of said City; and WHEREAS, that certain tract of land, as shown on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof, is found to lie within the extraterritorial juris- diction of the City of Corpus Christi, constituting an overlapping extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Gregory and the City of Corpus Christi, as defined by Article 970A, V.A.C.S., Texas; and WHEREAS, the City of Gregory desires to annex land and establish its extraterritorial jurisdiction one-half (1/2) mile from the existing municipal boundary, as shown by Exhibit "A", and the area within the proposed one-half mile extraterritorial jurisdiction is also presently within the five -mile extra- territorial jurisdiction of the City of Corpus Christi; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City of Corpus Christi to reduce the boundaries of its extraterritorial jurisdiction so that said future annexa- tion by the City of Gregory may be accomplished, there being no other cities having jurisdiction or legal interest therein, for the purpose -of establishing---------- extraterritorial stablishing------"extraterritorial jurisdiction, exclusive annexation rights and police powers of the City of Gregory over and in the said certain tract of land: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT REMEMBERED: The City of Gregory, a municipal corporation and body politic incor- porated under the laws of the State of Texas, in the County of San Patricio, Texas, sometimes hereinafter called "Gregory", by and -through its Mayor, as heretofore duly authorized and directed by Ordinance dated May 14, 1979, of the City of Gregory, does hereby enter into, subscribe, and execute the Agreement herein, as authorized by said Ordinance and Art. 970A, V.A.C.S., Texas, pursuant to Sections B and C thereof, with the City of Corpus Christi,_ a municipal corporation and body politic incorporated under the laws of the - State of Texas, in the County of Nueces, Texas, sometimes hereinafter called "Corpus Christi", by and through its City Manager, as heretofore duly author- ized and directed by Ordinance No. , of the City of Corpus Christi, as authorized by said Ordinance and Art. 970A, V.A.C.S., Texas, pur- suant to Sections B and C thereof, as follows: I Effective as of the date of completion of the subscribing, approving, and attesting hereto, as shown herein, and for and in consideration of payment I 1 of the sum of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00), the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the City of Corpus Christi hereby apportions to, relinquishes, cedes, and conveys to the City`of Gregory sole and exclusive municipal juris- diction, annexation rights, privileges, powers, and authority and all police powers, under Article 970A, V.A.C.S., Texas, and other applicable laws, over and in those portions of the hereinafter described tract of land, as shown on Exhibit "A", which constitute an overlapping extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Gregory and the City of Corpus Christi, and the land area within.' one-half (1/2) mile thereof. All such rights, privileges, powers, authority and all police powers under Art. 970A, V.A.C.S., Texas, and other applicable laws, as to the above-described lands, shall be in the sole and exclusive juris- diction of the City of Gregory. I I' All understanding, bargains, and agreements of the parties hereto are merged in this Agreement instrument and all prior understandings, bargains, and agreements of the parties hereto, relative to the subject matter hereof, are superseded by this Agreement. III A map of the hereinbefore described land, marked Exhibit "A", is annexed hereto. IV If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Agreement shall, for any reason, be finally adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, such final judg- _ --- "me`nt shel nl�` of affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or work thereof so found unconstitutional or invalid. SUBSCRIBED, ATTESTED, APPROVED and EXECUTED in duplicate originals in the State of Texas and completed on this day of 1979. ATTEST: qty ecretary I APPROVED: City Attorney ATTEST: THE CITY OF GREGORY By ayor THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI 8111 G. Read,. City Secretary By R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager APPROVED: day of , 19 J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By sistant qty ttorney Corpus Christi Texas /y day of Jr,z&.-4, 19 `2c% TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, MAYOR 7 / THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following Luther Jones 01/0 Edward L. Sample Dr. Jack Best e_A-e David Diaz (�c,:0 Jack K. Dumphy l&� Betty N. Turner �jf Cliff Zarsky vote: The above ordinance was passed by the following vote: Luther Jones �pQ Edward L. Sample (LP Dr. Jack Best j� Q ( 4 / David Diaz Jack K. Dumphy Betty N. Turner a„.f2 Cliff Zarsky �/ //z7 15272 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF TEXAS, last County of Nueces. Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally came E1ma Rodela , who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that he is the Accounting Clerk of the Corpus Christi Caller and The Corpus Christi Times, 4 Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication of NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE NO. 15272 PROVIDING FOR THE CESSION BY THE CITY OF ..... of Which the annexed is a true copy, was published in ._._.001&.us^(ii> isti Ca11er-Times on the. ?4th day of December 19 79 , and once each l€� consecutive 1 Times. Elms Rodela Accounting Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this........... 28th.. day of December CADELCID 19 79 Lois Winn ;21,4! Notary Pub c, Nueces County, Texas NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE NO:13272., I ON DING FOR THE CESS SY THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI TO THE CITY OF GREGORY OF ALL ANNEXATION RIGHTSPOWERS OVER*AND OLICIN CERTAIN LANDS, A MAP OF ?HE SAME, MARKED EXHIBIT "A"; BEING AT- TACHED HERETO, WITH. IN THE OVERLAPPING EXTRATERRITORIAL JU- RISDICTION OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND THE CITY OF GREGORY, AS DEFINED BY ART. 970A, V.A.C.S., TEXAS, BY MUTUAL WRITTEN AGREEMENT, MARKED EXHIBIT "B", ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, PUR• SUANT TO ART. 970A, V.A.0 S , TEXAS, SEC- TIONS B AND C; PROVID- ING PUBLICATION BY CAPTION; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND DE- CLARING AN EMERGES'. CY. WAS PASSED AND AP- PROVED by the City Council of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas during the Regular Council Meeting held on the 19th day of December, 1979 at 2:00 p.m. The full text of, said ordlnance Is available to the public in the Office of the; City Secretary. WITNESS my hand this 70th day of December, 1979.1 -5• Bill G. Read,, City Secretary, City of Corpus Chrlstb4 Texas, 744. • Corpus Chris_Texas 1CT day of.. ox„ P.a.., 19 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance o resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordin nce finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the Cit Council. Respectfully, MAYOR/7 /7 it THE GIIyi F CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by -)t following vote: Luther Jones Crij!.t tO Edward L. Sample JL .9L Dr. Jack Best ( Ily, G .ly David Diaz Jack K. Dumphy Betty N. Turner . Cliff Zarsky / I l )/14 ,2 The above ordinance was passed by tthe following vote: Luther Jones.! I \ L,.L % Edward L. Sample F I -„) O Dr. Jack Best -Q David Diaz (( I ).�...� Jack K. Dumphy ( .J. wl7 Betty N. Turner / WS Cliff Zarsky / An aerial mosaic at a scale of 1"=100' wit be prepared of the Central Business District. Two sheets, each approximately 40" x 48", will be required to cover the designated area. The delivery items for the mosaic will be one set of the two sheets prepared on reproducible film positives and one set of the two sheets printed on Cronapaque. All technical services required in this roject will be q P jectaccom- plished under the provisions of our standard quality control program. This program is based on a progressive review o� data through each technical phase combined with an additional technical review of all finalized data to ensure the maintenance of quality standards through- out the various service requirements. All workhases will be accom- plished in accordance with highest professional standards. Shipment of the control prints to the City or accomplishing the required field control will be made within ten days following the com- pletion of the aerial photography. Shipment of all delivery items is estimated to be 45 days from receipt of all control data. Fees for the various services outlined in his exhibit are sub-. sequently listed. -a. Aerial Photography and Control Selection b. Manuscript Layout and Photo Atlas Sheet Preparation 104 intersections @ 140.00 c. Aerial Mosaic Preparation $ ,735.00 1,560.00 ,374.00 S1,669.00 International Aerial Mapping Company will submit monthly invoices for the services completed as outlined move. Terms are net 30 days. It is understood that a 10% retention will be withheld from each individual invoice. This retention would be due and payable upon completion and acceptance of all services in this project. -2- EXHIBIT "A" TO CONTRAC FOR AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SE VICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRIS I AND INTERNATIONAL AERIAL MAPPING COMPANY International Aerial Mapping Company pr technical services necessary to prepare photo at aerial mosaic of selected areas in the City of Co atlas sheets at a scale of 1"=30' will be prepared sections and a 1"=100' aerial mosaic will be pre Business District. The locations of these street those which were shown on the 1"=1/2 mile maps to International Aerial Mapping Company. The 1 mosaic will include the area delineated on the furnished Central Business District map except that the northern limits of this mosaic will be ex- tended north to include the south edge of the ship channel. poses to furnish as sheets and an pus Christi. Photo for 104 street inter- ared of the Central intersections are previously furnished mits of the aerial International Aerial Mapping Company wi:1 initiate this project by completing aerial photographic coverage at an approximate scale of 1"=130' covering the designated street interse tions and at an approximate scale of 1"=400' covering the Centril Business District. One set of 9" x 9" contact prints will be prepared from the aerial film negatives for use as control photographs. The required horizontal control points wi be selected on the aforementioned photographs and these photographs will be submitted to the City for the accomplishment of the necessary field surveys. Control in the form of straight line distances will be requested; in other instances horizontal positions will be required and requested. Subsequent to the receipt of the requested return of the control photographs, control manus utilizing the furnished horizontal control data. T used to rectify the individual aerial film exposure the atlas sheet and mosaic preparation. control data and the ripts will be prepared he manuscripts will be s hi connection with A master border plate or mask will be prepared for use in connection with the printing of the atlas sheets. t is understood that International Aerial Mapping Company will be furnished the desired title data for use on this mask. This mask will be based on an overall sheet size of 24" x 36". The photographic image on these sheets will be 20" by a minimum of 28" and a maximum of 30", ThL long dimension will be along the principal artery of the intersecting strsjets. The photo atlas sheets will be prepared by the direct projection or mosaic method. Each required photographic xposure will be com- posite printed with the mask. The sheets will be identified by drafting the street names of the intersection in the lower ight corner of each sheet. The delivery items for the atlas sheets w D. be one set of 104 reproducible film positives and one set of 104 Cr.napaque prints. 2. Comprehensive General Liability cove age, to include public liability, contractual liability, comple ed operations personal injury liability, property damage and utomobile liability. All comprehensive general liability an automobile liability coverage shall have minimum limits of $500, 000 per occur- rence and $100,000 property damage. 3. Liability coverage for aircraft utilized by the CONTRACTOR in performing services described herein shall have minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence f r bodily liability and $500, 000 per occurrence for property amage liability. CLIENT and CONTRACTOR each binds h' self, his partners, successors, executors, administrators, and ass gns to the other party of the contract in respect to all covenants of this contract. Neither CLIENT nor CONTRACTOR shall assign, sublet, in this contract without the written consent of the or transfer his interest other. The CONTRACTOR agrees that he will co}nmence work as provided hereinbefore at the earliest practical dayte following execution of this contract and will complete the preparatio of all data required as near as possible to the schedule provided in Exhi it "A". IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, witness our hands at the City of Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas, this day of 1979. CLIENT: THE CITY OF ORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS ATTEST: By: ATTEST: By:/Gc`t Max Russ, Treasurer B y: CONTRACTOR INTERNATIONAL AERIAL MAPPING COMPANY By: -4- Louis A. Rizzo, Vi CONTRACTOR shall not pay any commission, fees or any rebate to any employee or officer of the CLIENT nor f or employees nor officers of the CLIENT with gifts or entertainm nt nor enter into any business arrangement with employees or officers of the CLIENT without CLIENT'S WRITTEN approval. CONTRACTOR affirms that he has devel ped an Affirmative Action Program for equal employment opportuni ies and that he will not discriminate against any person or persons ue to race, color, sex, religion or national origin. CONTRACTOR agrees that this contract ray be canceled by the CLIENT at any time by notifying CONTRACTOR prior to can- cellation date of their decision to cancel and by tine payment to CONTRACTOR of the reasonable value of work t}eretofore completed; but in no case to include expected profit on unco pleted work. CLIENT agrees to provide CONTRACTOR seven days notice prior to cancellation of this contract. Waiver of any provisions of thiL contract by CLIENT shall not alter or amend CLIENT'S right to enfo ce any and/or all other contractual provisions. CONTRACTOR shall, at its own expense, provide insurance for the terms of this contract on the kinds and mini um amounts of coverages set forth in the insurance schedule below and pol cies shall not be canceled or amended without ten days prior notice to CLIENT. CONTRACTOR shall, at CLIENT'S request and option, furnish certified copies of all insurance policies referred to herein. SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE 1. Workman Compensation to meet statut ry coverages of the State of Texas where services will be performed. -3- hereof, the CLIENT agrees to pay CONTRACTOR fees for these services as specified in said Exhibit "A". CONTRACTOR further agrees to furnish all labor, tools, equip- ment, supplies and materials necessary for completion of the described technical services, to pay all sales and use taxes nd all taxes assessed on wages for labor and to make any and all reports required in connection with the services required to complete said topog aphic mapping require- ments. CONTRACTOR guarantees and warrants th t he does not and will not infringe on the patent rights of any person or persons or corporations whomsoever in the prosecution of the services contemplated herein and agrees to defend and save CLIENT harmless from any and all damages, costs and expenses by reasons of claims or suits for infringements resulting from CONTRACTOR -furnished services CONTRACTOR further agrees to perform -he services contemplated herein as an independent contractor and neither C NTRACTOR nor anyone employed by CONTRACTOR shall be deemed for a y purpose to be the employee, agent, servant or representative of the CLIENT in the per- formance of any services required under this con ract. CONTRACTOR represents that all services rendered hereinunde in accordance with best professional practices to shall be performed he satisfaction of the CLIENT. CONTRACTOR is and shall remain an independent contractor and accordingly, any provisions of this contract w hich may appear to accord the CLIENT any right of direction or control of the services to be performed by the CONTRACTOR shall not rela a to the method or procedures of performance by the CONTRACTOR to the results of these services. -2- but shall relate only CONTRACT FOR AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this day by and between the City of Corpus Christi, a Municipal Corporaton, organized and existing under the laws of Texas and situated in Nueces C unty, Texas, acting through its duly authorized agent, and hereinafte referred to as the CLIENT and International Aerial Mapping Company of San Antonio, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETH, that whereas the CLIENT tends to obtain aerial photographic coverage of 104 selected street intersections and the Central Business District of Corpus Christi, Texas, and WHEREAS, the CONTRACTOR has the professional abilities and qualifications to complete all phases of the requi ed aerial mosaic and aerial photographic laboratory services in accor ance with best pro- fessional practices and procedures. NOW THEREFORE: The CLIENT and the ONTRACTOR in con- sideration of the mutual covenants herein, agree in respect to the per- formance of the professional aerial photographic services by the CONTRACTOR and the payment for these services by the CLIENT, as set forth hereinafter. The CONTRACTOR does hereby agree to provide the technical services for subsequent delivery of photo atlas and aerial mosaic coverage as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and expressly made a part of this contract. In consideration of the services well and ruly performed by the CONTRACTOR in accordance with procedures de.cribed in Exhibit "A" Attachment 1 4 V. The contract recipient agrees as a'necessary condition for reimbursement of costs, to prepare monthly and/or quarterly progress reports in a timely manner, and in accordance with instructions furnished by the Governor's Office of Traffic Safety. 4 VL. CLEAN AIR ACT COMPLIANCE: For all contracts in excess of $100,000, the recipient agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act of 1970. Violations shall be reported to OTS and the Regional office of the Environmental Protection Agency. 'VII.' PRINCIPAL PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: ° The location of the plant or place of busi '• will be produced or the principal services under the contract is: ess where the item(s) Twill be performed CITY COUNTYI1 STATE VIII. ASSURANCE. The contract recipient hereby Assures compliance with all terms, conditions and general and special provisions ' for this contract. NAME OF CONTRACT RECIPIENT SIGNED BY: TITLE: DATE: Page 2 of 2 CA -1 REV 9/74 ( Dntract No. Attachment 1 CONSULTANT CONTRACT REPRESENTATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TYPE OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATION: (check apropriate box) The contract recipient represents that h operates as pan individual, 0 a partnership, ❑ a nonpr fit organization, or ❑ a corporation under the laws of th State of II. SMALL BUSINESS: (check appropriate box) The contract recipient represents that lie 0 is, or ❑ is not, a small business concern. A small business concern for the purpose of Government procurement is a concern, including its affiliates, which is independently awned and operated, is not dominate in the field of operatian in which it is bidding, and can further qualify under the criteria, as prescribed by the Small Business Administration. (See Code of Federal Regulations, Title 13, Part 121, as amended, which contains detailed industry definitions and related procedures.) Number of employees III. CONTINGENT FEE: (check appropriate boxes) ❑ 0 has The contract recipient represents (a) that he has, not, employed or retained any company oA• person (other than a full-time bona fide employee working olely for the offeror) to solicit or secure this contract, and (b) that he ❑ has, has not,.paid or agreed to pay any ompany or person (other than a full-time bona fide employee wor ing solely for the offeror) any fee, commission, percentage, or brokerage fee contingent upon or resulting from the aerard of this contract; • and agrees to furnish information relating to (a) and (b) above, as requested by the contracting office . (NOTE: For inter- pretation of the representation, inclu ing the term "bona fide employee". See Code of Federal Regulations, Title 41, Chapter 1, Subpart 1-1.5). IV. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: (check appropriate The contract recipient represents that participated in a previous contract or either to the Equal Opportunity clause originally contained in Section 301 of or the clause contained in Section 201 NO. 11114; that he 0 has*, 0 has not compliance reports; and that represent mission of required compliance reports subcontractors, will be obtained prior boxes) he ❑ has, 0 has not, subcontract subject herein or the clause Executive Order 10925, of Executive Order filed all required tions indicating sub- , signed by proposed to subcontract awards. *If you certify that you have participated in a previous contract, 1 subject to the Equal Opportunity clause, but have not been required ' to file compliance reports, then you should check the box reading "that he has filed all required compliance eports". CA -1 Rev 9'/74 Page 1 of 2 Enclosure 6 Tnclosure 4 ATTACHMENT TO PERIODICREPORT DATED_ 197 _ CONTRACT (❑❑)❑CIL7❑-❑❑ fl AT7.Chi/ENT TO PERIODIC REPORT DATED_,197—,CONTRACT LID )❑❑❑C -❑C ITEMIZED COMMODITIES ACCOUNTABLE ASSETS REPORT I DATE I11£M OIY IAJIT cosi EXTENSION IyN 1H.'f NI �'� .�'�:.�I�1JE IVVE H„1 ;F i •r111>,,cm, USER IOENT OESCRIPTION15ERIAL NO PUNCH COST' AOUIS DATE OISPOSIIIGN 1 I 1 I 1 0:5 [ORM PR S REVISED 1 L15 TOTAL 3 MUST MAICH AMOENT ON PR.1 1 _ ' Page 15 of 17 � I ATTACHMENT TO PERIODIC REPORT DATED_, 197_, CONTRACT (Q❑)❑SLI o ❑ ITEMIZED OTHER DIRECT COST DATE � ITEM 017 COSE%TENSION DOCUTAENT IMF Irl 7 I..I 1 I i I f °TS TU. PR 6 REVISED 12)75 x °� ' ' "" " TOTAL 5 - - 3 MUST Wadi AMOUNT ON TM 1 ...'r f wRSKEO BY OM INSERT THE ' Oi5TOW PR./. REV 1M5 LETTERS • OTS' ` .. +- - - ... .. _. -,,. _ Page 16 of 17 Page 17 of 17 Daft ..L,LjUL,J HMENT TO PERIODIC REPORT GATED_ 197_ , CONTRACT �LJ JCU�-LI 14/1 LI ITEMIZED PERSONAL SERVICES 1PA LABOR CATEGORY OR • PERSONS NAME TIME WORKED RAZE [91ENSION DOCUMLNT 1YP1 r.D -•• 'ORM PR 2 REY15E0 T2)15 ...,...,..n— Y _ .. ._ 10)AL Page 13 of 17 MUST MR.,' AMOUNT ON PR, rr Enclosure 3 ATTACHMENT TO PERIODIC REPORT OATOD , 197—, COt'TRACT(1JQ)D41UU'1J. ITEMIZED SUBCONTRACT SERVICES Mit SUBCONTRACTOR/DESCRIPTION OF WORK AMOUNT PAID DOCUMENT 1)11 r 1 • 1 015 F01w PR P REJISE0 1285 Page 3.4 of 17 MUST 9N1..H AMOL441 ON PR ..IRI I_I0l.S 0 N PROJECT TITLE TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM Proculuro PR -1 PROJECT CLAIM AND PERIODIC REPORT Lbc1c.sure 1 (❑❑)❑❑oo-❑❑ 0 LJ THIS IS A MONTHLY REPORT FOR THS MONTH OF 19/ • .1 THIS ISA QUARTERLY REPORT FOR X JFM I AMJ 1 JAS '. UNU HI/__ L EXPENDITURES FOR REPORTING PERIOD (DETAILS ATTACHED/ P105UNAl STIP/ICES S- CUMULATIVE EXPENDITURES 010NNL11 ACTUAL I IO DATE CONTRACT SERVICES S COMMOOIHES OTHER DIRECT COSTS INDIRECT COSI IIF IN CONTRACT( CUMULATIVE CLAIMED PLANNED ACTUAL ITO DATE) TOTAL S 5 1 TOTAL CLAIMED FOR REIMBURSEMENT S 11. ACCOUNTABLE ASSETS LIST fl Ma CHANGED TATIACH1 C'. HAS NOT CHANGED 01. SCHEDULE STATUS (MILESTONES SCHEDULED IODATE BUT NOT PREVIOUSLY COMPLETED) NO-MILESTONE•NAME DEAN phi` ACTUAL IV. .NARRATIVE REPORT A. ACCOMPLISHMENTS (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS. IF NECESSARY) • • • I PR 1 REV 11/75 Page 11 of 17 Connmrc0 as Bac (V. NARRATIVE REPORT ICON I IN:II 0) D. PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED I INCLUDE DISCUSSION 01 MISSLU MILS ST DNI SAND COOK( Ton AC 1400100 C. ASSISTANCE REQUIRED AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS 100191 V. PROJECT ORGANIZATION CHART ❑ HAS CHANGED (ATTACH) ❑ HAS NOT CHANGE I tooly mal alt nlormanon plesenle0500101 is comp.. accurate 01 lelleclmp wale pe,lolm00 unnel the IV CM MS nlact ane un no clanal0een 0,050111001o, 01 p070001 meU by. P10 Un1005ta0001Ame,0501150 VOM al 01 Ieaas lar Ine [0110 Owned lot team/sealant CLAIMANT AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE. APPROVALS - Ito oause050,00w000y cIa.m0n11 - - - FOR 015 USE Re.100ra anAC IFc0.0y lespacb. e manapn00n0 .1:1TFR OF ATTAC10)5015 Page 12 of 17 'are acquired during any reporting period. Subsequent re- visions of the PR -7 must include all assets previously shown (even if they have been disposed of); it is suggested that the organization submitting claims retain the ori- ginal PR -7 for subsequent updating and submit photocopies to OTS. 2. HEADING - Same as the heading for PR -3,4,5, and 6. 3. OTS -UNIQUE TRANSACTION - Enter the le -digit OTS code if purchased. If furnished (from a previous contract or from another source by 0TS),enter "OTS." 7. ACQUISITION DATE - Enter the date the asset was received or transferred to the project. DISPOSITION - If an asset is destroyed, stolen, or trans- ferred to another project respectively, enter "DESTROYED," "STOLEN," or the new project number and date of transfer in this column (if the new project number is not known, it for the asset (for example: MW00006102(, if known; if unknown, leave blank. 4. USER IDENT - Enter the inventory number used by the claimant organization. NOTE: I£ none is used, a number system must be created, a number assigned, and the number affixed to the asset (embossed tape is a useful method in some instances). 5. DESCRIPTION/SERIAL NO. - Enter a meaningful description of the asset and its serial number (if applicable). Examples of "useful" descriptions are: A. Typewriter, IBM Selectric II, S/NXXXXXX... B. Desk, Secretarial, 30" x 60", left hand, walnut C. Fila Cabinet, 4 -dr., legal, black metal In general, manufacturers names are not useful, oxcept in some instances where they uniquely define a type, style, ar quality; for example, "IBM Selectric II" or "HP -45" are useful identifiers but "Casemark" or "Shaw -Walker" are generally, not. d. PURCHASE COST - Enter the exact amount paid for the item, Page 9 of 17 can be obtained from the responsible OTS manager). NOTE: If an item is destroyed or stolen, the full details must be documented; contact the responsible OTS manager for details. If an asset is transferred to another or- ganization, an Accountable Assets Log (OTS form AA -2) must be furnished to you to clear your records (see the respon- sible OTS manager for details). SUBMITTAL - The completed and signed PR -1, with attachments,must be forwarded, in duplicate, to the responsible OTS manager. It will be reviewed and processed in accordance with OTS policy, and reimbursement may be expected within two to six weeks if no major problems are encountered in the review. The exact period required will depend upon immediate processing backlog in the OTS office and the State Comptroller's office, mail delays, and other in- cidental factors. person formally authorized by the claimant to sign and submit claims on its behalf. C. APPROVALS - This space is provided for the convenience of the claimant; its use is optional. 12. NUMBER OF ATTACHMENTS - Number each attachment (PR -3,4,5, 6, and 7, organization chart, etc.) in order of their first reference on the PR -1 form. Enter the number of attachments in the space provided. PREPARATION OF OTS FORM PR -3,4,5, and 6 (Enclosures 2-6): 1. GENERAL - These attachments are required if, and only if, corresponding costs are reported for the period; PR -3 is required if PERSONAL SERVICES are reported; PR -4 if SUB- CONTRACT SERVICES are required; PR -5 if COMMODITIES arc reported; and PR -6 if OTHER DIRECT COSTS are reported. See paragraph B., 1.-5., above, for definitions of these categories. 2: HEADINGS - At the top of each form, enter the project • number and date (see paragraphs 3. 6 4. under "PREPARATION OF OTS FORM PR -1," above). 3. INDIVIDUAL ENTRIES - Each form must contain the individual costs which accumulate to the amounts reported on the PR -1 form (see section 5., above). 2n general, each entry will consist of the following elements: A. DATE - The date on which the cost is paid (see para- graph 5.A., above). B. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM - This may bo: 1) PERSONAL SERVICES - The name of an individual or a labor category (i.e., clerk IV, draftsman, etc.) 4- with a common pay ....— Page —Page 7 of 17 2) CONTRACT SERVICES - The name of the subcontractor and/or the work performed. 3) COSLNODITIES OR OTHER DIRECT COSTS - An item name (IBM Selectric II typewriter, March telephone bill, computer time, etc.). C. QUANTITY AND RATE - Hours worked and rate per hour, days worked and rate per day, quantity purchased and osr-_Per_day. egpntity Purchased and cost per unit etc. NOTE: Not required on PR -4; may be omitted if not applicable or appropriate for the line entry. D. EXTENTION OR AMOUNT PAID - The total amount (in dollar and cents) paid for the line entry. NOTE: Equal to quantity multipled by rate (where applicable). E. DOCUMENT - Identify the instrument (document) used to pay the amount shown; show the type of document (check, warrant, etc.), and identify number (check no., warrant no., etc.). NOTE: The document identified must be retained for audit in accordance with the General Provisions of the contract. F. TOTAL - Enter the total amount (in dollars and cents) in the space provided. NOTE: The totals must agree exactly with the amounts entered on the front of the PR -1 form. PREPARATION OF OTS FORM PR -7 (Accountable Assets Report): 1. GENERAL - The Accountable Assets Report must be submitted whenever accountable assets are furnished by OTS or pur- chased. Once a 11-7 has been submitted on a Contract, it must be resubmitted if, and only if, one or more assets Page 11 of 17 .March, June or September); enter the amount shown for the applicable period on page 1 of the contract. The planned claimed amount shall be computed from the planned expen- diture using the reimbursement formula set forth in the contract. 7. ACCOUNTABLE ASSETS LIST - An accountable assets list is required if, and only if, accountable assets have been (physically) acquired during the reporting period. I0 assets have been acquired, check the first block and attach a copy of OTS form PR -7. If no assets were ac- quired during the reporting period, check the second -block and omit the PR -7 attachment. 8. SCHEDULE STATUS - List all milestones which are scheduled in the contract for completion on or before the end of the reporting period and which have not been reported as com- pleted in previous reports. Enter the milestone number (project start is milestone 01, the next milestone shown in the contract is 02, etc; project complete is milestone 99), the milestone name (as shown in the contract), the planned completion date (as shown in the contract), and the actual completion date, if any. NOTE: always show the latest contract information (including all Contract Change Notices). 9. NARRATIVE REPORT - The narrative report is divided into three sections: Accomplishments, Problems Encountered, and Assistance Required. These sections may vary in con- tent and detail.as appropriate. Sections A 6 B must be consistent with the report of milestones met and missed ... .w..-.. Page 5 of 17_ .,.-.. Y ...^..�...._.... (section 8, above) and should cite reasons if the project is behind schedule or over budget. Section C provides the opportunity to identify problems, needs, actions re- quired by OTS, and recommendations to OTS. Any (or all) of the sections may be continued on separate sheets (In- cluded as attachments). The narrative section is an im- portant part of this report, and the project manager is encouraged to make effective use of this opportunity to communicate needs, problems, achievements, and other pertinent information. Please keep this narrative section concise and interesting. Concentrate on major points rather than details; include material of interest to other protect managers. 10. PPOJECT ORGANIZATION CHART - An organization chart is re- quired with the first project report. The form or format is optional, but all key personnel, including the protect manager, fiscal manager (or equal), evaluator (if any), etc., must be shown by name and function. On subsequent rcporta, the organization chart must be revised and re- • submitted if, and only if, one or more of the key personne change. Check the applicable block and attach a revised chart, if required. 11. SIGNATURE A. CLAIMANT - Enter the name of the organization sub- mitting the claim (this must be the organization shown on the contract). B. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE - The claim must be signed by a Page 6 of 17 claimed as costs on the last (monthly or quarterly) report of the project. 2) Errors - In the event of an error in the amount claimed (either an overclaim or an underclaim), an adjustment may be made on a subsequent report by entering corrections (which may be positive or nega- tive in value). If an error is found subsequent to the final report, 4) Other Direct Costs - The cost of purchase of necessary accountable assets, computer services, rentals, other services, etc. 5) Indirect Costs - The percentage add-on cost authorized by contract (may include profit). NOTE: Indirect costs may be charged only when permitted by contract. The requirements for sub- stantiation of indirect costs at audit are often a supplementary claim may be submitted (use form PR -1, with the words "SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT," - entered above the title). D. PERSONAL SERVICES, CONTRACT SERVICES, COMMODITIES, OTHER DIRECT COSTS AND INDIRECT COSTS - Enter the total amount• expended for the reporting period in the spaces provided, using the following category definitions: 1) Personal Services - Salaries and benefits of all salaried personnel (for time actually spent working on the project), travel costs (fares, mileage, etc.), and other travel expenses (per diem or room rent, meals, etc.). 2) Contract Services - Costs incurred under project subcontracts** (including consultant services). 3) Commodities - The costs of expendable materials and supplies used on the project (prorated costs may be used if approved by OTS). •The project contract shpws cost by these same categories; if match- ing costs are shown in the contract, include them in these spaces. If matching costs are not shown in the contract, do not include these spaces. •*Most subcontracts must be approved in advance by OTS (see contract requirements. Page 3 of 17 more severe than for direct costs. OTS forms PR -3,4,5, and 6 shall be attached (as appli- cable) unless the requirement for these attachments has been waived in writing by OTS. C. TOTAL COST AND TOTAL COST CLAIMED FOR REIMBURSEMENT - 1) Total Cost - This is the sum of the costs, listed above (for the reporting period). 2) Total Cost Claimed for Reimbursement - This amount is computed on the basis specified in the contract; if the contract specifies 1006 cost reimbursement, this amount will equal the "total cost" (provided the total amount claimed on all reports may never exceed the "Maximum Amount Eligible for Reimburse- ment") as shown in the contract. 6. CUMULATIVE EXPENDITURES AND CLAIMS - Enter the sum of expenditures shown on this report plus those on all prior reports as cumulative actual expenditures. Cumulative actual claimed is similarly computed from claimed amounts. Planned expenditures are only reported on quarterly reports or on the last monthly report for a quarter (December, Procedures PR -1,3.4,$,6, b 7 11/75 INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION OF A TErAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM PROJECT CLAIM AND PERIODIC R.:PORT SCOPE: This document provides instructions for the completion of OTS forms PR -1,3,4,5,6, and 7; referred to collectively as the "TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CLAIM AND PERIODIC REPORT" (Enclosures 1 thru 6). GENERAL • 1. Project claims and periodic reports are required under the terms of most Texas Traffic Safety Program contract,. Three types of claim/report forms may be specified by contract; these instructions shall be used if OT5 form PR -1 is specified. 2. The OT5 contract may require that project claims and periodic reports be submitted monthly, or quarterly, or one time (only). 3. The attachment forms (PR -3,4,5,6, and 7) shall be assumed to be required unless the contract (or other written directions from OTS) states otherwise. 4. It is recommended that a copy of the project contract and all changes thereto be reviewed before preparing a pro- ject claim and periodic report. PREPARATION OF OTS FORM PR -1 (Enclosure 1): 1. FINAL REPORT - Check the appropriate block indicating whether or not this is the final report to be submitted under this contract. 2. PROJECT TITLE - Enter the project title as shown on the contract. ''bun -G -4"N ,q 12/75 -"""` Page 1-of.17 _ 3. PROJECT NUMBER - Enter the project number, as shown on the contract, in the blocks provided. 4. MONTHLY/QUARTERLY REPORT - Check the appropriate block. If the contract requires monthly reports, the claim and report shall cover exactly one calendar month (or less, if at the beginning or end of the project); insert the applicable calendar month and year. If the contract re- quires quarterly reports, the claim and report shall coverexactriYone-quarter•(ur pu. lrem-thereof) uL-a fiscal year (Oct. 1 - Dec. 31, Jan. 1 - Mar. 31, Apr. 1 - June 30, or July 1 - Sept. 30); check the appropriate quarter and enter the calendar year. 5. EXPENDITURES FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD - A. GENERAL; 1) Routine - Unless otherwise approved in writing by OTS, expenditures shall be recorded on a cash basis; i.e., a cost shall be claimed in the period during which it is actually paid. However, since all costs eligible for reimbursement under the con- tract must be claimed during the period of the con- tract, any allowable costs incurred during the con- tract period, but paid after the contract period, shall be claimed during the final reporting period (monthly or quarterly) of the contract. Example: wages and/or employee benefits for the last week (or month) of the project are frequently paid after the end of the project; they should, however, be Page 2 of 17 Aerial Photograph Program t All intersections to be photographed were selected accident histories and analysis which reflects capacity vehicular delays below desirable levels. Information a accurate aerial photographs will enable staff personnel basic objectives. primarily on their deficiencies or ailable through to achieve certain The first and principal objective to be achieved through the use of the aerial is the preparation of several types of condition diagrams. Such diagrams will display accident data, existing site condition, channelization, parking, signing, signalization and barricading control. When completed, these diagrams will form an integral part of the final recommendation for change or improvements proposed for each location. Although the aforementioned uses will be primary, p ry, he Department feels that they will be of significant use in other related areas of traffic or transporta- tion. They will be used to evaluate adjacent land uses and its impact on traffic. They will aid in the evaluation of visibility problems at the intersections. Parking Demand: off-street vs. on -street. A reduction in curb side parking, with its distractions and delays, will result in greater street capacity and fewer accidents. Such aerials will enable us to locate where vacant land is which might be used for off-street parking. The Department feels that in every instance described above, the availability of the aerials and their'ultimate contribution to the studies we plan to conduct will have the impact directly or indirectly of improvin the street systems through increases in capacity and accident reduction. 1 Cr '-act No, T Attachment 2 GENERAL PROVISIONS CHECK LIST The following provisions contained in "General Provisions for Contracts"- Form GC -2A, are hereby included as a part of this contract by reference: ❑oo❑❑❑❑❑ 000a000a I. Definitions II. Changes III. Disputes IV. Conditions for Termination Prior to Completion V. Excusable Delays VI. Non -Collusion VII. Contract Period Established .VIII. Cost Provisions r IX. Method of Payment (Check one) A. Lump Sum B. Cost Per -Unit Work C. Cost Plus a Fixed Fee D. Specific Rates of Compensation E. Cost X. Terms and Conditions of Pahment XI. Inspection XII. Property Accountability XIII. Retention 0 1 XIV. Ownership of Data and Creative Material ❑ ' XV. Reports ❑x f XVI. Equal Opportunity G 1XVII. Overtime Compensation G XVIII. Convict Labor 0 : XIX. Subcontractual (Applies to all Federal and Most State contracts) ❑ ' XX. Utilization of Small Business Concerns ! XXI. Order of Precedence . XXII. Assignment,} Subletting and Transfer ❑x XXIII. Cancellation ❑x XXIV. Contractor's Liability x❑ . XXV. Save Harmless Ex ; XXVI. Tax and Compensation Liability ❑x XXVII. Reimbursement of Eligible Expenditures ❑ XXVIII. Application of Hatch Act (Applies to all Federal contracts) ❑x F XXIX. Standards for Grantee Financial Management Systems ❑ ; XXX. Procurement procedures (Applies to Federal grants to State agencies and communities only) F] f XXXI. Cost of Living Council Regulations ( pplies to all Federal contracts) o XXXII. Minority Business Enterprise GC -2 8/75 Page 1 of 1 TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CON'TRAC'T ATTACHMENT 1 STATEMENT OF WORK( I I ❑ u I T1 INCLUDE MILESTONE SCHEDULE AND METHOD OF EVALUATION At L Special Provisions: 1. The Office of Traffic Safety will withhold 10% of funds from each claim pending written notification of its approval of final report. 2. The contract recipient has complied (or will comply) with all portions of Article 664-4VCS when selecting an engineering firm to perform the professional services described in the Statement of Work. PAGE4 OF 4- TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CONTRACT ATTACHMENT 1 STATEMENT OF WORK( II ) .10111.011, I ( ❑ C1 MCLUDE MILESTONE SCHEDULE AND METHOD OF EVALUASON Q. Provide assistance to the City in preparing and processing of claims for reimbursement of costs incurred. ;3. Provide technical review of the photolog program. 4. Unless prior approval in writing from the Texas Of =ice of Traffic Safety, no costs may be incurred after the end of the contract period. 5. The Texas Office of Traffic Safety must approve th& contract and consultant selection in accordance with the Federal Highway Administration before any costs are incurred or any work performed under this contract. The contract recipient may begin work on any associated non -contract task. Method of Evaluation: Results will be evaluated in relation to project objectiveness, progress on schedules, thoroughness and completeness of work. One year after the end of the project, a follow-up evaluation will be made which will include at least the following: 1. Use as of the date of the evaluation. 2. Recommendations for future use. This evaluation will be performed by the City of Corpus Christi, the Texas Office of Traffic Safety, and the Federal Highway Administration. (1) 10/01/79 (2) 10/01/79 (3) 10/01/79 (4) 01/30/80 (5) Date (6) Date (7) Date '(8) Date ,(9) Date Audit Requirements: Milestone Chart Project Commitment. Project Start. Execute contract with consultant and submit to the Office of Traffic Safety, one (1) signed original and three (3) signed copies. Submit Quarterly Reports. *Note: Submit quarterly reports as needed from the City as the Consultant time to complete contract. Submit Preliminary Report Form to the Office of Traffic Safety. (4 copies) Submit Final Report. (7 copies) Submit Final Quarter Report. Project Completion. Follow-up Evaluation Report. This project is subject to audit under requirements o Circular 74-4 and applicable State requirements. Documentation maintained to support costs claimed for include, but not be limited to, the following: Federal Management reimbursement will Consultant's Invoices -- Proof of payments. Note: For additional information, see Attachment #2 (General Provisions), and Attachment #3 (Special Provisions). NEW 9105 D I. TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CONTRACT ATTACHMENT 1 STATEMENT OF WORK( 11 111 INCLUDE MILESTONE SCHEDULE AND METHOD OF EVALUATION { 5. Execute a contract with the consultant after consu by the Office of Traffic Safety and Federal Highwa Will provide personal services and documentations Will provide the Office of Traffic Safety the foll a. Four (4) copies of the proposed consultant cont b. Four (4) copies of the preliminary of the final c. Seven (7) copies of the final published report. tant selection is approved Administration. s needed by the consultant. wing items: act. project report. 8. The City will withhold from the consultant 10% ofhe total contract cost until final presentation of the approved photolog 5s delivered to the city A preliminary and final report will be submitted td the Office of Traffic Safety for approval by the Office of Traffic Safet31 and the Federal Highway Administration. The report to include at least the following: a. How the aerial photolog is to be used. b. What proposed programs are expected to be completed as a result of the aerial photolog. c. Other uses of the aerial photolog. The Consultant will do the following: 1. Conduct the aerial photolog (for details, see the consultant contract). a. Aerial photolog 104 intersections. b. Submit finalization maps of 1"=30' photo atlas s eets and 1"=100' mosaic. c. Initial aerial photolog coverage at a scale of ]"=130' and photo coverage at a scale of 1"=400' of the downtown area for preparation of the 1"=100' mosaic. d. One complete set of contact prints will be furnished for accomplishment of all field surveys to obtain photo identifiab e control points. e. The aerial mosaic covering the downtown area at a scale of 1"=100' will be in two sheets approximately 40" x 48". f. Photo atlas sheets prepared at a scale of 1"=30' will be 24" x 36" with 20" x 30" image area. 2. To comply with all requirements of Federal policy emorandum R6B-101A. 3. Provide monthly progress reports to the City repor ing scope of project performance. 4. Provide the City with the required number of photo as specified in the consultant contract. 5. Consultant will begin work within five (5) days of written notification to proceed and following the execution of the contract. 6. Consultant will inform District Engineer of the local state Department of Highways & Public Transportation of the progress of the study. 7. Will comply with the requirements in General Provisions, Attachment 112. The Texas Office of Traffic Safety will provide the following: 1 1. Reimbursement to the City of all eligible costs inurred by the City as shown on Pg. 1 of this contract for contract serviq�es. All other costs , incurred will be paid by the City of Corpus Christ . Total contract 1 services = $19,669.20. NEW 9/ 75 2 4 PAGE OF TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CONTRACT ATTACHMENT 1 STATEMENT OF WORK( 1 ) I 1 I ❑ L INtLUDE MILESTONE SCHEDULE AND METHOD Of EVALUATION •The City of Corpus Christi has participated in a Skid Resis ance Testing Program and have identified wet -weather accident priorities. The C ty also has a computer program system which identifies accident data and prioritizgs that data. A Traffic Engineering Survey has been completed to identify traffic pfoblems in the Central Business District. This aerial photolog will allow the city to obtain detailed reproducible photos of intersections for the purpose of priiritizing safety engineer- ing. The;accident history for the past three and a half ye rs show: Fatal Accidents Fatalities Injury Accidents Injuries Non -Injury Accidents Total' Accidents May, 1979 Compared to May, 1978 f 1976 1977 1978 May, 1979 31 37 1,452 2,229 5,863 7,346 as follows: 42 49 1,650 2,475 5,848 7,540 4p 5 1,745 2,67 4,69 6,491 1978 197 Fatal Accidents 15 Fatalities 15 Injury Accidents 641 84 Injuries 949 1,25 Total Accidents 3,217 3,55 Traffic Volume information is not available; however, based it has increased. 2 The City of Corpus Christi proposes to engage the services aerial mapping engineering company (aerial photologging) to the city's right-of-way. The various project elements will follows: The City of Corpus Christi will do the following: 18 20 840 1,256 3,553 +16.7% +25.0% +23.7% +24.4% + 9.4% on the best estimate, f a professional perform a survey of be accomplished as 1. Employ an aerial mapping engineering consultant firm. 2. Pass a resolution authorizing the City to execute application for funds for an aerial mapping engineering photolog. Also a ressing positive evidence of the City's willingness and desire to ut lize the results of the photolog. 3. Support the Photolog by providing the following inf rmation and materials to the consultant: 4. a. Identify intersections for photographing. b. Locate and record all needed photo identifiable ontrol points. Submit quarterly reports in accordance with General Provisions X and Attachment #4. (Narrative description and 0.T.S. F rms PR -1 & PR -4 with invoice). r •Ea9'75 PAGE'OE 4 TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CO PAGE -70F! (I 1 1) TRACT mDDL 111 REPRESENTATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS, AND ACKNQVLEDGMENTS I. CONTINGENT FEE: (check appropriate boxes) The contractor represents (a) that it ❑ has, fat has not, employed or retained any company or person (other than a full-time bona fide employee working solely for the offeror) to solicit o secure this contract, and (b) that it ❑ has. 5a has not, paid or agreed to pay any company or person (other than a full-time bona fide employee working solely for the contractor) any fee, commission, percentage, or brokerage fee contingent upon or result- ing from the award of this contract; and agrees to furnish information relatinj to (a) and (b) interpretation of the representation, including the term "bona fide employee", see Code of Fede al Regulations, Title 41, Chapter 1. Subpart 1-1.5.) II. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: (check appropriate boxes) The contractor represents that iti5 has, 0 has not, participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject either to the Equal Opportunity clause herein or the clause originally con ained in Section 301 of Executive Order 10925, or the clause contained in Section 201 of Executive Order No 11114; that it tEl has, 0 has not, filed all required compliance reports; and that representations, indicating submission of required compliance reports, signed by proposed subcontractors, will be obtained prior to subcontract awards. III. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM: (check appropriate box) The contractor represents that (1) It f7 has rsveloped and has on file 0 h s not developed and does not have on file at each establishment affirmative action programs as required by the rules and regulations of the Secre- tary of Labor (41 CFR 60-1 and 60-2), or (2) it ❑ has not previously bad contracts subject to the written affirm- ative action program requirement of the rules and regulations of the Se' rets of Labor. IV CERTIFICATION OF NONCEGREGATED FACILITIES. The contractor certifies ihat it does not maintain or provide for employees' facilities which are segregated on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin, whether such facilities are segregated by directive or on a de facto basis The offeror further agrees that he will not maintain such segregated facilities. V. The contract recipient agrees as a necessary condition for reimbursementf costs, to prepare monthly and/or quarterly progress reports in a timely manner, and in accordance with cost uctions furnished by the Texas Office of Traffic Safety. VI- CLEAN AIR ACT COMPLIANCE: For all contracts in excess of 5100,000. the recipient agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act of 1970. Violations shall be reported to OTS and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency. VII. PRINCIPAL PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: The location of the plant or place of business where the item(s) will be pr aced or the principal services will be performed under the contract is: CITY Corpus Christi COUNTY Nueces STATF Texas VIII. ASSURANCE. The contract recipient hereby assures compliance with a I terms, conditions and general and special provisions for this contract, including attachments. SIGNATURE OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO COMMIT CONTRACTOR DATE CON RACTOR PROJECT DIRECTOR R. Marvin Townsend, City Manager NAME/TITLE City of Corpus Christi, Texas ADDRESS/CITY/PHONE NO j/ DATE Edward R. Menv$.11e, P.E., Asst. Dir. of Tra hn City of Corpus Christi, Texas fic rg. TEXAS TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CONTRACT STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIG1414.A`g.S.AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF TRA)TFIC;...5ETY, C)i/Jry/r rr 6 1 3 NATIONAL AUSTIN, TEXAS 18701 `` (gm) I 1 ❑ D ' ■■111 STANDARD , PROJECT NAME Photologging - City of Corpus Christi 11.3 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT IFOR DETAILS. SEE STATEMENT OF WORK/ To employ a firm to provide professional aerial mapping en ineer (aerial photologging) in order to gain information to be used in developing solu ions to safety problems. The information to include aerial coverage, field control, photogrammetric, compilation, planimetric and photographic plan sheet finalization, and photographic laboratory services in accordance with the National Map Accuracy Standards. GOALS To aerial photograph central business district and right-of-way in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. METHOD OF EVALUATION (FO DETAILS. SEE STATEMENJ OF YIORKI Determined by Office of Traffic Safety & Corpus Chris i Traffic Engineer. COST CATEGORY AMOUNT FUTURE . ,FUNDING PERIOD AMOUNT • • ...:1--j.- PROPOSED PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES COMMODITIES OTHER DIRECT COST INDIRECT COST PROFIT 19,669.20 Y OCT. -DEC. JAN. -MAR. APR. -JUN. JUL-SEP •'PERIOD 12,000.20 7, 669.20 ,PROJECT,- .1.07 JJ•9••i TO....g/30 00 • F4z'.%` a ° '+ 'x,. ''...'-`•' CONTRACT. PERIOD •-10/01{{9--- TOTAL 19,669.20 TOTAL 19,669.20 .. :i TYPE nTHE x JR OF REIMBURSEMENT LUMP SUM • COST PER UNIT OF WORK COST PLUS FIXED FEE SPECIFIC RATES ' ACTUAL COST DETAILS, SEE STATEMENT OF WORK SOURCES OF FUNDS AMOLVT -REIMBURSEMENT LIMITS I . 1. MAXIMUM AMOUNT F.1101 TRF A REIMBURSEMENT f -,- b 7. 20 FEDERAL(402) GTSF 19,669.20 • , , 2. NO C08T CATEGORY MAY BE EXCEEDED BY GORE THAN E% OF THE CONTRACT I BUDGET '3. ONLY THOSE COSTS INCURRED DURING ONLY THOSE FOLLOWING PERIOD SHALL BE .ELIGIBLE FOR RBIiIBURSEMENT: 11 • 10-Y179—iii-9=30•40'-'i7--7771 - LOCAL • , 4. THE CONTRACTOR BU$T,:.BE4 AL1/ COSTS NOT ELIGIBLE POR;IRESMIl1G1;E- - — ME/(T TOTAL 19.669.20 • THIS CONTRACT INCLUDES — ATTACHMENTS • IN THE EVENT OF ANY INCONSISTENCY OR CONFLICT BETWEEN PROVISIONS AND/OR REGUIREMEHiS CONFLICT SHALL BE RESOLVED BY ASSIGNING AN ORDER OF PRECEDENCE TO EACH, ACCORDING APPEARS, USING THE FOLLOWING ORDER: 1. CONTRACT (THIS FORM) 2. STATEMENT OF WORK (ATTACHMENT 1) 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS (ATTACHMENT 2) 4. SPECIAL PROVISIONS (ATTACHMENT3) 5. OTHER • FEDERAL AND STATE REGULATIONS ANO GUIDELINES SHALL BE THE BASIS FOR DETERMINING ELIGIBILITY • THIS CONTRACT MAY BE AMENDED ONLY BY WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION EXECUTED IN ACCORDANCE OF THIS CONTRACT, THE INCONSISTENCY OR c 0 THE FORM OR ATTACHMENT IN WHICH IT OF COSTS WITH OTS POLICY. THE CONTRACTOR IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO PERFORM WORK ON THIS PROJECT. DURING THE PERIOD CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACT AND ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 3 CITED ABOVE, SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND + SIGNATURE OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO COMMIT 075 SIGNATURE OF PERSONUTHORIZEO R. Marvin To>}unsend, TO COMMIT CONTRACTOR City Manager TITLE TITLE City of Corps Christi, Texas DATE - CONTRACTOR OTS FORM A30 REVISED 8/78 CITY LIMIT LI 1911 AY 32 1 I/2 MILE E%TRA --TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION TAILING POND P.M.HIIHWAY j239 SCALE 1.2000 FEET N, 59°-451 W. 2841.11 CITY OF GREGORY - 1/2 MILE EXTRA TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION L'; GREGORY HOUSING AUTHORITY GRANAJO AUSTIN SCHOOL ee, EIGHTH W. FOURTH SOUTHERN ' PACIFIC RAILROAD SPUR LOOP 202 SOUTHERN . PACIFIC . RAILROAD CITY LIMIT N. 59°- 34:W. 1710.01 N.29° 591 E. 81.21 11 /2 /3 ;4 /5 /4 /7. 4 id L Ili4 iII1 1' 1 1♦�� Q . W. FOURTH SOUTHERN ' PACIFIC RAILROAD SPUR LOOP 202 SOUTHERN . PACIFIC . RAILROAD CITY LIMIT N. 59°- 34:W. 1710.01 N.29° 591 E. 81.21 SECOND DOGWOOD 8 7 2 4 .17 12 I3 70 MISSION 0 11 /2 /3 ;4 /5 /4 /7. 4 id L Ili4 15 1' 1 1♦�� Q .! .M 7A 21 2k Zi L4'• SECOND DOGWOOD 8 7 2 4 .17 12 I3 70 MISSION 0 11 /2 /3 ;4 /5 /4 /7. 4 id L 2 .. 6 7 2. 5 4 3 2 / 0 . 9 7 /4 2 4 3 2. .- S. 60.001 E. CITY LIMIT FRANKLIN So - •0 0 96 7 4. 5 v.."..,:0 :w So - •0 0 96 7 4. 5 4. 3 2 I E e0 TION REYNOLDS METALS iy �& 7 G 4 3 2; STREET ATER TOWER ° BEECH TAILING PONDS BLOCK A CHURCH %CHILDRESS-- .=--s MIL GREENE 31 30131 / 3n 23 07 { — It m '1 KLINE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT VIO ET COUNTY ROAD 78A DRAINAGE C/TY OF GREGORY CEMETERY. 7-. 5.59°311E. 160.01 C JOB»677-8 ) WATER SUPPLY PLANT AS PREPARED BY CHAS. R. HAILE ASSOCIATES , INC. HOUSTON GRAPHIC SCALE 200 0 TEXAS CITY. NEDERLAND CORPUS CHRISTI FINANCED 'IN PART THROUGH THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS OF THE zoo 4_00! 6°a STATE OF TEXAS Drawn by Daniel B. Guajurdo Date: October 7, 1977 The preparation of this map was financed in part through o comprehensive planning assistance grant CPA -TX -06-00-1187 to the Deportment of Community Affairs from. the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development .