HomeMy WebLinkAbout15273 ORD - 12/19/1979pr -k Je"t? jkh:l2-17-79;1 st, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORT ION, OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY, WHICH WILL PROVID THE NECESSARY FUNDING FOR THE PHOTOGRAPHING OF HE CEN- TRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT AND 104 HIGH-ACCIDEN INTER- SECTIONS, AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE CO TRACT, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HER TO, MARKED EXHIBIT "A", AND MADE A PART HEREOF; AUTHOR ZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI AND INTERNATIONAL AERIAL MAPPING COMPANY TO UNDERTAKE THE AFORESAID ASSIGNMENT, A SU STANTIAL COPY OF WHICH CONTRACT I5 ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, MARKED EXHIBIT "B"; AND DECLAR NG AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C .TEXAS: TY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That the City Manager be author zed to execute a con- tract between the City of Corpus Christi and the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, Office of Traffic Safety, Ihich will provide the necessary funding for the photographing of the Central Business District and '104 high -accident intersections, as more fully described in the contract, a ;substantial copy of which is attached hereto and mad a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A". SECTION 2. That the City Manager be autho ized to execute a con- tract between the City of Corpus Christi and Interna ional Aerial Mapping Company to undertake the aforesaid assignment, a sub tantial copy of which , contract is attached hereto and made a part hereof, arked Exhibit "B". SECTION 3. The necessity to authorize the aforesaid contracts at the earliest practicable date in order to facili ate improvements to reduce accidents and to protect the safety of the piblic creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shz11 be passed finally on the date of its introducticnbut that ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the Mayor having declared that such emergency and necessity exist, h ving requested the MICROFILMED; s (. i suspension of the Charter rule and that this ordinance be passed finally on the date of its introduction and take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAI ED, this the lq day of December, 1979. ATTEST: 'city Secretary APP VED• _DAY OF DECEMBER, 1979; J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY By Assistant Ci RPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS II To Ora H9 C!V'le FAS I C42© 080.' I 879 aC i HUN TING UON. PAULA 4R . O 14'4KINS.. a VIOCE�[.. CORPUS CHRIS NFERNATIONAL AIRFIELD, LEGEND €a 2210 —24 HOUR WEEKDAY TRAFFIC VOLUMES DURING THE PERIO MARCH '8 -APRIL 25, 1977 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING;DIVISION SCALE ' 17x .3/. 19/0 CENSUS FIGURES HIGHWAYS ;REVISED TO JANUARY 1, 1976 Copies PI MIs mop We asalluble for public Use of nominal cosi from the Stale Deportment aI Highways and Public: ironspurlallm, P 0 Bo. 5051, Austin, Rxas 18163• JOEY TO SUPPLEMENTARY SHEETS, to AVAL AIR STATION RAIAR AU144 41.• aguna Madre North Base High Accident .Locations • • Traffic Signaliaztion 'Locations 1stPriority LEGEND SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET DETAILOFCITIES ',AND:7 NUECES COUNTY:, TEXAS pREPiIRED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION PLANNING DIVISION IN COOPERATION NI T41 HE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION "D'P huutrA.L GkOSS,,d' • 041011074400I0(4.1 t GRAIN ELEV., TO. 00*0(04 510E11 $ 1' GAIL 0.0rIki06 ;WatiN 2. LOCN(D 1969 . • 19 70 CENSUS FIGURES • . . , HIGHWAYS REVISED TO :JANUARY 1,1976, ' C0pi•5f this mop ore available publia use at nonenot cast from the State Depiartment of Highways and Public Tronsportation, P 0 650 505I,Austin, IRAQI 78763 2210-24 HOUR WEEKDAY TRAFFIC VOLUMES DURING THE PERIOD MARCH 8–APRIL 25, 1977 • • ' • „, .•• • " • • • • „ . „ „ . TRANSPORTATION PLANNING DIVISION • „ • ", - ,1,7-,--, I.TER.A.IIENT 5104..44 4100447040701)41* .. • • ,. -- ":*°t"G"*:------4• • . ''Eali?:0::N, iNTKlEiRAy.c10. 10444404ARO 6144(44Ri „ .101C0H141010 • 4: -,z s..p ,,..,,,D BARGE CliAMEL 1„LI.L1 lyricm. Ou. ,. , 4 ..-R..T.wA4,Y,CCt55 C0t4IRCA.LED . ., • Chfisb 5.40701411 . (34 LAKE DA. 411.4RAL AID 7R1*054 4404411 , AREA SLALACT 40 IRLAROATK444 -ilg,f/Re INTERMITTENT LAKE ISCARI910NT 00 14677 63 RECREATIONAL FACILITY • , 11 76 A 544,1021 01407(15 2011415 —P— - PETWACUm PRODUCTS Plet 1.4441 CGAPASE OR COUNT., 664,0 - - WATER Pill. 1174E FARA 01104440 OR RODEO AREXA - --T TRARSAN50e044 4041 INTERSTATE NICJIWAY C. , MILITARY 0404)1(1.0 - '007(05085141051 ARAAC:344 06 .4.144401.60406.1144i01 ' 00411(60 *12R (4,044.11415 0 *0(4(10*110 144A0E0 fe.04,411(4 P Po 001 CAI AA5 *6115 - fYIP SfA91 01O *0454 0407)L TE .6.WAT PAR.' RQAD *11 1(4041*01 147)9 5915 Oft micki 10 %WWII 1.1014:0 • a" 'ST RW.GULAIC."C 14:*% 57*104 800091 (0545101.0704) 1!) 7,10IOT , •RICRIAIK.M. ROAD o 040540,0 hiceividDrf 1 ;\ ; RIVET • ort_';,,,N8DGf.,s rib_D CORPUS CHRISTI CITY LIMIT NavnATION M)OtOwIRS N PORT AVE CORPUS et IRISTISHIP C{.1+1,7.14t- • , == • " F 7' - lEAMSEIIRC AVE HALT AVE 1 2" :e320. 1460 IOPkINS 11 bIiP Fy 111 KINCTION snlJrHrpN hActriC •ANO ti'vAs-mrv,z-A IN) FiAn WAI (1 APD IAARGUMT MbRRl Ale'in'Ort fiOtpdAl HOSPITAL AL /1560 /e19 /4 0 \s 'xt-e460/ OS,/ 4'6'6 dr,O J'1't ,44 LEGEND MARCHVOLUMES DURING T 8—APRIL 25, 1977 " 0.7 r CORPUS CHRIST CBD AND VICINI"1 /EGEND 22/0- 24 I-MuR )✓EEK D,QY TRAPC/C )LCIMES OUR/4, TyE PE.P/OD /ARC,/ /7- /!PR/L /1 /974 — /t//ccES P ANN/NG Q//p X ESEAPC, ' O/Y/S/ON Mar/3, /974 High Accid-cations Traffic •Sig%aiization Locations • 1st Priority • 2nd Priority ® 3rr} Priority I I