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15276 ORD - 12/19/1979
�; jkh:12-19-79;1st AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CORPUS CHRISTI MASTER PLAN FOR STORM DRAINAGE AS IT PERTAINS TO PLATES NO. 25, 26, 28 AND 29 IN THE AREA GENERALLY KNOWN AS THE WOOLDRIDGE-STAPLES DITCH AND THE MARY CARROLL DITCH BY DESIGNATING SPECIFIC AREAS TO DRAIN TO EACH ONE OF THESE DRAINAGE DITCHES AND INDICATING THE QUANTITIES OF FLOW AND THE RIGHT OF WAY WIDTHS FOR THE TWO DRAINAGE DITCHES; AND FURTHER AMENDING THE TEXT OF THE MASTER PLAN FOR STORM DRAINAGE BY ADDING NEW PROVISIONS REGARDING RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATIONS FOR , LARGE DRAINAGE CHANNELS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI,` TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Corpus Christi Master Plan for Storm Drainage as it pertains to Plates No. 25, 26, 28 and 29 in the area generally known as the Wooldridge -Staples ditch and the Mary Carroll ditch be amended by designating specific areas to drain to each one of these drainage ditches and indicating the quantities of flow and the right-of-way widths for the two drainage ditches, and•that the text of the Master Plan for Storm Drainage be amended by adding the following provision regarding right-of-way dedica- tions for large drainage channels: A. Where there is not a"street abutting the drainage channels a maintenance right-of-way of 20 feet on each side will be required from the property line to the top of the ditch berm. This dedication requirement is in addition to that right-of-way required to accomplish the ditch section for the designated bottom width and slopes at two horizontal to one vertical. B. An additional 6 feet of right-of-way on each side in addition to the 20 feet will be required in areas where the land rather than developed areas. ditch abuts agricultural C. Where drainage ditches abut a street a 5 -foot additional dedication will be required for maintenance purposes in addition to the :r.4 normal street dedication leaving an area from the back of thecurbto the back of the berm of 16 feet. , SECTION 2. The necessity to amend the Corpus Christi Master Plan for Storm Drainage as hereinabove set forth at the earliest practicable date creates a public emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring the suspension of the Charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction but that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three several meetings of the City Council, and the 1521 3 MICRCFILMED1 Corpus Christi, Texas %qday of ,....AW/04 19 25? TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, a public emergency and imperative necessity exist for the suspension of the Charter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the date it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three meetings of the City Council; I, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule or requirement and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, MAYOR / / / -TTHE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Luther Jones Edward L. Sample / Dr. Jack Best L� �i.7 David Diaz Jack K. Dumphy Betty N. Turner (Li Cliff Zarsky tof ro The above ordinance was passed by the following vote<�,-=- Luther Jones / JjI/ Edward L. Sample 717/ip Dr. Jack Best f,(/,(/ David Diaz (1,4, Jack K. Dumphy (L.,o Betty N. Turner Cliff Zarsky (1„49 152,76 - • ..01•111•••••11M1•11.1... V) PI) 0 to tvw1 ( I- A -61 744 PA A TCH TO SHEET 22 N 742 o --J 1—.1-1-1 , . < tp. z_. --11,__,. Jo -7 - ' WI(-2n---6irL21-.',1"71,.""1.. --.- :LI:('.I.-Iic!_IjIZ:0CzZ ;.7':'C ujLiJ,0.owLL 4Z1°r 0000 0 .11 lit, I!: LtjL) mit Li ..11.) ci.,(S-, . a.01a-•.; cc cc, x cc x oc.• cc' -52- ID • 0 cy 12' 0 ru 1 • x LO ..13 - co, 0 111 ,... Q. Q, 13 Lij • 1 - I <V c C9 I . 1 , CI? i I 1- 1 1' . .4- L .• -..:-1) "" as, o 0 • - _so en LIJ-- 0 c 0 D l''): CCLLI1j.:''.. '....CC):-'''.:-, i)cLD.:.-.1.-- .- .. '--1-.-c:1--:-'-'''-'.-' a_ a_ uI Im.,. - 0 1.1.1 w > .. cn - c ---- 3 a) . - . > 0 -.0',----.- LIJ ILLI 0— < - :•<:',', ' - ' .. —. C, -C,,,, ' " 20 .-_. Z - Z CI) , ,.„. : , • — - < z° or) cc CC < *4 C- < CC 10 c0 < " c 4. 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