HomeMy WebLinkAbout15279 ORD - 12/26/1979vp:12/12/79:1st TEXAS: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE PLATTING ORDINANCE NO. 4168 OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI BY ADDING NEW SUBSECTIONS F. AND G. TO SECTION VI,EXCEPTIONS, SO AS TO AUTHORIZE THE PLAN- NING COMMISSION TO GRANT EXCEPTIONS TO THE MAXIMUM LENGTH OF PERMANENT DEAD-END STREETS AND TO GRANT EXCEPTIONS TO THE REQUIRED SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS; ADD- ING A NEW SECTION NUMBERED VIIB, PLAT REQUIREMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRO- VISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; AMENDING SECTION V, REQUIRED IMPROVEMENT, SUBSECTION B, MINIMUM STANDARDS, PARAGRAPH 2, CURB AND GUTTER, BY DELETING THE EXCEPTION FOR SIDE SLOPES OF DITCHES IN SUBDIVISIONS OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS; AND BY ADDING TO THE END OF THE FIRST PARA- GRAPH OF SAID PARAGRAPH 2. THE FOLLOWING WORDING: "ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS;"PROVIDING FOR SEVERANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 4168, generally referred to as the Platting Ordinance of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended by adding -new Subsections F. and G. to Section VI, EXCEPTIONS, to read as follows: "F. EXCEPTION TO MAXIMUM CUL DE SAC LENGTH. The Planning Commission shall have authority to grant exceptions to the maximum length of permanent dead-end streets if a total of no more than twenty-four (24) single-family building sites abut that dead-end street. In no instance shall this exception allow the length of the permanently dead-end street to exceed 750 feet." - "G. EXCEPTIONS FOR REQUIRED SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS. The Planning Commission shall have authority to grant exceptions to the required sidewalk improvements. This exception shall be granted only when the following conditions are satisfied: 1) Sidewalks shall not be required along street right-of-way where such street is a permanent dead-end street and there is a pedestrian access from said permanent dead-end street to a paved hike and/or bike trail. 2) Sidewalks shall not be required along all other street rights-of- way provided each lot fronting or siding on such street has direct access from the rear of such lot to a paved hike and/or bike trail or along the side of lots that front on permanent dead-end streets that provide a pedestrian access from said permanent dead-end street to a paved hike and/or bike trail. All paved hike and/or bike trails shall satisfy the minimum construc- tion specifications for sidewalks of the City of Corpus Christi." re - 15279 MICROFILMED AUG 2 81980 SECTION 2. That a new section be added to be numbered VIIB, which shall read as follows: "SECTION VIIB. PLAT REQUIREMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. Property proposed for development within the Planned Unit Development provisions of Zoning Ordinance Article 28, shall be platted in accordance with the provisions of this Platting Ordinance. If there is irreconcilable conflict between the requirements of the Platting Ordinance and the design of the develop- ?ment, the provisions of Article 28 of the Zoning Ordinance shall govern. The plan of development as required by the Planned Unit Development provisions must be approved prior to or simultaneously with approval of the plat. In the event that the property has been platted prior to preparation of the plan of develop- ment, replatting may be necessary to insure compatibility of the plat with the development plan. If the property proposed to be platted within the Planned Unit Develop- ment provisions of the Zoning Ordinance is within the area of extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Corpus Christi it shall request water service from the City of Corpus Christi according to the OCL Water Policy as contained in the City of Corpus Christi Code of Ordinances. If this water service is not requested by the developer and/or if the water service is not provided at the discretion of the City based upon the -limits of existing service the develop- ment shall not be platted under the provisions of Article 28 of the Zoning Ordinance. If water service is provided all requirements of the Platting Ordinance and Article 28 of the Zoning Ordinance shall apply. When any plat within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of City of Corpus Christi shall utilize the provisions of Article 28 of the Zoning Ordi- nance such plat shall be reviewed and approved, disapproved or tabled according to the standard City Council rezoning procedure for the Planned Unit Develop- ment. Upon completion of this procedure, if found acceptable, the development plan shall be recorded by the developer as a part of the plat in the Map Records of the County Clerk of the appropriate county." -2- 7 SECTION 3. That Ordinance No. 4168, as amended, be amended by amend- ing Section V, REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS, Subsection B., MINIMUM STANDARDS, paragraph 2., CURB AND GUTTER, by deleting the words beginning with "excepting, however that any subdivision" at the end of the third line to the end of that paragraph and adding the words "according to the following specifications" at the end of said paragraph, said paragraph 2. to hereafter read as follows: "2. CURB AND GUTTER. Combined curb and gutters shall be constructed on each side of each street within the boundaries of each subdivision within the City Limits and within the five (5) mile radius thereof, according to the following specifications:" Subparagraphs (a) and (b) to remain the same. SECTION 4. If for any reason any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid by final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect any valid provisions of this or any other ordinance of the City of Corpus Christi to which these rules and regulations relate. SECTION 5. Publication shall be made one time in the official pub- lication of the City of Corpus Christi, by publishing the caption of this ordinance, stating in substance the purpose of the ordinance. r t That the foregoing ordinance was read for f°e first time and passed to its second reading on this the /.;),day of p/,,.19:717 , by the following 'vote: Luther Jones Edward L. Sample Dr. Jack Best David Diaz Jack K. Dumphy Betty N. Turner Cliff Zarsky That the foregoing ordinance was read for the second time and passed to its third reading on this the /G/ day of al,/,,A2a724%/2 19'/9" , by the following vote: Luther Jones Edward L. Sample Dr. Jack Best. David Diaz Jack K. Dumphy Betty N. Turner Cliff Zarsky That the foregoing ordinanc vas rea for the third time and passed finally on this the �� day of , 19 7? , by the following vote: Luther Jones Edward L. Sample' -Dr. Jack Best David Diaz Jack K. Dumphy Betty N. Turner Cliff Zarsky PASSED AND APPROVED, this the a24 day of AHi , 191,7 . ATTEST: QVL./C 64.(44;,e, `City Secretary - APPROVED: l -2 - DAY OF ',197y: J. BRUCE AYCOCK, CITY ATTORNEY MAYOR' / / THEC'ITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 15279 STATE OF TEXAS, Iss: County of Nueces. PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally came ELMA RODELA „ who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that he is the Accounting Clerk of the Corpus Christi Caller and The Corpus Christi Times, Daily Newspapers published at Corpus Christi, Texas, in said County and State, and that the publication of NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE NO.15279 AMENDING rkE PLATTING ORDINANCE NO. 4168of the... of which the annexed is a°true copy, was published inCoepus Christi Caller -Times on the. 31st day of December 19.9., and once each ti igeEtC{t8i1( consecutive. 1 Times. nnn` n $9.00 Elma Rod e1a' ,)i fk nas J ) `L Accounting Clerk' -� 3rd day of Jnauary `19.80 Subscribed and sworn to before me this C Lois Winn Notary Public, ueces County, Texas APARTMENT COMPLEXES, 20 fo 450 units, confidential 1,itng,s. Principals only. NOTICE OF PASSAG -- OF NO. ORDINANCE INGEORDINANCE0 0tA416B OF THOF V1PUS CHRISTI BIY ADDING NEW SUBSECTIONS F. AND G EXCEP- TIONS, SO AS TO AUTHOR- IZE THE PLANNING COM- M I SS ION TGRANT EXCEPTIONS TO THE MAXIMUM LENGTH OF PERMANENT DEAD-END STREETS AND TO GRANT EXCEPTIONS TO THE RE' QUIREO SIDEWALK 1M PROVEMENTS,, ADDING A NEW SECTION NUM- BERED VIIB, PLAT RE- QUIREMENTS AND DE- T VELOPMENT WITHIN THE PLANNED UNIT DE - O• NS OFE S THE ZONING ORDINANCE, AMENDING SECTION V, REQUIRED SECTIONS NT8,E MINIMUM STANDARDS, PARA- GRAPH 2, CURB AIINDGUT- EXC• ,EPT EXCEPTION FORGSIDE SLOPES OF DITCHES IN, SUBDIVISIONS OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS; AND, BY ADDING TO T E END OF TI -1_!_r I RST PARA - G AFH—OF-SAI PARA- VV GRAPH 2. THE FOLLO' ING WORDING: - - "ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICA- TIONS," PROVIDING FOR. SEVERANCE, AND PRO- VIDING RO- VIDING FOR PUB- LICATION. UB iLICATION. WAS PASSED AND AP,: PROVED by the City Council of the City of Corpus Christi,9 Texas during the Regular Council Meeting held on the 26th day of December, 1 ,^ 3