HomeMy WebLinkAbout028568 RES - 04/20/2010A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FY2010 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACTION PLAN WHICH INCLUDES THE CDBG, ESG AND THE HOME PROGRAMS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO SUBMIT THE FY2010 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACTION PLAN TO THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO MAKE CHANGES IN THE FY2010 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACTION PLAN IF REQUIRED BY THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The City Council adopts the City of Corpus Christi's fiscal year 2010-2011 ("FY2010") Consolidated Annual Action Plan which includes the CDBG, ESG and the HOME Programs. Additionally, the City Manager or his designee is authorized to submit the FY2010 Consolidated Annual Action Plan to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Furthermore, the City Manager or his designee is authorized to make changes in the FY2010 Consolidated Annual Action Plan if required by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. ATTEST: Armando Chapa City Secretary APPROVED: April 13, 2010 Elizabh R. Hundley Assis : nt City Attorney for the City Attorney EHres262.doc CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI eeggt----tee Joe A ame Mayor 028568 INDEXED Corhum pushristi, Texas day of , 2010 The above resolution was passed by the following vote: Joe Adame Chris N. Adler Brent Chesney Larry Elizondo, Sr. Kevin Kieschnick Priscilla G. Leal John E. Marez Nelda Martinez Mark Scott EHres262.doc 028568 Rev 04121/10 CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI FY2010 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACTION PLAN ADOPTED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM FY2010 CDBG Allocation $3,663,796 Reprogrammed Funds $655,005 Program Income from Demolition Liens/Clearance of Vacant Properties $134,992 Revolving Loan Fund from Rehabilitation Program $600,000 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR FY2010 CDBG PROGRAM $5,053,793 � ✓«. -_ k p £� Ba» �, b" 3 b _ �'zia %� � .d3 � eK. ...� �� %'c .s - y � s' '3v 1 8 p . �a Aiff & _ 'h'-'." �' _ ki 3� Y ; ✓ h - a ,. s �+p� C'ri �� 'c '9ei Accessible Routes in CDBG Residential Areas Phase 1 This project involves providing accessible routes in CDBG residential areas which do not have sidewalks but heavy pedestrian traffic. This project will provide approximately 5320 linear feet of 4 to 5 foot wide sidewalks and approximately 20 curb ramps along the following streets: Villa/Leopard to 1 $100,000 Up River Road 843 LF, Leopard Street/Lancaster to Mueller 695 LF, Elmore/Brooks/Wilson Lane/ Mac Leod Dr. 1932 LF, Live Oak from Cenzio to Mueller 250 LF, and Graham Rd/Waldron Rd. to Wranosky Park 1600 LF. CDBG Program Administration This project will fund staff salaries and administrative costs. Staff is responsible for administering the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), the HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) and Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Programs. Continuum of Care (COFC) and the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Program (HPRP). Staff interprets CDBG, HOME, ESG, COFC and HPRP federal regulations, conducts public hearings/meetings, reviews propose projects and activities to determine funding, eligibility, monitors Subrecipients, provides technical assistance, conducts environmental assessments of funding projects/activities and enforces Davis Bacon Federal wage rate requirements. 14 $441,065 Clearance of Vacant Properties Program This project consists of clearance of vacant properties in regards to the removal of accumulation of litter and solid waste and the mowing of high weeds and dangerous weeds. The abatement of unsightly and unsanitary matter in all CDBG eligible areas to include Neighborhood Initiative Program 16 $200,000 Areas and Model Block. The City may charge an abatement cost and place a lien against the properties to cover the cost incurred. Code Enforcement Program The Code Enforcement, Neihgborhood Initiative (NIP) & Model Block Programs (MBP) request is for salaries to support the following current staff: 4-Code Enforcement Property Advisors, 2- project coordinators (50%), Management Asst (50%), Model Block Program Administrator (75%) and Zoning & Code Endforcement Administrator (25%) in the amount $343,515. The Property Advisors/Project Coordinators are responsible for inspecting properties within CDBG Target Areas for violations of City Code and Health Ordinances. The Neighborhood Initiative Program has 22 neighborhoods within CDBG Target Areas that are in need of compliance assistance (including the Model Block Program site). The sustainability efforts for these nieghborhoods need continued monitoring and citizen compliance; inspection are conducted on particular code violations. The Property Advisors/Project Coordinators implement a comprehensive approach to coordinate City services and programs to address specific needs of each neighborhood (Neighborhood Pride Program). The Program Administrator oveersees all functions of the revitalization efforts for the Model Block Program and the implementation and sustainability efforts for the Neighborhood Initiative Program; the Zoning & Code Enforcement 21 $350,000 Administrator oversees all functions of the Code Enforcement Division and this includes the purchase of a truck. These programs support the City Council's objective of enhancing the City of Corpus Christi "Pride" efforts through revitalization and sustainability efforts for NIP Sites.. Training opportunites through classes, seminars and/or conferences will also be essential for staff for further educational opportunites and to certifications to accomplish the goals of both the NIP and MBP (6.5 Staff Members @$1,000.00=6,500.00). Cole's Gym Electrical Renovation to the electrical wiring in the gym and class room areas used by Parks and Recreation for programs. Old wiring should be replaced to improve the function of the building and correct any safety issues that might be present. Several outlets in the class rooms and some in gym do not work, limiting usage. 31 $75,000 Cole's Gym Exterior Doors Project would provider one automatic door system to improve ADA Access to the gym. Remaining doors would be replaced to provide improved security and insulation value to the building. 32 $18,750 Comprehensive Planning Assistance The Continuous support for Comprehensive Planning activities including: 2010 Census Support, The Unified Development Code approval and implementation process, data collection, population projections, land use surveys, maintenance of development regulations, staff training/travel, and other activities designed to update Comprehensive Plan elements or implement adopted plans. Other projects include partnership with Economic Development, historical preservation, and contributions to the Corpus Christi PRIDE campaign. 33 $50,000 Demolition Program This program consists of demolition of substandard structures determined to be health and safety issues 51% or more deterioration of the general structure. The demolition of these structures is an abatement measure as deemed necessary by the Building Code and Public Safety Officials. The removal of unsafe structures is a priority for neighborhood revitalization within the community and as a goal established by City Council for livable neighborhoods. Each Structure will be assessed and surveyed as building case, providing the property owner an opportunity to resolve the substandard conditions within the parameters of the City's Building Codes. The Substandard structures were demolished under the following: Building Standards Board, Emergency Demolitions and Demolition Grant program. The City may charge an abatement cost and place alien against the properties to cover the cost in curred. 34 $200,000 Emergency Home Repair Grant Program Emergency repair grants up to $6,500, are provided to homeowners who are 65 years old or older or disabled and very low income. Work is limited to roof repairs, plumbing, electrical, heating and minor structural.Requesting 520,000 to assist approximately 80 homeowners. 37 $241,000 Greenwood Library CDBG will augment a 2008 voter -approved $1.5 million bond fund which is insufficient for entire Capital Improvement Project. "This project will include demolition and replacement of existing steel and glass window walls and store front window units. The existing steel and glass wall will be replaced with a stucco structure. The entire facility will be reroofed and a new dehumification system will be added. This remodeled facility will serve the residents in the area and children in surrounding schools. The project will also include resurfacing and repairing of existing driveways and parking areas." Greenwood Library is located in Census Tract 16.02 Block Group 3. Our branch's geographic service area encompasses the Census Tract listed in #7 of the Request for Proposal. 39 $50,000 Fair Housing Education, Remediation and Dispute Services This program is intended to meet a community need by principally benefitting low income persons in preserving or exercising civil protections in the process to obtain housing or to remediate and reside in a equal and fair housing enviroment free of slums, blight and driscrimination. This program would also (1) address the HUD national objective as a fair housing activity to serve low/moderate income persons; and (2) address the local "Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing" findings of a lack of public awareness and public resources, as "knowledge of available resources and assistance is a critical component." The estimated number of low/moderate persons to be served is 219,415 during Year 1, in such areas of concern as; Landlord -Tenant issues, Housing Discrimination, Dispute Resolution (mediate/conciliation), and Education/Outreach and Intake Services. 52 $100,000 Joe Garza Recreation Center Roof Replacement of the roofing system on the building. There are water leaks in areas such as the Arts and Crafts room and the large storage closet. This needs to be done to protect the structure of the building and to be able to continue to use the building before conditions inside the building make use of the structure dangerous. There are already ceiling and walls, along with insulation and walls that need to be addressed becuase of the roof leaks. 57 $118,750 Life Skills Program - JAC Workbooks to teach cognitive skills and communication skills between parents and juveniles. This will be used to train parents of at -risk children and the at -risk child themselves to better deal with life. 58 $9,000 Lindale Senior Center Parking lot improvements are needed to address the safety issue of senior citizen customers as they park their vehicle and walk to the senior center for services. 59 $150,000 P��� 63 $81,000 Mortgage Servicing Staff salaries and operational funding of our Mortgage Servicing section. Current, salaries include just one person that manages the servicing of all loans provided through the City's Single Family Rehabilitation Loan Program. Requesting an additional staff person be hired to assist. Services include collection of loan payments; paying property taxes and annual insurance premiums; managing the individual homeowner's escrow accounts; providing homeowners with Tax form 1098; preparing end of year escrow analysis; processing of payment booklets; preparing monthly end of month reports; conduct daily posting of payments; and handle release of liens on loans that are paid off. Counseling is provided regarding payment alternatives and establising payment plans. Mortgage Services is currently servicing 850 different types of loans. Increases in Self Insurance and Group Insurance have been worked into this budget request. Neighborhood Initiative & Model Block(s) Program Improvement Projects This request would support the Model Block Program Nieghborhood (MBP) Site #1: support the commencement of Model Block Site #2 and would be essential in the continued support of "Special Projects" in the twenty-two Neighborhood Initiative Program (NIP) sites that are in the CDBG Target Areas. Special Projects such as, but not limited to, neighborhood clean up campaigns, materials for "do-it-yourself' repairs, and other improvement projects will be conducted to provide continuous efforts to prevent neighborhood deterioration and sustainability efforts. Demolitions of substandard sturctures and clearance of properties and construction of public improvements are also a priority in order to eliminate slums and blight in the NIP Sites. Neighborhood planning will also work in conjunction with short-term and long-term projects to help eliminate or reduce further housing and neighborhood deterioration. Short term projects will include minor or major repairs for homeowners; long-term planning will be a direct benefit for aiding residents with implementing projects and programs of sustaniability efforts in NIP sites and Model Block Program Sites and will assist in eliminating blight, beautifying neighborhoods and creating a positive identity for the neighborhoods. 65 $100,000 Rehabilitation Services This is the operating budget for staff that service the various housing programs included are staff salaries. Staff provides services for the Single Family Rehabilitation Loan Program; Emergency Home Repair Grant Program; $5,000 Homebuyer Programs; Support services for the Type A Board, services for the CCCDC. These programs are designed to assist low and very low income households. Services include Loan Counseling, Loan Processing; Homebuyer Classes; developing specifications and plans; monitoring of construction projects through inspections: estimating project costs; processing of homebuyer applicants; and conducting inspections. 77 $647,000 Residential Traffic Management Program In April 1998, the City Council approved the Residential Traffic Management Program (RTMP) which provides for installation of speed humps to improve neighborhood traffic safety on local residential streets. This program includes the possibility for residents to share in the cost of the installation of speed humps under certain conditions. The purpose of this request to to allocate CDBG funds to bear the residents' share of installation of costs in qualified CDBG eligible tracts. 80 $17,000 Single Family Rehabilitation The Single Family Rehabilitation Loan Program provides zero percent and three percent interest loans to homeowners interested in rehabilitating their homes. It is estimated that 10 units will be rehabilitated or reconstructed. These funds will also be used to demolish and relocate homeowners being assisted with the rconstruction of their homes. The funds provided for demolition and relocation will be provided as a grant to the homeowner. Requesting $900,000 (Loans - 522,000, Demolition -171,000, Relocation - 207,000). 86 $600,000 South Bluff ADA Access Trail Sidewalks for the 2 parking lots to the Restrooms, the playground area and to Tancahua St. Project would include park benches and table along the route of the sidewalk. Presently people must travel over dirt and grass areas to gain access to the amenities in the park 87 $60,000 South Bluff Pavillion Pavillion 40 x 60 foot to provide shade and tables for visitors and events in the park. Would require sidewalks or trails to connect and provide access to parking and restrooms. 88 $75,500 Southmoreland Addition Area Street improvements 3B - 4B -Part 3 This project consists of construction of a 28 foot back to back street pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk, ADA requirements, driveways, underground drainage and utilities for Phase 3B & 4B . Part 3 is the third portion of the project to be constructed . Part 1 has been constructed and Part 2 is being constructed currently. This project plans which are complete and ready for construction. 89 $359,000 AVANCE Construction of new (4000 sqft) facility, The Berta Gonzalez Education Center, to conduct program services for low income, at risk families 106 $175,828 Coastal Bend Alcohol & Drug Rehabilitation Center d/b/a! Charlie's Place In order the provide state mandated structured activities to clients in substance abuse treatment, Charlies Place request the funds to rehabilitate the exterior space of our facility. The rehabilitated space will provide a safe, accessible area for therapeutic activities, outdoor groups, visitation, and exercise. Capital Contribution $1,000 142 $99,000 Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living Construction of home modifications/wheelchair ramps will provide people with disabilities access to their homes and community 173 $107,000 Corpus Christi Hope House The project is for replacing four air conditioning units, renovate three bathrooms, and replace flooring throughout two shelter facilities The will benefit up to 31 homeless women and children daily. Capital Contribution $12,400 202 $49,600 Corpus Christi Metro Ministries The project includes the acquistion of property adjacent to current facilities. The metal building is uninhabitable and will be demolished to provide parking spaces for the low income, elderly and disabled clients that come to access shelters, free cafeteria, free clinic and other social services. Capital Contribution $5,000 237 $174,300 Del Mar College/Business Resource Center Small business counseling & training assistance; assistance with job creation/retention opportunities for Low/Moderate Income (LMI) & Section 3 persons/business. Outreach/marketing efforts to better reach LMI's. Capital Contribution $1,251.933 Nueces County Community Action/WeatherizationlMinor Home Repair 27 Very low income homes will be targeted for minor home repairs and weatherization making home more energy efficient. Capital Contribution $2,080,826 271 297 $175,000 $80,000 Sea City Work Camp Adult and youth groups rehabilitate homes for approximately 20 low income, disabled and /or elderly 324 homeowners in Corpus Christi. $50,000 Wesley Community Center Roof for public facility that provides services for extremely low to low income. 352 CDBG PROGRAM TOTAL $100,000 $5,053,793 A FY2010 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACTION PLAN ADOPTED EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) PROGRAM Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi Provision of Homeless Prevention including short -term subsidies, security deposits or 1st month's rent, mediation programs, legal services and payments to prevent foreclosure on a home. City of Corpus Christi - ESG Administrative Cost Administrative cost is being requested in essence to offset cost for the participation in the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). HMIS is a Mandated database for those agencies receiving ESG Emergency Shelter Grant Program, Homeless Prevention & Rapid Rehousing Program and Continuum of Care Grant Program Funds. Coastal Bend Alcohol & Drug Rehabilitation Center d.b.a. Charlie's Place Provision of Essential services including services concerned with employment, physical health and education for the homeless. Payment of maintenance operations including rent, insurance, utilities and furnishings. Corpus Christi Hope House Provisions of Essential Services salaries for assistance and counseling. Operation and Maintenance, utilities, repairs, insurance, phone, and food. Corpus Christi Metro Ministries Provision of Essential Services including services concerned with employment, physical health and education for the homeless. Provision of Homeless Prevention incuding short term subsidies, security deposits or 1st month's rent, mediation programs, legal services and payments to prevent foreclosure on a home. Payment of maintenance and operations including rent, insurance, utitlies and furnishings. Mary McLeod Bethune Day Nursery, Inc. Provision of Essential services including services concerned with employment, physical health and education for the homeless. Payment of maintenance and operations including rent, insurance, utilities and furnishings. Recovery Contacts, Inc. Provision of Essential services including services concerned with employment, physical health and education for the homeless. Payment of maintenance operations including rent, insurance, utilities and furnishings. South Texas Substance Abuse Recovery Services, Inc.(STSARS) Provision of Essential services including services concerned with employment, physical health and education for the homeless. Payment of maintenance operations including rent, insurance, utilities and furnishings. The ARK Assessment Center and Emergency Shelter for Youth Payment of maintenance, operations including rent, insurance, utilities and fumishinqs. Current Funding $12,000 The Salvation Army Provision of Essential Services concerned with employment, physical health and education for the homeless. Payment of maintenance and operations includin• rent, insurance, utilities and furnishin•s. Timon's Ministries Payment of maintenance and operations including rent, insurance, utilities and 584 $9887 furnishings. Wesley Community Center Provision of essential Services, Child care for low income and homeless families. Payment of maintenance and operations including rent, insurance, utilities and furnishings. ESG PROGRAM TOTAL 600 $12,000 $148,916 FY2010 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACTION PLAN ADOPTED HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS (HOME) PROGRAM FY2010 HOME Allocation $1,775,515 Program Income $130,000 American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI) $0 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR FY2010 HOME PROGRAM $1905 515 Homebuyer Assistance Program ($5,000) Provide deferred forgivable loans to low income homebuyers to assist them with down payment and closing costs for the purchase of a home. 616 $100,000 Home Administration/Technical Assistance ** Administrative funds for staffing, planning, oversight, coordination, staff supervision, monitoring and evaluation, contracting, recordkeeping/reporting and overall program management. Technical assistance will be provided to enhance the capacity of CHDO's, non -profits, owners/investors of rental property and other organizations that may participate in the program. May include administrative funds for direct operating support for the CHDO's. 617 $177,551 Major Rehabilitation Provide loans to low income homeowners to assist them with major rehabilitation of their homes. 618 $550,000 Costa Tarragona 11 619 $777,964 Will be a 96 unit multi -family development located +/-6.9 acres in Corpus Christi, Tx. The development will be 100% affordable serving at 30%, 50% and 60% of AMI Nueces County Community Action Agency (NCCAA)- Rental Property Acquisition - CHDO *** To address a shortage of affordable housing units in Corpus Christi, NCCAA is requesting funding for the acuisition and renovation of an existing rental unit property for households at 80% or below the area median income. NCCAA will acquire rental units and maintain ownership thus securing affordable housing stock for the community's future. NCCAA is cautious to commit to a site but can have site control of a property within 30 days of award and agreement with City. 644 $300,000 HOME PROGRAM TOTAL * Subrecipient's/Other Entities/CHDOs are contracted thru the CCCIC or the CCHFC ** HOME administration (10%) proportionately increases in alignment with the entitlement allocation *** COMMUNITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION (CHDOS) - The City of Corpus Christi must set aside, by HOME program federal regulations, a minimum of 15% ($270,000) of the entitlement for use by CHDOs within a 24 -month period which is an estimated total. $1,905,515